Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1904, Part 2, Image 9

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The - Omaha
Suit Purchase
gisr f woman should semi re soma of the bargains In our Cloak Department Satur
day. We will refund your money If you are not satisfied with your purchase.
WOMEN'S SILK COATS In seven different styles, worth 110, E fif
Saturday O.MM
WOMEN1 8H1K 6TORT WAIST SUITS In blacks, browns and fancy n f(
checks. I18.BO elsewhere, our price , ........mot... -
Womena Saha ra vouesV et
Women's High Grade Voile Skirts, trimmed
or trie seal groana rone, at lis. iu, n wira . -
Woman Oarer Coats, sold at U and HO,
HOW Mt i "n MtMtnuai stessims
Women's Crevenette Coats, 112.50 values.
Two Hundred Women's Capes,
at 15.00, tlM and
Wa hare just received by express 100 Marquise Waists, the Improved styles O QCi
for summer, at 110, $3.40 and
Fifty dosen Women's Waists, In lawns, linens and vesting, worth up to 4 fkft
at . u vU
Wo hays 100 Fur Scarfs, sent to us for comparison, which by the manufacturer's
orders we will place on sale Saturday at Just half price rather than . a
return them, worth up to 110, will go Baturday at from T&00 to.. ...... -
t3 00 Moire Underskirts,
Lawn Klmeutaa,
Children's Spring Jackets,
Women's. Wash Suits,
at ,
Women's Waists, worth up to UAO.
Lawn and Percale Wrappers,
BLACK JAP WAISTS at $5.00, 3.M
75c Ladies' Batiste Corsets, straight front, princess hip, A Qp
- with hose supporters attached, at -7 w
75c Ladies' and Misses' Tape Girdles, in white, ZfZQ'ti
blue and pink, at. ....,.' .-.'
A large assortment of Kabo, W. O. 0., W. B., Erect Form and
G. D. Corsettv witb.nd ...wlthontiliope. nl:.;-;;,tJl1 CI f'.
supporters, up .from. . ;....... . .....; .
La Marguerite Corsets, genuine whilebone filled, in all the latest
. J?.f.t . $2. 50 to ; $10
Water Tumblers, each............ lo
2Se Fancy Colored Vases, each.... 6a
Fine line of Sgx-Ooburf Decorated
China at 85c 50c, 75c and $1.00
(Would regularly coat you three to four
timet aa much eg we ask.)
Fig Banks, each Be
Dr. Stuart's Buttermilk and Cucumber
Soap at 17c box.
Dr. Woodbury's Soaps at 15c cake.
Dr. Charles' Flesh Food at 89c box. '
Large sacks Osrnmaal ..JMn
The best Pearl Tapioca, per pound.... Vo
Good Japan Rice, per pound fyi
The best Macareinl, pound pacltaxe.... (via
1-lb package Condenaed Mince Meat., to
The best Cernstaroh, per package 40
Force, Vigor, Vim, Malta-Vita, Neu-
trlta or JCgrO-See, per package Tfte
The best BoUa, Oyster. Butter or Milk
Crackers, per pound ,. so
Quart cans Qeedea Table Byru.... THo
Quart cans Teanessee Sorghum JHo
Large bottle pure Tomato Catauo BVio
Large bottles Werosster er Chill Sauce, IVio
bottles Cnow fThow. Oherklns.
it. Mixed or Onion rioktoa, botUs, IHo
Jutt m Vtw Olsthet Oont late Tefrw h
Bttanje Beverage Afpear.
Bra la Dweseya, tele Laatfaav UHMm,
TlBrteppeir, Ksiee Beadewe aaid .
