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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1904)
THE OMAITA DAILY FEE: IT.1DAY. APKIL 2X 1U. I 0 ACCEPTS THE PLACE Cltro Kia Tai fori 'in of Coa EDL'CHTtD AKD HAS RESIDED IN CKAHA Attested Crelafcl- tslterally Karly I Uhlira s "Mss I rn.rily .(turUitl with Jen C ttt. A barerteT-tptic ru u.rtr story e.rt .limed by J'jij pjr t"U mjrrtiir.c to the effect that EL J. M'Vwbb, the ne-ly eierted sec retary an-1 cnrnirjM'ioDr cf tbe Commrr rfoil club, m.M not ifl tbe poe'tjon, toil to earth villi a dull thud la v't-w cf the la't that before tb t;i t this p-jblirtBth-n It scarcely oi.iA. etifl really b f -re it was "set. comes a letter fv"m Mr. McVann slatlnr he halt soot pled the pw-ition end will d Ms ttrmrt to Ell ;t fciitiKlnci'irilv end to tb afirtrtLFf of til ir.ttratts ramtnel. Thrre appears to have Iwt no tanribie rrounds for the story, for r.o orie connected with the Commercial riu'u had beard It inti mated that Nr. McVann -mlrht sot ao , cepf ketrb f Hia Carfcr. J.'r "McTsr.n vi'l net be er.trre'y ririiiicer in (mutii. for he wu edu'ted here, and once raise tilt city hia horn He f'urid hia f u, a native daurh'er of roal.a. here. Vr. McVann' was born at Medina. X. T.. Jjly , j. fcf'd la. therefore. ST. year old. Me flmh3 hi education at Creie hton tiriiverhiiy, in tl.ia city, in lsSF.. He was "honor man" cf tbe clans of IHM and rtood eeotid in rank at the enfl of 'al. after which he entered the freight office t.f the I'.ur- lir.(rt.n. -Ceof.r Tin jicln A Northern railroad In the rapacity t.f clerk. It id an int-rct-' 1 rninriaemf that hl work was crirW the r m iervwinrj of John E. T tt, tbe man hom he r"w nurt-nl a eecrrry and mmmli irner of the Connnerr-la! club. In lf'T Mr. McVarn ent to Uncnln a aprnt cf the Pttr T'rioa line, and a rear later came hack to Omr-ha as eollritina- r"n f'r the aajne corporation. Ke trap tnade be Sioux City upent fa, iie aaroe cor Tation In lfl and tr .Jerred to the . t'uhuque tfrncj- four" tr later. Mr. McTann vm eierted eerretary of the Iuhojue FitKines Men' ti n In Jkfril. and of the Sioux City CommeirciaJ ctuh lu January, liif. A year tSMT that he went t ChirT) as the mannrer ff the husitie f Jatnc.a Rflatid Co., hlch position he haa rerlgm t return to Omaha. tin. MrVtro a Mlm Laura lonrpre.. a T'orulT youtip woman of this city, where . be wad bom and aJwaya lived until her marriaFe, In WZ. and corii'iion tor the It nt few dain there cu)d miirr ho kd pBrihi'iner. I'e a;.far-d In j ill' court In full er rlniar!jtl raJmnt. iaeiuir.a; a j'Ufhed ailk Uie, and hia tail. rtra;eM tart and Kara rairiiert e-rn5 to lend a rhnrTer.a.1 aJr to t:i court rrr. f'ir tvie momA.t. When arra:pn-d lIore the lylire court h aa Bont'omrnJttaX GO TO LOS ANGELES MEETING (DANCE FOR CANDIDATES Cctfreniftkl A.! p tttt Eti ii Opror ttiity t how TteitttiTe. 0EJECT10KS FROM THE BLACKB'JFiH CUN Tfcre naaaha Iele1- Utf m4 Ol her. Mill rlli far tbe Ceeral rnfereaee. anie HI lrele ! He aala te O t WaahlaiBrtvai f llrrt Their rrmail rplarlty. It. 3. V. yr id;rr elVr of the , "mai dirrrirt of the MethoaiM Efie'pHl I Ioch intereFt tbd ao-ne rfculstion i church, ai d Ker. William Ooret. tiastor of , lnduiped conoerninf t ire rej.uhlican the Seward Ptret c burrh. left yesterday rnniar1? for iKiupina cout.ty. at w hit b to k-o via Kanaka City to the arfne'-al ' deJegnie to Ibe state and cori-T-esiotiiil conference at lx ArFele. They fr" a t-or v Ltiotia to exlett delearatef to the na-d-ietratea fr' tn thia dietritt. Mm. M J. j convention fcre to be elected. Ctrjdi Vcmnett. tne third delea-ate., a;re thia even- 1 dtitea for djstritt delegates ruu lr,a;. Th oonfertTice njornh end iowsih:y 