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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1904)
TITE OMATIA DAILY DEE: TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1004. SAYS BLACKBURN IS BIASED Cr. 11 fUl GLORIA is the best lining for Jackets. GLORIA has no equal tor Drop Lining Agents tor American lill m mm Tap GoraUh Pronounce! Bit Po'itioil Methods Girdles at 39 cents UNJ IS Inconsistent and Untorupulotn. 10 insBBnaBi n n umm l 4 ' VS. H mmt i wjfn IV i till lij 'Oosrce.Gl2"iS Cor9els Lady THB WF.I.IAHI.K) STORK. REFUTES STATEMENT OF KNIFING MERCER DfrUrn Chairman of (onrilii Committee tsed Ilia Office to Promote Inlrrfili of Ilia Favored Caadldate. T. W. Mlarkbum, chairman of the Second district congressional committee, and E. J, Cornlah, the repuhlican candidate for nomi nation for congressman, have mado an an other exchange of letters on the matter arising from the discussion of the nomlna ( tlon and how to secure It. Blackburn's letter was pent to Cornish and simultane ously published in the World-Herald, and It la aa follows: OMAHA. May Hon. E. J. Cornlah My Dear Sir Your lottor of the 7th Inst., punusnea in me iiee, under headlines sug g.'.Ung that I should resign the clialrniH n ship of the congreeHlnmil committee, avoMn the Issue presented In my communication of the 6th inet. addressed to you, and In dulge in a special plea which la clearly demurrahlo and wholly Irrelevant. You put several Inquiries, however, which It affords me clenaure to answer. You ask, what was my motive In writing my letter. 1 answer frankly: A aosire to correct misapprehensions likely to have re sulted from your published Interviews Hnd speeches in The Bee. I stated my motives in the opening paragraphs of my letter of me tun insu I gave that letter to the World-Herald be cause the Intelligent people of Omaha In all fiartles read that nawnp.iper, and 1 regard t as a medium for reaching them. Your second Inquiry is '"Why do you at tempt to breed factional discord In our partyf" Thla question assumes a fact not In evidence. The incubator from which the factional chicks In Douglas county are hatched Is not In the Faxton block. The Erogenltor of republican dlncord In Omaha, ouglas county and Nebraska Is your pa tron saint, Edward. That gentleman's am bition and personal maJIce prevents har mony, and his newspaper Is the' fomenting cause of the factional discord which de feated a republican congressman and gave a democratic candidate for governor 2.MU majority in Douglas county two years ago. Your third question Is: "Can It be that In your personal contests you have been so frequently favored with the columns of the World-Herald that you feel under obll gatlons to its proprietor?" Coming from you and your faction this Inquiry la decidedly refreshing. The pro- Crietor of the World-Herald Is In congress ecause your faction bolted the republican nominee two years ago. Less, than four rears ago you were a regular contributor o the World -Hornld and you nave been quoted In that newspaper against the re publican party with laudatory approval so many times that I am surprised that you should make this Inquiry. May I ask If you would now be chasing your toy balloon for "congressional preference" If the proprietor of the World-Herald had failed in his am bition two years agof I have enjoyed courtesies from all the Omaha newspapers, but you will certainly admit that The Bee has given me col umns of free advertising where ' the World-Herald has afforded me paragraphs. Tou have figured more extensively in the latter newspaper than I. I was never a delegate to a republican national convention. I never sat in the Nebraska delegation to record my vote for William McKlnley, Theodore Roose velt and the Inst national republican plat form. That distinguished honor was yours. I never attended a demooratto national convention In Kansas City and never Shouted myself hoarse In approval of a plank In the national platform of that party which arraigned and denounced my own party. That unique distinction is also yours. . I never sulked In my tent during a pres idential campaign and never wrote, uttered or promulgated an Indictment of William McKlnley and my party for the position of my Party In connection with the annexation of the Philippine Islands. 