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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1904)
r .'HE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, MAY 11. 1904. 17 1 v7 i" No" GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET GoTrnmnt Weekly BummarT Eporti that 88ing h Will Adtao:d. EUROPE GETS WHEAT OUTSIDE AMERICA Thla Cotry Haw Foank Soaree of aaply, bat Raasla, ladla and Australia, Eqala the ., OMAHA. May 10. 194 The grain speculatora ware waiting the fovernment May report which ta issued at o'clock. The Washington Mkiy num mary Issued at noon reports th spring wheat seeding largely finished except In the, wet lands at the north of North Dakota and Minnesota. The. early sown In the southern portion has made good proaress. The winter wheat has generally Improved In condition especially in the western and the mid-Atlantic stales. The Ohio valley continues poor. Corn planting Is reported as progressing well under favorable con ditions except In Nebraska, Kansas, and Northern Missouri where rain hinders work. Iowa corn planting Is practically finished and the work Is earlier than In several years. Oats early down are promts Ing In the central valley snd middle At lantic states, but in the southern Atlantic and the eastern Gulf atatea where it la heading the outlook Is poor. The London Bu.tlst In its summary Is bearish. It says the fact that America and Canada are now fourth In wie sources of ?upply and not first seems to make no dif erence In the face of the liberal Argentine and Russian shipments nnd the expected abundance In Australia, Asia and India. It estimates the exportable surplus In south ern Australia as 44,000.000 bushels and for India 4ft.0u0.000. Its summary is generally favorable, except for Russia and America. I Jiter cable reports show Russia has Im proved. BradstreM'a estimate place the wheat east of the Rockies at a decrease of 12H0,V0 bushels and In Europe and afloat an In crease of 1.100.000, being a total decrease of l.la0.0"0 buahels. Corn la given a decrease of 1.GB1.000 and oats of 1.615.000 bushels. The local long Interest was bulling the May wheat this morning and that future advanced from 0o to 2c, while Chicago Improved only M,c. The shorts, on the other band, were plugging the May corn, and by noon the market had Bagged down from the opening S3o to 50c. Chicago during the same time ranged from 47o to 47Vic and back to the fourth. The range In price of Omaha grain for ture delivery and the close Monday and lay were aa follows: --closed Open. High. Low. Today. Mon. Wheat May 0H "H fHB July 72 78V4 7I 78HB 78HB Corn May 104 BS R0 6.V4B BJUB July 45 46H 4M 45B 4tf A Sep! '0 10 80 80KB 30tf A asked. B bid. IsOal .ash) Grata Marset. Local cash business was small again and without feature except the high prtoea wanted by those whs had the stuff. The cors) situation still waits on the Chicago lakve navigation strike, which Is now re- Sorted less near a settlement than several ays ago. Shippers have not the demand for corn for the eastern market they ex pect when the lake Is open. Wheat and oats were steady at ruling prices and corn advanced about 1 cent. Receipts were: urk..t a ..., nn rbr a-n fl and 4 cars! cor. 8 oars In and 6 care out; one week ago, 13 and 6 cars; oata. none; one week. ae care. WHEAT No. hard winter, SB90c! No. t hard winter, 8084c: No. hard winter, avjtfsc; Mo. 1 spring, 85oo, No. a spring. CORN No. t, bOBlo! No. t, -40c: No. 4. 4S4Bo: no grade. 40845cj No. 2 yellow, 6oH el toe: No. I yellow. toaeotoo; No. 2 white. teiSlc: No, I white, 4!0o. OATS No. , 41c; No. 8, 40e; No. 4. 88 8ci No. 8 white. 423Hc; No. I white, Vet 42c; standard, 418HlHc ttotea from ta Biekaace ofleei, 1 chaae visitors were Frank Taylor, Coming, la.: B. C. Van Allen, Platte Ceater, and W. C. Gordon, Lincoln. Omaha inspections of grain were 18 cars. Of wheat 7 cars graded No. 4 hard winter and 1 car no grade. Of corn 8 cars graded No. Z. 2 car wo. 8, I cars ssa. , - car -o, a rhlra. and of oata 1 car No. 8. Omaha stocks of grain are:' Wheat, 177,67-bu-r env 2,a6 bu.! oats, 112,829 bu. Con trast corn stocks: Mar rlam A Holmqulst, 122J54 bu. and Union elevator, 21,874 cm. Oral fjsurketa Eilsewbere. Csbelng price of grain today and Monday at the market named were aa follows : CHICAGO. Cloaed Wheat-. Today.M'nd'y. July , 86 B 8to Beptember . vB 80? Corn July .... j. -.......-.. 47 A Beptember - KANSAS C1TT. Wheat- ,,, July -.a.. "ftB Beptember 70, Corn July ....... in. .-..,, 44 Beptember . - -? 48B WA T6 B 71 & ex. Louis. Wheat- July September Corn July . 474 September 46fcA MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat July ...... BaptemDer DULUTIL Wheat July ........... Beptember ... NEW YORK. Wheat- July September 81VtA 90 84 B . 9.A . 84WA 84H 8-&B 48HA 47V 93H 81 9ZHB 818 91 A 84 CHICAGO ' GRAIH AMD PROVISIONS Featares ot the Tradlag and Closing; Prices si Board of Trade. - CHTCAfJO, May 10. Indications of de cided Improvement In crop conditions caused a weak close In wheat today, the July delivery being down c, compared with yesterday's final figures. Corn Is down Sc. Oats are off l'ao and pro visions 9 to 10c. Under the Influence of firm cables, small receipts and a fair cash business, sentiment In the pit was steady at the opening, July being changed to o higher to tniV'Sc. The market was without support, and closed at about the lowest of the day. After selling at R6tnc, July closed at Mo. Clearances of wheat and flour were qua! to 84.700 bushels. The world a visible supply, according to Hradstreet's. de crease waa l.'JsMlOO bushels. Primal y re ceipts were 170.9UU bushels, compared with 266.100 ' buahels a year ago. Minneapolis. Dulutb. and Chicago reported receipts of 137 cars, against 103 cars lam week and It cars a year ago. , The corn market was Inclined to heavi ness. A weak tone prevailed at the close., and prices were near the bottom. July opened unchanged to a shade lower, at 4b fc4o, sold between Uito and 4MV. closing at 48fc94MHc. Local receipts were 177 cars, with 11 of contract grade. Oata were Influenced mainly by the action of other grades. Trading was light. After opening unchanged, at 38c, July ranged between !t'u3)Vi and SxaC closing at 8KVt(f 86 Sc; local receipts were 143 cars. Provisions were week on general commis sion house selling, credited principally to small holders. 1 'it traders hammered the market, apparently doing all they could to ssslat the decline. The demand came large ly from shorts. Thb market closed at ths low point, with July pork down Sue, at 11.87. July lard was off 10c, at 6.5:i. and ribs 104c at 86.37. The leading futures ranged as follows: ArUcles.l Open. lilgh.l Low. Close. Yee. Wheat May a July b July a Bept. b Bept. Corn May July Sept. Oata May July Sept Pork July July Sept. 1X1 be July 87Vrt-. 186 flS' : tit 87 HSyssI 82ij,si.'(1tc .80-l,WVia 80 47'-47 4al 41 8' 30 J. 11 ? 11 J 77 47 -'! 