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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1904)
flTE OMATTA DAILY BEE: TTTT7RPDAY, APRIL 23,' 1904. 12 On Sale Thursday Morning Begins MmaG Thursday I Morning GREAT SALE OP LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS $1.50 WAISTS AT 59c Having purchased the entire surplus stock of Max Roth, if and M Walker Street, one of the largest shirt waitt manufacturers In New Tork City, we will plsra on sale tomorrow, Thursday morning, at 8 O'clock, this Immense purchase or snirt wslsts. conetstlng or inwns, eianormeiy P jilLt -e". embroidered, percsles dimities, vesting and f M m f damask. They come In while and colored, MS'K II II material, all slses. Also Included In thla lot are all of hla high priced sample walats 'some of them slightly mussed.) On main floor bargain square, at, each Special Millinery Offers for Thursday J.98 A special offer of jaunty and very stylish street hats made of the new colored straw, neatly trimmed ana very smart lor street wear, special for Thursday, at Trimmed Hats at $2.98 A splendid assortment of pretty trimmed nam, in the latest trimmed, hand somely trimmed, at 2-98 Trimmed Ifatsv at $5- Faahtoned and modeled In the most correct styles for spring and early summer wear, others would sell these hats at S10, our price.... e room $5 Ladies' Kid Gloves at 59c per Pair A special lot of fine quality kid gloves on big bargain square, f.ffc all sizes, every pair perfect, all colors and a variety of j If Styles, worth up to $1.00, jour choice Thursday at W " Torchons, Plat Vals, Cluny bands, Venice f t f I ,5V CCS Inserting, English vals, etc., worth up to I CsoCs iC av,www 30c, at, per yard Ladies Spring Suits at $7 and $9 $7 and $9 Eton, blouse and jacket styles all pretty naw colors all have the newest style features extraordinary values, at , Ladles' Silk Jackets New House and box styles very X CIQ fashionable for soring, aUe J Ladle Covert Jackets Prettily tailored correct styles A CIQ 1 for spring-, at ' f,ZfO Ladles' Golf Skirt Made of Bprlnjr mixtures new effects In P t style nnd trimming, J J Ladles' Dress Skirts Made with new trains flowing effect- most ravorea spring materials, at v. a " ini 4.75 New "Buster Brown" Belts for Boys' Blouses In black patent leather, lined with French kid, also red and white patent leather, with turned In edges, sties an to o incnes, regular price ooo, special, at J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. 25c BOSTON STORE Green Trading Stamps Every Sale. 15) f? If nn J2) LS UJ lAi T THE AD-MAN'S MISTAKE The sale of LADIES' SUITS, with half a book of Trading Stamps, Intended to begin Wednesday morning, was called for Thursday morn ln all the evening papers. To give those a chance who were misled by the error, this sale will b continued Thursday morning, and a few ad ditional suits will be added to the lot. A Half Book of Green Trading Stamps , with one small sale. Women's Spring Suits A few odd lots. Picked up as samples. Cream Sicilians, Cloth of Gold, In champagne shade. Im ported pongee and sutah, fancy foulards In light and dark colors, taffeta silk In hair line stripes, shades of blue and brown. This is a startling sale. The dresses are worth from $1S.OO to $25.00 each. With each drees sold YOU WILI, GET A Wi TRADING w j60.f fni'u. mi men uirea buiu iuu v luu i nAI-F BOOK (WH)) GREEN M OA INO STAMPS ...Ir.-U . Women's Summer Waists An immense stock of new goods, including White India L'nwh with handsome trimming, Tan India Llnon with vertical tucks, and n great variety of fancy colors. These are dollar waists, and will be sold on AQ Thursday at...y 3Jt Each Waist Purchased Will Qt $2 Worth of Green Trading Stamps. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR One case Ladies' White Muslin Underskirts, trimmed with fine lace, 2 rows insertion, also tucked flounce trimmed, worth CO up to 98c each, special, at. each vJUC , CORSET COVERS Fifty dozen Ladles' White Cambric Corset Covers, worth up to 19c each, Thursday, each 10c MILLINERY MILLINERY Miss Knowlton has just purchased a sample line of high grade street, hats not to be compared anywhere else for the money A GREAT THURSDAY SPECIAL Hats that formerly sold for $2.00 and $3.00 Oft,-, will be sold at ......... OC Thursday Only See Window Display. SI A SMALL AMOUNT Buys a good watch these days. A gent's gold filled, $15 and HA, and a fine vaulable time-piece for 16.. They are beauties. AH fully guaranteed. We are showing a nice line of ladles' watches also. Spend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name. S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler. 1516 Douglas St. (S) DR. BRADBURY - 1506 Farnam - VSEttZSEZ DENTIST. TEL. 1796. We positively ran ore Painless Extraction Without Oas. Fillings 80o Oold Crowns, $2.00 up Pridre Work $2.10 op Lady Attendant nerves from teeth wtth out the least particle of pain. Nates $2 up. Open Suadays 10tlS OT SOUTH OMADA.SPUR LINE Connection Will Be Bait on Twenty-fourth fjom Leavenworth to Vinton. ewaawaaeaaaa PLAN IS TO COMPLETE IT THIS YEAR Street Railway Company Beglas Re la y i a ar e)C Dodge Street Llae, Preparatory te I'stagr Kew Cars. . While General Manaser Smith of the jQmtrha' and Council Bluffs Street Railway company is reticent about the matter, It la declared by good authority that the cor poratlou will build a double track line on South Twenty-fourth street from Leaven worth to Vinton before the year la out It will connect at the north end with the Park avenue line and at the south with the South Omaha cars. "I am speaking on the authority of President Murphy when I make this state ment." aatd the man who announced the move Tuesday night "It has been ar ranged so that the matter of grading the street will be provided fur and construction " will begin soon. "This line Is part of the scheme con templating the new ear barns and shops at '- Twenty-fourth and Vinton streets, and now that the ground has been bought, no obsta cle stands In the way of the new line. . Lesg Clamored For. ' The South Twenty-fourth street connee- - tion la an Improvement that property own era In that part of the city have been clamoring for for a long time, The street . car company agred to build aa soon as the Street was graded, but difficulty was en- y countered la securing the required num ber of signers to a, necessary petition. The matter has dragged along for a year or two and nothing has been done. It appears a majority of property owners will sign and the road will lie put through. Work waa begun Tuesday morning by the railway company reconstructing the Dodge Street line. The start was made on Twen tieth street between Cass and Cuming where there are four tracks. these being a momento of the old cable car days. The two useless tracks will he torn up and the others relald with 73-pound rails such as will be used on the whole line from Tenth and Farnam streets to Twunty-fourth and Lake. At soon aa the stretch between Cass and Cuming la Untuned the laborers will work In both directions. Work Will Ho Slow. Inasmuch as all the old rails, the grip chambers and the cement filling have to be removed, the work will be alow, but It ' is hopad to complete it within three , months. . JYesJ a&a aorta st Tweat fourtb street there is no paving and the track was re laid recently . with, new rails. During the summer and fall the old coachea on the Dodge line will be replaced with the stand ard care In use on other parts of the sys tem. Most of the old cars will be con signed to the scrap heap. TAX LISTS READY SATURDAY Badge! (or Carreat Year Nearly Com. pleied y the City Tax Com mlsslomor Ta Commissioner Fleming announces that the Ux lists for 1904 will be ready for delivery to the city treasurer by Saturday. The collection of taxes will begin Monday, when thousands of statements of amounts due for personal taxes will be sent out by Treasurer Hennlngs. Notification of real eatate taxes Is not given. Two months. May and June, are designated In which municipal assessments aro to bo paid. After July 1. thev becom