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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILV BEE: TfESDAY. MAT 10. lf04. LRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET tiTtmmect Crop Berort it Ixpeo'.d to B Bullish. EIGHTY-FOUR THt HIGHEST POSSIBLE ttarket Very Da II La! Shorts Have Traable with Their Carm, FlTa Cars Being Re-Jected. OMAHA. Mar . 1904. TTia government report tomorrow Is pecied to ba bullish. Hnow, rigurlnit from his own statistics, predicts the Aciioui tural department report will mow a (an tral average conditlun of from 71 to 78. Snow a last report m 4 below tha f-overn-tnent fgures. The April report waa 74 8 and If tha official figure (how the drop In the aoft winter statea which tne private advices have found the average cannot bo far from 70. In 1S the May wlmer wheat condition averaged 70, in 1SS8 71 and In im 7i t The market waa a very dull on today tn both tha speculative and tt.e apot stuff. Tha weather hes been cooler and rainy and not so favorable. The crop advice from the southwest continue to Improve somewhat and tha strength In wheat was checked by heavy selling by houses hav ing southwest connections. From El Reno cornea a letter Haying that part of the atate will have from one-fourth to one third crop, and Kingfisher, Vahlta and Cuater will hive not more than 10 per cent The wheat stock do not give the market much strength. Chicago I short alone and this only In the contract stuff. Minneapolis and Duluth have bushels more wheat than laat year and on shipment and In Europe ere JfVrieO.OOO buaheia more thsn In May. 1901 The spring wheat results from the large acreage being sown may offset the bad condition of the winter wheat. Heavy Russian shipment caused a weakening of the European marketa and additional light rains are reported from Roumsnia. Of tha Minneapolis mills, one half started grinding again thla morning. Saturday and today aaw little corn de livered on the May contracts The flrat week of the month about 136.000 bushels were delivered. Some of this waa rejected, however, for bad quality, amounting In all to five cars. Tha corn Interests kept the market up thla morning. The May got down to 61 He from the opening of 62c, but tha market waa protected and put back to 62V- The July opened at 4tc waa run up to Mto and by noon had weakened ta KV. Tha range to price of Omatia grain for future delivery and tha close today and Saturday and today were aa follows: Closed Open. High. Low. Today. Sat y. Wheat May ... July ... Corn May ... July ... Oats May ... July ... Sept. ... A asked tn 7S ti 44 TP 46 0 TS 45 Vj B bid. XHB 90 B 78B 78 B 534 B SI B 45A 4A 41 B 41 B 878,13 rB WS4B Local cask Grata MarBet. Tha dullness of the speculative market waa reflected on the caah market and what little grain was offered drew little Interest and aome of It had to be carried away. Tha opening of lake navigation Is awaited here, aa well aa In Chicago, aa It will clear up the apot corn situation. If It Is delayed long it will weaken tha cash market. The steady demand Is by feeders. The re ceipts were: Wheat, 2 cars In and 10 cars nut; one week ago, 1 and 1 car. Com, t cars In: one week ago, 1 and 11 car. Oata, 1 car In and 1 car out; ona week ago, 1 car In. WHEAT No. 3 hard winter, K4J90e; No. hard winter, 04c: No. 4 hard winter. eft&Tac; ISO. 1 spring, &Q9uc; No. S spring, 754j4c. CORK No. 2. 49 50c; No. 8. 8fi49c; No. 4. 474948c; no grade. 354&c; No. 1 yellow, Q0Vfcc; No. yellow. 48ur - white, 4frfiV)c: No. t white. 4&&4&C. ' OATS-No. I. 41e; No. I, 40c; No. . We; No. i white. 424p43c; No. 1 whlU. 410 4Jc; standard. 41;41VsC- Hates froaa x'mm Kscaauaste sates. Exchange visitors were: M. Small, Sail it. la.; H. F. Biarmann, Yutan. and J. V. Owynn, Shenandoah, la. Omaha Inspections of grain were II cars. Four cars of wheat graded No. 4 hard win ter, and of corn 7 cars graded No. , 4 cars No: I, 1 car No. V 1 oar tNo. I yellow, 1 car No. S white, and of oats, 1 car graded No. Oma'ha stocks of grain are: Wheat. 177,67 ru.; corn, 232.ZM bu.: oats, 112,29 bu. Con tract corn stocks: Merrtam tc Holmqulst, 121764 bu. and Union elevator, 31.974 bu. Oralst Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain today and Saturday at the markets named were as folio we: V.GUCAUU. Whtat- tuly ....... ptsmber September Wheat- July ....... September ....... September Wheat July September Corn July ...... September Wheat July ....... September Wheat July ........ September Wheat July September Today. rjat'y. .. MS1-. W .... VB 48A .... 4eA 47TB KANSAS CITT. ST. LOUIS. MINNEAPOLIS. DULUTH. TS B 71 B 44HB 42 T4S 70 4SHB 42 84S MSA 2B 1iU 4SHA 47 47V 46, B 93H 1S 92A NEW YORK. KTViB ti B .... 91 A .... MS 90 84, CHICAGO GRAIX ASrD I'HOVISIOSS Featares of th Tradlagf Closla Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO. May 9-Anllclpatlons of a bullish crop report were Innuentisl factors In causing strength In wheat today, lhe msrket closed well toward tlio top price of the day. the July option being up Hwrac. Corn ahows a gain of Sc. Oata are oft a fraction. With easier, heavier world e anipments and a large increase tn the amount on passage, the whMl market opened at a decline from Saturdays clot litg figures, the Juiy option being down S to Sc. at SOiSo to 8M.C The mar ket continued strong, closing prices being near the top. After selling at B4&wSr. Juiy closed at WSc. Clearance ot wheat end flour were equal to lw.iwj bushels. Tha amount on pasaage lncreaaed l.Oln.AM buah eis. while the vlaible aupply ahowed a da (raaae of 6M.000 bushels. I'rirnary reeelpis were lsVauO bushel, compared with bushels a year ago. Minneapolis. Dulutb and Chicago reported recelpte if laS cars gainst lu cars Durr5i0'the early pert of the day the corn market sympathised with the weakness In wheat. July opened S u c lower, attf S to n'.e, sold up to 48V and closed at itc. Loal reoeipts were MJ care. 1th li of con- lfThe aae"lnfluencea that affected the corn market were noticeable in trading In oats. After opening a shade to Ml ,c lower. St 5Sc to JhSc. July sold between fe,WSc. cl.lng st 3e. Local receipts were ha cars. Provislona had a Urm unaertone throush out tha entire day. The feature of trading waa the buying of pork by shorts. Tha principal bull Influence was a smaller run of hogs than eapected. The late strength In wheat snd corn had some effect. July I"k closed luc higher, at HI S7S- Lard was udjSc, at e&-$. and rlls HIV. l "' --- The leading futures ranged aa follows: Articles ! Open Htgh. Low. Close Bat y. Wheat May a July b July a Sept. h Sept. v July 6rt date May July Sept. Ju.y JlliV rt Ribs Mv v &pt I 91 91h! 0H toSaSS'"Si "bS !WvS, 1 ,S0S i: 4TW u 11 Ml 11 TO ii rrv u rrw 4V 4 4"a' 4-s 4V47S' 41V 41 -S uS. U 4 11 u U T7H 4TS it t 77V 47V M & TIM o 91 S " K7S! 7f MS MSS MV; KT ,sOSaI: frS 4H 47Vii ti 41 J 41S . SvSlS a 'id" 11 M MIS 11 i7Si U T RV 1 4TH 4 S . . f mai T 6" 4-'S t X aTS 'N 1 a Old b New. h quotationa were a follows: aL. "''R Steady; winter patents. 