TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. MAY 16, 1004. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. tpt registered Trnnracfla maim which close ( n. m. Drevinun day! cluco at the gneral powtofTW, New Torlc. as follow: CHINA end J A PAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, K. C. close at t:30p. tn. May 17th, for despatch rr . Emprrn of China. (Merchandise for V. 8. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot oe forwarded via Canada), CHINA and JAPAN, via Poattla, close at :30 p. m. -May 20th, for despatch per a. a. Hrades. NEW ZEALAND, AfBTRALIA (excer-t Wft), NEW CALEDONIA. BAMOA and HAWAII (also specially nHrse4 mall for FIJI Inland), via Pan Frannisoo. close at : p. m. May Zlst, for despatch per . a Sonoma. (If h Curfard etesmer carrying the British mall for New Zeal' and does not arrive In time to connect w,tJ this despatch, extra malls cloning at i:M a. nv, 30 a. m. ana 6:30 p. m.; Sundays at 4:J0 a. m.j a a. m. and 8:30 p. m. wMl he made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer). FIJI ISLANDS (also specially ndilressed mall for Australia and New Caledonia), via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close at 1:30 p. rn. May 21at for despatch per a. a. M lowers. TAHI1I snd MARQCE8AS ISLANDS, via Pan Francts-o, close at 6:S0 p. m. May 24th, for despatch per a. Mariposa. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via flan Fran cisco, close at 6:30 p. m. May 27th, for d snatch per IT. S. Transport. HAWAII, JAPAN. CHINA and specially addressed mail for .the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Pnn Francisco, close at :30 p. m. May 27th, for despatch per a. a. Doric. HAWAII, via, Ran Francisco, close at 1:30 p. m. May Bib, or despatch per a. a. Alameda. - - Hawaii, japan, China and Philip pine ISLANDS, via Ban Francisco, close at t ft p. m. June t for despatch per a. s. Siberia. MANCHI'HIA and EASTERN SIBERIA at present forwarded via Russia, Instead of via Japan, the usual route. NOTE I'nlesa otherwise addressed. West Australia Is forwarded via teurope; and New Zealand and Philippines via gnit Francisco the quickest r on tee. Philip pines specially anoresssd via i anale cr "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at the foreign rates. Hawaii Is lorwarded via Ban jrrancisco exclusively. COKNEL1VB VAN COTT, . Postmaster. Post Office. New York, N. T. JMfl 13. RAILWAY TIME CARD tpAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Harreuiog to Begin in Ttzai and Pros pects An Reported Cood, BIG 10CAL BULLS LOOK FOR HI6H CORN Omaha Cora AH Sola to Flood Chicago. South Early Plaat Offset by Cola Sights. tTUOlf ITATIO.N lOTH A!KD MAHCY. Chicago, Roek Island Paelfle. AST. Lmts. Chleagn Daylight Umltsg : am Chirac Daylight Local 7:00 am Chicago Kxpraas 11:16 am tet Molnea Bipreas a 4 10 pm Chicago Faat Express...... .a 1:36 pm W(8T. Itorkf Mountain LlmltaJ iMOla Lincoln, C.lora4o Springs, Dan- r. Pueblo an tract a 1:M pa Taxaa, California ant Oklahoma riyar a t-19 am Union Paelfle. Tha Orarlane Limited a 10 am Tha Faat Mall a l:M am Tha California Eipraaa a 4:10 pm Tha Atlantic Spavlal Tha Portlane-Cblcato BpoLl...a 1:10 pm Tha Atlantic Expraaa Too Colorado Special.. ..........all:J4 pm Tha Chicago Spaelal ' .......... Lincoln, JJeatrlc. and Stroma- burg Eipraaa ,,.......4 4:04 pm Columbua Local b 1:00 pa Chirac A Northwestern. '.. tut Chicago 1:40 am Local Chicago .u all. 10 an Mall ei: pm &iai aious city . 7 :t. a I . 1:00 am ,a l:to pm .a t M pm ..a 4:1s pm ..a 4:14 pm b 4:00'pm .a 1:04 am . o 4:04 am ArrlT. a mo am a t:aS pra a 104 pm Ml 64 am a 1:14 pm a 7 :14 pm a :( pm all. 4 pa a 4 04 pm a I M pm sT lit pis a 4:40 pm 7:0 pm a 4:40 am a l ie am bll 44 pm b ;5 am a 7:44 am i'i'U'tm b 4:44 pm aio ou pm all :0 pm a 4:14 am a 4:44 pm lwjr light SU Paul. twyllght Chicago Limited Chicaaa J'aat Chicago Xooal Chicago Faat St. Paul fit. Paul Kxpraas Faah Mall Local Sioux City Norfolk and Bonaateak Lincoln and Long Pino.... Dtadwood, Hot Bprlnaa Lincoln ...a 1:40 pm Caapar and Wyoming Kzpreas...4 1:40 pm Uaatluga, gaparior and Albion.. b 1:44 pm Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paal. Chicago Daylight a 7:64 am all :14 pm ai--a4 . i aipnn ,i v: pm Oyorland Llinltae a 4:40 pm Dm Molnsa gxpraaa . .a 7 .44 am Illinois Central. ... Chicago gjpraok Chicago, Minnaapolla 4 Paul Limited IflnnMpolla Bu . Pal Miaaonri Paelfle. Bt. Loula Bxprask al0:49 am K. C. Bt. Louis Bpraas......all:a pm World's Fair Special a 4:40 pm. tlilcaao Great' Western.' ." t. Paul aad Mlnaaspolls Lmtg St. Paul and Minneapolis U . . . a 7:44 am Chicago Limited a 4:44 am at. Paal, Ulna. Chicago a., a 4:44 pm Chicago Kxpraas , a 4:40 sua Wabash. gt. Louis "Cannon Ball" Ex... a 4 10 m. M4. Loula Laval lUe. aluBaj a 4.14 aaa a 7:06 am a 4:44 am a :4 m a 4 10 am blO.14 am bio.44 am a 1:10 pm 4:10 pm b 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm a 4:14 pm a 1:14 pm a litO pm sl0:44 pm a ' SO ptr. Bx..h 7:40 am a 4:04 am 40:14 pm . OMAHA. Mar 14. 1904. Dallas, Texaa, wires the harvesting of wneat will lgln In two weeks and that o oats in thirty days. Both of these crops will yield twice as much as was promised a month ago. The long drouth of winter and spring had nut the araln In auch con dltion It waa said early la April a total ntiiure might he expected.. But in the las two eveeks there have been heavy rains In an lexus except the pannandie ana con scrvatlve men nlace the wheat crop at 12. UiO.O'j bushels, and the oats in Dnllaa and eui ruunning counties at lorty go sixty Duan els to the acre. "We have heard a arood deal." aald A. B. Jaqulth, "of heavy shipments from Omaha ana otner marKete that would nooa cm cago. I can't see It. The terminal ele vators of Omnha and Council Bluffs have only lS0,ijts bushels of contract corn. All of this tins been delivered on May contracts and all of It hue been sold and placed to fr south. This takes any weight from the ( cal market and the stocks In the hands of the farmers west of the Mississippi