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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1904)
TITE OMAHA DAILY HER: THURSDAY, APRIL 2S, 1001. WAY DIKES ARE KOI BUILT County Official Talks ef t.i to Cub ia ' Missouri. scorrs at plea of impassable roads Say Tnree-Foartn ! Material la a Crtaaa anV- Work Might x Hav at Lni( Been Started. brought In on oar thla morning and the Chicago, Bt. raul. Minneapolis Omaha also had a car. The Rock Inland It run ning extra car on all of Its westbound train to accommodate the Increased traffic on account of th conference. The party will atop a day In Denver and on In Bait Ik City. Th why and wherefore of the move menta with regard to the conatructlon of the East Omaha dike are easily accounted for, according to the statement of a promi nent county official familiar with the cir cumstances, but who, for a variety of rea sons refuses to have his name used In connection with the matter at this time. "All this talk," he said, "about the work not being done on account of the roads being In such a condition as to make It Impossible to get the material for the con struction to the river bank Is unfounded. As a matter of fact 75 per cent of th piles and stone necessary are now on th ver bank, and if It has been possible to mna that much of it tnue far tnls season the rest might have been got there with much les trouble. Anybody could figure out that the work might have been begun with what Is there, anyway. "But the truth Is the county commission era have been caused to change their minds with regard to doing the work at all, at the expense of the county, and I will under take to say that It never will be done by them unleaa some new pressure that does not now appear on the surface is brought to bear. Weat at It Wrong. "Then went about the matter wrong In the first place and I know that when Colonel Chittenden of the I'nlted States engineering force was here he told them they had no call, and really no business, to build any dike for the restraining of gov eminent waters. When the delay that al ways characterises government construc tion of this kind was mentioned to him he replied that the government had never heen asked to do nnv work here, cither of a permanent or temporary nature, and that unless It was, It certalntly would never be started. "The county commissioners realise they have exceeded their nuthority In the mat ter, but I do not see how they are going to get out of It gracefully now, for if the work Isut finished they have two or three contracts on their hands where they have got to make good. One of these has been annulled ond a perfunctory reason given but the others cannot be disposed of that way. Edanlst Is Guarded In Speech. County Surveyor Udqutst was then looked up and questioned with regard to the ihivi statement, but refused to throw much of pny light upon the subject. "Aren't the roads in such condition now that the rest of the material necessary could be taken to the river bank?" he was . asked. "Thev have been very bad," was the snswer. "Aren't they in such condition now that the balance of the material could be hauled over thcro?" "I haven't seen them for several days he said, "and would not care to make any statement In this matter, even if I had. "Don't you know whether they are In passabl condition or not, and If their con dltion, on way or the other, has any thing to do with the dike not having been built as projected?" "Tes, 1 do know, but do not care to state." "Is ther anything in the statement. , so far a you know,' that the county 'com mlssloners have . come to the conclusion inai me position inai iney iook in ins matter Is untenable and that they must back down In some way?" "I do not care to answer that, either . All I will say Is that I am ready to go on with the work as soon as I shall receive ord-M-s from the commissioners to do so. "Then you have never received any orders to do the work?" "I have not." , "Hut you could go ahead with th work If you received the orders, according to what yon have Just sild. could you not?" Mr. Edqulst's answer was a smile and shrug of the shouldnrs. Will help down billboards Real Eatato Exchange Tote o C - Operate with InpraTesitat Leas for an Ordlaaaee. The Resl Estate exchange will ro-operate with the Omaha Civic Improvement league In the matter of th anti-bill board ordin ance. A committee, consisting of J. II. Parrotte. C. H. Harrison snd It. A. Wester- fleld was appointed at the meeting yester day to attend the Monday afternoon meet ing of the council committee