12 flTE OMAHA DAILY BEE SUNDAY MAY 15, 1904. An Extraordinary Silk Sale Mosdsy will be Silk Barg-sia Day at Brsndels. A new shipment (10,000 yards) of the moat fashloni silks pongees, small figured for shirt wilit eoitume, hout gowns, eto also a fine lot of 48-lnoh worth 7flo and $l.QO per yard Monday Our $ r per 2jr WHITE SILK SPECIALS n-lneta White Wash Silks, 22c at, per yard m tT-lnch Whit Heavy QuaUty CKQc Waah Bilk. at. par yard wyw Yard Wide Waah Sllka. A fir at, ht vara OW n-lnoh Coaxaa Weave White fQc. Pongee per yard (1.60 VV hit Habutai, washable, QHn at. par yara ZL ualtty Crape da China, )9C yard SHIRT WAIST SILKS For Monday only 86 pleeea Seeded Taffetas, dot Loulsones, new plain ' weaves la pean brilliant, glace Taffetas, eta, stylish for sblrt waist suite, worth tLOO, CCI at. nap vard Mall orders filled oa all the Special Dress Goods Bargains Oa Bartaia Square Nub eta. 'mines, mohairs, cloth suit ings, Panamas, :39c cream yaoht- lng cloths, etc., 70o values, yd Oa Frent Barraln Square Silk, orepa ohlffon, voile, ohlffon, fine French stamina and voile, Sicilians, nonwmy brllliantlnes, etc all this season's style and colors, worth up to $1. BO yard, at, yard Walstlng and Wash Dress Goods oa Bartaia Square, 19c Yard Moussellne de sole, the BOo grade. In all colors, el so mercerized etamlne, linen suitings, nub lin en voile in all colors, Monday, . at, yard ..... ... 19c Shirtwaist Sale 3?c These are good waists good enough for any day and any wear not the ordinary kind of waists that Is found for similar moderate prices they "e rr,A In lni vnatlncf. batikat 1 . vu.u , . iTV. ? tn' In naw " full tfttlfl sleeves, elaboratoly trimmed with laces and embroidery many are worth $1.00 and 1.60 square, at 2 fa t wti Ladles' $2 Shirt Waists 85c.' Waists that are pretty, dainty and oool lace and em broidery insertions,, wide tailor pleats the newest and most desirable summer laorios worth up to 12.00 at ; WORKERS MOST BE GENTEEL Eeddsats of law York EIobm fisfoMd to - Bs Aided by Ordinary Fsopls, MUST SHOW. THEIR BIRTH AND BREEDING . . Wobii rmpll4 t lalt Plsaa Ba a Thay Camaot AsT4 Far ts the STlea - aaslr4. (CopyrUtht by Naw York Herald Co.. 1904.) NEW TORK. May l.-Naw Tork Her ald Service-Special to The B...) "We can't afford to Uvs In the slums any longer. Ws'vs had to move," announced a couple of social settlement workers re cently. ' " The eettlement to which they are at tached does not provide sleeping quarters, and whan they carry out tha settlement Idea to Its utmost they are' obliged to hire a Ovine place ia tha neighborhood of tha settlement houae. To tha surprise of their e.oort oa a reoent evening they'dld not rat am la tha old direction and than cams tha explanation. "We've simply had to give up Bleeping la the slums," w.tyt en the speaker. "It cost too much.' ' -. - Not high rants altogether Is It that have driven tnaae workers out of their ohoeea field, Tha reasons for departure that they advance with much feeling are moat cred ible, but something of a revelation to one who has sot stood la tha aame relation ship to a tenement house community aa that la which tha settlement worker Is placed. -' "I don't suppose tha real difficulties of being aa exemplary peraon have avar oc curred , to you," obeervad ona of the women teachers. "If we did not have to be models for the tenants for .blocks around Li Cures Spring LP Spring maladies ourod by Hum phroys' Homoopathlo Specifics Rheumatism by No. 18. Malaria by No. 16. Kidney disease by No. 87. Ill adder dlsoaaa by No. 3a Infants' troubles by No. 8. Whooping Cough by No. itO. Headacne by No. O. , Bkln dlaeaaes by No. 14. At drusslats, H oents each, or mailed. Cloth hound book mailed free. Huniphrev.' Merit. In. Co., Cor. .William ible measallne foulards 25c oile ohlffon cloth bargain square, per yard gBo High grade drts$ uid lining tofTehf, Mptdal tor only, 1. 