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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1904)
1 n ill 10 SPECIAL NOTICES AJTrrtlsemr.ta for taese ! rm e takes til IS as. tow the Vealas; eaHloa d aatll 8 . 'or the noralit an ay eaHloa. Rates, 1 1-S a word Brat laeertloii, 3e a word thereafter. Hothlas taken for less thaa for tha Brst laser TMoa. These adrertlsesaeats asast he ran eoaseeatlrelr. Advertisers, hy reflaesflar ere rhrek, caa have aaswero ad dressed to a aesnbered letter la eare ( The Bee. Aaswere sa addressed will he delivered aa preeeatatloa al the trheek oalr. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE N. Y. Life Bid., Omaha . Business Shorthand, Touch Type writing, English. Mail lessons in all branches. Catalogue free. B 337 Thp .Nebraska Seed Co. jPpen till 6:30 p. in., Saturday and Monday R-823 Jl , FRONTIER TOWEL BUPFLY CO. TeL 112. R M754 Je9 CUT RATE TICKETS everywusre. P. H. Phllbln, 1606 Farnam and opp. Union lUUun. Tels. 784 and 1611. R 826 hRY KELLY'S TOWEL. SUPPLY. Tel. 3530 XV 343 tTREEB. Omaha Nursery, 18th and Douglas. Tel. 3tt08. K-M726 M 1 CTnUP?"fl nd repaired. Jackson : 151U VCD Bros. Fegg. 7LI N. 16th. Tel. L-2381. K 8b M2J CMAHA Safe and Iron works make a spe cialty of tire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreeii, Prop., 102 8. 10th st R tot M26 Champ. Carp. Clean. Co- 718 & 14th. T. &5. , R 820 HBILVKR, NICKEL. PlaUnjr. Om. VJvJL.Ufiatlng Co.. 1508 Harney. Tel. 263. R-m7 : C1TT SAVINGS BANK paya 4 per cent. ' R 828 'jCAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accommodate , .Ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage, ait N. 16th. Tel. 1186. R-o30 LOCKSMITH 809 R 831' Vartrr Carpet Cleaning Works. N. A. CieClIlC Cbriatenson. 2321 N. 20th. Tel. 165 f R-832 .UNTI-MONOPOLT GARBAGE CO. cleans , cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dead animals; reduced prices. 621 N. 16. Tel. 177. . . R-833 .PUBLICITY DESIGNS WH EATON, In the Bee Bid. R 834 IGN painting;. B. U. Cole, 1301 Douglas, R 836 4ALL KINDS carpenter work; repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, ' 20th and Lake. , R 870 IkNTI-MONOPOLT Garbage Co. 621 N. 16th. TeL 177. R 461 SPECTACLES, flj examination free; 80 days only. U. S. Opticians, 808 N. 16th. , R 838 1 6TOVB storage and repairing. Hughes ' Stove Repair Works, 2217 Cuming St. Tel. F-2803. . R 841 v i ... . 1. CARPET cleaning. 3. Wood, 101 Clark. ' ti wJtfm ... u tii . ' I FURS stored and repaired reduced prices. G. E. Shukert, 818 8. 18th. R M961 M2 f COOKING, heating, gas, gasoline stoves re- paired. City Stove Rep'r W'ks. Tel. L294S. 7 , R M224 M19 I PERPIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.; no In- terest; honest values; . easy terms. Tel. 701. R 845 ' lit. w. M' f ntt. VEA, Plumber, 1124 N. Kth. Tel. STOVES STORED i 1307 Douglas. Tel. 960. Omaha St. Rep. Wks. .. ... ' R M424 ltR. BLABAUGH. Dentist. N. Y. Life bldg. r r lim BICYCLES! BICYCLES! .OMAHA 'BICYCLE CO, 16th and Chicago. I : R M307 money to Loan real estate 2PARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas. First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W-eli J-fRIVATS money. Sherwood, N7 N. Y. JUfe. W t)U TO P. C. money. Bemla, Paxton block. PRIVATE money. V. D. Wead, 1820 Douglag ' - i (WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnara Smith d Co., UJ0 Farnara at. w-eaa IJiONEY TO LOAN. Payne Investment Co. . W-S28 fWANTED, real estate loans and war rant a R. C. Patera Co.. Bee bldg. W 824 per cent . loan. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnara. - W-eJ XONEY lo loan. Kenny Real Estate and investment Co., r. 8uO Bee bldg. W 4M CITY loans. L. D. Holmes. 712 N. T. Life. . w-n Mt PRINTING PRINTING Hlght Grade Work. I HIGH CLASS prlnUng. at lowest prices. ! TeL IK2- 1- A. Medlar Co., iZ 8. Ulh Su 830 ' ' ' 'j. IX' SIRPLESS. Reliable Printer; estab ' Ushed U years. 03 S. 13 th St., Omaha. AMERICAN Printing Co. New equipment Get our p riots, Tel. U3L 1618 Chicago. M36s Vr'ntrrt Job printing. Best work In city, r nnilllK Guaranteed. 16U Capitol Ave. 436 KRAMER CHANDLER. QUICK PRINT-k-Kd, 1108 Farnam. To deliver work when promised Is our hobby. Mtll GARDNER PRINTING CO.. removed to rooms 3 ana 8, Uaity rxewa niag. 'fhone A-awj. 7-Je FLORISTS HESS A SWOBODA. 1418 Farnara. -837 Ik HENDERSON, 1518 Farnam. Bend for price list oi out nowers ana plants. 877 ALFRED DONAOHUB. JR.. 1607 Farnam. Tel. mtJ. i UWNMOWERS SHARPENED K. U. LAWARENCC X70S Leavenworth, v Tel. L-1678. S40 M18 C. JARU 71J Bo. 16th street. M-7M Je 10 J. MELCHOIR niachtne works. l!tth and Jloward. M ue iu UW AND COLLECTIONS X. r. MORKARTY. Att y., 437 Paxton. TeL .JOHN M. MACFARl.AND. New York IJfe i wog rooms tut ana in. uu. auus WANTED MALE HELP SUCCESS vs. FAILIr. Two young, ladles came to Omaha, One took up Moaner (Shorthand and in four months waa given s fine position In the City Savings Bank; the other took Pitman Shorthand at a local iwhool. After eight months of hard work and a heavy expense. It will yet take her from four to six months to flnlah her work. This llluatratea the difference between the Moeher and Pit man Hhorthand. It wil pay you to investi gate tha Moeher system. Catalogue free. Address, OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 17th ana Douglas. MEN to learn barber trade. Tree railroad fare upon oir fxliure to convince you of this being Mis BJi-Sr, largest ana only re liable, moat practical barber college in thla section. ' Write for catalogue today Western Barbers' Institute. Omaha, Nt-o. 15 848 WANTED FOR U. S. ARM Y Able-bodied unmarried men between ages of 21 and 16; cltlrena of Lnlted Biatee, of good ihr.ri., .nil tmnrate habits, who can apeak, read and write Englisn. For In formation apply lo vecruiwn uunn, niii and Dodge Sts.. Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. B M16Z LARGE eastern plant manufacturer wants responsible man or firm to take ex clusive Omaha and Nebraska agency; manufacturer will do extensive adver tising for agent's benefit. The paint Is a leader wherever introduced. Address H 46, Bee office. l B 381 A GOOD POSITION Is always open for a competent man. His dlinculty la to find It. We have openings for high grade men of all capacltlea executive, technical and clerical paying from ll.WfJ to 310,000 a year. Write for 6 Ian and booklet. Offices In twelve cUtVs. AFOOODS (Incorporated). 816 Chemical building. St. Louis. B WANTED, first-class barber at once. F. W. Baade, Schuyler. Neb. - B 80 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Special offer Few weeks completes. Careful Instructions: can nearly earn ex penses before finishing. Call or write Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglas st. B M975 20x AMERICAN Barber college, Omaha, Neb. Write for free catalogue; It tells every thing. B 270 22x WANTED Men and ladles to travel; $80 month and expenses; new line of goods; call at Merchants hotel. W. Callahan. B-W2 21x NONUNION floor and roundhouse machin ists wanted for western railroad; also bollermakers and bollermaker helpers; must be experienced and competent; good fay. Apply room 10, Victoria hotel. B-M308 18x A LIVE man of good address oift of em ployment can secure permanent position and good wages, references required; experienced solicitor preferred. Apply be tween 3 and 6 today only. H. Joseph, Paxton hotel. B 318 WANTED Three teachers to travel during vacation; salary 821 per w?k and ex penses; salary paid weekly and expenses advanced. Address, with stamp, J. A. Alexander, Omaha, Neb. B M334 18x WANTED Grocery and drug salesmen to sell sn article with merit through your house; liberal commission. Write Maple City Soap Works, Monmouth III. B-M341 20 15 00 IS OUR LOWEST PRICE. , . $20.00 IS OUR HIGHEST PRICE. But each one rings true true of wise economy; true of honest tailoring; true of lasting satisfaction. BRITISH WOOLEN MILLS CO. Big Tailors. 14UI Douglas. B-M329 18 $18 PER WEEK and expenses to a hustler to distribute samples and collect for manufacturer In Nebraska. Expenses ad vanced; salary paid weekly. Adv. Dept., 702 Star bldg.. Chicago. B M333 18x WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, lady hairdresser; steady posi tion. Monhelt's, 1411 Farnam. O 378 18x WANTED Ladles to learn hairdressing, manicuring or facial massage. Few weeks completes. Comparatively no ex pense. Diplomas granted. Positions waiting graduates. Call or write Moler College, 1302 liouglas st. C M874 20x WANTED A competent cook by Mrs. J. 1. .Brown, itu a. 12a sve. u Mia a TO A DESERVING young lafly or gentle- iii-i. nui m uiiijiidiv nJim i n iiij 1 1, Omaha's leading business and shorthand college, and to be paid for when course Is finished and position secured, Address L 15, Bee. . C !6 24X' LADIES for home work, stamping World's fair souvenirs; good pay, clean, pleasant . Call 66- Douglas Bldg., Opp. Hayden's. C M704 M26 80 GIRLS. Canadian office. ICtb and Dodge. C-M3i9 GIRLS from 15 years up to learn glove and mitten work; experience . unnecessary. 1306 Howard St., upstairs. C M828 18 WANTED Girls for dining room work. Apply to Mr. Kirn, Hotel ueilone. C-285 17 WANTED Experienced salesladies;, only those with good experience need apply. J. L. Brandeis & Bon. U lists la WANTED A bright young girl to do office work. Must be good at figures and have references. Apply to W, Mandelberg. 2nd floor. People's store. C M301 WANTED An experienced lady shirt cut ter. E. J. Groves, Fremont Neb., Third and C. C 814 19 ' GOOD girl Mr general housework. ' 1024 Park avenue. C 326 19x WANTED Waist finishers. Terrlll. Room 200 Paxton Blk.-. ' C M840 20 WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION as collector, traveling or local, by experienced, competent man best of references. L 34, Bee A 276 18 AGENTS WANTED WANTED Canvassing agents in every county to solicit subscriptions to THi) TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER; steady employment with assured good in come; agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvaasers make euelly $60 to $luo per month. Ad- . dreaa Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee Building. Omaha. ' J 21$ FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS HORSES for sale; id-hand harness and ve hicles cheap. Melchior's Stables, 601 H. lath P u3 Family horse, carriage, cheap. SamU Burns. P M824 Jell 60 BUGGIE8, wsgons and all kinds of rigs at half price. 