Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Image 9

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    Daily Bee.
J PAGES 9 TO 16. g
t i
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In Ladies'
25c Indira line Lisle Thread Vents, lace trimmed and fancy yokes,
sleeveless and abort aleeved, Saturday
S9c to 50c Quality Ladles' Lac. Umbrella,
and extra sizes, Saturday
19c Children's Cambric Drawers, with
all sizes, Saturday
75c Ladles' Skirts, Corset Covers, Drawers and gowns, handsomely
trimmed with lace and embroidery, Saturday
Children's fine quality gauze vesta and panta, short aJeevea, Jong
sleeves, and knee lengths, at, from 10 to
Women's Black Mercerized Underskirts
manufacturer's samplesworth up to $3, on
sale Saturday, af.............
Try This
THIS BEAUTIFUL PIECE, regular 60c list, and many other popular
fc? n w,d, 'i81' BUn M Kangaroo Dance, Village Tavern, Missouri Mule, f
S?b552!pS' Fxl J..SS- PW' :Nel1 Walt: on?" " UP in Cocoaaut Tree, 1 LL
Sctusi Ust pm 'ooVy " P"'y' tC- SLturdajr "about ens-fourth their ' A 'W
One lot of Standard Corsets, including -broken lines of R. G., W. C O.,
Thompson Glove Fitting and many others worth from " Af
$1.00 to $2.00-Saturday at 4" C
We are showing an exquisite line of La Marguerite 'OiKMta loVitU 'the '
most up-to-date styles, ranging In price from 3.o fo 10.00.
Also a large line of Kabo, O. D., Justrlte and W. B. Erect Form Corseta
with hose supporters attached side and front rt. f
at up from JplevJvl
Drug Dept. Specials for Saturday Only
Large Bottle Florida Water, at
Lavender Smelling Salts, bottle
.Violet Talcum Powder, box 5c
Dr. Charles' Flesh Food, at40c
"Tei," Bay Borne Buiinaai Mn "Ho," 8ay
Bootoxi, Lawyer i and Pratasn.
Tit 9trdy Oak" of Foraaer Time
Caanslaar Places with ta -Dm-sssaest
Via" What We
Ar Oaaalaej T.
Where Is mere man likely te find himself
fifty or 100 years beaoe. If the American
woman continues to oompete with him In
the professions and Industries! This ques
tion oame up the ether day apropos of
the reported decision of a wise or unwise
English chancellor and some learned Judges
not to admit women to the English bar.
Woman la not handicapped like that over
As muoh as tweny years ago women In
Amarioa began to study law, and today
womn are admitted not only to the legal
' profession, but also to almost every other
calling man followa One by one woman
has shoved aside or has taken down the
bars which shut her out of oollegea, clinics
and caucuses, onoe held sacred to man.
An American motto, as was pointed out
not long ago by a visiting German, has
been and Is, "Make way fpr the ladies."
And the worst of It Is, from a man's stand
point, that the women bent on a business
or a professional career continue to ad
vance In tremendously, large numbers.
How many of these are breadwinners
or engaged In money making or glory
achieving careers la not known, but at the
lowest calculation the number of those
who strike out for themselves and show no
Inclination whatever to do the clinging vine
act is formidably large.
And that Is not alt This number, big as
4t Is, Is swelled tremendously by a host of
married women who are the chief support
of their families.
All this leads some people to hint that
perhaps one of these days the sturdy oak
and Its dependent vine will have changed
places; that man will busy himself with
the kitchen work, the mending, darning,
social calls and o'clock teas, and woman
will carry the latchkey, hustle from morn
ing till night In business circles away from
her own house, employ a man stenog
rapher and typewriter and take upon her
self the duty of sitting up with siok friends
uutll the small hours.
Weleesaea la Maav Ltaca.
Others, who don't go Quite so far, point
to the fact that In professional and bust
Dees circle alike woman seems to meet
with no opposition, but on the contrary to
be warmly welcomed, and thst everywhere
She Is usurping places once filled by man
only. Mew la wan to stand up. against It?