00 quality Dreaa Taffeta C Q yard JJ Our $1.23 Dreaa Taff etaa 75c 1.29 93c per yard Oar $2 quality full yard wide tatfetaa -at, per yard Our special weave t uaranteed Taf fetafor ahlrt waist tulle ALL SILKUNINd TAFFETAS XMnch, all colors and black. Lining Taffetas, will (O at, Cf)p per yard J3 17-1 n. Black Dressmakers Lin- Inc. Taffetas, at, yard Utv 8-lneh Black Dressmakers' orr- Taffeta, per yard OVC M-Inch special brand Phoenix Mills Taffeta. ,1U quality, sSQr- at, per yard t vlUW These silks all first class and fully guaranteed. PONOEES, SHANTUNGS, ETC. Natural ponaaea, dot pongees, fancy Tussahs, Imported Shantungs, etc, special prices. 22-Inch Figured and Plain Pon- OOn gees, worth 75o. at OVW 27-lnrh Plain Shantungs, worth fiCr .. at. per yard OvC 17-Inch apeclal finish heavy coarse najan 1'ongees, Lyons aye. 1.25 worm sz.uu, at, per yara above except the 23c silks. Slcllisas, Cheviots, Twtidi Voiles and Etamines, in. blaolc and all colors, $1.00 quality, at, 69c yard. 95c MAIN DRESS Q0ODS DEPT. 78c Black Nun' a-Vellls yfCI 44-lnoh. at. yard.... VJ Black Voile, very stylish AO labrle, at, yard Tu 75c Black and Navy Blue AQf Sicilian 62-ioch, at f C WhIU Irish linea-36-lnoh AEn at, yard (The new organdies Just arrived.) Solid Gold Rings (Special lo jewelry Dcpt) Ladies' and misses' solid gold rings at barely the price of old gold. am . 1 Ji, iU 500 samples band , WfmMI . i'M. Ki-f 4-f'l warrantea iuk worth $2 and $2. . Ladies'and'mlsses' solid rings Opals, ru , bias, emeralds and turquoUe worth t2and2.50 at 85c Peggy from Paris Bags Made of patent leatb.er.wlth gold and ox idized frames worth $1.75 aU. wa might live reasonably In tha slums In spite of rents," she continued, somewhat plaintively. Workers Kaat Be Caatl.si. "But In our position, you see, we can never beat anyone down, and, '-in fact, usually have ' to pay double price for all that we buy for tha sake of proving our. selvea fair. - These neighbors seise a set tlement worker almost bodily and take her to task openly or behind her back for tha slightest seaming deviation from absolute perfection. Tney think to themselves. Wa may How could sha make her living If it wasn't for ua?' "Therefore they Interest themselves In tha smallest details of her Ufa and watch with a keen aya all but her spiritual strug gle. If sha economises and does any of her own work they begin to doubt her gentility and sha loses her Influence with them. Therefore, sha has to hire tha least of tasks dona and pay roundly, for them. Tha community knowa too whether her sliver la plated or solid and so sha has to keep ail of her silver bright and use it in public She must keep bar anoeators well in the foreground also, or they will distrust her authority and have none of her. Her eoclal position Is as tottery as that of her queen favorite. "They count her laundry aaoh Monday morning and If tha number of stockings or other pieces fall short or Isn't of tha beat quality they vsay she ia mean and oan't be tha real thing. This drlvaa tha settlement worker to undreamed-of lengths of extravagance In lingerie. "Why, if wa stayed In tha slums much longer through tha whole twenty-four hours of tha day we wouldn't have(a bit of conscience or eeot of money left. That ia why wa moved Into a higher class neigh borhood. The rich won't expect anything of ua" NEW YORK SALOONS CLOSE rive HaaSreS evaa Tblrtr-Oao lit Baalaaaa Owl as ta Maalelpal Beatrietlaas. (Copyright by Naw York Herald Co, 1904.) NEW TORK. May 14.-New York Herald Service Special to Tha Bee. Because of tha restrictions placed on their business since ths first of January, (31 saloons In this city have closed their doors, tha li censee being cancelled. It Is said that sev eral hundred othera may go out of business and as a result chargea are being mads that pledges made by Tammany before ths laat election have not been fulfilled. It waa expected by some that the return of Tammany to power would mean a return to ths conditions existing during tbo ad ministration of Mayor Van Wyck. Prepa ration were made for a profitable business by the saloons which had enjoyed tha least enviable reputation. Mayor McClellaa and Police Commissioner MoAdoo took action to sea that these plans were not auoceesfuL For a short time In the early part of winter It was thought by tha would-be law breakers that the restrictions would not last long. But when it waa learned that the mayor and the commissioner of police were in earnest the objectionable resorts began closing their doors. Of course, many aaloona that were conducted In a respect able manner also cama to grief, but by tar uta greater proportion of ths U that mm Ladies' fg ft ''wk.