Otkew Weatm Creaa tae)
Fashions ta drinks which the up-tdate
"barkeeps" serre ever the polished ma
hogany in any of the oaf as er hotels ta
New Tork City change Just as do the
fashions In the clothes worn by the fas
tldlous ousts mars ef the earns "absorbs
To keep la. teuch with these changes,
and else to keep some of their eustomeie)
from killing thesnaelfes with sew and
fanciful eenooeUone which frees tlsae to
time are evolved, is a taak requiring no
little care and skill on the part ef the
At this season ef the year, with the
time for summer drinks at hand, toe
drink evolrer Is especially busy. An along
Broadway, at Dalmonloo'a, Sherry's and
the uptown olabs. as well as In the down
town resorts where the brokers and busi
ness men gather during the day for a
cooling drink or a oocktall, new uvea-
V. .1 .... a... .u
One ef the first of the aew hot weather
drinks to make Its appeasanoe, and one
whlah promises to rival In popularity tha
famous Mamie Taylor of a few years ago,
was Introduced at .the Hoffman house, a
tew bights) age tgr aeUUden, well anowa
(83 Canal Street, New York City)
Entiie stock of Women's Tailor Made Suits
secured by our New York buyer at
25 cents on the dollar
Will Be On Sale Saturday
Shaft SUberman Hi, US and 8u1U In fancy
mixtures and plain colors, elaborately trtmmad,
stitched bands of taffeta on skirt and
ckat and lined with allk. Tour choice g gQ
Shaft A Jnberraan"fluitea4e'Vo'iell"" for" SX, PO
and pit. the cream of the market, eome In voiles, serges, cheviots and broadcloths, entire
Butt trimmed with taffeta, banda and braid. Youre
Saturday for less than srloe of linings and Q Qfk
Ulmmlnr JJ
Another Remarkable
Women's Taffeta Drop Skirts
from a New Tork manufacturer whoa nam we are
not at liberty to use.
Women's Taffeta Skirts In black, browns, blues,
castor, tana, royal, champagne, reds, greens, white,
rink and changeable effects, made of extra heavy
effeta. worth up to $8, nn
A Oft
with taffeta bands and mad fi Qf
. 1.00
, , , w
2 Oft
Fancy Shape Semi-Porcelain Oups
and Saucers, each Sc
100-ptece Fine Decorated Dinner, Seta,
a regular $13.00 value, . (tt Qg
Violate Cerate Bldn Food at 50c box.
Violate Talcum Powder at 5c box.
Eastman's Boss and Violet Talcum
Powder at 100 bottle.
Castile or Tar Soap, per oake Mo
Six bars beat Laundry Soap, any brand 18o
Bromangelon, JeUyooa or Jell-O, per
package ... .............. 740
t-pound cans solid packed Tomatoes... 7Uo
-pound cans Sweet Potatoes too
a-pound cans Golden Pumpkin or
Bquash THo
t-pound cans Rhubarb Tac
1-pound cans fancy Wax, String or
' Lima Beans ....TOtC
-pound cans Boston Baked Beans fVs
Choice California Prunes, per pound.... Ho
Fanoy Seedless Raisins, per pound.... to
on the race tracks. He oalls the new
thing a Flora ZabeUe, after the black
eyed little actress In "The Tenkee Con
sul.'' It la a eomblnaOoa of a ginger ale
highball sad the time-honored horse's
neck. It Is made by using the carefully
aptraled peel of an entire lemon, which
is placed around the Inside ef a large
glass, as ia a horse's neck.' Then a good
drink ef brandy Is used, cracked lee Is
put In, and the glass filled with Imported
ginger ale. It la highly recommended
along Broadway and among the sporting
fraternity as a summer drink.
Another sew drink was discovered a
few days ago at the Imperial hotel cafe,
and has been termed a "brain . duster
by the happy individual who worked over
time to bring the Invention to perfec
tion. It la a cross between a gin rlckey
snd a gin flea, and la made np ef Gor
don gtn, lemon Juice, sugar and cracked
lea After these are arranged the glass
la fined with siphoned mineral water. The
Inventor seems to survive Its effects.
Down at the Fifth Avenue hotel one ef
the newest evolutions of the white- proned
gentry who preside ever the mahogany Is
a "gtn-gia oocktall," which Is beoemlng
quite popular. It Is made up of sloe gin
as a starter, with Plymouth or Bumess gin
as a seoond part. To this Is added a dash
of bitters, and ths whole Is rounded eut
with applejack. When the drinker gets on
of these he knows that something Is brew
ing in the Interior department.
TTae tsveeasaiaa OeektsriL.
Another one new to Broadway la known
as the "Buocaauma eooktau," and Is made
up of applejack, vermouth, and a dash ef
angoetura bitters.
At ths Hoffman house they have been
putting eut a oonoootloa evolved by one of
the sporting men who frequent that house.
It is known as a "tip-topper" and la made
ef ' Pregvch vermouth, a touch of orange
bjeftsc arad Benedictine (rapped. Since
Four Powerful
Millinery Snaps....
