Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1904, PART I, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Preliminary Ek'rmitbas Prom! Lira'y
EoenM at the Mehodist Conference.
Spectators Ansiou to Get a Slimpst of
Promised Forentio Oonteitt,
Hething Can Be on Uo'il Roonjnend
tieat Are FortboogiiDg.
Convention Debates Bnmdur (es
tlen for twi Honrs, Only
Discover It Haa Wasted
LOS ANGELES. Cal., May 1 The third
day's session of the Methodist general con
ference convened this morning promptly at
I o'clock, with BUhop Wlllard T. MaUalleu
presiding. Already the work of the confer
ence haa imbued Ihe delegate with interest
nd enthusiasm and hardly a seat In the
great parquet of the pavilion was vacant
when the presiding officer rapped for order.
The galleries Oiled rapidly with eager spec
tators, anxious to get a glimpse of the
forensic contest that have already been
indicated would be a part of the dairy pro
ceedings. Although th conference was but forty
eight hours old, preliminary skirmishes be
tween the various leaders had already
taken place and they were sufficient to indi
cate that many intereatlng scenes of thla
aort would be enacted on the floor of th
conclave before the day of adjournment.
The eager and ready manner In which the
leaders of debate aprang to the fray yes
terday, when the flrat of the Important
questions, that of recognition of the colored
race, was injected Into the proceedings, It
became apparent that there would bs but
few dull daya during the conference.
Await Aetloa of Committee.
Today's session, however, promised little
of particular interest. None of the various
standing committees have yet taken np the
consideration of th various tasks assigned
to them, and until the conference has the
committee recommends but little impor
tant work will be accomplished.
Nearly all of these committees met in the
early afternoon, and as most of the work
of permanent organisation of these bodies
had already been accomplished, the work
of proceeding with th consideration of the
problems before it went forward without
The general body, on motion of J. M.
King, adopted a resolution to th effect
that minority reports of the committee,
when signed by five members, ahall be en
titled to publication in th Dally Christian
Advocate, the. official organ of the confer
ence. ' " v
The uttering of this motion precipitated
a spirited debet. Dr. Neely championed
th .cause of th minority, contending for
the recognition of a minority report when
signed by but one member, but the con
ference voted down his amendment and
adopted the original motion of Dr. King. .
- Bishop Stephen M. . Merrill of Chicago,
senior member of . th 'board of bishops,
today presented a petition to the confer
once asking that he be retired from active
service. The hearing of Bishop Merrill's
petition was the chief Incident of the morn
ing session. The petition states that Bishop
Merrill is In the 79th year of his life and
the fifty-ninth of Ms ministry.
Bouadarte Oeoaeioa Leaghter.
The provision to redlstrlct the boundaries
of the various annual conferences was de
bated for two hours at the morning session
and then referred to the committee on
boundaries. Th delegates were almost two
hours In finding out that th rules speelno
ally provide that ail questions relating to
the boundaries of annual conferences ahall
go before the committee on boundaries,
and wham oo of the delegates read that
rule to the conference there was general
laughter ami not a little chagrin on the
part of those who had spent considerable
oratorical effort to show why this partic
ular resolution should go to this particular
Dr. J. SC. Buckley ridiculed the xrra
ordlnary eaenmtaetona of actual confer
ences" fn a brief speech, which aroused
considerable merriment
Georgia seethe' gar t" -t This U
Net the Natural Ho of the
Blank Brother.
' CHICAGO Mar 1 "I am unwilling to
sing 'Amerloa' until this country Is what it
claims to be, "sweet land of liberty," de
' clared Bishop H. M. Turner of Atlanta,
Ga.. at tonight's session ' of th African
Methodist Bplsoopal conference. "The
Negro la Botanos" was th subject of th
address delivered by Bishop Turner which
caused hint to take op every phase of th
negro question in this country and led him
to say that this was not ths negro's home,
but on the contrary that God had allowed
the negro to tome to this conn try to he
enslaved in order that he could be trained
and go back to his native land and make
it what it should be. In concluding Bishop
Turner said;
The supreme court of the United State
is against us. We have good friends In
this country, yet they are comparatively
few, and the only thing left fpr us to do a
to leave. Let us be men. Let us go where
we can he men. The negro is her. Borne
declare that he ie here to stay, but I dtubt
It vory much, unleae he Is to stay under
the ground.
Woan'i Catholle Order Preveatad hy
Court treat Holdlaa Coaveatlea
ta Mtaaeepell.
CHICAGO. May 1 -Judge Tuley today
Issued an Injunction restraining th Wo
man's Cat hollo Order of Foresters from
holding the biennial convention of the
order at Minneapolis. May 10. The date
named, it was charged, would prevent
ths attendano of many who wished to
Orsae to Manage C'ampaig-a,
BIOUX PALI.-. S. V., May .-(Special)
At a meeting of th nominee of Wednes
day's republican state convention and
members' of the republican state eentraj
. committee, Frank Crane, who for four
years has flUed th position of chairman
of th republican elate committee, was re
elected to the plao by a unanimous vote
Mr. Crane la one of the ablest political
generals in the state and has made an
excellent record in the management of the
last two stat campaign '
Driak Oram Jalee and Mleeral
Water ia Flaee ef
BERLIN, May 8. Colonel Von der Eski,
director of the Ems baths, who accom
panied Emperor William on his Mediter
ranean trip. Is quoted as saying that the
emperor during the entire Journey did not
touch alcoholic stimulants except a little
wine when dining with King Alfonso at
Vigo, Spain, and at the luncheon with the
king on board the Spanish royal yacht
Olralda on his departure from Vigo. When
entertaining his guests on the imperial
yaoht Hohenaottern at Naples, the em
peror drank orange Jnloe and mineral
Aaaael Demostratloa Occasion for
Premier Balfoar to Talk.
