Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1904, PART I, Page 3, Image 3

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to Mm
Presbyterian Pastor
Praises Peruna
THE day wu when men of prominence
hesitated to give-their testimonials
to proprietory medicines for publi
cation. ,
- This remains true today of most proprle
Ury medloincs.
But Peruna has beoomo ao Justly famous,
its merits are known to so many people of
high and low stations that no one hesi
tates to see his name In print recommend
In Peruna.
The highest men In our nation have (riven
Teruna a strong endorsement. Men of all
classes and stations are equally repre
sented. A dignified representative of the Pres
byterian church In the person of Rev. K. a.
Ernith does not hesitate to state publicly
that he has used Peruna In his family and
found It cured when other remedies failed.
In this statement the Rev. Smith la sup
ported by sn eldejr In his church.
Tho Pastor's Letter.
Rev. E. O. Smith, pastor of the Presby
terian church of Greensboro, Ga., writes:
'Having used Peruna In my family for
some time It elves ma pleasure to testify
to Ita true worth.
"My little boy seven years of ace had
been suffering for some time with catarrh
of the lower bowels. Other remedies hod
failed, but after taking two bottles of
Peruna the trouble almost entirely disap
peared. For this special malady I consider
It well rlgh a specific.
"As a tonic for weak and wornout people
It has a few or no equals." Rev. E. O.
Ao Elder In Rev. Smith' Church has
Used Pe-ru-aa With Success.
Mr. M. J. Roasmenn, a prominent mer
chant of Greensboro, Ga., and an elder
in the Presbyterian church of that place
has used Peruna, and In a recent letter to
the Peruna Medicine Co., of Columbus, O.,
writes as follows: '
"For a Ions Urns I was troubled with
catarrh of the kidneys and tried many
remedies, all of which rave me no relief.
Peruna was recommended to me by several
friends, and after using; a few bottles I ar;
pleased to say that the long looked for
relief was found and I am now enjojluj
better health than 1 have for years, ar.I
can heartily recommend Peruna to all simi
larly afflicted. It Is certainly a grand me
dicine," M. J. Itossmann.
Catarrh of tho Stomach,
Rabbl David Klein. 626 E. Main street.
Columbia, Ohio, writes the following to
ir. Hart.iian, regarding Peruna:
"It affords me great pleasure to testify
to the curative merlto of your medicine.
Peruna is a well-tried and widely used
remedy. Especially as a specltio for ca
tarrh of the stomach it cannot be excelled.
Peruna will do aU that la claimed for it."
Peruna has among Ita friends many of
the leading temperance workers in this
country who give it unstinted praise, and
do not hesitate to endorse it by the use of
the most extravagant language. -
Free Advice.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at one to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your caaa and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable advice
Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tha
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
BspreiiaUtiTt Thinks Palace Oar Assess
- msnt Is Too Eigk. -
laslata la Omaha Tax Cas Vala of
! la Dctaraalaed lm Its Ea.
tlrety aad Mot by Separata
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, May lS.-(Speclal.)-Ths State
Board of Equalisation mat this afternoon
to listen to arguments from the various
car oompanlea against raising the assess
ment of these oompanlea, but with the ex
ception of Thomas H. Benton, representing
tbs Pullman company, no representative
showed up to protest. Mr. Benton said he
ha4 ao speech to make, that his report
spoXe for Itsulf. Ills company this year
returned Ita property at a valuation of
I2-.000 :sa than last year, which Mr. Ben
ton said was perfectly right, for since 1879
bis company 'had never been decreased,
while alt other corporations had, as well
as iad ether property, The assessed valu
ation of tt.e Pullman company this year
amounted to 194.710.7&
Secretary Bennett reported to the board
that the mileage returned by the car com
pany did nut correspond to the mlleagt re
turned by the railroad company, the rail
roads returning more mileage. In some oT
ths counties, said Mr. Benton, where Out
tax will be very little It will coat tha state
more money to make out the papers for
tho apportionment than the tax will
amount to. The board discussed Infor
mally the reports, but took no action.
Auditor Weston and Land Commissioner
yolimer were absent.
Disagrees with Tax Ageats.
Benjamin T. White of the Northwestern
railroad tiled a brief today In the supreme
court In the case wherein Oeorge T. Mor
ton - Is aeeklng to compel the city, council
Of Omaha to reconvene aa a board of equal'
tsatlon aid Inoreuse the assessment of ra.l
road property lu Omaha. - .
