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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1904)
11 15th and Farnam Streets, 15th and li i.r :,i Men's Furnishing Specials. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, ATEIL SO, ay. --'" J-2: j. it lPi ,lf J fey-' nto &Tjil ! I iv" aw I I 1 : t 1 11 iiinii - - - . ' " It . " " " I ARM! OFFICERS HAIL PLAN letiucirtio Over Iters to If ska Tort Omaha Eigaal Corps 8ta'. oo. CAPTAIN WAUACE TELLS WHAT IS NEEDED tore Wireless Trlrsrraph? mm CaMe BarlakBt Sta4la Be raiU4 r rail. The rthabUiutioa ot Fort Omaha aa BMdquarlara for the algnal corpa ef the Vnli4 SiatM army ante wtta every ex preaetoa of aTauncalion at local armjr kd euartera. Captaia Charles 8. Wallace, ciUef algnal emcer, aaia In retereoce to the matter; "It is a thing we have hoped for for several aaoatbe. It etrikee me as a good stove and one that will contribute very aaatartaily to the efficiency ot tte anal eorpe ot the army, which haa become a very tmpertant factor In the military re tabUahment ef not alone this, hut ail coua Ulee. I woold Infer that the poet would accommodate a permanent garrison of lie mca and atx officer, and It could rvadily he made available aa a recruiting rea esveue for about ot men. It would be come a echool of InatrucUon for offlccra aa well aa mea, aad, ewlng te I la central lo cation, eouid be made one cf the most Important military eeuhliabmenie of the country. There are now about L3v men connected with the alg&ai ernlce. eaae BalUla Keedea. "Some additional building will have to be provided at Fort Omaha for the signal service. One wiU be a large balloon shed, a hydrogen generating plant, machine hop for automobile and other machinery deaigaed foe the experimental department of the signal service. A wireless telegraph Station also will have to be built, also a cable experiment station. If thla work waa begun ty July 1 the poet would be ready gar actual work by tall. There la ample ground at Fort Omaha, eighty acres, for aa ideal aiamal eervloe post and school It ie will be a very attractive place to visit and will add materially to the Interesting attraction of Omaha." TO HELP BUL0 NEW CABLE Caetaia C a. WalUaee Oavre Seattle te Aid Caeatraattiea ef Alaska Captain Charles a. WaUaee, chief slgnil officer of the Department of the Missouri, baa bean relieved from duty her and ts ordered to proceed te Seattle for duty rela tive te the construction of the frilled State anarine cable from Seattle to Sitka. Juneaii a4 Vande, Alaaha. lie will be succeeded a chief signal officer temporarily by Ft ret Lieutenant W. Lt Karaea, aide-de-camp to Oeneral Wlnt Captain Wallace will depart for Seattle tomorrow. Captain Wallace to assigned to 4 sty with the felted State cable snip Burnalde, now aei rente from the Philippines, which I ex pected t arrive at Seattle May L Tee V sited States has about tM miles of tele ' graph hae la Alaska and the purpose of the aew cable to to connect these Unes with the Vol tad States, independent ef the Cana dian telegraph tlnee now extending Into the Slaaia couauv. The work wul occupy ahoat three UMota. The length of the cable Uae wiU ee about Uot miiee and win be ewaed and controlled exclusively by th Vailed State government. The LiDapuuaa baser has aa advertise- ea page I that will la tar eat you bet- 700 MEN'S SPUING SUITS Worth Up to $25, sa?c Saturday at $13.50 We purchased these suits from one of New York's most prominent wholesale custom tailors, at one-half their original value. They are strictly high grade every suit is hand tailored and not to be com pared with anything shown by the ordinary clothing store Made of American, English and French worsteds, silk mixed worsteds, the finest of chev iots, silk mixed cheviots, homespuns and unfinished worsteds, strictly