and In con junction with representatives of the Im provement league urge the passage of the ordinance. John W. Robblns brought the matter up for consideration, and, as the representative of the league, spoke strongly In Its favor. Several members made re marks, pointing out the advantage of such a move to real estate. The exchange moved to support the ordinance. The committee on the form of lease made a supplementary report ana proaucea printer's proofs of the blanks for approval. A. P. Tukey announced he would sell some lots at the next meeting of th exchange by auction. Superintendent Davidson of the Omaha schools was a guest of the exchange. After the luncheon he made a short speech. Tie expressed his pleasure at being In Omaha. .He said good schools were a great advantage to a city and fully equipped buildings meant very much to a neighborhood. Strangers coming to a place to locate would always ask, "Where is the best school?" with the Idea of locating near It. They also would ask If It were In touch with a high school. He believed schools should be built with all the grades up to the high school, even If some of the rooms stood vacant several years. A school which only went to the fifth grade was a detriment to a neighborhood, because the children would have to be sent a mile or two from home for the next grades. 80 people would not locate near such a school. HOLMES TAKES REFUGE HERE Faeblo's Indicted Billing Ioipeotor, Cmiha'i Former Council nun, in City. ESCAPES ARREST BY LEAVING COLORADO Only On ml th City Officials Who Wer Cana-M In Meshes at Paeblo Rot Kept Ther n Bonds. maker, but the fun waa going so fast and furious when the officer arrived that the peacemaking feature was not noticeable. Announcements of the Theaters, "Over Niagara Falls," a new, big scenic production by Jos. Le Brandt, author of "On th Stroke of Twelve" and other suc cessful plays, will be th attraction at the Krug next Sunday and the following three days. Messrs. Rowland & Clifford, who are the owners Snd proprietors of the production, have equipped It with a most gorgeous display of scenery and mechanical and electrical effects. Prominent among them Is an exact reproduction of Klngara Falls, which Is said to be very realistic A strong company of well known players has been secured, and everything points to most pleasing production. Scats ar now on sale. An extra feature of the vaudeville pro gram at the Orpheum matinee today will be an amateur olio after the regular bill. The bill for thla week is scoring heavily to big houses. It Includes a number of features that are calculated to appeal to the women and children, among these be ing Truly Shattuck, the talented soprano and beauty, and Taffary's troupe of ex cellently trained dogs. An amateur show will be presented In conjunction with the regular bill at the Orpheum. Saturday night. May 7. Appll cation from any aspirant will be received at the box office. Robert H. Holmes, building Inspector cf Pueblo, Colo., who has been Indicted by a grand Jury there on the charge of etn bexxlement. Is In Omaha with his wife and family. He Is the only oner of nine Indicted city officers of Pueblo who left town. All the others have appeared and have been released on 12,000 bonds. Holmes, however, came to Omaha and escaped ar rest. Bo far no efforts have been made by the Pueblo authorities to apprehend him. although his whereabouts are known to them. Holmes Is well known In Omaha. He was a member of the city council from January, 1894, to January, 1S96, being elected as councllman-at-large from the Sixth ward, where he was a worker In th republican party. He failed for renomlna tlon, however, being defeated by Carr Ax- ford. Holmes lived In ' Omaha for years and was In th building business. He was Identified to some extent with anion labor, but his service as councilman was the greatest degree of prominence that he attained here. Pears Some Exposures. The Denver Post says in a Pueblo dis patch: All of the indicted officials, excent Rob. ert H. Holmes, the city building Inspector, iiuve oeen reieasea on oonus eiicl). Holmes some time ago removed his family to Omaha, for the reason, It Is suld. that he feared that exposures In the cltv de partments of wrong doing would sooner or nuer oe tnaae. The Times of Denver has the following concerning Holmes: Robert H. Holmes, ex-buildina- insnector of Pueblo, who Is under Indictment by the grand Jury for embezslement, has not yet been placed under nrrest. The sheriff's office has been informed that Holmes Is at