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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1904)
TOE OMAITA DAILY nEE: PHXDAT, MAT 1. 1004. 1 BStt JMBBEER5B3i gjBBSsTSSBSSEfik n at u m Tomorrow, Monday, wo inaugurate in our Furniture, Carpet and Stove Depts. a sale of such vast proportions aa to surprise and pleaso the most conservative and critical buyers. A. veritable avalanche of barQaln s. All oods sold on EASY PAYMENTS. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD n W V mm ' t mgmm Li t' i . 'r Hi:':;, .,,u.-u-jj'-' . i?!, i- 1 ( m Diners 250 solid oak; cane seat Diners, built extra strong and durable, quarter-sawed oak ef fect, fancy turned spin- -dies in back, full size seat, fancy embossei back, worth $1.75, to morrow extra special 3-Room Outfits ft Three rooms com pletely furnished for $99. Ask to see them. Cash or Credit. QJ 99 fARNAM STREETS OMAHA. (TUB PEOPLES' FURNITIRB AND CARPET CO.) Rockers Golden finish in either solid saddle wood seat or fancy embossed cob ler seat, has high back and arms, most com fortable and restful solid construction and extra good finish, well worth $450, for to morrow, extra special II a Rli l u Special inducements to young people Just starting housekeeping Wfi SELL GOODS OUT OF TOWN ON OUR EAST PAYMENT PLAN. WRITE US FOR PARTICULARS. Dressers Soiid , golden oak, heavy French bevel plate mirror, extra heavy toilet frame adorned with choice hand carvings, has two small and two large roomy' drawers, heavy cast brass trimmings, worth .SlSf.OO, extra special , ' I la. J ; , iriniii iii 'ijuiara. $1.1 Carpets, R,ugs Drtxperies In this department you will find awaiting you Monday morning an array of bargains such as we have never been able to offer you before. Ingrain carpets, 1,000 yards strictly all wool ingrains, latest Atk dpsiima. Sell re?mlarlv at 75c. Mondav. extra special n r ' ' Brussels carpets, choice patterns, worth regularly 90c, tomorrow, extra special Misfit and ready made carpets in all grades and qualities of In grains, Brussels, Velvets, Axminsters, etc., at extra special prices. Bring the sizes of your rooms with you. Ready made Brussels rug, Q TfC Ready made Tapestry iO EH 8 3x12 W I J rug, 10-5x12-3 I & J U Lace curtains, 1,000 pairs, full 60 Inch width, 3 J yards long, beautiful patterns, worth regularly $3.50, tomorrow, I QQ llUU 59c extra spetSal inestrv curtains, handso a o m - ' sell regularly at $4.00, tomorrow extra special I Tapestry curtains, handsome designs and choice" coloring, I A Q Go-Carts We are agents for the famous Hey wood line of folding and reclining Go-carts, the ciuiplest r.nd lightest, fold com pactly and can be easily carried. Monday wo offer a folding and reclining Go cart of the Hey wood make, worth $7.00, extra special 83.15 Write today for special catalogues of GoCarts, Refrigerators, Gasoline Stoves. Refrigerators and Gasoline Stoves We are sole agents for the renowned Gurney Refrigerators and Dangler Gasoline i Btovfca. Tte Guerney Refrigerators have seven ' walls, mineral wool filling, gucnuiteed not to mix flavors, the only true sanitary refrigerator on the market, every part removable,. Monday we offer refrigerators worth rj ; tfh O $10.00, extra special, J Dangler Gasoline Stoves, the guaranteed kind. A two burner on sale Monday, A fT? fiS worth $4.00, extra I lftil soeciaj IIBIL v.-.-...-..ri : Big &Lle of Ladies' Suits &i About Half Price You May Select From 400 of Our Cleverest Suits at About One-Half. This is a remarkable opportunity WITHOUT RESERVE we have taken every cheviot suit in our stock worth up to and including our $40.00 lines many style effects In all the popular shades and will offer them at one price: I Free Guess for .00 IMTYflV DOLLARS )25.00 We have had remarkable business upon this class of suits this season,vand now close out the balance in order to give more attention to the suits in the lighter weight fabrics for summer. The suits included in this offering are new, all the very latest and most popular styles. Also other special values in the higher priced suits in broadcloths and novelty weaves choice, small lots, viz: $50 suits for $30, $00 suits for $40, $70 suits for $50. New Stylish Eton Suits In the finest all wool cheviots and imported Scotch mixtures in blue, black, brown and gray, long drooping shoulder effects, beautifully trimmed with fancy braid and novelty buttons, skirts are 7 or 9 gored, full flaring, trimmed to match Q QP waists wiUU Women's Walking Suits $5.95 They're of all wool cheviots, Si cilians, meltons and imported mixtures; foot kilts, full flar ing, strap and button trimmed in black, blue, brown, gray and mixtures, your choice to morrow; all