THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. MAY 10, 1904. SPECIAL NOTICES Adr erllae-me-ta for tkce colunni , will be taken til 12 m. fjr fh edition aad n11 f p. ni. for Baamlnsr aad gandar edition. Rates, 1 l-2c a word flr.t Insertion. Jo a. word thereaftr. Xothlngr takes for leas than ZO for the 6rat later tlaa. Thrae advertise enta mill be Mi eonaerat Ively. Ad ertlsere, by rcqaeatlna; a num bered check, can bare iniwrri ad dressed to a nambrred letter In rare of The Bee. Ans -ere ao addreaaed will be delivered oa presentation of .the rheek only. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha Business Shorthand, Touch Type writing, English. Mail lessons in all branches. Catalogue free. B-337 . The Nebraska Seed Co. Open till 6:30 p. m.. Saturday and Monday mi p m. uii-uLB iiowara. R-S23 Jl fiRAVFI DRIVEWAYS AND ARTl UnrtV LL F1CIAL feTONii WALKB. B. V. Van Court, 1020 N. 10th. Tel. 1998. K 824 3-1 FRONTIER TOWEL, SUPPLY CO. Tel. 1812. R M754 Jc9 CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere P. H Fhllbln, loixt iarnira and opp. Union station. Tela. 784 and 1673. R 826 KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 3620. R 343 QTOVPQf""ed and repaired. Jack JIVJVtOuro,. Vegg, -,n N. ltitli. Tel. L-2S31. R-&08 M28 OMAHA Safe and Iron works make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doora and safea. O. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th at. R 864 MM Champ. Carp. Clean. Co., 7X8 S. 14th. T. 653. R-826 r,ni nSILVER- NICKEL Plating. Om. VJWL.Uiitlne; ,, 150a Harney. Tel. 2535. R 87 CITY SAVINGS BANK pay 4 per cent. R-828 EAGLE Loan Office reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 13ul Douglas. It 2a EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 1196. R 830 LOCKSMITH Wv 809 N R-631 FleVfHr Carpt Cleaning; Works. N. A. Chrlatenaon, 2221 N. 20th. Tel. 1659 R-832 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. cleans cesspools, vaults, romjves garbage, deaf animals; reduced prices. 621 N. 16. Tel. 177J. R-833 PUBLICITY DESIGNS - WHEATOV, in the Bee Bldg. R 834 fcIGN painting. 8. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R 836 ALL KINDS carpenter work; repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake. R 30 "FOR noon luncheon try the Karbach res taurant; reasonable prices. 41S S. 15th St. R 878 M16 aVNTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. R 462 SPECTACLES, $1; examination free; 30 days only. U. 8. Opticians, 308 N. 16th. R S38 STOVE storage and repairing. Hughes . Stce Repair TWorks. 2217 Cuming St. Tel. R 841 I CLEAN, uve, repair clothes. 604 N. 16th. R-M843 Je23 CARPET cleaning. Tel. F-JP71. J. Wood, 2016 Clark. R-844 BICYCLES! BICYCLESI OMAHA BICYCLE CO., 16th and Chicago. R M858 Mil BRICK eontTactor. J. P. Healy. 1822 Clark. R M904 M14 Fin3 stored and repaired reduced prices. O. E. Shukert. 813 S. 16th. R M961 M29 COOKINO, heating, gas, gasoline stoves re paired. City Btove Repr Wka. Tn). L9945 R Itm Mil FERFIELD Piano Co.. Bee Bldg.; no In terest; honest values; easy terms. Tel 701. r845 H. W. M'VEA, Plumber, 1124 N. Kth. Tel. 747. R M469 STOVES STORED 1207 Douglas. Tel. 860. Omaha St. Rep. Wka. R-MC4 ARTIFICIAL, STONE AND BRICK SIDEWALKS ' AND CEMENT FLOORS AT COST M'WILLIAMS BROS., -) Paxton ik. Puw.ea o and BSi06. . R-.U BUSINESS CHANCES POOD BUSINESS CriANCE-Let us tell you of a prol.uuble investment or a small amount cf money hat win yield you Itood returns, tut bu taken care of in addition to your ivgular work or bust- nesa. Address Vha Co., Omaha. Neb. Y-Alitf Jei STORE building and nice residence In Mal-y.-rn, la.; win sell or trade; rents HQ. WUliam iladgett, Hastings, Neb. . V-M603 SHOLES-ARMBTRONQ CO.. K3 N. Y. Ufe. Tel 19. y,,; 4ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 313 Brown block, can get you lit or out of business. 1 Y-848 SMOKE PH1DB OF HASTINGS tc cU UlUwrvL gju-, cushlng & Uauvreau. E.tb. Y-il319 JJ fOR SALE, restaurant and confectionery: flrst-claea, profitable; excellent location! ood reason for aelllng. Address Lock ox 367, Olenwood, la. Y-M713 14 . "THIS HOTEL BARGAIN." IDne OX the beat hotels In western Iowa, ill a county seat town of 2,800 lnha llanta. 1 ha only per day house In the . place; S-tory brick with basement; a P-r2'?r,.5l Z?1h J.W: can be bought for ,,; 12.200 down and 86.000 time will be given. Address H 44, Omaha Bee. V-M7 PRINTING PRINTING LYNGSADT Hlght Grade Work. Crounae block, corner of 16th sl and Capitol Ave. I1IOH CLASS printing at lowest prloea. Tel. 1262. L A. Medlar Co., 422 & 15th bt. 830 J. M. E1RPLESS, Reliable Printer; estab lished 11 years. 201 o. Ulh Bt., Omaha. 345 M13 AMERICAN Printing Co. New aoulpmant. Oat our pneta. lei. ua. iu . nicago. MJtS slit Printinrr Job Printing. Beat work In city. I nnung Guaranteed. 