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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1904)
THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. MAY 10, 1904. iifl fill wllil I 1111' 1 111. r Itfl-1 4-h4W Hull For a few weeks only every package of Quaker Oati contains a coupon which give you a chance to secure part of this $10,000,00. There are no conditions no restrictions. Buy Quaker Oats now buy it to-day. The coupon will be obtainable for a few weeks only. TTITi BOW MM OF, THESE WILL CO Oa 0ns of The Bee's Prise Trips to tht St Louis Exposition? HOPE THEY'LL ALL GO, BUT DON'T KNOW ftm Ram la Often to the Swift, Often t the Sir and Often to Thoae I t Who Never Say I IMe." Another contest has been launched to Hetermlne the next ten readers of The Bee to be awarded free trips to the coming World's fair at Bt. Lou la, and the (junction Siriiea how many of the preaent candidates (will survive the ordeal of the final day, ftvhen all the ambushed Indians rush out Svlth uplifted tomahawka and ear-plerclng pells, and many of the apparently unarmed candidates throw off their masks, and hold las long doggers, drawn out of . their leaves, measure "swords," as It were In the goneral melee, the longest weapon tri umphing. The contest, after all. Is a regu lar Indian fight, and old Hlde-ln-the-Wood must be reckoned on, as well as Mr. Knife-JL'p-Ills-Bleeve. Through oversight In one of the announce, tnenta n The Sunday Bee, the date of clos ing the contests was given as Monday, In stead of Saturday at S p. m., which has fceen decided upon as the hour of closing all the remaining contests. The vote at 8 p. m. Monday, May 9. was: IX Clarke. Omaha 2i C. J. Boyd Omaha 1m I Arthur C. Bryant, Omaha : Fred flhotwell. 8mth Omaha hi S, John Starr, Omaha. 13 . Krank E. Jones, South Omaha 10 g. Charles O. Saunders. Council Bluffs.. X Are Simply Perfect. Dr. King's New Life Pills are prompt, bate,' gentle and always satisfy or no pay. Dest for stomach and liver. 25c. For sals ty Kulin & Co. Plaanlna to K.ntertnln Teachers. STl'ROia, 8. I)., May 9 (Special.) The Joint Institute for the teachers of Butte. Bennington and Meade counties will be held In this city In the high Hchool building. The Institute will last eleven days, begin ning June 7. Prof. A. P. Humbert of the Bchool of Mines, at Rapid City, will con duct, assisted by Miss Wilson of Sioux CltjP nd Superintendent Marshall of Rapid C'ty. There will be something like 200 teachers In attendance, as the state laws provide take me feed." that all schools shall be closed -during In stitute. All persons intending to teach In these counties next jeer are expected to be present. FALLING HAIR STOPPED, Baldness Cared by Destroying; the Paraaltle Germ that Canaea It. Baldness follows falling hair, falling hair foUowa dandruff, and dandruff Is the result of a germ digging Its way lntp the scalp to the root of the hair, where It saps the vitality of the hair. To destroy that germ Is to prevent as well as cure dandruff, falling hair, and, lastly, baldness. There ts only one preparation known to do that, Newbro's Herplclde, an entirely new, scien tific discovery. -Wherever It has been tried It; has proven wonderfully successful. It can't be otherwise, because It utterly de stroys the dandruff germ. "You destroy the cause, you remove the effect." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10 cents In stamps for sample to - The Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich.. Sherman & McCon nell Drug Co., special agents. Imprisoned Miners May Be Alive. SHAMOKIN. Pa.. May 9 It Is barely possible that the five miners who were Im- Srlsoned In the Locust Oap slope on Thursd ay mav be alive. The smoke and black damp had sufficiently disappeared todsv to enable the rescuing party to penetrate to the bottom of the slope, but no trace of the men could be found. It ts be lieved that the miners have gone Into on abandoned slope and that they may be found alive. . The flames are under con trol. . What