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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1904)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY DEE: SUNDAY, MAY 8. 1004. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET drain. p'cu utj Marker E gh h.n loaipar.d with Cbita. JAQUITH KElPi CuHN MARKET UP Humor Herelvi-d that Tle-lp In Great Lakes Shipping W III lie Ended Mure llalllsh Crop OMAHA, Hay 7, 1H04. The following It a i-oi.muoa of the high point reacneu Inla ifiointi.e" ny grain lur tuiure delivery at CLicig-u una ai Omaha: Aiay wiit'M.1, tnk-ago inc. Uiuana Htc; juiy tnewj winai, Imcego kovic, omana iih.; lay com, inltagu uiiwU wc; Juiy coin, t.nicah'i tiiiin.ii toc, iiuy uat, Cliicago 41-e.c, Omaha 41 c; foeieinuer oats. Chicago oVtac, Omaliu oov;. Jiay corn leacnea a point 4v.c aoove the. nigh lu Chicago. Tula was uuu 10 A. li. janultn. Thu tuiure opened at fx-c, Ml the oeare got busy una ran 11 down to 4tC. Jaquith then Juinpeu lulu thu pit and oflereu auv then ola and uzc for U. lie did hot get any. This in a p.irt of Ma corn speculation. He has tuKen praciicany all 01 tne corn Ueilvered on the .way contracts. A leport li received ine lane transporta tion striae has ueen settled on ail points but tne wages, and hub, It was said, would be stalled inuuy. 1 in- opening ot naviga tion means a great Usui to the grain men of the coumr). The corn market is fea tureless nu mid l.o one knows just wrist the cash situation is until snipping begins. Cblntgo sold no wheat r nuay, as tne tnilleis In tne east will not nuy more than they have to unlit lake navigation Is opened,, inaaing the snipping rale cheaper tnan tl.e all rail. Clilcugu sold Friday 80,(uo bu. cbrn'and (S.ikiO bu. oats. Tne cash i-ualness at Minneapolis Included 60, WO bu. wheat to interior polr.ta; Kansas City sold lO.iAW bu. .(,. g ret at $1.0 J and the seaboard sold 6G.0U0 bu. wheat and 40,000 bu. corn for export. , The crop news r'rlday won very bad and a gieal Uel of It came. The. professional fe7ilner la bullish, hut the uubilc uninter ested. The buil crowd liavo to face the high price In addition and tle -poor milling and spot demand, "i he Chicago contract stock Is flown to jOO.t'OO bushels of wheat and this Is expectea to be exhausted by the end of tbe week. Tie weather is not now "so favorable for crops with i.ln In Iowa and the Ked river valley. Blanchard, N. V., says there Is no seeding being done and It looks as If the valley would get left, liuylng orders accompanied this news. The range la price of omaha grain for future delivery end the close today and Friday were as follows: ... . - , - , Closed ' . Open. High. Low. Toduy. Frly wneat May 90 D 90 B 7tt H 78 B (2 B 60 B 46ViA 46Hh 41 B 40UB 37B 37HB 80B SOVtB . lee) 62 B 49 40 4e 41 40 37 37 30 80 July ' July " July , 50 Sept. A asked. B bid. Local Cash Grain Market. The demand for snot stuff for feeders and for shipment continued, but the receipts were very light, showing- the furmcrs are too busy with their spring work to ship any corn. The next movement from flrat hands cannot well be expected before the closlug days of the month. The market will therefore probably run light. Prices on all grains ruled steady to strong. . Reoolpts were: Wheat, 3 cars; one week ago, 21 find 14 cars. Corn, 8 cars In and 6 cars out; one week ago. 17 and 7 cars. Oats, 8. cars In; one week ngo, none. Representative sales of carlots on track by sample, Omaha: Mixed Corn No. 4, 1 car, 410. White Corn No. 8, 8 enrs, 49o. , WHEAT No. 2 hard winter, SortTOpc: No. 1 hard winter,' 80gw4o: No. 4 hard winter, eT'lTiBc; No, 2 spring, ffi&wc; No. 1 spring, 7M84C. CORN No. 2, 4WOc; No. 8. 48Hc; No. 4, 474Ac; no grade, 35iff4r,c; No. 8 yellow, fttrWic: No. 1 yellow, 4!fM0c; No. 2 white, 4Mfac; No. 8 white, 48ff4c. OATS No. 8. 41c; No. 8. 40c: No. 4, S 89c; No. 2 white, 42fM3c; No. 3 white, 41 42c; standard, 41T41Vo. . . Notes frnra the ISsebmnire oflleea. Frank Neol of Lincoln was an exchange visitor. Omaha Inspections of grain were 12 cars. Of wheat, I car traded No. 8 hard winter and 1 car no grade. Of corn, 4 cars graded No. 2, 2 cars No.-ylHr . 4, 1 car No. 4 white and 1 car no grade. , Omaha stocks of grain are:' Wheat, 178.B80 bu.; corn, 22S.747 bu.; cxvta, 103,895 bu. Omaha stocks of contract corn amount to 1K1.683 bu. Of this 120,7f bu. Is In the Merriam St Holmquist elevator and 80,974 in the Union. Grain Market BlMWberev' Closing prices of grain today and Friday at the markets named were- as follows; i CHICAGO. Wheat ' ' Today, Frl'y. 86 8BVA o si b 44a '483 .4BTlU' KANSAS CITY.. . .. July September Corn : July ...... September Wheat-V July : 74 75 701 7(4 .'43HB 44U 4J'i 42S ST. LOUI8. 84HA 844iA 81HB 81i 47 48T.B 46HA MINNEAPOLIS. 93A 2 1B 814 PULUTH. . ' 93 B 92VB iTa hi NtW iUhK, 90 90 4 M beptember - corn : July Beptember ' Wheat juiy ....... Bentember Corn juiy nrk..l . ' lir. July ....... .j Beptember ' , Wheat , July ....... Beptember V. iiu. ' July bnptemUer , KW YORK GKXEHAL MARKET is Commodities. NEW YORK. May 7 FLOUR Receipts, t.Hvl barrel!.; ejipons, t8,wtf barrels; , steady, with a light business. Aimn.ko.a patents, t.tyoyo.2i. Mtnnexota baKers, tt.vO : ti'4.2t; winter patents. i.0i.uo 8i; w nter kliaights, 44.i'ltB.uO, winter r&iras. (4 40 ' 4.uu; winter low grades, $j..cK bJ. e hour quiet;- fair to good, It.vout.if;; choice 'n to fancy, i4.I4jui4.Uu. btesdy; yellow western, Il.tWuI.Io, city, ll.lwul.12; knn-drled, ItMitf ; iio. RYE Dull; No. t western, "0o spot. ' UAHLfcJ Inactive; feeding, 49i t. I. f , New York; malting, o&quoc, c. 1. I., Iiunalo. WHKA'f-Keceipu, i.wKi bushe.s; spot market steady; io. 2 rd, l.uti. elevaur; ' JNO. 4 reu, l.uixit, L. o. u., aiii'i. io. a northern Ouiutli, llWi, f. o. b., alloal; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b, uiioat. ' Options were quiet, closing H4ffcO net tow er; May closed at -'Hc; Ju.y, S iSlC, ' closed at 9c; Bepiemuer, 844 Hc, c.o ed tat 84c: Hecenibtf., i4B-4itc, doae! 84,iiC. CORN lt celpta, k.luo buslieU; expoits. '7.1M bushels, dpot market steauy. fo 2, tuc, elevator, auu noo 1. o. r.,, ro. 1 ellow. lioc; No. li white, 'o7c; opUou murket was dull and nominal, cl -.K V'iJ c net ,' lower. May closed ic; Juiy cl-s d .31-'; . . September closed I Sc. tA'ia Rectlpts, al.VX) bushels; exports, t.6.t bushi'ls. bpot market quiet; m.xeJ No. 2 oats. pounds, ijijWo; natural white, 30i; poundM. 4Sj49c; clipped while. 80 to 40 pounds, ulUJc. HAY-Uuiel; shipping, 6tS70c; good to "ts-yv9.- . ItlL K vjuisi; aomcsiio inir iu tiui, atf 6We; Japan, nominal IfOPH Unlet : tt iilet; atate common to choice, 19uj crop, 2uijJ'Rc: V.m2 crop. :-3'u Mr; olds, lf'u" I4r; Pacific ctast crop, llt'lSc; 11)02 crip, 2Lo w , uiu. pqil'e. IIIIEB Quiet: Galveston. 10 to 25 pounds, 1H ; Califori.U. 21 to b pounds. He; Texas dry, 14 to 3u pounds, 14c. TALLOW bull; city, li CO per pkf. V-'l country packages fres, 4Uc. LK ATll I.H 8te4tiy ; acid. 2S52;c. WCOL Firm: domestic fleece. J8ffS2c. PROVISIONH-Beef stesdy; family, $9 50 ft 10. 