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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1904)
w The Omaha 1 Daily Bee. EDITORIAL SHEET. PAGES 9 TO 16. 'g ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 187L OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, AFRIL 30, 1904. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. Hc;ip 75c L Neckwear.. 39c 50c L Neckwear. ... 25c $5.00 Shirt Waist Patterns $2.25 and $2.75 10c Initial Hakf's 5c 50c Ci,U......25c 1 $1.00 JOc 1 " HOT 20c ' Ribbon.., Wc 35c Taffeta.. 15c iIS THE RELIABLE STORE!. TUB RELIABLE STORE. THE RELIABLE STORK. Three Great Lace Curtain Stocks BROMLEY, BRITTAIX AND THE ZION CITY LACE CURTAINS ON BALH AT HAYDEN'fl. MONDAY, MAT I. THE ENTIRE THIRD FLOOR FRONT DE VOTED TO THE DISPLAY OF SAMPLES. EVERT CURTAIN GUARANTEED PERFECT AND OF THE HIGHEST ART IN CURTAIN MANUFACTURE. ALL NEW, UP-TO-DATE PATTERNS NO OLD STOCK. PURCHASED BY HAYDEN BROS. FOR 8POT CASH. AT A SAVING OF 60 FER CENT OVER IMPORTED GOODS. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. NOTTINGHAMS BRUSSELS NET FVira and white styles, hun- ' 48 styles, hundreds of pain worth dreds of pain worth 11.60 U $US $4.00 ta 118 00 a pair a pair MONDAY MONDAY 69c to $5.50 Pair , $2.50 to $9.75 Pair CABLE NETS ARABIAN Bra and white O itylne, hon- 47 styles, hundreds of pairs worth dreds at pairs worth $4.00 to $8.00 $4.00 to $14 M a pair a pair MONDAY MONDAY $2.50 to $6.50 Pair $2.50 to $8,00 Pair ALL WHO ATTENDED OUR FORMER LACB CURTAIN SALES WERE MORE THAN SATISFIED WITH THE GREAT BARGAINS THIS BALE WILL LEAD THEM ALL flPEOIAL LOT OF MADRAS CURTAINS- 2 Cfl FROM, PAIR. 11.26 TO - . aS.OU SPECIAL LOT OF SILK MADRAS CURTAINS- ft tZ( AT, PAIR, $00 TO - u,ov Ladies' Under wear Bargains 10e Jersey Ribbed Sleeveless Vests, plain or fancy yokes, IOC 00c Jersey Ribbed Umbrella Pants, lace trimmed, 25 C Children's Egyptian Cotton Vests and rants, long slevres and ankle length, nil sizes worth 89o to OSS 60c, st. ..... w' 0Oc Corset Cotsts and Umbrella Draw ers, lace and nibroldery 065- trimmed ...... alSOC Ladles' Cambric Skirts, with deep lace or embroidery ruffles and Nainsook Gowns, Swiss embroidery of Vnl- enclnes lace trimming worth 98c u. 41.80 to f2, Saturday FASHIONABLE , riety Boys' up PARKER CARRIES BANNER Sketch of tie Judge Favored by Democrats of the Empire Bute. TRAITS REVEALED IN PUBLIC STATION Faots Iaterest ta Kabav Mld Democrats ( the Jaekaoa, JiltrMi am4 ?leve . j ' la aahaoL The action of the New Tork stats demo cratic oonvention In declaring for Judfe Parker and Instructing; the defecation to the national convention to vets as a unit fur faint, makes tns New Tork Jurist tba most prominent candidate (or the party's leadership now la the flelcL With few ex ceptions New Tork haa exercised domi nating Influence In democratla national councils. Whether the state this year re sumes Its former Influence In the national convention depends on the elimination of Bryanlsm. la that event the sesenty-telfht votes of the state will give Judge Parker a strong toad for the nomination. His personality and characteristics have be come matters of national Interest and The Bee takes pleasure In presenting to demo crats hereabouts some faots about tbs man most likely to capture the prise at Bt Louis. Doubtless the Jacksontan and Jeffersonlan and Cleveland type of demo crat will appreciate the Information all the more beaause It la denied them by their regular organa Writing in Ue New Tork Herald George Cary Kgglesloa says of the New Tork Judge: For about a score of years Ai'.on B. Parker has been withdrawn from the pub lic view by virtue of bis own high respect for the Judicial offices he has held. It has been his theory and his practice has ac corded with his theory that a Judge sit ting upon the bench of the higher courts, which must now and then deal with Ques tions Involving political dominance, should scrupulously avoid all active participation In politics beyond the casting of his own secret ballot at elections. He has stead fastly obeyed this law which he laid down lor himself. Ha has held that a m chosen to serve la exalted Judicial office Is a man set apart tor the performance of functions too sacred to permit him for one moment to Invite question of his ab solute Impartiality by himself engaging in partisan wrangles or any kuid. ven nwt when his nomination for presl s s w . . vt .