Do Yon Think of Thlsf The Milks' Emulsion company of Terre Haute, Ind., are out with an offer to cure the worst case of stomach trouble or con stipation In existence, or money refunded, and to stnrt you off they agree to buy the firm bottle for you from your drug gist and prepent It to you free of charge, All you have to do Is to write snd ask them for an order on your druggist for a free bottle, giving your name, address and particulars of your case. Thla looks to us. like a pretty good prop osition. The- fact that all druggists han dling Milks' Emulsion are requested to guarantee every bottle they sell Is a sure Indication of merit. Otherwise the Milks' EmulMon company would soon go out of business, and we notice they have come to the front very fast since placing Milks' Emulsion on the market one year ago. Boyish Appetite la Fatal. LA PORTE, Ind , May . Howard Fogle died today In terrible agony from menln getls brought on by excessive drinking of pop. eating popcorn and smoking cigar ettes. He was 16 years old. AfiFJUAL SALE TEW MILLIOFJ COXES Greatest In the World MTLLION HALE OLD GRAND-DADS 3ARCTSC.ndy Cathartic, aud are telllna aplrlt by uaina CAHCAFETrJ. That's -;hy the Bale Is over A MILLION UOJUil A MONTH. Tbe nno who likes good eatiua and good drlamuj can always depend on CASCAHETd to help digest bis food, tone up bis luteatfuee. etloi uUle bis liver, keep h: bowels regular, bis blood pure and active, acd bis Whole body beallby, clean ail wholesome. Li time of peae tirevji:e for war," atvi have about the Louse a pleasant medicine for sour atpmai h sVk headache. Jurred tongue.laxy liver, bad breath, bad taste CA8CARI.T 3 Candy Cathartic a tablet ut bed-time will fix you all right by morning. All Sruaglsta. lOc, 2JW;, 6O0. Never sold la bulk. The geouice tablet suunped C C. bmplo aud booklet free. sir Address 8TEBLINO REMEDY CO., Chicago or New fork. PUTTING IP THE TICKETS Republicans Hiding Tbelr Ocaventions in tbe Vsrioni Counties- HARMONY IS OBSERVABLE EVERYWHERE Pierre Endorses Roosevelt, Congress man McCarthy, the State Admin istration and Rurkett for Senator. PIERCE. Neb., May 9. (Special.) Pierce county republicans held an enthusiastic convention In the opera house. All the precincts were represented except three. County Chairman A. L. Brande called the convention to order at 11 o'clock a. m. On motion, W. L. Mote of Plalnvlew was chosen temporsry chairman and L. A. Qulvey of Osmond temporary secretary. After the chairman had appointed com mittees on credentials, permanent organ isation and resolutions, the convention took a recess for ten minutes to enable the resolutions committee time to draw up their report. On convening, the committee on organization recommended that the temporary organization be made permanent. The resolutions, as read by Chairman Brande, endorse the wise and patriotic ad ministration of Governor Mickey, and Con gressman McCarthy is praised for his work In congress. The action of the state cen tral committee Is endorsed in regard to recommending that the state convention nominate a United States senator and the delegates to the state convention are In structed to use all honoratile means to se cure the nomination of Hon. E. J. Bur kett for that high office. Delegates to the state convention are: Dr. J. M. Alden, Thomas Chllvers, H. II. Mohr. O. W. Mitchell. P. D. Corell. W. L. Mote, B. M. Smith. A. R. MoConnell and C. H. Stewart. Congressional: A. L. Brande, L. R. Craig. J. A. Williams, W. L. Mote, P.' D. Corell, C. F. Chamberlain, II. J. Blllerbeck, C. H. Johnson and Arthur Qulvey. STOCKVILLE, Neb., May 9.