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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1904)
THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. MAY 1. 1004. 1T SPORTING GOSSIP f 'thi Iced the Ice.' Ju.t a llttlp. tiny rrack. but wlilo pnnujrh to (""n through, tind It In nil the mure comforting; brraunr It wait rrtii ke! in the firnvr around, where the OmnhH tram iinan't won a tea mo bfore ni Ioiir that the mind halt before the tnk of rerslllng; trhrn. It .as done so neatly, too. show ing: that the boya ran play ball h'n Ofraslon require. Juat a few more aiir'n wins aa that and the home fiina will be ready to do nlmoat anything for the team. The real feature of the f.ame ao far la the; way Denver and Colorado Sprlncs peo ple are not turning out to aee the (rnme. Five hundred Is a hi crowd In either town. Juaf what la the reason for this apathy lan't t-xplalned. but the attendanre la far from encouraging. tn providing Ienver with a team that la better In every regard than any it ever had In the fleM. Oeorge Te.beau more than redeemed bin promise to the people there, and now If they do not support It. .veil, Denver will tiave to take a place among the dead one. The Colorado capital la too far out of the way to ever ret anything but Western lojigue ball, and If the people there won't patronize Weetern league ball, why they'll not get any. Maybe when the political tur moil haa quieted down a little the citizens will have more time to go to the names. tt any rate. If s a cinch that Tebeau can't Stand for BOO crowds very long at home. Omaha players have been hanging out wore hits In a game than they used to get in a week, and It's a cinch that that sort f thing will win In time. The experience of the Rourke family haa not been exactly encouraging alnoe It set sail for the state of strikes and cllmi'te, but It has hardly been worse than was expected. In fact, the batting haa been a decidedly encouraging feature, and we all feel that with a little more practice for the games of laat week were little more than prac tice games for Omaha, even If they do count In the standing the team 'will be able to hold Its own, even with the "100 per cent" boys from Denver. In fact, there's a sneaking belief here that Mr. Rurko will be willing to take 98.8 for his gang be fore It gets home from Its first trip. It doesn't look such a much from this dis tance, and barring Its pitchers, can be duplicated several times without going out aide the league. Ta Rourke's first letter home contained the looked-for roar on the umpire. lie says Cusack Insisted on the pitchers stand ing with both feet on the ground while in the act of delivering the ball. No rule re quires this, and if that Is Cusack's Inter pretation of the law laid down by the high cockalorums of the game, he had bet ter give up right away. The pitcher Is til lowed to lift one foot and tike one step when In the act of delivering the ball. He must start with both feet against the rub ber, but Isn't required to keep them there 11 the time. Ryan may have been respon sible for this vagary on the part of Cusack, for smooth Jimmy had his twlrlers trained to stand In the attitude described, and this naturally gives him a shade the best of It on the go In. It's only another evidence that you've got to live and learn to keep up with the glorious game of base ball. And there's mighty few wrinkles In the business that good old Jimmy Ryan doesn't know something about. Just the same, he'll find out that he Isn't the whole procession before the end of next Septem ber, and this Isn't a threat; It's only a promise. Just to show that the Omaha team Isn't the worst thing that ever happened, here Is the record It made during the games played up till Saturday of last week: Battlas; Averages. ' AB. R. II. Ave. iiennerson z Kreeae g Welch 20 Thomas ......... 28 Hchnfstall .. t McCarthy , 6 Oomtlng 17 Miller 1 0 1.000 .STB 2 4 0 0 0 0 .350 .346 .333 .333 ..94 ,2xtt Howard 25 .280 Carter 25 .240 Dolan 23 fihlpke 25 Companion 4 Llebhardt 7 .182 .1U0 '.H3 .51 Totals 218 SO 0 Fielding Averages O. ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 13 ... 12 ... 61 ... 15 ... 12 ... 12 ... 4 ... ... 7 ... T. Ave. Bchsfatall ... Companion ,. I.lebhardt ... Oondliig Hhlpke Thomas Howard 1.00) 1.000 l.ono .931 .910 .909 .81 .8.V) .833 Miller olan Freeae Welch Carter .... McCarthy Henderson Totals .70) .H87 .000 .145 23 42 . These statistics are not at all satlsfac tory, but It is the best that can be given Just now. It Is just as unnatural to have Bobbie Carter fielding 70 per cent as it I to have Henderson batting lft) per cent Last season Henderson was at the la asaiy-iour times ana roaae six nits, an average of .94 per cent. Carter made but even errors during the entire season, play ing in 108 game;. This pair Is cited as an illustration of the erratic game Omaha has been producing since the season started. it-Jim & Omaha Proof E. VL BVhnellbacaer of the Omaha Track company, W7 Boolh Tnth treat says: ' "Wbtui a young man I strained my back lifting, and ever since any extra work, too much stooging or a cold settling la ths lotas affected the kidneys and brought ca backache. Aa advertisement about I toan's Kidney HUs led me to precurs a box at Kuhn A Co.'s drug atora. corner Fifteenth una Douglas streets. The treatment cured roa." OF. THE WEEK Better things are certainly looked for. The b.tttlng Is satisfactory, a tc.