popular and desir able, and the price, C CIC UiUU Purchase of Blouse Waists An enormous quantity of fine white blouse waists has just been received. These waists are made to sell for $5.00, yet they are now offered at a price unheard of for such values. The material is fine lawns, the 6tyles are the best of the sea son, and in such variety as to make selection a most satisfactory matter. Every Q CR waist worth $5, at &UO Men's Clothing Men's Plain and Fancy All Wool Suits with hand padded shoulders, pelf-retainlng haircloth fronts vand band felled collars, fit guaranteed, regular 110 value, JJJJ special Monday Q All the Newest Fabrics in Men's Suits cut in the latest styles and hand tailored throughout, the kind we always get $12.50 for, will be on sale Monday at only 7.50 New Spring Styles in Men's Soft and Stiff Hats- Regular thre dollar vuluoa at ..... 1.50 Latest Styles & Leath ers in Men's Spring Shoes Regular three and a half Taluei at .. very low Everybody Guess the number of pieces of candy tn the arn our i6th street Men's Clothing window. To the one guessing the nearest number we will give a genuine Priestley Cravenette. nihtruyTiS5.torday 1.75 CHINA BECOMING RESTLESS Eeports of Japanese Viotortei Bender LWei of Foreigneri Unia'e. IAPANESE DESIRE .THEM TO KEEP OUT Other rowers Weald Take Ad vaataae af Tale laterveaa la the llraaale witk Raeaia. Copyright, bjr New York Herald Co.. UOi) UEKLIN. April (New York Herald Cablegram Special Telegram to Tbe B-i -OrtUlal dUpatchea received today repotl (hut the Chinese governor in Shantulng toe applied to tbe governor of Kow Chow to put a stop to the official land surveys if districts which are bow la prX-oas, as la tonseuuence of the Japanese victories the population la much excited egalnst for llgnrrs and he would be unable therefor to tnawer fur the safety of the eurv eying Mrtiea. The Berliner Tsgeblstt this morning pub lished an Interview of Its Parts correspond int lib a Japanese official of high rsnk. ehoearldentlty, however, la so thinly veiled is to Jurtlfy tbe surmise that the minister meant. This gentleman expressed ths Una con lotion that the Peking government would saiutalu aa attitude vf strict neutrality throughout the war. Its Interference was certainly not wanted by the Japanese. If China were to Interfere the situation thus created might Justify other foreign powers la taking aides. . Japanese Influence at Peking was therefore being exerted to Impress on China the necessity of main taming neutrality. . A to whether Russia would object to Chin tee Interference but would take ad vantage of it to advance upon Peking, he replied; "Were Russia sure of victory, such a possibility might occur, but as things are at present,'- Russia, no less than Japan, could only regard Chinese participation In the war unfavorably." With regard to the recent rumors of In tervention these would only be acceptable to Japan on condition that Its Just de mand were accepted. It baa been eald If It were once defeated on land Japan would be willing to come to terms, but this, too, wss doubtful, since It would take more than on defeat to bring Japan to Its knees. In Europe one was Inclined to forget tho real cause of the war was that Japan felt Its interests menaced by Russia and In tended Indefinitely to stop this power's eastward extension. The reported offers of mediation .on the part ofEngland la ths Russo-Jspanese conflict are now looked on here aa altogether devoid of foundation, but the London correspondent of the Berliner Tsgeblstt assert thst he has rvunn to believe that an Anglo-Ruaso agreement la belug arranged with regard to Thibet and Central Asia. 1 PAS AMA MAY ADOPT GOLD BASIS Committee Reports Favorably aa the Qaestloa of Colaane. PANAMA. April 30. It seems possible that the gold standard will be adopted by Panama. The committee to which the question waa referred has reported favor ably after considering, among other ques tions, that the United Btates will use American currency In the canal none. As regards the amount, It la recommended that enough money be coined to prevent the United Btates from having a pretext to coin a special supply for ths sons. The Idea Is to coin silver money, using Ameri can gold as the standard and prohibiting the Introduction of foreign silver money. ALARMINQ CABLES DISPATCHES Chile Aiilesi a Leara lairlas'i At lltado Toward Pera.' LIMA. Peru. April SO. Alarming cable dispatches have been received from Ban-1 tlago de Chile saying that ths Chilean govsrnmsnt has instructed Its minister at Washington, Benor Walker Martlnes, to Inquire whether the United Btates will defend Peru In ease Chile shall proceed forcibly on the question of annexing the provinces of Tacna and Arlca, which that country is disposed to do. Mlae Worker Assaalted. DENVER. April SO.