11. Frost, 14th and Leaven, worth. P 818 SELLING out buggies, wagons, harness, at cost. Anderson-Millard Co., 15i6 C'apitoL P 844 jell GOLF eurrey, new; solid seat runsbout; de pot rpekaway; will sell all for one-fourth cost. Enquire 611 Brown Block. ' P-M860 1$ SHETLANDS Fine gentle ponies, saddle and harness; safe for children. 43d and Center sts. TeL Black 1123. V MMa 22 X WANTED, rattle and horses to pasture. 160 acrea miles north of Florence on Cal houn road: fine blue graas. running water, plenty of aha da, well fenced, hates: Cut tle. 75ol horses. $1 60 per month. See John Msrnanu on farm, or Telephone F-1'24, Omaha. P MS13 WAGONS! Delivery wagons!! Business wagons!!! Don't fall to see them. The ' largest assortment In the west at whole sale prices. Jnhnson A Dan forth, 8. W. eor. 10th and Jnnea sts. p M2t7 Je14 CLAIRVOYANTS GYLMER, palmist. 718 N. 33d. Tel. Ii 3241 8 u BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th St. 8 MM6 Jels MRS. CARRIE SMITH, sovereign lady queen of clalrvoyanta; everything told; Vast, present and future; satisfaction or no pay. M N. Uih. a JaJte 80s TIIE 0MA1TA" DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. jjETURNS ARE WHAT THE-ADVERTISER WANTS That's why Th A jffoj Uad in PAID WANT ADS. Remember The Bee does not Pad its columns to maks a false showing. The Dee has no free list. Bee Want Ads bring best results. A trial will convince ' FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th A Chicago. li Sol DEWEY, European hotel. 13th and F","1 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 61t E-4 81.26 PER WEEK, Doran house, 422 8. 18th. E too VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, ladies' cafe, private dining r.j Pen" LARGE, warm room; steam heat. 1W Capitol Ave. E M720 NICELY furnlahed rooms, third floor. 14-v Dodge St. E 867 THE FARNAM, lth and Farnam APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN 'ine Chatnam; luxuriously furnlahed rooms and smoking parlors; appointments flrst Claes. 110 S. 13th St., opposite Millard hotel. Eti NORTHWESTERN HOTEL, newly fur nished. 618 N. 16th. E M360 Je3 8 ROOMS for light housekeeping. 1112 8. 11 E 6H NICELY furnished rooms; modern. 118 N. SGth. . E MS87 20x 3-ROOM apartment, modern. 816 8. 22d. E 612 20X TWO pleasant rooms for two gentlemen; Private family. 802 8. 22d. E M134 21x 2566 DOUGLAS St., rooms for light house keeping. E 271 NICELY furnished rooms, strictly modern. 2u06 Davenport. E-35 23 NICE front room, $2 week. 1717 Web ster. E M343 Jel7 ELEGANTLY furnished, south parlors, modern, reasonable. 2234 Farnam. E M345 20 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD ST. JAMES hotel, day board, meal tickets . $3.60. i F-M428 M21 Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16th & Chicago. F 86a 1617 CASS, rooms and board. F M419 M21 THE MERRIAM, 25th and Dodge, 'phone 85; nlco, light, airy rooms; ensultes and single rooms; terraced lawn; veranda en tire length of building. F 266 BOARD and room, $4; meals 16c. 161$ Dodge. ( F-M3&1 THE ROSE, 2020 IJarney; newly furnished rooms, good board; rates reasonable. . F M426 Je6 1816 DODGE, two nicely furnished parlors, with board. 'Phone A2407. F M863X FURNISHED front rooms, with board. 316 S. 26th st. F M283 22 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO SUITES, unfurnished rooms. 1910 Dodge. O. C. Redlck, 1617 Farnam. - G M260 21 TWO large unfurnished rooms, housekeep ing, 606 S. 21st Ave. G 298 17x TWO unfurnished, one furnished, room; modern. 1340 S. 27th st. G M339 19x ONE unfurnished front room, with alcove; no housekeeping. 620 So. 24th ave. G-M337 20x WANTED TO RENT WANTED An- eight to ten-room house, turnlshed; ' west Farnam - district pre- ,' f erred ; period three to six months. Apply Byron Reed Company, 212 So. 14th St. - K-M8B1 WANTED To rent first-class 8 to 12-room furnished house for the summer; West Farnam district preferred. W. Farnam Smith dc Co., 1320 Farnam st, Omaha. K-871 BUSINESS CHANCES GOOD BUSINESS CHANCE Let us tell you of s profitable investment of a small amount of money that will yield you good returns. Can be taken care of in addition to your regular work or busi ness. Address The Ahamo Co.. Omaha, Neb. Y M369 Je3 6HOLES-ARM3TRONG CO., 722 N. Y. Life. Tel 49. Y-47 ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg, can get you in or out or Dusineas. Y-18 CMnVF PRIDE OF HASTINGS 6o cl OlHWrviJgar. Cushing & Gauvrejiu, Distb. Y-M319 J3 "THE HOTEL BARGAIN." One of the best hotels In western Iowa, In .a. county seat town of 2,800 Inhab itants. The only $3 per day house In the place; 8-story brick with basement; a property worth $12,000; can be bought for $;.2u0; $2,200 down and $5,000 time will be given. Address H 44, Omaha Bee. Y- M728 MEN with cspltal to Invest in a live prop osition, that will stand Investigation. ' Address No. 804 Clapp Block. Dea Moines. Ia. Y-M781 30x WANTED At once, competent man with $fi00 cash or part good paper, to take up the greatest paying proposition ever known; we pay car tare to anyone who goes and Investigates; no trlflers or graft ers need apply; write at once. C. E. Lar son, Cambridge, Iowa. Y 809 