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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1904)
IIE OMATTA DAILY flEEt rUTUIWAY, ArRTT RO, IPftt ir-f S Stunning Street Hats at $5.00 Three Ladies Tailored Suits Specials A most attractive seembtacje of smart rea1y.iv.wear hts-. made In the swell new rrenh eellor ertapee, tartans, ena.-- A well tailored suit Stylish ladles' tall, ored suits blouss and Eton C styles will H J goat Q Pretty n.w suits- I, 13.-- $5 for ladies' 1 n t n e in ins ........ jj late style effects UlfCIS i W daintily trimmed with feathers, rju.lls, velvets, eWs. the new combination rolored straws the new spring shades Saturday new cloth new broad shouldei s, go at S I W rti and colors go at. u red Saturday Bargains in Ladies' Wear Our ladies' suit department shows an admirable array of ths latest modes in spring tuiti and tha newxt itUat in dainty thirl voaisti $uits for early mar. New Silk Shirt Waist Suits Charming new ideas la shirt waist suits of silk the reigning favorites for Bummer These suits are made ' in walking lengths with new pleated skirts broad sloping shoulder effects, etc. A very ewe t s. . a o . . & Mr " pretty snantung or taueia snirt waist Buit, The new gun metal taffetas, also blue and brown silk shirt waist suits, specially priced Ladies Sample Suits at $14.85 A new showing of sample suits, bought at a great re duction of a prominent eastern house these suits re- rery I? f fit. 13.85 real the height of fashionable elegance thefl I A nip newest and most charming style features actually worth up to $30, at Silk Blouse and Box Jackets A fresh new line of brand new styles In the popular silk coats for spring beautifully trim med the blouse, Eton and graceful blouse effects, at 321 421 IB JJEi 12 Ladies'$1.50 Shirt Waists at59c Entire surplus stock of Max Hoth, 48 and CO Walker St., ono of the largest shirt waist manufacturers of New York. Wc will offer theso splendid shirt waists tomorrow at an extraordinary bar gain. These waists consist of lawns, elaborately embroidered, percales, dimities, Testings and damask. White and colored materials all sizes included In this lot are many high priced sample waistsonly a few of them slightly mussed Saturday special- - irnu worthupto L,, ) (" 1 .y The Stunning Covert Jackets This ' showing includes all the smart new Ideas la military coaU, frame coats, corset ooata, etc the new cape imall button trim mings, etc. fsultlessly tailored, at 49875099812501485 The Sty llsjb. Lone Coats These costs are (or traveling, automohlllng, stormy weather, eto. in silks, mohairs, pongees, shantungs and cravens ttes the brand new "Hon eymoon" coat with novelty blouss gathered girdle and sleeves at 998 1250 1485 $39 Sa.le of Dress &.nd Walking Skirts Very pretty new voile dress skirts fashionable for spring and summer wear, Q J Sale of Purses and Bags at 25c and 59c We have just purchased a New York Manufacturer's entire line of salesman's samples of purses and bags and will place them on sale for a great Saturday special at two prices, 23c and 69c. Fine Ladles' sad Men's Purses seal, alligator and morocco, most ex i pensive leathers, all go at Fine Chatelaine Bags for lad Us and misses patent fast eners for waists, all this season s hades, at, each . . . . 