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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1904)
THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, MAY 9. 1004. P0ST0FFICE NOTICE. by stesmer. closes at thla office dally at . t ill v. m. . AKLIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ ana UI.ATE-MALA-H rail to New Orleans, tind thence by steemer. close st this office OBllv, except hunoiy, mi i ei p. m. anu flu t p. m.. Sunday t ll.-OO p. m. and 111) 30 p. m. (nnecUFid mall closes here, Mondays tt 110.30 p. m ) . . COHTA RICA Br rail to New one-ins, end thence bv steamer, closes fit this off'' daliv, except Bun-lay, at II -Jo p. m. n1 110 30 p. rn., Sunday at 1:00 p. m. and 110 3n p. m. (connecting malt closes her TuwiIhvs at J0 80 p. m). REGISTERED MAIL, cioaea at 6:00 p. m. previous dav. Tranapaeifle Malla Forwarded Over leaf Daily. The ached ule of closing Transpacific malli It arraired on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit to port of sailing. The final connecting malls (ex cept registered Transpacific mails which c4oee p. m. previous day) close at tba general potofTfee, New Tork, as follows: HAWAII, via Pan Francisco, close at s:30 p. m. May 9th, for despatch per a. a. Alnmeda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma, close at fi:30 p. m. May th, for despatch per . a. Nine Chow. , HAWAII. JAPAX. CHINA and PWLIP I'lXE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at 30 p. ro. May 14, for despatch per a, s China. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, fci C close at :30p. m. May lTth, for deppafh per s. a. Empress of China. Mei-chanfli for U. 8. Postal Agency nt Stl.Tn-;'- il cannot b forwarded via Cannttfi). CHINA and JAPA.. via Seattle, close at 6 3m p. m. May 'u. fur despatch per a. s. HyaoW NH7. ZEAUND. AUSTRALIA (except West). NEW CAI.mONIA, SAMOA and HAWAII (also specially addressed mall for FIJI Islands), via Sun Francisco, close at t:'ji) p. m. May 21st. for despatch per s. s Bononvi. (If the Cunard ateamer carrvlng the British mall for New Zeal and docs not arrive in time to connect wl'h this dfspntrh, extra malls closing nt 8:) a. m., :30 a. m. and :S0 p. m.i Punrtnvs ut 4:3 a. m., 9 a. m.. and 6:30 p. m. will hf made np and forwarded until tl"- ;rrlvi! or the cunard steamer). FIJI ISTjANPS (also specially addressed mll for Australia and New Caledonia). via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C, close at 6. JO p. m. May 21st for despatch per s. s. Mnrinns'i. TAHITI and MARQt'ESAS ISLANDS, via B.m Franols?o. close nt p. m. May ?ih. for dVsp.-ifoli per s s. MHriposa. rHILirriNE ISLANDS, via San Fran- rlco. close at C:Z1 p. n. May 27th, for HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and specially i.1dreert mail for the PHILIPPINE ISLAND vl San Francisco, close at 6:30 p. m. May 27th. for despatch per s. s Doric. . NnTK-Cnless otherwise sddressed. West Australia is forward-"! via Europe: and New Zealand and Philippines via Sin Francisco the quickest routes. Philip Tines specially ." reused "via Canada . r "via Ktirope" must be fully prepaid at the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San Fnnclscn exclusively. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Tot o"e New York. N. T. May 6. RAILWAY TIME CARD i-IO bTATIO 10T1 ASD MARCY. Chlrncrn, Hoel: Inland A Pacific. EAST. tMTA AlTt .. tsl am a D O am ..a T 00 am a t-M pro ...11 :15 am a (:M pm . .a 4 30 pm bll V) am ..a pm a 1 ! pat Oiimto rat!rit T.imia c;.iiro PayHsht LrfM-al t'hlraart KipfW tVt Vojn'i Eipreti r c Chicago Fist Espresa WEST. : B L T I Pa-kr xloantaln Llml'Kl iT:Wu a T: pta Llnroln. ("oot.1 gprlngm. Dan- . r. Pb!e ar l ft a I JO pm ii upa Tx. ( alilornU and Oklahoma Flyrr a : la an I'nloa Paelflo. Tha Orrlan4 Umtied a t:i am a I 06 pm The Kaat Mail a 1:54 am a I J pm Tha California Eirraas a 4 10 pm Tha AMn.llr 8'nal. i ....... .'. a I: pm Tha Portlaod-ciilcata Special... a 1.10 pm ) Tha Atlaiitle Eicraaa t:lO pm Tha Colorado Rpuaial. ... all:! pa a 10 am Tba Chk-aaa fcpUI a 1:40 am Ltneola, iMtnca aud Straaa- bari Expraas . IIMpa bU:48 pa Colsmbua Local .. . pm k am Chlcagro at Jtorthweatera. Fast Calcaso .a 1 a I B aa a :M pm k 1 .44 pm aid 00 pa all :M pm a I U aa a l:4t pa a'iiai aa a J aa a 140 pm a M aw blO S4 aa kl .U aa Local chlLaao 10 MaU ..., I Loo. I S(oui.Qtr....t... ... larilht M. Paul. a 1 bayllcut Chlcaao a I LltniUd Chlcaao a :10 pm M am :00 am :N pm M pa ran Cklraao .a t Local ifeitafo a 4 n pm :1 pa Faat St. faul .a I St. Paul Exproas .... raat Mall Local aioul CU k 4 K'ortolk aod Bouaotoal a Llacola an4 Lung Piuo a a Daadvood. liot Springs aa4 Lluroio t...a I raapr ant Wyoming Expraas... 4 1 Haatloxa Svparlor and Albtoa. .b 2 W pm ( am M pa M pa M pa a I .M pa a :W pa b pa Chlraso. Mllwaakaa Jk St. Pmal. rhk-aao DallgM .... Kaat Kxproai OvcrUnd Llmlud .... .a I II aa all:U pa .a 4 pm a I K pm a I M pa a 1 10 pa 4liiu a I .i pa Utm MolDa sxpraaa. HUaat Ceatravl. Chicago Exvroat Chicago, Miuaeapolla Paul LlmlUd lluuaapulla at Bu Paul Mlaataari Paiolilc. St. Loula Empraas K. C. a Sc Louia daprasi World's ralr Cpodai a I M pm aio .U pa a 10 pa a l ot aa blO:M pm .al:l a 4 pa a tSM aa all 40 am k a T:ll aa a ta pa Ui a aa 44. pa M Pm .a I. t hloavca Craat Weitera. St. Paul aa Klaaaapolla LaU .... St. Paul and auaaaapolia Chlcaao Llmlud a 4 It. Paul, auaa Caioaaa Mx. .a Chlcaao Knjaaa a 4 Wabaak. at aa to pm XI pa aa a 4.M pm St. Loaia "Canaoo BU" Ba...a N aa a I 0 aa al.M p ..a i :14 am BinLMQTOK ITATIOX-IOTH aft MAIOX CttraaT Barll.a at 4gala9y. Loa. AitCts. rklcat Spoalal a t.w aa i t n pa Chicago VaoUbalad Bxpraas a 4:00 pm il.tlu Chloaao Locai .a lai aa ,aU:o pa Chloaga Ual(a4 l:ut pa a T 44 pa Vast Mall .... .... S:44 pa Kaasa City, It. Joaeyk at Co. Blmtfa. Kaasaa Ctt Dm Eipraam. .j a I II aa a I N pa St. Loala Plyai at Mpa aU:i4ta kaaaaa Uif Mgat 4 pa a 4.4 aa BarllaaTtoa at Mtasaari Hirer. Wyaura, Boatrloa and Llooala..a l:4 aa bit 04 pm Kabraata aupraaa a IHaa a 1:44 pa Ixutaor Lliuliad 4 Wpm a 14 am klaca Hllla m Pugat Soaai B. pm a 4 04 pa Colorado aaUbuiad Plar.... a 4.40 pa Liocola Paat Mai. k lT pa alx:0t pm Fort CrM aad Platuaouth....b 4:14 pa bl0:M aa KallaTu aod Paotaa Juootioa..a 1:40 paa 141 ta (Miletus aad PaoiSa Juaouaa.. 