-(SreclaI Telegram.) The Frontier .county repub lican convention was held at Stockvllle this afternoon. Twenty-one out of the twenty-six precincts were represented. Resolutions were adopted endorsing the policy of the republican party and the patriotic) administration of President Roosevelt. L. H. Cheney waa nominated county at torney, W. B. Whlttaker county commis sioner and Dr. E. F. Welderanders county coroner. The following Is a list of dele gates: State Convention W B. Whtttaker. W. W. Keith, L. R. Ewaxd, L. E. Richardson. J. L. Saunders. H. C. Rogers, N. H. Bayne, L. H. Cheney. Congressional Convention J. A. Williams, F. B. Schroeder, H. E. Langlvln, E, B. Austin, M. W'asley, E. B. Bhopbell, Henry Taylor, C. M. Sparbauk. HAPPENINGS AT STATE CAPITAL Detective Resigns Rather Than Take A Redaction In Rank. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May 8 (Special.) At a meet ing of they Excise board this morning Wil liam A. Bentley was appointed city detec tive and J. C. Mitchell was reduced to the list of patrolmen. He refused to submit to the decision of the board and resigned from the force. Eleven bidders today submitted estimates on the Lancaster county bridge work. Two envelopes failed to contain the names of the bidders. The following bids will be tabulated and considered tomorrow: The Canton Bridge company, Omaha; Thomas J. Crommel, Auburn; R. Z. Drake, Omaha; H. Ti i Ward, - Teeumseh; Jamesi A. Curtis', Firth; J. F. .Griffith, Dea Moines; Charles G. 8heely, Lincoln; John W. Towle, Omaha; Robert W. McLana, Harlan, la. The business men left on a trade excur sion to the northwest this morning. The following were in the party: M. Ackerrann, Paul Bartlett, A. H. Burk talT, B. El Bennett. W. H. Bone. W. H. Baratow, John Bauer. H. M. Bushnell, Judge E. M. Coffin. Bird Crttchfleld, U. G. Cornell. Peter Dlerks. H. 8. Farnum, H. 8. Freeman, Carl Funke, W. B. Grlswold. f, A. Green, H. W. Mott, Henry Tlegler, J. H. Prlngle. E E. Peake J. J. Rogers, I. M. Raymond, E. C. Rewfck, C. F. Schwars, J. C. Seaorest, W. E. Straub, J. L. Teeters, M. J. Waugh, 8. M. White. Otto Wlttman, Dr. Dayton, A. H. Walsh. Ben Floyd. F. W. Brown, ir.. H. B. Gralnsrer. A. L. Gale. L. W. Garoutte, O. E. Hargreaves, Charles Herman, J. C. Harpham. J. W. Hamer, E. P. Hovey, R. M. Joyce, T. P. Kennard, W. B. Llnch, A. C. Lau, C. A. Lyman. Robert W. McGlnnla. J. R. Mlckle, W. C. Mills, David Bpelser. Alleging that his son, Guy A. Andrews, was absenting himself from home, Chan cellor Andrews filed a complaint with the Insanity commission a few days ago. The young man cannot be located and the war rant has not been served by the officer. It Is stated that the young man has been hiding In an obscure hotel for three weeks. Insane Man Is Killed. WOOD LAKE. Neb., May .-(Speclal.)- George Williams shot and killed C. C Brenham, thirty miles south of here, on a ranch. The coroner was called and found that Brenham, while Insane, had broken Into the house and had been killed by Mr. Williams. The deceased, apparently In his right mind, came to the ranch about dark and wished to remain over night. Supper was given him, but It was thought best that he should sleep in the barn. During the night he came prowling around the hpuse three or four times, pounding on the door and demanding entrance. About 3 o'clock in the morning he burst the door loose from Its fastenings and came runn ing Into the room. Mr. Williams pushed the table between them for safety, but to no avail. Seeing he could do nothing else, Mr. Williams drew his revolver and shot him twice, the first shot struck the arm and the second passed Just below the heart. The madman then left the house and went to the barn, but was found, dead at the gate next morning. The body was brought to town Saturday and after being embalmed was sent east for burial. The coroner's Jury completely exonerated Mr. Williams, who, acting thus In self-defense, was forced to kill a man with whom he had been on most friendly terms for the last five years. Safe Blowers at Wllber. WILBER. Neb., May 9.-(Speclal.)