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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1904)
10 TITE OMATTA DAILY KEE: TUESDAY, AmTL 2fl. 1004. V OCEAN LINES ARE AROUSED Threaten U Disrupt Immigration Bureau Over Pstet McDonnell Cm, aaaaasaiBaBSaS OBJECT TO UNION PACIFIC HIRING HIM Twr la that Steamship Companies Will Csvaeel Oontrorts wllk Railroads and Ths Break r the Combine. r The employment of Peter McDonnell, the Independent Immigration agent, by the tTnlon Pacific, eeema to be leading up to all kinds of trouble In the Western Pas senger association, and It Is Ha Id threaten to disrupt the Immigration bureau. The principal trouble confronting the bureau at present la a threat on the part of the steamship companies to cancel their contract with the Western Passenger as sociation. This, It Is said, would mean a dissolution of the Immigrant bureau, as It would not bo possible to make a division of the business between the western roads without the co-operation of the ocean lines. ', A consultation baa been held between the three associations which constitute the steamship conference. Prank Wadloigh, manager of the western Immigrant clearing house Inv New York, and General Eastern Passenger Agent Nutting of the Southern and Union Paclflo railroads, acting under the advisory committee at Chicago. It Is said nothUflg definite was accomplished at this meeting. The steamship men re fused to take decided action. Mar Aaaal Contracts. It la asserted the steamship lines are not satisfied with the reduction In their commission, which recently occurred, and that If the railroads do not restore the commission to the old basis of 10 per cent the ocean lines are likely to annul the contract and make Independent arrange ments with outside Immigration' agents who,. It la believed, stand ready to pay a higher commission than the railroads. Local paaaenger offlrJals disclaim all knowledge of Immigration conditions In the east., They state that representatives of the different lines are looking after the matter In Chicago and New Tork, and that as . It does not come under their authority they have nothing to do with. It. IS. I Loin ax, general passenger agent of the Union Pacific, la at present in the east and has been there seme time. As he Is the only official who makes his headquar ter In thla city that Is directly Interested In a settlement of the difficulty, nothing can be learned locally until hi return home. BERATES HUSBAND IN COURT Wsaaam Telia Jadce Spouse Is Untrue ,.,4 the Dae Not Wat Bint Aay More. Martin Williams, Thirty-first and Bur dette streets, haa been sentenced to twenty fire day by Police Judge Berka. Martin went to the police station In double quick time Saturday night and complained that while he was making a little call on Effle Burke, with headquarters at Eleventh and Capitol avenue, the woman had taken from him S3 without his knowledge or consent. He wanted the majesty of the law visited on the woman and redress for himself. He got both. Martin was detained as a complaining wit ness, while the woman's name was In scribed on the books with the charge of larceny from the person. Sunday morning Mrs. Martin hurriedly did up her work and started out on a search for her husband. She maintains Martin spends most 'of his earnings In questionable places Instead of purchasing bread and other edibles for his family. Mrs. Martin went to the police station, where the facts of the case were told her. Things began to look dark for Martin. The woman was on hand when police court opened and took a lively Interest In the arraignment of her husband. What he lacked In site she made up In spirit. She took occasion to berate her husband for his Infidelity and made sarcastlo al lusions to the unattractive qualities