custom trimmings, hand-made' button holes, hand-felled collar and lappels, hand-padded shoulders and hair cloth fronts, which is a positive guarantee that the coat will retain its perfect shape per manently. The styles are single and double breasted sack suits, and the sizes are here to fit every man from 34 to 46 chest, regardless of build. Not a Suit in this lot worth less than $20 and up to $25 They are equal to made to order at $35 and $45 Saturday, choice SHOE VALUES THAT CANNOT BE EQUALLED. A bet6hoe8.8?ld ,in America. Shoes for dress and business. Our stock give you a large election to choose from. Here are three great specials for Saturday: M?.hXtANI, yELr?0CALF' a!" V,0i kid and 0lUkin ghoe8 al1 P to-date lasts and toes, also vici and patent colt ox SPETIA? mfv TfvTf VT' hZ th,at aQd 2 50 the world ver-our price $Z00. -Iwortli i fandVoat $2 50 " Goodjear wdt oxfonlB' in BIucher and lace Btle pfrii kMTf."J lEATUf L? P?Ef ' Tth aVy aDd fleiible Mle also d h with patent tips and genuine x ans kid. hand turn nxtrfrAa with notonf i ... . . . t . r " 7 DBKSSMAKISa STOCK MOJDAY. k Braaeete ek Bmm CaTer the Chelex Caode freae the g3BIOO Dreea. aaakJaar gteak af Maaaane Macheret, S3 E. Sr lt Xew Terk. 8AXJE BEGINS MONDAT, MAT l Thl stock to direct from on of the most fashionable dressmaker In New York City all the newest ah err materials Im ported, by Madam Xatberet for evening gowne superb alias, all the elegant dress goods, 'je ported model dresses and Im ported model opera cloaks and gowns om flnlahed and some partly finished. The most Important dressmaking sal ever held In the west. On sale Monday, May 1 J. U BRANDE1S at BON 8. Aaaeaataaeate ef th Theaters. "Over Niagara Falls." Rowland A Clif ford's maim in cent scento production, which will be the offering at the Krug Sunday and far the following three days, ts her alded aa the sensational success of the season. It to said to be superbly mounted, te abound in heroic scenes and startling situation. Several mechanical effects new te the stage are introduced, the principal one being a reproduction of Niagara Falla. over which the leading lady makes a thrill ing descent In a moat sensational manner. Aa especially strong cast will be eeen la the various roles. Truly B hat tuck, th talented soprano, who has been th most captivating thing st th Orpheum this week, and the other varied featuree that havs contributed to a program ot excellence will be seen for the last two tlmea, matinee and night, today. Commencing Sunday, the 'Colby family. including the versatile musicians, Mr. and Mrs. Colby. Master Frank and little Miss By lie, will be the headline attraction. "The Blfuricated Girl." a comedy sketch, win be presented by W. H. Murphy and Olanehe Nlehola. A salient card win be the Nichols siatera, known aa ths "Ken tucky Belle," who. la black face, make merry with eong, dance and funny dia logue A novelty from the Olympia, Parte, is QHlas- Artesta, a mechanical figure, curiously simulating the human being la action. T. W. Krkert and Emma Berg will sing sn operatic sketch called 'Ths Land of Two Moons." Varied Imitations sad funny stones will be famished by Al Lawrence. Aronson and Ashton are equili brists, and ths kinodrome pictures will be new. This afternoon st the Boyd theater ths Vinton Moving Pictures will be exhlMted eepedally for the children. This exhibit Includes the celebrated motion pictures of fuels Tom s Caitu." "Ths Great Train Robbery," "Hijfj Hoollgaas Fourth of July" end other films that win be found both Interesting and humorous. The price of admlasiaa Is but 10 cents to sjiy seat in the house. Seat far th ngagemtat cf Tlola AJtea In th great production of "Twelfth Nihl" went on sale this morning Mia Allen and her splendid compear wUl be at the Boyd ca Tuesday