91 87 Sri 81 Vu"-' SO I 471 47 47 4H,48V,v'48'si4l 4.'i 4 41' 4t'l 40 aoj 30 II M 11 8. U r' 11 37' 11 471 II 60 I MJ I 8 47 8 IL'I 8 8?1 6 47 371 8- 8 8-.' . ?" 91 8J 8ri 8l'1 8001 46 4S'J 41 SX 8o 11 60 11 67 8 in 77 I : bo 1. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were ns follows: flOl'K Iull and steady: winter patents 84 704 60; winter atralfthta, St.4i"u4iO: aprlng I.atnta. 34 Swo 4 n; api ing atraighta, ti ?t 10: bakers. I'J bbijS 3V WHtAT No. 1 spring. Vc; No. 9. 91 C1o; No. ) red II 0:Hil.C4 CORN-No. 1. 4.SVc; No. I yellow, 12c. OATS-No. t 4074Utlc; No. t white, 42 . RTK No. t. TrffTSc. PARLEY Good feeding, aXc; fair to Choice malting. ififiMc. REHPS-No. I flax, $1.01; No. 1 north western. II rt: prime timothy, 8J.90; clover, contract grade, 810.75. PROVISIONS-Measi pork, p" bbl., 811.10 ail.iS. Ijird, per 100 lbs.. tS.41B.45. Short ribs sides (looie), 9"! 1234.26. Short clear sides (boxed. 8l 2St 50. The following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Recelpts.Shlpmenta. Flour, bbls 23, no SO.0O0 Wheat, bu 33.000 W. Corn, bu M4.5O0 234.y Oats, bu 153.700 199.3fl Rye, bu 2.000 4.on0 Barley, bu 22,700 9.000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steadv; creameries. 1311 lc; dairies. 13ai7c. Eggs, easy; at mark, cases Included, 15ffl5c. Cheese, weak; 8&9c. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Uaotatloaa yt the Day oa Vartoas Commodities. NEW YORK, May 10 -ELOUR-Recelpts, 13.&51 bbls; exporta, 1.7J2 bbls; market stesdv. with some improvement noted. Minnesota patents, fi.Oixu.26; Minnesota bakers, 14.00 44.i; winter patents, i.00flo.3.i; winter straights. I4.8nfi6.00; winter extras W5'1 4.00; winter low grades. (3.16tia.. Rye flour quiet; fair to good, f 4.0sg426; choice to fancy. 14 2544 60. COKNMEAL- Steady; yellow western, f .0831.12; city, fl.10Ol.12; klln-drled. fa.ootf IlYE-rtilI; No. 2 western. 70c spot BARLEY Inactive; feeding, 49c, c. I. t.. New York; malting, 65gific, c. I. f. Buffale. WHEAT Receipts. 1,000 bushels; spot market barely steady. No. 2 red, fl.OB, ele vator; No. 2 red, 1.071.11, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, fl.00. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b., afloat. Options opened steadier and closed easy, at Wac decline: May closed at July, 0 11-1?i91 6-16C, closed at 904ic; September, M4J84MrC, closed at 84c; Uecemher, s84jS4c, closed at 3c. CORN Receipts, I3,m bushels; exports, 3,500 bushels; sales, 25.000 bushels, futures; spot market easy. No. 2, 69c, elevator, and 65c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 0c: No. - white, 67c. Option market opened steady and closed partly o net lower; May, 6'4i 6,'c. closed st 6c; July closed at 6Jc; September closed at 63c. OATS Receipts. 63,isa) bushels; spot mar ket easy. Mixed oats, 26 to 12 pounds, 4X47c; natural white, 80 to 82 pounds, 48 fe&Oc; clipped white, 86 to 40 pounds, 5154c. HAY Unlet; shipping, 65b70c; good to choice, 92930. RICE Quiet; domestic fair to extra, tV9 6c ; Japan, nominal. HOFS-41ulet; -state common to choice, 1903 crop, 28fc85c; 1902 crop, 23'2flc; olds, 19a 24c; Pacific coast crop, 19&Uc; 1902 crop, 23 26c; old, 9014c. HIDES Quiet; Galveston, 20 to 25 pounds, I8c; California, 21 to 25 pounds, 19c, Texas dry, 24 to 30 pounds, 14c. TALLOW Easy; city (2 per pkg), 4c; country (pkgs. free), 4e. LEATHER Steady; acid, 23-a26c. WOOL Firm; domestic fleece, 2332c. PROVI8IONS-Beef steady; family, 89.59 4110.60; mess. f5.OO0.5O; beef hams, 120.0 2 21.60; racket. M.609.60: city extra India moss, $14.O0i8.0O. Cut meats quiet; pickled bellies. 86.2tx67.O0: pickled shoulder. 86.50; pickled hams, f9.50fn0.00. Lard dull, western steamed, 17.00; refined dull; continent, 37.10 South America, t7.60; compound., f6.23 6.37. Pork quiet; family. 814.60; ahoit Clear, f13 2614.76; mess, fl8.00(81f .76. BUTTKK irm; rresn creamery, ivcp 20c ; state dairy, common to choice, 13a 19c. CHEESE Irregular; old state, full cream, large and small, fancy, lOVgUlc: good to prime, 99c; new, ranged al 6'37c. EGGS Irregular; western storage selec tions. 18B18c: firsts, 18c. POULTRY Alive, slow; western chickens, 12c; fowls, 12c; turkeys. 11c. Dressed: Fowls, 12o ; turkeys. 1516c. St. Loots Grain and Produce. 8T. LOUIS. May 10 WHEAT Lower; No. 2 cash, elevator, nominal; track, fl.02 1.07; No. 2 hard, 9497c; July, 4c; Sep tember, 81c. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 51c; track, t2S63c:July, 47e47c: September, 46. OATS Easy; No. 2 cash, 42c: track, S0 44c; No. 2 white, 46c; July, 6o bid; Sep. t ember, 30c. FLOUR Quiet and unchanged; red win ter patents, 84.906.00; special brands, lbtt 26a higher; extra fancy and atralght, 84.60 4j4.W; clear. 83.904.15. TIMOTHY SEED Steady, unchanged. CORN MEAL Steady, $2.40. BRAN Quiet; sacked, east track, 960. HAY Steady; timothy, f8.00&14.60; prai rie, 96.004iv.00. IRON COTTON TIES-820. BAGOINO c. HEMP TWINE 60. PROVISIONS Pork lower; Jobbing, $11.46. Lard lower; prima ateam, 86.07. Uaoon hlaher: boxed extra short. 27.12; clear ribs, 87.80: ahort clear, t7.76. POULTRY Slow; chickens. 9c; springs, 82.004f4.00 per dos.; turkeys, Ut&lic; ducks, Lower: creamery. 1620c: dairy, iajri7c. KGGS Steady, 13o case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls) 8,000 9.000 Wheat, bus.' 26,000 147,000 Corn, bus 68,000 131,000 Oata, bus.. 45,000 41,000 SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Conrolidaled Gai SaTet afaikft from Abao lull Etagnatioa. INACTIVITY STILL PUZZLES WALL STREET Crop Coadltloa la Believed to Be Oaa of the Chief Vaderlylng t'anaea of Dall Trade oa the Boad Market. NEW YORK, May 10-Only the special activity of such a usually dormant stock as Consolidated Gas saved today's stock market from the smallest aggregate of transactions for the year. 1 lie con viction Is growing that the cause of the stagnation In the stock market Is deeper lying than any temporary factor and has to do with the gradual emerging of the conditions of general contraction in busi ness and Industry In all directions. An important phase of this contraction is the deficient wheat crop In promise. The dread of a poor showing In the govern ment report of crop conditions as of May 1 to be given out this afternoon was the ground lor the heavy tone of the mar- The varying propositions of the prospects of the Remsen gas bill caused the fluctua tions in Consolidated and Brooklyn Union Gas. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales par value tl,82O,0oO. United States bonds were unchanged on call. The following were the quotations on the New York Stock exchange yesterday: Bales. rllgn.LAw. Close. 4. 20U 72 Ti SuO 1,200 200 200 loo 3,oo6 100 2"0 2u0 18,900 1,900 900 "ioo 9c: geese, 6c BUTTER- Kaaaaa City Grata aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, May 10.-WHEAT Higher, May, 86c; July, 74c; September, 70c; cash, No. 2 hard, 904) foe; No. 3. 8UJ 92c; No. red. fl.G14)1.03; No. 2, 96cig$1.00. CORN-Hlgher; May, 47c; Juty. 44fg44cj September, 42:' cash. No. 2 mixed, 63o; No. t, 62453c; No. white, 63o; No. J, 0 ATS Firm ; No. 2 white, 4243c; No. 2 mixed. 