60; mess. 15 ai-tnj .60; beef hams. .V.O ft 21 .60; , packet. tH.6tniii M: city extra India ni'-es. 14 t"t lit ti. Cut meals rjulen picked oeiuee, r.u 10, piraieti snouiaers, sn.Du; iii-Kiea nani. sy.wrniu.uu. uard dull, wesurn Bovith America. Vb): compound. $.'.5rf .27W. Pork quiet: family. I4 SO; short clearllS 2ijl4.i5; mess. II S.tKth m.TB. Bl'TTER Hlesdv ; freh creamery. 1-: 20c; dairy, common to choice, H'ylc. CHEESE liregultir; Mute, full cream. large and small, fumy September, lun lie; good lo prime, !'!i$Hc; new che, e. small -colored, 7i.o; sin nil whit. 6411,0. EitiiS Dull: western storage aeleclloiia, lSOIBHo; firsts, 17iul8c. Liverpool Uraln Bad I'rawlklens, LlVEKIt'OL. May T.-VHEAT-pot: Market dull; No. 1 California, 7s. Futures: JJurkot steady; May. (a July, (a 4'd. 4JOHN puti JUikt Urtui AwexWaji n'lM, new, 4 H4; old, 4a 7d. Futurer; Market quiet; May. 4s 3'd; July, 4s 3Sd. . CHICAGO GRA1 AXD PHOTISIOH9 tfeatares f tha Tradlaa; til Closlasj Krlees on Boarel of Tra4e. CHICAGO. May 7. Growing weather In the southwest today Was offset by retard ing rains In the Red River valley. As a result the wheat market held In equipoise. Compared with laat night, July wheat shows a loss of Vc. Corn Is up He. Oat a are on il(V ana provisions, zvsttioc. A fair degree of firmness was displayed at the opening In wheat, the July delivery being up a shade to Ufa'-iC. at 861&l614c, The market closed steady with July at StSc. Clearances of wheal and flour were eritial to lto.500 bu. Primary receipt were 170.0U0 bushels compared with 237, Jo0 Dti a year ago. Minneapolis, Duiuin ana Chicago reported receipts of 12 cars aealnst 104 cars last week and 178 a year ago. . " The easier tone In the wheat market had a depressing effect on corn prices, but there was sufficient support from pit traders to prevent any loss. The close was steady with prices at about the nest fig ures of the day. July opened unchanged to a shade higher at 4i,c to 48Vj48Hc, sold between 4sc and 4SHc and closing at the top. local receipts were 2vl cars with 14 of contract grade. Selling of the July option by pit traders under the leadership of a prominent long cnused a small decline In oats. After open ing unchanged to Ho lower ,at 2WSV!. July sold between 3Jc and SSc. closing at HKH-awSc Local receipts were 71 cars. The feature of trading in provisions wus the selling of July lard by a leadlnii packer. The market was poorly supported, and. In consequence, the entire list showed a alight decline. Julv pork closed 10c lower at $11 57V. Juiy lard and ribs were each down 2V at f.0nQ6 62H. respectively. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.Yes'y. Wheat May a July b July a Kept, b Sept. Corn May July Sept. Onts Mnv July Sept. Pork Mnv July Sept. Lard May July Sept.' Rlh May July Sept. 9m! v 87,864TI 8fiVj! !5V4 88 82-)s;81V&Wl 91V !87S'Ui I 8-"Z 91 91 87'4j M'i 82 47 48 "4 48 41 2'i kOli 81 47 4SiJS 4V 47 4S 48 47l47T4'3,4Sj 41'' 41m 41i 8 30 SOHiU 30-V.j,3(U 11 85 11 42 11 7 11 86 6 47 6 62 0 75 11 7E 11 80 11 75 11 80 11 52 11 57' 11 70 11 76 47; 82H 77V4 6 22V 9 45 6 60 6 62 57l 72 6 22 6 40 6 67 g mi 0 75 67! 6 2K 45 53 25 6 25 8 42H 6 45 6 57! 6 60 No. 2. a Old., b New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents $i.7lft 4.80; winter straights, $4.4ot?4.tiu; spring pat ents, $4.3')B4.6; spring straights, $3.9oi&4.10; bakers, $2.6f)fj3.30. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 8Si3c; No. 1 Bpring, fc4f94c; No. i red, $1.021.04. CORN No. 2, 4848c; No. 2 yellow, 52'h'63c. OATS No. 2. 41ti41c; No. 2 white, 42c; No. 2 white, 41!u4c. RYE No. 2, 70c. BARLEY Good feeding, 82jj37c; fair to choice malting. 4(Vf66e. SEEDS No. 1 flax, $1.01 ; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.08; prime, timothy, $2.90; clover, contract grade, $10.75. -, ' , PHOVIblONS Mess pork, per tbl.. $11.87 (HI. 40. Lard, per MO lbs., 6.47ih6.5o. Short ribs sides (loose), ft..l24j6.25. Short clear sides (boxed), Jti.iM'ti.So. The followlog were the receipts and shipments of Hour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 2o,00 U2u0 Wheat, bu 22,w0 Vi.SuO Corn, bu 2U9.000 187.WO Onts, bu 121,801) UD.OOtl Rye, bu 1,000 10,000 Barley, bu... 88,7oO 16.600 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was weak; creameries, 13!j18o; I dairies, 13$17c. Egga, weak; at mark, I cases Included, 15'ul5c. Cheese, easy, 1 8(iil0Vi. -i OMAHA WHOLliSALK MARKETS. 4SSHBSSBS Coudltloa of Trad and (notations OA St$mpl and .Fancy Produce. Eaaa HeceipU, liberal ; market steady; fwc 1. bIaaIi 1K.L1.K (nalMiln nnsas A WOI "IWVit AI7IV1 ILJCilUVJtiia wwasuas vv - LIVE POULTRY HetiB, loe; roosters, siiuc; turkeys, 13o; flUcks, 9c; geese, so. BUTTER racking otock. lci choice to fancy dairy, Keltic; separator, 2(Ku21c- - FRESH FISH Trout, 14c: pickerel, 8e; pike, luc; perch, 6fttfc: biuensh, lie; white llsh, 14o ; salmon, Ho; haddock, 10o: cod fish, 12c: redsnapper, 11c; lobster, boiled, per lb, Joe; tullheads, He; catflsn, 13(ul4o; black bass, 20c; lisllbut, 11c; crapplss, 12c; herring, tie; ros shad 75q; shad roe, 8&0; small clscoes, lOo. BHAN-Per ton, $18 00. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers', asaoclatloni Choice No. 1 up land, $8.00; No. 8, $7.60; medium, $7.00; coarse, $6.50; rye straw, $6.00. These prices are for hay of - good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. TROPICAL FRUITS. 'ORANGES Navels, choice. all sixes, $1&0; fancy navels, all' sixes, $2.76: Mediter ranean sweets, all sixes, U-'A; Janas, all sixes, $2.64. Llt.MurtS California fancy. 300 to 360, $3.50; choice. 240 to 270, $3.00fu3.75. CALIFORNIA FIGS Per JO-lb cartons, 6&c; Imported Smyrna, --crown, 12c; 5 crown, 14c; 7-crown, 15c. BANANAS Per medium sised bunch, Jl(4i3 fx'; Jumbo, $2.7olf 3.26. DATES Persian, per box of 30 pkga, $2: per lb. In 60-lb boxes, 6c; Oriental stuffed dates, per box, $2.40. PINEAPPLES In crates of 24 to 42 par crate, UW. , APPLES Oregon fancy Ben Davis, per box, $1.60; New York export Russets and Baldwins, $4.00 , STRAWBERRIES Arkansas, per 24-qt. case, $X76u3.0u. . ' VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, $1.20; Dakota, per bu., $1.16; new Bermuda potatoes, per bo!., 6.uo: new Texas Red stock. In sacks, per lb., 8c; early Ohio seed, northern, per bu., 11.26. NAVY BEANS Per bu $2.162.25. ONIONS Bermuda, per 60-lb. crate, $2.00. CABBAGE California, per lb., $Vi southern, per crate, $3.50. CfCL'MBERs Per dcs., $1.2C. TOMATOES-1 lorlda, per ti-basket crats, fancy, ;.oO; choice, $1.75. . RADISHES Per dos. bunches, SOMo. LETTUCE Top lettuce, per doxuu, 460 60c. TURNIPS Southern, per do. 4So. BEETS Southern, per dox., 76c. CARROTS-Southern, per aoi., 76c. PARSLEY Per do., 40c. BEANS Wax, per bu. box, $8.00; String, per bu. box, $2.00. , BPINACH-Per bu., ll.0Offl.2B. ASPARAGUS Per dosen bunohes, 4U6Co GREEN PEPPERS Per 6-basket. crate,. $2.Co. EGG PLANT Per do.. $1.00. SQUASH-Florlda summer, per dog., $1.00. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEEBE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 11c: Wisconsin Young America, 12c block Bwlss, Pic; Wisconsin brick, 13oj Wiscon sin um nerger, uc. CIDKR-Per bbl.. $! 60; per bbl., $3.25; MA Pi. 15 Pt GAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. HIDES No. 1 green, c; No. t grtsn, Be: No. I salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, tic; No. 1 veal calf, a to 12 lbs., Bc; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to it) lbs, 0c; dry suited hides, 8'ifl2c; sheep pelts. ;-Hi27cj horsehldes, $1.60432 60. HnKSEitADISH-Per crate of 2 doxen pgeked, 80c. N L 'l B Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 15c; herd shell, per lb., 14c; No. 1 soft shell, ptr lb., Uc; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., l?u; feeans. large, per lb., 12c; small, per II)., 0c; peanuts, per lb., 60; roasted peanuts, per lb., so, dull walnuts, lnl3o; large hickory nule, per lb.. 11c; almonds, soft sliell, per lb., ILo: hard shell, 13c; shell bark, per bu., $2 00; black walnuts, per bu.. $1.26. ft. l.oals Grain aad Provlslous. ST. LOl'lS, May 7. WHEAT-Weak; No. 2 red cash elevator, nominal; track, $1,011 (ol Ol; No. I hard. Wac; July, 64c asked; Sjentember. 81c bid. CORN Higher; No. 8 cash, B2o bid; track, U:lTe; Juiy, 47c; Stptember, 4tlo bid. OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 42o bid: track, 41ft l8c; No. t white, 46c; July, StAtO bid; fctetitember, 80c. FLOUR Steady ; red winter patents. $4 90 JiS.oo, special brands 15tr-'5c higher; extra ancy and straight, 4tx."U4.S; clear, 4 16. HEED Timothy, steady. $2 40(8160. CORNMEAL Steady, $2 40, BRAN Dull; sacked, east trnrk. Wa. HAY Bteady; timothy, 6.U114.60; -prnl-rle, 19 0(KJS 0. IRON ('OTTONTIES-2c. BAGGING HEMP TWISR-. I'ROVIBIONB Pork. steady: lobbing. $11 Lard, steady: prime steamed. $i.l2'y Bacon ittoxed). steady) extra shorts, $7; clear rltw, $7.37: short clear. $7 62. IHJI'LTRY Bleady ; chickens o; springs, SuO4i5.0u per dos.; turkeys. 11 a 13c; ducks, RTTTEH Steady; creumery, . 17C24cj dslrv, 14I8o. EGGS Lower at 14o, case count. Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbls 4.ih) s.ono Wheat, bu H.trnO 83.U Corn, bu 92.0k) 70.iO Oats, bu 24.UU0 ev.ocv SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Dtalisp (hw Conditioo of Sfgleci Uc ' t quilled in Tcin. PROMINENT STOCKS GINGERLY HANDLED Promise of Japanese Ian m Facter Wklch Offers Sosae) Relief t Idle Capital tke Comlasj Week. 1 NEW YORK. May 7. Today's dealings a conomon or neglect in tne aioca market luliy equal to that whlca prevailed before the Northern Securities decision was handed down, and that bad been unequalled for many years prevl- wuoi. nianj- 01 tne most prominent stocks In the list were not quoted at all until near the close of the market and thon were only dealt in single lots of loo shares. r-nces sang rrom pure inanition and no regard was paid lo any news. The de pietion ot iu,4i'u,oeu in the surplus reserve still leaves mat item at 122,724,200 compared with $40,029,825 on this date last year and $3,411, COO two years ago. The Japanese man to come is among tne ractors whlcn promises to give some relief from the Idleness of large amounts of capital, which nas snown signs ot some pressure for out let in the railroad bond market. Inter mlttent advices and declines from dav to day have not been sufficient to carry the. level 01 prices as much as a point awav from last week's level at any time except for a few stocks. The effect has been so discouraging to operators that even the professional traders have almost aban doned their efforts. The opening of the week found the Lon don stock exchange closed for a holiday, leaving a feeling of uncertainty as to how that market would accept the news of the serious Russian reverse on the Yalu Which came to hand after last week's closing of the market. The treasury's call upon the hanks for additional deposits will have the practical effect of withdrawing the whole amount of the purchase price lor tne canal rrom tne nanus, i ne ex treme ease which has developed In the world's money markets since the Panama payment first came up for consideration has prevented any disturbance by these changes In the method. The placing of the New York City bond issue of $J7,0ou,000, the largest single block ever offered by the city, was equally without disturbing effect on the market. This operation was re garded as encouraging for the securities market by reason of the evidence afforded of abundance of capital in the face of the demand for railroad and other bonds and securities. The Issue price of these bonds was low compared with older issues, but the advance In the price over the preceding issue wns regarded as indicating a turn for the better In the outlook for Invest ment demand. The placing of half of the xiii.wo,ixo Japanese loan in isew Torn is taken us evidence In the same direction, and the details of the Russian loan In Paris define another of the uncertainties before the financial world. The export movement of grain arid cot ton continues very light, thus Increasing the requirements for gold exports. Manufacturing exports are expanding, especially those of Iron and steel, but not sufficiently so either In volume or In price to compensate for the ehrlnkage In do mestic business. The number of liabili ties of failures make -an iunfavorable com parison with last year, and the large num ber of small banking failures attract espe cial attention. Dissatisfaction with the Iron and steel trade outlook Is an Im portant Influence on the prevailing dull ness and hesitation of speculation. The dissolution nf the Ressemer Ore associa tion and of the United States Steel stockH conversion syndicate have neipea to ae press the United States Steel securities. Railroad earnings, both gross and net, re flect the falling off In traffic from last year's level and the high level at which operating expenses remain. The crop, news has not proved stimulating to prices. The tone of the bond market has -.been rather better than stocks. . United State 3s reg istered have declined , the 3s coupons, the 2s and the old 4s and the new 48, per cent on call during the week. The following Were the quotations on the New York Stock exchange yeoCvrday: Bales, in ail-ijow.t.iww. Tim Tl' VLL 79U Atchison do pfd Baltimore St Ohio do pfd Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio... Chicago St Alton do pfd Chicago it. Western. ........... W I - t 'TV 92 1,000 100 79 91 78 91 78 90 116 1B7 80 87, 81 15 170 100 366 38 88 15 15 Chicago in. w C, M. & 8t. P... . 1,100 142. 142 142 . 176 8 18 do pfd ., Chicago Tefm. A T... do pfd C, C C. St St. L Colo. Southern ' do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson.. Del., Lack. St West... Denver & Rio Grande do pfd Erie do 1st pfd . do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do. pfd Illinois Central ........ Iowa Central do. pfd K. 6. Southern do pfd , Louisville St Nashville Manhattan L 71 16 62 22 156 2' 20 69 63 38 65 78 180 18 24 18 84 107 143 75 108 42 100 200 K 'IS 1,900 400 200 200 200 100 26 63 88 67 78 130 24 6'i 881 67 ' 78 130 100 108 108 600 143 143 Met. Securities Met. St. Ry.,.....- 1,100 Minn. St St. Louis ... ..... 108 '6i '91 '86 108 ' 9i '86 M.. St. P. St S. Ste M. do pfd Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. St Tex do pfd N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. N. Y. Central Norfolk & Western... do pfd 100 800 100 61 118 91 17 86 115 66 86 '2i 21 114 114 Ontario St Western,.. Pennsylvania P., C , C. & St. L.... Reading do 1st pfd ., do 2d pfd Rock Island Co.: do pfd ' St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd St. Louis S. W... do pfd ... Southern Pacific Southern Railway ... do pfd Texas & Pacific T.. St. L. St W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd 200 2,900 21 114 66 300 48 43 900 700 loo 100 200 $,So0 100 25 38 Wheeling L. E Wisconsin ( Central - do pfd ..... Mexican Central Adams Ex American Ex United States Ex Wells-Fargo Ex Arnal. Copper Am. Car & Foundry.. do pfd Am. Cotton OH do pfd Am. Ice do pfd Am. Linseed Oil do pfd Am. Locomotive do pfd Am. Smelt. & Refng.. do pfd Am. Sugar Refng Anaconda M. Co, Brooklvn R. T.... Colo. Fuel Iron .... Consolidated Gas Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities.. General Eleotrle International Paper... do pfd International Pump... do pfd National Lend North American Pacific Mali People's Oaa pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car.. Republic Steel do pfd Robber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal St Iron.... U. 8. Leather do pfd .' U. S. Realty do pfd V. 8. Rubber U. S. "teel do pfd WestlrghoitHe Dec,,.. 200 7- 7 2.600 47 47 too 6 6 200 19 19 0 100 2O0 100 2,400 49 49 48 95V4 . .Sir ' 127 127 U7 VtJ () To 46 45 46 81 1,400 209 2l -. ' '200 '76 70 208 12 70 ?2 158 11 66 88 78 18 84 26 97 26 68 210 4? 15 84 79 69i 16 10 r IV, 68 100 1.700 7 19 18 9oft 100 "m 100 100 "ton 100 1.14 in ScO 41 16 'jn'" 79 ')" y. 7 K 40 16 '85'' 6 79 8 66 'jofj '19" V outer! I nlon Total sales for the day, 40,600 shares. CoBdllloia f the Treasury. WASHINGTON. Mav 7 Today's state ment of the treasury balances In ti e gen eral fund, axrluaive of tbe lluo.o ft 0i sold r serve In the division of - redemp'lon, shows- Avaltftble innh be I a nee, $217.7.0,. 44; gold, $H4,M4.o. , Clenrlng II erase Averages. NEW YORK. May 7 The statement of averages nf the clearing house banks of tills city for the week shows: Ixan, $1,071. uiw.uua, Increase tUeU.uW.luv; depuol'.a, $i,UU,- 23 22 67 6i 47 47 ; uoo ' '47 .' "166 '83 '83 'f6 38 84 84-A 91 91 71?.ono. Increase $7T.348.rtX; circulation, $, 774.00, Increase ttt,; legal tenders, $74.. decrao $1,4MX; Specie, j.tH0,iK, decrease $4,;A.H; reserve, 1st 6.64.4- 0, de. crease $.."; reserve required, i2.28, 209. Increase $4 t.t,I; surplus, 422.724.2uo, de crease flu, 4, 00"; ex-United States depoalia l,M,74s,S6o, decrease tlt).44,SI7i. Mew York Meaey Market. NEW YORK, May 7.-MONET-On clt nominal: no leans; time loans, steady: Sixty days. 2 per cent; ninety days, i PRIME MERCANTILE PAPEH-84 per cent. BTERIJNO EXCHANGE Steady, with 3ctuel business in esnxers- Dine at 4.r7 for emand and at $4 fur sixty-day bills; lated rates. $4.854j4.88 and $4.88; commer cial PUIS, st.Mtwvm?. SILVER Bar, 65c; 43c. BONDS Government, stadv. Mexican dollars. steady; railroad. The closing quotations tn nonds are as follows- V. I. rf. Is. nc ...11 iMnnmtuo e. g. 4s..iost do eoupos do ), ret ' do eoupos do Dow 4, rog.- de coupon do aid 4i. reg... do coupon Atchlaoa gen. 4s.. do 1). 4i Atlantic C. L 4s.. B. O. 4a do im Ontral ot O. 4s. do lit Inc i-mpx. central it 4 I da lit Ina It ...104 Mlun. A St. L. 4s... ...lllti N., K. & T. 4s 100 ...HIHI no u . . 1-T N. R. R. of M ...iM In. t. c. i. i4i 4s. T .... ' .100;N. J. C. f. ta. no ....104 .. tt . I No Pacific .. MH d.) la ..101 N. 4V W. c. 4a... .. HVO. 8. L. 4a A par ..lot Pnn. ronv. ta .. 71Vkadlns sen. 4a.. .... 714 47 '4 M'A Ches. A Ohio 4Wa.' J M i L a 1. m. c. Ba..ll4 Chicago A. a... 77 gt. L. A 8. F. ff. 4a. I2H C. B A U s. 4a.. si L. I. W. la. . 44 C. M. A 8 P. a 4a.. lot board A. U 4a, . 4i4l C. A N W. c. la 1I7"4 So. Panne 4a . lis .115' .lHUi C, K. I. A P. 4s.. It o. Kallwir ia do col. 4s llt4 laiaa a V 1. C.C.C. A S. L. . 4.. 100 T , St. L. A W. 4s.. TO Chlcaao Tor. 4a Wl'nlon Pacini! 4a 106S Ton. tobacco 4a.. 6 do con. 4a 474a Colo. A So. 4a ... D. A R. O. 4a.... Krla prior lltn 4a. do son. 4s 84 V 8 Stool id 5a 73 Watxiah la llitv, do deb. B 414a no 'a 1 v. . m l.. a,, aa so 10TW Wla. Central 4a. M T. W. A D. C. la. Hock. Valley 44i. .. .107' Colo. P. A I. c. 6s.. 7014 li. m n. uni. ta loi Uffered. Btston Stork (traotatlons. BOSTON, May 7 Call loans, &fj8 per cent; time loans, 8S4 per rent. Olnclol closing of stocks find bonds: Atchlaon d). 4a.... t'4 Waal lug. common do 4s It'" Adcntur M. Central 4a.... 4 Allouot Atchlaon 731 Amalgamated ... do pfd 11, American Zlno . Beaton A Albanr...i44 -Atlantic Boiton A Main I4S Blnham Bout on Elevated ....140 Cal. A llecla Pltchburg ptd 1M iCentcnnll Mei. Central 4 Copper Hans ... N. Y., M. H. A H..1W Daly Weat Para Marquette 7 Dominion Coal.. . Tt 1 . 4 . 47 J 1 . 41 .4K . 20 . 44 . 12 . 43 . 7 : Sit . I . 41 8 . 12 . 6t . 23 . 41 . w . 4 . 14 . . SIS I 1-14 . 4H 70 Union Pacific... S4 rranann Atner. Arci. Cham... 14Vfa Orancr do ptd Tl lala Rorsla Amer. pneu. Tube... 44 Ma. Mining.. Amer. sugar ir aiicntgan 7 Bill do pfd Amer. T. A T Amer. Woolen ... do pfd Dominion I. A fl .116 Mohawk 116 Mont. c. A O.. . 10 Old Pomlnlon . . 74'Oaceola li irarrut irdlnon F.lac. Ilium.. IS6 Winner General Electrlo ....14a Shannon .... Masa. Electrlo .... 14 Tamarack .... ... 72 Trinity ... 35 L'. 8. Mining 4.-.ll V. B. Oil.... do pfd Mate. Oaa I'nlted Fruit.... I'nlted Shoe Mach.' . ou c-ian .14 Victoria .10 Winona do pM U. S. steal :. do pfd , 64 Bid. Asked. Wolverine .. London Stoelt Market. LONDON,. May .-Closlng: Conaola, money. .. .84 11-14. N. Y. Central.. ...114 ... (4 ... 40 ... li ... 404 ... 1" ... 11 ::: it ... tin ... a4 ... 484, ... 411 ... 4 ... 10 ... e ... 1 ... do account. .14 11-14 Norfolk W. Anaconda ......... , 4 74 3 41 120 do pfd Ontario A W.... Pennerivanla Kand Mines Heading do lat pfd ... dv d pfd.... Bo. Railway .... do pfd So. Paclflc Cnlon Paclflo.... do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Wabaah do pfd Atchlaon do pfd B. A O Canadian Peclnc Ches. A Ohio. 1 Chicago Ot. Weatcrn 14 C. M, A Bt. .144 DeBeera D. A K. O do pfd .. 1 .. 2044 .. 72 .. 16 .. 46 .. 40", ..110 .Erie do lat pfd do td pfd Illinois Central ... L. ft N M , K. A T... 17 8ILVER Bar, steady, 25d per ounce. iviurit.i i'0'i per cent. The rate of .discount In the open market for short bills Is 2 l-l(V,f2 per cent; for three months' bills, 2&2 per cent. . - - New York Stlntna; Stocks. NEW TORK. May T.-The following are (he closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Cfcn...... 80 iLlttle Chief I Alice '..,...' 