Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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How's Your Staump Book Coming?
the best lining
sateen on earth
the best lining
sateen on earth
CT3 cm
i I
Ladies' percale
"I n
Ladles $1 Wrappers at 49c -wraoners
In all sizes, lirht and dark
colors a variety of patterns bargain A)
square, at U
50c Chiffons at 15c Chiffons and tnousseline de
a.-Usa in. nil. ssihira A
and black 'tegular 50o quality
at, per yard
Wash Laces Bargain
counters of bands, ad
loons, lnsertlngs, all
widths and all kinds of
wash laces,, worth up to
20o yard, at, yard
Pearl and Fancy Buttons
Small pearl buttons, WMh but
tons in all colors, fancy dress
and trimming buttons, larpe
pearl buttons, worth up to 35o
' dozen I Each n P6T
ll.... lU and hb dozen
Ladles' $l Waists, 50c
Another lot of fine waists at BOo
Second shipment of waists Includ
ing lawns, percales. Testings, dimi
ties and chambrays, embroidery
and lace trimmed on
bargain square, at,
$l Dress Goods at 39c
A second shipment of sort lengths
of fine dress goods from Mme.
Macheret's work rooms In lengths
for skirts and waists cream,
black, blue end brown,
will go at,
Handkerchiefs La
dies Initial handkerchiefs
man's silk finish Japanette
handkerchiefs and fanoy pillow
top and Indian bead handker
chiefs for kimonas some
all linen, worth up to
25o each, at, each ....
Ladies Belts at 5c
Bargain square of belts, compris
ing pleated leather, pleated satin,
belts with back and front buck
lesell colors and all sizes and
a score of new styles
worth to 25c
at '.
Embroidered Lawns at IQc Yard
Plain, colored and fancy embroidered
lawns, in all the new shades, at,
ISO quality India llnon,
full bolts, not
remnants, at
too quality India
llnon, at, a
Sale of India Llnon
Regular 18c quality India
llnon, lull Doits,
ery finest grade India
llnon, often Hells at eOo
yard, at, yard
Cooking by
Mala Floor.
C(SliI Demonstration
"A Knlgit of Columbia'1 Qaneral Charles.
King's- Latest Offering.
la "The Japanri Bride," Written by
Xeomt Tamnra, Are Bevelatioas
thm-t WoU Xaka Amcrleaa
Girl Feel She Was Lac Icy.
To those who are familiar with General
Charles Ring's "An Apache Princes.." "A
Daughter of the Sioux." "The Colonel's
Daughter,", "Fort Frayne," or "An Army
Wife," his latest offering, "A Knight of
Columbia," will need no further recommen
dation. In this story of the Civil War he
Introduoea ua at the graduation exercises
of Columbia University to the three people
In . whom 1 we are most interested through
out the story Res Ingraham, who has sur
prised his friends and charmed his hearers
with his stirring address on "The Menaoe
to the Flag," Ned Burnham, his chum,
and Edltha Raynor, a beautiful and favor
ite member of metropolitan society. The
patriotism of the country Is aroused to a
high pitch ' as the ' volunteers are being
mustered Into the armies both north and
south, for the outbreak of the war is ex
pected any day. Rex Ingraham has fully
decided to Join in the cause for his coun
try, but Ned Burnham Is a man who
thinks first of his own comfort and then
of the comfort of others. When he sees
that his chum has won the love of Miss
Kaynor he immediately decides that it is
Just what he desires. He has not been a
Studious and conscientious student and he
proceeds to falsely accuse his absent friend
of many unpleasant things while he Is
sharing the fortunes of war. The author
gives us a glimpse of the New Tork riot
and several very vivid battle scenes. The
description of the formation and attack of
a, portion of Lee's army under the com
mand of "Stonewall" Jackson on Hooker's
detachment and the battle of Chancellors-
ville is splendid. With the ending of the
war and the reward of our hero and the
disposition of several other characters with
whom we become acquainted in the course
of the story the author conclude. The
Hobart Company is the publisher.
