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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1904)
20 THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MAY 9. 1004. SPECIAL NOTICES Advartlsesaents for the eolamna will takes antll 13 a, for the alnsr edition and antll 8 p. an. for the naraUc and Bandar edition. Hates, 1 l-2o a word flrat Insertion, la a word thereafter. Sot h In a; takes for leaa than aoe for the flrat laser tloa. Thee adrertlaemeata aaaet be ran aoentlvely. A-drertlsers, fey reqnestinsr aw bered check, a bat anawera ad dressed to a aunbered letter in ear of The Bee. Anawera ao addreaaed will be delivered on preaentatloa of the vbeek only. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Shorthand Lessons Free In order to show you that we have the mft almple, legible and rapid system of Shorthand ever yet devised, we will give lour lessons tree ny mnii to any one wno will agree to follow Instructions. Write ua und wa will mall you the first 32 page of i 'jr text dook ao you can legin at n"e. I ne se lessons will give you quite a alart Address: OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE l.'tn and Douglas Streets. The Nebraska Seed Co. lpeu till 6:30 p. in., e-iiuiuay anu Monday uu p di. iou-ioia iiuwaru. 11-62 Jl r.lAVPl DR1VKWA1S AND AK11 'AL.t.S. u. Vau Court, 1020 N. ltu. Tel. im, R iu j a CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. U. i nubia, itxH) J sinful hum uuii. oiiiuii fetation. Tela. To4 unci in. 3. It 826 Jvt,UY 8 TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 363u. li 343 STOVF stored and repaired. JhcI 1 tiros. & i'vhk. ill W. uiii kson t it Ia jiJl OA.Ui.V Safe and Iron works mako a spo c.uiiy of tire escupos, suuiturs, uooia ajitl k-ie. u. Alien eun, flop., iu2 b. luin Si II 864 ,Vl2t Champ. Carp. Clean. Co., 718 B. 14th. T. 661. R-82S no! nSILVER. NICKEL. Plating. Om, wwi.Lming Co., Ia0 Harney, tel. 2636. K-b27 CITY BA VINOS BANK pays 4 per cent. R-ai EAOLB Loan Office; reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. it 829 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 214 N. 18th. Tel. 1196. R 30 LOCKSMITH gtn Mfra. M N' R 831 Flprtrir Carpet Cleaning Works. i-ICCUlC Christenson, 2221 N. 20th. N. A. Tel. 1449 R 8jj ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. cleans cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dead animals; reduced prices. 621 N. 16. Tel. 177a. R 833 PUBLICITY DESIGNS WIIEATON, fn the Bee Bldg. R 834 SIGN painting. 8. IL Cole, 1302 Douglas. R Mb VLti KINDS carpenter work; repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 10th and Lake. R 870 FOR noon luncheon try the Karbach res taurant; reasonable prices. 418 8. 16th Bt. R-878 M16 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. 6a N. 16th. Tel. 1779. R 463 BFECTACLES 81; examination free; 30 day only. U. 8. Opticians, 308 N. 16th.' R 838 BTOVB storage and repairing. Hughes Stove Repair Works. 2217 Cuming St. Tel. F-2302. R-841 1 CLEAN, dye, repair clothes. 604 N. 16th. . R M843 Je23 CARPET cleaning. TeL F-S071. J. Wood, 2016 Clark. R-844 BICYCLESI BICYCLES1 DMAI1A BICYCLE CO., 16th and Chicago. . R M868 M12 CRICK contractor. J. P. Healy, 1822 Clark. R M904 M14 FURS stored and repaired reduced prlcea. O. B. Shukert, 313 8. lfith. R M963 M29 COOKING, heating, gas, gasoline stoves re paired. City Btovs Rep'r W'ks. Tel. L2946. R M326 M18 PER FIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.; no In lereat; honest valuea; easy terms. Tel 0L R-846 II W. M'VEA, Plumber, 1124 N. 20th. Tel. 3747. R-M469 STOVES STORED J207 Douglas. Tel. 960. Omaha St. Rep. Wks. a R-M424 PASTURE! 300 acres with running" water and good shade. Horses wanted. Cnrl F. B. Sorensnn. half mile west of Flor ence, near railroad. R 663 8x ARTIFICIAL STONE AND BRICK SIDEWALKS AND CEMENT FLOORS AT COST ' M'WILLIAMS BROS., 431-1 Paxton Blk. Phones 3S50 and B3108. R HM FOR SALEHORSES, WAGONS HORSES for sale; 2d-hand harneas and ve lilolea cheap. Melchlor'a Stabli a, 601 8. IStli P 903 HORSE, phaeton, surrey, cheap. Sum'l P-904 Mil 60 BUqaiES, WBgona and all klnda of rigs at half price. H. Frost, 14th and Leaven worth. P 918 WILL aacrltlce high-grade $126 runabout for 1.6; alHo good top buxgy for 160 Johneon & tanlorth, 8. W. Cor. nnd Jones. P 872 M12 FOR BALE Light, 2-aeat surrey, with rub ber tlrea. In good ordir. Milton Hogera A: Bona Co., 14th and Fa mam 8t. P 431 FOR BALE Horse, bay. 1,176 pounds, yeara, city broke, good style, fair trav eler, sound, reliable. Hameaa. rubber trimmed; atunhope. Stover, nt'arlv new a good outnt, 1300. F. E. Sanborn. 1509 Howard. P-M478 11 FOR BALE A walk, trot. cantraadlile horae, ooal black, weight WHO, aound, finely trained and a beauty. Jonea' stablon, mi Id, Iodge. P-MtiS4 9 WANTED Experienced man to clean and exercise horso two houra each dav for short time. 230d Grant at. B S3 8x FOR SALE Sound young horse, harneM and rubber tired runabout: a inaD at 8110. Addreaa K, 64, Bee office. P74 8x FOR BALK Good team, wagon. 923 N. Kth at. harneea and P679 8x PRINTING PRINTING LYNGSAD1 I Hight Grade Work. Crounae block, corner of 16th Bt, and Capitol Ave HIGH CLASS printing at loweat prlcea. Tel. 1263. 1. A. Medlar Co.. 422 8. 16th 8t. 830 JT. M. BIRPLESS, Reliable Printer; eatab llahed 13 yeara. 2ul 8. 13th St., Omaha. --346 Mil AMERICAN Prlntlr.M Co. New equipment. Oet our prices. Tel. 1621. 1618 Chk.tgo, Prinlinrr J"b printing. Beet work In city, rnnull Guaranteed. 