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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1904)
TTIE OMAnA DAILY REE: WEDNESDAY, MAY 11. 1004. 200 yards of Crandall WcJro Finishing Hair Tint Spool Cotton Hose Braids Cabinets NrW. 1p UP' IOC rdtolte, do., 3C Mills, at..."' porferSVv it at isKS NOTION DEPT. TZl 1ST 19c SPECIALS sjp. 19c adjuster, w o?r turf inn department i l- " ' ssnssssnnsBsssBsnssni truis equipped with the highest nsssnsssBBsssBBssssnss IJone grade iwtions, which are priced in- Canneld Stocknet Collar Buttons ZZJt shJE?, onZ" Z mm Iwn drfliaW all Qp oarA manufacturer. The prices quoted elzeiJ JV '"'" for Wednemlay are very sjiecial, mm Duij jqt LADIES' SKIRT HANGERS spring Hat Pins will fit any 1 (TK Hooks and ..3c r.:'....oc gg;.ic All the Charpo Ladles Cube Scissors Purses Jewel Pockets Pins a.15c L 5c j:l5cas..3c ?n5d' si DRESS GOODS AT 39c YD. A Wednesday Special In Drew Good Dept. Ifoppo eta mines, Panamas, Sicillians, voiles, melrose, gran ites and shirt waist poods in black, brown, cream, navy, etc. Thousands of lengths in 3, 4 and G JP yards each enough match up for skirts y M and dresses Jr 75c and SI SILKS AT 29c YARD . . A Special for Wednesday Only 3,500 yards of extra heavy 27-inch China silks, in all colors, all silk lining taffetas, pretty foulards in foulards in small dots for shirt waist suits, J? also short ends of high class silks, at mJ S MILLI.NERY UntrimmedStraw Shapes., Sceach Shapes of whlto and colored straw, in the mushroom effects, etc. all the newest straws worth up to BOc a big r Wednesday special, at. each DC Ladles' Street Hats at 50c These jaunty and neat street hats often sell as high as $2 each they are In the smart new shapes and are effectively trimmed "aig Cfl Wednesday special, at, each .' OUC The New Spring Carpets. Our new stock of carpet3 for spring is shown in greatly enlarged and improved quarters. Our showing of carpets for the new season is by all odds the most satisfactory to be found in Omaha. Fine, new carpets are specially priced everything is fresh from the factory and everything is de pendable In quality. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE. 5r tig $ iiw: -w 1 11 Ji COfTlKlHT mm f iJi'l we all U3S COLORED UHDREllAST IUDD.101 WHY NOT DVY CMBRKI.I, AS AT K 1MMHKM.A STOIIK, MRS. $8.25. Specially pretty black voile Just received, tailor made Utez rtce J3.DQ aud J3.75. . 7a n r?a a A Big May Clothing Special Men's Spring Suits at $5 A good, sturdy, well made spring suit the kind that costs you $10 anywhere else is offered for FIVE DOLLARS today at Brandeis. These suits are from the odds and ends of very fine quality of spring suits have a big lot of them styles, all fabrics and in all sizes which we will sell today- these u 1 1 x c 1 will wear well and leok well all through the sum m e r t he beat clothing Invest ment you . ever made, worth $10, at Rogers, Peet & Co. Swell Clothing for Men. A L Brandeis 6 Sons. u b yrMar4 ra a. at m tl oust. W earn Jm farm Ian mmy fcaafc nvblf.fe.a'. BARKAL0W BROS. TeU B32J4. 1612 Faraaoi St J. BENSON. Voile Dress Skirts. A nice quality of black voile skirts in verted plait in back and hansoraely trimmed nothing in the market to equal it, shown at skirts at f 10.87 and up. wash china silk waists black or r ""is r n n n o; v m j j ja Use the Phone. If you have a phone in or near your resi dence use it in order ins from Bennett's. You an; no further from us and our immense stocks than you are from the tele phone. The telephone brings you to our counters puts you in closest touch with us. We give Green Trading Stamps with all phone orders. USE THE PHONE! The Odell Typewriter. A perfect, practical and simple ma chine. Compart and portublp. Pop It In uso nt Stationery t7 Er Department kpdtiJM Special Bargains in the Cloak Room Odds and Ends in Shirt Waist Suits. SILK FOULARD SUITS Plain and lace trimmed, worth 