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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1904)
DAILY REE: PUND-V if AT 22, 1001. 1U TITE OMATTA OMAHA WINS AT SLUGGING ' Eonrk.iui Make Tew.r Hits Tbn Sitisf, But Mora Bam. NEARLY EVERYBODY P0UND3 THE BALL Ifelsr Is Toaeaea l Lllr. Gets Three Hlte Hlrt Out ( Foor Tine at tho Bat. Yesterday's game between On'ahi. and Sl.iux Clijr wai a lugging- match from the Hound of the gong. In which the home teaM was outbatted by one hit., but neverthe less won to the tune of to 4. . Pfelster waa on the sia'j for Rourke's rust lorn and took a tumble from the ped estal that the local fan have plated him on by letting the Busies touch him up for a combination of thirteen hits. Tliey dldn t I, nd him to any great extent until the aev nlh, when they poundel out four (Ingles In succession, whlcn, wl;h the pats he gave Lclly, netted them two runs. In the next lntilng they started In tlio same tactics ami ihiee slni's brought In another. They had cn:id one run In the third on Fre mer's tau-hugger urid a Jolt to the lift jMiBtuii" by Kelly, making altogether a tola! o' four. l-.'ddle I.iwler of Om.iha covered second b;n;o for 81 .J it C.ty and did It In the most IseiitleinaMy manner. He look everything that came his way, which was- four ih.mces, giving hint two putouta and two rare ones at critical tlmea and getting over Tho plate o:ce out of four times up. Thin Wiis prl! day with Oinalm. Tliomaa kiKKk'.d the spots off the lint sign In right field with a twn-bitggrr. thus entitling him self to u 12.50 hat. nnrt Pfelster put u plug in the photographer blazon ad, which .fives hi:n two dozen photon of his hund Morno countenance. Omaha, butted steadily all through the game, but loosened up with especial em phuels In the fourth, when they niado four 4 urn and five hits. Including three doubles. They also ir.ado a run In tho first, two In the second and still another In the sixth. The garc w-aa featureless save for. he slugging. The series with Sioux City ends Minday, which is ladlos' day. Attendance, 2,0(iO. The same teums "play this afternoon. The score; OMAHA. A B. R. IB. P.O. A. E. Crier, rf 4 1 I i 0 0 lltw.-rd, 2b 4 1110 0 Mllier. If. 4 0 2 ,3 0 V Welch, cf 4 0 0 2 0 1 -nli.n. ss 4 0 1 3 0 0 'Ihomas. lb. .... 4 2 15 11 Fhlpke, 3b 4 2 2 1 2 0 Gmirimg, c ,411920 Pfelster. p .... 4 1 3 0,1 0 ' Totals .'. 36 8 13 27 2 SIOUX CITT. All, R. lH. P.O. A. E. JTemer. If 6 1 2 2 0 0 Kellv, rs 4 0 2 0 1 0 Andrew:-, (b 6 0 2 0 8 I Hi.rlburt, rf 4 0 0 ' 2 1 0 McBserly, lb 4 1 1 0 0 ieu ilf, cf 4 0 0 4 0 1 ljiwler. 2b 4 1 - 2 2 2 0 Hess, c 4 1 2 I 1 1 Llnderman, p 4 0 2 0 1 0 I,ohr t J) 0 0 0 0 Totals 39 4 13 24 9 4 bnhr batted for Hurl.'.utt la the ninth. Omaha 1 2 0 4 0 1 0 0 8 Sioux City 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 0-4 Kuined runs: Orrinhn, 8; Sioux City, 3. Two-base hits: Frrme-. Mlll'r, Thomas, ' Milpke, l'feisie.-. Kir", base c.n bahs: OfT 1'ieisler, 2. Struck ou: By Lindermar:, 3; by Piclfter, 8. 1-ft on bases. Omiihn, 4; fcioi:x City, 9. Doubli play: Gunning t First basn oli errors: Omaha, . Colorado Springs Wins Gamo. DK8 MOINES. May 21. A base on balls, three hits and u r.nsaed IhiII gave Colorado Hprlngs (litre runs In the llrst today. Dea iicim h tied the score In the fifth, but Colo rado Hprlngs won. loons pitched good U.ii for Colorado Springs. Score: R.H.B. 1 Moines... 001020000-382 Colo, Springs. 80 0 001 10 1 6 11 2 Butteries: Dea Moines, Cushman and Tonne; Colorudo Springs, Coons and Baer w.ild. , Gam Postponed lir Rain. ) At St. Joseph St. Joseph-Denver game postponed; rain. Standing; of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Colorado Springs ..19 13 6 .6& Denver 24 16 8 .667 1. Joseph 22 12 10 .645 Omaha 24 11 13 ' .458 Dee Molnea .....26 10 15 Sioux City 23 6 16 ."im Games today: Sioux City at Omaha, Den- who pro- iive to every man who believes in taktne advantage of every thing that will help him to success, we want these men. to know that the O-P-C suspensory It a help in preserving vitality, and vitality it the