-ee. at, Fashionable New Shirt Waist Suits The Prettiest New Tub Shirt Waist Suita-In the sheer lawns, dimities and percales stylishly made will be in the height of fashion this summer a great variety of absolutely now and novel 3 50 4 98 Silk Shirt Waist SuPta The popular Shan tungs, taffetas and pongees neat, oool ef fects, very prettily made, in latest styles for summer wear C)98 1 485 UP 24 new sleeves, eto. e to Summer Dresses aod Demi Costumes shades, crepe de chines for dress and evonin wear- flO q $49 S,lk Jca-Latest and smart specials, at r J e,t styles lor ff f A CIP Voile Dress Skirts Made In the latest styles for dress wear trimmed with silk ribbons the new Colonial pleats, etc., at, 6.90, 9.98 and 12.50 hand chased rings A . All of these ana 14R 50 at . . . . gold set a, yard.7 I have quit business ' depended upon illegal privileges for profit. ALL ITALY HOPES FOR A SON Aamoneemcnt ta Parliament Ortes Liveliest latereet la the Kingdom. (Copyright, 190i by Press Publishing Co.) ROME, May H.-(New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram. ) All Italy waa profoundly Interested In ths announcement made in tha Chamber of Deputise this week that Queen Helena expects to become a mother again next September. It la ear neatly hoped that tha coming royal child may be a boy, in order that King Victor may have a dlreot heir to tha throne. Yet, knowing Queen Helena's extreme fondness for children, another daughter would make tha nation rejoice, Tha queen not only lavishes affection upon her own two daughters, but she has a heart big enough to take In all children, even the lowliest Beatrice Morgano, a poor, email child of Udlne. wrote plain tively to Queen Helena not long ago: "I have no dolla like other little girls. I have become naughty. My papa scolds ms because I talk always of dolla I dream of dolls." Tha queen, always sympathetic touched by tha simplicity of the childish latter, sent to Beatrice a doll so One that the people of Udlne went to admire It. The queen Is first of all tha wife and mother. She arises at T o'clock that she with her own hands may bathe bar own children. - Sha sinuses herself by asking for ths little ones such dishes as are given tha children of her native land, Mon tenegro, and the princes go Into ecatacy over their mother's cocking. Queen Helena does not Interest herself In politics. When naked If sha haa helped tha king to expedite current affairs she said: "I content myself with putting sand on my husband's letters." She does not take great Interest In tha literature of today, for her husband rather frowns on women who give themselves In tellectual airs. Thanka to her early training this queen would make a good housewife. - Sha dreseea In black usually. In Montenegro, shs says, tha women of tba , sovereign house always dreaa plainly, for splendid clothes would abash their poor subjects. Bo tha queen attaches very little importance to dress, but expends her money in relieving distress and In doing charitable deeds. When sha appears In her oarrtage In the Corao with . tha king all tha flna women there outdaaala bar. Sha oftsn wears s violet dress and Is seen ao often In It that a woman of her court ventured to say: "Your majesty seems to be very fond ol that dreaa" "I Ilka It because tha king prefers It," tha queen answered simply. "Why should I change ItT" Next to her husband and ohlidren Queen Helena tovea