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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1904)
TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, MAY IP. 1904. 0 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Weekly Crcp Sammtry Chow ImproTed Cooditioa for Alt Grain VERY SMALL CONTRACT WHEAT STOCKS Omaha Mar Cr still Hlfktr Tkaa Cklrago I pdlke Rarl Srptcm. ber Oats Cash Market Dsll. OMAHA, May 17. 104. The kly crop nummary of tne Depert wnt of Agriculture Is oui. It find tha winter wheat condition Generally better for the week with the exception of the Ohle valley, whk.h la hurt. The wheat la now Heading a far nortn na southern KaniM end Missouri and the harvest has begun tn outhern Texas. On the northern Pacific coast the bulk of the grain la promising, but while the California proapect la good, nnt fulfil the promla if earlier eks. In aprlng wheat tne neavy ralna have prevented the finishing of Seeding in North Dakota and Minnesota, but tneae atatea are nearlv flnUiieH Tha ',. n la up In southern Dakota and Minnesota and looks well.. The Iowa proapect la varla- waamngton naa surrered from cold, tit Oresron I trivnrihl I 'rxwn nil. . I 1 1 been delayed In parte of Nebraska, Kansas no Missouri nut naa made favorable progreaa In Missouri, the' upper Mississippi valley and the Ohio valley. It haa not be gun In Wlaoonaln and New York. Texas corn la In fine condition, but the aouth gen erally la po' r. with Insufficient atand. Oata re generally good. The northwest and the aouthweat report a lightly . Increased moveinent ' from the country, but the contrnct wheat atocka In t hlcaKO are causing speculative Interest and willat least give the acalpera a chance. The stock May 1. this year, was fi1.300 bushels, against for the same date tn W3, 8043.000; for 1.102 6.143,000; for 1901, 9.056,000; end for 1900. 10,660,000. The 18 atock was the last under a nlllinn. Minneapolis has larger atock than last year, but St. Ixiul reports the sale of its faat bushel of No. 2 red winter. Rradstreets figures enow n decrease) In wheat In the east of 4,2.W.OK) and an Increase In Europe of 400.000. leav ing a total world's decrease of S.W.OOfi. torndeereaae ia 1,442,000 and oat decrease May corn on the Omaha floor was PA this morning and the highest In Chlcngo was 4Ho. N. B. tpdlk went after the J-eptember oata and ran them up from 2c to 43Ho before he got any. Then the market cased off .'c. Chicago hlgheet In this future was 47c The range in price of Omaha grain for future delivery and the close Monday and today were aa follows: Closed Opened. High. Low. Today. Mon. Ma v . July . Corn May . Julv . Sept. . 0ts May Julv JHH Bept 29V A aaked. B bid. Local Cash Grain Market. The sample tables were light this morn ing and the business of the cash corn men was small. " The market remained firm at the prlcea of Monday, but the demand was not aa good. Receipts were: Wheat, 2 cars: one week ago, 8 cara. Corn, 13 crira In and .9 cara out: one week, ago, 9 and 6 cars. Onta, 1 car In at)d cars out; one week ago, none. . WHEAT No. 2 hard winter, bo-SSOc; No. I hard wtntet, sOCjcttc; No. 4 hard winter. 'iy?M:; No. 8 spring, koQDuo; No. i spring. CORN-No. 2, 60fl61c: No. 8. 4960c; No. 4. 4M49c; no grade, 39!145c: No. 2 yellow, BIHfe'MUe: No. 3 yellow. KVtfSoiAc; No. 1 white. 6l!SS2c; No. 3 white. 49((i0c. OATS-rNo. 1, 41a; No. 8, 40c: No. 4. 3SU 89c; No. 2 white. 4:43c; No. 3 white, 410 C'c: standard, 4(g4H4c. Holes from the Kxchanare Offices. Omaha grain, atocka are: Wheat. 161.888 bushela; corn, 240, dWt bushela; oata, 42,381 bushels. Contract corn la: Merriam ft Holmqulst. 144,646: Union elevator, 20,385 bushels; total, 164.930 bushels. Omaha Inspections of grain were 87 cara. Of wheat. 2 cars graded No. 8 hard and 1 car No. 4 hard winter; of corn. 13 cara graded No. 2, 15 No. 3, 8 No. 2 yellow and 1 no grade; of oats. 3 cara graded No. 4 white. Exchange visitors were: Theodore Harms, Manley; J. J. gnlndler. Moberly, Wyoming, -Nebvl i. W. Shaniba'ughr ClarM inns, ia. ; k.. mtxnnii, .vvniiern; i. j. car roll, Gothenburg; J. T. Evana, South Bend, and George A. Adams, Kansas City. '- Closing Prices at Other Faints. Closing prices of grain today and Satur day at the markets named were as follows: CHICAGO. Closed Today. Mon. KKUB ....... 80'i M 78 9S 79 45 43H 3SV. 29vs 94 78 42$ 384, 291 PS B 79 B 60 45 93B 78 B 60 B 44 V. H 43 A 42 B 4IHB 42HB 3SR 8SB 20B 29 B Wheat July .. Sept. . .. Bept . Wheat July .. Sept. . Corn July ., Bept . Wheat July .. Sept. . Corn , July t. Sept, . J&HA KANSAS CITY .... 47MB 48 B i a 4.M 434 il ST. LOUIS. .. 76HB 74B .. 70HA 43T4B 42, MINNEAPOLIS. .. 844 .. 8H .474 464 811 46H Wheat July . Sept . Wheat July . Sept . Wheat- July Sept. A asked Bbld. DULUTH. NUW YORK. 3H m eOB 804B 92HB 914 804 9i i3 90 83 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS r'eatares of the Tradlnc and Closlnaj Prlcea on . Board of Trade. CHICAGO, May 17. With only four car loads of wheat expected to arrive in Chi cago tomorrow otftclu.1 figures today showed that contract stocks here are the smallest In ten years. As a result the July delivery closed with a gain of Tsc Corn is down 4c Oata are off 4c. Provisions show an ad vance of 24Q'6c. July wheat advanced 4c to 854SW64c. After selling up to &ii74:, July closed at 864c. Clearances of wheat end flour were equal to H9.4UI bu. Primary receipts were 19.0O0 bu., compared with 1S36.4W bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago re ported receipts of 83 cars, against 13i cars al week and 158 cars a year ago. Coin was depresed. July opened un changed to 44('c higher to 4Ml-i14o, sold down to 47o and cloned at 474c. Local re ceipts were 71 cars, with. 4 of contract grade, Outs were Inclined to weakness. After opening unchanged to 4o lower at 3K4ai 3.-4' J"' declined to ic and closed- at 884c. luteal rei-eipta were 124 cars. Provisions were firm un a moderate de mand from packers with only light offer ings. Small uneipts of houx and higher prices at the yards were bull factors. July pork closed with a gain of 10c at 111.874 July lard and ribs wera each Up 24o at 474. Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat, 4 cars, corn, 3 cars; oats, 37 cars; hogs, 27,OuO head. The leading futures ranged follows: articles I Open. I Illtrb.l Low. Close. Ys'y. "Whet May July 'bJuly b tept. Corn Msy July Sept. Oats May July pt. . rork July tWpl. Sept. Itlhs July Sept. !9444f M4 M 87 tt'HI M4Sl'ii kiV"4i7 '4 80 7-!ilU 80 794 47 474 44 484'44S'4 474 4 .' V, 4644" 41J 41f 414 3841BSI 4I t4 S04U4I 3t4l304j4 1 OSS I K4 11 324? H 374 11 80 f 11 874 H 274 11 6241 U 60 U 60 U 674 U 474 t 474! t 60 i 45 474 I 4S (4! 8 66 (624 tfc4 j I 45 4741 ( 46 ( 474 ( 45 0 t 0241 6 624 60 M4 04 i&4 46 474 47 l 4a 47 474'H 41 414 8K4 88S 304l3o4i4 No. t a OU. b New. Fl.Orn Dull and steady; winter patents, 34 704t4 80; straights. $4 4tKii4.M; spring pat ents. I4.VVi4.60i atrsights, 83.9utU4.10; bakers, J Afti 3 30. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 9Cff8c; No. 8 863 c: No J rod, 3! 