evening nest. Seels for the Richard Mansfield engage, meet will ge on eale st the Boyd box office oa Monday morning. Mr. Mansfield will play "Iran tba Terrible" on Friday even ing. "Beau Brummel ' at the ma tine on Saturday and "Old Heidelberg" oa Seter. day evening. Flee Onvavrte Only. I the Vote that ge oa sale Monday. Ele gant hta-h pile Axmar.ster carpets made ty Alas Smith A Svcs Carpet company, re duewd from gLTs te gl S. HI grade, soft sad htxartant r a nets te lire on. very durable. He per yard. See Sunday's paper. ORCHARD A WLUltLM CARPET CO. j u . "iiin NOTED INDIANS GO TO FAIR Cu'sfi of Mi ay Tribea Aocompaoy Colonel Coir mint te Et. Logia, FIRST EXHIBITION OF OLD FED CLOUD Complete Aggrearatlaw at Werld'e Fair Will Caaaprlee Rrpreeeatatlvea freae Fl fty-Oae tat America. The vicinity ef the Union depot had ths appearance of an Indian re serration yester day when the special train bearing X2 Indians stopped la Omaha oa Its war to the exposition at St. Louis. The party ts In charge of Colonel Cummins and will be a portion or th exhibit which will be opened under the name of Cummins' Wild West Indian Congress and Rough Riders of ths World. Among th big chiefs on th train were American Morse, Red Cloud. Flat Iron, Red Ehlrt. Two Strike, Rocky Bear! Hollow Horn Bear, Red Star. Calico, Shot-ia-the-Eye, Blue Horse, Short Man. Hard Heart, Black Heart, Lone Bear, Seven Rabbits. Lost Horse, Whit Eyes, No Neck and Crew Dog. Ths tribea represented were: Flathead Crow, Arapahoe, Cheyenne, Black feet, Omaha. Wlnnebagoea, Skcs, Foxes and nine tribes of Sioux. John Mellen. traveling passenger agsnt of th Northwestern, cams In with the train. Mr. Mellen says about i.QM Indians were camped along the route and ths tlms was put la feasting, dancing and having a general good time. Cattle, were slaugh tered and distributed among1 ths Indians. When the train was ready tu depart there wss much weeping and walling among ths families of those that ware te leave. Old Bed Claad. Old Chief Red Cloud, in ale ninety seventh year, whose skin resembles wna kled parchment, occupied a private ear on ths train with his family, which la very numerous. He had oothlng I any and earned to take but little interest to his surroundmga. He wears glaaaa, hut waa togged out la all th finery dear te an ladle heart. In fact, all the brave were dresesd up to maks a killing and th air was full of feathers. A large portion of th party waa cos poaed of women and children. All of th chief wer lined up to have their picture taken 1 treat ef the train, many ot them etandlng upon th engine. They eeemed to be happy and te enjoy every minute ef the time. Though t year of age. thla la Red Cloud s first exhibition. The atoiid old chief alway be refused to make a show of himself, but hs nelly acceded to the pressing requests ot Colonel Cummin. Colonel Cummins, by ths way. has prac tically spent his lifetime smung the In olana The son of an India trader and bora at Council Bluffa, he Inherited th love for adventure and roving disposition sad la early boyhood Ingratiated nlmseit la ths affections of the Indiana He was mads chief of the Sieug by Red Cloud end Is therefore the only while man now la the United Stales to eajoy this distinction Coloael Cody being a bread. Colonel Cum mins' World's fair aggregation will com prise Indians from Bfiy-oos. abojt all ths sxtaat tribes la America today. Sassaner la th Eaet. It ts eettmattd that there will be a larger travel to the eastern resorts thla year than for several yeara. The New Tork Central lines will offer a marvelous train semce sad anticipate that their feeiilUee will be taxed I- 'etr ut most capacity auu vuoan neeis wortn SUES FOR INSURANCE POUCY Heary T. Clark Caret ee Cae Acalast Matmal Beeerve te Federal Caert. A traneerrpt In the ease ef