4.44 aa 'WEBSTBA DEPOT 1BTU at) WEBITIK Mlaaourt PmISIo. Laava. airtn. - Mob. I anal. ta Woaplas Watw.k 4:14 aa a 11.11 pm C'kleaaTo, St. Paal, Mtala. at Ouiakav.' Twin CRr Piasaaga b I 44 aa b 4:14 pa Sioux cur Paaaauaot'-. a 1 ft pa all M am Oaklaad Lsuai b i pa b 4:14 aa a IMilr. b tally axoapt Saadar. 4 Daily axoapt aturaax. amiij aaaan aoouaj . OCBAH ITEAMSUIPt. HQLLIND-AUERICA LINL Nrw To-iatoro ataojura si 1S4 loaa. KEW VOBK-SiTTUibaM. via BoLUjuMB. Salilaa Tuaoua, at 14 a. aa, Potadam .....alar MNoordaa Mar U touardaa Mar II tati.ilaa Jus t .lam Max lafwuuaa Jaao 14 MOULAM-4VMJCaiCaJ4 UNB. 44 DaarWa St.. 0k caao. lil. : Marrr Mawm taut Varaaa SC A Hataartanl. 114 Paraaa bi. 1 a. kaf aauoa, 1H faruaa a. CCIalPAGHIE GfnfPaALE TRANtATUUrriOUl aTtraaeh Ua Maw Tork to Pawta, Six Davys, tNaUlngrs S-var Ttuuatla a4 It a aa La Si. ale Ma l La Touialr.a La i.u.wgua ... Jua .4 La Lorratna La kraugua Jona 11. ...Jan I ....Juua 4 Ntw, amlro. iihiug tota-at-rav aad aaproas atraai.., uaial chctn aiau.o-a'ar dlavlpliua. lon.t .; a i.l0alcJ ualu, Hvr 4 koura. Aoruia -Marry K Muuraa, lyl nra.a SI. Lou la N.r. ri Kail bank. C A. kuiMliard, Uxl l iiuam at . Koca lalaiad kg. SSiHOk UB V. k sutt STEAM UPS. r-KW TOSS. LONPoaUkaat AMD 4)LaaO0W. KEW TOKB, OlSSaLtak AND MAPLSk (aiarir araammoduiona. Ilxsallani raiaiaaw Tha eon, tort af paianr aaratmlr t.alMd. Slagi or t'lp Uiarig kotvaaa K lura aa4 Stoua. kng.i.h. Iriah and ail principal Saadlaavtaa aad ci.llLMi'i) iMMaia at a'.traitiia rata. aad lo Siia t Iu.b. lr ti kna or gaueral laformallua aip 4d a'.y lucai tgvut af Iba Auracr Lla or ta kk.uhuaj.. but.. 1 Araia. ' 'it ga 4U (.RAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Omaha Epftra'atiT Usrkst K:gb Vh;n Csmpartd with Cbiftajs. JAQUfTH KEEPS CORN MARKET UP Baaaor RerelTed that Tla-tp is Great Lakas Skipping Win Be Eaded Mora Balllah Crop Sewa. OMAHA. Mar 7, 104. The following la a comparison of the high points reachea tnls morning by grain tor future delivery at Chicago and at Omaha: May wheat, Chicago lc, Omaha Oc; July inew) wheat, Chicago Mc, Omaha 7ac; lay corn, Chicago 4.H.C, urn a ha 6jc; July corn, Chicago 4Sc, Omaha doVkc; May oata, Chicago 41i,e, Omaha 41c; September oats, Chicago Vc, Omaha iXHc.. lay corn reached a point 47c above the high In Chicago. Tills was due to A. B. Jaqulth. This futura opened at &oc, but the pears got busy and ran It down to 49c. Jaqulth then Jumped Into tha pit and offered too then lie and Wo for It. He did not get any. This is a part of his corn speculation. Ha has taken practically all ot lha corn delivered on tne May contracts. A report la received the lake transporta tion sirllte has been settled on all points but the .wages, and thla, It waa said, would be settlad today. The opening of naviga tion means a great deal ta U.o grain men of the country. The corn market Is fea tureless now and no one knowa Juat What the cash situation la until skipping begins. Chicago aold no wheat i rlday. ua the millers in the east will not buy mora than they have to until lake navigation Is opened, malting tha shipping rata cheaper than tha all rail. Chicago aold Friday 50,ii0 bu. corn and 66,001) bu. -Mita. The cash business at Minneapolis Included So.OM bu. wheat to interior points; Kansas City sold 10,000 bu. No. 2 red at $10 and tha seaboard sold 6,(W0 bu. wheat and 40,0ui) bu. corn for export. The crop news Friday waa very bad and a gteat deal of It came. The professional feeling is bullish, but the public uninter ested. The bull crowd have to face tho high price tn addition and tha poor milling and a pot demand. The Chicago contract stock la down to 600.OU0 bushels of wheat and thla is expected to be eahausted by the end of the week. The weather la not now so favorable for crops with rain In Iowa and the Ked river valley. Blanchard, N. I)., says there Is no seeding being done and it looks as if the vallt-y wouid get left. Buying orders accompanied thla news. The range In price of Oman grain for future delivery and the dose today and Friday were aa follow?; Closed Open. High. Low. Today. Frl'y wneat May ., July . Corn May . July . Oata Mav . July . Bopt. 90 B 90 B 78 B 78 B ,.. 50 E3 B 49 52 B 80 B ..464 &Vi 46 46.A 46HB .. t" ft W fl B 4HB .. 3? 874 rv, 3?4B S7iB .. SOVk 30V SO1 30B 30HB A asked. B bid. Laal tsih 3rnln Martlet. The demand for spot stuff for feedera and for shipment continued, but the receipts were very light, showing the farmers are too busy with theii soring work to ship any corn. Tho next movement from first hands ennrot well be expected before the closing days of the month. The market will therefore probably run light. Prices on all grains ruled steady to strong. Receipts were: Wheat, 3 cars; one week ago, 21 and 14 cars. Coin, 3 cars In and 6 cars out; one week ago, 17 and 7 cars. Oats, 3 cars lu; one week ago, none. Representative sales of carlota on track by sample. Omaha; Mixed Corn No. 4, 1 car, 4Sc. White Corn No. 3, 8 cars. 40c. WHEAT No. 2 hard winter, Rna90c; No. I hard winter, SfH4c: No. 4 hard winter. wVffTS; No. 2 spring. 85Cc; No. 3 spring. 75iiH4c. CORN Wo. 1 49Jr50c: No. t, tSQ'tSHc: No. 4. 4738c; no grade. 3o0i5c; No. 2 yellow. Softx.VtLfcc; No. 3 vellow. 49(iXVC o. 2 white, K&5lr: No. 3 white, iffi-lMtc.. OATS No. 2, 412 : No. 3, 40c: No. , 3sa S9c; No. 2 white, 42Q43C; No. 3 white, 41 42c; staeC -d, 41(&MlHo- Notre -froxa the Exchavnge onTres. Frank Neal of Lincoln was an exchange Visitor. Omaha. Inspections of grain were 13 cars. Of wheat, 2 cars graded No. t hard winter and 1 car no grade. Of corn, 4 cars graded No. 2. 