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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1904)
TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1904. J ?! y. "I 4 un Tiir. nr.i rAKi.E itore. Without an Equal Prices Cut on Fancy Silks, Prices Cut on Plain Silks, Prices Cut on Black Silks MONDAY WILL BE A BANNER DAY FOR BARGAINS ...V1.1 k"r ,.h',h-?,rde our "'Ike- You well know the Immen-ttr of our K A l F AT t R in 5 a ri mtK ; J5 T H E r E RII.K8 TO YOU FUR M AUAY 3 CERV IV AMERICA BELIEVE CANNOT BE EQUALED BY ANT CON- GLORIA, Is Permanent Finish. For Sale al Our Linen Counter. flWDBS THK RELIABLE llUHl:, GLORIA Is Lustrous as Satin. For Sale at Our Linen Counter. White Silks Made in Japan : Yard 69c I 75c 98c FINEST WHITE WASH SILK Yard WHITE PONGEE 24 Inches wide, worth in- wuno n.i, ftQ 1125. on vale (JVC for Pfo?E DTE WHITE- SPOT "PROOF WASH SILK-Worth'nW. "' Black Silks Made in Japan BLACK CHEFOO PONGEE-14 Inr-hes ELACK WASH SILK-36 Inches wide, wide hiavy coarse weave, a Rn worth tl. 50. T(ir worth, for I.OU Monday, at dfC SLACK RAIN-SHINE SILK Perspiration proof. spot proof, worth 1100, ()9C Natural Pongee on Sale CRASH PONGEE flQn I ROUGH PONGEE CQr pure silk 36 inches wide, for OVW CLOTH OF GOLD PONGEE 7 - On sale for '. A Ot BILK SUIT PATTERNS, worth tl500, tit 00 and 30 00, O Oft on aula iVO 100 silk patterns, containing 15 yards finest and newest silk-, in small, neat patterns, great varletjr of styles. This Is a great opportunity. Patterns ( worm np to wo.oo, for FOULARDS In blue, brown and black grounds with small designs. C- ittAOLAN BLACK TAFFETA is J7 Inches wide and extra heavy. The mill wants every more tnst handles It to retail It at tl .60. We refuse to join the combine and offer the RAGLAN TAFFETA, as long as quantity lasts. OU-. at. only , VOt Wa will fill MAIL ORDERS until Wednesday on any cf above silk Items. We re fund money If not satisfactory. LADIES, ATTENTION! You can bur Gowns of extra length and width, with tucked yokes of solid lace or embroidery, also Corset Covers, Drawer, Chemise and Skirts, elaborately ii miui-j wnn wcs ana emoroiaery, worm irom 10 i.2b, Monday, at 39c MAY CLEARING SALE OF WOMEN'S SPRING GARMENTS CON- TINUES MONDAY May Clearing Sale of Skirts This will be the greatest bargain sale wa ever hsd during thli month of the year. READ CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING: Women of Omaha know our stock pretty well, but not at the following exceptional prices: All suits that sold up to 112.50 e fr May clearing sale price UU Ail suits that sold up to til 00 in nil May clearing sale price lyj.XJVJ AH suits that sold up to 130.00 iq rn May clearing sale pries lO,JJ WOMEN'S CAPES AT CLEARING SALE PRICES. Women'a 13-00 capes at WOMEN'S NEW SILK SUITS In checks and plain colors, pleated skirts with extra drop mnde to sell nt 18.5u f f fj MONDAY 6PECIAL-at 11.4 1 WOMEN'S NEW WASH 6UITS in checks, stripes and plain colors J QQ 1.00 Women's 16.00 capes 2.90 Women's 110 and tit capes 5.00 Women's silk and covert coats 3.QQ WOMEN'S SILK SUITS In pongee and taffeta silks. In checks, stripes and fancies, skirts pleated and very full, waists elaborately trimmed mudo to sell at t25.00-SPECLAL 15,00 Women's t5.0Q walking skirts g QQ Women's M and t6.50 walking y Ofl skirts at S.W Women's SS and 110 walking C f( dreie skirts at J.UU MAY CLEARING SALE SPRING WAISTS Allour tl and 11.50 waists 50C Women's t3 and 12 50 w aists 95c Women's taffeta Jap and lining O Oft waists, worth up to 15 at a.;yO OTHER CLEARING SALE BARGAINS. Children's coats, ages 4 to IX f (f years, cape over shoulder at Children's spring coats to.OO value at , Misses' 15.00 skirts at Women's crepe and lawn kl monas, t2 value at 2.98 2.98 . 