41c. HAY bull; choice timothy, fl0.50ll.00; Choice prairie, $8,004(8.26. RYE No. 2 64c. BUTTER-Creamery, 15T7c; dairy, fancy, 16c. EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, cases returned, 13c; No. 2 new, whltewood cases Included, 14c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bua 89,200 23,200 Com, bus 26.400 83,600 Oata, bus f.000 Visible Sapply of Grain. NEW YORK. May 10. Special teJe graphlo and cable advices received by Bradstreet's show the following changes In available supplies as compared with previous account: Whoat. United Fiates and Canada, east Rockies, decreased 2,280,000 bushels; afloat for and In Europe, Increased 1,100,000 bushels, total supply tie creased 1,180,000 bushels. Corn, . United States and Canada, east Rockies, de creased 1,561,000 buahels. Oats, United Stales and Canada, east Rockies, de creased 1,166,000 bushels. The Milwaukee private elevators this week report an In crease of 72.0iO bushels, while a decrease of 1,349,000 bushels is reported In Manitoba, and one of 222.0u0 bushels at the Chicago private elevators. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May 10. WHEAT May, 414c: July, 93c; September, Mt&81e. On track: No. 1 hard. Sic; No. 1 northern, 98c; No. 2 northern, 944i4c. FIXH'R First patents, f8.00j.10; second patents, M.hi5u W; first clears, f3. 60413.60; second clears, $.'60. BRAN In bulk. $16.002jft.5O. Dulath Grain Market. DULUTH. May 10. W H EAT I n store: No. 1 hard, 94o; No. 1 northern, 92c: No. 2 northern, 9oc. To arrive: No. 1 hard, 94c; No. 1 northern. 92c; No. 2 northern, 90c. Options: May, 92c; July. 92o; September, 81o. OATS To arrive and on track, 41c. Mllwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, May 10 WHEAT Dull; No. 1 northern. 98c j No. 2 northern, 96c; old July. 874c bid. RYE-Market 2o. higher; No. I. 7tfe. BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 63c; sample, tsgt 80c. CORN Quiet; No. 8, 60(ff53c. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. May ld-WHEAT-Spnt. dull; No. I California, 7s; futures, steady; May, 6s 3d, July, 6s 4d; September, 6a 6d. , CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 4s 4d; American mixed, old. 4s 7d; futures, steady; May, 4a 4d; July, 4s 3d. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. May 10 -SEEDS-Clover. cash, f6.M; October, fS.TJ. Prime alsike. $4 16; August, K30. Prime timothy, $1.40; Bep tember, fl.4S. Peoria Maruet. PEORIA. May lO.-CORN-Hlgher; No. 2, 47c; No. 3, 46c. WHISKY On the basis of tl 28. Oils aad Rosla. NEW YORK. May 10 -""MLB-Cottonseed. essy; prime crude, nominal; prime yeltow, 29c. Petroleum, eaay; refined New York, in lf: Philadelphia and Baltimore. $8 10. ROSIN-Steadv; strained, common to good. fi87HH2 9rt. till. CITY. May 10. OUI-Credlt bal ances, fl .'; certlflcatea. no bid: shipments. 117,:tW bills.; average, 7S.7' bbla. ; runa, 16 610 bbls : average, 68 291 bbls.; shipments. Lima. TO, 422 liMs. : average. 6S.S6.S bhls. ; runa. Lima. 74 744 libla. ; average. 46.9H0 bhls. SAVANNAH, Msy 10. OILS-Turpentlne, firm. Hif. RnsiN Firm: A B C. D, t? M; E, f? dfl; F. 8." 70 O, $.76: H. i.75: I. iL 11.14: Atchison do pfd Baltimore & Ohio.. do pfd Canadian Puclrto .... Central of N. J Cheasapeake & Ohio Chicago & Alton .... do pfd Chicago G. W Chicago N. W C, M. St. P do pfd Chicago T. T do pfd C. C. C. St. L.... Colorado Southern.... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson.. Delaware. L. & W.... Denver A. Rio Grande. do Dfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd I & N Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Minneapolis St St. L. M . Bt. P. & S. St. M do pfd Missouri Paclflo Missouri, K. & T do pfd N. R. R. of M. pfd. N T. Central . ... Norfolk & Western.. ao pta Ontario & Western... Pennsylvania P.. C. C. A St. L... Reading do 1st prd do 2d pfd 800 Rock Island Co 1.3o0 do pfd 1,600 St. L. 4 8. F. 2d pfd. 200 St. L. Southwestern do pfd Southern Pad no 2,300 Southern Railway 1,500 do pfd 200 Texas Sc Pacific 400 Toledo, St. L. & W.... 200 UV f.U... W Union Pacific 13,100 ao pra Wabash do pfd Wheeling L. E Wisconsin Central... do pfd Mexican Central Adams Express American Express... U. 8. Express Wells-Fargo Exp.... Amal. Copper American C. tt F... , do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil do pfd American Ice do pfd Amer. Linseed OH.... do pfd. 1 '. Amer. Locomotive.... do pfd American S. tt R do pfd Amer. Sugar Refining Anaconda Mining Co. Brooklyn R. T Colorado F. & I Consolidated Gas Corn Products .. 93 78 92 600 100 l.ftX) 600 100 700 4,900 100 100 600 800 300 200 3,900 3,400 600 200 400 300 400 300 117 117 8s 37 81 61 15 16 142 42 15" isa" 28 261 20 20 24 23 63 61 a 37 78" 7S" 130 130 108 108 143 143 169" 108 62" 62 "' 119 119 91 91 lii iia 67 66 Si 88 21 21 lit 113 48 43 62 62' 22 2 66 66 43 46 47 47" 20 20 84 83 22 22 26 26 88 38 ' 84 M 91 91 18 18 87 87 16 16 17 17 40 40 8 7 48 47 17 ltf " 28 ' 'e 7g 27 88' 82 49 49 92 u 1.S4 80 37 80 J bt 169 142 175 '4 18 70 16 6: 22 166 1W 20 68 23 62 87 65 78 130 17 34 17 34 73 109 40 61 117 91 16 35 66 87 21 114 66 43 77 61 22 60 5 82 47 20 83 22 25 88 83 91 17 87 16 17 . 89 7 220 180 103 206 . ?H 16 70 28 89 27 8 28 18 82 4!t 95 900 127 126 127 do pfd..,. 900 75 1,000 49 100 81 26,900 205 1,100 10 600 65 200 22 300 158 74 45 31 202 10 66 21 158 Distillers' Securities.. General Electric International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd National Lead North American Paclflo Mall Peoples Gas Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car.. Republlo Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tennessee C. A I.... U. L. leather do pfd u. a. rteatty do pfd U. 8. Rubber do pfd U. S. Steel do pfd , Westlnghouse Elec, Western Union Northern Securities, Ex-Dlvldend. Total sales for the day, 162,200 aharea. 600 100 100 600 1O0 800 100 400 100 900 1.900 '206 4t0 9,900 18 84 26 87 6 40 35 67i 79 60 AS 10 66 84 40" 79T4 68 66 10 66 100 89 89 72 45 30 203 10 64 22 157 " 38 74 17 84 26 97 25 ao 40V, 1 77 35 6 79 6 59 15 64 10 66 156 89 99 Boston Stock Quotations.. . BOSTON, May 10. -Call loans. 23 per cent; time loans. &34 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atchlaoa ad. 4a 41 (Wetting.- common da 4i luOAdviiura U,i. (antral 4a 43alloul amalgamated MHAmarlcaii Zlua .. Atchison do pfd Boston A Albany Bnalon Main. Boston Blevatad Fltchburf pfd .. Mai. Cantral ..147 ..140 ..HI Atlantlo Bingham Cal. a HacU. Centennial T4;Uljr West N. V., N. H. A H..l nonunion Coal Para Marquatta VDloa Fauiflc , Amer. Arge. Cham. do pfd Amar. 1'oau. Tuba A mar. Sugar , aa Dfd Amar. T A T... Amar. Woolan ... do pfd Dominion I. tt . Enlaon BIm. Illu Oanaral Elartrlc ataaa. Eloetrlo ... do pfd Mass. llaiud fruit llnitad Shoa Mack do pfd t). 8. Steal ds pfd 11 franklin uva,Urancy HS'lala Bora la .... Ti Maaa. Mining... Mlrhlnan ...lnX Mohaak ...12t Mont. C. & C. ...UtW Old Dominion . ... 1014 Oacaola , ... 