LONDON, May 1 Th annual demon
stration of the Primrose league attracted
an enormous gathering at Albert hall to
day, being the centennary year of the
birth of the late Lord Boaeonsfleld. Tho
decoratlona were more elabornte than
usual. Premier Balfour's address waa not
of much international Interest. He took
a roseate view of Great Britain's foreign
relations. The foreign affairs of the coun
try were, he declared, in a happy and
prosperous condition. Mr. Balfour attached
enormous value to the Anglo-French agree
ment, because he believed it was going to
prove a permanent arrangement. Foreign
Secretary Lansdowne and Foreign Minister
Delcaase had done work which was not
Only beneficial to their respective countries,
but to the whole world.
Mr. Balfour referred to the near east as
"the despair of European statesmen," and
pointed out that the government did not
propose to play Into the hands of revolu
tionists "who would rather see genuine
reform fall than succeed If it did not cover
all tbelr demands."
The premier concluded with lecturing the
opposition on tbelr . attitude towards the
colonies, especially in regard to Chinese
labor, and declaring that nothing but tho
unity of th unionist party would finally
lay the spectre of home rule or proteot
great. Imperial interests from the Injury
with which they were threatened.
Rumors Reaardina Blander In Af
rican Campalan Are Denied.
BERLIN, May (.A report circulated
in the United States that Dr. Bteubel di
rector of the Colonial department of the
Foreign office, had resigned owing to the
blunders made in the campaign against
the Herreros in German South Africa,
which originally appeared In a Vienna
newspaper, la denied by the government
authorities. It is officially stated that
Dr. Steubel has no Intention of resign
ing and that his resignation la not de
Bight Raadred Attaek the British
Mission at Gyangtae.
LONDON, May T.-The Mall's Simla
correspondent says that ,800 .Thibetans,
coming from the direction of Bhlgatxe,
attacked the British mission at Gyangtse,
at dawn on April 6. The Thibetans were
repulsed with heavy loss and fled. The
British loss waa two wounded.
Missouri Town Believes that Danger
from Hjugh Water is
KANSAS CITT, May .The flood situa
tion here was greatly improved today.
Although a steady rain continues to fall,
no further damage la expected. The city's
water supply, which had been materially
lessened by the breaking of a big water
main and damage to another, was prac
tically restored today, and street cars are
again running. At Rosedala, Kan., a
suburb, the several hundred families who
were driven from their homes returned
to them today, the water having receded,
and the bridge connecting the stock yards
alstrlct with Armourdalo, which was
threatened. Is now believed to be safe.
The rainfall along the Kansas river val
ley has been comparatively light, and as
the fall north of here was not great it la
believed that the Missouri river will carry
off th excess water and that no flood
damage will result along that stream.
The rainfall in this vicinity for the past
twelve hours amounted to slightly over
four Inches. The rainstorm extended from
Brunswlok. Mo., to Wichita, Kan., but was
most severe around Kansas City.
At Roeedale many persona had to be
rescued from their homes, but no one was
drowned, nor waa any one hurt. Train
service waa demoralised on eeveral rail
roads and one train, the Southwestern
Limited, on the 'Frisco railroad, south
bound, was stalled for eighteen hours.
Three Persons la Pennsylvania Col
liery Mar Lose Lrves Before
Reeeuers Arrrve.
S HA MO KIN, Pa.. May . Fire, which
broke out late last night In the Looust
Gap slope, operated by the Philadelphia A
Reading Coal and Iron company, la still
raging fiercely. John and Michael Boglan
and Mlobael Shannon of Looust Gap, who
were In the mine when the fire started,
were unr.ble to reach the surface and a
rescuing party is at work endeavoring to
reach the entombed men,
Locuat S... ma breaker, which prepared
the Looust Gap coal for market, waa
forced to shut down, rendering over MOO
men and boys Idle.
Eagles Plea Big Tim,
BTURGIB. a D., May .-(Bpecial.)-Nt
Tuesday evening will be the anniversary of
Bturgie aerie No, EX, Fraternal Order af
Bogles, and on that night a class of aboat
twenty will be Initiated. Sufficient prepara
tion will b mad to entertain those who
are fortunate enough to pass the portals
and a number of visiting brethren will be
with them. A big time will be had and
much Interest is being taken in th event
Th aerl is in a moat prosperous oondl
tloo. Chaage In Live Stoek Bastaeaa.