-im average of .271, but the drilling .9o5, Is sway below par. Downs' work at fcr-ond evidently didn't suit Papa Bill, for the redheaded boy was lifted out of the pame lit the third Inning last Monday and Howard aent In. Howarl has been playing second fairly well and Welsh haa been doing nil that could be ex pected of him In the outfield, but the change has been one for the worse. Dea Mo'pea suffered even worse than Omaha, though, for Young Towne, the first baseman who went behind the bat to stop the gap there, nnd who was doing splen didly as a catcher, had a flnser broken In one of the Denver games and left Hoffer high nnd dry for a backstop. Hoffman was moved from short to the wlndpad station snd the team generally rearranged. Hoffer hopes that Lee Fohl will come buck, now that he has been turned loose by Detroit, but Fohl professes to have a desire to stay In Chicago and sue the Tigers for a season's pHy, alleging that he wasn't treated right by the management. I'nless he would rather work than play base ball ho will be back in Dcs Moines before very long. This matter of supply and demand In base ball is a queer thing. Last season third basemen were as scarce as hen's teeth; now almost every team In the country has two, and some of them three, and catchers, who I w re so plentiful a few years ugo that the , pooreru nuu luuiu jihvu iwu uremic:, itrv ao few that some clubs hnven t any, and none has more than It really needs. Part of this s due to the practice that Is being revived In the big leagues of having a certain catcher to work with u certain pitcher, and to lay off one when the other Isn't working. This was all right In the good old days when one or two gumes a week were us ninny as a pitcher or catcher could stand, but In these times when a careful catcher will go through an entire season without having ao much as a fingernail taken off, It seems a little fuddy. But the big olubs will have to commence to weed out pretty soon In order to get down to the legal limit of rosters, and then the little fellows will have a chance to get some needed players. Papa Bill Rourke hopes to introduce to the Omaha public very soon another pitcher. He will give no tip as to the name of the lucky boy Just now, but admits that his negotiations with a big league club are about to bear fruit. Bill has been work ing on this deal for a long time and be lieves he has the matter cinched now. With this man and Brown, who will be here about the first week In June, he thinks he will be In good shape on the pitching proposition. Root, who did not accompanying the team on its western trip. has been given his release along with Downs, so as to bring the team down to the fourteen men limit. The team will get home from Dea Moines next Friday evening, and on Saturday will entertain the Hawkeyea at a reception at the Vinton park. No parade will be in dulged in, but Mayor Moores will pitch the first ball, as he haa done every season since the present Western league was called into existence. An orchestra will play during the afternoon and the affair will be made as pleasant as possible for every body in attendance. Including the Dea Moines team, the members of which will be considered the guests of Omaha, and will be trealed aa such, except that they will be gloriously beaten in the conflict It Is not known who will be assigned as um pire here, but this will be a small item. Soma little consolation exists in the thought that we nearly won a game off Pop Kyler on the Denver grounds, and that It wasn't his pitching that beat us. We hammered the old boy for an elegant bunch of safeties, but the muffs of Carter and Welsh were enough to lose two games Instead of one. Eyler has been fortunate as well as skillful in his Ions string of victories over Omaha, and it seems that his luck Is going to hold out until the end. The team at Sioux City haa received sup port that augurs well for the financial suc cess of the team. On the opening day nearly 1000 people were present. It was the greatest Incentive to good work that Cap tain Jay Andrews, could receive. Several players didn't show up until Just before the opening game, fcelgler, a heavy batting outfielder, died of pneumonia, which was a sad blow to the Sioux. Bert Dunn, the