15U Capitol Ave 436 JCRAMKR CHANDLER, QUICKRINt! i-Rri. 1101 Farnam. To deliver work when promised i our nobby. U&8 QAKDNF.R PRINTINcTCO.. racnovid-to room a i ana s. mur news wag t-icne A-24&. I37-Jet DETECTIVE AGENCY papt, Corataca, U7 fear bach Blk, Tel. A -XL WANTED MALE HELP Shorthand Lessons Free It rider j Fh you vi we ve '.he mom simple, ,g:r;'.e. ar.d rapid s'.m cf lilhnnH i-Lr .-a, rlc-lai,.! n. will lvS i jur iessons, free hv mull to any rne nhn , Till fares to fo'ltw instruct r.s. Write us ar:l we w;I. mall you the first rages ni our tfxt brr.K bo you on begin at once. Then- lessors will give you ql e a siart. Ad-irese: OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 17Ui and J.'ouglaa fitreels. MEN to ern lerber trade, free railroad fare Lpcu our fHllure to convince you of tnU leing ti.e HilHT, largem ami only re- iacle. most. practical barber rol.ege In t.Tis section. Vilte tor catalogue today Western Barbers' Institute, omaha. Nb. B 49 WANTED FOR I. 8. A KM Y Able-bod l"d unmRtiied men between a sen of 21 and 85; cltlrens of I'nlted Siates. of g.iod character and temperate hubita, wlio can KD-nk, read and write Knglisn. For In furmatlon apply to Recruit ing Officer, 16tli and Dodge tots., Omaha, or iJucoln, Neb. 13 M1j2 LARGE eastern plant manufacturer wants responsible man or firm to take ex- elusive omalia and Nebraska axenty; manufaclurer will do extei;-We advtr tlslng tor agent's benefit. Tiie. paint la a leader wherever Introduced. Address H 46, Bee office. B 3S1 WANTED, first-class barber at once. F. W. Baade, Bchuyler. Neb. B 3ttf Rt'LERS. two tlrst-claas men on down line work, mnunlon, to go east. Good w,iges and ataacy work. Address K 51, Bee. B-M487 15 MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail road faro to any other school you name. If after reading cur catalogue ami en dorsements you dnfire to go elsewhere. American Barber College, omaha. Neb. Write for catalogue. B M7o5 14x NON-UNION machinists wanted for west ern railroad; must be experienced and competent; good pay. Apply Room No. 10. Victoria Hotel. B M707 lOx WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few board Included. If desired; splendid de-J -niand. Call or write, Moler Barber Col- J 3 lego, 1302 Douglas St. U 606 1ZX WANTED Young man. single, German speaking preferred, who understands re tall boot and shoe business; answer stat ing salary war.ted and giving references. .'Udreas "Wolbach's," Grand Island, Neb. B M655 10X BE Independent. Try working for yourself on the pront snaring basis ana see now you like It. Address, The Hawks Nursery Co.. Wauwatosa, Wis. B M6u0 13x WANTED A strong, progressive old line life company wants a manager for Omaha and vicinity. To a man of satis factory references as to ability and In tegrity, an exceptional, liberal contract will be given. Correspondence strictly confidential. Address K 42, Bee. B MG69 10 WANTED Young man experienced In nnfi- teur photography to develop ant nnisn pictures. H. J. Penfold Co., 1408 Far nam St. B 732 9 WANTED, experienced carpet sewer; only tnose witn experience witn power ma chines need apply. J. L. Brandcls & Sons. B ii753 14 FOR SALE, all of my carriages and traps. including one Kimball brougham, one vic toria and one opera bus, all as good as new, but will be sold at half price; can be seen at my stable, 3902 Davenport st. George A. Joslyn P M?36 11 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED Agents to solicit orders for tapestry painting; big money. 623 8. 19th. C m M19 LADIES for home work, stamping World's lair souvenirs; good pay, clean, pleasant. Cull 55 Douglas Bldg., Opp.' Hayden's. C M704 M25 80 GIRLS. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. (J M329 WANTED Girl to do plain house work; la.uu per week. 4trj uavenport; taxa f ar nam car. C 464 WANTED Girl for light housework. In- quire H4 a. utn Bt. u ou v WANTED A good girl for general house work; good wages. Apply to Mrs. K. a, Wilcox. 2109 Wirt St. C 611 9x WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresf Ing. manicuring or racial masaage; 3 to 4 weeks required; splendid demand for graduates. Call or wTlte, Moler College, 1302 Douglas St. C 607 12x EXPERIENCED second girl wanted In small family; good wages. 2UH uodge st. C-M676 WANTED Experienced girls for sewing tents ana overalls, omana xent fc Awn ing Co., 11th and Harney, C 789 U COMPETENT cook; have laundress two days. Apply mornings or evenings. 117 S. ffith Ave. C 736 llx WANTED Young girl to assist In care of children. 8416 Burt St. . O 745 9x WANTED Thoroughly competent girl for Seneral work; plain cooking; small ram y; will pay $5. C. G. Scott., 4927 Daven fiort St. GIRL for general housework; no washing help with cleaning, house cleaning done. Z246 Lanaon court, near 24tn and Howard. C 727 10 GIRL for general housework. 4103 Daven port St. C M706 llx GIRL for general housework. 