Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1904, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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MI0R HE.niO.1
Davis tell drugs.
Leffert's glasses lit.
Stockert sella carpets.
The Fauat clear, I cents.
Paints, oils and glssa. Morgan A Dicker.
Peterson sharpens mowers. 410 w. B. W.
Pictures for wedding lifts. Alexander s,
84 Broadway.
For wall papering, painting, Cloture fram
es, see Horwlck. Ill Main st. 'ihone A-?.
The best eyt specialist In the wwt Is at
Leffert's. Consultation free, Satisfaction
Carl Kngel, M. D., diseases of women and
children. J'hone L-684, Council Bluffs, la.,
101 East Broadway.
Pevoe'e mixed paints. .-.organ A Dickey.
The funeral of Miss Kathrlne V. Oerner
Will be held Monday morning at I clock
from St. Francis Xavler's rhurch and In
terment will be In St. Joseph's cemetery.
Have your carpets taken up, cieaneu and
relaid by modern methods. Old carpets
made Into handsome ruga. Council bluffs
Carpet Cleaning Co., 34 North Main street.
'Phone 611
Mr. and Mrs. Ben I. Balllnger, Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Mlncher, Mr. and Mrs. D. W.
Boylan, Mrs. M. B. Mlncher, 8. H. Boylan
and P. E. Schaeffer made up a party from
Carroll, la., who witnessed the Maude
Adams performs no In Omaha last night
and were gueats at the Urand hotel. ,
The funeral of Mrs. Martha White, held
Jeaterday afternoon from the family reli
ance, 720 Seventh avenue, waa attended by
a large gathering of sorrowing friends. The
services were conducted by. Bey... W. S.
Barnes of the First Presbyterian church
. and burial waa in Walnut Hill cemetery.
The pallbearers were Drs. Macrae, sr.,
Cleaver, Houghton, Dean, Lewis and .Min
cer. The local aerie of Eagles has announced
Its Intention of holding a street fair and
carnival aome time In August and haa ap
pointed a committee to wait upon the park
commissioners and city council to ask the
use of the streets about Bayllas park. The
Council Bluff Street Fair and Carnival as
sociation had previously announced that
the third annual carnival would be held
September 6 to 10. Inculslve, and the Eagles'
sarnlval will clash with this arrangement.
Plumbing and beating. Blxby A Ben.
City Without .Water.
Aa a result of the break in. the twenty-four-inch
main on Broadway and Twenty
eighth street Friday afternoon the entire
city was without water for several hours
yesterday afternoon and ' evening. The
water work company had expected to
complete the work of repairing the break
at midnight Friday, but greater difficulty
than had been anticipated was experienced
in pumping out the water In tbe excavation
In the atreet so that the workmen could
place in position the new section of pipe.
The company had expected that the sup
ply in the reservoir would have : sufficed
for forty-eight to sixty hours and under
ordinary circumstances, Manager Hart
stated last night, that it would,, but the
leakage at the break exhausted a large
volume and about I o'clock In the afternoon
It waa deemed advisable to shut oft all
water throughout the entire city until the
break waa repaired so as to leave sufficient
In the reservoir Im case of Are. The break
waa finally repaired about o'clock and
tbe water again turned on, much to the
relief of the cltlsena In general.
Conrt Destroys Drills.
Two strangers, giving the names of J. J,
Spetlman and Frank Johnson and claiming
to halt from Wlohlta and Horton, Kan.,
respectively, were arrested about - J o'clock
Saturday morning by Patrolman ' Wells.
They were unable to give a satisfactory
account or themselves and when searched
at the city Jail were found to have In their
possession a small 'satchel containing a
hand drill and a number of diamond drills
of assorted sixes. They claimed to be dice
makers and among their effects also were
several dice and a bottle of quicksilver,
the latter evidently being for the purpose
of "loading" the dice. Judge Bcott, after
testing the drills and finding that they
went through a piece of Iron like It Was-so
much wood, ordered the tools destroyed
and sentenced their owners to ten days on
bread and water.
Graduation Program.
The following will be the program of the
graduation exercises of ths high sohool
senior class, to be held Friday evening,'
June 3, In the high school auditorium;
Processional .
Invocation Rev. Harvey Hoatetler
Muslo The Bridal Chorus
Senior Double Quartet.
Volcal Solo Selected
,: Mr- Charlea H. Taylor
Lecture The Larger Selfishness
....Dr. Q. E. Vincent Chicago University
Vocal Solo Selected
Miss Porter-field.
Pi Mentation of diplomas ,
....Mr. J. P. Hess, President of Board
Class Song.
. Ths Graduating Class.
Rev. W. S. Stratton.