-." - - m SI fire You Thinking of a Summer Vacation? You will need a suit case. Now is your chance to se cure a good one at a very low price. Saturday you can se cure a $1.75 Suit Case, for . ...25 3.75 $5.00 Cowhide Suit Case, for. $7.00 Cowhide Suit A Oft Casq, for I,U0 Other grades at $7.50 to $18.00. S9K HE AD WEAR AT UNFASHIONABLE PRICES Saturday you can buy $2 odd CC sized and sample hats at..... OO u Our exclusive lines of style creators are unsurpassed in neatness and va- of form, wearing qualities and price, ne iMi'UitiAL and TIGER HATS at $3.50 have no equals. The CHAMPION $2.50 and BED ROVER $2.00 HATS are unsurpassably good. We also have several other lines at $1 .50 and a complete line of Q Prt JOHN STETSON HATS at. UiOU CAP SALE SATURDAY Boys' and Children's Cape, worth up to 50c, at 25c fine all wool Caps, worth I? fl to 75c, Saturday. , iirls' Silk Automobile Caps, j worth up to $1, Saturday....! dent seems well nigh certain, he holds himself aloof from everything that might aid that honorable ambition. He refuses to be interviewed. He refuses even to sea newspaper men, lest he compromise that Judicial dignity the preservation of which he regards as a supreme duty. By way of explanation he said to an old and tried friend the other day that be was not a candidate for the presidency or for any other political offlca "I am chief Judge of the court of ap peala of New Tork," ha added. "So long as I hold that office It would be an In decenoy for me to become an active can didate for any other plaoe. I am not such a canaiaate. I am aware that my name Is Just now freely spoken of In connection with the presidency. With that I have nothing whatever to do. But as chief Judge of the court of last resort in this State it would In no wise become ma to do any aot or to say any word which might wy.u remotely seem t be a seeking of such a nomination." I have taken down this lrtt.miu tmm the lips of one of Judge Parker's nearest mna most trusted friends, who permitted me a few days ago to copy the exact words as he repeated them. Aa Hoaeraklt Reserve. This reserve is of unn. hiirhiv tinnK. able to Judge Parker's sense of Judicial propriety and equally so to a dignity of mind whloh Is In strange contrast with me nurkstertng methods of soma athar seekers after convention votea ad this dignity la characteristic of the man. So also Is tha reawrv h. i prompts him to practice. He has for nine teen years held a place among the higher Judiciary of his state, honored .nv. h governors ef both parties for his Integrity, nis aigmry ana bis profound respect for the Judicial offlca During all that time he has never ones taken part In any partisan controversy and never once has he uttered a sentence, in publlo or In private, that could be construed as partisan. And yet he Is a man of strong political conviction Before he was elevated to the bench he conducted a democratic state campaign as chairman of the exeootlve committee. He was on of Mr. Cleveland's earliest and moat earnest supporters, one of the strongeet of those men who saw In Mr. Cleveland a candidate fit to repre sent the best traditions of his party and fit also as president to bring the country back to It ancient moorings.' Yet when Mr. Cleveland asked him to aecept an honorable and lucrative office Judge Parker declined. His political activity had had no trace or lalnt of self-seeking In It. So well, Indeed, baa his unselfish de votion to duty ta publlo life been recog SILKS WORTH UP TO SALE SATURDAY AT Wc. There are about 300 pieces In all and Include all the newest and finest silks. They hare been displayed In Sixteenth street windows for the past few days and were the center of attraction. Silks for suits. Foulards, Liberty Satin, Louisene, Liberty Brilliant, Moussellne Taffeta Teau de Gant, 3G-lnch colored Taffeta, 36-inch Whito Wash Silk. 44 lnch Black Grenadine, Tompodour Silk, swell Brocade Satins In evening shades high cost Imported novelties. This sale is far above the ordinary and merits the attention of every woman In the city of Omaha. We can- not Impress upon you too strongly the necessity of early attendance. Sale starts promptly at 8 o'clock L J Monday morning. Silks worth $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 in this sale Saturday Another Safe On Famous Black Raglan Taffeta RAGLAN TAFFETA Is 27 inches wide and is one of the heaviest and stronpest Black Taffetas made. The manu facturers of this silk endeavored to tlx a regular uniform retail price of $1.7." in every store in tlie United States, but we propose to sell our own merchandise at any price we plpime, and as we made an advantageous -v purchase of these Raglan Taffetns, we