Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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    TOE OMATLV DAILY TIKE: TTTEffPAX tArim !!?. lftOf.
rosTorricn soticb.
per a. . Finland (mafl must be directed
W. V. f IUMIKI .
After the closing of the supplementary
Transatlantic m.ills hamd shove, ad
ditional supplementary mails are opened
on the piers of the American, English,
French and Urmn steamers, and remain
open until wHbln ten niiriulea of the
hour of sailing cf steamer.
Malla torn Swath and Central America,
Wl Indies, Etc.
TITEBDAY At .J9 a. m. for AltGKNTlNE,
I HLUUAl and PAKAMUA V. per a. a.
K ton, at ;!. a. tn. (supplementary 10:30
a. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except
POKT8. pr a a. Allhuioa, via Colon
(mail for muat be directed
per a. a. Ai.unca"); at 11:30 a. m. fur
BARBADOS and BRAZIL, per a. a. Capri,
via 1'ernamuiiJj i, Maceto and Santos (mall
for Northern Brazil muat lie directed "per
a a Capri '); at li m. for GUADKI.Ol F E,
MARTlNIgi. K, BARHAI08, )! HI I I. Sit,
r Talisman; at .ao p. rn. for PuHTO
PLATA, er ateamer from Boston.
WEDNKflDAV-At 6:30 p. m. for AZORES
IBLANliH per a. a. Peninsular, from
New Bedford, Mas. i
THL'RBI )A V At s a. m. for Cl'BA, per a.
a. Monterey (mall for Mexico, via 1'ro
greso, Campeche and Vera CruE muat lie
directed "per a. a. Monterey"; at 11 M
a. m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for
per a, a. Fontahelle (mall for Dominica,
St. Lucia, Bt. Vincent. Grenada and Trini
dad muat be directed "per a. a. Funta
bella"); at 12 m. for MEXICO, per a. a.
Mttanxaa, vlii Tamplco (mail must be
directed "per a. a. Matancan").
FRIDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per
a a Pretoria; at :30- a. m. for NEW
FOl'NDLAND, per a a. Hllvia; at :80
n. m. (suppiementflary 10:30 a. m.) for
aiakia, ier a. a. . Anininaain (man lor
other ran of Colomlila, via Havanllla,
must be directed "per a. a. Adirondack");
at 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. nv) for
BAHAMAS. ir a. a. Orizaba (mail- for
Hantlagu muat be directed "per a, a. Orl
aab.V). SATURDAY At :30 a. m. (supplementary
9:80 a. m) for PORTO RICO. CURACAO
aud VKNRZl'ELA, . per a. a. Caracas
(mall for Colombia must be directed "per
a. a,-Carinas"); at 8.10 a. m. (supple
mentary !1W a. m) for ST. THOMAS,
and FRENCH OUIANA. per a. a. Knrona
imall for Barbados, Grenada anrL Trini
dad must he directed "per a. s. Korona") :
at :30 . m. (Butpltmenta-v 10:30 a. m.)
LOMBIA (except Cauca and Magdalena
Dcp ts) and OREYTOWN. per s. a. Altai
(mall for Costa Rica must bo directed
'per a. a. Altai"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA
pr a. a. Morrn Castle, via Havana; at
10 a. m. for OREN ADA, TRINIDAD and
and FRENCH Gt'IANA, per s. s. Oren
ada; at 15:80 p. m. for CUBA, per a. s.
Ollnda, via Mntft'nsns tmall muat be di
rected "per s. a. Ollnda"): at 1 p. m. for
GUAY, per a, a. Bailor Prince.
Malta Forwarded Overland, Kte., Ei
' ' eept Transpacific.
CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, closes at
tills office dally, except Thursday, at 5:8)
a. tn. (the connecting malls close here on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays).
MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially
addressed for despatch by steamer, closes
at this o til re dally, except Btinday, at 1:30
p. m. and l:3) p. m. Sundays at 1:00 p.
tn, and 10:30 p. m.
NEWFOUNDLAND (except ParcelSrPnst
Malls) By rail to North Sydney, and
thence by ateamer, ' closes at this office
dally at 0:30 p. tn. (connecting; malls ciosi
hern everv Monday. Wednesday and Sat-
A M A it: A By ran to Boston, ana tnenen
steamer, closes at this onloe at 8:30
m. Tuesday and Friday.
urciyON ltv rail to Boston, and thence
p. m
by a
by ateamer, closes at this office dally at
8:30 p. m. ' .
MALA By rail to New Orleans, and
thence by steemT, closes at this office
dally, except Bahday at 1 :30 p. m. and
110:30 p. m., Pundftya at l :K) f. m. and
10:30 p. m. (connecting mail closes here
londays at 10:90 p. m.!.'
COBTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, end
thence by steamer, closer at this office
dally, except Sunday, at 11:80 p. m. an 1
110:30 p. m., Sundays 'at 1 !fl0 p. m. and
110:80 p. m. (connecting -mall closes here
Tuesdays at 10:80 p. m.).
BAHAMAS (except Parcels-Post Malls)
Py rail to Miami, Fla., and thence by
ateamer, closes at J8:80 a. m. Wednesday.
IRexletej-exi- rnmu.ttofea at fi;00 p. iq,' pre
vious day.
Transpaelfle Malla.
cisco, close here dally at 6:80 p. m. up to
April l-fith, inclusive, for dexoitch per
V. B. Transport. I
CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and
Victoria, B. C. close here -dally at 6:'0
p. m. up to April I3tlth, , Inclusive for
despatch i per. s. s, uipress of China.