04'U.06. CORN No. 3, 4c; No. I yellow. 6.e. OATS No. 2, ;ViH-M-o; No. 8 white, 41(3 ic HYrVKo. 2. Tic. HAHLEY Good feeding. 35ft3Sc; fair t choice maltll . 4. ).'. SEEDS No. 1 flax. 4c: No. 1 northwest ern. $1.': Pdine timothy, IS; clover con tract grade. 110 76. f'KiJYliMONS- Mss pork, per bbl., (list ai. Lard per loo lbs., itu3;4. Short rlhs sides. (Iooee Kis-JKITH; short clear sides, (boxed 1 t4.2Ml90. The following were the recelpta and ship ments yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls.. 15.fot) 12.60 Wheat, bu 8.o sl.W Corn, bu I04.MO 41.50) Oats, bu l0.or 2S4.5O0 Rye bu M. Barley, bu 22.0OO 8.900 On the Produce exchange today the butter market was steady; creamery. 131lc; dairy. 12igi7 Eggs, steady, at mark, cases Included, 1540164c. Cheese, weak, 844c- 5EW YORK GENERAL, MARKET 4inotatlona of the Day on Vnrlona Commodities. NEW YORK, May 17 FIvOUR-Recelrts, .31 bbls.; experts, 7.128 bbls.; sales, .O0 packagea; market waa quiet but ateady. Minnesota patents. 8&.0O'a6.26: Minnesota bakers. 34.00-54 20; winter patenta, IS OWS So; winter ntraighta, M&ya600; winter extraa. P. 364.00; winter low grades, 83. 16ft 3 80. Rye flour steady: fslr to good, 83.9wa4.16; choice to fancy, 34.16 4 50. CoKNMEAL Steady: yellow western, 81.0RI&1.10; city, I1.10S1.12; ""n dried, 33.08 3.10. RYE! Steady; No. 2 western. 70c spot BAHLEY Steady; feeding, 49c. c. I. f. New York; malting. 55&c. c. I. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 3.0uO bu.; sales, 8,700,000 bu., futures, spot market firm; No. 2 red, 31.06 elevator; No. 2 red. 1.07' f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, fl.00 afloat; No. 1 Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b, afloat. The market closed 4'lSo net higher. Sales Included No. 2 red. May, I3Hfi94c. closed at 844c; September, Ki 8-16 0844c cloeed at 83c; December, 834&834c closed at 834c CORN Receipts, 3,226 bu.; exports. 670 bu.; sales, flfi.OOO bu., futures. 8pot market firm, No 2, E54c elevator and 67c f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 white. 67c. Option market was Irreg ular. May being 4c net higher at 674-i64c, closed at 694c; July, 634(0340. closed at 634c; September, b'Aftb'Zlbc, closed at 62-4o. OATS Receipts, 46,000 bu.; export. 40,616 bu.; spot market firm: mixed, 26 to 8! lbs., 4ic; natural white, 48fi)60c; clipped white, 36 to 40 pounds, 6iKg634c; options nominal. FEED Firm; spring bran, 321.60: June shipment, middlings, $22.70; June shipment, cltv, 824.0O24.dO. TALLOW Easy; city, 84c; country, 44e. HAY Quiet; snipping, tw440c; good to choice. 964(07c. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1903 crop, 26ia.36e; 1902 crop. 2326c: olds, 'f 14c. Pacific coast, 1903 crop, 4ifj"3oc; 1902 crop, 23fp26c; olds, 9014c. 1UDE8 Steady; Galveston, Vf to 25 lbs., 18c; California, 21 to 25 pounda, 19c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 pounds, 14c. LEATHER Steady; acid, 23026c. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 34 54c; Japan, nominal. ' WOOL Firm ; domestic fleece, 28032c. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. $9 50 610.50; mens, $8 0O?,s.50; beef hams, $20.00 jj 21.50; packet. $8.5eu9.60; (Aty extra India mess, 314.00 16.00. Cut meats, Inactive; pick led bellies, $6.2507.00; pickled shoulders, $6.50; pickled hams, $9.50010.00. Lard firm; western steamed, $6.90; May closed at $6.90, nominal; refined steady; continent. $i.95, Pork, dull, family, $13.50: short clear, $13.00 1450; mess. $12.75(6113.25. SUGAR Raw, Arm; fair refining, 8 6-16c; centrifugal, 96 test, 3 13-16ft34c; molasses sugar, 3 1-164t34c Refined, ilrm; crushed, 6.66c; powdered, 4.95c; granulated, 4.86c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 14.204c; state dairy, common to choloe, 1319c. CHEESE Irregular; old, 8Ullc; new, 6 7V- EGOS Steady; western gtoraga selec tions, 18184o. St. Itnla Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, May 17. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, $1.06; track, $1,084; July. 844; September, 8014c; No. 2 hard, 960984c. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 61c; track, 62 53c; July, 474c; September, 464c OATS Weak No. 2 cash, 41c; track, 424c July, 37c; September. 304c; No. 3 white. 46c FLOUR Quiet and unchanged; red win ter patents, 34.9005.00; special brands 16 25c. higher; extra fancy and straight, $4.60 4.85; clear, $3. 9004.15. SEED-Tlmothy. $2.4002.66. CORN MEAL Steady; $2.40. BRAN Quiet; sacked, east track, $1.00. HAY-Steady; timothy, $8.00010.46; prai rie. $6.0009.50. IRON COTTON TIES 82c, BAGGING 64c HEMP TWINE 6ci PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing. 811.60. Lard, slightly higher; prime steain, $6.00. Bacon, steady ;. short clear ribs, $7.50 short clear, $7.75. POULTRY Steady; chickens, 94c; springs, 22c; turkeys, 10c; ducks, 8c; geese, 6c. BUTTER Lower; creamery, 16020c; dairy, lO017o. h.ujti mgner at ik. case count. V 1 Flour, bbls) .....6.5)0 ... , 1 7.000 Wheat, bu ... 26,000 . 116,000 Corn, bu , 74,000 68.000 Oats, bu ..63,000 . 47,000 Kansas City Grain ana Provisions. KANSAS ' CITY. May 17. WHEAT Bteady; May, 88c; July. 7640764c: Septem ber, 7040704c; cash. No. 8 hsrd, o06c; No. 8. 840924c; No. 2 red, $1.0101.08; No. 3. 6c0$l.OO. CORN-Migher; May, 47c, July, 434 434c; September, 4140411ic; cash. No. 1 mixed, 524c; Mo. 8, mc; rxo. 3 wmto, uw; Mo 8 R2ffl53c. . OATS-Steady; No. 2 white, 434c; No. 2 mixed, 42c. hay Steadv: choice timothy. 310.60(3 U.0O; choice prairie, 37.7608.00. RYE Nominal; 65c. BUTTER Creamery. 15017C; dairy, fancy, 15c. EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas City, cases returned, 124c; new, No. 1 whltewood cases included, 134c. Keoeipts. tsrupments. Wheat, bu ..68.)0 25,200 Corn, bu 46,400 46,600 Oats, bu 4,000 8,000 Visible Sapply of Grain. NEW YORK. May 17. Special telegraphic and cable communications received by Bradstreeta show the following changes In visible supplies, as compared with the previous account: Wheat United Statos and Canada; eaat Of the Rockies, decrease 4.237,000 bushels; afloat for and In Europe. increased 4t,uuu Dusneis wmimi supply, lie creased 8,837,000 bUBh. Corn United States and Canada, eaat of the Rockies, decreased 1,442.000 bushels. Oats United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decreased 1.128.000 bushela. The leading decrease reported this week are: 1,816 bushels at the r ort wiiuam ana r-ori Ar thur elevators, 936,000 bushels In Manitoba; 129.000 bushels at the Chicago private ele vators, 100.000 bushels at the north western Interior elevators and 98,000 bushels In Omaha. The leading Inorease Is that of 177,000 bushela at Depot Harbor. Philadelphia Prodaeo Market. PHILADELPHIA, May 17. BUTTER Steady, fair demand; extra western cream ery, 21c; extra nearby prlnta, 28c. EGGS Firm, good Inquiry; freeh nearby, 174c at mark; fresh western, 174c: fresh southwestern. 174c; fresh southern. 164c. CHEESE Steady, fair demand; New York full creams, choice to fancy, 840940; New York full creams, fair to good. 84c. Dnlath Grain Market. DULUTH, Minn.. May 17.