74 Parrot ... II1 Qulncy . ..(36 Bhannon . ..167 iTamarack ... laUjjTrlnUir ... 7IVIU. 8. Mining... ... WVl. Oil ...! Utah ... 60 ! Victoria ... tt iWlnona ... VWolver!ne ... It 1 Bid. Ei-dlvldend. London Stock Market. LONDON. May 10. Closing: Consols, money. do araount ... Aaaronda Atrhlsbn ...1..., do prd u 11-11 .... .... 4 .... US Balllmora Ohio ... M' (anaillan ParlSe ....!) Chaa. Ohio Chliago Oi. Tvealtrn If C. M. A St. P 14V DaBaara ' V. B 0 :v ds pfd 71 Erie U do lat pM 45 da Id pfd Illlnola Camral HJV, Loula tt Naab IK M . K. T 17 SILVER Bar, firm, 25d per ounce. miimkv lfi per cent. The rute of disco int In the open market for short bills Is 2'oI 1-16 per cent; for three months' bills, 3 I-I&02 per cent. N. T. Central.. Norfolk AW... do pfd Ontario A W... Pennaylvanla .. Band Mlnaa .... Haadlng da lat pfd .. do Id pfd... So. Railway .... do pfd So. Pacific Union Pacific . . do pfd V i. Steal do pfd Wabaah du pfd Spanlan 4a .. 71 :: i ... 47 .. .. 7S, .. tl ..446 .. ID .. n .. 44 .. 1 .. 9 .. 7 .. I .. 4 .. 41 .. r .. tt .. (3 .. - J. .. 90 .. i .. 11 .. .. I4S 1-1 .. IH .. 70 M PA tii 01. 10h( 2 4" I! II a 4't !' love tela 'a t IS New York Mintage Storks NEW YORK, May 10. The followln ths closing prices on mining jtocka Adama Con A lira Braeaa Bruuawlck Con .. Coanalork Tunnal Cm. Cal tt Vs.. Horn Siler Iron Sllvar Laadrllia Cva ... 10 .. U .. ia .. 4 .. 11 . .1 . .11". Lit 1 1. Chief Knlarlo Of hlr PkMalx a. Pstoal avago ilirra Nevada n.all Hopaa . tandard are . .171 .40 . . II . II . 44 . It ,KN ew York Money Market. NEW YORK. May 10 MONEY-On call, eaay. IV, til per cent: closing bid and of fired. 1 ier rent: time loans, slightly fuiner; alaty aad nlnat dia. 2 per ceul; six months. StI4 per cent; prime mercantile paper. J1. PPr cent. STERLING EXCHANOE-Steady. with actual business In bankers' bills at 94.35 for demand and at 34 W9" for sixty-day bllle; poetrd rales. w.ivTi w .w ana 4.M; commer cial bills. KM. SILVER Bar. 5c: Mexican dollars. 44'4. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Ir regular. The closing quotations tn txmds are ag follows- ids Manhatlan e a. 4a.. 103 U. S rat. ta. reg di roupon do Xa. reg do coupon , do new 4a, reg. do coupon do old 4a. reg.. do roupon ...116 ...iw4 ...104 ...14 ...l!t ...107 in- At,Maon gen. 4a 1"' do adj. 4i. Atlantic C U 4a B. a n. 4a 10m do S4a Pftt Central of Ga. 6a l"4s do lat Jnr 73 Cnea a Ohio 4"a. ..1"JA Chlrago ft A. l'-e . " Bt. L. S F. fg. i- , h. ft vi. a. 4a... n m. u 8. w. la M-t Central 4a M do lat Inr U4 Minn ft st. L 4a.... HH M , K ft T. 4a 1"0 do U II N. R. R. of M. e. 4a 74 N. Y. C. g. I,a N. J f. g. Ka 10 No. Pacltc 4a l"4 do 3a Tl N. ft W. c. 4a M O. 8. L 4s ft par... 4H Penn. rone, lae f' Reading gen. 4a " St. L. ft 1. M. c. Ra..U'a C. M. ft 9 P. g 4a. .I" Seaboard A. U 4a.,.. i C. ft N. W. e. :a....lt7T.S. Paclflo 4a tll C, R. I. ft P. 4a.... 70 go. Rallwar s lUlk do col. Si 804, Tela ft y. la Ui C.C.C. ft S. I g. 4a. 101 T.. St. L. W. 4a.. 7" Chicago Ter. 4a to U nion Paclflo 4a 104 'a . M I do cone. 4a "S . t. a Con. Tobacco 4a.. Colo, ft So. 4a. ... D. ft R. O. 4s.... trla prior Men 4a do ia. 4a r. W. ft D. C. la. ...inn Hock. Valler 4Ha ...l"?i It. ft N. uni. 4a 101 Offered. MS 10a Steel Id ta 72S wanaan la US' do deb. B W. ft L E. 4a N Wla. Central 4a Kl Colo. F. ft 1. e. 6a.. T014 OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Condition of Trade aad vlaotatloai oa Staple and Fancy Prodnee. EGGS Receipts, liberal; market steady; fresh stock, 15c. LIVE POl'LTRY Hens, 9c; roosters, sc cordlug to size, 63 7c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, c: ftse, 6c. BT TTER-Pscklng stock, llllc; choice to fa. toy dairy, Ittlioc; separator, 20c. FRL8H Fldll Trout, 14c: pickerel, te; pike, 12c; perch, 66c; biueilsh, 12c; white fish. 14c; salmor. lie; haddock, 10c: cod fish, 12c; redanapper, 11c; lobster, boiled, per lb. 0c; bullheads, 11c; cat dsn. 13914c; black bass, 20o: halibut, lie; crapples, 12c; hen ing, 6c; roe Miail, 76c; shsd roe, 25c; small clscoes lrc. BRAN-I'cr ton, 119.00. HAY Prices Quoted by Omaha Whole sale Iiealeis' association: Choice No. 1 up land, IS.00; No. 2, J7.S0; medium, $7.00; coarse, IO.60; rye straw, 25 00. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fuir and receipts light. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navels, cholcej all sixes, $2.60; fancy navels, all sixes, $2.753.00; Mediter ranean sweets, all sixes, $2.; JafCas, all sizes, $2.60. LEMONS California fancy, 300 to 260, $3.60; choice, 240 to 270, $8.00(3.76. CALIFORNIA FIQS-Per 10-lb cartons, 66c; Imported Smyrna, S-crown, 12c; 6 crown, 14c; 7-crown, 16c. BANANAS Per medium sixed bunch, $2.00i&2.60; Jumbo, $2.763.26. DATES Persian, per box of 80 pkgs, $2: per lb. In 60-lb boxes, 6c; Oriental stuffed dates, per box, $2.40. P1NEAPPLE8-In crates of 24 to 42 per crate, $3.00. FRUITS. APPLES Oregon fancy Ben Davis, per box. $1.60; New York export Russets and Baldwins, $4.00 STRAWBERRIES Arkansas, per 24-qt. case, $2.00j33.2&. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, J1.20; Dakota, per bu., $1.10; new Texas Red stock, In sacks, per lb., 3c. NAVY BEANS Per bu,, $2.162.26. ONIONS Bermuda, per 50-lb. crate, $2.00. CABBAGE California, per lb., 3o; southern, per crate, $2.753.00. CUCUMBERS Per dos., 76c(5$1.26. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate, fancy, $2.26; choice, $1.76. RADISHES Per dot. bunches. 25ff80o. LETTUCE Ton lettuce, ner dnmem. 460 60c. TURNIPS Southern, per doi. 46c. BEETS Southern, per dox., 76o. CARROTS Southern, per dot., 76c. PARSLEY Per dox., 40o. BEANS Wax, per bu. box, $3.00; atrlng, per bu. box, $2.00. BPINACH-rPer bu.. home grown, 608j0c. ASPARAGUS Per doxen bunches, 46faOc GREEN PEPPERS-Per 6-basket crate. $2.00. EGO PLANT Per dox' $1.00. SQUASH Florida summer, per dog., 2L00. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 11c: Wisconsin Young America. 12c; block Swiss. 16c: Wisconsin -brick.' lSUc: Wlacon. sin llmberger, 13c . ,., J cijjidk per bm., 6 w, 'Per bbl.. $3.26; MAPLE SUGAROhkjA per lb., 10c. HIDES-No. 1 green,.8tS INo. 2 green. Be; No. 1 salted. 7c; No. 2 ettlte4 6c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., Bc; No, I veal calf. 12 . vr HJm, V73W wJ Vtltru I1IUCB, OliaV, sheep pelts. 24-gi27c; horsehldes,. $1.602 60. HORSERADISH Per crate of 2 dosen packed, 80c. NUTS-Walnuts. No. I jpoft shell, per lb.. 16c; hard shell, per lb.,14c; No. 1 soft shell. per lb.. 13c: No. 2 hard shell, ner In 1"n- pecans, large, per lb., 12c: small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6c; rossted peanuts, per lb.. 8c;Chlll walnuts, 12ffl3c: large hickory nuts, per lb., 11c: almonds, soft Shell, per lb., 16c: hard shell. 