635 Park ave. I M;t 16X WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERIENCED man wants position as loreman on etocx ranch, can give good references. Address K (9, Bee, A-608 lSx FRACTIOAL shoemaker, 20 years' experi ence, wants position In shoe store and do bench work, or location for shoe shop; best refr.ences furnished. Address Lock Box 1. Rode, Harrison Co., Iowa. A M43 10 WANTED TO BUY SHONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, 822 N. Y. Life, pays tilgiictfi. price for books. Tel. 8036 N-927 ID-HAND furniture; high prices. Tel. 2020. Chicago Furullure Co., 1410 Dodge. l.Otrt FEATHER beds, pillows and bolsters; highest cusii price paid. C. A. R., 1922 S. 10th. N-379 M19 WANTED To buy a family horse, also Sosd milch cow. Inquire Sattley building, . W. cor. 1'Hh and lones Sta. N 3H0 Je3 - LOST LOST Ladle's sliver watch and charm; charm set amethysts; lout near steps north of high school or Davenport and 23rd to Dodge. Reward. Madison hotel. Lost M 726 lOx LOST On Sunday eve, May 8, between 22d and California and Country club, gold bracelet; liberal reward If returned at once to 224 California. Lost 728 S LOST Will the gentleman who found a lrown purse Monday morning near Third st. school please return keys and locket to 221 Uth ave ? He may keep the purse and cash as reward. f Lost MTb2-14 CLAIRVOYANTS OYLMER, palmist, 715 N. 23d. Tel. B -S245. 6840 PROF. LEWTBR. teat medium, glvea facts, names, dates, etc : patrons out of city write for, ful free book lt'lo Dav enport st. 8673 M12 BUSINESS MEDIUM, 718 N. 1tr st. - M2!5 Jelx STENOGRAPHERS F. J. HUTCLIFFEl. 10i N T. L. Depoai. tlons. conventions. Tal. 3676. M 390 FACSIMIIE letters. Boylea College. N. Y. Life Bldg. 6U M24 WANTcD TO KENT WANTED To leaae a hotel, rtady fur nlshed; U house preferred, unless It ahould be an up-to-date 11 house; good referencea furnished. Aillrea Ixrk Box 64, CUrlada, la, K-M1D3 mi, The BEE does not give away its apace. Toe BEE does not pad its columns to male a false showing. The BEE docs not juggle figures to deceive the public. But the BEE DOES print the most PAID -Want Ads. BEE WANT ADS BRING BEST llETUIiXS. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS KOYAL HO I EL, European, 16th &. Chicago. DEWEY, European hotel. 13th and Farnam. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 611. E 804 11.25 PER W EEK, Do ran house, 422 8. 18lh. E, Sou VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nights. LARGE, warm room; steam heat. 19 Capitol Ave. E M72i NICELY furnished rooms, third floor. 1420 JJougo Bt. t eo THE FARNAM, 19th and Farnam 8ta. E 858 APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN Vne Chatham; luxuriously furnlaned looms and smoking parlors; appointments first class. 110 8. iJlh St., opposite Millard hotel. E 476 FOR RENT One large east front room with lirge closet, with or without smaller room adjoining; strictly private family; no better location In city; one block from Park car, two doors from "The Georgia." Privilege of use of telephone and piano. 1050 Georgia Ave. Tel. 68. K MS47 NORTHWESTERN HOTEL, newly fur nished. 619 N. 16th. E M350 Je3 LARGE front room, furnished, modern. 1909 Uouglas. JM M49U lux. FURNISHED rooms. 1112 8. 11th. E M486 FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 209 N. 20th. E 507 13x FRONT room, furnished. Tel. A1979. 806 8. 20th. E M69S 10X FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms. 403 8. 25th ave. B M7tX lOx NICELY FURNISHED rooms and board. 2627 Harney. E M701 lOx FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 2011 Harney. E 281 llx FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 813ft N. 15th, flat L. E M724 lOx FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD 8T. JAMES hotel.' day board, meal tickets 13.60. F M438 M22 Furnlshed rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel. 16th & Chicago. F-859 1617 CASS, rooms and board. F M419 M21 THE MERRIAM, 26th and Dodge, 'phone 85; nice, light, airy rooms; ensultes and single rooms; terraced lawn; voronda en tire length of building. F 206 BOARD and room, $4; meals ISc. 1619 Dodga. F M361 THE ROSE, 2020 Karney; newly furnished rooms, good board; rates reasonable. F M426 Jo6 FRONT room In private, quiet home place, to responsible people, zaa nanrej. FURNISHED ROOM, ti.iuble; board. Tel. B2797. 424 8. 20th. F MH98 10X NICE pleasant furnished rooms, with board. 2103 Douglas. F 277 111 518 8. 22d St., nicely furnished south front room, with board, reasonable; walking distance. - F-287 llx FURNISHED front rooms, with board. 16 B. 26th st. F M764 16X NORTHEAST ROOM, 14x16, with board; house modern; large lawn and trees; 136 for two persons; also south room, 15x15. windows are east and south; both rooms newly papered and furnished; smaller room, price less; walking distance from P. O. Tel. 1092, F M759 llx UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO suites, unfurnished rooms. 1910 Dodge. O. C. Reuick, 1617 Farnam. SUITE of unfurnished rooms; convenient. 'Phono B2605. Mrs. Shearer. G M696 FOUR unfurnished rooms, modern. 1808 Grace. O M690 11 2573 Bt. Mary's Ave., front alcove room, modern, with or without board. Call after 7 p. m. Q 737 lOx MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W-918 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 987 N. Y. Life. W 019 . 