Joseph R. Buchanan's clear, concise style
Is well adapted to the subject of his book,
"The Btory of a Labor Agitator." which
the Outlook Company publish. In telling
his personal experiences In the stirring
labor field, he passe rapidly from one
event to another, bringing In all the hu
man incidents which give the book its
real Interest. Mr. Buchanan has a true
love for the worklngman, and In putting
forth facta In a most convincing light,
makes a strong plea for him. The labor
movements of which Mr. Buchanan tells
appeal because they are clean.
The girls of Japan have a hard row to
hoe, as the saying is In a little book called
"The Japanese Bride," written by a Jap
anese man, Naomi Tamura, and published
by the Harpers, there are revelations which
would make an American girl consider
herself fortunate. A- Japanese . woman
must be subservient to men all her life. In
youth to her father, in marriage to her
husband. In old age to her eldest son. She
almost never marries for love. The wed
ding is arranged, and in many cases she
sees her future husband only once before
marriage. The association of young men
ana women In society is unknown In Japan,
even during courtship, and ladles and gen
tiemen there never dance together.. Mr.
Tamura gives an Interesting account of
his native social conditions.
The Review of Reviews for May provides
a group of entertaining and instructive
articles on the Russo-Japanese war and
cognate topics. In addition to the careful
editorial treatment of the events of the
month in "The Progress of the World,"
there la a sketch of the great sea lighter.
Admiral Toso. written bv a Ja
lowed by "Fifty Tears of Japan," from the
pen of a Japanese Journalist. Ariahl irin.
nosuke, who sums up in this paper the,iB jm orr oi nis people during the
half-century that has elanaed airu ih
ships of Commodore Perry opened Japan to
me innuences or western civilisation. There
are also brief summaries of "What the
People Read in Japan." "Japanese Opinion
of the American Attitude on the War" and
"Tho Effect of the Wsr on the Internal At.
fairs of Russia." and Dr. Frank WaMo
contributes an Interesting resume of "Cll
matlo Features of the Field of the War."
"Facts About Peat. Peat V.i.l t .
Coke How to Make It and Hn in y t.
What it Coats and What it la Worth, with
wrier Notes Concerning Its Ie and Value
lor Numerous Purposes." by T. H. Leavltt
is a poor- intended specially for th
matlon of practical men Interested In the
--uel Question." Mr. Leavltt nt.r.i.
works for the manufacture of peat, and
or me perfecting of machinery for
production, some years ago, and writes
Buys a $9 Silk Petticoat
Mrs. J.
: Colors, latest shades or black.
. Beat.weariog Tatfeta Silk, Rlpxe Flounce, five yards
u. s
The Grocers
Everything continually on the run.
Everything new end ever-chanjrlnR.
Earnest housekeepers will learn
much by watching our Interesting
demonstrations of things to eat They are an every-day feature In con
nection with onr huge grocery. We are dally demonstrating expertly
demonstrating pure foods of varied kinds.
Sliced Peaches, in syrup, 1-Ib can Wo
Parlor Matches, doaen bomes 12o
Pumpkin, S-lb eon So
Corn SLaicli, 1-lu package 60 worth Green Trading
Ing Stamps with each 1
lt). Jar Uennett's oer
Capitol Preserves ""J
BOc worth Oreen Trading
Stamp with each ic
parka Vim
1.00 worth Oreen Trading
Stamps with each pound
can Hennett s Capl-0.4
tol Pa kin a Powder.
Bartlett Pears, Mb can ISo
Potted Ham for luncheon, can .. 4o
Imported Rnriilnee, ran lfto
Your Eyes
They need attention! We can give
you eye comfort without making
much Impression on your pocket book.