PIERRE, May a The shipment of Mve
stock from thle point hut year was U
round number LkK cars, Jest bow many
will be shipped this year le yet a prob
lem. Herds are being baokea up, and
new settlers are bringing In a tew head
and In msay oases baying tress ta own
ers of ths larger herds, who are closing
out These small herds will recelv more
attention than th larger herds did, and
ta shipments wUl be la smaller bunch.
Former Cotton licr Tell! How He Wat
R tried.
Sally In Control e Market, hat
Lacks Co .-NoJk Meet Mar
tV '
A lp Comes
oo Late.
,.c xO' .
' Vv
N ifORK. May . The examination in
t. J. J. Sully 4 Co. bankruptcy proceed
ings was continued today, with Daniel J,
Sully, the head of the firm, on the stand.
Mr. Sully described the membership ot
the firm of Sully &. Co. The capital of
$0)0,000, all paid In, was contributed by him
January 1, 1904. The partnership existed In
1903 without any formal papers being signed.
The witness was asked by hie counsel,
EUhu Root, to tell about the orders he re
ceived to make purchases and aales for
what haa been called the "Joint three ac
count." "It waa a mutual arrangement between
Mr. Hawley, Mr. Ray and myself to buy
cotton," said Mr. Bully.
"Mr. Hawley thought It would be advis
able to have Mr. Gates In the pool," said the
witness. "From luO.QOO to 190,000 bales were
The wltnesB told how he said to Hawley
that he would have to have money on
March 18, and Hawley said he would give
his share.
"What waa the particular reason you
thought you would need money on that
"I had put up $700,000 on margins and
thought It was time Hawley and Ray did
"Were you at tlje end of your resources?"
"No, sir. I had about $900,000 in cash and
securities and $400,000 due from customers.
I thought ' It waa time Hawley and Ray
shared with me the burden. I was carrying
about 330.000 bales of cotton."
"When I saw Ray the following day,"
said Bully, "he said a drop of a cent meant
$1,250,000 to margin It; another meant an
other $1,250,000. He said, 'We cannot stand
it. Somebody lias got to be sacrificed; It
might as well be you.' They told me they
would close the margin account at 1 o'clock
the next day. They Invited me to take over
their share of the account at 15.25 for May
and 15.36 for July." Continuing, he said:
"On March 17 I did not know, but since
then have learned, I was liable for $426,000
In margins at 10 o'clock on March IS. I did
not know that the call had been made.
Hawley said they would stay until 1 o'clock.
They had agreed to furnish money on my
collaterals, and to furnish what other funds
were needed to carry me over 1 o'clock."
"Did they do It?"
"No. sir."
"Tremendous and heavy selling from cer
tain quarter during the forenoon seemed
to indicate to me," the witness said, "that
somebody knew what was going to happen."
The witness said he kept Hawley poeted
during the morning and told him he did not
fear the market If he could meet the 1
o'clock margin calls. The market had va
ried only 16 or 20 points when Bully went to
see Hawley at 1 o'clock. Six hundred thou
sand dollars In addition to what the firm
had In collateral was needed and Hawley
was so informed.
"He said he was very sorry; he did not
have the money," sold the witness. "He
said ha bad not heard from Ray." ,
.During the afternoon, Bully said, he re
ceived a letter from Hawley enclosing $32,
420 as the tatter's share of one-third of 90,700
bales. This letter came about I or $ o'clock,
but in the meantime, at 1:46 o'clock Sully
had sent notice to ths Cotfon exchange
that he could not meet his engagements.
Interatate Commesce Commission
Probe Alleaed Plan ta Great Re
hates to Blar hiapera,
CHICAGO, May Testimony tending to
show that railroad companies centering in
Chicago are paying rebates to shippers was
taken before the Interstate Commerce com
mission. In session in this city today. The
form taken by the rebates Is alleged to be
excessive allowance for switching charges,
which in many Instances amount to 1 per
cent of th through shipping rat. These
allowanoes are made to what are known
as "Industrial railroads." These railroads
are owned by the big shippers, and, It is
claimed, are paid for performing services
In aid of their own business. O. W. Jonas,
general traffic manager of the International
Harvester company, testlSea, regarding the
position of industrial corporations on the
advisability of owning railroad lines. The
largest so-called "Industrial railroad" In
vestigated by the commission is the Elgin,
Jollet ft Eastern railroad. A. F. Banks,
president of the company, told of the meth
ods of the company, which has nearly 100
miles of switching track In and about the
plant of the Illinois Steel company, at
South Chicago.
. Mr. Walters Delivers Address
Below African Methodist Deafer
aa and BadOMes Roosevelt,
i i
BT. LOUIS, May t.-Xt the meeting today
of the twenty-second quadrennial session
of th) African Methodist Eplsoopal con
ference Rt Rev. Alexander Walters of
Jersey City, N. J secretary of the board
ef bishops, delivered the Episcopal address,
In which be strongly endorsed President
Roosevelt as "a fearless and ahle patriot
who believes in equal opportunity for all
oltlsens of the United States, regardless of
raoe, color or previous oondltlon ef servi
tude. Continuing. Rev. Walters saldi
The negro race has suffered considerably
through th adverse decisions handed down
by tho supreme court. Th negro Is mak
ing substantial progress along the ma
terial, educational and mora lines despite
the adverse legislation of some of ths
southern states. We, as a raoe, are si 111
being discriminated agnlnst and mifrer In
human treatment, and public sentiment
seema to be growing for us. both in ths
north and south. But we are in the right
and we know that God la on our d and
w shall eventually prevail.