1611 Capitol Ave 436 KRAMER ft CHANDLER. QUICK PRINT EKd. UOt Faxnain. To daily e work when (xeuUaed i eta ttoblgr( WANTED MALE HELP THREE YOUNG PEOPLE WILL GET $50.00 ONE WILL GET $26 thst one being the wrfter of the best essay on "Boyles Col legeThe Secret of Its Bucoeae." Another will get tie for writing the second beat csaay on that theme. The third will be $10 richer for writing the third best essay. You yes, YOU! May be one of the three. Perhaps the $3 one! You've Just got to be not younger than 16 and not older than 80 to use not more than 160 words and to send your essay In before June 16, 1901 Mind you! The prises wont necessarily be won by high-flown, rhetorical efforts. If you can sit down and write a plain, little 160-word letter about the secret of Boyles College success that will convince Mr. and Mrs. Smith, who are wondering to which business college it will be best to send their boy or girl, that Boyles College Is that beat college, you have an excellent chance to be one of the three lucky ones In order, however, to poet yourself on this subject. It would be well to pay Boylea College a personal visit or writs for par tlculars. We'll be glad to show our college to all contestants, answer all their questions and furnish them with plenty of literature on the subject. Someone may scribble off a 26 or 60-word "effort" and "land a big fish." That someone might be you. But It can't possibly be unless you try, BOYLES COLLEGE, H. B. BOYLES, PRESIDENT, OMAHA, NEB. MEN to learn barber trade, free railroad iare upon our raiiure to convince you or this being the BEST, largest and only re liable, most practical barber college In this section. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. B-849 WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY-Able-bodied unmarried men between ages of 21 and 36; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate hablta, who oan apeak, read and write English. For in formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 16th and Dodge Sts., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. B M162 LARGE eastern plant manufacturer wants responsible man or nrm to take ex clusive Omaha and Nebraska agency; manufacturer will do extensive adver tising for agent's benefit. The paint Is a leader wherever introduced. Address H 45, Bee office. B 381 WANTED, first-class barber at once. F. w. aaaae, tscnuyier. Keb. ii 306 PHYSICIAN wanted In advertising doctor's omce, at once, on salary; must De reg istered In Iowa. Address W. Davis, 719 Douglas St., Sioux City. Ia. B M404 8x PHYSICIAN wanted In advertising doctor's omce, at once, on salary; must De reg istered In Iowa. Address W. Davis, 719 Douglas St., Sioux City, Ia. B M404 8x WANTED Young men to take charge of noor in our woman s cioan ttnn suit department. Must have experience. Ap ply to H. Bwanson, Nebraska Clo. Co. B 468 8 MAN with references to call on merchants for well know house; salary $24 weekly; expenses advanced. National, Canton, Chicago. B M479 9x A 881 8T A NT foreman wanted. We want a young man with some experience at Japanning, striping and stenciling tinware, who wishes to learn the business thor oughly. Must come well recommended ana possess executive ability. Address K 44 Bee. B-M482 8 WANTED Men everywhere; good pay; to dlHtriiniie circulars, advertising matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B M480 8x RULERS, two first-class men on down line work, nmunlon, to go east. Good wages and steady work. Address K (I, Bee. B M487 15 PLUMBERS, five good, sober, reliable Slumbers at once. Steady work until the rtl of the 7ear for good workmen. Symr.ns-Powers Co., Sioux Falls, S. D. No strike. B M484 8 WANTED Bright young man to represent II important nrm ot music punusners and visit the sheet music trade and department stores on commission basis. Address Bright, 1364 Broadway, New B-676 8x York. WANTED Experienced fire Insurance man to act as general manager ana secretary of a well organized mutual company; must be man of some means and respon sibility. Address II, care Omaha Bee. B 609 8 CANVASSERS to sell Automatic Screen Door Catchers; make big money; exclu sive territory; sample post paid J6e. Au tomatic Catch Co., Chicago. B-638 8x DETECTIVES, every locality; good salary; experienco unnecessary. international Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. B-64S 8x MALE HELP WANTED. WB WANT A stenographer, ITS. 00 to $100.00. A pharmacist. $100.00. A bookkeeper. $05.00. Four piano salesmen, $100.00 and com. A drug clerk, $60.00. A sash and door estimator. Two salesmen for drugs. A hardware and Implement specialty salesman. A soda dispenser. Two salesmen acquainted with hardware trade, good salary or salary, com., and ex penses. Wa also have good positions open In other lines; call or write. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, 840-841 N. Y. L. B 681 BROOM CORN sorter. Stout boy wanted who has worked In broom factory and can sort. Apply $ Bonday morning, 8. W. corner 15th and Jackson, third floor. B 688 Ix MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail road fare to any other school you name. If after reading our catalogue . and en dorsements you desire to go elsewhere. American Barber College, Omaha. Neb. Write for catalogue. B M706 14x NON-UNION machinists wanted for west ern railroad; must be experienced and competent; good pay. Apply Room No. 10, Victoria Hotel. B M707 lOx POLITICAL WORK We want men to do light political work; pleasant and inter esting; good pay; previous axperlenoe not essential; aaleemen or aolfcltors pre ferred; atate experience. Secretary, Como block. Chicago. B B7 tx