Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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P,ab"ji ImrroTtaitnti Farsifa Emp'.oTatBt
ft 3T ;w City Co-nciL
earde ef ipk Tarda tkow Heavy
llr. mt Kri-rimt, mm 1 a)yar4
III Ik ass Tlaa Last
The new city council, which waa nrfi
Ised. on T-ieslay wil har pien'y "f wora
to lona if'er in the matter of improve
ments thia summer. r.e nf the (juration
of immxla Imp. ,nnn" will be the issuing
mil sal of bonds f-r the paving. traUlre,
and curbing of South Twenty-f'virth sti .t
anl Raliroed itipj Dan HBCn has
ilia mnt.-act frr this wars, but ha doee Dot
want to start until the bonds ir moid, aa
a fears eastern hnd i't"nfy mar pt:k
!ii In the section of tha ci;y charter
which pei'mta the improvements evntem
plated wi-ftm.: a petition ined by two
thirds of the atiut'.rs property owners
Then trere !) "rr:' of ! str t
This is sucn as o.'d "IT that newspaper
rtUT !au-ti ati the prnpoatUun is
atrrimtiel. Be that aa it may the ci:y
cou-k-11 has fr.dcTiiM certain property
IM nrdlrar.ces have been passed by tha
council and t'.a-ned l-y the mayor creatine;
an imrrove?nent d:Tirt anit establishing
the evade. For ine property that waa tha ,ipea;eer allowed aw, and
'his raor.ey haa f-n feid into the court.
Te rut thtrs ;o do wt!l be advertising
for hid for the wrrk.
Another mttr of rreat !tn7ort-ire to
r hrntaht up a!!" be the repaying or re
pa.'rtr -f Twent v-fni'-th afreet Trn A t
Q TV.s navener.! ' (" htti condition. Tt
! f-iil of hoiea ar 1 In many pi-ee the
-ae Sap been ajmt entirely worn awy.
I-rrrivementa triage every rr on this
freer nt -hou but atl'l the pave-
rrent a'll not wear any ntrh of t!m.
e en eer belnc repaired A new pave
ment 'a being talked of bt:t pr"tcry own
ers do not llae b i-ea of -Tnt-ia" a pert
inn for a new payment. The Hry. coun
cil win be expected to ffnd "me way to
keep tbe atreet in a passable condition
without mikfrc a d'-ect tat on th abnt
ng prcperty owner
Hartar Will I !.
Thcmas Hocter. democratic candidate f ir
mayor at the r-cent election, atated last
right that he was having papers prepared
for a recount of the v.tes. "I have con
sulted with my att'-rneys." said Mr. Hvc
tor, '"and we have decided to ask tha
cmjn'v court to count the baliots In our
petition we w.n net allia-e fraud on tha
part of the r-puhlicars. My contention will
be that in railing off the votes an error
may have been made by crediting votes to
Koutskv which should have gone to me. I
will ak for a counting of the harlots In ail
of the twelve precinct in the city." In
cnnrininn Mr. Hoctor said that ha ex
pected the papers would be (Sled with tha
court today.
SJaur Oaaaa Taelgbt.
The women of the South Otiulu Hospital
assorts n on worked hard yesterday getting
everything in readlneaa for tha opening of
the basar at Workman tempi today.
N-iraeroua booths have been arranged and
there is to be all kinds of artlciea for aaie.
An excellent musical and literary pro
gram baa been prepared for this evening
and ao for Friday night. Tha proceeds
.rtat. UUT.
(area Aral ladiaeatiaa.
Mr. H. R. Mot'raady. a well-known theat
rical broker, of No. imi Broadway. New
York. aaj a: "I suffered terribly from
Kork. Bj-B. "I a-iffrrd lemUy from
avut m i cn,.n. Tried many remediea
with.ut brnrot. but now I have been cured
by Minyont Paa-Paw, and I am g14 to
recommend tl.ia W'nderfl retwiy for ail
atomawh ad acrvoua troublea.'
W ell-K aewa raesalst ( area.
Mr BtfBr F. "lLafUe. a prpnuneat
rhenuat. of No in Wmk ali Street. New
Tork. says "1 liev tnra Munyon a Paw
Paw wita moat U nBtiil reau-ts for Craen
tery. wlu.-b I com ratted tn tfle Philippines.