1 never told my former party associates and my democratic friends that I feared my conscience was too tender to permit me to vote for William McKlnley for president. Here, again, you are In a class by yourself. I never was Invited by Hon. Alexander Lsxrerty of Ashland, Neb,, to speak from the same rostrum with Theodore Roose velt: That exceptional honor was yours, I did not decline the invitation beoause I disapproved the policy of the republican party and could not lend my presence to the occasion because I distinctly disap proved of the speeches of the republican nominee for vice president, now the hon ored chlof executive of the nation and the standard bearer of my party In this cam paign. You not only refused to speak at a meeting; with Theodore Roosevelt, but took occasion to write a long letter setting out your reasons, which letter contained the Sentiments so extensively copied by the World-Herald In Its attcks upon the repub- Una n -w.... n.U - , , V. A Mni.hlln.n .!-, form. My newspaper articles sometimes dls- ? lease you and the editors of The Bee, but hey have not thus far been used as cam- fatgn ammunition by the democ ratio pub li speakers and press, .lad I refused to speak In 1900 from the same platform with Theodore Roosevelt: had I been at any time In doubt about voting for William McKlnley in that cam paign, and had I bolted the republican nominee . for congress two years ago, I think I should have been a democrat In nams as well as sentiment, and would long since have resigned the chairmanship of the republican congressslonal committee, which t have held for eight years without the oo risen t. approval or connivance of our mutual friend, Edward Rosewater. Yours truly, T. W. BLACKBURN, Chairman Congressional Committee. Reply by Cornish. Mr. Cornish's reply to the Blackburn 1st tr Is: Hon T. W. Blackburn, Chairman Repub lican Congressional Committee Dear Blr: falowly are you uncovering yourself and un luasklng your motives to the world. All republicans, and especially candidates seek ing nomination, have the right to a fair and unbiased central committee. You have never been fair and unbiased. You have repeatedly used your ofllclal position to further the Interests of your favored can dkiale, and in this have not only been In coualslunt, but unscrupulous. The pretense of your first letter was to critlultie the primary called by the county central committee. The real motive was to convey the Impression by inference that I had not given to Mr. Mercer the victory he won over me two years ago. My answer, offering to withdraw from the present con test, waive the light of the oounty central commltum to conduct the primaries in this . Bounty and waive the objections to your appointing and hiring the Judges and clerks of election, provided you would call the convention at onoe by a direct form of primary, unmasked your hypocrisy, In your letter thla morning you avoid all mention of direct primary the only thing that you aa chairman had any right to talk about whatsoever. In your morning letter you show your self to be a biased and reckless factional 1st. , As chairman of Mr. Mercer's campaign A The amount of energy Jna food doesn't count o much as the amount you can get out with the least effort. "FORCE" la easily digested, and it is likable beyond description. Special Ribbon Sale Bargains in Ribbons Never Offered Before. For Tuesday's selling wo offer special bargains In our annual May sale of Ribbons. This glgantla stork of Ribbons was bought during the dull season from manufacturers who were eager to sell, even at a re duced price. Brand new bargains are presented tomorrow. A blK assortment of fine Silk and Satin Taffeta Ribbon In desirable widths dozens of alindes of Plain niblKn this Is n l"" tnn bnrpnln that is rarely cqunlled at a yn d Plain Taffeta Ribbon 1H Inches wide for children s nair rio bon, etc., etc. white, cream, brown, pink, blue, etc. at yard 2k 5c Three-Inch Taffeta Ribbon In colors that are popu- lar this season III plain and fancy Mail at yard v all Extra Special -Very Fine Ribbon at 19c Yardln thla lot are five-inch Taffeta lunnon, 4-vinen sort nnisn inneta itinnoD 0-lnch Taffeta Tlaids 4-lnch Messalln Taffetas and 5 and 6-lnch