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Betnls, Paxton block. W 62U PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1520 Douglas W-9.1 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. W 922 MONEY TO LOAN, Payne Investment Co. W-923 WANTED, real estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., Bee bldg. W U24 6 per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. MONEY to loan. Kenny Real Estate and Investment Co., r. 800 Bee bldg. W 928 CITY loans. L. D. Holmes, 712 N. Y. Life. v K16 M28 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 616 N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1664. 931 DR. GRACE DEEGAN, 832 N. Y. Ufa. Tel. 268. -882 Fayette Cole, osteopath, 609 Paxton block. 933 MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK. Osteopathic Phy sician; offioe, Douglas block. Tel. 2828. 934 Dr. Farwell, specialty nervous diseases. 604 Paxton. 767 PATENTS AND PENSIONS H J. COWGILL Patents. No fee unless successful. 618 8. 16th, Omaha. Tel. 1794 871 PATENTS guaranteed. Sues A Co., Omaha, PENSIONS S. F. Moore, 1623 Farnam. M4 Jell AGENTS WANTED WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER; stead' employment with assured good In come; agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvaaaers ir.ake easily JfiO lo lloO per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Hee Building. Omaha. J 213 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITERS A. C. VAN SANT'B school, 717 N. Y. T.lta. 881 Neb. Bus. & Shorthand Col., Boyd theater. 882 135 FLICK FNSrFRFFR. $50. tit New York Life building, Onaha. 4lil V0 MUSICAL THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge block. 3t! DAISY HIGGINS. voice, piano. 1210 N 21st t. Tat A-274 - FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE TO IiNVESTOKS lOR BALE. 60x187 feet, large urica, tnree stores, three Hats, In small buildings, cost ing twice the amount asked to build, rental income. ii.:w per year; plenty of room to bulla three or four more buildings; sure income for ten years' leaae 112,000 U'Xibu, with live 8-rooin houses, all In fine repair, bringing an Income of I.O0 per year; good location, price.. 9,000 60x102, with four t-rooin Hats and cot tage In rear, always rented, close In, all In good repair, rental income 1984 per year, price 6,000 9- room house and lot near High school, rental, t,lbi per year 2,500 10- room house, 31st and Mason, rental, $264 per year 2,000 9-roora house, 22d and Poppleton ave nue, near new frelgnt depot 2,200 Double frame house between 9th and lift h, on HicKury, rental $J00 per year 2,000 Home of this property has low rate of Interest and can be procured on excep tionally good terms. J. A. LOVEGREN, 536-7 PAXTON BLDG. RE 740 10 WALKING DISTANCE, 151.800 5-ROOM COTTAGE. TWO brand new cottages, mouem except furnace; one $1.80 and tne otner $2,450. SHIMER & CHASE. Builders of Modern Houses. Payne Investment Co., 1609 Fuinain St. Tel. 2423. RE 7J4 ELEGANT HOME On 19th st. boulevard, five minutes' walk from poetoilice, h looms, mouern, -house in first-clans condluon; nice lawn and shade trees; HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 439 Chamber of Commerce. HE 742 9z DON'T postpone seeing us In regard to one of those homes advertised In Bunday Bee. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New lork Lite Bldg. RE-733 11 Very swell 6-room cottage on North 22d BU, near Clark; east front; nice lawn and terrace; good barn; permanent walks. A place you are sure to like if you see it. First Floor N. Y. L. Tel. 1781. RE 738 10 HOMESTEADS ON THE ROSEBUD RES ERVATION. Send 10 cents for map and full information. Bonesteel State Bank, Bonesteel, 8. D. RE M394 16x ROSEBUD RESERVATION MAP, 25c. D. W. Forbes, Bonesteel, 8. D. RE M236 FOR OA LPl 9-room modern house, with barn, $2,4oo. Bee owner and house. 1412 .V. S5th St. RE 735 Je8x $2,100.00 Near 21st and Fowler Ave., 10-room house, lull lot, sewer, water and gaa. Snap. D. V. SHOLES CO, Tel. 49. N. Y. Life Building. RE 749 13 BEMIS PARK BEAUTIFUL EAST FRONT LOT 65x50 $450.00. Easy terms. THE PAXTON REAL ESTATE CO., 609 Ware Block. RE 746-9 HOMESTEADS. THE "Rosebud Bill" Is now a law; send zc stamp for map, etc The Nebraska & So. Dakota Land Agency, Bonesteel, 8. D. REM719 13X SPLENDID PROPERTY CHEAP. Party leaving fqr California will sell his fine 2-story, 9-room, all modern house at 9611 Pierce St. for $3,750. Improvements alone are worth more money. $600 barn, lot 60x160, high and sightly; fins trees. If not sold, will rent. Bee us quickly if in terested. Harrison & Morton, 911 N. Y Ufe. Tel. 814. RB-M7S3 Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE, 911-913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 814. RE M327 ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLOCK. On a of the finest 8-room modern rasidancea in West Farnam district, $2,200. RE 871 HOMES CLOSE IN On Douglas street. 