My unprovement Win with the first doaa.
Nuw l net 1 a-m uri you are at liberty to
fa my nam tn any way that you deatr
to commend uua remedy, tor it certamly
benefited me.
U in yen Piw-Pi, pruvd itself to
be auathtjr fore m ih ruaa.le for kaa.lta-
If yi hav dysprpaia. try it
If yon are nr a .te, vjry tt.
If you are deepondmt. try it.
If you are weak and run down, ti-r It
c way aU tonic. al medifuiea and ail
umulanta and let M anyon s Paw-Paw
maae you wwlL It anu !lrt vou Into th
p gn a.t tude of bop ad hoid you there.
;t1- g" exhilarauon wttnout intoxaca-
raa Pwee-rhae
W'-aaa, a all ermtll
lMMttvm riila, Zm a aaitAa.
" ifii
Banii Hill
.in nil
FDLL fill
4PB ssa"
-- a a
TMIcV. $1.9$
will go toward the support of tha boa- t
Reewlwta laerewalaa; Dally.
Official reborns at tha stock y-r-la la at
tfgit showed that the receipts of live stock
fy three days had been mfiauaily heaT
Tb fiaira show the receipt of head
of catt'e. T."Z boars and TLKt sheep as
compared with the aajne three days of last
Tear an Increase Is shown all J" t!
line Shipper- epeaJl !fl th hlwheet term
of the faciTiriea at the yrl here, f-a
switchtrg ears and anioad'ng anck. So
far this year there hi an hw-reaee ever last
year of U".C head of sheep. 5 en hoa and
1.15s cart!.
Aaaaual Cmr !-- W-,.
T annnal meetjrg of the "ottth Cnuth
Joint Car Inspection aaeoclatloti wa heid
at the offices of the fnton Stock Tarda
company yeanerdar All of the yads hold
ing memberahfp tn th aawoclatloti wers
represented. Reports of th varlofia offi
cers were read. Everything was found to
he in a aat'jfactory condition. Th Chi
cago rireat Western was admitted to men
beohtp. making nin roads hi th sasnd
atlcn. Mr. Thompeon. master mechanic ef the
T'nion Pacific, was re-el eced president
by th unanimo-i rot of th delecatea.
F L. Porwin. euperln tendent of th Union
Stock Tarda Railroad eotnpany. waa r
slpred sei rfary. t". H. Creaaey was re
appointed general foreman. F. ft. Ben
JajrJi the Northwestern. John Lanre of
the Wahah and Jame Connors of th
M Iwaukee road were appointed on the
esecutiv committee to sen e for the term
cf one yej- Another meeting of th ss-eH-iafion
w!Tl be held at th stock yards
offleee here In October Th meerinsr wma
a tt "nded by thirty represmtatrres of th
roads forming the association.
Magi City OaHMlp,
The "-'tith Onaha eava'ry troop w-M)gfv
a bail at the Echanae on Friday night.
Dr Twne wae in the city yeterdar
compiling aome data on contagloti diseases j
for tne itate Hoard of Heaith.
A!ra and hack yards all over the city
are in need of a gnrieral spring cleaning.
Thomas Myer. the socialist candidate
for mayor, received CZ votes at th last
Those who intend taking out Mo jor II-
ceneea should Cie their appilcatloca with
the Fir and Police b.ard at once
Dan Har.non wiil commence grading three
lota on the west efde jf Twenty-fourth
street between 1 and J treets todsy.
The members ai tne Board of Reg-.stra-tioii
who served on April 1 were paid yes
terday. Each registrar received SV
Sf a are re far tb Aadftariwsa Osealag
Will Trala la Vkl sWwrd
Arrangements have been mad for the
use of the Board of Education assembly
rooms In the city hal! for tha chorus of
the AJdltorium opening. A piano will be
taken np there and th first meeting of
the singers Is set for Tuesday evening.
Cards announcing this fact will be sent
one to all Interested. Ajanstant Secretary
Gillan has returned from Kansas City,
where he has been hurrying op the ship
ment of lumber. Tha first two cars win
arrive tomorrow or next day and ail th
material la to be here by th middle of
next week.