flowers. They surround tin everywhere. She apeaka Italian, aava to a few Intimate friends with whom shs con verses In French. At tha court balls ahs see-ka out tha less beautiful women and paya them msny at tentions. When Maroon! waa feted at Rom, be causa, of his discovery ef wireless teleg rn r i n 5 Spring Suits $9.5ft Entire Surplus Stock Bought from S. Steinfeld & Co.. 358 Broadway N. Y.. Going at Less, Than Cost to Make Our sale of these elegant suits yesterday waa tremendous, but so great was the splendid st oak that we have Just as good values to offsr tomorrow. Every one of these tailored suits Is made in the most up-to. date style dress and walking styles fashioned in voiles, broadcloths , Venetians, coverts, English mixtures the newest style features, broad sloping shoulder effects, smart new trimmings, pleated skirts you have never seen suoh elegant suits sell at less than twice this prloe. Your choice of these stunning: new suits, made to sell at $20, $25 and $30 Monday, special, at, each Dainty Graduation Gowns The daintiest of India lawns and Unoas point d'esprlt nets, Brussels nets and Jap silks. elaborately lace trimmed, large Berthas new 1830 skirts nharmlna varlstv. $750 $dc& V . , J per yard fj ' to Silk Jacket Suits new-With all jackets and pleated . and shirred the new i iew silken mohairs, canvas trimmed, y , 1 $19-24.50-$29-$35 t h voiles, In all the new summer I " 'v Dainty Preaoa Craveaette and Traveling Coats long dressy costs so serviceable for rain and smart for dress qqa J i? nn at. mS.KJ IV TOMORROW IS THE GREAT Straw Matting Sale We have bought the entire stock on band of Straw Matting of one of the big Chicago wholesale houses. This bouse discontinued the handling of Straw Mattings, and we bought the whole stock at a remarkable bargain. It consists of all kinds of heavy China flatting, very grsde of fine Japanese cotton warp flattings together with some of the finest Hodges Fiber Carpets. - Straw Mattings go on sale 10c45c49'e - The Hodges Fiber Carpets generally sell up to 65c per yard they all go in one lot, at, per yard We recommend an early attendance at this sale, as to be a crowd, and the best will go first. raphy, Queen Helena, on learning that his mother waa In the hall, aougbt her out and extended her hand to her, aaylng: "How happy you are to be his mother. Doea not tha glory seem to be doubled when it comes from our own children V Queen Helena put aside sometime ago a splendid collection of toys that had been given to Princess Yolande, ona of her daughters, and bought a number of cheap dolls and playthings at a basar to replace them, saying: , "What children love, best la not flna things, but playthings they can love and break." NO NATIONAL BANK AT CANAL Laws of United States on the fnbjeet Hot Bxteaded to Federal lose, t (Copyright by New York Herald Co.. 190O WASHINGTON. May l.-(New York Herald Service Special to Tha Bee,) No authority exists for granting national bank charters In the Panama canal sons con trolled by tha United States. Half a doaeh applications have been tiled with Controller of the Currency Rldgeley for national bank charters In this territory. Tha law providing for the government of tha oanal sons raakea ao provision of thla sort and It Is held that tha president baa no authority to grant chartara. Tha appli cations will be kept on file until tha bank ing laws are extended to that territory, when they will be approved If the parties Interested still desire to open banks on tha lathmue. . Six years ago an application was filed in the controller's office for a charter for tha First National bank of Manila. No ictlon haa been taken on it. Tha na tional bank law baa never been extended to tha Philippines. Two national banks have been established in Hawaii and are prospering. One national bank has been located In Porto Rico, tha First National of San Juan. DUKE SELLING HIS PICTURES Latest Move of . Marlkeroavh Starts Oossls) la the Leadoa mart fat. (Copyright. 