-WHEAT-In store: No. 1 hard, 937c; No. 1 northern, 9J4c; No. 2 northern, 84o. To arrive: No. 1 hard, 954c; No. 1 northern, 944o; No. 2 northern, 9lo. On track: No. 1 northern, 9i40W4o: No. 2 northern, 8940924o; May, 824c; July. 924c; September. 814c OATS On track and to arrive, 42c. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May 17. WHEAT May, M4c: July, 924ft24c; September, 804e. On track: No. 1 hard, 9404c; No. 1 north ern 9540964c; No. 2 northern, 9340440. FLOUR First patenta, $6.0006.10; sec ond patenta, $4. 9ft u 6 00; first clears, $3,609 8 60; second clears, $2.50. BRAN In bulk. $l.5017.00.- Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. May 17. WHEAT-lc higher; No. 1 northern. 784c; No. 2 north ern, 964097c; old July, 874c asked, RYE-lo higher: No. 1. 77c. BARLEY Steady ; No. 2. 68c; sample, 32 062c. CORN-Steady; No. 3, 60053c; July, 474 0474c bid. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. May 17 8EED8 Clover, cash, $6.25; October, $586; prime alaike. $6.16; August, $6.36; prime timothy, $1.40; Sep tember, $1.46 bid. I'oltnn Market. LIVERPOOL. Msy 17. COTTON-Spot In light demand; prices 16 points higher; American middling, fair, 7 84d; good mid dling, 7.70d; middling, 713d; low middling, T 4Kd; good ordinary, 7.36d; ordinary, 7 lii3. Futures opened Arm and closed easy; .American, g. o. o.. May-June, 7 07d; June July. 7.22d; July-August. 7 18d: August September, 8.24d; September-October. 87d; Octolier-November, Slid; November-December, 8 04d; December-January, 8 Old; January-February, t.06d. NEW ORLEANS. May 17 -COTTON-Futures steady; May. 13 35013 40c; June. 13 55c bid: July. 13.7901S ic; August, 12 92 012 93c; September, llbO 11 Sc ; October, 11.0pll : November, 10. 94t 10 95c ; Decem ber, io 91010 fc'c; January, 10 !ii 10 97c. NEW ORLBAN8. May 17 COTTON Quiet; salea, $75 hales; ordinary. 13 8-16c; good ordinary, 24c: low middling, 134c; middling, 134c; good middling. 13 ll-l&c; retpts. 1.8i baleei stock. 174 942 bsles, ST. LOUIS. May 17. COTTON Quiet and unchanged; middling. 134c: aalae, none; receipts, none, ahliimenta, bales; atock, 12,092 Lelta. NEW YORK STOCKS 'AND BONDS Downward Pressure fishied and Ehup Ba;iag Lifts Prices. EVIDENT MARKET HAS BEEN OVERSOLD Seearltles Which goffered the Most from Recent Decllaee Make tho Qnlekest mm atrontjest Recoveries. NEW YORK, Msy 17. The pressure of liquidation on a small scale which naa kept prices of stocks tending downward for several days, was relaxed today. This fact seemed to be the principal motive for the buying which lifted prices. In the language of tho Stock exchange the mar ket had become oversold. The fact that stocks which have suffered most from re cent declines mads the sharpest recoveries today and that the brokerage houses which did the buying were in some Instances the same which had been conspicuous in the selling, were the grounds for a conviction that covering of shorts was largely re sponsible for the rally. Winter wheat waa reported improving In the west, and the progress of spring wheat seeding showed the same mixture of conditions. Unfavorable condition of the cotton crop waa according to expec tation. There were no additions to the engagements of gold for export and the rise In call money rates i checked, but the tone cf the time money market was firm. The winding up of the United States Steel stock conversion syndicate was with out disturbing effect, either on the money market or the United States Steel stocks. A drop In United States Rubber stocks, on the publication of the annual report, was an example of the Inability of the market to absorb offerings of stock accumulate! In anticipation of the report. The Erie stocks were acutely sensitive to the reac tion In the market. Trading become wholly uninteresting In the latter part of the day. The cloning was quite firm, but the final rally was slight. Bonds were steady. Total sales par value $1,640,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Following waa the range of prlcea on the Stock exchange; Sales. Hiah.Low. Close. 14,700 64 674 6S4 144 144 UK) 189 19'4 6,400 1394 1384 134 1764 294 904 144 109 174 694 144 60 204 174 19 f : 6S4t 344 624 784 100 14 100 854 1,200 lt?4 600 1 43 144 60 20 154, 1544 154 Zi4 19 8 17 68 14 61 24 21T4 674 834 614 7H4 19 65 22 67 834 614 S 100 200 400 100 400 600 '"ioo 100 1,000 8,300 1,700 600 600 300 1384 1284 1284 164 33 n 11-4 354 354 KKr 1074 1424 1424 75 2,100 1104 HO 110 114 65 700 20i 204 Atchison do pfd 800 914 914 91" B. & O T.900 78 774 774 do pfd 804 Cun. Pacific 200 117 1164 1164 Central of N. J 1 Ches. A Ohio 00 294 4 Chicago & A..... do prd Chicago Ot. Western 1,200 C. & N. w C. M. & St. P do pfd Chicago T. & T... do pfd C. C. C. A St. L, Colo. Southern do 1st pfd ,., do 2d pfd Del. A Hudson.... Del., L. & W D. & R. Or do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d Did Hocking Valley... ao pro. 111. Central Iowa Central , do pfd K. C. Southern.... do pfd Ij. & N Manhattan L Met. Securities....: Met. St. Ry Minn. & St. L , M . St. P. & S. Ste M. 600 624 63 C2 do pfd K 120 11S4 114 Mo. Pacific 4,000 894 884 894 M., K. & T 300 I64 154 154 do pfd 400 344 344 844 Nat l R. R. of M. pfd N. Y. Central..- 300 114 Norfolk & W 300 654 do rfd Ontario A W Pennsylvania 29.100 1134 112 P., C, C. & Bt. Lt Reading 6.000 414 do 1st pro ioo 15 do 2d pfd Rock Island Co 6,900 21 - do sfd 400 644 St. L. A S. F. 2d pfd , . St. Louis S. W 200 124. do rfd..... So. Paclfio 10,000 454 So. Railway ..J.. K)rjir do prd zw t ft Texas & Pacific 7o0 21 Tol., St. L. & W 100 244 da Dfd 00 874 Union Pacific 18.900 82 do pfd 400 904 Wabash loo 1 do Pfd 1,800 334 W. 4 Lake Erie Wis. Central 100 17 do pfd.,. 200 384 Mex. Central 1,600 . 74 Adams Ex Amer, Ex - U. 8. Ex Wells-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper 20,100 494 Amer. Car A F 100 164 do Dfd Amer. Cotton Oil do pfd Amer. Ice 200 6 do pfd 4W 27 Amer. Unseed Oil.... 800 8 do Dfd 4tK HI Amer. Locomotive.... 100 174 do Dfd Amer. Smelt. & R do pfd Amer. Sugar Ref.. Anaconda M. Co... Brooklyn K. T Colo. Fuel & I Con. Gas , Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities. Oen. Electric Inter. Paper do Dfd Inter. Pump do pfd Nat'l Lead No. American Pacific Mail 400 People's Gas l.l'H rressea oieei jar. ... w do pfd 100 Pullman P. Car Republlo Steel. . 200 do pfd 600 Rubber Goods 600 do tfd Tenn. Coal & 1 1,700 V. S. Leather... ..'... ' 4o0 do pfd 100 U. 8. Realty 200 do pfd 8n0 U. S. Rubber 1.100 do pfd 1.800 U. S. Steel 6 100 do pfd v. 46,900 Westfngh. Eleotrlc Western Union 600 Ex-dlvldend. Total sales for the day, 272,400 shares, Boston Stock Quotation BOSTON. May 17 Call loans. 2gS4 per cent; time loans, 3044 per cent. Official dosing of stocks and Jionds: Atrhlwm adj. 4a tl WeaUns. common .... 77 do 4i i"u aavantura 1 . 6 AllOUM 4 . 1741 Amlcimte in . Amriin Zlaa u Boston Albtnr M All.ntlo Boston Main l Hlnshani 20 i 1. Hecla 40 .11 lantasnlal 19Uj . ISi'Ooppar Rang 42 .1H6S4 Daly Wert n . 