Oa Far far fk Haaaa Trip
Pi-is 3 cents to Cleveland. O.. and return
via Nickel Plat road. May ISth. 17th and
lth. Tickets good going data of sal and
returning to and Including Jjn lttth by
depositing same.
Three through dally express trains to Fort
Warn a. Cleveland. Erie. Buffalo. New Tork.
Boat on and New England points, carry
ing vestfbuled sleeping ears. Meaia served
la Nickel Plat dining cars on American
crab meal plan, ranging in price from Xc
to CM: also service a la carta. Chicago
depot. La Sail and Tan Buren arraeta
N ex res far charged on any train oa
th Nkel Plat road. Chicago ticket
offices. Ill Adams St. and Auditorium An
nex. Phone Central ST.
AT A1DEI9 aV ) lATTlDtT.
a' Clatalag; ak la BVallraad
Wmk-Oaly Few salts llhtly
aaeea Oa Bala at Wea
derral BraraaJaa.
Thim sal will offer greater fcargaina for
men than any w bar ever been able to
offer. A thousand fin spring suits hi a
railroad wreck Only a few were mussed
Wi bought them ail at aa amaang sax' ri
fle at th Boston Store. This sale will
be th talk of Omaha. Saturday. April 14.
Boatoa 8 tore.
AsaMasesMBM 4 tka Tkaatara.
On Sunday evwnlng th Rogers brothers
will open a short Oauamnt ax th Boyd
theater presenting their latest skit by John
I. Mi-NaHy. -Tha Rogers Brothers in Lon
don.' Tha muaia Is by Max Hoffman and
Me Will Ellis, and tn ryrlra by Georr
T. Ho hart and Ed Gardenicr. Tn tha com
pany besides tha Rogers brothers are such
clever people aa Joseph Cmrna. La Har
rison. Lillian Coleman. Carrie Reynolds
and G-orga Austin Moor. Thia Is on of
th biggest musical comedy eompania
ever sent eut from New Tork, and presents
an evening ef music and fun such as no
other company offers. Tha ngmaeront im
tor Sunday and Moo day Bight a only.
Beginning Tuesday evening- and for tha
halaavw of th week tb Roe Cecelia Shay
Grand Opera company will b th offering
at th Boyd In a repertoire of grand operas
Ther remains but three more per
formances of this week bill at th Or
pheum. tonight and Saturday snattne and Hal Davis. Ine a KcCaulcy and
company in their sketch, "Pals." hav
given Orpbeumitea a littl sensation that
has proven a strong drawing card. Th
Garaca aistara in their remarkable feats
af equilibrium are another feature of th
kind that asakas paopla talk.
Tha Itaraal f Dsaarasa.
Whites of eyes and akin yellow ahow Hear
troubia and jaundice. Dr. Cnar's New "Llta.
FUln cur or no pay. Only 2ac far sat
by Kuha A Co.
. Mart Jlty callatlea.
Th following ars the births reported to
th Board of Health for the twenty-four
hours ending at ooi.n April 14:
Birtns Mr and Mra Lara Johnson. ISO
North Twentie.u. ,ln. Mr and Mra David
snananan. iCl South FtHirt-entn. gtr M
nd Mrs. fharlea FkiUlaod. 1112 William
gnri: Mr. and Mrs. fhariee Pavonakv
Ppplt.i. girl. n. and Mra VMlliam But
ler. .X fhartea. boy: M - and Mrs. Frank
M.ore. ljfct North Se-venteanth. bov X'
and Mrs M'iea Iata. 1 Nortn fteven-t-nih.
boy; Mr and Mrs. Henry B- Aolaa.
U4 Park avenue, boy.
Th Woman s Socialist union will hold a
nvsetina- at tha headquarter. Sl North 16th
street. Friday evening. April la. at o dark
An members ar requasted to ba present,
as Important bustnaas will ha tranaactad.
Marrtaata Ueeaefs,
C to noon April 14 th fofiowlng eoupias
had bean hv eased to wed:
Naana and waidena. Mgm.
t nana) r rr-ei tee 'ut-r , Ba Oaaaaa
Nellie Cluaara. -innilrr. aia
Leo Baron?. Osnaha
aatu J.awln. T ssiis. la
Hamaoa Jearka. Cms ha
. -i
U-K. Wedding- Rings, EdhaUa. swaiai.
