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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1904)
TITE OMAIIA DAILY BEI?: RTTXPAY, MAY 1, 1904. SPECIAL NOTICES . Advertiaements for thru nlinni will be lakra aatll 12 m. fur the rrcilic edltloa aad mil (t is m. for (be moraine oad Aaailar edition. Rttii, 1 1-Xc a word Brat lasertlna, to a word tuereafter. Sntblaar taken far leas thoa line for the- Bret Inaer. tloa. Tkfif ad'rllMntati aaaat be ran foa.fralUflr. Advertisers, br rrqafillai a am tere-d eheck. pan harf answers ad. dressed to a numbered Inter la rare af The nee. Answers an addreaaed will fco dellrered on preaeatation of the check oalr. MISCELLANEOUS Summer School we are going to huve the largest summer School we have ever hn. It will be for thoae who desire a ahort course In Book- ampins, snonnpno:, iyiewimni!, i ete- arm...... ...... T I . 1,1.. 1 . t I . . OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLhGE 17th and Douglas Streets. The Nebraska Seed Co. Ope a till 8:80 p. m., Saturday and Monday till 9 p. m. 1513-L la Howard. R 862 Jl riRAVP! DRIVEWAYS AND ARTI VJiArt V CL F1CIAL STUNK WaUU. t. D. V an Court, low N. lotn. Tel. lift. H-Ul Jti. CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, 1605 Farnam and opp. Union tatlon. Tela. 7M and 1671. R but EXPERT ACCOUNTING EMPLOYES WORK VERIFIED. BU81 NESS SYSTEMATIZED l.NTO DEPART MENTS, BOOKS OPENED, l'li8UD AKD BALANCED. TERMS REASON ABLE; Br.ST REFERENCES. E. A DWORAK, 812 Ramge Building. 'Phone HS8. ' K M498 Mil STflVF stored and repaired Jackson WJ Vv Bros. & Pegg, ill N. 16th. Tel. L-2S31. , R-tM M29 OMAHA Safe and Iron work make a spe clalty of fire escapee, shutters, doors and sates. O. Aniireen. Prop., lvK S. loth st. R 864 M28 Champ. Carp. Clean. Co., 718 8. 14th. T. 5. R 868 GCH MSILVEll. NICKEL Platlna Ora. '-'-l-'plailngCo., 15o8 Harney. Tel. :KS R 8ti7 CITY SAVINGS BANK pays per cent. R-868 BICYCLFS j-ar8BN'8 M rno51 . . beu Lr8e t bicycle wV. ii .iri. h.wiii prune, i ei. r . Jo, I . u W. 24 th. R-M4h$ M5 EAGLE Loan Office! reliable, accommodate Ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. R 870 EXPRBS8MENS Delivery Co.. moving and storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 1195. R-871 LOCKSMITH R 873 EIeCtric? Cln'ng Works. N. A. Uiccu JtchlUtenion( 22a 14. 20th. Tel. 1Bp. R-299 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE' CO. cleans cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dead animals j reduced prices. 621 N. 18. Tel. 1779. - R 874 J-PBLIOITY DESIGNS -WHEATON In The Bee .Bldg. R 875 SIGN painting. 8. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R-877 ALL KINDS carpenter work; repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree" 20th and Lake. R870 FOR noon luncheon try the Karbach res taurant; reasonable prices. 418 8. 15th St. . R 878 Ml CLOTHES pressed, altered. Yousen. pax ton hotel tailor. R 881 8FBCTA(.LE8. tl; examination free; 80 days only. U. B. Opticians. 108 N. 18lh. R 1.13 PERFIELD Flsno Co., Bee Bldg.j no Inter. eSt. hOnflT ValllM A n w rt m. ... " I 111. I fV14 H. O. SMITH, plumbing, 118 N. 15; Tel. on2 R-8S STOVE storage and repairing. Hughes R,alr Wor"' e Cuming at Tel. F-2S02. R 2S O. K. KOCH, tinner, 8717 N. 24th. Tel. L-1819 Agent for Columbus roof cement paint. K-272 Je21 T CLEAN, dye, repair clothes, an N. lth ' R M309 Je2i CA.R.PSPlj:U"'nln"'' J' Wood. ar0 Clnrk. Tel. F-3071. R-M185 STOVES STORED-" law Douglas. Tel. 980, Omaha St. Rep. wks. R M494 M8 BICYCLES1 BICYCLES1 OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. 18th and Chicago. . R M858 M12 SRICK contractor. J. p. Healv, r-n Clark R M804 M14 " COOKINO, heating, gss, gasoline stoves re paired. City Stove Rep r W ks. Tel. L'.ntt. RM328 M18 FERFIELD Piano Co.. Bee Bldg.; no In terest! honest values; easy terms. Tel. Wl- R-88i ! W. M Vea. llumber. 1121 N. Wth. Tel. r747. R-M469 Fl'RS stored and repaired reduced prices O. E. Bliukert, 111 8. lth. R-M36S M29 BAND LIME BRICK, rendy for wnll In 24 hours. I have solved the greatest of all brick queatlnns, and have received patent on the simplest, beat and cheapest system ever known. Making 90 per cent face uii"., nn limn ua inm at common bnex prices. If you have the annd I can make ycu a rich man. Now Is the time for this great question. Send me a sample of vour nnd and I will erncl you brick made from wnur own annn. i nn maKo rock-fneed Jrl.-k without extra rout, where all other kinds eost 835 per thnuaaml extra. Sam ples of this brh k aent on application, fteger Sand-Lime Brick Co.. Bonharn. Texas. R MW3 COOKINO. heating, a-as, g;nllne etovea re paired. City Stove Rep r W V. 'l T-'WS R-MS26 M1H rERFIEI D Piano Co.. Bee BldirVno In erest; honest values; easy term- Tl HA. R " If n M VEA, Plumber, 1124 N. n "r. 747. . R-M4.-9 ARTIF1C1A wvn Nr wr fc k AN" CMS-NT FirORS M W1I.LIAMS MRnq , i.t-1 Ptxton Blk. ' 3350 and p:" . R-S ARTIFICIAL 8 TONE ANnBRICK SIDEWALKS AND CEMENT FLOORS AT COST 1.: WILLIAMS BROS., Ul-I Psxtou b k. I l.on a ko and B-3100. R SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITERS A, q. VAN jSANT'i schusO, 711 N T. Life! Neb. turn. 4 8hcrthad Col.. Roy 4 , tltr. 836 BL1CKEN3PERFER. tA IS8 New York Life building. Omaha - l i . MUSICAL fHO& J. KELLY, vulce. Uuvldge biZ DAISY HIGGINS, Voice, piano. 