Henry T. Clarke against th Mutual Fund Life as portation, rt si., from the District court of Douglas county, was filed In the United Ststee eourt. Clarke bring suit for H0.WO damage against ths Insurance company. He slleges he was Insured by the associa tion la May. 11. for the sum ef SM.Ont and bad paid all of his assessments la ptrr. suance of his contract up to ths fall of 1W1, when his assessments were raised, and he learned for the first time thst the com pany m which he was Insured had beeome reincorporated Into the Mutual Reserve Life Insurance company, whose plans and raise ef assessment were materially dif ferent from his original contract and be refused to pay the same, main tiff slleges further that the Mutual Reaerre Lira In surance company, upon his refuaal te pay his Inereeeed premiums, cancelled hi policy. Plaintiff further allege that hs has already paid about In premiums ea his policy, aad thst he la bow 70 years sf age, in feeble health and beyond the age la which be can secure lnswraaoe with any ether reputable company. What Fallawa Orlpf Pneumonls often, but never when Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I eaeA It cur cold aad grip. 0c. 1X04 For sale by Xuhn A Ce. Raswaeekerf Bates te) Ware Dakata, Every Tuesday until October M the Chl eage Great Westers railway will sell roust trip tickets to points In the above named a tale at a great reduction from the usual fare. For further Information apply ts Geo. F. Thomas, general agsnt, UU Far earn street, Omaha. Neb. BasTala aad Bet arm Oae rtrst-Tlaae Far Flea SS t aa te. Y1A MICHIGAN CENTRAL. THE NIAG ARA FALLS BOVTB. Good going May U. U and U. with re turn limit to May 2S. optional via rail or steamer between Detroit and Buffalo la either direction. Call or aend for tlrae table and particular City Ticket Office, lit Adam street. Chicago. wertd'o reir. Tie the WABASH RAILROAD. r-110 t- Louie aad return oa sale daily. Wabash City Ticket Office, lata Farnam St.. Omaha. Paasy camp No. I. R. N. A., will give an entertainment and baxaar Saturday evening. April kfc et A- O- U. W. tan. pie. lath aad Dodge streets. .Admlaaloa, lue. special. $1.90. ONIMOD BEST SHOE FOR MEN. Styl, Quality sod Workmanship. $3.50 nd $2.50 Always Satisfaction! Always Fit! rUker ts Wearer! Regent Shoe Co., 309 5ojth IStb St, On A HA. Send for Catalog D. We Gives SS Worth of Green Trading SUmps Saturday Wltl Etery $3 Porchui OXFORD TIES $l,50-$2,0(M2.50-$3,00 Ml the Latest Styles. SHOES $l.5O-$2.OO-$150-$100-U5O EVERYTHING NEW. HEM'S AID WCWEI'S IEW Tan Russia Oifcrds $3.00 noYris 1117 DOUQLAS. for Stamp. Rogers, Peet & Co. Swell Clothing for Men. . L Brandels 6 Sons. SAYS STATE IS NOT FOR HEARST Jaaaee Orr, Desaseralle Katlaaal Dele ate freae htaaeaa, Deaiee Tel. law Jaaraallet'e Clalaa. Jamea Orr. one ef the democratic natiecaJ delegate recently elected ia Kaasas, was la Omaha Thursday. Hs, declared hi tat la not for Hearst, but that a ma jority of th national delegate ere ep poeed te him as a prealdeatlel candidate. A. B. Hubermea. Sismonda. wa Import in um flit UNDERWEAR 25c Good quality Btlk Finished French make Balbrlggaa Underwear, la tan. (Tax, blu and ecru, eateea faced drawer, with beat pearl buttona, regular 40c value 2C.C EACH. f Fln French Balbrfggan Underwear, medium weight. U B aT wltt nUn trimmed shirt and hear satin band trimming J? VI on drawer, with double eeata. in newest color, atraw, ar-ty, tan, bine a. id unbleached balbriggau, Tnls la ax eeptlonal good value at 75c at 60c EACH. 75c Fine quality lifht weight natural gray merino, An Australian wool fine Egyptian cotton. A aplendld spring weight and an excellent wearing garment, regular dollur Talue T5C EACH. HOSIERY lOcg Best quality acamlpsa cotton hose. In medlam and light eight, all colors, I good value at 13c, AIR. 