14 TOfl . aintsr siraighta. r4.434.; spring pat- etita. U V1 : spring stra-ghts, 904 10; belters, 2'63JO. WHEAT-No. J spring. 9rgc; No. I, Kf Hy; No. : re.!, tll.'A cORN-No. J. tc; No. 1 yellow, S3 5.TSr. OATS No. t 41V641Vc; No. t white, 41f RTK-No. I. VihTSr. BARLKY Oood feeding, J2&77C; fair to choice malting. 463fv SEEDS No. 1 nexeeed. II CIS: No. 1 northwestern. 11.09. Timothy, pilme, 12.1". Clover, contract grade. HO TS. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bM.. til fjll.BO. Lard, per 10f lbe.. 94 47V? SO. Short shoulders (boxedi.l 6T; mfw mf m fwyypa ribs sides (looser I4yj0, short clear sides (boxed), 14 284. M. The following wars tha receipts and shipments of flour and artnin: Receipt a Shipments. Flour, bbls ,7) 1.10 Wheat, bu Corn, bu 191 12J.700 Oata. bu 114 llfl Rye. bu I.ano . Barley, bu .0M .4i0 On tha Produce exchange today tha but ter market waa eav; creameries, Usl1; dallies, UjlTc. Eggs, easy, st mark, cases Included, l&SSJfe- Cheese, weak, Sdc. HEW lORK GENERAL MARKET (laotatloas of tke Day oa Varloas CoBsssodltleo. NEW YORK. Mav 9 FLOUR Receipts, lO.isA bbls ; exports S.337 bbla. Market was steady, with s light business. Minnesota patents, IS "Hi 4 26, Mlnneects bakers. 4."0 (H90; winter patents. fj0t35 1; winter straights. 14 9.6 00; winter extras. VI Xtt 4.'j; winter low gradea. tS lt)J .. Rye Tour o,ui-t; fair to good, S4U034.26; choice to fancy. 14 264 0. Ct KN MEAL Steady ; yellow westtrn, tl.teUl.10; city, $1.H01 12; kiln-dried, 3.0O4j I 10. RYE-Pull; No. 2 western. 70c spot. BARLEY Inactive; feeding. 4c, c. I. f.. New York; malting, SofytSc, c. I. f , Buffalo. W MEAT Receipts. 81,000 bu. Spot market steady; No 2 red. 11.00, elevator. 11.07(1.10, f. o b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth, II oi-s. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Mani toba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Options opened higher on local buvlng. Mav e.ld at SCSS3c, closed at 93c; July, SOSfTPlc, closed at 91c; September, U$MV, closed at MSc. December, 84StT4Sc, closed at CORN Receipts. 60.526 bu.: exports, 1.4O0 bu. Spot market steady: No. 2, 0e, ele vator, and toe. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 vellow, flOc: No. 2 white. S7e. Option market was quiet. The close was Sfrc higher. Msy closed at SSc; July. SiVtfMSc, closed at WSc; September closed at 52Sc. OATS Reoeipts, M.SiiO bu. ; exports. 10.0R5 bu. Spot market firm; mixed oats, 28 to 32 lbs., 4,c; natural white, 90 to 32 lbs., 453 SOc; clipped white. 98 to 40 lbs., S2QS4c. HAY-yulet; shipping. 964J70C; good to choice, 9SH,a93c. RICE Quiet; domestic fair to extra, SHO SSc; Japan, nominal. HOPS Quiet; stste common to choice, 1909 crop, 26(S5c; 102 crop, l.'Jijjr.'Sc: olds, 1M 24c; Pacific coast crop, l63c; 1902 crop, 235 26c; old. 94il4c. HIDES Quiet; Galveston, 20 to B pounds. 18c; California, 21 to 26 pounds, lo; Texas dry. U to 90 pounds. 14c. TALLOWiull; city, 09 per pkg, 4Hc; country, packages free. 4 Sc. LEATHER Steedy; acid. 2S42o. WOOL Firm; domestic fleece, 20We. PROVI3IONS-Beef steady; family. 99.60 ei0.50: mess. 16 (XVrr6.50; beef hams. 30.0JO 21.60; pscket. 8.5t9.60: city extra India mess, 14.(ugl.0. Cut meats quiet; pickled bellies, SS.2&'70: Pickled shoulders. 9U.50; pickled hams $9.5010.00. Lard dull, western steamed, $7.00; refined dull; continent, 97.10; South America, $7.60; compound, $.26 6 ITS. Pork quiet; family. $14 50; short clesr, $13 2&&14.7S; mess, $1S.OO813.75. BUTTER Steady ; fresh creamery, 1419 30c: state dairy, common to choice, 1321190. CHEESE Irregulsr at 6Slle. EGGS Weak: western storaga selectionj, lSc; flrwta, 19c. POULTRY Alive. nominal: dressed, weak; fowls, 12S13c; turkeys, 16916c. St. Lomla Orala aad Prvvlstoas. ST. LOUIS. May 9. WHEAT Higher; No. t red cash, elerator. nominal; track. S1.03QP1.07; No. 1 bsrd. 93Sc; July. 96SW KSc- September, KiSc bid. CORN Higher: No. 2 cash, 62c; track, ll. iu,y- SO asked: September, 47Sc OATS Firm; No. 2 track, 43c; No. 1 white. 46Sc; July. 6c bid; September, 90SC bid. FLOl'R Strong; red winter patents, $4.90 6 00; special brands, l&fi26c higher; extra fancy and straight. $4.604.S6; clear, $3.90 SEED Timothy, steady, $2.40arj.60. CORNMEAL Steady. $2.40. BRAN Lower; sacked, east track. 97c HAY Steady; timothy, $4.0010.46; prai rie. 98.0069 00. IRON COTTON TIES-82C BAOQINO-Sc. HEMP TWINE to. PROVISIONS Pork, steady and higher; Jobbing, $11.76. Lard, steady; prima steam. 98 ITS- Bacon, steady; boxed extra ahorts. $7 00; clear rlba, I7.37S; short clear. r 5S- POULTRY Quiet; chlckena, 9c: springs. $3.00iSa.(iO per doaen; turkeya, 11013c; ducas, BCTTER Easy; creamery. 17c; dairy, EGGS Steady at 14c, case count. Recelpts.Shlpments. Flour, bbls ,5no 6.000 Wheat, bu 31. 00 H.000 Corn, bu,... .....95.OU00 . 96.000 Oats, bu 90,000 90,000 Kaasas City Grala aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, May 9 WHEAT Firm ; May, 85Sc; July, TSiavSSc; September. 713 71Se; cash. No. I hard, 904c; No. I. 93 tlSc; No. 1 red, tl.OlS'l.tS. No. t, 963Bc; receipts, 28 cars. CORN Higher; May, 46Sc; July, 44S 44Sc; September, 42c; cash. No. 2 mixed. 4f61c; No. a, 5f'-3Mc; No. 2 white, V) sosc; No. a. vtwitMc- OATS Firm; No. 2 white, 42Sc; No. 2 mixed, 40o. HAY Steady; chol-e timothy, $10.6011.00; choice prairie, $8.0068.26. BUTTER Creamery, 16vffl7c; dairy, 15c. EGOS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, cases returned, 13S; new No. 2 white wood cases included, 14Sc Receipts Shipments. Wheat, bu 2i4u0 S.6u0 Corn, bu 29.900 7.2O0 Oats, bu 6.000 4,000 Phllaaelphla Prodace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Msy 9. BITTER Steadv, fair demand: extra western cream ery. 21c: extra nearby prints, 23c. EOGS Steady; moderste demand: fresh nearby. 17Sc, at the mark: fresh western, 18c; fresh southwestern, 17Sc; fresh south ern. 17c. , r"Wi.-:ir.KF steady but aulet: New York Yull creams, choice to fancy, 9e; fair to good, 9Sc Vlslble Sspply of Grala. NEW YORK, May 9 The visible supply of grain Mav 7, aa compiled hy the New York Produce exchange, waa as follows: Wheat. 29.fiH3.O0O bu.; decrease. 864.000 bu. Corn. i,8?7.000 hiL; decrease. 933.000 bu. Oata, 7.i3,0u bu.; decrease. 1.177,000 bu. Rye. (. 000 bu.; decrease, 41,000 bu. Barley, 2,399,000 bu.; decrease, 216.000 bu. Minneapolis Orala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 9 WHEAT May. 93Sc; July, 93So; September. HSc; on track, No. 1 hard. 97Cc; No. 1 northern, 9Sc; No. 2 nonhern, 94Sc. FLOUR First patents, IS.Omfi.lO: second patents. $4.u'6 00; first clears, $3 Uxcf3.60; second clears. $2.50. BRAN In bulk. $1.00V11U. Mllwaakee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. May 9. WHEAT Firm ; No. 1 northern, 97Sc; No. t northern, 9w9 $6Sc: old July, STV.C. asked. RYE Firm; No. 1. 