-W. M. Wardjon. na tional orgunli. r of the United Mine Work ers of America, was terribly beaten over tho head and shoulders with revolvers by three unknown men st aWgent. Colo , and Is In a on Ileal condition today, lie Is suf fering from concusHion C ue brain and bis recovery is doubtful. DUNN'S CLIENT BOUND OVER Great Parity Beformtr Vainly Defends 8aloon Keeper and Inmates, rOX HELD ON FIVE HUNDRED I0LLARS Charge Is He Bold Llqaer Over Hayward-Molse Salooa After Mid night aad Daaa Tries to Thwart Peaalty. Ignatius Jehovah Dunn, tbe great purity reformer, gave an object lesson In reform In connection with the Fox case that waa up In tho police court yesterday morning, resulting in the defendant being bound over by Judge Berk to tbe district court In tbe sum of 500, Fox waa arrested after tbe midnight hour last Tuesday In his rooms upstairs over the Willow Springs saloon. Fourteenth and Douglaa streets. With Fox were arrested Charles Taylor, Dorothy Oale and Grace McOrimth. Taylor being held aa state wit ness and tbe women charged with being disorderly characters. Dunn not only appeared . for Fox, but showed his activity In th,e case by bluster. Ing around ths police station Friday, threatening to get out a habeas corpus for Taylor, ths state's witness, unless the lat ter were Immediately released. To avoid eatangilng complications ths stats's attor ney Anally ordered thg police to ret Tay lor go on a cash bond furnished by him self, but he came back of his own accord to sleep at the Jail at night Took Womaa to Plaeo. Taylor testified that on the night In ques tion he took a woman from a muslo hall to the rooms after midnight. He ordered beer and paid M cents for something, he could not swear what It was, tbe woman having drunk for both. He also aald he could not remember the "place where he took the woman, nor the man who sold him tbe "something," but he bad no trouble in recognizing Dorothy Oale, who waa tn the court room, as the woman for whom be bought the diluted Joy. Tbe Oale woman added her teattmony that she had been In the rooms several times recently and had alpped cool beer there. Bhe had forgotten the names of the men who paid for It for her. , When arrested Fox waa released on a cash bond of taoo, furnished by N. V. Halter of the Willow Bprings saloon. This establishment la conducted under ths firm name of Halter Co.. the company being Harry Hayward of tbe Walter Moles com pany. Tbe application for tbe Willow Bprings saloon waa algned by Halter and Hayward and the bond given by tbe same parties. Just what connection the rooms of Fox had with tbe saloon below was not brought out In police court, jfilthsr was Walter Moles' Interest In tbe rooms and saloon. If any, referred to. The arresting officers say there Is no Inside connection between the rooms and the saloon below, but when they made the arrests 'they found aa Ice box full of bottle! beer aad other drinks and several parties gathered around a table on which waa beer. RUSSIA PURCHASES TORPEDO BOATS Expects to leesre Others, Soma from England. (Copyright, by New York Herald Co., 1904.) BT. PETERSBURO, April 80.-(New York Herald Cablegram Special Telegram to The Bee.) In spite of German denials, there Is good reason to suppose that a number of torpedo boats have been bought and It la quit possible also that others will be forthcoming from England. There are persistent rumor of a mishap to General Kouropatktn. This Is supported by the fact that there ha not been a wrd from him for a long while. In attack on Vladivostok 1 momentarily expected. KRICRR'S COKDITIO IS SERIOUS former President at Traasvaaf Sab Jeet of Medleal Caasaltatloa. MENTONE, France, April 10. -While It I difficult to ascertain ths exact state of ths health of Mr. Kruger, formerly presi dent of the Transvaal, It is said that symp tom of a cerebral affection are apparent and that a consultation of physicians has been held. Mr. Kruger Is now extremely weak and constant car I necessary. Weedead Saspeads. NEW YORK. April to. The suspension of ths Arm of W. E. Woodend dt Co. was announced on the Consolidated Stock ex- ONCE TRIED ALWAYS A FAVORITE eltjgle time is all we ask. There is o better beer brewed tbao Cabipet THE BEER YOU'LL LIKE.' It is invigorating and healthful as a tonic None better (or a beverair. That's wbj- our sales Increase so enor mously each year. Quarts or pints in cases either. rilf I) KING CI1CUIG CO. OMAHA'S MODEL BREWERY. Tel. 420. Omaihst. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Reach the Uv Stock ttea.