7m. Dominion Coal SAW . J4 Franklin . 7 . 14 lOranry a do pfd 71V1U Rnral IU Amr. Pnau. Tube.... 4 Maai. Mlulng t Amir. Sugar 1164 Mlrhltan 4 do p(d 1 Mohawk stUj A mar. T. T lit Old Dominion m, Amar. Woolea 10 Omnia 0 do prd 1' Parrot 14 Dominion I. A 104 Qulner 10 Kdlaon Elae. Illu... !M Shannon 714 Gaa. ElM-u-lo l'J Tamarack to Maal. Klactrlo 174Trlitt7 i to pfd W I'. B. Mining i0 Maaa. Oat 41 II 8. Oil In lied Fruit W l'h i3 I'nltod Boot Macs.. 4 Victoria s do pfd ts I Winona a V. 8. Siaal.., H Wolarloa to do pfd MVti Bid. Asked. 484 104 64 264 8 274 174 43 . 300 400 2.300 126 19,600 600 8,600 900 8,100. 194 w1 f PI 444 454 214 29 2074 2094 104 104 244 8.)4 254 67 874 87 St Mex. Central 4s. Aichiaon do ptd Boaton Klavalad . Kllchburg ptd ... Mex. Central n. r.. n. h. h. Para Marquette ..... tlnloa Pat inc. Amer. Arga. Cham. Mew York Mining Slocks NEW YORK. May 17 The followln the closing prioes on mining stocks Adams Cob Ontarle Alice P'", Br.ece 1 Puuonlx Brnnawlcli Con Potoal Coitietock Tunnel .... 1 savage Con. Cel. Vt 1M Sierra Nevada Hors illrer 1 8mall Hopes . LedTtllo Cee I standard Lmie Ckial 8 g are ...IM ....600 .... t .... Id .... 10 ...r it .... II ....I0S Foreign Financial RERUN. Mav 17. Exchange on Iondon 30m 44pfgs for checks. The discount rate for short bills was 34 per cent and for three months' bills 2'i per cent. The weekly statement of the Imperial Rank of Germany anuws ine roiioeving ciianges: ( -aah on hand increased 13,40O.0uim, treasury notes Increased 1.i',0iiii, other securities decreatted i2.auX)m and notes In circula. Hon decreased 3.6).uouiii. business on ths bourse tooa v was stiignant. PARIS, May 17. A heavy depression pre vailed on trie bourse today and Russian securities generally were arrecteu Kusalan imycnai ciosea tvt w.tu. tuo Tlntoa lost 4f. Three per cent rentes, Mf 70e for the account. I.ONI0, May 17. A pletriora of money In the market today weakened discounts. Consols were easier. Home rails were Ir regular. Americans at first were weak on persistent Wall street realisations, but later thev slightly re.-overed to above rmrltv. The miirket closed firmer. Grand Trunk was easier. Sew York Stoner Market. NEW YORK, May 17. MONFY On call. eav at lVfj'24 per cent: clotn hid and offered. 1 per cent. Time loans, firm: 00 and 0O days. I per cent: months. 3,T4 per cent. Trlme mercantile paper, 3ig44 P8TERLINa BXCHANOK Stendv. With actual business In bankers' bills at H.ftfiM for demand and at $4 5 for 80 days' bills: posted rates. 4.854W4.,6 and 84. 88; commer cial bills. 84 4. SILVER Bar. 564c, Mexican dollars, 444c. ItOrct'S Qoveriment, steady; railroad, steady. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: V. . ref. in, rg....ln4 da coupon do M. reg do coupon do - new 4e. reg. . do eoupon do old 4e. reg... do coupon Atrhleon gen. 4a. . . do ad. 4a Atlantic C. L. 4a. B. At O. 4a do IS Central of Os. ta. do let Inc.. ManTnman c. s. 4s. ..lvJV. ...1"44 Mex. Central 4a ? . . .If1, do 1st Inc 114 ...inoV Minn. & Si L 4a.... t .. .1124) M., K. A T. 4a 1W4 M.. K. A T. la 7 ...1H4 N. R. R. ef M. e. 4. 74 ...104In. y. c. g 1H H mi- .v. J. r. g. Be 131 ... fin. ... f6Vi ...1I1 No. Paclfio 4a do 3a , N. A W. a. 4a O. 8. L. 4a par.. .lMVilPenn. coht. 4i. Hearting gen. 4a. .1044 . 72S . 74 . P4V . ft fTiea. A Ohio 44a....lnSl1'Bt. L. A I. M. c. H..11S4 Chicago A A. C. B. A Q. n. 4a ... C. M. A S. P. g 4l..lf C. A N. W. c. 7....l? C, R. I. A f. 4s.... U do col. it 7 r.C.C. A S. L. g 4e..li4 ctilcaro Ter. 4b 77 Con. Tobacco 4a if 1010. ex ao. 4a II. K. O. 4a Erie pelsr Ilea 4a. do gv 4b r. w. Tt. c. ).i..iov. Hockiua Val. 4. 1117 i'cai. r. a I x 70.V LAN. uol. ta 1004 urrertd. 7H St. LAS F. tg. 4a. 114 b. 8. W. la f4Vt Seaboard A. L. 4a.... 70 So. Pacific. 4a II So. Rat I war llvk Toxai A p. la 11" T.. St. L. ft W. 4a.. 70 tnlon Paclftc 4a l4Vi do cone. 4e PH t'. 8. Bteel Id Sa 72H Wabaeh ll 114H do deb. B 54 W. A L. K. 4a TVIa. Central 4a .. 4 f4 , H34 K4 London Stock Market. LONDON, May 17. -Closing: Console, money ao account Anaconda ... Atchiwm do pfd ... Baltimore A Ohio. . so 0 1-1 . . . .,' ... K9H ... SM ... Tn Canadian Paclfio lift. dies. A Ohio. Chicago Ot. W... C. M. A Bt. P.. DeBeera D. A R. O dO Dfd Erie do 1st pfd.... do 2d nli Illinois Central . Louis. A Naah.. M., K. A T .. 30 ... 144 ...141 ... I9'4 ... 14 ... ... 22 S ... 40 ... IS ...13J ... I"V 164 N. Y. Central.. Norfolk A W.. do prd Ontario A W.. Pennsylvania .. Hand Mines ... Reading do 1st pfd... do id pfd.. 80. Railway ... do pfd So. Paclfio .... Union Paclflo . do pfd V. 3. Steel do pfd Wabaeh do pfd Spanish 4a ... ..117 .. 57. .. .. 114 .. (14 .. " S .. 394 .. so 4 .. 104 .. e44 .. 444 .. 144 .. M4 .. 4 ..44 .. 14 .. 144 124 KILVBR Bar, quiet, 25 8-16d per ounce. ivjvjin,r. 1 per cent. The rate of discount In the nnen market for short bills is 2 per cent; for three months' b!!ls, 2 per cent. knnk Clearings. OMAHA. May 17. Dank olearlnrs for to day, 81.345,922.00, an increase of 89,033.11 over the corresponding day last year. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Condition of Trside and Quotations on Staple nnd Fancy Prodnoe. EGOS ReceiDts. liberal: market steadv: fresh stock, 15c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 94c; roosters, according to size, 64; 8c; turkeys, 13c: ducks. 0c; geeao, 6c. fci b it hJR Packing stock, 114c; choice to funcy dairy, 14i&'16c; separator, 20c. FRESH FISH Trout, 12c; pickerel, 10c; pike, 12c; perch, 7c; Dluetlsh, 12c; White hall, 12c; salmon, 14c; redsnapper, 11c; lob ster, green, 2bc; lobster, boiled, 80c; bull heads, 11c; cattish, 14v: black base, 80o; tiaiiDut. 10c: crapples, lie: roe shad. 85c: shad roe, 35c; buffalo, 7c; white baas. Ho; irog legs, per aoz., bdo. BRAN Per ton, $18.60. HAY Prices u noted bv Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 up land. 88.00: No. 2. 87.50: medium. 87 00: coarse, $6.50; rye straw, $5.00. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair and receipts light. ORANGES Navels, choice, large slxe, $2.25&2.60; fancy navels, all sizes, $2.783.00; Mediterranean sweets, all sizes, $2.26; Jaf fa s. all sizes, $2.60. LEMONS California fancy, 300 to 860. $3.60; choice. 240 to 270, .$3.00jS.26. j CALIFORNIA FIGS-Per 10-lb. carton, 86c; imported Smyrna ,2-oxown, 12c; 6 crown, 14e; 7-crown 16c. .- I BANANAS Per medium sized bunch, $2.00&2.60; Jumbo, $2,7613.26. 1 DATES Peralan, per- bo., of 80 pkgs., $2.00; in 80-lb. boxes, -6C per lb.; oriental stuffed dates, per boxy $2.40. ' PINEAPPLES In crates of 24 to 43. pep crate, 83.50. fKuiTU. . . APPLES Oregon fancv Hen nnvte nnr box, 81.60; New York export Russets and Baldwins, $4.00. STRAWBERRIES Arkansas, nee 4 case, $2.0O2.26. CHERRIES-Callfornla, per box, 1.60a 1 1.76. - VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado tl in- TIiUaii . bu., $1.10: new Texas Red stock. In sacltA, per lb., 24f 24c. inavy bkams Per bu., $2.162.2B. ONIONS Bermuda, per 60-lb. crate. 