25c m . . a ior lamas ana :25c Ladies' Wrist Bags with chance purse ana cara case an the prettiest spring colors at Ladles' Fine Carriage Bags, llnnd with moire illk and chamois skin German nil. var frames with out sluss smelling but- us, cam cases, encnge purser, etc all the lead- ins shades and the latest and most fashion able leathers worth up to la-et 25c iss smelling but- 59c Fine trimmed voile skirts in dress and walking effects--beautifully fashioned, A Qfi speolal, at U.-W Ellk trimaaed velle dress skirts made with the new trains, a great value, 898 Two Waist Specials in Our New Waist Dept. Stylish golf skirts made of the smart new materials, prettily trimmed, correct 1 PA walking lengths, at.. t,D3 Extra tine walking skirts Sn all the new spring shades with hip yokes -X Jt Q colonial pleats, etc., etc., at. Second Floor Jap Silk Waists-Your choloe of 800 Jap silk waists mads with, lace inserting, Wf tuoks, pleats and the new full . II , sleeves, at. .... v Lawn Waists A very special showing of the. new wash waists with the new Berthas, lace Inserting, tucks, etc, etc., C A f t O great assortment of entirely I l 1 1 I f A new Ideas, at sV-a.W Special Bargains at Stationery Dept. 25c Books at 2'SL?00 tu,ff. b M.?- H- a7 1 t auiuios, lusne) vurreiii, carina Ji M . , dtC caCtl day, Hall Calne, etc., printed In larsre, f Ol' paper, generally sell at 26o each, at 4 w aV clear type on fine white paper, 10c Ink Tablets at Ruled or plain note, packet or letter else at. Ho Each 2C 25c Box Paper atlOc In all the new est and prettiest tints, e jf n-lth wallet en- I n II ss) slopes to matoh, 2a enveiepes for le High cut envelopes, assoriea sizes, special, . 25 for 50c Box Paper at 19c Box Fancy T I T1 a uddu rsper in as sorted tints en velopes to match- regular prioe 60c, ign cut ,1c ivc box Fancy 19c ESsaSsI Notable Bargains in Spring Millinery Keo iUa of fortljn and Amtrican milUntry diti'jntri art oonAtently open ing in our great millinery department. We male a ipecUUy of urviceabU v r pennive hat, that still bear an air of correct styU. Fur Saturday ve hare cludel a great array of new hat irhiri tee Mv tpeaauy prte u Handsome Trimmed Hats at S3.50 K In this nssomblago nro omo of tho pret tiest ideas In trimmed hots tho now straws trimmed with flowers, chifTon, maline, ribbons, foliage, etc. nil of T50 thorn in tho newest and most fash- "). ionablo shapes s pedal nt A Very Prcify Street He,t at $258 Here are Jaunty street haU trimmed with ribbons, color! - - mm mrn m. ml mf Btrawi orae of the most eHectlf. ciwiei iron f our workrooms Are here alw Cd f trimmed hati at PRCCff SAILOR AD SUIT ft AT.'S A showing vtlh nwt snl moetefT tlve I4ee In su hsits rl Frwaeh soli r hsU-msny hrnirg la hat m greit nurnf srw fu'ul eopie of the most siructt French molsls-grest ssortment, ml Misses end Girls Rcady-io-WcarHats at 98 c A new flaaorttuent of cbilJrf-n'a aal talm ready to wear hat whim of tb prrtUct asd jaaatit f- f-rts for acii the new colon-tl triminrl witb Icojm of Iznrj m - - mm or our uiira riuor, si.. Trimmed lints for .Misc and Childrun Dal-'.nr tr-im4 Late tot ' 1"-f siilisms Suss hats Wre ell lie ELCOANT TRIMMED HATS Tha smart style n4 smlstlo beauty of our iO hats le racoanired y every dis criminating shopper in Omaha. Amonj these hats which we offsr to morrow are many brand new eonoeptlons of millinery designers Saturday, at 5 th ribln, qoills jj rj atrstw. t"- o a! al 1.50 to $5 Great Saturdak.y Sale of Flowers A thousand bunches of the newest and pretlieat Cuwera June rvM-a in all ahadet daisies, poppies, forget-me-nots, Amerlcia beaoUes tb tew uall owers ti at are so much in Togue this season in all milliner garniture. Tf.