79c WOMEN'S NEW MOHAIR WASH SUITS .5.00 in all colors in plaids and checks at I High Grade M yiUVVUJypii the meiiauli: stoiii- THE LARGEST STOCK OF DRESS GOODS IN THE WEST. Everything for Spring and Summer Wear Mohairs, Sicilians, Brilliantines, Voiles, Crepes and Chif fons in all the New Shades. FOUR SPECIALS FOR MONDAY THE PRICES CUT IN TWO Remember one-half price, one patteVn to a customer. You know what that means to you. LUPIN'S 4-INCH BILK WARP CHIFFON VOILE-In black, brown, gray. ren and champagne. This line of goods are of most xoellent finish and f colorings. Always sold for t2-i by all for Monday, only a.fcu FANCY. STRIPED AND FTOURFD VOILES In gray and white, blnck and white, blue and white, brown and white ano green and while, 4 inches wide. On.- of the new things for shirt walat settings. Remnier the price was T1.73 NTC for Monday, one pattern to a customer one-half price PRIESTLEY'S CRAVENETTED SICILIAN M Inches wide, in black, blue and blnck and blue, hair line check. Our 2.9 quality for Monday, only 1( one-half price !.-- PRIESTLEY'S AND LUPIN'S FANCY BLACK (ONI.Y)-Vcl'es. In all Wool nnl allk and wool. In checks, strip-!", figures and Iron frame effect. All 2 our CM qualities for Monday's rale, only amc BLUE. BROWN, GREEN. MODE AND BLACK MIXED COVERT-Water- proof. Our J2.0U quality for Monday, only " " " - WOMEN'S ETAMINE AKD SICILIAN WALKING SKIRTS O ff at 10 90, I4. and U SAVE YOUIt eyes: save your money 3 by getting GLASSES ot HAVDEN'S. Services of expert optician FREE. 45-n. French Lawns, Monday, 29c yd.: 500 pieces direct from the larg est importer in New York, of fine, sheer white French Lawns (chiffon finish), guaranteed 50c grade commencing OQ Monday, fcs7C 45-n. French Lawns, Monday 19c yd. 200 pieces sheer white French Lawns, 45-inch, a grade under the 50c quality, on sale A Q Monday, vard.. I 7C Fancy Wash Suitings, Monday 9c yd. C00 pieces of fancy 27-inch Woven Shirt Waist Suitings light and dark mixtures colors all dependable, and a fabric that is very popular and service able on sale, Monday, v Q, yard ". . 1. . . . ' V. C On Sate in Main Wash Goods Dept. Monday. DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND Our Great Chair Sale. Two Car Loads of Chairs Newest styles, most artistic designs, greatest variety and at simply unmatchable prices. Sale Begins Monday, May 8th. Sample Line of Bed Room Suits will go on sale Monday at less than factory prices. llT.MBed Room J3.Q5 17.50 iuit..lS.OO ,2&SJtrI..?!?!.19.85 Snaps in Iron Beds 1.50 dIron. 3.85 vgj 1.85 W$U. 4. 75 The Most Complete Stock of Couches In the City at Moving Prices t60 Reclining Go-Cart 17 50 110.75 Reclining Go-Cart 17.85 Baby Carriage tS.60 Baby Carriage ' SANITARY STEEL COUCH. When once used it becomes a household necessity. Convenient, clean, , neat. See them. 136.00 Leather Couch 124 50 t20 .00 Car Plush Couch 14 50 tlCW Velour Couch tl0.85 112.50 Velour Couch 7 50 15.60 Velour Couch ,..1158 OTHER BARGAINS FOR MONDAY. 15 26 Extension Table (oak) 13 S5 19.50 Extension Table (oak) tti.50 $8.25 Oak Chiffonier, t drawer, at $4 86 Same with glass $5.85 $s.W Reclining Go-Cart 16 60 9t.VJ M.50 I5.M 4750 15 00 Steel Couch 13. M 17.00 Steel Couch. 