2210 N. l.t St. TeL A -27 41. -831 CUAS. H. KEEKER, alsa. U Barker Blk. 'fiij in, trimm limn . 11 will it-iii bout the 2lh of June and last until Sept. 1. Tachers. bookkeepers, stenographers nnd telegraph operators ran review. Class for public school children A specialty. Cat "uv irrc v rue WANTED MALE HELP Gould You Use $25.00? Jit write the bout essay on "Boyles College the Secret of Its Burcess," and that $2.1.00 Is yours to use as you will. Or $15.00? lie second best essay on the aboti Well, then, write the second best essay on the abote mentioned subject Or $10.00? The writer of the third best essay gets that. But you must be between 15 nud 30 years of age and you must not use more than 150 words and your essay must be handed In before June 15, 1004. Inasmuch as your essay must be practical as practical as the Boyles Col Ickc way of teaching stenography nnd bookkeeping and not a lot of flattering, pretty nothings, you'll have to know what you're writing about to write the csMiiy which will win one of the prizes. A visit to Boyles College wIllTurnlsh you practical pointers and we will furnish you literature which explains why and how we produce none but practical stenographers and bookkeepers. To those who cannot call will send any of our literature and full In formation on receipt of request for same. But call If you can. There's nothing like seeing your subject BOYLES COLLEGE, H. B. BOYLES, Pres., OMAHA, NEBRASKA. B MEN to learn barber trade, free railroad (are upon our failure to convince you of this being the BEST, largeat and only re liable, moat practical barber college In this section. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. . B Ml 7 WANTED FOR U. S. ARMT-Able-bodled unmarried men between ages of Zl and Ei; citizens of L'nlted States, of good character and tcmierte habits, who can speak, read and writ English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 16th and Dodge t., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. B M1W LARGE eastern paint manufacturer wants responsioie man or nrm to taas ex cluRlve Umahu and Nebrnnka agency; manufacturer will do extensive adver tising for agent's benefit. The paint Is a leader wherever Introduced. Address II 43, Bee office. B 381 FIRST-CLASS sodawater dispenser. H. B. uranani, iitn ana rarnim, ss WANTED, a reliable man to nandle a first- cisss line or cigars as a aide line on oom mission for Nebraska and adjoining terri tory. Only workers need reply. Refer ences. , Address L, care The Bee. B M8SJI STOUT BOY to learn trade; 85.00 per week. i tj M UI se, WAX OUi AOIU V. B-M741 80 WANTED An experienced salesman for rxeoravka; must be familiar with tne net, glove and fur trade; an exceptional oppor tunity Is offered the right man to secure n desirable position with an old estab lished manufacturing house; references re quired. The Morawets Co., Milwaukee, Wis. . B -If 771 4 WANTED-Coatmaker at once. Carl P. uuiucuiiii nuiurras, ixwu, jr-jaiu 600 PAINTERS at world s fair, St. Louis; union men; beo per hour; no trouble. Ap ply at World's Fair Grounds. B M808 is WANTED Experienced bookkeeper; must no snie to give reterenees. Address nox M, Bee office, South Omaha. B M808 NONUNION machinists and machinists' neipers wsnted for Western railroad; must be experienced and competent; good pay. Apply room 10, Bt. James hotel. B M8061x WANTED Men everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, adr. matter, tack signs, etc. No canvassing. Nstional Adv. Bureau, Chicago. ' B M96S tx WANTED Electrician and engineer for II. fc.. I . I . lb. l.W 4. . 1, nam jiui in country asqixh wnn iuii particulars. K 14, Bee. B M966 to WANTED By E. B. & A. L. Stone Com pany at waosworth, Nevada, teamsters; wages 82.(5 per day; to build Irrigation ditch for the government; only eight hours' work per day. One million acres of land through which this ditch runs will be thrown open for settlement on May 1, 1904. A splendid rt.ance to take up a farm and earn your living at the same time. - B M981 WANTED Boy: good position for right noy. omana nox f actory, t,ast omana. B-Sii6 1 ARE YOIT ATTHirTir.r With your present position or snlaryT If not. write us lor plan ana booklet, we have openings for msnagera, secretaries, advertising men and salesmen; also tech nical, clerical and executive men of all kinds, high grade exclusively. Offices In twelve different cities. HAPGOODS (In corporated), 918 Chemical bldg , St. Louis. B WANTED Circular distributers) essh paid; sena stamp. American Distributer, Den ver. Colo. B WANTFD. mechanics In all branches of the building tradea; open shop town: good wages, steady employment every month In the year. A. A. Merry, 8acratm nto, Cal. B Learn Show Card Wiiting. Only field not overworked. Thorough and comprehensive Instruction by mall at your own home by a practical ihow card writer. OUTFIT FREE. Write today for descriptive circulars. OMAHA SHOW CARD CO., OMAHA. NEB. B DOCTOR wanted for good