Knit Pants, in regular
clusters of tucks -el "
urn &y
on Your Piano
Funny Folks fe$r
Which is scoring a great hit
wherever sold. These few bars
are but a sample of its melodious
Did you likc,t!The Gondolier?"
4,Funny Folks" is Better.
. rrt. Oc
Toilet Soaps, at 7ic
Graves Tooth Powder .. .I2ic
they ask. Is he' not already being fast
pushed to the wall by woman?
When this view of the case was presented
to the head of a large retail dry goods
concern he said:
"Yes, It la quite true that women are now
filling plaoes monopolised twenty years ago
by men. What la more significant still,
lex la now almost Wholly lost eight of in
Dullness dealings.
"There was a time when a business
woman expected extra consideration and
courtesy simply because she was a woman.
She has dropped that entirely now.
'"I remember that about twenty-live or
thirty years ago some of the old estab
lished stores employed only male sales
clerks. There was not a woman to be seen
behind a counter. t In his palmiest days A.
T. Stewart employed only men bookkeepers
and cashiers, and many other concerns did
the same.
"Today woman bookkeepers and cashiers
are to be found everywhere. There la one
large department store In this city which
recently Installed a force of girls and
women In Its delivery department, and
the experiment Is to be kept up, ' I hear.
"It Is talent that tells in business. Good
business men are always In demand, and
so now are clever bus I nee s women.
'In my experience I have found that the
business woman who ellmba to a responsi
ble position Is sharper, more precise and
more exacting with the women under her
than men are.
"I hardly thlnit there la any chance of
woman's pushing man to the wall In this
sort of buslnesa If she does he will de
serve his fate.
"Captains of Industry? Why not? I know
of several women who are managing very
large business enterprises on their own ac
count, and If they can do that I see no
reason why there should not be women
competent to be placed at the head of a
department store like this.
"Bo far as I know, however, there la no
large buslnesa concern of this kind In the
city of which a woman ta the head. There
Is no sex In exeou'Jve ability, though."
The manager of another large store when
the question was put admitted frankly
that the hiring of so many more women
for bookkeepers and cashiers than were
hired In the old daye is likely to oust a
good many men from that field of work.
"As a nils," he said, "women are given
the preference not because they do the
work any better, but because they do It
"But there la this to be said: Even If
men should eventually be forced out of the
dry goods business, they can take to some
other line of work not so well fitted te
women. In this country there la plenty of
work for both men and women. Men are
In no particular peril because of women."
When Dean Ashley, head of the law
school of the University of the City 'of
New York, was asked If the legal pro
fession was In danger of being overrun by
women he shook bis head.
"The woman lawyer la not 1b creasing
mmni 'i T ift'ii it
Women's Silk Shirt Waist Suits
200 new ones, just arrived, for Saturday's
at $18, '$15 and 12.00
Women's Skirts
$5.00 Mohair Skirts, In four different Rtylf,
May Clearing Bale O nn
Women's Walking; Skirts, in Etamiitea.
Sicilians, Voiles and many other ma
terlwjs, worth up to 10, A (ft
sale nrice zfM
&5 Women's Voile Skirts,
trimmed with
several rows or taffeta.
Clearing; Sale Price
p Ofl
$7. 00
tt-pound sack high patent Minnesota
Flour $1.20
Largre sacks White or Yellow Corn
meal 12c
Oood Rice, Hand Picked Navy Tapioca,
Sago, Farina or Barley, pr pound... 3c
The best Corn Starch, per package.... 4c
The best Macaroni, per package 8Vo
Force. Vigor, Vim, Malta-Vita, Neu-
trlta or Egg-O-See, per package VAo
Potted or Deviled Ham, per can Iftc
Quart cans Tennessee Sorghum or
Oolden Syrup 8Vie
Castile or Tar Soap, per cake 2J
Six bars best Laundry Soap, any brand' 18c
J-pound cans solid packed Tomatoes.. 7HC
-pound cans Hominy or Squash 7Vfeo
S-pound cans Oolden Pumpkin 7Vc
1-pound cans Baked Beans, with or
without sauce 8Ho
-pound cans New Jersey Sweet Po
tatoes Piic
3-pound cans Sliced Pineapple, In
syrup USfte
S-pound cans Wax. String or Lima
Beans - Viio
very fast," he remarked, turning; to a
book for some data. "It la nearly a quarter
of a century since the way was opened
for women to enter the profession, and
during that time something less than 860
of them have been admitted to the bar.