(Merchandise for IT. S Postal Agency at
Bhanghal cannot be forwarded via Can
ada.) NKW ZEALAND, At'STRALIA (except
X , k A m A LT 1 W ft 1 t . i Um D..ral..A
close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April
..'in, AJit.iuatvv, i
lor nespaicn per, a. a.
Cunard, ateamer carrying
II for New Zealand doea
the . British mall
not arrive In tlm
time to connect with thla
despatch, extra mails closing at 6:39
a. m.. :30 a. m. and 6:30 p. tn.; Bundavs
at 4:30 a. m4 8 a. rn. and 6:30 p. m. will
be made up and forwarded until the ar
rival ot the Cunard steamer.)
CHINA and JAPAJM, via Seattle (specially
addressed only), close here dally at 6:30
p. m. up to April 3mh. Inclusive, for de
spatch per a. a. Tremont.
PINK ISLANDS, via ban Francisco, close
here dally at. 8:30 p. m. up to May 2d,
Inclusive, for despatch per a, a. Mon-
f olla. ... .
UNA. and JAPAN, via Tacoma. close
here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to May (Wth,
Inclusive, . for despatch per a. a. King
Chow. ,i
HAWAII, via Ban Francisco, cloee here
dally at 6:30 p. m. up to May Sth, ln
rlunlve. for despatch per a. a. Alxmcds.
PINE ISLANDS, via San Franci-co, elnaa
here dally at 6 0 p. m. up lo Mhv JHth,
Incbialve. for despatch per a s China
and NEW CALEDONIA, via Vancouver
and Victoria. B. C.. close here dally at
6:30 p.. ro. tip to May f.'lst. Inclusive, for
despatch per s. s. Mlnwera.
Ban Francisco, close hero dally at 6:30 v.
tn. nn to May ?-tth. Inclusive, for de
spatch per a. a. Mariposa.
NOTE Unless otherwise sddreased. Wes
Australia Is forwarded via Kurope; and
New Zealand and Philippines via Bin
Francisco the quickest routes. Philip
pine specially addressed "via Panada"
or "via Kurope" must be fully prepaid at
the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded
via. San Francisco exclusively.
Transpacific mails are forwarded , tn port
of Bailing dally and the schedule of clos
ing la arranged on the presumption nf
thelp linlnt rrnntH ai.,u.j - t .
I Registered mall closes at 6:u0 p. in. pre
vious oar.
Post omce. New York. N. Y.
April a. 1KM. '
water aystem. I epn rtiut-nt of the Inter
ior, Otflce of Indian Affairs, Washington, D
C, April IS, its. Bciiled proposais endorsed
'ProiMisals fos Water System. Genoa, Neb ,"
and addressed to the Co.nmlsM, of in',
dlan ArTatrs, Washington, D. C will be re
ceived at the Lndiaii ortK until 2 o'clock p.
pi. of May 17c 1904, for furnishing and de.
livcrlng nil the neceasary materials and
labor required to Construct and oompiete un
extension of ths water system at the Genoa
school, Neb., in strict accordance with
plans, specifications and Instructions to bid
ders which may be examined at this office,
the oftlces of the "Improvement Bulletin."
Minneapolis, , Mint.; the ''Construction
Nsws,'' Chlcngu, .111.; the "Nebraska Btate
Journal," Lrtjcoln. Neb.; "The Bee." Omaha,
Neb.; the Builders' And Trailers' exchanges
at Omaha, Neb., Milwaukee. Wla., and St.
Paul. Minn ; tl e V. M. Indian warehouses
No 8o- "hI st , Chlcsito. III., No.
?1 e"ve"th at., Bt. Louis. Mimourl, No
m Howard at . Omaha. Neb., and No. lis
Wooster st. New York City, and at the
ST, "w .'Vtbvr Informutlon apply, to
V. H. AMiislow. Bupt.. Genoa. Neb. A. C.
lonner, Autiii ouinnlsloner
' - A21 a-20-28-SOM3--MO
master. Cl-'yetme. W yo , March at, 19ui !
Sealed prw.Mls trlplicai., will be re
ceiv.d at this office until 2 o'clock p m
mountain tin. a, April . ifci. and then
m.ciie.l. for tne ciiii-UL'tloi. complete at
Fort U A. Rws.ll, ttyo., of a crvmaiory
of a capacity vf not less thHn one ton pr
hour, tugeiher with a suitable building to
enclose h. H. .tiers must snbniit, with
their bids, plans and epecirica'lons. in tri
plicate, wf tlie rreimtorv and building they
f"'iuw) n i'unirii.-. p.ini lorais or pro
al snd full lntorni!on furnished on ap
plication to t.Ui ottlr. ' The l ulled Suites
reserves the right lo accept or reiect nv
or all bld or any part them f Lnvli. a
containing apropMls should be endorsed
"Proposal for Ciematory at Fort I. A
Punsell Wyo., and addressed to Captain
V. 8. Scott, QuartercuaKter. I'. 8 A . in
nl oonaauctkiu, Cryvnr Wvo
Oolorada Spring! Loct'ei Ihtm for Ten
Hilt in Four Icniigi,
Omaha Also Dirnpi Cooas for Esssik
to Wis aa Ordinary Gasae, bat
Thla Was Kot the Ordl-
ary Klad.