74c. BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 43c; sampla. 40 ecORN-Steedy; No. t, 60tjS3c; July. 48o, bid. Dalatk Grala Market. DULUTH, Minn.. Msy 9-WHEAT-In store. No. 1 hard. 96Vc; No. 1 northern, 92Sc; No. I northern, 90Vc; to anire. No. 1 hard. 94Sc; No. 1 northern. 92Sc; No. 2 northern, 'Sc; on track. No. 1 northern. 9-Sc; No. 2 northern, 9uS33Sc; May, .'c; July. 92Sc: September. 63Sc. OATS To arrive and on track, 41Sc. Llversaal Grala as4 t'raTlslaas. LIVERPOOL. May 9-WHEAT-Spot. dull; No 1 California. 7a. Futures, barely steady; Msy, 6s $Sd; July, ts 4Sd; Septem ber, s SSd. CORN Spot, firm: American mixed, new, 4s 4Sd; American mixed, old. 4s 7d; futures, quiet; May, 4s $Sd. July, 4s $Sd. Tales a teed Market. TOLEDO. May 9 SEED Clovn-, cash. $8 36: October. 95.70: prime alslks. tnlS; August. $ bid: prime timothy, $140; Sep tember timothy, $1 46. Pearla Grala Market. PEORIA. May -CORN-Steady ; No. 1 4JSc; No. t, 47c Srsssratel Apples aad Dried Fralta. NEW YORK. May 9 EVAPORATED APPLES Ths market la quiet, but holders are ooundent and pricee ahow no sign of softening Prime are quoted at SVtrtc; choice 'n"7' "'Sf- CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunes ren.aln quiet as to demand. w:th tha tone rkther unsettled. Prices range from tc to S,- sccordlng to grsde. Apricots sre in derate demand Choice are quoted at ?iIk- extra choice. lOStlflOSc: fancy. 11 1Tic peaches also rule steady to Arm. Choice are quoted at TSwVi extra choice. .NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Apt'h; ia th Iftrktt ibsnt Lut Sit ufiy' Ebb. HOPE FOR SPRING TRAFFIC IS L0-T Declla la Bask Barplas aad Factsrs Wkleh Caaso It Give Groand for llelectlua Over tha Fatare. NEW TORK. May 9 -There was r.o re lief today from tne apethy of tne stora market, was ai aouut as 1-w an eoo as on oa'.urJay. rtepru ot earnings continue the snowing of a level lrom last year, witn a high level t.4 oper ating expenses remaining In lorce. Ke porta of coming retrenenments cjn more than one Important system were current and some hope waa feu that beuiit woula result to the net return. Tne nght tip ward tendency of prices aeemd d-je rather to tne intermittency nr tne market fol:iw Ing the decline of last weea than to any change or sentiment. lhe oecllne In tha bank surp'.us las: we-?k and the continuing tactors wnk-n causej it give ground for reflection over il.e lu-.ure money market, auhougn l;s iminnulate ease Is unruttled. The larsl.n ot tne OiXi.uot) warrant for the innimt cnal pay ment marks the high ilu of benem on tne operation to th.n minceu The counter operations of wlmdrawa. of government deposits with the bank is o t f.illowed st once by an additional withdrawal of 1) per rent of deposits and in June with 10 per cent more. The gold necessary to com plete the amount of the pur ha.-e muat aiso go to Parle from New York. The ao In Louisville A Nashville waa owing to publiehed earnings compared with other stocks at higher prices. Cunsolidiited Gas weakened on the belief that the Remeen gas bill would be vetoed. There were no movements of general Importance. A re covery of 'a point In United States Sieel second M was the feature In the bond market. Total sales, per value, li.iia.'.ot". United States 3s registered declined S per cent on call. Vhe following were the quotations on the New York Stock exchange ytVcrJiiy: Ba lea. .-i ig n. Low .Close. J.40U 72S 2 72S Atchison do pfd Baltimore st Ohio .... do pfd Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Chesapeake Ohio... Chicago A Alton do pfd Chicago Gt. Western. Chicago A N. W C, M. St. P do pfd Chicago Term, ac T... dopfd C. C. C. A St. L. Colo. Southern do let pfd do 2d pfd Delaware A Hudson.. Del., Lack. & West... Denver Rio. Grande . do Dfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley . do pfd Illinois Central . Iowa Central .... do pfd K. C. Southern . do pfd 2.100 7P "ioo lit" "iuo -s 7s iii" 'so" 600 14 15S MS 7S s 117 167 s 38 81 15S 100 iti li-. 119 4,000 143S 14?S 141'S 178 100 $S tS in 71S loo is 18 62S 100 22S 22S 22 100 15S l'S 158 1UU S 4u' Wt 1.600 700 24 S 63S 244 63 100 7S 7S ws ess 14S tKl 3S4 65 7lS 100 130S 13oS 1W 17S 34 17S 4S 6.U0 10S 107S 10SS 40 200 62 62 Louisville Nashville 4.4U0 1094 107 109 Manhattan L 1.600 14SS 143 143 Met. securities 200 75 75 Met. Bt. Ry Minn. St. Louis ... M., St P. aV S. St M. ao pra Missouri Pacific 1.100 Mo., Kan. 4k Tex 300 do pfd 800 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. N. Y. Central Norfolk sV Western... do pfd Ontario 4V Western.. Pennsylvania P., C . C. st. L Reading do 1st pfd ....... ao ia pra 91S 38 62 11SS US 1S $8 38 114S 116 6S 85S 900 as HS ziS 9.000 114S H4S H4S 68 US 17 96S too 11s 2.2O0 43S 43 d Dfd 100 BVi . . r M . ttoca isiana co i.tio, J - . a.. P ... do Dfd l.0 St. L. 4 8. F. Id pfd. 100 St. Louis S. W do pfd Southern Partita "$,900 Southern Raliwajr ... 900 ao pra eoo 68V 47S 21 MS 'sss MS Texas Pacific 4u0 T.. St. L. sV W do pfd 100 Union Pacific 8.600 do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling tc L. E Wisconsin Central do pfd 100 Mexican Central 700 Adams Ex American Ex United States Ex...... Wells-Fargo Ex 110 207 Amal. Copper $,600 4$ Am. Car At Foundry 40 7S 681$ 477 x MS 2S '$sii 64 40 TS 46S 8 307 47H do Dfd Am. Cotton Oil 400 SO do pfd Am. Ice do pfd a Am. Linseed Oil do pfd Am. Locomotive 200 is do rfd 300 S3 Am. Smelt. 4 Refng.. 200 4S do pfd 0 96S Am. Sugar Refng 1.900 1 27S Anaconda M. Co 310 TBS Brooklvn R. T toon 8S Colo. Fuel 4 Iron loo J1S Consolidated Gas 11900 206 Corn Products 6 0 12S do pfd l.ono 70 Distillers' Securities.. 600 22Vi GenersI Electric International Paper do pfd International Pump do Dfd National Lead 900 North American 100 Pacific Mall 2J0 People's Gas Pressed Steel Car 300 do pfd Pullman Palace Car Republic Steel do pfd 200 40T, 40, Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal 4 Iron.... 400 U. S. 1 eat her lm do pfd 300 U. 8 Realty fino do pfd 1,700 1 B Rubber (HO do pfd tl U. S. Steel 1.300 do pfd 13,400 Weatlncbousa Electric Western Union 600 R 8?S Northern Securities Total sales for ths day, 119.600 shares. 29 us 93 49 95 75 45S 9S 85 22Vi IRS MS 26S 1S 94S S 27S 2S , 90 7 69S 18S 84S 10 Sf. S sn 21S 68 47H 13 22 25S &'Z M 91 H 18 37S 39 TS 220 . 1H0 103 1 206 4714 16 70 28S 89 18S MS 49 95 .27S 76 454 31 S 206 10S 88 2"S 158 6SS 74 IDS HI 28 rS s3 4S 18 77S S5 s 79S . ,i 8'4 7 59 V 69S 16 s 10 60S irJ! 8H 15S MS 1 66 IVostoa Stock Qaotatloas. BOSTON. May 9 -Call loans, 23H per cent; time ioans. 