Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1904, Page 6, Image 6
TITE OMAITA DAILY REE: TUESDAY, MAT 10. 1901. j ! j i i ! n T 1 r l M fi (i DES MOINES OAS WALKAWAY Undert&ktrj Take Third Game from Ft with Bands Down. MAKE SEVEN WHILE OMAHA GETS ONE Urorie Clark, One of Omaha's Toig Catchers, Works for Dei Molae. aaa la a Star of tb Game. No, it wasn't ao nice as It has been for 'three or four games, but It wouldnt have been ladylike lor Pas boys to have sent Dfs Moines away without winning a game. They won yesterday's emphatically enough to hold them for a while and will go on their way. after they are beaten this after noo.i, thankful that It was no worse. The defeat of th noma team Is explained by the fact of thirteen hits being made off Llebhardt tor a tutiU of eighteen bases. In othor ' worcln, ho was pounded all over the lot, when an where the Des Moines players chose. Several errors and exhibl tlons of poor Judgment In both couching and playing were renponsible lor the rub blng-ln part. Dolan was again the star player ot the home aggregation, covered all kinds of posture and rffered at every thing tht came hla way. The error that it was necessary to score to him he doubt IckS would not have mad had flhipk. kept out of hla way. Shlpke's game was again of the ecru order as It waa Sunday. Um pire Keefe also had hla wires somewhat crossed, but roasted both sides about alike, no that Omaha cannot shift much blame to his shouldera. None of the visitors put up a better, snappier game than did George Clark be hind tlio home plate. Clark Is the stepson of Robert Gilder, news editor of the World Herald, and got his base ball training with the Originals of this city. Ha mado three hits, with a total of four bases In the four tlm he camo to bat, and caught an error less game besides. The visitors mado their first little dope of three runs In the second inning, when a two-bagger by George Clark, a three-base hit by Shugart and being hit by a pitched ball for Tho'l did the business. In the fifth they made two more on three well placed singles and three equally well placed errors by Shlpko, Free so and Carter, re spectively. Thon they rested until the ninth, and Just to make it good swiped out two two-baggers and a single for two more runs, making a total of seven. Th only time that Omaha ventured to peep waa in the eighth, when singles by Freese and Carter got Shlpke over the slab. The core: DES MOINES. AB. K. H. P.O. A. E. Th". If 4 10 110 J. Clark, cf 6 1 0 2 0 0 McChesney, rf 4 2 3 S 0 0 Hoffman, as 6 0 1 4 3 1 Lobert, 3b 6 0 2 1 8 1 Conn-ry, lb 5 0 1 ' 8 1 0 O. Clark, o 4 1 3 6 2 0 Cushman, p 4 0 0 0 1 0 Totals 87 7 13 27 12 2 OMAHA. AB. R, Carter, rf 4 0 Howard, 2b.. 4 0 Miller, If 4 0 Welch, cf 0 Thomas, lb 4 0 Dolan, ss 4 0 Shipke, 8b 3 1 Freese, o 8 0 Llebhardt, p S 0 H. PO. A. 110 1 8 8 10 0 3 0 Totals 80 1 6 2S 15 S Then out on infield fly with man on first base in eighth Inning. . Des Moines 00303000 37 Omaha 40000001 01 Earned runs: Pes" Moines, 6. Two-base hits: Miller. G. Clark, Shugart, McChes ney. Three-base hit: Shugart. First base on balls: Off Llebhardt, 1; off Cushman, 3. Struck oui: By Llebhardt, 3; by Cush man. 4. Left on bases: Omaha, 6; Dea Moines, 8. Double play: Hoffman to Con nery. First base on errors: Omaha, 3; Des Moines, 2. Hit by pitcher: Thell. Time: 1:36. Attendance, M00. Umpire: Kecfe. Spriasrs Buffer Bad Defeat. COLORADO