secret of success. Every successful man ia a man of freat " nerroug force " energy, o expend this energy in the un necessary strain which every man experiences is to suffer a loas of vitality which, if saved, would go far towards helping a man to greater success in his work. The O-P-C suspensory stops that strain. O-P-C suspensories are sojd by nearly all druggists. No doubt your druggist has them. We assure you it will be to your interest to Insist upon the O-P-C If your dealer will not supply you, send to us. No. a O-P-C, hale, $i.oo; No. 3 O-P-C, silk, $1.50. "Th Mark of th Master," sn interesting booklet, giving rea sons why every man should wear an O-P-C suspensory, sent free upon request. Bauer & Black sSi Twsaty-4irife St.. Cafcage, U.C.A. M II I' rrr --?X IT ureas ii a kia n fl I -jT h FUTURE BOOKS AMERICAN DERBY Worlds Valr, Brooklyn and Suburban Handicaps. Write for quotaliuna. Commis sion handled on all aces. JAMES O'LEARY 41M 8. HAUBTKAU CT.. SHICAOO. Long Instance fbonea Tarda C2S and SU. THE CONTINENTAL C11A R STOKE. Uaso Dull Headquarters ver at St. Joseph, Colorado Springs at Des Molnea. GAMES IV THE! SATIOJAL LEAGIK St. Inls Had a rtssre sad Takes ae Advaataae. ST. IXDriS, May a.-St. loiils won the second gsme from Urooklyn this afternoon In a close finish. Tho score wse 3 to 2. Brooklyn sought to capture the game In the final and srored one run on three hits. Men were, on Ilrst and third when McCor mlck popped a fly to Farrell for the third out. Wanders made his llrst appearance this eesson for Ht l.iils and pitched a steady game. Attendance. 4,50. Score: H.HO.ll! n.H.O.A.B. Dnnlravr, If . f 1 I Stinkard. If .S J J Shannon, rf.. I 1 9 LiimlT, rf.... ISIS Hacklry, lb... I I lk I (I Imhhfc rf 1 t J 1 Smoot, rf 1 0 0 IMMon lh.... 0 1 11 I BrHln. u 0 SStnns. t I J 1 'rrll, Sb...S 1 t 0 u I I I 1 Burk. lk.... 1 I 0 Mri'nftn'k. lb I 4 0 Hrrra t 7 Mrra, r I .1 I Sanders. ... 4 11 S Joii. P -J i I J Totals "i 11 17 H ')' Totali I T 14 II I St I,onls 1 0 0 n M Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12 Karned runs: St I.ouls. 1: Brooklyn. 2. Two-has" hit: Pmoot. ThrebHSe hits: Bergen. Bei kley. Sacrifice hits: Brain (2). fttrang. Ktoien baa: Hhannon. Bases on balls: Off Joneo. 4. Struck oijt : By Ban ders, fi. l.ef. on bases: St. Ixiuls. ; Brook lyn. 4. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Moran. DM .ot lilt at High Time. CMK'AUO. Mav 21. The locals were shut out today through Inability to touch Mc Olnnlty with men on buses. Attendance, 2o,nl. "Score: - NkW lORK. I CHICAGO. R.H.O.A .' R H nrranahan. AM I t OWI.k.r. ff.... 4 llrrlln, Jb....O 1 9 1 1 ( aarjr, ib 0 t 1 I 0 ktOann, lb.. 0 I Vl'hlnct, lb....O 1 11 1 4 Martra. U....1 til S Kilns. It 0 110 M. Corm'k. cf 1 114 0 Jnnra, rf 0 1 0 Hahlan, as.... 4 0 111 Kvrra, ib 1 4 I Ollhrrt, 2b.... 0 4 4 1 ()'NIII. e.... till Howrrnian, c. 1 1 4 I 0 Tinker, aa ... 0 I I 1 UHilnnlty, p. 0 4 4 4 0 Corrldon, p... 0 111 Totals I n I II Totals. 0 4 17 II I New York 00110000 1-3 Chicago 000 0 0000 0 0 l.eft on bases: Chicago, 7: New York, 4. Two-base hit: Mertes Hacrltlce hlis: Mc (Jlnnlty, Uahlen. Stolen bases: Mertes, Tinker, MeCormiek ii). Struck out: By Coirldon, 1; bv McGinnity, 4. Bases on balls. Off Corrldon, 1. Hit with ball: Mc Cormlck. Time: 1:30. Umpires: Knialla and Johnstone. Errors Gala Hani.' CINCINNATI, May 21 Errors were re sponsible Tor most of the runs scored by both teams today. Doyle's home run, which scored three runs for Philadelphia, was a high fly that Dolun lost In the aun. Attendance, 6,li. Score: CINCINNATI. PHILADELPHIA. K.h.OAK H.H.O.A.K. HuKirlns. lb. 2 1 0 I 1 Thomss, cf.. 1 I 4 0 0 Donlln. If.... I 4 1 0 1 Oleaaon, lb.. I 1 0 Krllr, lb I 4 11 v u Wolrarton, 114 1 I 1 1 Hrrmnur, cf. 4 1 ISO R.h, c I 0 4 1 0 Corcoran, ss. 0 1 4 9 0 Titus, rf 11111 Dolan. rf 1 0 0 0 0 Doyle, lb.... 1 I .4 4 WofHlruff, 3b. 0 4 4 1 0 Duffy. If 1 0 1 0 1 Pelts, c 1 0 I S 0 Hall, as 0 4 1 4 4 Sutthoff, p.. 0 1 u u u oparas, p.... v a Scblel 0 1 0 0 0 Totals .... 