2 cara No. 3. 1 car No. 4. 1 car No. 4 white ,and 1 car no grade. . Omaaa stocks of grain are: Wheat. 178,630 bu.; corn, 228.747 bu.; oats, 103.396 bu. Omaha stccks or contract corn amount to ini.tsu fan. Of this 120.7(4) bu. is In the Merriam t Holmqulst elevator and 30,974 In the Union. . Grata Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain today and Friday at the markets named were as follows: CHICAGO. Wheat July September September .Today. Frl'y. S6A SI B 484B 48 .. bo .. 80 .. 48VA .. 47B KANSAS CITY. Wheat- July September V September Wheat July September Corn July September .. 74 .. 70 7S 7014 .. 43B 44H 42 BT. LOUIS. . 84HA . 81HB 844A 47 A .. 47 468 MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat- July September 8TKA 81B all. ' DULUTH. Wheat July .. VI B 81 B tB 81H September . Wheat July , September . NSW YORK. 60 90 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Featares of tha Tradias aad Closing; Prices oa Board of Travde. CHICAGO, May T.-Orowing weather in the southwest today was offset by retard ing rains In the Red Klver valley. .As a result the wheat timxkait held In equlpulae. Compared with last night, July wheat shows a loss of o. Cora la up Ho. Oata are off Hc and provisions, 24jioo. A fair degree of firmness waa displayed at the opening la wheat, the July delivery betna ud a. aiiade to UiJVo. at SSWiibS'ika. The maxket closed steoay with July at 86JW6a. Clearances of wheat aad flour were equal to Id. out) bu. Primary receipts were 170,000 bushels compared with Zi7.!s0 bu. a ar ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 126 cars agalnat 104 oars last week and 178 a year The easier tone In tha wheat market had a depreaslng effect on corn prices, but there waa sufllclent support from pit traders 10 prevent any loss. The close was stead with d rices at ahout the best fia urea of the day. July opened unchanged to a shade higher at 484o to 48a'4ko, sold between 4ao and So and closing at the top. Liocal receipts were 01 tvars with 14 of contract grrada. 1 Belling of the July option by pit traders under the leadership of a prominent long caused a small decline In oata. After open ing unchanged to Ho lower at 88fi38c. July sold between V and 3c, closing ai nturJskc. iMcm receipts were 71 cara. The feature of trading; in provisions was the selling of July lard by a leading packer. The market waa poorly supported, and, in consequence, the entire list showed a slight decline. July pork closed 10c lower ai iL.o,. j my im ana ribs were eacn dvwn svo at to oc.Vi. respectively. The leading futures ranged as follows Articles ! Open. High. Low. aose.jTes y, Wheat May a July b July a Sept. b Sept. Corn May Juiy Sept. Oats May July ftept. Pork May July Sept. Lard May July Kept. Rl bo May July 6epL .1 1 1 iy 91 1 St Tsa iwa5i sM y wvin,J oo mj-4.81 tj 4 4TV: 4Tg . 47 5 4747J4, 40 41 I 41 L. 41 U 41 i- 3hsihh ' 8si 11 35 I U 47U ii. f 11 1; u 11 75 11 bO 11 71 11 80 U 71 1 11 I ' S 47' ?, 6 57 4 do 7;' 7 TJ t 75 47 St ,9 I K 25 t 45 44 1(0 I Iki 26 i to ( 40 I U' 87! 67V No. t a Old b New. Caih Quotations aero as follows: KljOl'H-Steacly : m Inter patenta. ti Tn 4ot; winter straignts, gi.4U4l4.oV; sirring pat' ... L 471J a, J ,'Su nts, 84S"S4r.: spring straights, $3.9f34.10; bakers. t2t&S0. WHEAT No. 3 srrlrg. SS.Ic: No. 3 spring, ff4c; No. f red. $1 (C'lil .04. CORN No. 2, 4834c; No. 2 yellow, OATS No. 1 41fiHc; No. J white, 42c; No. 3 whit, 4leHc. RTE No. 2. 7oc. BARLEY Good feeding. 3263. c; fair to choir malting, 4r06o. SEEDS No. 1 flax. II 01: No. 1 northwest ern. IU: prime tnr.utby, $2.Sj; clover, contract grade. 310 7S. PROVIdI)N8 Me s pork, per bbl.. $11.37 l' Itrd. per 100 lh.. $t 47?i t Short libs side (loose). WlfHt K. Short clear sides iboxedi. Pi.&ii6.l. The following were the receipts and shipments ot flour and grain: Receipt. Shipments. Flour, bbla .9"U 13.2'0 Wheat, bu 22.i 17) Com, bu .nfa1 137.9TV Oats, bu U'1.S ll.'mo Rye, bu l.i"") lo.0"0 Barley, bu eS.70 16.600 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa weak; creameries, lSfflSHc; dairies, 13917c. Epg. weak; at mark, cases Included, laV-l5e. Cheese, easy, 810c. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Cewdltlom of Trade aad tknotatloas on Staple aad Fascy Prodace. EQOS Receipts, liberal: market steady: fresh stock lc; Including cases, 16c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 10c: roosters. ftginc; turkeys, 12e; ducks, 9c; geese. 80. bl 1 x en i-acKtng clock. uc; cnoice to fancy dulry. luklCc; aeparator, 20-lc. FRESH FISH Trout, 14c; pickerel. Se; pike, 12c; perch, V8ic; rrfaertsh. 12c; whlte- nsn, 14c; salmon, lie; naauoca, iuc; coa flsh, 12c: redsnapper, 11c; lobster, boiled, per lb, 30c; bullheads, 11c; catflsn, 1314c; black bass, 3a; halibut, 11c; crapples, 12c; herring, c; roe shad, lie; shad roe, 80c; small clsces. lbc. BRAN Per ton, $19.00. HAY Prices auoted bv Omaha Whole sale Peelers' association; Choice No. 1 up land, xs.ou; No. 2, J..W; medium. J.00; coarso, $6.50; rye straw, $5.00. These prices are for nay or goo a ooior ana quality, uemanu fair and receipts light. - TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navels, choice. all sizes. $2.50; fancy navels, all sizes, $2.75; Mediter ranean sweets, all sizes, u.Z6; Janas, ail sizes, $2.60. LEMONS California fancy, 300 to 360. $3.50; choice, 240 to 270, $3.00(3.75. CALIFORNIA FIGS Per 10-lb cartons, 66c; Imported Smyrna, x-crown, 12c; 5 crown, 14c; 7-crown. 15c BANANAS Per medum sized bunch, $2.0oi2.50; Jumbo, $2.769.25. DATES Persian, per box of 30 pkgs, $2; per lb. In 60-lb boxes, 5c; Oriental stuffed dates, per box, $2.40. PINEAPPLES-In crates of 24. to 42 per crate, $3.00. FRUITS. APPLES Oregon fancy Ben Davis, per box, $1.50; New York export Russets and Baldwins. $4.00 STRAWBERRIES Arkansas, per 24-at case, $2.753.0C. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, $1.20; Dakota, per bu., $1.16; new Bermuda potatoes, per bbl , $o.o0; new Texas Red stock, in sacks, per lb., 3c; early Ohio seed, northern, per bu., $1.25. NAVY BEANS Per bu $2.152 25. ONIONS Bermuda, per &0-lb. crate, $2.00. CABBAGE California, per lb., 3c; southern, per crate, $3.60. CUCUMBERS-Per doz.. $1 .25. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate, fancy, $:'.00; choice, $1.75. RADISHES Per doz. bunches. 35960c. LETTUCE Top lettuce, per dozen, 4T.3 60c. TURNIPS Southern, per doz. 45c, BEETS Southern, per doz., 75c. CARROTS Southern, per dos,, 75c. PARSLEY Per dos., 40c. BEANS Wax. per bu. box. $3.00; string, per bu. box, $2.00. SPLNACH Per bu.. $1.0041125. . ASPARAGUS Per dozen bunches, 4550c GREEN PEPPERS Per 6-basket crate, $2.00. tGG PLANT Per dos.. $1.00. SQUASH Florida summer, per dos.. $1.00. MISCELLANEOUS. OHEESE Wisconsta twins, full cream, 11c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c: block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wiscon sin limberger, 13c. CIDER Per bbl.. $5.50; per bbL, $3.25; MAPLE SUGAR-Ohio. per lb.. 10c. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 5c: No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted. 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 13 Jbs.. c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 16 lbs, 6c; dry salted hides. &'al2c; sheep pelts, i4fi27c; horsehldes, $1.50 2.50. HORSERADISH Per crate of 2 dozen packed, 80c NUTS-Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 15c; bard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., ioc; peanuts, per 6e; roasted -peanuts, per lb., 8c;Chlll walnuts, 1213c; large hickory nuta, per lb., lie; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c: hard shell, 13c; sbell barks er bu., $2.00; black walnuts, per NEW TORK GENERAL MARKET tjwotatlona of the Day oa Varloaa Coanmodltles. NEW YORK, May 7-FLOUR-Recelpts, $.897 barrels;, exports, 28,06 barrels; market steady, with a light business. Minnesota Satenta, $6.005.25; Minnesota bakers, 44.00 -4.20; winter patents, $o.0u&5.oj; winter straights, $1804.00, winter extras, $3.36y 4.00; winter low grades, $3.15'3.80. Rye Sour quiet; fair to good, $4.oo& !; choice to fancy, -t.2i4.60. CORN MEAL Steady; yellow western, fl.&oyl.lo; city, $1.101.12; kiln-dried, $Xowtf iio. RYE Dull; No. 2 western, 70o spot BARLEY Inactive; feeoing. 49c, c. 1. f.. New York; making, 65660, c. L f , Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 1,000 buahela; spot market steady; No. 2 red, $1.06, elevator; No. 3 red, $1.07(31.11, f. o. b., alroai; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.00, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b., afloat. Options were quiet, closing &c net low er; May closed at 92c; July. '() 91,0. closed at 9oc; September. 84w841ilc. closed at 84c; December, 84iti4c, closed 84c CORN Receipts. 2,150 bushels; exports, 7.194 bushels. Spot market steady. No 2, COc, elevator, and 66c f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 60c; No. 2 white, 67c; option market was dull and nominal, closing i&c net lower. May closed &6c; July closed I3c; September closed 63c. OATS Receipts. 81,500 bushels; exports, 9,626 bushels. Spot market quiet; mixed No. 2 oats, 2tiil pounds, to'ii'lbc; natural white, 30&32 pounds. 43 i9c; clipped wjiltc, 30 to 40 pounds. olf53c HAY Quiet; shipping, OiTOc; good .to choice, 824i93e. RICE wuiel: domestic fair to extra, fi 6c: Japan, nominal. . HOPS Quiet; state common to choice, 1903 crop, 2W&6c; 1KU2 crop, 23(u-6c: olds, 19' 24c; paelflo coast crop, 19023c; 19o3 crop, 3i$ 26c; old. 9614c. HIDES Quiet: Galveston, 20 to 25 pounds, 18c; California. 21 to 25 pounds, 19c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 pounds, 14o. TALLOW Dull; city. $2.00 per pkg. 4c; country, packages free, 4c. LEATHER Steady; acid. 2326c. WOOL Firm; domestic fleece, 332c PROVISIONS Beef steady; family, $9.50 4310.60; mess. $5.Kpj.60; beef hams. $30.0 1 21.60; packet. .&O4i9.50; city extra India mess, $14 0i"ii 16.00. Cut meats quiet; pickled bellies. $6.25.75; pickled shoulders,; pickled hams. $9.5010.o0 Lard dull, western steamed. $7.00; refined dull; continent. $710: South America, $7.60; compound, $6,263 s.37. Pork quiet; family. 314.60; short ClearflS.S6tfJ14.78: mess. $1S.C518.76. BUTTER Steady ; fresh creamery, 14 20c; dairy, common to choice, 1.1(jfi9o. CHEESE Irregular; state, full cream, large and small. , fancy September, 10V& 11c; good to prime, ft39c; new cheeae, large colored, 6c; large white, 7i7c; amall colored, 7ifre; small white, 6&7a EGGS Dull: western storage selections. 18$18c; firsts. 17i318c St. Loals Grata aad Provieloaa, ST. LrOUIS, May 7. WHEAT Weak; No. I red caah, elevator, nominal; track, $1.00 fl.M; No. i hard, Wi96c; July. S4o asked; eptember, 81e bid. CORN Higher; No. 1 cash, 63o bid; track, 58iffac; July, 47c; September. 46T bid. OATS Lowsr; No. 2 cash, 42c bid; track, '843c; No. 2 white, 46c; July, 86c bid; Heijteriiler. 3ioc. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $4 90 G6.0k special brands lPfiix: higher; extra fancy and straight, $4 sow4.S6; clear, $3 Mi 4.15. HEED Timothy, steady. $2 402.s0. COHNMEAL Steady, $2 40. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 96a HAY Steady; timothy, $.0oyit.50; prai rie, $6 003.oo. . IRON eOTTONTIE8-to. BAigUINO c HEMP TWINE 60. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; lobbing, $11.60. Lard, steady; prime steamed. $6 12. Bacon tboxedi, steady; extra shorta, $7: clear ribs, $7 $7; ahort clear. $7 .62 POULTRY Steady; chickens. 