$3.50, $2.50 and
Street Hats
$1.00 and 75c Untrimmed
lifts '
$1.00 Children's
Trimmed Hats....
$5.00 Ladies
Trimmed Hats
Splendid Silk
Values Saturday
1.000 yds. Che Foo White
Wash Silk the handsom
est white silk made, regular
price $1.25
36 in. wide,
on salts.
Plain Colored Silks
one hour Satur
day evening -for
50 Pieces Plain Silk in
pink, light blue, old rose, scarlet,
cardinal, wine, Nile, reseda, emerald,
cadet, national, nary, violet, helio,
plum, maise, (fold," orange, cham
pagne, brown and many others silks
that retail at 25c, 39c and 60c, on sale
a 60c, on sale
15 c
Saturday evening from
8 until 9 b'olock, for
this one hour only '
The finest lot of
Suit Cases we ever
bad in pur store. J
AH styles.
J1 Prices.
Sample goods $ Q fl
worth up to... 4
See Kih Street Window.
Fancy Muir Peaches, per pound...-. 7o
English Cleaned Currants, per pound.. Ttto
Loose Muscatel Raisins, per pound. 7Vo
Virginia Blackberries, . per pound.- To
California Grapes, per pound... 7o
Fanoy Seeded Raisins, per package.'.., to
the Mew Tork sporting crowd has been
visiting Mew Orleans in such large num
bers winters to attend the racing meeting
at the Crescent city there has made Its
appears nee here one ef the greatest drinks
served fat that southern resort ef hospi
tality. It ta the "Sasarao oocktall," which
first was created at the Basareo eats in
New Orleans, but which now can be ob
tained at any of the leading hotels and
cafes of Mew Tork from Claremont on
the north to the Beaver Street Delmon
loo's on the south. This cocktail is made of
brandy primarily, with a plentiful addition
of Feyahaud Utters,' some vermouth, a
daah ef, absinthe and some sugar, Up to
year or so ago the beverage-was prac
tically unknown In New Tork.
At Claremont. the casino In the park,
McGown'a Pass tavern and other places
frequented by drivers and antomobtllsts a
new drink Is the "Boulanger." It Is made
of half a glass ef French vermouth and
half a glass ef absinthe, to which are
added a few dashes of maraaehlne, Ths
whole la placed In a mixing glass with
shaved toe, and la shaken to the freealng
point. It then Is strained and served la a
glass Ailed out with mineral wates.
A Hot WeeUhaw Balsa,
At one ef the bestrknowa downtown
eefes. located la Park row, there has bean
created what Is called the highland oock
tall. This Is made with half a whisky
glass ef Sootoh whisky as a foundation.
An equal amount ef French vermouth
oomee In next, then half a spoonful of poer.
dered sugar and a dash ef orange bitter.
This la put through the regular oocktall
process and served In a oocktall glass.
The same safe also has been aenrtng a
Creole cobbler, a hot weather balm, of
which a wineglass of sloe gin Is the basio
principle. To this are added one table
spoonful of powdered sugar and ths Juice
of an orange. The whole is put In a mixing
glass Oiled with cracked loo and shaken.
1 1.00
Great Liquidation Sale of Lace
Monday, May 23 at Hayden Bros.
The Sweetsor-rembrook stock, New York City Divided
Into four grand lots.
LOT 11,000 pairs nottlnghams, white
and cream, worth from $1.W
to $2.60 liquidation sale .... y.
Monday per pair ...A aw
LOT S-800 pairs assorted styles and
kinds, worth from S2 to S3.S0, S q
liquidation sale 1.1V
LOT J 1,100 pairs assorted styles and
kinds, worth from $2.60 to a Cfl
4 liquidation sale I05
LOT 4900 pairs assorted styles and
kinds, worth $3.60 to S8.00 O in
liquidation sale Ms5slU
Hat Specials
Th6 greatest line of Hats
you ever saw at the . price
closed out from a large East,
era manufacturer at 83 J cents
on the dollar.
Hats worth up to On
$2.50 at VOL,
Sale begins Saturday and continues
until every hat is sold.
See our 16th Street window.
