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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1904)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BKE: WEDNESDAY, 'APRIL 27, 1904. The Omaiia Daily Dee, E. ROSEWATER, EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT MORN I NO. TERMS Or BUBflCRIPTlON. ' fialtr Ba (without Sunday). One Tesr..4 pally fcee and Sunday, Una Year. Illustrated Bee, One Tear ROTOD ABOVT HEW YORK. ttAKisa a rmnmSAL ISSUE, lra and more attract v than the spon- " universal - .1 ... .. AAiintPv ffr aMvi.. I ! i. a iwimnit mrf r 1 Is this year's national campaign to re taneous scattering, and often ri. r" 'v " , - Rlle, crt .r m, i. th carried on, on the part of the democrats, I bombardment of the skies that makes nitration, as being radically antago nistic to American Ideas awl Itistltu- Sunday Bee. On Year. Saturday Bm, One Year v"" Twentieth Century rarmer. One Tear DELIVERED BT CABKitn 00 I 00 i.oo 1 to by making war on President Roosevelt the public thoroughfares of a city un- personally? This would seem to be the safe for man or beast Intention, Judging from speeches re cently made by several democrats in BOW TO assess THE RAILROADS. tl Ialorann of TennCS-1 Xfemtwrs tit th Rtato Rnard of As- r"''""1 " " .1 " .. I 1 - .. 111 t,l . see and Kltchl of North Carolina, who sessment are said to be puiiled over the i.u, ... .Marymnu j,.u .. Metropolis. The rapid tranait subway, begun four tlons, and possibly this idea will never I rears ago and Involving an outlay of . be eliminated. Hut the hope of estab lishing a policy in the Interest of In dustrial peace is not to be given up and 1.U ).. .tt.,1 llr WvMf not onlT in nwthnd of nroowlnr that Is to D J 07 wmcn uut.u .1 I aiimmattAn 1.. t4a1nw1 At sa 11 I " his official character, but also in regard adopted in the assessment of raliroaas - ... -.. 0,n.r ,nJ v,Mly m0re extensive under OOO.MiO. in rearing th finish and will ba opened for business early nest fall. When first projected It was thought to afford ample means of transit from the Battery to Harlem river and relieve the congestion of the lower district of the city. Tet 00 steady has the congestion grown that an S !,.hou ?": C -LVIS . t,i. -ntm.,. ths, effort being fnr .h. nni , Fr mint rears wmt" nult of a trlabof that plan ground road Is to be undertaken at an f,. i 2 ;..","hV naii ..r wk..o . " . " . L. .a .v. k..t I . .. " . . .. will be awaited with verv general In- estimated cost of ISO.eoo.onO. The mayor BunJay Be per copy" . W snow mat n is tmnt 10 oe v pasi me assessment: or ranroau pruj " - haB approved .11 the bills ?a.Ua XIa hsx.i BimIIV. IMT WreiBi . W I At 1L. a. . -., ThASA n a-mfM'TTI I H I Kas Kaa aaV - TI'V.1 a thA nil! I a. I s.i-avaws "'wf... to believe, in common with cer- tins lMUed by the railroad tax agents tain of the Roosevelt Is tinned in the presidency he mny ComDlaJnta of Irregularity In delivery ShotiKf be addressed to City Circulation Xepartm'nt. OmCES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha-flty Hall Building, Twin-ty-flfth and M Btreeta. .Counoll Bluffe 10 Pearl Btreet. Chicago 1640 fnlty Building. : Kew Tork 232 PnrV Row Bullying. Waahlngton ftol Fourteenth Street. : rommnnZsnto ns and edi- In proof 0; their allegation. tonal matter ehouia oe wartiw.. . . mjai J neoaore itooeeTen. 'lur RP,TTANCE8 itrong and earnest convictions neceseary to carry on the work and plans and specific- The n.h. .. rlnh wrt. "'" ""P""1' 1 ne nw .uu--. trust --ates that Mr. .trenuously denied that our .Ute boards nnuh the chlld Iabor quM!tlon. Tbere SriStS At some an unsafe mantfnat If cou- of pqualliatlon bave pursued a haphaa- re twd BldpB to thflt quet,on lust as p.Hnu in its courae it win piss under ard method In nzing the assessea vaiua-1 jnePe re 0 ajj othor questions. It Is th Present subway. Where It crosses the rvnnrj'ivaiiiK ruturoaa company n luiinri 111 pass over It. It will he constructed. do sometning 10 imperii u.e uon or ranroaa property, 11 is a pa(1T to pa rw,olutlong, but It Is an- narltr f Iha KAlintrT. ThpT irraUll Uim A nnnrlof thai nn to hll tim nn atlltl ..... . ..lllW - . . . -" oilier ming to put them into eneci. 11 however, without disturbing the surface BS neing impulsive snu rneu do, bM laten me irouDie to ascertain u much Mgpr to that cnndren traffic, as the present subwsy has been strong, though falling to cite anything tDe actUal values of the tangible PTOP-nnder the age of 16 should not work doln: nd " 11 w11 cavated at a ertv of the railroads, much less the K. .... . . - t . much lower depth In the formstlon of Man. IS a man Of nt ,h.le frannh.... : " " "C "UU Vl t Msbl. to disturb 111 tl .1. luan " 10 carry out lue rewiiuuuu the foundations or Imperil any of the large ons win not it baa been customary to assess the where nece.8tT know no law. as, for buildings erected on the route, which was mm! K niJ!fraishincmW: b0 npt!oned. That he has the courage railroads In a lump at ao much per mile, Mamp,.,( whpn a wldow wlth . large one of the main difficulties that hsd to be f'ntt t-cent Itamm TWive in payment of to act in regard to what he bellevea to taking as a basis the assessments of the fam b . t d d her overcome in the present subwsy mall accounta. loronal cnerka. except on b admitted. It la these nrecedin rear and ItnoriM every 1m- v !. 