Photo Supplies
Everything for the art of Pho
tographyCameras, Kodaks, Plates,
Films, Papers and Solutions,
Bennett's Cafe
Always attractive refreshing sur
roundings a cool pleasing retreat
perfect table an Ideal lunch. Popular
Wall Paper
The latest and most arttstio Idea. In
Wall Paper. What's your Idea? You'll
find It at Bennett's. Everything at
bargain hit prices.
Sa.a worth Oreen
Trading Stamps
wtth each pound
Ceylon Tea fine
for ice tea
BUTTBR Received every day from
beet dairies
Fresh Country Butter,
per lb. up from 15o
Bennett's Capitol Creamery lb.. 25o
Candy Dept
B0o worth Oreen
Trading Stamps
with each H-lb can
Honeycomb Ofc
vi 1 7 iff New eprlnp purchase just put
Girls Wash Dresses ?-rffl?
careful Inspection of all mothers,
at 98o, 8D0, 6O0 and ,
submit throe lots for the mottt
Sizes 6 to 14 years, -
A WOMAN'S SILK BLOUSE Made from a (food peau de A f p
sole. Perfect fitting, well lined, really worth 17.60, O
A GREAT SNAP IN WOMAN'S SUITS-Handeome blouse suits with
waist, belt, fetons with srlrdle, In black, navy and
brown. Pine cheviots and basket L C CT
weaves, worth 19.50, at J"SD
PURSES. HAND BAGS AND WRIST . BAGS On our round bargain table,
first floor. A special lot, worth up to 90c en.
Wednesday all at , Ovt
At Our Bargain Section,
Harney Street Aisle.
BLACK SATEEN 15 pieces, tine quality black dress sateens, f Cn
regular 26c quality, at
DRESS GOODS 100 pieces fine dress goods in blacks and colors, 1E
regular fiOo and 75o qualities, at the bargain section, 39o and
ART DENIMS AND CRETONNES GO pieces, very handsome, art denims and
cretonnes, very exclusive designs, look like 11.00 patterns, JCp
st. ao ana 1. aw
fhlle they last, 25o and..
CURTAIN SCRIMS 20 pieces 39-lnch cream curtain scrim, worth
So yard, Wednesday
WASH GOODS 200 pieces very fine, pretty wash goods In lawns, dimities,
black lawns. Heather linen suitings. Values in this big lot to 1fr
25c yard. Wednesday lUk
W. a JERREflS, Pre
209-211 South ISth St
Nicoll's Name
In garment stands for
quality, style, firsttass work
manshipand a moderate
aAslB SS 4?sSCk T
I ' '-vft '.; 1 I
There U no laslnp; or
halting in the pace we have
set; neither will there be
for our prices are based on
the rock bottom foundation
of manufacturer's figures.
Not another assortment
of tailoring fabrics like
ours under any roof In
this city.
Trousers. .$5 to $12
Suits $20 to $50
Nicoll's garments are exhib
ited everywhere and the
novel prices are much com
mented on.
It's our big business and
small profit planthat en
ables us to do It.
There's a decided advan
tage In having Nlcoll make
your garments.
from knowledge acquired by practlcaldem
onstratlon, as well as from extensive re
search. He tells where the crude article is
found, treatment necessary to put it in
shape for use, the cost and value of the
fuel produced, and the uses for which it
is especially valuable. In tact It is a very
exhaustive treatise on the subject. Le &
Shepard are the publishers.
Collectors of portraits of authors or play
ers will find many beautifully done each
month In the Book Lover. Each is the
subject's favorite photograph and moat of
them are specially autographed for the
readers of this magazine. , In the May num
ber the picture of Minnie Maddern Flake is
accompanied by an interesting unconven
tional biographical sketch. Brilliant, though
deaf and blind, Helen Keller's portrait
bears her autograph, boldly and clearly
The May Outing la redolent with the
bloom of spring. Charles Belmont Davis
draws a graphlo picture of going to the
clrous. "A Parian of a Skyline" is a
striking account of coyote hunts in ths
west. Equally Interesting is Robert Dunn's
story of how he came "Home by Ice and
by Swimming From Mt. McKlnley." Lamar
Mlddleton Writes on "The French Renais
sance in Athletics." Much space is devoted
to fishing and fishers, expedltons with a
camera, nature notes and outdoor recrea
tion. Typographically and plctorlally as
well as In contents the May number is
2 I'll wait until diamonds get cheaper f
before I buy," is a remark we often
Above books at lowest retail prices.