0 00 up to $L'0.00, at ViVli TONGEE SUITS, worth f Cf VELOIT SUITS Worth- ff up to $10.50, at p to $15, at ViVU DIMITY SUITS Handsome lace trimming, worth up f ff ' to $18.50, at y.yu 5QC TAILOR MADE SUITS The sale of Women's Suits ndver iVu .ti8ed for Monday at $5.05 will be continued Wednesday. WOMEN'S MOHAIR RAGLAXS-Full length, fine ma- T O K terinl, latest cut....' A. eZO WOMEN'S SILK RAGLANS-The nobbiest thing out. 4 r e?f at $13.00 and BOYS' WAISTS Look out for our slaughter of Roys' Waists and Blouses on Thursday will tell you all about it Wednesday evening. Women's Chemise Special Sale Wednesday and Thursday One case Chemises, trimmed with lace, embroideries and irv ruffles, worth 05c and 75c. at 4"C 10 Little Green Stickers and a New Stamp Collecting Book Free NEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES Ex-Seortary Long's Latest Literary Bcok, The Hew Amenoan Hary." MEMOIRS OF THE EMINENT "FINANCIER Incidents of the Career of Henry VII lard Recited with Candor by the Writer Jane Delineator Is Kaceptlonmlly Fine. The Outlook Comjany recently pub lished In two volumes ex-Secretary John D. Long's latest literary work, "The New American Navy." Since the war with Spain our navy has steadily Increased the hold which It already had on popular sentiment. Its brilliant record at that time has led to most generous appro priations by successive congresses for its continued Increase In officers and men, In ships and all the facilities of naval construction. The object of ex-Secretary Long In preparing this work was to give Information as to the start and progress of this increase, the development into what Is now called the "new navy," as well as to tell of its recent exploits. Be sides telling of warlike affairs he has something to say concerning his experi ence with ofllce seekers. He speaks of them as a whole in a most kindly spirit, as if they were more to be pitied than blamed. He says that he has repeatedly seen a member of congress, himself a man of wealth and leiuure, running his legs off to Intercede for some watchman discharged for drunkenness, or some jani tor discharged for theft. Then he tells this story: "I remember one good senator who came now and then with the usual errands of his constituents, but was exceedingly sen sitive if, complying with his suggestion, as was done in all such cases if prac ticable and right, they were referred to aa requests on his part. He desired to have It understood that he never re quested anything; and, as It was a matter rather of form than of subBtance, it was easy to gratify him by the use of the appropriate epistolary clmcumlocutlon." "'Memoirs of Henry Vlllard" In two volumes covers a period from 1838 to 1900 In the life of this eminent Journalist and financier. It recites with great candor the Incidents of his great career and It is an excellent report of many great events of national Importance which the writer saw or participated In. He was born In Oermany, coming to this country In 1863, and In this country of adoption few naturalised citizens have had a more varied and successful career. He won distinction as a newspaper field corie spondent of several New York newspa pers during the civil war, having traveled extensively In search of work and adven ture. Very interesting are some of Ids early Impressions of men who later be came famous, as are also his descriptions of some of the early western cities and the Inconvenience of traveling, and he has not overlooked the gold fields of Colorado In the vicinity of Pike's Peak. Of Lin coln, Chase, Greeley, Garfield, Bherman, Rosecrans, Jay Gould and many other prominent men with whom he was brought In contact he gives much Interesting and original Information, as well as valuable descriptions of important battles of the war. lfc had a part In the construction and financing of the Oregon Steamship & Navigation company, and In