20 OnUrlo 174 Brerce , it ilOahlr .....600 Brunawlck Con 4 Pnoenlx 4 Comatock Tunnel 14 Potoal 14 Con, Cal. A Va 170 Savage '. JO Horn Silver 194 Sleirt Nevada ....... 44..' Iron Silver ,'....174 Ismail lloiwa II Uadvlll Coo........ g I standard M Foreign Financial. LONDON. May T. Rates for monev were easy; discounts would have been easier but ror-rumors tnat varloue loans are immi nent. Trading on the stock exchanae s-en- erally was cheerful, but the nearness of the settlement checked operations. Consols hardened, and home rails were we,l sup ported. Americans were quiet and feature less. Grand Trunk was firmer. Foreigners frenerally were irregular. Russians were ower. Interest centers In the Japanese loan, and intending subscribers disposed of their older bonds. Kaffirs generally had a better1 tone on the Improved labor pro posals. The amount of bullion taken into the Bank of England on balance today was in iiu, 't n J ... a 1 I v ..a .'11 .iia IIUUI ID opened feeble, Russian imperial 4s for the first time going below 90. Internationals and Industrials showed a sympathetic de pression. Rio Tlntos lost 12 francs. Rus sian Imperial 4s closed at S9.60. The pri vate rate ot discount has declined to 2 VAUTQ 1 0.1.0 A I. - V er cent, rnree per cent, rentes, ins trancs r centimes for account. BERLIN. May 7. Quotations firm: Amer- leans steady. Exchange on London. f marks 48 pfgs. for checks. Discount rates. Short bills, 1 per cent; three months bl Is, per cent. Bank Clearlnsjs. - OMAHA. A mil T. Comparative statement of bank clearings for the week: 104 1903. Monday , $1,866.2884 11.621. 789. 50 Tuesday 1,619,926.80 1,377,230.13 Wednesday 1,860.779.29 1,213,471.-10 Thursday 1.621,918.91 1.821.191.66 Friday 1,244.076.04 1,238,588.44 Saturday .' 1,228.716.12 1,506,887.98 An Increase for the week over the corre sponding wtek Isst year of $60,674.87. Jw York Imports and Hx ports. NEW YORK, May 7.-Total Imports of dry goods and general merchandise at this port for the week ending today were valued at $U,777,Sti9. Exports of Xpert from New York for the week were $885,940- sliver and $9,301,263 gold. Imports of specie at New York during the week were $107,774 gold and $3,688. silver. Kansas City Grain and Prorlslnnst KANSAS CITY, May T. WH EAT May, 85c; July, 84c; Bepttrpber, 70-?io; cash. No. 2 harl 9j!g4e; No. 8, 87690(5; No. 2 red, $l.tlil.i; No. 8. 94&98C. CORN May, , 46c; July 43fi43'ic: Sep. tember, 42c; cash, No.. 2 mixed, 4&(5o0Vlic; No. 3, 49(g60c; No. 2 white, 6oc; No. 8, 4c. OATS-No. white,. 42c; No. t mixed, ,40ft41o. EQG8 Lower; Missouri and Kansas stock, case count, new No. whltewood cases Included, 14o; cases returned, o less. BUTTER Creamery, 17(S19c; dairy, fancy, 16c. i . HAY Choice timothy, $10.50igU.OO; choice prairie. $8.0ut8.2a. . , . Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu , 17,n .14.400 Corn, bu. 20(100 14.400 Oats, bu 8,000 . 8,0u0 Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK. May 7, OILS Cottotiseed, essy; prime crude, nominal; prime yow, 29c. Petroleum, easy; refined New York, $8.16; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $8.10. ROSIN Steady: strained, common to good, 82 b5'6J 0. . Turpentine, firm. 58,a59c. OIL CITY, May 7. Oil JR Credit bal ances,' $1.(2; certificates, no bid; shlpmonts, 102,556 bbls.; average, 70,501 bbls.: runs, 96,620 bbls.; average. 77.321 bbls.: shipment, Lima, 76.684 bbls.; average, 60,310 bhls.; runs, Lima, 68,128 bbls.; average, 62.877 bbls. SAVANNAH, May 7 OILS Turpentine, quiet, 65c, ROSIN-Flrm; A. B, C, D, $266; E, $2.85; P. $2.70; O. $2.75; H. $3 75: I. $2.80; K, $3.15; M, $8 20; N. $3.25; W, O. $3 65; W, W, $8 85. Philadelphia Proafneo Market. PHILADELPHIA, May 7. BUTTER One and otie-haif cent lower; extra west ern creamery, Uc; - extra nearby prints, 23c . - EGOS Steady; good demand; fresh near, by and freeh aovitli western, 17e at the mark; fresh western, 18c: fresh, southern, 17c - CHEESE Stesdy. dull: New York full creams, cholco to fancy, 9c; fair to good, 9.j9c. " '!" ' Metal Market. NEW YORK. May'7.-METAI.S-A rum br of small order were placed, hut tra-le was dull and price etmnges unlnnportsnf, Tin am oulet With hold-re' views steady; pit, $37.76tl:$.f4i. Cmipee continues dull nnd nnrhenged. Lakt" t II .M: el-rtroh ll-v $13.12''al3.26: casting, $12 87 12. Bpel ter steadv; spot. $5 206 .24. Lead quiet and firm: spot, S4 4.66. Iron quiet autl nom Ically unchanged. OMAUA LIVE SIOCR MARKET Beef Etetn atd Cowi a Tr tt Lower Than Tiej a Wstk Igo. HOGS HAVE SHjS SOME IMPROVEMENT General Ran ot been and Lambs 3e Lowe fop Week, While Choicest Grades Are About J3e Lower, SOUTH OMAHA. May 7, 1JA Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oiiiclal Monday i,ot ,iU tUj) Otntlal iuesuay ,4 lo.MO .i46 Utticlai V euneaday i,i iv.M 4.aod Ottuia I Thursuay n,st I0,tl Utnclei i-naay Ha i,4ux 4S4 Official Saturday vo 7,lu 4i Total this week 18,112 66.0M l.tX9 Same days last week. ...26,419 7u,4.a 8.,dm oame week before ti.ToH u,7o ad.lov Barn three weeks ago.,i3,(3 W.6il 31,iv7 Bame four weeks ago. ...17,974 88.413 Same days last yeur 20, X 62.U17 14, zoo RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATS. The following table shows tbe receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at ooutn Umai.a for the year to uute witn comparison with last ',' 1V4 1J8. Ino. Sal" 345.833 843,6. Hogs 883.81 bf.ili SJ.tUt, checp Uo,i4 47,i4 1 .to. lit) Average prices paid for hogs ac South Omaha tor the last several days with com parison: Dste. 19O4.ilfl08.lJ0J.lS01.liU0.118.!lS8. April 13. April 14. April 80. April m. April 22. April a. April 24. April :f. April 26. Aplll -iJ. April 28. April 28. April 3U., May 1... Miv May a... ttia 4... May 6... May 6... May 7... 4 7, 4 76 6 9 S Ml 6 84 6 891 I 86. I 49 6 46 (451 b 4.i 188 i m Ml 4) Ml 0 341 1 87 1 6 821 6 t 6 13, 6 171 6 34 t 44' 8 n 8 8 60 8 (1 I 63 3 Vi 3 84 3 74 e I Tl 8 71 4 81 7 10 8 76 4 TI 7 1m I 06 ( 88i 66 s 8o 8 6 I 08 8,981 7 07 7 031 6 961 6 90j 7 6l 7 01 7 03 98 6 93 I 3 Yl 4 al 4 81 4 74! 4 78 A '.a I j 6 801 i 72, i 01 8 W 6 7b 7 Uj 7 04 $67 8 li 8 66 I 6 92 6 831 6 77 84 1 i 83 V6i 75, 6 il 90, ( W, i ii Vl 5 65 6 64 6 04 6 7t 6 72 b t)4 I t 67 1 6 btf 4 001 8 44 oil $ "9 8 t 8 77 3 69: 8 79 8 83 8 61 8 06 1 90 ( 6), 3 i s 68 8 93 ui aim 8 64, 8 93 I 3 90 4 71 4 4 4 M 4 661 I M w-ai 4 ol 4 64 Indicates Sunday. The ofnctal number of cars of stock brought in today by each roau was: Cattle. Hogs. bn'p. li i'i. WUbash t C. M. St. P. Ry 17 t. P. System w 8 1 -. at i. w. Ry a F., E. & Mo. V'al 26 C, St. p., M. & O. Ry .. 6 B. A M. Ry 15 C, B. at 4. Ry 6 C, R. 1. at P. east.. .. 8 C, R. 1. ex P. west.. 1 1 Illinois Central 1 4) 64 Chicago U. W 8 Total receipts 1 101 2 1 The disposition of the day's reoelDls was as follows, each buyer purcnasingf the num- oer oi neaa lnuicatea: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 864 .... Bwitt and Company... 