At the present time women are admitted
on equal terms In about thirty-four states.
"There are only forty women studying
law hare in a school of 670, and perhaps
not mora than ten out of the forty mean
to practice law after graduation.
"I see no reason why the woman lawyer
should not suooeed and make a fair living,
to aay the least. In my opinion there is a
distinct place for her. a
Mot Maa's Inferior.
"She is not, aa a rule, inferior to man In
her Intellectual endowment She la not
more vacillating, and In spite of a preju
dice to the contrary, no more apt than he
la to be governed by her heart, ker emo
tions, "rather than by her head. On the
contrary, I have found her more conscien
tious, more determined te stick to her
opinion of what she considers the facts in
the oaae than a man is.
"In other words, the man lawyer la more
likely to yield a point ,te sentiment than
ta a woman. As to her being any lass logi
cal than a man well, the day la far past
for aay dispute on that score. Of course
she la Just as logical.
"Not the general belief? Well, there was
a time, you know, when the general belief
waa that woman had no Intellect at all.
But that didn't make it true.
"I have a high opinion of the woman
lawyer. Nevertheless I don't think there Is
the slightest danger of her crowding men
out of the profession very soon. For her.
court woak la still In the experimental
stage, and so far ah haa shown no dis
position to take up criminal cases.
"There has been no hint either of creat
ing women Judges. For that matter,
women Juries are yet to come. The man
lawyer la safe. I think, for a while at
"Woman, In the last quarter of a cent
ury, has made tremendous progress in
evangelical work. In mission work, but In
the ministry her advance haa been alight,'
Is the opinion of the Rev. Dr. Her ben of
the Methodist Episcopal church, who is
assistant editor of the leading church paper
of his denomination. "We do not ordain
women ministers In the Methodist ahuroh."
"Why? Is there a prejudlo against
"It the matter ever came to a crisis
there might be a prejudlo. I suppose; but
so far Ui question has never come up.
"Woman not a aucce In the pulpit? I
don't ear that. At the preesnt Urns, how
ever, especially 1 na large city, I think a
man can do the better work.
"Congregations, aa you tnow, are made
up of men. women and children mea who,
some of thm at least, are Immersed from
one week to the other In vexing and
serious problem of all sorts. Now, la my
opinion, a man preacher la better able to
The greatest sate we ever had of Women's
Garments everybody more than pleased.
$W,000 Worth of Women's
In our Cloak Department must be sold between now and June 1st.
Don't Miss This Opportunity.
All our Women's Suits, worth up to $12.50,
DO Women's Suits, the pick of our stock, made by the best tailors, many
with silk drops, made to sell at 120 and $26, your choice
Saturday, at
Women's Sample Suits, worth $50 to $00,
Saturday, each
Women's Silk and Covert Coats, in three
I styles, silk and satin tinea,
u women s uravenouv lukib,
Clearing Hale ifloe
Extra fine Cravenette
Coats, at
Women's Waists
TABLE 1 Waists worth up to IL60, In
lawns, linens and madras, 49c
TABLE" 'Women's Waists. In linens,
lawns, madras vestlnKH, trimmed Qp
with lace and embroidery, at ruv
Children's Sailor Hats . . . 25c
Children's Trimmed Hats .QQ
1-pound package best Mince Meat.... 6o
Large bottles pure Tomato Catsup.... 8Ho
Choice California Prunes, per pound.. 3o
Choice California Seedless Raisins,
per pound oo
Fancy Muir Peaches, per pound ""4o
California Orapes, per pound 7o
London Layer Muscatel Raisins, pound 7Ho
N. Y. Ring Apples, per pound 7Hc
Virginia Blackberries, per pound 7tO
Fancy Seeded Raisins, per package.... Sc
Fancy, large, juicy Lemons, per dosen 10c
Fancy large Sweet Oranges, per dosen 12c
Colorado Whits Clover Honey, per rack 12c
California White Figs, per package... 6o
Fancy Persian Dates, per package.... 6c
Fancy Cooking Figs, per package 6c
Choice Separator Creamery Butter,
par pound 21 o
Fancy Elgin Crnaraery Butter, pound. 23a
We handle nothing but absolutely pure
understand and reach those men than a
woman Is.