-The safe In Parek Rhary's opera house saloon credit their healtbT Old aaeto CA9- voucaer tola bow to stay young In was blown open with nltro glycerine on Sunday night and 170 In cash stolen. Three charges were fired at Intervals of about twenty minutes and the Job was so deli cately done that no property except the safe was damaged and It was only at the last explosion that rltlsens were sufficiently aroused to reach the ground In time to see two fellows making away with the plunder. TOISO OinL COMMITS S11CIDE Parental Correct lea Only Canse Known for Act. SUTTON. Neb., May . (Special Tele gram.) A daughter of John Hellnr of this place, aged 18, committed suicide this after noon by shooting herself through the heart, dying Instantly. A parental correction Is the only known cause for the action. eia of Nebraska, STELLA, May 9 The revival services closed nt the Methodist Episcopal church last night. There were fifteen conversions during the fmir weeks' meeting. WAKEFIELD. May -At a republican caucus held here last night the candidacy of Hon. J. O. Mllllgan of this place for the legislature was unanimously endorsed. ALLIANCE; May 9 E. D. Hall, an em ploye In the Burlington shops at this place, who became violently Insane yesterday, was taken to the asylum at Lincoln today by Sheriff Reed. BEATRICE, May The vicinity of Plymouth, Jefferson county, was visited by a cloudburst, and It Is estimated that be tween three and four inches of water fell In a short time. BEATRICE. May . Two tiundred and fifty head of cattle, owned by W. A. Wad dlngton and Fred Nichols of this ally, were taken to Falrbury yesterday. iMff nhlch place they will .be pastured the coming season. BEATRICE. May 9. It Is rumored here that the Burlington company may conclude to put In use gas engines on the branch line between Crete and Beatrice within the next few months. It Is said these engines are being successfully used by one or two roads In Iowa. ALLIANCE. May 9. In a runaway here Adam Dllllng, a rancher north of town, sustained a broken arm and was rendered unconscious for eeveraj hours. His team ran Into a telegraph pole with such force that the pole waa broken off about half the distance up. BEATRICE. May 9. It hae rained here almost Incessantly for the last three days, and farmers are unable to continue plant ing corn on account of the muddy condi tion of the fields. Tnless a let up comes soon farmers will be greatly delayed In getting In the crop. SCHUYLER, May 9. A large crowd gath ered at the cemetery yesterday afternoon to witness the dedication of a monument erected by the Woodmen of the World at the grave of Rev. Alexander Robinson, a prominent missionary and preacher. Rev. G. H. Schleh, D. D., of Omaha, delivered the oration. STELLA, May 9. Earl, the 10-year-old son of W. E. Marts, who lives on the Weller farm, a mile south of town, met with a se vere Occident Saturday evening. He ran Into a wire fence that had been built that morning and tore the flesh to the bone across the cheek, requiring a number of stitches to close the wound. TECUMSEH, May 9 J. T. Altken, a far mer who Uvea In Vesta precinct, lost his barn by fire. By prompt work on the part of the members of his family and a few neighbors the horses and harness were got ten out of the burning building and the flames were prevented trom spreading to a nearbv corncrlb. The barn, wltn consider able grain and hay, was lost. Cause of fire unknown. WEST POINT, May 9. Corn planting Is being pushed with great vigor In this county and will be completed within a week. The weather Is Ideal, the ground moist and warm and conditions were never more favorable for the speedy germination of the seed. Potatoes are up, and show a good, healthy growth. Small grain never looked better. TECUMSEH, May 9. Charles Brandt stopped the progress Of what might have been a very serioue conflagration at his bakery on the west side of the square yes terday. He had been In the oven room at work all the morning, having a very hot fire. As he waa about to leave the smell of burning pine attracted his attention and upon Investigation the rafters In the roof of the room over the 'oven were found to be afire. TECUMSEH. May 9. The members of the Tecumseh Gun and Rifle club are after the trespassers who are hunting and fish ing on their leaaed ycoperty -In the-netgh- DOrnooQ oi