COLORADO 8PRINGS, April 25.-8peo-lal
Telegram.) Tommy Burns' bunch of
moneyed men made It two straight with
Pa Rotirke's boya today, beating the latter
by a score of 15 to . The game resolved
Itself Into a slugging match early In the
game, thfl Willies having decidedly tha
better nf the work with the willow. Burns'
men took many long chances which war
responsible In a great measure for tha
total of six runs piled up to the credit of
Omaha scored first In the opening Inning,
getting one lonely run on an error, a steal
and a two-bagger by Thomas, which Bent
Miller around the circle.
The locals secured four runs In this in
ning on two doublm, two slnglea and an
error. The real slnuRhter of Rourke'a In
nocents came In the fourth, when Compan
ion was Inmmed out of the box and Mc
carty substituted. The locals found Mc
carty's delivery for five hits In the eighth
Inning, resulting In three more runs.
Thomas scored a home run In the fifth,
with two men on the bags. Howard fol
lowed with a triple. Shlpke scored the
final run on an error and a single. The
.,, A B. K. H. PO. A. E.
MM. ss 6 2 1 2 3 2
Oraham. 2h 6 2 4 4 1 1
Conralton. rf 6 1 0 2 0 0
Thornton, lb 4 8 3 6 1 0
Ryan. If S a 3 4 0 i
Knhl, 3b 4 3 3 2 3 1
jiiHHi-, i-i e z i o o
Mestt, c 4 116 10
Coons, p 4 0 1 0 1 0
Totals 41 15 18 27 10 3
. A B. R. II. PO. A. E.
Parker, rf 4.0 1 0 0 4
riowaro, u ana ex.... a 1 1 3 a 1
Miller, If 6 2 2 2 0 0
oolan, ss 4 I 0 3,3 1
Thomns, lb :. 6 1 2 12 1 0
Bhlpke, 3b 6 10 13 0
imwns, L'ti 1 0 0 0 2 1
Welch, cf 2 0 1 0 0 0
Oondlng, c 2 0 110 0
Frieze, c 3 0 2 2 -0 9
Companion, p 4 0 0 0 4 0
Mccarty, p 2 0 0 0 1
Shafatall 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 41 6 10 24 17
Batted for McCarty In the ninth.
Colo. Springs 4 115 10 12 15
Omaha 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 06
Summary; Earned runs: Colorado
Springs, 10; Omaha. 2. Home runs: Kahl,
Thomas. Three-bnse hits: Nlll, Howard.
B.'.-k Beadsebe and relieve all the troubles lael.
6nt to a bilious state of the STitem, such as Dn
slr-sss, Nsbms, Drowsiness, Distress after eating.
Pain in ths Bids, Ae. Whlls their most raaarir
abls saecess has beta shown In caring
Il-adaehe.yet Carter'sLltlle Mrst Pllltaresqaalrs
vunsbls In tioiiailpattou, csrlng and picvanting .
tbis annoying complaint, wUiis they alio correct
aii disorders of lbs sioms:h, slimulsts ths liver
aad regvlais the bowels, . Jtvta U lUcj only eorsc
Ahe they would bealmoit priceless to those Whs
suffir from this dlatresalng complsMit; bntfortu
natsly their goodness dora not end ir, and tkose
who oaoe try th.m will find tbese little pills vsla
able In so many ways that they will not bs williag
to do without them. Bat after all sick hsaa
Is thobsne of o nny Uvea that here is where we
tnska our great boast. Our 4Us cars It while
otbara do not.
Carter's Little llvsr rills are very small assl
very easy to take. One or two pllia make s dose,
They are -strictly vegetable and do not gripe or
purge, bat by their gentle action please all trho
ties them. IB vials st Vt tents; Bts for tL. Bums
by druggists every ehere, or sent by msO.
Hew York CltsV
for leadership you will find the MONO
GRAM Cigar. It is a synonym for purity,
honesty and excellence. Its continuous and
abxoluicly unvarying excellence wins favor
with every smoker.
1404 Douglas Strsst
Department t the Interior, Office of Indian
A ft ul is, VN'ushlniitou, I). C. M.irch 21, lsot.
Bealsd propoiuUs, Indorsed "Proposals (or
beef. Hour, etc., " as the case may be, and
directed to the ConiuiUsloner of Indian Af
fairs, A i67 Boutli Canal street, Chicago,
111., will be received until 1 o'clock, p. m. of
Tueiiday, May 3, lUoi, for furnishing for the
Ir.dun service, oeef, flour, bacon, beans,
coffee, sugar, rice, tea and other articles of
subslHteuce; bIso (or groceries, soap, bakjng
powder, croi kery, agricultural Implements,
putnts. oils, alass. tiiiwaru. wniriinn hurim&a
leather, shoe findings, saddlery, etc., school
, supplies, and a long list of miscellaneous
sulcus, seiueu propoauw. Indorsed "pro
posals fur rubber goods, hardware, etc.," aa
tho case majr be. and directed to the Com
tulssiotier of Indian Affairs, 2 Mouth Sev
enth street, Bt. Louis, Mo., will be received
until 1 o'clock p. ni. of Thursday, May ,
lvol, for furnishing ror the indiun service,
rubber goods, bouts and shoes, hardware
and medical suLllea. bealed proposals. In
dorsed "Proptsuls for blankets, wouien and
cotton goods, clothing, etc.," aa the case
may be, and di-ected to the Commlssionsr
of Indian Affairs, Nos, 11M21 Wooster
street. New York City, will be received
until 1 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, May U.