SPRINGS. May 9. With the cop in their favor the locals went to pieces in the seventh and St. Joseph got eleven runs, only on of which was earned. Score! R H E Colo. ' Springs. .0 3 3 0 0 0 1 3 81120 A St. Joseph 0 0 0 1 0 0 11 0 012 11 2 Batteries: Akers, Lempko, Wood rich and Messitt; Hodson and Garvin. Wins with Scarcely a Btrnarale. DENVER. May 9. Sioux City gave a third game to Denver without half a struggle. Both the batting and fielding of the visiting team waa unusually poor. Score. R.H.B. Denver 1 0 2 8 0 0 3 0 12 12 2 Sioux City 0 10110020-687 Batteries: Denver, Hostetter and Lucia; Sioux City, Kostal and Hess. tartdlasr of the Trams. Played. Won. Lost. P.O. Colorado Springs., Denver St. Joseph , Omaha . . 12 10 2 .883 16 13 2 .Sir? 14 8 .4i'9 is s io .m 14 ' 4 10 .288 Dea Moines Sioux City 14 4 10 .28tf Games todsy: Des Moines at Omaha; Sioux City at Denver; St. Joseph at Colo rado Springs. GAMES IN TI1H AMERICAN LGAGVR Philadelphia Has No Trouble with t Washlnsrton. PHILADELPHIA, May . Dunkle pitched six balls for four hits and two runs in the first inning today and then retired In favor of Patten. The locals won easily. Attend ance, 3,(164. Scorei PHILADELPHIA. WASHINGTON. R H.O A K.i R.H.O.A.E. Hofrman, If.. 1 Pickering, of. 1 Davta, ib J L. Cms, lb.. 1 deybold, rf... 0 Murphy. 2b... 0 M. rruas. aa., 0 1 1 0 Moran. as ... 0 1 I 4 0 1 0 0 0 Cauldy, cf... 0 1 I 0 1 I II 0 0 Drill, rf I 1 0 t 111 Belbach, If... 0 1 4 0 4 110 0 Coughlln, Ib. 0 1 I 1 0 1110 VcCorm k. 2b 0 0 1 I 4 0 14 0 K Hired.. .. 1 I I 0 Powers, e. Plank, p.. Totals.., 1110 0 Stahl. lh 6 0 I 0 0 0 10 1 0 Dunkle, p.,., 0 0 0 0 0 -iPatteo. p 1 I 0 I 1 II 17 11 1 I Totals I I 14 II i Philadelphia 8 02100000 i V-hligion 0 00000002 18 Faried run: Philadelphia. 4; Washing- oIow to Beer CLEAN The great majority of been poeaesa a mouldy or most? flavor, which leaves a most disagree able twang in the mouth of the driuk.r. This is due solely to lack of cleanliness, many brewer being indifferent to thia virtue. la brewiag the famoua -t Fr A. B. t (Tke oeJy freer bottled Kferfvety at the Brewery) the moat actarpuloea cleanlineaa is ezerciaed over all veseela. pipes or anv object with which the beer nwt in contact, and ever nrecanrlnn thai will - dtaoe to MoiUry parity is employed. TIm American firewinf Co., St. Unls, U. S. A. WW . at aTT a . r Si .v iu xoy oc fao., nnoiosaie Dealers ton. 3. Two-base hits: Bolbach, Coughlln, Davis. Three-base hits: Patten, Pickering. Stoln base: Murphy. Double plays: Moran to Stahl, Murphy to Davis. Ieft on bases: Philadelphia. 4: Washington. S. First base on balls: Off Patten. 1; ofT Flank, 2. Hit by pitched ball: McCormlck. Time: 1:20. Lmplre: Carpenter. Errors Dot Cleveland Game. CLEVELAND, May ".-Cleveland made It three straight from Detroit todsy. Both M nl I In and Moore were wild, tout Moore held Detroit down to a double and three scratch singles. In consequence of the cold weather numerous errors were made. Attendance, 1.718. Score: CLEVELAND. I DETROIT. R.H.O A E.I H.H.q.a.a. Bit. cf i t Barrett, cf ... 0 1 a Mclntyr. U.. liCnrr. Ib 0 0 l'l'rmwnrd, rf . 1 1 0 firemliil-er, 3b 0 I'lwr, lb 1 1 II Wood, c t Lu-h. If 0 Bradlnr, ib.. 1 Ixjol., 2b.... 0 Fllrk, rf 0 Hickman, lb. 0 Turner. M. ... i Hml, e 1 Moore, p 0 O Learj, ... 