-e Cower : 10 in Hrgc bunches on bargain tables, gKg FJC ) Pc C!C and are very apocUlly priced for -ISaj) L?b 3jT Saturday's selling, at, bunch JEW BANKING CONCERN HERE Corporation for Exploiting Canadian lands Has Headquarters in Omiha, W, V. BENNETT A LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Capital Steels ef Oesavaar Be Bait iUUiom svaS WUssUseT tfc Ceatvea LexsaUem toe tke Dosalalea. On aha Is to become the Amerloaa heA quarters at a bail kins oerporatloa with a capital of t50A,(00 which la to do a. private ben kins business In western Canada. W. V. Bennett o( Omaha, tba represen tative of tha Canadian sovernment. is one of tba leading promoters, and other Omaha man are Interested to tha extent of at least ob e-fourth the capital. These men. It la understood, are for the present, at Jeaat, silent, partners. O as-half of the funds are to be furnished la Chicago by houses there having New York oonneoUons, and BL Paul furnished the other one fourth. Winnipeg probably will be the Canadian headquarters of the corporation and the business ta to be extended IX It succeeds through Manitoba, sslulbola and Alberta. The nrst bank probably will be opened at Iteglaa, In Aaslnlbola, and bunt' neea will be begun in time for the next wheat crop "Our buslneee." said Mr. Bennett, "will be done In that part of tha dominion which ta being settled by progressive American farmers. These new settlers are not ao- cust'Mned to the methods of business fol lowed by the chartered banks of Canada Sad are not satisfied . with them. We expect our patronage from these people. Wilt Adopt Aaaerleem Systesa. We will Inaugurate the same system of exchange now In vogue In the United States, giving our patrons the privelege of transacting buslneee with American cities at tha usual rates. The chartered banks charge many small fees which In tha and amount te a eonstderabie drain on tha depositor. For Instance they charge B cents oa every tluS for depositing New .York drafts. Other things are In the same proportion. Tha chartered banka are under tha supervision of the Dominion gov err. tne ut In muoa the same manner aa the national banks la the United States To charter a bask $600,000 la ta reality necessary before the government will receive tha proposition. When th banks have been chartered. It baa been their custom to open small branches In new towns and to Increaae their capacity as business demands. Tbeee banks all are under tha one charter and all advertise themselvee aa chartered and aa having the same capital aa the original bauk. The plan Is net far enough advanced that wa know Just what points we will cover, but we will begin soon and feel oeadent of Ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon, Frldayt . . Births William C. Welgel, 4530 Florence boulevard, boy and girl: 11. T. Rnadnger, IS23 Maple, girl; Fred Hoffman, 172S South Nineteenth, boy; Charlie Sesamen, ast Omaha, boy. Deaths Phoebe pa vis, 170 Davenport, S3: Ed ward Kelly. SI: Charles H. Herndon. iM North Nineteenth, 17. SALOON MAN HELD ON BOND H. Fox Arrested foe Coadootlag riaee Wltheet Lteeaae ameV rts Vw Bait, A ootnplalnt of selling liquor without a license has been filed la police court by Aa &llant County Attorney F. I Weaver against N. H. Fox, arrested Wednesday night at 120 South Fourteenth street, up stairs over -the Willow Springs saloon. operated by N. V. Halter Ss Co. With Fox were arrested Charles Taylor, Dorothy Dale and Grace McOrimth, Taylor being