IjT. T, Plumbing Co, Tel. tsoj night, F-W7.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfer Were reported to The
Bee Msv 14 by the abstract, title and loan
office of Squire A Annts, lot Pearl street:
Gilbert Wilcox, lot 5. Mount Lincoln:
w d t tgo
t. W, Squire end wife to Minnie" Han-
on, n57U feet of lot
1, block 1,
- - v. . . tu.t , TT u ,81U
J'..D' Edtmmdsnn snd wife to Sarah
Hart, lot 1 In block 197, original plat,
exrept el foot; w d 4 000
Ellia J. Allls and wife to Victor E. '
' nw4l 't of lot 4, Miller's
subdivision; w d 2 600
W. C. Silvers and wife to G. H. Bun- '
ton, wn lot 8, block 22. Walnut; w d.. 700
John Ryan to Tim Ryan, 3 32 acres sw
, fall's t nn. .1 . nu
corner sc nm, and .7b acres In
set. sec. 13-77-44: w d .
Edward F. Stockert snd wife to Al
bert Newton, part sH se'4 sec. 28
TIMS; w d
W J. Woodward and wife to J. E.
Foreyth, tl J aorus In se nt sec.
ririv, w u
Eight transfers, total..
Marriage Llaeases.
Licenses to wed were issued yesterday
to ths following:
Name and Residence. Age.
Rollln C. Mallory. Lincoln, Neb....
jna I. xeru. Kueu, is
fleorro Edward Myrlck. St. Paul. Minn
Ma May Trobee. St. Paul. Minn
JUrry R. Cannon, Fullerton, Neb
Ida Erlckson, Fulleitoji. Neb
rtosk Room to Rent.
Omaha Dally Bee, 10 Pearl street. Council
The World Famous
Palmist, Clairvoyant
and Adviser.
Reduced Prices .JSRS:
202 Fourth St., Council Bluffs, lew
Comer Fourth and Willow Ave.
Hour Front tJO to 8:10 p. m.
Hlgk School Ath'sL. Too Vfurh for ths
Council B nffi toju
Harlan Does Hot Coanoete on Aeeonnt
of Borne Members Being Dlaqaall.
fled and Others Voluntarily
Pnll Oet.
The Southwestern Iowa High school Arid
meet yesterday afternoon at Union Driving
park dwindled down to a dual contest be
tween Council Bluffs and Atlantic Ths
Harlan high school sent a team pf eight
men, but Plnclpal Louis refused to allow
Ave of tbe boys to enter as they are back
In their studies. This action on the part
of their principal made the remaining three
dissatisfied and they declined to enter any
of the events.
Despite the favorable weather conditions
the' crowd was small and waa made up
chiefly of membera of the Council Bluffs
high school and friends of the local con
testants. The outside teams were not ac
companied by the crowd of rooters, as had
been expected. "The small attendance Is
attributed to the fact that the motor com
pany haa no service between Avenue A
and the driving park.
The cup presented by the Council Bluffs
Commercial club for the school securing
the most points was carried off by Atlantlo
with 78 pointa, against Council Bluffs' 68.
Wycoff of Atlantlo carried off the medal
donated by the Commercial club for the
Individual sooting the highest points with
a score of 19, against Nlcoll of Council
Bluffs, who was second with a score of
IS points.
R. Meneray of thla city gave an exhibi
tion half mile bicycle run paced by a mo
torcycle In 1:06 and Louis Fleacher of
Omaha gave an exhibition run on the mo
torcycle. Ree-ord of the Teams.
This is the record of points:
Atlantlo. Bluffs.
One-hundred-yard dash
foie vault l
120-yard hurdle
Jriait-mlie run
Hammer throw .........
220-yard dash
Two-mile bicycle race.
Running hla-h lumo
..... 8
230-yard hurdle
wnot put
440-yard dash
Throwing discus
Running broad Jump...
Half-mile bicycle raje.
Mile run
Helay race
The summary:
100-yard dash: White, Atlantlo. won;
Nlcoll, Council Bluffs, second; Wycoff.
Atlantic, third, 'rime: 0:l(fli.
Pole vault: Norgaard and Brown. Coun
elf .Bluffs, tied; Lea, Atlantic, third, iieighli
$ feet 3 Inches.
120-yard hurdle: Myers, Atlantic, won;
Norgaard, Council Bluffs, second: Canning
Council Bluffs, third. Time: 0:1.
Half-mile run: Balrd. Council Bluffs.
won; Owen, Atlantic, second; Dentins:.
Council Bluffs, third. Time; :&.
Hammer throw: WvcnrT. JLtlunKx
McSadden, Aliunde, second; Nlcoll, Coun
cil Bluffs, third. Dlstancs: .112 feet.
220-yard daah: White, Atlantic, won:
My res, Atlantic, aecond; Nlcoll, Council
Bluffs, third. Time: 0:24.
'iwo-mlle bicycle: Andrus, Council Bluffs
won; Meneray, Council Bluffs, second!
Herbert. Atlantic, third. Time: 7:03.
Running high Jump: Wycoff, Atlantic,
won; Cleaver. Council Bluffs, second;
feet vuuniJ1 oiuns, iniru. Height: a
220-yard hurdle: Nlcoll, Council Bluffs,
won; Myres, Atlantlo, aecond; Norgaard.
Council Bluffs, third. Time: 0:30.