25c Extra fine quality full fashioned Sea Island Cotton and French Lisle Thread Hoalery, In plain solid colors and the latest styles of novelty fancy otlored effects, regular SOc values, on table in center aisle AT J&C PAIR. i NECKWEAR 45c Beautiful line of latest styles of new spring silk, to spots, checks, stripes and all the new brocaded patterns. Com In four-in-band. tecks, puffs and ascots; hundred of pat terns to select from OUB PRICE 45 C. 45c 70c Boys' Heavy Quality Wool Sweaters, with double seek and tail. In else, 4 years to 15; all colors, bine, green, black, nary, white and fancy color regular 76j vaiu AT 450. Boys' Fine Quality Jersey Cloth Athletic Bulta. la aavy, black and garnet, the regulation suit for gymnasium nee- regular 1 vaJne-AT SU1BT. 0 0 jas. ss wbii i - afeev WaVa r513Dod;e5iv-, Bay s Favorite" folding Oo - Cart, compact, light, strong, surspla. Cas b folded tip aad car ried on th street Cars (bs baadlest a o. Cart mad. Spec lal prices for this sate, $2A8epto 5t5.fi5 Is It Not Much Better to be able to eave a per cent on jour patent medicines snd much more than thst on drug and prescriptions than to pay the full eld-time price for 'em? What g90d would It do us to claim to be re sponsible for the cut rate drug business in Omaha, South Ontah and Council Bluffs If tt were not trust Why were we so often put on the N. A. R. D. e CUT OFF list If ws were not the a-rreaslve mitt era T Why don't soms of those WOlLD-BB CITTCRS dny that the ATTOKNtY ; GENERAL OF THE GREAT STATE UP NtPRASKA. gave theae drug trust pro mutere to understand that the state taws were MATTE TO BP OBSERVED, NUT , TO IB KAIUtOALEDT Why were we then takrn off the rm-off Hat ae suddenly snd hi rt did tt.e better element of the local combine tell the N. A. R D. te go tot la the meantime we are still paying freight on that quantity order for out-of-town shipment end are still Inviting com partaon of our jTteea (eupcuilly on pre scriptions) with any other reputable drug house la this big world. SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICB DRUQ TORB B T TATES. Pre. Ifta and Chicago a la., Omaha. 'Psoas irt aad nl. Mih aad N Sta, Suuth Omaha, 'Pheas Na I ttB Ate and Mala ec, Ceuncil bluffs 'Phase go. All good ea n tared la either eity eoealatetr free. Grass Cutters ABE THE THING NOW GOOD FOR THE MUS CLES ASD BETTEB FOB THE GRA6S. We are showing tbe greatest line we ever tad. BALL-BEARING AND OTHERS To a know about our pricw snd . quality. 'Sim Morton & Son Co., IIll Dodg St. GOODRICH HOSB. H Bin u red. blue, black and tan. would be a specially priced AT 10 CENTS TO CENTS FOB PANTS Ariu BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES T'he greatest ehoe prnblera pareata have to deal with. Mora win wear beet shoes ever them out even tbe made. What you want 1 a shoe that will take the loriarest to wear out. You can get that kind of a shoe ta our boys' tl to school shoes anade ef the beet leather obtainable and ta a way that they will stand tbe bard knurtto the boy will give thean, Saturday Is boys' shoe day sai a We have extra help yuat I take) oar of the boy. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnta Street. Omaha' a UpegexDatt She Hwa Tempting Styles.... The Present Season' Production, af Negligee Shirts far exceeds In beauty aad style any former showlag. and the variety one ha here te select from Is worth walking aafi bloeag $1.50 for ths beet Shirt ma lie sll the Is tat colore It will plea o ta show ywt an gtoek of Shirts. Albert CaKn SHIRT MAKER AND MEN'S PVBr MaKiR. SIS Seath leh St. Piles Cured WITHOUT PAD Br W. C. BssweO, tt. n. Qraduate et Beilevwe Hnapttal Medasal Cea- lage ef New Tor City. SM-4 Be hulag. Oaaaaa. Kab. Tea UM H. L. RAUICCIOTTI, D. Y. S. crrr v ctkrxm ariam7. Office sad Infirmary, gets en Vaaes Ma