5-7S DO YOU NEED A ROCKER T H2S Reed Rocker, at .2.95 l&Op Reed Rocker, Q 5Q 16.50 Reed Rocker, at - 150 styles of Rockers shown In all the new design and at prices that are sure to move tbem. Bee our line at once. 4.95 Special Sale Dress Goods MONDAY-WEST ROOM 52-inch wide pure Mohair Sici lian, black, blue and browns only worth 9Sc RQf Monday, per yard v All Wool Scotch Mixtures all the new spring shades worth S9c Monday, llQf per yard t New Spring Wool Novelty Dress Goods all the new spring shades and black worth C5c Monday, per OQf yard English Henriettas, assorted colors, cream and black worth 49c Monday, ORf per yard Wool Novelties in Jacquards, assorted colore worth 41 25c Monday, yard i 2 V MYDEN'S GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE On Table Linens, Toweling, Napkins, Towels, White Goods and Domestics at Less Than Manufacturer's Cost The Prices We Are Making You Are for Monday Only. Silver Bleached all linen German Table Damask, well worth 75c, lQe Monday, at, yard u7W Extra wide heavy all Linen Scotch Table Damask, worth 85c, A.Qc Monday, at, yard '. We will show you the greatest line of German Table Linens, CS lnchea wide, with wide open borders, cannot be duplicated for less than II. lu, 7C Monday, nt, yard s Jr Blenched Double Damask Napkins, slxe 22x22, fast edges, the t2.50 kind, f J( Monday, at, dozen m M Heavy all Linen Bleached Napkins, size, fast edges, the 12.00 kind, 1C Monday, at I.OiJ All Linen Huck Towels, up to 45 Inches long, worth 35c. ICr Monday, at Bnrndley heavy round thread Bleached Linen Crash, worth 15c, Qlr Monday, at English Long Cloth, yard wide, worth 15c yard, Monday 12 yards 1.09 Snow White Cambric, worth UHc, 1lc Monday, at, yard w Linen Finish Ready-to-use Sheets. ZfcxStt long, worth 69c, A'? in Monday, at Linen Finish Ready-to-use Blips, 42xS8H long, worth 18c, flc Monday, at atsw 60c Mercerised White Walstlng. 1 Kr ai, yard One tig counter of all kinds White Goods, worth up to S9c yard, fiLc Monday,at. yarJ OSW 15c Sheer India Linons, Ap at, yard 75c Embroidery, per yd. 25c We have secured 225 pieces of extra wide embroidery, suitable for corset covers and shirt flouncing, fully worth 50c to 75c per yard, to be on sale J Monday, at, yard v $3 Mlover Embroid eries 98c Monday only, all our 2.00 and $3.00 per yard Nainsook and Swiss embroidery, go on Q D sale, at, per yard 70C 75c Hemstitched Long cloth 25c This is a 6nap for aprons, skirts, etc. very fine, extra width on sale Monday, at 25c An Excellent Line of Hammocks Now on sale in west room. Omaha's Grocery Headquarters HOME OF PURE FOOD PRODUCTS. WB GIVE TRADING STAMPS ABSOLUTELY FREE. High Patent Minnesota Flour, per eaek, fl-M ijirge saca cornmnai ...uysc lbs. Breakfast Rolled Oats 180 6 lbs. hand picked Navy Beans 19c 6 lbs. good Japan Rice lc 6 lbs. fancy Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley or Farina lc 6 bars best Laundry Soap, any brand lite Condensed Mince Meat, per pkg 6c Vim, Vigor, Force, Malta Villa, Neutrlta or Egg-O-Bee, per pkg 7Hc Elastic, Electric, IXL or Celluloid Starch, per pkg 7Hc Macaroni, the best, per pkg mo Wool Soap, per bar SHc 1-lb. can fancy Alaska. Salmon c t-lb. can solid packed Tomatoes 7Hc l-lb, can Hominy 7Ho t-lb. can Golden Pumpkin 7Hc t-lb. can Boston Baked Beans, with or without sauce 8V Gallon can choice Apples lite Gallon can Apricots, Pears, Peaches or Grapes ,. ,..B0c Best Ct1 Starch, per pkg 4c Quart can Golden Table Syrup or Tennes- OMAHA'B DRIED FRUIT HEADQUARTERS. California Seedless Raisins, per lb 6c London Layer Muscatel Hal. Ins, per lb..7Ho Fancy California Prunes, per lb S'io Choice Mulr Pearhes, per lb 7Vo Virginia Blackberries, per lb 7Jo California Grapes, per lb 7Sc English Cleaned Currants, per lb 7ic ciuramia eeeoeo naisins, per pkg