sec ond baseman, spilt his hand in preliminary practice for the opening game and could not participate In any of the home series. and Captain Tommy Hess was unable to catch in the St. Joe series here. Of the four games played at Sioux City "King" Kelley, the little shortstop who with Omaha last year caught two. Jay Parker. pitcher, caught one, and In the last c the series Buerwald, who has been all around the circuit already this season, caught. In none of the four games played was the In field or the outfield the same. With all these afflictions to contend with Sioux won three of four games at home In the first series. And all the fans are satisfied. Vpon Pitchers Jarrott and Parker haa fillen the most of the work. Jarrott pitched two of the four games here against Chlnn of St. Danger Spot ri In ths small of the back, just above the hips, is the danger spot a Jangerou3 spot for pain and most aches of thi back start th:rs. There is a reason for this, and it Ii:s in the kidneys, which are located near the small of the back- Such pains should b: called kidney pains backachs should hi Called kidney-ache- Ths secrei of why DoarVs Kidney Pills cure backache quickly is that th:y reach the cause the kidneys- Neglect the earlier symptoms of kidney ills and strioui complications follow urinary disordsrs, rh:umitlc pains, diabetes, dropsy, bright' diseases- A TRIAL FREE Joseph, winning both games. In" one other f game he pitched the last Inning and In still another he was placed In lelt nem. ram played second In one game and caught a other. Vmplre Keefe gave golid sntlsfa ker an- ac- tlon at Sioux City and promises to tc s cere in all his decisions. lin- Though Des Moines has seen no cham pionship games and the team has been h.t tlng a losing gait in the west, the fans, are In no way disheartened 'and await tie home-coming of the team anxiously. There Is a rivalry felt In Des Molnea between Ploux City and Dcs Moines for state hon ors. If Des Moines has to be at the bottom the local fans hope that Sioux City will be Just beneath. On the other hand, if the I'o'.ltlclans are at the top the same feeling exists that Sioux City be Just one notch underneath. The plans for the opening day of the Field club, next Saturday, are now practi cally complete, and appearances Indl ate that the golf tournament, with which the event will be signalised, will be a good one to go by for the rest of the season. It Is to be a handicap race over the new course of eighteen holes, and is In charge of the tournament committee, of which E. P. Boyer Is chairman, with Walter I). Wll klns and Instructor A. J. Christy acces sories before and after the fact. The handi caps will be given at the time the player J are paired off by this committee, and s me very attractive prizes have been donated for the best net scores by various concerns around town. The llrst prize is a golf bag, donated by the Deo-Qlass-Andreesen com pany; second, a pair of golf clubs, given by the Townaend Gun company; third, pair of golf clubs, by the Omaha News com pany; fourth, box of cigars, given by Pax ton & Gallagher. The Richardson Drug company also give a box of cigars for the best gross score. Last year there were 115 golfers at the club, and this season more than 150 have already begun to warm up to the game, with still more to follow. Among those who have shown the fastest clip thus far are H. B. Morrill, who was last year's champion by a wide margin and who bids fair to hold onto the laurels won, this season; C. R. Bone, Dr. Sumney, J. B. Kahm, Harry Lawrie, John Murphy and a lot of others who are not so far behind but what they can hear the remarks of the leaders when things don't driven Just right. The members of the Field club felt that they were fortunate In securing the ser vices of such a man aa Christy tor an in structor from the time of his engagement. but he has already made good in a man ner that makes their assurance QouDiy sure. HI record, so far as golf Is con cerned, is one to conjure by, and while he haa aa yet taken time to play over the course only once or twice, on every occa sion he hus played so close to the bogey of 82 that his game has looked large to all who have seen It. Christy is a member of the St. Andrews Golf club of Scotland, and one has only to hear him talk and see him handle a club to be convinced that he is to the manor born. For the laat six years he has been with the Riverside and Home wood clubs, both of Chicago, and holds the course record of both. Beat of all, ha is an expert club maker, and has, in fact. spent much of his time since he has been in Omaha in fitting out various members of the club with sticks that have In every Instance proven more than satisfactory. A completely equipped shop for the manufac ture and repair of all golf rigging has been installed at the club house and breakdowns