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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1904)
TITE OMAHA DAILY HEE: TUESDAY, AVlilL 2fl. 1904. T GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET1 BbJb. U Qensral tod Helpt Growing OaU, but WhtOot Elowly. MARKET 19W AND CASH DEMAND ABSENT September Oata Command Frenalaent Iim Among Local Dealer, bat Wheat Finds Lack ot Ready Bayer. OMAHA, April 12, 1904. The rln rise been general an over the winter wheat belt and particularly heavy in the southwest. It comes aim) at the very bent time to quicken ana strengthen the growtn of the oat crop. The weather liaa not hurried the wheat along otherwise it has bean favorable, 'the wheat speculators are considering whether In the face ot trie general tendency toward Improvement In the crop situation and the absence of cash demand the market ta low enough. It seems more than likely Inst there will 'be little Improvement. Minneapolis came Into the market today wltn a considerable de mind. While a week ago JNO. il northern old there lc under the May, today It was V" over, and No. 1 northern wan 2c over the May. Winnipeg reports fine weather and seeding going well. St. Louie wires the river Is through the levee and has flooded thousands of acre of low wheat land. The email stock of contract grain does not ifcm to get the attention which Is usual. The opinion that Armour has given up any operation In May corn seems to be confirmed. Valentine again sold today ot that future all that waa wanted. The de cllne In corn has stopped the country sell Ing pressure and the elevators are not now trying- to convert low-e-rade corn Into con tract. The opening of lake navigation out of Chicago Is very late and It is believed seaboard business would spring up were It not tor tne uncertainly ot charters. The Omaha crowd paid more attention to peptemoer oata tnis morning man to any thing else. The opening wai 2Wc, 'c off from "the close of Saturday. The market eased off to 28c. then rallied to 29e and eased off toward the close. Chicago ranged from 81c to ftc. Omaha would not buy the wheat and the market was offered down In the Mar from die to 79c. Chicago Mar ranged from c to 87c, new July from 84S40 to toe, and Mav corn from 47c to 46-4c The wheat rallied later on newa of cash Soles In Rt. Txiula. The range In price of Omaha grain for future delivery and the close today and follows: Closed- High. Low. Today. Saty. Sew York produce exchange la as follows: Wheat 21.1K6,OiO bushels, decrease 17S.0U0 bushels; corn l.wa.omi bushels, decrease JSU.iam bushels; oats .12.1 bushels, de crease 4M.) bushela: rve 1.04.1. Ono bushels. Increase 26.HO0 bushels; barley J.JM.CXO bush els, decrease bushels. CHICAGO 42RAIS AMD PROVISIONS. Featarea of the Trading- and Closing. Prlee Board of Trade. CHICAOO. April 26 A sham break oc curred In wheat price today, due to heavy realising Males, brought out to some ex tent by weakness In the corn pit. Final figures on July wheat showed a loea from Saturday's closlnar nuotattona of lVe. July corn I off V". Oata are down a shade. Provlslona closed about unchanged. The opening waa steady with the July option e lower to Ho higher to 83-.&3ic. July advanced to R4u4Sc. Closing prices 'ere nractirallv a,i the lowest nf the dav. final quotations on July being at Ko. May sold between ar.4. n V and cloaed at 66c. Clearances of wneat and flour were equal to .014 bushels. The amount on paa eage Increased I.ahu.ijOO bushela and the vls- loie supply showed a decrease ot 17? Duan els. 1'rimary receipts were 277,401) bush els, compared with 278,200 bushela a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago re ported receipts of 154 cars, against 271 vara last week and 234 cars a year ago. 8trenrth In mheat and excessive rains throughout the west caused a firm tone In corn during the early part of the day. The market closed weak with prices near the bottom. July opened SktfW higher at 4804.S-4C, ranged between 47V&4S-SC, closed at 47Vj47c, May sold between 4674y& 47e, closing at 4"'.c. Local receipts were itl8 cars, with 48 contract grade. Commission houses and shorts were fair purchasers of oats. Aa a result the mar ket ruled strong for the first hour. After opening at c to Uc higher at 3H3tiHc to 3V July sold off to 3:c, cloning st Soc. Local receipts were 12 cars. i ne opening in provisions waa a little eaaier on liberal receipts of hogs and lower prices at ine yarns, a nrisK aemnn tor lard developed and the market became strong with prices higher In the Mat. The weakness In the grain markets had a de pressing effect on hog products, but there was no Important Bellini-. The close waa Steady with July pork down 587Hc. July lard and ribs were unchanged, closing at and 6.67Vt respectively. Tne leading luturea ranged as follows: Artlcos. Open. Iligh.j Ixiw. Close. 8afy. Saturday were as Open. . Wheat ' May .... July .... , Corn- May July ... Oats-. May .... July Sept A asked. 81 81 79 A 80 ?2 A 78 78HA 78 78 A 76HA 44 4AH 4K 4S A 44A 43 437 42 42A 43SiA idK JM SH SH T 8S7X a, , 38 3 34 2S4 29 28 2SM 2SViA B bid. Local Cash Grain Market view was Cash . business was fairly large In Of the speculative situation. Corn slightly weaker and ranged from the price of Saturday to "Ac below. Wheat and oata did not weaken enouah to go off In price Keoelpts were: Wheat: 6 cars In and 18 cars out: one week ago, I and 14 care. Corn: IS cars In and SI care out: one week ago, 23 and 20 cars. Oats: 2 cars In and 2 cars out; one week ago, 1 cars In. Chicago receipts of wheat were only 12 cars. Representative sales of car lots by sam ple on track, Omaha: Mixed Corn No. a. 1 car 48c (to arrive and to go to , Mississippi). 1 car 4844c. cars 480, 1 car 4EHc; No 4, 1 car 46ftc; no grade, 1 car S&tyv 1 car 36e. White Corn No. 8, g cars 46c; No. 4, 1 , car 46o. Hard Wheat No. 4. 1 car Tie. WHEAT No. I hard, M(tJ8c: No. I hard, , 8?ffi.4c: No. 4 hard. 72iS76c: No. 2 spring. 84(i6c; No. t spring. 81iSfc3c; No. 4 spring. CORN-No. t 4ftff48r: No. I. 46fl4flc: No. A . . 9 '.V., All . .1 A IHrZ. .I ., . .AI1 47Wo4c: No. f yellow, 46Hffl46V.c; No. i white. 47ffl-48e; No. 8 white. 4MMUo. OATS No. 2, 8S04Oo; No. , 3fjS8Hc: No. fi-0c; No. 4 white, J.H'fliSc; standard. 4CO Notes from the Exchange OfBcee Judge Xi. O. Hurd of Harvard was an exchange visitor. Omaha InnpecMon tit grain were 11 ears. , Of wheat,- 1 car graded No. 1 hard winter and 1 car No. 4 hard winter. Of corn, 2 cars graded No. 2. 6 cara No. I, and 1 car ' no grade. Of oats, 1 car graded No. 4 : wnit. ' Grala. Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain today and Satur . day at the markets named were as follows: Closed- Wheat Today. Bat y. May u s Hi hit July a 82ViB 3S torn May ,... 