0 0 Mullln. p 0 0 Roblnon 0 Total! I inn I -l.71T.. I Totals 4 U 14 4 Batted for O'Leary in the ninth. Cleveland I 1110800 7 Detroit 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 Karned runs: Cleveland, 1. First base on errors: Cleveland,, it; Detroit, 2. Two base hit: Wood. Three-base hit: Turner. Barrlllco lilts: Lush, Bradley, Moore. Gre- minter. Stolen bases: Hrailley C2. IxlJolR. Crawford. Double plays. Homls to Lajole; Moore to lJole to Hickman: Lajole to Turner. First base on balls: Off Moor 4: off Mullln. 6. Hit by pitched ball: By Moore, 1: by Mullln. 1. Struck out: By Moore. by Mullln. i. wild pitches! By Moore, z; ny muiiiii, 1. lime: Umpires King and Sheridan. Postponed Game. At Boston Boston-New York game post poned; rain. standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. P.P. Boston t... 18 14 4 .778 Philadelphia 17 10 7 .68 Chicago 21 13 9 .671 New York 18 9 7 .662 Cleveland 17 9 8 .629 St. Louis 17 8 . 9 .471 Detroit 19 8 11 .421 Washington 17 1 16 .069 Games today: Detroit at Cleveland, Washington at Philadelphia, New York at Boston. GAMES IX THE NATIONAL LEAGUE Rain Not Heavy Enoagh to Save St. Louis. ST. LOUI9. Mav 9 The New York Na tlonal league team easily defeated St. Louis by a score of 6 to 1 In a game that was Interrupted for neurly a quarter of an hour by rain. Two bad errors, combined with several timely singles by the New Yorkera resulted in lour runs in me secona inning and gave the visitors tna game. Attend a nee, 2,100. Score: NKW YORK. . ST. LOUIS, R.H.O. A. B.I R.H.O.A.E Brown. rf....l 110 0 Farrlt. lb... 0 1111 Devlin, lb.... 1 0. shannon, rf. . v 0! Drain, cf 0 0 Berkley, lb.. 0 0 Shay, as 0 1 Burke. Ib 0 0: Barclay, If... 1 1 1 0 I 1 II o a 0 o t l 1 4 Or t McOann, lb.. 0 Merlea, If.... 1 MrCorni'k. cf 0 Pahlen, na.... 1 Ollbart, lb.... 0 Warner, c. ... 0 McOlnulty, p. I U rarty, Corbatt. p. Totals 17 1 Totals. i 1 72 1 4 Mertea out for interference, New York 0 400100006 St. Louis 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 Earned runs: New York, 1: St. Louis, 1, Two-base hits: McGann. Mertea. Gradv, Sacrliice hits: McGinnlty (2). Double plays: Corbett to Beckley; Burke to Farrell to Beckley. Passed ball: Warner, 1. Stolen bases: McCormlck, Devlin. Hit by pitched tau: try corDeii, aienos. uase on oaus: Off Corbett. 6; off MoGlnnlty. 4. Struck out: By Corbett, 8; by McGinnlty, 2. Ixft on bases: St. Louis, 10; New York, 8. Time: 1:49. Umpires: Moran .and Johnston. Boston Falls to Hit. CHICAGO. May 9. Boston failed to acore oeoause oi inauiuty to nit w eimer today. only two Boston men reacne" second. Slaglo was injured and forced to retire In tne nrst inning. Auenaance, i.iw. Hcorei OK1CAOO. BOSTON. R.H.O.A. . R.H.O.A. B. Slagla, cf....O Wicker, rf.... 0 0 0 1 11 Oeler. Ib 0 0 0 1 0 Tenney, lb Caaey, lb 0 Chance, lb.... 1 Carney, rf.. Cooley, II. . Moras, 0. . . McCarthy. II. 1 Jonea, rf-ct... 1 Brers, lb A Ab'Uchto, Cannell, of... 0 iaymer, lb.. 0 'Ittlnger, p.. 0 Kilns, ... Tinker, as. Welmer, p. .. 1 .. 1 ... 0 Total! 