rialn Taffetas In all colors never were such fine Ribbons offered at a big bargain like this at yard . !9c Embroideries at 7c Yard 10,000 yards of sample pieces of Embroideries made of the finest Swiss and Nainsook "j 1 n. frpfnt. rnnnv nf tho finft rmhroideries ' are worth as high as thirty-live cents a yard go at per yard Ill O lUltUVi V A 71c Two Special Silk Bargains Shirt Waist Silks Latee designs in silks for tbe popular new shirt waist OMtuines many exclusive patterns in new brown and blus combinations, etc., special at, yd. 50c-69c-98c Fine Dressmaking Taffetas In black and all eolors this is a specially high grade of taffetas from the dressmaking stock wo recently pur- M chased in New ft ." York, at, yard 2 New Lace Curtains Are Here Our Lace Curtain Department this season Is splendidly equipped. We have chosen s wide variety of the most beautiful new patterns that the factories have put out this season. The new Bonne Femme Curtains, Saxony, Point d'Arab, Dentelle, etc., etc., are among tho most handsome styles shown. The prices, are the moat moderate that you have ever known in Omaha. Cooking by Elec tricity Main Floor ? Dally "Ls Cooking f Demon 'IB stratlons tn JiL It OPEN A BANK ACCOUNT and receive 4 per cent interest, compounded every three months. Accounts opened for $ 1 or more. Deposits made now draw interest, for the entire month. Little home safes loaned free. Checks on , all banks cashed, and Union Pacific Pay Checks and all other pay checks are cashed at our bank. J. L BRANDEIS & SONS, BANKERS you knew that I did make speeches In his behalf and was not a party to the revolt against him and that he ran as well rela tively In the First ward, where I live, as In any other precinct in the district. You know that Mr. Gurley, the rooet abls and unselfish supporter of Mr. Mercer, an nounced his support for me within a week after the election two years ago and would be supporting me today were it not for his own candidacy. Therefore, by skillfully and deceitfully connecting me with Mr. Kosewater you convey the impression (that even your conscience will not let you stats directly) that I was knlflng Mr. Msrcer, and have an understudy undur the nams of "a straight republican" make the charge direct. This la dishonorable politics, and especially so In the chairman of a central committee. Your dosigns are further uncovered by your statement that the convention will not be held until fall. Mr. Hitchcock Is already In the field. Unless I carry the primary on the 13th by such a large vote as to con found all opposition there Is likely to be aroused through your malevolence a fac tional bitterness that the candidate, who ever he may be, should not have time to allay. But this Is not In accordance with your desires. I need not give attention to the criti cism of my Philippine utterances by a man who never had a serious conviction on a political question that was not connected with spoils and exploitation and who never yet erred by leaning to the side of free dom and justice. Very respectfully, B. J. CORNISH. STOMACH TROIBI.H AND CONSTIPA TION Have mi Last Fallen Victims to BJIahtr Science. Thousands havs given up la despair after having doctored for years. To those we make the following offer: Cut out this advertisement and send It to us, together with your name, address and particulars of your case. On receipt of your letter we will send you an order on your druggist for a full-size bottle of Milks' Emulsion free. . Remember this Is not the usual small sample bottle given out by medicine com panies free, but our regular full-slse, to cent bottle. After taking the first bottle you will then be able to Judge for yourself of the merits of Milks' Emulsion. We will then give you a written guarantee, backed by your drug gist, that Mllkes Kmulslon will cure you of Stomach Trouble or Constipation. Can you ask for mora, knowing that you can nave your money back for the asking If Milks' Emulsion falls to curs you? If you havs never U1l this wonderful remedy cut out this ad. today and mall It to the Milks' Kmulslon company, Terrs Haute, Ind. M'INTOSH TO QUIT BOARD Considers Matter of Reslgnlas; Sine lis Is Ns Longer Resident ( Onshs, I H. r. Mcintosh Is considering the matter Ot resigning as a