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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1904)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1904. A i ! i t ANNOUNCEMENT We beg to announce that at the solicitation of numerous cus tomers wo lmve decided to open u DErotilTOIt'ti ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT. This is. a new feature which will enable our customers to Lave all the convenience of a credit system with all the economy of a cash store. YOU MAY DEPOSIT as little money as you please to oiven a deposit account and purchases can be charged against this account but at no time can these accounts be overdrawn. WE WILL PAY 4 PEU CENT INTEHEST annually on these deposit accounts, compounding the interest every January, April, July and October so every penny and every dollar earns Interest for you dailv until spent or withdrawn. OVll DEPOSIT ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT is not a bank ing business in any particular. It Is only for the payment of purchases made in this store and for the convenience of those who may wish to take advantage of it. There is no drawing of checks; you can take your money out at a momenta notice. -We SELL ONLY FOlt CASH the man who pays his bills does not make irp for bad debts by higher prices he is not called upon to pay for expensive machinery of a credit department. We therefore believe that this new system will fulfill all the requirements of mir increasing business which we modestly claim to be conducted on a high plane of efficiency, ever ready, however, to improve upon it at every opportunity. Come in and investigate this plan more fully. . - J to) ; fr lOJIm lrSiOJlRL JM E L 0) K HU 0) AY. M. C A. Building, Corner Sixteenth, and Douglas Sx, lllnJ Secretary Lansdowne has received explicit Information which leads him to the be lief that there la ho danger of the fail ure of the Chinese to main atrict neutral ity. The Chlneae minister called at the Foreign office here thla week and so as sured Lord Lansdowne. Any attempt at mediation, according to tbe general opin ion In official and diplomatic) circles, must for the present at any rate be post poned. , , ... At the Japanese legation It Is thought that RuBRla doea not Intend to make a very determined resistance at Port Ar thur. In support of this Idea, It ta pointed out that Russia already has largely de pleted its garrison at Fort Arthur and that Viceroy Alexleffe departure from there hardly seems a step that would be adopted by a commander who dealred to koep up the morale of his troops and enable them to withstand a prolonged siege. The Japanese officials here do not court so much on the Japanese com mander rucceedlng In starvlt.g out Port Ar thur as to the Inevitable discouragement which they believe will spread among the already rather disheartened sailors and aoldlers at Port Arthur, and which must necessarily be heightened by a constant sea bombardment,- menace by the land force and complete isolation. As regards the land fighting in Man churia and the . disposition of the other mysterious Japanese armies. Baron Hayshl aid today: "You may be pretty sure that the Japanese will not undertake any en gagements In the near future unless our forces outnumber those available by the Russian commander, and I think you will And the superiority of numbers will gen erally, for ttla present at any rate, be on'our side." . Japs Meats Rapid Fire Gone. BHANG HA1 KWAN, China, May 7.-An officer of a torpedo boat who arrived here from Tin Kow today, after confirming the announcements of the landing of Japanese troops on the Uao Tung peninsula, saye the Japanese rapidly entrenched them selves and mounted rapid-fire guns. JAPS CO TO DEATH '(Continued from First Page.) BOOMING The Japanese airs not the only ones -whose ansl Mess Is "booming:." Oar business Is booming? these tine days, and vre are ontflttln more ot the vising; feneration each day. Do yon vet year snare ol the srood things we show for Boys nnd Olrlst Base Ball Park Tickets With fS.OO tr 0ir, Headwear Nowhere In the entire west can you find such an assortment of headwear for every age from ir. f tint to Young Man or Maiden. liaby caps In wash materials, 25c. 86e, 6to, 75c, and up to hand made, at S3.UU. Washable hats, at 26o to ll.Gi. airis' hats In fine straw braids, frotv 60c to 12.00. Girls' hats In Chiffon and fancy silks, at II. 00, Sl.06. S2.00 and 13.00. Boys' college caps, In all colors, into. Automobile and Oolf caps 60c, 76c, and 11.00. Boys' straw hats, In the new shapes, at 60c, 76c. 11.00, and genuine Pana mas, at $3.5o an1 $4.00. Base Ball Tlckst