present in Omaha, but there is no cer tainty or tnls. do stops whatever were taken up to last night leading to his find ing and arrest. The sheriff's office has not sent any telegrams to the authorities of Omaha asking them to make anv effort to locate or bring him under bond. There seems some uncertainty as to what will be done. While the Pueblo building inspector has taken no pains to conceal his presence In Omaha and was on Farnam street Tuesday, yet . few of his old essoclates about the city hall knew he was in town. The exact nature of the charges against him are not known here. It Is said the disturbance In Pueblo municipal affairs Is not yet fin ished and that a second grand Jury is to be called. OLDER BOYS ARE BOUND OYER Held for Alleged Theft, -While Yooager Lads Are Given Their Release. Dick White. 19SJ South Eighteenth street, Wlllard Iockward, 1513 Leavenworth street, and Willie Harmon, 1M Marcy, boys charged with Incorrigibility, hav been bound over to appear In the district court. Judge Berka placed the bonds at $100 each. Louis Hoffman, 1818 South Sixteenth, Al bert Kemp, 1703 Leavenworth, and Chris Relbold, 908 South Twenty-second, were discharged, the evidence showing that they wer merely with the older boys when the two engines at the Wilson Steam Boiler works. Nineteenth and Pierce streets, wer stripped of brass gauge cocks. It was claimed the boys wrenched the fixtures from the machines, doing considerable more damage than the value of the articles taken. Th Nickel Plate Itoad. Will sell tickets to Cleveland. O.. and re turn, account of National Baptist Anni versary, on May 16th, 17th and 18th, at rate of one fare for the round trip, plus M cents. Tickets good going date of sale. Fy depositing same extended return limit of June Hth may be secured. Through service to New York City, Boston and other eastern points. No excess far charged on any train on the Nickel Plate road. Meals on American club meal plan, ranging In price from 35o to $1.00; also service a la carte. Chicago depot. La Salle and Van Buren streets, the only pas senger station In Chicago on the elevated loop. Chicago city ticket offices. 111 Adams St. and Auditorium Annex. .'X'bona Central 2067. 15th and FARNAM . STS. 15t and FARNAM STS: Four of the Smartest Hats of the Season These have been our most popular sellers this season. They have been enthusiastically received by the young men from the very first day we brought them out. The shapes were made especially for us and sold at our popular prices, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50. This picture tolls the story of their styles. They come in black, WMHsHilWHs'l f """" " 111 " nm,umm'm""uwmm BAND OF HUNDRED AN, Largest Local Aggregation 01 musi cians Will Play for Seml-Cen-tennlal Celebration. Linoleum Very Cheap. All the remnants of Inlaid linoleum (pat terns all through to the back) on sale to morrowthe $1.75 and 12.00 English and Oerman Imported goods, 95c. All the Amer ican heavy goods that sell at 31. 60 and 31.35, at 75c. Bring your measurements none cf these goods reserved. ORCHARD A WILHELM CARPET CO, KNOWS HIS MAN TOO Saloon Keeper Says Familiarity with Prowess of Officer Deterred Hostility from Him. The following letter from the secretary of the Omaha Musician's association speaks for Itself and gives further assurance that the celebration of Nebraska's semi-centen nial anniversary, to be held In . this city May 31, will be one of noteworthy features: OMAHA. April 27-Mr. Edward Rose- water Dear 8lr: Your letter of the 2'ith Inst., inviting this association to take part In the semi-centennial anniversary of Ne braska on May 31, 1904, received. I take pelasure in Informing you that our asso ciation has decided to accept your Invita tion and will furnish you a band of 150 olrked musicians for carade In forenoon. whien will be the largest band ever heard on the streets of Omnha. Respectfully, JULIUS THIELE, Secretary Omaha Musicians' Association. One Fare for the Ruond Trip Plus 25 cents to Cleveland, O.. and return via Nickel Plate road, May 10th, 17th and 18th. Tickets good going date of sale and returning to and Including June 10th by depositing same. Three through dally express trains to Iort Wayne, Cleveland, Erie, Buffalo, New York, Boston and New England points, carry ing vestlbuled sleeping cars. Moals served in Nickel Plat dining cars on American club meal plan, ranging in price frcm 85a to 31.00: also service a Ia carte. Chicago WELL MePot La 611 snd Van Euren streets. 20 excess rare cnargea on any train on the Nickel Plate road. Chicago ticket offices. 