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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1904)
H OMAIIA DAILY BEE: BAT! 1601. 7 7 Ladles' Tae Olrdlo Corsets t J9e Special Sale of liid Gloves Ladies' $1 and $1.25 Kid Gloves at 59c Sale of Handkerchief Men's and ladies' handkerchiefs hemstitching the tiny flaws in chiefs are so small as to be unnoticeable except on closest scrutiny on urday, worth up to 35c each, at, muhi' nt Children Underwear Vwti, pants and drawers In pause cotton, balbrtirirftn and ribbed, ail slues for mime 1 i f 1 f ""fiuc-isc-iyc Ladies' Underwear Silk mercerised, fane cotton and Hals in clnk. blue and white, trimmed i ana wnite, trimmed 10c-15c-25c witn auover laoa etO....M... $1.00 Veils at 59c Made up veilings of black, brown and all color T veilings with chenille dots, worth f 1, 1) at, each Ladies Spring Neckwear at 10c-25c The prettiest new effects In spring neckwear tabs, stocks and lace effects, also collar jf a m and cuff sets 100 styles, HOC11 -CfayDQ Special Linen Sale Special Picture Sal. Pillow shams, scarfs, doylies, een- Mahogany room moulding, ter pieces, lunch and 1g 1 inch, at, foot 7T.. 'C tray cloths, worth ZjCj lOo matted pictures, all Rn up to 75c at, each kinds ai subjects, at. eeoh....OC J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. BOSTON STORE. -igiH..j.i .1 ,u., .u...n...i, m .man unifc. -he . ' ' Under Government Supervision. Charter 689. J. L Orandeis & Sons. Bankers Statement ,of Condition at Close of Business, April 28, 1904: BESOUEOEH. U. S. and other bonds.. ..........f 50,000.00 Premium account ........................ 960.39 Time Loans 230,3 L24 Gitj, county and school warrants.. ............ 42,778.46 CASH II OFFICE A19 Via 123,48185 LIABILITIES. Capital Undivided profits DEPOSITS: . Individual deposits .M $285,510.63 Demand certificates .......... 153.00 Time certificates 99,509.19 i Cashier's checks 6,057.36 TOTAL BEfCSTO ... DEPOSITS April 28, 1903. CcpRi Ajail 28. 1304 'ACCOUNTS OPENED FOR fl OR MORE AND 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID. Checks on all banks cashed. J. L. DRAIIDEIS & SOUS, DAIHCERS. Fire Sale of The last day of sale goods A. a a a as we must vacate una weeic . ( ' :::::::::: HENRY, 1615 Farnam St . . . I nmilll traa ! tor U Mil mj - wU.a br . ?ilesoireoDle lm m. w U mtuictr7 nil t. w aur u4 hi 4n. M. a ' MUlW UM fcUL tgto TW I. hi-Tmhihi ,ot a m. W.ur mi.i r - u Ira. m. M m irmi 1 14 lia. .kLU( Mat t miw U UM 4nlUr k. m. m . r 4 tn t. K r L Writ. i-7. i J K A. H r. A. 1 M-U- la Mat. iUrMWUt u. A new lot of flue kid gloves In spring shades, all sizes made of real kid and German lambskin gloves for street and even ing wear all of them per fect and worth up to $ 1.25 a pair, at pair 59 Seconds at 12k all linen, all widths of these extra fine handker .2Jc special each. Ladies' and Men's Hosiery Plain and lece flwli, fast blank, fine and hear libbt J, also boys' and gg. : iocisc Imported Hosiery Ladles' and men'a black and fancy colored hose all full fashioned gause lime and allovar lace eTecta, pair f ..... 25c 1447,482.94 rw... 50,000.00 ........... 7,252.76 1447,482.94 ,.?186,38114i .$393,230.18 Stationery. will be sacrificed at any price, 9 .He Btill Sells Stationery. Have Piles 1 m r -en.. - 'A "? u e4 I ii-i Mil, wua ' . a . Store Open Saturday "3) pn pr IThe people's popular meeting pace s Bcnncff f i most popular on Saturdays. We specially Invite out-of-town visitors to be with us Saturdays. The voice of the world's complex activities is heard loud est under the Bennett roof Saturday. Every day is bargain day at Bennett's. Saturday is especially so. Green Trading Stamps with ail purchases in all depart ments all the time. It's interest on the money you spend and it beats bank interest every time. Meats & Provisions SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY OKLY Fmk Leaf Lard 15 pounds QQ Strictly Fresh Drtsstd Young ChlcktBt Uc Roast of Pork ...Ho Spar. Ribs 6Vko Pork Chops, S pounds for 250 Good Brf Roast, 7o and 60 Pure Pork Home-made Breakfast Bausafe 10a Bologna Batasace 60 No. 1 Rex Hams, all slies, at, per pound 11 Ho Worrell' Iowa Pride Cat. Ham.. Ida Best Cottage and Bonelens Hama.lOo SILVER STAR LARD. Three-pound pulls 2to Five-pound palls 3.1o Ten-pound palls 72a Fifty-pound palls (3.50 Special Cut Prices on all other best brands of lard, hams and bacon. Wall Paper Latest and cleverest designs. Every Imaginable wall paper Idea at cut prices. THIRD FLOOR Special Sale on Colored French Curtain Swisses in our Drapery Dept. 3d Floor. FOR SATURDAY ONLY. We have Juet received from an astern importer 6,000 yards of extra fine colored French Curtain Swisses. They are Just the thlnr. for summer curtains and bed sets. These Swisses are regular 80o floods our f 1 price for Saturday only, T2C per yard Drapery Dept. 3d Floor. A New Department We have remodeled our extensive Drug Depart ment and Introduced a photographic supply section thereto. The latest and best approved methods in pho tographic art are expressed In this new department. We very specially Invite all devotees of the camera to give us an opportunity to meet their demands for supplies. Prices are on the lines of department store figures, that Is, they are bargain bit. Everything In photographic supplies. Velox Paper in all surfaces, Solio Printing Paper In all sizes Camera Plates, In all sizes and speeds, Eastman's Ko daks, Film Packs, Premo Cameras, Fold ing Pocket Kodaks, Brownie's Cameras, Developing Powders, and solutions, etc. Trlntlng frames and- every approved photographto aooeaaory. Tours at the right price. Drug Section, southeast corn ar, snaln floor. Saturday on the Jewelry Counters. A LOT OP PRETTY WRIST BAGS, finest grade seal and walrus leather with braided handles. Black, gray and brown colors. Worth $2 of any- body's money, Saturday for And $3 worth of Green thrown in. Flat, round and oval Jewels for Green Trading Stamps. Indian Beads, per bunch of 80 Saturday special JEWELRY DEPARTMENT. Clothing Department Men's Suits worth up t Th to $20, Saturday at And $25 in Green Trading Stamps Buster Brown Child's Suits. In T serges and unfinished worsteds. T) j) m value $5, at . And Double Greeu Trading Stamps Men's Shirts worth UP t fjj(f to 5 If 50 at ....... il lr And $5 in Green Trading Stamps. Great Hat Bargain Sale Hats, value to $3,50 go M And Double Green Trading Stamps mm r:. x-J L Men's Trousers "Dutchess," best there Is $2.00 to $5.00. 10c a button, $1.00 a rip. See the trousers man. SPECIAL. PROGRAM OP MUSIC by Kaufman. 7xJOto 10:00 p. m. Saturday Com and If ar lltm. Evening Till 10- Grocery Money aavta prices on grocartee and the best markets produce. SATURDAY SPECIALS. 55.00 worth Green Trading Stamps with i pound bask- Ir58c Jelly, 8-pound stone Jar 2So Clam Chowder, -lb. can IS" Baked Beans, 8-lb. can 10o Oil Sardines, can Bo 50c worth Green Tradina Stamps with each lb. pkg. iv. fay. 6c Bennett's Capitol Baking Soda it COFFEES Roasted every day-aplen. did values. 51 worth of Green Tradina Stamps with 1 lb. pkg. Ben- BUTTER Dally shipments from best dairies. Fresh Country Butter, per lb ... Bennett's Capitol Creamery, lb.. PICKLES Medium Sour, pint.... Small Sour, dozen Small Sweet, pint Chow Chow, pint CHEESE A full Une domestio Imported at lowest prises. Domestio Swiss, per lb M. Wisconsin Cream, per lb Royal Luncheon, Jar Hand Cheese, each Neutohatel Cheese, each the ..IRo ..26o .. 60 .. 80 ..Wo ..10o and ..lo UHo ..10o ...4a Exposition Stamps' The World's Fair Postage Stamps lust Issued from Washington on sale at Desk. Main Floor, Saturday. 