0 t 14 II I ToUls. i inn Chicago u 0 0 1 0 6 0 0 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Left on bases: Chicago, 4; Boston, 0. Two-base hits: Chance, Jones, Welmer. Sacrlnoe hit; uvers. Stolen base: Kline: Double play: Elvers to Tinker to Chance. Struck out: By Welmer, 8; by Plttlnger, L First base on balls: Off Welmer. o: oft Plttlnger, 2. Wild pitch: Plttlnger. Hit by pitched ball: McCarthy, Tenny. Timet 1:80. umpire: zimmer. Brooklyn Start Oil Well. CINCINNATI. May 8. The Brooklvm started off with a rush, but after the first inning Kellum had them safe and did not auow a man to reocn tnira Dase. . Cincin nati bunched a base on balls, two singles ana a mree-Dsse nu in uie sixi:i inning, Attendance, a.uuv. eoore: CINCINNATI. i BROOKLYN, R.H.O.A I R.H.O.A E. Hugglna, b..O 0 11 0 Strang, lb.... 1 13 10 Donlln. If.... Kelly, lb t Dolan, rf 1 Corcoran, as., 1 Odwell, cf.... 1 Woodruff, Ib. 0 I 0 0 8beckard. If.. 0 0 10 Lumley, rf... 1 8 0 0 Dobba, cf 0 111 Babb, aa 0 10 0 Dillon, lb.... 0 14 1 MrtJorm'K, 3b 0 110 Bergen, c 0 14 0 Cronln, p 0 Srhlei, c. 0 Kellum, p.... 0 "Rllter 0 Totals t 7 27 16 I; I Totals I 24 II I Rltter batted for Cronln In the ninth, Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 S Brooklyn t.Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 Earned runs: Cincinnati, 2; Brooklyn, i. xwo-oase rut; iscnieu inree-Dase nits Lumley, odwell. Sacrillce hits: Sheckard (2), Bergen. Stolen bases: Dolln, Wood' run. Lumley. Double play: Strang to Babb to Dillon. First buse on balls: Off Keuum, z; oft cronln, s. Hit by pitched ball: By Kellum. 1: by Cronln. 1. Struck out: By Kellum, 4; by Cronln, 4. Timet i:au. umpire: u Day. Lurk Favors PlttsbnrsT. PITTSBURG, May 9. Three hits, helped by Dooms wild throw to second. gave Plttfcburt: the game In the seventh Innlnar Phllllppo kept the hits scattered and wai notpea out ot tight places by good support. Lush pitched a game that would win or dinarily Attendance. 2,2oO. Score: PITTSBUP.O. PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O.A.E R.H.O.A.E. Clark. If 1 Thomas, cf. . Oleaeos. lb.. 1 0 Beaumont, cf. 0 Retiring, rf... 1 Wagner, as... 0 Branrdeld, lb 0 Leach, Ib 0 K lie hey, 2b... 0 Phelpa, c 0 Phllllpps, p.. 1 I 1. I 1 0 0 0 1 I 4 4 I 0 1 Wolverton, Ib 1 Vanburen, If.. 0 Tltua, rf 0 Doyle, lb 0 Hall, aa 0 Doom, c 0 Luah, p 1 Totala 1 f 17 I 41 Totals I I 11 11 I Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 3 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 02 Eari-ed runs: Pittsburg, 1; Philadelphia, Judge TASTE if -M m TIm abaenc of a dWajn-eeabla fordsn or "aftertaste, prov ing acrumvkxia claanUneaa raaa; tlM bra wins trocaa. C. Beers t. Two-base hits: Ritchie. Wolverton. Vanburen (2. Sacrifice hit: Titus. Stolen bases: Sebring. Wolverton, Lush. Double play: Hall to Wolverton. First base on balls: Off Lush, 4. Struck out- By llppe, 7; ty lusn. 2. w no pitrn: i.iisn. Passed ball: Douln. Time: 1 :."&. Umpire Emslle. staadlaar of the Teams. Played. Won. Lbst. New York 17 14 3 .SJ3 Cincinnati 22 15 Chicago 17 li) Brooklyn 18 lu St. IyOUiS 18 7 Boston 19 7 Pittsburg 18 6 Philadelphia 17 4 7 7 8 11 12 12 13 .6N8 .. .:i9 .235 Games today: Boston nt Chicago, New York at St. Ixiuls. Philadelphia at Pitta- Durg, Brooklyn at Cincinnati GAME! IX AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Kansas City Loses Game Through Poor Base Running. KANSAS CITY. Mav 9 Kansas City hit the ball freely and fielded well, but lost the game on account of roor base running. Yeager's long home run over the left fence was tile reature. Attendance. v. ecore COLUMBUS. I KANSAS CITT. R.H.O. A C. R.H.O.A rXTli. rf 0 1 0 l! Vmug-crT. Ib 1 1 1 Wrigler, lb.. 1 111 0 Smith, If ... I 0 I 1 0 4 1 15 1 1 0 1 t I 1 1 Frlel, Ib 0 Klhm. lb 1 riymer, cf.... 0 Manin, U....0 Rrlnwcll. aa.. I Yanr. c... I Malarker, p.. 0 1 I I 10 0 1 0 I 1 3 1 6 1 0 OjNanre, cf.... O'Ronnrr, 2b.. O'Ryan. lb.... : (iar, rf OjLewee, m. ., 3 miller, c Oilabcll, p ToUla 27 II Total! I 11 27 IS Columbus 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 1 0-6 Kansas City 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 03 Base on balls: Off Malarkey. 