Fancy Bartlett Pears, per lb New York Ring Apples, per lb ....fa OMAHA'S FRESH FRUIT HEADQUARTERS. Large California Seedless Lemons. dot...ltc Fancy Sweet, Juicy Oranges, per dot 12c Fancy Colorado While Clover Honey, per rack 12c Fancy California White Fig, per pkg 6c Fnncy Persian Dates, per pkg 6c IN OUR BUTTER DEPT. Tou will find nothing but the finest But ter made, from the best creameries in the see Sorghum 7c country. Our prices arc always the lowest. Pres-Cui Pres-Cui EVER 25c THE MOST BRILLIANT PRESSED GLASSWARE MADE. FAC-SIMILE OF A $7.00 BERRY SAUCER AND CREAMER FOR WHY BUY COMMON PRESSED GLASS WHEN YOU CAN BUY PRES-CUT AT THE SAME PRICE? TUMBLERS. PUNCH BOWLS. OLIVE DISHES. ETC. Come and See This Ware. SUIT CASES, GRIPS, $3.50 and $4.98. Worth up to $10. The surplus stock of a large Orange Valley, N. J., firm, secured by us at a price that would not cover the cost of production. Several hundred of them, worth from 16.00 to 110.00, en on sale Monday at HUS and JtiJJ FLANNEL DEPT. 82 Inches wide fancy checks and Etrlpes Scotch 2sir! Flannels, at, yard "ow 12toc white, extra heavy Domet Flannel, 71 r at, yard IW 15c SS Inch wide Drapery Swiss, ftlr at, yard 0?W 30c White Wool Flannel, lQr at, yard IOW Bed Spreads t2 00 White Fringed Bed Spreads. Marseilles patterns, heavy knotted fringe, extra large size, 1 Sf each I.OU 12.25 Colored Mltchellne Bed Spreads, something similar to a Marseilles, but not so heavy. This is a very pretty spread and will wear and hold Its color to the last. It has a pretty bor der to match center. Comes In blue and white and pink and white. Heavy knotted fringe, extra large, ' 1 fSZ each ' I.UO $1.50 extra heavy White Bed Spreads, Marseilles f fk pattern, full size, each " Hardware, Stoves and Housefurnishings SEASONABLE C00DS AT REASONABLE PRICES-Coods thai you Need NOW at about Hoi Less than Sold Elsewhere. 1i-lnch Rubber Garden Hose Warranted Hose 16-inch Lawn Mowers Hardwood Hose Reels Lawn Sprinklers Garden Rakes, 12 tines Solid Steel Spade ..4ic . 8c 2.49 ...49c . 19c .. 15c 49c Garden Hoe lVt-lnch Screen Doors 15c 69c Adjustable Window OSp Screens The Best Screen Cloth ilt- made Sv BUaped Spading 09C The Best Poultry 1--, a 95c BLUB AND WHITE ENAMELED WARE ABOUT ONE-HALF PRICE, t CARS OF STOVES, 1 CAR GASOLINE STOVES, 1 CAR STEEL RANGE3, 1 CAR COOK STOVES. DO YOU NEED ONE? NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Netting Oil Finished Screen Doors FIELD CLUB'S OPENING DAY Ideal Wtathir Ooadhiooi B ins; Out Lit; AtUDuABM of Members. COLf ATTRACTS THE MOST ATTENTION Base Ball, Teaals, Bowllas; mm Other ports Have The! Devotees Wild I wltk laforaaal Danes) la Evealas;. would be hard to imagine a prettier or more animated scene than that presented by the Omaha Field club house and grounds yesterday afternoon on the occa sion of the formal opening. The bright green carpet of the field, stretching away In graceful undulations numerously dotted with the bright colored garments and gowns of the players and spectators, the grandstand, banked with eager and ex cited faces, the dun brown of the base ball diamond and tennis courts and the ptcturesviua house Itself all combined to make up a whole that was quite near the Ideal. A better day could not well have bt-en had for the carrying out of the pro gram of sports and they were entered Into with a seal and enjoyment that were In keeping with the surroundings. The most luterest was attached to the golf tourna ment. In which there were no less than ixty-eeven entries. It was played on the new elghteen-hole couisi- and two of the five prises offered for the best net and best gross score were carried off by B. L. Kemper. With a handicap of li Mr. Kemper made a score of H. leaving his net score 2, which Is the Uigey score of the new course. Kemper also won tho prise for the bet gross score with this record. The other wlnn.