421 11 T Totals ....10 11 17 17 I . Seymour out; hit by batted ball. . Batted for SutthofT In seventh. Cincinnati 8 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 -10 Philadelphia 0 140012008 Two-base hit: Kelley. Three-baae hits: Doyle. Gleason, Kelly. Home run: Doyle. Stolen bases: Roth, Duffy, Donlln, Dolan. Double playa: Gleason to Doyle, Pelta to Corcoran. First base on balls: Off Sutthoff, 6; off Sparks. 3. Sacrifice hit: HuggiiiB. Hit by pitched ball: By Kellum, 1. Struck out: ny Sutthoff. 4; by Sparks, 4; by Kel lum, 1. Time: 1:50. Umpire: Zlmmer. Win la Klwhth. PITTSBURG, May 21. Lee kept hits well scattered until the eighth, when two three baggers and two singles netted Boston three runs. Attendance, 8,160. Score: PITTbDI'RO. i BOSTON. II. HO. A. I R.HOA.B Beaumont, cf 1 1 I 1 OIQeler. cf 1110 0 Clarke, If.... 4 Leach, lb.... 0 Wagner, ss.. 1 Sebrlns, rf . . 0 Bran.Ild, lb 1 Rltrhey, lb.. 1 Phelps, c 0 Lee, p 1 4 0 0 1 1 I 0i Tenney, lb.. 1 0 Abbatt'blo, ss 0 0 Cooler, If... 0 0 Delehanty. lb 0 01 Raymer, 'lb. 0 OjCannell, rf.. 1 O Naadhain, c. 0 O.Plttlngrr, p. 0 1 II 1 1 1 4 I 0 1 4 1 I 0 0 1 0 Totsls ( 11 17 I o! Totals .... 1 10 14 11 2 Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 8 1 0 1 S Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 03 Two-base lilts: Beaumont, Phelps Dele hanty. Three-base hits: Tenney, Dele hanty. Bacrlrtce hit: Phelps. Stolen banes: Bransneld 2i. Cooley. Double plays: Ray mer to Tenney, Abbattachlo to Tenney. First base on balls: Off PIttinger, 3. Struck out: By Lee, 8. Wild pitch: PIttinger. Time: 1:30. XJmplre: ODay. Standing; of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. PC. Cincinnati 30 20 10 . 667 New York 27 18 0 ,.o7 Chicago ... 28 18 -. 10 1.643 St. Louts 2b' 14 12 .638 Pittsburg 27 12 15 . 444 Brooklyn 28 12 16 AS Boston 17 10 17 .370 Philadelphia 26 6 . 20 .200 (James today: New York at Chicago, Philadelphia at Cincinnati, Brooklyn at St. Louie. GAMES IN THE AMERICA LEAGUE Neither Washington Nor Detroit Able to Score la Eleven Innlngrs. WASHINGTON r May 21. The Washing ton and Detroit game today went eleven Innings without either aide scoring. Dark ness stopped further play. Attendance, 2.UUU. Score: WASHINGTON. , DETROIT. . R. !.. A E.I R.H.O.A.B. Moran, ss.... 0 0 4 1 4 Barrett, cf.... 0 0 10 1 Counhiln. lb. 0 0 t 1 1 Mclntyr. If.. 4 4 I 4 4 Selbacb. If.... 4 114 4 Roblnaob, lb. 4 1 1 I 4 Drill, c 0 1 7 i 1 Crawford, It.) t I 1 1 Caaaldy, rf....O 0 10 1 Orenilng'r. Ik ) 1 4 1 0 McCorm'k, Ib 0 I 1 0 1 carr, lb 1 11 1 1 Htahl. lb 0 1 10 0 I Wood, c 0 14 10 Orth. cf 0 0 0 4 1 Buelow. 4 14 4 0 Towueend, p.. 0 4 1 I 0O1 Leery, ss... 4 4 S 1 4 Muinn, p v s i v Total 0 411 11 7, I Totals 4 I 34 15 I Robinson and Mclntyre out In third trial to sacrlnc). Washington ... 0000000000 00 Detroit V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-base hit: Robinson. - Sacrifice hits: Robinson, O'Leary. Double plays: Drill to Moran. Drill to Coughlln. bases on bails: OfT Townsend, 4; oil Mullln, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Townsend, 1. Struck out: By Townsend. 6; by Mullin, 8. Left on buses: Washington, 8; Detroit, 11. Time: 2:. Umpire: Sheridan. Plank' Pltcblasr Wins Game. PHILADELPHIA, May 21. Through Plank's pitching and fielding the locals today shut out Cleveland. Attendance, 15, S44. Score: PHILADELPHIA. I CLEVELAND. R.H.O.A.B! R.H.O.A.B. Hartiel. lb...l 110 4 Bay, cf 4 4 10 4 Pickering, cf. 1 I 1 0 llLuah, If 4 114 1 Darla, If 1 4 4 4 0 Bradley, lb... 4 110 4 L. Cross, lb.. Ill 1 0 Lsjol. as.... 4 1111 Hoffman, rf.. 1 1 S 0 OFIlck. rf 0 0 10 0 Murphy, 2b... 1 111 0 Hickman, lb. 0 4 4 4 4 M. Croaa. as.. 4 1 1 0 Schwerti. lb. 0 1 11 0 1 Powers. 0.... 