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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1904)
TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. ATHIL IS. 1004. 10 EBSRKSw flJ 11 IT The Little Green Sticker is Omaha's Leading Trade Feature. At k ffcc Cerk fo Show You GLORIA lining Sttttn Ask fat Ctrt fo Show Yon GLORIA lining SaHt Tap Olrdle Cornets at TJc OJ UJ,, .V U U.UJ-S&- m rn rn U D 1H TUB BEUABLB S TO It IS. H i i 'A EXTRA SPECIAL! REMNANT SALE High Class Spring Dress Goods Remnants at Prices Never Equaled in Bargain History 50c All Wool Dress Goods at 15c Yd Thousand of remnants of tpring dret good, from 3 U 6-yard length", tf every color, including black cashmere, albatrott, Mrge, ttmine, cheviot, etc. all the double width, all wool - drew good, 60c quality, at, yard - 15c f Yard on Bargain Square JJQt Dross goods that sold up to KSc A yard-S, 5 and 7 yards length, up-to-date weaves-Sldl-lana, cheviots, etamlnes. eto., on front barealn wiur. - rn Yard on Bargain Square OJC Dress goods that sold up to $1 26 yard best styles from high class costume tnfgr every color and weave, on front bargain square. Imported Sample Pieces at 5c Each-Thes custom house sample J pieces have always sold at iWo each one big bargain 15c counter full at, each 0c Silk Moussellne at ISc Yard-White dots fancy stripes, every color, cream, pink, sky, champagne, cardinal, tub suitings and etaminea, at, yard Lace Remnants Sample strips and short ends of laws, worth up to Ic-2!c-5cl0c Embroideries Sample lengths and odd lots, worth up to 25 cenU .S:..Ilc-5crl0c-15c Silk Remnants Shirt waist alius, China allies, wash silks, lining taffetas, silk, for fancy work, etc. worth up to seventy-five cents a yard, at, yard 15c-25c Remnants at Big Bargains IIM THE BASEMENT. Mill Ends of 36 Inch Shirting Per . cale-"Cali6 and bed tick- T 1 Jng, sraalMots, long w JoC ing, imaii idw, ""'If n they last, at; yard ' Stripes 5c 32-lncb White riadras and checks regular , 45o value, at, yard Printed Batistes and Lawns Two to ten yards lengths T 1 will go at ' - only?...... a-T2V tight Shirting Prints , perfect Long lengths will go. at, per yard ThlrtySix-loch ftllkollne nants Ten-cent quality, win go at, per New Spring Jasper Suitings Must be seen to be appre ciatedlong lengths at, yard Light and Dark Sea Island cales Worth zoo 1 .. H .f vard v2' ef - Scotch and Seersucker Ginghams Long, perfect lengths, floC 15c id Per Sic at 3lc Rem- - - Fine Dimities for Waist Klmonas and Dresses lO.iKX) yards of newest colors and styles a n 15o grade, at, yard High Chiss Imported Dress Ooods, Sample Lengths Many to match, evey ooior and weave, onongh for little dress and waists, at, yard '2' Table Damask Remnants, all lengths and grades, at less than raanu ' faoturer's cost to make. Fine White and Colored Walstlngs worth up to 1? 25o yard, Mercerized Sateen On tale Friday for the first time, If? worth 40o yard, 1 lC of trrd atav 40 Inch India Llnon Fine sheer quality, at, yard Remnants 10c :J. LBRANDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE PRANCE OF DGSM EQU1NES Dtmoraliiss the Bi Ten at Close of Bss'i i Fburth Etpotltion Trip. V eaaSBBSBSBSS) riVE DARK HORSES AMONG THE WINNERS fltae pcv Hlsrley ( Blair at the Head . at the rreealoa Tb Bis e tJeeeattaar Very ; feevea.4erk swrea dashed Into the arena at the dose at toe See's fourth contest for ten free trips to the St. Louis exposition, and five bf Uierai secured placea amons the BIS Testt Causing ' not a little disappoint ment to 'as many oandrdatea who had jirevleuafy1 ranked hlgn in the upper ten dom.' ,Tae fact la the upper ten have In : thla oontest raised their bars way above - all precedents ana are evidently aet upon becoming an .exclusive set. The champion core- was attained by