are too small to flood any mnrket. The receipts, of course, will naturnlly increase a little If the nrlces remain as high aa they are. "The bears have been feeling good over the early planting in Iowa ana Nebraska, but 1 bcllevo that with these cold nights and the frosts In the western part of the state nothing has been gained. Corn may ccme to be worth 66 cents at Nebraska sta tions. I should not be surprised If It were to become so, for I have known It to be that high with less bullish conditions. The onlv bearlKh feature Is the lot of corn col lectrd In Chicago and the lags shipping tie. up They call that corn No. 2, but i believe It la not contract gtuft." A Chicago paper Bays receipt of corn from Nebraska have increased because of the anticipation among 'western shippers the Increase In rates June 1. The great part of the Nebraska corn, however, the paper tlnds to be going to Bt. Loula, as that place is tne nignest marxet. The range In price of Omaha grain for future delivery and the close Friday and today were as follows:, Closed- Low. Today, Frry 45 43 45 43 44 42 Vb S014A 29 92B 78 B 44 A 42B 42 B 44B 2 93 B 78ftB 49HA 45 A 43 42 B 30&A a : pm a 1:04 am au:4v am a 7:14 la a 4:10 pm aio:40 am a 4:04 pi a 1:10 am a!4:4 pm BURLINGTON aTATIOX lOTH A MA ION Chicago, Barllagton A dalney. . . Leara. AirlT. . Chicago gpoctal .a 7:04 am a 4:44 pm Chloaao vasilbalad Bxpreaa ad:Mpm a 7:44 am inioago lrio.i as:am a.11 :0g Dm (:44 pm Kaaaas City, at. Joseph A Co. Bluffs. Kansas City Day aUprsas a :14 am 4:04 pm St. Louis fj a 4:14 pm all:04m Kanaaa City Night Expraas al0;4i pm a 4:44 aa HurllaaTton A Missouri Rlyer. wymora, Beatrieo and Lincoln.. a 4 4v am Ml at . w. ..........f.o a:av am Uani Limited ..a 4.10 pm black Hills Pugat bound Kg.aU:M pm Colorado Voatlbulad Mr.. Lincoln Faat Mai; ....b t 17 pm iorX Crook sad PlatUmout!i....b 4:10 pm a 7:44 pm a 4:44 sm a 4:44 pm 4 .10 pm alJ:i) pm blO:l aa Ballovus and Paelflo Junction. iMUetrue aud Paulno JuucUon. ..a 7:40 pm a 4.44 am a 4:17 am WEBSTER DEPOT 16TH WEBSTER Hlaeoarl Paclae, ' ' ' Mob. Local, via Wsephig Wmtar.b'TlJm aiTiBi Chleaao, Bt. rant, Minn. A Omaha. Tela Ctty PamMOgOT.. h 4 10 am b 4:10 pm Bloux City Puaengor a 1:00 pm all:t0 am Oakland Local ki apm k 4:14 am a Dally, b Pally except Sunday, d Dally laturday. o lally slept Monday. ' sxeopd OCEAN BTEAMSHIPS. Clark's Cruise TV "Arabic" IB, SOI Ton a one of the Fluent, Largest and steadiest H tea m era la the World to the f.!edi!srrar,2!,i axotke Orisnt February a to April IS, 1B0S, 70 DAYS. CQST 1MB ONLY (400 AND DP Flrat-claea. Including Shore Exeurstona, Onldea, feea, Hotels, Drives, etc. The most attactlve trip tlesTlng the United Slates next winter. 8HKC1AL KAIUKKS-Madelra, CaUlg. Seville. Algiers, alta. 18 days m Kg-ypt and the Ugly Land, Cua BtauUnopU), Athena, Home, tha Btrlora, eui. ' Tkeegouioperorln Burope, rain e. kiaat. ifi b... k.. v. nuLLAHU-AlmtniuA LINE. Ma Tta-jraw atoaowrs at 14.44e Toaa HBW YtlBKKUTTEHUAat, Tin BUllUxlNB. ' BalUaa Tuaaday, at 14 a. aa. Poitardam May 1? ttatendam June T Byadam May Poudam Ja 14 Nuordam ....May UHouardam ...Juaa 41 HOLLAMD-aJ4KajCAN L1NB, 44 DurWa IK., cat saao. Ui. i Marry Mowroa. 4401 Psruam til X awMun, Varum at. la44 Faraam dCl 4. B- kaytolda, Uu cg:.:?,'x:::e chorale h ' TRANtATLABJTIOUK Bonrh l ine. New York o Paris, Sis Day, Ballings Kvary Thursday at 10 av aa La 8ao!s May 44 La, Ouacegna ....Jtia 14 La Touralua ......Juua . Lt gatola Juno JJ La Lorraine ...'...June 4 .La Chaoipague. ...Juno 44 Naw, stodora. gigantlo iwts-ouraw and aapnaa ataamars; unl omoara maa-o(-war discipiino. Couipaay's vaatlbulad trains, Hatravl 4 kours. Agaolo Han-y it. Mooraa, laul Mriwm St., Louig Hm, rim Nat l bank.' C. A. MuOiarlurd, UU Parum St., itoch laiaud k. aUICMOB UNB ' V. a. stAU. gTBAMdlllPV BW TOKK. LONDON UitaRT AND , CLLASOOW. MBW IORK, 01 BK ALT A B AMD MAPU4. gsporlor acoommodallona. Cicallent Mlaloe. TVs oaaiort el paaaaugars cajrwil aoiioluaead. tlsgls er round trip uchata bat wove Nae Yars nod gooiahk Bagllaa. Inah and ail prlaatsol a,,lulUla aj ooiitlaontal polnta at atlraclo rataa. aad tor Booe et Toara. Far tiihata or aeneral Information apslp Is any leal esaat ( the Aaciuar LUw or to MKNDItBSOW HHPS. U' I acacia. Oo.-as. Ill LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO BIDPKRB. Rented bids will be received at tha offlra f secretary of state up until 12 o'clock noon or Mr gt, iwx. ior trie const ruction cr an addition to tne waterworks plant at Hastings, aciordlr.g to plans and soeclnVa tlona now on file in the ornce of secretary of state. The board reaexvea the right to reject any and all biUa. GEOiuiK W MA!sh, . alecretary of Hoard. . . . . UKxllutM Open. High, Wheat May July Corn-May July Bept. . ... Unts May July Bept. ..... 80 A asked. B bid. Local cosh Orala Mararet. Receipts are somewhat better and busi ness was slightly Increased. The corn however, was off lc from the prices which have ruled for several dava and the de mind was not particularly eager. Wheat and oats were steady at Drvalllng prices Receipts were: Wheat. 1 car In and 23 cura out: one week ago, 8 cars In.' Corn, 6 Cars In and 2 cars out; one week ago, and 5 cars. Oats, 4 care la ana carg out; one week ago, 3 cars In. Representative sales of car lota by sam ple on track, umana: Corn No. 3. 2 cars, 60c; No. 3 yellow, cars, 60Hc; No. 2 white. ; car, 6zc Onto No. 4. 1 car. 31HUC. WnBJAt no. x nara winivr, I hard winter, 80J4c: No, 4 hard winter. crtf78c; No. 3 spring, xooouc; no. spring, COKJN rvo. v. otxaoie; ino. a, w'aouc; no, 60H&d1ac: No. 3 yellow, oWnci No. 2 white. ooiTtiic; rio. a wnue, tmooc. OAT8 No. I. 41c; No. 3, 40o; No. 4. 38' 39c; No. 2 white. 42f$43c; No. I white, 41i Clc; standard. 41041HC. . I Notes from the Exchangre OfHeea. D n. Dawson of Llnwood and M. Alby of Harvard were exchange visitors. Omaha Inspections or grain were, ss cars. Of wheat, 1 car graded No. Z hard, 1 car No. 3 hard and 2 cars No. 4 hard. Of corn. 21 oars graded No. 2. 