A Job Lot of Men's. Boys'
.and Children's Straw
Hats, worth up to 75o, your
choioe Saturday
5c, 10c and 15c
Large, Juicy, seedless Lemons, dosen.. JOo
Large, Juicy Sweet Oranges, per dosen llo
Fancy Colorado White Clover Honey,
per rack J3o
Fanoy California Figs, per package... to
It is poured into a glass, which la deco
rated with fruit of the season. '
Ait one of the Broad street bars, where
stock exchange brokers congregate in
large numbers, a new drink known as a
"nigger cocktail" has been invented by
the presiding genius ef the place, A good
stiff drink ef whisky starts this affair,
with the Juice of half a lemon coming In
as a close second. It Is served in a Tom
Collins glass,' with a lump of ice and a
bottle of imported sarsaperllls filling out
the glass. A lemon peel is placed on top.
"Sootoh whistler" Is the product of
one ef the members of the Manhattan club,
and Is an attractive hot-weather drink not
without its advantages In other seasons.
This la made of an admixture of one drink
of Scotch whisky, half a pony of raspberry
syrup and the Juice of one Bine. The whole
is turned Into a highball glass, where a
lump of lco already has been placed. The
effect Is completed when the drink is flxsed
with vichy.
The Zasa oocktall Is not so old but that
It ta new, and It finds favor with many of
the Broadwayltes. It Is made up of dry
gin, Dubonnet and orange bitters, served
in a cocktail glass. A modification of this,
known as the Dubonnet oocktall, is made
of Dubonnet, brandy and orange bitters,
ths only difference being the substitution
of brandy for ths dry gin.
A Few PreaIc Drlaka.
In addition to the really attractive drinks
which the barkeepers have been offering
themselves, or which they have been mak
ing up at the request of old customers,
there have been the usual number of. freak
drinks which have been called for from
time to time at the bars, always to the
greater or lesser astonishment of the gen
ial mixologist. Of these probably the most
astonishing was ordered a few nights ago
of "the Judge' at the Fifth Avenue hotel.
A man walked up to the bar, and without
a quiver la bis voice ordered something
52 Lace Collars 55c
Saturday we piece on sals a sample line
of ladles' lace collars and Ladles' end
Minis' new laoe yokes, -S5c
25c and 35c Ladies' Neckwear 10c
Wo are clnelng out all broken lots of
Ladles' fancy neckweiir. In tlea, top col-
Mrs and collar and cuff
sets, at
25c Stock Collar Foundations 7$c
All slses of the best grade feather hone
stock collars, "T 1
8aturday... 9 W
Hair Ribbons On Sale
No. 40. all silk wash taffeta ribbons,
worth, ac, per yd
No. ) extra heavy wash taffeta, "
worth SOc, per yd
30o all silk Liberty Satin Taffeta Rlbbona
strictly all allk, -
per yd IOC
5c Handkerchief Sale
Handkerchiefs, worth 10c, 16i and 19c, all
to be sold at one e
Prioe... ...OC
Siieclal sale on Ladles' leather and silk
60o Belts
.75 c
$1.00 Belts
JIM Belts
for ;.........
Wash Belts,
Special lot odd curtains, some slight
ly soiled, on bargain table, 8rd floor,
worth up to 14.00 sn
liquidation sale each OUC
The chance of the season to get high ,
medium grade curtains at these prices.
Visit Our
Optical Department
Efficient Service
Low Prices
Fitting by Expert Op
tician Free.
No Experiments.
There has been a big slump In the butter
market. Before purchasing elsewhere get
our prices. We handle nothing but abso
lutely pure butter, made la the finest
creameries in the country.
which be did not attempt to name, but
which was made up of milk, vichy and
several healthy touches of narashlno. The
customer drankdt and got out of the ylaoe
Even this mixture, however, ta not a
marker to the one ordered for years at one
of the down town hotels by a regular who
lunched there daily. This worthy tnsistod
on having a beer cup prepared for him with
all the ceremony that usually attends the
making of a claret oup. The barkeeper
filled the pitcher with the usual fruit stand
of the claret cup, put in the ice and the
suggar and tha rest of it, and then filled
the pftcher with Wurs burger beer. Had
anyone else ordered euoh a drink the mixer
would have refused to serve it, but for
this one customer ft had been made for
yeara. New Tork Times.
Incident of ths Lost Cmh Recalled
by fTae of JesJ Davis
Private georctaryy
The death of Col. Burton N. Harrison,
who was private secretary to President Jef
ferson Davis, removes a prominent figure
In the retreat and capture of Mr. Davis.