82.00. CABBAGE California. ner lh ... On- outhern, per crate, $2.70. CIICUMBKKH Per do., 8676c. TOMATOES Florida. nr eVhueket nr.. fancy 82.60; choice, $2.26. xtAiiiBtii-.H i-er aoz. Duncnes, 86S60c. LETTUCE Top lettuce, per doz." 46c. TURNIPS-Southern, per doz., 46c BEETS Southern, per doz., 76o. CARROTS Southern, per do.. 76a PARSLEY Per doz., 40c. 1 BEANS Wax. Der bu. box. ta.OO; Mne per bu. box, $2.00. BfiniActi Per du., ttome grown, WmOo. ASPARAGUS Per dozen bunches, 46flJ)50o. GREEN PEPPERS Par K-haek.t $2.00. KM3 PLANT Per doz., $1.00. SQUASH Florida summer per doz., 75c. PEAS-Per bu. box, $2.00. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream 11c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block dwipb, joc; vviHconsin oricg, 134c; WUcon sln llmberger, 13c. CIDER Per bbl., $6.60; per 4 bbl., $3.26. MAPLE SUGAR-Ohlo, per lb., lOo. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1' veal calf, 8 to 12 Iba., 94c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 Iba., 64c; dry aalted hides, MUc; sheep pella, 24Cfl.'27c; horsehldes, $1.60(52.60. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12o! pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., lOc; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roaated peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts. 12iirl34c; large hickory nuts, per lh., 11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard ahell, 13c; shell barks, per bu., $2.00; black walnuts, per bu., $i.a. ' Wool Market. ' BOSTON, May 19 WOOL Old wools are tn this market. Manufacturers are watch ing the courae of affairs closely, though they are not prepared to take hold of the new wools at buyers' prlcea. A conserva tive estimate places values at least 6 per cent above last year. There Is an air of confidence In the future of the market, which is held not only by the trade, but by mills which have been buyers In the field. Territory and pulled wools are quiet. The market for foreign wools Is held firm by conditions abroad. Prlcea on wools In this market are practlcuily unchanged, the range being about as follows: Ohio and Pennsylvania, XX and above, SK&ISc; No. 1, 3oij)31c: No. 2, 'il'it'iZc; lino unwaahed. 22 4l23c; one-quarter, tliree-eightha and one half blood, unwashed, 25'Ui'.4o; fine washed delaines, 334c. Michigan, X and above, 2'.'tic; No. 1, 'SKUtc; No. 2, 282c; fine un wushod, 21(fi22c; onc-uuarter, three-eighths and one-hulf blood. 244f25c: fine washed delaine, 8icn32c. Kentucky. Indiana, etc., three-eighths blood,. 26i2rtc; one-quarter blood, 2WJ6c; braid, 22fi23c. Territory, Idaho, fine, WMilhc; heavy fine, 13(jl34c; fine medium. 15Ulii4c; medium, 1617c; low medium, lTlfjlSe. Wyoming, fine, MVfloc; heavy fine. 18SlS4o; fine medium. 15ul54c; medium, ltfrilSc; low medium, 18(0-19o. Utah hnd Nevada, 144'9'16c; heavy tine, 134o; fine medium. 154?5l6o; medium, l.'ril9e; low medium, KHJSoo. Dakota fine. lilSc; fine medium. 18164; medium, 18i$19c; low me dium. 19tt20c. Montana, fine, choice, Wet lc; fine average, 17(fjlSe; fine medium, choice. lSftlftc; average. KW17c; staple, lHHj) 18c; miHllum, choice, 1IW19-. LONDON, Mny ll WOOL A selection amounting to 7.522 bales was offered at tho wool miction sales today. Merinos were ac tive. A moderate supply of croas-breds wus sold quickly, the home trade taking the bulk. America bought a few lota of me dium croaa-hreds at high rates. Half-bred combings were In keen demand and were taken by French buyers. Cape of flood Hope wools were In better demand and low grades were steadier. Following are the hi. lea In detail: New South WHles, 600 bales; scoured, is 4d'vis wi; irreaey, 7Vad7 In. Queensland. 3o bulen: scoured, lid. Vic toria. 600 bales; scoured HSils 4d: greasy, li,tnl lWi South AtiHtralla. lano h&ie: scoured. Is 2diTna 3d. Went Australia. O0 bales; greasy, tun lid. rnsmsrila, 340 bales sititired, Is: greasy. 6?114d. Cape of Good" Hope and Natal, ' rmies; greasy, 4?td. I'unta Arenas. 100 bales; greasy, sffti4d. T. TiOUIS. Mav 17 WOOLr-Steadv: me. dlum grad. combing and clothing. 17 tic; light fine. 144) 17c; heavy Can. UQlic; tuD-wasnea, mv OMAUA LIVE SIOCH MARKET Bir Ban of Cattle, bnt Mwkit Baled Active, with Price. Etrorigef. HOGS SOLD- GENERALLY STEADY Only n Few Cars of Sheep and Lambs on Sale nnd Quality Mot Very Good, bnt Practleally Everytklng Sold . at Afcoet Steady Prices. 8OUTH OMAHA, May 17, 1904. Receipts were. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Official Monday 2.43V 6,x 3.u5 Official 'luesday 4.4aO 14,900 l.tuu Two days this week.... .8k9 19.9iS ,i96 Same da.vs luat week.. . 7.313 14.3M Same days week bofore.. 10,16 19tU Same three weeks ago..lo.nV 111. '2 i,4 Some four weeks ago. ...11.649 ..t.9 17.S-1 Br. me days last year 6,9o7 12,616 7,776 RECE1P1S FOR THE 1 EAR TO DATE. The toll iwlug table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to dale with comparisons with last year: 1904. 1903. Inc. Dec. Cftttle 866.99 StS.442 1.643 Hogs 954,534 8 78.648 75.SS8 Sheep 24,92ti 4,M7 134,029 Average prices paid for nogs at Sojth Omaha for the last several days with comparison: Date, j May 1... V4mv 1 May $... May 4... May 6... May ... May 7... May 8... May 8... May 10.. May II.. Mav 12 .vlay 1J.. May 14.. May 16.. May 16.. May 17.. 4 68 4 664) 6 64l 4 0341 54C 4 6741 4 t4 01 4 6141 4 604 4 6O4! 4 6241 6 76, 6 e 721 86 63 6 63, ( 63 .'641 t 46 8 41 6 86 t 32 36 8S( 6 SOI 1 l 7 01 a 1 7 03 9 6 K3 7 IX' I 7 t 7 07 a 8 W, 7 05 7 12 7 12 7 07 7 13 5 64 6 71 6 Til 6 64 6 (7 t Ml 6 641 6 661 6 61( i 661 e j 6 6S 6 ill 6 661 6 681 6 72 6 2 I" 6 17 i 34 6.22, t 21 6 lOi 6 U 6 16; t 16 6 16 617! 6 21 6 23 6 201 $ ei 8 66 $ 661 880 3 8 3 68 8 93 8 83 8 80 3 6; 3 64 3 69 3 t 8 62; 2 62 8 61 1 8 001 4 36 4 23 8 67 ' 8 63 4 25 3 60 4 46 89 8 95 3 97 Indicates Sunday, brought In today by each road was: I'alll. 1.0. flhb.... II'. a C.j M. ft 8t. P. Ry.... 2 16 ..' V EUBI1 ,4 S B, Missouri Pacific Ry.. 8 6 Union Pacific system. 46 44 1 1 C. A N w P v in 17 F., E. & M. V. R. R.. 49 62 ' u., ot. f., m. & u. tiy 21 9 .. ,. B. & M. Ry 65 41 2 C, B. ec g. Ry .. 12 K. C. & HL J 1 1 c . R. i. ik p .i a a C, R. I. & P., west.. 2 1 Chicago ut. western. .. Total receipt ....207 220 7 1 The disposition of the day's receipts waa aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber 01 neaa iuaic;ea: Buyers. Omaha Packing Co... Swift and Company... Cudahy Packing Co... Armour A Co Omaha Pack'e Co.. St. J. Armour, Sioux City., vansant Co Lobman & Co W. I. Stephen L. F. Huaz Squires & Co Wolf A Murnan Rothschild & Hamilton.. 8. A 8. Co Halsted J. B. Root A CO Other buyers 1,931 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 7R e (ITS '? 675 937 .l.iwt; .1,108 14 7 17 123 37 863 'ii 169 2,075 2,262 4,277 4,360 L528 226 143 Total ....4,615 15,860 YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following Hat shows the number of cars of feeders shipped to the country yes terday and their destination; Cattle Cars. Baxter Bros., Red Oak, Ia. Q 1 C. J. Kemp. Red Oak, Ia.