1,546 ..... Cudahy Packing Co 1,846 .... Armour & Co 2,17 4o't Armour & Co., S. C 87 .... Other buyers 6 .... .... Totals 35 7.828 487 CA1TLE There were m-actlcaliv no fresh arrivals of cattle in tne yards this morning. For tna week supplies nave not been ex cessive, as there is a decrease ae com pared with last week amounting to about v.uou Head, and as compared with the same week of last year there is a failing oft ot about 2,00u head. The supply, However, has been lully equal to tne demand and the tendency of prices has been downward rather than otherwise. The market on corn-fed steers has been in fairly good shape most nf the week, but Still packers have been rather hearten a r all points. The export demand has not been as brisk as tt was last week and pre vious to that time, and that of course affected the heavy cattle In nartlcular. Such kinds are probably right around 10-Jp ido tower man iney were at tne close or last week. Cattle of all weights In fact are that much lower unless very choice. The light-weight cattle of good quality are not over a uime lower as tne local aemena for that class has been anod. Good tn choice steers may be quoted from $4.60 to $5.00, with something extra prime a little above that. Fair to good grades go from $4.00 to $4.50 and common to fair from $3.50 to $4.00. The supply of butcher stock has been llaht all the week, the bla bulk of the o.Ter. ings being made up of steers. Choice handy-weight cows and heifers have been given the preference and such kinds are not muon lower tnan tney were a week ago, but heavy cows and the medium grades of all weights are safely a dime lower. Can ners ana tne commoner kinds ot cutters were very alow sale toward the close of the week and that class may be even more than a dime lower. Good to choice cows and heifers miiy be quoted from $3.25 to $.1.90. with prime as high as 84.25. Fair to good sell from $2.76 to $3.15 and canners and cutters from $2 00 to $2.60. The season Is close at hand when grass cows will begin to appear and buyers are already beginning to discriminate against the half-fat kinds, fearing that they have had some grass. The hull market has been fairly active and fully steady all the week. The bulk of them sell from $3 00 o $3.76 "it choice ones as high as $4.00 and twnn-on stuff goes from $3.00 down. Veal calves are about 60c lower for the week owing to In creased receipts at all polnte. The bulk of them sell from $4.00 to $6.00, with a top at $6.25 ggalnst a top of $5.76 a week ago. The supply of etorkers and feeders has teen rather limited all the week, and with a fairly good demand from the country the market nas been active on the better grades, with prices strong. The common rattle, however, of all weights have been neglected and are certainly no more than Steady. Medium-weight cattle that can he run on grass during the summer and fed next fall are In the greatest demand at the present time. Good to choice grades may he quoted from $8 75 to $4.00, with prime as high as $4 2B. Fair to good sell from $3 50 to $3.78 and common kinds from $3.60 down. Representative sales: COWS. No. 1.... 1.... 1... 1.... Tr. No. I 14 1 1 40 4 ..... A. .. TW .. 124 Pf. I 10 I 20 ... TOO ... 110 ... 100 ...1340 HEIFERS. I 45 bulls! . 170 8 IS .1710 I 40 $ I ALVEi 1 40 t oo t 140 8 $0 1 IM I B0 STOCKEHS AND FEEDERS. 1 ) III 1 440 I 40 - t 4a0 I 00 HOGS There was a good run of hogs here this morning for a Saturday, but pack ers took hold freely and the market ruled active and lust about steady with yester day's general market. The prices paid were hardly as good as those given at yes terday's best time, but a little better tnan st yesterday's close. The bulk of the good weight hogs sold from $4 66 to $4.70 and as high as $4.75 was paid. The lighter loads went largely at $4.62 and from that down. Trading was active and everything was di.-poeed of at an early hour. For the week receipts are about 16.000 head short of the big run of last week, but as compared with the corresponding week of last year they are a trifle heavier. Prices have been fluctuating back and forth to some extent, but closing prices nr about 2&5a higher than those In force a week ago. Representative sales: No. At. go. Pr. No. Av. th. It 104 ... I 11 44 Ill 40 II 164 ... 4 40 44 .114 40 II Ill 100 4 47 44 210 40 T4 144 120 4 40 44 222 40 74 1I 140 4 40 43 Ill 140 I )l SO 4 40 44 140 100 TO Ill 40 4 4W 71 Ill 140 T6 41 120 4 40 71 110 140 44 114 44 4 40 II tsl M S2 14T 44 4 40 44 lit ISO 74 1M 40 4 40 44 l0 40 T4 1D4 40 i 40 44 124 40 41 lit ... 4 40 74 1U I'O II Io0 ... 4 l 70 440 44 Tl HI 144 4 41 74 10 40 Tl till 40 4 42 71 124 120 i 4(17 110 4 41 70 234 40 47 114 144 4 i 41 Iu7 ... 44 17 140 4 41 41 114 100 74 224 tuO 4 4 74. I 40 44 H'4 124 4 41 41 M 40 41 IN ... 4 41 41 114 14 71 lot 40 4 41 41 140 110 44 Ill ... 4 41 71 1 40 71 110 ltO I 42 71 Ill 0 41 120 120 1 11 44 147 ... 44 144 ... 4 41 11 lit 110 74 1"l 14 4 42 41 171 40 74. I4 40 4 41 44 136 40 44 Ill IN IK 41 IM 40 71 114 10 4 44 44 Ill 40 74 ...117 40 4 M 41 444 1471 44 100 40 4 43 77 &J0 100 14 144 ltO 4 41 44 lit 40 44 214 ... 4 44 74 141 100 74. ...... .214 ... 4 44 41 260 160 14 111 140 4 44 40 134 HO 41 410 ... 4 44 41 Ml 100 II Ill 46 4 44 41 ti 140 44 110 100 i 44 14 231 110 44 110 44 4 4 M t3 M Ill ... 4 44 II Ill 10 4 , F-4 40 4 i 47 lee) 40 M. ..Ill W 4 44 41 t't ... 41 221 110 I 14 I.'lt ... li Ill II) IN Pr. 4 49 4 44 4 44 . 4 44 1 4 41 4 44 i 4 44 4 44 4 46 4 44 4 44 4 M 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 41 4 tl 4 U 4 44 4 47 4 47 4 47 4 41 4 47 4 47 4 47 4 41 4 47 4 47 4 47 4 47 4 41I 4 47 4 TO 4 T4 4 TO 4 70 I 10 4 70 4 W 4 76 SHEEP There were two cars of the same Colorado wooled lambs on sale this morn ing that sold yesterday for $6.66. Aa they brought tbe same price today and there was nothing else on sale the market could not be quoted anything but steady. For the week receipts shew a loss of about 3 000 head as compared with last week, but a gain of about 6.000 head as compared with the same week of last year. In other words supplies have been liberal for the time of year. Taking the .receipts for the year to dste there Is an 'ncreae over the same rerlcd of last vrar amount ing to about l.lj.titO head. Those figures show very plainly the rapid growtn of Omaha's sheep market. There is nothing new to be said of the market for the Week In addition to what was reported yesterday. The market shows a loss of about a quarter on the general run of both sheep and lamb, while choice lambs are perhaps not over 15c lower, and some of the best sheep may not be quite a quarter lower. Packers claim thst prices here have been ton high as compared with other markets, and us there wss a decline st other markets, local packers made us of the opportunity to put prices here mote nearly In line. Jtiotntlons for clipped stock: Good to moles iambs, $5 s'vr'u.s.i: fair to goon lamns IjOtvrrSIl! arnnd tn choice wooled lambs $6 Nogs 75; fair to good wooled lambs, $6 00 ff6 V; good to choice yearlings or wethers, IT. pnws.26: fair to good venrllnge or wetners. $4.7rvjHvOO; good to choice ewes, $4. 70314. 