7 cars No. 3, car No. 4, l car no. a yeiiow, i oar no. 1 car No. t white and 3 cars no white, arm da. nmnha stocks of grain are; Wheat. 177, 67 bu.i com,- 232,286 bu.; oats, 113.829 bu rrmi met corn atocks: Merrtam A Holm qulat, 122,754 bu., and Union elevator, 81,974 pu. Grain Markets Elnewhere. rinnlne- nrlces of grain today and Frl day at the markets named were aa follows: ItillAUtJ. Cloesd Wheai , . ' Today. Frl'y, July Corn September July ........ September Wheat July September Corn-- July September Wheat . July September Corn . July September Wheat July September Wheat July September Wheat July ........ September KANSAS CITT. ST. LOUIS. 834 83'AA 79 47HA 47iT .... 78H .... 472A 4tiB . 73A , 69'A 43V, . 414 73 68 J 43V 42 B M4B 7M MINNEAPOLIS. .. 474 .. 46 82SA 474A 46HA DULUTH. NEW YORK. 7Si4A 90 B , ISrr4B mi savgA 7B 904B 1iB 88B 82 A HEW VOHK. GENERAL MARKET (taotatlona of the Day sa Varloas Commodities. NEW YORK. May 14. FLOUR Receipts, 7.760 bbls.; exports, 8,081 bbla.; the market quiet and barely steady; Minnesota pat ents, 46.OCKaO.2S; Minnesota bakers, 44.00 44.20; winter patents, t3.00tgp6.3S; winter straights, 4.8fKa&.00; winter extras, J.i&y 4.00; winter low grades, $3.163 (W. Kye Hour, slow; fair to good, 33.twitfi.la; choice to fancy, $4.164.(0. CORNMEAL Steady; yellow western. 1 4fl.U; city, 1.10al.l2; kMn dried. to-UXtf 3.10. K iE Easy; No. 3 western, 67o bid. a BARLEY Dull: feeding, 49c, c. I. f., Ntw Tork: malting, ouigtioc. c. L f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 27,200 bu. Spot, steady: No. 2 red. 31.06. elevator: No. 2 red. 11.07(3 1 11, f. o. b,, afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, stto, k. o. b., afloat; No. 1 bard adauitoDa. nominal, f. o. b.. afloat. Ontlona ouened steady and advanced for a time on favor able cables, prospective bullish weekly statistics Monday and froat In the west. Latter they weakened under foreign selling and heaviness In outside markets, closing net unchanged. Mav closed at 81c: July. outfit 13-lbc. closed at oofrc; September. klUiWc closwd at 82tto; December closed at hjo. COKN RecelDtS. 17.300 nil! nnnrtl. 1A bu. Spot, steady; No. 2. Lite, elevator, and WHo, i. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, bOo; No. 3 white, 67c. Options dull and practically unchanged; May closed at 67Vo; July, bio; nrjurinuer, 01.0. OATS Recefpta, 23,600 bu.; exports, 0,697 bu. Spot, steady; mixed, 26 to 32 lbs., Hit 47c; natural white. 30 to 32 lbs.. 4ftfi50ci clipped white, 86 to 40 lbs.. 6ifi)GJo. HAY Quletl shlDDlna Atei.iM- mnnA tn choice, 964(97o. HUr'a bteadv: state, common tn hnloe 1903 crop, 243ac; 19u crop, SS'u.ttc; olda, i 14c. Pacific coast. l9oS crop, ItdiSuc: 19C2 crop,- Z3(ql6c; olds, 14c. lilUh.S Bttadv: (ialveaton a tn 8 IK. lRc; California. 21 to 26 pounds, 19o; Texas dry. 24 to 80 pounds. 140. i,f.Aiiir.H Hteaoy; acid, t3'Q'25o. RICE Steady: domestic, fair to atira tu C6Vo; Jaaan, noraiaal. , l ttt I .-- t. t r r.i ,im.,t. e . o.. PHOVISIONS-Beef. uulet: fnmifw id M tT10.60; mess. IS 0i8 60; beef hama. 320.00'o Sl.bo; racket, t.fxa.6o; city extra India meaa. fW.OuulS 00. Cut meata, Inactive: nlca- led bellies. Sti.2ri4i7.00: Mckled ahoiil.i.r. 30 60; pickled hams, t.60ii 10.00. Ijird. steady; western steamed, 46 so; refined, steady; con tinent, I" bo; South America 37.36; com pound, ViliWf. I'ork. dull; family, f 13 60; short clear, 313 00(14.50; mess, 412.7fra a- - .... TALLOW-nareiy steady city (II ner pkg , 4'4c' country (pkga. free). 4o. IH'TTKK Firm; creamer v. ISSJoHo. i iie.li.SBr uuiei; oiu, ytuuc; new. BVffl KAiUbV-Biireiy steaay; western stomas ae. lecttotis, lKtil8Vc; western firsts, Ulawo. rol'I.THY Alive and dreased qulot and unchanged. Kaaaaa City Orala sad Provlsloas. KANSAS CITY. May 14 WHEAT May, fS July, 73U 6 73c; September. 68VS le: caah, No. 2 hard, biiH4Hc; No. 8, Si. ii -'; no. a rea, y "ji w. no. . lup.c. i lti i.ower; May, i"c; July. JSiy Uoi Svpteiaber, dl'aSUci cash. No. 3 mixed, 61c; No. 3. (0jlc; No. I white. a.y art" ; r. o, , aucitiie. OATS Steady ; No. I white, UWiiSc; No, t 42c. E(K3S Weak; Missotirl and Kansas stock (caaes included), 12VC new No. oases Included. l.lHc. BUTTER Creamery, l&jjl7c; dairy, fancy, ISo. HAT Steady; choice timothy, fl0.SO311.00; cnoice prairie, ..ij.uu. RYE No. 2, ate. Receipts. Shipments, Wheat, bu 22.400 16.6H0 Corn, bu 28, fX) lit.d- Oats, bu 2,000 Z.uoo CHICAGO GRAI A YD PROVISIOXB Featares of the Tradlagj and Closlaaj Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAOO, May 14 -An estimated fle creaae In available stocks Imparted Arm neaa to wheat today. Final quotations were practically Identical with yesterday s close. Corn is down VtifiHc. Oats are off 740. r rovisions snow no change. Initial sales on July wheat were He lower to He higher at 3fiS4c. The ffiar- aet cloned with an inclination to firmness, final quotations on July being at 83d bj c. clearances 01 wneat and flour were equal to Dusnele. i'rlmary receipts were 166,200 bushels, compared with 215,7u0 Dusneis a yesr ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 91 cars, sgalnst 12r Inst week and 157 a year ago. The early corn market was strong on sn active commission house demand. The market closed weak and near the lowest point. July opened unchanged to He higher at 479,fl4Ve, sold between 47H48Hc and closed at 4;Vift47Hc. Looal receipts wvin iif cms, wnn 01 contract graae. An easier feeling In oats late In the ses sion was due almost entirely to weakness In com. Prices held firm until the last nour, when moderate liquidation caused some recessions. After opening a shade higher at 28Hc, July ranged between 3SW0 oBa ana ciosea at iHiiy ,c. xxical re celpts were 82 cars. Provisions were steady, notwithstanding the eaaler tone of grains. About the only feature of trading waa salea of pork and purcnases or lard by outsiders. The mar ket received the leneflt of higher prices for hoes: Julv nork closed a nhsrln hlrher at sii.li; rios were up Ztto at 4o.o7IVa6.40, 1 lie leading lutures rangea as follows: Articles ! Open, f High. I Low. Close. ITes'y. Wheat May a July b July a Sept. b Sept. vorn May July Soct. Oats- May July SoDt. Pork- July Sent. Lard- July Sent. Ribs- July Sept. tn I rq 85' 83H.3H4 oiW 78Tb7979HWI 90 90 I wd 0 b5ls M,84(iilK184T'uS6 84,;83HH.R3','U7il 83' auv, 47 47tHi 471lH 41H' 3NH 80V, 11 in U 40 8 87' 6'iH 37H! 3 62Vx 4I 4H 47S 42 88 11 17V4 U 4U 42H 6 61H 6 40 62H 17;7P'aKO'80H'itH 78Hi781i 79 44 46V 47H 47HOS 46 46 474 47H 47V4 417i 41H(34 41 3oH(8 V4l88HraS,384,ff'H 11 10 U32V S37H1 8 62H 6 35 6 60 11 17H 11 1TH 11 b 11 6 42H 6 67H 6 40 62Vxi 6 87H 62V 37H 6 62H No. 3. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were ns follows: let nitT T ... 1 1 mrtA . inAM . - 44.70((i-4.80: straights. 34.404.60: snrlnn- nat- enta. I4.3ixg4.60; straights, $3.9034.10; bakers, $2. 66$ 3. 30 WH EAT NO, 1 soring. 90AT94C: NO. 8. 85a 93c; No. 2 red, tl.03fgl.n6. CORN-NO. 2. 48V'il49c: NO. 3 yellow. 62 63c. UATB-KO. Z. 4iilffV.O: no. a white. 41 244Hc. Hi INO. X, 73C. BARLEY Good feeding. SoB38c: fair to choice malting, 4ff&5oc. Bbtu-jno. 1 nax, i.ui; jno. 1 northwest ern. $1.09. Prime timothy, $3. Clover, con tract grade, $10.76. pku visions Mess cork, per nni.. Iii.inw 1L12W. Lard, per 100 Iba., $6.25&.80. Short ribs sides (loose), $6.12106.26. Short clear Sides (boxed), 36.25(36.60. The following were the receipts ana ship ments yesterday; Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 11.500 8.900 Wheat, bu - 31.000 24,100 Corn, bu 67,700 817,000 UatS, DU 140.0OU 128,31)0 Rye. bu 6.400 1.700 Barley, bu.. 80,800 39.400 on tne produce exchange today tne butter market was steady; creamery, 131T8Hc; dairy, 12317c. Eggs, steady; at mark, rases Included, 16fc16Hc. Cheese, easy, 8MaHo. 84. Loots Grain and Provisions. BT. LOUIS, May 14 WHEAT Firm; No. red, cash, elevator, $1.084; track, $1.05(9 07H: No. 8 hard. 953S7c: July. 8244a bid: September, 79o asked. CORN Loweri No. 3 cash. 61c: track. S2H C63c; July, 47Hc; September, 46Vic. oath weak: no. z casn. 42c: track, SHc: No. 3 white, 46c: July, 3634a bid: Sep tember, 30Hc asked. FLOUR Steady and unchanged: red win ter patents, $4.9096.00; special brands, 16 26a hlsher: extra fancy and strala-ht. 34.00 &4.S6- clear, $3 904.15. tjn;n.u 1 tmotny, steaay at 42.402. bo. CORNMEAL $2.40. BRAN Slightly lower: sacked, east track. 89o. HAT steady: timothy. 38.00014.50: nralrle. $6.00fO0. IKON COTTON TIJDB 2C. BAOOINO 6Hc. HFMP TWINE 6c. PROTT8IONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, $11.25. ard, higher; prime steam. $6.97H. Bacon. steady; boxed extra shorts, $7.12H; clear ribs, $7.60; short clear, $7.76. rOULTni esteady : cnicKens. 13c: BDrina. 12.0034. 00 per doa. ; turkeys, 10c; ducks, 8c; geeae&o aunisni-oiow; creamery, jwrzio; aoiry. lli17e. t:uii steaay, uvtc, case count. Receipts. Shipments, Flour, bbls 6,000 4,000 Wheat, bu 21.000 T7.000 Corn, bu 92,000 63.000 Oats. DU ou.uuu DS.UUU Philadelphia Produce Market. mirr inirf Dun i - 11 htwmpo Steady and fair demand; extra western crtjimerv. zic: extra nearby Dnnts. Zia. tools unsettiea; iresn nearoy, uws at r.arx; rresn western, iiw&LtTi at mar a; iresn soumwestem, 10 at mux; iresn outhem, I6H0 at mark. CHEESE Steady : New TorK full creams. choice to fancy, oVgS'c; fair to good, 8 i&Hc. Minneapolis Wheat, Floor and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. May 14. WHEAT May. Bl'sc; July, 904fco; September, 794c. On track; No. 1 hard. wHc; no. j, northern. ?.; No. 3 northern, 92c. riOUK r irst patents, xo.uxn.iu; senona patents, $4.90tj5.00j first clears, $3.503.60; second clears, 82.60. -, BRAN In bulk, 31.S(K3'17.00. . - Dnlnth Grain Market. DULUTH. May 14. WHEAT In store: No. 1 hard, 91c; No. 1 northern. 9oHo: No. northern. 870. To arrive: No. 1 hard. 93c; No. 1 northern, 92c; No. 3 northern, 89HC On track: No. 1 northern. 9014 !Mc; No. 3 northern, WaWfto; May, IKftic; July, 90c; September, 90o. OMAHA LIVE SIOCl MARKET Cattla Beccipta Light 111 tha Watk and Pricai About Etatdj. HOGS HAVE ALSO SHOWN UTTLE CHANGE mall Ran of Sheep and Lambs, with Qoallty Inferior, aa with a Llm lted Demand Market for Week Xo More Than Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. May 14, 1901 Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. oniciai Monuay .i 0. 1W OtTlclnl Tuesday 3.122 8.191 Official Wednesday 8,046 6.750 Official Thursday 2.3:3 S.OHS Official Friday 1,409 6.3.'9 Official Saturday 44 6,930 4.9 L81 4j 1.6' 640 Total this week 14.175 40, 45 13.361 Same days last wrek... .18.012 66.037 19.169 Same days week before. 26. 419 70.872 r.'.o name three weeks sko...21.i,, fio.,69 ?.l Same four weeks ago. ...23.129 62.671 81.S07 Same days last year. .. .22.1ns 64.390 16.923 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATB. Ths following table rfhows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaiia for the year to date with comparison with last year: istot. ishw. inc. lec Cattle 31.010 306, 1H0 b.1 Hogs 8:14,670 ool.!f;7 82,603 Sheep 619.631 489.358 130.273 Average prices paid for hogs at South Omaha for the last several days with com panson: 1 Data. I 1304. 1903.1803. 1901. lu0.13M.18SS April 18. April 19. April 20. April April April April April April April April April April May May May May May May May May May May May May May May 21. 22. 23. 24. .'6. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.. L... 3.... .... 4.... .... 4.... 7.... 8.... 9.... 10... 11... 12... 13... 14... 