Mr. Vt bite, like Mr. Baldwin, flies some
Statements that do not exaotly
With the arguments of the railroal tax
commissioners before the State Board of
Equalisation, In that he contends that
every mile of the road goes to mako up
the total valuation and the value of the
road Is dependent upon every mile of It,
thus making ait argument against ths
roads discriminating between main line and
side lines. Here are some of the state
ments slong these lines taken front the
brief upon which Mr. White made argu
ment; Every mile of railroad in the atate of
Nebraska contributes to the value of every
other mile; the fraction of a railroad in
Omaha Is represented In. the . distributive
share value of every township, school and
road district and city and village through
which it runs, which legally would not be
the case if the fraoilon of railroad in
Omaha were asseaaed In full for local city
purposes. Therefore . in arriving at the
portion of municipal taxea paid by rail
roads in aaid aiate relators err In not In
cluding taxes a railroad pays for all sub
ordinate districts above enumerated
through which It runa.
A railroad being one phislcal whole
A strong;, sturdy,
set of Brains 1
CAN be built on
det the little book. "The Road to
Welivllle" In each pkg
An Old Pastor Has Used
No man In the capital city of the State of Ohio Is better
snows than the Rev. James Polndexter. For many years he
me successrttl pastor of the Bwond Baptist t.nurcn
of that city. Kvery dnv his venerable figure and kindly face
may be seen on tho streets of the city where he has labored
for so mnny years. Whnt a history of benevolence and self
sarrlflee might be written bv simply giving the details of the
eYey "fe of thi" fnlthf"! pntor and eloquent preacher.
But old age comes to the best of men. The rheumatics
peculiar 10 advanced aire had already begun Its Insidious rnv
fJf'T i " became necessary to find a remedy, if possible.
ma .my 01 usefulness might not oe
An efficient nerve tonJa that would
' . wi. w ....i i .mnwrium wim,. wi wi.imimimiw.iivt..-w.jMMWMW-;
- - s -A
tIvJAMFb!NI)EXTE-':M , '
Colurnbux', 0. lJl
tlon, Improve the digestion, and increase the tone and vigor
of Ms whole system, was needed. The only remedy capable of
meeting all these indications was found to be Peruna. In a
letter to Dr. Hartman ho states:
"My attention was called some time ago to your medicine for
rheumatic troubles by Mr. Cook, an old reliable druggist of this city,
and I take pleasure In saying that I have tried them and found them
good. It Is my opinion that the remedy, Peruna, Is usfVy entitled
to the fame which It has throughout the United States. "
A Strong; Endorsement for Pe-ru-na From the Treasurer
of the National Prohibition Voter's League.
Ofilcx National Independent Voter's Leag, St. Louis, Mo.,
The Peruna Medicine Co.,- Columbus, Ohio:
Gentlemen:"! cannot think of words thai will exprets my
praise for your most wonderful remedy, Peruna. It is beyond
a doubi tlie most wonderful curt that long sufferers from
catarrh can find.
"I have suffered from this dread disease more than twenty
years, and was only induced to try your remedy against my
will after having spent hundreds of dollars in every possible
channel seeking relief, as some of my intimate friends had been
cured by it.
"I am pleased to tell you that I am today a perfectly well
man who cannot help but praise the manufacturers for the ever
lasting benefit I have recetved from your remedy.
" W ith hopes for your great success, I am,
Sincerely, yours to command,"
from one end to another, the Interest of
each county or taxing district therein for
purposes of taxation la equitably found by
ascertaining Ita value as a whole and dis
tributing such value to tha different coun
ties Into or through which it extends, on
a mileage basis, for the benefit of the sev
eral counties and taxing districts therein.
A railroad la used, bouaht and sold In
commercial circles, according to its value
In all resDects aa an entirety.
The apportionment of tha share of the
total value 01 tne entire railroad to dif
ferent taxing bodies Is eoultable and lust
Uniformity only as a class Is required by
the constitution.
Equality Is present when the rate of levy
snd the standard of valuation Isthe same
aa to class.
Caadle Light Clabs Last.
During the next few days the Candle
Light club and the Schoolmasters' club will
pass Into history for this season. Ths lat
ter will close Its work with a meeting at
the Lindell hotel tomorrow night, at which
will be present the wives of the members.