1 , ' " The difficulties of the transportation prob- Cmaha or enatem exchans-s. no ccepe- D r'Knt musi De aamiuea. 11 is tueso preceding year and ignoring every 1m nd ovpf 12 t0 . ,uon , Increased by naha or enatem exchanss. not "ccept TUB BEE PITBLI8H1NG COMPANY STATEMENT Of CIRCULATION, tste of Nebraoka, Douglas County, ss Oeorge B. Tscchurk. secretary of The i.V- r7,..T .,.hr of full am qusiiucs mat xne peopie nunureBiiunn-j poruint element tnat enters into a cor- BSgstance aa they can t0 keep tho chll- nave won lor tueir ponaeseor oriu rect estimate or actual vaiue. own a drPn be)ow tnat fige we fed well piare in me !opuir eeicem. waa course cannot ana snouia noi do pursuea c)othed and at acnooi. It has not been the fact that the major part of 1,000 persons must be moved one wsy In the early part of the bualnees day and In the opposite ... .1 iita.,ia m9 1 .in.. 1J..IH.. in, fimra. alii in a rwtnt anowti nv Kmiinr uhu ii..iMx 1 ni nthar anai nr .. . ... v.uoc. " - , ------ consiaerea a terrible narosnip eitner ror tlon of the surface roads Is constantly In- complete copies of The Dally. Morning, l"-"'""'. taxaoie property are . ""f- boys or girls over 12 to get lip at 6 terrupted by the blockades created In the Evening and Bundsv Bee printed during the Roosevelt "He does not need to call hazard way in violation of the principle -nmn,.r ma tn do such work In business quarters by loaded trucks snd month of Mareh. 1904, was ss ioiww.. I anv wltneanea aa tn hla nnlttlrs or ss to I unifAfmitc anil Va nlaa tho lar . . . . . I other vehicles employed In the handllna I .... " ' . " "" or lactory, as uiubi i .. .., nf the local .....a .WfW . V BO.B10 so,sao ao,Aa 81.180 2T.B10 t 80.SSO t 81, ISO t... BO,TIK 10 80,790 11 Su.flflO 11 8O.RSO IS aWMMtO 11 ao.aoo It 80,480 If 8O.86O 17 II II 10 n a a 14 H..... M 17 a a........ SO tl 1 , STATE PRESS COMJIEMT. Falrbury Gasette: The Dietrich caee hes been settled snd he emerges from the imoke with a, clear record, the committee. Com posed of three reubllcsns and two demo crats, declared he had done nothing wrong. As this enda the matter there Is no vine of further ' comment. li us all forget It Wayne Herald: The storm of opposition to Governor Mickey In rival candidates dis appeared ss quickly ss It sppeared and the present Incumbent now reita assured of a renominallon and re-election. Thoe who announced their candldatlea, withdrawing after consulting the publle pulse, are now among the staunch supporters of the gov ernor, Humphrey Democrat: Several of our ex changes srs talking Mike Harrington of O'Nell for democrstlo nominee for gov ernor. Mlks would give Mickey a hard rub, and If hs succeeded In being elected It la certsln he will be a governor of the people and for the people. It might bs a pretty good Ides, to give Mr. Harrington the nom ination. Superior Journal: The Omsha Bee has emerged triumphant from another demage suit. An Omaiia man sued The Beo for $25,009 because ths paper had Intimated that ths man (a candidate for office) was a. drinker. Ths Bee proved ths truth of Its assertions in court, but under ths law It was guilty of libel. Ths Jury gave the plaintiff damages In tho amount of 11.06, and threw tho coats of tho suit onto ths plaintiff. Bradshaw Republican: It Is hinted that tho lawyers ace not very well pleased 1th Governor Mickey's sppointment of Judge Bartlett to succeed Judge Baxter. It has always been mora or lees pussllng to ua to understand why lawyers -should bo any more interested in or have any more to ssy in regard to ths judges of our eourts than the common people who are generally the ones who havs to depend most on ths fairness and honesty of ths eourts and always have to pay ths bills. nn 9 1 0 I hla nna 1 1 Inn nn rtnhllf nnoatlnna. TheT 1 n.pnaitt. ..a ....Kla rmnr4 r .nil. nn. I . .... ... "tost . 'Tr" : . I '"T"- none prior to tne regniar working nours. paesenger trsfflc of New York Is shown In 2e.eoo u,,u lu UCJ taxea euner Decause in owuem iu It Jr PaB to oW that boys and girls the comparative statistics of past years . I r iA vm rT,t n rt k.Aiv film frt nA IMW. I .- u.a.. a. .Kaii .wn. 1 .... I , . . i . a ...a a si isn M iHiaiw i w.o.c a ... j - " i umuuiicBi rriuiiin, ui urvnunc .litj v,u I under 16 who mnnnr resn anfl write I n lnn una pirvaifu i.i 2T.eio n so.iao Ubld'iig. They know him to cherish one real their taxable property altogether, En,.Bn -h. not io ,,,,.-. to esrried. 13s.w57.orjo psssengers: in m, X2.- .Mn. ,mhiila. .n ht U tn fflre the -m i .. ... ' . . 7 ' . sw.oro; in 1X82.; in wot, 6Lu,za,n; 23o " . . . "- ..... nveunooa ror tuemseives or tneir pa-1 i 1901. 660,610,438. and it Is estimated that ao. PeoP' or 11,18 "'niry a strong, auie, Tnere are two moaea Dy wnicn ine rent but lt ,g onotner thlng to compel it will spproxlmato this year. 'Z nPruai aaministrauon or me laws ana value of railroad property can tie aacer- a man yth a famny of 8ix children, the o-.n of government. They know that he be- talned with approximate correctness, piaf A .