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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1904)
12 TITE OMAITA DAILY HEE: WEDNESDAY, MAY 1004. Don't Fail to See Our $12.50 Men's Suits Don't Fail to See Our $12.50 Men's Suits store- IP. 1 ro) tWDBS I & sous THR BF.I.IABI.fO HTIiHK. IVednesday's 75c Umbrellas at 29c Two thousand umbrellas IN MFN'S AND L.ALHLS' SIZf S for men and women nat ural wood bandies para gon frames serge cover ing on sale at, each . . . . $I.OO frames made o f mercerized sateen guaranteed $1 um brellas on sale at Umbrellas are made with silver trimmed handles with Qflp case and tassel, at '"C Ladies' Storm and Traveling Coats The popular new style cravenette most stylish features for 1904-absolutely rain jTK OQ 1 J ft C rnrM-rmrt in aDDarance for travellna. au-lLll0 OJ - tomobillng, storm and every day wear the if HnT aJ ....... ..r.liiAUA M most useful garments In your wardrobe. nitf "snrinrr l ender 'pretty little Walking Skirts in late cloths and colors 7 LfK correct weights new pleated effects for out- Yi of-door wear In spring and summer, a - - at Ladles' crushed Wash Belts Bargains made of fine duck, In gold and 10c Notion Dept. In this department special prices always rule. Our regular fig ures on high class notions, un dersell other stores' bargain prices. Always the best goods.' liver plate buckle.... Wax Tapers Fringed ends never drip, 30 in a fan cy box, at-'' Chinese Ironing Wax with handle 4 -will .9 I A at Ladies' Hose Supporters tlsle tbread elastic all colors patr.n.. 10c Stevenson's Shirt and Long waist Q0 ad'iustorM' Children's Hose Supporters Velvet ' J ft grip but- flfC tons, at J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE. NEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES "Psnsnalia," a, Isllghtfal Volume of Aneo dstsi Dealing witk Prominent People. A STORY OF MYSTERY BY BRAM STOKER Tat Rjtlnkow Chasers, r Winston, Is at Thoroughly America Hovel, Which, Has Principal Sceaea Laid la Wester Kens, "Personalia" by "Sigma" is a delightful volume of Intimate anecdotes dealing with nearly ail the famous English artists, lit erary men, lawyers. Church dignitaries and other public figures of the last forty years. The .anonymous author Is said to be too well known for his real name to be given. Many of his stories throw an entirely new light upon the personalities of people with whom everybody is more or less familiar. The reader cannot open the volume any where without finding an amusng tale which lures him further. The chapters which make up this book, (as they have appeared from time to time In one of the English magazines, have excited consid erable Interest and more curiosity. The writer gives so many clues that it does not seem as if It could be difficult to identify him. The wonder is that he has made his mask so transparent, for he has written many things that cannot but make him persona noti grata to the people of whom they are written such of them as have not yet gone over to the majority. The general impression is that our writer has known a great many disagreeable peo ple and that his predlllction for the seamy aide has made this prominent where there is another and a better. He paints him self into his picture with no timid hand. Published by Doubleday, Page & Co. "The Evolution of the Soul," by Thomson Jay Hudson, published by A. C. MoClurg 4 Co,, consists of a number 'of letters and essaya dealing with the subject on which he Is now an acknowledged author ity. This collection of papers supplements most admirably his previous books par ticularly "The Law of Mental Medicine" and ''The Law of Psychic Phenomena." and, will, in a way, help to complete the work most deplorably Interrupted by his untlmoly death. To say that these essays are lu Dr. Hudson's characteristic and illuminating style is all that Is needed ts convince his thousands of admirers that this posthumous