Dmarivuiv.r iub muw trol of a body of water there known as Denny's lake, as well aa the hunting prtvi on nveral nearbv farms. Outsiders have been enjoying the 'sport of hunting and netting on tne ciud s property ana im members are going to (aw to put a stop to it if necessary. OSCEOLA, May 9. The Grand Army nosts of the different towns in the county have arrangements almost complete for the celebration or Decoration aay. 1 no poei si Stromsburg has secured Thomas Majors to iwuk for them and the nost of Osceola has secured R. 1 G. Douglass, editor of the Osceola Record, and it ib pyesumea mat ,Via nthar nnata of the conntv will attend at one or the other places named, leaving committees to attend to the decorating of the graves or their comraoes at tne ceme teries where they are burled. BEATRICE. May 9. R. R. Kyd. repub lican candidate for float representative, hss selected the following delegates to attend the float convention to be held at Wllber Thursday, May 12: W. P. Norcross, Samuel Rlnaker, F. B. Sheldon, C. B. Dempster, Alexander Graham, M. B. Davis, H. E. Sackett, A. H. Kldd, R. W. Sabln, Adam MoMullen, Jesse Newton, R, W. Eaton, Henry Albert, W. H. Jewell, W. S. Mat thews, Ed H. Miller. J. H. Hoffstet, E. E. Butler. Harry Spafford, L. W. Colby, J. H. Canebeer, J. W. Ashenfelter, J. F. Beaver. Harry Ford, J. XV. Wright, J. F. Lutx. James Learv, wrc. Dorsey, 8. C. Smith, W. J. Todd. The delegation la instructed for Mr. Kyd and as Gage county has nearly two-thirds of tho delegates It Is quite likely that he will be the nominee of the con vention. nyorka Wonaere tor -Women. Electric Bitters Invigorates the female system and cures nervousness, headache, backache and constipation or no pay. 60c For sale by Kuhn Co. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair and Warmer for Toeidsy and Wednesday Nebraska and Nearby Btntes. WASHINGTON. May 9.-Forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday: For Nebraska, North and South Dakota Fair and warmer Tuesday; Wednesday fair. For Iawa and Mlssourl-Falr Tuesday and Wednesday; warmer Wednesday. For Colorado, Wyoming, Montana Fair Tuesday and Wednesday. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA May 9-Ofncial record of tern Derature' and precipitation compared with Phi VoiresDoiuiing day of the past three years' 1804' 180- im mh Maximum temperature... 6 78 74 74 Minimum temperature.... 46 67 60 4 Mean temperature ?. o T Oft PReeord Uofn temra'iur.-and eclpiTatlu at Omlha for Uday since tfarch 1. 1W4: Normal temperature Deficiency for the day .. .... .... Norffce 'T.7nfr.. rtrflrlency since March 1. iH wi incn Tin encv for "or. period 1903... 2. H4 Inches Deficiency tor for. period 1Mb... 3.30 Inches Reports from Statlone nt T P. M. Hi S 5 3 . c ?3 s CONDITION OF THE WEATHER. C 1- 3 ; ? ' I Ml fni .no M W .00 64 n .00 62 64 .VIS 72 74: .00 64 SSI .iiO 62 l .00 M 64 .er) Ml 62 T M M T b)V 64 .00 bn 64 .M 64 66 ,ll 6A 64 .HI 66' 701 .00 66. 62 .' 741 76 .00 Omaha, clear , H.TC..11UIT, VIVA, Nnrlh Platte, clear C'heyennf, clear Bait Lake, clear Rapid City, clear Huron, clear Wllllaton. clear Chicago, partly cloudy Bt. 1AJU1S, r,irr Bt. Paul, clear Davenport, partly cloudy Kansas City, clear Havre, partly cloudy Helena, nwuuj LFUU J partly cloudy Ktamarck Galveston clear T Indicates trace of precipitation. U A. WELSH, Local Foreooater. WAR DEPARTMENT CONTROLS Faotmg Cans! Commission h Bub sot to Department Hsidrd hj Tift- PRESIDENT HAS DECIDED ON RULES General George W. Dnvls Will Be Appointed Governor of the Amer ran Zone on the Isthmus. WASHINGTON. May 9 rreeldent Roose velt had a long conference today with Secretaries Hay and Taft and Attorney General Knox, at which the regulations to govern the Isthmian Canal company were determined on finally. The regulations will be promulgated formally later In the day, but at the conclusion of the confer ence Secretary Taft gave a brief resume of their provisions. While the creation and work of the com mission, is committed by law to