4 79 J 141 99 4 76 (96 4 81 T 10 4 7s' 7 I'll 88 4 81H T 06 86 4 81 H 7 01 (85 7 06 96 4 74Vb 7 04 7 03 4 78 6 9a 4 74H 6 92 4 7114 83 7 7 4 66H ( 77 7 03 4 61 (84 (96 ( 83 ( 90 4 68 ( 76 7 61 4 66 7 01 6 6914 8 76 4 63 (72 7 03 4 &S 66 ( 98 4 t4?4 ( 63 6 93 ( 63 7 00 4 (7H ( 62 7 0H 4 68H 7 Oi 4 61 ( 64 4 61H 6 46 ( 99 4 W 6 41 7 0i 4 66 tf 86 7 12 i Ml 49 68 6 89 46i 6 861 46 1 6 to. 6 So! 6 36 6 76 i 32 E 771 6 So 71 3 76 4 77 3 72 1(7 6 771 i 8X1 8 b& 8 b4 6 72 6 84 8 671 3 79 S 66 f 64 6 64 6 71 t 72 5 64 a 6 67 6 60 6 64l 6 66 6 61 6 66, a 6 6" 6 71 1 I 37 6 821 ( 26 6 18 6 17 S 84 6 221 3 i 3 64) $ 691 8 I 8 61 3 66 3 661 3 681 6 21 6 10 6 12 6 16 6 16 8 69 3 66 3 62 3 62 1 at 3 3 (3 3 71 3 84 3 74 171 6 16l 3 66 I 8 M 5 17 I $77 a 3 83 3 90 3 87 3 93 3 15 3 93 8 W a I 8 89 3 90 8 97 4 19 4 36 4 22 Indicates Sunday, - The official number of cara of stock brouxht In today bv each ruad waa: Cattle, nogs. tiDeep.ti r a. C. M. A St. p.. Wabash Union Vaclfla system C. A N. W , F.. E. A M. V , C, St. P.. M. & O.. B. A M... C, B. A W , K. C. A St. J , C., R. I. A P., east.. , C, R. I. A P., west.. , Chicago Ot. Western , 43 3 8 3 27 4 11 1 " X Total receipts 2 82 2 The disposition of the day'a receipts waa aa loiiowa, eacn ouyer purcnasing tne num per 01 neaa inaic.teu; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 119 ....36 1,146 1,666 260 , 1,631 807 40 E.818 280 640 Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. May 14. WHEAT Mar- an ax s ala. t Vn 1 -. A Sa t U A 4Y71 . V 41 it. RBI IJUirt, 11V. IIVI lllCIl, 47I-71V., -tj. 1UI 111- trn. 96V4fr&6c, old July. 8485o bld. KTa r irm: xvo. 1. 76H76c BARLEY Dull; No. 2. 63c: earn Die. 23 4J60O. CORK-Steadyj No. I, B0g82c; July, 47H (947H0 aaked. Toledo Seed Market. snT vnn it - , aviena 4 4Mr . t 1.1 . i-'j v lu.rip i n. , i , $6.30; October, 85.76. Alslke, prime, $6.16; ugust. ls.no. Timothy, prime. 81.40: Sep- teniber, $L4i. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, May MCOTTON-Snot. quiet; prices 4 points lower; American mid- llllg loir, i.irvu. iiuuuiiiiB, i,u-u, n ouu miu- Una. 7.34d: low. middling, 7.2ud; good or dinary, I.ODd; ordinary, (.86d. The sales of the day were 4.000 bales ot which 2ju were for speculation and export, and Included doo America. Receipts, i.imi, lociuaing 000 Amerlci J Futures quiet: May and una. 7.06d: Vae and July, 7.0dd; July and Liiaust. i.uxi: aususi ana nnintr. s.sod September ana uctooer, t.aa; octoner a November, 6.06d; December and Januai sua: January ana r eoruary. o.soa. NEW xOrtK, May 14. tuiTON-Fu tures, quiet; May. 13.14c; June, 13 26c; July, 13 88c; August, 13. 01c; September, 11.70c; October, 11.2uc; November, 11.18c; December, U.17c; January. 11.18c. Spot, quiet; mid- Una uplanda. 13.66c; middling gulf. 13.80c: sales, 800 bales. NEW OHI-KAINB, May 14. IOTTON Futures, steady; May, 13.90c: June. 13 670 13.69c; July, 12.77113 78c; August. 12.92w12 93'; 'Ptember. I1.67ull.e; October. 11.17-2 ll dtc November, 10.9t310 KXc: December, It 961310 96c; January, 10 tsvsll.OOc. Spot, quiet; sales. I'M uaies; orainary, 11 -loe: good ordinary, 2Vle: low middling, l3',o; middling, 184c: middling fair, 14 3-Tiie. Ra celpts. F.162 bales; stock. 176 807 balea. BT. IXJI'IB, biay 14 urriuw-uulet and nchapgad; middling, 13S"; sales, nona: receipts, none; shipments, none; stock. 12.. (13 bales. nj nuary, Buyers. Oniana Packing Co Dwiit ec Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Swift, from St. Joseph.. Armour, from Sioux City Other buyers., Totals tJA 1 ix.is 1 nere were nracticaiiv no fresh arrivals of cattle this mornlna- and for the week receipts have also been very moderate. AS compared with last week mere is a decrease amounting to nearly 4,000 head and as compared with the same weea 01 last year, tne decrease amounts to about 8,000 head. Other markets have also had moderate receipts so that the total supply tor the week at all the principal markets shows a loss aa compared with last weeK. Considering the -lla-Ht 'receipts the beef steer market naa not been entirely satia factory to the selling Interests. Each day salesmen tried to get more money and while the market did show some strength on a few occasions, still trading as a rule was slow with no life or tone to the mar ket such as would naturally be expected with light offerings. As compared with the close of last week, -prices are very little different and In fact there Is not enough change In either direction to be worthy of mention. Tha cause for the lack of demand on the part of packers is found In the fact that eastern markets have been rather flooded with dressed beef so tnat packers could not take their usual amount of stock. Good to choice beef steers are quotable from 34.60ffi&.00 with something fancy a little above that. Fair to good grades sell from 84.0O4i4.60, and com mon to fair from $3.5064.00. The cow market Is also just about steady for the week. The proportion of cow stuff to the total receipts has been small all the week so that there have been none too many to supply even the limited demands of local packers. Salesmen tried to ad vance Drices but were unable to do so aa packers persistently refused to raise their mas. manners are very slow sale and are undoubtedly lower. Some of them have to sell below 32.00. but most of them sell from $2.0O&2.25, with cutters from $2.50fi3.00: fair to good grades, 83.003,60. and good to cnoice rrom 8.50if4.2o. Bulls have been In fairly good demand all the week and are safely steady. Good to choice grades sell from $3,600-4.00; fair to good from S3.00u3.6O. and commoner grades from 33.00 down. Veal calves have Deen in liberal supply all the week and prices are In extreme cases a qusrter lower. With the exception of something very choice, which In extreme cases will bring $6.26, about $6.00 Is the top. Stockers snd feeders have been In fairly good demand and the better grades may be QUOted Steadv for the Wfelr Onmmnn kinds though, have been neglected and are a nine lower, oood to choice grades sell from $3.754J4.25; fair to good, $3.60(53.76, and the commoner kinds from $3 50 down. Rep resentative sales: BULLS. At. Pr. Me. Av. 1 Tt. 1 440 8 00 STOCKERd AND FEEDERS. 