--a 1 CATTLE There waa a big run of cattle here today, over 200 cara being on sale. It was very evident from the time that pack ers started for the yards that there waa very much better tone to the trade than for several days past. All the buyers seemed to be anxious for supplies and salesmen had little trouble tn getting, more, money, than they did yesterday. Although the big bulk of the offerings consisted of corn-fed steers the market ruled active and stronger. A good many sales were 6S10c higher, or In other words the loss of yesterday waa Just about re- falned. The demand was In good shape or both heAvy and light cattle, though the latter were given the preference unless the heavy cattle' were of Very good quality. There were several bunches of good cattle on eale, though, as will be seen from tho sales below. The big end of the receipts waa sold at an early hour, and In fact prao Ucally everything waa disposes of by the middle of the forenoon. The cow market was also active and firm. Packers did not pound the cow market yes terday as much as they did the steers, so that the prices on cow stuff did not show so much Improvement today. Buyers were .nvinm for aunnllea and trading was brisk at good Arm prices, and everything; we out or nrsi nanus iu evm ",in"". Bulls, veal calve and stags were In good the nrlces Data did not show enough change from yesterday to be worthy of mention. The etocker and feeder market was also active and strong. There were only a few !n the yaras, ana as a ii-n,ui wanted some they changed hands freely. As high a 84-30 was paid for some cattle that could not be classed as extra choice. Representative sales: At. Pt. Ne. At. Pr. ... W0 I 46 It 11(8 4 (0 ... TI0 111 46 1.37 4 fJ ... Il4 I 76 11 1141 4 60 ... tl 8 76 1 UK 4 60 ... Til I 0 U 1141 4 SO ...810 IM 11 UM 4 tO ...10.0 4 00 11 ! 4 tO 928 0 10 SJ vi. a ev a BVe 1 10 1............J.V. mi a ... 1110 4 li 1 U47 4 M a 130 4 80 1 U34 4 U 1 M7 4 at It 1141 til . I ' Ml 4 16 14 131 4 66 a' 1070 4 81 W ;....116T 4 64 M0 2S IT 13 4 M 10 141 4 M T ,..1171 4 M I 70 4 ll 41 12t 4 It 1,' UtO 4 l 1 103t 4 M M HI 4 It tl.. lift 4 t t til 4 M M lUeO 4 M 40, lOlt 4 M lt 11 4 0 Tl T7 4 .0 1 1614 4 ,i. ,.. 7 4 80 0 mi 4 tO . I, :,. MO 4 tO . II 122S 4 60 ?! lliI 4 T 1181 4 to i 1101 4 30 4 4 tO ? 1UB0 I 10 1 1171 4 t I ' US 4 30 II 135M 4 M ,i" luvl 4 t5 t.. Hot 4 to U ' lOKl 4 8t 0 4 0 J0 Hi U H IXiT 4 00 it 1110 4 36 61 1173 4 40 lie 4 40 11 12 4 05 ,4 Ul 4 40 41 1341 4 tt ii ' 1011 4 40 T4 11 4 tt ti 107 4 40 11 1321 4 tt 1 12T 4 40 SO l't 4 ii .1 1051 4 40 30 1170 4 tt 1 ... 140 4 40 13 UM 4 M . -6 3I 4 40 33 147t 4 W II 114T 4 40 11 11M 4 tt 71 1171 4 4t 1 1340 4 at t 112t 4 46 It 1171 4 tt i mo 4 4t tl ust 4 ot i 1104 4 tt 84 ltlt i 70 11 lilt 4 tt It 1221 4 JO 1 1110 4 44 14., ..1244 4 70 , 17 lit 4 4t 1 12M 4 TO Jg 1024 4 46 17 1407 4 (0 i into 4 46 80 Ill 4 74 41 Hit 4 60 1 1610 4 7e St. 1110 4 tO M 12M 4 71 40 UM 4 60 II 164J 4 75 3 1J04 4 0 M 1.110 4 7t . UiM 4 tO 3t Ii7 4 M 41 UM 4 60 8 111 4 i' 1261 4 W 10 1307 4 60 jj.' 1160 4 64 J 1411 t eO 17 lit 4 60 14 1470 4 10 4 M6 4 60 31 13M I 10 BTEERS AND COWS. II no 4 00 7o 4 J, M0 4 10 1 1101 4 U Jl' HO 4 16 14 1140 4 80 42 tax 4 ia a luua 4 No. 1.. 1.. I . 1.. 2.. to.. 14.. lit 4 it it tea 4 to 116 4 10 HTEKRS AND HK1FER3. in 471 I 70 I I3T 4 S Jo Tit I tt 4 1007 4 It ii 640 IN II 44 4 10 T21 I l t KWO 4 M ' ki 1 10 14 Hit i tt 11 let I S 4 m.l 4 3 ..1030 4 00 II K'10 4 It 1 .. 131 4 06 11 lot 4 40 I 1016 4 10 11 14tl 4 60 840 4 II I 1334 4 It 1 14,4 "cows. I U0 I 60 1 1140 I Tl , ) I 60 1 711 I 7i 1 ' ttO I 60 1 1044 I 71 ' 1100 I 46 I I10 I II 836 I 71 I lu0 I 14 . KIT I 71 1 1311 I tl , KM) I 16 1 tfct I 14 1 taO I to 1 1044 I ta 4' t!b I II 4 0 I M I 1040 I it 4 1311 I It I 1100 I 26 1 f0 I 16 1 1K I 36 1 11W I 0 111! I it 1 "0 I Kl I lM I 36 4 11..0 3 M t 1 ISO I 10 1 l'Kd I 6 I 10l I 60 4 ! I M J lao 3 60 13 K4i I 6 4 in 1 18 1 nat 4 04 1 1IW0 I 66 1 12 4 t 1 i;;o I ii I i;'40 4 o J 1110 I 46 ! 1110 I 04 J l'4 I tt I lOH 4 04 U 1017 I 10 5 4 ! t 104 I Tl 1 - l.a) 4 14 1"' I.. ...ine t 74 1 rtt 4 o ...UM I 7(1 j ...1U4 4 16 A. I 76 5 ll 11 COWB AND HEIFERS. ...144 IM 1IEIFFR8. .. 710 .. t?i .. 446 .. 730 ... 8") .. 140 ... 4 .. 414 .. 474 .. 841 .. 7 .. 8'0 .. 8?4 .. 416 .. 751 ..1140 ..l.v .. 74 ..1164 .. 7! ,.1;(30 ..1180 ..12a . .lh" ..1"0 ..1240 .. t .. IM .. M .. 104 .. 160 .. 140 .. ! 116 I 71 I 71 I 84 I t.fl I 00 I 11 I 14 i I 34 3 M I 84 8 74 I 73 I 76 I 78 1. 2'.'. 18. '. 1 I 84 I 80 a . 3 11 1 .5 1 1 " 1 6S e Iri) ',0 BULI.8. 1. 8 Tl CA1V ES. 1 Tt I Mf 4 00 4 IS 4 10 4 60 4 64 4 TS I. I.... .. T .. 8T ..lOio .. tso .. ."44 .. 4.U .. '6 . . 4U ..l(r? .. U . . 473 .. T4 ..1040 .. 8H ..1040 ..1434 ..H'.4 .. I3i ..1481 .1444 ..!(' ..1M1 . ro ..111 ..1700 ?S 1"S 144 110 , no iro 170 180 STOrKK.RS AND FEEDFH3. I 84 I 64 J M 4 44 4 00 4 14 4 14 4 10 4 14 4 14 4 16 4 IS 4 '.4 4 28 4 I J. i K 3 61I I 83 3 v. S 1 84 I "( 4 U) 4 00 4 Tr. I 04 t 04 I 04 I no 1 :s 1 I 13 T80 834 614 , 44 484 , 47 734 661 TtO 441 1 ! I tt I tl I 40 I 44 I 40 I 60 I 60 I 46 I 16 10 I 4 10 It II 1 It.. 4r , 711 6" . 153 . 747 . .'. 174 774 , 480 684 I 7S I TS S 14 I M I 14 4 H , 4 W 4 34 4 86 4 31 I STAGS. 1 140 I 78 1 1600 4 t4 1 1070 4 00 HOU8 There wss a heavy run of hogs here, nearly 200 cars being on sale. The market opened with packers feeling rather bearish owing to the big run. nnd the first sales' were a shade easier. After the first round, though, It became evident that pack ers were anxious for supplies and trading became more active with prices stronger. At the beat time, which was about In the middle of the market, the pi-Ices paid were a shade stronger than yesterday, in spite of the big run everything was out of first hands by the middle ot the fore noon. The bulk of tho good hogs sold from $4.60 to $4.66. with choice loads going Ixrerelv from - 84.66 to $4.70. with a top at $4.76. The light Weights went from $450 down. The same aa uaual. the light stuff was neglected and left until the laat, which helped to make the close seem dull and weal;.' ttepresemauw bxicb no. 83.... 14.... T8.... 16.... 12.... 80. At. ,.1T ,.3 ,.1IT .174 ,.181 .301 T3., UT ina Ill 181 14 Ill 184 JOT .....171 1ST 228 tot Ill 203 144 220 131 283 X ,....220 l8 121 30t 184 IUT .....118 Ml 210 ...111 131 107 .....111 ....tor 104 101 tit .lit 10. Ta. 44... 17... Tl... I... 76... 16... 14... 10... If... 17... 71... IT... 16... t7... Tt... II... 12... 16... Te.... It... 74... ID... ft... 41... 76... Tl... 'I... 11... 87... 81... 18... II... II... 46 76 ...Ill M. 71... 74... II... II... II.,.. Tl... 41... 13... 76... TO... 46... II... lt... 73... 1... 41... vi no ...901 ...141 ...ll .,.103 ...187 ...111 ...230 ...I2T ...III ,.. ...Ml . 40 I4T ... 181 40 .H.I44 -140 .4.364 ...141 Tt I4T ..WT ..147 ..111 i. .til ...281 ..Ml ..111 ,.J0 ..147 .964 ..Ml ..180 ..141 ..t"l ..340 ..231 ..IM ..III ..101 .334 ..111 40 ..121 ... U0 l.'io 100 - 40 18.. I.. 71.. 18.. 41.. 10.. tl.. Tt.. T4.. 10.. Tl.. ,110 0 40 so .