1904, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. Msy 14 (New Yortc World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Tha duka of Marlborough haa. caused a flutter by putting up for sale at Christies' this week a number of drawlnga and pictures from Blenheim. Everyone knows that Blenheim Is by no means overstocked with works of art. while tha duke's town house, with tha exception of a few small rooms. Is abso lutely bare of all such decorations. Tha pictures he Is selling Include good examples of tha Dutch school. There la ona vary fine Hobbena, while there are several drawings of the Italian school and a well Known portrait of Gladstone by Frank Hold and -an excellent example of Sir Edward Poynter. What strikes svery ona aa strange Is that tha duke should dispose of these articles publicly. English aristocrats needing money .ere selling their valuables 11 the time, but they do it through dealers and the transactions never become public. This exploit looks llks a demonstration n the duke's part that he hae not profited k tremendously by his Vanderbllt mar riage, as (people Imagined, ' nc5 50 round skirts est styles lor 7.50,.$15 The summer, at Swell New Waists The most charming styles to be found all the newest styles fOfl ft (IS and materlala OtOJV5 second floor, at W Linen 9 BASEMENT. 10c Doylies at, each 5c Turkish Wash Cloths, f i each .'.I2C 18-ln, all Linen Toweling, yard 25c sewed fringed Doylies, each , 85c Bpachtel Scarfs and uuauin . .. ... tomor- 50c Corded Scarfs and Shams..... 25c 35c hemstitched Linen Tray Cloths and Centerpieces. , . . 60c hemstitched Linen Scarfs. JJ and Squares .3C 75c hemstitched Linen Scarfs Tf and Squares J JO 98c hemstitched Linen Scarfs, Square Lunch Cloth and Center M f Pieces, at tVC $1.50 round thread all Linen Lunch Cloths with scalloped button Q hole, stitched edges, Pt, each.. OJC 39c there ia going OMAHA'S TRADE CONDITION Beteilers Bsportths Heaviest Demand of the Season and Are Eorting Up. ADVANCE BUSINESS VERY SATISFACTORY Very Few Ohavases la Mark. Ctaeta tloaa Dartngr Week Vader Review mn Hothins Start lias Looked for la Rear Fatare. Trade tha early nart of laat . week very brisk with retailers throughout the territory iriDUiury xo irmana. uowara tne close of the week, however, the cold, un seasonable weather was rather detrimental and not ao much business waa transacted. As compared with a year ago, however, trade with both retailera and wholesalers has been much better so far this month, for It will be remembered that during May of last year there were excessive rains throughout this section of the country and much land was under water. That portion which was not actually flood ud was too wet to work and as a result farmers were rather discouraged and were not spendls. their money. This year, while weather conditions have not always been season able, still farmers are getting along fairly well with their spring work and In reality have very little to complain of. Retailers feel conndent that they- ar going to do a muon oensr ouainess tnis year tn.in last. Wholesalers report business with them aa being about all they can exrwot at thtt season of the year. In a number of llnox thla la of oourae a rather between-aeason feriod, but taking business aa a whole, here Is not much to And fault with. The movement of spring goods since the sea son opened has undoubtedly been the heav iest on record with prospects for the future more encouraging than ever before. There have been no startling develop ments In tha way of market fluctuation' during the week under review. Prices, though, are firm all along , the line with every Indication of their remaining that way indefinitely. Collections are reported as being In fairly satisfactory condition. Isgsr Strong mad Aetlve. Wholesale groeers report the demand for their line of goods as being exceptionally rrood for this season of tlw year. Trade n the country seems to be In good con dition and retailera are buying freely of GET 