volume is one of the most absorbing Interest. The addition of a v portrait and biographical sketch will also be much appreciated. . "The Literature of the Louisiana Terri tory,"' published by the St. Louis News Company, was written by Alexander Nlo elas De Menle, . director of the Louisiana Purchase company and vice chairman of tae historical committee, and is the first history of the literature and educational development of the ' Louisiana territory from the earliest times to the present day. With critical and biographical sketches Of Audubon, Brackenridge, Senator Bon ton, Albert Pike, Gayarre, "Mark Twain." For the Dyspeptic jl Ealf teaspoonfut la half a h class of water after meals briage perfect digestion. IIORSFORD'S Acid Phosphate Big Bargains 29 Umbrellas at 39c Fifteen hundred new umbrellas paragon 39c $1.50 and $2 Umbrellas, 98c Made of fine siltc taffeta and English gloria dozens of styles for ladles and men ladies' coats In the very latest and - ii ii mi at - Golf Skirt at S3. 4.R - Six dozen Hair Pins in fancy wood cabinet our 3c Fancy Pins In cubes all colors one hun- J Y dred, at.,-..' Self Locking: Shirt Waist Fasteners C ' at.... ..Jl' Clove Wash Rags Special for T Wednesday J Stockinette Hair Rats Dress Shields Made of human All sizes 7c hair all shades, at 10c flit) Geo. W. Cable, Eugene Field, Ignatius Donnelly, "Chas. Egbert Craddock." Dr, Wm. T. Harris, Ruth McEnery Stuart and fifty others, and selections from their works: chapters on the first books, the French authors of 'the territory, the au thors of Louisiana, Missouri, Iowa, Minne sota, Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, Arkan sas, the Dakotas, etc, A bold and fear less book that contains much hitherto un written literary history. The Life of William Pepper, M. D., LL. D.," by Francis Newton Thorpe is the au tobiography of one of our country's philan thropic and professional men. He was pro vost of the University of ' Pennsylvania, and stood at the head of the medical pro fession. He founded the University hos pital of Philadelphia, the commercial mu seums and the free library. He re organ' Ized the University of Pennsylvania and instituted many municipal reforms for the city of Philadelphia. He was the con suiting physician during General Sherl dan's last Illness. In addition to his many other duties -he had a very large practice. visiting the poor aa well as the rich. He seemed to feel that he owed a debt to mankind, and all his life seemed devoted to discharging that debt in one way and another. J. B. Llpplncott Company are the publishers. "The Rainbow Chasers," by John H. Win ston, is a thoroughly American novel which has its principal scenes laid in west ern Kansas, and deals with the customs and life in the then far west prior to and during the Kansas land boom In 1885. Mr. Winston has lived in the scenes . hs de scribes, having settled with his father dur ing the boom near Garden City, living there and in Garden City for eight years, and his father still lives there, engaged in farming and cattle raising. Mr. Winston's life on ths plains made him familiar with the life and the characters he describes are patterned after living models. His de scriptions are vivid of the country, of the wild, free life of ths cowboys and the set tlement and desertion of the boom towns. There is a thread of romance through the whole story which, with Mr. Winston's ense of humor, adds ths finishing touch for the readers. As a whole the book will prove very Interesting, ranking ahead of "Barbara, a Woman of the West," its predecessor. Little. Brown & Co. are the publishers. ' McClure-Phllllp have Jus put to press the third edition of Henrg Beton Merrl man's story of Russia, "Barlasch of the Guard." ' George P. Brett, ths president of the Macmlllan company, who has Just returned to New York from a business trip to Lon don, made srrangementa while abroad for the