the presi dent, whose authority in that regard la practically supreme, the president by the regulations directs that the commission shall exercise Its powers under the direc tion and supervision of the secretary of war. General George W. Davis, the army member of the commission, Is appointed governor of the American sono on the Isthmus. Until the expiration of the Fifty eighth congress the isthmian commission. will exercise legislative authority over the American strip. Governor Davis Is given authority to appoint one Judge, who shall exercise judicial authority. Under the operation of what is known as the Dockery law the auditing of the commission's accounts will fall to the duty of the auditors of the State department, but beyond the matter of auditing the State department will not be charged with any control over the commission. The commission will report directly to the sec retary of war as often as he may direct upon all phases of Its operations. It will be under the same sort of control of the secretary of war as Is the Philippine com mission. All directions concerning the operations of the commission are set out fully In the regulations and a recitation is made of all the operations leading up to the acquisition of the canal property and the appointment of the commission. Talks of Alaska. Governor Brady of Alaska hod a con ference today with President Roosevelt about Alaskan affairs. Governor Brady Is the Alaskan commissioner to the Louisi ana Purchase exposition and is away from his post at this time In connection with his exposition work. Dividing Irrigation Fnnd. Acting under the terms of the Irrigation reclamation law, the secretary of the In terior today set apart $8,100,000 of the re clanuvtion fund In connection with the fol lowing projects: For the Yuma project on the Colorado river, covering about 86,000 acres in Arl xona and California, $3,000,000. The Belle Fourche project In South Da kota. 60,000 acres, $2,100,000. The Malheur project In Oregon, 75,000 acres, $2,OiiO,0iio. The Fort Buford project on the Yellow stone river In North Dakota, $l,2u0,000. The appropriation will leave only about $6,000,000 of the reclamation fund of $27, 000,000 to be disposed of. No Awnrda for Indian Bills. Returns from the offices of the Indian bureau show that 4o6 bids for furnishing Indian supplies were received at Chicago and seventy-four at St. Louis. No awards on the bids have yet . been made, Poatofllce at World's Fair. Acting Postmaster General Wynne today ordered the establishment, beginning to morrow, of stations of the St. Louis post office In the following buildings on the grounds of the World's fair; Education, Varied Industries, Inside Inn, Mines and Metallurgy, Liberal Arts, Transportation, Philippine Reservation, Machinery, Elec tricity, Agriculture, Fraternity and Fra ternity Outside Hotel. Tyner and Barrett Trial. The time of the Tyner and Barrett trial on charges of conspiracy In the Postofflce department, waa devoted today to .testi mony regarding the time and terms of Mr. Barrett's attorneyship for various bond Investment companies. Appointed Assistant Secretary. R. A. Lane of Hlngham, Mas., was to day appointed assistant secretary of the Isthmian Canal commission. Mr, Lane will discharge the duties of secretary of the commission until that office Is filled. Taft Cancels Bngagemeats. Secretary Taft has contracted a cold which has settled In his throat and by di rection of his physicians has cancelled en gagements to speak in public. The Bee Want Ads are the best Business Boosters. ' MEXICAN Mustang Liniment In ass tor over sixty years, MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cares Bpsvla suid King; bona MEXICAN Mustang Liniment sUl (urns sf f bum rost Uaa DRINK i J .win i 01 fel ARISIXQ V $ (51 HALF tS-3 CUSS 3 n. 1 a umnfl a ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WEAK? Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It. To Prove What the Great Kidney Remedy, Swamp Root, Will Do for YOU. Every Reader of The Bee May Have a Sample bottle Sent Absolutely Free by Mail. It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all disease have their begin ning In the disorder of these most Import ant organs. , The kldmys filter and purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, when your kidneys are weaa or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected, and how every organ seems to fail to do lis duty. If you are sick or "feel badly" begm tas ng the greM kidney remedy. Dr. Kilmer s swump-Kon bocause as soon as your Sicj- I neys begin to get better they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. I cheerfully recommend and endorse the Ureat Remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, for kidney tronble and bad liver. I have need It and derl-red great beneSt from It. I believe It has eared me entirely of kidney and liver tronble, from which 1 suffered terri bly. Most sratefully yours, A. K. Reynolds, Chief of Police. Columbus, Ga. Weak and vnhealthy kidneys are respon sible for many kinds of diseases, and It per mitted to continue much suffering and fatal results are sure to follow. Kidney trouble Irritates the nerves, makes you dlxzy, rest less, sleepless and Irritable. Makea you pass water often during the day and obliges you to get up many times during the night. Unheal thy kidneys cause rheumatism, gravel, catarrh of the bladder, pain or dull ache In the back Joints and muscles; make ynur head ache and back ache, cause Indigestion, stomach and liver trouble, you get a sallow, yellow complex ion, make you feel as though you had hesrt trouble; you may have plenty of ambition, but no strength; get weak and waste away. The cure for tlieae troubles Is l)r. Kil mer's Swamp-Root, the world-famous kidney remedy. In taking Swamp-Root you ifford natural help to Nature, for Swamp Root Is the most perfect healer and gentle aid to the kidneys that is known to medical science. How to Find Out If there Is any doubt In your mind aa to your condition, take from your urine on ris ing about four ounces, place It In a glass or bottle and let It stand twenty-four hours, it on examination It la milky or cloudy, it there Is a trick-dust settling, or If small particles float about In It, your kidneys are In need of immediate attention. Swamp-Koot Is pleasant to take and Is used In the leading hospitals, recommended by physicians In their private practice, and Is taken by doctors themselves who have kidney ailments, because they recognize in It the greatest and most successful remedy lor kidney, liver and bladder troublea. EDITORIAL NO TB Bo successful Is Swamp-Root In promptly curing 'eves the rnoet distressing cases of kidney, liver or bladder troubles, that to prove Its wonder ful ro.rlts you may have sample bottle and a book of valuable information, both sent absolutely free by mall. The book oontalns many of the thousands upon thous ands of testimonial letters received from men snd women cured. The value and sue tess of Swamp-Root la so well known that our readera are advised to send for a sam ple bottle. In sending your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Blnghamton, N. T., be sure to say you read this generous offer In The Omaha Dally Bee. The i roprietors of this paper guarantee the genulneas of this offer. I e make a thorough and scientific examination of your ailment, an examina tion that will disclose your true physical condition, without a knowledge of which you are groping In the dark. All men, who are not what they should be. who are weak, nervous and debilitated from any cause, or who have contracted any private diaease or secret habit of any kind, or who msy at present be Suf fering from any poisonous discharges, will And It well worth their time to come to the State Medical Institute for consultation and examination, which has been established for the purpose of curing the terrible diseases and weaknesses that destroy men's mental and physical powers, making the duties and social