1"T rer and the oele-i the epeaulLtion enttra. rarte will reaiBin until the end A few ' Under the call hued hr the county corn- laymen cf the Omaha rhurches are think- mitte at I la met-tiiix lat week it is jro ing; of art'Tifiini and aiao some of the vided that at the comii.g primary eiertion minletrv Air. .r theee ir Fer. Clyde Clay ! pi-eference for c-.rrresFiotial canadate cf Jlanat-om Park chnrch. whoae ! rMn expreaaed. Now. ConrreKional expense have hetn voted hy the ronpre- j Chairman Klaekhum txcluded ration, ner. 3 Randolph Emith of Trinity nomination r . coi, from hia ) tbelr filit-fs on or before Tueeday next 1 be In eeaFion for a with the county committee. Here is where church If thir.k'.r.g of froir.g. and I'r. E. Com hi o Smith of ihe FirFt church may ro. hut DD1 tiefore Msv ir,. J. TV VhV'1- and wife cf Beward Fireet church will atlerd. and Charlea A. Goff and otherF ar cotiFiderlr:? the trip. Most of those Foir.a; will wait, however, until the more inter eFiing ptrt of the Fearl'in is reached lattr. A Pavairite Reaier fr Itafclea. Its plea.vr.nt ttsle and foirtt eureF have j mafl Chamberlain a Conpi Remedy a fa vorite with the rrrTth'r cf small children It quielviy curei their tousl.a and coidF and prevent ar.y danrer cf pneumonia or other eeriouF ronsequtnoe. It not on'y rures croup, hut wh"n riven aa soon aa the croupy oourb appear, will rrevect the attack. I fcr the convention which meet at Lincoln on the movniur of the state cm j ventlon May He acoej'ts tiie deltrates I to the state convention as tbe deli gates t i the ctr.presional convention, hut say thev ; Fhall elect two d l rat s to ttie neticnl i convention "h')d shall do no other husi T.ess." This doeF not aittr tlie arrangement tu,,.. . .. tM'iT..... Unooln In W 01 jrt-iereri"e at tije primaries, ariu 11 if I exjerttd that the candidate for conrress- ms.n from the Second district will tie 1 h j thie county committee and gn on tiie hal::u j aloiia; with the others. Ohe-t I Refereadaam. 1 Several of the men who hare been roen j tioned In connection with the nomination j for conrresF. notably John P. Breen anu i P. H. Guinea, have sought to secure a ler's salary, and the 'h;;r-h diielir tve yar lad been decor!- .rd imprirred. Ker Vewlon Mir.u. fe tifstlir tvi t"' si:jniienn: t of tie e-.; u,, sr-h.-i and tbe rjj-lrtendTt of th- v .nr n aihanf-e made tpr pieaFitig report For trusie-i t J Kvertrclatr. F M "iv,. j,;rs i 'J Hajnea and Mr H. C iirown wre ejected- DOVE CF PEACE STIlTsLEEPS rartleMl trlle IVnalei 0f Caaasia ef Dwaslaa Cawst? Pfwrm. The Lrywl It-mncrrtte ir.roe will rn't tonight in Germania hail and the Imocratic Puocess lenirue ili hoid a F sioB In Royal Arcanum hall Saturday even lr.r The latler h lK-n tlirtenin to issje a statement In Kp'y to that griven out hy the Pryanites last t lut thus far the councilor have not agreed upon wMat is to he said. Each faction i trying to ret torelher on a alate for the national delegation, hut there seem to he difficulty In this, a Dot a few democrat are In a reeej tire mood. The Hearst people declare Le Hcrdman wa circulating the printed charges mad? in a speech on the floor of the national bouse in W hy former Congressman Grove 1 Johnson of California, and t harplrig pros immorality on the part of Hearst. One of Them said: "I prefer to bolt 1he party and to see RrKevit elected if the democratic con vention nominates Judge Tarker or a man of hia type, 1 think Mr. Bryan and hia closest frienfis feel the snme way about the matter. It i more than likely, how ever, if Judge Parker i nominated the boilers will hold a convention of their own and name Bryan as their standard-bearer. Then you will see a camps ;rn such a Tbe pol'tical'y dis- oortened. oeitsiic and labiTig classes will rally t the support of Bryrn and should give him enotirh votes to win agmiiist a divided opposition. aad Chins, noa psren'v serv-e in Cvhs. P 'Tipp' Mr kt"1 Km. Jscee Tieiany of rt-e Jrtt". r.ot-l Tie.r future home will in Pur P-xr '. !