1Dj4. for furnishing for the Ind'iin snrvlcu,
blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing
notions, hats and raps. Hids must be made
out on government blanks, hchedules giv
ing ail necessary Information for bidders
v. Ill be furnixhed on application to ths In
dian office. Washington, p. O. : the U. at.
Indian warehouses, ll-i:i Woo-ter street.
New York City; 26-367 bouth Canal a ires t
Chicago. III.; M5 Howard street, Omaha,
Neb.; ts'3 South Seventh street, Bt Louis,
Mo.; the Coinmlssarlra ot Btibslatence, 17. B,
A., at Cheyenne. Wyo., and ft. Paul, Minn, t
the Quartermaster, V. H. A , Seattle, Wash.;
the postmasters at Bioux City, Tucson,
Portland. Bpokane snd Tacomu. sid the
Manufacturers' and l'rcdui'er' asv-clitUon
of California. San Fruin i'cc. Cal Ulus will
be opened at the hour and days above
stated, and bidders are invited to be present
st the opening. The department reserves
the right to determine the point of delivery
and to reject any and ell bids, or any part
(4 axy till. W. A. JON3, Commissioner.
. AildisVM
Two-has hits: Thomas. Graham. Rvan.
Ptolen bases: Congalton, Miller. Double
plays: Phlpke to Howard: Dolan to How
ard t Thomas. Btnick out: By Conns, I;
by McCarty, 2. Bsses on bslls: Oft Coons,
9; r. ft Pntr.ninlnn iff McCjirtv. It In
nings pitched: By Companion, 4. Hits: Off
Companion, 10. Wild pitches: McCarthy.
Hit by pitched ball, Dolan. Time of gamei
GAMES 15 the: wester lea gib
Denver Defeats Hes Molnee by a Score
of Mae to Three.
DENVER. April 26 By a acore of t to t
Denver dereated Des Moines in tneir game
today. No feature marked the gams. Tha
attendance was gooa. ocors;
Denver 05210010 - 10 0
Des Moines 00100101 08 4
Batteries: Vollendorf and Lucia; Little-
field ana Tnorne.
Rlons City Losee Game.
SlOlfX CITY. Ia.. April 26. Sioux City
lost the second same of the series In an
Interesting contest. St Joseph was lucky
in bunching mis. Bcore:
St. Joseph i 01100000-666
Bloux City 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 34 10 2
Batteries: Llndaman and Kelly; Dlehl
and McConneu.
Standing of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. P.Ct.
Colorado Springs .. 2 3 0 1."K)
Denver I 3 0 1.00)
Bloux City 3 1 1 .500
Bt. Joseph 3 1 1 .m
Omaha 3 0 3 .AK)
Dea Moines 3 0 3 .000
Oames today: Omaha at Colorado Spring.
les Moines at Denver, Bt. Josepn at Bloux
Heavy Batting; Wins the Game at New
York from Brooklyn.
NEW YORK. Aorll 26-The New York'
continued their heavy batting In today's
game with Brooklyn. They hit Poole for
sixteen hits, five of them for more than
one base, while Mathewson and Mllllgan
were very effective. Attendance, i.uxi,
R.H O A.tS.I K.H.O.A.g
Browne, rf... I I t 0 0 string, lb.. 0 1111
Devlin, tb 1 1 1 BhtckMrd. If. 1 1 I 1 0
Mrtiann, lb.. 1 111 i 0 Lumley, rf... 1 1 0 0
Mertea. If ... . 1 1 t I 0 DobM, cf 1110
H M'C'm'k. cf I 110 Bibb, 0 t t I 0
Dahlen, M...0 111 IHIInn, 1D....0 1 10 0 0
Ollbsrt, lb... I lit 1 M. M'C'm'k lb 0 1110
Bowinnis. e. t I I I t Pftrgnn, c 0 0 4 I 0
Mithewion. pO 1 0 I 0 Poole, p...... 01110
Mllllitin, p... 0 0 0 1 0 Jordia .... 9 0 0 0 0
Brmhn .. 0 0 0 0 0i
Totitl I I M 14 1
Batted for Poole In ninth.
Batted for Mathewson in seventh.
New York 1 1 5 0 0 1 1 0 -
Brooklyn 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-2
Left on bases: New York. 6: Brooklyn.
T. Two base hits: Browne, Mertes, H. Mc
Cormlrk, Dobhs, Babb. Three base hit:
Bowerman. Home run: H. Mccormick.
Stolen bases: Dahlen. Sacrifice hits: Dev
lin, Lumle,y. Double plays: Bheckard and
Bergen, Poole, Babb and Dillon. First on
errors: New York, 1; Brooklyn, 2. First
on balls: Off Mathewson, 2; off Poole, 3.
Hit by pitched ball: By Poole, 1. Struck
out; ny Aiatnewson, l: ny Mllligan, i; by
Poole, 2. Time! 1:60. Umpire: Kmslie,
Philadelphia Falls to Score.