RELIABLE, energetic workers to distribute circulars, aampiea ana eaverueing mat ter. Good pay. No canvaaelng. Co-operative Advertising Co., New York. B-470tX W ANTED Men to learn Uarber trade; few weeka completes; little expenae; tools snd board Included, if daelred: splendid de. puuui. Call or write. ntiMeg rwtrber fj ft ta XUKl ett WANTED MALE HELP Nebraska Business College A. C. Ong, A. M., LI B., Pres.; A. J. Lowry, Prin.. 17th and Harney Streets. COLLEGE NOTES. WHICH SCHOOL SHALL I ENTER? There are many good schools, eommprrin.1 and shorthand schools. In the west doing conscientious work. Never In the hlfUory of the country was there such a demand for well trained voting men and women as nt the present time. It Is well known that unless a young person has a good business training before starting In life, he Is at a fearful dlsndvantaae n attempting to cope with his fellows. The commercial and shorthand schools are devoting their energies to qualify these young people to meet the demand of the business community. As to how well and how thoroughly students are prepared depends almost entirely upon the school he enters, the Instruction he received, the discipline he will be under and the efTect of the moral, training Instilled during his course of study. "y there are munjr good schools in th.- west, hut there Is a difference, and that difference lies In the genernl equipment of the school, the methods ndopted. the teach ers employed, the discipline enforced, the general treatment accorded students, the standing and reputation antunp business men. and the high stnndard of Its graduates. The Nebraska Business and Shorthnnd College enjovs this repvit.itlon as well as the confidence of students, ex-students, and the people In general who know nnythlng of Its work. It has won Its way to the front, not bv flooding the country with advertising, but atrietly upon the merit of the work accomplished fur its students. It has taken twelve years to build up this reputation for fiiithful, conscientious labor, but It Is sub stantial and no reaction can be feared. In selecting a school, select the best, where every advantage Is to be enjoyed, such as Is found In the N. B. C. PURE GREGG SHORTHAND. A shorthand system to he of any use tniiFt be rapid. If It Is not fast enough to take down In readlble form speech as It is uttered, It Is of no use. The Greprg system has neither shading nor position, nnd while its outlines are ns short ns those of other systems, this brevity Is not teemed bv complicated or cramped contractions. As there Is hut one outline for each wind. It will come to the mind promptly, and ns that out line Is written without position, simile, backward strokes, obtuse angles, or cramped Joining, there Is nothing to check the hand. Fast shorthand must be easy on the mind nnd easy on the hand. Gregg Shorthand Is both. HUNDREDS OF SCHOOLS NOW USINO GREGG SHORTHAND. Never since the first system of shorthand was devised has there been such a universal recognition of superiority In any system as that found In the PURE GREGG. The verdict on every hand Is that the system is well nigh perfect and so far does It eclipse all others that It Is destined to' become the universal svstem of the English speaking public. We recognized the great advantages of this system years ago, and this Institution, by careful, conscientious training, has sent Into the com mercial world, hundreds of Its graduates who are now enjoying splendid salaries as fruits of their labor while In school. Do not fall to call on us if vou are thinking of such a course, nnd after an investigation you will quickly recognize the thorough and complete work we are accomplishing for those who enroll with us. Apply for catalogue and college literature to the NEBRASKA BUSINESS COLLEGE. The School That Secures Positions For Its Graduates. TO PEOPLE In every town first answering this ad. an opportunity will be given to earn a round trip railroad ticket to the St. .Louis Wolrd's Fair with expenses paid. Time Is short. Write today. St Louis Tour and Contest Co., 308 Columbia Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 650 ix WANTED, party to distribute and present samples Condensed Lemon Juice and Ap ricot Brandy. Good salary, expenses and spending money. Send us your name and address. Golden State Distributing Co., 605 Glady's Ave., Los Angeles, Cul. B 6J6 8x WANTED, by E. B. A A. L. Stone Com pany, at Wadsworth, Nevada, teamsters; wages $2.25 per day. to build lirlgatlon ditch for the government; only eight hours' work per day. One million acres of land through which this ditch runs will be thrown open for settlement on May 1 1904. A splendid chance to take up a farm and earn your living at the same time. B MS61 GOOD BAKER wanted at once; stendy Job for right party. John Bahde, Wahoo, Neb. ' B-698 8 GOOD opening for energetlo man to take charge of business already established in town of 5.CKNI in Nebraska. Grand Union Tea Co., Omaha. B 697 8 CLERKS and thousands of other help wanted at the World's fair, big wages. Send 15 2c stamps for complete conces sionaires list with particulars. Official Bureau, Box 116, St. Louis. B 592 8x WANTED Ten men In each state to travel, tack signs and distribute circulars and samples of our goods. Salary $W per month, $3 per day for expenses. Kuhl man Co., Dept. S4. Atlas Block. Chicago. B-691 8x A GOOD POSITION Is alwavs open for n competent man. His difficulty Is to find It. We have openings for high grade men of all capacities executive, technical and clerical paying from Jl.siX) to $10,000 a year. Write for plan and booklet. Offices In twelve cities. HAPGOODS (Incorporated), 916 Chemical building, St. Louis. B WANTED Circular distributers; cash paid; send stamp. American Distributer, Den ver. Colo. B WANTED, mechanics In all branches of the building trades; open shop town; good wages; steady employment every month In tho year. A. A. Merry, Sacramento, Cal. B- WANTED Young man, single, German speaking preferred, who understands re tall boot and shoe business; answer stat ing salary wanted and giving references. Address "Wolbach's," Grand Island, Neb. B Mi555 Klx BAN FRANCISCO financial Institution de sires state agent; ability and knowledge of high grade securities and realty in vestments required; liberal arrangements made with proper parties. Address O. C. 8., Metropolitan Building, Ban Francisco, Cal. B-28 8x WANTED Man to sell life insurance. Sal- ary or commission. 322 Bee bldg. B-5 8 BE independent. Try working for yourself on tne pront snaring Dasis ana see now you like It. Address. The Hawks Nursery Co., Wauwatosa, Wis. B M600 13x WANTED A strong, 'progressive old line life company wants a manager ror Omaha and vicinity. To a man of satis factory references as to ability and In tegrity, an exceptional, liberal contract will be given. Correspondence strictly confidential. Address K 42, Bee. B M669 10 K15.00 IB OUR LOWEST PRICE. $20.00 IS OUR HIGHEST PRICE. But each one rings true true of wise eoonomy; triAe of honest tailoring; true of lasting satisfaction. BRITISH WOOLEN MILLS CO. Big Tailors. 14U8 Douglas. B 613 8 A niGII CLASS manufactur ing company with established trade can use a few good, re sponsible traveling men to sell a line of metal beds, lawn swings, ladders, etc., on liberal commission; to be sold by pho tograph. If you answer this, state territory and give refer ences. THE F. IT. EARL MF'G CO., Piano, 111. B- $ WE WILL pay any man $85.00 per month and all traveling expenses mien as norse hire, R. R. fare, hotel bills, etc., to take orders for the greatest portrait house in the world; your salary will be guaran teed andpald to you weekly If peferred. Address R. D. Martel. Dept. 67, Chicago, III. B 664 8x WANTED Man to travel, advertising: good Salary ana nil rl"-nBC!i in'ni ntm.., ninmy position If satisfactory; for particulars send self-addressed envelope. Mgr. Oti tis. 358 Dearborn, Chicago. B 654 8x A GOOD position for a competent man; manager, noogeeper, salesman. Aaiireas Business Opportunity Co., 1 Union Souara, New York. B-552 8x Learn Show Card WrIMnjr And you can command a good salary any where, or make big money in business for yourself; our course of hand-painted lessons is something new and the most ractlcal ever offered; If you want to earn a good paying trade, write us and we'll tell you more about It, OMAHA SHOW CARD CO., 631 Paxton Block. Omaha. B flSt I WANTED, eoatmaker. J. Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Oliver. No. I B 721 8x WANTED, good, steady eoatmaker. E. S HloJts, council niurra. ia. u ia ex THE BEE PUBLISHES THE CITY OFFICIAL THE BEE PUBLISHES THE MOST The Reason Why It WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Agents to Solicit tupestry painting; big money. orders for 628 8. 19th. C 382 M19 LADIES for home work, stamping World's fair souvenirs; good pay, clean, pleasant. Call 66 Douglas Bldg., Opp. Hayden's. C M704 M26 80 GIRLS. Canadian office, 16th and Dodge. C M329 WANTED, thoroughly experience stenog rapher and typewriter; state former posi tions held, length of time In each place and salary expected. Address K 62, Bee. C M426 8x WANTED Sewing women, cloak department. Hayden Bros. C468 WANTED Girl to do plain house work; $5.(0 per week. 4929 Davenport; take Far nam car. C 164 WANTED Olrl for light housework. In quire 1440 S. 13th St. C 616 9 WANTED Competent dressmaker for fam ily work. Address 2666 Poppleton Ave. C-612 8 WANTED A good girl for general house work; good wages. Apply to Mrs. R. 8. Wilcox, 2109 Wirt St. C 611 9x LADIES Several vacancies open to com plete list, easy sewing for us at home, $15 weekly. Addressed envelope for lace sam ple. Majestic Lace Co., New York. C 668 8x LADIES to do piecework at their homes; we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe St., Chicago. C 640 8x A LADY as local manager in her town or city. j) weekly at home; no traveling. Address Madame Le Moyne, 27 East 22nd Bireci, iew xorK. c 621 ox WANTED Woman of large acquaintance to sen lire insurance. 322 Bee bldg. C-616 t WANTED Ladles to learn halrdressing. manicuring or facial massage; 2 to 4 weeks required; splendid demand for graduates. Call or write, Moler College, 1302 Douglas St. O-607 12x WANTED A girl for general housework In family of three; references reoulred. 1129 S. 2Sth St. C 604 8x $30 A THOUSAND copying letters; no mail ing to .friends or furnishing addresses, Particulars, stamped envelope. Woman's Specialty Co., Dept. 24, Chicago. C B8 tx CLERKS and thousands of others help wanted at worlds fair, big wages. Sena 16 2c stamps for complete concessionaires list witn particulars. umclal mirenu, Box 116, St. Louis. C 694 8x FEMALE HELP WANTED We now have splendid openings for men snd women capable of filling high grade positions; call or write. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, 840-841 N. Y. L. BLDG. . . C 6S2 8 WANTED, experienced waist girls. A. K. Dick, 1623 Farnam. C M682 9x EXPERIENCED second girl wanted In small family; good wages. 087 Dodge ft. C M678 WANTED, a good, experienced dressmaker for evening gowns. 