DeaOst wits was -- tad aisaiksa ta
aa axoalleot bKataaa at Baa ksjldana- eav
aasaaa a attar aakoa
t a Baa sAc
!; rn Tcaiaj Eseki to Embarr-a li
B i Jtrt;i ti M:ia;fit Gogiag.
for rivee rertla Aeeweea
Certala lalaest a( Vlalaalaa It
aa karar Will lavestl
ge Mere Claaely.
Mayor Mwrf Is inclined to wax a little
WTth over what he considers th "narrow
gauge way" in which th Civic Federauon.
through Its attorney. Elmer E. Thomas. Is
acting with regard to the midnirht cloeing
order as applied to the saloons of the city.
Tasterday a notice waa served on the
mayor, chief of police and Brard of F!re
and Police Commiamoneni. containing tte
names of nine saloons which, it u stated
by Mr. Thomas, were open after IS o riork
Sunday morning. April 10. The ones re
parted as so violating the law. and wherein
ba demanded that action be at once taken
against them, were: The Homestead aa
loon. Twelfth and Fa mam streets: Johnson
Ct Larson s. Eleventh and Famam . Vienna
cafe. Eleventh anf. Famam. Gemun
Shamrock. Tenth and Famam; James Cut
hill. Tenth snd Dnugias: Emil Gail. Ninth
and L'ouglas. Lou:s Ooidsmith. Ninth and
Capitol avenue: T-rn Ffiey, 14"J Pouglaa.
and Tuthiil a "Tuxelo," rear of oid post
office. "When I made that ehwing order. maid
th mayor. "I meant every word of It and
it la going to be enforved or every man
that disregards It Is going to be prose
cuted. But. in my opinion, this complaint,
together with others that have emanated
from the same source, is mad largely. If
not altogether, to embarrass the a Jn. .mat-ration,
and not because the saloon keepers
are disregarding the law or selling any
liquor after 12 o'clock.
epert Ihaevs O be lea re.
"Our investigation show us that the clos
ing order Is being obeyed and that in
nearly every Instance th saloon doors are
closed and locked promptly at 12. If the
proprietors of th piaces see fit to stay
tn their aa loons to count up their caeh
and close up their week s business I cannot
sea wby Uiey have not tie right to. or
where ther Is any ground for complaint
on th part of th Civic Federation or
anybody else. Neither can I see wherein
the law or order of the city is In any way
outraged If th porters and employee of
these establishments are allowed to stay
In them after the doors are closed and
locked to clean up and put things In order.
I will make the assertion that in my opin
ion, based on a careful investigation, in
nine cases out of ten. this is all that la
dona after 13 o dock in th places that
are here reported. In other worda I do
not believe that a drop of liquor is sold
or that a person Is admitted sr allowed
to remain after midnight, and. aa I have
said, I think these complaints are made
with a deal re to create aa unfavorable
Impression with regard to th administra
tion by certala disgruntled persona rather
than on account of any righteous Indigna
tion or belief that th law Is being diara
garued. "I have, however, issued aa order to
the chief of police Instructing him to In
vestigate each one of the piaces re
ported and if be finds th closing order
has been disregarded to prosecut without
any further ceremony."
TaeauB Slda af tb Caaa.
Mr. Thomas stated his aid of th cas
this way:
W know that this midnight closing or
der can be enforced if the authorities want
It enforced. It will not do for the mayor .
ta say he doesn t know how to secure the j
enforcement. He does know, and we know I
h knowa That kind of talk does not ae- !
ceiv us. With one man we were able on j
th morning of April 1 to And ten saloons
violating the Sunday closing statute, th I
midnight cloning ordinance and the recent i
order of the mayor and chief cf pollca
Thess law. again were violated U Sun-
day morning, after their offense had been
publl hed tn The Ba. A hundred other
saioona may nay been doing the same
thing. Whenever th mayor and chit-f
make up their minds that this cloning or-
der ta on of those orders which wer
fRISH Homespun and Scotch
Cheviot Sack Suits in the
new colorings, single or double
breasted exclusive things that you
don't see every day and every
where. It will pay you to know Kirsch
baum Clothes (Warranted).
Sold to the best trade by the
best dealers. Prices, $10 to $25.
Insist on seeing the Kirschbaurn label insida
breast pocket of coat.