3QHS per cent. Official closing or atocaa ana oonas Atrklxm s4J. 4 91 fW'Mttns commaa oa HBTiman Mm. Cntral 4a S Alloues Atrkltoa aml(inuit4 .... io Bit S4t Aaarlras ttat .. Boitoe A Alhanr 44 lAtlantlc Bostoa aula 14T Blnghaia Bosa Klerated ...141 til a Herla rttrhborg t4 lit Tentennlsl M Ceotrsl i Copper itaaae ... K. T.. ti H. 4 H. .lll4) D4l M Per MsrqixtU 7" Donlnloa Coal... Colon PsrIBc S4 .rrarklla Amer. Ar(. C ... 144 Craarjr so pit 7H lata Rorals Am, rnmt. Tab... 4 Man Mlaln Anar. iusar 17 Hu-Miaa to ftt 1 Mnhata A mar. T A T lJMa Mont. C A 0.. Amar. Woolac I0 OK Ponlniea ... it pit 74H Oaoaola Pomlotoa I. 4 tl Parrot Edlaoa Klse. Ill SSS Qulnrr Oaueral Elartrts 1M Shaanoa Mass. Klactrle l('Titnarack TI TrtnHy V Mining .... IIS V. . Oil KH4 I'tak IS Victoria It laiaona H4 Wol'anna PI Mass. Oaa t iliad Pmlt Vnltaa 9bo Mark.. 4o pfd C Staal So pld Bid. Aaksd ... 77 ::: i ... 4S ... ... I ... 1 ...4M ... ...41 ... 11 ... W ... 1 I 1S-14 ... ::: f5 ... 41, ... t ... ll ... Id ...14 ... tn ... 71 ... 98 ... t ... tn ... . ... t ... I'Jii covered. Americana closed quiet, eigners and kafhrs were djli. For-I Farelga IlsaaslaL BERLIN, May 9 Trading on tba Bourse today was dull and prices wars weak, es pecially Russian government securities Excharge oa London. 2om 4?SPge for checka. Dlaooutit rates, shorts blhs and three mouths bills. $ per cent. PARIS. May 9 Prlcea on the Bourse to day were heavy on the continued decline in Russian securities. Internationals were In a stats of general reaction. At the close pricee were feeble Russian Imperial 4s closed at ex. 7a Rio Times Inst 17f. The private rate of discount was 16-16 per cent Three per cent rentes, 9f 60c for the sc eount. Exchange on London, 25f 11 Sc for checks. LONDON, May 9 Ths supply of money In the market tory waa abundant and rates were easy. There was an mrreaxd demand owing to the payment of Inatail menu of the Indian f tan and Canadian Paclf.c debentures of $2,600 () each. The Japanesa loan claimed much attention and the prospectus is swatted keenly. Consols sued off at fust, tut subsequently rs- Stw Vark Mosey Msrket. NEW YORK. May 9 MnNEY-On call, easr nt 11' pr cent. r-rg ar4 oft-red st IS P' rnt Time 1 .ra.. essr and dull; six'v days. 2r, p.-r cent; ntnt dav. 2'';l-'S Pef cent; six months, U?S rVltlMK MERCANTILE TArER-cSfilS ' sruVii.:?"f4 ExniAXfiE-Hnw, with scvjhI In trl"r b'u at 18. f 47 t" demand and rt i krvg w for sixty das Poi.: rmes $4 S'.-f 4 SS ar.d $4 "5. Conimer lm rllla $4 64. SILVER Har. 58-; Mft'mn dol.ara. 44',c. RONDP Government. easier; railroad t. nOa, irregular. The dosing quotations on con da ars as follows . r s trf. h. ri .. 11 ,Vahtun r. g ts .lUS do coupon do k. rag Ct cv.&on V lMe central 4 l do :r. t 114 ..10 M ;n !! I, 4s ... Hi do see 4a. rag IMS M . K s T. 4s. 4f. 1U do It ...lfl . H F. o k e. 4 ...I"? In T. C. g l-aa... looaja N. i. C. s ... 1 .No Pa-IBc 4a ... do la .. .1C1W N W. r 4a ... Sn-a O S L 4i par.. ...l'' Penn (Mir. it ... ... 71S'Radlrs sen 4i.... .!: S Ltl Mr. la lit' IS ... 74 St L. S r. tr 4a. II ... ' ft L. S W. Is 4V I.. M. a H f. g 4s. lot ,Saboard A L. 4s ... 4 I A N w. r. : .. ! o. par-idc 4a Sl4 C , H. I. 4 P. 4a.... 70 So Rallaajr M do fol 41 IV Tei a P do coupe o do old 4a, reg do rouon ... Af'hlson gen do id. 4 Atlantic C. L. 4a b a n 4s do S Cer'ra: of Oa. do let Inc I lea a Onto 4W (.: o A C . B. 4 Q 7"S v 1 104 V4 7S r C C. 6 St. L I 4i lon T . 8t L Chit ago Tar. 4. Con. tobaceo da.... Colo. 4 Bo. 4a D A R O 4. Erie prior Ilea 4.. do gen 4 F W. a D. C. li.. Hark VaMer d'ai.. L A N unl. 4i .... offered. . lit ..ll'4 4 w. 4a.. TO an IVnlon PiclBf . 1 00 coot. . US V. S 8teel Id . . . sv Wihaah U . do dab B . M't W. L E. 4i Wli Central 4s .10T' C0i0. F 4 1. e. ti. IMS loft s TI 1H1 'S se so 714 London stork Market. LONDON. May 9 Closing: Conoli. moner ... .W K. Y Central HIS do a count II II-II Norfolk 4 W M Anicontla 3Ta do pfd Po Atrhlaon "4'Ontrlo 4 W II do pfd Pt.v 1 PannTianla SA14 Baltlmora 4 Ohio "S Rand Mlnaa I S rl4nn Paclftc lM-a Haadmg US Chn 4 Ohio II do lat pfd 40 Chlrafo Ot Weatern 14 do td pfd 51 C. M. 4 St. p HH Ao Raiivar 11S OeBean 1 do Pfd S4S D. 4 R. O. 9tS So Prin- 4s do pfd 7i Vsion Paclflc Erie M do pfd t1 do lit pfd 15 r. a stael 10s do Id pfd -s do pfd 64S Illlnoli Central UHi Wituih US L 4 N 110s do pfd IS M . K. 4 T ITS 9rnlih 4 IIS SILVER Bar. firm, 25 13-16d per ounce. MONEY 1S1T2S per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2S per cent; for three ninths' bills, 2S2 $-18 per cent. Sew York Mining: Storks. NEW TORK, May 9. The followln the closing prices on mining stocks Adams Coo... Alloa Breeee Bniniwirk Con... Comatork Tunnel Con. Cal. 4 Vs. Horn Silver Iron SUrer Leadnila Con..... a .. is . . 4 .. it -.175 ..m ..170 .. 8 Little Cktef Ontirlo Opolr Pnnenlx Potoal Hara( 8lerrm Narada Small Hopes . Standard K are ... 8 .. .15 ...til ... t ... IT ... U ... 47 ... U ...110 Condition of the Treaaary. WASHINGTON, May 9 Today s stats ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, extluslve of the $190.O00.0J0 gold reserve In the division of redemption shows: Available cash balance, $218,772, 372; gold, $1'J0,719.417. Rank CI es rings. OMAHA. May 9. Bank clesrinrs for to day. $1,318.27.35; an increase of $41.630 81 over the corresponding day last year. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and taotatleaa oa Staple and Fancy Prodace. EOGS Receipts, liberal; market steady; fresh stock. 15Sc; Including cases, 18c. LIVE POULTRY Heus. 10c; roosters, 8010c: turkeys, 13c; ducks. 9Sc; geese. Sc. BCTTER packing etock. 12Sc; choice to fancy dairy. I&SI80; separator, 204521c FRESH FISH-Trout. 14c; pickerel, Se: pike, 12c; perch, eSc; tiaerish, 12c; white fish, 14c; salmon, lie; haddock. 10c; cod fish, 12c; redsnapper, 11c; lobster, boiled, per lb, 30c; bullheads, lie; catflsn, 1314c; black bass, 0c; halibut, 11c; crapples, 12c; herring, 6c; roe shad, vie;, shad roe, $6c; small clscoes, 10c.- . r - BRAN Per ton, $19.00. HAY' Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 up land, $8.00; No. 2, $7.50; medium, $7.U0; coarse, $6.60; rye straw, $5.00. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. TROPICAL FRUITB. ORANGES Navels, choice. all sixes, $2.50; fancy navels, all sixes, $2.75, Mediter ranean sweets, ail sizes, $2.2o; Jaffa, ail sixes. $2.50. LEMONS California fancy, $00 to 263, $3 5t; choice. 240 to 270, $3,0043.75. CALIFORNIA FIGS Per 10-lb cartons, 65c; imported Smyrna, S-crown, 12c; 6 crown, 14c; 7 -crown, l&c. BANANAS Per medium slied bunch, $2.