90; rnir to good ewes, $4..vig4.70. Representative sales,: No. Av. rr. 98 Colorado wooled lambs 10 6 8" 3-4 Colorado wooled lambs $4 8 64 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle) Nominal, Sheen Steady and Host from steady to Higher. CHICAGO, May 7. CATTLE Receipts 2O0 head; market nominal; good to prime steers, $3.0nfu5."6; poor to medium, .1.9tj" 4STi; stockers and feeders, 83.0ua4.DM; cows, $1.754.40; heifers, $2.2:4.60; canners, $1.7a 2.4V; bulls, $2.otij4.10: calves, $2.603ft.00; Texas fed steers, $4.'Kli 4.65. HOGS Receipts today 8.000 head; esti mated Monday, 3S.A00 head: market Steady to 60 higher, closed weak. Mixed and butchers, 84.754.87; good to choice heavy, $4.8iM.93; rough heave, J I. '.v, 4 (0; light. $4.6f.'a-4.80; bulk of tii'les, 4 .'i(fJ4.8&. SHEEP AND I AMBS-Recalpts 2.000 head; market steady; lambs, steady; good to Choice wethers, $4. 75W i.2f; fair to cholco mixed, $3.51114. 50; clippod western sheep, 4.0iKlt'7.2B; nutlve lambs, $4.7M(75; ellppod western lambs, $4. 76)u.i5; wooled western lambs, $t.oom.o. Kansas City Lire' Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, May 7. CATTLE Re ceipts, 10t( head 1 market unchanged. Ex- Fort and dressed beef steers, $47o$6.Mi; air to good, $4.0O4j 4. tut; western fed steers, $4.lKJj4.75; stockers and feeders, $3.2Cntr4.70; southern steers, J3.7o-u4.45: southern cows, 32.254)8.40: native cows, $2.14.40; native heifers, 3.76ti5.00: bulls, $2.5ora3.86; calves. $1761)6.00, Receipts for the week, 27,0u0 head. HOGS Receipts, $4,800 head; market strong to higher. Top, $4.85; bulk of sales $4.7'Vu4.85; heavy, $4.7u34.85; packer-", $4.7i 4.85; pigs and lights. 84.tXMU4.7o. Receipts for the week, 60,650 head. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none; market nominal, steadv. Native lambs, $5.6tKt)6.C5; western lambs, $5.K(i.65; fed ewes, $4.60iff5.50; yearlings, $4.76f5.75; Texas clipped sheep, $4 60ra4 76; stockers and feed era, $8 604.60. Receipts for the week, 15, 800 head. St. I.onls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUtS, May 7. -CATTLE Receipts, 250 head, Including no Texans; market steady. Shipping and export steers, $3.8; 4J 6.25; dressed beef and butcher steers, ti.iWf 6.50; steers under 1.000 pounds, $350fu4.8); stockers and feeders, $3.25it)4.S6; cows and heifers, $2.26'34.60; canners, $2.5iS2.85; bulls, $2.76'g4.5; calves, (VI.0OU6.00; Texas and In dian steers, J8.75(t(4.75; cows and heifers. 82.5iKSS.dO. HOGS Receipts, 5,000 head: market steady. Pigs and lights, $4.5004.75; packers, $4.65(4.80; butchers and best heavy, $4.76u SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 800 head market steady. Native muttons, 34.0G& i.6); lambs, $5.00)7.00: culls and bucks, $2.50f)4 2j; stockers, $2.50r?3.50. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, May 7. BEEVES Receipts, none; no trading; dressed beef slow ut tlW 8c; fancy beef, 8c; exports, 750 head cattle and 6,400 quarters of beef, CALVES Receipts, none; feeling steady at &4(8c; selocted carcasses selling up to 8c. HOGS Receipts, 2,056 head; feeling firm. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2,010 head; clipped s-heep, steady; clipped lambs, firm to 10c higher; wooled stock, 10c lower; wooled sheep, $8.40f 4.50; clipped lambs, $6.10 St.l&; dressed muttons, steady, 8itl0a; dressed lambs, 10tfl2c. , gloux City Live gtovk Market. 6IOUX City. Ia., May 7 (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 100 head; mar. Ret. steady; beeves, $3.60(7)4.80; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.3o&4.00; stockers and feeders, $3.0084.00; calves and yearlings. $2.75'38.80. HOGS Receipts, 4,800 hesd; market, weak; selling at $4.454.70; bulk ot sale, $4-60. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., May 7. CATTLE Re ceipts, 13 head; market unchanged. HOaS Receipts, 8,446 head; market strong to 5c. higher. Light, $4.654.7o; me dium and heavy. $4.72fg4.86. SHEEP AND LAMBB Receipts, none. Stock In Brant. Following are the receipts of live stock for the aix principal western cities yes- terday : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis Bt. Joseph .... Sioux City .... Totals 56 7.810 487 200 100 250 13 100 8,010 4,to0 2.0i0 8,444 4,300 2,00) 719 29.658 1.287 Wool Market. BOSTON. May 7. WOOL Territory and pulled wools are quiet and generally steady. The market for foreign wools Is firm, Leading quotations ure: Idaho, fine, 14 16c: heavy fine. lHtfltHo: fine medium. lb'W 16c; medium, Ifyrjl7c; low medium, 17Q18c. Wyoming, line, 14i(7l5c; heavy tine, IS 18c; line medium, 16(gl6c; low medium, 18Cfl'l9o. Utah and Nevuda, fine. 18(8 13c; fine medium, 164jl6c; medium, ISQIBc; low medium, ib'iiKtc. Dakota, fine, lo&16c; fine medium, 16ifl6c; medium, lS(19o; low medium, lHUf-iOc. Montana, fine, 15lvo; fine average, Uffl'c; tlno medium, cholco, 18Q19c; average, ltVQKc; staple, 1&4-19C; me dium choice, 18(fj19c. BT. LOUIS, May 7. WOOL Steady ; me dium grades, combing and clothing, 2oyi lie; light fine, 16fil7c; heavy fine, 1414c; tub washed, 20H31c. WOOL The offerings at the auction sales amounted to 13,173 bales. Demand Lrltk. Fine Merinos and superior cross-bred4 showed a hardening tendency. Victorian combing greased was In strong demand, American, home and continental buytr taking equal amounts. America also bought cross-breds freely. Following are the titles in detail: New South Wales, 8,7(0 bales; scoured, 10dft2g d; greasy, 6d(gls d. Queensland, 4u0 bales: scoured. 10diiils 9d; greasy, Is 2d. South Australia, 61 bales; greasy, 6di8d. West Australia. 21 bales: greasy. 10d. Tasmania, too bales; greasy, 7drls Id. Now Zealand, 700 bales; csoured, 7dijla 7d; greasy, Gd(Qls Id. Cape of Good Hope and Natal. 600 bales; scoured, 7d!als 8d; greasy. tdQDd. Arri vals for the fourth series, 68,017 bales, In cluding 31.OU0 forwarded direct. lugar and Molasaea. NEW YORK. May 7 SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining, 8 3-Wf3 7-32c; centrif ugal 96 test, 8 23-32c; molasses sugar, 1 15-16 ia 81-32c; refined,, firm; No. 6, 4.4uo; No. 7. 485c; No. 8, 4.8oc; No. 9, 4.25c; No. 10, 4.20oj No. 11. 4.15c; No. 12, 4.10c; No. 13, 4.0Gc: No. 14, 4.0oc; confectioners A. 4.65c; moult A. 6. lie; cut loaf and crushed, 6 joe; now dered, 4.90e; granulated. 4.8yc; cubes, 6.06c. MOLABSES Firm; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, 31C')37c. NEW ORLEANS, May 7.-8UOAR Steady; open kettle. liti 3-16c; open ket tle centrifugal, Sfo3c; centrifugal white. 464o; yelluw, Sf(Hc; seconds, 2$ 8o. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 203 25c; ' centrifugal, 1 04) 15c. Syrup, nominal, 2iS26c. ' Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK, May 7 EVAPORATED APPLES Firm, with bidders spparently confident, though demand Is not particu larly active. Common ure quoted at 5i;5V.c; m-lme, 61(5c; choice, 6(U6c; fancy, 7ff CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prtines continue dull,' with quotations ranging from 8a to 6c. Apricots are In fair demand for small lots and rule firm; choice are quoted at 9fcloc: extra choice, luijjl0c; fancy. llfjlSc. Peaches, firm; chtlc held at 70 7c; extra choice, 7i(8c; fancy. 