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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1904)
7IIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. A Fill L IS. 1W4. 0PE5I5C IX BIG LEAGUES C.acxButi Eurtg Ca: kj ai.i; Oat frsm Ckicarg is tns Fisti. Durrrt mi win recti the scstcxiars l Yrk Triads RrMkbt Katey 4e tk Teee ( t Oa i Pltto-bare- wl t. Leal ft art la timf taste. CINCINNATI, April H Thirteen thou sand eetkusiasti saw the opening game between Uw Clnriruaatl had ChVo teams today. It waa tfc larweat luutmi crowd la tke history of the game la ibkt city. Cincinnati woe the (mm la tbt ra tling aa a etngi. a aacrlflc and a fumte by Tinker, which inovM Xn to a-ere froia ootid baa. Tee Reds' perfect field werk. as well a the rood pitching at Batt hf at anttca stages, kald dewm tbs Chi eag ey-eca. A bead kiim i-t and a lpeeek by Tie Mayor Oordon pt seeded tbe gaao. i i a 1 1 a oak. Ik. t t I '), 4 4 4 1 I I 1 4 Caar. I I I I I tlOMO. lk... I III 4 t t l.rtkT. a. 4 I I I m. a. . I I I 1 1. H'mptr: CTLaoghllk bard Time: .rid King. mu4Hklt Win at WMllMa WAfHINOTOS, April at- Philadelphia end Wtilna-loa opened tbe AnorKti wetTt Beaana. a rh latter- aw g-rurd today and th vksltnr m. f'luk pt had a steeay game t hrougriout for th Fhll edvlpaia iai. n pitched ftr tb lor .a vu batted freely and aura a bakae an sails and kit a baisuaaa with the base fall In th ee-c-rd Inning Tb fata we eid at th and of tb tenth inning, darh- AtTniar i.aav svore: HOAEI a a o a a XEW TELEPHONE SYSTEM IX AxWmattt Central Erre-? rric Eg'kV list! by lebrnka Corrpttj. CUT IH ftQU PCS OILY SIX K SJTIS a.itca, (t tk ... t. t rt .. l at a. aiieea, a... Philadelphia I I M 1 1 el Pealsa. 1 I"in. rt... a a t llr. Ik. 111 ytainfaltfu tm I Cimiraa. a. . t I ran. a a auaad. a-... I I I titw rf 1 till i r --. i til I ' Kkaa a (lilt I ,' tali I I if M rkte at 9 I Karvar. k. a I taalay, rt a t.raa, e, a "(Ilia, a a 1 Gar a ! TotaM IUR I I THala If a l Taatla I cm out irbaj artaainc ran aeorod. OnrliuiaU 1 a I I I 1 I fhraao ... I Ernod runa; Cblm fr, 1- Two-haaa hit! TlrlLrr Taratwaa ha: Cbacra. ftacrirtoa hita: Palta, 0Ta4afadt gtf4-n baM: W-d-rvff. Caory. Caar.oe. larabka pja: anour t KmVr, Fe-st baaa oa balai: Off 5uubofr 4; off Weimar. 4. ttruck oul: Pt Sutthnff, J; ky Watmar, a. Faaad bail: I!ta. Tima; . Vanlre: JohBatena. rklldlkl Vlat Firat Oat. rHILADEUTilA, April 14. In the rpan tac arama of tba NaUnnaJ laafoa aoaana today Oaa loaia dafeatod Boatwn by cm. oratlTt kU un Tbt waa,ttrr coid and pboorlaaa. Th usual pralimlnary baas 0"Boart tni plaoa and bafora baaHnnlnj rractloa ttaa eluba atarrbod acroa 'h'. field. Tba firat ball aaa t bra an. frara t pavlitnn by Hn. fatter. arlf of Fraelwnt i naa Pnttor of the bom rhb. f-tchrr WUnt araa aclfa for t-rt Umlr.aa Luttoy kept Boatoa'B blia well auatterrd. AXiaad aaoa. a.171. Boor . OUTTiW. I rHOATKLITn. a a a c.l ho it rnaaall. f. t tit ITtanai. f... 1 I 1 t I Tm-nrr .. I 111 1 1 C Ik... t 1 I iMMaaaw. a I I I I I w-nrm. (kill 1 a t Titaa. rt Ill 14 Barry. It 1 i 4 4 Dn!M. Ik. Ill I 1 a laavui, am.. Ill 111 Imam. 1 I 1 I t Dmt7. .. a a a a a) ratala.... I M It t Baoad for WUlla la the alma. Philadelphia 1 t 1 1 Boetoa 1 l-l Earned runa. Boaum. 1: Philadelphia. 4. Two-baoa hit: Tliua. cWorinco hit: Ab- battCBJa. rtorB baaae: Uelehantjr. Dolao. Xoutaa play: AbaUchto to rUvnwr. Left oa baaea; Boattm. , Philadelphia, 4. Firat baaa nn baila: Off 1; ctt Vug flaky. 1. BtrtK-k out: By wi 11. 1; by Luggby. a. Wild pitch: Ducdleay. lima: l.tu. L'anplrc: atoraa. Eaty Tletarr fav Kw Tark. VBW TORJC A am 14 -The JSaw Tork aod Brooklya Kauonaia apcaad tha aeaaon In Brooklyn toay. It waa aa aaay vle v-y far Naw Terk, arho placed aa r rorlraa araroa la too ftaM. lathawaoa allowod tba Brooklyn only Uhrac hlta. lrrita played third baae In tlaca of B Bihtk, waa waa Injured ta tha f ne with ' oiumata yaeiaroay. Atienoaitca li.aua. yiw Toar. , - bbooicltw l.H.O.l t tldlt Pravaa. rt... lilt oaa ....) I I I I r-rrlia. k....l 1 I Vharura. .. I t 1 I M'Oaaa. Ik.. 1 W LMmlar. ... 1 till taru. W . . 1 It 1 Kikta. rt ( till X artTa. T I t a BaMi. -a...... t I i lOhlaa. aa ... I I I a lnm lk I 11 I eiiaa. la-.. 1 ail at WiT-atfL Ik I I I i . a. I I I 1 a Jarfcittaca. c. t t I i I kittkxipia. a 1 a, lima, a...... a i I Totala. t It t 14 Tatala....... 