75c Trading Stamps collars, sofa cushions, etc. strings, fiirXs3 lllj hirinrrri w :.r....4c(Ei 0c of pibir 10c ill Stamp Specials FOR SATURDAY. I .00 In stamps with one rark ho&ex 20c I .00 In stamps with one bottle of Ketchup ISc J 00 In stamps with one pa oka r of Matches 16c l ,n atampa with on paokaae Malta Vita lie 00 In stimps with on clothes basket utc JR -00 In stamps with ral. best phlo " Maple Syrup 76c J I 00 In stamps with 1 pound of cream cheese 0c t .00 In sumps with one (-pound Sack ' Salt io SI .00 In stamps with 1 package of oorn starch lOo TEA SPECIALS tin .00 In stamps with 1 lb. B. F. lw Japan Tea 80c tin .00 In stamps with on pound beet lv Ceylon Tea at 80o C .00 In stamps with 1 J Breakfast Tea lb. English 76o 4 .00 in a tamps with 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea &0o COFFEE SPECIALS tt .00 In stamps with I lbs. Java and a Mocha Coffee 1100 C .00 In stamps with SV4 lbs. Excelsior Blend conee ... .11.00 1.00 In stamps with 1 lb. Cucuta Blend Coffee .260 tl.00 In stamps with 1 lb. Fancy Ban. H toe Blend Coffee M 20a H BAKERY DEPT. HAVTD TOU TRIED OUR WHITB LATER CAKES AT 26C ALL. FLA VORS STRAWBERRY, CHOCO LATE. CARMEL. NUT. O RANGE, IEMON. E. T. SMITH Ca, 140T Doaslse St. Ffco ! Swell Styles In Low Cuts For Men. The Patent Colt Blueber' Ox ford, we are ahowta this spring xe certainly a very swell and atyUnh mac s shoe. rothlni like them anywhere elC as far asstyla. t finish are concerned; In this they' re unique. The prloea $3.50 and $5 don't really jlye you th" Hbt Impression of them; you wouia expeot them to ooat more. But you must rememoer that you V't more for your money In a FRT SHOE tins In any other. CQ rev Ob 'Weelc We Offer tfca 'llejwt Omi Tr-llac Mtmamw peolaJai SmOO in Green Stamps with 1 lb. Cey Ion or B. Breakfast Tee, at...... .....j 5a iA nk . n fcfcr rrt ta mHttl TV4 I Ml. Of our Cay Ion Coffee, for U-00 15 00 in Green Stamps with Wb. can Borton Baklnf Powder for............ 5o e . in n.- am. with h ft-lb. oao Mocha and Java Coffee for.. TOO a oa i n- atrYi wit ti i lbs. of . . ' nn Moona ana J.v uium ... ......v 60 In Oreen Btamps wun tawi Tim mju. n n.Twr S FECIAL- " t&OO in Green Stamps with eac U-pound Sack Flour at tLStt Bvery back Guaranteed. tS.00 tn Green Stampe with each paokave Cudahys Pyramid Soap Powder at- So 13.00 In Green Stamps with each Ko bottle of Waterproof Bhoa ?oUah at . o Only one to a customer. ILiM in Green Utamps with tke fuUowlus well known articles: 1 package Corn Btaroh lOo three-pound oana Tomatoes o I ous Early June Peas too 1 cans Cudahy's Bex Lye tfa i packaee Celluloid Star oh too 1 Ove-pound Back Bait I pounds Prunes ar Kloe for Wo h pouna cuari nK-oiai. z" I packages Searchlight Matches 150 1 pound Amerioaa CLeese Uo The Boston Meat & Grocery Co. Ill KORTH imr BT. 'PHONE 1068. Look for the Red Front aoroes from the new postomoe. SOME SPECIAL Candy Bargains FOR SATURDAY. 26 Sticks Cand for 6c Dollrlous Hum UroDS. worm 19C ID.. Saturday 6c Pittsburg VUxed a fine and whole soma Biixad candy, worth 20c lb4 for 10c Uarshmallowa, ab-olutely fresh. worUi 80oSa tarda y only 11c CANDLED ALMONDS. A new tweet, worth 8Sc to intro duce them we will Mil them Bat- nrday for only. Ib ISc S packafee all kind rum 10c taw TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER the Jve Steak Meat. ami mm Gloria Cloth at our lining Counter TBI BJCI.IIM.I STORE. Your Clothing HmSdt-bcrl V Marx Optical Department Headache, Eye Strain, Nervous Troubles Oansed by defective vision instantly relieved by the use of proper glasses. WE FIT THEM. CHAliaES MODERATE. Unusual Shoe The surplus stocks of two of the at dO OKNTS on the dollar. Their Man's Sample Shoes and . i M A Oxfords, worth up to tS.80 I 111 nr n . n uoibu oaoipiv Dnon ana Oxfords, worth up to 63 r . vv uintui . inciory run s.nipje jmm. awm- oxford worth up to 12.60... B Ztovs' and youths' tLfiO B D Batln oaJf i.n B B VJF .h. nnu Mm n 4K. . i K.. ... .... K I V I VSeesrw III! a- SteS a a mm IVI Answa and little genfs lace 69C CT " """""" IQr .i V v. uu .WW V, hrM. tnr wnm.n .nil th. BTtTHnM -tjr ftTT and tha JmrM VIITT'HIj'.T.f. .h tor men. . HAYDEW BROS, Stylish Millimry at Popular Prices Always. Tha Most Mapitlcant Display of iooutiful EVER SHOWN IH OLIIIU. Absolutely Hundreds of Exquisito Pat tern Hats on Exhibition. iT'S WORTH YOUR WHILE TO LOOX. Special Street Hat Sals Saturday.. 