9; springs, OuotfOoO per dos.; turkeys, 114,13c ; ducks. BCTTFln Steady; creamery, 17oe4c: dalfy 14 Jlte. EGGS Lower at 14c, com count. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls.... Wheat bu.... -w0 8.0nO ' ""V M.UI4J W.OoO 70 CuO ,0U) d6.)00 corn, bu. Oata, bu. Y I 1 r ..l. mmM P.mI.1... LIVERPOOI May T WHEAT Spot ! k . .L .,11. 4 I 'u M fl.P.I. -a I.'.. ....... 1 Market steady; way, ag tl; July, 6a 4 CORN l pot I Market firm: American mixed, new. 4s 2d; oM, 4s 7d. Futures'. Market quiet; May, 4s $Td; July, 4a 84. OMAHA LIVE S10CI MARKET Eesf Eteen ard Cowi t Tf fia Lower Than Tkiy Were a Wt4k igo. HOGS HAVE SHOWN SCME IMPRCVEUENT Geaeral Raa of Sheep aad Laaiba Sfte Lower for Week, While Choicest Grades Are Aboat lffo ' Lower. SOUTH OMAHA, May 7. 1 4. Receipts were: Cattle. II .g j. Sheep. ... 1.524 6,.i2 6,613 ... 7.572 14,640 1746 ... 3,9:4 lo.J'5 3.6"3 ... 2.!fc-4 10,2.7 1.322 ... 7.'"2 4 66 7.3.") 47 Official Monday .... Urt,cinl Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Official Thursday .. Official Friday Official Saturday .. Total this week 1S.112 56 0?6 19 Of Same days last week.... 26.419 7072 22.5'0 Same week before ...... 21.7ft ki,76H 36.h Same three weeks ago..23,tK 52 571 31.'7 Sams four weeks a go.... 17.974 3 4!S 29.6:i2 Same days last year 20.329 62.017 14.255 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts ot cattle, hugs and sheep at South Omn i for the year to date with comparison with last te7 19v4 li3. Inc, Cattle , 346.S05 34d,5J6 3,299 Jtoss 83.9.2 8"0,312 8J.6lu faheep e,674 472,548 1S8.126 Average prices paid for hogs at South Omaha for the last seversl days with com parison: Data I 1804.1903.1302.l$01.l.lO9.189g. Anrll is 79! 4 76 4W 4 7H! H a, 74 4 78 I 7 Hi o ( 991 9d w 85 96 7 03 f 7 07J 7 03 6 95, 6 90 7 6M 7 01! 7 03 1 6 9S ( 93i 6 M 6 89 6 a6i 1 6 491 3 68 6 ; S 711 I 45! $ 75 8 00 3 61 3 63 3 it 3 84 3 74 o I 71 i 3 79 i TI 3 79 3 83 o $ 90 3 "7 $ 93 3 3 93 3 9C April 19.. April 20.. April 21.. Atil'ir 22 T 10 7 1" 7 CG 7 ul 7 Oui iuii 6 80 i SO, 6 76i 5 1 1 3 April 23.. S 36 April 24.. April re.. April 26.. April 27.. April 28.. April April 30.. Mav 1 6 2J $ 671 -.04 6 92 6 Jo, $ 65 taiilta; 6 84; 3 67 ( 371 $ 69 a 3 69, t 321 6 26! 8 61 6 18, 3 6f. 5 17 3 65, 6 34 $ 58 6 22 3 tj, 1 3 84i ta I 4 HVx 4 71 , 1, A FJ1 6 "2 83j 6 6 60 6 64 6 64 6 71, '-i 5 64 I 6 67 1 6 69 4, 83 6 751 6 ,3, 6 72; 6 66: 6 63 May 2.... May 3.... 1U- 4.... May 5.... May 6.... 4 55; a oa1,, 4 uK 4 60, 4 64ii May 7.... Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road waa: t Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H's's. Wabash 3 C., M, A St. P. By 1J L. P. System 16 2 1 C. & N. W. Ry F ., E. & Mo. Va! 26 C, St P., M. O. Ry .. 6 B. A M. RV.....J 15 C. , B, A Q. Ry 6 C, R. I. db P. east.... 3 C, R. I. & P. west.. 1 1 Illinois Central 1 Chicago G. W 2 Total receipts 1 101 2 1 The disposition of the day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ot neaa indicated: Buyers. Omaha Packing Co... Swift and Company.. Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour & Co Armour & Co., 8. C. Other buyers 1 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. , 84 1,645 1.846 ,...... 2,277 .97 35 47 Totals 35 7,328 4R7 CATTLE There were practically no fresh arrivals of catna in tne yards this morning. For the wevk supplies have not been ex cessive, aa there is a decrease as com pared with Ltmt week amounting to about u.ia'O head, anu as compared witn the same week of last year there l& a falling off ot about 2,000 head. The aupply, however, has been fully equal to the demand and the tendency of prices has been downward rather than otherwise. The market on corn-fed steers has been in fairly good shape moat of the week, but still packers have been rather bearish at all points. The export demand ,ias not been as brisk as it was last week and pre vious to that time, and that of course affected the heavy caule in particular. Such kinds are probably right around Kytf 16c lower than they were at the close ot last week. Cattle of all weights in fact are that much lower unless very choice. The light-weight cattle ot good quality are not over a dime lower, as the local demand for that class '.has bum T good. Good to choice steers Tnag- be quoted from $4.60 to $5.00, with something extra prime a little above that. Fair to good grades go from $4.00 to $4.50 and common 4o -fair from $3.50 to $4.00. . The supply of butcher stock has been light all the week, the big-bulk of the offer ings being made . tip ot. steer. Choice handy-Weight cews and heifers have been given the preference and such kinds are not much lower than they were a week ago, but heavy eows and the medium grades of all weights are safely a dime lower. Can ners and the commoner kinds of cutters were very slow sale toward the close of the week and that class may be even more than a dime lower. Good to choice cows and heifers may be quoted from $3.25 to $3.9). with prime as high .as 84.25. Fair to good sell from $2.75 to $3.15 and canners and cutters from 12. oO to $2.50. The season is close at hand when grass cows will begin to appear and buyers are already beginning to discriminate against the half-fat kinds, fearing that they have had some grass. The bull market haa been fairly active and fully steady sll the week. The bulk of them sell from 3.1 00 o $3.75 -Itla choice ones as high as 14 00 and. cwmnron stuff goes Yrom $3.00 down. Veal calves are about 50o lower for the week owing to in creased receipts at all points. The bulk or them sell from $4 00 to $5.00, with a top at $5.25 against a top of $5.75 a week ago. The supply of atockers and feeders has been rather limited sll the week, and with a fairly good demand from the country the market has been active on the better grades, with prices strong. The common cattle, however, of all weights have been neglected and are certainly no more thnn steady. Medium-weight cattle that can be run on grass during the summer and fed next fall are in the greatest demand at the present time. Good to choice rrades may be quoted from $3.75 to $4.00. with prime as high as $4 25. Fair to good sell from $3 50 to $3.75 and common kinds from $3 50 down. Representative sales: cowa No. 1 .. 