8 rooms, new and modern, ner Lutheran ohurch, pries only $3,750. On Cass street, 9 rooms, excellent, cen tral location, near business, schools and churches; bargain at $4,500. W. FARNAM SMITH & Co. 1320 Farnam Street, RE 09 SIX-ROOM COTTAGE (South Omaha.) Located Just over the line between Omaha and South Omaha, on Twenty-fifth street. Is In good repair, city water, gaa, cistern, shade and shrubbery. Best residence portion of South Omaha. Half block from the park. Terraced front. Call at 1620 North Twenty-fifth St, South Omaha, for terms. Part Cash Balance Monthly. RE 1234 lOx Illus. your property. Baker Bros, Eng. Co RE-8.74 HERE ARE SOME BARGAINS Nice new 6-room cottage In Benson with house In Dundee for $3,2u); 6 acres In Benson, $1,250 ; 73 acres near Benson for $Uu0. Benson & Carmichael, 643 PAXTON BLK. RE 711 10 WEST HARNEY ST. Our 3320 Harney is a beautiful 7-room all modern house. Fine reception hall, with mantel, hall seat, etc., electric light and gas, fine plumbing, cemented cellar, best of furnaces. In fact, this Is a "Jo Dandy." Owner will sell on payments. We will THE BYRON REED CO., 212 S. 141b, RE 730 11 DO YOUWANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a firm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about it. The best way to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 60.000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell st a reanonable price you will find a buyer among them. The coat of an advertisement la amall-1 rente per word In email type or $2 U per inch U l lo Urge type. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE NEW MODERN HOUSE Sacrifice Nine-room house, built last year, having parlor, 12x14; second parlor, 14xi4; iinrary, 10x14; dinina- room. 14x14 all finished and walnsf olted four feet high with best of paneled oak, built-in cnlna closet, large kitchen, 4 large Pleasant sleeping room on second floor with a-ood sired closets trunk room, 6x12; bath room, 10x12, porce lain tub, marble lavatory, beet of plumb Ing; ceilings and walls In all rooms paint ed and frescoed; speaking tube and eieo trio bell throughout; cement basemen with laundry, vegetable and fruit rooms barn cost $1,500; naved street, permanen walk, one block from car line, walking distance of nostofflre: bul t for a home but owing to death In family owner Is compelled to sacrifice at $4,o. K. C. PETERS & CO., GROUND FLOOR, BEE BUILDING. 'Phone 8.8. RE 750 10 SACRIFICE SALE $600.00. LOT WORTH $900.00. ON PAVED STRc.KT. ON CAR LINE OWNER LEAVING CITY. MLST BELL. B. J. SCAN NELL, 509 Ware Block, Omaha, Neb. RE 747-9 TEN ACRES 1 miles northwest of Flor ence: flue level around, small house, barn. workshop, crlo, good well, fenced, 44 cords or wood, vrt. lengtns; ixju posts, gaiuen truck all planted, l,4uu strawberry plants juei set out. t'rice only Hastings & Heyden, bio N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 7619 Own Your Own Home- Make your start by buying one of our beautiful building lots Just south of Mil ler park. Buy now while the price Is still low and you can get In on the ground floor, ON GRADE, ON CAR LINE. Pricej irom siou to 1200; o oown ana mommy, BEMIS. PAXTON RE 729 10 $400.00 LOTS NEAR Country Club; on car line; 50x130; also lots on South Thirteenth St., near Boulevard; on grade; 33x112. Easy terms. No interest charged. THE PAXTON REAL INSTATE COM PAN Y, 509 Ware Block. RE 7489 13.000. ON easy terms will buy the most beautiful noma on enrton mil cneap wnen you see it throughout; owned by Rev. Dillon, woo leaves we uty; tuo urant. ' RE M413 CHAS. E Williamson Co., uM'b.dg THE ROSEBUD RESERVATION la open to settlement. Bend nrty cents to Katn man & Keller. Bonesteel. 8. D.. for In formation and large map snowing topog raphy ox country. nta ,ii WE CAN SELL YOUR FARM. WRITE for details of our special clan Fletcher Real Estate Co., 9ui N. Y. Life mag., omana, immigration agents Bur- ungton lumte. itE M.23 M26 FOR SALE 6 Irrigated farms In Big Horn vauey. vnas. woriana, woriana, wyo. RE 0 M15x A MAP OF ROSEBUD reservation for the asking. Write or call for one today. Gas oeu j-ajia ioa, M f irst rso.1. oanK Dldg , OmohD K.h U I.' u-. NEW 6-room cottage for sale; will trade ior team, some cash and balance easy payment. AuurwB x. I, ee omce. RE M767 llx FOR RENT HOUSES THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. Dack. move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, ixju-n i. uriu. umce, liui ft c arnam. j el, 1559-868. D-875 PAYNE-BOSTWICK St. CO.. choice houses. 601-603 New York Lire Bldg. 'Phone lolu. u Si HHI KPQ in til parts of the city. The UUUOW o. b Davis Co.. s08 Bea Bldg. UHrf WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 1496. Omce 1713 Webster SI D-878 HOUSES, insurance. Klngwalt, Barker Blk. D-879 HOI J9F 1 -11 P" ot city. R. C. IIUUJLJ Peters Co., Bee Building. LJ OOV FOR RENT Seven-room house, all mod. ern, 2123 California St., $32.6u, Including wau,r ui. inquire at wt n. ivtn Bt. D M893 I IT yur nouses for sale or rent with 1 T K. ilammnnrt Piikin Vllnnk D 930 FINE 14-room, strictly modern, brick aweuuig, entirely new, 2325 S. 14th. Bomls, Paxton Block. D M60O NICE 8-room flat, facing Hanscora Park, $33. 