1U Adams St. and Auditorium An nex. 'Phone Central 2067. DELEGATES FILL TWO TRAIVi Methodists from Mim State Twelve Car Go to Los An elea Conference. In WANTS HUSBAND KEPT AWAY Wife gays He Aboard Her and Little Child and She Is Tired of Him, Scott TV. Hi:gglns. colored. M3 South Twenty-fourth street, arrested on a charge of assault ond battery preferred by his wife, has been sentenced to ten days at hard labor by Police Judge Berka. Mrs. Hugglns declared her hushand used such language In the presence of their 6-months- old daughter that she would fall short of the duties of a mother If she did not re- irnstrate. In addition to the obscene vnrda her husband struck her on the side. she said. You certainly can keep him away from my door," she said to Judge Berka when sentence was passed on Hugglns. Twenty-two railroad conrhes. divided Into two trains, carrying nenrly 800 of the 300 delegntes who will represent the Methodist Episcopal church at the International con ference to be held In Los Angeles, beginning May 3, arrived In Omaha yesterday. The trains left after a stop of fifteen minutes, which time, however, was long enough for the passengers to disembark, breathe the fresh air and receive the greetings of Omaha friends and members of the same denomination. Many states were repre sented on these two trains, though many of the far east delegates will go by a south ern rout. There wer no bishops or high dignitaries of the church on the trains, the bishops being already In conference at Snn Francisco. One of the most prominent passengers waa Rer. J. O. Evans, chair man of th general conference committee, who Is entering his fiftieth year of active church work, has been Invited to speak at the Mormon temple. His subject will be Christian Cltlsenshlp." All of the eastern lines hav had special carloads ef delegates. The Great Western PRIVATE! CAR BXltRIIOR To California Via fleck Island System. Private csr "LeconV leaves Omaha Saturday, April 30. for a four weeks' trip to th Pacific coast and return. On th way to California stops will be mad at Denver, Colorado Springs, Olen wood snd Bait Lake City. Points In Cali fornia which will, be visited are: 6aera mento, Fresno, Los Angeles, Santa Bav bars, Monterey and San Francisco. Th re- turn Journey will b mad by way of Port land,. Tacoma. Seattle, Vancouver, thence to St. Paul and Dea Moines via Canadian Pacific railway. Th car has a bath room, hot and cold water, observation parlor, kitchen and dining arrangements, berths and stat rooms. It will be occupied during the en tire Journey. Meals and berths are In eluded In the rate, which from Omaha is only tilt, of which 161 Is payable at this office, the remainder to be collected by Mr. Van Winkle aboard th ear. Th rat Is exceptionally low, being only about $2.60 per day for board and lodging. Full Information at this office. F. P. RUTHERFORD. D. W.. Pass. Agt., 1323 Fsrram St., Omaha- Be sure a bottle of Plao's Cure Is kept on hand for sudden colds. All druggists. Suppose you fell over board and someone let down a rope just an inch short. What would you give for that extra inch? "FORCE" goes a little farther than any other food- It just does what ' others almost do. The case of L. Levi, saloon keeper at Eleventh and Capitol avenue, charged with disorderly conduct, has been, continued In police court until Tuesday morning, so that additional evidence may be Introduced. The trouble in the saloon said to have started over the breaking of a glass screen. which Officers Crowe and Ring testified was smashed by one of three colored patrons of the place. Levi, however, ap. peared to have thought Officer Crowe did the damage and made Insulting remarki to the policeman, who then arrested the saloon man. Asked if he made any re sistance when Crowe took him In custody. Levi declared he knew better than to com mit such a folly, Crowe being one of the most formidable men on the .force. Levi offered as evidence a torn shirt that he said was partially removed by Officer Crowe. Attention, A. O. I'. W. Annual Ball given by th America Lodge, No. 299, at their hnll, 17th and Vinton, Saturday, April 3d, 1904.'l Burns is selling "Libbey" Cut Glass Sugar Bowl. $1.60. Get Ready for Spring. Wcmen who desire the latest styles In spring footwear should see th new Potay last styles that are exclusive with this store. Imported Russia Calf lace, high cr low cut patterns, 300. Best Russia patent colt SOth century high cut button and Blucher cut, 'M.50. French calf and patent