1 1 10 1 : Abbott, c 4 0 4 1 4 Plank, p 0 111 0 bernhart, p.. 0 4 4 1 4 Totals 1 11 17 I ol Totals 0 I 14 14 I Philadelphia 01130030 7 Cleveland , 00000000 00 Two-base hit: Schwarts, Murphy (3). Sacrifice hit L. Cross. Stolen bases: Hart sel, Pickering, Davis. Lett on bases: Cleveland, 7; Philadelphia, b. First base on balls: OfT Bernhard, 2; off Plank, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Flick, Hickman. Struck out: By Bernhard, 3; by plunk, 9. Time: 1:36. Umpire: Carpenter. Nevr York la Outclassed. NEW YORK. May 21. New York waa outbatted and outhelded and lost the sec ond game of the present series to Chicago today. The visitors hit the ball hard, three of their hits being for home runs. Attend ance, lO.utM. Score: CHICAGO. NEW YORK. R.H.O.A.B R.H.O A. B. Holmes. If... I Keeler, rf.., Jonea, cf 1 Darla, a 1 Ureen. rf 4 Dunoba. lb.. 1 libell. lb 1 Tannehlil, lb. 1 Sullivan, c... 1 Owen, p 1 Fulls, ef wtlllame. Ib. Andersou, If.. Conroy, a.... lanlel, lb.... Thollay, lb... M.Oulre, c... Powell, p berlll Totals 11 14 17 15 l Totals I III I I Batted lor Powell in the ninth. Chicago 10100181 4-11 New York 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 Left on bases: New York. 8; Chicago, L Two-base hit: Davis. Home runs: Jones, Isbell, Owen. Stolen bases: Keeler, Thoney, Sullivan. Sacrifice hit: Jones. Double plays: ' Tannehlil to Davis to Donahue, Green to Davis. First base on balls: Off Owen, 6. First base on errors: Chicago, 8. Hit by pitched ball: By Owen, t Struck out; By Powell, 5: by Owen, 2. Passed ball: Sullivan. Time: 2:06. Umpires: King and Dwyer. St. Loala Beats Leaders. BOSTON. Mass . May 21. St. Louts won from Boston. Score: K-H.fc 81. I-ouls I 00100000000 25 S 0 Bostou 0 00800000000 08 8 7 Batteries: Tannehlil and Crlger; Howell and Kahoe. Umpire: Connolly. Standing? of the Teams, Played. Won. Lost. P. C. Boston 27 19 8 .704 Philadelphia 27 IS 11 .& New York ,....24 L U .ii.T . 14 14 .S .2d 11 12 .52". .2 12 14 .42 .27 10 17 .3 .24 i 19 -2 Ht. Louis Ietrolt Washington No gmes today. OAMES II AMERICA ASSOCIATIOS Colaaafcas Win la Spite at atapld Base Raanlagr. ST. PAUL, May a. St. Paul and Co lumbus played fast ball today and but for stupid bfiae running the visiting club would have won by a larger margin. Attendance, 2.400. Boor: COLVMBCS. I ST. PATH. R.H.O I R H O A S Dsrla. rf 4 4 I 4 0 Jones, rf 4 114 4 Wrlfley. lb. 4 1 1 4 I Cling man, as. 1 1 I 4 i rnel, lb. 0 lit Clank,, rf... 1 1110 Klhm, lb 4 1 I 0 Wheeler. If... 4 4 4 I 4 f irmer, rf.... 4 I I 4 0 O Brl-n. lb... 4 4 I 1 4 Manln, lf....l 0 14 0 Keller, lb . ..4 14 4 1 Bridewell, ss. 1 1 I 1 l Marran. lb... 4 1 4 4 1 Yeaier. c 1 I T I 4 Pull Iran, c... 4 1 4 I 4 Olmated, p...4 10 1 O.nlasl. p I 14 11 Totala 4 II If II l Total I S 17 11 4 Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 04 St. Paul 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 08 Two-base hit: Marcan. Home run: Yeager. Sacrifice hit: Cllngman. Double play: Wrlgley to Bridewell to Klhm. Stolen bases: Sullivan. Marcan. Struck out: By Slajrle. 4: bv tMmstfd. . Base on balls: By Olmsted. 4; by Hlagle, 1. Passed ball: Sul livan. lert on bases: hi. i-hui, o; toiumoue, 6. Time: 1:45. empire: Hart. Toledo Defeats Mllwaakee, MILWAUKEK. May 21. Toledo defeated Milwaukee today through the effective pitching of install. Attenuance, j.ouu, Score: TOLEDO. I MILWAUKEE. R.H.O A. n.H.O A 1 Dennlnger, cf 1 I I 0 l'Btone. rf 1 1 1 0 0 O H.r. if ... 0 0 0 0 llScharfer. aa..4 14 4 1 Long, as 0 1'7 1 lju'Brlen, lb..O 4 0 0 0 Haielton. lb. 1 I 4 1 Ojclark, lb 0 0 110 Hrout hers, 3b 0 1 I 0 0 Penned, If ... 1 110 0 Knoll. If 0 4 10 llHemphlll. cf. 0 1 1 0 0 Bums, lb.,... 1 0 1 6 0 Bateman. lb.. 0 I 10 0 4 Redoing, c... 0 1 a I siaiieriy, c... v a i i Crietall. a I 1 4 0 freer. C 0 0 4 1 0 Steele, p 0 0 1 I 0 Totals 4 14 17 14 4 Curtis, p 0 0 0 1 0 Wolfe 0 0 0 0 4 I Totals t 4 17 14 t Batted for Curtis In ninth Toledo 0 0 0 0 3 8 1 1 0 Milwaukee 0 0X0 1 1 0 0 0 02 Two-base hits: Crlstull, Dennlnger. Three- base hits: Pennell, Dennlnger, crlstan. ang on Dans: un etieeie. t. on lihhu, . off Curtis. 3. Paused ball: Slatterly. Wild pitches: Curtis. 2; Steele, 1. Struck out Hv Hteele i: hv r'urtis. 3: bv Crlstull. 1 Left on bases: Milwaukee, 7; Toledo, 8. Time: 2:06. Umpire: Bauswlne. y I.onlsTllle Wins Close Game MINNEAPOLIS, May 21. Louisville won, 8 to 2, although Minneapolis outbatted the visitors. Attendance, z.ouu. Bcore: LOUISVILLB. . MINNBAPOUS. H H O A B.I R.H.O. A. B Kerwin. rf . . I 111 OPol'Ib. 0 1110 Hallman. cf.. 0 0 10 1 Maloney, rf.. 4 1 1 0 0 Hart, If 1 111 0 sulllyan. ct.. 1 v l v Arndt, lb 1 14 1 4 Coulter. 