17 $600 or more can be made per month In legitimate business for persons who can invest $1,600 cash or bankable notes. If you mean business write to W F. Hirst, Cedar Rapids, la. , I M823 21 FOR SALE Barber shop and bath rooms; owi in tun Bio-io, i u uuu iieurnua town. Address L 41, Bee Office, Omaha. Neb. Y-M899 22x SHOE STORE Good stock of shoes for sale valued at $7,000. Located in large town in southwestern Iowa. Excellent opening to continue good business already started. Address Barton & Barton, Red Oak Ia. i Y M302 19 GROCERY business and stock of groceries, store furnishings, team and wagon for sale. Located In prosperous Iowa town. Doing good business. Old age reasons for selling? Price $1,800. Address Barton & - Barton, Red Oak, Ia. Y M3U3 19 HOTEL, 40-room frame building, 4 lots ground; only $2.00 day house In town of 1,600 people. Rents at one hundred dollars a month. Will sell or trade tor good farming land-. Price $12,600. Address Barton A Barton, Red Oak, la. Y-M304 II FOR SALE In the wheat belt of Kan.. Os borne machine and blacksmith shop, well equipped for engine repairing. Address at once, C. A. Thompson A Son. Oshorne, Kan. Y M2!9 22 FOR SALE Hotel Jamlann furniture and good will. A fine opening for a good hotel man. Write or call upon Donlsthorpe & Son's Real Estate and Loan Agency. Gen eva, Nebraska. Y M349 24x LEARN THE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS BE YOUR OWN BOSS. We give a complete practical course of In struction, furnish large list of saleable property, make you our special repre sentative, co-operate with and assist you to earn from $3,000 to $5.0n0 annually. Write for free Illustrated booklet. H. W. Cross A Co., 154 Otis Blk., Chicago. Y-M336 18x FOR SALE, cheap, 15-room. $3 a day hotel; onlv hotel In town of l.SoO; good buslneaa; best of reasons for selling; for particulars address 11. A. Settles. North Bend, Neb. Y M342 27 STENOGRAPHERS F. J. SUTCL1FFE. 1UI6 N Y. L. Depnel. tloris. conventlona. Tel. 3576. M 3M FACSIMILE letters. Boyles College. N Y. Life Bldg. sal M-'4 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ANOTHER SACRIFICE! The owner of . well-built modern house In first-class neighborhood must realise at once, and has reduced his price to effect quick sale. Tho rlrst lloor has the follow ing rooms, the plan of which make them very attractive and convenient. The re ception hall, 16x17. from which a panel stairway with oak grill work, leads to secortd floor, parlor, 13x16, with mantel and grate; dining room, 12x14, with bay win now; kitchen, 11x16, porcelain sink, pump connected with 100-barrel cistern; two sleeping rooms, 9x13 and 12x12, ceilings on first floor. 10 ft. 6 In. rear stalrwsy; sleeping rooms on second floor, la rue, light and airy; trunk room, 8x12; store room, 10x12; cement basement under whole house, first-class hot air furnace con nected with hot water boiler; fruit room, 12x14; vegetable room. 12x16; laundry room, 12xll; full lot. 60x0, alley In rear; back yard air fenced; nice lawn; per manent walk. Two blocks of good car line. Prlcj $3,260. R. C. PETERS & CO., Ground floor Bee bldg. RE 320 18 A HOME BARGAIN. The owner of No. 4761 Capitol ve., a non resident. Is anxious to sell and says, . "GET ME A CASH OFFER IN 30 DAYS." This Is a 9 or 10-room house, bath, closet; barn; two fine lota In every way a good home. We have been offer ing it for $2,2o0. Look st It and make an GEORGE G. WALLACE, BROWN BLK. RE 291 18 BEAUTIFUL HOME Near Country club choicest of Clifton Hill $1,600 down, balance easy: going soon to the highest blduer. You 11 miss it if you miss this. You'll buy it if you see it. Call on owner and save commission. 4316 Grant street RE 289 TWO brand new cottages, modern except furnace; one $1,800 and the other $2,450. 8HIMER A CHASE, Builders of Modern Houses. ' RE 734 THE ROSEBUD RESERVATION Is open to settlement Send fifty cents to Rath man & Keller, Bonesteei, 8. D., for In formation and large map showing topog raphy of country. RE 715 Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE, 913-913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 311 . . RE M327 ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLOCK. One of the finest 8-room modern residences in West Farnam district, $2,200. RE 73 HOMES CLOSE IN .On Douglas street, 8 rooms, new and modern, near Lutheran church, price only $3,750. On Cass street, I rooms, excellent, cen tral location, near business, schools and churches; bargain at $4,600. W. FARNAM SMITH &Co. 1320 Farnam Street - . RE-809 F. Dj WEAD. 6-r., modern house In Berals park. If sold at once, $1,000 cash, balance on time, $2,100. , 1624 Douglas. .!.. ' RE 316 18 BARGAIN. Within walking distance; four houses; will . bring $50 per irmrtthin rents; good reasons for selling; $2,906 cash and $J,000 on 6 or 10 years' time.. Address L 16 Bee. , r RE 323 18 FARNAM and Stith.sla.. modern house, fine condition, paving paid, ready for occu pancy, 34,600. W. T. ' Graham, Bee bldg. RE M169 18 BARGAIN In good' locality, Sfth and Far nam, modern house 9 rooms, $4,600. Graham. Bee Bldg. RE M173 18 HOMESTEADS. In Rosebud Reservation, South Dakota. Open for settlement about July 1, 1904. Send $1.00 for official map and book of Instructions HOW TO GET A CLAIM. - . , FRANKLIN PUB. CO., Omaha. RE M833 H Two New Houses H Have Just been completed by us on North 24th St., between Locust and Blnney, ready to move right Into; one 6-room and one 7-room, all modern; electric light, gas, furnsce, full cellars, cemented, hot and cold water connections throughout, fine location, east front. Call and let us show you thrbugh; will make the price and terms right. Look at them today. Have many other locations. Price from $2,266 to $3,600. " Hastings & Heyden, 610-611 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. RE 812 18 WE CAN BELL T6UR FARM. WRITE for details' of our special plan. Fletcher Real Estate Co., 801 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Immigration agents "Bur lington Route." RB M728 M26 123 North 40th. " The owner is leaving town and will sell his 7-room house, good barn, lot 60x156. for $2,400. Call us up at once. Harrison & Morton REAL E8TATE. 812-4)13 N. Y. Life. Tel. 814. RE M32J ?HEA8-Williamson Ca.HbTO, RE 873 ROSEBUD RESERVATION MAP. X6o. D. W. Forbes, Bonesteei. S. D. REM236 FOR ISA LE 6-room modern house, with barn, 82,400. See owner and house. 1412 N. 85th St. RE 736 J8x - REED HOTEL. We can offer for a short time tha Reed Hotel, Soufti Omsha, 66 rooms, well equipped with steam heat, electric- lights, baths, etc.; building alone coat about $15,000. ' Price $9,000. . We are sole agents for this property. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam street RE-M280 CHOICE locality, modern house, 9 rooms, Immediate poaaeasion. 209 S. 36th St.; $4,600. W. T. Graham, Bee Bldg. RE M170 18 $4,600 BUYS a good modern house 9 rooms, close to Farnam st W. T. Graham. Bee Bldg. RE M171 18 BRAND NEW HOME IN BEMIS ' PARK, 3,250. . At 84th and Hawthorne ave.. new. 6-room, strictly modern house, bath, toilet, wash stand, hot and cold wwr, furnace, gas, electric lights, first-class every way. Price Just reduced from $3.5j0 to $3,260. which makes It a good bargain. Ask to see this place before you buy. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First floor N. Y. Life. Tel. 1781. RE 313 18 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about It. The best way to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER ' This agricultural weekly goes to 6A0OO homes of farmers and atock raisers so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will rind a buyer among lliem. The coat of an advertlaeinrnt la small 2 cents per word In small type or 2 U per Inch if sal la larg Upe. MAY 19. lfOI. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $20 I n . IUW1UI LaFayette avenue. A bargain. ' THE BVROiN HEED CO. RE 311 19 ACRES IN BENSON Desirable Tracts for Country Home. Ten acres with bearing trult, all nicely seeded to alfalfa, $l,6u0.00. Five acres, some fruit, three blocks from car, $1.2ou.00. Two acres on pavement, a fine garden tract, two. 00. Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block. RE 843 C. L. 8TAUB, architect, 604 8. 18th st, city. Charges for full services, $ per cent upon costs and up. For frame houses, $25 mo. or less. Twenty-four years' practical ex perience. RE M238 18x A MAP OF ROSEBUD reservation for the asking. Write or call for one today. Gas Belt Land Co., 214 First Nat bank bldg., Omaha, Neb. RE M;5t HALF acre near 30th and Lake, $.460. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE-M316 19 Ulus. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. RE 874 TO INVESTORS. FOR SALE. 80x187 feet, large brick, three stores, three fiats, two small buildings, cost ing twice the amount asked to bull I, rental Income, $1,260 per year; plenty of room to build three or four more buildings; sure Income for ten years' lease $12,003 lOuxliO, with five 8-room houses, all In fine repair, bringing an income of $1,080 per year; good location, price. 9,000 60x132, with four 4-room flats and cot tage in rear, always rented, close In, all In good repair, rental Income $9-4 per year, price 6,000 9- room house and lot near high school, rental $264 per year 2,800 10- room house, 31st and Mason, rental $264 per year 2.000 9-room house, 22d and Poppleton ave nue, near new freight depot 2,200 Double frame house between 9th and 16th, on Hickory, rental $300 per year 2,000 Good 6-room house, city water and gas. In neighborhood of 25th and Hamilton sts 1,450 Two 6-room eottages. city water, sewer and good cistern; lot 60x140, on 18th St., near Charles 2,700 Two-story 9-room house, all modern except furnace, south front, nice shade trees, good location, 39th and Seward sts 2,300 Lot WVixlSS. 6-room brick house on corner, plenty of room for three . more houses, first-class location, street car pauses door and one block to another street car line. This prop erty will be offered at a great sac rifice, as the owner has to sell. Lot 60x128, six beautiful shade trees, east front, a very nice 6-room cottage, basement under whole house, plas tered; good laundry; very large rooms; sliding doors: attic all floored; city water, gas 1,800 A very good 5-room cottasrti with laundry In basement; good barn, . south front, on Seward St., near 86th 801 Also good acre property at very low prices In any part of the city. Some of this property has low rate of interest and can be procured on excep tionally gooo terms. J. A. LOVEGREN. ;. -638-7 PAXTON BLDG. : I RE M347 18 j: ,'i .NO (DIFFERENCE.' NO 'DIFFKRENCE. between the suit we make to your measure tor 4 15.00 OR 120.00 and those of high priced tailors in town. There's no difference, except the difference of opinion.. BRITISH WOOLEN MILLS CO. Big Tailors. 