For Sale in Omaha by
Bcrg-Swanson Co.
meant to b enforced there wt;l be
trouble as t its enf-r ement.
Wednesday's Bee nuoes the mayor as say
lr be would fake the matter up agmn
mH'h the -fcief cf police ar.d inslt upon a
rigid enforcement Now the mayor either
f-rwot to take It up with the chief or the
chief disobeyed the mayir or th police
scree construed the chirrs i-wtstenc In a
Pickwickian sens. If tb mayor forgot
our -ectid ncrc wt'l r-tnind htm; If th
chief disobeyed him deliberately be ought
to be deposed, ana if tha officers failed ta
obev orders the discipline of th fore re
riirs thst they be dismissed firm sat !.
In th words of Herodotus. I know why
they do not enfor- th law. but I win not
tell you.' If th executive department f
this city can t keep a f-w saloons closed
between midnight and o -lock a m.. how
can we have confidence n Its ability to re
press crime and bring crumlnais to Jus
tice T
ette erved aa Osaetala,
Thia is the notic Thomas had served on
the officials:
To 'he Mayor of th Citv of Omaha. Frank
E. M "ore", the t hief of Police. John J
I-onahue. and th Members of th Fir and
P-iHce Commission of said Clrv of mirv
Wt.liam J. Broatch. Wlliiim D. McH igh.
J.icpn W. Thomas and Lee W Spratlen
1 hereby notify you. as attorney for the
Civic Federaiion of Omaha, that the fol
lcwirg named salocns were open and doing
business in the sale of Intoxicating uqcors
on Sunday morning. April W. l04. after
the hi.ur of 12 o clock, midnight, and he
fire the hour of 4 o'clock, a. m.. In viola
tion of the statute of Nebraska relative
to the closing of saioona on Sunday, and
the ordinance of th city of Omana wttn
rare: -an ce to th closing of saioona at mid
nirht. and an order of the mayor and
eti -f of pplla directirg saloon keepers
to ocma. -aula this ordinance
Hcrneexead. at Twelfth and Famam.
Johnson at Larson. Eleventh and Far
cam. Vienna Cafa. Eleventh and Farnam.
iVennaa Sham-ock. Tenth, south of Far
nam. jimes ?ntht;!, Tnth and IVua-!aa.
Pn.i n.iil. With and Dougias.
T. ."-As Joi'.tT.:i h. Ninth snd Capitol ave
nue l' -m Ft e; :J ryjurlas
TuthiU. a'lcy back of oid pest office
I her! v demand, on beha.f of said Clvle
Federation, that you. as the executive and
mir.i!triiU officers of the city of Omaha
hereafter enforce the aaid statute cf Ne
braska, or dtranc nd order, by requiring
these and other saloons to comply with
the law ELMER E. THOMAS.
Attorney fr the Civic Federation.
Carlaad af Mixea Freight la Railrwad
Ssaaah Im fteeds tllshtly Dasa
aea Braaaete Bay aad
Will Flar It.
This carload included IS balea fin Wilton
and Axminster Rugs in room sixes 12 bales
of larre and small Smyrna. Axminster and
Wilton Rugs 3 rolla lr-ain Carpet S
cases blue snd white enameled kitchen
ware J caea men s stuns aiso many
cases of ladies' snd children's underwear,
hosiery, umbrellas, silk waists, trimmed
millinery, etc., etc.
All on sale Monday. April IS. at phenom
enal bargains.
Boston Store.
Atteatlaa, K. I af leearlty.
A.1 members of Omaha council No. 416 af
tha Knights and Ladles of Security are re
quested to meet st their hall Saturday aft
ernoon at 1.30 ta attend tha funeral of
Sister Katie Hime. By order of th com
mittee. Tribe af Bea-Har. Swtte.
Mecca court No. 13 will give a progrefaiv
high five party, dancing and refreshments,
at their hall, lath and Harney. Friday
evening. April ia. All members and their
friend invited. COMMITTEE.
raaswell la s Harry Aa-aat Calllag
taasreeelaaal Caaeeatlaa far
the Dssarrata,
No a-epa have as yet seen taken with
regard to the holding of th democratic
con rrejukinjtl canvmr-.on foe tbia Hltrrlitt
,nd mcordijlg to chairman Frank A.