13c; shell barks, per bu., $2 00; black walnuts, per bu., $1.26. Wool Market. BOSTON. May 10. WOOL Unusual Siiletneas prevails in the wool market, ome dealers sajr that the situation Is not only unseasonable, tout from the manufac turer's stiindpolnt It has not been so bad for years. Not only have the mills not had tho usual volume of orders, but dissatisfac tion Is expressed with the quality of the goods delivered and there Is a possibility of cancellation. Territory wools are weak. Pulled wools are steady, with medium grades scarce. There Is a firm tone to for eign woola. Leading quotations are: Idaho, heavy fine. 1313c; fine medium, 1615o; medium, 1617c: low medium, 17S18c. Wyo ming, fine, 14g15c; fine medium, lflfic; medium, 1819e; low medium, 18(gl9c. Utah and Nevada, fine, 14gi5c; heavy fine, 13 13c: fine medium, 15gl6c; medium, 18 19c; low medium, lSiffaoc. Dakota, fine. In 16c; fine medium. 16ulSc; medium, 1819c; low medium, 19 20c. Montana, fine, choice, 182tl8c; fine average, 17(31Rc; fine medium, choice, 1 Vol 3c; average.-lft17c; staple, 12 19c; medium, choice, JJifflOc. BT. LOUIS. May 10. wool, Active: me dium grades, combing and clothing, 17921o; ugnt nne, mwjic; nenvy nne, isai4c; tun washed. 2031c. t awiviv t in nrnor Th. nw in. at the wool auction sales today amounted to 16,642 bales. Including n nne selection of merinos. &Us In detail: New South Wales, 3,700 bales: scoured, 6d81s 8d; Seasv, 6d. Queensland, 00 bales; scoured, dffl Is 8d ; greasy. 5riOd. Victoria, 1.600 bales; scoured, lfid; greasy, 61(51s id. South Australia, 1,200 bales: scoured, Is Id; greasv, 6Vfilld. Tasmania, 2,600 bales: greasy, 5d(&ls 6d. New Zealand. 6.300 bales; scoured. lldrfTls 8d: grensy. 6dls. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 400 bales; greasy, 6ft$d. - Cotton Market. ST. LOUIS. May 10. COTTON Quiet and unchanged: middling. 13c; sales, none. receipts. m Dales; snipments, 91 Dates; stock, 12,028 hales. LIVERPOOL, May 10 COTTON-Spot In limited demand: prices points higher; American middling fair. 7.88d; good mid dling. 7.74d: middling. 7.64d: low middling. 7.6d; good ordinary, 7.40d; ordinary. 7.20d. Futures, opened and cmsea quiet; American Idilllng. g. ft. C, may. 1 wki; may ana June, 7.3tld; June and July. 7.21d; July and August, 7.26d; August and September. 7.01d: September and October, 141d; October and Mnvemher. Bifid: November and December. 6.0'rfd; December and January. .06d; Janu ary and February, s.ono. NEW ORLEANS. May 10.-COTTON-Futures quiet and steady; May. 13u8U.Oc: June. I8.WKi.18.b7p; July. 13. c; August. 1308 (f71.104c: Hentember. I1.ldvll.2c: October. ll.06vanl.1lc: November, U.ll$'11.12c; Decem ber. 10.S6'a'10.9ric. ppoi. eaay; saiea, ana bales; ordinary. 11 7-16c; good ordinary, 124c: low middling. 13e; middling. 18c; middling, 14 l-16c: middling fair. 14 7-loc; receipts, !.S4S bales; stock. 174.0M hales. NEW YORK, May 111.-1.1j 1 nn-oi cloaed quiet, 6 points lower; middling up Isnds, 13.75c; middling gulf, 14c; sales, 100 bales. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, May 10.-COFFEE The market for lulures niwneu aieauy at a ae cllne of 6an0 points. Sales were reported of 64.000 bags. Including May. st 6.30c, June at 6.40c. Julv 5.4ftl5.D6c. September 6.70a 6 80c. Dectinher, 6c. January 6.10c. March 6.2Ml6.36n, and April 6.806 35c; spot Rio quiet; No. 7 Invoice, c. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. May 10. DRY GOODS The market Is without change uni the outlook fur Imiirovemeiit la nut aa bright aa It was. While rumors of lrn jlarl tles In prices sre current, few qumaiions are made until business Is actually ts sured. Whisky Market. CHICAGO. May 10.-WH18KT-8teady. on a hauls of $12S. ,,,,,' PEORIA, May 10. WHISKY On a basis of $1.28 for finished goods. ST. LOUIH. May lo.-WHISKT-8f.eady, on s baals of ll t't CINCINNATI, May 10-WHI8KT-On a basis of $1.23 for finished goods. Bank Clearleas. OMAHA. April 10. Bank clearings for to day, Il.su4.14s 86. an Increaae of over' LLa curreajHrtidlng day last year. , 011AUA LlYE STOCi MARKET Cattle Btoaipti Light, bat Ktiktt Ehowtd Ho Qaottblt Charge- ' HOGS SOLO GENERALLY STEADY A raw Sheer, anal Lambs eld at Ahoat Steady Prices, hat Aside from Those Market Waa Very Doll, with tho Feellag Weak. SOUTH OMAHA. May 10, 1904. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bbeep. Official Monday 4 221 6.180 4.f. OUIclal Tuesday 9,191 2,811 Two days this week 7,343 141 77so Same days last week....l0.1fi 18.8W 12.269 Same days week before.. 10,666 W.303 7,4t,i Same three weeks sgo. .11.649 239 17.821 game four weeks ago.... 12, 349 K.ftevt 18.4i2 Same daye last year.... 4,J 11.426 6,b7 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATS. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha lor the year to date with comparison wlih last flV.L ' ' '"4 1 Inc. b",U 363.172 846,884 .44 f?'" 898.3t 814,848 81,ik4 eh"P 614.444 471,974 14U.4ISJ Average prloea paid for hogs at South Omaha for the last several days with com-parlson: P1- I lathi. UO2.lSO2.1901.19O0.lan.UM. April 18.. April 19.. April 20.. April kl.. April &.. April a.. April 24.. April .'6.. April 28.. April 17.. AprU 21.. April 29.. April 80.. May 1.... May 2.... May I.... May 4.... May 6.... May .... May 7.... May .... May .... May 10...I 4 21 to 4 81 4 4 74 4 78 4 741 4 71 a 9i 4 68 4 661 6 6V 4 .- 4 67 4 68 J 141 99 7 101 7 lui I 08 1 Olf 7 Da T Ml 7 031 J W PI ( 23 77 ( 14 4 83 76, 6 76, 72 6l f 8 88 W 861 9 JOT f 03 4 H6 03 H6I 7 61 7 01 1 7 03 4 93 7 00 1 w 7 07 I Mj I 891 ijtfr! I 80 I 80 6 76 I 77 6 77 ! 6 66 6 64 ( 641 6 71 6 72 664, 6 67: 6 69 6 64 6 65, ( 611 I 49 I 48 I 69 6 4 6 4&I 6 41 I 261 6 12j i 84i k i 7 a 6 22 6 2 t 181 6 17 6 S4 6 Ui 6 211 6 10 6 121 S 16 8 71 2 75 1 7i 2 72 1 f 1 2 61 2 74 2 84 2 74 a tn 2 47 1 BB 8 6l 8 4 8 i7i 3 7 77 2 69 1 69 a 2 61 3 66 2 66 2 68 8 b 2 64 2 8 74 2 8 a 2 90 2 87 3 9) J 96 9 ta 3 90 8 Al 3 661 2 89 2 62 3 96 Indicates 8unday, . uuuiuai ui in 1 a Drought In today by each road vaaiie, xioga. C M A Bt X D., 7, Wabash 6 1 Mo. lao Ry 13 8 union racinc system. 28 C. a N. W. Rv 6 F.. E. M v o a ei C.. 8t. P., M. A O. Ry! 22 a. M. HV C, B. & Q. Ry C, R. I. i P., east. C. R. I. AV P wear Illinois Central nicago ureat West. of was: bhp. 29 4 6 19 6 36 16 stock lia's. ttle. Hogs. Sheep. 629 808 413 840 1,765 m 661 2,416 317 614 1.913 366 1,239 2 8 49 12 17 iii 20 62 121 4 31 134 202 Total receipta 139 127 "5 "2 The dfannaltlnn nt fha j4av'a MMlnta wna aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num.