48 A. July 474 KANSAS CITY. "Wheat May TH July T2t Corn May 42H July 42U Wheat May a July b July a Sept. b Sept. Corn- May July Sent. Oats- May July Sept. Pork- May July Lard May July Beot. Ribs- May July Bept. w5SH74! 88 l''B''l81'!4'au 77m bJS 47 47 4q4Hi 4XS 47 48 38T47 I7H 31411" MVi, SOajMi 31 11 92H 12 10 j 12 17 12 S7Vs 8 8ft 8 TO 8 72H 8 87H I 10 7 00 8 22H " 42Vi 8 62 8 87H 8 Tt Mil 83i 7 I 4B', 474' 47 . 28'4 30 M 87H1 82Vs 83 7979T4i(8) 11 2H U 17 8 0 8 V!H 6 so 8 82H 8 62 6. 48 384 47 47 47 365 3f',84U' 30 I 11 82 u at 8 62 '880 82: 8 S7 8 67 8 72 a 12 00 ia 26 8 82 8 80 8 2 8 ST 8 67 70 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS DoiUd Stttea StMl Can s of Weaknws in th Market. BASED ON UNFAVORABLE DEVELOPMENTS Reports of Another Proposed Large Pnrchase of Pig Iron from Out side Producers by the Treat. NEW YORK, April . While the stock martlet oi tuuay continued extremeiy duii, tncre were eviuences ut more positive wea nwi than in tne stagnant auu oiooping nidikei ul last week, lue weaanesa seuaiea 10 spring irom Lniteu biatts bieel pie- rerrtj, wnicn was veiy freely old irura the uutaet. 1 ne Souice ui mis neimui was not cieauy unuersiooa, out u vhS atmouteU to i-ittsouig account, and was supposed lor inai ieon to be baaed on uiuavor- aole oevelopinenta In the tiade. ine uniavoraoie Developments were not divuigeu, althouali tnere were reooris of anoiner proposeu large purchase of Dla iron trora outains prouuceis uy tne LnUeu Htaies Uteel corporation. Hume large indi vidual blocks of tne second mortgage bonds changed hands on a dacilning a. aie, and aharp uei'llnee In uie stucas or some of the minor steel companies auded to the depressing effect of the movement ou the general market. Tne engagement of gold lor shipment on tomorrow a steamer hi gregateu .6hO,iaiO, wnicn Is close to the record of aDout li.Suu.miU for a single ship ment, which went out In the fail of lail. r'arla aiso bouaht some 82.uu0.uuu of sold In the London market today, thus strength ening the expectation of an eariy Kusslan loan Issue at that center. Meantime the bank week has atarted with another payment bv the subtreasurv of about 8l,o00,iiu on account of Japanese gom in Ban ranrlxco and furtht-r large receipts on that account are expected to continue. 1 hare waa an active demand for com mercial paper and tor corporation notes. The Ixindnn Conner market kdh itrnnv. but without benctit to Amalgamated coo per. The active stocks ended the day a point below last week's final prices and the tone was easy, with orlcea kt the low est of the day. rtonds were Irresu sr. but the active la- sues were heavy. Total sales, par value, 82.550.000. I'nlted States bonds were un changed on call. Following was the range of quotations on the Stock exchange: Bales High. Low Clo"e Atchison 1U.4K) 73H 72 72 do pfd 700 Mt 9.V 03 Baltimore & Ohio 2.200 W 79 79 do pfd 9ii Canadian Pacific 800 117 117 11T Central of N. J InS Ches. & Ohio 200 SI 31 31 Chicago Alton 10 88 38 38 do pfd 200 81 81 81 Chi. & at. West'n 400 18M 16 16 Chi. A Northwest'n 170 C, M. eV St. P 8,700 146 143 14.1 do Dfd 176 Chi. Ter. & Trans do pfd 300 19 18 No. S. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Dull and easv: winter m lni 84.70ig-4.80; winter straights, 14 4u64.80; spring paic-ms, spring straights, 83.90 4.10; bolters. 82.8fcia.8ff WHEAT No. 1 spring, 8892o; No. 8, 85 iw, i-nj. m mi, so iu c. OORN No. 2. 474j4c: No. 1 vallow 49U 49o. OATH-NO. .2, 8636c; No. I white, ta RYE No. 1 88c. BARLEY Good feedlna-. taar: fate i cnuice malting, toviwo. BE.t,jj wo. i Max. 21.00: No. 1 northwest. ern, l.u; prime timothy. 82.80: clover. contract grade, 210.78. PROVISIONS Mess nork. nar hhl 111 an fill AA. t 1 . .... . i . ie.w, uni per iw ids., fs.srr.nn: short ribs sides, (loose) 88.224.37; short clear Bin-a, (Doxeni ie.MWKJ.7b. The loilowlna ware the ru-itnii ahlpmenu of flour and grain: Kecelpts. Shipments, art'tnl business In hankers- hills rt $4 (209 4 8725 for demnd and M .M'-Kfi4.R-,2S for slxty dav bills; posted rates. 4.ff and 84.88tj4.8fi; coninierclal bills, 14 .84. SILVER Bar, 64c; Mexican dollars, 43V.C. KONDS Government, steady; railroad, lr-rer-ilar. quotations n ttonds are a The closing follows: I g. ref. H. ri 4a eoupnn do Sn, res So coupon do new 4s. reg do roupoa .... do old 4. rS do eonDoa . . ArhlFon ct do '1J. Atlantic r. B. a o. ... dn Contra I of Oa. do 1st Inc.. rh. a Ohio IHi.. Chlcoto A. J'ti C, B. A Q. n. it.. C. M. A S P. I C. A N. W. c. 7i.. C. R. I. A P. 4i dn col. ftl e r r. st. L. t 4i Chicago Ter. 4i..., t'on. Tnhioco 4i.... Coin. A So. 4e D. A R. 0. 4 Erlo prior Ilea 4a.. dn gen. 4 r. W. A D. r. It. Hocking Vl. 4'4 . L. A N unl. 4i... Offered. .H"4 Manbatian c. f ( .l"1 kn ( enlral 4 . 1"4' 'l 1st Inc im Minn A at. L 4 13J id . K AT. 4.. Ill I do U 107 N. R II. nf M c. In7 W N. T. C. a IWa. a ion IN J c. g. .... l'No radttc 4 V. 4a. ... Mil dn la ...HWS,lN A W. r. 4a... ... S4 (V f I. A rr ...Iw?4 Pens coot va.. Ti Reading gen. 4a A I A 8 10!S t. U 77 !St. U L. 8. W. Ii Keaboarfl A. I Bo. Tarlllc 4a... So. Rallwajr ta. Teiaa A P. la. . T.. at. L A W. Vnlon Pacific 4s do cnnT. a..l ... M ... IT ... SS ...loo ... 4a. 7" ... fS ...!!, ...IMMl ... TS .... M ... H .1J9S , Tl . 8n .inot M4 M..1U' tg 4. T4, a . , . s . 7 .ine .Ifiti . ) f. 8. Rteel M as. Wabaah la do deb. n W. ft L R. 4a... Wla. Central 4a. Colo. T. A I. c. la .. a" ..U4 .. 70 ..10414 .. n .. T7 . .117 70 London Mock Market. LONDON, April 25. -Closing: Cnnaola, money ... MS-idrl. Central. 169 268 2 86 41 'si"' 130 108 143 64 isi 2d8 "2fi 66 41 'si" 130 St 114 11: : Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye. bu..-. Barley, bu 16.200 16. 800 .218.700 .185,400 42.800 8.800 18,700 81,400 28.300 l.ono 11.400 "Wheat- May July .... .... . July ST. LOUIS. 47U 47fi 79 73 3 Wheat . May ... July .., . Vheat May ... .July MINNEAPOLIS. DULUTH. .. to , 80 B 4fi 46 B 884 B 8 80B 48 46 89B 80 B On the Produce eirlunn todav the ii.ui.. market -was stead v: crumerv - 1 4.n dairy, lt?21c Kggs, steady at mark, caees included, lb17c Cheese, easy. ftfi'Uftt.c. Bt. Lomls Grata an Prorlelons. ST. LOUIS. Anrtl 28 WBKlT-t -n-e- No. 2, cash, elevator, 9ftc; track. I9rj1.04; May, 89c; July, 80c; No. I hard, 802920. CORN Lower; No. 2. cash. 460: track. 49!; May, 4c; July, 46(?4Vo. uAin L,ow-r; no. 1 casn, ajc: track. 41c; May, 87c; July, Sc; No. 2 white, 46c. JXJUK-t)Ull and unchanged: red winter patents, 84.764.90. special brands 20rfi.36o higher; extra fancy and straight. 84.46fi4.76; clear, 8S.764.00. SEKIV-Tlmothr, steady, l2.4ftTM.S0. CORNMEAL Steady. U-W. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 80c HAT Steady: timothy. 27.00014.00: nralrla $8.0O10.00. . IRON COTTON TIES 820. EAOfINO-8c. HEMP TWINE 4V. PROVISIONS-Pork. ?owt: loVhlnv 81107. Lard, unchanged; prime steam, 88.80. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts. 87.: clear ribs. 27.87: short clear, 87.62. POI'LTRY Easy; chickens. 