- Me J-.bnson wt!l siati'md in the cu;.rt"T-nster a depart ment of the X nlted States army. flerld'a Fair. , Via the WABASH RAILROAP. tlS Ft. Louis and return on sale daily. "vVahaFh City "Ticket Office, lfioa Farnarn Bt.. Oinaba. f : . Mirrlair l.ieewsee, r to oon Atril S the f .llcwinr coup1 had heen licensed to wed: Name and Residence. Age Victor A. 'W eariier f'thland Amelia Fret-erg. Oakland 1 Anion podraky. Cmaha Minme Barsail. Omaha 21 Joseih Prusha. South ti'msha SI I'oily F.emas. South Omaita J tieorge W Munger. I'ilger Isabel Corrwall. vmaha Homer A. Pratt, Omaha .- Si Anna F. Sovkup. t-'maha Charles K SimmonR. Omaha Nina M. A. Fraxier. Omaha .. SI tt-K. Wedding Rmga. Eunojm. Jewater. Kfertaltty Statiatlea, The foilowinr liinh and deaths have heen reported to the Board of Health during the twenty-four hours ending at noon Thurs day : Births Samuel Webster. 2fcT.I Cuming, hey; Ctiariea Lorsty Simpson, iW4 Caloaeii r'rl. rnaths Ida May Hnrtmann. S7 Ppauld lng. 2": Tbeodore Ostrom. LOi Ames avenue, t months. nCDMTIP TnsfP PPIIPT PPnt' ! "'"'dification of ihe rule of the cout ty com- WWl u I I inib w w w i 1 I nw.wn WANTS CCUnTPOCW CLEANED Ja( Banlrif Will laalsi mm Better Saaltatlaia la His OIBrtal fkaakm. "I do not wish to he put on record as kicker." said Judge E. M F.artlett. "but I would Just like to have you a look at this court room and Its surroundings. He referred to room number I cf the dis trict court. - For a king time complaint have heen made hy merohers of the bar who have heen oWlged to try cases tn this room be cause of sis unsanitary and odorous con did on. Th carjx't oa tbe main floor Is rery old and dingy, while the toilet room In tionneClicm wHh the Judre's prlvata room la tn a Xiartlcuiarly had condition. The rornioe ahcnY the stton porch In front of all tbe windows of the rooms are the MiFlIri , rid . r oeUC lfcoe for a great number of pigeons, and the resuitlnr filth, whit h amounts to several hushela. on the window Bill and siarch gives oft a stench that with tbe advent of hot weather and open windows will heoome unbearable. Judre Harriett takes up his duties tn this room at the heginnlr.g of the May term an 1 will lrslst on some Improvements heing made tn tbe Us of cleanliness and sanitation. Plili'i "Pr-e will n Frtra WtrV la Cham Vera Fwraserly Oerasiteal by Master. Tbe room occupied hy former J uflre r.;ix- ter In the county bulla. nr will, for the next two months, 1 riven up to the county treasurer for tbe use vf his rsF.d. ants abn will have charge of the opera tion of the scavenger law with relation 10 the collection of taxes, which, if unpaid I j mii'.ee. 1 ..t tiiis can not be d"ne, as there I Is 110 time for isf-uing a new call, even !T I the county committee sere disposed to l3 so. The objector arirue that when Chair man I.iarkt.urn calls Y is nominating con vention 11 will 1 time enouph to secure an expression of preiereijce, and that until then the matter can reFt. W. S. Raker, the Sarpy county candidate, urges that the Ioi,gias county unit ruie leave him cut in the cold, lor he say he will stand no ahow of nomination undr such eondi- 11'irtH Uui, ftu.h vVm miiwuii tA'bLVi. May I. I". delinquent and euhject to j pourilT , lhf mf,ltT.E lf Mr. Black- u" -vu-u w "'(bum's committee, pets up mat Washington county will have no shew arainst Iugla under the conditions named, and Insist bninr taken into court ruber 