BOSTON. Anrll X Boston won ennllv tn.
flay, outplaying the visitors at the bat
ana in the field. Cooley's batting was a
feature. Attendance, 2,014. Score:
Oeler, cf 0 0 I
Tenney, lb. . . 1 1 II
Thomas, cf. .. 0 1 0 0 0
(lloimn, lb. .. 0 1 I
Wolvert'n, lb 0 0 I
4 t
0 0
Uelihlntr. Ih 1
Coolly. If I
Ab'tlrhlo. m. 1
1 1
0 0
Titus, rf 0 0 0 0 1
llnrry, If 0 0 0 1 1
I 1
i I
0 I
1 I
1 I
Rarmtr. lb.. 0 10
Hall, lb 0 0 11
tulawltt, as.. 0 0 I
0 1
(innell, rf ... 0 11
Moran, e 0 0 I
Plttlngir, p., 0 1 I
fooltl, C 0 V 1
1 1
K'f hirsoa, p 0 0 0 0
Totali I 117 11 ToUl ..... I M 14
i j v V V V t 9
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
fsB. rsA kllsi . ,...lfln., A WV.J.
yy r uanc 11 1 1 vuimi J DttLi lllt v. UUB
tlchlo. fitrtlen baitt": Wolverton, Tenney.
fuuuie viuys; tynrry anu n oiverion. r irai
All Via lias rirV l)HtlnAa C . AS U U k A
vas voi las Vll A llllllKr;i, l . Via BX K M7 Ilt7 1 art I U.
B U Is U.. -ii.t n. T rtn.i
Struck out: By McPheron, 1. Wild pitch:
1M..I.. f 1 . . . . . T - , . r
iujiiatri, xiiiio, iiD, wmuireii iuorun
and dimmer.
Poatpoaed Games.
At Chicago Chicasro-Clnclnnatl srame
postponed; rain.
At J'ituburg-Pittaburgt. Louis National
league game postponed; wet grounds.
Standi of the Teams.
Flayed. Won. LoaU F.C.
New York 8 7 1 .875
Bt. Louis 8 I t .035
Cincinnati 10 f .000
Brooklyn 10 ( 6 .ixK)
Boston 4 i .444
Pittsburg 10 4 .4
Chicago 8 3 6 ,7j
Philadelphia 2 7 .2
Games today: Brooklyn at New York,
Philadelphia at Boston, Cincinnati at Chi
cago, Bt. Louis at Pittsburg.
Chicago Onttlays Cleveland svnd
Flada Easy Brand of Pitching;. '
CLEVELAND. April 26. Chicago com
pletely outplayed Cleveland today, winning
by a acore of 7 to 4. It was Joss' first
riame this year and he was touched up
Ively at opportune moments. Cleveland
could not hit Owen with men on bases.
Chicago's team work and Sullivan's catch
ing were features. Attendance, 1,042
M.W O.A.B.
lIolmM. If... 1 4 1
Jonaa. ef Ill
Callibis, lb.. 1 4
Omn, rf t I
Pavla, aa a 1 0
J.Dou'hu.. lb V I 10
Tinn.hlll. lb 1 I I
iulllvaa. s... 1 I
Ow.n, g I 1
Pllrk, rf 1 I
I 0
a . j
4 i
4 (i
Dir. ef.
t 1
Brsdlar. lb.
Lsjol., tb....
1 f
tlltkmin. Ik. 11
Uiih, If..
1 1
0 1
1 4
rurnir, St..
bbott. c...
Joaa, g
, 1 li n if
Totals I Hill
Cleveland U 0131000-4
Chicago 0 I 0 2 0 0 1 1 0-7
Earned runa: Cleveland. 1; Chicago, 3.
First on errors: Cleveland, 2; Chicago, 1
Twa base hits: Abbott, Oreen, Donahue,
Sullivan. Sacrifices: Callahan, I; Jones.
Btulen bases: Callahan. Double olava:
ltradley and Hickman; Sullivan and Tanne
hlll. First on balls: Off Joss, I. Left on
bases: Cleveland, 4; Chicago, I. Struck
out: By Joss, 4; by Owen. 6. Tims: 1:37.
Umpires: Sheridan and Klng.
New York Wlas at Wsiklsgton.
WA8HINOTON, April 25.-New York won
Its third straight game from Washington
today, owing to Powell's effective pitch
ing, by a Boure of 4 to 1, Drill scoring the
lonesome tally by a home drive to left
center. Sensational catches by Fults and
Thoney were features. Attendance, 2,0u0.
R.H. O.A.N.
K.H O.A.g.
Moras, ss.... sail
Cosray, lb..t. 1 I t I I
Fulti. cf .... I I e
Tbuaejr, cf... I 1
KhIh, rf.... 0 v
S'ltwcb, II... I I s 0
Klbirlild, aa. 1 I I I I
Wllllama. lb. 1 1 I 1 1
ADti.raun, If.. I I 1 s
Ganxl. lb.... S S 14 0
Mi-Ouln, ... 1 I 1 t
rovall, g 1 I (
it. hi. lb 1 11 I 0
McCorm' k.lbS I 1 I I
. iMidr. ib... t l i i
Urill, rf 114 0 4 rtdgs, s. 4 I t I
Hiou, p.... s I 0
Tutala 4 11 V 17 ; Totala 1 117 141
New York , 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 04
U'.Khtnitiin o a a a o a i a n i
Earned runs: New York. 3; Washington,
1. Two base hits: Conroy, Fults, tlber-
, I .1 , 1 . .. I.Ktll . I 1 .
iriu. iiuiit uu. . M-rt oioieii oases:
Fults,, Anderson, Selbach. Cassldy, Drill.
Double plays: Powell, Elberfeld and Qan-
...I. T" . Vf ..1 '..m,I..U a .1 ii,.Li . .
e, .u Ditui, r irsi
on balls: lly Wilson, i. Struck out: by
Powell, 2; by Wilson, 4. Lett on bases:
new lura. , vtasningiou, i. tviiu pitches:
Wilson. Time: l.oa. Vmpire; Dwyer.