of the Burks woman. "t have had to buy the groceries, because he would spend his money on Saturday nights and couldn't get credit," declared Mr. Martin. "I don't want him ever to come back to me; keep him away from me," she aid to the Judge ha passed sentence on Martin. NEW COMMANDER OF CADETS Cartala StacsaalL Thirtieth Infantry, , weeeeda Cook as His:. School Battalion Officer. At a meeting of the high school commit tee of the Board of Education Saturday afterroon Captain Ralph R. Stogsdall, Thirtieth United States Infantry, of Fort Crook, waa elected commander of the High School cadet battalion to succeed Captain Frank A. Cook, commissary, U. S. A., re , signed, because of his assignment to duty la the Philippines. It, was deolded to hold the annual en campment of the cadet battalion from Jane, T to 11 tats year, and the encampment probably will ba held at Missouri Valley, la. ., . The rule was adopted that only such Students as passed at least two of their slue. tee could attend the encampment and i;"A fine "breakfast" food,. . jdld I hear you say? . You'll be three timet . wiser when you've di.' Cowered that a dish of ; "FORCE" and cream is ; juit what your stomach Is making signs for, the last thing before going to bed. k 4 . Try it to-oight, and see .how youll sleep. "ww a so 14. Bj r r I . ei iih ase . Ml 1 ' ' Jfolfolfl Great Tuesday Sales Extraordinary Bargain Events for Tomorrow's Selling. 10c Silkolme Drapery Sllkollne excellent quality In mill remnants. This sllkollne la thirty-six Inches wide, comes In a variety of desirable patterns and Is Just the good that sells regu larly at 10c a yard TOMORROW SPECIAL in the base mentat, a yard 25c White 71 Goods, at. . 2v ties, iinemadras Swiss, dainty plaids, etc. worth from 15c to 25c your Special Sale of India Linons Full bolts of perfect India llnon on sals these are the greatest India Llnon values we Regular 13c quality India Ol I Llnon, at O2C Regular 19c quality India f fl I Llnon, at, yard. ,v 1 Sale of Pillow Tops and Cords Art Department Third Floor. Stamped Pillow Tops with popular designs, pretty g heads, etc., the regular 25o kind 1 1 Tuesday, at Vv Make-up Pillow Covers with finished top and bacu, y P pretty designs worth BOc each, at s&JC Pillow Cords and Tassels all colors sell everywhere at J J? BOo Tuesday, at, each , DC Battenburg Patterns All kinds, at, . r each 4,. , DC $1.00 Silks Pine foulards on blu groundspolka new design adapted for shirt waist China silks, all colors for dresses, main floor bargain square, at, yard Hose Supporters at I5c The Sanltas hose supporter, with Crandall wedge, can be worn without a corset regular BOo and 7Bo values also pretty round garters, with sil ver & ornament ed buckles, all, at 15 c J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE. YOU ARE INVITED to attend one or two weddings in May. Our store Is full of handsome pieces for wedding gifts, Sterling Silver. Cut Glaus. Clocks. It does not take much money to get a beautiful ana suitable piece tew minutes at our store. S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler. 1516 Douglas St. that hereafter perfection In at least three of the studies will be the requisite for per mission to attend the encampment. An other rule was adopted for this special encampment that such students as are de ficient in their military tactics will be per mitted to attend the encampment only on condition that they make good their mili tary studies between now and the date of the encampment. After thla year they must have passed all of their tactical studies before being permitted to attend the encampment Masonic. Nebraska lodge. No. 1, will labor In the Master Mason degree Tuesday evening. April 20, at 7 p. m. Brethren Invited. OEORQE A. DAY, W. M. W. C. M'LEAN. Sec. Odd