-i, la kiw i n ,.in. Among the recent srrivals in New Tork ftn'.aia llevea in a government of law. that he First, hv an annrnlapment of the true ..v.... .. -.1 v. . , M- Redfern. the French dressmaker, -IT" " . .. I ' - ' .mil 11101 laujuv, yucn ue in uiiit nru- l,j a, t.,i. ! I. . .80.WQ iiievea there can be no class In this value of the tangible property and of lng fL50 per dav wlth perlodlc en. neciltewnat can-proposition." said I country, rich or poor, high or low, ex- the franchise separately. The former I forced Idleness. It would he nnite a I the Frenchmen, grace fully balancing a Tiai 930J10 eluded from the protection of the law or consists of the right-of-way. road bed, UmM. tnr h rtv..-. -it, a-oM tipped cigaret snd allowing s little Less unsold and returned copies.... io,aa3 permitted to trample upon the law. The brldgea, ralla, terminals, depot grounds, out how a man who e.g e; a week and ribbon of ,mok curl from his lips "to Net total sales PeoP1 "I have no ear for your frantic depots, and other Improvements on pnT8 t a wwk for rent feed and fuI women of the worlt, the women of it was not consulted In the matter TERS05AL 50TKS. I.ouls Bcrser hss been employed on th I books In the offloe of collector of St. Loul for fifty yrsrs, during which time hs hf njver lost a day on sccount of Illness. Admiral fkrydloff s expression of confi dence In offensive tuctlcs will very llkeli prepare the government In St. Petersburg for a new consignment of dlspstches be. ginning "I rearet to report." It the girl students of the I'nlveralty of Wisconsin who haxed a sick classmate had been men their performance would b called brutal. As it Is, however, It will probshly be described ss unlsdyllke. Says Captain Itobson anent his defeat for congress: "Right will conquer, snd fre quently the lster the dsy ths greater the victory." Bo it he should win out forty years from now his triumph would bs a rouser. Hugo Von Kupffer, editor of the Berlin Ixikal Anselger, one of the lsrgest snd most Influential newspapers In the German empire, has arrived in this country, snd will set ss special commissioner for hit paper at the St. Louis fair. . Mr. Edward F. Bearles hss nesrly com pleted a fireproof school building which hi hss caused to be erected St Methuen, Mass., at a cost, with Its furnishings, of snout $8011,000. He will present it to ths town, snd lt la likely to bo ths finest building of the kind In thst section of ths state. The people of Paris will honor Georgl Band by erecting a ststue of ths great writer to stand In tho Place des Voeges, near the Victor Hugo museum. It will represent George Sand tn her youth bji4 she will bs shown standing holding sheeti of manuscript snd a pencil. This year it tho centenary of her birth. Blr Henry Thompson, the eminent Eng lish surgeon, who died last week In hit eighty-fourth year, was, In addition to hl surgery, especially distinguished for hit study in matters of food snd diet, sno because hs was one of tho earliest snd most constant advocates-of cremation. Al Net average sales 80.8T8 GEO. B. TZSCHUCK. Subscribed In tny preeenee and sworn to before mo this 1st day of April. A. D., 1104. (Seal) M. B. HUNGATB. Notary Publle. charges that be la a czar or breaker. They know better." Judge Bartlett, so let the attorney a howl. David City Journal: Governor Mickey did his duty and appointed E. M. Bartlett to fill tho vacancy caused by ths resigna tion of Judge Baxter from the district bench. His act has caused a little flurry In tho Bar association of Omaha because Mr. law- the right-of-way. the value of rolling ninth., m f&mtlv rsf ntrrVif Si m n.nnV I PaHg and the vnmfn of Nw York. But I Mickey is not to be dlotated to and for that ..-voir manhlnora anA Imnmra. I . ... ... .... I as a Parisian I on onlv look nnnn Paris reason does not please some people, but 1 uiv .11c. v .j 1 ti , , . u uu 11 v .u.t.v.w 1 nui'n nnnnflf nppiBian. nmcmBri niiici . - .... The common people sre satisfied with tho same time he was Insistent on a proper certificate of death, equally Important whether earth burial or fire burial was to be made. Senator Beverldga ot Indiana takes great Interest in military affairs snd while In ths Philippines spent much time on ths firing Una with General Lawton. One day ho mads a remark of such military apti tude that tiawton said: "Mr. Keveridge, you ought to be a soldier, not a politician." 'I should havs been In ths army," replied . ... . . . . 1 ... ... ... ....1 - " ' - - 1 . . ... r..h am .. ... ih. nn ...n. 1 air. i ua i vBn riun iiipMpra ine rr-a L ma. mere couia do no oeuer swiemem 1 ments thereon outside or tne ngnt-or- ond doct0r'a bill, besides contributing a . :L: ...Z:Z .Z IZZ "".i ' , hontv of n.nni. Mink.v 1. , the senator, "but I couldn't read sioud than this of the qualities and character way, aa well aa atocka and bonda owned mUe t0 the church and to the coal man. of rresldent Roosevelt and the dlstln-1 by the company in other corporations can follow. What Is ths mode in Paris is the mode all the world over. "Ah," and the great dressmaker rolled his eyes rapturously, "but the American woman, she can wear the gown. We do not make a figure for an American. Ws by promises and unhampered by strings. Mickey does his duty ss he