- Via aa .rv kaa 4 . a. .a . Buyers. Armour A Co Armour & Co., Soo City. Carey A Benton Iobman A Co W. I. fltanhen Hill Huntalnger l. r . tiunss Saulres A Co iVoir A Murnan rlnlililclr J. R Lee Rothschild S. A a. Co J. B. Root 4 Co Hagarty Co Other buyers Total 3,226 8.651 2,061 CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morn ing were again moderate, being much smaller than a week ago, as will be seen from the table of receipts above. Packers, though, see tiled to be playing for heavy runa tomorrow and aa a result did not take hold very freely today. As a general thins. though, there waa very little change aa compared with yesterday ao far aa prices were concerned. The ateer market could not be quoted anything more than generally ateady. Early tn the morning some of the buyer seemed to want a few handy weignt cattle and some salesmen thought they got a shade stronger prices, but after that, the market was no more than steady p.ud Alow at that. Undesirable cattle. In fact, vera hard to sell at as good prices aa were paid yesterday. Although trading waa not active at any time tna ugnt receipta soon brought the market to a close. The cow market waa also generally stesdy witn yesterday. Anyirung cnoice sold without much trouble, but undesirable grades were none too active. There were comrjaratlvely few eows and heifers on sale, though, ao that everything waa dis posed or at a reasonaDiy eariy nour. man ners and common cutters were In very limited demand. Bulls sold at steadv prices and where they were not too heavy and of good quality they were In quite brisk demand. Veal calves were dull and lower. With the exception of something strictly fancy about 86.00 is now me top. There were only a few stockers and feeders In the yards and not much change In the marKet was noticeame. uooa stun met with fairly liberal demand, but com mon stuff was dull the same aa it has been of late. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. He. A- I'r- Ne. Aa. Ft. 1 10M 8 70 81 nil 4 a 8 nt 1 t te ma 4 60 I 10O I 10 It Ital 4 40 010 8 to 47 1171 4 10 t IN IH mo 4 f0 14 I7 4 00 II 1177 4 to 11 814 4 00 90 1117 4 M 14. n n 4 Oi II 1174 4 10 14 HOi 4 06 II 1IH 4 M 11...,, 11M 4 10 It 1140 4 40 II. .... 116 4 14 1 1110 4 40 14 4 14 II 1141 4 M 1IHO 4 10 116 1127 4 44 I IH ill tl 111! 4 M 17 1011 4 10 II 111! 4 t It 1000 4 16 11 1840 4 ti II 1011 4 80 1 11(4 4 ti 10 1041 4 14 II.... 1J04 4 ill 14 1148 4 80 80 1174 4 ti 14 10(1 4 10 II 12M 4 ii 11 061 4 SO 47 1210 4 40 4 1147 4 10 80 1121 4 10 1 1171 4 li II 1211 4 10 It 170 4 li II . .110 4 10 1 1SO0 4 II 4! 1171 4 M II .....1146 4 88 II 1174 4 40 II 1061 4 40 tt HIT 4 it 10 lt A 40 88 1141 4 44 1 1224 4 40 1 1111 4 18 1 1240 4 40 ' tl 1241 4 It II llul 4 40 II 1241 4 46 14 lli 4 40 90 1!0 4 44 14 1071 4 4i 10 1111 4 II 14i 4 48 II 1130 4 44 14 107 1 4 4i 10 1404 4 70 1100 4 a II 1141 4 10 1 1170 4 41 40 1MI 4 To 8 1041 4 41 II 1IS4 4 Ti 1 1144 4 tt 10 1417 4 Ti H 1140 4 44 10 14li 4 M 24 1IU 4 4i t KIT 4 15 1 144 4 45 1 1110 4 0 40 1111 4 41 STEERS AND COWS. 1 140 8 80 II 1140 4 40 I HI 1(4 T 12H4 4 60 I Ill I M 18 Ill 4 M 18 14 4 10 It 1266 4 TO 4 1021 4 10 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 4 Hi I 00 II IM 4 tt to 7W 4 00 81 141 I tO I til 4 li II Ml 4 li II 444 4 It fl i,M 4 t, 1018 4 M li 1121 4 to 10 7t I 26 11 1171 4 u STEERS AND BTAOS. 1 1140 I IS 8 1MI I 1 .I4M I tt 1 1M0 I to 1 1710 8 40 I 10M I 40 8 1120 I 14 l lToe i to 1 1U0 8 10 1 1700 8 14 1 1IM) 8 It 1... Its I IS 1 100 I 70 I 1440 IS 1. rat i 7 1 .1410 8 1 lMt t 11 1 1170 I to 1 740 ID 1 iai a oa JAUVEI 4 tfT 8 00 I Kl 4 SO t"0 I S 1. 1M M 1...., tM I IS I IH on t an 4 on 1 ia aa 1 860 4 00 1 140 00 1 1M1 4 00 i 1M ' ) IN 4 00 I I4 t nn 1 M 4 10 1 170 i IS 1 170 4 M 8 14A 8 14 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. I m 8 oo li 'i l ti 414 I 00 4 7l I 14 I Ill I 44 1 71 I It 1 410 I Ml I S' I 5 40S 8 SO 8 810 I M 1 171 8 SO 8 " 4 M 175 I SO I 4 4 no I Too in 1 SJfl 4 no 1 40 9 8 . 40 .. 7"1 4 20 HOOS There was a moderate run of hogs here this morrlng. there being aoout m on sale as aeinsi over 13,0uo a wee ago. Parkers, though, did not get at all excited, as Chicago and other markets were only quoted steady. At this point the markut was also practically steady, although a big Improvement In the quality makes the mar ket appear a little higher on paper. Trad ing waa not very active, as salesmen tried to get more money, but, aa packers would not give It, they Anally haa lo cut loose and a good clearance waa made about the middle of the forenoon. Common, light stuff wss again very hard to dispose of, ss none of the packers seem to care wnewier they get that kind or not. The bulk of the hoge today sold from 34.66 to 84.70. with choice loads going largely from I4.,u to 84 .76 and as high as 24.7 Vk was paid. The lighter loads went Horn $4.66 down. Repre sentative tales: Ne. At. So. Pr No. at. 8a. Pr. 14 113 ... 8 to , tS Ill SO. 4 11 Ill ,,. 4 40 TO SU4 120 4I1 41 1KI ... 4 40 . 41 261 140 4 47 V, W Ill ... 4 40 IS 141 III 4 17 V, II 1W 120 4 !!' 17 244 ... 4 !7Va 14 i 40 4 41 10 122 140 4 10 N Ill 10 4 44 44 226 10 4 TO T4 ti 140 4 46 44 24T 240 4 10 It 101 40 4 46 46 SSI ... 4 10 II IN 120 4 46 II 242 KlO 4 TO 14 120 4 16 44 164 10 4 TO Tl 1W 140 4 46 46 "4 100 4 70 M Ill ... 4 at 41 Ml 40 4 10 11 114 ... 4 It It 121 60 4 10 S. ...... .til 10 4 41 10 164 160 4 10 11 ...10 10 4 46 Tl 117 SO 4 70 41 1T0 N 4 S 14 4 1 20 4 70 ti 101 0 4 44 II 240 SO 4 TO 11 Ill 140 4 46 41 Ill too I 70 10 114 ) 4 46 7 11 HO 4 10 84 IS 10 4 46 II., 117 10 4 74 71 128 ... 4 66 14 1S6 ... 4 70 46 201 40 4 44 41 IM ... 4 70 14 110 40 4 16 4 231 110 4 10 il 227 ... 4 47V. II til 10 4 10 26 II 80 4 47V, 47... ISO ... 4 70 61 101 10 4 I7a 84 HI 10 4 70 76 161 10 4 7Va 64 161 120 4 74 10 124 10 4 7V, It 264 ... 4 TO TT 141 40 4 C7V4 IN S"S 4 70 40 117 ... 4 7U " TT 247 10 4 TO TT 221 40 4 I7U 61 861 80 4 TO Tl Ill ISO 4 ITU 71 161 ... 4 71', 41 Ml 240 4 I7U 47 174 140 4 72. 71 124 140 4 47V. 77 !4 80 4 71 V, IS 130 140 4 S7W ) 170 ... 4 72V, 80 Ill IK) 4 17 V, il !4I 80 4 72 V, 71 11 ... 47 66 271 ... 4 71V, 86 101 10 4 I74 17 174 80 4 71V, 7S 1M 120 4 471. M 140 10 4 71', II 10 120 4 47 4 87... i.... 828- 140 4 7'V, 71 216 40 4 471 41 160 80 4 72V. 11 1SI 80 4 47V4 74... .....141 ... 4 72V, 2 221 ... 4 47 V, 71 122 ... 4 76 I 184 ... 4I7U 11 212 ... 4 79 17 W0 ... 4 47V4 142 ... 4 76 IS 240 ... 4 47V4 74 24 ... 4 75 17 216 10 4 17'. 2 211 110 4 76 74 Ill 40 4 47V4 10. ...... .141 ... 4 76 Si HI 40 4 47U ' II 241 tO 4 75 I 161 80 4 78 60 100 ... 4 78 i 804 110 4 71V, 14... It!!.'! it.'.!! it... lo.!.'.' 14.'.'.'.' ..141t 4 40 748 6S4 10 tone 164 110 1040 6t 11 last 1040 1030 1020 820 IX 1186 1014 1024 ta o 117 no 1120 1260 16i Uei no .1114 3 1 3 10 I 40 8 16 3 N 8 00 I 10 8 84 6 88 8 li 8 Si 8 80 3 8S 8 40 3 40 8 40 6 40 8 I 8 40 8 60 8 SO 8 10 8 80 8 60 8 86 8 40 a to 8 44 COWS. ii!!! i.. .... 14 10! 4 ....1000 ....1110 ....1110 ....110 .... 440 ....1210 ....1170 ....112 ....1210 ....1460 ....lull ....1240 . .... I0 ....110 .,..1060 ....I1S0 ....1146 ....loal ....USI ... . 14"0 1O60 ....1060 . ... 1 1 ST ...Hit 1126 COWS AND HEIFERS. ... til 4 06 UKirKKSJ. I 1 1 .. 86 .. 10 ,. 420 ., ISO .. 401 .. 100 .. "1 .. ISO .. u . . ft .. tv .. 47 ..its .1410 ,.U4 I 60 3 46 3 1 8 7i I IS 8 7t a 8 1 10 8 ti 8 8 8 U 1 . 11 is! BULLS. 38 I 8 0 1 ... 3 48 1 . 470 . 7i . :4 . Ill . ) . Ut . t'S . tso . Inr4 . 131 .1044 ..1110 ...IM'j ..UlM 8 8 44 46 a 6 10 8 10 a ii a li a 7i a 7 a so a to a m a ti i ii a st a at a to a M a n a to a n 4 04 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 14 a o a 40 a o 8 SO 8 16 4 04 4 08 4 10 4 1 4 It 4 15 I SS a w 8 44 41...... ...IS ... 