1 "l R U 1 New Tork , 1 t 1 1 1 1 Braok!a Lft aa aoaaa: Nw Tork 4. Brook fra V in rat baaa on wi Hi' Naw Tork 1, Two- riaao altar MrOann, frennar. tttotoa Browaa, Pahloa. kfatbawaoa. Doyla Doable Tate. UNI I t 1 1 1 -t e.elll I tarnad rona: Waahlnirfm 1. rMlada'phia Two Kaoa K1r! Wilaxai. Mrt-nrmwa, I trk, aVybatd. Btnlm kBo: Dwnff. WirMlca hlta: Vlllaoa. tWuNt laya; Thmar to Covrhlln. atoran. M- CriTlfk. "rahl Ti. HaraH to Powrre; I1 ka M Onaa Baaea oa ttalla: tri WPM 1. nW Plank 4 H It PT baH: ItaM 1 M. Croae. track etjt: Br VTllocn 1, by Plan t laft on baaea- Whtnert'n 1L PMtadelptila L Paaaad ball: Pwwera. Tina: IM. I'esptr: Connelly. Iieln 4kaitplairad at Sow Tavtc KIW TdRIL Aril 14 The New Tork Aotertnane baat tba charnr4on Botnoa teaja t Aamm ijoaarae para in tba npemnt? nnt tnoay. Choebra waa hit for ret boano rana. tna only erorea tnada PT tee -laltorm. a bile Toauf waa hatted hard at tba opanlri? of tbo frame and la tha neat tnrea tnninara waa wit etrartrreiy Tar a r at aaoh. Attendaara a.M. Aonre: tti tork. t aoarty. m a o ti l a a on lb... ria. rt..... tUr n ... itwrtat, aa. nawrna. a . . .lluuna. ta.. Oanarl. Ik... MnOniar e... Oarkro. a.... playa: Orlrart aad afoOana. Bavrrtltc htta: relln, Itablea. Boworraan. Lawiber. Firat baae oa balla: Off afatbowona t. atf Jonoa BrrocB out: By atathewaoa 4. by Jon Z Paaaed ball: Jarklttarh. Wild prtch; "aa. ima. in Lanpira: B.taau. taad la a of taw Tea aaa. Played. Won. toot. P. C New Tork 1 1 Cincinnati 1 I Philadelphia ....w,. 1 1 Chkiaao Browkira 1 a Boetoa at ChlcadO Ioula Tork at Brooklja. 1 PrtO 1 ia I t m anctnr.atl. Ganiea todav Plttabura at Bt. iJoula. Boartoa at Pblia cKipaoa, m SAXJU I THE AklKJtlCAk UCACrB By Her Ttaaely Batttatj Datratt Da- eeate a. trr. IjOCIb; April 14 -By auporlor and, mvrm imtciy parunc ilka Latroit teaaa to day aoreatod tba at. Lela Americana lb lb 000111114- laroe of tba aeaaua try a ao I I ta I MaUlQ waa ratbor wild, but bia aekan baaea oa hallo ware acatterod. aod tbo It. Lonla teaaa could pot banck thaiX BJta. Atveoaanca. ocora : t. Lot it. 1 Darrkorr. a .o.a e 1 ..o.A. a 1 aarratt. at ... 1 I Mclatrra. U. . 10 Lmjt a... 1 t a Oaataaa. rt.. I ea eat. ka, I 1iaoTha. Ik., t I t karaa. aa I I mu, t. 1 kuua. e- Barkatt. . t I I HaiarM-fc. at., ail aoaull. at - 1 jeaea. la..... I II allaaa am.. a 1 Paaaaa. Ik. lit VMaa. tfc.. t t 1 Kafea. t t f aaear. 14 , 3 Tauhu. t in r .u.a.a. iii Mil 1 1 1 11 till! 114 t a t 14 1 v-T it Iatrott, 1 ' 1 I iMaaea. la... I 1 W, Ill tt at.. ... I I Iwaaaae. Ik. fct Bvl I I jo, ct a jna. a... 4 1 Ovaa. ...... Mil taiiatia ... a 1 t at 1 I a kraaiat. Ik. 1 I Lalaia. kk. ... 1 I ..... Ill ? ::. Tata la. Iuta far ttevor la BiPtk. tkatroU .. 1 till a. Louto 1 ltd Earned runa: ft Loula. 1. Two-toaaa hut : Gmntnine'er. MuMn, Pad aaa. aacnriea attar: Jaataiow Kit. l-armt fctatca baaea: O Lean. Craaturd Ilrat baaa oa baula: Off Mullia. I; off -rr. a. f ruca out: aty atallia, ; ky ctiarer. Left oa baare: St. LnuJa. isn bwu-oit. a laa: i.ta. LUkplrr: rjarldaa. WkJlta Baa Eaty tew TTt aaaad. CHICAGO. April 14 Cotiatdertnc ha cold waaibor, a sood crowd turned out loda to witooaa the opeainc fm of tba AoMaricaa aa-o ttatoa. Ckraatajvd term the roe toot by porfoet Aaldlad aad punr VUna hi ta la t ht u.a aaaisav J.44iramaca, i.taai. avoore: CIUCAOO , nJCTaXAirn. B M O.A.B. h M O A K r t i i a a a. ai t Hxaaaaa. Ik. I La. H . a t kiAiAai a . a a a a 1 Taaaa) I II I Tcaal 1 tun J iavitod for Owea la nlata. Chloaaa tdtlttftt- OortvaAd ldtP Loft oa baaea: Chicajro. : Clrrelaad. Tare-baae Llta: Hnlraaa. Turaar. Huilaitt riau-n&oa hlta. iHindon. Junaa. Bay. bard an.uaaa kaae: Bradiry. atirack eat By Owoa. kv Berahard. I Paaaod kail Poillvaa Ptrat baae on balla: Off Owea. a. S iarmUaj-d. X. Hit with bail: aVcra- CariJ tt Stsf Csrtia Mra aV T. Bohana. abuoa. La- aaat I regeea tor a tnai name of ltraac a r-aj- auauo ia Drake rnaua Ooaaaaay. Draaa fcoca.'kiaa. aad aaoatead kt praaipuf kr raaata aaaul anaa.1 oapaaae ta bar. Mra koawn wrthat tbat uka ana. patua at tkta akartul t immit Maoista at at ad ami ka auabiueuviy aura ka. kae eaye: kvtua at wraate ra.aiiaa wvae aar aantiiaa at taaaoaa aupanaa. aly waa Innaataamna mi BiadOor