-rs LtiDou cler. H: Dr. Sharradln. t7. end J. D. Foster nd J. E. Buckingham euch 14. The scores which the players saw fit to turn In were i 1 as fallows: e sree el Players. Handl- Gross. cp. Net. J B Planchard 117 It w K E. lirvfc.n lis 11 lo 11. A. ! rains lib li M J. B Clark 1J li 14 J B I'urt.r . Ill 11 14 li. H. Russell L3 It lit) J. D. Foster 10 g F. Halke 1US 10 W L. D. earner l' 12 91 Ed Boyer lit 18 M Klmberly lit 18 W J. W. Arthur 126 11 107 Mancheaier Ut It 108 Junes Ho 1 W0 Kemper 4 It St Cope lit W 108 Morrill wo Bcrairn jm Bone Kb 6cralch W Mc.N'aughton 107 II W brill 11 It lut Garrett 14t 18 1J4 Porgan 1SS 18 116 Cundift 1)8 111 Lewrie 11 Scratch 101 Frlsble 129 18 102 C. C. Clarke 125 18 107 Sharp 1 f 5H Horl 101 10 W Shields 14 18 106 McConnell 135 18 117 Allen HI 18 J w. Thomas lu 16 tl W. H. Brown 119 16 108 Fetters 125 18 107 Buckingham IflO 11 8 Robb Kk - M J Murphy M Scratch t Rah ro to Scratch 99 Record 107 12 6 Wtlklns 1)4 It lot Rhodes 117 12 106 Mclntlre H4 18 136 Dufrene 110 IS lit Hear Irk 144 18 104 Werner 122 It lo4 Scrlbner 116 18 M Boucher 1 18 M Emvthe 142 II 124 Prints 118 14 104 La Doueler 101 16 H Palmetler lo 7 1)7 Spencer 115 12 101 Townsend 112 It W Colt H W WW Hunt 114 16 Wi Entricker 110 IS fr grhrodT tf It 87 Nichols 119 14 105 Tllotson UK U 11S Ball Bad Teaals. The ball game between the club team and the Dtitl team was full of ginger all the way along, but resulted disastrously for the club sluggers, they being defeated by a score of T to t. The Junior club team went te same route In It's contest with tho Coronas to the tuna of 11 to t The tennis courts and bowling alleys also csme In for a large share cf atten tion and when It was all over a delicious dinner was served in the club rooms to which more than 100 of the club members and Invited guests sat down. Those who acted as hosts for the occasion were M C. Peters, Dr. Powell, E. E. Pryson. H. J. Penfold. J. U. Blanrhurd, Charles Bone, Harry Tuanseud, Tom Crelgh, N. 11. Up dike. Georee Powell, M. W. Cvmnagh, Dr. McMuIua. J. W. Towle, Arthur Roerera. Vanoe Lane, W. F. Palmer, Clark Colt, W. L. Coakley, L. Drleshaus, H. B. Allen, Edward B. Boyer, P. C. Davison, L. J. Patterson, C. K. Urquhart, Herb. Howell. W. r. CundlfT and J. E. Bucklpgham. The rooms were elaborately trimmed for the event with flowers and plants and at the conclusion of the dinner an Informal dance was held that lasted until a late hour. , , CHEIGHTOM TEAM II SHIT OUT Locals laable t Cope with the lal ver.lty of Nebraska. Fresh from Its victorious tour of ths middle states, the University of Nebraska team yesterday afternoon defeated Creigh ton on the latter s grounds by a score of 12 to 0. Crelghton played a hard and in teresting game, but was unable to cope with the Cornhuskers, who have been btat Ing such teams as Knox college, University of Minnesota and Notre Dame, which It has never before defeated. Morse had the Jesuits at his mercy, and allowed only two hits, and nons until the Eighth, when Prendergast found the ball for a single. Lannlgsn was the other Crelghton man whose stock connected with the ball, and Eddie Crelghton succeeded in getting a base on balls. Lannlgsn espe cially distinguished himself by getting as far as secona osae in me mntn inning. McCormlck