10c; springs, t3.0CKp3.60 per dnaen; turkeys, 13fil4c; ducks, 11c; a b , o-aj, C C, C. A St. L Colo. Southern do 1st pfd 100 64 do 2d Dfd Delaware & Hudson.. 1,300 D., L. A W 200 D. A R. O do pfd Erie l.ROO do 1st pfd 200 do 2d pfd 10O Hocking Valley rdo pfd 100 Illinois Central 200 Iowa Central ..... do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Loula. A Nash 600 Manhattan L 700 Metropolitan Secur Metropolitan St. Ry.. 1,800 M. A St. L M.. St. P. A S. St M. 200 do pfd Missouri Pacific 2,400 M.. K. A T 10O do pfd Z'l Nst. R. of Mex. pfd, 200 N. T. Central 100 Norfolk A Western... 400 do rfd Ontario A Western... 1.100 Pennsylvania 28.700 Pitts., c. c. A Bt. L Reading 4,200 44i. 44 do 1st pri.. ........... .. v. An H rd . f Rock Island Co 2,100 do pfd St. L. A B. T. 2d pfd. 100 St. Lotila South west'n ..... do ofd zwi Southern Paclfle 8.800 Southern Ry I.600 do pfd Z" Texas A Pacific 800 Toledo. St. L. A W... 100 do pfd h.wkj Union Pacific 33,700 do Pfd Wabash 100 do Dfd '. Wheeling A U Erie.. 100 Central do pfd 100 40 Adams Express American f.xpresa t S. KxDreae Wells-rargo Express Amal. Copper 16.M0 BUTTER Steady: dalrv. 14018c. KOGS Lower, loe, ease count. creamery, 17 24c; .. 87 .. 88 88T4B 88 B Receipts. Shipments 8,000 T.ono 48,ono sj.ono 83.000 66.000 64,000 86,000 NEW YORK. a .. Wl .. 87 S9tt 88 B .Wheat- May July HEW YORK GEJIBRAl MARKET (otalloaa of the day oa Various Coaantodltles. NEW YORK. April 25 -FLOUR-Recelcts 19.798 bbls.; exports, 1.168 bbls.; sales, 8.400 bkgs. : market dull and partially lower: win' ter straights, 4.iaVQ6.0i; Minnesota patents, a nf. X, .... t . b. .. I. n r filMiK. i n ter patents, 6.10ue 60; winter extraa, 3 , 4.00; winter low grades, 13 lfr3.0. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, 4.1Ktf4.&; choice to isncy, h xn.7V. CORNMUALfUeadv: yellow western. fl.0wl.10; city,; Uln dried, 83.ioji .is. RTEv-Steady; No, I western, 77c, to ar. rive crotiiDt. BARLEY Quiet: feeding, 49c. O. I. f.. New ' W H EA T- Kecel pis, 63.000 bu.; sales, 2.800.- 4MI du. ruiurea. spot, steady; No. 2 red 8J.08, elevator; No. 1 re tl.0491.07. f. o. b. enoat; no. I northern, uuiuth. 87c, f. o. b., afloat; No, 1 hard, Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Options had rather a weak opening, turned strong on bull developments and collapsed under a bear raid and a dis appointing visible supply decrease, closing .a'to net lower: May, SV; closed at noi juiy. vi s-ieiow 10-ioc; closed at S7c; pepiemoer, iJtiiiwi ciosea ai tuc; XJeceui bar olosed at 820. CORN Receipts. 19.3S0 bu.; sales. 20,000 bu futures. S.0U0 bu. spot. Spot, easy; No. . .nominal elevator and (4c f. o. b. afloat: No. I yellow, 67c; No. 2 white, 6c. The option market was strong, but eventually broke with wheat and closed weak at o net oecune; stay cioeea at iu'vc; juiy; closed at bto. (1 ItJ 3 I.... IT" V... flnA, A.. No. 2. iAKc; standard white. 4.xH-l6c; No. 2 white. 4.Hc; No. I white. 4Uftbc. Op Hons nominal. TALLOW -Dull; city (22 per pkg ), 40 ; country (Dkas. free). 4Tc. HAY-teady; shipping, 6770c; good to cnoire. s-'trw&c. 08 crop. 26vc; 19t2 crop, 2306c' Qld, H 14c; Paritio coast. 19og crop, HQ:; lfcjj crop, te'rtitic; old, 843140. HlDtoS Steady; Aalveston, 20 to 28 lbs , J8c; California. 21 to U lbs.. 12c; Texas dry. 24 to 80 lbs., 14c. LRATH KR Firm; acid, 2326c. HICK Quiet; domestlo, fair to extra. IA Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... oats, du Kansas City Grala and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. April 2S. WHEAT Mar. rash. No. 2 hard. 8oa87c: No. 2 red. Aloft ai.vz: no. . wtrwe. CORN uteady; May. 4flc; julv 42c: cash. No. 2 mixed. 4Ac; No. I, 449 400; NO. 2 wnite. wo; no. a, aoc OAT8 no. 1 wnite. oe: no. x mixed. 39o. HAY Steady : choice timothy. 810.6O1rll 00: Choice prairie, se.txi. kyb uteaay at iDar. BUTTER Creamery, l21c; dairy, fancy. 17C. . . . F0449 Firm; Missouri and Kansas, cases returned, 15c; new No. 1 whltewood cases Included. 16c. Receipts. Shipments. 4810 28.000 47.200 40.800 20,000 36,000 Wheat, bu Corn, bu .. Oats, bu... "V Mllwaakeo Grala MILWAUKEE. April Market. 26. WHEAT Weak: No. 1 northern. 86c; No. t north em, litn: old July, 83c asked. RYK Inill: NO. 1. T2W13C. . ' BARLEY Steady : No. 2. 83c: samcle. aw-. CORN Steady; No. 8, 4!7J51c; July, 47e, Dalath Grala Market. DULUTH. Minn . April 25. WHEAT In store. No. 1 hard, 89c; No. 1 northern. Bi'Hjc; no. 1 nortnern, aoo to arrive; no. 1 hard. SSc; No. 1 northern. 87o; No. , northern. k&c; May, 87Sc; July, 88c; Sep tembor, ' Vc. OATb To arrive and on track, 370. Mlaeapolls Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 26 WHEAT May, 8Jc; July, V: September. 7e. on track; No. 1 naru, ic; no. 1 northern 8oA.c: No. 2 northern. 8c. FIA)UK first patenta, 14 ma. w: second patents, 84 8ti4i'40: first clears, 83.468.66 second clears, moi w. ee; Japan, nominal. PROViaiONS- bee -beef, steadv: famllv tIA nft 5i' r: ici name, ijd.m ineaa. ,14 ftllou. Cut meats, dull; pickled bellies, 87.u7 76; nu-kled shoulders; 84.60: plrkled hams, 89 50teio.u. Lard, firm- west ern steamed. 87.10; April cloaed at 27 10. nominal; refined, steady; continent. 87 20 South America, 87.60; compound. 14 'Jhii 27! Pork, steady; family, 814 6; abort clear t!4 "ffl5 76: mean. IU.60j 14.W. ' BL'TTEJll eitrong; ah creamery, 14 C3c; stale dairy, common to choice. 1530c CHE ES Irregular; state dairy. ll&Uc: gtate dairy, good to prime, 8'ql0c. EGGS Irregular; weatern firsts. 18V f Jc-L storags selections. 18irjlc. POULTRY Quiet; western chickens. l4c: fowls. Uo; turkeys, i:dlc. Pressed quiet; western chickens, Kfllic; fowls, 13 d Ic; turkeys. ltVoloc. ' TUtble gepgly of Grala, NEW YORK. April K-Tbe visible aur- ty ef (rain aVftu 2 as compile! by Ut E.lTOraool Grala and Provisions. LIVE R POOI April 26. WHEAT Spot dull: No. 1 California. 7a. Futures, barely steady: way. uin; juiy, ss o. CORN Spot, auiet: American mixed, new 4s2d; Anienran mixed, old. 4a sd. Fu Cures, quiet; May, 4ald; July, 4s 3d. Toledo geed Market. TOI.mO. O.. April V HFTFTDR Clover rash and April, 840; October, 86 47; prime alslke, saw: Auguai aiaiMe, M.av; prime tlmoiny,; scpiamntr, ai.waj. roorla Grala Market. PEORIA. April m CXIRN Stronger; No. 2, 44c; no. a. i-c. CosToo Market. NEW YORK. April 26. COF"EE-Th market for futures epeneoi ateady al decline of V010 points. Hales were re- n.neA of sAuia baas, including Mav a fixiotec, July at 8,10J.16:. September ai 8 3uj4.4ou and Deoember. at A8U04 46C. Spot Rio quiet; no. 1 invoice, ic. aim, steady Cordova. unic. Philadelphia Prodaeo Market. PHILADELPHIA. April 28.