The subject of the principal topic will be
"Some Consideration of Child Study," by
Prof. W. M. Kern of Columbus. The dis
cussion will be led by a. W. A. Lukey of
tho University of Nebraska. The Candle
Light club will dissolve for the aeason on
Monday night, when the members will have
a meeting open to their wives. Tha pro
gram will consist of toasts and Henry B.
Ward will be the toaatmaster. The Read
ing Circle will meet with State Superintend
ent Fowler tomorrow afternoon.
Dana In Another Role.
I. J. Dunn, who lately baa been In the
supreme court to olose up the Diamond pool
room In Omaha, is back again today In a
different role. He asks the court to aet
aside tho decision of the lower court, which
affirmed the action of the Board oi Fire
and Folios Commissioner in refusing a sa
loon license to A. Jorgenson,
The purifier states In his br,ef that the
board refused to grant the license for the
reason that it had already granted two
men licenses to run saloons within a block
of the place, and three saloons in that par
ticulate territory would be against the pub
Ho Intercut. He contends that the board
has not the authority to regulate the salo
of liquor, tl-at being vested In the mayor
and city council, and that if a person has
coma up to the requirements of the Bio
cumb law and the city ordinances It Is the
duty of the board to grant tha license.
Sopkouaores Bum Caps.
Held In checi by superior numbers and
superlr strength a bl bunch of freshmen
trie morning stocd on the university cam
pus and watched a larger bunch of sopho
mores burn about ISO brand new class caps
fresh from the factory that the freshmen
had Just received. It was over tho protests
ot the sophomores that the freshmen or
derel the " '0?" cap, and when they arrived
in a grsit big box this morning the sop ho
mores wen or. the looaout They overpow
ered the guard, took the box, hauled it to
tho campua an there the Are did the rest.
Last night the freshmen gave their May
dance uuder the protection of the police,
and even with the law on their side a num
ber of them were kidnaped and their girl
frlenda taken from them while en route to
the party.
Photographers Finish Session.
The atate photographers today concluded
their session by electing these officers! A.
C. Townaend of Lincoln, president; J. F.
Wilson of Pawnee, vice president; D. W.
Wright of Nelson, second vice president;
W. C. Fennell of Schuyler, secretary; W.
P. Frits of Fremont, treasurer. With the
exception of Mr. Fennell theae had served
during the past year. The two bi nri...
of the convention went to B, O. Nelson of
Bnrglars Are Busy. y-
Burglars last night entered four bouses,
but secured little booty. At the residence
ot William Decker, 17J M street, entrance
was gained through the hall door, which
had been left unlocked, and the burglar
went to the second story, where ho en
tered the room of Miss Decker, and ran
sacked the dresser, Miss Decker was
awakened and screamed and the man ran,
taking with hlra a diamond pin and a suit
case. The motner of Mr. Decker, sleeping
In another room, rushed out In time to ee
the burglar enter the bath room and luck
the door. la there the burglar opened the
Pe - ru - na.
stimulate the clrcula-
T7ev TV Tn-loK
, f-
Hebrew Synagogue,
The SDrfnor la th
rfii- a
SOrlniT. ThM m' Ut H 111
old, stubborn cases
should have a copy
suit ease and looked, over the contents and
distributed them over the floor. He then
made his escape through another door in
the room and left the house. , On the front
porch of this home was found a suit of
clothes that had been Stolen from a neigh
bor. From the home of Z.-E. Jackson S3
in money and a gold watch were taken
and from the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity
house four watches were taken. At 1811 M
street some clothing was taken.
Tonight Detective Dawson arrested Fred
Stewart, colored, who confessed to having
committed the burglaries. In bis room the
detective found six gold watches hid in the
ashes In the stove and a diamond breastpin
end moat of the clothing that had be?n
stolen during the week. -
Stewart is employed at a flat and for
merly wonted in the Herpolshlmer depart
njent store.
Cedar County Republicans Select Del
egates to Convention and Adopt
HARTINOTCN. Neh . Msv i rRMl
Telegram.)-'The republicans of Cedar
county met in convention at Hartlngton
yesterday and elected delegate in the .tm.
and congressional convention. The con
vention was harmonious and enthusiasts
The following are the delegates:
St.ta I t . Y i . ,
W. P. Volter. O. M. Walte. Waldo Smith
Thomaa Turnbull, V. O. Brldenbaugh, A.