'Phone (23. D M884 No. 1029 So. SOtb ave., 11 rooms, oak finish, launury, uesi ot oonaiuon. No. 1031 Bo. 3Mb. ave., 10 rooms, 3-tub laun dry, oak finish, all modern. Address W. D. Mead, Jr., York, Neb. D M66J FOR RENT No. 1641 park' ave.; opposite bark, modern brick dwelling. 9 rooms: rrlco $40.00 per month. Inquire at 1115 o. 82 st. j. m. nicnaras. o 209 FOR RENT Elegant 8-room modern house, 31st and Caes sis., $35. Thomas Brennau, New York Life bldg. D M357 10-ROOM modern house, 1303 Park ave., $40. T. II. Fell & Co., First National Bank bldg. D 628 12x FURNISHED flat, 9 rooms, centrally lo cated. Address L 1, Bee. D M097 lOx SEVEN-ROOM cottage, 1630 8. 2Hth st Clark Powell, 1516 Capitol ave. D 744 CENTRAL; all modern 7-room house. Tl. sard, 220 N. 23. D M761 FOR RENT. 29 California at. new modern, un-tn. date 9-room house, $46.00 618 jn. I9tn St., jo room, all modern, $45.00. N. W. corner 24th and Temnleton sta.. 9- room house, modern, large yard, $30.00. 8504 So. 20th St., 9-room house, all mod ern, 126.00. 2d floor 1615 Howard St.. 6 rooms, modern, good condition. $30.00 per mo. uiunuis at ,lu., loot r amam st. D-M760 15 FOR RENT or 1-room modern flats, Mar- Donald block, 24th and M sts.. South Omaha: wll rent reasonable. Inquire room fcVt First Nat l bank bldg. Phone 204, Omaha. D M755 16 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO-STORY building, 1612 and the second noor lOvu-io ttjwara. w. ti. uusnman. 19 IN THE BEE BUILDING. A handsome suite, entrance right In front of the elevator, south expure, hard wood finish and floor orlce per month. 130. A nice small office, fourth floor, $10. A good slsed office with large vault, run ning wnitfr, on nun m,,r, Heat, light, water. Janitor service Included in rental price of all rooms. R. C. Peters & Co . Ken la I Agents, Ground Floor, Hee Building. I 14 DESK room. 414 Bee Bldg. I-S01 BTORE ROOM, 617 8 lth St. Inquire of Clark Powell, 1M6 Capitol ave, 1-743 FLORISTS HESS A BWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. 9J7 L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. "end for price list or cut fluweri ana piania. 977 tf . v . nAu . n i n t id l . IT a . m FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 111 Farnam. 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., omana. w FOR SALE, several scholarships In a first rlaftn smnflHrfl Mrhnnl In OmAha. COnipriS Ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Hea omce. vi mm FOR SALE, will sell at a discount a schol arship In one of the best omaha business colleges. Address F 15, Bee. Q-M901 TELEPHONE pole; long fir timbers; cheap chicken fence. 901 Douglas. Q-M&95 FOR SALE, rslls of all weights; also switches, frogs 'and cars for sidetrarks and tramways, locomotives, steam shov els and contractors tools. We make a specialty of cutting rails to any length desired. M. Mltshkun Co., Detroit. Mich. U-M313 NEW Steinway Pianos are sold only by Bchmolier A Mueller, 1311 Farnam. Tel 1626. HOG. Poultry, Lawn. Farm and Railroad Wire Fence. V ire Work, 611 8. lh St Tel. 1590. Q-M3S7 Jy8 :D-HAND safe, 6wart, Hatter. 114 8. 18th. Q 445 Jyl FOR SALE, new and second-hand auto mobiles. F. W. Bacon, Baum Iron Co., Omaha. Q- Mil 6-ROOM flat; cost over 1600; Inventories 2d hand price. H26, for $240 cash, or includ ing a new $260 piano for $400; $276 cash and balance on $5 monthly payments; flat for rent with a sale only. 2129 Far nam, 8d floor, west side. Q M708 14x SAM L BURNS closing out refrigerators. U 184 Je3 LARGE stock of new and second-hand automobiles. H. E. Frederlckson, omaha. Neb. Q 339 J S3 END-HAND automobile cheap. Powell Au tomoblle Co. y 8.6 STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., Wholesale and Retail. HARNESS and SADDLES; everything oon eldered; cheapest on earth; everything hand-made; union shop; headquarters for axle grease and whips. J. G. BLESSING, 831 N. 26th, Bo. Omaha. Q M8M BMOKE Auditorium Brick, 6o cigar. Q-900 TAR We sell TAR. Write for prices or 1 tl telephone 741 Omaha Gas Co.. 20th and Lincoln ave., Omaha Neb. Q 212 M16 KIMBALL piano, $280. Beginning April 10 price, will be reduced $2 dally until sold. Room 7. Bee bldg. Q M396 WE RENT Bewlng machines, 76o week. We repair and sell parts or every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from $5.00 to $10.00. Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phone 1663. Corner loth and Harney. -91B FOR $30 Reglna music box and 22 tune. sheets. Good as new. cost . k if, Bee 3 M588 M23 ORIENT MOTOR BUCK BOARD, like new. for sale, $325.00. 