Matthews, 123 Routh Fifteenth street.
jeha T. Coanolly Has Diiuct Case
Asainat I'aloa PaeLfle Cs
The case of John T. Connolly against
the Union Paciflo railroad la being tried
before a jury In Judge Estelle's court.
This is an action wherein the plaintiff seeks
to recover damages to the extent of $50,000
for injuries, which resulted in the loss of
both his legs, on the night of August 11,
ISOe. The plaintiff's declaration alleges that
on the night of the date given he had de
livered a carload of cattle to the stock
yards in South Omaha and was In the act
of returning to his hotel to retire when a
train of the defendant's backed down upon
him. The plaintiff claims that no warn
ing of the approach was given, while the
defense Is that the plaintiff did not exercise
proper diligence and care In crossing the
tracks. This is the third time the case
has been on trial, the two former trials
having resulted In disagreements of the
CfcattfeerlafB Cees. Remedy
Beet Mad.
"In my opinion Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is the best made for colds." says
Mrs. Cora Walker of PorterviHe. Cal.
There is no doubt about Its being the best.
No other remedy will cure a cold so
quickly. No other is so sure s preventive
ef pneumonia. No other Is so pleasant and
safe to take. These are good reasons why
it should be preferred to any other. The
fact is that few people are satisfied with
any other after having euce
r hear. If you are waiting for that.
am afraid you will never poseess
Buy now and protect yourself.
We will give you nine-tenths of what
you pay us for one at any time within
one year. Do you know of anthlng m
else you can buy and use under those J,
One of the
New Spring Tans
If you are going to wear a tan
shoe this spring, we can show
you the proper thing in that
kind of shoe,
A tan blucher, in either a high
or low cut shoe, is on of Hid'
correct styles and & matt satis
factory shoe for comfort aa
We have many new styles
that are original and exclusive
with the bent of the high grade
factories and we'll be glad to
show you our J3.50 and $5.00
March Linen Sale in May
rwmg 10 aeiny in tranmi we necureo a mg allowance on an Immense sprlna
lining purchase and la order to unload, will give our customers ths benefit. Do not
mlna this opportunity.
7Bo extra heavy silver bleached linen H.00 full bleached satin finished, ac
table damask AC Inch, linen table tr
at Jt" damask-at OlC
' LI5 IhITv" r!!VnPwleChe1 iaK K-00 " l1nen Reached napktns. tlx
best quality, all new Q8C slxe-Wedneeday, . rm
patterns yuv at-dosen I.J7
tt.25 silver bleached linen napkins . , ,
S sle, polka dot pat- UQr c Turkey red, 60-lnch. dam- f Q-
Urns-t; dosen .OVt ask, fast colors, special, at .-..WW
1.Tem.r and finest line of round thread linen waistlncs west of Chicago, at CRo,
(Sc. 49o and B5o a yard.
Speca Sale Wash Goods, West
Room, Wednesday
16o Mandalay suitings, new f c
patterns-at w7ev
12Ho percales, 3A Inches, light filtC
and dark colors at v a
IBo Irish printed dlmltlesr- 7JC
inn rrlnted batiste 88 Inofiee
wide at
10c standard dress ginghams
UV,o dotted curtain Swiss
Wednesday at .....
13o fine Scotch madras
For Three Hours, 9 Until 12 Jiff..
White mercerised walstlngs, worth up to T6o a yard, 23 patterns to
select from your choloe per yard ........