establishment of an Australian agency for the company. The AustraUan house is to be opened and run In connection with the Messrs. MacmlUan of London. Here after all books published by the Macmll lan company will appear simultaneously In New York, London, Canada and Austra lasia, as well as In India, whsrs the house now hae branches. It would be well If every boy could be taught to ride a horse. How the boy should be taught, if he has a mount at hand, la clearly and fully described In the Youth s Companion of May 12 by the for mer cavalry Instructor at West Point. Lieut Col. James Parker, U. 8. A. "The Jewel of the Seven .Stars" la a story of Egyptian mystery, full of excitement and action. The chief character is an Egyptian queen of many Centuries ago who poaseased a remarksble hand of seven finger She was well versed In the magle of her day and also believed that v..- was eternal and subject to. her will. She believed that when death should corns by the force of her power 'over the spirits of good and evil she should rise from the grave, reincarnate at any time her will should designate and made preparations accordingly. As she was feared h it.. Things You Really Need from the Drug Section MOTH RALL8 Odoriferous q nnri e fTcctlve the choicest tJ C English variety per pound v- OFNt-KNR PERSIAN INSECT FOW-DKR-Whatever a amount you wish .lUH per pound FORM AI.DEH YDE-SU LPRUR TURCHES-fomM In packages con tents of one package will disinfect 2 cu. ft f of spare-per SA If! package JOHNSON Sl'LPHUR FI'MIOATORS In boxes AC of four VJW LAVENDER CAM PHO R For exter minating moths and Insects will not stain or Injure the most delicate fabrics or surfaces f and la easily brushed s. I C off per pound w Dig Array of Sponges A large Grass Sponge as big as a swell head Just what 4 g you want for rough 1 If C work price Mediterranean Wool Sponges bleached will carry from a quart A f to half gallon of water IC 11.25, $1, 76c, 60o and wv Chamois We want you to see this excellent line of White English Chamois Skins very soft and velvety skins that have an even thickness all over no mangy spots upon them per fect skins, tanned by the best known English process 4 17x24. BRc; 2nx14. 40c, 1 IsC lJxlH, 80c; 11x14 ,. A w w FRENCH OIL TANNED CHAMOIS Untrlmmed, full sized skins es pecially suitable for fmm fine, delicate surfaces y C each Durkee's Salad Dressing . Made of the choicest ingredients. A complete sauce in itself hot or cold. It's an indispensable adjunct to the table and kitchen for prepared meals or in the preparing of meals. , Demonstration White Booth, Main Floor. Groon Trading Stamps JSvory Tim o fa. (DIAMONDS Have become more valuable of late I years on account of the mines now being worked producing less and no I new fields having been discovered. , The purchase of Diamonds have been I a good Investment and I believe Is a T better one today. If you buy them of m us and for any reason you wish your I ' money back we will give you nine- W I tenths of what you paid If returned X within one year from date of pur- T I chase. We have them In all sizes, In rings ranging In price from $5.00 to T I $500.00. Let us show them to you. 15T-Ma DODGE. I the gods upon her tomb. Some centuries later one Van Huyn, a Dutchman, enters the forbidden vault. Under the hand of the dead queen he found the Jewel of the seven stars, and met with some startling experiences. He wrote a book on the sub ject and then dropped from sight. : After the elapse of some more centuries our own times are reached. The Egyptologist of our time chanced upon the book of Van Huyn and became enthusiastic over It. He found the tomb, interpreted the writings on the wall, and eventually assists in the re-lncarnatlon experiment. There are many thrilling details connected with the pro ceedings and much inexplicable mystery, aa well as many charms and horrors. Mr. Bram Stoker is the author of this very interesting