- 44 10 iio Pr. 4 to 4 62V6 4 lis 4 66 4 61 4 61 4 66 4 61 4 61 4 66 4 16 4 674 4 6T 4 67 4 67 4 67 4 61Va 4 M 4 60 4 40 4 60 4 10 4 t4 4 10 4 40 4 10 4 SO 4 60 4 40 4 tO 4 0 4 M 4 40 ' 4 tO 4 64 4 10 4 to 4 40 4 10 4 tO 4 40 4 40 4 to 4 60 4 tO 4 M 4 49 4 M 4 40 4 40 4 40 . 4M . 4 10 . 4 to 4 40 4 II 4 41!' 4 JV 4 tl 4 42 4 12 I 43 4 t2 4 11 4 82 4 12 4 12 4 13 4 l2Vi 4 It 4 61. 4 tl 4 tl 4 12 4 tl 4 12 4 12 4 41 4 41V, 4 II 4 11 4 I3 4 42 4 43 At. ...27 ...240 ...388 ...111 ...313 ....231 ...231 ....ill! ...26T ...ISO ...3T ...11.4 ...tit ...240 ...110 ...117 ...lit ...82 ...114 ...110 ...241 ...Ml ...161 ...121 ...260 ...Ml ..210 ..104 . J63 ....kit ....8H7 ....I0 ....I6T ....171 ... .Ill ....36 t 841 Tl 164 44 360 It 141 CI 340 11 241 67 141 131 Ho. T7.. II.. 10.... II.... 76.... 4.... 61. . .. Tl.... Tl.... 40.... II.... . Tt..,. 73.... 18.... 16.... 0.... 76.... 44... 16.... 61.... Tl..-.. T4.... TT.... 14.... 1.... 10.... II tl Tl TO (I... IT... Ti... T8... T6... Sh. 140 'so 4t 10 10 80 120 80 40 100 120 IS. 61. 71..., 46... 7..., 71..., 3...., Tl..., 18..., 7t..., 19 1 13 40 tt Tl , 71 II ' 78 13 64 T8 17 17 14 211 ....141 ....188 ....841 ....148 ....364 ....364 ....361 ....124 ....181 ....331 ....347 ....141 ....247 ..,.166 ....lit ....260 ....134 ....361 ....348 ....131 .171 .281 .146 ...231 ...21)8 ...274 ...188 ...181 ...311 ...111 ...814 ,...341 ....Ut ...370 ...310 ...380 ...374 ...174 120 120 164 80 140 140 110 40 0 0 0 to 110 80 140 110 40 110 10 160 110 "io no o 80 too 44 40 180 43 0 180 10 80 ioo 120 80 iio 40 120 4 :, 4 13 4 62 4 43 4 ti 4 12 4 - 4 4. 4 Z 4 U 4 4: 4 1 4 t. 4 a 4 i 12 4 :.' - 4 ei 4 2 4 11 4 WVa 4 : 4 4 42 I o: 4 ia 4 11 4 62 4 U 4 ta 4 12 4 81 4 W 4 tl 4 16 4 IS 4 IS 4 tt 4 It 4 16 4 II 4 IS 4 15 4 It 4 to 4 II 4 46 4 tl 46 4 II 4 tl . 4 6 4 tl 4 16 4 15 ' 4 (6 4 15 4 66 4 15 4 II 4 t.1 4 OS 4 15 4 46 4 IS 4 II I 47 11 4 17 4 t7 4 17 4 17 4 TO 4 TO 4 TS 4 TO 4 TO 4 Tl 4 TO 4 TO 4 TO 4 17 4 TO 4 72 10.... II.... 14.... 61.... ft.... 10.... 64.... II.... tl.... 1.... 10.... I.... 10.... II.... I.... SHEEP There were only A few cars of sheep In the yarde this morning and the quality of moat ot those that aid arrive was only fair. Buyers, thougn, took hold In fairly good, shape and paid Just about steady prices for everything offered. Clipped, lambs sold up to $6.26 and clipped wethers and yearlings $4.86. A few spring lambs are coming In, but they are mostly of rather common quality. Oood stuff meets with ready sale, but others are in poor demand. ' Quotations for clipped stock: uood to choice lambs, $&.50(36.6&; fair to good lambs, t5.0Ofd5.6O; good to choice wooled Iambs, ie.6o2tf.76; fair to good wooled lambs. $6.0ti 6.60: good to choice yearlings or wethers, $iOiVgB.26; fair to good yearlings or wethers, $4.76(36.00; good to choice ewes, $4.7tKi4.0; fair to good ewes, $4.60g4.TO. Representative saies: No. 129 western cull ewes 12 western cull wethers . ,4 4 western buck , 1 western ewe 67 western ewes 800 western wethers 2S2 western wethers . 252 western yearlings 270 western wethers it western ewes 8 western ewes . 371 western lambs 1 western lamb . 13 western ewes . a western ewes . Av. Pr. ,86 60 88 I 26 240 4 00 1(0 . 4 60 , 3 4 60 ,77 4 60 100 4 76 ,85 4 75 90 4 85 ,86 4 85 130 6 26 , T7 8 25 ,40 7 Oil , 84 4 26 , 85 4.2S New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, Mey 17. REEVES Re ceipts, 4 head; market feeling steady; dressed beef, slow at 6m?-84c per lb., for native sides; cables unchanged. Exports 860 cattle, 1,132 cheep and 4,400 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 108 head; market steady; common to choice veals sold at 84.00 &6.26 per 100 lbs.; country dreaded veals steady, at frgtio per. lb. ; choice carcasses as high as 94jC HOG8-RceIpts. S.15K head; market feel ing nominally steady at $6.26g6.U6 per 100 lbs., for prime, state and Pennsylvania, hogs. 8HEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, 1.741 head, Including S cars of southern spring lumbs: market for clipped afieep tnd lambs wss about steadv: siulna lambs were slow end a shade easier, except for choice stock; 1 1 A mr.A A 11.'.,. rul 140 III . . . .. .' . r. . . , e n. . clipped lambs, $6 607.00; unshorn at $7.00i& 7.50; spring lambs, 84.8Mi5.on per head; dressed mutton steady, per lb.; dressed lambs firm at 11'rtlSc; dressed spring lambs at $2.00(6.60 pel carcass. Kansas f'lly Live Hlock Market. KANSAS CITY, May 17. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6.000 head, Including 60 southerns; market strong; export and drtesed beef steers, $4,65j;6.26; fair tp good, $4.0olj4-flO: western fed steers, $4.004i4.9ti; Miockers and feeders, I't.H 4.75; southern cows, $-!..!&g 8 76; native cows, $2.0094.3; native hlfem, $8 5004.86; bulls, $2,50 6 3. M; calve!, $2.75 6 00. HOOS Receipts, 11.000 head; market strong to 60 higher: top, $4.85; bulk. $4 00 834 80; heavv. 4.75ft4 85; packers. $4.Uoii4.sO; pigs and lights $4.004 BHEKP AND LAMl'fl-Recelpts, 8.O0O head; market steady; native lambs, 86 25 4. K ?r. .a 1 a r n l,i mh, IOikWriCK we $4 265.00; yearlings, $4.75Cr(5.6; Texas clipped sheep, $4.6Oy6.0O; stockers end feed ers, $8.&04J'4.DO. Ut. Joseph Live "lock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., May 17.-CATTI.E Receipts, 1.818 head; market steady with Friday; natives. $4 .ti. Co 3. 36; Texas and west ems. $3 7f.ti4 so; rows and heifers. $.00 4.76; stoikers snd feeders, J-l-t.ftl.4i). HOOS Receipts. 7.S89 head; market steady to stronp: light, $4.67 V(4.70; medium and heavy, I . for) 4 86. 8HE1.P AND I.A.MRS Receipts. $.490 head; market mostly ateady to 10c higher; horn lambs, $6.96. (. Loots Live Stock Market. BT. LOl'IS. Mav 17. CATTLK-Rece lots. t.Uft head, Including 1 OOo Texans; market steady to stro.ikr; native shipping and ex port steers. $i fot 40; dreesed neef mi l butrher steers. I5 10'p5?5: steers under 1 Om. pounds, $S.7b(Q4 06; stockers end feeders. $SaAff4 8S-. cows and heifers, U ST.-!.:,; ran ners. $?0Pf.l bull. la JHi.ttt. nihea. $3 (o-u 60; Texas and Indian steers, U Oi 4 75: cows snd hetfeis, $3 14 HOGS Receipts. head: market stesdv tn strong; pis nnd Hunts. Ilinit 4 56; psekers, $4.et6; butchers and best heavv, $4 75ii4 SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipt. 5.rV head; market steady; native muttons. M ami 5 50; lambs. $.voo n 7 'K ; culls and bucks. e4.5tH4.50; stockcr. $.' Soft 3.60. CHICAGO inH STOCK M IBKET Cattle "Heady. Hosts Five 4 eale Hlatier aad Shipment Fair. CHICAGO, Mav 17. CATTLE Receipts. $.500 head. Including 1l'5 Tctans: market ateady; good to prime steers $5,6043 60; pen-r to medium. $4.1"u4 V: stockers and feed ers. $.1 S4i3.40; cows. $1 5(Hi4 40; heifers. $:MMi4.0: canners. $l.60'H2.tM: bull. $1 26i 4.(0; rnlves, $? .2541 5.J5; Texas fcv. steers, $4 Sl-f4.tiYI. . HtXlS Receipts. 15.0OO head: estimated tomorrow. 