A Great Snap
In Boys' and Children's Suits
$175 DOTS' SUITS 2.50
$500 BOYS' SUITS 3.50
The remnlnder of the suits from our
great manufacture stock sale, together with
about 160 suits, selected from our own stock,
1X60 for boys' knoe pants suits, agee t to
10 years, double breasted Norfolk, sulior
blouse, sailor Norfolk and three piece
styles great renge of patterns made not
on.y for locks but service O En
JS.80 and S.7& values-t 45aCV
13.60 for boys' knee pants suits, latest
styles, newest patterns, best materials,
excellent linings atd trimmings, hand
some, well made suits, that cannot be
duplicated elsewhere for less than 16.00
at the pocketbook f tin
Pleasing price JJv
Come Early. Get the Best.
Groceries Groceries Groceries
Quality the Highest, Prices Always the Lovv
cs.'s and Trading Stamps Absolutely Free.
Large California prunes, lb 3Ho
nes, id
Mr 1
Fancy Mrlr peac
Virginia blackberries, lb 7lc
Englr n cleaned currants, lb 7Hc
California grapes, lb 7Vfco
New York evaporated apples, lb Tfco
Fancy London layer raisins, lb 7to
Fancy California seedless raisins, lb... .70
Fancy seeded raisins, package Bo
Fancy Bnrtlett pears, lb 12 Via
U-lb. cans potted or deviled ham 3V4o
OH sardines, per can 4o
1- lb. cans fancy Alaska salmon So
2- 1 b. can siloed pineapple ,...12ta
2-1 b. can fancy wax, string or Lima
beans 7c
i-io. can ttosion naxeo peans witn
I1 or without sauce ,
t-lb. can solid packed tomatoes .....
S-lb. can golden pumpkin .....
s-iD. can uauiorma aquaan
1 gallon cans fancy apples 19a
1 gallon cans fancy aprloots, peaohes,
pears or grapes S5o
&-lbs, good Japan rloe lfto
6-ll8. hand picked navy beans lo
fc-lbs. sago, tiiploca, farina or barley. .ldo
C-lbs. breakfaut rolled oats 19q
6 bars best laundry soap, any brand . .ISo
Vigor. Egg-O-Soe, Force, Malta Vita,
Neutrlta or Cero Frulta, package.... 7Ho
Garden seeds, pkg., any kind JVo
Iarge Navel oranges, per dosen 13o
Fancy California seedless lemons, dos,.12a
Fancy Colorado honey, per rack 12o
Fancy California figs, pkg 6o
Fancy llallow'en dates, per pound ....6o
With every 6 lbs of dried fruit we will
?1ve absolutely free, 12.00 worth extra Trad
ng 8tamps.
tit Books' swviwwe taia 9mu
ass yreeareS fr.a mm mt m die
eo. We taa alas fnralsh star seek
Tel. B3234. 1613 Far nam St
Rogers, Peet & Co.
Swell Clothing for Men.
J. L Brandeis & Sons.
Piles Cured
By W. O. Maxwell. M. D.
Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical Col
lege of New York City.
IM-d Bee building, Omaha. Nab. Tev 1414,
Comfortable as Your Own Club
The last car of our 535 p. m. train for Chicago
is an observation cai 10 sleeping sections In
front; a wide, cheerful, well lighted observation
room in the rear.
A Here you can smoke, chat, glance through the
, magazines and look at the scenery.
Tho chairs are big, the windows wide and the
room is daintily as well as comfortably furnished.
Each berth has its own individual light con
venient to undress by or to read by after you get
in bed.
Remember the hour of departure 553 p. m.
from the Union Station.
1323 mUi STREET,
it. tils
kS- ...
Lands all its passengers at its own station,
main entrance World's Fair Grounds.
Stop-over allowed on all tickets.
Leave Omaha . . . . 6:30 p. m.
Arrive World's Fair 7:00 a. m.
Arrive St. Louis . . 7:1 5 a. m.
For beautiful World's Fair folder and all
information call at Wabash City Office, 1601
Farnam, or address
HARRY . M00RES, G. A. P. D.,