Free Willi Purchase of $5 or Orer ASK FOn IT WHEN CHANGE IS MADE. BENSON ÞE3 OMAHA.NEB.V Write for Catalogue. IRIS Douglas Street. CUT OUT THS COUPON, Omaha Be Exposition Coupon A Trip to St. Louis via The Wabash ONE VOTE On. Vote for. Name. Address. Town. state. CUT TII18 OUT Deposit at Bee Office or mall to "Exposition Department," Ouuitia Bee, Omaha, Nebraska. CUT OUT THIS COUPON. Omaha Beo Exposition Coupon A Trip to St. Louis via The Wabash PREPAYMENT COUPON rO,. Vot t (or. Name, Address Town. But. Stnd Be to (oamo). s I Address. i This coupon, whan accompanied by a rash prepaid subscription to THB BKifi, counts b vntM for uch It I paid. luD vots for each dollar paid, etc A subscription euimot t prepaid until the amount due to dale has been paid. , leposlt atjiee office or mail to "KxposJUoa Impertinent," Omaha lAv. pnuOka, Neb. - x o'clock Tuesday mornlne-. The First de tachment under Vice Admiral Togo arid Rear Admiral Isashlha second In command, ar rived off Port Arthur at In the morning ior tne purposo 01 protecting tne destroyer and the torpedo boat fotlllas and to search for the crews of the sunken merchantmen. The vessels of these detachments remained until 4 o'clock of Tuesday afternoon, bui their search was fruitless. The day was foggy and It was Impossible to observe the condition ot the enemy. The detachmenta then returned to their base and since the morning of May 4 have oeen engagca in other operations. IU'SSIAN DEPRESSION IS GEXERAI, Einperor.Whlle Grieved Orer Affairs, lias Faith in Konropatkln. BT. PETERSBURG, May When tho war commission adjourned this morning it failed to give out any official dispatches regarding the situation on tbe Llao Tung peninsula or at Feng Wang Cheng. Never theless there Is no doubt that the Japanese troops were In touch with the Russian forces at Feng Wang Cheng, and the re port that the latter had evacuated that pluce is generally credited. Surprise is caused by the withdrawal of Oeneral Kouropatkln towards his base at Llao Yang, as it Is stated that immedi ately after he learned Of Oeneral Zaasa lltch's losses he sent reinforcements to him to enable him to retain his position. What little Is known here shows that he Intends to 'observe the same caution that has distinguished the operations of the Japanese Finding that he could not offer battle at Feng Wpng Cheng with as even chance of succesa, he has decided to fall back, it Is thought, to tho Mao Ting pass. Back of this pass Is another pass, with a railroad connecting with Llao Tang. It ia not at all unlikely that another Japanese army will be landed upon the peninsula. During the Chlno-Japnnese war the Japaneao captured Port Arthur two weeks after their disembarkation upon the peninsula. The Russians say that the Japanese will not find It so easy a task to reduce Port Arthur as they did before. The Japanese army marohlng . northward along the railroad, once past Kol Ping, can compel the Russians to evacuate New Chwang or else undergo a battle or a state of siege. The possession of Feng Wang Cheng Is or the highest Importance, as it places under the control of the Japanese without further opposition a large strip of Man churia territory bordering upon the bay of Corea and the road connecting Lino Yang, Hal Cheng, New Chwang and Pltsewo. The command of the road to Pltsewo will enable this army to estab lish communication with the Japanese operating on the Lino Tung peninsula. The stoicism of the people Is wonderful, but the fact that It Is displayed shows louder thnn words tho depression that Is felt. Nevertheless, there Is no disposition to criticise Oeneral Kouropatkln, In whom tho people believe, and they will wait with tile doggedness of the filav character, mani fested In the dark days of the Turkish war, for the victory which they are sure Is to come. The emperor is deeply " pained over the Russian losses on the Yalu and regrets that tho Investment of Port Arthur could not have been prevented. He will, how ever, acquiesce without question In the plan of General Kouropatkln, even should that plan contemplate the withdrawal of the Russian army further Into the Interior. after fierce fighting, and that the losses on both sides wag very heavy. Fighting has been - reported near Feng Wang Cheng, but neither Japanese nor Russian advices have announced a decisive engagement. It ia unlikely, therefore, that the rumor current at Antung ta correct. Advices from Bt. Petersburg Indicate that news of an Important battle near Feng Wang Cheng Is expected momentarily.- KOVROPATK1 WITHDRAWS ARNI Itnsstans Decide Jfot to Give Battle at Fens; Wang Chens;. BT. PETERSBURG. May 7.