30. ml head; market 5c higher; mixed and butchers, $4 :Ti4.70: good tn choice heavv. $414 00: rough heavy. $4 85 S4S0; light," $4.6641 4.SA; bulk of sales, $4.764J 4.85. . SHEEP AXll LAMRS Receipts, 8.000 head; market steady: lamba. steady; Rood to choice wethers, $5 004ii.o5; ftlr to choice mixed, $.1.7r'n4.;3: western sheep. $4,503)6.85: wooled native lamb. $4.60(6.10: clipped western liimh. $4.75'6.10; wooled wsstern lambs, $iV2.Vuti.S5. loin City Live Stock Market. SIOI'X CITY. Ia.. Mav 17.-(Speclnl Tele-' gram.l CATTLE -Rccelt ts, W head; mar ket, strong; bervr $.1 Ufdi 80; cow, bulls' snd mixed, $.' :n 4."0; stockers urd feeMers, H (HKi.t K6; ralve and yearlings, $J.Toj3 70. H IKIS Receipt. 8 .' head: market, strong: selling at $4.60ij4.70; bulk ef sales, $1,609)4.66. Stork In Siglil. f ollowing are yie receijti or live stoca for the six principal western cl:le yes- .. . ,-,,., 1 I r. OUAn South OmnhA ... Chicago Kansas City .... St. Louis St. Joseph Sioux City tAtlle finer Aheen .. 4.4PO 14.900 l tf 15.000 2,ni1 6,500 7.3 8.800 2.500 .. 6.010 .. 2.5'X) .. 1,813 .. 500 8.000 $000 8.000 t.480 Totals ...17.7G3 6ii9 J1.420 Melal Market. NEW YORK. May 17. METAIS The London tin market underwent a sharp re action during todaVs trading and closed 1 higher at 124 17s 6d for spot, and 1 7a higher for spot nt 121 15s for futures. Locally the market was steady. Spot vloHed at $27.Sii(27.90. Copper was lower tn London. Spot declined 6 6d and future lOd. both closing at 67. Locally the mar ket also showed a declining tendency. Lake Is quoted at $13.25(313.50: electrolytic, $13.1i"4, and casting at $12 874J 13.13V4. Ial was unchanged at $4 634.85 In New York; end at 11 17s d In Ixindon. Spelter was steady at $5.Ofr6.25 m the looal market, and 22 2s 6d In Iondon. Iron closed at 62a In Glasgow and at 47s 8d In Middles-' bCTOiigh, locally Iron was quiet. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at $lo.P0itcl5.60; No. 3 foundry northern at $14.75'15.25: No. 1 foundry southern nnd No. 1 foundry southern soft at $I4.00(0"14.2S. Pig Iron war rants weak and lowor with tellers at $ft.2. ST. LOflS, Mav 17. M3TAL8 Lead, dull at $4.37. Spelter, dull at $4.97i. Evaporated Apples and Cried Kralts. NKW YORK. May 17.-RVAPOR ATFp APPLES The market itkady; common are quoted at t&6c: jH-lme, CSl'o) te; choice. 68c; fancy, 7$'7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED KR'OrrS Prunes remain rather unsettled In tone. Price range from 3c to 5o for all grades. Apri cot are In fair demand. Choice sre quoted at VJ(8,10c; extra choice. 10'410Mio; fancy, ll(f13o. Penches also are firm: choice are quoted at 7c; extracholce, 76c; fancy, 8VU10C. ' REAL ESTATK TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record May 17 aa furnished to; The Ree by the Midland Guarantee at.d Trust company, bonded abstracters, VZi Earnam street: Marie G.accminl to John Klewlt, it.. lot 11, block 10, frV-iith Omtha $ .700 ' Bdward C. Nelon to Jens Jensen, lots - ! 1 and 2, block 6, n let L block . 1 , Pratt's sub 850 Edwaxd C. Nolson KV'Tfln O. Fores ter, same ..." , 850-' E. Murray Hill And wlfo to lysrentz Anderson, lot 8, block S, Den1.?' add 830 Clara B. Thomas to ii'jnrrvnd H. . Young, lot 8 acd 10, block 4, West 'Cuming add 400 1 David W. Merrow and wife to William . Strlbling, out lot 194 and wV 193, Flor ence 1 William Case nnd wife to John L. Price, lot 4. block 2, Portland Place.. Joseph t. May to Mary wetn, ,. lots 18, 10 and 20, block 6, Creighton Heights ; 2 Charles H. Breed and wife to Kllery ; ' R. Hume, lot 17, Arlington 1 Clara V. J. Helin and husband to A. , Chris KJargaard, lot 8, block 4, Per sons & Berry's add 1.200 Charles R. Ott to E. Murray Hill, lot 8, block 3, Denlso's add 800 Emma Holsen to Joseph B. Pezdlrta, sVi lot 7. block 8. Kountxes 4th add.. 1,600 . Thomas McQulre and 'wife to George . John, lot 60, Sullivan's add 450 Carleton 8. Shepard and wife to Mabel B. Klngaley. lots 9 and 10, block L Hamilton square 1,900 Belle Wyland and husband to John B. Olsen. part aw ae4 82-18-13 200 Noah Perry and wife to P. J. Creedon A. Sobs, lot 17. block 6, Briggs Place.. 1,000 William TI. Humphrey and wife to Adelhurt Burton, w4 lot 21, block 8, Albright s annex 400 Patrick Hoctor and wlfo to Mary Mad den, lot,5, block 1, Maple Grove 100 The Merchants National Bank of Omaha. IMcb. U $. Deastilirr ' Opitil aad Surplus, SeOO.OOO ftA MtVIV, Prei. Bt?t t. W900, f. Pm. lUTIEIMdie. Csieisr. rtUII T. IAMILT0N. Altt U-Alsr. Recetre uewti ef tanks, tankers, eciver atlona. Snsa 408 ualeiduala sa fvi-Mt tarsis. yorvtsn Rxekanse bevgbt an! sold. Letters , at Credit Mauea. svsllabl ts all sia at the waild. Islarast sail ao Urns Cartl8etas of IXyeait. Colleottou ria4 tremvl.y sul ecoooa ..41. tr reeeest orreepri.-eaaos. WHY 171-2 CNT CO I TO.. WILL EQUAL $1.85 WHEAT. ' IN ITS EPBCT ON HIS STOCK flARKETi ' Seed fer tbla latter akowlns what s'otka to buy to tneae the moat aionaf out ut the oomiei rise. Ordora exeotirai) in all IKied atocka tor tivea'.ment or oa Margin. Special auentloa siren to alio. if InveetmeoU. ! lead far lllustratad souk doaarlklsg eraswUee ar.d equipmaat ef CROWN KINO MINES CO. lafi'raikttoa cwnremtn I lite vdluable p.en and ' sll other UNLISTED STOCK i chmtuUy Miitrhed J. I. McLEAN & CO., Bankers , Mala Office, Its broad Ut., Hew Yek. GOVERNMENT NOTIC I. PROPOSALS fOP. INDIAN 8TPPI.I EM Department of the Interior, Office ot 10 d'art Affairs, Washlngiun, i). C, March 2',. 1804. Senled proposals, indorsed "I'ropoa.ila for blankets, woolen and r.otton good, clothing, etc.," as the case may bu, end til retted to the CommlHrfloner of indlnti, Affiirs, Nos. 113-U1 W'ooHter atiett, liivr Kork City, will be received until I o'clock fi. n., of Tuesday, May 24, I904, for furnish, ill fur tho Indian Mervice, blankets, woolrt ai.d colton goods, clothing, notions, huts snd capa. Htds must be mude o il 011 Gov ernment blanks. Schedules !.), r ail neo. essary information for bidders will be ftir nlslied on application to the Itdlan Office, Washington, O. ; the V. x). Indian ware houaes, 118-121 Wooster street. New York fty, .'Gi-27 rJotilli Canal atieet, Chicago, III.; (16 Howard street, G'ruha. Nrbr. ; ovj Eouth Seventh Ktreet, St. houf. Mo ; the Commixaarles of H'iijiJ"Jcr.ce. I . 8. A , ut Cheyenne, 'A'yo.. nnd Bt. i'u:. Minn.; the (juarteriuast'-r, IJ. ri. . r'cittlo, Waali.; ihe postmasters at Btoux City, 'j'uraon, for.'liind, Spokane and loeonut: e.ud tha Manufacturers' and Producers' tr Utlort of California, San Francisco, Cat. ' 1 1 i will be opened al the liour ri) Jajs fcl.rjve rtated, and bidders are ovited to be pres ent at tha opening. The I'cpnrtrient re serves the right to determine 'he point of delivery nnd 10 reject any and all bids, or any purt of any bid. W. A. JONES, Coinmlrsloner M'-'dlst-M ' LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO BIDDEK8. Sealed bids will be received at the riffles of secretsry of state up until 11' o'cloi k noon of May ti, I'M. for t tie construction of an addition 10 tha waterworas plant at Iiastinas, according to plans and epeciflia tlons now 011 file in the olllce of secretary of state. n The board reserves the rigl't to reject any. and all bids. UKOit'li: W. MAltsil. Secretary of Hoard. Mlidli'iM