1018 Douglas st. C M71$ 9x WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERIENCED laundry man wants posi tion; can take up any part of the work. Address Lock Box 8, Madison, Neb. A M418 x . EXPERIENCED man wants position as foreman on stock ranch. Can give good references. Address K 69, Bee. A 60s 13x WANTED Position by competent book keper. Address K 68, Bee. A 623 8x PRACTICAL shoemaker, 20 years' experi ence, wants position In shoe store and do bench work, or location for shoe shop; best references furnished. Address Look Box 1, Rode, Harrison Co., Iowa. A M643 10 EXPERIENCED, hustling traveling sales man is open for change. Address L 2, Bee. a: 9x WANTED, position ss manager of branch lumber yard or real estate business; best of reference. Address L 3. Bee. A 711 8x WANTED TO BUY BHONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN. 822 N. Y. Life, pays highest price for books. Tel. 8036 N-927 2D-HAND furniture; high prices. Tel. 3020. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. N-IS 1,000 FEATHER bods, pillows and bolsters; highest cash price paid. C. A. R., 1122 8. 10th. N-879 M19 WANTED Good horse. C. W. Bhrader, 26th and Blondo. N 84 WANTED To buy a family horse, also good mlloh cow. Inquire Sattley building, S. W. cor. 10th and Jones Sts. N 380 Jet WANTED, to buy, 6-room cottage, modern. Give location and price. Address K 61, Bee. N-2T 8x WANTED to buy, show oases, counters and fixtures. Give full descriptions and cash prices. Box 268, Council Blu0j SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITERS A. a VAN 8 A NT" 8 school, TIT W. T. Life. 41 Neb. Bus. A Shorthand Col., Boyd theater. $36 BLICKENSDERFER. $60. 838 New York Life building. Omaha. 401 M20 Th Boo proved both bfor the oity oounoll and In the District Court that no other paper had 0,000 olroulatlon within the limits of city of Omaha and showed The Bee Hat to be BO per et. higher. is circulation that Iting returns. AGENTS WANTED WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit suneorlptlons to THL mciiLltl h,.iiujv - ateadv mninvmnit with assured gncd In come; agents In the country with horse and buearv eanecleUv desired. Canvassers make etuillv Wi to tlOO per month. Ad dresa Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, ee uuiiding, umana. AGENTS wanted to sell our Sterling Silver ajid Gold Front Jewelry. Costs you notn Ins to begin. Write Aetna Jewelry Co. Box 78. Providence, R. I. J MS! 8 AGENTS $50 a week guaranteed; automatic washers sell themselves. Agent writes: "Exhibited sample to ten women, took ten orders." Time. 45 minutes; profit over $N); guaranteed to do a washing In 80 minutes; furnishes Its own power; re quires no labor; coats less than any other machine; free sample ana exclusive tern tory furnished. Automatic Washer Co. Station U. Chicago. J-S71 8x AGENTS Trv this. "Holmetlte" Sticky Flvnaner Holder: areatest summer seller out Monday; every store and family buys several. Send 15 cents ror sample American Specialty Works, Dept. 4. Aus tin, Chicago. J-670 Sx WiNTrn lndv nni of mature vears Liberal offer. Address Euclid Medical Company, 114 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, O. J 534 Sx MINUET Skirt and Waist Holders offer largest profits, easiest sales. Exclusive territory. Sample free. Wheeler & Bald win, 6th and Randolph, Chicago. J-636 8x AGENTS We pay $2 per day and commls slon aelllns dome-shared perforated skll let covers; prevent grease splashing, without steaming article In ran. Ameri can Novelty Works, Reading, Pa. , J-30 8x CANVASSERS and general agents. Our magnifying photograph frames are great sellers; no fake; fine novelty; sold only by canvassers; send for circular, or 35 cents for sample. Postpaid. Baltimore Novelty Works, 972 Falls Road, Baltl more. Md. J-621 8x AGENTS Men nnd women light work; quick seller; good money; 2c stamp for particulars; write at once, unn-mann v o., 846 West 58th St.. New York. j ozj ox AGENTS Mv mlcroscoDlc pencil Is the latent aonif 10e tniln-v for samnle: tliev are going fast. J. F. Harrison, 808 Church St., Nashville, Tenn. J-524 8x AGENTS To sell a few dozen Safety wardrobe hooks In every home; big profit; anmnle 10 cents. Walter Neal. 853 West Main St., Springfield, Ohio. J-627 8x AGENTS wanted at once on a commission dealer In mail order specialties; sent stamp for information; It will pay you handsomely. T. E. Proctor, 4718 Wood land ave., Philadelphia, Pa. J 628 8x WANTED Agents are sweeping the coun trv selling our patent household necessity sells at sight; everybody buys. 100 per cent profit; agent s outfit free. 2ta jtua- son Ave., Chicago. J 563 8x AGENTS The sreatest ladles' specialty ever Invented, sells to every four out of five visited; sample, 25c; catalogue rree, Henry Supply Co., 6436 Wood St., Chicago, 111. J-561 8x TEN young men In each state to sell new patented novelty: wonderful seller; re serve territory at once. Pittsburg Nov elty Co., Pittsburg, Pa., Box 9S6. J-546 8X WE start you selling diamonds; don't fall getting our iiDerai oner; to aany sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mentloh paper. J 548 8x AGENTS $30 to $50 weekly profits. We send proof; read in dark, name plates. numbers and signs, send lor sample, Your name on postal will do. Wright Supply Co., Englewood, 111. J 660 8x MONEY In mushrooms; cheaply grown by either sex In cellars, stables, gardens etc., whole year; send for free booklet and learn this profitable Dusiness. uept 81, Eastern Importing Co., Brighton. Mass J 550 8x NATURAL diamonds puzzle experts stand every test; our