-8:80 p. m. Accordlng to a persistent rumor, General Kouropatkln decided not to give battle n. Feng Chang Weng. The Russians have fallen back and the Japanese have re occupied Feng Wang Cheng. It Is believed hers that two other di visions of Japanese troops will land near New Chwang and attempt later to effect a Junction with the army from the Yalu. SKOII, HEAItB STOHY OK BIG FIGHT Report Is Kot Hollered fcr Those Keeping Watch of r. rents. SEOUL. May . A dispatch from Antung aays It la rumored there that the Japa nese captured Feng Wasg Cheng May 4. RIMIA'S POSITION IS CRITICAL Comment Over the Fact that Asnerfen Take Jo Bonds. PARIS. May 7. The critical situation et Russia's land and sea forces ascites fever Ish Interest, Russian reverses causing al most aa much degression here as at Bt. Petersburg. The officio view Is that Russia has suffered a serious If not an Irreparable blow. The Foreign office has not received tonight official confirmation that Port Ar thur was completely Invested by land and son, but a leading ornclal saia: We accept the Investment as an ac complished fact for even If the harbor Is not completely blocked an investment ea sts for all practical purposes. The land ing Is considered merely preliminary to a upreme struggle which will soon occur nrar Mukden. Upon that will largely de pend the outcome of the war." Diplomatic negotiations during the week took a definite form to restrain China from Joining Japan or otherwise breaking neu trality. The French minister at Peking and it Is understood all the ministers of the powers, Including the United States, Joined In the representation. Officials are somewhat doubtful of Chinese promises. The readiness with which the Russian loan was placed in Paris is further evi dence of French sympathy, and a belief In the certainty of Russia's eventual suc cess. Although the outside amount Russia desired was liau.OOO.OOO, a single group of French bankers were ready to underwrite a $300,000,000 loan. Mm. Hottlnguer and Noetslln will arrive from Bt. Petersburg Mcnrtny and complete arrangements to li-sue the loan. American bunkers! say thut no portion Of it is likelv to be taken In New York. It Is pointed out In thla con nection In tho placing of Russian securi ties on tho New York Stock Exchange has not proved the success that was ex pected. A leading Russian official here said that not a single Russian bond has been bought in America since the listing took place. SHAW SIGNS BIG WARRANT Cbeo't of (40,000,000 on Account of Pc ami Can si WILL BE EXCHANGED IN NEW YORK Warrant Is Many Times Larger Thnn Any Waleh Has Ever Before Been Issued by This Government, WIRELESS MESSAGES AND PIGEONS Methods of Commnnleatlon Employed nt Port Arthnr. 8T. PETERSBURG,' May 7.-10:10 p. m. The Russian Admiralty expects to be able to continue communication with Port Arthur In spite of the cutting of the tele' graph line. Masts for use In wireless teleg raphy have been erected at the fortress to communicate with stations at the north end of the peninsula. Trained carrier pigeons were also sent to Port Arthur soma time ago and through one means or another the Russian officers hope to retain communica tion. The Admiralty is in possession of specific Information to the effect that the harbor of Port Arthur Is open. JAPS DESTROY RAILROAD BRIDGE Report of Russian Retrent front Fens; Wans; Chens; Is Conflrahed. BT. PETERSBURG, May 7.-8:10 p. n The Russian retreat from Feng Wang Cheng ts confirmed. The Japanese pressed the retreating troops, though with few losses to either side. The Japanese destroyed the railway at Fort Adams, blowing up the bridges. Japanese Spllte Russian Gnns. ANTUNG, Manchuria, May 1 (Monday, Via Seoul, Corea, May T.) A Japanese force today charged a thousand men of (he Russian rear guard, consisting of a bat talion of infantry and two batteries of artillery, near Hamatan, west of Klu Lien Cheng. After sustaining heavy losses the Japanese spiked tbe Russian guns and oaptured 400 prisoners. Refuse Measagrea for Port Arthnr. BT. PETERSBURG, May T.-The tele graph office refuses to accept messages for Port Arthur. LAW IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL tnprerae Court Renders Deelslou Important to Memhera of Labor Unions. TOPEKA, Kan., May T. The supreme court today declared void the statute which makes It unlawful to discharge an employe because he belongs to a tabor organization and which provides for the recovery of damages for the discharge. This la a decision of great Importance to labor unions. T. P. Berry, an employe of brick and tile company, was discharged from Its service and he brought action to reoover damages, r.lleglng that he was discharged because he was a member of a labor union. He recovered judgment In the lower court and the brick company appealed, Attacking the constitutionality of the law. INDICTS AN ILLINOIS OFFICIAL Democratic Politician Accused of In tlmldatlngr Voters In Eleotlen at Jollet. JOLIET. 