location; state experience, age, married or single. Ad dress K 29. Bee. B 187 1 118 PER WEEK and expenses to a hustler i" oiKtriDute rnmrles and collect for Mfgr. In Neb.; expenses advanced; salary pad weekly. Adv. Dept., 702 Siar hllg., Chicago. B 137 lx WANTED 19 men In each stste to travel, tack slarna and dlstrlhuta rinii.p. . n samples of our goods; salary $0 per month; 83 per day for expenses. Kt'HTy MAN CO., Dept. S i. Atlas blk. Chicago. B 139 lx WANTED Carrl see trimmer. Drummond Carriage Co., 18th and Hnrnev. B M970 I Learn Show Card Writing And you can command a good salary any- wimro, ur mass oig money in business for yourself; our course of hsnd-palnted lessons Is something new and the most practical ever offered; If you want to learn a good paying trade, write us and we'll tell you more about it. OMAHA SHOW CARD CO.. . 631 Paxton Block. Omaha. B 881 1 80 MEN FOR CIRCUS WORK NORTH- A ... ' 1 ' - " LtlKABKA, 1UVVA. iJaTJe1ANDNORTH DAKOTA, MIN NESOTA AND MONTANA; IJO TO 835 ANl EXPENSES; TEAMSTERS. LA. BORERS. TENT. TRAIN AND CANVAS MEM WANTED: WRITE FOR PAR TICULARS. SWENEY 8 EMPLOY MENT CO., :0 BO. 12TH ST., OMAHA. BJ 1 COAT MAKER at J. T. Oliver, No. 8 . Pearl , Council Bluffs. B 2W 1 From the Sheep's Back To the Man's Sack. Is the keynote of our success. SUITS OR dfftr anrl vffOrt MADE TO OVERCOATS Jpl antl ZU ORDER. BRITISH WOOLEN MILLS CO., Rig Tailors. 14W Douglas St. B-281 1 WANTED, young man in svery town to soil our line of fancy hand-painted show cards and price tickets; something new; every merchant wants thera; writs at once for particulars. Omaha Show Card Co.. m Paxtoo bis.. Omaha. tt-SM) I WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Everywhere, hustlers to rack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertis ing Bureau, Chicago. B 15 lx WANTED Coachman: one acquainted with city. References required. A. U. Buchanan, hU4 S. 2lil Bt. B M246 3 MEN Our illustrated catalogue explains how we teach Barber trade quickly. Malted free. Moler Barber Coflege. lsuj Douglas St. B Asm ex YOUR chance for good position and salary is as good as otners. Study electricity, tnechsnioal or steam engineering, at home by mall. We have helped thousands. 80 page oulletln mailed tree. Klectrlcul En gineer Institute, New York. B EXPERT scale mechanlo wanted to act as working foreman; must be a machinist and tool maker, well up In the manufac ture of wagon scales; married; between 30 and 80 years of age and willing to work for reasonable salary to start with; chance for advancement. Address, with rufcrences, K 28, Omaha Bee. B 188 1 WANTED First-class foreman for sheep killing department of large packing house. Address K 27, Omaha Bee. B 193 1 WANTED Young man, single, German peaking preferred, who understands re tall boot and shoe business Answer tstlng salary wsnted and giving refer ences. Address "Wolbach's, Grand Isl and. B-U 1 SHOE salesman wanted for Nebraaka, Wy oming, lows; Idaho, Montana, Nortn Da kola and South Dakota, to carry as a aide line an attractive line of Hand Crocheted Worsted Slippers; line not bulky; 7H per cent commission. Address with references and state territory you cover. Economy Hand Knit Works, 278 Church St., New York. B 140 lx BRIGHT active young men and women to ell Block Gas Lights and supplies to stores, offices, and houses In Omaha (experienced salesmen preferred) large commissions. Address, K 28, Bee, Omaha. B 200 1 WANTED First-class business getters who desire to make money for every county In Minnesota, Wisconsin. Montana, North nd South Dakota. Address, with stamp enclosed. Box 814, Bedfleld, 8. D. B 106 lx TOUNO MAN; money, may be earned; artistio employment at home gliding tlck- ets: write for particulars, Inclosing tamped, addressed envelope. L. J. Noel. 129 W. 125th St.. New York. B-104 lx DETECTIVES Every locality, good salary, experience unnecessary. International Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. B-lll lx A GOOD POSITION for a competent man; manager, bookkeeper, salesman. Address Business Opportunity Company. 1 Union Square.- New York. B 116 lx MEN TO LKARN barber trade; free rail road fare to any other school you name. If after reading our catalogue and en dorsements you desire to go elsewhere. American Barber College, Omaha, Neb. Write for catalogue. B M238 7 WANTED A thoroughly competent, ex perienced man willing to assume manage ment of branch office. Give sge. ex perience, and teferenre with application. TABARD OFFICE SUPPLY CO.. Iowa City. Is. B-123 lx WE WANT A manager for collection department, wholesale house. A sash and door estimator. A traveling representative for drug firm. A 'hardware and Implement specialty sales man. A secretary for coal company. A dress goods sslesman, 875. A young man solicitor. A shipping clerk. A secretary for real estate company, A furniture and carpet salesman. A salesman for safes. A salesmsn for barbers supplies. An office nnd field man for promoting stock farm propositions. Two soda dispensers. Two drug clerks. Three hotel clerks. Four salesmen, experienced. In hardware line. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N. 840-841 N. T. Ufe. B276 1 WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERIENCED NURSE. Mrs. Nelle. 88a Collfornla. A T1S I9x WANTED position,' In city or outside as housekeeper in good hotel or private family, where girl is kept can give reference. Address, K 30, Bee. A-194 lx PRINTING PRIMTINin t Hlh Orade Work. rwivUr.r Croun.e block, corner ef LYNGSTADl lUth St gnd Capitol Ave. ii HIGH CLASS printing at lowest prices. Tel. lost. I- A Media Co, 423 S. 15th Sb f. M. BIRPTuEBS, Reliable Printer; estab lished 18 years. 808 8. 13th st, Omaha. Set M18 AMERICAN Printing Co. New equipment Get our prices. Tel. 1621. 1618 Chicago. M ion Mlt prjnflnrr Job printing. Peat work In city. iiiiuug uuaranieea. 1511 Capitol Ave. FLORISTS HEBS 8WOBODA. 1418 Farmam. -37 L. HENDERSON, 151 Farnam. Bend for price list ot cut flowers and plants. 77 tf ALFRED DONAGHUE. JR.. 1607 Farnaru, Tei am tit If you have anything you do BEX PRINTS MOST WANTED FEMALE HELP Nebraska Business and Shorthand College, Cor. 17th and Harney Sts. A. C. ONG, A. M., LL.B., Pres. A. J. LOWRY, Prln. COLLEGE NOTES. Where Many of Our Graduates are Now Working. We have hundreds of our graduates holding the most desirable and remunerative positions In Omaha and outside cities. This institution puts forth every possible effort not only to equip the students thoroughly, bat to assist them to the best position. The following are only a few of the large number of business firms where our stu dents are employed: Ten students or more with the U. R. Co. Five with the Omaha Packing Co. Six with the Cudahy Packing Co. Three with Hayden Bros. Seven with the W. O. W. P. B, We have live of our old students working In the city of New York, four In Loa Angeles and graduates in most of the largo cities between these two points. From the above record it will be seen that it means success to take a course In the N. B. C. Students are entering every week come In and be one of our number and your success Is assured. PURE GREGG SHORTHAND. No shorthand system ever devised has made the record of the pure Oregg. Under no conditions can the managers of schools be Induced to change text books unless they know they have a much superior system to put In. The facts are, however, the Gregg system Is used In most of the leading schools of the United States and Canada. The speed to be obtained by the Gregg system Is something phenomenal. At the last convention Mr. R. p. Kelley in a contest wrote 2 words a minute on new mat ter. This is the highest speed record ever made by one of his se. Many writers of other systems have changed to the pure Gregg by reason of Its superior merits and wonderful possibilities. PURE GREGG SHORTHAND IN THE N. B. C. This Institution put the pure Gregg system In on trial four years ago, after using the old-time systems seven years. The result of the actual test alongside the other systems has demonstrated the fact that pure Oregg Shorthand has many points of ad vantage over the other systems. The N. B. C. Is the only school In Omaha that makes a specialty of this wonder ful system. The principal is a graduate of the author's school for teachers, and those who wish to learn shorthand will do well to call on us and Investigate our method, eto. Apply for catalogue and college literature to the NEBRASKA SHORTHAND COLLECE, The school that secures positions for Its graduates. C ANYONE need of housekeeping or man and wire call Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. C 89 WANTED Agents to solicit orders for tapestry pointing; big money. 623 B. 19th. C 382 Mlt LADIES for home work, stamping World's fair souvenirs; good pay, clean, pleasant. Call 56 Douglas bldg., opp. Haydens'. C-M704 M25 WANTED A cook at The Hillside. 102 N. 18th St. C-718 lx COMPETENT cook and laundress, two In family; wages 85. 8S23 Harney street C-781 WANTED Bookkeeper of experience; give references and salary expected; lady or gent. Address K 23, Bee. C 81$ WANTED Young nurse girl, to sleep home nights. 1M23 Cass st. C 181 1 LADIES To do piece work at their homes; we furnish sll materials and pay from 87 to 12 wekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 84 E. Monroe St., Chicago. C 170 lx LADIES Copying letters; 830 per thousand; letters sent direct to us; stamped enve lope for partlculsrs. Woman's Specialty Co., Dept. 123, Chicago. C-134 lx A LADY AGENT FOR RAPID SELLING article; sells at sight; big profits. For free sample and particulars address Mari etta Stanley Co., 41 4th st, Grand Rapids, Mich. C 138 lx BRIGHT active young men and women to ell Block Gas Lights and supplies to stores, offices, and house In Omaha (experienced salesmen preferred) large commissions. Address, K 28, Bee, Omaha. C-200 1 LADT wanted; money may be earned; artistic employment at home gilding tick ets; write for particulars, Inclosing stamped, addressed envelope. L. J. Noel, 129 W. 126th St.. New York. C-103 lx LADIES Our catalogue explains how we teach Hair Dressing, Manicuring, and Facial Massage quickly. Mailed free. Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglas St. C-M120 6x WANTED Hairdresser; must know how to sell hair goods. Address K 82, Bee; : State experience and salary wanted. C 232 1 COOK wanted; good wages; small family. 124 8. 24th St C 230 lx WANTED Girl for general housework; housecleanlng done. 2518 Davenport. C-827 1 FOR SALE 6-room furnished flat, cost 8560; insured; will sell for 8250 cash, or including a 8250 new piano, for 3300 cash and 6125 in small monthly payments. Flnt for rent 2129 Farnam, 3d floor, west side. O-M206 7x WANTErJ, lady agents of mature years. Liberal offer. Address Euclid Medical company, 114 Rucl'l Ave., Cleveland, O. C-168 lx WANTED, experienced waist makers. Ter rill. ZOO Paxton block. C 188 1 LADIES Several vacancies open to com plete list, easy sewing for us at home. 816 weekly. Addressed envelope for lace sam sample. Majestic Lace Co., Now York. C-1U lx $16 WEEK can be made sewing at your hinr.e; no canvassing: honest dealings; frand opportunity; beautiful sample sent ree. Phoenix Tenerlffe Co., New York. C-ltl lx FIRST and second girl for small family; good wages. 2037 Dodge St. C 289 8x WANTED Competent girl fro general housework; small family; good wages. 619 8. 88th ave. C Mm 8 ARE you satisfied with your present posi tion? Are you paid nccordlng to the brains and energy you put Into your workT Cull nnd ask for our list of posi tions open for men and women of ability and thon decide. WESTRN REF. & BOND ASS'N, 840-ftU N. Y. Life. C-277 1 WANTED Experienced carpet sewer; only those with experience on power machine need apply. J. L. Brandt-la & Suns. C-Ltfl 3x OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 615 N. Y. Ufe WCIg. T. 166t DR. GRACE DEEGAN, (33 N. Y. Life. Tel. 264. Fayette Cols, osteopath, 6ut Paxton block. MRS JOHN R. MUBICK. Osteopathic Phy slcun; office, Douglas block. Tel. 2i23. iiw Dr. Parwell, specialty nervous diseases, 804 Paxton. 761 STENOGRAPHERS F. S. BUTCLIFFE. 1016 N Y. l Deposl Hons, conventions. Tel. 3676. M-fcHI FACSIMILE letters. Boyles Collesre. N. Y. Life Bldg. MM When You Write to Advertisers remember It or.Iy takes an extra stroke Of two of tne pen to mention the (set thai yoe aw tUe ad In The Bee. don't want, why not exchange it for sonmething you want, you.U find it in The Bee's "This for That Column.' PAID WANT ADS BEE WANT ADS BRING BE8T RETURNS. COMPARE FOR YOURSELF. SALESMEN WANTED Three with the American Ex. Co. Five with the Standard Oil Co. Four with the Oliver Typewriter Co. Three with F. E. Bnnhorn. Six with Paxton Gallagher. Five with Oeorge H. Lee. Four with Llnlnger & Mctcalf Co. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN make big money selling staple article; bought by merchants everywhere; excellent side line: pocket aamt-.e; write Immediately. E. W. Merck Co., 900 Collins St., St Louis, Mo. SALESMEN on commission earning hun dreds of dolars selling our fireproof paint to merchants; one minute test with pocket sample secures order from most skpetical. Salamander Paint Co., 2o8 Franklin Ave., St. Louis. WANTED A good salesman for Nebraska to sell exclusively our large line of calen dars, advertising specialties and druggists' labels and boxes; our line Is so complete that every merchant and manufacturer In each town con be seen; our goods are frst-class and strictly up-to-date; our house has been established twenty years and Is well and favorably known; commis sions, 15, 20 and 25 per cent; an energetlo man can make from 380 to $100 per week: first-class men only wanted. Address V 82, care Lord A Thomas, Chicago, 111. 185 lx SALESMEN John Sexton Co., importers of teas and coffees and wholesale grocers, )U to 22 State St., Chicago, want ex perienced, honest, energetic, high grade men to aell farmers and other large buy ers; we are the largest grocery house In America engaged In this business and the originators of honest and modern meth ods of conducting It. We handle the fin est goods and guarantee quality and quantity of every article; no capital re quired; exclusive territory given. In which an established trade insures fine Income. Ws are farmers' headquarters In Chicago. 177 lx WANTED By old established house, ex perienced traveling salesman for Ne braska; good pay and permanent position to right man. Drawer 8, Chicago. 172 lx TRAVELING salesmen to sell all classes retail trade; technical knowledge unneces sary, but simply all round hustlers; es tablished, well rated house; high-priced , men 'nvestlgate. for we mean business. Bex 463, Detroit, Mich. 168 lx BRIGHT active young men and women to ell Block Gas Lights and Supplies to stores, offices, and houses in Omaha (experienced salesmen preferred) large commissions. Address, K 28, Bee, Omaha. 203 1 SALESMAN WANTED Traveling spe cialty salesman, well known house; widely advertised staple; men experienced In dry goods or drug specialities preferred: posi tion permanent: compersstlon from M00 to 84.01)0 per year, depending on ability; Mvo-year contract to competent man. Ad dress manufacturer. K 12, Bee. 102 lx WANTED Two traveling sslesmen; $75 per month snd expenses, absolutely guaran teed. Premium Cider Co., St. Loul-. Mo. 118 lx CAPABLE salesman to rover Nebraska with staple line: high commissions with advance of $100.00 monthly; permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co.. Detroit. Mich. 109 lx HIGH CLASS SPECIALTY SALESMAN t once: established house, stsne line commission contract with $?R weekv ad vance while traveling. Merle. Smith A Co., 80 to 68 Prospect St.. Cleveland. O. mix SALESMEN School furniture and supplies: country work; sntl-trupt: $100, salary snd commissions. R. O. Evans Comnnny. Chieago. 