aod aarwa a uaa of v rtaary ataaua Dtaaa a 1 I I I Si i i i i i i PaftH 1 r-a-. U f-maa. a. nif ryn. C'naa l.Ptaak. la I I Ik . I .. I k . . I 1 u ii 1 1 Tetale i i p-c-Tt. v i i t I rira''iaa. kk... 11 It a pahL at I I t rr-aaiaea. ft.. 1114 1 I I rkmt, a . I lit 111 Lart,aara lk I t 11 I I 1 I 1 rrma. 4 4 4 1 4 f 4 4irnaar. a I I I I 111 t Touu a 1111 Tau i it ti ' na i I at it I New Tork t i 1 4 I Boatoa t I 4 4 I 4 1 4 11 Two-baiHt kits' rftaabra Arvdarann, toaarhertr. CrMrer. Three-baaa hlta: Con roy. Honte runa: Choabro, FeetnajL Par ent, Pacnftca hlta: Conroy. KaeJer. Kiber- feld. Wllllama. Stolen baaea: GanaH. Firat tm error: aw Tork I. Baa on balla: Off Ckaabrp L lltrpck out: By Choobro 4 PT Tounaj I. Double plan: Crurer aad Lavcbance. ktrOuIra and Gankoi ajiaod baU: CrUror. Time: l:aV Umptrwi: Dwyer an varurnier. Stataadtaic of tka Twaaaa. Naw Tar . Cleveland ... Ietrolt Philadelphia Boatoa Chicago Ft. lunula ... Waeblnarton Played. Won. Loat. p. C. ::::::::: i l.oiic LHUC m t Mi Gaenaa tortar: ratrntt at at tmta. Han. laoa at Chlcaco. PhHadelphla at Waao- mfxen. Bciaton at New Turk. JUST FIFTY-FOUR TO NOTHING deat Sear of Cxhfkltioa Betweta Roarke'a Ilea aad Bellevac Calleae Taaaa. Of an tha ataurktera of Innocenta that over took place en aa Omaha baae bail dlainnrid yesterday a frame between Rourh a men and tba bellevua colioa-e learn tor tha eaka. tbo biscuit and the whole binointB' bakery wtttktut lea vine; a crumb, boaidaa broakitia all aravloua rec oraa rnr moaera oaaa nail. TOO ecore at tha rlntak waa E4 to ta favor ef tha bofna team, and bad It Dot bean a pity to do It the arore raierht have Peon triad &4 jumt m wrlL Eight three. aaaaar mm were tuat on me coi.eae artist. elve tao-tuutnra. furtv-two aita alta- f ether, with a total af erven tr baaea. It ta doubtful if But k a ararna baa beam piayoa anywnero alnce preaent rulee ai piled to baae bah. la tka old day the luraraa and Culucabtaa played a sun at Buralo la which the fioaJ poora waa US ta ia. l rua waa played oa June a mm. Aa a aajnate of how the thlna apmt ti tcrday went ta bat toa tlntea, mad m s niia arttn a total or tea bum mta Bro runa and battad tartca In tbraa dir. forarjt taalna-- IVrane made five hlta. with total or seven kaae and eiarht rana. Man- aver noarae tooa aavaotaare or the occasion to try out pair a aoaen airrerent mtrhera sad pi a vara ta other Tha cllere pots eecarea tarea orautarrnar hlta durtne trie a a me. rmt Dot a man or taeta aaa third base and only four reached first. Tea Btrtke-rmra were ckarsad up to them. At tha special request af tba aaoaraera a tab- kuatari record of the rtnt la omitted. T Poora by lnalnca fullowi: Omaha. u I S 4 M 1 14 U tteilarvw . 4I444- Tka Uaeua for the onlloare team waa: at. urarea. If; Rice, : A. Graves, p: Ben- eon, rr: Hart, lb: Gardner, r: MrFaditan v. Mia, ci ; v aravtrt, aa. atanarer avourae piayea nia an aa Touowa: Carter, rt. BMlKka. ID : Wall and kfULar If: ef: Tariian rwt Pmu.a. mm. C. I . ' - - ivcp, v ( larvuamt, iirnun- aoa. cnoatwooo, p. beta Oat Tar-. Teaaa. CEDAR HAPTTJX T Anrtl la.arM.I TeleaTain.l The baaa ball era sue opened her today with aa exhibition fame be tween the local team of tba Threo-I laarua ana wis iti auua team ot toe western leacoa. it waa a very pretty rune and was wrcaassea oy a rooa crowa. The un waa a victory tor ma uaa hmiih cJuq ie a tDurt 9i t tm m. BTatm Ok THkt HrKBISQ TtUCKI ilia SaAVaaeal "Out tnai Wuaa tua aalea aad enure ealatt and I kaae bad a treakti aaaaa.aautB aaa aaa erkat kiia " Draoea Pi ha arte Wine aaraa aoery aaok aaa ka But oared- It la a era, aataillaf asaaaV Pa lor Ltaar. K.iday. Bladder aaa Proaaaa Treuataa eauaad by lafiaiamotloa. Ojakaaauua wCaaarra. 4 aaa thai tamiaailea. Dnaa a fa aaat at w uaa aesoaaaa a k u ke eaay alid warn aaat ear kaia paper aaay peeve tt by vnuat as Inmka i ai'aaa naar. 'naafcaiaiu (n 11 lar a anal kotue mt Draae a Pi iwetni uaa It a teaa aod earaa. A aiiif aa pasaai aaad l Sot atttf tiaaaa . ' mt tke Foatares at Waahlaartaa ta tk Bteepleehaoo Bauadloap. WABHINGTON. April 14.