9ffil0c, Coffee Market. NEW YORK. May 7 COFFEE-Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoke, c. Mild, qnlei; Cordova. K(13o. Futures, quiet; IraditiK very light; s.tles, 14. MO bogs, including: May, 6 45c; June. II 60c; August, 6.75c; De rember, 6.20c; March, (1.43c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, May T SEEDS Clover. $6 85: October. $5.72; prime alslke, $6.15; August. jS 25 bid; prime tiinuthv, $1.40; September, Pry Goods Market. NEW YORK. May 7.-DHY OGODS-Tha week closes with the market in a state of suspended animation and although sllghdy mors Interest is evinced In certain lines rurchnses are limited. Msny buyers are awaiting developments before placing or ders to cover fall requirements. Cotton Market. NEW TORK. May 7.-COTTON-Futures Closed tare ly steady; May, 18 46c: June, 1S.&JC; July, 1S.8TY; August. 13 25c; Septem ber, ll.hie; October. 11.36c. Spot closed steady; middling uplands. 1.1.8flc; middling guir, H.05c; sales. 6. Ido bales. NEW ORLKANH. May 7 COTTON Quiet; sales, 4oo bales. Ordinary, Uc; good ordinary, 12 l$-16c: low middling, 13 7-16c; middling. 11 13-lAc; good middling, 14e; middling fair, 14c. Receipts. l.ti.J bales; slock, 70.000 bales. Futures steady;1 May, l$.7Jj 13.74c; June. IS 9lj 11.92c: July. 14.lltjril.12c; August, IS.lSfcl$lc; Septem ber. 11.6Tjlt.70c; October. 11.19$ ll.MV; No vember. ll.Uxfj 11 13c; December. 11.0(fll.07e. ST. LOUIS, May 7. COTTON Quiet and unchanged. Middling. l.ic; anlea, none; receipts, 6 bales; shipments. Z Hales; stock. 12.053 bales. LIVERPOOL. May 7.-COTTON Spot In limited demand: prices 10 points lower; American middling fair. 7.90d; good mid dling. 7.76d; middling. 7 66d; low middling. 7.64.1; good ordinary, 7.42d; ordinary, 7.21d; sales. 42.000 bales, Including 2"0 bales for fpeculatlon and export and S.60O American, Receipts. 32,000 bales. Including 27.600 bales American. Futures opened easier and closed barely steady; American middling, 5. o. o.. May. 7.43d; May and June, 7.38.1; une and July. 7.33d; July and August, 7 7Sd; August and September, 7.02d; Sep tember and October, 6.4U1; October and November, 6.15d; November and . Deeemlicr, 1.08d; December, January and February, $.04d. ' Minneapolis lirala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 7. WHEAT May, 92c; July, 82c: 8eptemler, 81 jHlc; on track. No. 1 hard. 9di9Uc; No. 1 northern, 96t)S5c; No. 2 northern, 9T!ifiWo. FLOL'R First patents, $4.xi7i;i.OO: second patenta, $4.80 4 90; first clears, $J.45U3.66; second clears. $2.60tff2 66. BRAN In bulk. $14 lip 16 60. - Mllwsskri Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, May 7. WHEAT Easier; No. 2 northern, 92c; old July, 8c bid. RYE Stesdy; No. 1. 73D';4o. BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 4c; sample, G05J lc. CORN Steady; No. 8, 60S58oi July. 48o asked. Dalnth Grain Market. DULUTH. May 7. WHEAT In store: No. 1 hard, 9Sc No. 1 northern, 92c: No. 2 northern. 854,0. To arrive: No. 1 hard, 93c: No. 1 northern. 92c; No. 2 northern, 8!c; May, 82c; July, S2c; September, 81 '4.0. OATS-On track and to arrive, 40o. Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA. May 7. CORN Lower ; No. S, 47c; No. 4. 48o The First Money He F.arncU. Bishop Daniel-A. Ooodsell of Chattanooga, Tenn., who presided at the Now England Methodist Episcopal conference In Spring field, Mass., was talking of the small sal aries which mlnlstors received and how often they were financially embarrassed. "I remember when I was a very small boy that my father moved to Norwalk, Conn., and I first began to enjoy the pleasures of life In the country. I secured the Job from a neighboring farmer of driving tho rows home from pasture every night, and ot tho end of the week I received a quarter for this service. And, do you know, I never have felt slnco such a sense of financial Independence as I did when I used to re ctiho that weekly quarter." New York Tribune. Rossi Not to Knter Shan Hnl Kirni, ST. PETERSBURG, May 7. A current report that Russia proposed sending troops to Shan Hal Kwan waa officially denied to day. The Russian government ha. made no- request of China and has not contem plated taking such aotlon. REAL ESTAT1TJ THANSFKR9. Deeds filed for record May 7, as furnished by the Midland Guarantno and Trust company, bonded nbet'.'u.".or, 1(U4 Farnam street, for The Bee: Kate hi. Wiley and husband to Isaac W. Carpenter, the sub. of block A, ..Reservoir add. I 1 The Connecticut Ravings and Loan as sociation to trustee of Methodist Episcopal church, part of lot 10, block 10. Kountse's 4th 1 Frank W. Carmlnhael to 11. Amelia Hale, part of lots 23 and ,24, block 101, Dundee iV Same to John Emcrlck, lot 22 block 101, Dundee ( 600 Same to Elisabeth Emerlck, part of lots 23 and 24, block 101, Dundee ... 600 Mrs. K. Weasa and husband to Rita Pascals, part of lot 8, block 24, Flor ence 1.700 Katie Roff and husband to Ignatius Coombs, lot 40, block 4, W. L. flelhv's 1st 260 Joseph Rosa to Frank Herynek et al. part or lot 2, mock 1, rotter as Cobb's 2d add 685 William Maxwell and wife to Petrea Frederlckson, lot 88, block 1, Brlgg's Place , 650 V. Farnam Smith & Go. STOCKS. BOND 8, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064 We buy and sell South Omaha Union Stock Yards Stock. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, Neb. V. 1 Dajeiil ry Capital and Surplus, $600,000 '. bank Kui?irr, m. tin I. wood, v, trsa. U77DE1 D8AKC. Catklef. PRANK T. IAMIL70Ni Aut Catslar, SUeelTS aeoouate ef feuka, esakera, a area atlooa, groia aa Iselrtaaals ea favorable lenne. foreign Esabuse eourtit aa. sold. Letters mt Credit laeued, arallabla Is all saru ef tbe wen.. Interest sell aa Tim OerUflastes ef DapeeU. i eiweiiona suae promptly saa aeeBOBicaiiy, We eases Miiees erase) .0. WHY 17 1-2 CENT COTTON WILL EQUAL SI.85 WHEAT. IN IT EPPBCT ON TUB STOCK flARKBT. Sen. far this letter shoeing what .lock, to buf to make toe moat mono? oVt of the coming rlaa. Order, exeeeua Is all ll.tea .tix-k. lor levestraent or oq margin. Byeelal attention glveu to Mlnine loveatmests. Send for llhittratea book eeecrlblo. sropertlei art teuipment ef CROWN KING MINES CO. Information concerning this velaisle property ana sll other UNUUTCD grockS cheerfully furnlrU. J. I. McLEAN V CO., Banker) Mala oaico, kS Broad St., Hew York. THE MARKET CHART CO. furnishes reliable and conservative lnfor matlon on the Htock and Oraln markets. Terms 86 per month. No trader can afford to be without this service. We have sots. thing Interesting In WHEAT. Address, TUB MARKET CHART CO., ana La Salle Bt. Chicago L0WREY DR0S.& CO COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Grain, Stocks and Provisions. Room 211, N. Y. Life building. 'Phone 3010. Bpeclal attention given to telegraph and mall orders. OMAHA. Updike Commission Co., GRAIN AND I'ROVISIONSj. ' (Justness hsndled promptly In all market Office, 601 Lre Building, Telephone tit, fl. W. UrDIKB. MANAGER.