111. 107 lx 8ALFSMEN wanted, side line of nle srsde art advertising raVndara. fans and blotters. Coriyrlehted subjects bv famous artists; fresh Idesa snd a wlnfilns- line. Our good men sre clearing 140 'o tm nee week. Address Manufacturers, Lock Box 418. Chicago, III. -ifil lx TRAVELING salesman reaching retal trade, to handle line of blankets, flannels, eto. Oood side line for wide awake man. Manufacturer, 214 Chestnut St., Phl'idel phla. -144 j. WANTED Clothing salesmen to own sales nsencles for "America's Greatest Tailors,"' the nroper facilities riven to the rieht parties; woolens In the piece furnished for dlsnlav purnoses: this Is a rare op portunity to ens-age in n ood paving busi ness without atii' Investment: a number of nir sales agents are mnklnar from 1 "W in 11 SCO ner year- write for tr"'H and full lnrorttnn to De'it. 10, 199 Market at , fifth floor. Chicago. 135 Jx SAT.EMKN. well recommended, to solicit he trade on rmr 1'ne nf achonl. nfflc and Christmas specialties; liberal Inducements Tllff Co., Chloago. js lx ' gAT PMFK WANTFD TO T'PR THE Indexed gnid" to train times. May num ber now readv. 52.00 A YEAR. 25c for trial subscription for wto months. TRAVELERS' GUIDE CO.. OMAHA. M-.N9 3 LOST $20.00 REWARD. $5.00 each will be paid for return of two palms taken from the southeast corner of A'th Ht. Mary's avenue on the night of April 28th. snd $10.00 will be paid for voluntary Information leading to convic tion of thief. Mrs. T. R. Kimball. lxist 3 1 LOST ladles' gold watch, with "F. M. O." engraved on outside case; photograph In side. Finder return to J la din Hros.' office and receive reward. Ixst 2'i6 lx BRASS'FOUNDRY BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat ing and flnlahlng. Spei-lulty Mfg. Co., 41 N- Main at.. Council Bluffs. FOR RENTFURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th Chicago. K Mi, DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. K as NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Hteam Luundry, liiu Leavenworth. '1'hoite A-l.tii E-W O. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 611. E 9i0 $1.26 PER VEEK, Dorso house, 4J2 S. ISth. E 9ol VIENNA HOTEL, lull Farnam; fine rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nignis E M LA ROE, warm room; steam heat. 109 Capitol ave. E M720 NICE furnished rooms. 824 N. 15th E 80S NICELY furnished rooms, third floor. 1420 Dougs St. hr 9u4 FOR RENT One lHrge east room with large closet and smulcr room Adjoining; two doors from "The Georgia;" privilege of use of telephone and piano ullnwod. 1050 Georgia Ave. E 747 lx VERY nice room In strictly private fam ily; rent to gentleman who can show desirability. 114 So. 19th. E M740 lx FOR RENT One beautiful large sunny front room with large closet; two doors from The Georgia; tenant allowed use of telephone and piano; reasonable price. 1060 Georgia Ave. 748 lx THE FARNAM, 19th and Fk.-nsm sts. E905 SINGLE room; reasonable walking dis tance. 2013 Leavenworth. E M188 lx 623 NORTH 80th; large furnished room; porches, lawn, shade, E M802 lx NICE large room with outside entrance. Very desirable for summer. Modern. On car line. Suitable for two gentlemen. 1426 N. 17th St. E M638-M-1X SINGLE south front room, nicely fur nished; modern: walking distance; rea sonable. 2402 Cass. B-MH01 lx BACK parlor, suitable for two, reasonable. 1810 Davenport. E M942 2x LARGE room, walking distance, porches, lawn and shade. 1707 Cass. B M943-2X LARGE room, gentlemen only, modern, gas, bath. 8024 California. E M04S 2x APARTMENT HOUSE MEN. FOR The Chatham; luxuriously furnished tooms ana smoking parlors; appointments first class. 110 B. 13th St., opposite Millard hotel. tie NICELY furnished room. 2284 Farnam. K M797 lx SINGLE front room and suite of rooms for housekeeping. 1804 Chicago. E M960 2x ONE room for housekeeping, also one sleep ing room. 1811 Cass. E M961 lx ONE to three partly furnished rooms, mod ern; can be arranged for light housekeep ing; no children; references. 2701 Wool worth ave.. E 196 lx NICELY furnished, south room, at 2519 Jones st; all modern conveniences, E Mi37 8x CHOICE modern housekeeping rooms. 2201 Douglas. B-M191 1 THREE nice rooms; modern; housekeep ing. 2234 Farnam. E 267 8 LARGE front room, also single room. 1917 California. E M947 8x SUITE of I rooms. :039 Park avenue. E-871 4x FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping, 2601 Dodge st. E M278 8x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Furnished rooms, steam' heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16th sV Chloago. F-907 1S17 CASS, rooms and board. . M418 M21 ST. JAMES hotel, day board, meal tickets $3.60. F-M436 M22 FURNISHED front room, with board; fine location. 