-0 -away day t Becninsa furnlabod aoa of the bast day's sport of tha ateettna. The featarss were in aacena auui of tne Beotiina a print handtrap. vtctory aolna; to Graxiulo, a local borse. aad the haadieap aterplo- cnaaa. la tna ateepiecnaae aiaot Kenton and Dalliance, who were backed to win and for aerond cbolca, fell and did not finish. The aVyear-otd event went ta John . Maddaw s entry. VTUd irishman. Only one eutrurht favortta won. BeawUta: Ftret race, seven furlonaa: Piinca-iet won. jona r. Abeara aaoead. Latvaaoaa third. Tttwo: IJbta. Saooad race, fiva furlond: Wild Irish man won. Mirth less aooood. Tba Claimam third. Tltae: 1 44. Third raoa. ear ind half Bannrnaa nandl. cap, eavan furlonaa Graalnlu WHin, Briar. vnorpe eocoaa. Mimsell third. Time: i Fourth raoa, about two anllea, handicap ate xuarnaa : t hartaa o Malley woa. Tan lirbt aaooad. Bad aa ark third. Time: 1 1.V Fifth race, eeven turlonca: Cutaloupa wt.n. liam aecooa. sweet Jane third. Time l:i:k- luik raea, mlla asd forty yards: tauket won. Jamea F accood, Trapekilt utira -lime: l a-v SAN FRANC1P. Aarll 14 Rewarta First race, five and a half furlonaja, aell Irr: Royal White too, Cacar Tnlle aeooad. The Ueutenaat thkrd Time: 1:04. Seaond raoa. kaif aalla. purchase: Velna won. Ban Jus aacood. iuil Sport Uurd Tlme: Ik Third race, frvo and a half furton-. aeH tna". St. Wlnnltreoa wua. Bmeaoa aeoond. Ainrrut tniro. lime: Fourth race, mile and seventy Tarda, oonna-: wataiaa ool um Won. Tha Fret ter aecond. lwalaeLUta thkrd. Time: 1 47. Flftk raoa. Fuiuruy couraa. aejimr: Alice ' ary won. orennua aecoaid. rUtiikk third. 1 imot i :ia. Sixth rmca, a tnlla. eelttnc: Georwe narrry woa, jHortnwoet asouna. Anlra tiura nme: 1 MCMPH11. Anrtl 14 Raa-clta- . First raoa, four and a luuf furloaca. aeU ma. v too t.iaum won. iay M trntnai i ond. Duadall uurd. Time: (TV. aaocaid raoa. tava mile. aeUlna Bachael v ard wnn. Tenneaacac aiiiamrt. Bofai Arms uiim. lime: i ex. Third race, four and a half fuitrma-a Lavdy raaaian waa, Gceaaer aaoand. Huxki third. Tune: 4 kt Fourth race. Tenneeaee Brrtrlni Comyjany areaaa. aa u iiniari: Martinmas woo. irrni i iinnaay sai mm. tToa uurd. Tune "TV. ..... r mi race. arseriMw-aass. run roarae. about two miles . Goldra Unk won. Mtbuc enriner aocona. itacatiara third. lima. 4 41 Berth rare, mfla and a natf. aeTina" ioa ttoe won O Reillv see sad. Free Admlaatoa third, lima: KLJd UDSI aVACK COCBfK BB4ST Boaxrly Btap Katrkea. lariadlac Maay af tlka Beet Slaaalaa; KANSAS CTTT. AprU U-Da Rldpe raok eiourt has has earopiated aad the epnnd mevtlnaT of the k ai.aa City Jaraay club wul opaa Anrtl fa Nearly Aa ontrkta riudineT maay of the bast rutmlnaj be la the oouatry, have beam listed for tn blaetaea days aaaeC Tea apooiai have faaaa axrantrad- Tk pnndpai eteat, the kaaaaa City derby. kM aanod. will k rua oa tb ofaarinc Vy and promises ta ka teurearuss The (rack, riua) baaiaa, arandwand aud atablvs are pattraad af ar f a pt Matbn WiLk mij 1 Uat pvaStrs, trvaeral aaaer Lata Holds Para as awd Earbaaa la Baeieet rlavr la City Mor Blac (alia. It took the Nebraka Telephone companf' net an mrnunet last erenlna to pot Into orwn mission Its pew rarltchboard and cen tral enertry automatic oernce lrsnalled in Its pew building, the total coat of which artrrerates about KSO,W. And when one baa rone from top to kottom of that Im mense plant, viewed tha com flex ayttem, bo raped aaralnat a yoans man or yonns woman at eiei j tarn for everyone la that rnatJtnttoa hi youne be actaally wooden that the "t-tit-ln" dtdn t take ala waeka. It waa a marreloaa achltrveinent. an elo-u'-at tribute to the praa-resa of electrrcaj acaeaca and a epiendld token of the enter prise ef the Nebraska Telephone company. Omaha had been told tbe cut -la would be made today. Thla proved to be excel lent diplomacy. At Lincoln when the cut-la Waa anada tha ptipulace waa apprlaed of It beforehud and the operators were eoo pietaly ptal a helmed aa a result. Omaha people la the downtewa atstrtctx where craaka were removed from 'phonea early In the eveclrif learned of the chance and It took elrhty slrla at tke switchboard to hold down the preosura and they had all they could do to accommodate tha anxious patron who wasted to "test' the new service- . Baa tea t Flare la Tears.. The telephone exchanfe was about tha busiest plaice In tbe city last nifht. From General Itaiia-er H. Vance Latne down. everybody. Including the extra force of tbe Western Electric