"Men look for virility in the pulpit. I
believe they prefer to listen to one of their
own sex, who, presumably, is better able
to understand to some extent perplexities
which always confront the man of affairs.
Can a woman do this aa well aa a man? X
think not.
Doors Op. Dors Shat.
"Both the Unitarian and the Universalis!
denominations ordain women preachers,
and at the head of every Christian Science
church, I am told, la a woman. Her as
sistant is a man. In that remarkable
denomination, however, I believe they
have no preaching no sermons, that is.
"There is no chanoe whatever, Ji am
afraid, for women to enter the Roman
Catholic, the Episcopal or the Presbyterian
pulpits, although It la never safe to
prophecy what may happen in 100 yean.
"Th deaconess movement, which la
spreading to all denominations and waa
first lntrodaoed by the Methodist Epis
copal ohurou about sixteen years ago, is
a significant indication of th growing; Im
portance of women In church work. Nearly
every church which alma to do a large
work baa Its deaconesses, who undertake,
as a rule, a large part of the pastoral
work and gtve much time to mission work.
"Another triumph in our denomination
for the women la that women delegates
are now admitted to the general confer
ence, which la held once in tour years.
Twenty of them will attend it this year.
"Women are doing splendid evangelistic
and church work; but I don't believe they
will very soon push their way into the
pulpits to the extent Of crowding men
ut. It la very seldom, you know, that
one hear of a woman taking; th divinity
"If the time ever comes," said Dl
Jacob!, one of the oldest practitioners hv
New York, "when women begin to crowd
men out of the medical profession, why,
I think It will be high time for the men
to go, Let them try another business
Then he added somewhat eautlouslyi
"Why should not woman succeed In the
protection, especially In treating women
and children? In these days many people
prefer a woman doctor. In cant woman
prefer a woman doctor. In fact, woman is
better liked than man in more than on
A Growl- Fere.
He did not add that Dr. Margaret Crosse
admitted that there are comparatively few
women surgeons who hsve achieved much
auooess or made a reputation in this part
of the oountry. '
"I know several women who can do and
have done splendid surgical work," said
Dr. Crosse, "but there can b no question
that so far the tendency of the publlo Is
to entrust serious operations to a man
surgeon only if on can be got at Woman
surgeon In the western states have a
of them
TABLE Women's Waists. In
20 different
In Chinas,
styles, great variety of ma
terials, worth up to $1. at...
TARLK 4 Women's Waists.
Japs, organdies, tanetae ana
many othfr
fabrics, worth up to
6. at
Extra Specials
$1.25 Klmonas, in lawns and
dimities, all colors, at
$1.60 Percale Wrappers,
$5 Women's Capes,
$2 Children's Spring; Jackets,
Folding Camp
Meat Department.
Here we are again, with prices and qual
ity that can't be beat.