1903 model. Address K 40, Bee. w 33 9Z MY diamond ring, cheap; In pawn at Dia mond Loan Office, 1401 Douglas: they'll show you. Q M400 AUTOMOBILE In first-class repair. Ad.. dress L 6. Bee office. C P741 llx FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS HORSES for sale; 2d-hand harness and ve hicles cheap. Melchlor's Stables, 601 S. 19th P-9u8 HORSE, phaeton, surrey, cheap. Sam'l Burns. P 904 Mil 60 BUGGIES, wagons and all kinds of rigs at nan price. 11. ctosi, um ana heaven worth, p 918 WILL Sacrifice high-grade $126 tunabout . (or t; aiao good top buggy , tor $60. Johnson & Danforth, 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jones. P 872 Mil FOR SALE Light, 2-seat surrey, with rub ber tires, in good order. Milton Rogers & Sons Co., 14th and Farnam Bt. P 481 FOR BALE Horse, bay, 1.176 pounds, 6 years, city Drone, good style, rair trav eler, sound, reliable. Harness, rubber trimmed; stanhope. Stover, nearly new: a good outfit, $300. F. E. Sanborn, 1608 Howard P M478 11 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY. If you are annoyed by numerous small bills tnat nave accumulated curing uie winter it might be un advantage to vou 10 secure , money from us and pay them, and then pay us in weemy or mommy payments until you get out of debt. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels and we make loans to salaried people upon their own agreement to re pay. Our rates are as low as any and a great deal lower than some. Our service is aulck and without publicity. If you have ealt with us and are pleased, tell others, and If you are displeased, tell us. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bid. Tel. 2295. (Established 1892.) 3uti South 16th St A 1U CASH You can establish a CREDIT with an old RELIABLE firm and secure money whenever you need it. We will advance you enough money to pay otl all your debts, so mat you win owe it all in one place, where you get courteous treatment. Our easy payment plan has astonished people wno naa previously uonuwou ui other loan companies, on account of our llhernl rates. We make loans on SALARIES. FURNI TURE. PIANOS, L.1V1-; blUWK, eic RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 807-8 Paxton Block. X M823 MONEY to loan on salurles. Easy money, easy terms; quick and courteous treatment. STAR LOAN CO. 644 PAXTON BLK. TEL. F-229. JL 413ol MONEY to LOAN Pnoenlx Credit Co., &J3 Paxton Blk. X-617 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others witn security; easy payments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tofrnan, room 440, Chamber of Commerce bidg. X -913 I P. C. YEAR FROM $100 to $5,000 loaned on your personal note at 4 ran t js,u 1 cak. mo money shark ueal. Call or write and get my aaiem. W. L. Eastman tk, Co., lius. Furnam, Omaha. x 913 MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, etc., at luiu uiuni rw. ur. friDPenow, room 216 at 20 ti. 15lh St. Tel. B-2964. X 914 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, noises, cuwa, etc. r . itted 319 o. UlL . X 916 CHATTEL, salary snd Jewelry loans. Foley v., Mn . .4II.MI A VIQ SALARY and collateral loans. Tern pie ton, MONEY I MONEY! WE LOAN MONEY TO ANY PERSON residing In the oily and holding a perma nent position with a resnonalbfe firm. ON PLAIN NOTE, NO ENDORSERS. ana at the lowest rates on long time, easy RavineM plan. We also loan FURNITURE, WITHOUT REMOVAL. 1'lanoa. etc., at the aame low ratea and easy terms. If not convenient for you to rail st our ofhre. WHITE OR 'PHONE US AND AGENT will call on yo.i to explain our system ar.d strange loan st your residence. All boalntaa confidential. THE J. A. HL'TTON CO., BUITE 811. PAXTON PLOCK, TELEPHONE 107. A. as m NURSERIES TRKES. Omaha Nursery, 18th nd.nouglsa, 1 i. r THIS FOR THAT WILL trade sewing machine for ty,. writer. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Hsrnev. Z-M7-V IF YOUR old furniture don't suit, w n exchange new for it. Tel. 771. Z M7S3 MM $300 AUTOMATIC Reglna music box, fin case, to exrhBtige for piano or plnn-V! Address K IS. Bee. 7.-M731 M r, $350 FTPCHER PIANO for $75; will tra . for 2d-hand furniture. Enterprise Fur I ture Co., 102 S. 14th. Tel. 22xT Z-,oJ 10-IN. DISC records taken In exchange fn new records. Columbia Phonograph i' 1621 Farnam. Z-7. 1 WHAT have you to exrhnnge for a pHn , Perfleld Flano Co., Be B.dg. Tel 7,1 Z-7'2 UNIQUE Journal, new Ideas, sales exchanges. Sample, 4 cents Mnuni Exchange, 1113 Howard. Z 36 .let PHOENIX BICYCLE to exchange for gnM,. of I he money you pay the street car c.un. D&ny. Louis Fiescher, 1623 Capitol avcnin' Z-M1 AN upright piano, Vose Sons, anliil ltl.,. hogany case, to trade for horse snrl pho ton. Address K 66, Bee. Z M6s; w ANYONE having something to trade fr large, handsome surrey snd harness. nl dress K 81. Bee office. Z 3S3 llx HAVE a piano to exchange for city estate. Address X 78, Bee office. Z (.13 i:' WILL exchange a country store dolnic good busltwss, for large farm. Reason: irkness and old age. Address K n omce. Z 211 tlx PERSONAL DR. ROY, Chiropody. R. : .rnam. lv3 Paper Hanging ca:n..b- C. P. McCLAlN. teca . . ..-.-oiuib.e prices. 