1I....0 10 0 0 Dexter, 1S....0 0 11 0 Campion, lb., 1111 Braahesr, lb. 4 114 1 Wearer, C...4 14 4 0 White, c 0 0 4 0 1 Oyler. s 0 1111 Quinlan, as... 0 0 11 1 MoNlchols, lb 0 0 0 1 1 Wright, p.... 0 4 0 1 llMuncb, p 4 0 0 4 0 Totsls I 4 17 14 41 Totals S 4 17 11 Louisville 0000020103 Minneapolis 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 02 Two-base hit: Hnrt. Sacrifice hits: Wea ver 3l. Dexter, Hallman. Stolen bases: C . . 1 1 1 . . ..... 1 . n L.' . T) . . 1; by W'rlght. 4. First base on balls :x Off Munch,- 2. Double plays: Campion (un assisted), oyler to ox to campion, nerwm to White. Left on bases: Minneapolis, H; Louisville, i. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Pears. Hill's Batting; a Feature. KANSAS CITY, May 21. Kansas City de feated Indlanupolls today by the scoro of 8 to 4. Hill's batting was the feature of the game. Attendance, 1,400. Score: KANSAS CITT. INDIANAPOLIS. R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B. Hill, rf 1 4 4 0 0 VanBuren. If. 1 0 1 0 0 Nance, cf 0 0 1 0 01 Hogrierer, lb 0 1 4 I 0 Heydon, c... 0 0 114 McCreery, as. 1 0 1 0 1 Bonner, lb... 0 0 6 1 0' 8 wander. If.. 1 I 0 0 0 Monta'err. lb 0 1 I 1 0 Carr. lb 0 0 I 0 1 Murphy, lb... I I 17 0 I1 Berry, cf 0 114 4 Lewee, aa 1114 1 labell. p 0 0 4 t 1 r'hllllus, ... 0 0 I 0 0 Dickey, lb.... 114 10 Crumley. P(. .. 1 I 1 I 0 Totals 4 711 T I Totals 4 4 17 11 3 Kansas City 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 -6 Indianapolis 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 04 Earned runs: Kansas City, 6; Indian apolis, 2. Two-base hits: Hill, Ryan, Swander, Berry, Crumley. Sacrifice hits: Bonner, labell, Hogriever, Berry. Stolen base: McCreary. First base on balls: Off labell. 2; off Crumley, 1. Struck out: By Isbell, 5; by Crumley, 2. Hit by pitched ball: Bonner. Wild pitch: Crumley. Left on baaes: Kansas City, 7; Indianapolis, 6. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Holllday. Standing; of the Teams. Played. Won. Loal. JC. Columbua 24 St. Paul 27 Milwaukee 24 Indianapolis , 2tS IjOtilsvllle 30 Minneapolis ifi 15 10 15 9 .623 11 11 .5S5 .577 .500 .500 .424 .391 13 ) 13 15 ' 15 15 14 16 Toledo , 23 Kansas 'City 24 .3 Games today: Columbus at St. Paul. Toledo at Milwaukee, Indianapolis at Kan aaa City, Louisville at Minneapolis. SCORES IN TUB STATE SHOOT teords of Participants In the Recent Tournament at Colorobaa. COLUMBUS, rNeb.. May 21. (Special.) Following ia the total score of all the shooters at the tournament of the Ne braska State Sportsmen's afcsoclatlon, which closed here last evening. Selverson made the highest score In all the shoot ing, with Blevlns very close behind him. Thorp mad the lowest average : Targets No. i Targets IIo. Name. Thrown. B'kn Name. Thrown. B'kn Morrill ..475 401 Bray 620 633 Dlefenderfer. 320 2b3 Crosby ..415 473 ..120 89 ..250 213 ..120 101 ..215 1W ..105 76 Slevers .HM Dtl Hnreeht Murschel Illlan Olesen McElhaney Mann Maxwell Bernhardt F. Sack .. E. Meyera Outterklrk Corry .... Daniels Campbell ...ZW 153, Wilkin .... ...620 541 Chambers , ...410 3f. J. Maxwell ...410 3al'Coates ...410 .138 O'Brien ... . 90 oil ...410 3li7:Hardy 320 2 ...&0 493 V. Gregorlous 180 150 ...320 2iJj Wagner 90 53 ...370 2i'Peters?n 220 171 ...346-2M Southard (W 40 ...CH5 529, Douglass ,....245 207 ...6S5 524'Arnold 316 222 ...6V0 667 oe Sack 190 161 ...020 4)3 Voorhees 30 19 ...63) 556 R. H. Meyers. 350 29 ...odd 610 Laager 40 22 Terry berry Copsey ... Harney M. L. Mllier... 310 256 Nethaway 80 23 John Sack ....620 576 W. Gregorious 30 Oauer ,2 34,Cuhlll 80 17 M 61) Redman . Blevins ... Roberts .. Sohroeder Ltnderman Bills Dworak .. Anderson Norton . . . Selverson Reed Allen Schopn ... ....295 244 ....6M 677 ....670 6191 ....620 539 ...620 ....615 4l ....620 46 ....620 4NC ....410 344 ....620 57Si ,...620 6T.9 ....620 474 ....870 2n3 ....630 491 ....410 3.19 Doty McGough, Pearsjn . . Harris .... .. 