a at I nnnan a mmA an interest penalty la Imposed. X A Favorite Remedy for Rabies. .Its plessant taste and made Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a fa vorite with the mothers of am all .kn It quickly cures their coughs and eolds ana prevents any danger Of pneumonia or other serious conseauencea. it cures croup, but when given aa soon as the croupy cougn appears, will prevent the at. UM.K. PlalatlsT Koaad at Fa alt. ment bureau at l&t bodge street, has baen A special American beauty rose and bud with green foliage at, 25c, and $2.00 worth of Green Trading Stamps. JEWELRY (1 In Oreen Trad lng Stamps Thursday with Jewelry items of various values waist sets, scarf pins, brooches ranging from ISO to sc m value. Thursday And tl In Oreen Trading Stamps. in 15c DOUBLE STAMPS WITH GLASSES THURSDAY. Double value In Glasses all the time. No hand-o-it business either. A dark room, expensively and scientifically equipped. An ex perienced optician with half a dosen state certificates. IS (llilj WALL PAPER Latest and cleverest designs. Every Imaginable wall paper Idea at cut prices. THIRD FLOOR Grocery ti worth Green , Trading Stamps ' with each pound enn Bennett's -Mi.- 24c Powder ... Hominy, 8-lh can..... fro Buccotash, t-lb. can.. 8a Baking Soda, pkg......... ,.4c Lemon Extract, bottle 5o (1 worth Green Trading Stamps wttn eacn a-io. can Batavla Pumpkin. I5c 60o worth Green Trading Stamps with each pound Royal Lunch Crackers, per lb U II V u IOC $1 worth Green Trading Stamps wun eacn pound Turkish Figs 30C SHOES! SHOES! Thursday, double Green Trading Stamps with th nicest line of men'?, women', boys' and girls' oxford shoes ever seen in the Queen City. Double Green Trading Stamps Thursday. mi iM E SSVVfjgstijj ' H See the Jap Window 16th0lStreet Pictures made from photographs by Japanese artists, taken from the scene of action at Port Arthur. iniiiiniiiiiiniiiiiinii jjSchmollcr & Mueller, a Manufacturers of 3 jjllih Grade Pianos SOnly FOUR Days a SNore. The Great g Alteration Sale. BS T-.I . 1. .VI..I H original value. No such bargains can I be found elsewhere. 3 The Pianos and Prices. tl.AflOOO Htelnwav. used for concerts $l,2ii0.fl0 Knahe concert Grand... 300.00 7W.00 Kimball Golden Oak Grand tlt.H) Hardman, "Bteck" "Emerson" and "Mcf'hall" Grands at correspondingly low figure. planoa 6wvno pianos 410.00 pianos WW.00 pianos 2"O.0O pianos .I4HV00 . ShO.OO . .00 . fcOOO W 00 Square pianos, all makes, $20.00 and H up. Ps Organs, all makes, $10 Oft and up. H We SELL pianos EVERYWHERE M and extend credit to EVERYBODY. JJ We are manufacturers and will save fj you the middleman's profit. Fine tun- JJ lug and repairing promptly done by PJ fnctnry tuners. Catalogues and prices fj mailed free. Sctimoller & Mueller, g H The Old Reliable Piano House. 5 m 1313 Farnam St. Tel. 162S. h We Run Away from Them All IN MAKING NOBBY, UP- TO-DATE CLOTHES SUITS, $20 to $45 TROUSERS, $16 to $12 TOP COATS, $20 to $45 1515 Farnam St, Telephone 1857. OPEN EVENINGS Too busy making clothes to close. Hit-in uurntu ii uocige street, nas bee in iMjiu-e i-uun, aiier naving bee arraigned on a charge of using deceit an false representations to obtain a fee ss a fiupiuyiui-iii jfin. r rea Bcrinemerwtnd, I the complainant, alleged that he paid the" woman il for work he failed to secure. I - - ' - - Km ne i mt piaiD- tiff. It was shown that Schneiderwlnd re fused lai a mouth and sleeping quarters at the Jones' barn, 1214 Dodge street, snd that he was given a place as coachman, but failed to make good on account of not having the necessary Uvery garments. Repair-lag- the BalkkeaS. The work of repairing the bulkhead, south of Florence lake, recently washed out by high water, la progressing 'rapidly and the aurroundiags soon will be In butter condition than they were before the rise In the river. The work has required the use of twenty-nine new plls. the old oues though not washed awav being found to be so rotten that they would not hold the nails that it was necessary to drive In them Over 1.000 feet of