1. Con siderable indignation i expressed hy court officials at this arrangement, which mutt necesarily disrupt the working of the wheel of Justice to a considerable ex-tent, but the county commissioner refuse to appropria-te tiny money for changes for so short a time and allow that the court must double up and get along ac lest they BOSTOV BtHBLK HEGl LATIO. BfMU-d of HeaJtb Order Stertliaatta at All tbat Barken Cs ea Ctowr. A specinl dispatch from Boston. My 6, lSKifl, to the N. T. Sun givtm new regula tions of the Boston Board of Heaith as te barber shops: "Murn. shaving brushes and raaors afcaJl I terllizd after each sepa- that tbe plan ia not fair to the outside counties. Inasmuch as the plan proposed is one ontr.rially adopted by Mr. Blackburn in order tu socure tbe nomination of D. H. McrtHT, the sudden discovery of the men who were formerly warrn supporter of Mr Mercer seem a little remarkable. Since the Second congressional district was estab lished in llitw it has had but one republican c.tndidMte for congress 1. H. Mercti. He has always been nominated t-y XKtuglas county. Neither SLJTy nor "Washington county has ever undertaken to dominate the convention, nor is it exjweted thai cither will do so now. W. B. Raker is the first man from either county who haa runic , forth seeking the nomination. He is not do- j piived of any of his right, dot Is his chance sh.ii fnr -oerrm. Maierlai I tuT tbe ''Oniinatlon E-pparenUy te-td hy to srtop the flow of blood shall be used 1 the rule thiu "ulr tioniinees to submit only la a powdered form and applied on a lhf-Jr nan,e to " t'oaela county voter towel. Powder puffs are prohibited" t lh I'nnmri in order that an cxpres Wherever Newbroa "Hen.icide Is used "ion 01 ''id"1 I secured for the Sciatic Cmrd Aflcc Tsteatr Tears ( TWrTwf-e-. - "Tor more thaa twenty years Mr. J. B. Vaasey of CSS Clinton St. Minneapolis. Vlnn, was tortured hy aclatlca. The pain and suffering which he endured during this tins Is beyond comprehension. Nothing trare hlzn any prrmaxkexit relief tin til ha used Chamberuiln'a Paia Balm, One appU catloa of tliot liniment relieved the pain and xoade sleep and rest possible, and less than on hot tie has effected a permanent rure. Mr. Maswy relates his experience fur the benefit of others who may be alm lilarly afflicted. If troubled with sciatica or rheumatism why sot try a nV-oent bottl of Paia li.!ra and see for yourself how (uickly It relieves the jisJh. DEFENDS BEER WITH RAZOR rlred Mil Gets An tbe Drlak. Vat tt Cswt Hlsa terea IVsOlawra. "Levi King. yo ere charged with firht- tr-g and threatening tn fht and ustng loud nd oliscene ftciruar". I "roa plead ru3ty or not g-uiity? lukefl Px.llce Judfre Berkk if tbe 1 rtsoiier when arraigned, with W!l- be Smith, whs was arrested with King- aud on the sa-ssc charew. wii, juig-t. I i-iexd ruHtr f-rht- lng. locauae Smith saw tn first and had to defend myself. I was sirring en box In my owa yard drinking- caj f teer. when Smith came along and wanted a drti.k. I then told a friend of mine I knew that Prnlth smelied beer, because he just came front th north nd th wtni as blowing front th sooth. Bxnta left and returned sou with three colored women, 11 then threw three bricks at me." The evident, hf wev er, ahowed that King drew a raata- on Scith when the latter re fused to huv a can of tee.r. atlng was t-ned n and costs. WtU Smith was cja rharred. Both parties are oolared and lira at Tenth at-d Opltoi avecua. A- B. Hubertnaa. disnvmoa, owa Impart. for face or scalp after shaving or hair cutting, there Is no danger of Infection, as It Is antiseptic and kills tlie dandruff germ. Sold hy leading drugx;"-- Send ( cents In stajmi for sample to The Herpl- dde Co.. Detroit, Mich. Sherman dc Mo- Conn (-11 Prng Co., special agents. Attract, a, O. I . W. Annual Ball given hy the America Lodge, No. Sn. at tlieir hall. 17th and "Vinton, Saturday, April SO, ytm. RATHER DIE THAN SUFFER Breeds Over Anticipate Os tie ad Takes Pet . bat Is Rest ere. Hester Pmlth. r.S North Fourteenth street, attempted suicide at 2 yesterday morning hy drinking a quantity of helln- aonna. 