111., May T.-Mayor William C. Crollus, three of his police officers and on cltlssn were Indicted today for con spiracy. The policemen were also hold for alleged intimidation of voters. The mayor and police officers are alleged to have Interfered with a number of repub lican Italians, who, by arrests, threats and other means were prevented from voting. Mayor Crollus Is one of the leading can didates for the democratic gubernatorial nomination. IN AN OLD TRUNK Baby Finds n Bottle of Carbolic Acid and Drinks It. While the mother was unpacking an old trunk a little 18 months old baby got hold of a bottle of carbolic acid while playing on the floor, and his stomach was so badly burned, It was feared he would not live, for he could not eat ordi nary foods. The mother says, In telling of the case: 'It was all two doctors could do to save him, as It burnt his throat and atom aoh so bad that for two months after he took the poison nothing would lay on his stomach. Finally I took him Into the rountry and tried new milk, and that was no better tor him. Ills grandma finally suggested Grape-Nuts, and J am thankful I adopted the food, for he com menced to get better right away and would not eat anything else. He com menced to get fleshy and his cheeks Ilka red roses, and now he is entirely well. "I took him to Mstamoras on a visit and every place we went to stay to eat he called for Grape-Nuts, and I would have to explain how he came to call for It, as it was his main food. The names of the physicians who at tended the baby are Dr. Eddy of this town snd Dr. Geo. Gale of Newport, O., and anyone can write to me or to them and learn what Grape-Nuts food will dtj for children, and grown-ups, too." Namo given by J'oatura Co.. Battle Creek, Mich. Look in each package for the famous lltue book, "The Road U WeUvlile." (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. May 7-t8peclal Tele gram.) Secretary Shaw this afternoon Signed his name to the largest treasury warrant ever drawn by the United States government. The warrant is to pay for tho concessions owned by the Panama Cnnal company of France, and Its amount Is , 000,000. The next largest treasury warrant ever tesued was that which was drawn to pay Russia for Alaska, $7,200,000. The small est treasury warrant ever drawn was signed by Secretary Foster for 2 cents, made payable to Grover Cleveland. Th's warrant was drawn shortly after Mr. Clevle- land went out of office tho last time, and was merely drawn as a matter of form to straighten out the treasury books, this in significant sum being found due the x presldent. In 189 this government paid paln, through the French ambassador, lo.Oilfl, 000 for the Philippine islands, but this sum was represented by four warrants of SS.OOO.OOO each. The 115,000.000 agreed upon as the purchase price for the Louis iana territory was paid In lf03 by the as sumption by the United Stales of the claims of citizens of this country Hgnlnst France, amounting to $3,7.W,00), and the Issue to France of certificates of atock in the sum of 111,250.000. Berry la Edltor-ln-Clilrf. David S. Barry.' for fifteen years !n charge of the Washington bureau of the New York Sun, has resigned to become, on July 16, the editor-ln-chlef of the Provi dence, R. t., Journal. President Confers with Walker. President Roosevelt had an extended conference today with Admiral Walker, chairman of the It:'.. mien canal commis sion, concerning matters connected with the canal work. Admiral Walker sold on leaving the White House that at present the labor supply on the isthmus wis amplo for the purposes of the commission. Just now between 700 and SCO men, principally Jamaica negroes, are employed. Thus far It has not been decided by th? commission whether tho work of construction Bholl be done by contract or directly by the commlnslon. Major William M. Black of the corps of engineers, United States Ma rine corps, had .1 talk with the president today. He expressed the belief that the sanitary problem confronting the commis sion was not a serious one. Appointments for West Point. The president today mudo the following appointments ut to West lolnt: j John L. Clem, Jr., -nn of Colonel John L. Clean, quarter..!.. . ., ,.1.1. an. ii. Em- I ery. Jr., son ot Cniaulu tmeiy, L". S. A.; Jfltilr W Itos