planking have been uaed in me worn, also, ana a great amount of stone and dlrl dumped In to sustain tha whole. Stomach Distress Stopped In one day and cured to stay eared wive Drake's Palatstto Wins. Aaj reader of Ibis paper will reoniTS a trial bottle tree by senalns letter or pus lei Cr4 t Drake Fwau We Pay Freight on Mail MsOllMaVrilsTii V M ""' """" iiiiw-tswswwwwssMsa-iaMiw ihjwpiii . iijm i i Orders Amounting to $5.00 On any mail order for goods in our line amounting to fo.OO or more we will pay the freight to any point in Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas or South Dakota. Write ofr our list of drugs, Patent Medicines, etc., at CUT PRICKS. SOME SPECIMEN QUOTATIONS: is ais aiB riFTTGEil aiB ais is aio sib 15 Dunham " ais ais at. 5C IB SIS Dunham ::: tailors ::: 15 flS IB IS IB 18 IB 1B 13 ! IS 1 IB 18 IB IS IS IB 1 IB IB IB 18 IB 18 IB 18 18 IB 18 IS 18 IB IS 18 18 18 SELECTED WOOLENS TAILOR , MADE BACH SUIT $15 NO MORE NO LESS IT IS TIME. TO ORDER NOW Af Our Lining Counter Gloria. mm THI RELIABLE STORK. At Our Lining Counfe r. Qloria. Our Last Great Purchase of Wo men's Outer Garments. w, . . .as1 All here and on dtsplay In our busy cloak department. The cold, backward spring wwather has almost paralysed the manufacturers' bus iness for April, and our cloak biv.r bcught goods right nnd left, at i and even as low as Sftc on the1 tlollnr. That you may get the benefit of these great Dargnlna, come early. BAL.E BKOIN8 THtrRHDAT, A. M. SUITS. SKIRTS. JACKETS. WAISTS. CATFa. at lower prices than ever before. tin- -'-i-'MlVr'' l".-V- T different Styles, In Mouse, loose md long coats, made to sell for twice what t.R at liu.oo, 11. M nnd Vhree manufacturers' stocks of women's suits, in voiles, emmi.,t., . fancy tnixturea, worth double B i at i6.75, $12.75 and OtdO Two manufacturers' stocks of women's capes, worth three times the nrlr saiinri uum fimn sno siiK at 17.60, t-s.oo, U SVS and The greatest assortment of coats ever shown In Omnha at .lz ou, x.75 and WOMEN'S SKIRTS. Thousands of them In voiles. serges, cheviots snd mixtures I en at n.BO. 15.00, KM and IOU. I.UU crsvane' te 6.95 etamlnes. Women's Waists. F"ur manufacturers' stocks, taffetas, Japs, linens, lawns, etc., over 6,000 waists, in all divided Into 5 great lots for Thursday's selling. Lot 1 New waists In lawns and 'XQc vestlngs, worth up to $2 at J:V Lot ? Fine lawn waists, trimmed with lace and Insertion, 0-r worth 13.00. Thursday VOW Lot ft Women's Jap and China silk lin ens and lawns a Afi worth up to 15.00, at l.Cl Lot 4 Taffetas, finest linens. Imported chinas worth O O-5 up to 6.00, at .VJ Lot 5 Lace crepe de ehlne. paau ds sole, pongee, Jnps and fine Mexican drawn work worth e ti up to 110.00. at O.UU EXTRA SPECIALS. Selected from this tremendous stock wo men's collarless covert coats satin lined to OO Women's crepe sacques. In blues, lav ender, reds and black, each Wk tl.50 women's wash underskirts, 13 Itv-h flounce, 2 ruffles fancv stripes, at 4M 17.50 women s silk taffeta under skirts, all colors, at 13 9 Henry W. Dunham. Jr. Manager. 118 South 15th St. 0lg Betwe-m Douglas and Dodge, g-p IB BIB BIB FIFTEEN BIB BIB IB In Our Furnishing Dept. FROM 10 A. M. TILL 11 A. M. Ons lot of children's ribbed hose double heels and toes worth 15o t, pair 6c The Best Values To be found in the furniture line you will' find right here. Don't tail to see our ltn bei'ore buying. A 6-drawer oak A QC Chiffonier, for stjy Center Table, golden oak finish, f OR H Inch top, for say Center Table, arolden oak finish, Tftc 18 Inch top, for..... .,.... Center Table, mad of quarter-sawed oak, polish finish, 3.85 Comfortable little oak Sewing Rockers, brace arm, wood or cane seat, f at ...'JJ Rattan Rockers, large slse, with O QS roll arm and back, at The finest line of Couohes In the DB city, up from...., We will make some extra special prices ttita wmIi on our line of eamble iron beds. ranging In prices from IL75 to 130.00. They must go. Bee them at once. Optical Dept. NO CHARGE! FOR EYE EXAMINA TION. SPECIAL CUT . PRICES WEEK. Hardware, Stoves and Housefurnishings. ATTEND OUR GREAT SALE) OF BLUE AND WHITE ENAMEL WARE. ABOUT ONE-HALF PRICE. Lawn Mowers ....