75 69 ..165 119 ..46 29 DoUen 225 173 Wlmkl 210 122 Wsddlnrton ..340 311 carter .420 319 .280 238 . 90 66 .145 83 . 65 42 .120 101 .210 182 Shattuck . Lachnlt .. Talbot .... Nicholson Hulst Mullowney Simpson .. Goodrich . Rogers ... 235 193 McDonald .620 616 J. Miller 15 Tom Miller ... 80 Del Miller .... 30 Barber 106 14 21 26 92 80 Drieeback 410 859 Townsend 620 563 Thorp ..620 4;V ..620 56Ti ..6?i 62! ..495 462 F. Miller Williams Adams Gray lno Mockett Wilson 210 173 60 19 H. Dixon ..630 644 Hagel 30 18 C. Dixon 620 643 3iffEHnS Will make the sick rell, the weak Btrong and the blood pure, Then there's none to equal it for those who are weak and run down and who suffer from Insomnia, General De bility, indigestion. Dyspepsia, Nervous ness, Liver or Kidney Ills or Malaria, Fever and Ague. It always curea. Try It. At all druggists. n ij ENGLISH LAD WINS DERBY SilrerWinga Orowdi'the Favorite Hard at the Wir WINNER ANSWERS CALL IN THE STRETCH Telegraph Company Barred from tho Track on Account of Refusal to Giro Service to the Foot Rooms. CHICAGO, May 21. English Laa. heavily backed favorite, won the Chicago derby at Hawthorne today by half a length In a tierce drive with Prince Silver Wings. Moharlb, winner of the Kansas City derby, waa third. The mile, and a quarter waa covered in 2:06. Flower King, on which many had based their hopes, finished fourth with Bill Curtis fifth, Gus Strauss sixth, Military Man seventh and Merry Pioneer eighth." The other six carded to atart wre scratched. English Lad's victory proved popular and when he passed under the wire, win ner of the 815,000 race, a tumult followed among the 15,000 persons that, packed the grandstand and crowded the infield. Off Vx to a prompt start. Prince Silver Wings took the lead and remained In front until the stretch was reached. Moharlb took a spurt in the back stretch, pasalng English Lad and and nearly, over hauled the leader. English Lad, however, waa close up, and as the horses turned Into the stretch there was a roar from the spectators as English Lad, responding to a slight touch of Nicol'u whip sprang forward and passed Prince Sliver Winjgs. From that point English Lad held hla ad vantage and passed under the wire a winner by half a length. Prince Sliver Wings was the same distance in front of Moharlb. For the first time In the history of Chi cago race tracka the Western Union Tele graph company waa barred from the tracks. The order waa made, It is said, because of the recent acflon of the com pany to refuse Its racirys service to poolrooms. Newspapers and all other cus tomers of the Western ( Union suffered from the order. The threatened raid on bookmakers and track officer by con atablea amounted to nothing. While there were a score of constablea carrying war rants to be served, still only two arrests were made and this was done so quietly that very few patrons of the track had any knowledge of the proceedings. The a Treats had no effect on the betting, aa the men were allowed to continue taking bets after having been served with the warrants. English Lad was the only favorite to win. Results: First race, five furlongs: Nannie Hodge won, Irene Lindsay second, Sylvia Talbot third. Time: l:0uy. Second race, one and one-sixteenth mllesi Ha vlla nd won. Potheen second. Lacy Craw ford third. Time: 1:46. Third race, mile and one-quarter, Chi cago Derby, 15,Uti0 purse, for 3-year-old: English Lad won. Prince Sliver Wings second, Moharlb third. Time: 2:06. Fourth race, one mile: Bad News won, Flo Bob secujid. McGee third. .Time: 1:39. Fifth race, four and one-half furlongs: Kurtzinau won, Flaxman. second, Bcotcn Irish third. Time: 0 55. Sixth race, six furlongs: Bondage won, Talpa second, Schwalbe third. Tims: 1:14. C.NC1NNATI. Muy 21. Results: First - race. - six furlongs: Premus won, Lulu Marr second, Lady Draperv thlra. Time: 1:15. Second lace, four and one-half furlongs: WaUatto won, Erha second, Barbara Whiting third. Time: 0:56. Third race, one mile: Rosamond won, Marltana second, Frank Mo third. Time: 1 '62 