(ioe25n; Jumbo, $2.7503.25. DATES Persian, per box of 30 pkgs, $2; per lb. In 6v-lb boxes, 5c; Oriental stuffed dates, per box, $2.40. I'INEAPPLES-ln era tea of 24 to 42 par crate, $3.00. FRVITS. APPLES Oregon fancy Ben Davis, par box, $1.5u; New York export Russets and Baldwins, $4 00 STRAWBERRIES Arkansas, per 24-qt case, $2.753.00. VFC-ETABLES. FOTATOES-Colorado, $120; Dakota, per bu., $1.15: new Bermuda potatoes, per bbl , $5.U0; new Texas Red stock. In sacks, per lb., 3c; early Ohio seed, northern, per bu., $125. NAVY BEANS Per bu $2.15412.25. ONIONS Bermuda, per 50-lb. crsts, $2 CO. CABBAGE California, per lb., $c; tcuthern, per crate, $3.50. CUCUMBERS-Per dcx.. $1.. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crats. fancy, $i00: choice, $1.75. RADISHES Per dos. bunches, 35dJ0c. LETTUCE Top lettuce, per dosen, 4&0 50c. TURNIPS Southern, per dos. 45c BEETS Southern, per dos., 75c. CARROTS Southern, per dor, 76c. PARSLEY Per dog., 40c. BEANS Wax. per bu. box. $3.00; string, per bu. box. $2 00. SPINACH-Per bu., $1.0031.25. A SPARAGU8 Per doxen bunches, 46P;50c GREEN PEPPERS-Per 6-t.sket crats. $2.fKJ. EGG PLANT Per dox . $1.00. fcWUASH Florida simmer, per dox., $1.00. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wlsoonsin twins, full cream. He; Wisconsin Young America. 12c; block 6wiss, 18c; Wisconsin brick, 13Sc; Wiscon sin limberger, 13c CIDER Per bbl.. $550; per S bbl.. kVS5; MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. HIDES No. 1 green, 8c; No. 2 green, $c: No. 1 salted, 7c: No. 2 salted, tc; No. 1 real calf, 9 to 12 lbs., Sc; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 Iba. 6Sc; dry salted hides. Wg2c sheep pelts. UfiT.c; horsehldes, $1.6O$?2 60. HORSERADISH Per crate ot $ dozen packed. SOc. NUTS-Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb . 15c; hard shell, per lb.. 14c; No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 13c; No. 2 hard ahell, per lb., l?c; Jtecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, par lb.. Go; peanu'a. per lb . 6c: roasted peanuts, per lb., ociChill walnuts. Lefl3Sc: large hickory nuts, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., l&c: hard ahell. Uc; shell barks. per bu., $2 60; black walnuts, per bu . $1.28. Wool Market. BOSTON. May 9 WOOL Territory and pulled wools are quiet and generally etendv. The market for foreign wools Is firm. Leading quotationa are: Idaho, fine, 14S3 15c; heavy fine. 134il4Sc: fine medium. 163 15Sc; medium, lfr"oi7". low medium. 1718o. Wyoming, One. 14SiilnSc-. heavy fine. 13 ISSc; fine medium. 15515; low medium, lSuliic. Utah and Nevada, fine, 13J13SC; fine medium. :5ttl8c; medium, lillic; low niedlum. 154120c. Dakota, line, li18c; fine medium, 1'j18Sc; medium. VitVtc: low medium. ln?2tic Montana, fine. ihlSc; fine average. 17S'1c; fine medium, choice, lirl9c; average. Iffl7c; staple, 18ffl9c; me dium choice 119e. 8T. I-OUI8, May 9 -WOOL Active: me dium grades, combing and clothing. 17S21c; light finf. It'SlTc; heavy fine. 12t14o; tub washed, angzic. LONIr)NT May 9 WOOL The offerings at the wool suction sales today amounted to 13.&94 lialea. A fine selection of cross -brerts sold spiritedly, principally to home and German buyers at higher prices Amer icans secured good lota. Cape of Good Heps and Natal was firm, chiefly on con tinental demand, and a few parcela were bought for America. Following are the aalea in detail: New South Wales $ 9 hales; scoured, lldtjlslftd: greasy. l,.Ax Is 2d yueenaland 1 bales; scoured, Sd fclaTUd: vreasv. $SJ(10d. Victoria 9 HO ' t.lee. gcctired. 10d'ils lud: greasy. 6VJ la $sd. South Auatrana J.tsJ naiea; acoured. Ud'(ns7d: gretsv. Stlid Cape of Good Hope and Natal bales; scoured, dfl ls6d; greasy. 6S6S1- Try Ceods Market. NEW YORK. May 9 -DRY GOODS The market Is without special feature aa far aa orders are concerned. Sellers srs disin clined to name prices until they sre sura ths trade Is willing to eomraencs opera-Uona. OttAUA LIVE S10CI MARtvEI Ctt' Bteip'i Very L'ght t.d Priwi Hell Tu'j Ctdj.. HOGS AVERAGED A LiTTLE STRONGER Pkeep Receipts ot Exeesslre, bat ttaallty Was Inferior and Market Skewed So Quotable Change frosa Laat Week's Close. SOUTH OMAHA, May 9. 194. Receipts were: Cattle. H"gs. Sheep. Official Monday 4.271 &.l) 4. 9 9 Same day last week iKH 6.2J3 8.MJ Sams day week before.. 4.2e . 2.962 Same three weeks ago.. 4.316 7.U4 0. Same four weeks sgo... 4. 3.242 8.2 Same day laat year 2.487 5.372 1.1.6 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, bogs and sheep at boula UmnA fur the year 10 oats with comparison with last er: 1&.4. i. Ir.a Cattla 3o0.0C 4.a.4 3.. Hra ew.iu M4. ;.;6 etttvff 6iI.8oJ 4T3.914 1:57,47 Avctage prices paid for r.oga at South '.'maha fur ths iast several da) a with comparison: 1 t tc aa it Uii A 0 t ... . m 1 1 1 j .i COLOR M'" 11 feeder". 11 3 in 'i rreicrs 3 75 98 feeders . 1I4 4 '16 Ht-tlS There w,4s a mc-Jcrate 1,11 if hogs here tills mornirg and the tnlity tr the offering po rcr tlun lur tme time imsl. tMhr markets wrre Iv quoted steady, but the Itrtal Oemsnd here aas sufficient to ft rce prices up Remit ;.c. i Trading was fairiy active on tne betier . weight hugs and practl' l'y iv. rjih ng ot that deecripiit-n . llp,'ed if al an early hour. There were a ptwl m.n Itaht and common hogs lncl.itlctj in the re .pt arid packers a ere very slnw to h i ti thut class and salesmen had a liatd time t' dlpoe of th-m at ary price. The f,t thnt the less desirable loads acre Iclt un- ti! the last made the mitrkft appear to he 1 closing slow and weak lhe MK of tne g-xxi-a-eight hogs soli from tt tn It.', with a lod at 34 72S and a bunch of ch l.-e heaw hogs aa high as 94 7V The lltM atid common loads went frcm 14 6JS doan. Rep resentative sales: ss rr. No 41 IM 8i. Itady: M. . 13.;:4ilJT; Jttn. 14 l.tu t4 is. : .tiait. in 1 11,1'-; Ot lo.wr, iip it r. 11 1 1 , 1 . ' 11 e.'Vill.iiJt. , Lfc N - en tter. 11 mo. . lS;fllS9: ' 1 :;: ;:t : 8s p. 11 lTtjll iv.-; nil-ti. 11. ".t j Data. 1 !X4.lJW.lfe2.lMl.ri9u0.1UBM.jl8M. April 18 April li April W April ii. April 13.. Apru u.. April 34.. April April 26.. April it.. AptU 23.. April 2.. Asrll 30.. May 1.... May I.... May $.. May 4.... Msy 6.... May .... May 7.... May $ .... May 9.... 4 79SJ 4 7 I 4 91 4 ilr,( 4 lis! Si 4 . 1 4 its 4 T1SI S 4 a. 4 58 4 5641 SI 4 tvi-, 4 6iSl 4 MS, I 4 67SI 1 14 141 6 9 I 1 t 7 10, I J 1 .-I 88 T 04 6 98 7 011 4 8b t t i 04. J Ua, " IK, I 6 Mj 7 97 H, 7 9 6 94 ) 6 tsai 4 83 4 kO, 75 7 91; I 7 Oil T&! I 6 72, 7 03; 6 68! 6 98, 6 83 1 6 93 1 6 8a, 7 Vl 8 42; 7 (JB 6 k4t kj $ 86, I 90 4 90 SKI Ml f S4' $ 71i 6 72: 5 64; V, 5 6 t4, 5 86. 49) I 68 I4l 71 t 45, $ 7&I 5 4. J m ' Tii 96 $ 3 $ 87 k an, I t 4 4 bsi 4 t' ( I7 $ 69 I , t$2; 1 5 26 $ 61 1 I 18, $ te 5 li 3 do t $41 3 58, 22 8 2 I I 64- 5 21, i 5 l'l 3 6-t, i 12, 3 (6, et $ 81 $ 83 li t 84 $ 74 $71 i M 3 ; $ ' $ 79 J S3 a $ 90 3 87 $ 93 I Kft I 93 3 9V 3 89 2a 6j 27 ii 1.UU4 7.0 611 M 1..4 Hoi 1,22.. 1,141 84 l.'tt-l 132 s 2 ,. 17 113 ,. lvo 40 20 12V Hi 83 .... 638 Indies tea Sunday. The offklal number of cars of stock or.'ught In icday by each road was: Cal lie. liogs. 