$2.49 Garden Rakes l&o Warranted Rubber Hose 8a Garden Hoe ..... ..... ... 15a Steel Spade 58o tpadlng Fork .... .... too Best Poultry Netting made .... He Rotary Washers . ........ ...... $5.25 2-burner Gas Stoves ......... ..... ,,...$1.49 t Wood Coat Hooka tor 5c $-plece Garden Rets ...So Connecticut Food Chopper 79c WE CARRY THE- LARGEST LINE OF STEEL RANGES, CAST COOKS AND RANGES IN THE WEST, IHIAYDEW BROS. $1.00 Peruna for 7c itxs Mennen'a Talcum for lc $1.00 Bquibb's Sarsaparllla for 75c Zoo Hire's Root Beer for 12c $1 00 Green's Nervura for 7c Vtnol always $1 ' 10-lhs. best Sulphur for "e $1.00 Cramer s Kidney Cure for 76c 60c Blood Wine for $1.00 Kirk s Dandruff Cure for TVc P. D. D. Ecsema Cure always $100 Scott's Digestive Tablets 3c 1-lb. pure Horax 1 gallon Ham Paint $100 h pint nne Varnish fJC I pint fine Varnish &c ti. Inch Paint Brush soc 5 gallon ran Creosote Paint for $4 50 II 0 Munyon i Paw Paw for Jc $100 I'hrystal Tnnio for it" bv, Doan's Kidnev Pills for 43c. Shrader's Fig Powder 10c and Ttl liorxi I'lnylng Cards, deck c $1.00 Mull's Grape Tonic -TSo Mull s Grape Tonic 43c $100 llymnel for Tc 75e M. & L. Florida Water... 44c $100 Ayers' Hair Vigor for 7c &o Hunyadl Janoa for 2uc Colgats's Panay Blossom Perfume, ounce 2Re (Oo Hind's Honey snd Almond Cream.. 2 5"-3 Possonl'a Powder for ji 5"o Stuart a Dyspepsia Tablets iic $100 Stuart's Dyepsia Tablets '. o lb. box Pure Paris Green Isc Palne's Celery Compound for 79? Pint bottle Crude Carbolic acid for.... Luc $1.U) Uquoaone for '.Kj bK Liquosime for 4:4c $100 Mnther'e Friend for 7w $1 ft) Wine Cardul for 7. $150 es Rheumatic- Cure $119 Asiatic Insect I'owder Due Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder Yu, $100 Kilmer's Swamp Boot 7vc Thousands of patent Medicines at follow ing prices: $1 & Patent Medicines for 79o te Patent Mcdicinee for 4.-p tec Patent Mdlctnes for Zic Freight paid on $6.00 worth or more. SHERMM & McCONNELL DRUG CO., Comer 16th and Dodge Streets, Omaha. Grass Cutters ARB THE THING NOW GOOD ron TIIK MUS CLES AND BETTER FOR THE GRASS. We are showing the greatest line we ever bud BALL-BEARING AND OTHERS You know about our prices and quality. James Morton & Son Co., 1511 Dodge St. GOODRICH HOSE. Rogers, Peet & Co. Swell Clothing tor Men. I. L Brandels 0 Sons. A Wlso Woman will Ufnd piafM bear A M4I aVCsW X iaswkT teaMsis ktarkeaM fti,fm a. liM Imperial Hair Regenerator r.V I i reatores Oray or Bleaehsd hair U soy natural entur or aiuuis. it is clean, cur able, aud ONI APPLICATION WILL L18TIOK MnNTBi rstople of sur cauma tree. Beta tor raiasuiea UtPCUAL CBCMKaL aPO. CO. lit a, lit tc New Terfc. ' Sheraiaa At drag ca Oaaaaa, TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER aa-serlbe Sew. I Fire Sale of Stationery Commencing Thursday, April 28th Three Days Only. Plenty of goods left," in good shape to be sacrificed at any price, as we must vacate by Saturday. . . Ink in rpiarts 25c Pencils a dozen . ..10c, 15c, and 25c Typewriting Paper1 a dozen , 48c and 15c Blank Books ........... - 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c Novels 5 for 5c Ladies' Pocketbooks 10c, 15c, 25c FOR TITREE DAYS ONLY. 1615 Farnam Rt lie Still Sells Stationery. i us' k st hmt How to Write a Want Ad To Get the Best Results. Don't expect to have a big crowd of people rushing to see your vacant room, if you merely advertise "Nice Room for Rent," with your street number attached. Say something in the advertisement about the room, so that it will make a person's mouth water to see the room when they read it If it has a south front and is a pleasant place in summer, or only a few minutes walk from down town, or if it is fur nished in a way that is more than ordinarily attractive, say so. It is a good thing too, to state the price of the room in the advertisement, because that is one of the first questions the prospective roomer wants to know. , i ' I