1408 Douglas. , RE KS31 18 H ' Benson Bargains. H 8-room house and 7 lots, 4 blocks from car, lies high and sightly, 2 lots set out in fruit, 3 lots in garden, other 2 lots In lawn, chicken yard, good chicken house, barn, well and cistern; price, $2,800. 6-room cottage and 4 lots. 2 blocks from csr; price reduced to $1,600. 8 fine lots. 4 blocks from car; has fine growing fruit trees; price, $500. . Many other properties and acreage near Benson, $140 to $200 an acre. Hastings & Heyden. v610 N. Y. LIFE BLDG, 'PHONE 1606. RE M332 18 EXECUTORS' SALE CHOICE ' ACRE PROPERTY IN BENSON. 15 acres and 59 ' lets in Lacey's add., lo cated north of military road and Just west of Country club, will be sold at court house, Saturday, May 21, at 10 o'clock. Inquire for further informa tion of GEORGE A CO., 1601 Farnam St. RE M328 18 NICE building lots, north part of city, $150 to $300 each; well located; can be bought on easy terms. R. H. LANDERYOU, 442 Board of Trade. Tel. 2151, RE M327 18 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO-8TORY Dulldlng, 1E13 and the second floor 1508-10 Hjward. vyv. H. Bushman.. I 90a IN THE BEE BUILDING. A -handsome suite, entrance light In fiont of the elevator, south exposure, hard wood finish and floor, price per month, $30. A r.lce small office, fourth floor, $10. A good slxed office with large vault, run ning water, on fifth floor, $20. Heat, light, water. Janitor service included In rental price of all rooms. R. C. Peters A Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee Building. 1814 DESK" room, 414 Bee Bid. 1-801 STORE ROOM, 617 8. 16th St. Inquire of Clark Powell, 1516 Capitol ave. 1-743 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 616 N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1664. 931 DR. GRACE DEEGAN, 832 N. Y. Life. Tel. 2U86. 932 Fayette Cole, osteopath, 609 Paxton block. 933 MRS. JOHN R. MU8ICK. Osteopathic Phy. sician; office, Douglas block. Tel. 2823. 934 Dr. Farwell, specialty nervous diseases. 601 Paxton. 767 WANTED TO BUY BHONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, 822 N. Y. Ufe, puys higkest price for books. Tel. 8036 ' N 4127 1,000 FEATHER beds, pillows and bolsters; highest cash price paid. C. A. R 1922 B. 10th. N 379 M19 WILL pay $100 cash for horse and phaeton. Address L 37. Bee. N-287 13 WANTKD-Tn buy, feather beds. M. Ans lyn. 1721 Cuming st Telephone 2467. N SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITERS A. C. VAN SANT'S school, 717 N. Y. Life. -Ml K'eb. Bus A Shorthand Col., Boyd thester. 882 $36 BLICK ENSDERFER, $M. t$8 New York Life building. Omsha. -401 M20 PERSONAL DR. "ROY, Chiropody, R. X 11 Farnam. DETECTIVE Cspt. Cormack, 617 KArbnch block. Tel. A-38J2. K-5J DRESSMAKING, in families. MIrs Sturdy, 2 Davenport. . L" M941 MUSICAL Thos. J. Kelly, voice, Davldge block. L U9 Accordeon pleating, cheapest, beet quick est. Mis. A. C. Msik, I; Hi and Douglas LA BOOK, ladies' tailoring. 618 Karbach block. U-88 TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3530. V 344 GENTLEMAN, own business, wishes to meet honorable lady and dressmuker, am bitious, about 26 years; object, mattl mopy; no trlflers. Address L S. Bee. U-292 lSx PANTORIUMb Stammering cured. J. Vaughn. Ramge bldg. ELITE Parlors. 615 8. 16th. 2d floor. U-s "VIAVI." way to health, 850 Bee building. U-8SW . WHAT 8 ulcer thnn accordeon pleating? We do nothing but the finest. Goldman Pleating Co., JuO Douglas blk. U 891 PIANOLAS for rent; 3 months' rent al lowed on purchase. Bchmoller A Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel. 1625. , U-892 TUB. vapor sod alcohol baths. 730 B. 13th st U 11 THEATRICAL masq. Costume luls Farnam. Lleben, U-aa WANTED Information of the whereabouts of Annie Shaw, from Glen Am, county Antrim, Ireland; dead or alive. Address Joseph Shaw, 1106 Braddock ave., Brsd dock. Pa. U 283 18x LODGES, dancing club or meetings of any kind, can secure a hall In the Bee build ing, with splendid accommodations; ele vator service all night, electric light, piano, etc. Apply to R. C. Peters A Co., ground floor. Bee bldg. U 941 . CRYSTAL Ice Co., 1306 N. 24th. Teh 2038 U M45U Jelu THERE are at leust 20 reasons why every man should smoke the Moncgram 6o cigar, 'Ihe rlrst Is: it is equal to any luc Cigar on the market. W . F. Stoeoker Cigar wo., manufacturers, 1404 Douglas. U SS6 HI API M PT1P treatment tc baths. Mme. JlrVJlC 1 IV. snath. uM. 16.1 nr., K. U-i6 J -ix STE1NWAY pianos are sold exclusively by bchmoller A Mueller, 1313 Farnam St. . U 898 FRANK-W11I press no further about Miss L. If you win only come home; try me for children's sake. HILDA. U 294 18x j, . Dye works, up-to-aate I I Pr Ml M M v cleaners ua dyers, in V-tl lliaillU,) mh Bl, Tel. 3627. U-MS67 BEST photos from $2 to $10 per dosen and a lxl7 or 16x20 photo not crayon Included la each Uuzen FREE, Frames If desired at very low prices. Stonecypher, photog rapher, 1313 Farnam st. Tel. 3623. U 9ai PHOTOGRAPHIC negative retouching complete course $26, $10 down and $3 per weex, for live weeks. Suite 3, Krug Thea ter Bldg., Omaha, Neb. U 423 M17 DR. FICKES, G, C. B. 8. dentist. 