As I have before stated in these letters,
ths fate of the confederacy was settled in
a full cabinet meeting held In Charlotte,
N. C. Thereafter plans were discussed and
means used to secure the safe conveyance
of Mr. Davis and his family beyond the
reach ef federal authority. Although Sec
retary of War Breckinridge and Postmas
ter General Reagan and Lieut. Gen. Wade
Hampton were active in this matter. Presi
dent Davis made use ef Secretary Harrison
as his confidential agent in looking after
the asfety of himself and family. It was
Col. Harrison who preceded Mr. Pa vis to
Abbeville, 8. C, with a letter of Introduc
tion to ex-Congresiunaa Burt; ft was Col.
Sample shoes in men's and women's
shoes, worth up to $3.r0. ......,.
Brooks Bros. f3.00 and 3.50 oafords,
kid and patent..
jWomen's vici kid shoes made by a well
known Cincinnati house, worth $2.00..
Men's sample $2.50 and $3.00
oxfords . . . ............
Boys', youths' and little gents' $1.50 satin
calf lace shoes, all sizes
Misses' and Child's $1.60 vici kid, lace
or button shoes ........ ......
Children's hand turn $1.00 lace or
. button shoes, 5-8
Misses' or child's $1.00 dongola lace.
Women's sample slippers and oxfords,
worth up to $2.50.,
Double Trading Stamps
on all shoe purchases Saturday. Agents for the Ultra and Grover
for women, and the Stetson, Crossett and John Mitchell for men.
Men's Furnishings.
75c quality men's underwear, in
our own stock
Saturday at . .'.
$1.00 men's shirts, with or without collars
new, stylish patterns at .......
7Bo men's bsibrlgg&n underwear AQr
maae rrom eea laiana cotton " w
7bo to 98c men's heavy working shirts, dou
ble front ana backs, darn ana Ugnt col
ors, also black aatoen shirts A Qp
Saturday at ..-T'
Ladies' Undermuslins
600 doien ladles' short skirts and fancy
lace and embroidery trimmed corset cov
ers, In all styles worth 25o 1 0rr
to 60o Baturday lyV
too ladles' fine umbrella knit pants
au sizes at
Ladles' Parasols In all the newest shades
borders, from l&OO to
tSo Children's Parasols, assorted colors,
at ... f ..a...,............ ...... a..... .MM. MM M
$125 and $1.60 Chudren'a Fancy Silk FftxavoUi, tb newert hat5a, '
tLEO Ladies' Kid Gloves (guaranteed). aQ the newest hades,
Vw e ee e-eee Mseattese s ewoaee e see aessaissjM
EOo Ladles' Lace lisle Oleves, Parts point stltohlnc
flkt seeeeeesaei ss s ieeitesMMiiessjasssi
LU6' laUI Olorao, Paris point BUtfihliag. newest ihadea,
fiOO 4Uld ensisnti neinnieiii im as essssjsei
13.00 Ladles' Virginia Oleves,
at sisieeeeeesm-ss.e)wei isiii saassssjsyweieawjasjs
Ladles and Children's Heavy Ribbed Hose,
at MMMtMtaeeeelei
Ladles Laoe and Fanoy Stripe Hose, worth 80o and TCo,
at .....................
Ladles Lace end Fancy Hose, worth ffio and sto,
at IIIIIHII I S I I I 1 I I III! llll I'TTI I T ' Tl llT'lllTTII.imil
There is only one leader in the :
business that's us. Read our prloee;
Pork Loins, per pound....... ......... o
Pork Steak, per pound VAo
Spare Ribs, per pound. Bo
Leaf Lard, 10 pKnds ..., gl.oo
Hams (all brands), pound 11c
Baoon Call brands) Uo
Kngllsh Lamb Chops, per pound Uc
gngllsh Larab Roast, per pound so
ngllsh Lamb Steak, fancy, per pound Uo
Rib Roaat Beef, ser Dound. lOo and... to
Chuck Roast (tanay), per po una. ......
sou ijeex, per pouna
Corn Beet, per pound....
Harrison who arranged for the 'best mulee
and wagons for Mr. Davis and family from
Washington, Ga., and it was CoL Harrison
who changed the eeuree of the ether wag
ons from the direction ef Alabama to the
Florida seaooast. Faithful and efficient in
all these matters, then of vital Importance,
he was with Mr. Davis and shared In his
capture May M, 1805, in Irwin county, Ga.