1... A. Pr. No. .... 70S 1 R ; 1 .... M 1 0 t ...... HEIFERS. .... KM I W 7 BULLS. ....1J40 III 1 CALVE A. Pr. .... 7D0 1 SO lii IN ... rro 1 a 1 40 ... t0 I 44) 1... 1 so I 00 1 1 . tMI 1 SO STOCKEP.S AND FEEDERS. 1 (H It! 1 440 I 40 t U0 M HOGS There was a good run of hogs here this morning for a Saturday, but pack ers took hold freely and the market ruled active and just about steady with y ester, day's general market. The prices paid were hardly sa good as tboe given at yes terday's best time, but a little better than at yesterday's close. The bulk of the good weight ""hogs sold from $4.66 to $4 70 and a high as $4.75 was paid- The lighter loads went largely at $461 and from tha down. Trading was active and everything was disposed of at an early hour. For the week - receipts are about 16.000 head short of the big run of last week, but as compared with tne corresponding week of last year they are a trifle heavier. Prices have been fluctuating back and forth to some extent, but closing prices are about 246o higher than these In force a weak ago. Representative saies No. II.. 11.. .. 71.. 74.. U.. 70.. 74.. M.. U.. TS.. n.. 11.. 41.. 71.. 71.. 44.. 17.. .. 74.. 41.. 1.. 71.. 44.. 7i.. 41.. (.. 71.. 74.. 44.. 11.. 76.. Av. Sa. Ft- No. ....Id ... I Ui 44 At. Rh. Pr. ...Ill 40 4 46 ...114 SO 4 4 ...110 44 4 46 ...III 4 4 46 ...1,1 140 4 64 ...10 tut 4 44 ...111 16 4 44 ...I'.O IM 4 46 ..IM 40 4 46 ...Ii7 IK 4 46 ...S40 SO 4 46 ...116 OO 4 46 ...III J0 4 4 ...140 10 4 46 ' ...110 M 444 ...2M IM 4 44 ...Ml 40 4 44 ...IV7 ... 4 46 ...I'll 10 4 43 ... SO 4 46 ...; to 4 46 .. !K4 N IS .. MO 110 4 46 ...Mi 40 4 r?u ...tit to 4 I" ...147 ... 47 ....144 ... IH 46 1 at MO 4 61 U to. 44. a6. II., 74. 71.. 1.. 44.. 65.. .. 74. 70. 7t. T. 70 . 41.. 41., 74. II.. 41.. 41. 74., 71 It. 64. 41. 61.. 4. 44. 41. n. a. TO., a .1M 1)0 4 40 .! tM 4 g .14 SO 4 4v 40 4 40 lit fell U0 4 40 .144 40 4 40 ..17 SO 4 40 ' W 4 40 SO 4 40 .. 4 40 .. 4 41 ..Ikd ..111 ..luu 114 140 4 US lu 44 4 42 ::::K 110 4 4Ji l 4 42 117 104 4 II 114 tuv 4 11 lu It I : .)( 4 fi t 4 II 4 41 ,.stl .111 .10 IM 4 41 MO IZ 4 41 .144 ... 41 tui It 4 11 lu 10 4 41 .111 14 4 46 . .114 10 4 44 117 a IM 4 44 .14 140 4 46 111 ... 4 46 tat ... 4 46 .14 lot 4 46 .13 ... 4 64 111 40 4 44 tW 11 4 47 171 40 4 67 .lit .4 ,.lal 40 4 41 to 4 41 4J 4 47 0 4 47 .14 l0 V0 4 47 .111 4 4 47 144 too 4 rt k-0 10 4 47 14 t 4 47 Ml 140 4 10 44 IM 4 It k-l IM 4 7 ! "0 4 74 Ml It 4 70 M 4 4 74 ...... T ... 4 70 M ... t lit tuu 4 It ii ii in 40 4 46 ... 4 46 40 4 44 H I S 12 4 44 4 46 SHEEP There were two cars of tha aam Colorado wooled lambs on aaie thla morn ing '- r-;i y-?terday for toot. As they bruut,. -x price today and the was nothing else on ssle the market could not be quoted anything but teady. For the week rere -. s sh' w a loss of sbmit S"J hfa l a cv.npart d with ItjI week, hut a g4in of alri.t 5.Ci head as compared with tne same w-ek of last ye.r. In other words supp'.P a lie been llWal for the time of year. Taking the receipts for the year to dste ther 1 an incre-ise over the same f erh-d rf Inst vear amount ing to about lii.on) hciid. Thoe f,gu:e sl-ow very plainly the rapid growth of Omaha's shep rnsrkt. 1 hre Is nothing new to t ssld cf the market for the -ek in addition to what was reported s'.eriay. The muri.ll shows a loss of sbint a quarter on the general run of both shep and lambs while cho'ce lambs are perhap not over ISc l iwer. t,r.d some of the best she.p mav not bt q-l e a quarter lower. Packer claim p-cs here have ben too high r.s compared vlth othr markets, and ns there waa a d.v l-e at other markets, local parkers rade us? of the opportunity to put prices here mo.e nearly in line. Violation for rl'vped stock: Good to chol" Inmb. $V50iG.6: fair to good lambs. $5 of?rS 5"; good to choice wooled Inrrba, ! .vxfteTS: fair to gcod wooled Itimh. K no ff vi; good to choice yenrlinirs or wethers, $r. v fi " 1 : fair to good vending or wether. $4.7Sr.nO: good to chol- ewes. $4.701 .90; fs!r to good ewe. $4 V?4 70. Rrprtsentatlve tales: No. Ar. Fr. 9 Colorado wooled lambs SO 6 6 39 Colorado wooled lambs 84 6 t CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Nominal, Sheep Steady and Hoars from steady to Higher. CHICAGO, May 7 CATTLEr.ereipts 2ni) head; market nominal; god to prlmn steers, $..0tj.7C.; poor to meilium. jvt.ia'i 11-,' .t. .!....- ..! 1 n.wit... $1.7oS4.40; heifers, $2.25j4.; canners. $1.7i i&2.4o; bulls, 2 OiH.lo; calves, $2. jii.iO; r. . .. t. .1 . . . . , . ... HOGS Receipts today s.000 head; c-ti- to 6c higher, closed weuk. Mixed anJ t. . , , .. 1. , , . -. . . . , , . w i'-, n. (ify.Ci yji gfjou to criuirt? n"a-, $4'u4tK.; rough heavv, $4.6.vn4.90; light, $4.t"U4 i; bulk of sales. $4.7oi4.:. (1 II L-rll A V T . t . .,,., I, .... r .w. head; market steady; lambs, steady; g od i'j ini'iiT wwiners, tt. nt'Qa.ay; rair to cnoice mixed, $3.wy4.5; clipped western sheep, 14 (HSiif, null.-. lan,v. tirr.A,-?-?. . 1 western 'lambs. $4.70&4.l5; wouled' western minus, a J.RTi. Ov. Kansas City LlTe Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, May 7 tfATTLE-Receipts, 100 head; market unchangr 1. Ex port and dressed bef steers, $4 76fi6:6; fair to good, $4.0oi4.t0; western frd sti-crs, $4.i'ti4.75; stockers and feeders, $3.S5i4.70; ouinern steers, X3.,t'a4 4o; southern con t2.2:'uS.4u: native cows, $2.