Pork Loins, per pound........ 7V4o
Pork Roast, per pound C'o
Spare Ribs, per pound - 6a
Pork Chops, three pounds for 26a
Lamb Stew, per pound 8a
Lamb Roast, per pound 6Ho
Forequarters Lamb, per pound 8o
Hindquarters Lamb, per pound... .12Ho
Veal Stew, per pound VAo
Veal Roast, per pound, 8o and 6c
Sirloin Steak, per pound, 12o and 10c
Prime Rib Roast, per pound; 10o and.. 8o
Boiling Beef, per pound So
No. 1 Armours best Hams Hc
No. 1 Armour's best Bacon
No. 1 Armour's fancy California Hams 8o
Leaf Lard, Hfteem psnidi for. .f l.OO
better chance than those nearer New
"There are a good many women general
practitioners In New York who have
achieved some fame, and the ranks of the
woman doctors are surely growing. I
don't believe, though, we shall very soon
crowd out the man doctors, although we
ought to. I guess they are quite aafe
for fifty years to come, anyway.
"For one thing, the profession la a dog'a
life, so to speak, for an ambitious woman.
She needs to have iron nerves and an
Iron constitution If she would be a success
and compete seriously with men.
"All women physicians don't and can't
take the profession seriously. It is Im
possible for some of them to forget their
belt . buckle, the shape of their bonnet
the hang of their skirt and that kind,
of course, won't do much toward driving
man doctors out of business."
In prognosticating man's future aa a
result of the rivalry of the sexes. Dr. Hun
ter, president of the Normal coll ego, had
this to say:
Mam Holding; His Own.
"I think In the learned professions man
win always hold his own and a little mora
If he can't h ought to fall out
"In any ease, there need be no appre
hension on the score of men in any voca
tion being really Injured by women, and
for this reason: The American has the
faculty above all others, I think, for mov
ing; from place to place, for changing
about aeeklng his own improvement
."This ability la largely the result of the
American common school education. The
very Ignorant man la always afraid to
"Th American man usually baa the cour
age and the means, too, to movs. That's
why he gets higher wages than other work
men. He offers his work to the highest
"Therefore. If he finds himself crowded
out at one point by women he will be
pretty sure to move to another point and
furthermore, to change his work.
"In some things woman Is, I believe,
outstripping man. For instance, already
she surpasses htm in , teaching children
under 14.
"She Is taking bis place most success
fully as principal of girls' schools. At one
time women principals were unheard of.
"And la all occupations which require
dexterity of manipulation woman Is quite
likely to outdo man. I am glad that It
Is so; glad that so many avenues are open
ing up for women who must b self-supporting.
"I have always believed that the best
career for any woman is to be happily
married. When any of the young women
here come to me and announce: 1 have
given up the Idea of being a teacher. I
am going te be married, ' I invariably con
gratulate her.
"At the asms time, I find 'out at ery
commencement that there are many young
women who feel, although they do not con
fess If, that they must buckle down to
. In Men's Furnishings
Men's shirts and drawers In plain and fancy colors
worth up to 75c, at
75c Men's fine Bnlbrlgan underwear made of Sea Island cotton,
with double seat drawers, Saturday ..
50c and 75c Men's silk finished suspenders, your choice,
Saturday, '5c and
25c Boys' Suspenders,
Men's and Boys' heavy working
shirts, at
Men's fancy hose,
at 5c, 10c and
75c Boys' shirts and shirt waists, with
separate collars, at
Two Cases Extra Heavy
Shaker Flannel, at, yard.
One Case 12'4o Drapery
Cretonne, at, yard
$1.50 Bed Spreads, Marseilles ratterns,
some, servlcable spreads that are
choice Saturday.
Now is the time to buy your Lawn Boats, Chairs and
Rockers. We have a large variety of these goods at ex
ceptionally low prices. See our goods. Get our prices.