the com pletion of the Northern Paclflo rail toad. The work Is written by 16 r. Vlllard him self and shows greut ability. In a clear and flowing style. It shows the rise and growth of a powerful personality and of a character remarkable for Its simplicity and variety. Houghton, Mifflin ft Co. are the publishers. After all. there Is nothing like the Old stand-by fur eaUsfacWr. readlAX. Ws turn TT GROCERY. Big values in Groceries, Butter and Eggs, Teas and Coffees. Wednesday Leaders. HERE' 3 A SNAP. It worth Green Trad ing Starrn pound brie This Is without quentlon the finest Creamery produce. Not more than rive pounds to aeh cus tomer. Potted Ham, can naked Beans, 3-lh. can 10c French Mustard and Spoon, Jar Vo Imported Sardines, can Wc mi ffPSjfi $i worth Green ?PjfiL4fj Trading Stamps y I w,th ech pound Wm. H. Baker's W$S$ Premium ChocoIate....JW'w Vegetablo and Flower Seeds, 8 packages 15c COFFEES Roasted every day, delicious. Rio Coffee, per lb 12c Maracaibo Coffee, per lb 10o Dennett's Hrenkfast Coffeo, per lb., Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, 2-lb. can 4Sc CANDY An Immense quantity of fresh made vanilla flavored Choco late Creams Wednesday only per lb. 32c 1 from the erratic, and erotic fiction of the present era to the clean and wholesome stories with a plot and a mystery which gradually unfold. The 2S-cent edition of Anthony Trollop's "Framley Parsonage" is one of this sort'- Published by John Lane, New York and London. The lady of fashion who may turn to the Delineator in her June leisure for amuse ment, as well as the busy woman who may pick it up for relaxation, will find good fiction and general articles of wide inter est. "The Giver of Honor" is a refreshing little tale by Mrs. Hugh Fraser, and two college stories are pleasant reminders of days once dear to many readers. The con cluding chapter of "The Evolution of a Club Woman" brings to an end this study of club life, from one point of view, that has awakened such widespread interest. The romance and thrill of the number Is supplied by the story of "Rebecca Boone, the Wife of the Pioneer Daniel Boone," and the beautiful Chinese and Indian photo graphs in the "Around the World" series will appeal to every one who has or has not traveled abroad. June interests at home are represented by an article on "Window Boxea and Window Gardening," by one of the less aesthetlo but also nec essary topic of "Household Pests," and the culinary pages. "Tommy Postofflce" still comes on the scene to delight the children with his escapades, and Mr. Albert Blgelow Paine continues his "Garden Calendar," wherein interesting people do such fasci nating things with seeds and slips. The toilet and other subjects of Interest to women also pass In review. Quite a number of books of poetry have recently been Issued . from the press of Richard G. Badger, among which Is "The Rose of Old Seville," which contains a ro mantic drama In three acts, with a pro logue, and a collection of poems by Eliza beth Mlnot. "Friends Hither and Yon" Is a collection of poems which tell of the Joys and pleas ures of friendship. L. F. S. Barnard is the author. The simple little title "Poems" has been bestowed upon the hook containing the poems from the pen of Pauline Frances Camp. She has written upon a variety of subjects, which seem to be written In a simple but "catchy" style. "Robert of Klncald" Is a tale of the Douglas, by William Henry Tompkins. It Is a narrative poem, which deals with the tragic life of William, eighth Earl of Douglas, the 'scene of which Is laid In Scotland during the fifteenth century. There are two full Illustrations. Indiana has adopted Frye's "Grammar School Geography" for exclusive use for five years. This Is the third time that Mr. Frye's geography has been given a five year adoption In this slate. Above books t lowest retail prices. Matthews, 123 South Fifteenth street. Fretful