obligations of life a hardship and the enjoyment of marital life -and happiness impossible. t We treat men only and cure them quickly, safely and thoroughly. Every man suffering with any- private diseases Varicocele, Stricture, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Weakening Drains, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases, with any of their numerous and distressing symptoms, owes It to himself his family, and especially to the future generations to get cured promptly aafaly and thoroughly. - . r CONSULTATION FREE ?,mc" nourB' m;,to "P m- sunds. lotoiomy. uundukinuun 1 nut u ou cannot call write for t-ymptom blank.' STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Bet. 13th and 14th Streets, Omaha, Neb. Charges Lss Than All Others. DR. McGREW SPECIALIST. Trttts aX feraM sf DISEASES OF MEN ONLY A riedlcal Expert. I 2S Years Experience. IS Years In Omaha. Nearly M. OSS Cam CeraS. Vutcoeale. Hrdnmli, BleoS Potaoa, Strleturs, OiMt, Nkidh DMIUr. Loas of Stnwstb and VlUt Itr aaa all forma of aaronta llMtM. Traatnuat br swll. Call or writ.. Bos Tat. One rru- U S. St., Onaaa, K.h. Ivory Woman la lnl.ra.lMi .nil thn.ilrl knn a dow 1 in. wonarnu MARVEL whirling Spray Tbe wr stl rrtr. Jv- K arli'in. nat RuC- - Mol loovanient. It UtHW l.-ttMUj. it ravr fanU far It. If h. cannot .uddIv Ilia NASI KL, uxwl lo OLttfT. bul MDll .L.mD fO full MMrUcularaand (Inert ton. In. valnable to Lriiaa nlHIt-LtO., 1 far, lie. Sew I ark. For sale by BCiiAKVhTlS URUU STOKES. 16th snd Chicago Hts. ; So. Omaha, 24th and N 8ts; Council Hluffs, 6th and Main Sts. KUHN CO., 15th and Douglas Slreut. .virxicAN Austang Linimcni liraUrn np SUIT Joints. MEXICAN Mustang Liiimcnt penetrate to the very bone. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment fltiwae give amil-itiiua DR. KILMER'S SWAMP-ROOT Ktinay.Lhrer & Btaddtr CURK. THRKCTIONfL HifTilim,! at Ihrs tMspooafMni wfrs or fsar sjfcrsJs m4 ft i Wwrtfsv. CbHdrsm la aswdtar . Ha fsottssrs) Mh toftll stjm as4 1 ncrsss) to fall 4sm or as-, M Ik mm wouM msjq ts) rvqixlP. Thll iurt jwmrAf wm all kUis-O War, biaislar I rl Al4 troafclM a tftewibn 4v to Mk kssWv, ssjck a mtmm or iba ta44v. nrel. rfratataaUaat, lufrrauro an BntthVi Utosaas. wblaji H thw rort form af kkTrMvetaaaa. ItUplaaauitoul.. , tnAm MaT BT DR. riLMXK ft CO., BIlfUHJLMro.f, If. T. Sold by all Druggists. , (Swamp-Root Is pleasant to take.) If you are already convinced that Swamp Root Is what you need, you ran purchase the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar slss bottles at the drug stores everywhere. Don't make any mistake, but i-cmember the name, Swamp-Root, ' Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address,' Bingham- I ton. N v.. nn evnrv bottle. SEARLES & SEARLES Omaha. Nob. CURES SUARAHHEQ Quicker and for L(SS MONEY than other SPECIALIST- , curua all apeclal diseases if men kidney, bladder' uuu uiaeaaaa ui woiuai Blond Poinn cre for life, soon every l gnl BIUUU rUISUII ,yn,ptcm. aorcs 00 body, lu mouth, toneue. tnroat. talr and eyebrows. (falling out; dlxappeur completely forever, i Vsrlpftea Vain ruptured, enlarged aud Want. lalllUiB IBID vbIiis cured without cut. ting, pain ur Ions of time,. Never falls. Quickest cute In the world. 1 Weak, Nenouj Men awwVJK0l!;o,. debility, early ueullne. lack of vigor and strength. Treatment by mall. 14 years Oi SUC CESSFUL. PKACT1CK IS OMAHA. Cor ner of 14th and louglas. laiVV I LMBlfWforonn.turs.' I -a I c'i.harsa,lnlainii.atka iiiuml IJ Irrll.lloo. or uloaratloae t. mot.r.. pf luuoesa nambraBea, uaa. Palalxaa, ana 101 earns v MiCAlCO. g.ot or polvoDoua. ' F"""1'! Sole by Iir-as-glata, iimeCvansChimicai Co. . eisusatn,t f l J r" or aam in ..!n-wra av . I Vr a' ceroid, rwvA nut ..r 1 kMiitkr. a? 74. V. D . SI cuuUu Mat ue taaaaa) MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Bent for lloreo ailments. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Beat for Cattle ailmenta. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Beat for Sheep aiLuaccis.