Russia colt. In low cut oxford styles. $4.00. We also have a complete line of women's Russia calf and patent colt, low cut oxfords at $3.00. For the new things come to DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Street. Omaha's Up-t-Dit Shot Hour PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Ex-Congressman George W, B. Dorsey of Fremont is In the city. Edward A. Batwell of St. Louis Is In the city. Mr. Batwell was a resident of umana several years ago, working as a re porter on the Republican. Mi SB H Jtf bargains! Travelers of an economical turn of mind will be interested in these low rates. They apply from Omaha. San Francisco Los Angeles Portland Seattle Tacoma Home-seekers Excursions to the West and Southwest $25.00 Today and every day until April 30th I One lbjre plus 12.00 for the round trip May 3 California and oac nnf Keturn I sJUJ.MII I April Vlay 1 23 to Full information at all Iiock Island ticket offices or by addressing F. P. RUTHERFORD, D.P. A. 1323 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA. NEB. Bnflfalo and Retorn One Mrst-Class Fare Pins 85 Cent. VIA MICHIGAN CENTRAL. THE NIAG ARA FALLS ROUTE, , Good going May 10, It and It, with re turn limit to May 23, optional via rail or steamer between Detroit and Buffalo In either direction. Call or send for time table and particular City Ticket Office, 119 Adams street, Chicago. Th editor of Judge make this charac teristic comment on the March Issue of th Four-Track News: . Commercial people and romantlo people, mattef-of-fact people and lotos-eating peo ple, people with a futur and people with a past, spot-cash people and Installment people, people that travel and people that stay at home In short, th people will all find something or other In th Four Track News for March that will cause them to look for th April number and send In their subscriptions for this maga- sine beginning with the January Issue. It is gilt-edged symphony played on Joy- bells, and Is warranted to caus mental rheumatism and Indigestion to crumble and melt away Ilk a plateful of buckwheat cakes before th fiery, untamed appetite of an Adirondack hunter. PEACEMAKER IS OBSCURED! Man Who Tries to Head Off Melee Is Not Noticeable to Arrest Ins; Officer. 'My name Is Lula Charrlngton, not Chub Charrlngton," declared the woman when arraigned In police court on a charge of being drunk and disorderly. The woman was srrested Tuesday even ing at Fourteenth and Capitol avenue with A. A. Vance, Ed Charrlngton and John Kearns, a four-cornered melee being In progress when Officer Crowe sent them nil to the "bench." It being hard to determine at th time Just who had broken th yules of etiquette. After being put through the polle court crucible Ed Charrlngton was found guilty to the extent of 315 and costs, while the other three were discharged. Kearns, It ap peared, was enacting th role of peace- A perfect night's rest can only be assured when the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Blood are in a healthy condition. For any derange ment of these organs the Bitters is highly endorsed by Physicians. It positively cures Insomnia, Dys p op si a, Indigestion, Liver Troubles or iMa laria Fever and' Ague. TRY IT. TS MADE TO MEASURE With our increased facilities for manu facturing shirts, we aro now in a posi tion to give your order prompt atten tion. Wo are show ing the handsomest line of neat figures also gun metal we have ever displayed. Let us take your order it you want satisfactory shirts you'll never wear any other after you've once worn an Albert Cahn shirt. Albert Oohn Shirt Maker and Men's Furnisher 219 South Fourtsenth Strttt lasnrss Pare.Seft, Whit SMa sad a BeaatUul Cempltxlss, ssrae Cessans sod Tetter. Ab- BnlatAlv and ParttiftnMltlV rsaoni BleekkMds, FrM- kiss, PimslM, HsduMS, Boa spots and T. I'ml wtta 'J lMre-Bo7i Boss a fee ,- tact mid it iDtarsa. i SeM. ky Drugs', m M)kmra slreet lain, tl ner nentUn. ssM, teraea-aleyal tup, a Mats, ay nmall. Hoik In ans nnekava. 