member of the Board of education. He la no longer a resident of Omaha, having established himself on his 175-acre farm at Alda, Neb. A new dwel ling on the place Is nearing completion and Mr. Mcintosh Is moving his household goods and family Into .It. His term as a member of the board would not axjUrs, until A POINTER WATCH FOR IT We have been selling medicines for a long time; some are good, some are no good: some are bad AJS'lJ BOMB ARI NOT MAD. Sometimes we are not in position to Know wnemer certain ones are gooa, Una or Indifferent, and we say so. Some people WANT WHAT THJDY WANT, WHEN THEY WANT IT, and that's our long suit for a customer. Now to the point. Did you ever hear of Ellmlno? If not, you will before many moons. We have learned that Kllmlno Is different from other remedies In that It does not BT1MULATE AND BUILD UP FAUBK HOPES, but It goes right after the CAUSE OK BAD HEALTH and RE MOVES THE CAUSE If there Is a posnl blllty of thla being done. For Instance, the blood gets poisoned with urlo acid, and If Llthla, etc.. Is taken for It, AN INSOLU BLE URATE 18 DEPOSITED UN THE BLOOD BIT NOT REMOVED. Ellmlno will DISSOLVE and remove all these urates from the blood, and thus CURE RHEUMATISM and all other blood dis eases. We want SOME BAD CASES to prove this strong statement with. MORE LATER ABOUT ELI Ml NO. SCHAEFER'S SSi'HSs . T. YATES, Prss, llth and Chicago Bis., Omaha. 'Phonss 147 snd 7V7. IMta and N Sts., Bouth Omaha, 'Phone No. L 6th Avs. and Main St., Ceuncll BlufTa 'Phone Ills. All goods 4s ilvsred in sltber oity absnlutaiy frse. MRS. LESS ERSECU RES ORDER Gets Judgment for Money from Has band and Hestralnt Against His Selling- Oat. . In the esse of Bertha Lesser against A. M. Lesser, wherein the petitioner asks for separate maintenance from ths' peti tionee, Judge Sutton has Issued an order that she be paid $20 per week during the pendency of the suit, be allowed $60 for suit fees and UOO for advance fee for her attorney. The court also has Issued a restraining order prohibiting the petitionee from disposing of his property In this cty, wheh his wife alleges amounts to 130,000. It Is understood, however, from another source, that prior to ths Issuance of this ordsr Mr. Lesser had disposed of most of his holdings and left ths city. PINKERTON OPENS AN AGENCY Detective Headquarters launched la Oinaka srltk P. S. Bartsn as Resident Manacer. The Plnkerton Detective agency has opened a branch office in Omaha for the first time. Rooms have been fitted up on the fifth floor of the New York Life build ing and P. 8. Barton will be resident manager. Heretofore the business of the agency In Omaha and adjacent territory has been handled through ths Kansas City office. Ths Nebraska laws prohibit ths use of Plnkerton men in a police capacity, but do not restrict the operations of de tectives along any line of Investigation. Urn Time to rol Awns. Coughs, colds and lung troubles demand prompt treatment with Dr. King's New Dis covery. No curs, no pay. two. Lk For sals by JCuna A Co. Those phenomenal t Dry Goods bargains aavertised in Sunday papers women's suits, misses' suits, petti coats, silk waists, children's dresses, silks, dress goods, wash coeds, linens, domes- R tics, hammock pillows, veil ings and ladies' hosiery are continued Tuesday. Read the Sunday ad again. Your Eyes Eye comfort to those who need It at money saving priocs. An up-to-date dark room, experienced optician. Satis faction a certainty. Wall Paper i Mondays and Tuesdays are our spec ial regular sales days. See tho heavy white blanks, at, per roll, 3c. Gilts and Glimmers, up from 6o. EmbnsHed golds, tapestries, plain golds and silks, up from ISc. Wnll papor cleaner, per can, 18c Room mouldings, up from, per foot. We hang paper. Third Floor. Sunday New York World. Sunday New York World on sale in Stationery Dept. Tuesday, Scents Another coupon out it out and get 81.00 worth of Little Qreen Stickers (or it. GROCERY Bennett's Busy Grocery Department Is in the lead all the time. Fresh, new, clean Groceries at lowext prices. TUESDAY SPECIALS. $ 1 worth dreen Trading stamps with each bottle Oedney's Pepper Sauce, red ')r or green. ...wC fT7IM Salmon, 1-lh. enn 10c Baked Beans. S-lb. enn .....Wo Wircester Sauce, bottle ..M...lic Corn Starch, l ib. package.. .......... 