held as a state witness and tha women charged with being disorderly oharaotera. At the time of the arrest N. V. Halter furnished a cash bond of $200 for Fox, but when Judge Berks placed the bond at $Tj00 Halter withdrew his bond and H. Mel chlor furnished the $600 bond tor Fox. Al though Halter signed the first bond. It Is said there Is no connection between the saloon and the rooms upstairs where Fox and the other parties were arrested. The Willow Springs saloon Is run under the firm name of Halter St Co., the com pany being, according to the application for the license and tha bond furnished, Harry Hayward of the firm of Walter Moles a Co. Fox pleaded not guilty In police court and a hearing was set for Saturday morning. GIVE ORDERS FOR REPAIRS City Rssiseer, Wao Stops Ovaat' Mea Late leeaoa W arrest foe Street Work. Asphalt street repairs raised another row at the city hall. City Engineer Rea water Thursday atopped Contractor Grant's men from working on lower Harney street. whore they bad bogus te ssako ready tor tha repairs. The engineer went oa the ground personally and demanded te a shows the authority of tha men for work' Ing. They were unable te produoo any, and ho ordered them te quit, under the throat of arrest. They suit. Yesterday Engineer Kosewater re ceived the contract, signed, from the mayor for the repairs and Immediately Issued a written order directing tho contractor te begin repair Grant began ope rations Thursday only after the mayor bad algnl- fled bis Intention of signing the sontrect and bad told him to ge ahead. of the Dulufti, South ' Shore sc Atlantic Mr. Kennedy's mission to his old home la to visit his aged mother, who has been dan gerously ill. She has Improved, however, and may later go to Marquette to spend the summer with her son and family. Mr. Kennedy reports that tho winter In Mich igan was extremely severe. MANY CHANGES ON THE B. & M. Several Frelgat Mea Shifted, bat A. B. Smith Remains at Fast la Oaaaka. The transfer' of W. W. Johnston, who has boon dl vial on freight agent of the B. M. at Beatrice for several ' years, to this city to bo assistant general freight agent on the same Una baa resulted in many changes in the Burlington official family. H. B. Segur, who has been general agent of the B. eV M. at Bluings, wiU go to Beat rice to succeed Mr. Johnston; F. W. Klip pel, .chief clerk In the freight department at tho headquarters In this city, will go te Billings te succeed Mr. Begur; J. D. Jarrett. chief dark In the division freight agant'a office at Lincoln, will come to Omaha to take Mr. Kllppel's place; XL B. Henry, traveling freight agent from the Unoola offices, will succeed Mr. Jarrett, and B. V. Kost, chief rate clerk In tho freight department at tha headquarters here, will go te Lincoln to euooeed Mr. Henry. Tha report which was la circulation Thursday to the effect that A. B. Smith, assistant general freight agent, had been tendered tho position of general agent of the road for Omaha and South Omaha. Is denied by General Manager Holdrega, The rvport that Mr. Smith will resign also la said to be untrue. He will retain bis pres ent position. Mr. Klip pel, who goes from the position of chief clerk hero te assume that of gen eral agent at BllUngs, has boon with the oompany about six years. He started la as traveling freight agent from the. Omaha offices of tha oompany and later was trans ferred to tha Colorado field In the same position, la IMS bo returned te this city to take up