will offer these $1.75 silks VfC Saturday for -V-fW It Will Pay WOMEN'S SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS Beautiful garments In checks, pin stripes ana pi&in colors. t J til at, $20.00, $16.00, 112.60 and ?J.JJ Other Magnificent Bargains From Our Manufacturer's Stocks. $15.00 women's suits In fancy mix- KQC tures and plain colors, at zrt-' $20 00 suits In the new military style, made of the very best Lymen'a all wool chev lr.ts and handsome voiles, 12,50 Anopportunityjo buy groceries cheaper at Hayden's than any other store in the west. Compare these with other so-called cut prices. Large sack yellow or white Corn Meal..l2Ho Fancy Crisp Ginger Snaps, per lb 4o aruM-Nuti. oer nice - Malta Vita, Korea, Egg-O-Be. Vigor, Vim or Nutrlta, per pkg 7V4o S-lh. oackaa-e Nudavlal J&t men t. So 6 lbshand-ploked Navy Beans 19o 6 lbs. good Japan Rice 19o 6 lbs. Hominy, Sago, Tapioca or Farina, lo 9 lam. oreniiiub v&uuco,...,. ....... .... w Coadansed MJnoe Meat, per pkg 60 Large bottles, Mixed, Sour, Sweet, Chow Chow or Onion Pickles, : per bottle SHo Best Macaroni, per pkg s-so J-lb. can solid packed Tomatoes.......... 7Ho S-lb. can Boston Baked Beans.. 7Vko nised that It was Governor Levi p. Morton, a republican, who designated hem aa a member of the appellate division of the supreme court. Governor Morton did this solely in recognition of the admirable ser vice which Judge Parker had rendered ss a supreme court Justloe and as a member of the Second division of tha court of ap peals, a post to which Governor HiU had assigned him. In 1897 he was the demecratlo candidate for the offloe he now holds, that ef chief Judge of the court of appeala It has been erroneously stated In some newspapers that the republicans nominated no candi date against him and that he was unani mously elected. Buoh was not the ease. The republicans nominated a strong man In opposition, but Judge Parker was elected by more than SO.OOO plurality. Judge Parker Is not eulte R years old. In persen he Is a large man, six feet In height, broad In the shoulders and un usually musoular. Although he can-lea not an ounce of what athletlo trainers oall "superfluous flesh," his weight la nearly 200 pounds. It la 100 pounds of bone and brawn and brains. He has not the slightest tendency to obesity. His chest measure exceeds his waist measure by many Inches, but his arms and legs are large, and even under the disguise of garments that fit him well the muscles both abovs and below are always In evldeno to every observant eye. atarally Stalwart, j They are not the muscles, however, of the trained athlete, not muscles developed at the expense of general health. I cannot learn that he ever In his life practised In a gymnasium or did any other of the things that are commonly and very mistakenly supposed to minister to a desirable muscu larity. His stalwart form and superb strength, were acquired, as those of the great majority of Americano have boon, by a life of farm work and out of door living. Ho was bora the son of a hard wanting farmer who had so lit Us of this world's goods that for lack of means ho had to give up a cherished purpose of sending his son through college. from bis earliest childhood that boy was a farm worker, and be la so yet. His homo Is on a farm at Ksopua, Vis tax county, N. T-, and ho owns and manages two other farms la other parts of the state, I use the word "manages" ad visedly, for, la spite of his exacting Judi cial duties, ho manages, tat ouch leisure as ho has, to direct every detail of work on his three farms and to know better even than his farmhands do every fast that the farmer seeds to know about bis fields, You to Watch Our Ads and take advantage of the exceptional offerings we are making in our Cloak Department. One of the most important stocks secured by our buyer while on his recent trip was one of Skirts in Dress and Walking Lengths 2,500 of them Voiles, Etamines, Cheviots, Serges and many Qf other fabrics worth up to $10.00 your choice at... ....... 1 up to $iu.uu your SHOWN IN OUR SIXTEENTH Women's voile, etamlne and cheviot 8ultn sample garments no two alike, Q Ofl worth up to $30.00. at lo,5u Women's satin lined covert C ffl main, at IJ.VJVJ Women's ollk coats, 7 different styles, at .5.00 $12.00 cravenette coats, perfect JT Eft hMiltlpn. Rt Worn men's long ullk coats, f AH , $20.00, $15.00 and lJ.JJ at, Women's Shirt Waists . Lace, Crepe de Chine, Japs, linens and fine lawns, worth up to $10.00, 4,90 Alpaca, linen, lawn and organdy waists, worth up to $5.00. QQ Saturday 8-lb. can Golden Pumpkin..... tW J-lb. can pure Apple Butter... .1 7V4c 8-lb. can Golden or Greengage Plums... 