sees It. Mickey fsrmed that way and was a success. Mickey carries that Idea into ths executive office and Is a success. Mickey is gov ernor. Mickey appoints. It is Mickey's The Omaha Hign sscnooi caaeta win go gulshed senator who i.,nde lt carries an aa well aa moneys on hand that constl- From the returns made by the rail into camp June 6, and it is to be hoped influence with the people such as fewjtute Its assets. The right-of-way of one roads aa to the value of their bridges that the Sutphen incident will not be men In public life have. As a matter of railroad la not, however, of the earoe for taxation, It is plain that brldgea repeated. fact there baa been nothing rash or reck- value aa the right-of-way of another built by the railroads and bridges built design the dress that makes the beauty duty. We rather like Mickey less In the Roosevelt administration. I rallmi im mnra than tha Aervnt I f-i tha s-Vsiitiv a a nnf In iha aama ra am I of her figure a glory, a delight, a marvel." Kearney Democrat: Mr. Rrvu'i iianian. Australia la me nrsi country 10 oe nothinc whatever to iuatlfv the cha-SM mnnrl. anrl trvnt at th vsrlona era. W.11M it nor r.. ,o-t I "Jit are csstlng about for a candidate for governed by a real live labor party, the k,... h. v- , . t. , ., I . , , 4U . There ars three companies in New Tork governor. They sre at a loss to know who exneriment will be watched with Inter- tbtt '"J " ? "? . 'C,0ln UoM re to tak 4 tb Mm VB,ua- mr tor example. If the Douglas and Brooklyn thst are about to put on the to boom as their candidate. Uncle John u regain 10 uomosTic or roreign auuirs nas 1 tlon, or tne lands in one county are to 1 county Doartl Would get Its next bridges market devices for printing without type. Power is too old and Bill Decht Is too un- J been taken without thoughtful dellber- be considered of the same value per acre built by a railroad bridge contractor at One is capitalised at The process reliable. -Meeerve hss left the stats and Omaha'. m.rkVrhouse can be made t,on nd ,thout dJ0 eon.ideratlon for gs the lands in another county. tax valuation figures? tT wi" "the ' ZTi - honor aTvEd"!." n. .twTr and ought to be made a paying invest- 0 th Tn tlb,e R v rt n h , , , Bry ZTZrffoTZZtLT TLS went. Now that w' h v. th market No fair-minded man will question however, constltntea only part of Its tax- Tort Omaha la to be rejuvenated and but in perforations in an endless strm of would not nrevent Mm aceentm. h. ni. bouse it ought to be utilised to its full I tna tne Pre",(lent acted wisely and able value. A valuable, If not the most I converted into a signal corps drilling paper. The completed tape looks somewhat nation if he could secure it, but it win not --, 1 patnouenny in Dnngmg aoout a seine-1 valuable, asset or a railroad is its rran-1 smuon. is iae signal corps Doys can 1 " i" u n uHinoni m p.y come ms way, ana warm jiaer nas oeen well enough." Ho then explained that he was beaten tn his examination for a cadet- ship at West Point by one-fifth of 1 per oent, his defective oral reading having turned ths scales by. this fraction sgsinat him. LAUGHING L.IKBS. Ob. ment of the anthracite coal strike. His chlse. To a see ruin the value of the also organize themselves Into a brass plno' un ,mp 01 pr passed forgotten so long thst he is not to be uiivugn ss. ijismv:i4iiij ni:ii (jiiuto, wiin jud i iiiuufrnt oi. i mm iravea nui mrw vsVTsUiaDiv 'The local yellow journals have con- recognition of the RepubHc of Panama franchise of a given railroad, it. net band they will not have to do much SZTZZ XeTo Ticiea xora uennison at least or muraer-1 nns Decn approvea Dy me American peo- earnings capita II tea on a Dasis or 4, 4Mj Biimcv crowus to xne 01a ths required else a book page or a news- Jlmmle Miller of Buffalo county. General ing the king's English, no matter of pie with practical unanimity. The pro- or 5 per cent, a. the board may deem fort every evening during the summer paper, impressions of this printed stuff c. J. Smyth of Omaha and Chief Justice what other Crimea he may be guilty orjceedlngs instituted by his direction equitable, should be taken aa a basis. Innocent ' . against combinations have bad unquall- For example, If the net earnings of a fled popular indorsement In respect to railroad 100 milea in length are $4,000 Wife John, you've been drlnklns. I can ten. Husband Well, don't do It, m'desr. Let'eh keen It a family sbeorct. Phlladel. phla Press. - , Mr. Brown Is Jones setting better of the grip? Mrs. iirown un, yea; ne s sitting up in bed. and Mrs. Jones said he had Just eSten three-quarters ot a pis. Indlsnapolla Journal They were speaking of tho actress. "Yes. she's married, but her husband trsvels with one company and she travels with another. "Then they surely oucht to have a nappy married life." Chicago Post. season in spite of Krug Park and Court- land Beach. r ars then mads upon aluminum or sine Silas A. Holcomb of Lincoln. Uncle Jlmmle foh trouble," said Uncle Eben, "is glneraliy plates as thin aa ordinary sheetiron, whlah Miller would aecure the populist and lose ZJl!?il"JlV--Vn-lH-?Mi ... -,... 