17IIAT YOU AGE! F0H- TEIE QEnuinE I Vf VXCANDY CATHARTIC OABOARETS Dandy Cathartic ar always put up In blue) metal box. our trade-in axhod, lonr-tallecl O on thm oorer tablet ootagoual. staxopod GOO. Never aold In bulk. All drug-g-ista, iOo, 20c GOo, funi. tvioa fya. A4dxai Btorllxur Eomady Oo, Cbloaro or New York. tx Sample Millinery FROM A . New York WholesaLler Beautiful Show Room Kats from one of the lead- Ing wholfale milliners most attractive hats of this season, at Very Modish New Street Hats The smartetreet bat is the sensible and stylish thing for late spring and summer wear a brand new array of the latest designs fine braids, in black, white and the ucai xuscan snaaes sailor, 1 ! . . 1 m . . . nental, turban shapes, etc.. mmmeu, a great, assortment, 98: $ 2 Big Picture Sale Basement A great special sale of and den pictures about 300 photo gravures, hand colored j.j ji-i x .x- --a uou uuung room sexs, exc accuauy wonn i wvj ua va. vy w x-wv- v v saa Sale Olrls Oxfords Blacks and Tans, - $1.25 $1.50 2c ..5c 10c 19c Tan "Oxfords $1.59, $1.98, $2.50 Three new shades of Oxfords, In dark tan, Russia calf and (Champagne, in low heel and military heel and Cuban heel light and medium soles, go at $1.69, U-98 and tlinX. Black Vici Oxfords $1.59 to $3 Twenty different styles of black kid low shoes Oxfords, Juliets and Prince Alberts, is light, medlim and heavy soles (ill the new toes go at $1.59. Thirty-el different ntyles of black kid Oxfords, Bluchers Button Oxfords and Gibson Ties, go at $1.98 and $2.60. Patent Coltskin Oxfords $1.59-$2.50 Five special lots all swell, new, up-to-data Oxfords, In shiny leathers, patent coltkln, go tomorrow at $1.69, $1.93 and $2.60. I, 2, i and 4 Strap Slippers 98c to $2.50 e different styles of ladies' slippers In all kinds of heels, straps and toea, plain kid and beaded kid and patent leathers, at SSc and $4.60. ........1 , .1 DC 19c all classes of seasonable goods. The gen eral market Is in a good healthy condition. Sugar has been very strong all the week with the demand heavy. Prices, In fact, are a little higher than they were a week ago, with every indication of their going till higher In the near future. Refiners are stlU behind with their orders and aa the period of heavy consumption la close at hand there may be some difficulty In getting prompt deliveries. The canned goods market shows no Im portant change during tha week so far as quotations are concerned. The short ness of the aupply of California canned goods becomes more important every day, and it is exceedingly difficult to find any assortment to satisfactorily fill in broken lines. This shortage la particularly notice able In peaches and pears. Prloes have been made on future California canned goods by one southern California canner, but companies havs refused to name prloes so far in advance of the season. The dried fruit market Is In good con dition. Peaohea have advanoed about H cent per pound, aud pears are out of the market, while very few apricots of any kind are obtainable. The market on prunes is about as last reported, Italians being Arm while California stock has shown very little improvement. The demand for all kinds of dried fruit Is very liberal and is expected to continue good for at least sixty days. Omaha dry goods jobbers report a good Increase In their sales over May of laat year. House trade Is as good aa could be expected and mull orders, both direct and through travelers, are better than a yeur ago. it is very evident that tha feel ing among merchants In the territory sur rounding Omaha Is much better than for sometime pust, aa they aire looking forward to good crops, which means a brisk de mand. They have sold much more of their tock so far this spring than they had a ..ear ago up to this time, so that they are a much better condition than they were ust May. The outlook for the future la Ubo much mure encouraging so far as .Tops are concerned. There have been no quotable changes In the market for cotton