Shot puti McFadden, Atlantic, won;
Wycoff, Atlantlo, second: Nlcoll, Con noil
Bluffs, third. Distance: M feet 8 Inches.
440-yard dash: Myres, Atlantic, won;
Nlcoll, Council bluffs, second; White,
Atlantic, third. Time: O'.SS.
Discus throw: McKadden, Atlantic, won;
Dudley. Council Bluffs, second; Nlcoll,
Council bluffa, third. Distance: 84 feet
4 Inches.
Running broad Jump: Wycoff. Atlantic,
won; Sulnoff, Council Bluffs, second; Hol
lenbeck. 'Council Bluffs, third. Distance:
17 feet 4 Inches.
Half-mile bleycle: Andrus, CouncllBlufffl,
won; Blackwood, Atlantlo, second; Mene
ray, Council Bluffs, third. Time: 1:14.
Mile run: Demlng, Council Bluffs, won;
McCurdy, Atlantic, second; Sims, Council
bluffs, third. Time: 6:84.
Relay race, half mile: White, Atlantic,
won: Nlcoll. Council Bluffs, second: Nnr.
gaard. Council Bluffs, third. Timet 1:44.
At tbe reception last night In the high
school gymnasium to the visiting track
teams some miscreants cut the eluctrio
wiring, leaving the building in darkneaa
Ths gas In the auditorium was lit and the
reception ' resumed there. Superintendent
Clifford presented the championship cup to
the , Atlantic High school team and tho
medals to the winners of the several events.
Refreshments were ssrvsd during the even
ing. Hafer sells lumber. Catch the Ideat
t'hqrck Services.
At ths First Christian church this even
ing at 8 o'clock there will be a "sermon on
song," In place of the regular service, and
this will, be the program;
f'All Hall the Power" Perronet
Scripture Lesson and Evening Prayer.'.
"My Faith Looks Up to Thee" Palmer
"Though Your Sins Be sh Scarlet"
Mr. Harmnack and Mrs. Crawford.
"Shepherd Divine"
Miss Winter.
"The Besutlful Story"
Mrs. Whitman, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Craw
ford and Mrs. Clemmer.
"My Name in Mother's Prayer"
Dr. Williams and Miss Gillespie.
"Jesus, Lovur of My Soul'' Wesley
"The Beautiful City '
- Mrs. Whitman.
Mais Qusrtet
K. C. llammack. Dr. Williams, Ross Wil
liams and E. E. Crawford.
"In Thy Love" ,
Dr. I,. L. Poaton.
"There Is a Fountain" ,.....Cowper
' Congregation.
At the morning service at 11 o'clock the
pastor, Rev. W. B. Clemmer, will take ss
tho subject of his sermon. "The Triumph
of Enthusiasm." Sunday school will be at
:44a. m.
First Congregational Church, Rev. James
Thomson, Pastor Morning worship at
10:30: Bibls school at noon; Christian En
deavor at 7 p. m ; evening worship at 8. In
ths morning the pastor will preach upon
"Faith ss a Factor In the Christian Life."
In the evening he will deliver a lecture
upon "The Open Bible and How We Came
to Have It." which will be Illustrated by
forty stsreo;iilrot, views.
First Church q Christ (Scientist), Sapp
Block Ssivloes a 11 a. m. Subject, "Soul
and Body." Sua, lay school Immediately
after services snJ the regular testimony
meeting Wednesday evening at I o'clock.
Ths Second Church Of Christ (Scientist)
will hold services la the Woodmen hall In
the Merrlam block St 10:40 a. ro., when ths
subject of the lesson, will be "Soul and
Body." Sunday school will be at 11:48 a nt.
The mid-week testimonial meeting will be
VVlnesday evening at 7:48 o'clock.
Harvey Hosteller, pastor of the
8condVresbytarlan kburch. will preach
this morning on "The Doubt of Youth"
and In the evening his sermon will be Il
lustrated by stereoptlcnn views.
At the Latter Day Saints' church there
will be services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:80 p.m.
In the morning Elder Charles Fry of
Omaha will occupy the pulpit Sunday
school will be at noon snd the regular mid
week prayer service Wednesday evening at
7:30 O'clock.
Rev. James Thomson of the Congrega
tional church will -conduct services this
afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Union Chris
tian church, Thirty-fifth and Broadway.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church a. m holy
communion; 10:30 a. m., morning prayer,
sermon by Bishop Morrison; 8 p m., even
ing prayer, sermon by Bishop Morrison,
who will also administer the rite of con
firmation. At 3 Sunday afternoon the
bishop will address the members of the
Sunday school at v All Saints' mission on
Eighteenth street. At 12:40 p. m. the bishop
will address the members of St. Paul's
Sunday school. Monday afternoon at 2:30
the bishop will meet the women of St.
Paul's church and Grace church at the res
idence of Mrs. T. J. Foley, 114 South Blxth
street. All women of both parishes are
cordially Invited to be present.
Ascension services will be. held today at
St. John's English Lutheran church at 11
a. m. and 8 p. m. The pastor, Rev. O. W.