2216 Farnam F M777 1 GOOD table board. The Rose, 2020 Har. ney. F M7B91X ROOM and board, reasonable. 2013 Doug las. , F M8U01x 2090 HARNEY St. The Rose; handsomely furnished rooms; good beard; reuaonable rates ' F MW1 lx FURNISHED south front parlor, board. 2310 Douglas. F M913 2x FURNISHED room, with board, $4 00 week. 611 N. 18th. F-MW4 2X 1816 DODGE, furnished parlor, suitable for , board. F M949 2x FURNISHED room, with board. 1700 Dodge. F M916 2x A NICE alrjr room and board for lady or gentleman In a modern home, one block from 24th at. car line; no other boarders and no children, and a nloo neighborhood; home cooking; references. Apply 2512 Em met st. F ISO lx ONE large north or south room with board, modern house; newly papered and furnlrhed. Large lawn And trees. 318 for one, $36 for two. Tel. 10s2. F 199 lx LARGE front room, with board for two gentlemen. 618 8. 2fith St. F M223 THE MERRIAM. 25th and Dodge, 'phone 86; nice, light, airy rooms; cnsultes and single rooms; terraced lawn; veranda en tire length of building. F 2tM UNFURNISHED ROOMS 81ST BT., one ilock north of Hanacom pare. Aa a res p. o. box 414, city. O M685 Ml 8UITE of unfurnished rooms; parlor floor; modern; walking distance and on car line. G M804 SUITE of unf iirnisnud rooms; parlor floor; modern; walking distance and on car line. 2402 Cass. O M804 lx UNFURNISHED rooms for light house keeping. 241j Capitol ave. G tHi 2x 2, 8 or 4 miKlern, housekeeping, furnished br unfurnished, clean, light, convenient 1 block to car. 2214 N. luth at. G-208 lx THREE large unfurnished rooms, 2215 Web ster street. 'Phone 971. Call evening. a m 1 WANTED TO RENT WANTED Furnlahed room within walking distance of liith and Cuming. Address K 16. ilee. K MsskJ 2x WANTED To lease a hotel, ready fur nlahed ; $2 house preferred, unless it should be an up-to-date $1 house: good references furnlahed. Address Lock llox 24. Clarlndu, la. K-M1U3 M31 WANTED TO BUY BHO P. -lu, me Art 1 iwuAniAn, si? n. z . Lite, paysitlghesl price for books. Tel. 6-34 K 1 LI ID-HAND furniture; high prices. TeL 200. Chicago Furniture Co., lilO Dodg N-919 1,0M FEATHER beds, pillows and bolsters; highest cash price paid, U. A. R.. 1922 8. 10th. N 379 M19 WANTED, pair of fairly heavy, active horses for general purposes In tnountalr country; young, sound, well broken, good lookers, at moderate price; write full particulars. S. A. Baxter, Paxton hotel. N M6J9 lx WANTED To buy 6-room cottage; give lo cation and price. Address K ID. Ree. N MT6S :x WANTED First-class mailing lists. Good money for the right kind. Write for par ticulars. Mary Q. Crowther. Geneva, Ohio. N M263 2X A VICTORIA trap Stanhope buggy, with rubber lire. Inquire 1057 8. 29 av. p 7W8 OCEAN STEAMERS CLARK'S PARTIES TO EUROPE. 1904 Twenty Excursions during , Spring and Summer. Ocean Tickets All Lines. Bead for Tourist Uasette. T. C. CLARK, iU Broadway. N. T. THIS FOR THAT HAVE you a vacant lot to exchange for a Bar I or suite and a planoT Address K s, ee. Z M7H8 M3 Wlli, trade sewing machine for typewriter. Neb. Cycle Co., iith and Harney. Z M700 IF YOUR old furniture don't suit, we will exchange new for It. Tel. 771. Z-M733 MM $300 AUTOMATIC Reglna music box. (am y case, to exchange (or piano or rlanola. Address K 13, Bee. Z M731 MIH $350 FISCHER PIANO for t1t: will trndi for 2l-hand furniture. Enterprise Furni ture Co., 102 8. 14th. Tel. ""S. Z i&a 10-IN. DISC records taken in exchange for new records. Columbia Phonograph Co., 1G21 Farnam. Z 731 A FINE set of books by the greatest ors- . tor America has yet produced, will sell cheap or trade for good guitar. Address K 20, Bee. Z-783 3c x WHAT have you to exchange fcr a plsr.ot Perfleld Piano Co.. Bee Bldg. Tel 701. z-7s: FOR TRADE A farm In Fillmore Co Neb. to exchange for stock of groceries or dry goods Invoicing about $3,000. J. M. Dailey, Seward, Neb. Z FOR EXCHANGE-Splendid 180 acres near Lexington, Neb., 120 acres In alfalfa, price $4,000, for Omaha property. 10-room modern residence, o;en nickel plnmblng, stone walks, large barn, all In first-class condition, price $7,500, for good farm. W. R. 1 SOMAN, 1517 FARNAM ST. Z-1S2 I FINE music box; what have you. K 87 Ree. Z2H7 3x AGENTS WANTED WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subset lotions to THH TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER; steady employment with ueaureit good in come; agents in the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $00 to $lou per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' ttursau. Bee Building, Omaha. J 213 AGENTS make $U dully selling tha cheap est and most perfect Water Filter ever Invented; retol'a at K big profit; exclusive territory. SENECA FILTER Co., Ben- sea, Mo. J M.44 x BIG MONEY In squabs; tney sell for $2 to $6 a doxen; cheaply raised in only four weeks; write tor our free book about this rich Industry. Plymouth Rook Squab Co., 29 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. J START Mall-Order Business: big nroftta; partic-ultys for stamp. Frnnklin-Howard Co., Denver, Colo. J AGENTS Big profits, quick sales: don't accept an