338 Bee bldg. U-M327 M18 CC C A PTQ "nd By Carriage Mfg., VW VI 1 o sold irom mfg. to buer; retail at wholesale prices; satisfaction guaranteed. Omaha ft. A R. Works, tl$ S. 18th. U--M367 EDITH LIDDELL, last seen In New York six years ago, nas inneruea property. Information concerning her desired by George Morehead, attorney, 99 Nassau St., New xork. u w isx "PAPA says he can't shske 'em off" Hute son's New Patent Rimless Eyeglass: al most invisible. Huleson Optical Co., 213 . i6tn st, i'axton oiocx; factory on tne premises. - u uu DR. C. H. DJB LONG, Dentist, JpfJJjtoaj- EXPERT piano moving, lowest prices. Bchmoller A Mueller, 1313 Farn. Tel. 1624. FENCING lessons given to ladles or gents at their home. Swedish system. Gives you a superb figure, fine complexion and graat strength, rroressor, r. u. box ax. omana, u-ts Jex WANTED-The .'address of F. M. Cook of Nebraska, or his heirs; he formerly owned isnd in Texas. J. a. cates, ue catur, Tex. . U M817 Ux MRS. DA VIES, 1515 Burt, electric and tub baths, second floor, room 1. u M52 I9x FEEL yourself SLIPPING T See REX. Paxton block. CIGARS. U-M263 21 A.N unencumbered gentleman of means, educaton. with good looks, highest char acter, wsnts wife with same qualities; must be brunette, between 26 and 36. Ad dress L 39. uee. u a ihx PERSONAL Ten thousand dollars ($10, 000) reward will be paid for accurate in formation as to the whereabouts of Henry Baxter Klngeley, who disappeared from New York City on Nov. 14. 1903, If living; or. If dead, to the person who shall first furnish to the undersigned information leading to the conviction of .any person responsible for his death. This offer will hold good until Aug.- L M. I'aiy, Moyt a Mason, Attorneys, . 15 William St., New York 6lt. -381 Ux WANTED By physician of ten years' ex perience, a location; best of references. Address L 40 Bee. U M338 19x OUR STANDARD PRICES ARE . $15.00 AND $20.00 ' It you go past our prices you pay too much. If you fall short of them you lose the quality. Stop anywhere on the mark and you win. BRITISH WOOLEN MILLS CO. Big Tailors. 1406 Douglas. U M330 18 MEDICAL LADIES, our monthly regulator sever falls; box free. Vita Co., Station A. De troit, Mich. MAGNET PILE KILLER, IT CURES. At druggists, $1. -9S HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail. Sherman A McConnell, Omaha. 800 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases snd irregularities or women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, 1511Vi Dodge st, Omaha. , 901 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; iwuica puutiiw, uuravil. fc,is unai'iea. Tel. A-3618. 9u3 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies aaopieu. i na uuug Samaritan sanitarium. 72S 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la. 626 DR. HOSTETTER has removed to the 8. -. tuiu.r ui -Aim ana J-saven worth sts. Tel. ,8. 602Je4 CARL ENGEL, M. D., diseases of women anu . niiiiirii. rnor.i council Bluffs, la., 201 East Broadway. M 904 16x PRIVATE home during confinement; babies "" "" " -r. rung, top noor, N. 16th St. Tel. 8658. S24 JM6 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Two excellent milk rows. A p. Ply 6510 N. 24th St. Q-M300 18x ZD-HAND safe cheap, Derlght, 1119 Farnam. Q-Huo 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman at McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Q t1 FOR BALE, several scholarships In a flrst class standard school in Omaha, compris ing complete course in business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire st n-e office. ' Q 63 FOR SALE, will sell st a discount a schol arship In tne of the beat Omaha business colleges. Address F 16. Bee. Q-M901 TELEPHONE poles; long fir Umbers; cheap chicken fence. 901 Douglas. W-MG93 HEAVY Drummnnd make top buggy cheap. Also good disc harrow at 4 value. John son A Danfoub, 8.W. cor. 10) h and Jones. Q-M2J6 Jel4 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NEW Stelnwsy Pianos are sold only by Schmolkr A Mueller. 1413 Farnam. lei la. HOG. Poultry, Lswn, Farm and Kallroid Wire Fence, vlre Woraa, 1 8 n.tii b. Tel. 1590. . 2D-HAND safe.' Swans, Halter, 114 8. 13th. U 44a Jit SAM L BURNS closing out refrigerators. VI-4M J Si LARGE stock of new and eecond-nand automobiles. 11. K. Frederickcon. cmtiu. Neb, vl-339 ej STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., WboleHie ami Hetall. HARNESS and SADDLES; everything oon slderea; cheapest on earth; everything band-made; union anop; headquarters tor axle greiiHe and whips. J. li. BLESSING. 331 ei. 2uth, Bo. Omaha. j MltUb BMOKE Auditorium Brick, to cigar. y 90i WE RENT Sewing maehines. 7&o week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured. . Second-hand machines from $5.00 to IlO.tO. Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phone K62. r corner 16th and Harney. MY diamond ring, cheap; In pawn at Dia mond Loan Oftlce, 1401 Douglas; they II show you. Q M40O HIGH-GRADE piano for sale; g big bar gain; must be sold. Address L 11. Re. Q-M5vg Mil CTATI I A LV ow is the time- to buy. Jlnl UrtlXl ttargain prices until May Omaha Ornamental W ks, 2026 Farnam. QM; lit CLOSING gas fixtures st cost. Sam'l Burns. Q.-M823 Jell FOR SALE, rails of all weights; also switches, frogs and csrs for aidetracki and tramwavH, locomotives, steam shov els snd contractors' tools. We mske a specialty of cutting rails to any length desired. M. Mltshkun Co., Lxtrolt. Q M812 FOR SALE New and second-hand auto mobile. F. W. Bacon. Baum Iron Co., Omaha. W ' FINE 10-eyrup, onyx soda fountain. Rich mond, Derlght Co., 1303 Fsrnam. g-321 18 BUTCHER and grocer scales. Richmond, Dertght Co.. 1303 Farnnm. Q 322 IS MONITOR steel range, must be sold; lesv lng city. 826 Bo. 30th st Q M336 13x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY. If -you are annoy od lay numerous small bilii tnat have accumulated uutaog lite wiiuer it might be an advantage to you to ktou.a money ironi us and pay them, si.d '.ban pay us in weekly or uio'illiiy payments until you get out ot debt. V'e loin ua furniture, pianos, live slock .tad ollic-,-chattels and we make loans to saiu'eu people upon their ou ujiuintnt to io pay. Our rates are as low as sny and a grout deal lower than some, our ucrviue Ij quick and without publicity. If you ha-e dealt Willi us and are pleased, leu others and if you are displeaeed, tell us, -Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 329S. (Established ISM.) 8ue South inili St. X 91'i money money i VVji; i4;J.tiN iuONEf TO i i,.oi reslaiug in tne city sua burning pe.iua nent position with a responstb.o iirut. ON fi-AiN NOTE, Nu iLfsuOitoiiriii, and at tne lowest rates on lung tune, ey payment plan. We also loan ON FoJtNil'CrtE, WiitlOoi REMOVAL, pianos, etc., at the same low rales and easy terms. It not convenient tor you to call at our omce, WRITE OR PtiONE US AND AGENT will call on you to explain our system ana arrange loan at your tesiaenc. ah business confidential. THE J. A. HUXTON CO.. SUITE 514, PAXTON BLOCK, TELEPHONE luvi. X Miuj CASH-. . -a.-. You can establish a, CREDIT with an old RELIABLE nrm and secure money whenever you need it We will advance you enough rioney to pay oft all your debts, so tnat you will . owe It aU in one plsce, where you get courteous treatment Our easy payment plan has astonished people who had previously borrowed of other loan companies, on account of our liberal rates . We make loans on SALARIES, FURNI TURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. e. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 807-8 Paxton Block. -X M828 MONEY . LOAN Phoenix Credit Co.. 633 Paxton Blk. X-U7 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITLRE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, DIAMONDS. SALARIES, ETC. We charge notning for mailing papers. Lowest rales and easy terms. ALL BUSINESS IS PR1VAXE. Tel. B3418. OMAHA CHATTEL LOAN BANK, 1404 Farnam St, upstairs. 'Phone AilU X-M9U1. If you are FINANCIALLY . EMBARRASSED, come ana have a CONFIDENTIAL talk with us. STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLK. V X M,.9 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others with security; easy payments; largest business in 49 principal iltlea. Tolman, room 440, Chamber of Commru bldg. X-913 3 P. C. YEAR FROM $100 to $5,000 loaned on your pur-onul note at EK UhMi ihak. ah good loans wanted. Jail or Wrlle and get my system. W. L. Eatlinaa A Co., 1M8 Farnam, Omaha. X 8j SALARY and collateral loans. Templeton, 213 Bee Wldg. Tel. sm. Jt li MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, etc., at half usual rates. Dr. Prlbbenow, room 21 at 09 S. 16th st Tel. B-2964. X 914 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, etc. c . Jteeu, 3i a. 13th. X-ai6v CHATTEL, salary snd Jewelry loans.. Foley Loan uo., UXJ4 r arnam , st . FOR RENT HOUSES THE Omaha Van snd Storag- C. pack. move and store H. li. goods, aiursuousr. 1120-24 N. 19th. Office. llllVi Farnam. 1 1659-868. " yAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO.. choice houses. 401-603 New York Ufe Bldg. PUoJ:'t linilL-CCIn all parts of the city, ine HUUJUJo, F. Davis Co., os tsee crag. D ti WE MOVE pianos. Msggard Vsn Stor ,m Co. Tel. 14W Oltite 113 Webster bt. - ! HOUSES. Insursnce. Rlngwalt, Barker B.k. ur-vl ICCC In all parts of the city. R. C. HOUbbb filers Co.. Bee Building. I ICT jour nouses ior snia or rein win, LlOl I. N. Hammond, Paxton Block. u 1UU NICE t room flat, facing Hanscom Park, y.f. rliunf j-. www, No. 1029 So. 80th ve., 11 rooms, oak finish, laundry, best of condition. No. 1031 So. 30th ave., 10 room. 3-tub laun dry, osk unisn. an inoaern Address W. D. Mead, Jr., York, Neu. D Mi7 mn hunt. 1619 Chicago. 13 rooms, all modern, fine lo cation. THE BYRON REED COMPANY D M914 18 2510 Dodge. W r 1M6 N liih. 9 r .15) .. 30 181 N. 18lh. 9 r 1 3074 Mason, $ r I lt?l Howard, 8 r ' J054V 8. 20th. r THE BYRON REED COMPANY. 212 8. 14th st D-M915 18 2715 DEWEY AVE . first floor and bsth, $26; desirable couple. D-M304 I i