Snyder, will preach at both services. Sun
day school Will be at 3:41! a. m. and Young
People's meeting at 7 p. m.
At Trinity Methodist church this evening
at 8 o'clock the Epwort league will com
memorate the founding of the league by
special anniversary exercises, when the fol
lowing program will be rendered: v
Mrs. Nellie Brown, Organist.
Song ,
Prayer ,
Scripture Reading (resDonslvely)
Offertory ,
President's Address
W. A. Goehrlng.
Misses Lois and Gene Bicknett.
Res ding
Miss Bessie Lockhart.
Solo '
Mrs. W. A. Goehrlng.
Junior League.1
Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Buriff, Mr. Goehrlng and
Mr. Wycoff.
Clement H. Smith.
Epworth League Benediction
At 11 a. m. will be held the third quar
terly meeting, with sermon by Rev. R. E.
Shaw of Glenwood, followed by the sacra
ment of the Lord's supper. Sunday school
will be held at 10 a. m. and the meeting of
the Junior Epworth league at 8 p. m.
Golden Wedding; of Mr. and Mrs. A.
T. Rice is Celebrated.
Mrs. D. Ftubbs entertained the Friday
Evening club.
Mrs. W. W. Loomls la visiting in southi
ern California,
Mrs. A. R. Brlnsmald Is home from a
visit In Denver.
Mrs. C. A. Atkins entertained at dinner
Monday evening.
Miss Record of Glenwood la the guest of
Miss Marlon Benton.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cooper entertained at
dinner Thursday evening. , ' .
Miss Nellie L. Johnson of Avenue F Is
visiting friends In Logan, la. .
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Everett are home
from a visit to Des Moines.
Mrs. J. T. Stewart vand Mies' Gibson are
home from their southern trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Shepard enter
tained at dinner Friday evening.
The Tueaday Whist club mst this week
with Mrs. Albright, on Glen avenue.
Mrs. F. W. Dean has returned from a
visit with her mother at Hastings, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. William Co?rock have
taken the James cottage for the summer.
Miss May Mayne of Gretna, Neb.. Is the
guest of her cousin, Mrs. W. S. Rlgdon.
Miss Merrlam waa hosteas at a Ken
sington given at her home Wednesday
Mrs. F. C. Lou gee was hostess at a
kenalngton given at her home on Friday
Mrs. Charles Hardell waa hostess at a
7 o dock dinner given at her home Thurs
day evening.,
Mlsa Mary Warren of St. Joseph, Mo., Is
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. E. E. Sayles of
Third avenue.
The Frank Street Card elnh mat Tn.ulv
with Mrs. Roberts, the first prixe being won
by Mrs. Luta "
Miss Corinne Alhrlrht entortoinorf a,t,i.
fly a'ternoon at a ksnalngton In honor of
jnw may wane.
Mr. and Mrs. George Peek of New York
'ty ",1f Fue8t" ut Mr- Peck s mother,
Mrs. Victor Keller.
Mrs. Frank True has returned from Bur.
llngton, where she has been the guest of
Mti. vim mia. xi. o. junefl.
Mrs. Neumeyer and Mlsa Nenmeyer of
Park avenue left . Saturday for a two
months' visit to St. Louis.
Mr. and Mrs. George Frush of Wahoo,
Neb.', were guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. V. Frush this week.
Mrs. Nellie Bailey and Miss Nellie Allen
of Correctionvllle. Ia., are guests of Mrs.
A. M. Wind of Fifth avenue.
Dr.' and Mrs. Jennlnas are In Mnrrlmn
III., having been called there on account ot
the death of Dr. Jennings' mother.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Bloomer of York,
Neb., are visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. li. Bloomer on First avenue.
The Woman's uuxlllary of Grace Episco
pal church met Thursdai afternoon with
Mrs. L. H- Metsger of Fifth avenue.
Mr. snd Mrs. Louis E. Gurney are home
from their wedding trip and have taken
up their residence it' Bancroft Terrace.
Mlsa Paula Krtidler, who sailed April . 8
for Germany.' has sdvlsed friends hr nt
her safe arrival at the home of relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Deupree are home
from their wedding Journey to St. Louis,
and will take up their reaidence In this
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore N. Peterson have
purchased the J. I.. Stewart home on
Fourth street and will take possession In
thu ntur tuture.
Mr. snd Mrs. Van Brunt entertained at a
7 o'clock dinner Wednesday evening at
their home on Bluff street. Covers were
laid for twelve.
Miss Msrlon Crane left Tuesday for Mil
waukee to attend the wedding of her
cousin, and will also visit Chicago friends
before returning.
Mrs. W. 8. Hewetson and Miss Hewetson
are occupying the Keellne home on Park
avenue during the absence of Mrs. Keeline
In New York City.
The Tueaday Euchre club will meet this
week at the home of Mrs. Hlgdon. Last
week's prizes were won by Mrs. Cessna and
Miss Cora Harle.
Miss Elizabeth Hickey entertained a
number of friends Informally Friday even
ing 111 honor of Mlaa Clark and Mra.'iWyn
koop of Cedar Falls, la.