company of OHcx-r. waa bury. About the total force of day and clsht operators eighty young women waa at the switchboard In the new building, which la trimply an adjunct to the old at Eighteenth and Douglas atresia. Mr. Lane, general manager; W. B. T. Belt, local man ager, and W. A. Plxley. assistant auditor. kept open honae and entertained numbers of visitors who were anxious to see the Dew era-tern, though maty of them had never even seen the old, which mlgbt have surprised there quite aa much. The new switchboard Is erected In the building. It k k handeocie, aa well costly structure, asd pose eases ail the most modern appliances and appvrtenancea. Tbe new building Itself is of the most con vert! eat design and make, being so ar ranged aa to permit of a change of air every eight minutes, thus Insuring the moat perfect ventilation, an caaentlal element of the good health of tbe occupanta. The new board, an Immense structure, which, wnea com pie tod. will entirely surround tha In terior of the new building, presented aa animated aspect with Its myriads of little electric bulbs twinkling Uka se many tiny tare In. a huge firmament. And ka thee little electric lights ka conceajed the tale ef Interest to the patrons of the 'phooa. Never agaia will It be aeooserr ta ring- a bell to get central. Just pick uf the re ceiver, that touches off one of tha-w little electric lights, central knewa what's wasted and does the rest. And the aa DBrance of central a kavlnc ta cut In aad ay 'Ihrougn." "through," aad perhapa cut off an Interesting oonveraaJion. la entirely aboliahed. The lit tie bulb goes out when the conversation la ever aad not until, i unless oaa party leaves his 'phone for awhile, la which case that light la extin guished, but the ether trurcg ax A central 1 knows what ia up and turns on tha "caller" which aerrks such a ahrlll scream through the receiver that tbe patron will pever agaia want ta forget It, Literally Cat la. Tha I'm isaa af ckajtgina; from the aid te the new service, "cuttlng-ln." aa they call It, was an Interesting one and yet cry simple. Eighteen men atood down la the basement, each with a knife In hit hand and at the proper signal simply cut down a strand of cables, eeverlng the old and lsdactJng the new. Of coarse the ap paratus waa being properly nianned (and womaned) above and that la how It waa done, tn laymen's vernacular. The operator girt mounted their new atoola. geared with their new harneaa. facing the new twitch- board and were ready for the word "Sre" when tt came. An extra number, eighty, eras put en In anticipation of the extra demand that would be made. t The speed and alacrity with which the change was made was no more surprising and aatiafactory than was the email num ber ef faults incident to tha transfer. Out ef the thousands of wires there were only nineteen that failed or balked at Brat. This waa said to be quite aa astonishing The special force of arttaans froaa Chi eage who Installed the new system waa on hand last night to Instruct and direct and ooiieit faults. Aa Mr. Lane put It. "they were looking for trouble." lp and down, in and out. through corridor and cranny, "aop-hora and by-path they plowed their way, like a many kasy baa vara at work, and perfectly obllvVma of what any body waa doing or thinking. The young women operators took hold of their new aarvice with very remarkable skill. tVaat Bias; Tear Bell. Mr. Lane hat one special request ha wishes to make of the patrons, and that la that they tQ not any more Ting their bella. Of course It will require some time ta adjust all tha C.OW or I.OIW instruments and until they are changed Mr. Lane aaka that tbe petrwee diligaatly avoid ringing tke beiia but atmpiy perk up in rectavrr and tell central what number tbry want iTobabiy lorty or turty-cie daya tu kt coTurumed in makirg ail tbe chaLgea. To get an adeo-uart c rover ti on of the magnitude cf the nrw rjstrm and the heavy outlay of aaonay nevetatarr te install It. It Is necessary to get Joan to skinr, facta and figures. The order for the tsitih board and general ap-ia-aiua a at pie'-ed with tb eaters Klectric ctarnpany of Outage ever a fcar ag The r siu-htrd alone cost Gwk.HU. Tbe rr raa,ndr of lb t; para tua cost about KuMi and the new building