Bostoa Is fchet Oat.
PHILADELPHIA. April 25. -Two hita and
errors by Parent and Htahl gave the locals
two runs and the game In tne llrst inning
today. Waddell's tine pitching, aided by
splendid Aeidlng, prevented bostons scor
ing. Steinberg, a catcher form the New
York state league will be given a trial by
Manager Mack. Attendance a.07o. Score:
R.H. O.A.I
DoU(hrtr, If 4 SSI
I'olllaa, lb... I t 1
Alb I. cf I I
,'tMmu, rf.. I i
HartMl. '!.... 1 1
Pt. k.nm. cl. 1 s 1 m
In, u. lb..... s I ii i
U CroM, lb.. 1 I 1 I 1
Sarbuld, rf.
aiurvh'. lb.
-ireai, aa. ... s 1 1
Stilt 1-iCli.uo. lb I 1
II. Crui m.. 1 4 u rims, lb..
St hre.1. 1....S SIS Uf rigsr. c...
Wii4.ll. S 1 t I I -uukg. B.
Totals I 1 17 Is .1 Touts 4 14 U I
Philadelphia .........i. 0 0 0 0 0 2
boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-base hit: Davis. Sacrifice bits: Hart
L. Cross. Stolen bases: Collins, L. Cross!
Seybold. Double plays: Werrls and Par
ent; M. Cross, Murphy and Davis. Left
on bases: Boston 6, Phllldelphla 6. First
base on balls: Off Young, 1. Struck out:
Catarrh Cured Quickly
With only one dose a day of Drake's PeJmetts
Wine. Curat to stay cured. Any render of this
Paper will receive trial bottle free by eendinat
i aiiiU-ssi to brass Funuula Cutupauy, Cuuagu.
Ry Young, 6; by Waddelf. 3. Time: 1:80.
umpires: carpenter and .Connolly. ,. .
Wild Throw Ixtaes Game.
nPTBATT A ..-II fMC . . 1 1 .1 , V. . V
..vxa, noi W11U II11VW Or
Oleason and wild otchlti;by -Siever gave
today's game to Detroit after Mullln had
nlmost handed It over to the St. Louis
players, 'the weather-waa too cold for
comfort and the playing was exceptionally
good considering the conditions. The bat
ting was very weak. -Attendance 1.200.
Detroit. , :rv. Louis.
K.H. 6. A. K.I H H n
Barrett, cf... V I I t 0 Bnrkatt. lf...l a l . a
Mrlntyrs, If.. 1 1 0 4 1 Hildrtck. . ef . . 1110 4
Carr, lb...... 0 0 10 I 0 Humphlll, rf. 0 I 1 0 0
Hohtnuua, rf. 0 1 1 0 a Junoa. lb 0 0 11 1 0
Uramlnter. Ib 0 4 I 1 0 Wlllins. aa. .. 0 1 1 1
ib i i i s u iMinont, lb., s 1 1
O'Lesrr, sa...t 114 0 Oliinoa, lb.. 4 14 1
Wonda. e 4 4 4 4 0 gusilfltl. c... 4 4 4 1 4
Mullln, p 4 1 I 4 4 surer, p..... 4 0 0 1 0
,nity. p o ooi
Totals 4117 111
I Total! 1 I 24 17 t
Detroit :.l 0M11MM
Bt. Louis 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0-2
Earned runs: St. Louis. L Two-base hits:
Lowe; Hemphill. Sacrifice hits: Carr t!i.
Aicintyre, uieason u. otoien oases: neia
rlck, Hempliill, Jones. First base on balls;
Off Mullln, 4; off Biever, 5. Bases on
errors: Detroit 2. Left on bases: Detroit 4;
St. Louis 6. Struck out: By Mullln, 4; by
Slever, 1. Double plays" Lowe, Cloary,
Carr and Gremlnger, Slever, Sugden and
Jones, O'Leary, Lowe and Carr. Timet
1.60. '
titaadlag of the Teasns.
Played. Won. Lost P.C,
Boston , 7 .778
Philadelphia ...a 8 , & 3 .624
cnicago iu e 4 .ouu
New York 6 4 .064
Detroit 8 ' 4 4 .500
Cleveland 0 4 '6 .444
St. IxjuIs 7 2 4 Att
Washington I - 0 8 .Out)
Oames today: .Chicago at Cleveland, St.
Louis at Detroit, New York at Washington,
Boston at Philadelphia, ,
Jockey Jones Rides Fowr Winners at
, uaklaad Races.-
BAN FRANCISCO, April 2S. J. Jones
carried off the honors at "Oakland today
by riding four winners. Three of them
were favorites, while Forest King, ths other
one who landed In front, was a third
choice. The surprise of the afternoon
came In the first race when Wistaria, a
ten-to-one chance, led most of the way,
winning handily from Colonel Ballantyne,
the heavily played favorite. Kubelik, a
fifty-to-one shot, was third. Results:
First race, six and a half furlongs: Wis
taria won. Colonel Ballantyne second, Ku
belik third. Time: l:iU'.
Becond race, halt - ml la, . purae: Prince
Prutua won, Eduardo second, George P.
McNear third. Time: 0:4V
Third race, Futurity courae: Agnea Mack
won. Mullah aecond. Aunt Polly third.
Time: l:llVt.