Fellows' night at the Orpheum this evening. Tickets now on sale at the box office. BREWERS SWELL THE FUND Three Different Concerns Give Five Handred Dollars Each to Com plete the Aadlterlnm. The cheering effervescence of the bock beer or some other good agent has been at work among the brewers of Omaha and now these appear with certified checks at the Auditorium office and give the man agement of the public gathering place a Jolt of Joy which will help a lot. The St on Brewing company, Meta Bros. Brew ing company and the Fred Krug Brewing company have each given $500. In addition, $100 In cash has been subscribed anony mously, $100 by the Interstate Rubber com pany and $300 by the Anheuser-Busch Brewing association. These sums, with the $l.,f00 previously reported, make a total of $21,000. A Marvelous Service. Going east by the New Tork Central Lines, you have the choice of 8 trains a day from Chicago, 3 trains a day from St. Louis, and S trains a day from Cin cinnati. You will remember that this Is the line via Niagara Falls, and the route of the Fast Mail," "Lake Shore Limited," Twentieth Century Limited," and the Knickerbocker Bpecial." Special Meeting. All merchants that have signs on the walks are requested to be present at Com mercial club rooms Tuesday evening at 8 O'clock. COMMITTEE. BAPTIST DELEGATES ARRIVE Representatives to Thirty-Third Cos. veattaa of Women's Foreign Mis sionary Society Here. The thirty-third annual meeting of the Woman's Baptist Foreign Missionary So ciety of the Went begins thla after' noon at 1 o'clock In Calvary Baptist church. Some of the delegates already have arrived and the reception committees will be busy this evening. Tomorrow morn ing the Chicago delegation, one of the largest to .coma, will arrive. Members of the eoclvty will be at every train, and after meeting the. delegates will send them to their places of entertainment with mes senger boys. There will be thirty-two trains to bring visitors into the Union sta tion and fourteen at thXurllngton. The Lincoln delegation, two- , strong, will rxnirnrrrcR- VJisM STOCK, WleV HaC at A at lc Yexrd k All kinds of fine white goods lace lawns, corded and check dim- 7ic choice, ai, yard ever offered you. Regular 25c quality India Llnon, at, yard 12ic Finest grade, often sells at f C 40c vard. at. vard at 35c Ya,rd dot, floral and other suits t7-inch Jap and waists, kimonos, etc. 35c ISo 25c Purses at 5c Men's and ladies' chamois and calf skin purses, with single and doable clasp, worth 15c and 25c each, at, 5c each irom our aioca. tspena a Charges Less Than All Others DR. McGREW, SPECIALIST Treats all forms of Diseases of ME ONLY. Twenty-eight Years' Experience. Eighteen Years In Omaha. The doctor's remarkable success has never been equaled, His resources and facilities for treating this class of diseases are unlimited and every day brings many flattering reports of the good he Is doing or the relief he has given. HOT SPRINGS TREATMENT FOR All Blood Poisons. No BREAKING OUT" on the skin or face and all external signs of the disease disappear at once. A. pr m.npnt i lire for Ufa guaranteed. VADirHPFI FCl'RES GUARANTEED In TKIL.UtLLLIjE8s THAN FIVE DAY8. nJFAD 1A ftOft cases cured of Hydrocele, LfH JUfUUU stricture, Uleet. Nervous Debility, Loss of Strength and Vitality and all forms of chronlo diseases. Treatment bv mall. Call or write. Box 766. office at South 14th St.. Omaha, Neb You'll Know when you gi t the grip, but you won't know now 11 nayiienea uu woo You won v care. Yuu win ue too miser able. But you will be intensely Interested in now vo nt 111 . - . nuw w oiuy "'w. - - - Ing up and down the spine, the Incessant L.ina in the liml) ana Dam, naui-, i.i... anAAi..0 .1 1 ui'K run from the UUUBIUIIB iivo, ' 1 ----- eves and none, muitcular