: Brosdwell. none will be until Congr-srman
Hitchcoc k ran ba conferred arith la tb mar.
ter Just when the latter will come ta
Omaha hi altogether a matter of conjectura.
j but Mr. Broadweil considers there Is plenty
j 0f time and says he haa not aa yet gives
I th matter a thought.
C la red Beeldaate af Third Ward at
Daaated Evea by Fawr
So g-eat l the trouble between Marv
Payne and D-ila Myers, both colored reef
dents of the 'Ojumt d'strtrt." that even th
sigit of four tTpoi-g pcll'-emen. rr re
senting th mighty dignity of th law. and
th fact ef the-n Seirg at tha police sta
tion, under arrest, did not deter then
from ftnlahing the fight they had pre
viously been ar--te1 for Amid much pro
test from the other, each told a dlTerent
and Interesting st?rr of th fray t(;a
Myers said that the Payne woman bad
entered her home professing friendship,
and. tn fact, offer-d th "glad mit," whic!
waa grasped lnstanter
"Den. Sargen' Havev. while dat black
flng had hoid o' my hand sh pasted me
la d fia" said t";ia Myers, 'in' den t
pasted back an' we bofs scrapped."
Mary Payne said the Meyers woman
called her Into her home for a chat, and
while conversing unsuspectedly tha other
woman jumped on her and went through
th cer-mony of flattening her out After
much questioning and personalities the po
lie learned that one of the women had
stolen th affections of the other one l
Both women have been fined 110 and costs
In po les court. When arraigned be f ire th
police judge and asked what knowledge
they had of the broil they laughed and said
they had gone at each other with pokers,
knives, rolling pins, flat irons and ether
household utensils. Their faces wer cov
ered with abrasions of ihe cuticle and
patches of court piaster, but they appeared
to have th memory of a good time and
complained not when judgment waa paasai
oa them.
Th 'kiehet l-lat Head.
Will se'.l tickets to Cleveland. O.. and re
rum, account of National Baptist Anni
versary, on May lth. 17th and ISth, at
rate of one fare for tha round trip, plus
S rent. Tickers good golr.g date of Bale
By depoaitlng same extended return limit
n T.-- 'IfS Im MinirMl Tlimi..
service to New Tork City. Boston snd '
other eastern points Xi excess far 1
charged on any train on th Nickel Plate !
road. Meals on American club meal plan, j
ranging in price from Sac to C . also J
service a la cane. Chicago depot. La
Salle and van Buren streets, the only pas
senger station In Chicago on th ele- ated
lo-p. Chicago city ticket offices. Ill
Adams St. and AJdltorium Annex. 'Phone
Central SS7.
All members of th Omaha Retail Liquor
Dealers' association are requested to at
tend the regular monthly meeting on Fri
day. April IS. at 2 o clock p. m. at the
Continental hall, lath and Douglas streersr
as important business will come bef ire the
He wig asked why be
didn't ro horn. -
His answer wis. "Shay,
wholt town is turning
roand me. When bit
home come 'round I'll
t4p in. see?"
On? of the morals to be
drawn Im don't for
our store to come 'round
to you before you ret Into
your Sprint Topcoat
Come a roand and step in.
Twill be a lucky atep If
It's a prompt one. for no
apple tree ever had more
blossoms than we're new
patterns of new iyi4
TopcoatiDars Just now.
$23 to $50.
MacCarthy Tailoring
Company, ill J a. lath SC.
Next eaor ta
; Facts About ;
; Diamonds
fj Z-o you know thst diamonds hare
been a splendid Investment for tha
al past six years? We beliav them ta I
as ba still better today. When we sell jj :
you a diamond It la wtlb tha under- ,
standlnc that you can et your money j
back, less la per cent, at any time I
wttmn one year rrora date of pur- ,
chase. Do ynu knew of anything that I
sj you can buv that way We have j
them in Rings from K tn and will
take pieasur tn enowina; tnem ta you.
War rT BIT rwBatrLLAfl AT
11 I .ELLA ITOtll
Cala Crawaa trass 9ZM V J
st af Teeth trass S-.SS . -' 11 " " ""' ' aaaaaaaMwaaaweaweaa n J
We ar bare ta etay. la atadeata. l
char., for ValkU ?4 i ! bPnn2 Coal
C l jfTr x f
Or PAINLESS DINTT5TRT. fTJtJ. ?i ' bom lira for 3S
1LH Epouaa. aooa. 1 $9.00 Pf Ton
WE REPAIR J AJ M.";U'r,r,usl lni 1
Fw TlftBstrual Sappr eisioa T-.
s Sea; ma SV - II -f - lit
The Big Four.