10o 8-lb. can fancy Table Peaches, Apricots or Peas In heavy syrup IZw 2-lb. can fancy Wax, String or Lima Beans VAo 8-lb. can Early June Btfted Peas. 7W 1-lb. pkg. best Com Starch 4a Star or Horseshoe Tobacco, per lb....., 0o 1-lb. can fancy Alaska Salmon Sc Choice Tea Blftlngs, per lb lOo Fanoy Golden Santos Coffee, per lb lBo Garden Seeds, any kind you want, per Pkg 8Hc 6 burs Laundry Soap, any brand 18o his orchard a, his cattle and his garden grounds. That Is not all. Whenever opportunity offers ho Joins his hired farmhands in their work, and there Is not a man f wng them who can accomplish more In a day than ho can, or 'feel better at tho end of the day. Robust, eountry bred and thoroughly healthy man that ho Is, ho finds his chief delight In suoh hard work as this, and when his court dutieo call him away from his farms ho still preserves his health and strength by long morning rides on horse back. Ho rides good horses, too horses that know how to go, and do not stand much upon tho order of their going. Conspicuous Featares. ' Judge Parker has a largo and , sym metrical head, with a smooth forehead, which haa aoqntred some additional domain by tho recession of tho hah- above It That hair la of copper oolor, fine and soft, as tho hair of intellectual men Is apt to be. On his face bo wears only a mustache, light In color and therefore less aggressive upon attention than It would bo If its hue were dark. His features are large, well moulded and strong. Tho chin cspeolallly Is pronounoed, and It Is suggestive of great determination, while tho gentle half smile that plays around tho lips above It gives ample warrant that tho determination can never bo of a kind hostile to anything except wrong. Tho complexion la florid, but Its ruddi ness suggests only good health, temperate habits and much exposure to tho sun and tho wind. Tho Indications of tho head and face are fully confirmed by what wo know of the man. Ho Is calm, self-possessed and cool headed. His temperament la In absolute contrast with that of Mr. Roosevelt He does nothing and says nothing upon Im pulse. He does everything and aays every thing upon conviction and as the result of a carefully thought out Judgment To employ an expressive southern figure of speeoh, "ho never goes off at half-cock.M Both his actions and his words are care fully considered. That la his habit of mind. - Another thing of vital Interest concern ing him was strongly Impressed upon my mind a few evenings ago by one of the most eminent of New Tork'o Judges a Judge whoso position for kids me to men tion his name In quoting his words, though I think ho did not forbid such mention. I suppose ho took It for granted that I would not do so, particularly aa our conversa tion was held while I was a gusst What that eminent Judte, who haa known Judge Parker, long and closelyt said $2.00 ON STREET WINDOW. Women's lawn waists, handsome garments, worth up to $3 00, Q5C A sreat line of waists, worth up (n to $1.00, at )yC OTHER SPECIALS. $1.25 women's wash 4Qc underskirts, ut $2.00 women's Moire underskirts, J. 00 $2.50 women's crepe and lawn QSc klmonas, at $1.50 percale and lawn wrappers, ,Q8c $2.5o' 'children's' spring' coats, aii ff colors, at $1.00 children's wash dresses, ases 40c I to 8 years, at EXTRA DRIED FRUIT SPECIALS, Large California Prunes, per lb 8H0 Fancy Mulr Peaches, per lb '. 7Ho Virginia Blackberries, per lb 7Vio California Grapes, per lb 7t4o English Cleaned Currants, per lb 7c New York Evaporated Apples, per lb.. 84c Three Crown Layer Raisins, per lb 7Hc Virginia Raspberries, per lb 20c Fancy Bartlett Pears, per lb 12Ho ORANGES. ORANGES. ORANGES. 20,000 large, sweet, Juicy Highland Navel Oranges, on sale Saturday, each Jo We handle nothing but absolutely pure Butter and strictly first class Eggs. TRADING STAMPS ABSOLUTELY FREE to me was, In substance, and as nearly as I can recall his words, this: "Judge Parker Is possessed of all those qualities of mind, character and tempera ment which were regarded in tho early days of tho republic as essential to one who might be thought of for tho presi dential place. He haa a high and unsul lied moral character, of course. Ho has an upright and relentlessly honest mind, it would never occur to him aa the execu tive chief of the nation to usurp the func tions of tho legislative branch of tho gov ernment and by executive order enact laws which congress bad refused to enact "Ho has