was easy for the collegians and had indifferent support. Bender msds ths longest bit or me season over the mid dle field fence, and cauitht a difficult foul fly. Cook. In middle field, played a star game, making sensatlonsl catches and spoiling sevtrai long hits. Nebraakr's error column was a blank, and this, wilh Morse's faultless pitching, tells the story. Only a small crowd saw the game. The score: NEBRASKA AB. R. IB. PO. I Bender. Two-base hits: Townsend, Fen Ion, Steen. Bases on balls: Oft Morse, 1; off McCormlck. s. Struck cut: By Morse. 2: by McCormlck. t. Stolen bases: Lannl gsn, Williams. Townsend. Fenlon. Hit by pitched ball: Townsend. Sacrifice hit: Bteen. Time. 1:45. Umpire: Lawler. Pender, c Cook, cf Steen. Jb Townsend, lb Fenlnn. If.... Hamlll. 2d..., Miller, rf Williams, as. Morse, p ToU Is A. 0 e l t o 2 f 41 12 12 27 t 0 CREIGHTON. AB. R. IB. PO. A. E. Lsnnlgan. ss 4 0 1110 Callahan, It 1 0 5 1 Mullen V . If t 0 0 1 0 Kennedy, 2b 4 0 0 12 1 Crvlghlun. c 2 0 026 Mul.en. J rf I 0 0 1 t 0 C !,!. cf 1 6 0 2 0 0 Preiidngaot, lb 1 0 1 10 0 t Gvrvey, 2b..., t 0 t 0 t McCormlck, p 1 0 1 I Totals 2 0 2 27 14 "t Nebraska 1 I I 1 0 1 t 012 Crelghloo OvO-ttttOt. Earned runs: Nebraska, 4. Horn run: TIE CAMB AFTER FOIR IXXISGS Omaha ! Coaarll Bleffs Each Get a Raa. The Council Bluffs and the Omaha High schools did a preliminary bout on Crelgh ton field, beginning about an hour before the university game yesterday afternoon. They went tour fast rounds, with the score l to i, ana men gave way to tne neavy weights. The game lasted long enough tor the schools to show their real form, and both teams put up a good game. The Iowans went first to the bat and the first man up, Crowe, made the first hit and the first run. Smith also got a base by being hit, but the next three batters up went out In one, two, three order. Omaha In it turn tied the score and made its only run. Low went out at first, Brome made a hit, stole second, waited while Burnett went out and came home on Cherrlngton's hit. Yoder couldn't add anything. In each of the following Innings Omaha had men on bases and in the third Council Bluffs had the bags covered, but nothing came of It. The lineup follows ' Omaha. Position. Bluffs. Burnett Cstcher Cralgmile Low P4tcher Croe Cherrlngton First base Carpenter Brome Second base Madsen Smith Third base F. Smith Yoder Shorurfnp Smith Anderson Leftneld. Dulney Sobotker Centerflild Thompson Conrad Rlghtfleld Brewlck Omaha 1 6 0 01 Council Bluffs 1 0 v 01 York Clrls Lose to Maeola. LINCOLN Neb.. May 7 -(Speclal -The High school girls were unaUe to defeat Lincoln H-h school girls in a mutch game of baskettiaii played here yesterday before a large audience. The playing of the Lincoln High school girls showed careful tralnli g, excellent team work and several star play ers in the team. Five players wrre ued In the first half end six In the serond half. Miss Vera Byers of York and Miss Vera Barger of Lincoln going in after the Inter mlavlon. The line-up was as follows: Lincoln. Position. York. Msttte Wood worth.. .F llsttle Hsrria Martha Klmmel F Ethel .Allen Label Wolfe C E'held.i Edwards Mabel Hunt G Blanche Caetllt Anna Watt O Abbey Hall Marie Bsrr, Lincoln, substitute. He fere. : Int-s Everett, Lincoln. Time ot halves: FUten and twenty minutes. , Daaaee Beats era. Dundee yeeterday defeated the West Far nam Sluggers by a score of t2 to 14. Uaaae at Fort Crook. The Arnr teem will meet the Fort Crooks oxTThe latter' grouiida Sunday afternoon. A warm game is anticipated, as the boys have been put through system