1 .ma. .v. ..... ... about lt when ha fin s it. -Washington .w " v cum ..vitii; uvm wvu 1 miw w,kw.,n,u fviv, oiii.u wuuiu nuurv 1 Ntgr the Ded-ana-piated and tho cylinder presses. I the corporation, but lose the anti-monopoly una 01 these typeieas machines Is caUed vote. But Judge Holcomb would scour ths "phvnograph" and another ths "lit ho- both the populist and th corporation- vote Parker really has a claim to be con-1 our foreign relations every act of the per mile, Its actual value capltallned at merea in me narmonizer ciass since ne administration has been Wisely taken 4 per cent would be $100,000 per mile. The contending parties In the paint ers' strike can get together and get! has been able to bring Hill and Cleve- (,nd has Increased the national Influence If Its tanirlbl nronertv renresents B,on uilcably with one another If they type." I have forgotten ths name of the snd therefor-give qovernor of agreement The Russian Baltic fleet , is scheduled to leave for the Orient in July. The Russians probably bone that . by that time the Japanese gunners will have gotten out of practice. ment In this, community Is decidedly averse to any long continued labor trouble that will Interfere with the bright prospects for a busy building season. honorable record made by the Roosevelt $50,000 a mile and the taxable value administration, but it is sufficient to $100,000 per mile, and lta assessment at 1 commend the president to the confidence one-fifth of Its true value should be $20,- and support of the country. If the dem- J 000 per mile. ocrats wish to make the personal issue The second method for appraising a republicans are prepared to meet it with railroad aff Its actual value Is by ascer- full confidence that the result will be talnlng the market value of its atocka favorable to their candidate. and bonds and dividing the aggregate by the number of miles. Thus a rail- hmh-tvrhktkd BATTLESHIPS. road of 100 miles in length bonded for Senator Hale of Maine la not In favor $50,000 a mile and capitalised at $50,000 dered to go to Manila and subdue Dewey. of extensive naval expansion, believing a mile in atocka, salable at par, would that the United State, now baa about a. aggregate In value $10,000,000. or $100,- Jey Well Dilated. Bt. Louis Republic. Ths Russian Admiral in charge of the Baltlo fleet will receive the order to go to Port Arthur with the same enthusiasm which fired the Spanish admiral when or- What do European editors want when they complain of dispatches from the Orient being too optimistic? Every re port Of Russian disaster has passed at. . . .u ,l. t, , . u.Ugu,ui nowin nnHui, - " ' . . , " .. A Large Job on Hand. BDiinrfleld Republican War correspondents have the satlsfao larK a navy aa It requlrea. He is par- uuu per mue. Assessea at one-nrm or of all the wretched men in Russia the tlon of knowing that If thev cannot aend tlcularly opposed to increasing the num- the market value of lta stocks and bonda one who deserves the most sympathy, per c. t i. ain. ai.. hae nt liicrh.tnrrotod hflttlaahlrta and in I such a road should be assessed for f.20.. 1 hapa. Is the finance minister. There is uo uuiq wic ksu wnia uiaga- i " " a - t i . tine memoirs in the future when the tn'9 a reat many will agree with him. uw a mue. censor cease, from troubling. Un ne senate Monday he said that the If there is any material fluctuation in lessons of the Russo-Japanese war thus the market value or the stocks and The Anglo-Frencb arbitration agree- far go to show the vulnerability and un- bonda of any railroad the computation won't mix. , Ths text Is put on in Ink, the basis of which Is grease. Enormous pres. sure is used, the typewriter piece of paper being laid flat upon the slno plat and placed under heavy rollers. In printing, th ink rollers pass. over the entire piste, but leave Ink only upon the inked Im pression, for ths rest of the plate all the spaoes between the letters Is covered with water from a wa Mickey ilsltea that would Judge Hoi. comb, without any question of doubt. Is the strongest candidate that can be named against the republican nominee, no matter who he may be, and bs will probably be named. Oakland Republican: Senator Charles H. Dietrich has been tried before as high a tribunal as ever sat In court, unless lt be the United States supreme court. The "ftnMat ICnhnUm. von are looklnar much better. You found something that cured your rheumatism, did youT" 'tea, sun; nut nu ourea m too quick, suh. I didn't git no us out o' dem two dollah an' a half crutches I bought week befo' last." Chicago Tribune. Mrs. Goodhart The last time I gave you money you promised that you wouian t walk into tne nrsi aaioon ana speno it. Weary Willie Yea ma'am. Mrs. Goodhart But as soon as you got the money you daahed rlsht Into that aln mill. Weary Willie Den I didn't walk, did I, ma'am T Philadelphia Cat hollo Standard. A girl's life," she said bitterly, "la mads TJTr' Wh.u;h bvhor" rnate of the rn,ted 8tBta" M,ected H u?'Ant"piWtf whitrhi" ink. As msny ss 164,000 impressions have ot its own members, all of whom are recog- peen taken irom on plat. nlme1 throughout th nation as able law yers and Influential members In the hishest New York is now protected against the body of lawmakers In the world. This short-weight coal man, and if the rapa- committee was not partisan. It was com- clous Ice man can be aubdued this sum mer snd ths landlord made to be content with three-quarters of one's Income, hap piness in the metropolis may be a poasl blllty. Official and public scales to the meet the bills without ruining ths country. "umbtr of thirty-eight hav Just been es- th charge brought against Dietrich, u..