the duties of chief dark and baa hold that place since. He Is well knows among freight men of the west and steads vary high la his business. Mortality Btatletlee. Tha following births aad - deaths have been reported to Us Board ef Health Sur. DRAIN POLISHER Grape-Nuts and Cream -THERCS A RCA50.N." WHAT CArSKS DAIDSHTT. ereateas lurMs Aetaevtty oa Saia Dleeeeee Says It's a CI arm. The old Ida that dandruff Is aoalos of skis throwsefx. through a feverish ooadt- ttoa of the scalp, la exploded. Fret L'oae, Hamburg. Germany. Kitroeaea authority ee Skis olaeaeee, says saaenia M a gone e eaae. The sera burrows aador the eealp, throwing up little scales of euUcle aad sapping the vitality ef the hair at the roea. Tho only preparation that alias deadr' gvrme le Nowbro's Herptetde. "Destroy the cause, yen remove the eSTeot." Nt only euree eaadruST. bat etope ialUag hats aad permits lusanaal growta. Itghtful hlr Sraoalag. eWld by f g dretota Sei M coats ta stamps t sew pie la The tierpk-tde Ce. Datrott, Mkrh Sherman S MoCvaaell Drug Co. epot'lal egeela. r.4 steaaody vtaMa Motaoo. r'd KnoWf, foemerlv of fmafc.. es COUNCIL IS jAGAINST MAYOR Meat hero Say Taey Will Staad wtta stoao flora. Members ef the council say that body will take Issue with Mayor Moores aad the Ovte Improvement League ef Omaha la the at tempt te remove curbstone aigr.s downtown. The sou ncll has Invited s eewauttee from the merchants ergaaUatioa te meet with It Moaday afternoon and te dlasuse the en- uetloa. The business mea have booa buoy during the weak securing subscriptions for fuads to resist the aneyor'a order aad the council ie disposed te aide witb them. The mayor bsaa the fiht at the behest ef the league aad has e a leaded the time of rosaeval te May U. MICKEY UP OH COLBY CASE Geveveee CNtaeelte sMoSraoS Artsoaey Baatee sVeadlaa t aareo isalul aUAdaa Sleaeeaa. MWhey was acre Friday. "My larsy ef prtvaee aatero.1 "I kave same baas maltose tank after, aad wtah te cnaoalt wtta Mr. Baxter, the t'altod I tales dletrtet aalaraey ea lac rulay aaattee. I So sw seow whether tao ease wUI be teaty tee trial .Nmvi turn or aa TWi are evens laat teee eeoaopml wittt II IHal may eopaolve a Sm. We are cull warktag oa too buuaa of tao eijuiaai j-n.f i e a4 shi il inal i Sniai4 wo sy sH be able te so stw.h ens tf-e HOW TOWA MAN IS WORKED Dspsd Zato Combining- with 0n Pal Against Another. WINS MONEY, BUT IS LEFT IN THE CUT Grabs Oae ef the Mob, Be aad This Leads te Arrest ef Bath, Wae Are la Frisoa. A aew phase has been put on the esse against D. Williams and John Wilson, ar rested by the police Thursday en a charge of swindling Eugene Schulor of Schaller, la., out of 100 in a coin-matching game at Hanscom park. According to the revised edition of the story, Wilson and Schular stopped at the park on their way te South Omaha. While the two were exchanging confidences on the green sward of ths park Wilson's pal, Williams, disguised aa aa uncouth donlsen of the rural districts, appeared on the scene and .told them that he had a ear load ef stock at South Omaha, that ha had boon out the night before and was feeling bad. A little diversion was suggested aad ths matching ef half dollars was started. Williams won several dollars from Wilson, but gave them all back, saying that be wae only In fun. This diplomatic stroke had Its affect en Schuler, who the twe men were preparing te "trim." Te heighten the effect WUson said Williams was the first honest man be had come seroas since be had boos