8: off Is- bell, 1. Two-base hits: Butler, Montgom ery, Maiamey, Kinm C'l. Home run: Y eager. Double plays: Iwee to Bonner to Ryan; Bridwell to Wrlgley to Kilim. Hit by pitched ball: By Malarkey, 1. Struck out: By Isbell, 1; by Malarkey. fi. . Stolen bases: Wrlgley, Clymer, Bridwell, Yeager. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Pears. Minneapolis Has a Plcnio. MINNEAPOLIS. May 9.-Mlnneanolis had a picnic with Toledo today and won, 14 to 1. Ford was a puzzle at all times, while Crlstall and lAindhlom were easy for the Minneapolis batters. The weather waa cold. Attendance, 700. Score: MINNEAPOLIS. TOLEDO. R.H.O.A.E. Friable, cf.... 1 1 0 0 0 Knoll, rf 0 1 1 0 0 Lone;. E8 0 0 0 0 0 Hrl.llnR. as . . 0 0 3 0 1 Haileton, lb. 0 0 12 0 1 Brouthcra, 3b. 0 0 1 1 0 Melnlnger, If. 0 1 2 0 1 Buma, 2b 0 1 1 I I Brown, c 0 0 4 3 0 Crlstall, p.... 0 1 0 2 1 Lundblom, p. 0 0 0 4 0 McNIchoU, Ib 1 R.H.O. AS. 0 I fox. Ib. 4 1 0 I 1 I I I I 1 3 I IS 1 1 1 0 Maloney. rf.. 2 I 0 I 0 Sullivan, cf.t Coulter, If.... weaver, c... Laily, lb. Oyler, aa 1 Ford, p t Total! 14 14 21 I 2 Totals 1 6 24 13 7 Minneapolis 0 1 2 4 0 3 4 0 14 Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 Earned runs: Minneapolis, 6. Two-baso hits: Oyler, Coulter, Sullivan, Maloney. First base on balls: Off Crlstall, 1; ofT Lundblom. 2. Struck out: Bv Ford. 1: h. Crlstall. 8: by Lundblom, 1. Wild pitch: Lundblom. Passed ball: Brown. Sacri fice, hits: Lallv. Malonev (2). Dvler. KVI. bie. Stolen bases: Maloney, Coulter, Fox. Hit by pitched ball: By Crlstall, 3. Double plays; Ford to Lally to Weaver; Lally (un assisted). Left on bases: Minneapolis, 8t Toledo, 6. Time: 2:15. Umpire: Holliitay: Loul iville Gets a Jolt. MILWAUKEE. Mav 9 MilwHiikeo rln. feated Louisville today in an unintercHtlng game by a score of & to 3. The weather was quite cold and this prevented brilliant worn, sieeie relieved Mueller in thy sixth. The two teams will play the game sched uled for August 24. Attendance, "no. Score: MILWAUKEE). , LOUISVILLE. R.H.O. A H. I M il n A B Stone, rf I 0 0 0 0 Kerwln, rf... 0 4 0 0 0 Pennell, If.... 2 10 1 Hallraan, cf.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hart, If 0 t 0 0 0 0 Arndt, 3b I 0 0 4 1 1 Dexter, lb.... 0 2 12 2 I 0 Brashear, 2b., 1 3 S 3 2 0 Srhrlever, c, 0 1 1 0 0 Qulnlan, aa... 0 1 r. S 0 0 Eagan, p 0 1 1 I 0 Bchaefer. aa.. I I I O'Brien, 2b... 1 I I Wolfe, 8b 1 1 I Hemphill, cf. 2 1 4 Bateman, lb.. 0 I 11 Slattery, c... 0 1 Mueller, p.... 0 0 0 Steele, p 0 0 0 Clark 0 0 0 0, Totals I 14 24 19 4 Total! 11 17 II l Batted for Steele in ninth. Milwaukee 00400050 9 Louisville ., 0 0 01 0 1 01 03 Earned runs: Milwaukee, fi- T.nnlovllle i Two-base hits: Bchiiefer Si hrl..vnr Thr. base hit: Schaefer. Stolen bases: Schaofer, O'Brien, Bateman. Dexter, Mailman. Bases on oans: unr Mueller, 2; off Steele, 2. Passed, ball: Slattery. Struck out: Bv Mueller. 3: bv Encnn. 1': hv flteelrt 1. Double play: .Qulnlan to Brashear to Dex ter. Sacrifice hits: Stone, Pennell. Left on bases: Milwaukee, 6; Louisville, 11. Innings Ditched: Mueller. : Kfeel: 3: Eagan, 9. Time: 1:65. Umpire: Hart. St. I'anl la Shut Out. ST. PAUL, Mav 9. St. Paul could neither hit nor field today and lost to I ndliinn ruilln by a score of 9 to 0. Attendance, 700. Score: INDIANAPOLIS. ST. PAUL. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O A. li. Hogrlever, rf. 0 1 I 1 01 Lawler.- cf.. 0 I 1 1 0 s Magoon, 2b... T 2 Jackaon, If... O'Brien, as... Cllngman, rf. Wheeler, 3b.. Kelley, lb.... Marcan. 2b... Sullivan, c... Heaalona, p... Barto. d McCreery, ;f., 8 wander, II... Carr, 3b I 0 1 1 I 1 0 11 1 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 Heydon, o..., Dickey, lb... Demont. aa. ., Flsber, p Totals., I II 17 II 0 Slaglo Totals... 0 7 27 15 7 Batted for Bartos' in ninth. Indianapolis 1 3 0 3 0 2 0 0 -9 0 0 0 00 St. Paul 0 0 0 0 0 Two-baso hit: Dlrkev Rtnli.n hnupu- Jackson, Carr. Base on balls: Off Sessions, 2; off Bartos, 1. First base on errors: In dianapolis. 6. Left on bases: St. Paul, 3: indlananolls. 7. Struck out: Br PVIuhln 6: by Sessions, 1: by Bartos. 1. Doublo play: Demontrevllle to Magoon to Dickey. Wild pitch: Bartos. Umpire: Bauswine. Standing of the Tenuis. Plaved. Won. I.oa Pf St. Paul 16 11 fi r,S7 Columbus 11 9 5 MS Milwaukee 10 9 fi i'.k) Indianapolis It 9 6 .(WO Minneapolis 16 7 8 .4i;7 Toledo 14 8 .411 Louisville IS 7 it rnu Kansas City 16 3 12 .2uo Games today: Columbus at Kansas City. Dundee's New Team. The town of Dundee has onr.inlzed a good ball team, uniformed it In stylish suits ana now puts u on tne neid to do business. The team Is composed of the following: iiarry mnsie, caicner ana cantnin: ju Greenleaf, pitcher and manager: Burtlett pitcher; Drummy. first base; Butts, second base; Klrkendall, third base; C. Hlnzle snort; Anderson or tne high school team Benson of the Bellevue college team and Harmon will play the outfield. The team Is open for games on their grounds. Forty eighth and Dodge, on the Farnam line. Would like to hear from the Union Pacific Flyers. Address F. M. Greenleaf. 13 North Thirty-eighth avenue. Omaha, Neb. Would also like to arrange for out-of-town games on holidays or Saturdays. I.aahton Defeats Grafton. GRAFTON. Neb.. May 9. (Special.) Grafton and Laisnton crossed nats Here ror the second game of nail this season with defeat for uralton. Motn teams did splendid fielding. The score; Lushton 1 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 17 Grafton 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 24 Batteries: Grafton, Glffen and Miles; Lush- ton, Wright and Cookes. 8truck out: lly Glffen, 10; by Wright, 8. Time; 1:40. Um pire: O'Brien. Praia Defeats Wahoo. PRAGUE, Neb., May 9. (Special.) After a closely contested nan game Sunday Prague defeated Wahoo by a score of 7 to (. ' Batteries: Prague, lionato and Frohin; Wahoo, Yorman and Johnson. Amateurs Defeat I.atbrops. In an elght-lnnlng game the Amateurs defeated tne Latnrops ny a score or in to 16. Batteries, Amateurs, T. Garmon and L. Garmon; lathrops, Mctjuuougn ana Shields. EVENTS OH THE HIVNUG TRACKJB Dr. Stacker aad Aaale Max Hun Dead Heat at Louisville. LOriBVILI.E. Kv.. May 9. Pr. Btuckey ind Annie Max ran a dead heat today In the slith race and th. money was divided. Thousands of dollars were wagered on Annie Max here and In pool rooms all over the country. Good Cheer, at 0 to 1 and well plaved. won the Blue Grass stflkes at six half furlongs from Merry Pioneer. Rathskeller tell In a Jam in tne naca stretch in th. fifth race and Jockey Minder waa