1 ne pouoe surgeons were sum moned and after hard work on their part the woman was declared to he out cf danger. The cause assigned for tbe attempted self-dertructloa Is that tb woman has been brooding over an operation ah ex pected to -undergo soon. It Is said the mors she thought of the matter the worse it appeared to her until it became more than she could bear. , HE A TEST IREat.KIk STOCK. C'boaee-st s rrs the trjOtK:- nress- ssaLlsar Mer-k I Kase narhrret :: E. 2Srd t- . 1 Hf tlre-d ri Bsaiaesa. AT J. L. BRANI'EIF z SoNS MONT5AI. A great stock, fresh frcim one of tbe most fashionable and exclusive dressmak ers in New Tork City. It include all the newest sheer materia is that were imported for evening gown, dressmaking, black and colored taffeta, all the dress rod lrm the great siock. and all the imp-Tleo" model dr?SHe and imported m .del Opt ra t!-aks end gowns, some finished and some partly finished. The most Iwautlful array of ex quisite silks, dress goods and gown ever seen in the west. This i an event of great in.pon.ance to Omaha ladies. ON SALE MONDAY, MAY 2. J. L. BRANPE1S & SONS. Ose fare for the R Trls Fins St cents to Cleveland, O., sod return via Nickel Plate road. May lcth, 17th and 18: h. Tickets rood going date of sale and returning to and Including June loth Vj depositing same. Three through dally expreas tr;Jns to "Tort Wilms, Cleveland. Erie. Buffalo. New Tork, Boston and New England points, carry ing veetibuled sloeping cars. Meal served In Nickel Piate dining cars on American club meal plan, ranging In price from Sue to CeO; also service a la carta. Chicaga depot. La Saile and Van Buren streets. No excess fare charred cm any train oa th Nickel Plate road. Chicago ticket office. HI Adams St. and AudiLorium An nex. 'Phon Central StEL guidance of the convention in nominating. A her Blaekkara Preer4eaL Mr. Blackburn is also respottaiule for an other preoedent which his followers now find embarrass! r-.g,, and that was when he acoepted the deleg-ates to the state conven tion aa the delegates to the convention to nominate Dave Mercer. He has an nounced that be will call a convention to nominate a congressman in his own rood time and under hi own rules, hut Just what new sc heme he ia intending to spring oa the voters be rives no Inkling. The only bjeci of the county committee In making Its call as It did is to brine the candidate out Into the open and to get a line on the Individual strength of each with the voters. Whether the gentlemen who ax arxiou to succeed Mr. Hitchcock at Washington will accept the invitation to show themselves is jet to be determined. It will only cost $71 to make the experi ment, and the man who rets tbe plurality of votes cast at the primary Is promised tbe solid vote of Douglas county la the convention. That is eomethinr worth vhiie, for It means the nomination. niMra Ve f Debt. Tbe corigrreratioti of duty church held Its annual meeting In the church Wednes day night. Report were given and officers ejected. For Uie hrst turn in a number of years the riiiiajians arw free from debt. The treasurers report snowed all bills had been pud, including the minis- REAL ESTATE BOOKS DONE Total AsBOtaat f Frwperty Fwwts Tp Over Sevesty-O Million fr Ossafca. Tax Commissioner Fsttmirtr has deHvt-red to City Treasurer Hennlnrs tbe real estate tax books for tbe current year. The total valuation of Omaha real -estate loots up tn,m3i and the tax to be collected on ft amounts to Sm,7M.2T. . Mr. Fleming says be will hsve the per sonal property bouks ready to turn over to the city "treasurer before the end of the wet k. DIED. FT"LLER Mrs. Minerva A., aged 7 years Funeral services at residence 01 Mr ana Mrs John Howard. ti:.