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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1904)
TIIE OJfATIA" DATLT BEIT! PI' 51) AT. WAT it 5 v COMING CLEAN.tP IN PANAMA Will B tfct Orttteit Bmgls Sanltarj Task Ever Undertaken! CAUSE OF DISEASE ON THE ISTHMUS Amarlom Doctor Easjlneers Bk4 (or a Job lorpuilac IUtu and aatlaco Cbu ctor of tho Work. (Copjllht. 1904. br "William Thorp) Thr. medical experts connected with th. United State army and navy have cone to Panama to make tha preliminary arrangement for tba cleanln up of the isthmus, so that Uie live of the many thousands of men who will be employed to die Uncle Bam a big ditch may be safe guarded. It will be a veir much bigger job than the cleaning up of Cuba after the American occupation. It win t, pernape, the greatest elngle sanitary task ever un ilerukeo by civilized man. The Isthmus of Panama la one of the worst territories In the world, if not the very worst, from a sanitary point of view, and Its record of disease and death for cen turies past has been appalling. But It Is riot necessary to despair on that account. Up to the present time modern sanitation hss not tried what It can do on the Isthmus. D Leseepa' French Canal company, though tt spent barrels of money lavishly la many directions, never made any serious attempt to render the territory less un healthy. The Frenchmen, apparently, be lieved In prevention rather than cure. They built One hospitals end sanitariums In stead of draining the swamps, cleaning out the rlreis and making war on other foci of dlBcase. One large sanitarium, erected on the Island of Toboga, In the Bay of Panama, cost the Panama Universal In teroceanlo company over $600,000, and the principal hospital of the company, at Pan ama, must have cost, from first to last, considerably over 11,000,000. The canal offi cials and laborers are sent to the sani tarium to repair their wasted strength after they are discharged from the hos pitals, and In the old days the Institu tion was always crowded. Nowadays there are not mauy persons there, for only a small force of men has been employed on the canal works during the last two or three years, and those simply in order to avoid the forfeiture of the franchise. The hospitals and the sanitarium are the only Institutions of which the French com pany has a tight to be proud; their splen did efficiency has attracted the admiration of many foreign doctors who have visited Panama. But the large sums of money they have cost would have been better spent In preventing disease. The American medical experts will give their first and principal attention to that task, although they will probably also recommend the maintenance and enlargement of the hos pital and sanitarium work. Unsanitary Towns. The city of Panama and the town of Colon, the terminal points of the canal, are Just about aa unsanitary as any towns could be. A large building in Panama was used several years ago as a charity hos pital, and many hundreds of people died there of yellow fover. It was abandoned aa a hospltul, and is now used as a store house. "Aa it never was disinfected or fumigated in any shape or ruumier, to my mind It Is a hotbed of the disease,' said Dr. Wolfred Nelson, a Canadian physician who spent five years on the Isthmus. This is only a single example of many similar plague spots which exist today in Panama and Colon, unheeded by the ig norant, supine local authorities. It Is no wonder that the death rate in Panama for the week ended March 13 last was ninety per 1,000 of population, as compared with a death rate of twenty-one in the least healthy city of the United Statoa. In Colon during the same week the death rate was flfty-two, which waa aa exceptionally low figure for that town. Nobody who has not visited the isthmus oaa credit the fllthlness of the conditions under which the population lives. It has been well aald that 'the filth of ages" is stored away In moat of the houses, even in those of the wealthier classes. As for the average peasant, he wears a raiment of dirt and very little else from his birth to his death, and aeldom doea he change It, Unlike the majority of tropical peoples, the Isthmians have a rooted objection to bathing, and in consequence they