From there be was carried to Macon, thence
to Augusta, and down the river to Savan
nah, From that point the party was 'taken
to Fort Monroe on the steamer Clyde. Of
all the prisoners, however. Cel. Harrison
was' the only oae sent to Washington, D. O.
Ths survivors of the Davis party are "few
and far between." Mra Davis resides much
of the time In New Tork; Postmaster Gen
eral John Reagan Uvea in Palestine, Tex.,
which state 'is also the home of Col. (slnoe
Governor) F. R. Lubbock; Mra Hayes,
daughter of Mrs. Davis, lives, I think. In
Colorado. They are, so far as I know, the
only survivors. Miss Howvll and her
brother, Lieut. Jefferson Davis Howell,
brother and sister of Mra Jefferson Davis,
wwr among the captured. Lieut. Howell
was Imprisoned in Fort McIIenry and later
In Savannah. There were also sent to Fort
McHenry, with Ho we IV a Lieut Hathaway
and a Lieut. Morris. Mr. Davis alone was
kept at Fort Monroe, Senator Clement C.
Clay, Jr., surrendered at Maoon and was
put with the perty there. Later Vloe Presi
dent A. H. Stephens and Lieut Gen. Joseph
Wheeler were added. Stephens and Reagan
were Imprisoned at Fort Warren, In Boston
harbor, but Gen. Wheeler and staff and
Cola. Johnston and Lubbock were sent to
Fort Delaware. Mrs. Davis and children
and Mrs. C. C Clay, Jr., who had Joined
them, were sent back to Savannah from
Fort Monroe. And today, after nearly
forty years, only Mrs. Davis and Mra Clay
and Mrs. Hayes of the females are alive,
but of the male members of the party only
Reagan, Wheeler and Lubbock still survive.
Next to Mrs. Davis, it iseafe to-assert that
Phenomenal Prices on
Shoes for Saturday
fancy; colors, broken lines from
. -J25c
Men's hose In platq and. fan ay
oolors Saturday at
A new lot of boys' shirts and shirt walnta,
worth up to 11.00 Itsrt
Baturday at .. OlC
Ladles fine lisle thread vests, la white-and
oolors, sleeveless, short aleevaa, all slse.s
worth Jgo and SCO Rn
at -w
and! styles, fancy ruffles and
wcrth lfio.
Our candles are not only good to look at,
but they are good to eat They are pure
and wholesome. Eat Hayden'v candles and
be happy. We manufacture all our own
candles and know they are always fresh.
few of the many f pedals!
Home-tMade Fudge, per pound.. ....... JSe
Stick Candy, per peund. ....... ot-... loo
Yankee Peaaui, par e.tlnd.. 15o
Trilby Cups, per peund., i ao
Bultersootch. per pound..........., loo
Lemon Lrope, per peu nd ........ , 13o
Asserted FmK Drops, per pound 12o
Resale, per package to
Secretary Harrison was nearest to Presi
dent Davis and held his private confidences
to the hitter end of the oonfllct Sidney
Herbert In Savannah (QaJ Mews.
Street Railway Company Heady te
Project Walaut Hill Track to
SoeitJk Oaaasua.
Next week the street railway company
will begin to extend the South Thirteenth
street line to Mjnemirl avenue in South
Omaha. General Manager Smith is re-;
sponsible for this statement. If ths weather
conditions ara favorable be feels the
gangs will' get around to this work. The
streets are graded and all ready for ths
tracks. The new track will extend for
about a half mile from Dominion street
south, down the grade of Thirteenth to
Missouri avenue, where It will connect with
the end of the stub Una This la now a.
single track, light rail branch, which Joins
the main line en Twenty-fourth street and
continues south. A new double track will
be laid over this route and later extended
to the Sarpy oounty line. Mr. Smith thinks
the contract for this grading, which
amounts to 1,009 feet, will be let In a short
time. The extension on Thirteenth street
will take the Walnut Hill and Benson' cars
through to the southern boundary of ,
South Omaha.
ladepeadeat Booking Ageaer Quits.
NEW TORK. May . The Independent
Booking Agency, formed two years ago to
oppose the ayndloate, which controls irc.
tlcully all the leading theater east of the
Rocky mountains, has been dissolved. Pa
pers to tills end were signed and the Indo.
pendents will hereafter look after their
booking as individuals.
Sunday's Bee will be pertlcularjjr - inter-,
eating to automobile owners.