Fourth race, Harold slakes, five fur longs: Olxeau won. Rebounder second, Dhlator third. Time: 1:2. Fifth race, isix furlongs: Ben Mora won. King Ro aecond, Mabel Winn third. Time: 1:14. ., Sixth raw, seven furlongs: Fleuron won. Grand Mary second. Frlvoll third. Time: 1:37 V. HT! LOCIS, May 21. Results: First race, six and a half furlongs: Varna Fonso won, Alno aecond, Cariey a Dream third. Time: 1:254. . . Second race, four furlongs, purse: Arch Oldham won. Mlas Howell second, A Itdy Fair third. Time: :bl Third rce, six and a half furlongs, sell RlLUE, RIBBON dod for vhes O ti flier. It lj a lijui J jfod -flial 15 jirciig'fliinin and jujriaining' make - "Qiemoflierliood perid pleasant . PKyjicianj7 recmnend it fr: Af purily. t Or Jer a-caely- calling up a Idler r -vJ al . X . ing: Thlsbe won, Sid Silver second, Nnth Woodcock third. Time: 1:27. Fourth race, the Delmar Inaugural, one mile: First Mason won, Lticlan second, Tnby Tosa third. Time: 1-.45V4. Finn race, seven ruriongs, purse: j-Tana Collins won, Charlie Thompson second, CTaremont third. Time: l:S0ty. Sixth race, six and a half furlongs, ae.l Ing: Floral Wreath won, One More second. Duela third. Time: 1:26. Seventh race, one mile and twenty yavd a, selling: Lynch won. Pathos second, Pyrrho third. Time: 1:4S4. NEW YORK", May 21. Results: First race, seven furlongs: Champlaln won. Palm Bearer second. Judge Denton third. Time: 1:28. Second race, four and a half furlongs: Esterre won, Flour de Mate aecond, Judas third. Time: 0:52ft. Third race, National stallion stakes, Inst five furlongs of Eclipse course: Tanya won, Bfllestrome second, Blandy third. Time: 0:58. - Fourth race, 'I.adles' stakes, Withers mile: Beldame won, Audience second, Mar joram third. Time: 1:41. Fifth race. Grand National steeplechase, about two and a half miles: St. Nude won. Caller Becond, Judge Phillips third. Time: 4:30. Sixth race. Withers mile: Hermls won, Toboggan second. Hello third. Time: 1:S9'4. KANSAS CITY, May 21. Elm Ridge re sults: First race, five and a half furlongs, purse: Rebo won. Ocean Drenni second, H. I Frank third. Timo: 1:07. Second race, fmir furlongs, purse: Lady Wllkeon won, Mfirv Prlmm second. The Mlnsourlan third. Time: 0:49. Third race, one mile and a sixteenth, selling: Golden Mineral won. Soothsayer second. Volta third. Time: 1:48, Fourth race, one mile nnd a sixteenth. Country club handicap, $2,000 added: Fossil won. Glassful . second, Injunction third. Time: 2:014. Fifth race, four furlongs: Elotros won. Torpedo second, Marmont third. Time: 1:04. Sixth race, six furlongs, selling: Elfin King won. Martlus second, El Plloto third. Time: 1:13. HARVARD AMI YAI.K TRACK MEET Expectation of Broken Records Draws Crowds. CAMBRIDGE, Muss., May 21. The pre vailing opinion that dual records posRlbly would le lowered, and certainly that some excellent track events were assured, led to untmiml .lntereat today In the annual meet between Harvard and Yale. The Yale con tingent, ,whlch came here last night and today, seemed very confident that their track team would win the honors of the meet. There were several wagers placed The is always found in the best places and attracts the best class of customers. That is why you will always find 5 Mff -ilTl ' ia reMlnfi BUErWEHcB BREWERS CrTTiO BOTTLERS O M.A H at 4 to 8 In favor of Yale, but such bets found acceptance among the Harvard men. From the Harvard standpoint, the situation was not so favorable as It might have been, owing to the alight Injuries by several of their runners. The usual thirteen events were on the program for the meet, five from the field and eight on the track. First, second ana third places -In each event were to count Ave, two and one point respectively.4 ... Weather conditions were suitable and the truck waa In fair condition. Results: - The 440-yard dash was won by C. B. Long of Yale In V:49. The mile nun was won by C. B. Alcott of Yale in 4:26. (Equals dual record.) The 120-yard hurdles was won by E. J. Clapp of Yale In 0:15. The dual record for this event was lowered one-fifth of a sec ond, but was not allowed because the win ner knocked down three hurdles. The 100-yard dash was won by W. A. Schick, Jr., of Harvard In 0:10. Shotput won by H. Lemoyne of Harvard. Distance: 46 feet 9 inches. The half-mile run was won by H. B. Young of Harvard In 1:59. Scorn: Yale, 25; Harvard, 23. The two-mile run was won by A. King of Harvard in 9:64. (Lowers dual record 1 seconds.) Score: Yale 29: Harvard. 