E. Ward, Z. Boughn. 8. W. Mosser, C. H.
5y"l!', paul w- M- E- ButterflclU,
O. H. West and L. J. Holle.
chairman! F. P. Volter, L. H. Brunei, F.
... mri, r, w. oarnnari. j. u. jenai,
i. Boughn. C. H. Randall, Thoma Turn
bull, Waldo Smith. O. M. Waite, ft. W.
Moaner and L. J. Holle.
Dr. F. O. Robinson of Hartlngton was
chosen as chairman of the
committee. The following resolutions were
camea wun a snout:
fi m I. ...nli.a rr. , . ,, . i. .
i V ' ai revusjniKiriBT ins exe-
and eminent fitness of President Roosevelt.
iiiiijr trnaurss nis administration and
irvuiniiicuii mm i no aeiegatea to tne nn
tlonal convention use every honorable
meuna tn aMtni-a. I. .. ... .!.. . .. . .
highest honor our nation affords.
be it further resolved, Thni we most
heartily endorse the administration of Hon.
I. H. Mickey, governor of Nebraska, and
flirtllAP lnali.i,.t . . . . .1 1 . . .
- . . Uv. vj u i ueitrgeiies itj (ne
state convention to uae all honorable means
wu -.TV, ui, in Humiliation.
Rj 1. Alan -Manlval 'II, . . - wit.i. -
- - " - - ' '--. .,, " ii jm ii i y n ii-
Sreclate the ability of, and having conrt
ence In hla Integrity, we cheerfully en-
iy.ww ,,. m. . Mruinn. ior renomina-
V , 1. 7 iiiij uiMinui. Ills
record In the national house of represent-
... . . j wbj. jueiiiiea 11 ana our aeii-
Sates to the congressional convention are
ereby Instructed to act accordingly
Be it further reaolved. That wo approve
the action of the atate central committee
in recommending that the atate convention.
senate. Having confidence In the ability
fidelity and fitness of Hon. E. J. Burkftt
we most heartily endorse his candidacy for
said nomination
Hartlactoa Man Ready to Go to Work
Whan Land OOtee DeaJres.
HARTINOTON, Neb.. May. U.-(Bpecial
Telegram.) The many friends of J. F.
Jenal of Hartlngton ars highly pleased over
his success in securing the appointment of
special agent of the general land office, and
all highly appreciate the splendid efforts
put forth by Congressman J. J, McCarthy
through whose Influence It was brought
Mr. Jenal will accept the position and Is
ready to enter upon his neti Cities as soon
as the land office desires.
Killed by tanned Salmon.
NORTH LOUP. Neb.. May U.-(Speoial.)
Ellis Colby, the 4-ytar-old eon of George
H. Colby, died yesterday morning from
the effects of eating canned salmon. lie
ate heartily of the fish for supper and
shortly afterward was taken sick with
pains In his stomach snd vomiting and
continued in that condition until about 10
o'clock the next morning, when death re
lieved hie sufferings,
A Venerable Pastor Restored
and Health by Pe - ru -
" ' -.
47 Park Ave. c
n 11 -l. .... a t . .
X n, iv sivc, ..iun.nyt pt. x., ior
but now retired, writes i
" am fully convinced of the merits of Peruna 'n
catarrh, and as a general tonic. I have taken It off and 4
years and always find that it is very effective in restoring
appetite, and very effective in ridding the system of cold.
huxnt tim tn
. ...-W.V ........... ..niiiir , rm
la Ki niruiin,.. K., . I . . .1. mil.-
. ..... ... w v. j at'iiiig wreinrr. j n is renaero meoicines more
effective. A short course of Peruna. assisted hv the hlnv air nt ...rino mm
ol catarrh that have resisted treatment for
it Dr. Hartman a latest book on catarrh.
A Methodist Bishop Endorses Pe-ru-na.
Jamea A. Handy. Bishop of tha A. M. E. Church of Baltimore, Md., writes
from 1341 North Carey street;
take pleasure In acknowledging the curative effects of Peruna. At the solicitation of
a friend I used your remedy and cheerfully recommend your Peruna to all who want a
food tonic and a sate cure for catarrh." JAMES A. HAHDY,
Jury Takes Only Three Hoars to Arrive at
J-. ItJ Verdict. .