In Omaha. Williams then started sway for soma cigars with which to add sociability te tha gathering. During ths absence ef the pal Wilson Improved tho shining moments by finding oet tho amount ef Schulor'e roll and planning what appeared te the Iowa mas as a scheme te get WUUams Schuler agreed te aokatae aad latare banr, Williams returned with the cigars, the game wae started, everyone emoked a Nature was la Its happiest mood and so was the sua from Iowa. Tha plan was for Schular te play the bead ef the eoia every Uiae, ee be sad Wllaoa would have the edde against ths supposed unsophisticated atockmaa. Wil son aad Sohuler wen with regularity sad WUsoa took ta the receipts with ratines aad dispatch. Schular was feeling much elated to think be aad Wllaoa were Suing es wsu. After the gams aad progressed some what aad Wusoa, sVhuler's supposed but WUUam's real partner, sad gathered la moot ef the ether twe mea a m otter, tho lows sasa thetht a time for reohaaiag bad come, ee be treasons that a balance be struck sad be be gives his snare ef the meeey. WUsoa tbea gave Wtiuame the an easy, aad this made Sebulor Immediately apprehoaeiva. .WUuame ran. aad Suhalaf grabbed WUsoa aad with the eaaleteaco ef the park ponoomas sueoooeod ta arrest ing WUeoa. Whoa takes te the petee ctetiea WUeea twig where sis reeen wee, aad te It the eOcore west aad arrested ate pal Just as ko was taking oof his rural stakes p. ft at said a charge ef gambling wta be led egniaet the Btea ta peifee court Sae areay mora lag. celver for several weeks, ono having been appointed by Judso Baxter on the pot It ion of the plaintiff last February. BIDS LET FOR ARMY FOOD Propoeals Call for Forty Theeeaad Dollars Worth ef applies, Omaha elllasT the Balk. Bids for miscellaneous subsistence sup plies for the posts of the Department of the Missouri have been opened at the office of the chief commissary of subsistence of the department and contracts awarded. The proposals called for Se9.04 worth of supplies. Ths successful bidders were! McCord. Brady gt Co., rax ton, Gallagher m Co., Allen Bros., Armour a Co.. Cudahy Packing company, Richardson Drug com pany, John Kelly A Co.. of Omaha, and S. F. Oilman Co., of Nellgh, Neb., and others. The supplies comprise 0,0OS or more pounds of bacon, 160.00S pounds of Sour, 14,000 pounds of beans. 11,00 pounds of rtoe. nearly 20,000 pounds of coffee. 9X000 pounds of sugar, S90 gallons of vinegar, IOCS pounds of soap, 4,000 pounds rf salt, 12. Pa cane of tomatoes sad sn Indefinite quantity ef miscellaneous food supplies. AU stores sis te be delivered at the sub sistence warehouse at Omaha and will be dsllvered to the respective poets ea requi sition from ths respective cemmiscary e Ul cers. Flour is to be deftvered free es board ears at place ef maasfaetnra. Fresh beef supplies win be delivered ea the hoof at remote posts from dealers la their vicinity. Perishable vegetables alee will be bought In the Wdnlty of the poets wherever It la practicable. The supplies for which contrasts have just bora closed are bat the usual quarterly supplies, aad axe necessarily bought a month te throe months ahead la ardor that adequate supplies may always be oa hand for say and every emergency. LOCAL BREVITIES. A aermlt has bora Issued te Fred Hunslker fnr a St ow frame SwaUlsg at Teath aad Puree euoeta. C. J. Starts will address ree FMieaeeasnel society and lis vioiero M'ineay t'ttrunn oa "The Origin ef Uovarriaeenl" la Hntal Achates ball, Sevaateoata