en.mgh to bring the total expendi tures up te aitaroKlntatdy 3Mi m. pint January a a force of special workmen from Chicaga, forty-five in number, has been at work night and day. installing the iew plant cotisiPtlng of the ra t'chboard, caMea. dvnamos and everrthlng else that goes ta make up a modern, op-to-date plant. Bat In figuring the cost of tbe plant it SCHWAB TALKS FOR PIEL1C Trust Mirna-e : Oct cf Eii CikTaclar igiioal'j Leqnc,c-it Kooi. AT UAST PRjVii h IS kOT ASLllP erettvry Tart tally kaia He la, kat Maa af kjlllleae TkUka la Prove tkat He te Wide Awake. Charlea M Schsab. the man who has achieved much notoriety from his coo nectioa with tbe steei and tbe fciabiBMlirig trust a, pasaed through Omaha ) eater da y afternoon on hia way to tbt Paciflo coast. Mr. aktsab ia not much of a cocveraa- ahoald be stated that the old switchboard i tlonala!. eepecially when being Interviewed. EU,vnsuiHoii3TS and appurtenaocea. costing about TS.W, are almost, a total loan. For tbe switch board alone the company can only get aa offer of a.wu and tb rest of the mechanism will scarcely sell. Of course the transmit- For a man who haa accomplished so muck in life be asaerta that he knowa very lit tle. Ue haa Uie L;x-arartc cf a maa who la suffering alth anything but nerroua prostration, la fact hla health appeara to ters are only leased, the company having J be very gcKd Hla manner la hearty sou good-natured and he seems to njcy Bis every minute of the time. Aa. Mr. Schwab stepped off tha train a reporter for The Bee approached him and requested a moment of hla precl u tima "See my secretary. Mr. Ward," eaM Mr. Schwab. "Ha will tell yea anything yea wiah to know." The aecretary waa seen. He amid: "Mr. Schwab ia aileep. He cannot be dis turbed " The reporter returned to Mr. Schwab. "Tour aecretary aa) t you are aaieea. Mk. Schwab." Turning to hla wife. Mr. Schwab, who did not lock like a scmnambuXlst, said: "Well, what do you think of that?" He broke Into a hearty laugh and railed tka aecretary over. "Did you tell thla gentle man I waa aleep. Ward?" "Tea, air; I thought vou were," said the tactful Ward. Ha: ha! ha:" laughed Mr. Schwab. "De I look like I waa asleep V to the Bell Telephone company to the credit of the Nebraska Telephone company. Far Lartr Cities bajalpped. But even that dose net Dearly approach all the auilay soade in the laat tea months by tha Nebraska eompans. It aaa com pleted Its Dew system at Lincoln, Council Bluffs and South Omaha Its four largest and ntost Important polnta. expending prob ably . ia order te give te its patrol .a a ar el -class' aervk'e. The tutal numlier ul young women operators at the Omaha tx chacga Is about im. Thla probably will not heed to be materially Increased at present, but the force Is constantly expanding grad ually. Tbe new aretem being of the central energy aort, doea away with tbe small In dividual batteries, as all the power Is gen erated at the central station. With tbe old kyatem, from seven to ten volts ware re- j quired; with the new from twenty-lire to j thirty will be necessary. It will require some lltCe time, naturally, to pt the new i He waa assured that be did not. system la smoothest running order, but General Manager Lane and Local Manager l h aw. .... a a-t iuuiu.u4 ta-.-w.lll. a lie tataummiUoQ 1 these improvemtiis L'Ouiineiea aJ'auuut tasas tui.ii uti ue vulveit Deavl.y upon General jaaLatc'l Lena Mr. lauae svaOed wwr a )ear ao mat hla ounipany haa uetiminea tu gie Ui its patrons the best posaiuie service at. J he teais aoms degree ul saualaL-Uou in Ui belief mat ha kas fulILUwl his promise. Vance Lane began his aervice with the Nebraaaa Tetephune company at aa early aiaga Kt started at the bottom of the ladder and haa therefore risen to tha posi tion of general manager. It does not re quire a very eld man to recall when he aaa Inspector, then manager at Beatrice, then somewhere elae and then brought to Omaha. His rise baa been gradual and based upoa thorough knowledge and eux nest application to his w ork. STATE BOWLING TOURNAMENT la Start Made la tke Five-Mew Teaaa light. Tba Nebraska stare bowling tournament ope Lied on the Omaha Boaur.g associa tion s alleys last evening, and in tpite of more or lest discourait:na- prospects