440 4 40 t 1110 4 00 mous There was a light run hers this illuming, put tne market old not show anv improvement, 'ihe quality of the offerings uajuijr ns goou us yesieraay ana, tast ing that tact into consideration, the mar ket started out about steady. After pack ers had their more urgent orders lliled they were inclined to be brarlah, so that the clous wus slow and weak. The bulk of the hogs went from $4.65 to $4.70, with choice loads selling from H id to 14.76. The commoner kinus went trom 4.6 down. Al though the market was not active at any time, still practically everything was dis posed of by 10 o'clock in ths morning. For the week receipts have been light, aa there Is a decrease aa compared with lust week amounting to more than 14.0X) head and as compared with the same week of last year there is a decrease of about 24,000 head. The market has not fluctuated much during the week, but prices have averaged a little better than last week, thougn at the close the market is only a shade higher than at the close of last week. Puckers have not taken hold with much life, so that It has been impossible fur salesmen to advance the market to any extent. Representative sales: law Tork Insert! and Rsnorts. NEW TORK. May 14 Total Imnorta of dry gooda and funeral merchandise at the o rt of wow iur tor tne week ending oday wore valued at $13,043,988. fcixporta of specie from New York for the MS were MUXlsu silver and $13.976. 70U sold. m ports of specie at New Tork during the wea were tt.M0 gold aud $91,343 silver. 74.. 47. 44 , 71 44 1 , 44 44 44 44 7 91 41 44 71 4 76 , 41 74 ah. r-r. 140 4 47Mj 4 i lVs 4 47 4 47 4 47 4 47 4 47 4 47 4 47 4 47 1 IV 4 70 4 TO 140 44 140 No. At. (h. Pr. No. At. 144 40 4 48 40 134 14 101 40 4 40 44. ...... .144 7U 14 140 4 40 Tt ..121 16 130 ... 4 00 TO IU7 47 tC7 40 4 40 tt in 44 M4 ... 4 41 77 M4 ,.iJ4 440 4 41 40 .U4 ..(41 140 4 41 64 2111 . -tut ISO 4 41 47 J2I ..m 160 4 44 77 1.14 ..tit 120 4 46 16 iii ..114 40 4 44 74 2t,0 ..tit 40 4 44 46 1ST ..1H4 140 4 44 74 144 ..147 40 4 44 77 IW ..140 44 4 44 T4 144 ..16 140 4 44 44 IK ..147 luO 4 44 64 44 ..I2i ... 4 66 44 M .121 40 4 46 6H 12) . .WS IM 4 46 74 .I4 ... 4 67 64 Ill ..UI 0 4 47 611 ...1HI ..la 10 4 41 44 K17 ..121 40 i 7 42 4!,4 ..111 ... 4 47 41 11 ..134 40 4 47 16 1l ..127 40 4 4' 44 144 ..444 40 4 47 4 171 .144 I4U 4 47 41 M . 127 40 4 47 40 16 . 111 140 4 47 40 IV5 .144 M 4 47 44 M4 4 W 4 47 SHEEP There were not enough sheep In sight this morning to make a marknt. For ths week offerings show a falling off as compared with lust week amounting to about (.000 head and as compared with the corresponding week of last year there Is a decrease of about 8,0u0 head. The bulk of the receipts this week has been made up ot sheep and lambs ot only fair qua lit v. Puckers ttave nut appeared to be particularly anxious fur any great quantity and as a result the market bus l.e- .-n much change In prior. Tu.. In.. ..ii be dacj 1U4 by call- 40 4 TO 4 70 4 TO 4 TO 4 70 4 70 4 TO 4 TO 4 70 4 TO 4 T 4 71 4 TI 4 Tt 4 71 4 71 4 tt 4 TI 4 71 4 76 Ing the market rather slow, but about steady with the clone of last week. Quotations for clipped stock: Oood to choice lambs. 3604)6.66; fair to good lambs, IS nj6.S0: good to choice waeled lambs. 36("i.7i; fair to good wooled lamba, 86 00 ! '"; rooe to cnoice yearllnga or wstners. FvtJO.z; fair to good yearlings or wetners, 14. 766.09; good to choice ewes, $4.7094.90; lair to gnoa ewes, 4 oi.tJH, Representative sales: No. , Arer. ft. 2vu western wethers 84) 4 71 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. MARKET Prices Hale Firm and Reeelata Are Light. May 14 CATTLE Receipts CHICAOO, steers, to 10 W6.65; poor to medium, $46044.90; stockers and feeders, $3.10a4 40; cows, Sl.To'p 4.36; I2.0iw4.0fl; calves, $2.6oii6.2ti; Texas fed steers. J4.2534.&0. HOGS Receipts 8 000 Ke.,1 Estimated Monday, 80.CM) head; market steady; mixed and butchers, 4.70ij4 90; good to choice heavy. 34 8nj4.0; rough heavy. 14 6va4.75; light. $4 Sf4l4.: bulk of sales. $4 764)4.85. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 1.0T0 head; market steady; lambs, steady; good to choice wethers, 84.66'u6.&0; fair to choice mixed. 33.7ryf)4 60; western sheep. $4.5"ti5.60: clipped native lambs. $4.6ra6.0fl; clipped western lambs. 34.76u.10; wooled western lambs, $6.2&U6.90. St. Loo Is Lire Stork Market. 8T. LOUIS, May 14. BATTLE Receipts 150 head, no Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $450416. 66; dressed beef and tfutcher steers. 34.26 a6.60: steers under l.OoO pounds, 34.2fxij4.60; Block ers snd feeders, 4.2K(i6.60; cows and heifers, $3 2664.76; ranners. $2.264jl5; bulls, $2.6.V 4.00; cslves. J3(Xu6.0u; Texas and Indian steers, $3.1634.75; oows and heifers, $3,009 4.15. HOOS Receipts 2.800 head; market about steadv: olirs and llahts. t4.2f4.60: packers. 34 Sua 4. 85; butchers and best heavy, $4.76j 4.VU. SHEEP AND LAMBS? Receipts 809 har1 moplr.l fttnArtv nal,.A m ,,,.', 1 rv. if6.5ft; lambs, $5.0iyu.8.00; culls and bucks, $4.01XSS.00; stockers, $2.60$ 3.00. Kew Tork Lire Stock Market. NEW TORK, May 14. CATTLE Beeves, recel"s, none. Dressed beef quiet at (ij 8Hc per lb. for native skies. Exports to tliiy, 2.090 cattle, 616 sheep and 7,200 quar ters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 167 head. Market was steady; common to good veals, $3.606.6O; city dressed veals, slow, o?9c. HOGS Receipts, 3,272 head. None for sale; nominally weak. PHtitir AM) uuibs- Kecelpts, 2.445 tirfiH f'llnruiH .hnnn flpm ltnn4 lamKa 10c higher; unshorn stock nominal; clipped! sheep, 35.30; clipped lambs, 86.20Jf6.75. Drewsed mutton, 8V(al0c; dressed lambs, firm at 10Vtf12M!C. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mav 14. CATTLE Receipts 82 head; market unchanged. HOGS Receipts 3.966 head: market steady; lights. $4.&&4.85; medium and heavy, i4.70iW4.K5. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts none. Slonx City Live Stoek Market. BTrllTV eTTV To nr.. 41 O , -1 gram. ) CATTLE Receipts, 200 head. Mar ket steady; beeves. $3.50(04.80; cows, bulls and mixed, $3.004.80; stockers and feeders, $3.00ti3 80; calves and yearlings, $2.75fT3.76. HOGS Receipts. 4.500 head. Market strong, selling at $4.50(j4.70; bulk, $1.6041,4.66. Stock In Slant. Following are the receipts of llv stock for the six Principal western clrtea vesrer- , "ny: tL.atue.Mog". Blieen. South Omaha Chicago Kansas city , St. lxtilii St. Joseph .... Sioux City ... Totala 44 200 800 160 82 200 6.930 8.000 4.000 2.800 8.966 4,600 640 1,000 6.010 300 light fine 1417c; heavy fine, I2flri4c; tub washed. 