-BUTTER- Ftrm, o blgher; extra weatern creamery 2c: extra nearoy prima, sac. tCMid Steady ; fresh nearby and fresh southwestern. Ike at the mark; freak west. ern. ln'.r: fresh southern. l.W. cilKt8E-8tadr : New York full creams, choice to fgncy, lvci lair it 0o4 rQLuc, 83 17 88 8T 116 68 '21 ii 118 23 47 'is 21 T 8n 24 2A US 86 'is" 3i 16 8i 17 38 37 116 68 '21 117 22T4 "ii 'ss 48 21 8T 23 26 38 844 "is" 88 16 ' 18 76 16 63 J3 159 ' 269 20 70 26 64 41 68 SO ISO 18 18 25 107 142 77 12 4l 61 92 17 27 86 116 68 86 21 117 69 44 78 6! 22 8.1 47 14 do ar-rount Anaconda Atchlaoa do pfd Baltlmora A Ohio. Ce.iadlan Pacific . Chea. A Ohio Chicago Gl. W .... C. M. A 81. P... DeBeera Dan Tar A R. O. . . . do pfd Erla do lat pfd do ll pfl Illlnola Central ... taulB. A Naah.... M , K. A T W. KS a-ltNorfo:k A .. 1 do pfd .... .. 76 S Ontario A W. .. Wa Pent aylvanla . . . ti Ran.l Mines .. . .IMS Reading .. i: do i-t pfd ..17 do id pfd ,.14l4 80. RaMwar . .. lat do pfd ..II 80. Pacific ... .. '2 tnlon PaclSo .. iVS do pfd ... . . 46 V 8. B'l... .. ;', do pfd .... ..19414 Wabaah ..Ill do pfd .... .. 171 SILVETt Bur, steadv, 2d per ounce. MONEY IMl per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills la 2 per cent; for three months' bills, 2 o-16U-S per cent. ..Ill .. M4 .. so .. 21 .. .. I'M .. M .. 40 .. IS .. 11 .. HI .. 604 .. .. M .. 11 .. t'4 .. II .. 40 OMAUA LIVE SIOCR MARKET Er ik Dtmtid for Cattlg at TuWj Steady Prioci with Last Wtek. HOG MARKET VERY SLOW AND LOWER Light Ran of Sheep and Ijiaaba, ana, with Gooa Inqnlry, Better Grades old a Little gtroager, with Others Aboat Steady. SOUTH OMAHA, April 25, 18-. Receipts weie: Caul. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 4, i.iui) 2.7i.iO Same day laat week 4.31 7,49 Hume day week before... 4.3m Z,ii Same three weeks ago... 2,478 4.116 Name four weeka ago.... 4. on i.Ui Same day last year 8.712 b.JS RECEIPTS Ott THK ItAH IO DATii The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date with comparisons with la-it year: it,4. U03. Inc. t:attle 210,77 3,162 4.617 Hogs 7M.OZ3 7II.) 8i,ia3 8beep 678,647 442 13U. Average prices psld for bogs at South Omaba lor tbe last several days with comparisons: 8, .He 11.. lit) 8.341 i: !J I 15 ii............. m t t 10 iv a w HOOS-There was quite a llbernl run of hogs here this morning for a .Monday nd at Chicago there were about 47.O0 hea.l. In vlea- of the big rfH-eipts in sight the market was low.T rt all pi'lui. The de cline here amounted to alinit .rnlH and trading wa rather slow. The hulk of the hogs sold around 14.75. or from lii'.' to It.', and aa high as $1 : was pnld. Packers tried to hny their fioga a dime lower, and thai was the cauae lor the lack of activity, dalesmen rot willing to tike off that much. After packers rtilsed their hands It did net take long to clear the pens of the earlv arrivals. Manv of the trails, though, we're late In arriving, so thM the market did not come to a close until the day waa well advanced. Packers seemed to get more anxious for Supplies as the morning advanced, aril r.s a result some bogs that arrived Just before noon sold a shade better than (he early arrivals, most of them. If of good quality, selling at 84.75 and 11.77. Representative sales; Date. j 104.1S03. 11802. 1 1801. 11800.11889. 183. Wool Market. BOSTON, April 25. WOOL Pulled goods quiet, as are also territory wools. Idaho K'ne, l4H1.1c; heavy nne. 13'ni3c; nn medium, iSl6c; medium, 16fil7c. low me dium, 174ilfc. Wyoming Fine. 14gi5c; heavy ffne, IS'ff.U'ic; fine medium. l&i15c; medium, 18(5 19c; low medium, 18nlc. Utah and Nevada Fine, 14iffl5c; heavy fine, 134i'13c: tine medium, Ibgi6c; medium, 18 u 19c; low medium, 19jJ20c. Dakota Fine, lfwjjlSc; fine medium, 16'ul6c; medium. 18fa 19c; low medium. 1920c. Montana Fine choice. 18$il9c; line average, 17&1SCJ fine medium choice, !Siai9c: average. loVgl7c; staple, 19(S20c: medium choice, iwtilrc. 8T. LOU13, April 26. WOO! Steady; medium grades, combing and clothln'g, 18 j-'2e; light fine. 14Til7c; heavy fine, 12 14: ; tub washed. 2tm31c. LONDON, April 2n. WOOtThe arrivals of wool for the third aeries of auction saleH closed today with the following amounts: New South Wales, 66.178 bales; Queenatown, 10,923 bales; Victoria, 4-J.25.1 bales; South Australia, 10.876 bales; West Australia, 1,778 bales; Tasmania. 8,028 bales; New Zealand, 124,472 bnlea; Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 43.877 bales. Ninety-six thousand bales of Australian wool was for warded direct to spinners. The total avail able for the sales Is 183,553. Ineludlng 14,000 bales held over from the second series April April April April April April April April April April 10. April 11. April 12 April April April April April April April April April April April April April 18 14. 15.. 16. 17. 18. 18. 20. 21. 22. a. 24. 16. to I 2l t I 87! 641 8 7 291 6 00 I 08 llW 7 231 m I INI 16 I 661 I 181 7 24 1 6 83 6 l I 8tl t W 8 71 I g Ui 5 K I u 3 w I a ' 3 64 6 o;u 6 OVS1.1 T 241 a 1 k a jui 4 83 7 14( 8f I 6 27 4 T 27 U; Gl -4 941 7 26 Ml 8 821 I 831 7 26 1 6 7 6 87l t 3, S K9 Ml S St) 7 4 861 ' 4 kv4l 7 1 4 861 7 211 8 8G1 a a"l I .6, vo f Vl 91 4 89 3 68 8 6 33 4 04! 6 40 t 48 6 01 6 93! S 4 7 13 6 (6 8 S'.'l 6 6u i 11 v ww' s ea 9 av 6 46 86! 6 461 3 75 7 141 6 99; 6 I I 8 96 6 I 7 10 6 1 79. 4 76 4 81 4 !.. 7 !! 8 SS 4 Slki 7 06 8 86 6 4 8l 7 01 6 85 6 801 II U t 90j 0 I'J 4 74' 7 04 7 03, I 77 3 78 t 72 I 71 t 76 16 8 67 I 71 3 63 3 71 8 611 I 87 8 87 3 70 2 72 3 67 8 61 72 8 k8 I 60 ii iu 6 4.. 3 72 8 86 I 6 32 I 67; 6 8 8 65 3 63 3 16 3 84 8 74 o 8 71 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was:- Cattle. Hoes, tiheep. H'ses. c, M. & Bt. p Union Paclflo C. A N. W F., E. Ac M. V C, St. P., M. aV O... B. & M C, B. & Q K. C. & 8t. J C. R. I. & P., east.., C, R. 1. & P., west. lllliiola Central Chicago Q. V Total receipts.... The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the numner ot nead indicated 13 40 11 .. 2 2 2 SS 81 4 8 83 4 .. 37 23 T 1 e 1 11.. 2 4 1 11 188 81 11 7 Sheep 4,4 WW 1.41 Ne. M... 10.. 1... 12... ... 0.. II.. 74. . If.., 1.. M ... S.., 17.. 11. en., u.. 7.. HO.. I.. 71. . r.. 7.. at. . an.. II.. 70.. 71.. 74.. ao. Ar. ..17 ..i;i ..1!7 .211 . .1M ..17 . :i ..mi , ..las ..! ..Jfl ...'1 ...213 . .US ...t .. 14 . i ,. MT ...241 ...l"T ...J?l ...tM ...14 214 Sh. no imi i;i a ISO an ia Pt. 4 17 4 to 4 Tn 4 W 4 70 4 ;n ' 4 771 4 70 4 70 4 7 4 71 4 72 4 4 7J', 4 7: 'I 4 ?24i 4 T 4 75 4 7: 4 71 4 75 4 TS 4 71 4 75 4 71 4 73 4 7S 4 T 4 76 No. 74... T4... ... t.. ... 17... 5!.. !.. 14 . .. III. . 14.. 71.. TO. . 75.. 71.. M. . C7..' C4.. 14.. 7o.. 2 IV. ' 7.. 40.. la. . Ac. ..2 ..1i . .2M . 2JI ..214 ..272 ...211 ..24t ..22" ..UJ5 . ..17 ,. ?U ...1:4 ..I?" ,..?: ...IM . .244 ..t:.o , ..2 ..2M ..214 ...24 , . -2rt . . . 24 .. .24 ...Wt , . .24 sb. 40 ao 40 rr. 4 71 4 71 4 VS 4 II 4 71 4 71 4 7K 4 7r 4 71 4 7 4 71 4 JS 4 77 4 T7, 4 77 4 17 4 77 4 77 4 77 4 77 4 0 4 in 4 4 an 4 an 4 2'i 4 02 4 II No. 2 foundry northern nt 14 7MT18 86; No, 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry south ern suit at 814.i'n'nl4.76. !4T. 1OC1S. April 2.V-METAL8 Leal, dull. I 4 . bprlK r. dull, 8 Oo. tollna Market. LIVERPOOI.. April 2.V-COTTON -Spot In limited demand, prl.