Lawn Seats, 4 feet long, at $1.95,
f 1.50 and
Bent Wood Lawn Seats, 6 feet, $4.25,
5 feet $3.85, 4 feet
Lawn Rockers at $3.50,
Arm Chairs at $3.25
For Spot Cash we have secured the entire stock of a largo
Shirt Factory at 25c ON THE DOLLAR;
We will place on sale Saturday 700 dozen of the best of these
shirts, made of fine corded madras, in the newest patterns,
some with two separate collars and cuffs-
regular 98c to $1.50 values
Ladies' Lisle Thread Fancy and Lace Hose worth 89c IHo
to 60c, at ..IVt
15c Ladies' Cotton Hose, double heels and toes, in black 1 fg-
and colors, at v.-..,.,........... Vw
25c Children's Fine Lace Stripe Hose, at 15c
19c Children's Fine and Heavy Ribbed Hose, all sizes, at . . . 12 Jc
BROOKS BROS' 3.00 vlcl kid and patent calf toxforda -d r r
Men's sample shoes, In vlcl and patent colt, from M. A. Packard. Pack
ard & Field and Upham Bros -
Worth up to $3.50..... le"t)
Woman's sample shoes, In vlcl and patents, from James Phulan & Sons
Kuhn, FeckJhelmer & Co., Moore, Shaffer & Co -4 r s-
worth up to $3.50 .leJf
Women's patent colt welt oxford,
4.00 value SATURDAY
Women'a genuine Goodyear welt oxford
m uiucuer or oxxora patterns. .
Boys' and youths' and little gent's
$1.50 satin calf bala
Misses' and child's vlcl kid $L60 lace
auoes or suppers
Misses'- and child's $1.00 rid and
aongoia lace shoes
Women's S1JUX 12.00 and uv unni. .ttm.
and oxfords, ja vlcl and patent
Sole agents for the ULTRA and OROVER shoes for WO
ELL shoes for men.
Are your feet tender? Buy a GROVER SHOE.
taking care of a disabled father or mother
or perhaps of younger brothers and sisters,
and, for tbs time being at least Put all
thoughts of matrimony away,
"Those are th women who are bound to
aucoeed at whatever they undertake and
perhaps eclipse men." New York Sun,
Yskoa Hay Uetter 'i'luu Gold Mine.
A good hay farm In the Yukon valley la
a better paying proposition than an ordi
nary gold mlua Tula fact has been dem
onstrated by a Dawson freighter, who is
farming a large tract of native bay at
Gravel Lake, on the trail between Dawson
and the-Duncan, district Stewart river.
Last fall this man put in an Immense
quantity of fin hay, enabling him to bale
more than BOO tons this winter. Besides
wintering his own large herd of stock, be
kae considerable feed for sale, receiving
tie) a ton. At this price bis crop was worth
M.OOO. He clears a profit of at least U0
per cent Winter weather has not yet pre
vented continuous work. A crew of ten
men has been employed and two six-mule
teams to collect the bales and carry them
to market His entire crop was cut with
scythes and handled In a primitive manner.
l.'o Wool Lawn Cheviot
Shirting, at
15o Cashmere Twilled Baby Flannel,
plain colors, pink, blue red. Or
green and cream, at, yard. ... .
with or without fringe, large else, hand
great values at $1.60, Oftr
jm twm -mmt'Mt ys
J 25c
i :- est: tMaS
Po - tay last a regular o Aa
- .98c
colt .
... 98c
Next season he will replace these method
with modern farming; Implements, greatly
reducing- the cost of handling; the crop.
Ban Francisco Chronicle,
Extendlaa- th AnaJoa-y.
"I tell you," contended the boarder with
the bristling- hair, "the man who says we
ought to live to be 100 years old Is right
Look at the horse. It takes a horse four
yeais to get Its growth, and it Uvea to be
twenty. It takes a man twenty yeurs to get
his growth, and by the same ratio he ought
to live to be a 100. There are lots of things
w can learn from analogy,"
"I don't know but you are right" re
sponded the unemotional ooarder. "For In
stance, there Is the flea. It Jumps 1,300
tltnss it own lepgth. There Is no reason,
therefore, why a man six feet high should
not be able to Jump let us see 7,800 feet
or a mile and a half, at one leap. Yes,
we can learn a great many curious things
from analogy,"
But her the conversation drifted to
other topics. Youth's Companion.
Ten tree tripe to the World's Fair aob
week. S coupon on ptf twa,