pocket outfit starts uu, wiim tor Biieumi uilui, vimiiiimt tower Co., Syrucuso, N. Y. J 547 8x AGENTS to sell the "FAMILY MACHINE THREAD" to consumers; 1,200 yards In length, equal to six ordinary spools; can be carried in connection with other lines; sample and particulars 25c. It. G.r Wal lace, Allen Bldg., Boston, Mass. J-551 8x GENERAL AGENTS Big profits, exclusive territory, continuing dividends on sub agents. Every farmer, plumber, black smith, marble worker or mechanic buys at sight. One agent made $375 last month. Luther Bros. Co., 117 Ohio Ave., North Milwaukee, Wis. J 586 8x FREE SAMPLE Louisiana Purchase Games; greatest thing on earth; agents wanted quick. Louisiana Card Co., St. Louis, Mo. J 6K9 8x AGENTS wanted throughout the United States to sell a valuable, well adver tised proprietary article to retail drug gists; ssmple outfit free: work can be done evenings; large profits to energetic salesmen. For full particulars apply with references to Derm-Antlseptlo Com pany, P. O. Box 299, Chicago. J 699 8 AGENTS wanted; sell our $1 bottle sarsa parilla for 36c; best seller; 200 per cent profit; write today for terms and terri tory. F. R. Greene, 11B Lake St., Chi cago. J 690 8x BIG MONEY In squabs; tney sell for $2 to $6 a dosan; cheaply raised in only four weeks;' write for our free book about this rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co., 889 Atlantio Ave., Boston, Mass. J AGENTS Big prodts, quick sales; don't accept an agency antll you get my free samples and liberal offer. T. M. Sayman, $141 to 2151 Franklin ave., St. Louis, Mo. J - FREE sample to agents; self -Ugh ting pocket lamp, slse of lead pencil; burns perfectly; takes place of kerosene lamp, candles and matches; rapid seller. Seeing s believing. Send stamp. Specialty Intro duction Co., 87 C, Nassau St., N. Y. J SALESMEN'S side line. Won't Interfere with regular line, Big profits; easy seller. Walter A. Zelnioker, in St. Louis. J AGENTS, our men make $3 to $10 per day fitting glasses; our 24-page FREE EYK BOOK tells all about It. Write Jockson lan Optical College, College Place, Jack son, Mich. J BRASS FOUNDRY BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co., 41 N. Main St.. Council Bluffs. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ONE furnished. two unfurnished rooms. U M440 8 204 (Jaa. THREE unfurnished rooms, $7.60 per month. ixai r. 10 in. u M446 V TWO suites, unfurnished rooms. 1910 Dodge. O. C. Redlck, 1617 Farnam. G M4S9 1 FOUR good, clean rooms; walking distance, o a roontn. luau south 23d st. u 617 sx SUITE of unfurnished rooms; convenient. j-none vnt, Mrs. Shearer. U MOW FOUR unfurnished rooms, modern. 1808 G M690 12 Grace. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To lease a hotel, ready fur- niahed; II house preferred, unless It should be an up-to-date $1 house; good refarenoea furnished. Address Ioek Box 284, Clurtnda, Ia. K-M193 M31 WANTED, to rent, by family of two, four or nve rooms, or modern cottage, anout June 15. Address K 62. Bee. K-G73 8x WANTED Room snd board Address K, In private 13, Bee. K680 t family by lady. NOTICES PAID WANT-ADS FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, ltta ft Chicago. ju ooi DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam sv BOM O. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. (1L E 864 $1.26 PER WEEK, Doran house, 422 8. 18th, aue VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, ladles cafe, private dining r.; open nignis, &i ooo LARGE, warm room; steam Capitol Ave. heat. 1909 E M720 NICELY furnished rooms, third floor. 1420 Dodgo St. E 867 THE FARNAM, 19th and Farnam Sn. B 868 APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN The I'liuilinm: luxiirinusl v furnished room nnd Himikliiir narlora: appointments first class. 110 S. Ulh St., opposite Millard hotel. FOR RENT One large east front room with large closet, with or without smaller room adjoining; strictly prlvats family; no better location In city; one block from Park car, two doors from "Tne Georgia. Pnvllege of use of telephone and piano ltx.y Georgia Ave. Tel. M. K-M347 NORTHWESTERN HOTEL, newly fur nished. 619 N. 16th. E M360 Je3 LARGE front room, housekeeping; also single room. 417 N. 19th. E M142 8x SMALL room, nicety furnished; walkin distance. 1707 Cass. E M443 8x LARGE room, newly furnished. In new house. 416 N. ltn. iu raw e LARGE front room, suitable for two or four. 1712 Capitol Ave. ju oaaas o 1816 DODGE, large parlor: board. 'Phone A 2407. F-M43B 8 NICELY furnished single room; walking distance, 131 S. 26th. E M3S0 x LARGE front room. Porches, lawn, shade, 'Phone L-2733, 623 N. ZOtn. bir-Ki ix PLKASANT Chicago. south room, reasonable. 1811 E M439 ix NICELY furnished room. Cass. Tel. B2534. 242 E M434 8x NICELY furnished Chicago. rooms. modern. 1810 E M436 8x FURNISHED rooms. N. 19th SU Mrs. J. Mangold, 218 Hi M43 ox NICELY furnished room, suitable for two ladles or gentlemen; rates reasonable. 809 B. 19tn. Hjbiki s LARGE front rooms, modern. Flat 8. 1817 Leavenworth, B-M428 8x NICELY furnished front room, reasonable. 1408 N. 18th. Hi M446 sx THREE newly furnished, or unfurnished rooms; parlor floor; for three or four gentlemen, or man ana wire, ziia uoug- las St. E M49S OX LARGE front rooms: reasonable. 624 Bo. 16th. E M500 9x WANTED A respectable young man as roommate. Flat tt, 716 bo. win. E M601 8x LARGE room with closot and alcove, nicely furnished; good neignoornooa walking distance. 1837 N. IHin. E M494 8x LARGE front room, furnished, modern. 