suffer from many loathsome skin diseases. As a number of natives will doubtless be em ployed along the canal worka In variola capacities, if not actually aa laborers, regu lations for personal cleanliness will have to be rigidly enforced by military discipline. Heat and Rain. Praotlcally speaking, the streets of Pa pama and Colon are only cleaned by the torrential storms of the rainy season. Colon Is Intensely hot and alckly In the dry sea ton, locally termed "the healthy season," and, in the words of a local doctor, Is "death-dealing and pestiferous" In the wet season, which lasts for nearly eight months out of the twelve, From a commercial point of view the town Is built upon an excellent site; from a sanitary point of view, on the very worst possible site. The oentor of the place is practically a lagoon. Houses 'are built all around the awampy ground, and In aome cases actually upon It. There Is scarcely any outlet for the foul, fermenting water, which naturally breeds disease all the year round. Tills disgraceful state of affairs will, of course, be remedied without delay by the American doctors and engineers as soon aa they take charge of the sanitation of the town. Proper drainage will be pro vided, the swamp reclaimed and .the health of the town will be improved more than 100 per oent by that one worfi alone. The worst sanitary feature about Panama la its suburbs. "They are common and unclean, H said Dr. Nelson, "and la many plaoea grossly offensive; to the eye, and smelling unto heaven. The civil authorities of Panama are to blame. Money enough. In all con science. Is exacted from the merchants and others to keep things aa they ahould be. They are very careful about the collection of that money, but there It ends. Tula la the kind of thing you see In the suburbs: A lane leading from a main thoroughfare to the seashore, with both of Its sides Uned with plies and piles of rub bish and old bedding, or bedding on which people have died. The natives of Panama, after a death, throw away cola, mattresses, pillows, and often the eating utensils of the 'departed.' Aa many people on the Isthmus die of yellow fever and smallpox, this prac tice simply means a perpetuation of the infectious and contagious diseases named. "The authorities never do anything more than publish an Item upon re form in 'La CronUta," or La Estrtlla de Panama.' This Is deemed ample, as it gives the people something to think about: and yet these authorities fondly fanoy that they are sanitarians of the first order. "I remember an old well near the gas works, one of those huge stone wells which the Spaniards were so fond of building. That well had been filled in with Just such bedding, and at lost tho pile coned up abovo the mouth of the well. That is their way, and a very bad on It is, too." It will be seen, from these few facts that the unhealthy state of Colon and Panama is due largely, if not entirely, to causes which the enforcement of modern sanitation along the lines adopted in Cuba would speedily remove. It is equally ob vious that the people will havo to be sternly disciplined by the American au thorities before the evil customs rooted In centuries of ignorance can be stamped out Conditions Inland. So much for the cltlus, but the unhealth lness of tho isthmus Id by no means due to their foul condition alone. According to Dr. Wolfred Nelson and other medical authorities who have studied the Question carefully, the large decomposition of vege table matter and the mixture of salt and fresh water in the lagoons and rivers are fruitful causes of malaria and other dis eases. Vegetable growth Is extremely rapid on the isthmus on account of the heat and intense humidity of the climate, and those same causes make vegetable decomposi tion equally rapid. Wherever you go upon the isthmus, you see vast massas of rot ting vegetation; occasionally you may come across almost a whole forest which Is in decay. The air is consequently laden with miasmatic poison, especially in the vicinity of rivers or lagoons, where this vegetable decomposition is naturally at Ha worst Some of the smaller stream i are almost choked by rotten vegetable matter. It will be necessary for the American sanitarians to celan them out, and burn the