6o Totted Hum, can 4a fi2 M 50c worth Qreen Trading Stamps with each largo Jar Assorted A Preserves.... '" Closing Out Seeds Vegetable and Flower Seeds, forpac.k.8S!!..I5c 50c worth Qreen Trading Stamps Free. Several thousand pounds of hand picked. -clean Navy Heans Tuesday only per lb o An opportunity for all large con- Slitlirr. POTTED HAM. 4o Just received new goods Potted Ham, per can 4c Table Suit, 3-lb. package Bo Peas, 2-lb. can 7" Baking Soda, package 4c Immense quantities of Fresh Country Putter received dally. LEMON DROPS. Sc PER PACKAGE 2.01X1 B-ccnt packages of these Lemon Drops lust received from the factory Tuesday only per package 3o ' DEMONSTRATION TUESDAY Special demnnf tratlon of hot biscuit making by HBNNKTT'8 EXCELSIOR FLOUR AND BENNETT'S BAKING POWDER. Come and taste them hot off the griddle. Main Floor. Exhibition of OriinaJ Water Colors and Fac Similes Tuesday is the second day of this entrancing exhibit. Many lovers of art were heard to express their high appreci ation of our hangings. The most renowned artists of today are represented. Poetry, Ilistory, Fiction and Romance, with Old Mother Nature in and through all, are the themes. 10 Little Green Stickers and a New Stamp Collecting- Book Free 7 f - KEEP Tilt TEETH olean and white. The way In whloh you care for the TEETH gives an Insight to your character. People judge you by their condition. Let us clean, nil, crown and replace the Toeth If necessary. You'll be pleased with tbe improvement we make. So will your friends. BAILEY THE DENTIST Srd Floor Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. IS ;i C7 j9 aoxaie Insures Pnre.Soft, White Skis and a Beautiful Complexisa, curet lonsi and Tetter. Ab solutely sna rerroDnu7 remuve Blackhottii, Free. klM, Pimploi, Kdiiei, Bnn n.,t and Tan. Uled with i &erms-Itoyla 8op a Ptif ? . -kin i. tM.lir4 t Sold by DruggltUor may k ordered direct Dersna-Roynle, SI ser bottle, express nnld. Dertua-Hoyal snap, rents, y snail. Roth la paeUacc. I.SB. express Mia. Dsrms-Horals C Cincinnati, SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUG STORE Omaha, Nsbr., and atoata Omaha. Nebs, Z5he Best of Everything VI I ,.'"1 The Only Double TracR Railway to Chicago Special Reduced Rates. Cleveland, 0., and return May 13 to 17. Atlantic City, N. J., and return July 13 to 15. Cincinnati, 0., and return July 18 to 23. Louisville, Ky., and return August 16 to 29. a. -City Offices as' 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA TEL. 624-661 Six Important Event In Our Linen and Domestic Departments. Ho. lFne Imported Yard- ' No. 2 Bleached Table Wide Percales Damask. Made from Bea Island m 7 !?bnu01Ua?ln'flT" ff ifh cotton, absolutely fast h nel t floral L V)) fm colors, bandsome pat- "8f deslsns snd borders J Iff" t'.rS?' TV01"111 " ail Li to match, 6 Inches KM j ard- wide, worth 11.25 yd. No. 3 Sheer White No. tGorman Bleached Goods. Napkins. India llnon. 40-In. wide, 1 Satin finish, heavy n ST j-. satin stripe, nainsooks, (LI weight, closely wovll jF II V lace strip lawns, dim- JaLosfw fn all pure linen. II WjJ ltlp. Leno stripes, flll . handsome floral de- II U U dotted, etc, JF signs, worth 2 .25 IX tJ worth up to 36c, at dosen, Tuesday, dos . , No. 5 Imported Colored No. 6 Bleached Satin Da Dimities, mask Towels. And lace stripe colored flBfl All linen with heavy jfn. organdies, either flgure. '7 J "hJ!nePw 11 O or floral designs, worth ft B colored borders, size 1 1 Mm 19o per yard, at k 24x4i-worth 38c, IX T X at Furnishing Goods Money Savers J1.W MEN'S RIIlKTS 39c 100 dos. Men's fine Madras shirts, two collars and separate cu iva in new siyunn patterns regular Offlr, 19c 25c-39c values. Tuenday. at. SOfl SILKED I'NDKRWEAR 19c Men's slllt finished shirts and drawers regular ouo auaJiiy, i upsoay. at MEN'S HKAVY BALBRIGQAN UNDERWEAR In plain and fancy colors, at , 1ZV40 MEN B FANCY HOBH 60 FAIR. T6o WORKING PHTRT8 49o Men s hoavy working shirts. In light and daik colors worth 7ftc. at $1.00 BOYS" SHIRTS WAISTS 49c Boys shlrt waists, In light and dark colors worth 7fo to Il.on. at ONE LOT OF BOYS' WAlSTS-ln dark colors, go on Tuesday, at lo LADIES KOBE 10c Ladles' fins cotton hosi, double hoels and toes, plain ana iannv colors worm Jc. ruencav. at 890-IADIES' HOSE 19c Ladles' fine Llale thread hose, In fanoy and drop 1Fr stitch worth 38c, at IVW lhC fill ll.'KIN HIKHjU IlUMia HO. $1.60 LADIES' GLOVES 79c Ladies' Il'ine Kid Gloves, In modes gray and tans, just the thing for street wear regular $1.00 and 1tn $1.S0 quality, at ...IVC LADIES' LACE LISLE AND SILK GLOVE8-ln modes gray, black and whlto flQr reRiilar t0c and 75c values, at M ROoMISSES' SILK GLOVES-ln gray, . 