book and Harper & Brothers are the publishers. Alnslee's for June, as usual, carries a strong list of fiction. The complete novel, entitled "The Custodian," is by Archibald Eyre, author of "The Trifler." There are short stories by such well known authors as Joseph C Lincoln, Seumas MacManus, Mary B. Mullett, Owen Oliver, Anne O'Hagan, Vincent Harper, Martha McCul- loch Wllllasns and William MacLeod Ralne. The essays are timely, and above the aver age. A notable feature Is "The Bachelor," by T. W. H. Crosland. author of "The Un- J speakable Scot," which created such In terest both In England and in this coun try. Real poetry by William Watson, Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Myrtle Reed and W. D. Nesbltt, and the customary theatrical and book departments, complete the number. "In Passion's' Dragnet," by Hattle Horner Louthan, Is dedicated to "M. L. O., a western girl, the least chaperoned, the most self-reliant of my acquaintance." The book is a plea for self-knowledge and elf-dependence In girls. The scenes of the plot are laid in and near New Orleans, where Mrs. Louthan spent one entire win ter gathering material. There Is a very distinct moral to the story, but the au thor has not Inserted sign posts to direct the attention. The book Is from the press of Richard G. Badger. Hidalgo and Home Life at West Lawn." by R. A. McCracken, is a true story of the doings of a family in the country. The' pony Hidalgo is the main center of the happenings. A charming book for the young, finely Illustrated and well bound. M. A. Donohue & Co., Chicago. Price. II. "Kindly Light." by Florence Klngsley, Is one of the most beautiful books of the season for either old or young. The au thor of 'Titus" still holds her magic pen and her touch is still as true and deli cate as of yore. Henry Altemus Com pany, Philadelphia. Above books at lowest retail prices. Matthews, 121 South Fifteenth street. Ten free trips to the World's Fair each week. See coupon on page two. rk eteelcs' reVtw ' thta ' ease aa ke trwaa mm mi m im eoamt. We era alae tmraUk star pwhlUhae. BARKAL0W BROS. Ml Mil ! I in i GROCERY Leaders In low prices on fresh, new groceries. Large varieties. Wednes day specials. $1.00 worth Oreen Trading Stamps with each one lb. can Bennett's Cap itol Kaklng I'ow der, at 24o. . Pears In syrup, 8-pound can 15c Peaches in syrup, 1-pound can ...,10c Succotash, 2-pound can 80 Tomatoes, 8-pound can 9c Wax Beans, 2-pound can 80 Baked Beans, 1-pound can 4c $2 00 worth Oreen Trading Stamps with ' each quart can Libby's Soup, at 20c. COFFEES Fresh roasted every day. Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, very de licious, 2-pound can 48c TEAS The beet drinking values. Imperial Japan, per pound 25c Tea 81 f tings, per pound 15c CHEESE Just received a car load of New Tork Cream Cheese, delicious f.avor. 11.00 worth Green Trading Stamps with each pound, at 20c. CANDY Honey Comb Candy, sack, 60 60c worth Green Trading Stamps with each Jar of assorted candles, at 10c SMITH'S -Stamp Specials For Wednesday Only l.OO in stamps with seven bars of any ' laundry soap at 26c 1 1 .00 In stamps with V, pound of Ba- ker's Chocolate 20c J, .00 In stamp with three pounde best l head -Rice- i6c Jl .00 In stamps" with three cans of Corn, at soc J 1.50 In stamps with one-pound can Rumfonf Baking' Powder 25c 1 .00 In 'starrips with one pound of Cream Cheese .'. .'