The address was unanimously andWsed
by the 410 ministers peesent and Was nnanL
mously adopted.
Six Other Pereea Uaw Harrow
aa from a ttaallaa 1st
la Colore,
BAUD A, Colo., May I Raymond Zookg,
a young miner, wag banted ta aeatu aa4
atg other persons had a aarsem- escape treat
being cremated In a fir that destroyed the
Hotel Turret, a two-story wooden struc
ture, at Turret, a mining, eauip tfelve
mile north of Balide.
Hearst Men Draw Blood from A a tag-e-aista,
hat Are la th
HARTFORD, Conn., May . In one of th
stormiest gatherings the party ever held
In Connecticut the democratic state conven
tion today chose fourteen delegates to the
St. Louie convention and instructed them
to vote as a unit and for Alton B. Parker
of New York aa the presidential nominee.
A climax came at the end of two houre ot
angry debate between Hearst and Parker
delegates In what escaped 'by a hair's
breadth of being a personal encounter in
full view of the convention between former
Governor Thomas M. Waller of New Lon
don and F. J. Brother of New Haven. The
question being debated was the substitution
of the minority report of the committee on
resolutions for the majority report. The
former report favored an unpledged dele
gation, the latter pledged for Parker and
the unit rule. Personalities were bandied
back and forth, the attack on Governor
Waller, accompanying' charges that he had
deserted the party In 18P6. Much of the
actual debate between the chief partici
pants In the Incident was unheard in the
uproar, but their actions could be seen.
They were forced almost Into personal con
tact by delegates crowding about.
During the colloquy the ex-governor
pushed Dr. Brothers away. "I first voted
for you. Waller," aald the doctor.
"You began right," said the other.
Mr. Brothers retorted: "I have been
sorry ever since and want to wash the s.ia
"Go and commit suicide then," said Mr.
Policemen pushed their way towt the
ecene. while more delegates Joined the
rush. Spectators expected to set&Iows
struck, but other delegates got tJsisen
the belligerents. The situation so
strained that suddenly the conventlffs jame
to a hunh and seats were resumed l&;;$no
'.v v
iwo nours or excited aeDate. Thssaj";
Troup went over and aat beside Gg&y t
Waller, while Dr. Brothers returned ,;is
i . a o
The Incident was quickly smooth-? ,rer.
The minority report was refused substitu
tion, 306 to 186, showing that the Hearst
delegates were outnumbered.
National Committeeman Homer S. Cum
mins and former Governor Thomas N. Wal
ler, for the committee on resolutions, pre
pared recommendations that the state con
vention instruct its delegates to rote for
Parker at St. Louis and to vote aa a unit
All the county caucuses were lively affairs
and in one, . that, of Hartford, blows were
struck and a few drops of blood spilled.
The Hearst men, on finding themselves In a
minority, resorted to obstructive tadles,
and the aame thing was done by the Parker
men in New Haven county, which the
Hearst men controlled. The eongreaelonal
district caucuses were a little quieter, but
the Hearst men In each Instance were ag
gressive until roll calls had shown that
they were In the minority.
For first delegate-at-large, Homer B.
Cummins defeated Alexander Troup by a
vote of 31 to 127.
Bryan F. Mahan was chosen ss the other
delegate-at-large by acclamation, The con
vention then adjourned.
Former Senator Will Lead Colorado
Republicans at the Chleagro
DENVER, May 8. A sharp contest has
been waged for weeka for places on the
delegation to the national republican con
vention from Colorado and was still in pro
gress when the stat convention met today
for the purpose of naming six delegates
at large and six alternate. Factional
differences that have divided the party In
this state for th past two years had been
adjusted, however, before the meeting of
the convention and an agreement had been
reached to name former senator Edward O.
Wolcott as the first delegate at large. It
had also been agreed that he should be
made chairman of the Colorado delegation,
that Governor James H. Peabody should
also bo made a delegate, and that, contrary
to custom, none of the congressmen should
be sent to the national convention.
The convention was called to order by
D. C. Falrley, chairman of the state com
mittee. Edward O. Wolcott was elected tempor
ary chairman without opposition. In his
speech he declared that the members of the
different wings of the republican party
In this state were determined on unity and
that, Massachusetts was no more certain
than Colorado to cast Its electoral vote for
Theodor Roosevelt. He reviewed the acts
of the republican national administration,
showing what had been accomplished by
President MoKlnley and President Roose
velt. Mr. Wolcott praised the action of
Governor Peabody in maintenance of law
and order ia th stat. Referring to ballot
box frauds In Denver, he aald the situation
was critical njid seemed to be well nigh
hopeless. The publlo utility corporation
had Joined with th corrupt clement Mr.