Convicted of Killing; His Brother and
Wife on Mailt of January 81 In
Order to Get Money to
RED CLOUD. Neb.. Mav IS rRneclal Tel
egram.) The . Jury In the case of Frank
Barker, on trial for the killing of his
brother, Dan, and his wlie, brought In a
verdict of murder in the first degree and
fixed the penalty at death. The Jury went
out at 6:31 and the verdict was reported at
9:30. The prisoner wua called into court
and when ths verdict was read he showed
not the least emotion and when he was
returned to the Jail smiled faintly.
The attorneys for. the defenso gave the
uauat notice of a motion for a new trial
and also stated that in case It was not
granted the case would be appealed to the
suprenfe court.
Barker will be brought into court to
morrow morning fer sentence.
Dan Barker and his wife, farmers living
near this city, were murdered on the night
of January 31 last. When they were first
missed It was given out by the prisoner
that his brother and wife had gone to Den
ver and that the personal property of his
brother and the lease on the farm on which
he had been living had been assigned to
him. There were several circumstances
which cast doubt unon the storv tnM i
Frank Barker and a search revealed the
bodies of the murdered couple. It is sup
posed that the murder was committed in
order to enable Frank Barker to nmrry and
furnish a home for hla bride.
G. A. R. SESSION t'OMKsi TO AN lutiD
Installation of Officers Lust Business
on Program.
KEARNEY. Neb.. May IS iSnecinl ti.
egram ) The annual encampment of the
Nebraska Grand Army of tho Rennhiin
Woman's Relief corps and Ladles of the
Grand Army Is now a thing of the past.
It closed last evening with a Joint public
Installation at the opera house.
The armv Installation whk th m
the program. Past Deoartment Oomm.nH-.
Thomas J. Majora being the Installing of
ficer. Department Commander Brona annniin.,..)
his staff appointments aa follows: akKi.
ant adjutant general and imlitmi n,iur.
lermaster. c. M. Parker i.inni,
. . , ...v.... ,
advocate, C. J. Adams. Buoerlor- I nurkftir sis
general, Samuel D. Davln, Wllber; chief
mustering omcer, B. V. Cole, ,Juanlta;
senior aid and chief of staff. Mart How.
The Installation of the Woman's t;h-
corps waa conducted by Past Department
President Rulpar of Harvard and Mrs.
ijennaa tj. ualley or Ban Francisco, In
stalling officer for the Ladles r ih.
Grand Army of the Republic. At the con
clusion of the Installation ceremonies res
olutions were offered by Bradford p. -n,.u
and were unanimously passed.
Lincoln Men Visit Albion.
ALBION. Neb.. Mav 13 Hi,..l.l o.
Lincoln Commercial club stopped for an
nour nere yesterday. ney were met at
the depot by Mayor Mack, who handed
them over the keys of the city, but notified
them that a search for any liquid stronger
than coffee would be fruitless. In re
sponse to tha mayor's speech the spokes
man of the club gave his word thai thsy
were not looking for firewater, but for a
city where it could not be found, and that
Albion wus Just what they were looking
for. The party spent an hour visiting the
business men and county oMU-laJa and
i-poke highly of the heilthy condition of
business generally. Carriages hd been
provided to fc-ive the visitors a ride over
Rev. A. R.
Iowa, writes:
" was troubled
. . . ...
years a xtaDDi or the
cases of mlHt W
n now for several
lost strength and
I aiidlv endorse
VafMII Vlalaa
w:i lltrrst-'ll every
. . . . J
years. Everybody
the city, but on account of ths rain that
was falling the trip was abandoned.
Enthusiastic Audience Greets Them a
BEATRICE, Neb., May 13.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The Omaha and Beatrice High
schools debated thki evening the question.
"Resolved, That the negro of the aouth
should be disfranchised." Omaha won the
debate and Joseph Swanson of Omaha was
given first place for individual work.
The attendance was large and the
audience wes a roost enthuslastlo one. Each
of the speakers was liberally applauded
and when the verdict of the Judges was an
nounced the winners were given an ovation.
Omaha was represented by Richard Hun
ter. Lyman Bryson and Joseph Swanson.
The Beatrloe representatives were Stuart
Dobbs. Chester Hill and James Ayres.
Glva Klldovr Warm Rrvrntlnn.
YORK. Neb.. Mav 13. ifln.rl.l vh y
N, Klldow. who was elected this
grand chancellor of the Knights of Pythias
or AeornsKa, wai met last evening at the
train with carriages by the members of
me tvnignts or Pythias of this city and
escorted to his home.