..20c J 1.00 in stamps with one jar of jelly. iwc a 100 In stamps with one package of ) Tapioca 10c $1.00 in stamps with one package 1 Seeded Raisins ioc $1.00 In stamps with one package of Currants ... ioc J 1.00 in stamps with three cans of Campbell s Soups 80c l.OO In stamps with one five-pound ' Back Salt ;...10c l.OO In starnps with one bottle of ' Bluing 10c t .00 In stamps with three bars of ' Toilet Soap 15c $1.00 In stamps with one bottle of ' Burnett's Extract 25c tl.OO In stamps with one bottle of ' Olives S5c l.OO In stamps with three boxes ' Matches 15c Jl .00 In stamps with one jar of Maple I Cream &u t 00 In stamps with one bottle of Snl P1 der's or Columbia Catsup 25c $.00 In stamps with one bottle of Snl I der's Oyster Cocktail Sauce or I Salad Dressing 25c .00 in stamps wlta one .jar imported Jams 2au TEA SPECIALS tc .00 in stamps with one pound B. F. 0 Tea :.70c to .00 in stamps with one pound Cey- ion Tea 70c tC.OO in stamps with 1 lb. J Breakfast Tea English 760 $4-0yn stamps with 1 lb. Gunpowder 60c COFFEE SPECIALS fc .00 In stamps with t lbs. Mocha Coffee tC .00 in stamps with SH lbs. )" Blend Coffee Java and tl.OO Excelsior $1.00 Jl 00 In stamps with 1 lb. Cucuta Blend Coffee 2fie fl.00 in stamps with one pound San- ' tos Blend Coffee 20c E. T. SMITH & COv 107 Doaa-laa St. Phone 164. CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN Railway TO ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS OHORTEST and most at tractive daylight ride. New "House" Cars all the way, with dining room, parlor, smoking and observation room. Meals served a la carte at any time. Leaving Omaha at 7:35 a. m., Council Bluffs 7:58 a. m., arrive St. Paul at 7:38, Minneapolis at 8:10 the same evening. Tickets at 1512 Fsnum Street, of Unioa Sutioo, Omaha. I OR W. 0. JERREHS, Pres. 209-211 So. 15th Street. Large Producers Like Nicoll have their buyers in the principal markets of the world contract often for the en tire output of a mill and seize upon the best novelties of others. It's easy to see that Nicoll gets the best materials at lowest prices. That we ca rry the largest variety of of season able fab rics In the tity Is understood. Nearly 2, 00 0 deslngs this season but It's not too many for our large and in creasing trade Trousers $5 to $12 3uits-$20 to $50 Twenty-five or more large and busy tailoring stores to supply In the principal cities of America means that Nicoll's buy ers can demand lowest prices. There's where you bene fit when you trade with Nicoll- , FRED PAFFENRATH. Manager. 9 m Ladies' Low Button This Is one of the new and correct styles that have become popular this season, and with Its patent colt vamps and heel foxing, dull kid tops, welt soles and stylish military heels, it makes a very handsome and stylish looking; low shoe. Wi also have them In vlcl kid with patent tips and dull tops. They are new and "different" and give the foot a very smart and dressy appearance. The pries is $3.50 FRY SHOE cag -,VI..:nniRIII l-DQu!iLAOilnM a. . Back and Side Combs New Elegant Stock Delicate Gold Trimmed liet us have the pleasure of show ing you. Brown & Borsheirr, JEWELERS, K2 8. 16TH ST. You Wott Get Wet i' You Have One of Our UHDREILA5-T7S &LtL!1055t ,WHY HOT BUY I MBHEI.LAS AT AN IIHBHEI.I.A STORE. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMEf Subscribe tw, TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMEf Subscribe Mew, Boys' and Young Men's Suit $6,50 0 $7.50 JS0 young men s suits. In all the latent styles In fancy tweeds, fancy casslmeres, homespuns, worsted, serges, fancy cheviots In neat plaids, Scotch mlxturp4 and plain colors made by hand with fine linings and trimmings worth 110.00 of anybody money-our special price Wednesday $6.50 and $7.50 Boys' Knee Pants Suits $2.50 and $5.50 These suits are made up In any shade or style ynu might wish, such as sailor blouse, sailor Norfolk, Rus sian blouse, Norfolks, double-breasted and the new two piece single-breasted with belt loops on trousers and belt to match, and three-piece suits lir stripes, plaids, fancy mixtures and plain colors regular H85 tr 16.00 values our special sale prl $2.50 and $3.50 Attractive Bargains in Our Big Linen and Domestic Room. $1.60 dozen all linen 61T,VF.R BLEACHED NAPKINS TP polka dot patterns i jQ sise at, dose.n eOe heavy SCOTCH LAWN DAM ARK 60 Inches wide elegant patterns snap fcfc2C 60c all linen full bleached IRISH IRISH TABLE LINEN