Wolcott called upon the republicans of the
state to work for a heavy majority in the
legislature, and suggeatad that it should
even tak away th charter of the city and
county if necessary In order t pat an end
to th election frauda,
Governor Peabody waa inrrodooed and
sm ovation given htm. He mad a brief
speech, advocating harmony. fipeechea
were also mad by John W. W. Bprtnger,
candidate for mayor of Denver, and Con
gressman H. M. Hogg. Reoeas was taken
until I o'clock.
The First district republican convention
today renominated Congressman Robert F,
Bonynge. John W. Springer and W, B.
Miner were named as delegates to ths na
tional convention. Instructed for Roosevelt,
Railroad Officials Befnso ta Aoeept
Proposltlea from t'aion Leaders
l aea Aay Terms,
TOPEJCA, Kaa., May t Tk striking
Santa Fa machinists will be given until
Monday morning to resume their places
with the company. J. IX Aackalew, third
rice president of th Minlnlst' union,
tonight tried to submit tr th Santa Fe
managoment a new eet ot rules adopted by
the executive committee of the union In
Washington. Ha was notified that the
Santa Fe would have no dealing with the
Union whatever. Mr. Mudge rafuaed to
consider any proposition Mr. Buckalw had
to offar. In disouasit-g his actlea General
Manager Mudge saldf
W hav a Jin sot of men working for
ne and we waut to give them every op
portunity to get hack la the eervlco. The
tnn were Imposed ujoa by the represent
atjvee ot the tnuan offloora and w do not
wish to see thm le their ftosttluus tar
any suuh roues. Evvry pWa ramalulag
vacant aivjiiuajr lumajes wm o mim.
Third Vic president Buckglew said:
W will win this strike. We are prepared
for It aad the road cannot secure com
peteat ma lu rufflciaU aubai to keep
their eagiaoa going, tT
Operations Almost Identical with Tbois in
War wit China in 1894.
Experience Gained Thea 1 Kaabllaa
Japanese to Moto a Little More
Expeditions!? Than la the
Prerloaa War.
(Copyright by New York Herald Co., UOt.)
NEW YORK. May . (New York Herald
Service Special Telegram to Th Ba)
With cool deliberation the Japanese, by all
the Indications, are steadily following the
same routes, both in the Yalu district and
In the Liao Tung peninsula for the attack
on Port Arthur as were taken by them in
the campaigu of 1894, when the Chinese
were their adversaries.
All the experience that was then gained
by their chief commanders Is thue being
utilized for its full worth, though younger
officers are tuklng the place of the marshals
of the field, Yamagata and Oyama, who
then conducted the operations.
It was on October 2S. 18SM, that the second
Japanese army, under Oyama, landed on
the coast of Liao Tung peninsula, at a
place called Hon En Ku, fifteen miles
north of Port Arthur. With th exoeption
of Tallen bay, close to Dalny, there is not
a decent landing place along the coast,
but the road running from WUu to Port
Arthur around the head of the gulf, posses
at this point nearer to the coast than any
where else.
Then, as now, the landing was most dlffl
v the water being so shallow that the
Bt imera had to anchor four to Ave miles
t 4i the shore. When th tide Is low a
. I , t. . . .1.1.1. . . M I 1 f
tie and a halt of thick mud is left uncoV'
,red by the sea, and the landing of 28,001
... . .. . ....
. tvi a n ai tin inr. n mu i., ni,in, .rriii.rv
ammunition, wasona. provisions, tens, am
bulances and all th other Implements ot
war, was found to be an arduous and
tedious affair. Four hundred barges and
flatboats and 100 steam launches were em
ployed, but in spite of admirable organiza
tion the progress made was alpw. The
transports, which on that occasion num
bered thirty-eight left the mouth of the
Ta Tung river, near Ping Yang, on tke op
posite side of the gulf, on October 24 and
all reached the spot chosen for landing on
October 26.
No Opposition to Laaelaa.
General Yamajt, commanding the first
body of the Infantry to land, encountered
no opposition, both the soldiers and people
fleeing from the four villages, each com
posed of only half a dozen large stone
houses, and rushed on without delay to a
place called Petsunto, thirty miles distant,
In the direction of Port Arthur.
A road runs from Pltsewo inland across
the peninsula, by which it would be easy
to effect a Junction with a body of troops
landing on that side in a corresponding
movement Of course there was not the
facility then afforded by the railway and
it took General Oyama nearly a month,
that is, until November 17, before he waa
able to approach Port Arthur, and the pre
liminary skirmishes took place In the en
virons of that place.
His army advanced steadily in two di
visions, but with difficulty, as the. roads
were poor, and the pioneers had to pre
pare the way for the artillery. On No
vember. 21 the main attack began in earnest
The large Krupp guns were well served
by the Chinese and on that night when
th Japanese had stormed Fort Kohlnson
and Fort Hachlvlso and bivouacked on tho
hills th Chines UU held sight or nine
redoubts and bad twenty guns In working,
oracr. icany on the morning of the 22d
the final assault was delivered' and Port
Arthur fell after thirty-six hours stiff
fighting; Fort Llamu and the other po
sitions being captured in quick succession
by the Japanese.
in his official report, stated that the Chi
nese numbered more than 20,000. The Jap
anese troops actualTy employed were aald
to be 8,000 or 10,000 and probably numbered
18,000 all told. They lost 260 killed and
wounded. The Chinese losses numbered at
least 1,600. The capture of Port Arthur
was essentially a land fight, but there
was splendid co-operation between the
army and navy, the course of events being
signalled to the Japanese fleet under Ad
miral Ito, who did not hazard his ships
among the torpedoes, but sent in gunboats
to shell the lines and keep moving con
tinually out of range of the forts, while
he employed two cruisers In Pigeon bay to
drop shells among the forts which could
not see the ships. This was, however, done
more with the object of making a diversion
than of doing material Injury to the enemy.