1909 Douglas. m jh4w ivx ONE large room with alcove, also two smaller rooms; reasonable, zzaz ram am E M491 X DOUBLE or single front room, modern. Phone A 2638. 621 ft 8. ltn. Hi MUi sx S FURNISHED rooms. 1112 8. 11th. E M48t WORLD'S fair visitors. Furnished rooms for rent In private family. Twenty min utes' ride from fair grounds. Address Herman Welsz, 1314 N. Market, St. Louis. H 609 BX ONR to three' riartlv furnished rooms, mod em; can be arrangoa ror ngnt nouseKeep ing; no children; references; 2701 Wool- worth ave. il cm bx FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 209 N. 20th. is ow iax OR 3 rooms, furnished for light house keeping. 1609H N. 24th Bt. , B-649 8 FRONT room, furnished. Tel. A1979 . 806 S. 26th. is raws lux THHFT! unfurnished rooms, south bay win dow. gas. bath, etc.; references, ksz B. 21 st ave. E M694 9x TWO or three nicely furnished rooms. modern, light houeskeeplng. m n. r3a. EJ M696 9x TWO PLEASANT nicely furnished single rooms. 2006 wooiwortn ave. ib Mtvt x FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms. 403 B. 25th ave. ju miiv lux NICELY FURNISHED rooms and hoard. 2627 Harney. E M'ui 10X FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 2011 Harney. masi iix TTTRN187TED room: private family; S blocks from Bennett's. 610 8. 17th ave. E 716 8x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD ST. JAMES hotel, day board, meal tickets 3.5U, 0 ittwo Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Allaiana coiei. iota at mcg-o, F eb 1617 CASS, rooms and board. F M419 Ma LARGE front room, with board for two gentlemen, ois B. ou - . r. I,it et aSTIO'l THE MERRIAM, 36th and Dodge, 'phone So; nice, llgnt, airy ruom, cubuubb single rooniB; terraced lawn; veranda en tire length of building. F 2b FINE location. lawn and shade. 2214 Far- F-M873 8x nun, BOARD and room, $4;, meals 15a 1619 SMALL furnished room, also parlor, with board. cnicago. c ami o GOOD board, without rooms. 7C S. 18th. c iiaaoa ox NICELY furnished rooms, southern ex posure, every ining mouoni, o. iei. aeis. Uoti Cass. F-M433 8 NICELY furnished rooms, with or without board, can lorenoona, iu uuur, iu . 16th St F-M431 9x THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; newly furnished rooms, gooa, rams rtmaonaoie. F-M426 Je OOOD board, without rooms. 710 8. 18th st. if M429 x NICELY furnished front parlor and board; gentleman preierrea. uougias. F-M196 tx FRONT and back parlor unfurnished, or nicely runusnea rooms ana board, rea sonable, large lawn and shads trees. 2601 St. Mary's. F M498 8x TWO elegantly furnished rooms, with or without board, 904 8. 33d. F-M.497 8x BOARD by day or week. 1613 Jackson. F M493 9x ROOMS and board. 2601 Cuming. r-eoT tx LARGE room, newly papered and fur nished, modern bouse, large lawn and trees; $36 for two. Tel. 101$. F 610 Ix FRONT room in private, quiet home place, io rtwpoHmijia people. jjas iiarne. FURNISHED ROOM, B2797, 424 8. Juth. double; board. Tel. T-tiVM 10X NICELY FURNISHED double parlors snd large front room; reasonable. 204! Har ney. F Mti99 9x NICE pleasant furnished rooms, with board. 2103 Douglas. F-77 Ux 118 S. 22d St., nicely furnished south front room, with board, reasonable: walking distance. F 287 11 ROOM and board, to lady employed pre ferred; nicely furnlahad room; elegant flat; 29th and Ivanworth. Everything first class. Addreaa K, 66, Bee F675 Ix TWO or three large modern rooms, fur nished or unfurnlshad. with nrat-claas private hoard: In lr modern reeidnnoa la Kfiuoue i'lace, full Wirt st, )r?2e I SALESMEN WANTED HARDWARE, implement and oil salesman, good side line, sells wherever shown. Write for particulars. Maple City Mfg. Co., Monmouth, 111. M61 I BALESMAN For Nebraska, by leading wholesaler; permanent position; must be competent; no salesman in our employ paid below $50 a month. Address) Red field. Houser Blk., St. Louis, Mo. 673 tx CA TABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line, high commissions with ad vance of $100.00 monthly; permanent posi tion to right man. Jess II. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. 677 8x SALESMEN make 600 per cent commission selling "Novelty Sign Cards," merchants buv 10 to 100 on sight, 800 variatlea: cata logue free. Sullivan Co., 1139 Majiewood Ave., Chloego, 111. 675 8x SALESMAN WANTED I have a position for a first-class traveling specialty sales man of ability and will pay salary of $J50 per month and expenses; salary guaran teed. Write with references. Personal Interview if satisfactory. Address K 3st, Bee. 671 Sx WANTED, by old estsbllahed house, ex perienced traveling salesman for Ne. braska; good pay and permanent positloc to right man. Drawer S, Chloago. -644 8x SALESMEN, John Sexton & Co., importers of teas and coffees and wholesale grooers, 16 to 32 State St., Chicago, want experi enced, honest, energetic, high-grade men to sell farmers and other large buyers. We are the largest grocery house In America engaged In this business and the originators of honest and modern methods of conducting It. We handle the finest goods and guarantee quality and quantity of every artlole; no capital required; ex clusive territory given. In which an estab lished trade Insures fine Income. We are Farmers' Headquarters in Chicago -635 tx SALESMEN wanted specialty salesmen. We have every desirable winning Induce ment anyone else has, and some which are new and unexcelled. A great success. Retailers buy and cannot fall to sell and then buy again. Millions In It. Side or regular line. Complete line of samples. No bond or deposit, Just honesty. Ad dress, with references, Galloway-McAllister & Co., Wholesale Jewelers (Depart ment C), Chicago. 