decomposing vegetation all along the canal cone, ao far aa It Is pos sible to do so. The mingling of tho salt and fresh water In the lagoons and rlvera presents a prob lem apparently Impossible of solution. Ac cording to Dr. Nelson who may, perhaps, be regarded as the best and most ex perienced authority on the sanitation of the Isthmus this mixture of water "is con sidered to be of great importance in cre ating intense forma of malarial poison, particularly on tidal coasts like that of the Pacific." Terrible Mortality. The terrible mortality in the labor camps of the French Canal company was largely due to the fact that many of them were pitched in the worst parts of the low-lying "malarial belt." Later on, the Canal company built numbers of small frame houses on high ground above that belt for their workmen, who were then fairly free from disease. This policy wilt have to be adopted by the American build ers of the canal, at all events until the low-lying territory has been made thor oughly healthy. The filthy manner In which the laborers were permitted to live by the French authorities was also re sponsible for thousands of deaths. It Is not to be supposed that that mistake will be repeated. Many of the cause of the unhealthlness of the Isthmus can be removed, and the ghastly death roll of the Panama Railroad company and the French Canal company will not be repeated, but it Is not con ceivable that the isthmus can ever be made as healthy a country aa Cuba has been. There exist natural conditions prejudicial to health which are beyond the power of any doctor or engineer to remedy. People who live on the Isthmus for years, slowly soaking the miasmatic and malarial pois ons Into their blood, will fall victims to disease even after the American cleaning up. But epidemic will be stamped out, or not allowed to originate; and there will be no repetition of the terrible sacrifice of Ufa which has been Inseparable from for mer isthmian enterprise. Whole shiploads of laborers died off like files in a few weeks after landing; and many hundreds of men never did a stroke of work because they fell 111 almost immediately they reached isthmian soil. American experience will surely prove that there was no nsed for such a frightful hecatomb of lives. HAROLD JENKINS. LABOR AND INDUSTRY. Trafla. tmlnn. ..i.t4 i n.. ... ,000 years. America furnished Japan with 280,000,000 pounds of flour in 1903. StVnnlV.f1vA nmm nan, . . V. - AAA . in the bureau of printing and engraving tlonV'S i?w, eta- i Air Ami i. - . t""'""J' wjin nearly a.Wu.ono miles of circuit, as shown by Its womnVr.0. Fre,&" r which i. 'n U rar 10 nter tt nch shop - irYiiiB7 as an accountant. Htli HSil!iI3 ?! United - , .wv mil a a UL IrmCJC. 1 Tift J??i!0r JfM displaced 1,000 horse. But W. w Mvgfj Mir MUfJe rQUtfUt. iX&W2&.? t the Ti 7 , 'W'pnicu union takes Sm-y,n"dayLMy. 18- referendum mhiJ.,:..:. over the west- L.nrt run n A V. - w iwT 'r V" "rwm or Liouisiana and Texas, which until 1W6 were classed I." a . y,8la ;a.wo.A) worth of Ii. ar-b?ut.J.? JPne expert rice grow es are in this region. Because of the fact that there Is no fi?ue"i 00"venUon of the painters' union this year the locals over the country have been cllad iiiuin ia -,.. . , a o 1 - weiits to the general constitution. curing the recent strike of printers at Boston, Muas.. the amount of strike bene- flt. 111 anm n.t,nM. - - a - . i received during employment, some of the 7 . ... lur l a weea naving re ceived S7 weekly from the International from the local organization. ) fl n PT fl A muxy otier painful and serious i A wsS Im ailment f"m which most mothers i U U KJJ UUUvLJ suffer, can be avoided by the use of "Motstri Frtsil" This great remedy is a God-send to women, carrying them through their most critical No woman who uses 'Motners Frtenl" need fear the suffering and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is DPR? -1 A 11 -4. J rood natured. Our book MM Motherhood," is worth its weight in gold to every uull m JL TO - woman, ana win oe sent tree in plain T3 T7N I3 T envelope by addressing application to S I 'j CraiT.zli Regulator Co. Atlanta, Ga. UUQulijUuliy MYSTERY IN A MAGIC RING It ii Seea tt t Distance in the Foothilli of WjoaiDg. NEAR APPROACH DISPELS THE