4 47 V, 1 ...Ill 140 4 tf u leu a 17V4 70 ;io 130 t 7u. SHEEP There waa a moderate run of sheep and lambs here asraln this morning and the quality of the bulk of the offerings was rather Inferior, tho same as was tho case yesterday. A few bunches that Juat suitea buyers sold at about steady prices, but aside from those the market was very dull with the feeling weak. Packers com plain that the mutton market In the east Is In bad ahape, and for that reason their requirements at thla time are rather-limited. Some clipped ewes sold as high aa 34.65. or the aame as was paid yesterday. Clipped lambs sold at 36.10, 36.16 and 15.60. At a late hour there were still quite a few sheep na limes in nrst hands. Quotations for cllmied stock: Good to choice lambs, 15.604jo.G5; fair to good lambs, 36.00(6.50: good to choice wooled lambs. 8i5.504iii.76: fair to good wooled lambs, 86.00 ino.ixi; gooa to cnoice yearlings or wetners, 35.000626: fair to good yearlings or wethers. M.76&6.00; good to choice ewes, t4.704.90; fair to good -ewes, 34.5otJ4.70. ' Representative sales: No. -t - Wt. Pr. 1 Westerr: buck . ,.' 120 $4 00 25 western, cull lambs 64 4 00 14 western yearling ewes and wethers M t 00 33 western lambs 66 6 26 840 western lambs 69 6 60 10 Colorado culls 36 8 00 27 Colorado cull ewes 3 50 273 western ewes 04 4 35 124 Colorado ewes '. 85 4 66 62 western lambs 64 6 01 283 Western lambs 66 6 16 10 western wethers 08 6 25 28 Colorado yearlings 66 6 40 27 Colorado lambs 42 6 60 .Stoek In Slant Following are the receipts for the six principal western aay: South Omaha Chicago Kansas C(ty ., Bt. Louis . St. Joseph ..... Sioux City i.., Totals ....... Cattle. .... 3.122 .... 2.600 .,..10,600 .... 6,000 .... 2.321 .... 1,000 of live stock cities yester- Hogs. Sheep. 9.191 18.000 14.000 8,000 7.637 3.8O0 2.811 9,000 , 6.000 2,000 3,958 24,643 60,528 22, HO CHICAGO LIVE! STOCK MARKET Cattle Slow, Hogs Steady aad Sheets Slow and Lorrer. CHICAGO. Msy 10. -CATTLE Receipts, 2,500 head: market slow; good to prime steers, 36.CHVa6.rj0; poor to medium, 64.00(( 4.90: stockers and feeders, $3.004.40; cows. S1.76&4.36; heifers. 2 26t?4 60; oannnra, 81.76 Sj-2.60; bulls, 82.2564.00; calves, I2.605.00; Texas fed steers, 34.0034-60. HOOS Receipts, 18,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 30,010 head: market steady; mixed and butchers, $4.70ca4.9214; good to choice heavy. 34.80fe4.8o; rough heavy, 84 05 f-4.80: light, 84 604.80; bulk of sales, 4.7u2 86 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 9,000 head; market slow to 10c lower; iambs slow to 10c lower; good to choice wethers, $4.60 G6.25; fair to choice mixed, 83.4034.40; clipped western aheen. $5.00a5.40; clipped native lambs. tB.ZoftS 75; clipped western lambs. $4.76ft'5.26; wooled western lamba, $5.75a.75. . New York Live Stork Market. NEW YORK. May 10. REEVE8 Re ceipts, 17 head; market, no trading today. Pressed beef steady, at 6V4u7Wc; uables 3uote live cattle firm at HHtf lc per pound, resaed weight; refrigerator beef un changed; exports today, 850 cattle, 1,260 sheep, and 4,200 quarters ot beef. CALVES Receipts, 180 head; marrt steady; common to choice veals soK at $4.OOft.O0 per 100 pounds; city dressed veals higher, at 6'fr9e per pound. HOOS Receipts, 2,268 head; none on sale; feeling steady. SHKEP AND LAMBS Receipta C84 head; market steady for both sheep nd lamba; clipped sheep sold at $4.2tVu4.(& per 100 fiounds, culls, $2 50fi 2.76; clliiied lambs, 5.606.60; a carload of Virfclnla spring lambs at $5.00 each: common Pennsylvania, $2.60 each; dressed muttons steady, at 6 loc per pound, dressed weight; lambs firm, at 10Mi(fll2o: dressed sorlna lambs at $3.0028 6.00 per carcass. Kansas City Live itock Market, vaiunan citv v.v eelpts, 10,600 head, including 300 southerns; market 10c lower; export and drenaed beet steers, $4.6Va.26; fair to good. It.w-iM.&O; western fed sters, $4.0ft'4.i0; stockers and feeders. $3.25-4. to ; southern steers, $3 7,V(t I 1 aniilhAm , rtu-. I? 2.f 40; rintlva nimm 12 (HTjl 25; uatlvo heifers, $3.600j4.35; bulla, $2.5iKii3.80; Valves, $2.75(tj5.60. HOUS Receipts, 14.000 head; market steady; top, $4.86; bulk. 14 6".-al 874; heavy.,; pacaers, f.iu'ua. rt, pigs anJ lghta. $4.004.70. faniri.w AMI T.AM flS Recelota 6 noft head: market slow; native lambs, Si 5f(.; western iambs, IWnl i; fed ewes, $t.50'( 6O11; yearlings, $4.7f4io.i; Texas clipped Slieep, rt.vvi. iw, iuci. e,u icuuui, 64.50. St. Loots Live Stock Market. ST. IOriS. May 10 CATTLE Receipts. 5.000 head, including 2.000 Texans; maikei steady; native shipping and export steer. 84 6MJ4.75; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4 0ik.).2&; ateers under l.fsaj lbs., $3 6tt4.7&; stockers and feeders, $'! ij-tH 3 .'; rows Slid heifers. 31.7594 85; ranners, 11 tt-2 7r; bulla. $1.25u;i.90; calves, $(("&:,.; Texas and Indian steers, $3.754 60; cows nnd helfeis, $2.501 3 80. Hi M24 Receipts, 8.X head; market steady: pig and light. $4biwr4.75; packi-re, $4 7a4 sO; butchers and best heivy, $4.7! 8HKKP AM I.A M HB Receipts, i.trni heud; market steady: native muttons, 34 00 fci 5fi; lamba, $6Ku7 00; culls and buck. U 7.')iu5.mi; atockera, $3.5ij3 lai. St. Jnaeph Lite Stuck Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., May 10 CATTLE -Receipts, 2.221 head: market weak to VOe lower; natives. $5 liij5.2n: rows and heifers, $2ixM 75; atockera and fetdera. $3.'u4 86. HOUS Receipt. 7.637 head; market steadv to 6c lower; light. $4 Vft4 77V; med ium and heavy, $4.704 4j. HHKKi' AND LAM US Receipta, $.f head; market steady to lc lower; western lambs, 8 Si. . Sloax City Lite Stork Market, SIOl'X CITY. Ia., May 10. (Special Tele gram. CATTLE Receipt. I .. head; market, steadv: beeres. 83.&MI4 : cows, bulls and mixed. $i.4.0n; st.M'kers snd feeders. $3.(.4.i0; calves and yearling!.. $J.75ii,1 73. Hi '5.S-Receipts, S.800 head; market, strong to .V hlahor, selling at $; bulk of sales, $4 66. Forelan Financial. LONDON. May 10. The demand for money on the market was nominal. Dis counts were weak. Prices oil the stock ex clianxe were Irregular. Consols were1 steady. Home rMils improved. Americana were firmer, but were neglected. '1 hey Im proved Inter and closed Him. Foreigner mostly were hesitating. Japanese were strong. Hussion were weak and Brsiil Peruvlans were chcerlul. Americans wee strong. Hulllon 10 the amount ol XIh.mXj was withdrawn from the Hank of Eng land for shipment to Smith America. PARIS, May lo Prices on the bourse to day opened nrm and hesitating. The new ; Russian loan depression, being quoted at K.: against 99 at which figure It Is under stood the hanks underwrote It. At the clone trading was dull ami Irregular. Rus sian Imperial 4m were quoted nt 8X70. Tna private rate nf discount was 2 6-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes, 9fif 624c for the account. Exchange on London i loVia for checks. HERL1N, M.iy lo.