there waa a good attendance ot both spectators and players. The auxriea thus far Include the Omaha. Nationals. W averlys, Krug Parka and PL C caries for local hve man teems, and twe teams from Lincoln, one from Coiurnbua a4- uaa from Nebraska City, beside the lo;dual and two man team competitors. IT greatest Interest of the tournament to the two-man and individual "trwem; which will begin at S e dock thla afternoon and at which It is expected some record-breaking work will be done. Last night the Omahaa beat the W avert vs. the Lincoln beat the Na tional and the Krug farka beat tha St. Charles team. Tha scores follow: OMAHAS. Ill Totala. WIgman . 1S1 M ;5S W mead 1T1 1? 1"0 BIT Zarp 1H fti Huntington ir.2 1T lfl K( Emer' SiM TWf CT ta Ask Me Ati Old Thla a. "Well, ask me anything you want te know." said he. "'and I will try to an swer to the best ot my ability." "How about the Ship trust; are there any new developments V "Well, now I would like to hare yoa tell me about that. 1 am the vary man wh would like to know. Have you heard any thing new?" When assured that the reporter had heard nothing during the past few min utes Mr. Schwab seemed to feel greatly relieved. He had apparently had a great load lifted from hia mind, "How la the political situation In the east, Mr. Schwab?" "Well, now. I could not tell yen any thing about that. I hear lota of rumors down east, but nothing which wou.d da for publlcatoin. In fact, I don t know a thing that would interest the public out here." "How are financial matters in New Tork. Do ycu coeaider everything prosperous?" "Well. I can't aay as to that. I ahould think you people could tell better out here. They say jou must come west to replenish your stock of cpt.mlstn. Optimism in creases. It Is said, tbe farther west you go. "Well. I am sorry, but I will have ta take Mra Schwab for a stroll before the train starts I thank you very much for an opportunity to express myself la print." Then, baring thus contributed to . tbe world fund f lr formation, the great magnate turned to his wife and, taking her by the arm, walked down the platform. The party oam in. ia twe private can. There are about fifteen people with Mr. Schwab, whom be stated are hia friends. They are going to California over the Union Pacific "purely for pleasure, aa Mr. Schwab expressed it. Tbe aecretary of the financier refused te furnish list ef names of the party, aa be said they did not desire to have their names In print. W f I 12 r-ib st treatment ts to Cut tn 4.Vrr j PptTirj PUiitrr sie iri shipe rrjirrd and apply to part affected. There's nothtrf thit wiH fire such complete relief. For Sprains or to tike the Stifws ot Serenea out of cner-wtTrlrfi muscles and make them strong and supple, nothir.r equals the genuine AlUock't Porous PUster. 1 kit akSm Fr ever g ears ytaVarlt "-eaj ytaafevt have beea the staadard es kernal tesaedr lar ever k tad at ecae as aa a Faitbsi mm. 4a aid's axaree ta abaulakely aakt as they a aat aaataia helktdaasa, opiasa ar asy aniisa what- Alwar Insist on having th (nulrr. ATinnf porous aJUIiL PaUSTEH Serifs i a Totals Hodges Griffiths Conrad Cochran Reed ... Totals Derrla C. Spangler Blake F. Spangler Mockett m 0 wa"t:rlts. 1. t k, lis ik 17ft It Si 171 211 It lf lot n kt LINCOLN. tn T,78i X. Totals. 17i 1"S Vft Ibk 14k 471 Hi iff! 471 L ....34 ....ia ....141 .-..ISt ....IBS 1 17S 3S 171 367 ZL2 W2 t&a I Totals. Totals Tracy Jones Gideon Gierde Cham Totals Banks Becgele .... French Clay Zimmerman Totals .... Frltacher I Nellson .. Wetr .... Heft Forscutt . I Totals . Q4 kkU NATIONALS. I. t 141 li 1 171 -ITS 3 SO 1 ITS lil 171 10 loO KBVO PARKS. 1. t. ItS , 1"! T3 iTi in .. 18 1:4 ...iak 14k ...s7 kw ST. CHARLES. 1. . lik 1 ls lit wi ia 147 171 ITS 14 i;,9 371 lil 174 477 4HS 4-7 W7 I Totala. 1:1 ac 8.4 S4& 1M SH 167 611 147 471 114 1474 I Totala. 