have thus far been largely robbed of their terrors. The Crelghton second team went to Bellevue the other day and took a tumble out of the home team at the ratio of 7 to L Every one of the minor as well aa the heavy weight teams of the city that have gone against these youngsters thus far hava given them a drubbing and yet the Bellevue lads have a good team and play good ball on occasion. It must be a case of stage fright when it comes to lining up against an Omaha combination. Come to think of It, though, this rule seems to hold good aa to all kinds of athletics in which Omaha is concerned. The High school basket ball team, both of boys and ' girls. have lowered the colors of Bellevue and at the track stunts held at the Toung Men's Christian association, a few weeks ago Bellevue was also found, wanting. Considerable Interest Is evinced among local automobile drivers In the coming international cup race from the fact that the Winton concern has decided to enter it's famous "Bullet No. 2," until recently driven with such great success by Barney Oldfleld, and that the Peerless company will also put one of Its machines into the competition. Probably more than 90 per cent of Omaha machines are of one or the other of these makes and the Interest and rivalry Is perfectly natural. . When Old' field drove the Winton car It beat all world's records up to fifteen miles, with a one mile straightaway at Ormond beach in forty-three seconds. It has an eight cylinder engine and though rated at only eighty horsepower. Is believed capable of developing 120. The car Is now slightly over the cup weight, but can be stripped to get within the requirements. On the other hand the owners of the Peerless racer will not divulge many -facts concern' Ing It but it Is known to be lighter and of less horse power than the other. Oldfleld Is authority for the assertion that in his opinion the lighter car stands the better T Omaha Bee Readers, sarsTT w wtsl an. mI su Mpi is "'' ' 1 II chance over a long road with grades and turns such aa will characterise the course in the International race. Meantime the Omnha owners of both makes of machines 111 centlnue to brag of the relative merits of each and whichever comes out ahead n the great event will not make the slightest difference In the cplnlon of either class. Fredriekson, by the Way, the agent n Omaha for both these makes, has ordered a Winton "nullet" for his own use and will have It here In a few days to exhibit to Its various admirers. One of the notable auto excursions by Omaha people this season will be taken by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wllklns. who will leave for New York City the Hrst of July. In tending to make the entire trip there and back In their touring car and be gone wo months, or as much longer as It takes to go, see all the sights en route and come back again. They will be accom panied by Louis Bostwkk and his camera and anticipate a Journey long to be remembered. They will tour the New England states while absent and get a stop over ticket for St. Louis exposition on their way back. Mr. and Mrs. Wllklns went to Buffalo by the same means last season and so have no misgivings as to the pleasure to be derived from their com ing Jaunt. The auto fad Is certainly assuming gigan tic proportion.! in Omaha and bids fair to outstrip all other forms of sport by those who have the wherewithal. And there are heaps of them who have, or did have, for new machines are shying into the streets every day. The honk of the new chaffours keeps pedestrians stepping sideways and motormen and teamsters on the qui vlve, but nobody has been hurt yet, so far as heard from, and there Is very little scorch ing on the part of the. benzine burners so far as observed within the city limits. The big tourng cars seem to have the call for the man who is able to own and operate a small one can handle and, usually, buy a big one as well, so there are ten of the ton neau variety to one of the runabouts. The garage that's the swell name for bensine buggy shop corner is a busy place these days, and what, with the amateurs who are Just learning the game and occasionally try to climb the sides of the buildings and the telegraph poles; the ones who have learned it to such good purpose that they have broken down, and the machines being exhibited by the experts anxious to sell it, In little wonder that this particular pave ment Is pretty much given over to the horseless, and shunned by the nervous citizen. Apropos of the horseless Is the fol lowing, which seems to about express 1 from the standpoint of the horse; I have no differential clutch And no pneumatic tire; I guess I don't amount to much. For none comes to admire My form or speed 1 have no cam; And, to my aeep remorse, I must confess I only am A one horse power horse! They used to stroke my sorrel side And tell how I could go; Today they speak In tones of pride Of some bright red tonneau. But, though my sorrow is so great And anger is so keen, I'm glad to have a chance to stats 1 don't eat gasoline. I don't know how to carburet. Nor how to radiate When I wished to get up and get 1 simply struck my gait. 