Mrs. E. E. Hsrt of Park avenue enter
tained at a 7 o'clock dinner Friday even
ing, the decorations being spring flowers.
Covers were laid for tea.
ine c as. u. club is arranging for a
party to be given at the Royal Arcanum
n'ir rnaT, May in. wnaley a orche
will furnish the music for the evening.
Ths C. E.i ef the Christian church met
with Mrs. K. E. Crawford on Washington
avenue Monday night. Light refreshments
were served at the cioae of tbe evening.
The women of the Flrat Presbyterian
rhurch gave a very enjoyable sociable in
the parlors of ths church Friday after
noon. Dainty refreshments wer served.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. F. Robinson snnounce
the engagement of their dnughter, Mm bis
Gertrude, to Mr. E. E. Fletcher of In
dianapolis, Ind , the wedding to take place
Wednesday, June 1.
Mrs. Wyt.koop and Miss Clark, who have
been the guests of Mrs. George F. Ham
ilton, left Saturday fur Fort Dodge, where
they will visit for a few daya before re
turning to their home at Cedar s'alia, la.
Ths annual May party of the dancing
sohool waa given at tbe Royal Arcanum
hall Friday evening. Whaley's orchestra
furnishing the music for a long program ef
dances and several sxtraa. A large uutn-
ber attended and many pretty gowns were
Mrs. H. B. Knowles gave a reception at
ner noma on cirnin siren
m M.H..m tmm 9 te A n'r.l.U'k IB hOnOT Ot
Mrs. Anna R. Simmons, national organiser
of the Woman a Christian 'iinipnui;.
The Missionary society of the First Con
ov nfternoon ut th home of Mrs. J. B.
Hunter nn Pierce tret A very interestln
program was given, followed by light re-
The young people of the "Glen." conv
posed of Park and Glen avenues, have or
rnnlKArft A fennla nlnt, trt he known RS tht
r'Uneek Club." It stnrts out with quite a
large . membership. Mies Altmansperger
being secretary and treasurer.
vt t ruiiovan nieaauntlr enter1
talned the members of her Sunday school
class at her home on Scott street l nursoay.
Games and music served to pass to
noon most delightfully. Dainty reiresa
menta were aerved.
The members of the Euchre club and
their husbands were entertained Wednes
day evening at the home of Mrs. Lmmett
Tlnley, trie nrst prizes being won vy -
Wood Allen and Mr. W. W. Sherman. Mrs.
Georite Damon won the cuest prise.
Miss Adele.Dohany of Denver, formerly
of this city, Is visiting for a few.dsys
with her Klatara Mr, W. A. Maurer and
Mra. W. S. Keellne. She Is accompanied by
her aunt. Mrs. K. Lewis, wno naa oee.i
seriously 111, and Is returning to her old
home at Crookston, Minn. Aiier a ie
davs' rest thev will Droceed to Minnesota,
The art department oC the Council Bluffs
Woman's club was entertained Monday
evening at the home of the president, Mra,
w. Miner, on uaaiana avenue. n
part of the evening waa aevoiea 10 mm ru
lar program, thla was followed by a social
hour, wttn music Dy Mra. nvra. mcv,u
Gretzer and Miss Ellis. Dainty relresn-
ments were served.
Tlia fnlin . Inr rlnh women will leave Mon
day evening to attend the biennial at St.
I.ula- Mra V W Miller Mra. P. J. Mont-
r.mAv Mra Walter I Atlltth. Ml'S. C. E,
Smith and Mrs. H. A. Quinn. At Malvern
thv will he Inhieri hv Mrs. Minnie J. Camp
bell, the deles-ate from that place, and at
Moberlv. Mo., they will meet the eaatern
and central Iowa delegation.
Mr. Frederic C. Montgomery of this city
and Miss Grace B. Severance of Central
City, Neb., were married Friday evening
by Rev. W. 8. Barnes at the First Preaby
trln rhurrh nnrannHfre. Mr. Montaomery
Is cashier at the Wabesh local freight
office, while the bride was a teacher tor
several years In the public schools of Cen
traj City, where she is well and favorably
The "Jolly Jokers" club was pleasantly
entertained at the home of Miss Spies on
Fourth street Friday evening. High five
was the game played, the tlrat prize being
won by Mra. van Brunt and the second
prize by Miss Aurella Tlnley. The follow
ing members attended: Miss Royer, Miss
Pierce, Miss Spies. Miss Children, Mis
Smith, Miss Grace Smith, Miss Toller, Miss
Letchford, Miss Gerachty, Mies Van Brunt,
Mra. Children and Miss Tlnley. This Is
the last meeting ot the club for the sea
Mrs. W. L. Doualas gave a charmingly
appointed luncheon Wednesday In honor of
Mrs. j. A. jacason or dioux vuy anu jnra.
A. fl. Wilson of Galena. Kan. The decora-
tlona were In pink, the centerpiece of the
polished mahogany tame Deing a low
mound of LaFrance roses snd ferns, while
at opposite corners of the board were
Mra .Ism es. Mrs. Rice. Mrs. Jackson. Mrs.