ILLUSION trmage Froak Dee to Atmospkerl CetadJtlen ataterlal for the Myth masters on the Boaadless rialaa. The wild and woolly west has yielded n.any a thrilling romance to the literature of the period, yet It Is a field as yet but partially explored for romance, myth or reality. Almost every portion of the tern tory west of the Missouri river has been the scene of thrilling adventure or Incidents replete with human interest. In the southern part of Wyoming a curl' ous thing happened curious even in a state that nature has so twisted and contorted In the making that it is a happy hunting ground for geologist and for soologlsts as well. It Is nothing more than an enormous circle limned upon the gently sloping sides of a low mountain, one of a modest range. creeping north, and south across the Colorado-Wyoming line. Many curious fancies have been indulged in to explain it, but still It holds its mystery. The natives point it out as one of the attractions of the region. The road over which trains of wagons haul copper ors from the Rambler mine to tho shipping point at Laramie passes within ten miles of this mountain. Leaving the wide plain, whose brown and green ex panne Is specked here and there with ranches and beribboned with small water courses, the road strikes southward Into the hill country and presently begins to climb a wldo, easy pass between two ranges of mountains. A Marvelous Atmosphere. The hills grow and grow, but maintain a rounded aspect, which Is characteristic of most of the mountain scenery in the south ern part of the state. In that clear atmos phere distances become magical and the ef fect upon the senses of auch Illimitable miles of untenanted hill and valley and plain, all done in somber hues of brown and gray and dull green, Is strangely solemn, majestic and poetical. Only far to the southward Is the oontraat, for there a streak of white upon the horlson shows where the loftier mountains of Colorado wear all summer their unshorn locks of snow. . Through that rare atmosphere, whloh the wind perpetually is cleaning, the circle on the mountain suddenly cbmes into view, the vehicle on the wagon road climbs to the summit of a hill. In July the moun tain's sloping shoulder bears still a faintly greenish hue, though the thin grass Is slowly browning in the sun. The circle shows dull gray at that distance and Is marked with such clearness and symmetry tbat It holds the attention steadily. It grows more and more distinct till the ob server has approached within a mile of it Then It slowly fades Into the monotonous expanse of small boulders, sage brush and short grass. Merely em Optical Illoalon. When first seen the circle appear to be about 200 feet in diameter and looks like an endless path that had been trodden in the turf by horses walking there for days and days, or like the ring left by some great circus. But it is a singular circumstance tbat when the curious observer has care fully climbed to the spot where the circle ought to be it is not there. The moat searching scrutiny fall to reveal even the faintest sign of It The sandy soil ap pears to be exactly similar at every point upon the slope and no atones or grass or brush show a sign of dislocation. Though he try and try again, the visitor will not find the circle that stands out with dis tinctness when he look at the mountain from a distance. The indigenous fancy hast extracted a good deal of casual amusement from this phenomenon, and one may take one's pick of several theories offered. Borne would, in- prosulo fashion, assure you that the circle merely marks the crater of an extinct volcano, but there Is not a particle of test! mony In the rooks or the character of the country to support that theory. There never was a volcano within 100 miles of this spot What Traditions Say. The Indians did something or other there, say same. One all this region was the home of Cheyennes and Utes snd a trad! tlon has been concocted that on this moun tain side there was a great war council and that the moccasin of warriors tread ing the savage measures of the war dance wore a ring upon the sandy earth. But if that were true there would still beyond question be some substantial evidences of that material performance. For similar