'TIs true, In casting out the beam For fairness I should try , But, lectrlc, gasoline, or steam. The "mote" is in my eye! I have no wondrous steering gear But still they rush to see A thing that has, I'm pained to hear, A horseless pedigree. - They used to pet me all the time. But now they only shrug Their shoulders, and pass by, for Im A poor old spar Id ess plug! W. D. Nesblt, In the Chicago Tribune. The April number of the Auto Era, con tains a half-page cut underneath which are the magio words, "Mr. William H. Crane takes a spin in Mr. H. E. Frediickson's Winton at Omaha." Either the photog rapher or the engraver haa given Mr. Fred riekson the appearance of having his wires crossed or else being in the unenviable posi tion of a man with a flea gnawing at his vitals and has been ths cause of much good-natured "kidding" on the part of the well known chauffeur's Omaha friends. Mr. Crane did not fare much better in the pic ture. He has a slant on, literally speak ing, and a ook-pleasant-pleaae smile that certainly won't come off. But the likeness of the machine Is excellent, and of course that Is the main thing under the circum stances. Bwl There will be a show down in the long dawn out negotiations between the Omaha Driving association and the men who now control the driving parH this week. In speaking of the matter the other day Sec retary James W. Carr of the association aid that the organization he represents has been waiting, since its meeting in March, at Mr. Dennlson's request, on the ground that he was too 111 to transact any business and not because they had no alternative but to wait. "Now that i he is recovered," said Mr. Carr, "there Is no reason why the matter should not be closed up one way or the other, and it will be so far as we are concerned. We have made Tuthtll and Dennlson two propositions, one for the pur chase of their rights and one for the lease of the property. They have also told us what they would take on the pur chase proposition, and it is more than the property is worth and more than the as sociation can or will give. If they do not materially decrease this figure or decide to lease the property to us at a fair price, we shall not bother with the matter any more, but will make other arrange ments. The only other plans we can make at present are to hold our meets on the speedway south of Hanscom park or go to the Council Bluffs track. Either of these arrangements, of course, places the association at a disadvantage, but that would be only for this season. It Is the aim and purpose of the association to ultimately own its own grounds and to have a club house and all the acces sories thereon, but this acquirement has got to be worked up to gradually. We cannot do it at one Jump, and will not make the mistake of trying to. Our first meeting is set for May 31 and will be held on that date somewhere, with a meet ing every two weeks thereafter during the summer. Of course we hope and I may say that I believe it will be on the track at the driving park; but the half-mile straightaway at the speedway Is not so bad." i It la more or leas well known among the local drivers that the club has offered Tut hill and Dennlson two for their Interest at the driving park, and that the price set by the owners is 10u0. though Mr. Carr would not deny or affirm these figures. Tuthtll says the buildings alone, which comprise his interest, are worth more than the driv ing association offers for the whole shoot ing match and that, on ths other hand, he does not want to lease, but wants to get rid of the property at a fair, reasonable price and wash his hands of the game and the nJxup aa It now exists, and the way It looks from the road no one can blame him. Dennlson is noncommittal. Carr says It will be settled this week. Omaha and Nebraska shooters didn't do a thing at ths Kansas City shoot last week, but cams pretty near copping out all the prise money and cups and things that were in s4ght. Charlie Thorpe scooped in and took home with him ths Schemelser silver trophy, which was ths bright particular tar of the meeting, besides getting neat to GOOD THE Riches take wings and fly away are squandered- and lost in extravagance and speculation, and niore often prove a curse than a blessing. A foolish desire to accumulate wealth for the benefit of posterity, has led to the -physical undoing of thou sands. Health is lost in the mad pursuit of riches, diseases are contracted, the vitalizing, nutritious properties of the blood are almost exhausted by demands