1508 Douglas St. ONE THOUSAND DOZEN STRICTLY FRESH LAID EGGS r 4nat In recelDt of advice atatlna that tha above shipment has gone forward to reach here Saturday morning, and thus give you an opportunity to purobase: rlctly Fresh Laid Eggs IOC Malta-VitaRegular prloe lie, tOc wMiwt nlrv ..............hi Malta Ceres Regular prloe tttto, m oer Dka Wheatel Regular prloe UHc. r nk ..8ic Balaton Breakfast Food Reg .12ic 81c 121c .11c ular price Si per pas Campbell's Condensed Boups Regular price luc, per can , Choicest California Prunes Heguiar price aw, i- . Knox's Gelatine Regular price n . r . i.k Tomatoes! Tomatoes! Tomatoesl Saturday we will place on sale the very choicest selected Ripe Tomatoes that were ever shipped to Omaha every basket full weight and quality guaranteed. g-IJB. BASKET FRESH QQq TOMATOICa OC"1' AU fruits and vegetables at reduoed prlues. Sommer Bros, EXPONENTS OP GOOD LIVING. 28TH AND FARNAM STRUTS Qtoctrt TH. i3S9-l33L Xzrlct Td. 139 Gloria Cl61h atoiir Lining Counter Opportunity $12.50 Men s Suits 7.50 and 8.50 About 478 suits In all whlnh we will olose out Saturday. They come In aaford graja, brown mixtures, black, - bhie, plain gray and fancy mixtures; greet variety of fabrics; well tailored with good Bnlntrs and trtm-nlne, not a suit worth less than K2.&0, your oholoa Saturday for 7.50 and 8.50 $15.00 and, 18.00 Men's Suits 10.00 and 12.50 At tlO and 112.60 we show the greatest line of band-tailored clothing ever seen In the city at the price; perfect In fit; nobby In pattern; best of fabrioa: axoallent In workmanship. These roods are mads by soma of the best clothing ncanufacturers In the country and possess hot only splendid wearing qualities but plenty of Individual snap and style, not a eult In the lot worth leas than $16 and CS. Our special price Saturday $10 and 12.50 Values Saturday best factories In New England bought loss Is tout yain m . -""T I. t: mf , vTT'M' 'X'1 r 'KiA' I VV. Mm I F ...... . V ""'i nilUU Johnson & Goodlett Co. pbonb im. We sell hoaest goods, give honest weights and treat our patrons on the aquara In every way, hence our success. Muney re funded If you are not satlpfied. SPECIALS FOR BATURDAT. OATtiA-L--iouiid pkgs. "Yankee Brand, aianes in eacn pag., OjQ ooda. for. per package 19q TAblJuJ PKACHEM I-pound oans fine. solid, packed In syrup, A0 quality, er can TABLE) PEJAR g-lb. cans fine white Michigan rears, in syrup, zo goous, per can llo Ir!.W I .'I- L . ' sl at g li - PI.UM- Eggs ana uoia urop Plums, t-lb. cans, Mo goods, per oan llUo TARCH-l-lb. pkg. Gloss Starch, lOo Xoods, per pkg (a NCA FLOUB-J pkgs. best qual ity for 15o TOOTHPICKS-,'World's Fair Brand," per pkg Via LVB 'fafety Brand," per oan 8Mo COOK I EM Our own make, assorted, ' lOo per dos. quality, per dos So EARLY JUNE PiiiS-Oood quality, per can t3 RICE Japan Rice, cheap at t lbs for o, Saturday, per lb lo CHOCOIATB t-lb. oaes, regular fOo goods, per eats llo CAKE-Our famous (-layers white cakes for SOo HAMS "Diamond C" brand, per lb....ima BRKAKFABT BACON Per lb 12' ia bOUJNO BECF-Tender and sweet, per lb JHo LA-TR BTF7W Per lb S'4o PORK IiOINB per lb , fl'io PORK BUTTH Per lb K'io Plenty of fresh bome-grown vegetablfj . St lowert prices. . STRAWBI-RRIEJS. the beet the market affords, at lowest prices. Johnson & Goodlett Co. Otk. aad lke Sis. Vakers, astchcrs aad Crweera. 1 w a 1 J. V T?V ' ft T v