Fourth race, one mile and fifty yards,
selling: Redwald won, Sollnua aecond, Moor
third. Time: l:44Vi.
Fifth race, six furlongs: Myatlc Pride
won, Mlmo aecond, Louis Wagner third.
Time: 1:14.
Sixth race, one mile and a alxteenth:
Forest King won. Soothsayer aecond, Car
onat third. Time: 1:47.
NASHVILLE. Tenn., April 26 Results:
First race, six furlongs: Dusky won.
Holies' Gergess second, Chambelee third.
Time: 1:17H.
Second race, four and a half furlongs:
Daxio won, Gascogne second, OpalliiU
third. Time: 0:584.
Third race, one mile and a alxteenth:
Northwlnd won. Bargee aecond, bank
Street third. Time: IMH-
Fourth rape, steeplechase, free handicap,
short course: Falella won. Mystic Bhrlner
second. Step Lightly third. Time: Not
Fifth race, seven and' a half furlongs:
Coruscate won. Lady Lavls second. Coun
cil third. Time: 14U.
Sixth race, six and a half furlongs: Frank
Kenny won, Flnrenxe Fonao aecond, Santa
Luna third. Time: 1:2.
First race, handicap, six furlongs: Ortho
dox won. Damon second. Highball third.
Time: 1:12.
Second race, one mile'and aeventy yards:
Clnclnnatue won. Keynote second. Midship
man third. Time: 1:44
Third race, four and a half furlongs:
Blsndy won, Bt. Bellane second, Melrose
tlrd. Time: 0:64.
Fourth race, the Excelsior handicap, one
mile and a sixteenth: Rostand won. Red
Knight second. Lord Badge third. Tune:
Fifth race, four and a hslf furlongs:
Fireball won, Khorasan second, Voluy
third. Time: 0 56H
Sixth race, six furlongs: Juda M. won.
Dimple second. Gold Dome third. Time:
ST. LOnS, April . Resnlta:
First race, four furlongs, purse: Postlgan
won. Little Harry second, Jos Kelly third
Time: :54H.
Becond race. Ave furlongs, purse: Tower
won. Klng'a Charm aecond. Brick Fowler
third. Time: 1 M.
Third race, four and a half furlongs,
purse: Inch, Charley won, Bonya second.
Dorsge third. Time: 1:00.
s'eurUi race flbs suU fcoA vcvsotjr yards.
The Woibm:
Says to her grocer, " give me some soda crackers."
The woman of thought and thrift says, "give me a package of
Uneeda Biscuit."
The woman of habit gets a paper bag of broken, crumbling
crackers of peculiar flavor, unknown age and doubtful cleanliness.
The woman of thought gets a beautiful airtight package of
Royal purple and white containing the most delicious soda crackers
it is possible for baking science to produce.
They are as crisp and fresh and full of flavor as though she
bought them at the mouth of the oven. They have not been
soiled by dust, spoiled by dampness nor handled by unknown
hands. For all this care and cleanliness and goodness the woman
of thought pays but a nickel 5 cents.
Now which is ahead, the woman who is controlled by her old
fashioned hsbit or the woman who is awake to the interest of her
home and buys '
u r
wt- .T lJ LJ ..1 iisV' 'JNsss'ssiJ "i
purse: Mauser won, Jack Young second,
South Breeze third. Time: 1:661,4.
f irth race, one mile and a aixtecntn, sell
ing:: Dawson won. Frank Rice second.
Btrader third. Time: 2:0014.
Sixth race, six furlongs: Harkelmore
won.- Mnllle T, second, cho Dale third.
Time: 1:21ft. . -
On the Omaha Bowling association's nl
leys lost evening Marble & Huntington de
feated Jones and Chandler by the following
1st. 2d. 2d. 4th. 6th. Totnt.
Marble If lug 217 215 4 l.tUS
HunUngton .. 210 232 160 211 i&S 1.0j
Totals ...'."366 "4 "if" Ei "487 2,069
1st. 2d. 2d. 4th. 6th. Total
Jonea 179 Wl lt3 183 192 118
Chandler 182 lM 204 2u6 1M IMi
Totola 361 :i7 3tf 389 390 1.871
On the Omaha Bowling association's al
leys Wlilttuker's ninepln artl.its defeated
French's tcnpln sharks by the - following
I 1st. 2d.
W. E. Kiddell. 7 4
8d. Tot.
9 20
' 17
7 11
7 17
t U
Ray Hidden 6 6
J. . J. Berger i 8
Whlttaker I 7
Howe 4 4
Totala 26 26 34 SS
1st. 2d. d. Tot.
Hunter 4 7 7 18
French 8 7 6 19
Clay 2 7 6 IS
grlfflth 2 7 . 6 14
mery S S 1 7
Totals ......18 31 24 73
First Roosd of International Contests
4 Cambridge Springs.
The first round of the international chess
masters' tournament begun hers this morn
ing was concluded this evening, the re
sults being as follows:
Plllsbury defeated Fox, queen's gambit
declined, 46 moves; Napier defeated Barry,
Petroff's defense, 76 moves; Mleaea defeats I
Marco, Vienna opening, 25 moves; Lasker
defeated Delmar, queen's gambit declined,
Mustang Liniment
In tua for over sixty yesLr.
Mustang Liniment
mrm 6psTia atnd Klngbousja
Mustang Liniment
htm sUl form 4f ldianiHntUss,
feel geestr I iOW 1
V ..M,..., M.;J. X. .-
with a Habit
40 moves; Janojwskl defeated Lawrence,
Ruy Lopez, 43 moves; Telchmann defeated
Hodges, Petroff defense, 80 moves; Mar
shall and Tichtgorln, a draw, queen's gam
bit declined, 88 moves.