1.. eaarees MM. Tbe Drms-Hrl Cw Cincinnati tt SCHAEI ER S CUT PRICE DRUG STORE. Omaba. Mebr.. ana Soata Oman. NeM. TREFZ MAY GO TO NEW YORK Hioiii as aayin new call OaTer e G4 Salary ava He May Aeeept It. Rev. Edward Frederick Trefs probably will becom a New Tors, city preacher. A BlnaThamptoit paper received her says he has had a call from a prominent Con fTegatlonal church in New York, Is consid ering the call and la disposed to accept It Rev. Mr. Trefs Is quoted as saying the New Turk church offered him a very good salary and he was Inclined to accept It Mr. Trefs has been In Blnghampton Just a year sine leaving th Kounts Memorial. He first entered th ministry In Bt. Joseph where, while still connected with the news paper business, he conducted a mlaaloa. A FRIER ADVICE Will Often Help You Greatly. Read What An Omaha Citizen Says. Tou may hesitate to listen to th advice of stranger but th testimony of friends or residents of Omaha Is worth your most careful attention. It la an easy matter to Investigate such proof as thla. Then th evidence must k conclusive. Read th following: Mr. Frank McFarland. 'stonecutter, No. Hot Jones street, says: "Too frequent ac tion of th kidney secretions, particularly at night, at first merely noticeable, but always on th Increase, bee me at last very annoying. I had no backache Ilk so many people hav, but without that extra annoyance I spent a mint of money trying to check the trouble, but I was unsuccess ful until I procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Kuhn Co.'s drug store, corner 16th and Douglas streets. After the treatment I could go to bed every night and sleep Ilk a child until morning. To say I endose Doan's Kidney Pills la a mild wsy of ex pressing my opinion." Sold by all dealers. Frio bo cents per box. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. T.. sol agents fur th United State. Remember ta nam Doaa's and take no Pure Fruit Sodas From our New Liquid Carbonic Onyx Soda Fountain the only one in Omaha Delicious Cream Soda 5c Ask for any up-to-date beverage and it will be nerved to your most critical liking. 1520 FARNAM PHONE 711 CATERER AND CONFECTIONER. aihirff Bailey, The Dentist RELIABLE DENTISTRT. at reasonable prices. We allow none but first class work to leave our offlo. Our equipment ar strictly up-to-date and F1R8T-CLAES. Full Set of Teeth Full S-t of Teeth on Rubber Full Set of Teeth on Allumlnum Crowns Gold Fillings Bllver Fillings BAILEY, THE DENTIST" - , i . r tsoo .... fioO 15.00 6 00 .$1 50 up . sOc up Psitea Block. Omaha, tw. Last Chance S This week .li th Inst opportunity t .b "elected" to taUe a trip to the St Louis exposition at the expense of The See. Ten more trips will be voted for this week. If you want to go, now is the time to get out and hustle and let your friends know that you want to go. You will find that they will be only to glad to help ycu, If you call their attention to the fact There is no reason why you can not haro one of The Last Ten Trips Next week will, be too late, and the chance to take a trip to the exposition will be gone. " lo not forget that you can get 520 rotes on a year's subscription In the city and 600 rotes on a year's subscription in the country. You will have a chance to travel from Omaba to Et Louis Via the Wabash The WABASH Is nearly 60 MILES the shortest and takes you to Its OWN STATION at main entrance World's Fair Grounds. Think what this means quick time, money saved snd a delightful trip, not all tired, out before starting to do tot exposition. Rules of the "Election" The ten persons receiving th large', number of vote at tb close t aeb ''election" will be furnished, at 1 he bees expense, as prises, each a tre trip trotn Ontaba to bu Louis and leturo, to b taken auy Unit diuioa tb espoalUon. No restriction ar placed ss te where th party live a a aaadidat for n ef th exposition trips. Mo vote will b counted for employe or sgenta of The Omaha Ben, All vote must be mad on upoua which wia b published cash Say In Tb Km. Prepayment of subscription may be trad either direct to Ta Be publishing Company or to an authorised agent of The Be. . X No votes sent In by agents wUi o aeumed unless sent In la aoeordaae with Instructions given tnem. The vol from day to day win be published In all editions of Th Be. Th "elections"' will close each Thursday at I p. ra. " " Votes may be deposited at the business offlc of Th Be or seat by pa all No votea sent by mall will be counted which ar not In th Omaba poatofllo for dall very at . p. m. on the ar of closing. AddrefiD, Omaha, Neb. "Exposition Department," Omaha Bee, COUPONS ON PAGE 2. 3! If ta rsniKH ftupff lh MAHIkL. sVM-s:4 no oil-, kill wiicl Manp fo' fit!) irumlft IM fltivtiisft uiuis to va 1 rwt- , mmm Every Woman . M Ini lid tbouM koow MAKYEl htia Sprf T4 K floa rXU- .Mi Mu( ronvMaitttt. Uildadhsaw toa4nty. w$3 fee only y aad peuglaa. mf f III Ilk! The Tenia Par Excellence. i)X( iiiH'i IA Wine OordlalJ The best speclac remaJ. in Malarial and Typhoid . vvori. OeUfe, Influenza, Vo. J I rrem fx Joseph a cam U Omaha, fubeUlufaa. StMl a. a una toi' fi'Z 4 1