J. A. Jackson of Sioux City. Mis. A. 8.
Wilson of Galena,. Kan., and Mrs. Cop-
The Ideal club met this week at the home
of Mrs. Freeman Keea. Tne BUDjeci mat
ter discussed was "The Development of
Enellsh Literature."- Mrs. ueDDingion, Mrs.
Reed and Mrs. Metcalf being the iattlcl-
pants. Alter tne program a social session
was neia, wim music iy ma iueai tjuiiiiei,
composed of Mrs. Bantord, Mra. Southard,
Mrs. Organ and Mlas Metcalf. with Mrs.
Mnntrnmflrv an AccomDanlst. Mrs. Frsnk
Reed also sang, accompanied by Miss
Flora Judson. Light refreshments were
served at the close ot tne aiternoon. in is
closes the club program for the year.
However, the club will meet socially next
Wednesday at the home of Mrs. JJeoblng-
ton. on Parte avenue
. The sisters of St. Francis academy gave
another of their delightful recitals In 'the
Auditorium Thursaay afternoon to a large
numbor of Invited friends and pupils, many
out-of-town people being In attendance.
Mlaa Lvnch. whose name appear several
times on the program. Is a former pupil of
St. Francis ana later a graduate oi ma
Chicago Conservatory of Music, being an
honor pupil oi vicior a. uarwooa. juiibs
Lynch Is the recipient of a gold medal from
the conservatory for her proficiency In
music. The following is the urogram alven:
"Polonaise," Miss Lynch; "Lorraine Lor-
ree," Miss White; "Caprice Espagnol"
(Op. 37), Miss Lynch; "Oh, Dry Those
Tears," Miss Mullck: recitation, Mr. H.
Suing; Intermezzo (Op. 44). Miss Lynch;
vocal solo. "May T me. Miss Klzgs: Wiap
sodle No. 6, Miss Lynch. Each number is
worthy of especial mention, both the vocal
ana instrumental numDers snowing inor-oua-h
instruction and attention to detail
which Is characteristic of the work of ths
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Rice celebrated their
golden wedding anniversary at their home
on f ourth street Tuesday evening, being
assisted in receiving by tneir aaugnters
Mrs. Carrie Rice Jackson and Miss Rice.
During tbe evening the rooms were rilled
with friends who called to offer congratu
lations snd best wishes to the bride and
aroom of fifty years aao. Quantities of
roses of many shades, gifts of their numer
ous inenas, necked every avananie corner
and banked the mantels. The dining room
was entirely in pink, the centerpiece of the
tauie Deing a large mouna oi pina roses,
edged with asparagus fern. Assisting In
the dining room was Mrs. H. H. Van
Brunt. Mrs. William CoDoock. Miss Dallev
and Miss Ada Dalley, Mrs. John T. Stewart
2d presiding at the punch bowl. Mr. Rice
was ror many years connected witn tne
First National banV and was closely identi
fied with tho early history of the city,
having watched Its growth from the small
village ot thirty-seven years ago to Its
present proportions. Oq May 10, 1854 he
was united in marriage to Miss Mary Rib
ble at Horlcon, Wis. They came to Coun
cil Bluffs In 1867, where they have since
resided, having always lived on Fourth
street, their first home in this city having
been about two block from the present
Hundred Thousand Acres to Be
. Drained at Considerable Cost. .
ONAWA, la.. May 14. (Special Telegram.)
The meeting at the court house this after
noon to take action on the trig Monona
Harrlaon ditch was well attended. Will C.
Whiting, representative of Ida and Mononn
counties was chosen chairman. A general
discission ns to the best methods of hasten
ing the Improvements followed. L. J.
Bolbolt of Turin, George . Harrison of Blen
coe and 8. B. Martin of Ottawa were ap
pointed a committee to circulate a petition.
The sentiment seemed to be that the work
must be crowded as fast as possible and
considerable enthusiasm prevailed.
The ditch commences at the northwest
corner of section t, township 84, range 46,
Ashton township, and terminates at Wash
out, emptying Into the Missouri river neur
the town ot Little Sioux. The petition pro
vides for changing ths channel of ths Little
Sioux and West Fork rivers. The cost of
the work is estimated at 3238,000. The dis
trict embraces nearly all the land east of
the old Sioux City ft Fuclflo railroad to
the foot hills east of the Little Sioux river.
The lands benefited are estimated at lOO.OuO
acres, which are too wet for cultivation,
and ths public health, convenience and wel
fare will be promoted by ditching, tiling
and leveling as provided by section 30 of
the thirtieth general assembly. Great In
terest la felt In the proposed Improvement
here, which are regarded as vsry Important.
farmer ts Killed by Ball.
LEMAR8, la.. May H.-(Bpeclal Tele.
gram. i Frits tlnsnhorst, aged 62, a farmer
residing south of here, died from the effects
of an encounter with a bull. The animal
turned on him In a pasture and gored and
trampled him, breaking his ribs and breast
Omaha Hps Choara Prealdeat.