of the nervous system, and it is little wonder that children born of such parents are sickly, weak, anaemic and illy developed. Better to be born poor aud healthy than rich and sickly. Good blood is the best legacy, for that means strong, vigorous bodies, well nourished sys tems and nerves, muscles'aud all the machinery of the body in perfect condition. When handi capped by some inherited disease, not ouly is life's strugglevmade harder, but existence becomes a lingering misery, and even if blessed with riches, sickness is a hindrance to their enjoyment. Through the blood, diseases are carried from one generation to another. Parent transmit, them to their children, and so it goes on for years unless the taint is lemoved from the blcnxU Cancerous Ulcers, Rheumatism, Blood Poison, Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, Skin Erup tions of various kinds, are all evidences of a de praved and poisoned blood. " Like begets like" is true of the vegetable world, and is true also of the animal kingdom. We know that certain seeds produce certain plants, and sickly parents or those in whose blood is a taint of some old family ailment or blood poi son ; diseases are apt to develop in their chil dren, either in infancy or later on in life. If you can't leave a legacy of riches, at least start them out in life with pure and unpolluted blood : this thev can with reason exnect. for it is their rightful inheritance. Often some old chronic illness that might have been uprooted and driven out of the blood is neglected, and posterity is made to suffer the consequences of this neglect. If you have any disease for which bad blood is responsible, to neglect it is almost a crime you are unjust to yourself and false to your offspring to do so. Purify your blood; get rid of the taint and. leave to others good blood which, after all, is the best legacy. No remedy ever discovered is so reliable in diseases of the blood as S. S. S. Experience and a thorough test have proven its efficacy. It has been in use for nearly fifty years aud has been growing in dition, and through it new energy and strength are imparted to all parts of the system, the cir culation is quickened, and the old taint, humor or poison causing the disease is driven out through the natural channels. Keep 3'our own blood uncontaminated if you hope to leave a welcome legacy to those who come after. If you have any chronic trouble or stubborn skin dis ease due to bad condition of the blood, write us about it and our physicians will cheerfully advise you without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, CAm two or three second and third moneys in other events. He won the cup with a score of 46 kills of a possible 60 in the main event of the meeting. Gus Schroedcr an nexed first money to the extent -of about $50 In the team race, with 4 dead ones out of X live ones, and killed 23 birds In the sweepstakes, which let him in on a division of second money with one or two others. The possession of another cup got down to a question of superiority between Veach and Townsend, both making 25 straight kills in the first round. In the next Veach dropped 24 Inside the line and Townsend 23, making the score for the fifty birds 49 and 48 respectively and landing Veach winner, but bringing the money Omahawards just the aame. But Townsend didn't feel bad, for he got five first moneys, as It was, and lost only six birds out of the first 120 he banged - at. He killed 20 straight In one event and 15 tn another, and to top oft with, was elected treasurer of the Inter state association, so that now he has all the money of the whole shebang anyhow and doesn't need to waste any more pow der to get it. But he probably will, Just the same. The only big prize that got at tached to Kansas City was the T. I Coombs trophy, won here last winter by Silver Sleverson, which went to C. Dixon. It might be stated in passing that one reason why the Kawvllle man beat Silver out of the Coombs trophy was because the aforementioned Sliver wasn't there to pro tect It. Incidentally, it may be challenged and shot for at any time within a year. The St. Croix Tennis club will be heard from within a few weeks In a way that may surprise the people hereabouts. Six courts are being constructed on this or ganization's grounds at Thirty-second and Center streets that will, when completed, be second to none In this part of the coun try. More than all that, a little bird Is per sistently circulating the report that before many more seed times and harvests "nave come and gone the club will have a house to go with the grounds and a lot of other things will add to Its price and popularity. WONDROUS REGION The South Platta Valley, traversed by the Union Pacific, offers unsurpassed opportunities to bomeseekers and others. This Valley possesses a perfect soil and will have la a few years aa irrigation system capable of supplying water to every foot of Its arable land. The climate Is aa ideal one, crops always being saved entire. NO OTHER COUNTRY Is better fitted fof producing snch yields per acre of the three crops that give the largest yearly profits potatoes, alfalfa aad sugar beets. Homt$tluTt Em cur ion Xm4i, mtu mrt fUu ttjoa at rcmnj trip, on ssU Iktjtrsl mmJ ikird Tmttdayi im Marrk, Afrit, Ma, Aug., Jitfi. undOct. Inquire ol say' Uslos Pacific ticket rest, or "ITT TICKET OHTTCE. 