atic practice for the past week. RECORDS SMASHED AT K1MAI CITY Blees Military Academy Wlsi Aaaaal Field Meet. KANSAS CITY. May 7 Blees Military academy today won the sixth annual lnter scholastic field meet by a score of 29 points to West Des Moines High school's 19. Two Interscholastlc records were smashed, the pole vault and ths discus throw. Results: Pole vault: Q. Sheoard. East Des Moines. first; D. Raymond, Lincoln, second. Height: 10 feet 4 mentis. One hundred and twenty-yard hurdle: G. Shepard, East Des Moines, first; K. Storer, Weat Des Moines, second. Time: 0:11. One hundred-yard dash: W. Warner, Blees, first; R. Burrls, Lincoln, second. Time: 0:10. One mile run: R. Andrews, East Des Moines, nrst; J utonneii, bast ues Moines, second. Time: 4.5614. Running high ' Jump: C. Chiles, Effing ham, first; F. Parker, Central Kansas City, second. Height: 5 feet 7 inches. Quarter-mile run: H. Miner, Lincoln, first; B. Dawson, West Des Moines, second. Time: 0.52V Half-mile run: E. Andrews, East Des Moines, first; J. Broadhus, St. Joseph, sec ond. Time: 2:08. Two hundred and twenty-yard hurdle race: C. Balr, West Des Moines, first; Minton, Central Kansas City, second. Time: 0:2M. Two hundred and twenty-yard dash: R. Burrls, Lincoln, first; W. Warner, Blees, second. Time: 0:23V Hammer throw: w. Warner, Blees, first; S. M. Collins. Lincoln, second. Distance: 13! feet C Inches. Shot-put: A. Aylesworth, Blees. first; n. Jordan, Wes Des Moines, second. Dis tance: X feet 4 Inches Running broad Jump: W. Warner, Blees, first; F. H1ger, St Joseph, second. Dis tance: 21 feet 4 inches. Discus throw: Robertson. Blees, first; Talbot, Manual, Kansas City, second. Dis tance: 97 feet. EVENT! OS THE RIXSISO TRACKS Carearl Miss Mile mm Farloas; Head. lean at Oaklaad. SAN FRANCISCO. May 7 The roost successful seaaou In the history of Cali fornia racing ended ut Oakland today and the snort was witnessed by a very large crowd, the grandstand and the betting ring being thronged. ine I-aiure or inn caro. was the mile and furlong handicap. It resulted In a head victory for Caronel. an eight to one phot, ho lies ting Veterano in a drive. Joe Lesser, who, coupled with G. W. Trahern, waa favorite, finishing third. Jones on Veterano made a claim of foul against the winner, but it waa not allowed Tl;s stewards felt the Improve ment of Caronel was rather sudden and suended ths stal ls of C. W. C'liappell and Jocsey Tommy Butler Indefinitely. The stewards reJi.atated Jock)S bozecnaii and Buxton who have bees on tne groaad lor some time. Bonner was reinstated to ride for Charles and John McCafferty only. Re sults: First race, six and one-half furlongs: Yellowstone won, Rollick second, Profitable third. Time: 1:21V Second race, one mile and one-sixteenth: Oscar Tolloman won, Rexlgned second, Dr. BnorD inira. lime: i:vv Third race, futurity course: Andrew B. Cook won. Ocyrohe second, Clauusus third. Time: 1:10. Fourth race, handicap, one mile and one eighth: Caronel won, Veterano second, Joe Lesser third. Time: 1:63V Fifth race, two miles: Expedient won, Rio Shannon aeoond. Searcher third. Time: t:13V Sixth race, one mile and one-sixteenth: J. V. Kirby won, past Master second, David S third. Time: 1:48V ST. LOUIS. May 7. Results: First race, four and one-half furlongs. purse: mum roweu won, faui iievere tec ond, Zlnda third. Time: l:u2V Second race, six furlongs: Flora Levy won, Nabockllsh second. Tickful third. Time: 1:22V Third race six furlongs, selling: Radium won, Hatchel second, Thlsbe third. Time 1:21. ITfilir.h ... mi r. r- a r. t .n...lilh m