rH urn ,11 t nnljln .limit W. ' Heard, U. 8. A.; jetemiah H. Drennan, son of Ordnance nnd Cavalry Sergeant Drennan, deceased; Gailsche A. Ord, son of Captain E. O. C. Ord, U. 8. A., retired; Horace Hays Fuller, son of Major Ezra B. Fuller, U. S. A. Two alternates for each of the six ap pointees were selected and in case of the failure of any ot the first six to pass the examination, the alternate standing high est In his examination will be selected. The twelve alternates are aa follows: James R. Altshlre, son of Captain Alt shire, quartermaster; J. R. Smith, son of Colonel Bmlth, U. B. A.: Theodore Mosher Chase, son of the late Lieutenant Colonel C. Chase, V. 8. A.t William Stannard Kel lar, son of the late Colonel Kellar; Robert H. Fletcher, son of Captain Fletcher, re tired; William Trent Rosell, son of Major noes ii, engineer corps; unester f. Mills son of Colonel Mills, superintendent mil itary academy) Miles Standlsh Slocum, son of Major H. J. Slocum. Second cavalry; Stanley Maddox Rombough, son of Captain Rombough and grandson of General David Btaniey. retired: tamuna Russell Andrews son of Major Henry M. Andrews; Herbert Baldwin, son of Malor W. H. Baldwin. commissary; A. P. Barry, son of Chaplain tienry Barry. For the District of Columbia the presi dent appointed Herbert Harries, son ot Oeneral Oeorge H. Harries, with Logan Cunningham and Kenneth Taylor as alter nates. Cunningham ts a relative of the late General John A. Logan. Acting Commissioner of the i Indian Bto. reau Tener today Issued a circular letter to Indian agents and bonded school super Intendents throughout the country notify- lng them that It has been decided to hold Indian service institutes, to be devoted mainly to practical work and discussion, as follows: Dopartmont of Indian educa tion at St. Louis from Juno 2S to July 1. Paclflo coast Institute at Newport, Ore., from August 2 to 28. At a later date It may be decided to hold several local lnsti tutes In other sections of the country. Rural carriers Appointed for Iowa routes Castana Regular, Charles A- Rawllnga; substitute, Nellie V. Rawllngs. Humboldt Regular, Oeorge W. Lovrlen; substitute, Frank H. Loverlen. Charles E. Bnavely, appointed postmaster at Manhattan, Cook county, Wyo., vice Ettle M. Lincoln, re signed. GARDEN On Special This Week tools! LAWN MOWER ' 10-lnch lawn mower- 12-lnch LAWN MOW 14-lnoh. .2.95 .3.19 ::R- 3.49,rff IT nuf Regular 7c pet- foot. i fret. nO with couplings, only Child's flarden Sets S pieces regular 25c Weeders regular lie nt , 13c 7c Poultry Netting. ltnkrs Mailable iron regular VT)C 19c Iwn Rakes regular 39C Wire Screens. Milton Rogers & Sons Co. l'tth and Farnam Streets. .GZS Buy the latest improved Edison Phonograph OR A Victor Talking Machine Havi been tried by hundreds of people who havo ono,' and are highly plense.l vltli !t. W have every type of Victor machines made, from $15.00 ta 160.00, and Edison, from I'O.OO to $75.00, with over 40,000 records to select from. We Have Everything New In Records as Fast as They Come Out. Buy Now Pay Later ir you want the latest and best buy an I3UI- lon or Victor from us YOU MAKE THB SBLECTION-WIS MAKE TERMS TO BCJT. NOTHING DOWN. ONE DOLLAR PER WEEK. ""B PREPARE EXPRESS CHARGES ON ALL RETAIL ORDERS. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. GEO. E. MICKEL, Manager. Omaha's Largest Talking Machine House. 16TH AND HARNEY STREETS. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. 334 BROADWAY, COUNCIL BLUFFS. 612 N. 24TH ST, TELEPHONE 1S63. ., SOUTH OMAHA. Ipralaa and Braises SSnlekly Cared. When you get a sprain or bruise valuable time may be saved by promptly applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm to the Injured parts, It will cure a sprsln in one-third the time tequlred by the usual treatment. Last winter Herb. W, Edwards of Des Moines, la., got a fall on an Icy walk, spraining Tnla wrist and bruising his knees. 'The next day," he says, "they were so sore snil stiff I was afraid I would have to stay in bed, but I rubbed the parts well with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and after a few c.ppl!?et!enf an soreness oaa disap peared. I feel that this bottle of Pain Balm saved me several days lime, to say nothing of the ruflerlng." CONTEMPT CASES WILL HOLD Supreme Court gsjetalns lower Court ia Proceeding Against AN lrced Coal Trust. TOPEKA, Kan., May T.