Here are Four Extraordinary SpeciaJ
Items for Women.
That We Place on Sale Friday Morning,
TP Fine quality itrbj ribteM -jirin? wfight balbriirjran
Jle,unItrrr'sr. liijrh neck, inff slwveil, vest with
French vote bunI. drawer, in eru anil -.vhire. all hantl
work, silk triiunirHl. rv:ul'i T5o value at 3.V a annent.
CIadit line Frr-nch ribb!. merrerizftl and Lisle-
JCthrvail COMBINATION SUITS in mtu. white,
pink nI blu. with tizht knee or umbrella "trie, with fine
lace timlinJ, Thi lot i exceptional talne anl the otr
reet strle for early spring wear regular dollar value at
Joe a suit.
TC Ladies' extnt tine quality, liIe-thread and nn iSea
V Is!an mttt'a hose, beautiful new styles of bripht,
fancy otilorinjr. in th" latt spring shades of tans. blue,
reds.- moilt-s. black ii nl white. als a big variety of solid
black all-over laces and lxt pattern regular 3)c va-ues.
at 35c a piiir.
O C Feautiful line of Lidiet" muslin and long cloth gowns
OtJv trimmed with dainty lacen and tni broidery, with
square V and low round rut necks, with long r saort
sleeves any gown in this lot is wdl worth doable the
money all cut full and loug
Twenty More Trips
To the St. Loui expsition. Thirty irips have already
been awarded as a result of the previous "elections."
There are still thirty trips for thote who are ambitious to
see the exposition and make the journey at the expenie of
The Dee. The exposition is cot open yet. but when your
friend come back in the summer and fall and tell you
how fine it was, you will be sorry that you did not let
people know that you wanted to go and g-t them to vote
for you. A little hustling will result in
Get your friends interested in the fact that you want
to go and they will be glad to prepay their subscription
and to save thir toupona for you. Ilemember that you
get 520 rotes on a year's subscription in the rity and 600
votes on a year's subscription in the cuuntry.
The trip from Omaha to St. Louis will be
Via the Wabash
Fair grounds. It has sven distinct lines to St. Louis.
from all direi tions. so that
you are greater than that of any other road.
Rules of the "Election"
Z-hl,'L-rl?!', 'T,n -st number ef votes at tb close mt
each Jctta will ba furniabea. at i'na base exoenaa. u rwiT. ZTe .
texSJEs 0m" - "Ti "rre l.;
tor a7.?T.aLS,. " Uv aa . eaadldat.
52 soal mZZL ,1- for mPioyea or acenta ef Tha Omasa Ba.
Th Be upon wlucb lul ba pubiiaheu each aa la
t PripiTTr.ent of subaerlptlaa assy b mal either direct ta Th
PabUsnins Co,nnany or ia aa authorised itt of The BeaT
with r'l'r X:,9 U - COUal1 ent " .ceordaac
Tn! 'Ir??" 1,,', w,n be published ,n ,11 editions ef Tha Baa
Tae elaruims will close each Thursday nt t p. m
ata may b deposttett at the buwneas office of Tha Baa or sent he
a, . ""'i-"t by mail .Hi b. counted which, are notu tnaT.matI
paauifflca for deUvery at 4 Ju p. m on Uia oay of cioain. Omata
Address. "Exposition aVpartment. Omaha Bee.
Omaha, Neb.
Wc Rent or Sell
Tou caa hav your rhone r.f a aoaen d.fferent make of Sewing ata hinea w
nines caa sell at CS to 173 a.. rant at per weea or C. per month. ee.ora
hand machines from It up. f- ranieed ene j ur
P. E. FLO DM AN 5c CO..
regular value S5c
The reason the Wabash
has been selected as the
best .i ute to the World".
Fair is because it is many
mi lea the shortest, that
tiae is quicker and it
lauds passengers at its
own station at the main
entrance at the World's
its facilities for taking care of f
Sewing Machines