Mr. Klldow on entering his houso was
iaKen into the parlor, where the lights
had been previously extinguished and there
he wa given the scare of Ills life, In
the room were the wives of the members
of the order, who gave him a reception that
he will never foraret. Refresh
brought and the evening was enjoyed by
an woo aiienaeu. Mr. Klldow is one of
tho most active members of the nrrle- hr.
and is one of the leading business men of
x era.
Veteran Fireman nil-..
YORK, Neb.. Mav 1!. iSneelal I At a
meeting or tne nre department J, V. Hyder,
who for the past nineteen years has been
a most sctlve member and officer of tha
York fire department and to whose credit
the efnoienoy of the York fire company Is
given, resigned last night as chief. His
resignation is due to ths fact that he was
elected councilman of the Third ward and
oouia pot serve In both offlcea. Mr. Hyder
Is the oldest ohlef of any volunteer fire de.
partment in the state and Is the beat
gnown nreman In the west.
News of Nebraska,
CAMBRIDGE, May 13.-Mousel Brothers,
thoroughbred stock breeders of this sec
tion, have purchased Tip Top, tke well
known Hackney show horse.
BfcLLEVL'B. May 13.-The "city dads" of
the. village promise some street lights to
ight the steps of pedestrians up the depot
lull. Several new sidewalks are also on
" ' !" J,le cuixens are rejoicing at the
pleasing prospect.
Li-IUK, May 13 After a light shower
ui iojii uaia yest-raay arternoon It be.
came colder and tills morning there wus
a w . tet. fro"t- Cherries und plums are
111 full bloasum and It nn Hntil.t AiA m.
sluerablo dainuge to thein.
CAMBRIDGE May 13.-At a meeting of
cltltens and old soldiers this Week It was
dticided to hold tha Southwest Nebraska
district Grand Army of the Republio r.
union at Cambridge this year during the
week commencing August 32.
GENEVA, AUy 13.-Tontorrow the dif
ferent grades In school have an exhibit of
their work in map drawing. penmuiiHhip
and drawing. Next week will be the nnal
examination of the term. The graduating
class cunbists of fourteen pupils. The term
closes May 20,
BELLBVUE. May 13-The students of
the college have chosen the munugere of
the college paper, "Purple and Gold," for
next year, 't ney are: Sluart M. Hunter of
Omaha, editor, and Alee T. Cooper of
Auburn, aa business manager. Both ere
members of the present Junior class.
BEUl.EVrK. May 'J. The Board of Edu
cation has elected Mr. A. J, Patterson of
Ashland as principal of tha imhllo school
for next year. Mr. Patterson has aocepted.
He Is a graduate of Franklin college, Ohio,
and taut lit for a number of years In Ohio.
He is at present in charge ot the eighth
grade at Ashland.
ALBION, May 13 A. W. Ladd and-D.
J. l o liter, editors of the Wws and Argus,
respectively, with their wives started to
Hi. Ixiuis this morning to visit the ei-
f-sltlon. These are the Arst visitors from
his locality to ths great show, but later
in the season It Is expected that a large
number of our citizens will ge
LEIGH. May ll-The IJncoln business
men's and Jobbers' ' urslon made a short
stop here yesterday afternoon. There were
about sixty n.en In tha company. They
towa )q the loan, renevad acquaintances
to Strength
Pastor Christian Church.
Adams, Pastor Christian Church, of Fairfield
with sleeplessness and nervor.sness for a period
ef nearly one year, also with catarrhal troubles. A brother minister
advised me to try Peruna, and alttr taking two bottles my trouble
entirely disappeared
"I am satisfied that Peruna has wrought a complete cure In my
case and will advise others similarly afflicted to try this remedy. An
tamest desire to help the tick and afflicted prompts me to write this
Catarrh Is essentially the same wherever located. IVruna
cures catarrh wherever located.
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Knoxville. Iowa
Every great success la sure to make enemies. Peruna is a
great suecess, and through Jealousy and envy much has been
said calculated to prejudice the public against it.
But those who nave taken Peruna know better. The vnst
multitude of people who have been cured of catarrh In soma
form by Peruna, will never cease to praise Peruna for tha
benefits received.