T7 . a great bargain Jjr at Wednesday Leaders in Grocery, Hardware and We Retail to the Consumer at Wholesale Prices. iS-lb. sacks high patent Minnesota flour $1.20 Large sacks cornmeal 120 Hand picked navy beans, stood rice, tapioca, sago, barley anT farina. lb..3c 3-lb. can solid packed tomatoes 7Jo 6 bars White Russian. Diamond C, Beat- 'Km-Aii, uwiri s rriae or Armour s : laundry soap IRo 3-lb. cans Boston baked beans 84o H-lb. cans i'otten and levlled ham ,...3Vic Force, Vigor, Vim, Malta Vita, Neu- tnta or, pug vsy5 DOUBLE TRAD I NO STAMPS WITH EVERY SACK OF FLOUR AND ONE POUND OF COFFEE OK TEA ANY PRICE. CRACKER SPECIALS Fancy soda oyster, butter or milk crackers, in 5tto Fancy crlBo aliiFer 'snaps, lb 4a 2-lb. pkg. breakfast oatmeal 60 TEA AND COFFEE SPECIALS Fancy Golden Rio Coffee,- lb 12ftc Pineapples We have lust received a telegram from shipped us one solid car of fancy, large, 8 days. He claims for it to be the finest Mr.- Daly was a resident of this city for correspondence. Watch our ads for their MAVDEN BROS. SHE lid's "Follow Purchase round trip tickets rate from Omaha, SU.8B. Correspondingly cheap rates from all points. Take as small amount of baggage as possible. Avoid checking small pieces, such aa telescopes, grips, etc Have your name and address printed plainly on your trunk. 1? you have anything to check have same checked to World' Fair Station. . Ressrve sleeping car space as farahead as possible. Sec-jre rooms or hotel accommodations at early date. Select the shortest and quickest route thus avoiding unnecessary t slays and savliig time, Leave the train at World's Fair Station which Is Ave miles from Union Station. This saves time, annoyance and much confusion In big crowds. If you are traveling East or South purchase tickets through, via the Wabash which allows ten days' stop at St. Louis on all tickets. Oct a Wabash World's Fair folder giving maps of Grounds, Buildings, City of St Louis and other reliable information. For Rates, Maps, Sleeping Car Berths, call at Wabash City Ticket Office 1609 Farnam OR ADDRESS HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. D., OMAHA. NEB. Waivt Ad Sense gsMPH mmtmm wswMWsswsyM Don't expect to get the brightest boy in Omaha by advertising "Boy Wanted." The boy has his future before him, and it matters a great deal in what direction he starts. If you want a boy who cares about his work, attract him by telling the opportunities you offer. Tell him what he will have to do and what it will lead to, rioot strlrM. Irish Dimities, Dotted Swisses. Muslins and Lace 7. Stripe Mulls worth up if" to Zoc yard at Zephyr Dress Olnghams Scotch I-awns, Apron Cherk Gin- ghams and Crescent duo Per- t" cales, worth up to lo yd. at.... EXTRA SPECIAL From a. m till It " -l.Wl yds- Mercerized White Waistlngs, Vorth up to 75o 4 r per yd. as long hs they last 7 Tf" all go at one price, por yd.... Crockery Departments Fancy Maricalbo, a good coffee for family use 154. Choice teas slftlngs, fmm finest teas..I3a FRESH FRUIT SPECIALS Large Juicy seedless lemons, doe lOo juicy seeaiess lemons, aos ......ivo lulcv sweet Highland oranges. dozen 1ZT 1 its Fancy Colorado White Clover honey, rack .v 12o Hallow'een dates, lb ...... ......Jo WARH SPECIALS 1 rA.kes. ach - . IRo per rack Fancy HARDWARE! 12 tine Harden hoes, each ......... ... 15c Steel spndes, each 490 Lawn sprinklers, each ... ....... 19a Garden hose, per foot 6tya Poultry netting, per square foot Ho 2-burner gasoline stove $2 49 Adjustable screens, each 26a WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS ABSO LUTELY FREE. CROCKERY SPECIALS Seml-Poreelaln Handled Cups and Saucers worth $1.00 per set this sale 84o Pineapples Mr. Dnlv of Cuba announcing he ha.1 iulcv. sweet Pineapples, to arrive in about In the country. many years and Is very reliable In his arrival. Fair fit: tba Flag." priest of her time they set the wrath of TaU 412 Fotm Se)