aad DavgUo ireeia Vincent fteadataa a eommlaeloa etutal ef ("hatha. See filed a veiuntarv titloa m eaearur-trp to tKe lai S'e sietrv't court, two Ueeuuiee are aaa aie assets xgat. Ia tho case ef Betitamm IL gantth ajnJ-at Maud Santa, aa atfa for a e rarcs. lae si&m'ICT has aaaee tAat r a peUthMt ea a--ail. t by the euurt wttaoui rj 4r a rwonrHUtlon havktg teson plaoa ootwooa uto saruta. LtiUo ML. Keller baa a cinorca fruot aac au. kslier. oa the srwad ef nrvl1 e4 Mtifl Mr. JtwlMO h tao titrt e4 btMM or tm if.K e lJa.iary euatpauy ae reatoee at iws f ansa cueaa Mark Itaney. TTT Ceae atreo. has Sitse 11 and oueie to s-,.lo r-.rt. IV Wae err 1 s ay Iia. H" Wtt h-t evittlng ea tla 4.Ww a aaa F'rtanta aad L"-u( so airssis tsv eaid ao e4 e utt lbrat aad rtui I ae sarsstaa enuugli to atsso aiaa Uskio esoas tea ott- tuS atuitaaasa Area SV Skiai ui Clara J a-fes-la e S-t lii'tMit e'ss. Sore aeaa4 lst Ike 1 Ho4 oio aioc-! kmX etf s etsro tksta ba.saria Tksy eto ss-si s. Isr io tuiMni is ear-- tl a I S i J S- k.ji a atsa'o'o e m4m er tii40, aa-i sJt.ta A a Suase hsiu Stat 1 'sMtitwe ot k tatja S are J. a at an4a od ess. to e le. IM a HUt f esw4. V. ., W. r to Mia a eeBeC wWow4t rasaaoi t te Sttiowtaa sew lie) wed. a u av o s.s ui tlasr itsfur s riser W .mm . i M kiss SMsi la Ktaaaaej rttae a aalat. la the esse sf Home MUUr esaiasl The Jaawe aV kuttikea Motel tleiBar. he wawa gruae miaataaasttatsal of Ike r acute hotel prvporty aad tae savaaysraartottua of larse f u ,ry .. ouaas of atuaey ta ceaaouuxa tnseewlta w asms U.' Imv4 s, Otiata, eaarsaia tao Saramaaaut hare B-s4 aa ! J ,Ka b v,tt, (satO iw... a toe lad Psttilua la as a war to tae ease , ' t tu--e..... SMtliiuSi m4 IH. .I.i.ii. ... ..hik mtmmrm mtmmmm I J-SSO A W S vS. ini.l .s aa tao suit to e'-a m"ms. iiwwsi f tao Btstsrwl i S. also. es, ixirte ouwe aaa V-nr'y aaa sae ia teato too out mm ateaituasd. I ie ef a re P at st K. Wedltas Ua B.SOMO, hiwiias. WORETIE GOES TO ST. LOUIS Teteraa Ooadollor at Meats oees Far. Keelaae te Aeeead Faafiteei ad Werld'e Falrw The chlldrea are te lose their rawdefler end his gilding craft at Hasinas pars. The"- famous Captala Dosnlalqee htoretle. the Venetian, whe has aavlgatad the barks ea the lagooa since the Traasialmlsatnl year, has no-tlfled the Park beard thod he has booa appointed eaptaia ef gee Seats sad gondoliers st the Worlds fair. Therefore he cannot recnala la Omaha thfs essamrr. bat he bogs the beard te reeorve the eos cession for bin la IM. Ks spptVsnts Ing successor ship te Csptala have appeared. The board has rocotvod aa eoTer rrowi I. C. Perrign. formerly ef Omaha, hwt saw at Moorrraft. Wya, to prasiat the BJver. view park see with a large black-UUl door. The aalmnt he ssys U a letter, st and waa captured because I awoke ewe morning and found the door ty ing en the ground beside bias. The heard decided to accept the doer pisldd traae- porlatloa c harass da net esread IA aad ta communicate with Mr. Fwrrtge te thss affect. A resolution wae adotad dirortlag park fejperinteadeat Adame te eafarre etrtstry the laws prohibiting heavy tragic ea tne boulevards. Trouble has Soea easarsssaod recently with heavy toasting soar the a. rag twery. The eoprrlateassat wae aatheo Isod te cease arrests If aineiary to carry cut the erSer. City Bnglaeor lUisssstor totd the park board that W. V. Murray Is wSSag te acga s soo tract for plaatlag troas ta I'vuesett II for fd coals a tree pw14e4 the Park board Supplies the sapUasa TMs tba sin bars sgrood ta