637 bx TRAVELING SALESMEN To sell all olasses retail trado; technical knowledge unnecessary, but simply all round hust lers; established, well rated house; high priced men Investigate, for we mean busi ness. Box 463, Detroit. Mich. 633 8x SALESMEN wanted; liberal proposition; no triflers need apply. Brown Bros. Co,, Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. 648 Sx WANTED Two experienced aalesmen for Nebraska. Regular line, with specialty features. Established house. No scheme. Address, K 64, Bee. 667 &x WANTED Clothing salesmen to open sales agenclee for "America's Greatest Tail ors;" the proper facilities given to the right parties; woolens lit the piece fur nished for display purposes. This Is a rare opportunity to engage In a good . paying business without any Investment. A number of our sales agents are malting from $1,200 to $3,600 per year. Write for terms and full Information to Dept. 10, 199 Market St, fifth floor, Chicago. 663 tx LIVE, energetic salesmen wanted to estab lish agency for manufacturing houso, selling pure linseed oil soap to owners and Janitors of large buildings; fine prop osition. Cleveland OH Soap Co., Cleve land, O. 653 8x SALESMEN WANTED Side line of hlgh- graxie art aavertming calendars, rans ana totters. Copyrighted subjects by famous artists; fresh Ideas and a winning line. Our good men are clearing $40 to $50 per week. Address Manufacturers, Lock Box 413, Chicago. 111. 6S5 Sx A COMMISSION big enough to produce heart failure for traveling men with golden tongues and established routes. Address Side Line, Box 663, Cincinnati, O. 6R2 8x SALESMEN Standard article for side line. Sample Is small; commission liberal. The Trojan Mfg. Co., Station O, South Bend, Ind. 579 8x WANTED Salesman for best side line on the market. Western Glass Adv. Co., Chicago. 693 8x SALESMEN make big money selling staple., article; Dougnt Dy merenanta everywnere; excellent side line; pocket sanv'.e; write immediately. E. W. Merck Co., 900 Collins Bt., St. Louis, Mo. SALESMEN on commission earning hun dreds of dolars selling our fireproof paint to merchants; one minute test with pocket sample secures order from most sk pet leal. Salamander Paint Co.,- 203 Franklin Ave.. St. I,ouls. CLAIRVOYANTS GYLMER, palmist, 715 N. 23d. Tel. B-3243. 8-640 PROF. LESTER, teat medium, gives facts. names, aates, etc.: patrons out or city write for wonderful free book. 1610 Dav enport st. 8-873 M12 BUSINESS MEDIUM, 718 N. 17th St. 8 M286 Jelx MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADT QUEEN OF CLAIRVOYANTS; everything told, past, present and future; satisfaction or no pay. 8U7 N. 18th. , 8-M496 fix YOUR fortune told all private affairs; love, business, health. Send 4 2-oent stamps and blrthdate. Prof. True, 13, 166 Washington, Chicago. 8642 8X DIB COVERED at last; true reliable clair voyants fortell your future, for dime, stamp and birth date. Profs. Carl ft Rol lln, 1-490 N. Clark St., Chloagojni MME. GYLMER, Scientific Palmist. HAVE YOU had your life read by a genu ine paimistT it not, you are not compet ent to Judge as to the merits of life read ing. No other method now In vogue has gotten recognition from the proper class. The intellectual element are the ones who are expected to Indorse or condemn a principle; and as palmistry Is conceded by all to be genuine, beneficial and neces sary, it therefore supplants till other sys tems. Mme. Glymer has established herself ns the best and Is conceded to be the lead ing palmist of the entire country. Her readings are always beneficial. Parlors, 715 N. 23d st. 8 PROF. LESTER, the wonderful test me dium, known rrom ocean to ocean for we wonderful tests, free to all In trouble who come honestly for a reading. So sure is he of his clairvoyant powers, his predic tions of facts, names, dates of Important events. Is the envy of his rivals In busi ness; love, marriage., speculation, what you are best adapted for, success, etc.; he has no equal In 28 years before the pub lic. To patrons out of the city, WRITE IF YOU CANNOT CALL, for a wonderful test free and advice to all who enclose stamp for reply. 1610 Davsnport St., corner ltith st. 8685 8 MRS. CARRIE SMITH. "WHAT PATH IN LIFE WE FAIN WOULD TREAD IF COMING EVENTS WE COULD BEE AHEAD." von jr (n trouble and need a friend In whom and on whone Judgment you can rely for help. Your business Is not prospering as It should. Your love affairs, which never yt did run quite smooth, need turning Into tho placid stream or peace anu juy. igu nave an Investment to make or would speculate and know the results before banking on oesea snd disaster, men consult MRS. CARRIE SMITH, LADY QUEEN OF CLAIRVOYANTS, ho is a real guide and friend, competent nd confidential. 8h tells the past, ex lalns the prevent and truly reveals tho future. She is wonderfully niagneuo. charmingly aympathetlu and pcasetued of marvelous payemu lone, ene aivinos, tx ptninde and reveals and Is Indeed a stead fast, helpful friend In pressing need. That he aoes possnns uu inuxveiuu power iu xplore the future and revuul the past, he can readily prove to tiiu moat skeptical. anyone ouuDting mr anility can w ' Ineed beyond a doubt by calling on this ifie1 woman. Satisfaction or no Py- MRS. CARRIE SMITH, 807 NORTH lTir ST., OMAHA, NEB. -70S SX LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F. MOREARTY. Atl'y., 437 Paxton. TeL A-3C89. -W8 JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York IeV bid, totim $v4 ejid $14, TeL sO UOt 1 try (