a personal dignity, too, which would utterly and absolutely forbid him while president to conduct a campaign for convention delegates by way of securing his own renomlnatlon by his party or his own re-election by tho people. Ho would scorn such activities, as Jefferson, Madi son and Monroe scorned them. x "Indeed, his nomination. If Jt shall bo made, will bo a pronounced return to the democratla traditions of tho Jeffersonlan time. It win also Involve tho restoration of the democratlo parry to sanity and soberness after that debauch of anarchism for which Mr. Bryan and his populists compelled it unwittingly to stand sponsor. It will bring back to the party which beat and most truly represents the ideas and Impulses and aspirations of the American people all that multitude of voters who reluctantly voted against It In tho two latest presidential elections hecauso tho machinery of the party organization had been seised upon by populists and an archists and a csndldato had been nomi nated whose election would have spelled chaos and black night for tho country. Extraordinary Executive Ability, ''Another thing," added this eminent Judge, "Judge Parker has a truly extraor dinary executive ability. He knows how to do things and how to get things done. I have familiar and friendly acquaintance, of course, with every member of tho court of last resort, over which ho presides. Ono and all of them testify that nsver be fore In the history of that court was busi ness so well conducted. Ho holds tho law yers strictly to their buslnesa When tho court renders a decision ho permits no lawyer to argue the matter adjudicated. "Ho allows no waste of time. He is al ways tho first Judge present on the bench, and he remains always until tho court edjourna In tho meanwhile he Insists that business shall go on with no delays and no Interruption. Ho makes this In sistence with a suavity sod grsclousneas of voice and manner which leave no possi ble ground of complaint on the part of any lawyer, indeed; I have never ' known a Wool Dress Goods Sale Saturday Morning at 10 O'clock We will place on sale 600 Wool Dress ratterns of 7 yards and 5 yarrts each 54- inch will be 5 and 6 yards and 40-inch and 40-inch will be T yards each they will consist of Scotch Suitings, English Tweeds, All Wool Henriettas, 54 inch and 40-inch Imported Mohairs, Voiles. Etamines, Crepes, etc. not a yard worth les than 75c and up to $.1 per yiird and only oni pattern to a customer all new, 1004 spring goods s long as they last Q will go at a yard 1 ' H From 2 to 10 P. M. We will sell Gros Romans' and Shenrur Louth's new spring Glial lis worth from 75c to $1.00 per yard In the Domestic !23 C Room at All these goods are displayed In the Uth St. window now. Special Millinery News $2.00 Children's Trimmed Hats, 98c $1.00 Children's Trimmed Hats, 59c On Saturday we place on sale two grand trimmed bat bargains for children, which are the best value for the money ever given anywhere. Tw-o dollar and or.e-fifty goods for 59c and 98c J Millinery Dep't on 2nd Floor. UNIQUE DEMONSTRATION BEGINNING MONDAY, MAY 2nd, Miss Iloffner of New York, an expert ccrsetler, will illustrate to the ladies of Omaha the advantages of the exquisite La Marguerite Corset. Btylish, new shapes ar provided for every figure. Prices, ranging from $2.50 to $10.00. WE HAVE Kabo, W. B., Erect Form, O. D. and Royal Worcester Corsets at $1.00 and up. ,. ALL CORSETS FITTED F DESIRED. Gloves and Hosiery Ladles' Silk Gloves In all the new spring shades $1.00, TEo and ....- ,iMw..,.w Ladles' Kid Gloves In all the newest shades, at $1.50 and Ladles' Lisle Thread and Lace Hose In black and fancy color s--woTth 75o and $1.00, at Ladles' fine Cotton Hose double heels and toes worth S5o and 8$o 19o cTUldren's Bicycle Hose oil sizes at - lawyer practicing In the court of appeals who was not ready to say that Judge Parker was altogether the pleasantest pre siding Judge that any honest lawyer could confront in a court" Judge Parker's homo life is like that of the great majority of clean minded, pure hearted Americans. He has a mother whom ho reveres, a wife whom he loves as he did In the days of their courtship, some grown up children, who rejoice to be with him when they can, and some little grand children who regard htm as "good fun" when be gets an opportunity to frollo with them. This he does riotously. Ho Is a hearty eater 'of wholesome food, as a man must be who would maintain such a physique as his in health and vigor. But his tastes are simple, wholesome and temperate. I