210 N. 17th Bt Tel. . Accord eon pleating, cheapest, beat, quick est Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17l and Douplns LA BOOK, ladles' tailoring, 511 Karhnoh DIOCK. L-88 KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 5580. U-344 PANTORIUMcS-g u7 Bo. 16ih. L-7 Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge bldg ELITE Parlors. 615 B. 16th. 2d floor. U-8-D "VIAVI." way to health. 150 Bee building. U 69; WHAT'S nicer than accordeon pleating? we ao r.otning out tne nneau uoiumau riHting jo., mu uougiaa Dia. u .nil PIANOLAS for rent; 8 months' rent al lowed on purchase. Bchmolier & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel. i26. U 8f2 TUB. vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 13th st u m DR. SLABAUGH, Dentist, N. Y. Life bldg. L A1884 THEATRICAL 1018 Farnam. masq. coMumea. Lleben, v j ' -r 1 cf any 1 4 build- 1 LODGES, dancing club or m-e'lt'S c Jtina can secure a hall in the tied lug, with splendid S'-comixodatlons: ule vator service all rlht, e,ectric light, piano, ate. Apply to K. C. Peteis Co.. ground fluor, Bee bcg. f 941 CRYSTAL Ice Co., 1306 N. 24th. Tel. 23. U 11450 JelO THERE are at least 20 reasons why every man should smoke the Monogram 6c cigar. The first Is: It Is equal to any 10c cigar on the market. W. F. Stoecker Cigar "., manufacturers. 1404 Douglas. L' 896 READ THIS If you are Interested In clean clothes, then patronize the Domestic Laundry, 2416 N. 24th. . Tel. E-L83. . . . U-897. M AONPT1P treatment at ba'.hs. Mme, JlfVJll V. Bmlth, 118N. 15. 2 fir.. R 2. U 626-J-7X BTEINWAY pianos are sold exclusively by Bchmolier & Mueller, 1311 Farnam St. U 898 Dye Works. Up-to-date L iPrrTll Tl 1?? clean8r nd dyers. Ill BEST photos from 12 to $10 per doxen and a 14x17 or 16x20 photo not crayon included In each dosen FREE. Frames If desired ai veijr low pnuea. lunacy pner, n!Oli,t rapher, 1312 Farnam st. Tel. 3522. V- 928 PEN NELL MILLINERY CO. New loca tion, 111 Bouth 16th Bt, Opp. old pcrtotfice. U 932 AIM PHOTOGRAPHIC negative retouching complete course $26, $10 down and i per week, for five weeks. Butte 2, Krug T:,ea ter Bldg., Omaha, Neb. U 322 AU7 LAWNMOWERS sharpened. S703 Leav. iei. -ioiq. U M3J0 ilie DR. FICKE8. G. C. B. 8. dentist, 33S He. bldg. U M327 MIS CC C ARTQ -',n Bany Carriage M'g . VJ vrl 1 O .old from mfg. to buyer, retail at wholesale prices: satisfaction guaranteed. Omaha R. & R. Works. 118 . 18th. U M3C7 "PAPA says he can't shake 'em off" Hute son's Now Patent Rimless Eyeglass; al most Invisible. Huleson Optical Co., 213 8. 16th st, Paxton block; factory on the promises, ' U 400 MRS. DA VI Eel, 1515 Burt, electric and tub baths, second floor, room 1. U MS99 llx DR. C. it. ,E LONG, Dentist, 552 Bee. U 467 JeJ AMERICAN (36), reflnea, aristocratic ap pearance, affectionate, longs for the com panionship of refined young girl; for the moment; ignores conventionality, hoping to meet one who would appreciate love and devotion: matrimony; n agents. K 67, Bee offioe. U (84 9x ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of Jo sephine Ells Brolsacher, married to Wll helm Rudolph, kindly writ to her daugh. ter. Wllhelmina Rudolph, 821 Lincoln ave., Detroit, Mich. U-90 9x CATHOLIC gentleman (36) will mrry wealthy widow; r.o triflers. K ffi, Hee office. U 114 10x GENTLEMAN (26), refined, discreet, wishes to make acquaintance of lady of good standing and loving disposition: strictly confidential. IC 67. Bes office. It 311 9x EXPERT piano moving. lowest prices. Bchmolier & Mueller, 1313 Farn. Tel. 1625. FENCING lessons alven to ladlea or genta at their home. Swedish system. Gives you a superb figure, fine complexion and great strength. Professor. P. O box 222. Omaha. U-M686 Je7x CONTINENTAL Cigar Store. Base ball headquarter' IT M1O6 llx "TIMID" : I'nahle to be at entrance to building on S. 16th you mentioned, attlmy jou elated; but If you will have a friend with yoti I will have one also and meet vou in front of the Hnnshsw, on 16th st, it 8 p. m. sharp Friday night. Addreaa 'nether letter to K 57. with a blight dls scriptlon. so we will know you and also your corrert namf. I M6.S1 12X MEDICAL MAGNET PILE KILLER, IT CURES. At druggists, i. i HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re- tall, pnrrmui aituniicu, omana. -900 DH PRIES treats successfully all diseases and irregularities 01 women ; experienced, reliable. lMl'i Dodge, Arlington block, Omaha. - 9"l PRIVATE hospital during confinement; bHbles aflopiM. Mrs. Uiirdels, 2210 OliHi les. Tel. A-2618. -9ii2 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. 1 tie Good Bumaritun baniiHriuiii, 728 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la. 526 DR. HOBTETTER haa removed to the H W. corner of 9th and Leavenworth sis. Tel. 778. -602 Je6 LADIES Chlchestars English Fcnnyroyaj Pllla are tl.. leat Safe, reliable. Tm ni eth.r S.nd 4c stamps, for particulars. "Hallef for Ladlea." in letter, by return mall. Ask your drugglat. Clilcutaier Cbulcl Co. I'btladalbUla. P.