-.., w,r. . can oe weignea. in and .ny evt(ienc, that could be produced Millions Lost im Strikes. accoroanc witn an ordinance recently trv to .ufltaln ,uch chars. much of Philadelphia Press. ' passed by the Board of Aldermen. The whtch waa .noomMtent and would not b. no glory in war for the one who has to posed of Senators Hoar of Massachusetts, Piatt of Connecticut and Spooner of Wis consin, republicans, and Cockrell of Mis souri and Pettus of Alabama, democrats. This committee, sitting ss a court, heard "The marriage ceremony." "And regret or wlialT "The same thtna afterward." Chicago Poet. Her etamlne skirt wss a winner Till a billy-goat ate It th sinner Then hs said, with a grunt, '"Twii a pretty tough stunt, And I feel like I'd etamlne dinner." Baltimore American. Senator Gallinger estimates th cost of ordinance, provides that every purchaser adralMlble , any oourt. This trial ex- ine siriaee ui iwo at a-i.wu.wu.wAi. x nai is i " - n . . naui w wiiu u 10 ment doe. not eeem to have Interfered safety of these lofty battleships and the could be made by both methods and a with the ability of Russia to borrow undeslrablllty at present of committing mean struck between the one and the I an enormous sum, and probably Is not far any of th scales to be weighed, provided moncv in Paris, so the rtmiiiwliomont I nrli tn tha fnHhor mnitrupHnn nf other. For example, if the tangible I astray. Whenever a method can bs' de- the scales shall not b mor thsn ons- may be more apparent than real. them. He declared it had been ahown value of a railroad 100 miles in length stop - this tremendous waste there half mil. distant rom th piac. of load- that thev are incomplete as an engine and the value of Ua franchise based on The Clvlj Improvement federation is 0f war; "if such a battleship is atruck lta net earnings capitalised at 4. 4V4 or 5 trying to teach the school children the below the water line and the center of Pr cent ahould be equal to $100,000 per will be great Improvement In the condi tions of both workers and capitalists. lesson "how to keep the streets clean.' But the streets must first be made clean before they can be kept clean. Greatness la Infancy. Cincinnati Enquirer. Pictures of Judge Parker, at nearly all ages from Infancy up, are making their ap- Hungarlan strikers returned to work gravity I. disturbed, it turns over like mile, and the market value of Its stocks a turtle and everybody on board la nd bonds waa only $90,000 per mile, the drowned. If an explosion takes place two vaiuationa aaaea rogetner ana ai- pearance in the papers, it is a good gen through hurried firing in a turret it is Tided by two will give $95,000 per mile, I oral rule to destroy the pictures of chii- mnre than likely tn lo-ntts a ma e:a sin and Its correct assessment tinder the as soon ss the emperor had euspended and the who)e phlp , bIown ,nt0 the new revenue law would be $10,000 per the Diet A number of American strlk ers have done the same thing when lack of cash suspended, the diet for them. There must be tome friction between the Russian press censor and the men in charge of the navy, since a Russian air and everybody on board killed." The late Admiral Makaroff did not favor the hlgh-turreted battleship and it is said to have required no little per suasion to induce bim to make the flag- si mile. dren ss ths originals approach manhood, With th tremendous sweep of opportunity under our institutions there is no telling what boy may grow up to havs a presiden tial boom. Ing or of delivery. After th loaded ve hicle Is weighed and the coal delivered ths driver must take th empty vehicle back to the scales to be weighed, and th welghmaster will then send a certificate or the weight to the purchsser of the coal. It Is Intended to take legal steps against any dealer round giving short weight. tended over many days, and the prosecu torswho may perhaps better bs called persecutors bad every opportunity offered them to present evidence, and they failed not to make the best of the opportunity, yet ths unanimous decision of the com- mltte was a complete exoneration of Sena: tor Dietrich the declaration being mad that the senator was a victim of persecu tion. It proved to bo a oaa where vicious animosity actuated tho prosecutors, rather than a desire to do the proper thing. They WHEN 'FHOHIC IS OIT Or ORDEB, San Francisco Bulletin. When your 'phone Is out of order, and th only vole you know Is your own, which wildly bellows In th box a fierce "Hello! You can understand th feelings of a mur- aerer, ana see Many mitigating things that might have happened easily. Oh, you hop around in frensy till you'r goggle-eyed snd faint When your 'phone Is out of order but youf voice ana reelings sin t. ( When your 'phone is out of order you say many, many tnwss Which recur in calmer