reasons other hypotheses of cattle or sheep or horses having made the ring for what ever purpose or In whatever clrcumstancs Imaginable, are equally untenable. When the mountains skipped like rams and the little hills like the lambs of the flock did nature bring a branding Iron to bear upon one mischievous maverick T There Is nothing left, In short, but the supernatural or the mythological to ex- plain the wonder. People of an older civ. illzatlon, lnherltng vase legendary lore of gods and devils, would have invested the magic ring with such riches of tradition as would give it a deep religious signifi cance. Bo there it waits for the devout or superstitious imagination that shall prop erly endow It Few Lesrends Are Correct. Few of the fantastlo formations of nature In this country have been fitly embellished with legends. Hawthorne made famous "The Great Stone Face" and Eugene Field has toll a pretty story of the "Mount of the Holy Cross." But for the most part the brief imagination of pioneers, sheep herders and gold hunters has been let alone to give to chasms and rocka the name of the devil's thls-or-thst, without relating what the devil did there. In the west, particularly, Satan appear to have been very active In the formative period of the earth, and to have left re markable evldencea of hi habits In the gamboled with his courtiers. Perhaps It was his demon majesty who did that little trick on the Wyoming mountain side and the Inhabitant of Albany county, Wyom ing, would be grateful for a legend, arti ficially aged, like other antiquities, that would relate the details of some awful rite or unholy play upon the hill by the devil's tltanlo followers. Bay It were something like this: With slouch and swing around the ring We trod the fool's parade! eW did not care, we anew we were The Devil's Own brlaade; And shaven head and feet of lead Make a merry masquerade. -Chicago Chronicle. Bels Bridal Coaple, Oeorge F. Stevenson, eminent com mander of the Knight Templar of Little Falls, N. T., and one of the most prom inent member of tho Maaonlo fraternity in central New Tork, waa married to Mies Edith A. SohlU of that city. The wedding was Intended to be a very quiet affair, but relatives and friends pre pared a surprise. The carriages containing the bridal party were held up and a mili tary band In hiding led the procession. Accompanied by muslo, red fir and torch lights the bridal couple were forced to parade through- the principal Streets. Doctors Say BrmK More The body requires ten glasses of fluid per day. Most people drink too little to flush the body of its waste. The result is bad blood, nervousness, disease. Then the doctor says "Drink More;" and he knows this advice to be worth more than medicine. That's one reason why pure beer is good for you. It leads you to drink more. And the beer is also a food and a tonic. But the beer must be pure, Schlitz beer is brewed in absolute cleanliness and cooled in filtered air. It is aged for months so it will not cause biliousness. That's why doctors say "Schlitz." Ask for the Brewery Bottling. rbooa 613, Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co., , 6 719 6. 8th St., Omaha, Neb. The Beer That Made Milwaukee famous. Jr jn ' "ii . iiisswiisn inwincw S I Mmi: Sophronia I. Carries. Director, Domestic Science Club. Indianapolis, Ind. 9059 Cooper 6t InoiAHaroijs, Iin., Ang. 80, 1003. I Buffered for nearly ivven jrttn with female trouble, bearing down paint, and at times in tens agony. The doctor said tbat I bad trained myself and produced prolapsus uteri. It was a ehronio and constant affection, forbidding any considerable effort. And at time I was confined for days to mv bed. I felt a weight and a heaviness in the lower abdomen and across the back and loin and a sensation as n p verj wmu uau iuioa uui wucu ,iuuiuij . auw wv ucuu wub.mvui m i at the pit of the stomach, but all these pain are a thing of the past, and four month's use of Wine of Cardut brought about a complete cure. I feel tbat I must give it all praise for it has changed Ufa completely tor me. txaaoroa bombsho oranoa cua in Sophrohra l.Carnes r 2056tC6oDer St;, II Indianapolis. Ind;, Jwmin,i iip Hi . yi mm Sophronia Carries suffered seven years Wine of Cardul cored