(j4 4); native hfifers. $3.755.00; bulla, $25(3.85; calves. $2.7Mjti.O0. Receipts for U.e week, 27,000 head. HOOS-Receipts. U.m head; market strong to higher. Top, $4.S3; bulk of sales, $4.iilo4.liS, heavy. $4.7504.85; packers. $4.7' 485; pigs and lights. $4,000-4.75. Receipts for the week, 50,uo0 head. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none; mnrke: nomln.-.l. steady. Native lambs. $6.507jS.6R: western lambs, $o.0fJi8.65: fed ewes, $4.M56.50; yoarlings, $.75(&5.75; Texas clipped sheep, $4.5(w64.7f; stockers and feed ers. $3.50.1 4.5o. Receipts for the week, 15, 300 head. Sew Tork Live Stock .Market. NEW TORK. Mar 7. BEEVES Receipts, none; no trading; dressed beef slow at 6f 8c; fancy beef, 8c; exports, 750 head cattle and 6,4) quarters of beef. CALVES Receipt a none; feeling steady at frijSc; selected carcasses selling up to 8c. HOGS Receipts, 2.056 head; feeling firm. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2,010 head; clipped sheep, steady; clipped lambs, firm to loc higher; wooled stock, 10c lower; wooled sheep, J3.40rg4.50; clipped lambs, $6.10 4i6.16; dressed muttons, steady, Sig'10c; dreSBed lambs, 10'Q12c. ' St. Loots Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, May 7.-CATTLE-Rece!pts 250 head, including no Texans; market steady. Shipping and export steers, f3.k"4r 5.25; dressed beef and butcher steers, 4.00f 6.50; steers under 1,000 pounds, $350,a4.35, stockers and feeders, $3.26M.S5: cows and heifers. $2.2664.60; canners, $2.26(T2.85; bulls, $2.75'a4.25; calves. $3.005.00; Texas and In dian steers, $3.75Q4 75; coas ai-t heifers. $2.5"ia3.50. HOGS Receipts, 2,000 head: market steady. Pigs and lights, $4.504.75; packers. The Great Exposition Is Open Is there any place that would be more delightful to Bpelnd a short vacation thiqin' ita' St. Louia. For many, the expense makes it impossible, but lhe Bee is making it bo easy for any one to go, that scores of Bee readers Mil visit the exposition, who could not other wise have gone. . - : " ' T ' . '! ' . . . ....... ,:, ,H ....',,..:.', ,.....,,,,...,.,,.. , . . y . . . : X -. . ' : : . , . .--;.l ? J ! .1.1.- Just think of it, there are ninety more trips, and you surely can be one of the ninety. It is so easy to simply tell your friends that you want to go; and get them to save their coupons, or prepay their subscriptions, so that you may take the trip at The Bee's expense. Ten Trips Voted For This Week This week's "election" ends Saturday, May 14, at 5 p. m. Start out Monday morning, and with a little hustling, on Saturday you will find jourself among the winne' N All Trips Via the Wabash This is the road for Omaha people to the St. Louis Exposition. Besides being the shortest in mileage and the shortest in tim, the matter of equipment has been a study by the management ever since the exposition project was started. They have the trains and coaches, so that there will be no fear of overcrowding. The Wabash will save you a day, either going or coming, because you can get off at the exposition grounds, or, when you leave, you can spend the last day at the grounds and start for home from the terminal Wabash station, right at the entrance. The Wabash is the only road with these facilities. Conditions of the Election Tho ten persons receiving tbe larvest number of votes at the clone of each 'Vlertlon" will be furnished, at The Hee's expense, aa prizes, each a free trip from Omaha to L Louis and return, to be taken any time during- the expoaltlon. No reBtrlctlona are placed ag to where the party lives as a candidate for one of the exposition trips. No votea will be counted for eniplorea or ajrents of The Bee. , All votea must be made on coupons which will be published each day In The Bee. ' Prepayment of subscriptions may be inado either direct to The Bee TubUHhlng Coibpuny or to an author ized agent of The Bee. No votea sent In by apents will be counted unless sent In In accordance with Instructions trlven. them. The vote from' day to dny will bo published In all edition of The Bee. The "elections" will close each Monday at 10 a. in. Vote may be dpponlted at the bUHlnesa offlce of The Bee or sent by mall.' No votea sent by mall will b4) counted which are not in the Omaha postofflce for delivery at 9:30 a. m. on the dny f cloning. ADDRESS, Coupons Are on Page Two $4 6fcg.0; butchers and best heavy, $4.S j 4 FHFFP AND I AMH8-necelpt. head; mark it ste.idv. Na.tivo muttoi.a, $u'i-.5: lambs. $5 (nii 7 o; culls ard bucks 8-' 4 i. 'sloikers, $-t'j3-W. t t Slosia City Live Stock Market. SIOUX Citj, Ii , My 7. (Special Tale-j I grsm.t CATTLE r.ect-irtr. 1") head; mar- i kt, steady; beeves. Si ! cows, bulls and mixed. $2 3v .4.'""; '!- and !jnrfl4 0c; cilvra and yat lints tilnvS v. 1 HCHi 9 Receipts, 4 X) hesfl; market. w'k; sluing rt ,i,iv, uui tn.., $4 60. St. Joseph I.lve Stock Mrrket. ST. JOSETH. Mo., May 7. "ATTLE Re ceipts. 13 heao: r':i.kel unchanged. liOtiS Receipt. 3,47 fcr-ad. market g-rong to 6c. high'!. L ght, $4..Hi4 io; me dium and heavy. $4..2'j4s6. SHEEP AND LAMKei Receipts, none. Stock In Shrht. Following sre the receipts of live stock for the six principal western cities yes terday; LHUIU, IH'g". Cllr, S'uth Omaha ,t6 M lii 260 13 1) 7.3io 4S7 C-hiosgo Kansas Clty St. Ixuis St. Joseph .... Sioux City .... Totals 8.0 4. J l.WO 3.446 4,!0 2.000 8W .719 29,556 3,i!7 Wool Market. BOSTON. M.iv 7 WOOL Territory and pulled wools are" quiet and generally steady. The market for ioreign wools is tirm. Icadlng quotations arc; Idaho, fine, 14ij 15cr heavy fine, 13jl4c; fine medium. 15i 15c; niedlutn, 1Wu7c; low medium, KHr. Wyoming, fine. l4'Ulf;c; heavy line, U'n 13-; fine medium, 16iilfic; low medium, 1?19C. l"tah find Nevada, line. 13'(J13SfC; line medium, lofelfic; medium, inline; low medium, IhTiJfK: Lukotn. fine. U.'iilftc; fine medium, l'iilrt1; medium, l"Mi:'e; low modluni, lS'tr.iv. Montana, fine. 175 K'c; tine average, I'm IH'i line medium, cl.oli- , IS'uK-tc; average. Iiv,il7c; stiipic, 1H'j19c; me dium choice, lr:19c. ST. I.OUIS, May 7. W(M.iIy Steady ; me dium grades, combing and clothing. 