Bchlectr and Showalter will play their
game Wednesday next. Fox, Barry, Maroo,
Delmar and Lawrence were clearly out
played by their respective opponents. The
Marshall-Tschlgorln game was even from
start to finish. The second game will be
played In the following order tomorrow:
Showalter against Telchmann. Janowskl
against Bohlecter, Delmar against Law
rence, Marco against Lasker, Napier
against Mleaea, Fox against Barry, Mar
shall against Plllsbury, Tsohlgorln against
Donovan Released by St. 1-oOls.
CHICAGO, April 28. Patsy Donovan,
formerly manager of the Bt, Louis National
Aaseball team, was formally presented his
release by the National Baseball commis
sion which met here today to consider his
and other cases. This release means that
Donovan, regarded as one of the cleverest
players In either of the big leagues, will
be able to sign with any club that ha
may choose. It Is said that he will be
made manager of the Washington Ameri
can league team.
Postponed Oames.
COLUMBUS. O., April 25 The Columbua
Mlnneapolls game was postponed today on
account of rain.
LOUISVILLE, April 28. Loulsvllle-Kan-aas
City game postponed. '
At Indianapolis: lndianapolIa-MUwaukee
postponed, wet grounds.
TOLEDO, April 26 Toledo-St. Paul
American Association game poeponed; rain.
No Game at Grlnnell.'
GRINNELL, la., April 26. (Special Tele
gramsThe game between the Nebraska
university nlno and Grlnnell was declared
off on account of wet grounds.
Ho Tim to Pool Awa.
Coughs, co'.ds and lung troubles demand
prompt treatment with Dr. Klng'a New Dis
covery. No cure, no pay. 60c, 11.00. For
sale by Kuhn & Co.
Cold Weather Kills Fro 1 1.
NEW YORK, April 28.-Ifudson vallay
fruit growers will lose 12,000,000 as the re
sult of the extremely cold winter, accord
ing to advices from Kingston, N. T. The
failure of the peach crop has been con
ceded. The more far-reaching disaster of
the freezing out of the trees Is row con-
Greatest In the World
KT a Cand y Catiiartlo. Good words spoken by their mamas for CASOAJLETS to
other mamas have mads C ABO ABETS successful until the sale no w is over A
MILLION BOX&S A MONTH. Why do little folksllksOASOAilBTS t Because they
are a aweet, palatable, fragrant nttla tablet taurt irood. do rood neves' grip
nor grips, but act gently, naturally, positively. Medicine that a child dislikes
will not do It much good. Children svre always ready to take OASOARBTS, THE
PERFECT BOMB MEDICINE, ask for them and are kept bosJthy alweye and
safa against tho dangsra of childhood's aUlnients. Boat for tho Bowels. All
druggists, lOc, 26c, oOo. NEVER BOLD IN BULK. Ths gonulns tablet tsuspexl
O O C. Bampls and booklet free). .
Addrees Sterling Remady Co Chlcro or New York. ni
Mustang Liniment
limbers) up BtifTJoints,
Mustang Liiiment
pcnetrattMl to tie Tery boxva. ,
Msf: Liniment
eUntuMslana beretiiisVStiOs ,
la ths report
fronting the growers, and It Is bolleved
those on low ground are Injured beyond
recovery. It Is thought that pear trees
have also been killed.
Important Chang la Urandlnaj .Hale.
PIERRE, S. tt, April 2S.--(Bpef.lal.)-Ths .
state brand commission at Its present
meeting has adopted a rule which will b
of Interest to the users of brands. Their
new rule refuses to file ths suns brand .
for both cattle snd horses from thla Urns,
on. Tho reason for this change Is that It
causes . great confusion when tha asms ,
brand ia uaed on both classes of stock and
the owner sells ons class along with ths.
brand. In several such casee there hava
been disputes over the right to use tha
brand, and It has been, decided that It ts)
the beat policy to refuse to register ths
same brand for both classes of stock.
Heals as hf Magic '
If a pain, aore. wound, burn, acald, curl
or piles distress you, Bucklen'a Arnio
BaTve will cure it, or no pay. 26c For sal
by Kuhn & Co.
Farm Laborers Are Scarce.
SIOUX FALL8. a D., April 26. (Special.)
The farmers In many localities through-.
out the state continue to complain of
the scarcity of farm' laborer!.' Although
tha farmers are offering all klnda of fancy
wages, they declare It la next to Impos
sible to' secure men to assist them with
their spring work. .
Georgia Railroad In Trnnbt-.'
SAVANNAH, Oa.. April 26.-The Bruns
wick A Birmingham railroad has been
placed in the hana of a receiver, J. R. T.
Smith, of Macon, Ga upon petition of E.
C. MaChen, formerly president of the road.'
Machen alleges that the road Is Indebted
to him in the sum of SS.OuO for services
Contfnao Cass Against ivall Plnyers.
NFJW TORX, April 2.5. The three hall
players In the National league who Were
arrested, at the opening of the Sunday
fame in Brooklyn were arraigned In court
oday, but the case was continued until
Mustang Liniment
Bent for Homo Umssnfg.
Mustang Liniment -
Dcatt for CsUtl IIoiomU.
Mustang Liniment . ,
BsMit sWlvlasyco tuUsMsik