8h p. H a. C. M. dt St. P. Ry 13 Union Pac. System.. 14 Li 6 C. N. W. ny 6 K., E. 4k M. V. R. R. 49 17 2 C. Bt. P., M. 4 O.... li $ 4 b. A M. Ry i la b 1 C, JB. & Q. Ry 2 rv. v. at ot. j 11 .. .. .. C. R. I. A P. east.. 1 2 CHI A P waat 11 Illinois Central 1 Chicago U. W 5 2 Total receipts ....142 61 17 1 The disposition of the dsy's receipts was as follows, each buyer purcnaalng ins num ber of bead Indicated: Buvera. Cattle. Hoes. Sheeo. vjmana facaing CO Swift and Company Cuaahy Packing co Armour A Co Swift, from country Armour Cc, S. City., Lobman tc Co W. I. Stephen Hill 4k iluntzinger Huston tc Co , Hamilton at Ro'.hschild tt. F. H'isx Wolf A Muman Hobblck B S. tc a. Co J. B. Root & Co Other buyers Total 2,424 5,161 4.163 CATTLE There was a small run of rattle reported this morning snd of that number about forty-six cars were billed through, so that ths actual numoer on sale was about the smallest that has been offered on a Monday for several months past. Pack ers, though, did not get excited at all and the market showed comparatively little change from the close ot last week. The steer market was only fairly active, with prices steady on the general run of the offerings. Something desirable In the way of handy weight cattle may have sold a little stronger, but aside from tha better grades there was no quotable improvement. Packers did not act as though they were anxious for any great number, so that salesmen were unabls to advance the mar ket to any extent. Chicago and other mar kets had fairly liberal runs, with a steady market, and that aiso prevented a material advance at this point. As there were com paratively tew cattle on saie a gooa clear ance was made at an early hour. The cow market waa fully steadv. The same as usual the better grades of light weight cows and heifers were In the great sat demand, snd in some cases undoubtedly sold a little stronger than they did at the close of laat week. As high as $410 and $4.15 waa paid for heifers. The medium grades of cows and heavier weights were only about steady and canners and cutters were neglected. Bulls. Veal calves and stags sold in just about the same notches they did last week. There was a fairly good demand for stockers and feeders and anything desirable was picked up at an early hour at ruiiy as good prices as were paid last week. There were some Colorado feeders on sale, but as there hsve been none like them here of late It Is Impossible to quote a market on them. Common trsshy cattle were In limited de mand the same as usual. Representative sales: Ka. 4 8 1 4 4 11 , II II II 1 1 1 1 It - 41 1 10 II il to II ( 1 16 II .... 110.... tl 10 6 BEEF STEERS. Ka Av. rr. No. A. Ft. 847 I BJ 14 11SI 40 Tl 4 00 1 list 4 40 1040 4 04 Sfl 14fl 4 40 1110 4 00 ti lOM 4 41 101 4 10 91 11SI 4 48 Ml 4 18 14 1171 4 41 714 4 16 II UII 4 48 1180 4 90 11 1111 4 80 1U4 4 90 14 lull 4 40 M4 4 10 II 1(40 4 HI 1110 4 M : 1XM 4 88 1110 4 S 14 II? 4 (4 ISO 4 M 1 MSI 4 M 140 4 18 41 IITI 4 U M IH 1111 4 40 1144 4 18 43 1U7 4 10 W IK II 1171 4 SO Ml 4 90 40 1271 4 10 ISM 4 K 94 lilt 4 SO JIM 4 10 1 1100 4 40 1118 4 U IT 1411 4 00 1141 4 18 II U4 4 48 ll4 4 38 II lilt 4 i 1071 4 18 tl ltll 4 70 1141 4 88 17 1M7 4 TS 1011 4 4Ii M 1441 4 Tl 1041 4 4S 11 !M 4 1 1314 4 4 l 1343 4 JO 8TEER8 AND COWS. 117 4 1 l 1"T 4 40 1114 4 10 il 1140 I M A IK "BTEER8 AND HEIFERS. 1 . . 817 I SO 1 1017 4 SO ,1 ... sal I so :j mil 4 ae !::::: ' uCows. 1,11 440 a .. .1180 I T6 1 1180 I 80 1 .......1040 I 78 i 1H0 46 ," .. lilt I 00 1 1M0 I (8 1 '"' 1104 I IS I I7U 8 41 J'- 140 I I 1" 1141 I 40 1 "' 1110 I 96 1 1144 I TO !' " IN IK 1 40 I 75 I'- 84(1 3 IS 1 1170 I ', J 1110 I 1 1110 I Tl J" 1187 I 1 I to , 1011 40 I l'l I 80 1 ' 160 I 4U 1 If I . J' laO I 40 tl 110J SO ' 1170 I 80 I lino 1 18 j " 11.10 I 80 1 1100 I 88 5" 1040 I 80 1 9t I I 7 " Ill I 80 1 1044 I II t Ill I 80 6 1110 8 88 . ' ltm I 88 8 1100 I 0 1 ' 1170 I 40 I lit 4 0J ' 1103 I 80 1 1IM 0i no 1 40 COWS AND HEIFERS. 1018 8 80 1 HEIFERS. 4 848 I 80 11... ITT I 88 J" 110 1 TO I IH 4 00 ."' 178 8 TS 4 841 4 08 J' 1060 I W II 4 114 i' " 840 8 tl 4 101S 4 10 g" TM IH f SIT 4 10 I"" T84 I T6 4 in 4 10 K ""bulls: lw0 iU 1800 I 1 178 I 80 1800 I 00 1 1(10 8 40 J' " 1OS0 3 11 I... 140 I 10 1 " lukJ I IS 1 1S40 I 80 1" 1400 8 II 1 1100 8 84 I 1170 I S 1 810 I as 1 1440 I Si 1 1110 I 71 1" U I 18 1 1410 I 71 i' 1470 I 40 1 1440 I 71 1 1444 I 80 I ISoO 8 88 "" 170 I 80 1 IISO 4 00 "calve. "w " . to 8 ou 1 140 1 so I'"'- IW 4 00 1 110 I Ou I "" loo ,4 so I no s o T "" 1M 4 8 I ! I 14 J'" 110 4 78 1 I' S ii ' Ill 8 00 1 10 8 8 J 114 I SO 4 1.1 I 14 i ' 140 I SO 1 188 4 14 1 110 8 0 1 140 8 18 1 180 8 1 11 8 88 J' 10 I Ot 4 141 8 88 ; 1M "STAGS 1 in 1 so STOCKEKd AND FEEDERS. 1 410 I 71 II 8 TO M l 81 44 1 74 . '. 1111 I 18 8 IH I S 840 I IS i '! 8 8 4 T7T I li I fl 8 45 S 84 8 88 8 IS 4 8.1 8 SO 81 777 4 I S I SO 8 81 (M 4 WO I 84 U 811 I It Ne ll ra 17. 0. 84 TT. . 17.. 71.. 88. . 78., n . 71.. IS . 71 . 7t . : 71. . f . 71 71. Tf. . 48 . 48.. AT . 1S 1 . .1. -. . 1 i . 14 !M :4 . : t 1.4 ..151 . 11 . .110 . .178 . . . ::7 . i . :n . r-l . I'l . 111 .. M . .171 . .::7 ..292 10 :mi .244 4 4.1 4 80 4 8" 4 -."4 4 i 4 4 4 :. 4 4- 4 4 4 U 4 4o 4 -4 8S 4 4i 4 ii 4 M 4 4 4 M 4 7t, 4 47 4 7 ', 4 47, 4 47 , 4 ;, 4 -', 4 4-TH 4 7.4 t ri (4. 7n 7 7 44 II.. . f! . ;-4 . J-.l . :m . :', . r" 4 H.7 . 2l . V4 - . . 2"7 ;o . :i4 . 1'4 . J'7 .144 . :j . 244 . :i2 . 141 . .? 1 t'4 .27 Tr 4 47', 4 "'a 4 7', 4 t.'t 4 -, 4 47j 4 4 1 4 70 4 71 4 70 4 : 4 78 4 : 4 TO 4 7" 240 4 7" 4 7n 4 71 4 7" 4 7" I 70 4 70 4 7" 4 70 4 7 4 7-v, 4 T5 4 7S 40 4'1 40 10 740 41 4" 4 81 IM SHEEP There was a flr:y good run cf shetp hero this morplng I ,r t .e lime of ear, but :l,e guamv mas ii.ferior, 1:111 ns a result p er dlil n-'t ;aKe hrM with any life. Ucod Huff olcl wltho'it much truuble at eit-Hdy pikes, tut when it came to common Kinds the market wiis v-iy dull. Still, the prices paid frr 1. early everything on sale rhotvod but little clwi i;i from the close of )a.t week. Tht-ie e:e some wool lambs effered giKl enough to bling $5 i0 nnd clipped lambs sold up to UH There were no good ewes or wethers Offered. yuotatlons for clipped stock Good to choice lambs. So.&XJo fc; fair to grvod lambs, $0 Otvgi 60; good to choice wooled iambs. 15.5(6.75; fair to good wooled lambs, $6 no 6.50: good to choice vearllns or aethers, $1 nrs.!5; feir to good yearlings or wet), era, 84.7w5?6.00; good to choice ewes, $4 70fcl.9u; fair to good ewes, $4.4004.70. Representative sales: No. 1 wooled -.earllng $8 wooled lambs 10 weatern cull ewes 15 western culls W western cuils IH western ewes 140 western wethers StO western feeder .imbi IS Colorado wooled ewes ''2 western ewes 2ri western eea 77 western wethers 17S western wethers 694 western iambs 40 western lambs 80 western yearlings 45 western yearlings 92 western lambs i9 Colorado wooled lambs... 