-tin the bourse toda,y quotations were generally lower. Metal Market. NEW YORK. May 10. MfcTTALS-TIn Showed further weakness. ihe decline abroad waa a matter of l for spot ami it! 6s for tutures.; the former position clos ing at 124 las and the latter at loa. Tne local market was about He lower on the average at SS.87Vtrfl27.6t. Copper ad vanced 6 in London, where It t limed at Lot 15s for both spot and futures, while In the local market it remained quiet but steady, ltke is quoted at $!3.o0; electrolytic at $U.12V 13.2 and culling at 4iis.lW 13.124. Lead, declining Is 3d to 11 17s 6.1 In London, was unchunged here at $4 6( tP 4.65. Spelter closed unchanged at .2 7s fed In Loudon and at $6.t'rio In Ihe local market. Iron closed at 5.s in Olssgow and at 44s 6d In MlddlcHboro. locally Iron was quiet. No. 1 foundry northern la quoted at $6.2."'15.75; No. 2 foundry northern at $14.75 &16.26; NV. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 toiiudrv southern soil, at $l4.0OfjH.60. ST. LOL'IS, May 10. M E T ALS Lead, dull, $4,374. Spelter, dull, 86. uO. REAL ESTATES TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record May 10, as fur- nlKlied by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Karuum sireel, for The Wee: Duncan dray and wife to Ernest O. Smith, lot 8. Park View add .....$2,700 John T. Russell and wife to Francis Peterson, lot 16, block 1. Rush at Seiby's 20. Hastlngs A Heyden to Guy Leggett, part of lot 108, (lines' add 8,200 C. D. Layton and wife to Andrew Swansou, 114 block 19, In Layton a add to South Omaha 160 Martha C. Robertson to Luaima Rob ertson and Jean H. McKinnun. putt of lot 2, block "I" Shinn'" 3d add.... 1,600 H. A. Tukey to William R. Watson, a strip of land between lots 1 and In sub. of "A" Reservoir add 1 Merchants' National bank to John Mallett, undivided 4 lot , Wlnther'a sub. of 60 In S. E. RogerB' Okahoma. .400 Edward Riley, guardian to John Mal lett, undivided 4 lot 0, same add 400 C. W. Olandt nnd wife to Isaao Wilt, lot 23. block 10, Bennington 740 William H. King, trustee to John Heklns. lot 4, block 6, In Horbach's 2d 1.S00 Mary J. O. Titcomb to John Heklns, lot 4, block 6. Hot-bach's 2d sdd 3 Elizabeth Kountse R. E. Co., to Sophia Johnson, lot 1, block 9, Kountze Place l.'OJ Charles H. Bread and wife to Alfred B. Noyce, part of lot 7, block 4, Shlnn's add 1.M0 Albert F. Connett and wife to Joseph Trecek. lot 21, block 2, Rush A Selby'a add 19 LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF THB BALE) OF GENERAL HON DS Sealed proposals will be. received by J. J. Gillln, city clerk of the city of South Omaha, Nebraska, until S o'clock p. m;. May 16. 1904, for tho purchase of an Issue of bonds In the sum of $-9.0X1. "Bonds to bo " Issued In the denomination- rf one thou sand ($1,000,00') dolluK, each bearing date of Mav 1, 1904, maturing In twenty years after date with option to redeem after five years reserved and bearing Interest at '. the rate of 5 per cent per annum payable -semi-annually. These are general bondn known aa street Improvement bonds Issued for the purpose of Improving certain . streets In the city o( South Omaha, prin cipal and Interest of all bonds payable at the state fiscal agency of Nebraska In the city of New York, state of New York. All bids must be In writing and must be unconditional and accompanied by a cer tified check for two thousand ($2,000) dol lar payable to the city of South Omaha, Nebraska, purchaser to accept and pay for said bonds within twenty days from dste of sale by city. The right Is reserved to reject any or ' all bid. Dated at Bouth Omaha, Nebraska, May 7. 1904. - M d Bt 1 ' 1 GOVERNMENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Department of t Interior, Office of In dian Affairs, Washington, D. C, Match 21. 1904. Sealed proposals, Indorsed "Proposals for blankets, woolen and cotton good, clothing, etc.," as the cans may be, and di rected to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Nos. 119-121 Wooster street, New York City, will be received until 1 o'clock r. m., of Tuesday, May 24, 1904. for furnish, ng for the Indian Service, blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats and caps. Rids must be made out on Gov ernment blank. Schedules giving all nec essary information for bidders will be fur-. niHhed on application to the Indian Office, Washington, D. C; the U. S. Indian ware houses, 119-121 Wooster street. New York City, 265-267 South Canal street, Chicago, 111.; 816 Howard street, Omaha. Nebr. ; 60it South Seventh street, St. Louis, Mo.; the Commissaries of Bubal vonce. U. 8. A, at Cheyenne, Wyo.. and St. Paul, Minn.; the Quartermaster, U. B. . Seattle, Waah.j the postmasters at Sioux City, Tucson, Portland, Spokane nnd Tncoma; and the Manufacturers' nnd Producers' Association of California. San Francisco, Cal. Bids will be opened at the hour and days above stated, and bidders are Invited to be pres. ent at the opening. The Department re serves the right to determine the point of delivery and to reject any and all bids, pr any part of any bid. W. A. JONES, Commissioner. - M2dl8t-4 CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, 0maha, Neb., May 9, 1904-Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will bo received here and by Quartermasters at the posts named herein, until 10 a. m., central standard time, June 9. 1U04, for furnishing oata, bran, hay and straw during the fiscal year ending June 80, 1906. at Omaha Q. M. Depot, Forts Crook, Robinson snd Niobrara, Nebraska; Jeffer son Barracks, Missouri; Fort Leavenworth and Riley, Kansas; Forts D, A, Russell, Mackenzie and Washakie, Wyoming; Fort Dea Moines, Iowa and Fort Meade, South Dakota. PrnpoKaU for delivery at other places will be entertained. 17, S. reserves right to reject or accept any or gll pro. poaal. or any part thereof. Information furnished on application here, or tn Quar termasters at stations named. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Forage," and addressed to Major J. E. SAWYER, C. Q. M. M-10-ll-Jel-2-S-4 M The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, Nob. U. i. DJ 4-17 Capital and Surplus, $600,000 atusx MUVRV, eras. Kit f, WOO, V. fraa LUT-EI Mat. Ca shlar. PIANK T. lAMUTON. Asst Caskkv. Kara Ira aeoaaata el toaaa. aaakara, aarpae. atle-a, Iraae aa la-lrwtaala aa favaraaaa karma. Forala- Bxckaaaa bougbt aa4 sola. Latisra at Cradit laauas. available la an aeru ml ta war id lataraat ali aa Tlaaa Crtl6natae of Dasaalt. f.ellaaUana ma da promptly a 4 eceaenltailj . We ruaaat aarraap- . ' WHY 171-2 CENT COTTON ; WILL EQUAL $1.89 WHEAT. IN ITS EPPBCT ON THB STOCK flARKBT Inl tar Ibia letter ebowins arhat reoka ta bu tu aaas Ik kut nonaji aut of U aotnloa rla. Ordars aaa-uta la all l!au atacfea for Invaatniaot or oa martin. HpacUl attaatloa alraa ta alka,i jnvaatmaal. a- for llltret4 book s-aarlblof aapnif an aeaiptaaol ef CROWN KINO MINES CO. Inforaaaltoa concT-lr.a this valuakla propane and all etkar LKL18TSO STOCKS aaearfallr J. I. McLEAN At CO., Danker M- OS.-, M Baeed Ma lark, ' I