2f"iStc NEW tokk, tay 14. woOLe-nrm; oo- . . m - m m IUB1UO urrvi u4ju, OMAHA WHOLES ALkt MARKXTS. Condition Of Trade anal aetatlona en Staple and Fnne? Fred see, EOORRecelptSj liberal; marttst steady; fresh stock, 15o. LIVE POULTRT HenS, tr; roosters, ao cordlng to alse, 6u7c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, BUTTER Packing atoefc. !lHc; choice to fancy dairy. 14tfl!c; separator, aoc. FKEUIl ristt i rum, ic; picnerni, sw; .1.628 29,196 ' 6,840 Wool Market. LONDON. Mav 14. WOOL Tha offerlnirs at the auction sales tndav amounted tn i. 021 bales in good condition. Comtietltlon was brisk and prices were maintained. Americans bought a fair quantity of light victonnn. IView Zealnnd wns In active de mand for FrnnO. Medium greasles and flno scoureds were quickly taken by Ger man buyers. Crosshreds wore In general demand And a good sunnlv waa tnken for America. Next week 35.630 holes will he offered. Following are the Sales in detail: New South Wales, 2,000 bales; scoured, 10d Is 7d; greasy, 6V4dfffls iAd. Queensland, 1,100 bales; scoured, fkliffls lid: arensv. 10d Is Hd. Victoria. 1.700 bales:- scoured. Ddi 2 IVsd; greasy, 7difls lUd. South Australia, Law oaies; prreasy, 7r0'ua' ' west Aus tralia, 100 bales: greasy. 69Ud. Tas mania, 28 bales; greasy, lssjfls . lHd.-- New- Zealand, 6,ono boles; scoured, 9d5lB 7d; greasy, BVidSis Id. Cape of Oood Hopa and Natal, 9o0 bales; scoured, 74d2s W. greasy, 68Vid. The arrivals of wool for he fourth series amount to 89.128 hales. In cluding 44,600 forwarded direct to spinners. HT. LOUIB. Mav 14. WOOL Rtaadv : Me dium gradss, combing and clothing, t74?2Jc;- rnLJii r ion 1 1 tyt, , v- , pike, 12c; perch. Pfi1; tiuertsh, 12c; white- nsh, lc; sairnun, lie; sauum-a. w; M - V. 1... ,4aMAi.r, 1 . f lhlAter. Vl i 1 ftt per lb, 30c; bullnertds, lie! - Catfish, 13til4c; llack bass, 20c; halibut, lie! crapples. 12c; herring, 6c: roe shad. 78o; ahad roe. 3ic; small clscoes. 10a, I1U1 Vl- Inn liaMI. - HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association Choice No. 1 up land 44 on Mn a x7 Rn: medium. 37.00: coarse. $6.60; rye straw. $S 00. These pHces are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. ORANGES Navels, choice, all slsea. 32 60; fancy navels, all slses, 2.7&'S.w; sieauer rtneen sweets, all sisea, $3.A; Jaffas, all sites, (2.oU. LEMONS-Callforpla fancy. 300 to 860, $3.60; choice, 240 to 27". 33 33 . CALIFORNIA FIGS Per 10-lb cartons. soc; Imported ' Smyrna, -crown, ixc; nrriwn 14c: 7-rrnm-n. 1&n. BANANAS Per medium sited buncb. DATE81 Persian, per bog of 0 pkga. 32; per lb. In 60-lb boxes, 6c; Oriental stuffed dates, per box, 12.4X1. PINEAPPLES In crates of 24 to 42 per crate, (3.00. FRmTS. AprLES Oregon fancy Ben Davis, per box. $1.60; New York export Russats and Baldwins, 4 ( STRAWBERRIES Arkansas, per 24-qt case. t'' OiYa2 26. CHERRIES California, per box. $160 auu. VKOETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, $1.10; Dakota, per du., si.iu; new icui ties stoca, in sacas, per lb., 2o. i4AVX Dn.AfNQT-7-fer du sz.1iM41z.no. ONJONS Bermuda, per stf-lb. crate, $100. CABBAGE California, per lb.. SVc: Southern, per crate, $2.76'3.0u. VVJCUMtirVKa 4-er aos., loccgii.w. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate. fancy, 32 60; choice, $2.26, KniSHrJ-rer aon. ouncnee, .d-dooo. LETTUCE TOD lettuce, per dotea. 4&41 Kc. turnips Southern, per aoa. too. BEETS Southern, per doa., 76c. CARROTS Southern, per doa, 760. PARSLEY Per dot., 40c t, I.. 1 V, U XI' . . hit kn tl AH .Mn. per bu. box, $2.00. Br i j. av. nror uu.. nuiuv aiuwii, wutjuo. ASPARAGUS Per dosen bunohea, 4660o GREEN PEPPERS Par 6-baaket crate. $2.00. EGO plant per aoa., ai.oo. SQUASH Florida summer, per dot., $1.00. PEAS Per bu. box, $2.00. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin, twins, full cream. 11c; Wisconsin Young America. 12c: block Swiss, 16o ; Wisconsin brick. 13ci Wiscon sin Umberger, ISo. t'IPBB-Per ddi., st eu; per 4 dpi., 43. a: MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. HIDES-No. 1 greed. 4o; No. 2 green. Be: No. 1 salted. 7c; No. 2 Salted, 6c: No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 9Ac: No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs. Ac; dry salted hides. 8ffl2o; sheep pelts. 24fJ27c; horsehldes, $1.6O2.60. HORSERADISH Per crate of 2 dosen packed. 80c. NUTS-Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 16o; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 1 soft shell, per lb. 13c i No. 2 bard shell, ner lb.. l?c: pecsns. large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 8c; roasted peanuts. per id., aciiniii wninutn, uruidic; large hickory nuts, per lb.. Ho: almonds, soft shell, per lb.,' 16c: hard shell, 13c; abell barks. per bu., $2 00; black walnuts, per bu., $1.28. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK. May 14 EVAPORATED APPLES No change, either In prices or general trade conditions. Common are quoted at 496Wc; prime st Btytififco; choice at 6ff6UiPf and fancy at WHin, CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes show no Improvement ss a result of the slight Improvement in-"demand and prices still range from 3o to bc, according to grade. Apricots attract a fair Jobbing de mand and -rule firm; choice are quoted at tx&'lOfte, and choice at 9V310o. Peaches also are moving fairly well and with hold ers confident prices are firmly held. Choice are quoted at 7ViigTV4fC extra choice at 71T8c, and fancy at 9Hffl0c. Soerar and Molasses. NEW YORK. May 14SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining. 3 5-16ff3Hc; centrifugal, 96 test. 8 13-16e?3V-' rnolasses sugar, 311-18 8o, Refined, firm; No. , 4.40c; No. 7, 4.86c; No.1. 4.30c; bto. 9. 4.26c; No. 10, 4.20c; No, 11, 4.1: No, 12. 4.1QC; No. 13. 4.05c; No. 14. c; confefaionerg1 A,' 4.65c: mold A. S-lRo; cut loaf, 6.6fle; crushed, R.B0c; powdered, 4.90c ;, granulated, 4.80c; cubes. B.05. . NEW , ORLEANS, Mat 14.