430 Colorado wooled lambs... Av Pr. l.) 6 .V) W 6 oO s: S uo Si 3 W M $ ou 4 r. S6 4 &0 58 4 51 in 4 5) 95 4 b" 87 4 75 1 4 75 M 4 76 7 6 15 t6 b 15 87 5 :o M & 40 42 6 &) 77 6 & 77 6 50 CHICAGO LITE STOCK MARKKT Market 9teady to Weak and Receipts Are Proportionately I-are. CHICAGO, May 9.-CATTI-E Receipts. 14.0,10 head, Including 226 Texans: market steady to weak: gf.od to prime steers. 85. 'HI S 40; poor to medium, t.cij4 4t; stockers and feeders, $.1.0i3M.4O: cov.s, $1.,4 4ii; heifers, $ tanners, $1.5oig2.6y; bulls $2.OOg4.10; calves, $2.5t5.o(i; Texae-fel steers. $4. (004.40. HOOS Receipts, 33.1m head; estimated to morrow, 20.000 nead; market steady; mixed snd butcher. $4.7CkM.82H ; good to choice heavy, 84 807i4.92H: rough heavy, $4. 65 34. 75; light. $4 6VS4.8.1; bulk of sales, $4.75414. ST.. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3ft.W0 head; market steady to easy: Inmbs stead to easy; good to choice wethers. $4 QMib.K; fair to choice mixed. $3.5fii4.0o; western sheep, $401,06.25; flipped native lambs. 84 25 $4.76: clipped western lambs, $4.5"'S5.75; wooled western lambs, $6.0ig.9O. Kew York Live Stock Market. NEW TORK. May 9. BEEVES Receipts, $,488. head. Market for steers active nnd inc higher: ' bulls snd thin cows, steady; medium snd good cows, shade lower: steers. $4.605.20; no choice here: tail-ends. U8u. bulls, $3.754.20; cows, ti.004jj.8f.. Cablsa quoted live cattle higher st USUVc ter lb., dressed weight; sheep, steady at -5T 13c, dressed weight. Exports tomorrow, 8T.0 cattle, 1,10 sheep and 4.2u0 qjatters t f beef. CALVES-Recelpts. 7.129 head. Market fAc higher; email. 75c higher; veals. $3.1W5.7t; choice. (.i8Kl4.00; cults and little calves, I! 5043.00; city dresaed veals, firmer al 8&8Hc per lb.; country dressed, 4'-fl7c. HOGS Reeelpta. 9.756 head. Market for prime state hogs bsrely steady at $5.8. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8.614 head. Market for sheep, steady; clipped '.ambs, firm to 15c; spring lambs, steady: wooled theep, $40ft,go60; clipped, $3.SK6.O0; culls, $3 00: no choice sheep here; unshorn lambs, A.Wftl 25; clipped fi 26"8 8 50; clipped C Jlls. $4.504i 00; spring larnos, $3.2S6.00 per head. Kansas City l.lrf Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, May 9. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6 8u0 head, Including 600 southerns. Market steadv; export and dressed beef steers, $4.75. 26; fair to good. 94.0t84 V: western led steers, 4.0Va4 7t; stockers and feeeders, f3.4.75; southern steers, $3 if 4. 16: southern cowl, 3.2o'u4.00; native cows, $2 (K34 25; native heifers. $J.2.v;,4 d ,; bulls. $2.&oa,3 "; calves. 25c lower, $2 TftS 50. HOiS Receipts. 7,0X) head. Market was steady; top, $4.85; bulk of sales, $4.'V,'di 4 82V,; heav, $4.7o'5'.V: packers. $18l't: rigs and light, $4 00 4.70. SHEFT AND LAMr.S-Rec'Ipts heed Market 6s hlahcr: native $5.6OWJ0; western Itmba, $5 06.86; fed ewes, $4 6otT5.6t: yearlings. $4 ;6"5 io; Texas clipped sheep, $4 6"Ki;4.70; stocltem snd feed ers, $3.5o.4.60. St. Loals Live Stork Market, ST. LOl'IS. Mav 9. CATTLE Recti pt s, i.(nH) head, including 3u0 Texans. Native shipping snd export steers, 84.5"i7S75: dressed beef and butchers' steers, $4 ? $6f; steers under 1.000 lbs , $4.0041 25; stor k ers snd feeders, $3 254.it6; cews and heif ers. $3 5oy6.ufi; canncrs, $2 102.50; b.iils, $2 754 00; calves $.' 6"5.0O; Texas and In dian steers, $3.7iV4.75; tows and heifers, $.' 5'tftS 50. HOGS Receipts. 8,000 head. Market wns strong to f.c higher; Pigs snd lights, $4 V) It 4.75: packers. $4 in; butchers' and best heavv. 14.1894 95. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, EDO head. Market etronr; native muttons. $4 00 4j-6.5rt: lam(s, $&.0uw7.00: culls and bucks, $3 5.."bC00. stockers, $2.76(33 60. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. May 9 CATTLE Receipts, $.039 head. Market 10c higher than Thurs. dav: natlvea, $42fJSS4; cowa and heifers, $2 "MM 71; sto kera and feeders, $3 25'j4.3S. HOIS Receipts. .'"h head. Market was steady; light. $4. 704(4. TTV; medium and heavy. 4.77'4,;4 R5. SHEEP AND LAMBB Receipts, nr.! head. Maravt stciSy; sliorn wthers. $S2S; lambs, U$ic iowcr; ' astern iltcp, H 6j. Sloas City l ive stork Market, FIOUX CITT. Ia May 9 fSpeclal Tele. gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 2 Ouu; market. d 00 $4 70JT 4 lambs. Metal Market. NK YORK. May - MKTALS-Tin br. ke 1hi1I- in l.onxn t "liy fpvt U..-i 8,1 i- ,i,fr at 8.1... I.' a'.d fui.irra v.. A-li li.wer hi 11.4 1'-. irtjlly the k, ! w.ts ta.y. in sm;.ith, an, I i l,ed t 2,'.5n"i.T.8,'. Ci'prer v.a ai.-o a llt'lc loae in Ix'iiucii. ci'.Mng at a u-'chne ii u- i . i s 1st b, th i-nt nnd lutnres. The Iocs; coj.per markrl Is yulct and jn changed. Imk i quoted M II.', Vi, electro lytic at $1.1 UVa I t :. and casting at $12 8; tU.l.i,. La nil declined Is 31 to A Ik in l. iidoi,. but leniiincel uiK iitliK'U l,e. .4t 94 fW-y 4 tif.. Pp. 'lt r was dull ,uid u .. han.d at l,.v.' ; M in I, ndnu and at $." 2t - in Hie ,o.-,! market Iron cloe.l at 4. in Glasgow and at 44 6.1 In M ddlea boro, ,gli Locallv Iron Is unchanged; N, 1 I'ouniiiy i.'-rilicrn is nuoU'd $.5.2.-J IX. 75; .N.i. 2 foundry northern. $ll.7:il.". 2 N.i. 1 lourdry s .vitl.ern and No. 1 fo-ndrj soirhcr'i M-f'. I.t '"'all ' ST.'i4, Mnv 8 -MET l.P-Ied, firmer at 81 Spelter, dull at $o 0. tills and Hoaln. NEW YORK. May 9 01I.S-"'ttonecd. easy, p'lir. , n nominal; prime y !, 2iljc. I't tnl",,m. cas t fre.l New York. 88 l'hll.nlelt.l.1.1 and tl iltimore. 881" R' 'S I N--Stead ; alned. , im'H"n to g-1. il ,7 '. Turpentine, firm. .ji9 . SAVANNAH. M-iv 9 -RfSiN-Kll in. A. P. o, I:""- . $.; k. J-'iv.: F. $i.70; t;. 12 75; H, $.'.75; I. $. .; K. $..!. M. $: a; N. ..5; Wli. $.1 55; WW. M . ell. CITY, May ?-11,F -Credit bilarres Jl 1.2; crrtillciites. no l.U . shipments. 14.) fc.a I bis.; aver.ige, 7i O 1 b ; runs. 143.114 bWe : ax eraxe. TT, 74 b'is phipinerts lima, IK.i'13 bbls ; average. 57 W4 bl Is : runs Lima. K'J.-'TI bbls.; averaiic. bpla. agar and Molasses. N K Y YOLK. Mav 8 . sn,AR-Rw. firm: lair rerlnlrr. ! M; molasses sugar, 3l-32r. Hnned, firm. NEW ORLEANS, Mav -Sl'GA II Ma kfi steadv: on keelo. 2&9 S-l'lc; open kettle centrifugal. tivS'; centrifugal white. 4LW4'Si ; eliows. $hiS4.': seends, :S', 3-V- MOIJISPRS- Nominal; open kettle. Jff 2fc; ccnirlfugal. liV'.ic; srup, noiiiinal. ? Coffee Market. NKV TORK. May 8 -OFFEE The market for futurea opened rtearty at tit, cnarigea prices .o a ntuinv u, , i'un,f . The close was stesdv at a net dex-llne of in points, with sales of 53.250 bag. Including July at 5.55c; September. 6 kt'i 85c; Oc tober. 6.90c; November, c; liecember. 