agency until you get my free samples and liberal offer,, T. hi. Siymnti, 2141 to 2161 Franklin ave., St. Louis, Mo. J AGENTS Make $10,000 a year In roall order butrlncss; great plan; particulars free. A. E Swstt, 310 Royal lnsmance Bldg., Chi oc.go. J HUSTLERS Write us; we teach you free in 3 days to play. Columbia xlther and "put ycu next $1.6v0 a year; this means big money to yo-j; let us back you to win good thing; don't wait; write now. Phonohurp Company, 160 Liverpool St., East Boston, Mass. J $38.00 WEEKLY and openses to agents selling our $1.00 bottle Sarsaparllla lor S4 cents. Address F. R. Greeno, 116 Lake St., Chicago. J OUR agents are making money. You can, too, by celling our staple novelties. Sam ples 2c. Nassau Co., Room 66, Mills Building, fcan Francisco. J FREE scmple to agents; self-lighting pocket lamp, size of lead pencil; burns poriectly; takes place of keronene lamp, candles and matches: rapid seller. Seeing s believing. Send stamp. Specialty Intro duction Co., 87 C, Nassau St., N. Y. J AGENTS wanted to sell a very attractive, newly patented article. Useful in all hotels, cafes, ss well as private resi dences. Easy sulier and pays big rrotlt Write for terms. Hyle Combination Trsy 1 . r, . GENERAL AGENTS Big profits, exclusive territory, continuing dividends on sub agents; every farmer, plumber, blaok smith, marble worker or niechanio buys . at sight; one agent made K76. last month. .Luther Bros. Co.,. 117 Ohio ave., North Milwaukee Wis. . J 179 lx AGENTS Cost $3.50; the only machine that g'ves stick gum, tens fortune, ana letter t:om your swee tneurt all for 1 cent. J. W. Livingston, Armour station. Chicago. J-136 lx LOUISIANA Putchase Ci.rd Co. makes en. lertulnlng easy; evcrynony picanca; u games; 62 educational tarda; agents sur prised. St Louis. J-143 lx AGENTS to sell the 'Family Maohlne Thread" to consumers; 1,200 yards in length, equal to six ordinary spools; can be carried In connection with other lines; sample and particulars 15 cents. R. G. Wallace, Allen Bldg., Boston. J 100 lx . vtnvirv MAKER Send 10c for sample: evnry woiran Duys. i-enn opeciany uo., Dept. E, Mount Oliver, i'tt. j no ix - AGENTS make 600 per cent profit selling "Novelty Sign Cards;" merchants buy 10 to 100 on sight; 800 varieties; catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 1189 Maplewood Ave., Chicago, III. J-112 lx MONEY In mushrooms; cheaply grown by olther sex in cellars, tables, gardens, etc whole year; send for free booklet and learn this profitable business. Dept. 81, EASTERN IMPORTING CO. Brighton, Mass. J 119 1 WE START you selling diamonds. BoQ't fail getting our uoerai oner. o uuuj- sure Carrion oiamonu N. Y. Mention paper. Co., Syracuse. J-Uil IX SALESMEN'S side line. Won't Interfere with regular line. Big profits; easy sj:er. Walter A. Zelnlcker, In St. Louis. J AGENTS, greatest money maker yet Im ported German Onyx Medallions-new. Write now. Sample at cost. Uraves Blsseeuw Co., 1MJ Ellsworth Ave., Oisnd Rapids, Mich. J-i"i AGFNTS, Al, to sell the Hercules Ham mock Htonil direct to user. Good commis sion. References. Write for particulars. W. E. Stanhope & Co., Cenierv.lle, la. J- lt4 !x AGENTS, our men make $3 to $10 per day fitting glaeses; our 24 page r REK EYu. BOOK tells all about It. Write Jackson Ian Optical College, College Place, Jack Son, Mich. J WANTED Agents to handle fastest selling 10c article; every one - will buy; send l centu for suinule and terms. Cornelia Hum lv Co.. 34-44 Cornelia St., N. - J 167 IX AGENTS $60 a week guaranteed; Auto matic Washers sell themselves. Agent writes: "Exhibited sample to ten women; took ten orders." Time 4i minutes, profit over $ji; guaranteed to do a wabhlng In W) minutes; furnishes own power; requires no labor; coats less tnsn any other ma chine; free sample and exclusive terri tory furnished. Automatic Washer to., Station U, Chicago. J-164 lx ONE man. each unoccupied state with ref erences itnd few hundred dollars secures twelve years' business selling only ar ticle of Us kind in the world protected by four patents. New York. Hull. 154 East ild at., j its ix 310 A DAY to act as general managers or work at the World's fair. Live men and women ara coining money. Bund 60 cts. for complete outfit. Addreaars of all con cessional! es, with color plates of fair, l'lke and city, lfi puges. Write for ter ritory. W. W. Ellis, Dept. 1. 11$ North Sixth St.. St Louis, U. 8. A. J-147 lx AGENTS $10 to V weekly profits; we send proof, read In dark, lame'phuca, numbers and signs; send f"r sample; your najne on postul will do. Wright Supply Co.. En glewood, Ilh J-130 U AGENTS WANTED Sample watches free; write for particulars. Acme Jewelrv Co , hts Fulton St., New York. J-.61 lx AGENTS. BTREETM EN, HUS'iLERS We have got tliu best ten-cent article on mar ket: a hot seller and largeat pruftt-maksr ever patented; it la a novelty needed by every man and boy: send for circulars and territory to Parkes St Co., 1985 Web ster sve , New York. J 126 lx DRESSMAKING IN families. Miss Sturdy, 2006 Davenport -Lus WANTED, dressmaking In families; best of rsfersnoea. Addrtea II U. Bee. Mttt Mis T 1 i x