16S 1 17J 14 170 S40 row Um ma ria 1 Totals 1 e41 iat 4.x 1?4 4 r 4N4 17k Sl ,8iT I06 SS laSaaaaaatwry UeaaaauTtsBB Car at. William Shaffer, a brakeman ef Dennl Bon. Ohio, was confined te his bed for several wteks with li flammatory rheuma tism. "I used n-any rtmefiea." ha saya ' Finally I sent to MtCaw's drug store for a bonis of Chamberlain's IF ala Balm, at which time I waa unable to use bead er foot, and In rne week's time was a bia t go to work aa happy aa a clam. Tribe af Bea-Har. Katie. Mecca court No. 13 will give a progressiva nigh five party, dancing and refreshments, at their hall, 16th and Harney, Friday evening, April 15. AH members and their friends Invited. COMMITTEE. "Tarts" ItUlvaa Kaaxk.ed Oat. ST. I-OmS, April ll-Jack O'Brien of Philadelphia knocked out "Twin" Sulli van of Boston in tha third round tonigthr. of what was to have been a fifteen-round fight. DIED. r.. lata of Des Moines, tra eon, Joeert F. BTLZ Joseph la., at the residence 't Hiis, Sit South Nineteenth street. Thurs day noon, i2:lk m.. aged hi yeara Funeral Sunlay afternoon at 1.30. Friends Invited. RTNER Mra. Nellie Bay leas. Thursday. April 14. 't4. aged "3 vetrt I montha , m.ii. u i j ri wm w , w ca cv . . avenue, wife ol 1L I'. Hyuex. Funeral notice later. , HIM1D Mrs. Kate, at Oat residence of her daughter. 3b4l North th avenue, Wednes day morning. April li. aged 47 yeara Funeral Saturday. April It at t:tn p. m. from residence of her dajgbter Interment at Forget Lawn eemetery. Frtenda In vited. Deceased leaves two daughters aad one son. The United States flints.., were orr sensed ia 173. TV coinage of auckeat wat bafua ia ISba. The latest report from tha Mtati thowt that 445.s41.054 aickesj have bees coined since that tima, -value $7X19X05X70 ?f?Vf "" " 1 1J s. - All The Nickels Ever Coined would not pay for the Cremo cigars smoked in one year V:'? iY3 JUQCO) efef Largest Seller in the World TKE 1AWP IS TBE SHOua s ntcmxTiori THE LEH'S TRUE SPECIALISTS Consultation and Examination Free Hydrocela Varicocels Stricture Blood relwa (Syphilis) Rnpturs Nanrous Dsbility KIDNET and CRTNART flaaiaas.a and all IM at sees and Weaknesaea ef ME?4 due tn tvil nablts of yoatb. auaea, exorcae or fie results of nagiected, unskill ful or. Improper treatment of privaat disc as. wkch cause night to aaa. day dnJna, which Impairs the mind and dertroya men's aCentai, I hrmlosJ and Beat at; Powers, reducing tbe sufferer to that deplorable atate known aa Nervo Sexual Debility, making social tiuttee and obligations a Las-dehlp, and the en . joyiaent ot Ufa aad marital happiaeaa impossible. Men Who Need Skillful Medical Aid Win aod thla institute tlsotxnigblr reliable, different from other so-called Insti tutes medical eoncerna or apacialiats' ootnpanlea. Ton ar just as aaft In deal ing with tbe State Medical laetltut as with any STATE Oti NA TIONAL. BANK- It baa long been eatabllsbed tn Omaha for the purpose1 af niring tbe porsoneus Oeeasea and T llgrhtlzs weaknesses ef men, wkioh othrr dtora er specialists tall te cure. Ctvt.TT ATktrt AND fPFF - rrm cannot eaU, writs for symptom blank. Office aBUATlul 1 hcura. I a. m. to I p aa. aNindajra. Jt ia I only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE : 1308 Famrna.m St BcC IJth and 14th Sta-. Omr ha, Nab , S45.00 CALIFORNIA AND RETURN. April S3 to VIit 1st wa win sell ticketa from Ociaha ta Baa Franosoo aad Log Anreles and rerara at aS.UL Tba BurUnTtoa la Uie scenic root to California It flies yon past tba grandest acenerj ia tba wond. rhe Bocky lloua'ilna by rUTtlgbt. Cot aat cwrprm below and mall to roe. arid I will send you, ' free. foMex- dewrfptrra af botela aod i-eaorts la Calif arnia. aad five you full lniacmAXioa rrfxrilnt roatsa aved rales. err this out sow. J. B. REYNOLDS. C. P. A., '.502 FARNAM ST., OMAHA - Please Bend ine foldrr atanot Cajlfotriia, aod aiaa fall biftrrma tion about roaua aod knr rite. A.B NAME aa ADDRESS $45.00 OMAHA TO CALIFORNIA AND RETURN The rate from other 'points is correTondinglj low. Soiling dates: April 23 to ilaj 1. Return limit: June 30. Liberal stop-oTer privileges. A yery unusual opportunity to see the wonders of the "West the Eocky Mountains, Great Halt Lake, and the cities, old nxUnions, rt-borts and marvelous vegetation of California. The Rock Island tjntem forms a part of two flirect and rery interesting routes to Ls Angeles and Ban Frsjiriaoo "Scenic Line" ("by way of Colo rado and Salt Lake City) and -Southern Koute" (ria 1 Paso and within fcight of Old Mexico). Go one way, return the other. Fall Ufonaatioa at this office. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. JL 1323 F Alt NAM STREET, OMAHA, NEB. I fV;.aaB-- i