On the land aide the gunners in the forts
were driven from their positions before the
hailstorm of the Japanese machine guns
and the splendid practice of their field
guns. The Infantry then advanced to the
assault and the forts were taken by 1
o'clock on November 23.
The sea forts fell without fighting and
all was over by S o'clock.
AlexleB and Osaad Bake Bnvta Oat
Oat Ahead a Japs.
(Copyright by New York Herald Co., 104.)
PARIS, May 1 (New York' Herald Cabl.
gram Special Telegram to Th Be.) Th
sudden departure of Admiral Alexia ft from
Port Arthur, oloeely followed by Grand
Duke Boris, shows that according to ad
vioes worthy of belief these, two distin
guished personages feared that they would
soon find themselves blocked la the Liao
Tung peninsula. Events appear ta show
they were right In their premonitions, for
it is officially announced from Toklo that
a landing of Japanese troops began on
May I on ths Liao Tung peninsula, The
recent demonstrations made against Port
Arthur, with the renewed attempt to bottle
up the fleet It shelters, leads us to suppose
that Admiral Togo directed his ships to a
spot on the shore near this great port so
that a sudden descent of torpedo, boats
and swift cruisers need sot be feared dur
ing the landing.
It Is announced from Bt Petersburg that
transports filled with soldiers were lean
on May I at PI fx wo, where they were pre
paring to land. This point, situated about
half way between Port Arthur and Taklru
Shan, appears well chosen, according to
the plan adopted by th Japanese general
staff, and according to the strength, of
the troops whiab win b landed th Jap
anese will be able to direct their forces
either upon Takku Euan to threaten Fuig
Wang Cheng from that point or upon the
railway from HarHa q cut off Port
Arthar aad Dalny, and to use the railway
afterward to advance apon Kalplng and
New Chwana; or Liao Yang. Ia any c&a
th period of great strategic ooeraUooa
bag begun and, l( wll be wan tp cast a
gtaaaa from tiro to tlaie also at Vladi
vostok and northeastern Cores, where sur
prises may occur, owing to the mystery
which till now hangs r tat part of th
seen of strii.
Showers Saterday. Followed by Fair
Ml reel en Baaaar. Fair ana
J Methodist Csfrene Basy.
Cotton Kin Tells His Story.
Japanese Fallow Old Tactics.
Port Arthar I Kow Isolate.
SJ Fatal Tornado Strikes Texas.
Clvl Leaga Presldeary Vaeaat
a Kew treat All Nebraska.
4 More Acres for Settlers.
Postal Banstattoas Ar Dropped.
Proarva ( th Tyner Trial.
ASTairs mi Sooth Omaha.
Coraish States nls Oaae. ,v
Trade Fair, hat Se-eeoa Tardy.
Deiasa at the War Id s Fair.
Prearess ot the Yottaer Contest.
T Story, "Th aest ok the Bat."
S) Bdaeatloa aad Tasatlea.
fat Bfar a Naval Battle. -
All Glad Grain. Rata Har 1 Ended.
Oat aha Bay Uet Stopover Riahta.
U Editorial. . . . i ...
11 Work Day aad Ulaht aa Tax Books
Omaha Feeds Many Soldfsra. .
t Sporting- Events of th Day. ' '
IS Financial and Canaaerolal.
1 Coaaeil BlaJf aad'lovea News.
Tmneraaare at Omaha Yeaterdayl
Roar. Der. Hoar. Der.
a. aa M 1 p. xa tlM
a. m ..... . M a p. as...... en
T a. aa,.... T p. xa Tl
8 a as ft
a. aa il
a. aa TO
S . za TO
lO a, m 83 a. m Tl
11 a. xo...., 6S fa. at...... TO
lSJsa ay 8 p. an 68
a. as 6T
Japaaese Warealps Gnard Troop
, While ' They La ad on
I Pealnsnhe,
ST. PETERSBURG May 6.-4:11 p. m.
The Japanese landing at Pltawo la ex
pected to be followed almost immediately
by the Isolation of Port Arthur. Landings
on th west coast of th peninsula are alao
anticipated. , The Russian military authori
ties seem reconciled to the cutting off of
their stronghold, but they are convinced
that the fortress is Impregnable againat at
tacks by land or sea. Though the enemy
may Inveet the place the authorities here
do not believe the Japanese will undertake
to storm the position. It is believed that
the greater part of the troops have been
withdrawn and that Lieutenant General
Stoessel'a forces, including ths garrison of
Port Arthur, does not exceed 13,000 men.
The fortress is provisioned for a year. Fur
ther operations on the peninsula on a large
ecale are dependent upon the development
of the campaign on the mainland.