WATERLOO, la.. May It Speclal. A
three days' session of the Central Com
mercial Teachers' sssociatkin ended here
today. A. C. Vansant of Omaha was f hossu
president of ths asaoctstlon. The nxt con
vention will p held la Omaha next Mgr.
placed nanasome crystal canueiaora. wnii
pink crepe shades The following women
attended: Mrs. Kverett, Mrs. Dodge, Mrs.
Plnnev. Mrs. Robinson. Mrs. Van Inwcgen,
Re in ova
of 20 to
high class seasonable men's and
boys' clothing and furnishings.
Beginning Monday Morning a.nd lasting ten days.
Joe Smith Co.,
We have received an elegant new line of dainty Brooches, Btick or Scarf Tins, Locketa,
Bead and Neck Chains, also handsome new rings set with a diamond or other precious stones,
also Signet Kings, Watches, Fobs, Chains and Charms, all of the best quality solid 14 karet
gold, any of which would make a beautiful and appropriate GRADUATION GIFT long to
be remembered and everlasting.
Our prices are the most moderate for the good quality of good's. Come in and let us'
show you what we have. You can buy of us at the best advantage.
Graduation-Something New-Souvenir Spoons
Telephone L607.
Agree on' Two Per Cent on Monthly Bal
ances of 8;a:e Money.
Mother . Begins Action In Federal
Court to Secure Possession of
Child Held by the Potts
. (From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, May It (Special.) Tho
state executive council today entered Into
a contract with nine of the banjks of Pes
Moines for the payment of Interest on
state deposits in these banks at the rate
of I per cent per annum. This was in uc
oordance with the law which was passed
at the last session of the legislature, which
was championed by Senator Lewis of Paga
county, requiring the banks pay interest
on all state deposits at a rate to be fixed
by the state executive council. It was
recommended by State Treasurer OUbertaon
in his report and by Governor Cummins In
his biennial message. The bill to require
the payment of Interest was hard fought la
the legislature by tho bunks, which have
for years enjoyed a monopoly of the stale's
dopoalts without paying anything therefor,
but despite this the interest bill was passed,
Only nine of the bunks have entered Into
the agreement as yet, but the others are
expected to soon. The Interest commences
with May 1 and ia computed on dully bal
ancea It Is estimated that this win bring
to the state a revenue of about 12,000 a
State Teachers' Association.
The executive committee of the Iowa
State Teachers' association held a meeting
here today with State Superintendent
Rlggs. The members present were Presi
dent D. S. Wright of Cedar Falla, Chair
man W. H. Bender of Cedar Falls and
Z, C. Thornburg of this city. The com
nil t tee decided upon holding the stats con
vention tills year at the holiday season in
Des Moines. The progrum la now being
arranged and a number ot educators from
other states have been Invited to appear
before the convention. The usual round
tables and sectional meeting! will be held
and the program will be as extensive as in
the puat.
Preparing; for Reonlon.
. The reunion association lor the First
Iowa infantry has looelvad word that
Eugene Ware of Kansas, pension commis
sioner, will meet with the regiment this
year and deliver the principal address.
The reunion will be held at tbe atate ulr
the last week In August. Mr. Ware was a
soldier of "the First Iowa Infantry during
the 'rebellion and frequently glslts his old
comrades In Iowa. A number of reunions
will be held at the time of the state fuir
nd a general day for old soldiers will be
on the program.
Potta Child ia Court.
Mr, and Mrs. L. H. Potts ten years ago
secured a f-months-old baby girl from a
maternity hospital which it was claimed
bad been deserted by its mother. Mrs.
Hannah Segerholm of Oregon has started
an action in the federal court to secure
possession of the child, claiming that It Is
hers. The ease will be "heard next week In
the United States court In Dea Molnea.
The suit promisee to be one of the hard
est fought legal battles In the federal court.
Some time ago Mr. Potts' received a letter
telling him that an attempt would be made
to get the child from him and warned htm
to leave the city and secrete the rhlld. Ut
remained In Pes Moines and Thursday the
child was brought to the court room by
Deputy Marshal Hedrlok. 'The child clings
to Its foster parents and la badly frightened
lest It be taken from them.
Will Have a Viaduct.
The city council of Pes Moines haa ap
proved plans for a great viaduct over the
railroad tracks the same to be along
Seventh atreet for a dlstsnce of over 2.0u0
feet. The plana were made long ago, but
under the law there was found to be no
way that the city could get money to pay
damages to the owners of abutting prop
erty along the approach to the viaduct,
hence the work was stopped. Now. under
a new law, all these ma iters ran be at
tended to and the work will scon begin.
The railroad commissioners must first ap
prove the plans for the viaduct.
New t eroporatloaa.
The following articles of Incorporation
were Blsd with the secretary ot state toe
50 per cent discount on
"Get the Habit'
when we sell you. our Twin. City Pure Paint 'Betnomber
our price Is only $1.15 per gallon. This Is the kind of paint
that lusts. Our sales show that It is in flemand. ' .