babies become calm and peaceful babies when fed on Mellin's Food. Mellin's Food nourishes. A sample of Msllln's food eoets yo oothlnj but th. uking. Will you ool th.a It for your baby's s t HSLUM'S FOOD co boiton. ma. rAIL!ii V. a JERREnS, Pres. 209-3 1 1 So. 15th Street. The Choice of Materials Now Is far ahead of any previous season nearly Z000 designs. New suitings and Trous erings in abundance dis played on long tables draped side by side for easy and quick Inspection and to be tailored to please at moderate prices. We're keeping the ordi nary thunder of the cloth ing stores in the back ground. Truth ful adver tising and honest ac tion are bringing a their , just reward a convmmig proof that an intelligent public appreciates our methods. Trousers . . $5 to $12 Suits ... $20 to $50 Our cutters are ready to cut yeur garments as you directand as you like ths m to fit, and the cost will be as little as you often pay for ready-made garments. FRED PAFFENRATH, Manager. Green Trading Stamps Oar low prices and the best Quality Is what Is keeping our would-be competitors guessing. One Week's Specials $10.00 In green stamps with one pound Ceylon or English Breakfast Tea at 86c. $10.00 In green stamps with 8V pounds Ceylon Coffee for $1.00. $8.00 in green Btamps with three pounds Mocha and Java Coffee for $1.00. $5.00 In green stamps with 2-pound can Mocha and Java Coffee for 70c. $5.00 in green stamps with 1-pound can Boston Baking Powder for 46c. $5.00 In green stamps with one pound Japan, English Breaktast or Gunpowder Tea, $3.00 In green stamps with one 4-pound package Cudahy's Pyramid Soap Pow- nr at 9.1c $3.00 In green stamps with each bottle waterproor nnoe ronun ui aia. $3.00 In green Btamps with each 48-pound sack Blue Bell Flour at $1.36. $1.60 In green stamps with each bottle Extract at 16c. fl I fiREEH TRADING STAMPS WITH THE FOLLOWHU aktiilebi T bars Laundry Boap, 25c 8 bottles Pickles, 80c. 1 large Jar Preserves. 15e. 1 package Corn Btarch, lOo. 3 3-lb cans Tomatoes. 30c. 3 cans Early June Peas, 30c. 8 cans Rex Lye, 30c. 3 Celluloid Starch. 30e. t-pound Baker's Chocolate, 20c. 1 6-pound sack Halt. 10c. 8 pounds Prunes or Rice, 2Be. 3 packages Searchlight Matches, IBo, 1 pound American Cheese, 18c. THE BOSTON MEAT & GROCERY CO., 113 North 16th. 'Phone 106. Ladies9 Court Ties This popular style of low shoe was first Introduced In Omaha last season by this store, and at once became a favorite. This season it Is the most popular of all the "special styles," and the smartest and most stylish of these up-to-date low shoes are to be seen at this store. In both the Patent Colt and Tun Russia leathers. $3.50 All other fashionable styles and new shapes In I-adles' Low Cuts are to be seen at this store at most reasonable rrlcea. rnv;iinECQ ii6D0B5UM ML GLORIA Is made in 60 shades. TIIR RKI.IAIII.H HTOHK. The most comprehensive line of Roys' and Orml,' ('hulling Wednesday's tit I ii hmI all well iillcired and perfect fitting pnlts, Wcitnos- ilnv1. t .rii..i patterns the from i.C to nnd knees, well worth $3 60 our snlo prlco Wednesday, Pocketbook Pleasers in Our Linen and Domestic Depts. 69o mercerized snow white Table Dam- 69c silver blenchod. all linen rmnn ask. polka dot nnd lloral designs Tiibln Diitnask- beautiful patuins regular 69c quality rtQc worth ,ic n yard- OOC at at 25c Sheer India Llnon. to- 7c standard dress nnd Sc heavy brown Linen Inches wide, regular 25c shirting prints, regular Toweling, excellent aluc. value 12 JC ""t0 valuo" 3mC f, ard . OC 8Uo standard Dress and Apron Check grj Ginghams Wednesday, at per yard WOMEN'S SUMMER SUITS Bilk Bhlrt Waist Suits will be worn more this senson than ever before. We are of fering Wednesday three special bargains that are hard to beat. BILK SHIRT WAIST St'IT-In brown, black and check taffeta. Just to Introduce them, at plain $10 SPECIAL 600 dozen Ladles' Fine Cotton and Llslo Thread