3Qg .49c 49c 19c 10c CnAni '?fom 10 a' m to 11 a. m. Tuesd2y DpeCldl Ladies' Fine Uambrio Corset (j T) flnvHrfL acm nnrl flmhrnirlprtr trimmrl. worth 89c AA, Jr . , j -i for one hour Special Wool Dress Goods Sale From 9 to 12 A. M. We will place on sale 600 dress patterns. In Mohairs, Brilltantlnea and Sicilians, Tailor Suitings, Voiles, Etamlnes, Checks, Plaids, Henriettas, Serges and other s" p goods, worth up to $3.00 per yard, in lengths from 2Vi to 7 yards, and only one pattern to a customer, at, a yard 'w'w - From 2 to 5 P.M. We will sell the finest strictly all wool French Challles, with ths custom house brand on every ticket. The most beautiful coloring, guaranteed fast Goods made to sell at 75c and $1.00 a yard, and not over 12 yards to a customer, 7P. at, a yard sjiw SALE OF SILKS TUESDAY. At B o'clock we place 100 pieces elegant silk, Including both plain and fancy silks, yard wide Taffeta. Yard wide China numerous prices 21-inch fancy silk AQn worth up to $1.50, at ., YARD WIDE WHITE WASH SILK Yard wide black wash silk 37-inch. 10-Inch and 83-inch National Pongee silk Otto Well worth $1.50. on sale VOW T GROCERIES! GROCERIES! If you are economical if will yay you to trade at Hayden' Grocery Dept. 48-lb. Sacks High Patent Minnesota flour 1 29 Large sacks White Yellow Cornmeal....l2Ho 6-Ib. Hand Picked Navy Beans 19o 5-lb. flood Japan Rice 190 5-lb. Pearl Hominy, Tapioca, Bago, Bar ley, Farina I9o Mince Meat, per pkg 60 Force, Vigor, Vim, Malta Vita, Neutrlta, or Egg-O-See, per pkg Ttto Fancy Crisp Ginger Snaps, per pkg 40 The best Soda, Butter, or Milk Crackers, per pkg 60 Gal. Jugs pure Tomato Catsup, or French Mustard We 3 pkgs. Yeaat Foam, or On Time Yeast.. lOo Castllle Soap, cake 20 6 Bars best Laundry Soap for 18c 3-lb. cans Solid packed Tomatoes 7H S-lb. can Hominy 7Ho 3-lb. cans Golden Pumpkin 74o 3-lb. cans Boston Baked Beans 8',-iO ' 2-lb. cans fancy Wax, String, or Lima Beans 7Ua ECONOMICAL DRIED FRUIT PRICES. Choice California Prunes, per lb u.Sfto Choice California Seedless Raisins, per lib ...So Fancy Muir Peaches, per lb .TVta California Grapes, per lb ...........7M,o Virginia Blackberries, per lb 7o New York King Apples, per lb 8o ECONOMICAL FRESH FRUIT PRICES. Large Juicy Lemons, per dos..... 12o Large Sweet Juicy Oranges, per dos 12c Fancy HuJlow'een Dates, per lb. 5c Fancy Colorado Whits Clover Honey, per rack 12o California White Figs, per pkg 5o , p.iisi ivHi HTii xxna We sell nothing but absolutely purs but ter made at ths best creameries In ths country. We have no license to sell you anv substitute, therfore you are alwavs sure of Its purity. HAVDEN BROS. PnCkPTROnKS! We are selling to elope the line of poolcetbooks. 75c, were $1.60; $1.00, were $2.00; $1.75, were $3.60. Children's norketbooks at same cut prices. If you need one, now nice, . ' .... ... sIma f KlM 1 rr Via and. n clean, up-to-uaco gouus. juook tor mo emo. S. W. Lindsay. Jeweler. IS 16 Doulas St. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER The Best Farm Paper. Rogers, Peet 0 Co. SveJ Clothing for Men. J. L Brandeis & Sons. Sherman hHld hi oflitimttD riy womn HCavm iu I mo U nw mimc HE CARE OF THE HAIR sk Ths Imssrlal Ka!r Rsrenerator Ut acknowledged STAjnoATlD TIAIB CX)LoHINaoitSsf. It I uullr su ss wis ssirnn sua siotur, it ond free. C'omMpuiWInnc ouuttOnatlal. baswial Ums.MIi.Co. US W.Us $W Vers MoC nan iwss Co.. Omaha, It BUBnftnaanila1ni (0) (2) I t! V- u Ell mm JlllL THE M mBASH Lands all its passengers at its own station, main entrance World's Fair Grounds. Stop-over allowed on all tickets. Leave Omaha . , . . 6:30 p. m. Arrive World's Fair 7:00 a. m. Arrive St. Louis . . 7:15 a. m. For beautiful World's Fair folder and all information call at Wabash City Office, 1601 Farnam, or address HARRY E. M00RES, G. A. P. D., OMAHA. NEB. i ", sr, nm.'mt inr-m