Reasons Why Pe-ru-na Has Become
The Standard Catarrh Remedy of the World
Because it Is a regular doctor's prescription. Because It was used on over, forty
thousand patients In private practice before it was advertised by the Inventor. Because it
Is absolutely efficient in all cases. Because it contains no Inlurious ingredients of whatsoever
character. Because it contains no whiskey, brandy or aaxotics of any character whatso
ever. Because it has stood the test of popular approval for twenty-five years. Because it
has been endorsed by the most prominent people in the world. Because it Is used In no less
than two million homes In the United States today. Because it is the invention of the
greatest catarrhal specialist In the world.
These are the reasons that will continue to make Peruna the world's catarrh remedy
without rival, without substitute.
Be sure you get what you ask for.
with customers and made new ones. Be
sides being out for business it was quite
evident that they were out for a go?d
ALBION. May Ut.-A cold wave' struck
here sometime this morning and a strong,
cold wind is now blowing from the north
west. It is reported that frost was seen
In some localities this morning, and It is
feared that unless there is a chanaa In tha
weather before night we will have a frost
that will Injure the fruit, for which there
Was never a better prospect. I '
. FAIRBURY, May lS.-Mrs. 'Pauline Oar
ber was awarded JudgnTent In the county
court yesterday for 3437 against Frank
I. Sheridan and the Metropolitan Mutual
Bond and Surety company. Hherldan was
a saloonkeeper at Ollead, )n Thayer county,
and sold liquor to Mrs. Garber's husband,
who, whils he was Intoxicated, was in
jured In a fight. The surety company
was on Sheridan's bond.
BELLEVUB, May 13. The rededlcatlon
of the newly-enlarged and furnished First
Presbyterian church of Bellevue takes
lace this evening. Rev. Stephen Phelps,
. D., now of Essex, la., but formerly a
astor at Bellevue, will preach the sermon.
r. Kerr, president of Bellevue college,
will deliver the historical address and sev
eral Other former Dastora will hava nih..
parts In the interesting program.
BL'HUYLER May 13. In district court
Edward and Daniel llnshhenrer war finsn1
$26 and 110, respectively, for assault, the
former having stood trial. In which the
costs ran to over moo, The costs of the
case were taxed BKnlnst him along with
the fine. Arrangements were under way
Whereby the fine and nnuli warn tn ha nniA
and security given for their repayment.
uuv nasnuerger aecinea mat ne could earn
the tine and costs faster In Jail at 31 per
day than he could at any work he could
get outsldo, so was committed there, where
Suffered for Years With Backache Caused by Kidney Disease,'
But Were Both Quickly
Cured by Warner's Safe Cure
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"I cannot think of anything more wearing to a man who has to attend te the
strenuous duties of a railroad conductor than the ?riuwln- backache and general suf
fering that come from diseased kidneys or any blocklmj of the system with uric arid,
know t was so n my case. I suffered Intensely, and alien my wife told me how
quickly and completely Warner's Bafe Cure cured her of piercing pains In the back,
resulting trom kidney trouole, I got a bottle at once, and it cured me. too. We have
used only tour bottles altogether. I.ava never had another touch of kidney trouble, and
gladly endorse Warners K;ife Cure as the beMt medicine In tlx- world for this awful
sccurge'-KLMEIt AND MAKY CRAWFORD. 8' W. 117th St., New York. Marco
The testimony of Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Is similar to that of thousands of men
and women who have been saved froin wretchedness and premature deuth by War
ners Sate Cure. If your kidneys are weak or dls used, your life la In great danger,
as the note of warning given bv the pain is riot uniilfi-xied until Uie dNeaae lias se
cured a nrm hold It permitted to run on without the use of Wurnw's Hufe Corn, th
rhUlt Will be llillammallnn ut I he lilmMnr ,,,! i,,...u.u - ,.. .... i,..V,
, . . , . v..,,,..,T .ria"'1-, n,"nw 111 ilia uiiuiuri,
gravel, headiinhn. grinding and piercing pains in the, back, Indigestion, dvi-nensla. con-
siipation, torpid liver, rheuinallc pains and swellings und ail kinds of blond and skill
diseases; If a woman, bearing -down sensations, fainting spells and pulnlul pcrlixls
It some morning urine stand In a glasa or bottle 'IA hours, and If your kidneys are
affected it will become cloudy, particles will float ulut In It, or n sediment will form
Warner's Bate Cure has ben ui-ud end pi -cvila-a by dx tors for over thirty years
as the only positive cure for all diseases of Milne; s, bladder, liver nnd blood Cures
even stubborn coses of long standing,
a bottle.