-STJOAR- Steady ; open kettle, J44S-16c; open ket- t'e centrifugal. e; centrifugal whites 44 4Sc: yellows, 3u4c; seconds. t'StlJ'V. MofASlKS Nominal; open kettle. 2ty 2Tc; centrifugal, lovlac. Syrup, aominal, 30 625c. Oils and Ilonln. ' OIL CITT. Fa . May 14.-OII-Oedlt balances. $1 62; certlilcates, no bid; shlp menls, C.tM bbls., average 77.1 bMi runs, 87.4M bbls.. average ia.H hils. shtfv menu. Lima, 46,894 bbls.. avenger bhAn bhls.; runs, Lima, il,54 bbla, average 63, 879 bbls. . NEW TORK. May 14. OILB-Cotton-seed. easy; prime crude, nominal; prim vellow. 27tc. l"etroleum, easy; refined, 7w i'ork. t815; I'hlladelrhla and Balti more, 3.i0; in bulk, $ii.3u. Turentlne. steadr, f'nfHc It isiN yulet; strained, common to good, $2 8T'V IC1 SAVAis-NAH. May n-OIIA-Turpentlne, quiet; 64c. ROSIN-Flrm; A. P. C. D. $130; E. $?: F. 3270; O. 3176; It, 31W; I, 31.00: K. $3.15; M, $3.20; N, $3 .30; W O. $3 60; W W, $3.80. 7orelrn Ftnnaelal. IX1NDON, May 14.- Rates for money were extremely easy In the Market to day and the surplus accounts were higher. On the Stock tjichange there was the naual Saturday lassitude. The undertone was- falrlv lirm. but all-round profit tak ing reduced the market to a condition of exhaustion. Consols were easier and home rails had a sagging tendency. Amer icans were dull In anticipation of a bad bank statement- They closed quiet after a slight nominal recovery. PARIS. May 14. On the Bourse today K rices fell off some, but the market closed rm. Russian Internal 4s, 8. Ml; 8 per cent rentes, 96f 90c for the account. RERUN, May 14. On the Honrs today trading was dull; quotations mostly lower. Coffee Market. NEW TORK, May It.-COFFEE-flpot Rio, stendv: No. 7 Invoice. 6'c; mild, steady; Cordova. lOifiltc. Futures opened steady at unchanged rrlces In response to steadier European cables and reports that primary receipts during the holiday had been light. Demand wns very limited, however, and soon after the opening ths market sagged eft a partial 6 points, clos Inar net unchanaed tn 5 points lower. Sales were reported of 16.600 bags. Including May at 6.60c; July. 5.7flc; September, 6.9a6.95c; December, .20&6.26c; March, 6.4&&6.&0c., Dry Roods Market. NEW TORK, May 14. DRY GOOD8 Tha week lust ctced haa shown a decided Improvement In the demund for spot goods. Warmer weather throughout the country has been mainly responsible for this In activity. Trade In nearby sections has opened up and from now on the demsnd at both first and aecond hands Is expected to Improve. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN 6T7PPLIE8. Department of the Interior, Office of In dian Affairs, Washington. D. C, March 21. 1904. Sealed proposals, indorsed "Proposals for blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, etc.," as the case may be. and di rected to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Nos. 119-121 Wooeter street. New York City, will be received until 1 o'clock p. m., of Tuesday, May J4, ihv4. lor rurnien nar for the Indian Service, blankets, woolen nnrl cotton roods, clothing, notions, hats and caps. Bids must be made out on Gov ernment blanks. Schedules giving all nec essary Information for bidders will be fur nished on application to the Indian Office, Washington. 1). C.i the U. 8. Indian ware houses, 119-121 Wooeter street. New York. City, Z6&-267 South Canal street, Chicago, 111.; 816 Howard street, Omaha. Nebr.; ol South Seventh street, Bt Louis. Mo.; the Commissaries of BubaWence, U. S. A., at Cheyenne, Wyo., and Bt. Paul, Minn. ; the Quartermaster, U. 8. Seattle, Wash,! tne postmasters at Ploux City, Tucson, Portland. Rnokane and Taootna: and the u.nntnFiiiriira' and Producers' Association of California, San Franolaco, Cal. Bids will be opened at tne nour ana aayn auuve stated, and bidders are Invited to be pres ent at the opening. The Department re serves the right to determine the point of delivery and to reject any and all bids, or any part' of any bid, W. A. j6nES, Commissioner. . atisaisi-oa LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE. n i , 41 A uaUAl klsa. will be rcelvd until 12 o'clock, noon, Jun a a. a. i rvta tnw Vina Tltsa rA rf u nut Irin Or ilrbury School District at the office of s T.Snr umratirv. Falrburv. Neb., for furnishing material and putting in a heat- in uuiiumn ..v. .. ... 6th Fa ing plant in tne n,. ".""'""i.iV' Z.i. rocess or erwuon in wm wrt. ...... o be In compliance with the plans and meoiflcatlona on file In the aald secretary s EbcIi bid must be accompanied by cer-.,v tifled check. In amount $200.00 aa a guaran ty Of gOOd lth. i. : A - M 15 d t - Ten More Bee . Trips This Week to the St. Louis Worlds Fair Another "Election" Is On It only took 2,3,76 votes to vyin a trip last week. If you want a free trip to the St. Louis Exposition let your friends know it they will gladly, help you. Rules of the "Election" The ten persons receiving the largest number of votes at the close of each "election" vill he furnished, at The Bee's expense, as prizes, each a free trip from Omaha to 8t.Louis and return, to be taken any time dur ing the exposition. ' No restrictions are placed as to where.the party lives as a candidate for one of the exposition trips. No votes will be counted for employes or agents of The Bee. All ybtes must be made on coupons which will be published each day in The Bee. Prepayment? of subscriptions may be made either di rect to The pee5 Publishing Company or to an authorized agent of The Bee. ; -. ( No votes sent in by agents will be, counted unless sent in In accordance with Instructions given them. The vote from day to day will be published in all edi tions of The Bee, The "elections" will dose each Saturday at 3 p. tn. Votes may be deposited at the business office of The Bee or sent by mail. No votes sent by mail will be counted which are not In the Omaha postofflce for delivery at 2:30 p. m. on the day of closing. Coupon Pag 2. Address Exposition Dept.. Omaha. Daily Bee. '. Omaha, Neb.