Veste. fancy yokoa nd lace trimmed, sleeveless and Bhort sleeved, in white and colors Jq WORTH 19C TO 39C WEDNESDAY " Strawberries. Strawberries. We hare Just received the first large consignment of fancy large Arkansas ilriiw. berrle. which we will place on sale Wednesday BC PEWE SmVELY 'REFUSE TO SUPPLY DEALERS OR PEDDLERS AT THESE PRICES. GROCERY LEADERS-'"" "e 20 lbs pure can granulated sugar for.. 88c Force, Vigor. Vim, Malta Vita, Neu- trlta or Egg-O-Bee, per package.... THo 1-lb cans Boston Baked Beans 3Sio 1- lb. cans fancy Alaska Balmon 9c Oil sardines, per can 4c 8-lb. cans solid packed tomatoes....... io 8-lb. cans hominy, squash or apple but- ter 7?i0 2- lb, cans fancy wax, string or l'ma beans ..,,....' 'v U-lb. cans potted or deviled ham 3Vo 1-lb. package best corn starch 4o Large bottle Worcester sauce or tomato catsup 48-lb. sacks high patent Minnesota iriour L Vuat liuindrv soap, any brand.. J8o 6 lbs. hand picked navy beans B lbs. good Japan rice 190 19c HAVDEEy BROS. VV RUN II EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR J j II California Vashbsfen ANo ALL PRINCIPAL WESTERN POINTS 11 I LlT Omafca Dtlly 3;20 p. m. and 4:20 p. m, fl DOUBLE BERTH $5.73 FiUtmiorwuttonfamltKiil on application to f City Ticket Offlco, 1334 Faro am St. V 'Phone 316. SJr itili Ijl 3 laafp A Good Sized Room, With a Large Vault Has Just beon vacated. In fnct, thU 1 the only room with a vault vn rnnt In The Jo IiuildiiiK. trxtay. If you have vhIuiiMo book" nnd papers thnt you wish protected from chances of a fire breaking out in our own room, the vault U n Kreut protection. There Is no chance of fire in The lice Hnlldlni; for It la absolutely fire proof, but you niiifht drop a ciar stub in your waste basket and buru up your furniture and your records and puprn would go, too. ..... There are few offices In any of the Omaha office buildings with vnults. If you want this one, better o us today. R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents Bee Want Ads GLORIA is a guarantee of excellence. Wednesday's Offerings IN BOYS' & CHILDREN'S SUIT DEPT. Children's Hlah to be seen 111 the city. $2.50 i M to ir years 1 nnd plain col prices - $,.50. HOYS' I.oNcl PA NTS PI'lTS In aaes from 1J t 13 years. In cheviot. cHBslmere ami seraro. In mixed nnd plain colors. $5.00 BOYS' FINE SriTs'-'in worsted, fancy cssslmeres, fancy casslmeres, fa nnd plaids. Sec iniinsnip excell cheviots, Thlhets. etc., In fun.'V stripes snu pinius. wnim mixtures and tiinln blue nnd black; workiniinslitp excellent; best, fit perfect, worth $'.2 f-iV-our $7.50 BOIS' KNKE PANTS SPITS-Made up In Norroik. sanor Mouse, Russian blouse, uallor Norfolk, double-breasted and three-piece Ktylc-. In almost anv shade obtainable In fancy mixtures, overplald-. Scotch mixtures, fancy tweeds and plain colors, nil well ma.le. niativ of them having double seats lined and trimmed, $2.50 81 LK SHIRT WAIST SflTS, In blue and white, black and white. brown nnd white, nnvy, royal, brown and 'Rl' black. Wednesday's price WOMEN'S CREPE DB CHINE S1MTP Elaborately trimmed. In black, LOK . brown and white, at .fT.Z. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THESE BVl'lS WEDNESDAY. Best hulk laundry starch, per lb 3i4 ECONOMICAL DRIED FRUIT PRICES. Choice California Prunes, per lb 3i0 Choice California Seedless Raisins, per lb Bo Fancy Mulr reaches,- per lb 7MiO California Grapes, per lb 7S0 Virginia Blackberries, per lb 70 New York Ring Apples, per lb SSo BUTTER. BUTTER. Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, per pound , 21 o Fancy Elgin creamery butter, per lb..28o Strictly first-class eggs at the lowest mar ket price. Special Trading; Stamps Wednesday. With every pound of Mocha and Java coffeo at 25c, we will give absolutely free, $2.00 worth extra trading stamps; also double Trading Btamps with every sack of flour. Ground Floor, The Bee Building. Produce Results t