Hefose substitutes. They are worthless and vers often
dangerous. Ask for Worker's Sate nrei It nlll enra tin.
lira-tor's advice snd medical booklet free. Warner's rVafe Curo Co., Rrichester N Y
Strong and Vigorous at the Age of
Rev. J. N. Parker, I ticn, N. T.. writes:
"in June. 1!M. I lost my senso of hearing
entirely. My hearing had been somewhat
Impaired for several years, but not so much
affected but that I could hold converse
with my friends; but ta June, 1001, my
sense of bearing left me so that I could
hear no sound whatever. I was also trou
bled with severe rheumatic pains In my
limbs. 1 commenced taking IVruna Slid
now my hearing is restored as good as
it was prior to June. 1M. My rheumatlo
pains are all gone. I cannot speak too
highly of Peruna, nnd now when IS years
old can say it has invigorated my whola
system. I cannot but think, dear Doctor,
that you must feel very thankful to the
all loving Father that you have been per
mitted tn live, and by your kbJH be auc
a blesMlng as you have been to sufrWntrf
humanity." Kev. J.. N. Parker.
A Pastor's Endorsement.
Rev. H. V. Tate, 47 S. 11th Street, Coluno
bus, Ohio, writes:
"For several years I have been troubled
with a peculiar siwismodie affection of tho
threat. It would seize me suddenly, and
for a few minutes 1 would be unable to
speak audibly, and my breath would ba
greatly Interfered with. I would be ob
liged to gasp for breath.
"I finally ooneluded that it was some
catarrhal affection which probably excited
me iim. n interfered mim my vocation
as a preacher, uttachlng me occa
sionally in the pulpit. I had heard so much
anout I'eruna as a catarrh remedy tnat I
determined to try it. After taking two
bottles my troublu has disappeared." Rev.
11. W. Tate.
"Pe-ru-na Is the Best Medicine la the
Rev. H, Bteubehvoll, of Elkhom. Wis..
In pantor of the Evangelical Lutheran SL
John's Church of that place. Rev. Hteu
benvoll Is the possessor of two Bibles pre
sented to him bv KinDeror William of Ger
many. Upon the Ily Uaf of one of the
Bibles tho Kmperor has written in Ms own
handwriting a text.
This honored pastor. In a recent letter
to The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus,
Ohio, says:
Gentlemen: "I had hemorragea of tha
ltingH for a long time, nnd all despalrei
of me. I took Peruna and was cured. It
gave mo strength and courage and mado
healthy, pure blood. It Increased my
welgth, gave me a healthy color, and I
feel woll. It is the best medicine In tho
world. If everyone kept Peruna In the
house It would save many from death
every year." Rev.- II. Steubepvoll.
he will have to stay some over three
months. Dan Hnshberger pleaded gulltv
and was let off with the payment of hla
GRAND ISLAND. May 13. Dick Kortum.
a man who makes It a business of storing
and putting up awnings, had a fall yes.
terday which proved fatal this morning at
1 o'clock. He wus putting up the awning
in front of the 11, H. Qlover company store,
his ladder slipped and he fell to the cement
walk, lit was at once taken to a phy
sician and attended to, but the man hail
received Internal Irurles, which proved
fatal as stated above.
Will Investlarate Child's Death.
NEW YORK, May IS -Although the po
lice express the conviction that little
Josephine McCall fell into the chimney.
Where her body was found last night, and
died from starvation, It is probable that
the case will be thoroughly investigated
by the - coroner. The child's mother and -friends
of the family advance the theory
that Josephine was lured away and mur
dered by a Strang man and that the body
wus Jammed down the flue to conceal Uij
crime. . .. , ,
The Bee Want Ads are thw Beet Business
tnlted States Troops Hant Murderer.
BURLINGTON, Vt, May 18. Unltsd
States cavalrymen from Fort Ethan Allen
searched the districts of Burlington today
for the man who Inst night murdered Po
liceman James t. McGrath and to take in
If possible all the soldiers who have re
cently deserted from the fort. Frank
Drake, a deserter arrested last night, Is
held on Hustiiclon in connection with the
death of McGratU.
at an drug nines or direct, U) cents and 11
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