pains anil Tiiat brHln-rarktng headache. The bent treatment known for this dread ful affliction Is Dr. Miles' Nervine Dr. Miles" Nervine cures by building up the nervous system and destroying the ..i..v. ...i.,.n tt.A hltMtri If taktm KHIII1V will.l, - T when symptoms lirnt appear is almost a sure irvtuii.. I suffered several weeks with Grip, and nothing 1 took seemed to benefit me. I alm,B, AatYt until 1 tried lr. Miles' Reetoratlve Nervine. From the first day I felt better. It relieved my misery and pain and gave me an apurtlte ami In GEO. 11. IlALaU 1 Jackson. Money back If first bottle falls to benefit Rogers, Peet 0 Co. Swell Clothing for Men. J. L Brarideis 0 Sons. WOMAN'S CROWNING GLORY la ttf kali. IfCnr BmcJm4. Kutoir ! la B.turtl eoim. vitfcotu ligwr MkMU m ni by oo aplk,w mtU Imperial Hair Regenerator THE STAKTMBD HAIR ClLOIMi. It b taulattlr kil'l. Ah. -Hi tni Clu ....UK lilt K'lT OH lAftl& -MONTHS. bMiU uf k iv mm4 iofwUI CassMMi.Ce.iJI W Jit SLjIew f ark Wednesday Is Green B Is ul k Bum WeaLther? Because of the in clement weather of Monday and one's consequent inclin ation to remain in doors, our department managers have determined to continue Mon day's special sales sales in tended for Monday only up to 6 p. m. Tuesday evening. It means that our page ad vertisements in the three Omaha dailies (bristling with bargains and Green Trading Stamp sensations and covering every depart ment in, the house) are good tor Tuesday if goods are un sold. Grocery, Fruits, Meats, Dry Goods, Clothing, Furni ture, Jewelry, Hardware, Crockery, Shoes, Wall Paper, Art, Drugs, Station ery, Music and Millinery De partments will not remove their special bargain price tickets till Tuesday evening. Get in on these roaring chances of early spring. Another Immense purchase of scarfs, shams, table tops and small table covers. We bought these (&ZZf goods at less than 50 i GuT "WtS l r.f. r.n dollar anrl we will sell them Wed nesday very cheap with $3.00 worth of the Little Green Stamps with each piece. Green Trading Stamps Every Time STRENGTH vs. VEAKUESS If you are drifting in a sea of sickness and disease toward the rocks and shoals of chronlo 1 n v a 1 1 dlsm, you should atop drifting and consult the eminent specialists connected with the STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE at once, before it is too late. We are saving thousands of young and mld-cle-aged men who were plunging to ward the grave, tortured by the woes of Nervo-Sexual Debility, caused by self-abuse, indiscretions, excesses, or the result Of speclilo or private dis eases. , We make puny, weak men strong, no matter how weak they are, and every vital organ perfect, infiltrating that old feeling of youthful fire, vim and courage. Do you want to be strong, possess nerves of str-el, self-confidence, strength In every muscle, ambition, grit, energy and endurance, in order to make your life complete? We have gladdened the hearts of thousands of young and middle aged men who were plunging toward the grave, restoring them to perfect speci mens of physical manhood, full of vim, vigor and vitality. If you are lacking In these essential elements of manhood, or suffering from Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nerve-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases or any disease or weakness due to Inheritance, evil bablts, excesses, self-abuses or the result of specltlc or private diseases, ypu should take proper steps to rid yourself of such a condition, as it will cause you bitter regret and humiliation in after-life. We cure this class of trouble quickly, safely and thoroughly. mMIITATinM fDFF Office Hours- a. tn. to 8 p. m. Brndays, 10 to 1 only. VUllOUJIft IIUll IHLL u you cannot can wrIte for symptom blank. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE .308 Farnam St.. Bet 13th and 14th St.. Omaha, Neb. UNION PACIFIC HOUND TILIP TO (California and Return Tickets on Bole April 23 to May 1, inclusiv Jlitun hour qulckir than any othtr llni Is tht Paclflo Coni. For full Information call or write City lii.kt Oitiee, 1324 Karuw feirevt. Slicker Red Letter Day TIT'S BUTTER! BUTTER! BENNETTS RENOWNED CAri TOI, CREAMERY BUTTER. SWEET AS A NUT FRESH FROM TUB HilRN-THE PERFECTION OF BUXTEH MAJCINO-TUESDAT ONLY $1 worth Qreea Tradlnf 5 1 m p with each pound of Bennett's Capitol Creamery, Tueidayt only, 25c. When vrni buy UKOCER1ES AT BENNETT'S you get the FRESHEST OOOD8, IAR(1EST VARIKTIES, l'ROMl'TEST DELIVERIES AND LOWEST PRICES. TUESDAY SPECIALS. BOc worth Green Trad ing Stamps with paok- ajre seeded lttUMns each .. 10c Four thousand pack ages In special of fer. Baked Boans, 3-lb can Preserve, assorted, Jar Imported Sardines, can Salmon. 1-lb. can ...10c ...lOo ,..lto ...ll)C Pumpkin, 3-lb. can ...So Vegetable and Flower seeds, pksr..4c 1 worth Green Trad Ing Stamps with each bottl Ocdney'a sweet MJdKeta. Gedney's Bpiced Mid gets.. Gedney's Banquet Rel ish. Gedney'a Chill Sauce. Gedney'a Pepper Sauce. 25c and 2So a bottle. COFFEE, Maracatbo Coffee, per lb 15o Bennett's Breakfast, delicious drink 2-lb. can i8o TEAS. Best vnlnea In this line. Ten. Sifting, per lb IRc Imperial Japan, per lb Ko Gunpowder, per lb 880 Visit the Jap Room Just received a new and exquisite line of the cutest Japanese chinaware ever shown in the city. It's real lovely goods and cheap, too. See them. Are you weak, don't feel right, nerves shattered, suffering from hidden drains and weakness, despondent, lifeless, without ambition, impaired memory, easily fatigued, excitable, restless, hag gard looking. Irritable, and on the verge of mental and physical collapse, primarily Induced by abuses In youth, excesses In later life, or the result of s peel do or private diseases, impeding your progress both commercially ana socially? If so, you should consult us without unnecessary delay and escape from the slavery that is holding you captive and depleting your manhood. lVt?Sn Gil Womtn'ttl.OO, Si snd $2.50 San. aaff on alt 7stjdr.... 59c THE) RELIABLE! ITORB, Tuesday for Bargains In the Big West Room Greatest Sale of White Wai stings Ever Attempted In Omaha. From 9 a. m. to 12 m. We will place on sale 100 full bolts of Imported Mercerised WatsUngs 28 patterns to select from not a yard worth lees than 60o snd up to jo sna up to 17c 7ac for the one hour all go at one price per yard From 9 to 11 a. m. Tuesday We will sell ladies' and children's fine Cambric Umbrella Drawers, hemstitched and nicely trimmed, and ladies' lace and embroidery trimmed Corset Covers, 1 Q p worth 50c, your choice for one hour Z Big Notion Sale Tuesday Morning We Place on Sale the Greatest Bargains In staple notions and dress finishings ever offered to our customers. Sale be gins at S a. m. and will include all kinds list. 200 yards Machine Thread 5c per spool Five spools Beldlng Bros.' Sewing Bilk These are 20-yard spools and come In a full line of colors. 200 yards Linen Thread ....4c .2ic per spool Best quality Nursery Pins per dozen 10c Pearl Buttons ' 24C per dozen ...-..... 10c Crochet Silk 24c per spool 16c roll Skirt Binding Braid 16o Metal Back Horn Combs 4Jc 4ic Extra Grocery Specials Tuesday In the Big Basement. s Trading Stamps Absolutely Free. To Introduce Into everybody's home our 1-lb. cans of Renown Hlgh-Orade Baking Powder at 26c per can, we will sell to every purchaser of one can 6 lbs. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for lo This offer Is for Tuesday only. Fancy XX Ginger Snaps, per lb 3Hc Grape-Nuts, per pkg -o Malta Vita, Kgg-O-See, Force, Vigor, Vim. ' Nutrlta or Cero Frulto, per pkg iio The best Soda, Oyster, Butter or Milk Crackers, per lb 6o 6 lbs. Hand Picked Navy Beans, Rloe, Sago, Farina, Tapioca or Barley for 19o Quart cans pure Table Syrup "V 8-lb. cans solid packed Tomatoes 70 8-lb. caps Boston Baked Beans THo 8-lb. can Apple Butter "Ha 2-lb. cans Wax, String or Lima Beans.. 70 Gallon cans Fancy Apples 19o Gallon cans Fancy Apricots, Peaches, Plums or Grapes for 30c Fancy large bottles Pickles, any brand you want for Last Chance H g Thla week Is the last opportunity' to be "elected" to take a trip to the Bt Loula exposition at the expense of The Bee. Ten more trips will be toted for this week. If you want to go, now la the tlmo to get out and hustle and let your frlenda know that you want to go. ,Yoa wlU find that they will be only to glad to help you. If you call their attention to the fact There la no reason why you can not haro one of The Last Ten Trips Next week will be too late, and the chance to take a trip to the exposition will be gone. ro not forgot that you can get B20 votea on a year's subscription ia the city and 000 votes on a year's aubscriptlon In the country. You will have a chance to travel from Omaha to St Louis Via -the Wabash JllL Rules of the "Election" tM 'iSrruTctlon. are placed a. to when, the party lives a- a aaodldat. " CSTovo1 wW''tt for mp.oy.. or agent, of Jh. abaBjj. All vote, must be made on ooupous w tilth wlli te puuuaneu sewn w Tb fr.paym.nt of ascription, may . jsjuU either direct to Th. Be. 'WotntlJ: iTJt&l&PZZfc 1 accordant with instructions ! DUbll.hed In aU editions of The Bee. TO. vol. irom ur, The "election. . J" "."7- ;b," bUs,n-. offioa of The Boe or sent by ?0&.bD!Pb? mall w ill Uncounted which are not la th. Oman. Vot nvS'loVdVllvy Z lV. Address, "Exposition Department," O Omaha, Keb. COUPONS ON PAGE 2. Womtn's It. 50. $2 and $2.50 Sin. dsls on tlt Tueidar.... 59c Great Silk Sale Continued Tuesday. Silks for shirt waist suits Jfi- on sale at , VC 76c Foulard Silks 24 Inches JOn wide at HVC $1.26 and $1.80 Bilks W0 pieces OOr In blacks and colors at.... ."W $1.00 Pongee Bllka eu 27 Inches wide OOL Shirt' Waist Suit rOr. Silks JfC Shirt Waist Suit RO,- Bilka Ol Black Taffeta fill , il Inches wide at Js. Black Taffeta fSOr 27 Inchee wlde-at UVt Black Taffeta OUr 2 inches wide at VOC of notions. Space will allow only a partial 10o Glsnt Tack Pullera 13o Heavy Rubber Fine Combs 7o Pencil Tablets . ...40 ...4ic ...4ic ...4c ,..2Jc 10c Memorandum Books ..... , Two bottles best Ink (Carter's) All kinds of Velveteen Skirt Bind ings In all colors per yard lOo patent Hump Hooka and 2 In Eves "I" lOo Corset Steels lOo Fancy Pearl per docen 4lc 2io Buttons Garden Seeds, any kind, per rkg H WHOSESALH DRIED FRUIT PRICK Large California Prunes, per lb bVW Ijarge California Peaches, per lb 7Vi English Cleaned Currants, per lb Fancy California Grapes, per lb 7Vo Virginia Blackberries, per lb 7Wo New York Ring Apples, per lb B Moor Park Apricots, per lb 12tyi California Seedless Raisins, pkg !K Fancy Bartlett Pears, per 11) 12H WHOLESALE FRESH FRUIT PRICES. Fancy Colorado White Clover Honey, per rack i "0 California White Figs, per pkg ?m Large, Juicy, Seedless Lemons, per dog., IM Fancy, Sweet, Large Navel . Oranges, pet doi .If Fancy Mixed Nuts, per lb W All our Butter and Eggs are tested b an expert of twenty-flve years' experience, therefore we can guarantee the quality t4 be the best that can be produced, at th lowest prices. BROS. The WABASII Is nearly 80 MILES the shortest and takes you to Its OWN STATION at main entrance World's Fair Grounds. Think what this means quick time, money saved and a delightful trip, not all tired out before starting to do the exposi tion. r - hllr. . c . m. th. of cioslng. Bee, get here tomorrow. tnd boat- heratan U