badly hurt. He has concussion of the Krln and mav die. Several horses ran over him. Weather clear; track fast. Re lFlrst race, four half furlonga: Walsetto TV. - lirAtl uMnri Klrkr. HAndltllna thlra. Tim.: 0:&7Vi. . , Second race, six furlongs: Jake Green berg won, Amorous second, Quia II third. Tim.: 1:18. ,. . . Third rsce, handicap, one mile: Auto ' light won. Coruscate second, Talpa third. Time: 1:42. Fourth race, the Blue Grass stakes, six half furlongs: Good Cheer won, Merry Pioneer second. Brand New third. Time: - .... ' . ... f lttn race, rour nair iuimn. ron. Cutter second. Green Oon thlid. Tim.: 0:..V .. . . bum race, oat nuiti Aiiui auu , . J The you iW 1 s. Crackle You Hear Is the Sign LiL They are fresh ORi 111 Btuckey ran dead heat; Malakoff third. Time: 1:42,. '' CHICAGO. May 9. Resulta: First race, four half furlongs: Clara Berry won, Ravtnia second, Lady Wilt third. Time: 1:00'' Second race, six Furlongs: Great Eastern won, Dusky second, Freckman third. Time: 1:19. ' Third race, four furlong: Flax man won, R. L. Johnson- seoond, Silver Skin third. Time: 0:61. Fourth race, seven furlongs: Baywood won, Rankin second, Albuta third. Time: 1:33. Fifth race, one mile: Gregor K won. Ink second, Forehand third. Time: l:4a. Sixth race, one mile and a sixteenth: Stroller won, Spencerlan second, Mamsetta third. Time: l:62Vs. NRW YORK, Majr 9. Results: First race, last half furlongs of the Withers' mile: Jocund won. Time: l:2iV4 (walkover). Second race, last four furlongs of the Eclipse course: Muion won, Utile Butter cup seoond, Metrnnole third. Time: 0:53i4. Third race, selling, last four half fur longs of the Eclluse course: Merrv Lark won. Sportsman second, Judas third. Time; Fourth race. Eclipse course: Fine Art won. Ascetic second. Bound Brook third. Time: 1:10. Fifth race, the Cretona handicap, last six furloncs of the Withers' mile: Hurst Park won, Dolly Spanker second, Kohlnoor third. Time: 1:14. Sixth race, last seveu furlongs of the Withers' mile: Mlneota won, Witchcraft second. Thistle Heather third. Time: 1:28. Seventh race, handicap, the Withers' mile: Delhi won, Hurstbourne second, HlmBolf third. Time: 1:40U. ST. LOUIS, May 9. Results: First race, four and a half furlongs, purse: Gnsconne won, Zlnda second, Miss Powell third. Time: 1:0B. Second race, five furlongs: Trapsetter won, ftiatt v aoieign second, cayDon third. Time: 1:15. Third race, four furlongs, purse: Prin cess Orna won. Gay Adelaide second, Pis hsMUe third. Time: 0:5S4. Fourth race, handicap, one mile and sev enty yards: Jordon won. Jack Young sec ond. Strader third. Time: 2:0(H.. Fifth race, six furlongs, selling: Lasso won, Alilo second. Doeskin third. Time: l:2ti. Sixth race, one mile and a sixteenth, sell ing: Neversurh won. Hucena second, Larry Wilt third. Time: 2:06H- Coe College Defeats Cornell. CEPAR RAPIPS. Ia., May 9. (Special Telegram.) Coe college won In the dual track meet here today with Cornell college or Mt. vernon by a score or m to at. The meet was a fast one. and some good rec ords were made, the college record for high hurdles being equaled and others ap proached. The field was wet, which pre vented better records being made. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century PRKPARKD BV GET YOUR MONEY S WORTH. That's exactly what you will do If you make it a rule to smok. th. MONOGRAM Cigar. Your highest expectations will be realised, aa well aa your idea of prloa. W. F. eTOECMCKR CIGAR CO. 4i0i uulaa BUtai Last f H1LN Richard Baxter, noted in England in 1638, lost his wife he published a broadsheet headed : "The Last Words of Mrs. Baxter," which reached an immense sale. His printer seeing the profit in it brought out a broadsheet entitled: "More Last Words of Mrs. Baxter." To which Mr. . Baxter replied that "Mrs. Baxter didn't say anything else." If Mrs. Baxter were living today she would, like us, have a lot of "last words" to say about They are ever growing better and better; there will ever' be a few more good words to say for them. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY The Great Exposition Is Open Is there any place that would be more delightful to spend a short vacation than io St. Louis. For many, the expense makes it impossible, but The Bee is making it so easy for any one to go, that scores' of Bee readers will visit the exposition, who could not other wise have gone. ' i ' - ' -,,"' "V f ''H V' f Int. li li i nii laini ill .inn ri i iii fiTi nu In mi i Mi' i f i mmmm r I I I II II II Just think of it, there are ninety more trips, and you surely can be one of the ninety. It is so easy to simply tell your friends that you want to go, and get them to save their coupons, or prepay their subscriptions, so that you may take the trip at The Bee's expense. Ten Trips Voted For This Week This week's "election" ends Saturday, May 14, at 3 p. m. Start out Monday morning, and with a little hustling, on Saturday you will find yourself among the winners. All Trips Via the Wabash This is the road for Omaha people to the St. Louis Exposition. Besides being the shortest in mileage and the shortest in time, the matter of equipment has been a study by the management ever since the exposition project was started. They have the trains and coaches, so that there will be no fear of overcrowding. The Wabash will save you a day, either going or coming, because you can get off at the exposition grounds, or, when you leave, you can spend the last day at the grounds and start for home from the terminal Wabash station right at the entrance. The Wabash is the only road with these facilities. Conditions of the Election The ton persons receiving the Inrjrest aiimlmr of voles at tlie close of path "flection" will be furnished, at The Kee'a expense, as prizes, each a free trip from to St Louis and return, to be taken any time dur ing the exposition. No restrictions are placed as to where the party lives as a cnndldate for one of the exposition trips. No votes will bo counted for employe or npents of Tho Bee. All votes must be made on coupons which will bo published each day In The Bee. Prepayment of subscriptions may be initdo either direct to The Bee Publishing" Company or to un author ized agent of The Bee. No votes sent In by agents will be counted unless sent lu in nerordnnee with Instructions given them. The vote from day to day will be published In all editions of The Bee. The "elections" will close each Saturday nt li p. in. Vote may be deposited at the business 6fflce of The Bee or sent by mall. No votes sent by mnll will be counted which are not in the Omaha postofllce for delivery at 0:30 a. m. on the day of closing. ADDIIKSS. "Exposition Department, Coupons Are on Page Two Words axt WITS- Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. OB A avaaatBw fceaaw-' . S in A 3 99 ri 0 i '