moments ilk a bunch of adder surma: As you curs the poor transmitter you for get your solemn perch On the ladder of Society a pillar of th Church: But the Devil listens gleefully, somewhere TO SETTLE LABOR DISPUTES. The state of Maryland has just put into effect a law designed to aettle labor Mr. "Ill This is New I" Springfield (Mass.) Republican. Brian's friends in Douglas county, hip of bis squsdron the battleship that "Putes that may furnish a model for Nebraska, which embracea the city of ..j v. a. j ... v-v . ... i aome otner states, wnue mere are noi"1"""- ur'" ", " - newspaper Is permitted to accuse dlstln- "r i ZZ, "a. compulsory featurea in the bill, it pro- organisers, the "Loyal Democratic league." .Lhrf .v.i nm e H1 advocated the awift armored TOmpu'TO:f " . ' Clr """ cruiser and lt ia undoubtedly coming to P0" arourauon ot ampuies ueiween two obJect. m view: First, "the simple . ri.w- : . I . '. be oulte irenerallT thouitht bv nsval ex- employers and their employes that ap- reaffirmation of the Kansas City platform ax u ere xuaicufi says tuai ne is prona-1 ---- - -- - - second, "the nomination of -j. wiaiu isproua- - - - - nresent a nracticable way of as a whole bly the only sdult male in the Mormon P"7"" 7" " , .:".. I rachln a nesceful settlement of such Hon. John J. Sullivan for vice president." church who has no office of urienthoort or - warau.p. is oi course Moses is a standing proof of the ract Possible that future developmeuta in the that an apostle Is not always a prophet The cur aaya be has no desire for In tervention on the part of other powers and intenda to do as he sees fit after the Japanese are conquered. The world will alarmed. controversies. Tho act provides that when any con troversy involving ten or more persons arises, the chief of the bureau of in-1 MOM far-eastern war may ' be favorable to the turreted battleship, but lt ia more than nrohable that these vast wsr ma- chine, will be abandoned in the not re- dustrlal etatlatlca, or some one depu- mote future, because of their polnta of P1 h hlm' ,haU TlBlt the P,a ot vulnershllltv snd also their arest cost controversy and seek' to mediate ba- ,V .7 7, k , k. . which rans-es from T 000 000 to IS.OOO twocn the partiee, if in bis discretion it await the contingency before becoming whlth range, from $7,000,000 to $8,000.- , M Tf ,, thot om. rresent indications are that in I ' " I aV aVl 1 1 1 f a. 1 t 1 I future, tho naval - Mwon will H lM psrurs luiuifra win out n.iow uuu Ths vice presidential candidacy of John J. Sullivan of Nebraska la now before the country. And this Is news. BASTER BUNCOMBE? Asanstngr Lamentations f DeneraUe Jeremiahs. Kansaa City Times (Ind.) Th necessity of trusts in this country, and of combinations against trade, not to speak of official malfeasance, seems to be unduly exaggerated by the Pennsylvania Before shelling New Cbwang the Japa nese admiral will think twice. New Cbwang la a neutral port and an effec tive" bombardment would probably de-ble execution. stroy more neutral property than Rus slan property. ; f 1 , S3 The Chicago Great Western has In creased its capital stock from $30,000, 000 to $50,000,000, which Indies tea a prospective extension of that road into adopted in every large city in Amer tMTltory now tributary to the North- lc- w'uM Put "toP to promls- western. Burlington snd Union Psclflc cuous an.cnarge or nrearm. ana Bre- l crackers, and the use or explosive A re works by inexperienced individuals Of course it is only an accident that whrss explosive patriotism cause, the wooden poles are less expensive than maiming and killing of thousand, of Iron pole. a. supports for electric light children and grown people In the pri net wire. Tet it 1. hard to believe that th pal population centers everr year Just electric llglit'ng company would prefer to mak. Independence day jpemorable. wooden pole, in spite of their alleged Official celebration, of tlie f Fourth of advantaged it tfccj coat mora, July would, moreover, be mJrt eeonoml- greater attention to submarine boata. to 'ct " nl'tor. be la to endeavor oerDOcratn, who declare :u their plstform which it has been quke oonclnslvely 10 OOTa,n rae,r coneni lo ino "PP0,Dl demonstrated can be made to do terri- ment f a f rDltrtloD' Mch party to name one member, ana, if pos sible, to agree upon a third, who ia to new departure, contemplating the I act a. prealdent of the board. Should official celebration of the Fourth of 1 they be unable to agree upon the third J Pennsylvania ahould see sny peril to ths July. Is being agitated in Chicago. I arbitrator, the chief himself or hia dep-1 country in the overturning of such organ- whtih cannot fail to commend itself toluty i. to act In that capacity. Tbla all aeuslble people aud should eventually that "Today the country finds Theodore Roosevelt a. standing menace to constitu tional government, to international peace and to business stability and prosperity." Now, Isn't It surprising that a set of men as rational ordinarily as the democrats ot laed greed snd grafting as the president Is board Is given power to summon wit- nould confound ..busln,M ,tabiut- and nesse. and to glv. publicity to euch fact, prosperity" with