her. How long have you been suffering? Wine of Cardui will cure you now. To get rid of irregularities, periodical and bearing down pains, would change life completely for you. Cured women all say so. They all remark how much more beautiful life really is when health has taken the place of sickness. Wine of Cardul has given 1,500,000 women this happiness. The Wine does cure female weakness and that means bearing down pains, ovarian troubles, periodical pains, headaches, backaches and nervousness all eradicated. Wine of Cardui cures and cures quickly and thoroughly in the privacy of the home. Any woman YOU can begin the treat ment today by securing a bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist. ST The Union Pacific is ballasted with Sherman Gravel concerning which so much has been said. This is a disintegrated mica granite. It welds together with all the flexibility of asphalt and the dur ability of granite, making smooth and easy riding. Travelers over the Union Pacific, therefore, escape the dust and dirt and jarring which often makes a railroad trip so annoying. Theodore Roosevelt, when Vice-President, said that he had teen seme eastern roadbeds saturated with oil and rendered in a way dustess, tut hert was a roadbed the Union Patifie in its natural state giving forth absolutely no dust, Sncefhsst Track Shsrtssf Lino Fssiesi Tins to all Western Points Full information furnished on aflieaSion t iilTr TIOKIT OfFICC, 1324 FARNAM STRUT. 'PHONE all UNION STATION, lOTH AND MARCT. 'PHONB 2. H f St AYtI.I LIS yo. BEER Btrlctly pure. A food blood purifier. Mad from the best se lected hops. Save doctors' bills, and If tried once we will not have to ask for the second order. Delivered to any part of Omaha, Couacll Bluffs or Sssth Smaha. Order a c.o from JETTER BREWING CO. or HUGO F. 1 1 LI, UH Oeuflat Street, Oaiaha. Telephone 1542 or LEE MICHELL, Wboletal Dealer. Couacil Bluffs. Tel. 80, re) iirisds, o.f much and du eoa f or t, aa4 waietlu a. lueJ tfubunr. SYMPTOMS: iletainf MS stint inf. th.a sftla sla. bum. tlMdlas. TuBors totm, (nUrr. protrne., and II flcwd, uloraM. Booia ivf .ry sanoas sad painful. To ear. toast ulrtljriid aalalaul, n INJECTION MALYDOR. Instant rallar. Oar a, la a.aral At drunnllU, 0 I Cfl ratal with l,rtut for 3) I lUU I Matydor Mfg. Co.. Lancaster. 0.. U.S.A. sold and raeoatmoadad b, a 'a- bell Dsi'tf Co.. Cor IMh sud li- Oaaba. Every Woman U inltrf)tii m r-T" f ftuoui 11 ie wuDtteriua MARVFL whirling Spray n laaiui if- '- i. neai aaf. lV.l?RVtVTks t-'TLl,4.'V nl-Mnat ron.aaloul. tk aar ri,i a tt. f kM,ni,,tiB.l.t NtslkL, ac.i.l no Olliar. .ill Mod .lama fa lilUaid ani-mU ftftTM full aaruoiilaraaaa diiaotiou. lu Valn.bla tolxtlM MIBIIL C.. 1 fark sta. I Mr a. For .ale by BCHAEFfCR'e UKUO STORIES, lth end Clilcaro his.; Bo. Omaha. Mth and N Bta; Co unci I bluffs, 6th and Main 8t. KX'HN k CO., loin aa4 Pouflas Street. CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN TO ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS CHORTEST and most at tractive daylight ride. New "House Cars all the way, with dining room, parlor, smoking and observation room. Meals served a la carte at any time. Leaving Omaha at 7:35 a. m., Council Bluffs 7:58 a. m., arrive St. Paul at 7:38, Minneapolis at 8:10 the same evening. Ticket, at 15 12 Fsraam Street, or Union Statioa. OtBana. &be Best of Everything The Only Double Track Railway.! to Chicago Special Reduced Rates. Cle.eland, 0., and return May 13 to 17. Atlantic City, N. J.; and return July 13 to 13. Cincinnati, 0 and return July 18 to 23. Louisville, Ky., and return August 16 to 29. i ntr officc3j 14011403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA TEL. 624-861 4 Chargea Lass Tban All Others. DR. McCREW SPECIALIST. Trcsti ad forms sf DISEASES OP MEN ONLY A riadlcal Expwt 2t Years Expcrleaca. IS Visrs lo Omaha. Nearly M.000 Caul Car as. Virlrrx!, llydrwrla. Blood Potaon, Btrlrtura. ni..i. Nutvous futility. Lom nt straugls an. Vital. l y an4 all forma of ibronlr dlMiawa. Treatment ty mall Call or wrlta. Bos lt, OBI .a ov.r 21S 1. Kib St , Omaha. N.b. 'mm mm AV.VWVIWVWfVVIr) keuevn Kidney A uiaaaer lioublct at once. Cures In 48 Hours n URINARY DISCHARGES f.rn Cap. aula bar thai rrM S Ptl'f of lit-M tmtnfirf