Our oils, varnishes, putty, brushes, mouldings, wall paper,,
picture frames and pictures are the best that money can buy
and prices so that people that want good articles can ufford
to buy. . W are always at your service.
Council Bluffs Paint, Oil & Glass Go
Cor. -4th and Broadway. 'Phone 327.
day: Harrls-Scotten company, Chicago,
with 500,GoO capital. The Osage Stone
and Cement company, 1100.000, by L. W.
Knowlton, W. H. II. Guble and others.
The Des Moines Sand company, capital
$25,000, by B. S. Hutchlns and others. The
Dubuque Bill Posting company, $1,200, by
F. W. Coats and others. The Plainvllle
and Rosemount Telephone company of Mllo,
capital $1,000, by F. A. Walk and others.
Robbers Get Little,
ifold robbers sneaked Into the town of
Elkhart Friday' night ahd "blew up two
Iron safes, securing the munificent sum
of 80 cents at one place and SO cents at
The stores entered were Peterson
Wright and Marlon Keller's general
store. A shotgun was taken, together with
small amount of ammunition at the
former place. Both uafes were wrecked
and the robbers escaped. The police and
detectives were telphoned here later In
the day to be on the lookout, as the dyna
miters are believed to belong here.
State Convention Talk.
A good deal of Interest attaches to the
assembling of the republican state conven
tion of next week. The only thing for the
onvention to do Is to pick the alternate
elegutea to the national convention, four
n number, to accompany Messrs. Cummins,
Allison, Dolllver and Blythe; perhaps to
Instruct theau delegates how they shall
votei, and give some expression of the views
of the Iowa republican party on national
ssues and particularly on the question of
Uirlff revision and reciprocity. For three
uicesslve years the party has adopted a
platform under which revision would be
proper at the right time and by the right
party, and yi-ndorslng the policy of reci
procity avadvocated by the party leaders
for many years. There will be present at
the convention a considerable number of
elegates who believe this platform was a
correct statement of republican principles.
Then there will be a Urge element who will
Insist that the Ideas thus stated are rank
heresies and ought to be repudiated dls
tlnctly and In toto, and this by a positive
tutement condemning them. These stand-
patters will piur ai ins neu u, .
lulliniK committee Lafayette Young of Des
Moines, who started out on a campaign last
fall to demolish the Iowa platform, and who
declared In a speech beforo the republican
lub here that If the republican party Is
committed to tariff revision, then bis news-
415 Broadway,
Council Bluffs.
M09 Broadway.
The oily sure wa.y
to and to hold
Is to give tbem first class goods for
their -money and that Is what we .do.-
Proud of Her
New Open Plumbing
Shu Is, most naturally r.nd properly, be
cause the existence i.t unaanlury condi
tions is now Impossible. Disease khd sick
ness lurk In hiding ha unbidden guests
where the plumbing 'h nni!iuated or de
fective. No precautions of the housekeeper
can avert the evil conssouences. Don't
trifle with danger when we can make you
safe at a moderate oost. If we do It, it's
dope right.
J. C. Bixby M Son,
202 tfaln Street and 203 Pearl Street
Council Bluffs. Tel. 193.
paper Is for sale, and that revision or tariff
changing will do aa Incalculable harm if
done by republicans' as iC done by demo
crats. "If you go into tariff ripping," ha
said, "immediately after the next presl
dontol' election you will wee . the - greatest
business paralysis sines the days of Cleve
land." Tho fight was made along this Una
at the beginning, with some vjirlatlonB. If
fthe stand-patters have their way, then
there will be no loophole left for tariff re
vision either by reciprocity or dirottly. The
great body of the convention, It is claimed,
will take a more conservative view and re
Iterate tho poHitlon of the party In generui
on the tariff question without distinctly
condemning the policy of tariff revision.
Attorneys of Denver Set 1 1 Argue
that tbe Action Would Le4 tn
. r.lectlou Frauds.
DENVER, May U. The state supreme
court today set lde and vacated the writ
of mandamus l-mied by District Judge Mul
11ns, which crdVred the election commis
sion to deliver today to the election Judges
representing ths democratic and anll-Woi-cot;
republican parties the ballot and
other supplies for the lvei!on In this city
nsxt Tuesday. In the argument attorneys
for the republican ticket contended that
the purpose of the mandamus was to allow
the election Judges to get the ballots in
time to writs them up snd stuff the ballot
boxes before the polls opened.
Mrs. Welnselrl Cbarged vltb Untieing
Girls from Enrope Will Be
Tried ' Toeeday.
BT. IX)UIS, May U-The case of Mrs.
Sophia Welnselrl, who Is charged with
having enticed glrle from Europe to St.
Louis for Improper purposes, was con
tinued In the t'nlted States circuit court to
day until Thursdiy. The continuance win
made by Commissioner Babbitt In order,
that the case may first go to the federal
grand Jury, which will convene In 61.
Louis next Tuesday.
The Bee prints the most paid want ads
because tbey give the best returns.