Eva Hlg-ley of JUalr, whereases the JO, 000 mark. . The vote t the close stood: ; ttva Hlslay. Blair See 10,181 Ltt I Ki'iMll, OeaacU BlaSTe. ,T4 Albe-rt Lewla, Omaha O.TOS JL. A. Ralph. Omaha 4MIMM rS lasreraall. Soath Omaha... B.rstt pharlea A. Martla, Wayaa R.tlOM Lydta B. Tadd, riattamaalh. ,M B,(MS raal Haveaa. Omaha 4,rs fraak Plaaek,-Omaha. ... a.ttUS Laella Vraaaleat, Pramaat.... H. ' NUenon, Omaha 4,250 nrle Buauldliia. Oothenburs 8.4"7 lAnnaHraowKky, Omaha 1,787 avld Brortky, Omaha 1.6K5 8. BurkenrotM, Omaha l,4ol Joyce Halt. Iavld City 1.43 . Joe Barker. Omaha WS3 J. C. llrown, Omaha 7a Frank Mathea, Omaha 4'4 ' iFraok Dougherty. Omaha rhartaa Lng, OVnaha (Talvln Kvana, South Omaha C. B. faulnon, Omaha Kthrl McMillan, South Omaha , It. McltUravy, Hinlng City 1. W. Uoehner, Seward Mary Darsaaewikt,' Omaha Xeona Jaokaon, Omaha . 1 ' I l L. . ...... O . . . . , t W wiiiimfu r iiiiivj, iiiaii ... 1 Robert Eaaan, Omaha 1 .Sfra, 3. Harrow, Omaha 1 EAGLES TO FLY INPARADE Vaaae Their lateatloa of Asala I Jfalaiaa; Ak-8ar-Bea la a ' , Bady Thla Year. The Eslea have announced their Inten tion 'of Mfln Joining- the Ak-8ar-Ben In a body tlls season, and some Monday night In June It is expected the air at the Coli seum will be full of feathers. The Eagle committee Is now Industriously hustling among the membership and requests all Eagles to either hold up their hands when called upon or to sign the lists at the Eagle club rooms. Any early birds who have sent In their money to Sanson are asked to postpone their Initiation till Eagle night Dentist with well estabUsaed praeUoe la an excellent location In Bee building de sires gentleman to share offlee, preferably physician. Address. E SS, Bee office. SUIT SALE Those suits now on sale by us at 16.80 are certainly worth your consideration. There Is absolutely nothing cheap about them ex cept the price. They come in single or double breasted are brand new, up-to-the- minute patterns made by a flrat-class, re liable tailoring company have alt the late Improvements, such as stiff fronts, hand made collars, nnisned buttonholes, new style shoulders In fact, after our expert tailor fits them to your body they look as well as a $26.00 made-to-order suit. Another one Of our big leaders ' Is those Alfred Benjamin suits at $12.50. They certainly lay over anybody else's $14.00 suits, no matter whose make. Good quality at rea sonable prices Is the motto on which we are building up a big and prosperous busi ness. Our new offerings In men's pants at $1.90 are the Identical goods you pay others $1 60 for. It's the same thing on hate. Hat stores' $1.50 hats are but tSc here. v Hat atores' $2.50 quality; our price, $1.M. It's the same on gents' furnishing goods. We save you a dime here and a quarter there. It all counts up In time. Don't forget that this year we carry almost double the amount of atock we had last year. Here are four floors chock full of reasonable, up-to-date merchandise for men and boys' wear. For a flyer we have placed on sale 100 spring overcoats, the regulation tan shade, at $5 00. It's one of those bargains that will keep our competitors guessing where we got them from. Ths Guirsntee Clothing Ca., 1519-Un Douglas Street. Rogers, Peet & Co. Swell Clothing for Men. J. L Brandeis 0 Sons. . J. BENSON j Just in a large line of I NEW RUCHINGS widths for nec k and fcleeves. IMeated Chiffon with laoe edge, specially prettjr for aleeves 2 inches up to 6 wide. Plain chif fon, pleated, black or white, 23 inches wide. CHILDREN'S CAPS L2) Lb Five Green Trading Stamps for One in Chiixei Dept. FRIDAY OIM.Y How to get 'em: You must bring this part ef our ad with you, give It to the sales person when you make your purchass In Crockery Department, and you will get FIVE TIMBS OREEN