-The supreme court today upheld the decision of District Judge Hasen in the coal trust cases, so- called, who last winter sentenced two Kanaaa coal operators for contempt of court for refusing to answer questions put by a county attorney In a state Investiga tion Into the workings of sn alleged coal combine. John Jack and John Bell, the operators, refused to testify on the ground that their testimony might Incriminate them and were sentenced to the county Jail. They appealed to the supreme court for release on habeas corpus. The su preme court, while upholding tne decision of the lower court, however, holds that persons cannot be prosecuted for any disclosures they may make on the witness stand. The decision Is of the utmost Im portance to the stale as It makes It pos. slble for the attorney general and county attorney to Investigate alleged violations of the law by the trusts. DOCTOB-S FOR I3EE3 l pZZZs It is not so much of a calamity y that a man contracts disease or weaknesses, but that he neglects them or fails to secure the proper treatment for their cure. HYMENAL Twe Ord Weddings. ORD, Neb., May T. (Specie I. ) The past week has witnessed two mnrrliiges or Url young people. Wednesday evening C!:ir- ence Mayo and Emma B. Keown were the contracting parties and on Thursday even ing the groom was Arthur W. Perkins and When you are sick and suffering with a disease that Is sapping your life away, you muBt not experiment with free treatment propositions or incompetent doctors or specialists. It Is then you need the very best, the most skilled and successful treat ment. Come to the State Medical In stitute, where you are sure to get the Wt. DON'T WAIT until your whole sys tem Is polluted with disease, or until . your nervous system Is tottering under the strain, and you become a physical and mental wreck, unlit for Worn, stuay, ousiness or marriage. or With special diseases and weaknesses We will make a thorough and scientific examination of your ailments, an you can make no compromise. You must conquer them now by the rltrht treatment, or they will till your whole life with failure, misery and woo. I'ncertaln, improper or half-way treat ment can only do harm. The worst cuses we have treated wure tlioi"e tliut had been Improperly treated before coming to us, some huvlng heen maimed for life by bunKllug procedure. We uure by restoring and preserving Important organs. We do not advocate their mutilation or de struction In an effort to make a quick cure. Every afflicted man owes it to himself. Ills family and to the future generations to get cured BAF1-JLY and thoroughly. examlnatlon that will disclose your true physical condition, without a knowl edge of which you are groping In the dark thut they cun onme to th We want all ailing men to fei-1 Is Institution freely for an explanation of their condi tion without being bound by any obligation whatever to take treatment unless they so desire. We cure: Stricture, Varicocele, Bulsilom, Nervo-Ssxuil Dsbllity, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases and all diseases and weaknesses due to Inheritance, evil habits, excesses, sslf abuse or the result of specific or private diseases. AaiCI'l TATIASJ fDFP Office Hours 41 a. in. to S D. m. lUnOULIIIUIl IHLL if you cunnot call write for Sundays, 10 to 1 only. UIUIIK. symptom STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St.. Bet- 13th and 14th St.. Omaha, Neb. the bride Maude M. Morris. The young people are all well and fuvorably known throughout the county. Hays-srbiuldt. TECVMBKH, Neb., May 7. (Special.) Leslie V. Hays and Miss Jennie Bchinidt, popular young people of this community, were msrried at the home of ths bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry BchmlUt, Wednesday evening. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Stannard of Raymond, a relative of the groom. Chssikcrluln'i l!oeh Hr.irli ' West Made. "In my opinion Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is the best made for colds," says Mrs. Cora Walker of rortervllle. Cat. Thrre Is no doubt about Its being the best. No other remedy will cure a cold so quickly. No other Is so sure a preventive of pneumonia. No other Is so pleasant and rsfe to take. These are good reuaons why It should le preferred to any nthar. The fact Is few p.ople are satlafled with any other after having once used this remedy. Save Money by buying your OLD LINE LIFE INSURANCE through FARMERS AND MERCHANTS LIFE INSURANCE CLUB. You not only sav mjiiey, but g'-t wiiui you WANT, what you cm Ijk. 1'I.NIj on anu what l ijUARANTKlU Heal' from us tx fore yrm buy. i'lir. tlculurs mulled fr-. "live your occu pation and ddtu of birth In flirt letter, this will er.iitiie us tu knhwtr )uu In telligently. Jttterenres Conim"rc'ul Agencies or Glli.tli.'i book''. Ad. 111'!.' FARMiRS AhD MERCHAHTS Lift INSVKMiCt CLUB, Drown Hloik. Omuha, Ntb- H3S0S5)