It Is understood that the landing at Plta
wo was preceded by a bombardment of
the shore and was effected under the guna
of Japanese warships, but It waa practically
unopposed by the Russians.
No direct information has been received
here as to whether General Kurlko'a army
has advanced from Its position on the Yalu
river, but It Is known that the Japanese
are reconnolterlng south of Feng Wang
Chang and along the Utter!, and a landing
near Taku Shan, in order that the enemy
might establish himself on the right flank
Of the Russians, Is considered probable. A.
sharp lookout IS being kept northeast ot
Feng Wang Chang to prevent the -possibility
of a flanking movement from that
direction, but It Is understood that no signs
of the enemy have been discovered. t ,' V
General Kotrropatkln's plans are "being
carefully, guarded. The general staff In
sists that hardly more than 7,000 Russians
were actually engaged at the Yalu liver,
while the enAmy had five times that num
ber, snd there was an almost similar dis
parity In the number of the Russians' guna
It is reported that General Kouropatkln
has asked the emperor to dismiss Lieu
tenant General Zassalltch for disobedience
of orders. Such action would not be sur
prising. s .
Among the many rumors afloat which are
not conflrmable la one that the emperor
Intends to proclaim the mobilization Of the
entire Russian array on the occasion of the
grand review at St Peteraburg May 11, and
at the aame time bid farewell to the famous
Bemenovsky foot guards, who have been
selected to go to the front ?
The -late Vloe Admiral Makaroff'a daugh
ter has been appointed maid ot honor to the
empress. .f
H .- a
rBaaslaas Admit Yala Is Valoable Base
for Japan.
(Copyright by New York Herald Co., 1904.)
ST. PETERSBURG, May 1 (New Tfork
Herald Cablegrams-Special Telegram to The
Bee.) It is understood .that General Oku
Is landing three divisions on the Yalu for
the purpose of advancing against the Rus
sian main forooi l i- . :
A military writer fn ' the Novo Vramya
says: "possession of th Yalu is a great
advantage', enabling the Japanese freely to
land troops and provisions and to bring
ships to -ckrry away ths wounded." -He
thinks the Japanese will hurry aad com
plete all their operations WW dh 'they con
sider neoessary to suooeed before "the rainy
season sets In, .......
Up to date no actual returns bars been
mad of lossea,
Tf baiOoahsP Orel ha keen floated and
has gone to Cronstadt. .
Prince VesslMBhlkoff, director of the Red
Crone, telegraphs Brom Harbin that ths
commander of the Maaohurlaa army, begs
for tho immediate installation of ah extra
hospital with 1,000 beds.
Here aa ofaoe haa beea opened to gtr all
Information with refereae to th. dead,
wounded aad sink.
Army Mea la Wnsalagrton Think Jte
Cap tare a CartaJaty.
(Copyright, ay New York Herald Oo, ltoi)
WASHINGTON, May l O'sw York Her
ald 0tvioa-8peolarTlegraxa ta Th Bee.)
-virmy men la wsshragtoo- think Fort'
Arthur Is doomed and that oulaea there la
a distinct Improvement in the IloaaUa
campaign the mikado's flag will aooa fly
ever the fortress, , ' .--.' ,
Mr. Grisoom, th United States mlntater
at Toklo, baa cabled the State d apartment
that the Japan haV landed at Kin Obau,
forty miles abov rHft Arthar on ta Liao
Tung pen! rum la. ' "' .
The Investment ef Purt Arthua la re
garded as bow having; begun ia ears est.
Ordinarily the reduction of such a strongly
fortified city would b a difficult task and
army ofAears here lotav for Aero fighting
within three weeks.
Th Japanese strength tn artillery on the
Yala In the recent UvtU was a surprise to
th Raseiana. These' guna war evidently
of unusually large caNbta for ssch a coun
try. It Is supposed that they were disem
barked from wamhrps la Chrea, That th
expedition which landed, at Ktn Otiau wss
similarly equipped I deemed altogether
probable. With th ategg runs th Jajpa
n attack wOl b graaUr aided, , . ;
Land Ocnmunlcatfoi Entirely feerered,
Leaving City hi Msrcj of Japanese,
Japs Unload Soldiers on ths LWPanfoiTila
Witt crat Opposition.
Japanese Can How Mots on Port Arthur bj
Berinvl Boat.
Sixty Traasporta Are Unloading' Two
Division the Army, Sa
berla, All TWld, Aboat
0,000 Mem.
ST. PETERSBURG, May .io.06 p. m.
A dispatch reoelved tonight rays that Port
Arthur is out off from all communication
by land, the Ja panes having debarked In
US rear, occupied the railroad and cut the
Vice Admiral SkyrdloS, who is In enroute
to Port Arthur to take command of the
naval forces In the far east, will be unable
to reach his destination.
PARIS. May 6. A dlapatch to the Haves
agency from Bt Pvtersbnrg says the Japa
nese troops which landed at Pltswo yester
day have cut the land of nmunicatlons with
Port Arthur.
NEW C HWANG, May 6. It Is reported
here that the Japanese troops landed
yesterday at Pltswo, on th Liao Tung
peninsula, numbered 10,000 men.