-es 14 points lower: American nmidilng lair. T.84o; gtod mid Uilng,, mliidling, i.teui; low middling 7 owl; good ordinary, 7.4Ju; oriliiuuy, i.ilvi. Kuturra opened easier and clueeu . easy; American mliliillr.g, g. o. c, April, 7.41il Apnl-Mav. T.Sud ; Mnv-June. 7M; June Julv. 7id; Julv-August, -7 2'l; August riepti'mber. 7.0Vd ; September-October, aj,sd; tiilolier-.Vovember. 6.110; Noveinbor-le-cember, h1; lecember-Jnnuai y, .O-'d; Jh ry-I-Vbruarv. 6.OI1I. NEW ORLEANS, April 25 COTTON Ppot. nulet; sales, 1.3.l bales; nrdlnary, ll-16o; good ordinary, 7c; middling, I3'c; Rom! middling. llc; middling fan, 14 9-lRc. Receipts. 4 6C4 balea; stock, 211. 141 bales. Kutuies, steady; April. 13 40e, bid; June, 13.711? 13.73c; July. 1.1 3 aioi August. 12 8Kb 12 9.K'; t4eptemler, lo 7i(fi 15 7Sc ; October, IIA.111 1 !.(; November, 10.94'j 10.8 ; Lleccmt'cr, 10.9ti lu.2c. 8HEEI Vhere was a small run of sheep In sight this ?iornlng only, ten cars being reported and several of those were late in arriving. Uuyers were out early and every thing at all desirable wss sold st an early hour. The quality', though, was lint up to the usual stniulard and besides that, all the wonted Block was very wet, which of course injured the sale ot It. Some wooled ewes sold up to 86 and wooxd lambs brought $6.45. Tluse prices were strong ss compared with the close of last week and the general opinion of the trade was that good stuff would have sold strong to a dime higher. Quotations for clipped stock: flood to choice Innilis. $5.2",jj5.6o; fair to good Inmhs, $4.5ifi.00; good to choice wooled lambs, $6.40t6.66; fair to good wooled Inmhs. 85.75 ?i8 25; good to choice yearlings or wethers, $6.(Ki6.n: fulr to good yearling or wellicM, S4.7o4iri.00; good to choice ewes. $4 7,Vi5 00; fulr to good ewes, S4.0O$4.7S. Represbntu- nve suics; No. 65 western cull ewes 14 western wool ewes 377 western wool ewes 58 westorn wool ewes Kiaporaled Apples and Dried Kralta. NEW YORK. April 2S.-E VAPl IRATE! 1 APPLES Continue qi'.let. but steady, wltn common quoted nt 4'(i5c, prime at 61 6c, choice at t,ific and fancy at 7'3Tc. CALIFORNIA OKI El) KRCITS Prunes Show a little hrnier tendency. In spite of a light demand, with prices ranging from So to 6V. according to grade. Apricots are not active, but supplies are light and firm; choice are held at Si l0x-. extra choice at U'uliHo and fancy at llfrlSv. Peaches are, attracting a little better demand, and choice sve quoted at 71r7i arxtra choice at iVu'ic u"d fancy at 91ji0o. Sugar and Molasses. NEW YORK. April 2r..-SV;OAR-Ra w, firm; fair refining, 303 8-16c; centrifugal. 98 test, 3S"i U-l'V. Molusacs sugar, I i' 2 lo-!c. Ketlned. quiet. NEW ORl.l'TANS. A.prll H l : A H Bteudy; open kettle, 2li8 l-lc; open kettle centrifugal. 3if3c; centrirugal white, 4w ;". : yellow. 311 4c; sei-onos, .w(i-.-. MOLASSES Nomlnitl; open kettle, IfK-; rentillugal, li17ic. SYRl'P Nominal, aobc. we I hers wooled ewes wooled ewes v.elhers , wethers Foreign Financial. BERLIN, April 23. Trading on .the Bourse today was quiet; the tendency was Irregular. Iron shares were the strongest. Discount rates: Short bills, 2 per cent; 3-month bills. 24 per cent. PARIS, April 2.V Prices on the Bourse today opened firm, became dull and closed Irregular. Rio Tintos gained 12 francs; Russian Imperial 4s closed at 91.50; 3 per cent rentes, 97f 7c for the account. LONDON, April 26. The distribution of 85.000,000 In dividends- Increased the supply of money in the maritet ioaay. discounts were ateady In view of the condition of the continental exchanges. Business on the Stock exchange generally was quiet and featureless. The mining settlement pro gressed satisfactorily. Consols started ratner 01111 and rained a iracuon owm to he cheanness of money, but tne rear 01 forthcoming loans checked business and nv material advance..-Americans opened nil: the movement . were fractional at narltv level and thev closed quiet. Ornd Trunk was wk on traffic, returns. Kaffirs generally had a hette? tone. Bar gold. 77s 10d: American eaglet. 76s 6d. The amount f bullion taken into, the ruing 01 ,ngiana on balance today was 50,000. 40 4i4 17 71 80 48 17 70 80 100 300 ami 400 700 900 1.700 11(0 7 28 19 81 484 128J 70 47t5 7 28 . 19 80 48V S3 126 70 46 85 53 26 V 39 84 82 18 38 16 18 89 224 185 107 208 48 17 70 t8 784 81 4S 93 70 46 Oils and Rosin. SAVANNAH. April 26.-OIL-Ttirpentlna, firm. 4Sc. ROSIN Firm: A. K and c, 12.40; r:, v.rn; . ' 5S; O. $.; H. $2.64: I. $2 80; K, 13 15; M. 83.20: V $.145; W. O.. $3.80: W. W.. $3 80. OIL CITY, Pa.. April ZD. 01 1 i reoii nai nees. $1 65; certlficntes, no bid: shipments, 116.978 bbls.: sverage, 81.19R bbls.: runs, 148.780 bbls.: average, 72.823 bbls.: shipments, Lima, 117,398 bhls. : avernge, M X7 nnis. ; runs, Lima, 114,180 bbls.; average. 61,054 bbls. 4,400 J06A4 206 , 700 13 IS 100 71 71 100 17 Am. Car fc Foundry.. 900 do pfd V Am. Cotton Oil 800 do pfd American Ice do pfd Am. Linseed Oil do rfd Am. LoeomotlTe.... do pfd Am. Smelt. Ref.. do pfd.. Am. Bugar Ref..;.., Anseinita. Mln. CO, Brooklyn B Trans. .28.600 Colo. Fuel 4V Iron Con. Gas Corn Products do tfd Distillers" Securities.. General Electric International Paper... do pfd.. International Pump... do pfd National Iad.... North American Paclflo Mall People's Gas Pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car.. Republic. Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal V Iron U. S. Leather do pfd TJ. S. Realty da prd .... V. 8. Rubber do pro U. 8. Steel rt- nr. 1 Weatlnghouse Elec ... Western I'nlon 100 Northern Securities... ....... ... ..... Total sales tor ine --i.ow .......... Btstoa Stock Quotations. ROSTON. April 26 Call loans. 23 per cent; time loans, 'toi" lr crni oloslng of stocks and oonos Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. April 26 DRT GOODS While buyers show little increased Interest, the market seema to possess a healthier tone and In certain Instances sellers refuse to consider offers which might hare been accented a few davs bsto. Buvers ar. un doubtedly canvassing the market with the purpose of purchasing as soon as uiey are convinced the time is ripe. 400 800 600 1,400 100 L400 1.200 800 400 1.4110 1.700 . 600 4.800 ...76.700 87 26 6 43 16 '37 7 80 7'4 6: 10 67 17 87 264 8 42 16 "ii" 7 80 7 67 14 6'2J 10 65 31 206 12 71 21 13 11 66 a 16 .-n-i OT-r a? 71 212 45V4 16 76 .... 14 7 80 0 67 884 157 M 93 Official Cheta. Atrhlaos 4J. 4a.. do a Ilea. Central 4a... Atrhlaos do pi twos A Albany.. Boatoa ataia... n.xon Eisvaiaa . rilrhburs P'd Mas. Caoirmi K. r N. H. H fm Mar.utle .. Valoa rarisc Avar. am. bio Paou Tuba Amor. BMar do oia Amer. T. a T A mar. Woolaa ... do pta nomlnloo I. A 8.. Rdlaoa glee. Ilia.. Donoral Elwtrlo .. U ik Rlactiie do pfd Maas. Oaa t ailed FnlH In il4 Shoe Mack.. do pfd V. g. Slaol da pfd Bid. Asked. 