i 1 u Mound City derby: Bugler won. BarkUy second, Rainland third. Time: 2:u6. Fifth race, six furlongs, purse: Charlie Thompson won, Claremont second. Outlaw trura. j ime: Sixth race, one and one-eighth miles: Ixird Tennyson won, Iarry Wilt aeoond, Exauo third. Time: 1:'V Seventh rare, seven furlongs: John Doyle won, Uecoratlon second, f loral vtream third. Time: 1:36. NEW YORK. May 7 Results: First race, handicap, lust six furlongs of the liners mile: unrlne won, Moritreson second, Hellow third. Time: 1.14V Second race, four and one-half furlongs of the Eclipse course: Bt. Bellane won, Schulamlie second, Bank Hiiro. Tims: :MV Third race, tne uouquet stakes, selling, last five furlongs of the Eclmse course: Cold Ten won. Highborn second. Waterside third. Time: 1.01V Fourth race, the Toboggan handicap, Eclliwe course: Hurst Park won. Kohlnuor second. Gay boy third. Time: 1:14. 1 If iri race, tne New lork ateeplechaae. about two miles: Caller won, I valor sue ond, Bt. Jude third. Time: lt. ellxth race, selling, the Withers mile: Ksrnator won, All Gld second, Akela third. Time: l:4iv LOUISVILLE, May 7,-Results: First raoe. six and wfe-half furlongs: Delmontco won. Name Okie second. New Mownhay third. Time: l:tv Second race, five furlongs: Miss Tnes won, Walter Arnold seoond, Lawler third. Time: 11 V Third rae. one mile: iTlnce tuiver v ings on. Ed Tleniey seoond. Lonsdale third. Time: 1:41 Fourth race, the Nurtwy stakes, r-mr and tr,-half furlongs: Intense won. Blue Bird second. Olawau third. Time: u:uv V l f , V, ... . .inU..h.u full . 1 1 raa bout IM miles: liaca tiara won, Dr. Dow- 11 n second. Governor Boyd third. No time taken. Sixth race, one mile and seventy yards: Barney Burke won, St. Hera second, Dis cus third. Time: 1:47. COLUMBIA AKD I'EWSTLVAMV I'alversltles Hare Close and Spirited Contest at ew York. NEW YORK. May 7. -Track and field athieleK r presenting the Unlvcryltles of Pennsylvania and came together in a Uuul meet here at South Held liluy, and after a spirited iind clone contest Co lumbia, won 54 to 4iV No records wero broken nor even equalled. I ut in every event the conteManta wire keenly on edge and up to the rintil cuiiieot, the brund Jump, only 8 points ep,iratid the riv-l learns. Tills Jump was won by It. B. Stand land of Columbia. Ilrenk A a. sar Iterords. POUGHKKEPS1K. N. V.. May 7. Four new VuBHar utnlrtic records were mado In the annual field uay gamis todny In thu 6o-yard dush Fanny J.imea of Kuiieuu C ity plsced the mark at tiVt am) low ered the 100-yard duih r cord to l'i sreondv. Helen C. Balson of liu ircur, Mam., in the running high Jump, made a new re ord of 4 feet niches, while Alice I'. Beldert, of Poughkeple Incn-ased the baf.o ball throw uisuuice to 115 feet 3 Inches. Mini TiiK nowLi:u. Following are the hlKh scores f week on tho uinahu Lowllnt; hnso alleys: No. Huntington D Prltscher 7 Choen 2 Chandler 11 Bprague la Zimmerman 8 Clay Sheldon 7 H'Jltou i Glllepple a Hodges b Besi.iln 4 Clarkson 4 Bengele 2 Gideon 6 Foreutt 4 Emery 5 Mot 'ague, .. 7 Hull 5 J-ran el sco Hunter French Conrad Johnson lmnka Griffith or tha fin tl. :i ill.". Zi' 2 li 21 iil :u : t : j ill 2:? Z i Z .1 n: L'.'J 2.4 iiT 2.' 7 244 214 Iowa Win lis Share. CEDAR FALLK la.. May 7 (Bpe- lal The llixt event of th blic lntiTalaln meet of nurmul colleges rlitHwl thiM mornliiK when Iowa won the Uve ball tiinu fn.m Illinois. to 4. Out of a total of the various contbats Iowu won first In debate vim Kansas, first In the Interstate field mitt of atr.leiiea, third In the oinlorl :uj contest and first In base baJl. i A