have many times sat with him throughout an evening In a club room, where everybody else, or nearly everybody, was freely Indulging In wine or spirits, while he, without that oetentatlous refusal of proffered hospitality which might have seemed a Pharisaical rebuke, quietly oon tented himself with oarbonlo water or something else of that Innocent kind. While he haa abstained, as has been said, from all participation in partisan wrangles since his elevation to the bench. Judge Parker is a thorough paced democrat. He Is a firm believer In the principles of human liberty, equal rights and equal laws for all men which Jefferson and a long line of democratlo otatesmen of the golden age advocated. He was a special friend of Samuel J. Tilde n, of Grover Cleveland and Of Daniel Manning. He is a typical American dtlxen, upright, clean. Industrious, healthy, dignified, gently disposed, resolute for right, patriotic, mod est and In no conceivable way self-seeking. Ho believes In Jaw, In the constitution, in the equality of men, In personal liberty, in local self-government In brief, hi all those principles that have created this re publics of ours and made it great ls raw ' Caivorsal. Tho Japanese use paper at every mo ment Tho string with which a deft-handed "darling of tho gods" does up ths articles you buy Is made of paper. Tho handker chief (thrown away after use) Is paper, the partitions dividing the houses are pa per and tho pane through which an Indis creet eye looks at you is papor. Tho pane Is certainly wanting In transparency, but there is a simple remedy. Ono finger is passed' through the paper that Is a 11. Af terward a small piece Is stuck on the opening with a gruln of rice. The men's bats, the cloak of the porter whu carries hut burden, singing a cadence through Men's Furnishing Bargains. 250 doz. Mn's fine woven mad ras shirts $1 and $1.50 values, Saturday. 49c 300 doz. Men's 25c and 50c half hose, all new spring patterns, at 121& Men's 4 ply linen collars, worth 15c, Saturday, each 5c 60c .and 75c Men's fancy silk sus penders, 25c and 39c Ken's Spring underwear, made from line Egyptian cotton, in plain or , fancy colors, 25c, 35c 50c 50c Men's silk finished under vear, at.... ....lQc .49o 1.00 39c 19c 12 i .... , "3j the rain, tho garment of tho boatman who conducts you on board, tho tobacco pouch, cigar case all are paper. Those elegant flowers ornamenting the beautiful hair of the Japanese ladies and those robe collars whloh are taken tor a paper. NEWSPAPER "ADS" ARE BEST British Merchants Gather Wisdom After Wasting Good Money on Handbills. V . Prom various souroea, says a London cablegram, there oomes abundant infor mation, not only of the Ineffectiveness of tosulng o hart table appeala by post, but the Inutility of clrcullalng generally. . Tho manager of a distributing agency admitted that advertisers were discover ing that tha hand bill thrust into a letter box was not so productive as It was a tew years ago, "Strange though it may seem," he ad ded, "there was a time when the hand bill was rather welcome, especially If it were of a pictorial kind. But now it Is re garded as a nuisance, because there aro too many.' A hand bill to claim any at tention nowadays must be very striking; but the men capable of designing such an attraction are almost unobtainable." Tho managing director of a printing firm which probably produoea the majority of hand bills and circulars In London said: "It is quite futile in these days to at tempt to obtain business ' by circulars. People are not only tired of them, but re gard them as such a nuisance that im mediately they are dropped Into the letter box or flung into the hall, where thoy are picked up by a servant and transferred to the dust bin. "In some districts, notably tho West End, hand' bills have become such an affliction that, the police have been appealed to. "Tiien, again, householders are constantly complaining of newly cleaned steps being soiled by the deliveries of hand bills, of tho constant Injury of bells, and the not In frequent disappearance of trifles from tho halls. In such trying circumstances how can the advertisers expect custom to fol low? "But tha hand bill as an advertising me dium is doomed. There has lately been a noticeable fulling off In tho orders, and I, as much a victim of the nuisance as anyl body, do not deplore tho fact" Chlpago Inter Ocean la a Class All Aloae. No other pills on earth can equal Dr. King's New Life Pills for stomach, liver and kldneya No cure, no pay, 'Ac, fas sale If. Kuhn 4 Co