10 (Wasting, eoamoa . W A4ntur . U lAllouaa . 1ti Amalsam .ated . M lAmarlraa Zinc .... Xl 'Atlantic .IU Bmiham .141 Cal. A HacU.... .14 Centennial . ICoppar Range .Ill ;lalr Weat . 77 'Pomlnloa Coal .... . 14 'i Kranklla 1) iUraner U lial Rnralo .. 4 Maaa. Mining ,.127 Michigan ..IM Mohawk . Mont. C. A C .. 1"S ld Ponlnloa .... ,., 1H Oaoaola ,. I Parrot ..Ill lUulner ,.1M Shaanoa .. as iTaanarack .. II Trlnllf .. 14 r. s. Mlalug ..l7 V. 8. Oil .. 41 ,t'lah .. 2 iVIrtorla . . 10 Winona tk WolaerlBS . 78 . 1 4 . 4S . 10 . I . It .46 . 14 . SI . 14 . 04 : III . T . 4 . 4 . 41 . ,. It .. 23 . II .. I IS .. I .. ID .. I .. a .. 71 iw York Mlalagr ttoeka. NEW YORK, April 26. Ths following are mining siocas; M l 4 .17 IIS .IM 8 Adaaaa Caa Altco graaco granavtek Cbb .... raasto.-k TbbbI Co. Cal. Vs.... Hoes iilw Iroa 8llor UadTlUa Oa Llttlo Cklol t Oniano 4a Ophlr PHoobIx to Potool ig aBjo Siarra N'avada aa Siuall Honas It Suadard tbj New Tork Money Market. vv.w von K Ann I K VDNtrr r .11 easy, 1 per cent; closing bid offered at 1 per cent: time loans, caay snd dull; sixty and ninety days. 24i$ per cent; six months. 364 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 40 4 per cent. T-KLLNa EXCHANGE-Eajlir, wlti OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Coadltloa ef Trade sad Qaotatloaa oa Staple aad Fancy Prodnee. EGGS Receipts, liberal: market stead: rresh stock, iic; including cases, 10c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 11c; roosters. DCjliic: turkeys, 13c; ducks, 9c; geese, 8c. t- UTTaiK 1 acKing siock, lie; cnoice to fancy dairy, ln'allic; separator, 22o. FRESH FISH Trout, 84il0c; pickerel, 6c; pike, $; perch, 6$4c; blueflsh, 16c; whltenah, 7t10c; salmon, lie; haddock, 10c; codfish, 12c; redanapper, 11c; lobster, boiled. per it., 40c; smoaeo wnitensn, 11c; duii beada. 11c; catfish, 13iftl4c: black baas, 20o; halibut, 10c; crapples. lie: herring, 4c; white rasa. 13c: biueflna. tic: smeila. lOtflio: Snnsn baddies, smoked, 80 OY2TTEK8 Nsw York counts, per can. 48c; per gal., $2.00; extra select, per can. Ho; per gal.. 1.75, standard, per can. 27c; per (al., II fcfil.40. rsKAtN fer ton. iisuo. HAY Prices ouotnl bv Omaha Wbolesale Dealers' assoclstlon: Cheice No. t upland. IS 60; No. 2, 1-8.00; medium, 87.60; coarse. 00: rva straw. 16.60. These Drlres are for hay of arocd color and Quality. Demand fair and tecelpta light TROPICAL f KUIT". ORANGES Navels, choice, all sixes. 82.60 02 i6; fancy navels, all sises, $3.76. LEMON'S California, fancy. 300 ts 860. 83.60; choice. 240 to 870 sizes. 33.ftus3.2i. tiua California, per iu-io. cartons, coc; Imported Smyrr.a. S-crown. 12c; 6-crown. 14c; 7-crown, i5 BANANAS Psr medium sized bunch. jjat.s I'tmiHn, per boa or ao pkgs., 82: per lb. In 60-lu boxes. 60; Oriental stuffsj dates, per box. $2.40. ' COCOANUTS-Per sack. 84.0D; per dog. ioc. TRT-TTa APPLES Oregon rancy reds, per box, $1.80; New York er.port Greenings, Uussels and Haldwlns. $4 UO. STRAWBERRIES Teias. per 24-qt. ease. 83-l. POTATOES Coloraao. H 2b: Dakota, per bu.. new Bermuda, potatoes, per bid.. $2.50. NAVY BEANS per OU.. Catfltt. CELERY Large California, aoc. 76a- s4 80c. ONIONS-Bpanlsh. per crate. $1.80; Ber muda, per bo-lb. crate, $2.00. CABHAGE California, per lb., 8io. CUCUMBERS Per doz . $t4iig.7i TOMATOES Florida, per 4-basaet crate, fancy, $260: choice, $2.00. RADISHES Per doz. bunches. $63 60a. LETTUCE HEADS Per duz. Lunches. 80s 01 00, top lettuoe. per aoa.. atauo. TL'RNit'S-tiouthern, per doz., 460. BEETS Southern, per doz,. ana. CARROTS Southern, par dog., 7ie. PA RbLE V Southern Mr doz.. Aat460. ePlNACH-Per bu.. tl.taMiia. BEANS Win, per bu. box, $3.00; string per bu. box, 13 00. Mlbi'EI.LANKOUg. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 12c: Wisconsin Young Americas, 13c; Muck Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, lac; Wisconsin iimtxrger,. lie CIDtR-Per bbl., $5.60; per bbl., $3.2i HONEY Nebraska, per .4 frvia.a, $-ou Utah and Colorado, ' per 24 frames, IU.UU, MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. HIDES No. i green, c; No. j grten. Sc, No. 1 salted. 7c; No. 2 sailed, 4c; No ! ve.i calf, to 12 Hat.. -; No, 2 veal calf, 1. to Li lbs., V", ury sahed hides, kuj sheep ivelts. ndTr; bushirtes. i HORSERADISH Per case of 1 dozen, packed, 80c. NUTS Walnuts. No, 1 soft shell, per lb., lie; bard nhell, per lb., 14c: No. 1 soft sb:ll. per lo , 13c; No. 8 hard ataelL pr lb., Ki pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, pr lb. luc; peanuts, ver id., ec; roaatra panuta. per ao., sc; 1,0111 wamun, i-aivajc; targe hickory nuts, pt r bu , II 60. brazba. per lb.. 11c; filbert, per 10.. lie; almonds, soft tnen. per in. uc; cam snsu, as, aUBil barks. Mr bu, . Mi, aitaug aau.d, ... tu., LA Buyers. Cattle. Hons. Omaha Packing Co 7K6 1.'7 Swift and Company n!! 1 440 Cudahy Packing Co - l.;50 Armour A Co 817 1,7 Swift, from country 64 14il Armour, from Sioux City MM) .... vansant dk CO iw Lobman Co 1't .... .... W. I. StSD ien 97 Hill A Son Hamilton ft Rothschild.. 44 L. K. Husz 4 Hobbick A B 7 Sol Degan 18 H. & B. Co J. B. Root 39 Haggerty & Co 2 Nelaon Morris & Co 115 Other buyers 8,19 , Total 4,138 8,564 I,l2 CATTLE There were a few more cattle here this morning than arrived . week ugo, but trains were lata owing, no doubt, in a large measure to the heavy ruins. Trading, though, wus quite active, with, but little change in ruling prices and .the early ar rivals were soon all disponed of. The market on beef steers could be Quoted active and ateady. Buyers seemed to be quite anxloua for supplies, and as there waa not an excessive numner offered the market ruled active, with some or the choicer bunches a little stronger than at the close of last week. Except for the late arrivals, which delayed the extreme close until a late hour, a good clearance was made at a rea sonably early hour. 1 There was also a brisk demand lor butcher stock and with moderate offerings good, steady prices were paid for every thing at all doalrable. In fnct, buyers and some salesmen were calling the market a trifle stronger In spots. Good light weight cows and heifers continued to sell to the best advantaa-e. but still all kinds sold without difficulty this morning st fully as good prices as were paid late last week. There was no particular change in th market for bulls. Just about steady pYlces were paid and tne demand was rainy gooa. Veal calves and stags also sold in last week's notches. The stocker and feeder market could safely be quoted steady. The demand from the country laat week was sufficient to clean tin practically all the cattle that spec ulators had on hand, and as a result they sll wanted fresh supplies today. Only a few cattle arrived and the general run of cattle sold at steady prices, while something choice was a little stronger. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. 2 western 265 western 8 western 24. western 31 westrrn 453 western lambs 2 western lambs !!5 western wooled lambs... 63 western wooled lorn lis .. 1 buck 130 western ewes HI western spring lambs ... IW western Inmhs 2 western wooled wethers 861 Colorado wooled lambs.. 2h Colorado wooled lamhs .. 17 western spring lambs ... CHICAGO Cattle and larnhi Tea to Fifteen Cents Higher and Hogs Lower. CHICAOO. Anrll 25. CATTLE Receipts. 26.U00 head: mnrket lixirtoc higher; good to prime steers, ,Mtiit no; poor 10 nieuiuni, 3.!lOii5.iO; Blockers tnd feeders, SJ.W"u4.40; cons, $1. 76414.35; heifers, $2.2M.5; canners, $1.7663.50; bulls, $2,0044.10; calves, t2.6owo.60; ovua tei utters 14111914. jb. HOGS Receipts, 4H.MIO noan; estimate!! tomorrow. iUS.lltO: market linrlnC lower, out closed steady; mixed and butchers, $4.80iJ 5.10: aood to choice heavy, tS.ootfw.lOj rough eavv. 84.SofH.K6: light. 44.iaiab.ub; uuik or SHEEP AM) UM US Receipts, so,""! head: sheep steady: lambs strong to 100 hlirher: aood to choice wethers. 4.7oi(i5.5i air to cnoice mixeo. ij.oih,o"; wniirm heep, clipped, M.uOfgo oo; nutive lamos, tinned i. i 4,5. 75: western lambs, clipped, $5.utvi4.W; western lambs, wooled, $6.25jj7.00. Ka. I , t t 4 It I t IS 14 10 1 to i: ii 4 i it i ti ii ii it 10..... 10 II 41.. v. 11 II to 17 80 1 II II II IS If! 22 II It 25 14... 1... to . I.. t.. I . 1.. I.. 1.. I.. 1.. 1.. At. 10 140 ton imi li4 114B 11A0 171 Ml 141 110 10IS Ill 144 , Hi , 10TT , 1120 , ill! 1181 , Ml JIM loan , lino IM 1040 imi , 11M 1 104 127t , 1071 , 1071 , 1040 2M 1011 1171 , 1007 Il 1240 , inio .Kiel Pr. I 70 I It I 80 I M 8 M 4 r0 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 (K) 4 40 4 OS 4 16 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 . 4 10 4 14 4 10 4 IS 4 It 4 II -4 It 4 20 4 10 I 20 4 JO 4 It 4 2 4 21 4 21 4 24 4 25 4 21 4 2i 4 to 4 M 4 30 4 U No. II , 4 t 4 10 24 , II I , 4 44 40 12 ft II 74 14 10 V-::: 41 II 41 17 4 in M 10 14 II n II 10 II II 14 n st tl to II.. At. ino uto 1140 1142 110 1110 1140 121 1070 120 127 1S6I 1214 12J 1304 1104 12H7 1014 , 1340 1421 1011 uni 1241 Mi lioa 1IM 1300 1117 lull 111! 1941 1M0 1J4 1 33 11IT WS7 ..... 14"4 14M 1.17 1JU STEERS AND COWS. n .. IM .. t,0 ..1017 ..1214 I 40 I M I IS 4 Ol 4 2S t. 10.. 14. U.. STEERS AND 144 4 08 14 ... 4 20 I... IM 22.. COW8. . Ml .104 .. 17 ..1040 .. 110 .. 140 .. 110 ..1004 ..1010 .. IbO ..110 ..1011 .. Ill ,.. 170 .. ti ... IM ..1104 . .1004 ,..1"J ,.1016 ... 171 ,..! llr I 00 I K 1 to I 10 to I 44 t It I Bt I at I I 10 t 10 I 10 I 8 M I 21 8 45 I 45 I to I ao I ID I It 1. .. 24... f.. 1 . 4 . 1.. 4.. I . I . 1.. I . 1 . I.. 8.. I.. I.. 1 . I . I.. I . .1154 ..mi . 1V2 HEIFERS. 1140 11W U7I ...1140 ... ISO ... 174 ...1210 ...1110 ...1240 ...luao ...loao ...10M ... IW ...III ...IStl ...11W ... Ill ...1041 ...1424 ...lorn ...1020 ...loai ...1211 ...1421 4 It 4 IS 4 It 4 t 4 15 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 . 4 40 4 4t 4 46 4 44 . 4 45 4 41 4 to 4 f0 4 to 4 10 4 to 4 to 4 tt 4 IS 4 55 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 10 4 It 4 is 4 It 4 45 4 15 4 C 4 10 4 7 4 10 4 10 4 31 4 :t 4 IS 4 to 4 4 t tl I 10 I to 1 1 I 40 I M I 40 l cs I 45 I 70 I 10 8 TO t 78 8 It 8 M I to I in I M I IS 8 H I ftl COWS AND HEIFERS. ... 121 I U HEIFERS. , 7 no . 177 . . IT . IM . HI I It i to 8 to I to I HI I 10 I ao I 4.1. Bin ' i. 41 . I . 1.. 4.. .. 1.. 14.. 10. . ..11M .. Tit .. 140 .. 100 .. 110 .. Til .. T20 .. 171 ..loot .140 J 45 I... I... 1 . 1.. 1.. t.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 3.. 1.. ...141 ...14 ...1474 ...110 ,...1444 ....17 .... IM .... 0 .... .1214 I.. . .120 . 117 . .21 ..ltao ..I! ..I! .. 140 ..Ul I it I 45 I V. i Tt 8 M I to 4 M 4 ti t 14 I 4 I 40 I 40 n I 40 1 1 8 I s I 00 I I It I 15 8 H i to CALVEI I to I IT I te 1 it i aa lii k it STAGS, i 'STOCK Etta AND FEEDERS. lea a l 4 i 2 1 w la i 1 M il i:i I M Ht IM I M IN 6 2 t 50 4 t Av rr. .83 8 ' , HI 4 75 . 91 4 vn ,81-4 75 , 75 6 cm ,85 6 Oil , 81 6 25 . 64 5 "a .83 6 S ,67 5 10 , 105 6 10 .76 5 90 ,75 6 90 . ISO $ 60 . 96 4 85 .3! 6 00 . 6S 6 10 .100 6 75 .82 45 . 11.' 6 50 .40 8 00 LIVK STOCK MARKET 20 I'nlted States Treasury. WASHINGTON. ADril 35. Today 8 state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of $150.0mi,X reserve In the division of redemption, snows avail able cash balance $-'20,267,521; gold, $101,. 6NJ.794. i Bank Clearings. OMAHA. April 25. Bank clearings for to- dnv were $1 nXI,728.48, an increase of $fi6. 276!3o over the corresponding day last year. Elgin Baltei Market. EDO IN, 111.--April ;6.-BI'TTKR Market firm, sc'llng at 23c today, the some ns last week. Fnlcs .'or the week were 474.000 lbs. - I HEAL. 1CSTATN TRA-KSFERS, ' JteV York Lire Stork Market. KEW TORK Anrll 25. BEEVES Re ceipts 8,778 head; mnrket for steers low to 10o lower; bulls, Arm; cows, firm to 15o blgher. Native steers, $4.65.40; bulls, $3.2634.40; cows. $1.7!V?r4.10. Cables quoted live cattle slow at llo to 12'4C per pound, dressed weight; sheep, steady at lJVfco. to 18c; yearlings, 14o dressed weight. Ship ments todity. none. CALVES Receipts 7.052 head; demand fair, mnrket closing dull; prices 25c lower; choice, $o.lJ6.on; general sales, $; little calves, $3.00; city dresaed veala lower at 6c to He. per pound; country aresaeu, weak at 6c to 8c. . . . SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts ll.xeo head; market for sheep steady; lamhs, steadv to a shade lower; wooled sheep, $4.fl0fi.00; good clipped sheep. $5.00; culls. $3.00ii3.60: wooled lamhs, $7.ihk87.40: clipped lambs. $5.&0i.40; spring lam us, s.uuo4.tu each. ' HOOS Receipts 16,460 head; maritet ioo to 20c lower; prime state bogs, a.&itf..'S0. Kansas City Lira Stock Market. KANuAS CITY, April 25 CATTLE Re ceipts 4.0(10 head, ineludlng 800 southerns. Market strong to 10c higher; export and dreased beef steers, 6c higher, $4.7fVS5.26: fair to good strong. $4onra4ou; western tea steers. 5o higher, $3.7M4.7r.; Blockers and feeders, 6c higher. I3.2V34.00; southern steers. 16c higher. $3.7515.00; southern cows, strong. $2.75iu3.60; native cows. $:.or5426; native heifers. $3.604.50; bulls, $J.533.80; calves, $2.75&fi.f)ft. HOI JS Receipts. 8.000 hesd. Market Ro lower; top, $4.9214: bulk. $4.804.90; heavy. i4.Hf.0r4.92ii,; packers. $4.80)4.80; pigs and lights, $4.264.85. , BHEEl' iAfti tin neceipis, i.wi head. Market strong to 10c higher; native lambs, $o.600ifl.40; western lambs. IS.fiOfJ 6.60; fed ewes. ti.vmS.aft; yearlings. $j.0K( 00; Blockers grid feeders, t;.ixm4.w. It. I.oals Live Stock Market. ST. IX3U18. April J$.--CATTI,E RecelpU. 