the operations of the regarding the controversy aa In Its auxk gamblers? if these Pennsylvania judgment la warranted, without inter- Jeremiahs could take their eyea off Wall fertng wltH the private right, of any- sueet long enough to glance over the great v west they would And that the legitimate on . activities of the country were never In Tkis measure has ronch to commend I batter shape than they are at this moment It Wutl not compulsory tn it. char- I They wuld also discover that the section aeter. there is yet In it that which will of the country on which the stability of ..... . ..i. mMnin 1iffnn. muin ' Institutions depends the brand snd . , I butter part of the republic has absolute botn employ and employee in case. lQ p,. r,,,,. now. why Of controversy.' and there can 1st BO sort I ra' tha enstera democrat "get wise," oi of doubt as to th Tarn of this. There j at isaai a Uui sua 1 cared not for justice; they would ruin a In New York City durtna- the fl.i .... man and his family in order to make them- I along the line. ... a., aivw iui. tn;, aunng me nsoal year I . . ... I When vnur 'nhana tai nut of nrdsr hnt vaur ending last Jun the New Tork postofflc ,lves PPar 10 M nnMl na cun with vo',0. i.Voiklng fin. including Branch H, received 1.SM.S02 mukn j an nono"1 ot luny made up mall, or 4.S28 sacks for ,n 1 cru""" ' a......, wi.- each working day In the year, which the ,n for evldenc- w,n ny of th,m now postofflce merely received st the door snd b ralr enouSh to admit that they did sent away Intact. wrong to aid In poisoning th public mind Statistic for ths month of June show nd prJudlcln the PSP' against an In tnst tne New york postofflce received 108.. I noc"11 no uPrlsi nmm sacas oi iuuy made up. a gain over that n, ot ,n" Previous year of U.K6 sacks. ROOSEVELT A MAX OF IDEALS. " montn forty-two publica tions In New Tnflr ri,w . ... ssck. This amounted for the whole Tfcr " C-"""d ",,h F"' " to 109,886 aacka, of which 83,435 sacks wars TaaloalF MsIaIb1. ruuy maae up and 1,472 sacks mixed miier oemg aoout I per cent of the wnoie. ana the fully made up 75 cent of tha whole. per Male stenographers snd typewriters sr. all but extinct In New Tork. At all tha agencies where this class of skilled labor is employed It Is agreed that th demand ,OT women constantly growing, while in can ror male stenographers steadily grow less. For purely mechanical vnrk It has been found that the girl typist is th better and the cheaper. Few young men who tak Job at this work exrert to mak a life work of It, while, on the other hand, many women who have abandoned tnougnt or hop of matrimony have set. tied down to make themselves Indispen sable to an oflle. Still, the business of stenogrsphy holds out msny chances to the ambitious youth. He may become private secretary to aome great man. and rrom this post th rise to success Is easv Many of the big corporation officials have uesun as stenographers snd worked their way to tha top. , New York Times (Ind ). 'Ideals" Roosevelt hss. They ars high. tnd they are cherished with fervor and tenacity. It would be unfair, and, In his opponents, it would certainly be unsafe to ignore that fact. They lend to hla course the sustained force of something Ilk fa. natlclsm, strengthened, not repressed, by the capacity for political combination. Ons trait runs through most of his publlo ca reer. It Is the depth snd constancy of his conviction that the attainment of his Ideals, the accomplishment of his hope for his I country, the guidance of his nation toward a great future are Intimately connected with. If not dependent on, his own leader ship. That Is a feeling strong and efficient men have often entertained. Kew have been so pussllngly csndld In Its raanlfeata- I tlon. Not many havs been so persistent snd on the whole so successful In gathering a following of men who practically share ths conviction. For It must b acknowl edged that by the side of th larg number of active politicians In the various states whom he bas sttached to his fortunes through persuading or forcing them to see that their own fortunes ar linked with I his,' Mr. Roosevelt has also a considerable x walk: s Old Fallkfnls la Congress. Philadelphia Press. Nearly 81,000 bills have been Introduced numbr of P""' supporters, many of in congress so far this session, about trim or pronouncea aoimy irom oinerem 10.000 more than was necessary. A targe w1s ' wn0 believe with the utmoat proportion of the bills ars for private sincerity snd enthusiasm In th essential claims, and ar lntroduoed rerularlv In soundness f th snaa snd In th real ele- each coo trees. Tb cost of the printing I vatlon of his alms and his motlvss. On for the old-time mensure amount to I of bu R,as( earnest poUttcnl opponents re a larg sum, bat ther 1 Da wit pro. I cntitl declared of him that th only way lded for rutting theas off. ne matter how I to' be to hai the man r greatly to ft) Qary have reappeared. I distrust hlm was t keep awsy rrom hlm.- S3 Sfis34S2 TU won't waata a theua-ht os your tt from tk ttm ywa lac your soesi tk soerslag until yes uk then sir at . aisst that's real Crestt comfort. 1 It Ttl saalav dos m saj BM, LEWIS A CR0SSETT. Inc. rOBTU ABHOTftt. MASS. I