Port Arthur, according to reliable infor
mation, is well supplied with provisions.
Within Forty Miles ot Port Arthur.
WASHINGTON, May 1-The Btate de
partment has received a cablegram from
United States Minister Grisoom, at Toklo,
oonfirmlng the press report of the landing
of the Japanese on the Uao Tung peninsula,
about forty miles above Port Arthur. The
location as given in the Japanese dispatch,
however, is not Pltswo, but Kin Cbau. The
apparent discrepancy Is explained by the
statement ImU Kin Chan Is a larger town
and that Pltswo la an adjoining suburb,
a hamlet.. This is th narrowest point In
the peninsula, and consequently, the min
ister says, the railroad 1 practically closed
and th Investment of Port Arthur haa
Japanese Account of Lundln-.
' TOKIO, May . Noon. The report o
Admiral Hoaoya received today gives de
tails of the landing of Japanese tioopa on
the Uao Tung peninsula, but suppressing
the location of tho Landing place, , The
admiral says:
Our Beventh division, with torpedo boats
and the Hong Kong Maru and vhe Nippon.
Maru, arrived from tie advance base off
the Liao lung pr insula at 6:S0, May 6.
Discovering a number of the enemy's pa
trola, we bombarded them for a short time,
and Jien a landing party of sailors. Cap
tain Nomoto leading, was ordered ashore.
It being low Jde It waa impossible to use
the boats and the sailors plunged Into the
water, waded breast deep for about LOW)
yarda, and reached th beach at 7:10 p. m.
Immediately advancing; they took Dnsaee
slon of a range of hills without firing, a
eht, and planted our flag on the hills.
The gunboats Amagi, Oahlroa and Chle
okale were employed to distract the en
emy's attention. They discovered 100 of the
enemy and shelled them, killing several.
The flrnt fleet of transports, cxi seeing our
flag displayed on an eminence, began land
ing troops at 8 p. m. The troops who were
forced to wade ashore, war In high spirits.
In order to facilitate th further landing
of troops plars ero being erected. Our di
vision Is assisting n the work.
' The report of Admiral Katacka, com
mander of the Third squadron, gives ad
ditional details ot the landing. The ad
miral reports that bta aquadron convoyed
the first batch of the second army to the
Liao Tung base and adda that the Kara
Maru grounded near the base at I o'clock
yesterday afternoon. It was assisted by
the protected cruiser AkiUruihlma, which
succeeded In floating the transport, which
reached Ha destination safely at t o'clock
the aame evening.
Javanese TeU Xothtaa.
TOKIO, May C Beyond the ' announce
ment that a certain force of the Japaneae
army eOeoted a landing at an tnnamed
place on the liao Tcng peninsula yes
terday, and th report ot Admiral Hosoya.
th Japanese government absolutely re
fuses to oieoues tha nature of this opera
tion or ltd plana
General Fukushlma of the general stall
made the announcement of this movement
to the tbrelgn oorreapondente here. He
"On May S soma strung th of the Japanese
army began to land, on tha Liao Tung;
"Where and ta wfaa foroeP' askad tha
eorreaponden ta
General Fuknahtma smiled ta answer, but
aald nothing.
"From th east, west, north or south V
aaked the oorreapondents.
"Out ot the skies from hsavan," an
swered the giesMral, aad th interview
Unset. Heara af Landing-.
BT. PETERSBURG, May I The details
of the Japanese landing at Pltsewo have
just been reoatved by th general staff.
Prom Information brought to Port AKbur
by the Chines, sixty transports nre disem
barking two divisions, numbering altogether
80,000 mea, of which 10.000 were landed yes
terday evenlnif, No news has been received
ap to this hour of aay other landing, Strict
ardors bar been given, to Rear Admiral
Wlttaoeft not to tak out Ms warships from
Port Arthur,
OnTry S few hundred Cosaaoks war on th
beaoti When Che J unpen appeared. They.
(wed a taw rounos) and retired to th raib
At th present hour tha handing Is pro
ceeding uninterrupted!, The railroad and
telegraph to Port Arthar ar etin norkrujr.
While It la not oidcaally admitted. It is be
ttered that & antranoe bs Port Arthur la
sealed, at least far large warships.
Aooordlng to tha la t sot Information of th
gtaeral staff General Karnes army ao
aanoad sou nhrtano along th road ta
Peng Wang Chtitig and then halted,
11i ere ia said to be a question whether
Lieutenant General saasulltoh reoelved Geo-
era Kouropatkln's order to rUr on Sua
daw noralng) in Ucie to aaenute It
japajtksb la an IS MLASCUIRIA
is t'naale to atop EaemLaa
Treov at Any of Vfaree poiala.
CHB POO. May a Th expected landing
?l the Japanese en th pen insula of Liao
ting eotnaaenoed yesterday (Thursday) o
pvrdliig to reports received bar from a re
liable Jupaneae aouro. It Is stated that
the leading Is being mad on th eastern
coast of tba paotnaula opposite the Elliott
inlands. After a reoonnolsanoe from Taku-
shan south by naval detachments the Japa
nese oonoiuaea toat a oomparaUve; n,.n,