2,6u0 bead. Including MJ Texana. Market strong: native shipping and export alter a, $4.3fVflo.i; drossed beet and butcher steers, $; steers under 1.0U0 pounds, $4,001 i.:-6; Blockers and leeders, $; cows and heifers, t..oU'; canners, i.; buns $k.ui(3.iD; caives, u.uiniouu; lexas and Indian stars. ta.&Otti 4.76: cows nnd heif ers. 12.mhu3.76. M-K Receipts, o,w." nraa. AiRmei jiwt 15c lower; pigs ana ngnis. n v-ui w; pack ers. !4.6j'(j4.uu; iiulclieis and best heavy IIHflD.lO. t4111!.r.l' a in Li ia m ria neceipis i.waj head. Market steauv: native m'lttnus $4.t0'p5.76; lambs, i).:-,i4...Mi; culls and buvs, Ws)4.bU; atockers, . w. J.uu. lipeds nicd for record April 25 us furnished bv tln .Midland Uuaranteo and Trusi (umpituy, bunued abstracter, 1W4 Faiuain Bircet, ior 'Ine liee: Peter Aiuiidxcnciik and wife lo Conrad Unif. lot 6, block 13. Jclter's 1st add. .$1,000 Karel Hiehno and wife to Joseph and ErHiitlHku 1'chytll, lots io und 16. block 2, sub. or block 30, Albright a Choice J iioward D. Jones und wife to Mathew Ka'ser, lot 6, block 1, Halcyon Heights 40C Stephen K. States to Nellie 14. States, lutM 3 nnd 4. block 114, Dundee ...... 1 Miirle Kodym and husband to Amanda U Wit luerman. lot 6, block 5. Boggs Ac Hill's 2d add 2,600 Patrick Powers to Bridget Powers, north 44 feet lot 4, Mock , S. JS. Rogers' add I Mary C. Troup mid husband to John M. Flxa, north 24 feet lot 8, Ken slug ton TOt A. R. Ford and wife to Mary C. Troup, same 1 South Omaha Investment Co. to Ernest rictrich anl Johanna E. Dietrich, li ts 5, 11, 12, 13, 14 und 15, block 8. 8nelby Place 760 Harriet U. Clapn and husband to Her man J. Roesslg, lots 4 and 11, block I, Hoock's sub M William H. Male to James N. Brown, lot 2, block 4. Sherwood's sub 1 F. W. Sullivan and wife to Hedevlg Kersgaard, lot 62, block 1, Saunders A Himebaugh'B dd 70s Illldiir Appelgren to Seraphim Bleverg. lots 1 and 2. block 11. Hose Hill IM Same to f-ame, lots 26 and 26. block II. Rose Hill IM Ai!ellna F. Shrlver and husband to Louis Harris, lots 11 and 12. block !. ' Vnrlh fliiahn add 73 ! Wlnslnw H Edwards to Fred ' t. Wcad. lot 21, block 18, Hrlgg t'lace. 73 Joseph Vollr to Alosle Zeleny, lot It. . block Brown park : 800 Henrv 8. P.ouyer and wife to Fred P. Smith, lot 12. mock n. fiamview i.uoo South Omaha Land Co. to Joe Bron- flel. nart of lot 9, block ?. Boutn Omaha , 173 Simon B. Clark and Elizabeth Clark to Charles F Mack, lots 4 gna p, 11, Ornmsr-y patk 100 ..."j i la) M m 2)' W M DEPARTMENT ttt. T. LIFE AHCADBI ) Our Bong galas, wbloh have bwa laetganUI to our seaaral brokrs la STOCKS AND GRAINS Bira let ua ta esUMIak a IPgCUl, BOND M yARTMENT. W nil ss4 star, er will but OOYtHN-tsTBOIIOs AILRQ80 I0NDS MUNIDI'Al BONDS and other HUH 9RA0I SECURITIES FOR GAIN Bualnaaa ua k st y e ear i Branch f Itloe. and Salivary suda ffm ew senaral oOa la MlnnaepolU -.fcrousa any el lb 114 sallanal n ataw banks ohlcs ar eur 4anolturtaa. V Bond Liitt Sent on, Jlequctl COMMISSION CO Grain Sfocki-Bondi. OEXERAL OFFICK, J. Y. Uto Bldgr. msssUi. OMAHA BRANCH. 1415 Foraasn Bl. Telephoao tH4vT. THOB. K. WADDIC'K. Cor. GOE gal aaai Joseph live Stork MarLet. JOSEPH. April 26. CATTLE Re st BT. celpts 2,1116 heiid. Market steady to inc. higher; natives, ao.viu -o; cows ana lit it ers, 82.iAiil4.7a; Blockers ana reaurs, js.uu tj 4 40. iiikjb neceiuis i.vv neu. iviai-Kei wfHH to lua lower; light, $4. ii'tit h-'.-j, medium and heavy. U ul,itt 0. bltEKf Alu LJii-rteceiu's head. Market strong to luc higher; lambs. $6.76; ewes, $5 li. Sloos City L.lve Stuck Market. SIOUX ClTT. Ia.. April 2V (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, a.lDO head. Market higher; stockers strong and active; beeves, f3.BOfi4.80; cowa, bulla and mixed, $2.2uu4.00: atockers and feeders, tU.JOj4.iaj; calvea und yearlings, $.7Sii8 W. HCK38 Receipts, J.ow nria. aiarket mi 10c lower, selling at $4.GO?e4.80; bulk, fUotf 4.76. Stoek la Mght. Following are the receipts of live stock for the sis principal day: South Omaha "... Chicago Kansas City , Bt. louls Bt. Joseph Bioux City , Totals i western titles jester- Cattle. ,. 4'1 ,. 26.000 , . i" ,. 2.64) .. 2,135 .. $.2ou Hogs. ' I. two 4'J,'") 6.) $.50 1ii-J t0 Sheep. 2,700 2.00O 4 1"! S.iOl) b.KX Updike Commission Co., GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Business handled promptly in all market Office, US Bee Building. Telephone 2454. t ' Q. V. UPDIKE. MANAGER. i LOWREYBROS.&CO COMMISSION MERCHANT Grain, Stocks and Provisions. Room 212, N. V. IAU studding. Phone 8610. Special attention given to ttlegrapli and mail orders. OMAHA. Oft-MX STEAMSHIPS. .42.8:15 70,4fA il.tM ' Melgl Market. NEW TORK , April 26. MET A 1.8 Tin was lnwer In Ixn(lon. spot declining los to 128 and futures 2s Sd to 126 15s. Lo cally the market waa quiet and unchanged at $tf.87VT3t Coptr. ,i,0, a jt. tie higher in London, spot being quoted la 3d blgher at 68 la 3d, while futures ad vancing 8s td closed ul 67 lu lid. The local market for copper remains steady. Ike I quoted at $lJfctJ1$ .62"4, electrolytic at $11.12H43'13 25. and tasting at 112 XlWa 13 1'". Lead remained steady here nt $4 $6, and waa aim unchanged In the Ismdon market, where spot closed At 12 8std. Speller, like lesd. wss un changed In both mark. ia. lxndon quoted spot at 22 7s 6d, while the lo al pilce ranged from $f..2U to 8S 28. Iron rlosed at 52s In Qlagow and 44a 4. 1 In Middles bor ough IM-ally Iron was unchsnged. No. 1 foundry northern U quottd at ILS.iilb 76; CQMPA6NIE 6ENERALE TRANSATLANTIQUE t rsach Una. Kaar Yoik te liafra gis CM, willnsa avar laiuaoay st 1 a. aa. balxrraiua, aay U, Jui.a I, Jul 1, Aug. Ii. . LaBaula, Apr. 11; Maji It; Jau It; Aug. 4... Laliaacvsna, May IK, Jua II; JulT 44' 11. Laluuralna, May I; Jua I: Julv li. . II. . lkraiaua. Juu IU; July M; gpi. ,-m. Oct. IT. Naw, uMMlaiu, t'laiuie, loiB-o.ra 4a4 g4BTa itHrfra: naval oAcara' BAu-ol-aiar aiaulplik. Caaisaiijr's aaatllHila Irsina, HaTa-f aria, mavi, Asauta: Harrr B Moern. 1101 taraam St., r " Louis NM44, glrat National atauk, C. A. HuUartor4. 1MJ l ru St . Bacsl Ulka4 . ANCHOB KBW TOBK. UN8 V. S. MAIL STBAslSHirB, LONbONLlkHBlf AND GLAIQOWv XSW TOBK. CIBHAUTAB AND VATUt. Bartsr sacomniodatlvna. Bieellaal avialn. Yba oaafen of SBaaaasara carallly aona4aea. glaji sr rcMiaA trl licasia twtaraM Nt Voce an laaci, BasllaB. lr.4H aud all principal banlaaUa a4 coiitlnanfal Bolnta at attractive rataa f ga 4 Tuaira. for ilckai ea .rl iaforuea api IS anr loaal aganl ol ta Aacber Lin wt t HgNPkSSOM KUOS . Uau'l AsauU. I hlcif a ilS7 KOLLEK D - EWRlTiS Naw TwlsHaura SlaaiaarB o4 1A.M Toaa. VSW Yoaa HOTThhUa. als gOt'LuciXg. r salllBS TMlu, at 14 a. av Polarfan Mar 10 X one am ....liar II Pottsraam May I! H'ai.-B'lan?, , .Juna 7 Hl4i May it PulaAaoi Juntl4 HOLLAND AMtklL AN UNA. ttoarbwa gt., ckl. t.u. ill.; tiarry Moeiaa. ivl layoaai 14,1 guiawrlurt. 1444 lark Si. i i. B. ava-faeiOsi IV 1 Iuuajs M,