STICKER5. Friday, Crockery Dept. Only. Friday In Dry Goods Sections LADIES' AND MISSES' BELTS W dozen newest spring styles of Silk Bonded and Leather Belts latest styles of trimming all sixes value up to T5p Sue FnTTrfy at each, 36c and A(UV 1,000 YARDS SPRING VEILINGS Rlack. black and white, gray and white, fancy chenille dots and fancy meshes worth up to 60c a yard OCp Friday, a yard .. A MANUFACTURER'S CLEAN-UP OF FANCY AND LACE HOSIERY About 100 dosen of the newest designs in theao lines we have divided them Into two lots Lot No. 1 worth up to 60c OCr I Lot No. 8 worth up to $1.00 enr for-pair SOC for-pair OUW. DOZEN LADIES' FINE LISLE VESTS Color, white ellk taped yoke hlh neck and long sleeves theoe are "Lynwood Mills" goodo regular Of) value 60c each our price three for B.J Friday Bargains on Big Harney St Bargain Counter, Dry Ooods S ctlon TOWELING 100 pieces fine Glaus and Roller Toweling worth 9c yard fc ppectal yard J 6c ITAfllL V. O. JERROnS, Pres. 209-211 So. ISth Street. It's a Toss-Up with some men whether to have their garments made to measure or te buy ready made garments. WHITE CURTAIN BWlSS-0 pieces 10c Curtain Swiss 36 nches wld onlv vara IILlOW CASES all sixes worth 15c at.. ir each THIRTY-SIX-INCH SILKOLINE For curtalns-wcrth 18c yard- fflr onlv PLAID WORSTED DRESS GOODS Worth 10c and 15c per yard Rc onlv TWENTY-FIVE DOZEN HALF BLEACHED TURKISH TOWELS Rr 20x45 regular Z3c only w 20 nmnants of Table Linen, bleached and Unbleached Toweling'. Turkey Red Damask and Sheetings at much less than cost price. Extra Special for Saturday Wonting Oreen Trading 5 tamp Sensations Battenburr Renaissance hand made Dollies and Center Pie pea We will put 60 dos. on sale Saturday morning 9 o clock. The thread that these goods are made of will cost more than we ask for them remember, your choice for, each c and $200 worth of Green Trading Stamps with each piece. B MGMN DM In the Great West Room 19c blenched Irish table linen, 60 In. wide 60c heavy cream Scotch table linen, 60 In. wide ..36c ..25c 40c bleached union table linen, 60 In. wide 75c extra heavy cream Irish i table linen (guaranteed) .221c ...5c Great Bargains in Napkins Broken lots of H dosen each, Morth up to $3 00 dosen, 6 for , Another Orange Sensation. One Car Fancy Washington Large lus- p cinus. beau- MMl .-e ( Kmr 4. i iS l i 1 1 i 1 1 ii l i ( r.v per dozen and $2.00 worth Green Trading Stamps Fri day only. This may bt the last orange sensation of the season. Covers one whole car, 862 cases. We will sU 'em all Friday, at, a C0 dozen And $2.00 Worth of Oreen Trading Stamps. Limit 3 dozen. Groceries the best goods at the lowest prices. trv.iltw tv prnivili tn Omaha's areat- est grocery. FRIDAY SPECIALS: B0C worth Green Trading 8tampi with pkg. Vim 10c K&sMe3sfJ Lunch Mustard and spoon Table Syrup, 2Vi-lb can Rllver Cow Cream, can. Bchepp's Cocoanut, pkg. $1 worth Green Trading Stamps with 1 lb. can G. & D. Plum Pudding 28c 10c 10O I!!!!!!!!.'!!. .60 Demoaatratlon of Canned Fruit a and Veaetables. SECOND DAY. Hundreds of people are now pro claiming the unexcelled qualities of the delicious canned frulta on dem onstration on main floor. We want you to come and trjp them Friday. They are the most : delicious and delightful ever put on the table. EVERYTHING IN FRUITS. worth Green Trading - Stamp with 2-lb can Ben nett's Breakfast Coffee 48c Olives, bottle 90 Jams, aaaorted, large jar loo Pineapple, fine 1-lb. can Vm California Prunes, per pound 5c 60c worth Green Trading Stamps with 1-lb can Bid der's Tomato Soup, 10c BITTER. Fresh Country Butter, per pound.. Ho Bennett's Capitol Creamery, pound. 25c ffow's Your Stamp Book Coming? It wouldn't be If they knew the kind of fabrics the kind of tailoring and the moderate prices to be found at NIcolPs. We'll meet the price ot ready, made with better garments to measure. Trousers.. ..