1314 Parnam 8L, 'Phone 310, UNION 8TATrON IOth and M.iruy. 'I h.nie O. popularity au tne time, ana sm s$m s tor the uiooa" is kuuwu throughout the country as the, standard remedy in all chronic, deep seated blood troubles. S. S. S. is the only blood medicine guaranteed entirely vegetable and which does not contain a single mineral in gredient. Because your disease may be inherited from a long line of ancestors is no reason it cannot be cured. Get your blood in good con a FAVORITE FUTURE BOOKS AMERICAN DERBY World's Fair, Brooklyn and Suburban Handicaps. Write for quotations. Commis sions handled on all races. JAMES O'LEARY 41&3 S. HALSTEAD CT.. BHICAOO. I-ong Piatance 1'hon. Yards oJ ami (4. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER usscribe Avw, - Oopd SR$i' ;VJ INHERITED SCROFULA.. Dear Sirs: I Inherited Sorofula, and abont seven yswi ago suflered Intensely from it. Tried every doctor availa ble at great expense, but grew rapidly worss ; la faot, had Riven up all hope of being cured, and as a dying man will grasp nt a straw, I was persuaded by my brother, muoh against my will, to try S. S. 8. After taking lx bottles, I felt a wonderful ohange for the better. I oontlnned to take it for about bix months, taking in all about fifteen bot ties, whloh entirely enred me. ' It Is with pleasure that I reoommend your medicine, and I oannot say too much In Its praise. It Is oertainly better than all doctors for diseases caused by Impure blood, whether Inherited or otherwise, In addition to be ing muoh less expensive, it does its work thoroughly and without fail. Wishing you unlimited suooess, whloh your medicine so Justly deserves, I reman. W. H. BTOCKTON. Montgomery, Va. The Ontv Doubt Track Railway between the Missouri River and Chicago A DAILY TRAINS V OMAHA TO CHICAGO 8.25 PM THE OVERLAND LIMITED Misnlflocnt tolld daily train to Ohtniuto. Oompjrt mnt ul drtwtns-roum IhpIdi '. library. bu barber. Ith, ll. bon.. dining oara and obaarraUoa can. Klaotrlo iiaiMa mrouauuu.. 8.00 AM THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS Pullman tovriat .iMpLn oar. aad coach. llnin an aaal trout Clinton. 5.50 PM THE EASTERN EXPRESS Pullman drawtne-room and toortat alaanlns cart, fraa inclining ohair oara, bufiat library sad amoaliiS San. billing oar. 3 OTHER DAILY TRAINS 3fl lit Fllraandrawlng-iwmlwliicr,toff tall All making and library oar anu tro reclln .VU tn cnaTr to chioago. Dining oara, II 1 (1 in Through rrio Omaha to Chicago I .'111 AM North -Waatarn atandard day ooach id f onatr oara. UiniDg oara. I (IP n. Fra ehalr ear to Ohio m JH fm laping car from Amu to Chicago. Pullman m CkJoago. ma -" w - I., uar aarvlna braaalaat. 2 DAILY TRAINS ST. PAUL:MINNEAPOLIS 7 50 am obMhrTBti" u' p"iT ' ' 81 DU Pullman looping oara. bnSst library i I 3 n arand fra ravllalas ouur can. BLAG El HILLS ) Cfl Dtl Torramont. Llnooln.Wahoo.PaltdClty, l.UU Tm Vara, liaatlnaa. howard. Oana.a. HuW rlor, Norfolk, Lena Tin, Claapor, Mot Hpringa, LMadwuod and ImiT. Through raolinlng chair earn Pull niaa alaaplng oar Mrvioa. .05. Ill To rrvmant. Llaeoln. Wahoo. Norfolk, F " Long Piaa, Variiiifra. Btiuaataal aad U bad luulaa lion ovuBtrj. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1401 and 1403 Farnam Street. Charges Less Than All Others DR. McGREW, SPECIALIST Treats all fur ma of Ulaeaaes of MEN ONLY. Twenty-eight Years' Experience. ' tignieen Years in umana. The doctor's re.iutrkaule succeis has never been equaled. liU reaources anil lacllltlea for trtatliig; this class of disoaaes are unlimited and every day brings many Mattering reports of lha Kood he Is doing or the relief he has given. HOT SPRINGS TREATMENT fOR AU Blood I'oUorui. No "UilEAKINO OUT" on the skin or f.vo? cod all external siting of ths disease dlxappear at once. A pur. mannnt cure for lift- truarauted. VADirflrfl FCL'KKa GUARANTEED In TrKllULLU.lK8a THAN VIVK UAY8. VFAD 10 fiOfl cured of Hydrocele. IlLrin JUUUtl stricture, Ciloet, Nervous Debility, Low of Btreng-th and Vitality and all foiuia of chronic dlsouaus. Treatment by nutll. Call or write, liox ICS. Office 215 Bouth 1ta St.. Omaha. Neb. For Menstrual Suppression ?ZrZZ, PEN -TAN-GOT SI kas; I fcuiaa. I. MM IS uaha r Saarmaa HcCoaaaU Brw Co- atoll a raora git. Traaa ua THE CONTINENTAL. CIGAR 8TORB. Base Ball Headquarters IMl Faruam fclU