goods during the week under review and none are expected. Raw cotton la selling just about the aame as It haa for the last thirty dava, but itocks In all markets are reported about fO.Oi'O bales less than a year ago. It will be remembered that at that time ootton iK-nan to go up gradually until September 1 or after and was olosed out at 16 centa or over. The output of the leading cotton mills has been restricted for the past Hlxty dnys snd there seems to be no ao cumulation of goods with manufacturers. A hand-to-mouth policy Is also being pur sued by jobbers snd a steady demand must necessarily be experienced throughout ths season. Advance business on fall specialties with on Jbifth Avenue, New York. We bought all his show room "ample line at less than half the real value of the hats. Some of these hats were regular K.50 hats, more of them were made to sell for $8, a great many were fine $10 hats. Inoluded are lace hats of striking oeauty, small turbans. Colonial f, small turbans, Colonial styles, large sailors, very newest and straw r v k r ; prac i a conn- deftlv at X? extra large parlor, dining room of 'the choicest platinettes, pictures, combina- 1 OR 11 , i M U a LADIES' OXFORDS Ladles' Black Kid Oxfords 89c local jobbers is much larger than at any former time. That tha Omaha market la growing rapidly Is obvious from the ex tent and magnitude of tha preparations being made for the coming season. Leather Goods More Active. Tha warmer weather of the early part of last week caused a rapid movement of leather goods from retailers hunds. It takes but a few warm days to cause peo- rle to discard their heavy shoes In favor of he light weight, and as a result with more seasonable weather retailers expect to do a rushing business. Taking: the season ns a whole so far they save out little to com-' plain of, and they have no fear but what their trade will come fully up to earlier ex pectations. Jobbers are beginning to feel the effect of the Improved demand In tht country by the Increase In the orders both dlreot from merchants and also from traveling aalesmen. There have also been more merchants in the city of la to placing slslng up orders. Advance orders are still coming In very freely and jobbers practically all tmree that they have more fall orders on tin Lr books at tha preaent time than ever beforo at this season of the year! Immediate business with rubber gond.4 Jobbers has necessarily been quiet. As Juna approaches, which is the time set lor I ho next advance In the price of rubber socdH, those retailers who have not nrevlouxlr placed their order express their willing ness to do so. There are unt mnnv Ipff. though, so that the total number of order coming In Is not very large. Jobbers, though, have a fine line on their books and. In fact. It Is doubtful if they ever had o many advance orders as at the present time. The upward tendency of the market has, of course, helped them very ma terially tn landing future business. Hardware Aetlve and VIrm. Tha demand for all seasonable lines of hardware continues very active. This in cludes builders' hardware, sttctl goods, lawn mowers, refrigerators, barbwlro, poul try Iiattins. -WlrA AlnLK unrl In f:ct. mJ! staple lines.' The .movement so far has been very brisk, ami even. better than a year ago. Jobbers still have the seme old trouble of getting goods rapidly tuough to meet the requirements of their trade, but they have become ao accustumt-d to that that they no longer consider a shortage out of tha ordinary . The market is In very much the same position it was a week airo. Prices are firm all along the line, with nothing at tha present time to Indicate any Important changes In the near future. The demand for farm Implements Is alst) reported very good, the trade being gen eral on all seasonable lines. The btiKsy trade is also fully up to expectations, which Indicates that people nave money to spend this year and Intend to get some pleasure as well as profit. v v r t rf i m 8