So sad aaxXhsr oST-wt wta amade te have Mr. hi array attach has Basse te the pact aad esgla warg, usars seatatrves frees the preepart IUU Imprave- at club argad that a start he eat farther Ssiay. STOCKUEN HAY GET PASSES ati, aad Map rwtseav aht to Lseal fswUkt swan say lhat thy kae .otalag ef the pn Sta ea the tit in rs begia taws lag roe are trans pes'atae ta hwo Stock aaipaese frees Iowa. Txare aril a msoUag of the eeerate esVoee ef w wa. s have hctd ss t'karaga to 1st at whWh the static WUi be taaaa ap aad H kt taoasbt baroiy sours tea es sa ef retavaiag saMpare fsae acaas wi se ss Al sreaeaS aalpaeso are goe ad wsara Baaa Uoa ha Miasosits aa awe ee so of etoafe aad the vane be sTasiast, TkiO Sat laaes twe eaaiaa psaariig kac oua pro vtde that cash hiasasmKegisa sha3 ha b sued. Tba as as ki trtte of hrwe. has es tat the taw ha sea pes Sasa a. a to est-toa aitSoagh lows aatpsare haee tao of tae raade tact laay wv4 sasna saartty. AT.CHITICTS AH IL!?LCY13 sv v. at, r. a. as Tae oiSMBag Mat's Chrwtaaa tea axatiaota of taa I ta..Siig Ptsase Law ka base giwoa larga The oro--sa oe oscetrartloa as Lie ptaae are aVrsVawC errerat roks cant ctapae bafore tarn etage Is past. It hi . aid caatract base boos edsead. as latprosieacal that rrcmlaac tvaj the work of she Die Sta bow avatd SaalaHew. A aaaasgrsxsJe irsni s bee ratters owe a a oaaa Street frees eeaay base) divitstot. sad rival the wwrh tor. Iieln orlaaOfl csaihSaaa at Licadsa, LUXE KEDAL BY PH0T0GRAP I? wtaweby nt aie prodt rd the Piles threatens e t the e4e-atehr aad r na- tbae mass oere ehewn fa sad arm mA toe ta'erwsn, Sae te tho failb aV wtta whtrh the smataal ulOoc' aa The fro i sas caaeate In i-at maktag aa orftaary ptaaagroptao nrgr --w of the head wtdrh le to Serrre aa the ax at, the sarr eVaarraro fraai ewdtaary pra a bs. q ta tba eghUag of rhe eabn. w i a h) a-vsagod ha a pacelUr t a There are toa ptsaie af SThrsitaatloa -.- dared by ksn o eparlal saaatructlon ee pie at I sad adrvsted that there U a gn s Oee af tataaawi of trhnataatloa w'.eh varies) frooa BLtsaso hrirrtaaey ea tho - tloa asoriet ta :aa raiaira Cu t la. he parts wharh waatd Sfaaar he the hlg. at rB)f ea tho aw-H: e aa alfwnet nbai -o of htsnsfeisrlBa at tea barkrrsvad A v the segattve hae beow saado It to pis ad aa a state ssaiiS won taVaawsaatlsed s a tlao aad osy laid te rVe tlcaL That ptn as a Ms at affsraod by the agtt sta ig Ikioash tho trassaarsat parte ef tho M as i the p -tm tart - -d fraaa tho artaa ef tho Bght by an the a .go gyp ic was "d ewer, ssavtag a Caa r gMsOao of van SS tkirkaaaa. aarTtaajiaa g ta the Segal a From Oio la aaade aa ar4raary pla-av eawsVL erttrh esrtale Wao-raratfa m by o ra SeaasHlfa. E e- -t ka Peao eStlnaa a A ha-teass ae huce aa tw tws ta r a amir aad eas sagtta af aa tach klg lUners Worhly. ' ASTHMA? osaaosr f I bf raase a st ot taaea r ASTHMA CA mt CURED. I a, a. a sa J VrT f awe. a- r "fasx W 1 irrTssss 'tZa ata rsrr TtTTrrATSiCNT j, utT m osf aao r S Caarrtp um sf Bks sasa S . kt-s aatO as I sites. asui tatl tOtitS rHAN WMCTZf t, as. B- taaa h.Vaa Tka baae) as ee he sas otssi. t Sasa weta prkbats taa osJe S eraawaa The aw.4f waaSMe a til had trasss a ate " tae efi-.tsBe aa-l wa dt TIE FIRST STEP w r from ad!in7ct b Lick ci a . la pcrsorVsJ ddArJiagu; the & ? t&vrt la Uiliinjf up a ?rv 't trilt ta rain, woman, or chi U-vU:ttoth Eithlub. Y: j c-val t Kd-taSyv or pretty, rvca rood, uxl-n you are dev-v Uk HAND 5APOUO. ri r!:aus cverjau b-4,4 14 a -e y-j-:j ta tae n- .J