-4 Farnam street. Friday, April I. at 1.3" p. tn. Kris us in vited Interment at Kingston. Mass. The Jtlrkct mate, Will Bt'.l tickets to Cleveland. O., and re turn, account of National Baptist Anni versary, on May With. 17th aid ICoh. at rate of one fare for the round trip, plus S cents. Ticket rood gotr.g date of sal By depositing same extended return limit of June Etb may t secured. Through service to New York City, Boston and other eastern points No excess far charged on ar.y wain on the Nickel Plats road. Meals on American club meal plan, ranging In prte from 8c to HDD; also service a la carte. Chicago depot. La Salle and Van Buren streets, the only pas senger station la Chicago on the elevated loDp. Chicago dry ticket office, ill Adams St. and Auditorium Annex. 'Phon Central WCl. Hesse rsa Foretar Laaia Mr. and Mrs E V. Johnson have re turned to Omaha after three years' ab- t rw f TsvaBk. We wish t extend our (umn thank ta but many kind tnends danrf the dth wt ur twlovedL father. Mr. Henry Pohiman. R e wer oerply touches by th maxy bu- IriJ hural tributes that wtr axa us, Wa ire grateful ts tU. MJJ C C SCMAEFFEB. MiUS. H. C F ARTELS, MR. K JATCOWEaU, UtXKI KiHULiN, and ail socBV-ls-iaw. graaid and rr-eat-arrand chilirwa. All g-oda at jUubermans's Jewelry nor (uaranu4 as t -ic and nuaaty. 'ARSON GETS ON BAD SPREE Baa of tass Cloth -Cras Ctap Va tt J .Vn Ik N. X, arrested oa a rhartr of ir.g drunk, has tea reWed la polio x.urt without a f.rx or scnteoo and tuid t to his way and sin no mar. It ts mm 2.1 a prcbabi ttj,t if a certain liru law aariah Ut tsf "Joum Do s" hereaUmil A run,j mark is Lis bonor. It sUnds for iim and be stands for it. It's the old Saxon way of sunifyina food intentions. The right to be protected in the exclusive nse of a trade mark has been long recognized by the common law and enforced by the chancery courts of England and this country. The Government puts its mark on a bond to give it value. The National Biscuit Company puts its trade mark la red and white on each end of a packag-e of biscuit, crackers and wafers to distinguish these products and to guarantee the quality, and it doa. To more clearly comprehend the real value of this trade mark, try packages of SOCIAL TEA BISCUIT and GRAHAM CRACKERS. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Its N ia Trade Mark 2 nastan ii itwisnBssxSMalssatiaasSBr'' An h"jo is tbe only thine that can Lave tbe laKt -word with a woman and it hsf to work evert inie- to do it. Time is tbe only tblmr that can e tbp last ot a ceiinlrje Enrlisb Wcrt eni Suit end it lias to work overtime to do it. vie n nine Enplisb Worst ed lanpbs at abuse smile after bard knock. itrnort'S tbe wenr of weatb'-r. Tbonch tbe fBtiric e pood rood ta Uoring makes It itter. That is wby EtiRlisU Worsted and MacOarthy tanorina make rucb an ideal combination. $35.00. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, f4-M a tsth at, Nart dsor t Wabash Ttcct Oils, Pb It Pays to Follow Up Advertising. Barrels of money are wasted by people who read but do not heed. Why there are people right here in Omaha who do that very thing, but they are growing fewer every week, as fast as they find out about these Friday specials that we are running. Come tomorrow and see how high the prices are in other stores by seeing how low our's are. No charge for looking. Seeing is as free as air and buying is almst as cheap. We cannot promise to fill mailorders on these specials Ladies' Belts f Full stock ealf and kid belts, rttt wide, t (rive the r.lemed ef ect ; Jf Also beautiful hlark c-orded ai.k in many nt(w slrles of t-immlnr, tmf ootne In run metal, oxidised, rlit and morte buckiea, ail cuiors. cf leather, brown, tan. hlat-k and white. Rerular Hv vaiaes, . Ladies' Belts m fy Kew strle. ext-w wde rut. very S'.ft arid j.linhle JVHa In seal, wal iLfSf rus kid and saHon leathers, all color, red, tans, browns. Mark and WW hite the most strheh belt shown this season Also a varied assort ment of silks, with new Jet ornament and but kies lUiruiax Ti.c and H.ttJ pat ttms. at ihe 35c Ladies' Vests and Pants Indies' fine quality rnmlied DpTiriaTi cotton v-sts and Harts eei hirh neck, hmr sleeve, rejuiar sirlnr weirht These are a fine soft finished rarti" nt and ail hund silk tnnimt rtirular UK vsjues, at Ladies' Vests i Extra fine qualitv Jersey rlbled vesta, low neek, sleeveless, I IIP ax 4 white heauUfuily trltrued. and full silk tajed rerular mt0 aI In em ic raiue. 45 Ladies' Muslin Gowns ... . , . .-ta. sawtrl IrWisT ax-1 1 Vl Triirir1. V- lfon qua-iny ttiuhiiti ptmnp nj -H 'f." f iliaje or fquar i-rH-K mnmi-o -wiii-n im.vj uu c-aiwuivi' - tlVahd TOIL UaJLT iOC VkJUC Ik. faaSU. Ladies' Garters I C LCies- new style elastic s uriort rood elastic web, with lurre sat- 35 era pod, with waist band, all colors rerular Z-c value, at Ladies' Hosiery Pneclal lot fanre colored ladles' lisle thread hoee In new patterns; Calso beautiful open work laoe effects hundreds 01 pretty, new styles miIli- r- r 1 iimi s.t abd. DIAMONDS": Kisny writers, amonr them Robert 1 I.uls Stevenson, teorre Manvlus . Fenn and A. I'oium loje.. have writ- ' 1 ten excitinr tales ol adventure in .which a diamorid, or tbe poeseaKltm ' 'thereof, waa the cause. It ia aa 1 natural to wish to poeaess them ss It ' ' is to wish for health and wealth. Any- as 1 one would oenve pleaaare ai.d aaua- ' 1 1 act ion in e.arlr.r one or more e , peeialiy eo if they knew that they ' 1 could realm well on their Investment. Should you purchase one from ua and ' ' tire t.f it. or for any othtr reason wish W l ext-hanre Jt for money, we will gi e ' ' you mrit-ierths of amount paid If , returned within one jenr from fla ' 1 of fiurehese U'e have Solltaue Hinr , from J to sivu. You Should See Our $1.50 UHBREILA5 3 Bi.Ei!5l055J6:5t wuv hot bit" at ii lBBati:L.L.A SToaK f Oje-Wl a5?S " QL o r a. i 6 1 lis ? t .:tj, U6i e m ai K eTsot test war viC EE 2 - e - r . . - c 1 rai "Ota, r . a c " B C :p. t B M e c c c 1 eP V e 4i?l . an: it-A - T C "Ell SEi L V C "2 c- 411 S I 9 Till t Pli' fc- Z er c 5 e a o o u t5 2 a hi o9 .2 ;r;ilt 5" t t'i sb SS -O - cf zzilCL -I Or OS 02 o 2? -1 r x at t. Rich Cut Glass 1 always appropriat for weddinr or anni- versarr rift. "W e carry a lorre stock of the . finest Cut Giass In all and rurtinrs- Quality the hirheat. Desirns th richest. "Prices the lowest. mawiiikneyA Ryan co.vj J5 !? Vomgf 9tm. Dm, Mi. Jewelers and WeLtchmaJaers We curry a fuE line of Elfin. "WaHLam and Ilamiiton Watcbea, and our Ttrioea on these as well aa on all other roods In our store is as row as anyw be-re, tipeaaj arteution -riven to all kind of watch aud Jewelry rviBiring. P. E. FLODMAN 5c CO.. TELEPHONE 1574. 1514 CAPITOL. AVENUE "The Medal of H onor r Story 95 A tale oTjapan by David Cray, author of Gallops," is the great short story of the season. Read it in the May number of the Metropolitan Magazine R. H. RiaateS. Ptiaslr. Nw York A 35-cent Magazine For 1 5 cents. At all Newsdealers (75-15)