2ol 21c; light line, 16.il7c; heavy fine, HiJ14i'; tuh wnshed, 2i"aSir. WOOL The offerings at the auction sales amounted to 13.178 bales. Iemand brtk. Fine Merinos and superior cross-bred showed a hardening tendency. Victorian combing gTeased was In strong demand, American, home and continental buyers taking equal amounts. AmiTlca also bought cross-breds freelv. Following are the sites In detail: New South Wales, 8.7vO bales, scoured, lodv2s d; greasy, 6dfcls ld. i ineonalonrl 400 bales: scoured. lOHdais 91: greasy, Is 2d. South Australia, 61 bales; greasy, odfi&d. West Australia, 21 bales: greasv. 10d. Tasmania. tio bales; rreasv, 7dOTs Id. Now Zealand, 70" bales; soured, ,dlJls 7d; greasy. 6diils Id. , n..r,H Mono anif Natal. O0 bales: scoured, 7dffls 8d; greasy 6dgd Arri vals for the fourth series, 68.01J bales. In cluding 31.000 forwarded direct. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS C1TT. May 7. WHEAT May, &c: July, 84c; September, 7oi,c; cash, No. hard, MHc; No. 3, 8790a; No. 2 red, tl.Clihl.fO; No. 3, 94S98c. CORN May, 46c: July 4343c; Sep tember, 42c; cash. So. 2 mixed, 4!"4(6oc; No. 3, 49i.60c; No. 2 white, 6oc; No. 3, 49 49C ' OATS No. S white, 42c; No. 2 mixed, 40-S41c. EGGS Lower; Missouri and Kansas stock, case count, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 14c; cases returned, o less. BUTTER Creamery, 1719c; dairy, fancy, 16c. HAT Choice timothy, $10.Soen.OO; choice prairie, $s.0u?8.25. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 17.010 T 14.400 Corn, bu 20.000 14.400 Oats, bu 3,000 $,000 Cotton Market. NEW TORK, May 7. COTTON Futures closed barely steady, May. 13.46c; June, 13.62c; July, 13. 40c;. August. 13.25c; Septem ber. 11.82c; October, 11.35c. Spot closed steady; middling uplands. 13.80c; middling gulf, 14.06c; sales. 6.756 bsles. NEW ORLEANS. May 7 COTTON Quiet; sales, 400 bales. Ordinary. lla; good ordinary, 12 13-lflc; low middling, 13 7-1 6c: middling. 13 13-16c; good middling. 14c; middling fair, 14c Receipts. 1.629 bales; stock, 70,000 bales. Futures steady; ' " ' -- ...... ..I Exposition Department' Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. Ijv. It7.tfrtn.74c: June. 1 1 1 til 3 9 : July, 14 li 1 ieit. limini; Septem ber. 11.19111 T'v: i-olrr. l' ll'iill Tor: No. vem!er 11 )'"ill l."c; I'erein'Tr. 11 0.,rtl.07c. ST. J.OI IS. M.iv 7 1HTTON- 'Julet and unchinged. Middling. Use; sales, none; receipt, i titles; shipments. 2 bales; stock. I.IVi:nrO(U.. JIjv 7 COTTON Snot In limited demand: price 1" point' lower; American middling fulr. 7 9s!: good mld dllrg 7 71: middling. 7tWd: low middling, 7.r4.i: no-d otdlnary. 7,4.'.". ordinary. ..-.d; sale. 42 iW bsle. including ?' bale for rpe.'i.lstion snd erport ntnl S.Am American. H,c-f! 3?f t,nl. Including I7.) bales American. Future opened c as i er an d rlosl I'. rely; American middling, g o. c. Mav. 7.43.1; May ani June. i.gtM; June nnd July. 71M: July and Auguat. 7.:M: Auaust snd Scptemler. .2d; Sep tember and October. 6 lid; October and November. 6 15.1: November and Iecember, i"id; Kecember, January and lebruary, 6 o4d latir and Molaasea. NEW TOilK, May 7 SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining. 3 S-1W11 7-3.V; centrif ugal 96 test. 3 23-SJe; molnsse sugar, 2 15-16 (nt 81 -32c; refined. Mrm; No. 6, 4 4ic: No. 7, 435c: No. 8. 4c; No. 9, 4.25c; No. 10, 4 J"c: . , , - . n i ii. 15 4 ate ru. ii, t i. , . .--v , ..... , No. 14. 4ir; confectioners A. 4.65c; mould A. 5.15c: cut loaf and crushed, 5Mc; pow dered. 4 !V: granulated, tnw; cubes, 6.05c. MOLASSES Firm : New Orleans, open ket'le. good to choice, STif37C. NEW ORLEANS. May 7 SUGAR Steady; open kettle. 2-,(U'3 8-15c; open ket tle centrifugal, 34ie; centrifugal white, 41'&,4-Sc; yellow, 3,84c; seconds, ' 3c. MOLASSES Nominal: open kettle, 20 25c: centrifugal, liiil5o. Syrup, nominal. Mlnnengtolla tirala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Mav 7 WHEAT May. P2c; July. 9:,c: September, 817jilo; on track 'No. 1 hard. !.i!;c; No. 1 northern, 90K)c; No. 2 northern. 93fir:c. FIiUR First patents, 34.9nvi5.0O; second patents, $4 W,i-4 SV first clears, $3 45346; second clears, $2.5ivS2 55. BRAN In bulk. 316.0gl.60. Mllnaakre Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. May 7 WHEAT Easier; Nr.. 2 northern, 92c; old July, 87o bid. RYE Pteadv; No. 1. 73-(r74e. BARLEY lull; No. 2, 64c; sample, 60 61c. CORN-Steady; No. 8. 60fi8$c; July, 8o asked. nnlath Grain Market. DULUTH, May 7. WHEAT In store: No. 1 hard, 9?.c; No. 1 northern. 92c: No. t northern. 89-c. To arrive: No. 1 hard, 9Sc; No. l northern. 92c; No. 2 northern, Kc; May, 92c; July, 92c; September, 81 'AC. OATS-On track and to arrive, 40a Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, May 7. DRY GOODS The week close with the market In a state of more Interest Is evinced In certain lines suspended animation and although slightly purchases are limited. Many buyers are awaiting developments before placing or ders to cover fall requirements. Coffee Market. NEW TORK. Mar 7. COFFEE Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice, c. MUd, quiet; Cordova. 10313c. Futures, quiet; trsdlng very light; sales, 14.500 bags. Including: May, 6.45c; June, 660c; August, 6.75c; De cember, 6.20c; March, 6.45c. ' Toledo Seen Market. TOLEDO, May 7. SEEDS Clover, $6 25: October. $5.72; prime alslke, $6.15; August, $625 bid; prime timothy, $1.40; September, $145. . Peoria Grain Market. PF.ORIA, May 7. CORN Lower; No. 3, 47c; No. 4. 43c L0WREYBR0S.&C0 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Grain, Stocks and Provisions. Room 212. N. T. Life Building. 'Phone M10. Special attention given to telegraph and mall orders. CKAliA. mmw ; ': i.-, V !' --'i lie JJ