4.ei i3 15c: January, 5.65c; March, 6 3506 4"c. Spot Rio, weak; No 7 invoice, Cc; mild, q'llet: iordova, 1il3c. RAILWAY TIME CARD VXIOX ;otii VD 4AKCY. Chicago, Rock Tsland A PaclBc. EAST. leive. , a 8-8S am . s T 00 in . . . it -.8 am .s 8-. in -a 5-ki pra dilcaro Dirllsht I.ltnltea Chlcign Daylltnt Loial Chlcaaa Fxprea Den Wolnoa Eiprew Cbicazo Kfttt Lxpt'.s WEST. Roctr Mountain Limited I l it in Linroln, .'ulorado aprtngs. Den- t-, purblu and imI a 1:80 pm T't. raiilornla aad Cklahoma Flr-r a 8 :8 Pm I'nlon I'nelfie. Tb Ovrla.-.d limited .. 'tie fast Mall Tba California Exmeaa-. JU9 Ailarcr speeial The Portland-, hiraio Sp-l...4 f 80 pm Tba Atlaittlr bipr-aa Tba t'oloiado aprlal a.l 88 pm Tba Cbiao tpecUl Lincoln, healrica and StroraS' buig Exprl-ta 8 4 00 ora Columbus Chicago A- Northwestern. Fast Chicago a a Local Cbl.ago Mail .' 4 Local ftlous Cltv .. Darllgat Bt. Faul Dall(bt t'hlraao ........ Uaitad Chkaga Faat thlcago Local iblCMso rii at. liul Hi. Pail EJiiraa ratt Mail LrfKal Sioux Cltr Norfolk ai.J Beneataal Lincoln and Long hua . . . Daadwuod, Hot fipriog Lincoln .. . .. Cape and Wyoming Kxireas...d I Hastaga tapaiior and jUaa-cu.b 2 t'hleago, A St rlcag Dayllrht . .. . .a I Chlraao Fan L'spraaa a . Otsr.and LIji:.; a f tea kcltis l.rM il Illinois C'alral. .'blcaga Ba.rasa Olrcto. V.taM-is A Faul Ltn..lied a T:80 pm"e a 8l Paul TM ia Mlsaoarl Parlflc. 8t. Loan Eit.-aaa alO 48 am K. C. A 81. Louis "apraaa all 4i pm world's Fair 8palal a 8.80 pm ( hlrago i -eat Western. Bk t- ...a U,,,.M,II, l.mld 6t. Paul and Miniicapolla b,a...a 7 (.birsgo Limited a 4 l. Paal, Minn. A Chicago Eg. a 8 . buago Euraas a 4 Wabaali. s. Louis 'Cannon Ball" tU . a 4 St. LonM Latal (Co. U-affaj a I Arrle s a 8o am 1 1 pa a 8 :8 pm til 8" am a 1 18 ?m a T: pm a 8 03 pm a t 48 psi a l4t am .a ; .80 am a 0 pm b 8 10 tin .40 am to a 0 pm air. 00 am 10 pm .80 pm 29 pm ;18 pm ..a t .a t ..a . a 4 . a 8: b 4 a I o a and .a 8 00 pm 8 am 88 pm .80 pm 80 va . I -a 8"' am .4 pm .80 pra .a a am a 8 05 pm a I . to pm a T .30 fm a 8 10 pm ' 10 pm a 140 am a 1 0 am Xll 48 pa b I 18 am a 1 88 am a I jo pm 8 8 48 pm a 10 00 pm alt. 0 pm ' 8 li aui a I ii pm a'roa'am a 8:28 Out a 2 49 p:a a 8 to am 8:0 la am tio.fe am a 8:18 pn a 8. '.4 pm t-.:l pm I. ftll -IS n a 810 p. a a 8 10 pm a 8.U pm tr- a T .84 pm alO U pm' 88 am 80 pm 80 pm W am 80 pm .14 aa a' 8 "J am biO.14 pa a 8 80 pm a 1 00 am all . 80 am a 7 18 ara a 1 80 pm a'4.88 is, ii'.! i'psi a 8 to aa aio w pm BIRLI 8OT0.1 STATION-IOTH a 84 A SOX Chics ao. Bsrllngtoa A Qalnry. Leara. t'hlrago frpeelal a T:00 aa Cbirago V-aMbaled Fxpt-M.. . a -00 pm Chicago Loeal .a 8 18 am Chicago limited , a 8 08 pm vast Man ,. Kanaaa City, St. oseph A Co kaaaaa t Itv Day Kaprea a I 18 ara 81. Louis Flrat a 8:2a pm Kanaaa City Nlgbt EApraas.....alO:4a pm Murllotrton A Missouri River, Wymore, Beatrice and Llaco.n. i 18 am Mbraaka Eipras a 8.&0 am Denver Ltuuled a 4 10 poi lllak Hll.a A 8ound El. all. '.0 pm Lolora-io V'.aLlbulad FOtr Llnrolu Flat Mai. b 8.87 pm Fort v'ruua and )'la.Lamauta b 1.10 pm uc'.ierua avd racinc -unction. . .a 7 80 pa ticll-vuo and PaclOc Juntiloa...a i ll am Arrtra. a 8 88 pm a '.tt am a:l :on foi a 7 :40 pm a pm BluSa. - a 8 o8 p a all u am a 8:48 aa blS.Oi p-a a ' 40 pm i Ul:i a 8 08 pm a 8. JO pm all 08 pm bio H am a 8 1; ana WEBSTER DEPOT 16TH A WEBSTER Mlasoarl raclnc. lara. Arrla. Keb. Local, Vis Weeping Water. 8 4 10 pm ai: 88pm hlcaKo, st. Pual, Minn. A Omaha. Twla Cltr Paaenger b t SO aa b 8:18 pm Siouk f it faaacngrr a l.oo pm a:i 80 .ca Oakland Loral b 8.8a cm b 8 18 am steady; boevea, $S irW4 80; cows bulla an mixed, 12 30U4 00: Blockers and feeders, 3.( C3 W; can es and reirnngp. ; ,&c3 .78. HOOS Receipts. 2fJ head; msrkei. steady; seillnr at 14 45 ij 4 70; bulk s( saleH, 84 80, a Dally, b t'atlr axr-ept Fundajr. t Daily esoept SatnrOar Daily aarpt Monday. JClA STSAMSHIPS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. kiaw Tela-Scraw ttaamars ol 18,800 Tau KEW VOHK H JTlShUAM. la BOLLoaKaV Sailing Tuaaoay. at 10 a. a. rotsdam May 10 Noordam May II Itollaroam May 11 blalenJaa June 1 Bysdani 8iay MFotadam Jul 14 1 aoLLAKD AMiRK AN UNI, 88 Daarbora SC, C8a- caga. 111.; Harry atuura. ISul arnaa SC a kuibarlord. li kanua at., J. A Aay solas. la-J Varuaia IM. CQF.1PAGF.IE GEHERALE TRANS ATLANTIOUC O ffrench Mas, New York to Iarla. Rig I lays, sailings svvary Thursday at 10 a as. toek FollowlrtT sre lhe a Slant. receipts of live stock for the six principal vesi?rn cities yester day: Cattle. Uoara. Slieep S uth Omaha 4.221 8.1M 4 979 Chicago Sl.taOO M.i 2"1 Kansas City T.'iOO l.5ai Pt. Ixiuis i.'fi H.iifrt 5. Pt Joseph 8 If ? 3 T,3 t Ci Bloux City 2.5 Totals. .4.T2W) 44.45SI 58,031 La ba.ol. May M La Uaa.-gil ... Jua 18 La hraugaa... Kw, modern, g.gunllt aaamars, aaval gnlcrni' ' . Juna 2 La Lorraine Juia 8 Juna St. Isla-SA-rae aad aauraaa sj-of-aar Ula.-ipllua Coninany's vaatloulad trains. Havrrl 4 Usura. Agania Harry 8: ajooraa, ;al -aruMm 8C, Liruis Kaaaa, Flral Nst'i tank. C. A. Kullienecd. L,.i Faruam bl , kocg laaxd fel ( ulton Market. I.IVERPfX"U Mil! OTTON-St)Ot. a points lower; Amerif-nn iiihioiihk ICd; good mldrilirg. 7 8M : mlddllns. low n, ladling, , 41; i,ri onlinary. 7 J4d; ordinary. 7 14d. Futuren opened f asier snd cloaerl steady; Miv. 7 t o; My and June. 7.33d: June snd Julv. 7 27d; Jul) an, I Ausust 7 22d: Ausuxt .'ind Beptemlier. 8 STd prices fair. 5twl A Novemner. siso; r.e,veinrr ann i ere rr. ne r, iiGd; Iecember and January, t'td; Jnnu arv ard Kebruary. "ld. NEW YORK May 8 ("OTTOV Spot, closed dull: middling uplands. U8oc; mid dling gulf. 14 "5c; aa'.es 2 52!i huies. ST1! I Ol lfi. Mnv ' iTTON-gniet and AJ4CltOH UN8 V. S 8tA;L (TkAMiHlrk. 8.E TOBk. LOKt.ONL.tKhr AND CLA8O0W. MEW YORK. GIBRALTAR AND MA PLEA Saperlor accommodations kinellent eutsioe. Tba aaaatart at paaMngera tarefully conaldarad. Single mi rj-nd trip tlLAru wtw..n 8iaw Y'a and Scaica, ln.i.b lnaa and ail I rlnaipai Banatuaeiaa aad ccuUi.aacal polnta at ailractia rates Sand tar 8was ot Ivuia. For tUkata ar general inlormataoa apaiy I 8o acy local agent ct tba Aucbor LI La ar to j MaM'kfiii'.'. i.,:ur . l.i.'i Ajcvuia. lo- aso tl L0WREYBR0S.&C0 t'OVIili.-e'lON M ti... liAi. I d Grain, Stocks and Provisions. Room 212, N. Y. 1-iK atjin..t,K Pnone tuii. blxtUI attentiua (Ivan Ij lolrgtaub end mall erdnrs '-dAHA unrhanaeei ; n.luniin. i .- t . i," an . ir. ceipta. 2U bales; shlpiueiils. I'l boles, al k. 12. 145 bale SEW ORLEANS. M.v f-OTTON-Qniet; sale. 'i liulea: ordinal v. HUc ; grKJd otdlnarv. 12 13 ItV ; low mldd'lnc. 117 18V; m'd.lllng. un-lSc; good mlddlins. ll'.c; ml.Mlina f.,lr. 14J?c; receipts. 16,7 bales; stock. 171, 75J bales. Futures, quiet and Updike Commission Co.. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Cuslneis handled promptly In all markets Office. 852 i; llulldlns. . Tela phone 2454. 43. W. CrPIIvE, WAN AG EH,