84. The 220-vnrd hurdle was won by E. J. Clapp of Yale in 0:25. Score: Yale. 34; Harvard, S7. The 220-yard dash was won by W. A. Schick. Jr.. of Harvard In 0:21. Final score: Yale. 37; Hurvard, 42. Ames Tennis Champions. CEDAR RAPIDS, Ia., May 21 (Special Telegram.) Ames Agricultural college won the state championship In the tennis tour nament here today by winning the ti rials In both singles and doubles. The scoret Holbrook and Stanton of Ames defeated Smullln and Coe, 6-0. 6-2, 6-1. In the singled Holbrook for Ames de. feated Monnette of State University of Iowa. 6-2, 6-1. 6-4. Cedar Rapids High school defeated Mar shalltown High school in a twelve-Inning game of ball here today by, a score of T to 6. Batteries: Cedar Rafiids, Slapnick and Wettsteln; Marshalltown, Kent and "Salisbury. Collesre Ilase Ball Games. At Cedar Rapids, la. Orlnnell, 10; Coe, 9. At Princeton, N. J. Princeton, 7; Penn sylvania, 4. At Champaign. 111. Illinois. 7; Chicago, 6. Beatrice Wins a Game. BEATRICE, Neb.. May 21. (Special.) The Beatrice and Plckrell ball teams today played one of the best games seen here this season, the score being 7 to 3 In favor Best Whiskey MaM Rye on sale at every resort that is frequented by gentlemen who are particular about the Whiskey they drink, and who demand in it the rerieciion ox i-vge combined with Purity of Quality At all leading bars, cafes and drug stores ft. HI B8CH A CO., Kansas City, at O. ICO.: A of the locals. The feature of the game wai the battery work of Dearlng ana Gootlale for Beatrice. Ames Wins In Last Contest. AMDS, la.. May 21. (Special Telegram.) Ames won a hard-fought meet here today by winning a half-mile relay, the last evant. In less than the state record time. Ames had a walkaway In weights, taking twenty of twenty-four possible points. Ames sjur prland Drake by winning both relays, high hurdles ana tying in low. unute won uis tnnce runs and both Jumps easily. Score: 66 to 56. - Beatrice Defeata Cortland. BEATRICE, Neb., May 21. (Special. ) The Beatrice ball team defeated the Cort land nine at Cortland yesterday afternoon. In an interesting game by a score of 8 toC Batteries: Beatrice, Campbell nnd Oood ale; Cortlaiid, PlefTer, O.Shernian and W. Sherman. ,Hlt: Beatrice, 10; Cortland. 7. Struck out J Bv Campbell, 9; by PlefTer, 6: Errors: Beatrice, 6; Cortland, 6, Time of game: 1:40. , ' I." n 1. Tmmtn IpAPM Ifvrs. ISCiUKAniiA LH 1, JNeo., iV'ny Al. toi,T- clal.) Members of the office force of the Morton-Gregson Packing company and the high Behoof base ball teams last night played a tie game of ball on the local grounds, both siles getting seven runs. Next Wednesday the county officials and the packing house team will cross bats. .Nebraska Wins Donbles. LINCOLN, May 21. (Special Telegram V In the tennis meet today Nebraska won the doubles, the score resulting 6-1, 6-2, 6-2. Brrlbner and Chssaday opposed Werner and Thompson. In the singles Cassaday nt Nebraska defeated Thompson, 6-2, 6-0, nnd Werner of Minnesota defeated Bcrlbner of Nebraska, 6-4, 6-6. Crete Defeats Roca. CRETE, Neb.. May 21. (Speclal.)-Crte defeated Roca In a rather slow game of base ball yesterday afternoon, making a soore of 12 to 5 against the visitors. Bat teries: Crete. McMlller and Rademarherj . r. . r . n.m.. . , ...... 1 n A Roca, Wilson and Harts. Umpire: Dejg Three Pacers ( That can do something: wear nothing but plain harness; Jogged all winter and now being worked for speed; fast enough to take to the races or be in the first flight at the matinees. "These are high bred lmraAH onH if vnu want a arnnd one and willing to pay a reasonable price write, W. CHAM BERLIN, Clerks, Neb. i 7i