$5 to $12 Suits $20 to $50 We would as soon try te hold water In a sieve and ssvs It as to offer our trade a mean styls poor workman ship or an unfair price. Over a hundred fabrics to select a $20 suit from and the assurance that garments at this price will receive the same careful attention as do the higher priced fabrics. Our Name is not Jones, BUT we will PAY THE FREIGHT Just the same, on all mall orders amounting to $10.00 or more, to any point In America, and guarantee freeh. new. roods. What good does It do to kick to your prices If he makes no reduction on his price ana paye no attention to youT Club together with your friends, and neigh hora and send us a trial mall order or iiu.oo or more and get the gooda laid down In your depot for over 20 per cent less than you are paying. We sell every staple $1.00 patent medicine at 21 per cent dlacount, or for 79c, as fol lows: $1.00 Llquoione, all you want 79o $1.00 Ltsterlne, all you want 79c Munyon's Paw Paw no limit 79 $1.00 Temptation Tonlo 26c $1.00 8. 8. S 79e $1.00 Swamp Root 79c $1.00 Ozomulslon 79c $1.00 Palne's Celery Compound 79c Some other drugglata may cut prices, too, but why? Who brought them down? I'oo Mennen's Talcum Powder 15c Z5c Cutlcura Soap 20c A beautiful rose or carnation to every lady net Saturday OUR SODA OPEN- INU. Don t rorget about that freight pay Ing proposition. WE MEAN THIS. CUT PKICB DRUQ TORB B. T. YATES, Prop. ltth and Chicago Sta, Omaha. 'Phones T7 and 1VI. 24th and N Sts., South Omaha. 'Phone No. 1. 6th Ave. and Main 8U, Council Bluffs. 'Phone $32. All goods de livered in aitoer cur aDaaiuieiy ires. SCIIAEFER'S Books Free With Bee Want Ads 50c ready to use bleached sheets, 171- , . , . . , . 71x90 alse. at Jf 4C standard dress ginghams, 10c extra h'ea vv 'liVdl'an Tilea'd c fu" bolts, at. yard,... muslin, long mill ends, yard yC , '.'.. 15o ready to use bleached pillow 1Q, Standard apron che;lt grngnai cases. 42x45. 2 for 'C ard Dark end light percales. W In. wide. Dublin drees linens and Mandalar suitings, worth up to 15o yd., full bolts, Friday, at, yard 50c 5c IVife Goods Full bolts In lace and mercerized stripes, checks, dotted Swisses,' etn. .. ffl Not a yard worth less than 26o, Friday, at, yard I VC l!o white apron lawn, 40 In. Olr I HVic dotted curtain Swiss, Tl, wide, full bolts, at OIC fiill holts. r I 4C 'J5o round thread lawn finish waist- 1 Cm Remnant of Table Linen and Towellncs Ings, 80. in. wide, at " ) lees than half price. . Wrapper Salt '5 Extraordinary The Entire Wrapper Stock of of the Firm of Epstien & Miller of New York, amounting to 4no dosen wrappers, secured ty our buyer at 43o on the dollar. STOCK ON SALE FRIDAY If you need a wrapper at all now Is your chance to secure a great bargain.. Women's $1.00 wrappers, ZQe $160 women's wrappers In light and dark 0 ( $1.39 women's wrappers. In light and dnrn colors, ruffle over shoulders. S0r colors In lawns, percales and organdies, trimmed with lace and AO- embroidery $250 quality women's wrappers of very best materials, extra wide, light f JO und dark colorB, In tine lawns, organdies and percales, at Great Special Sale Dress Goods 29c 25c .......15c 121c 25c Wool Novelty Dress Goods, assorted colors and black- worth fioc rmay per yara English Henriettas, assorted colors, cream and black nrih 19r Friday ner vard Wool Crepe de Chine, assorted colors cream and black , -worth 26c Friday per yard Wool Jacquard Novelty Drees Goods assorted colors . worth 2oo Friday per yard " All wool Dress Goods Remnants. In lengths of S to 7 yards, great, variety of styles and colors-worth up to $1.50-Frlday-per yard . Friday Will Be a Big Silk Day Hundreds of silk bolts at one-half and one-third former price. $-lnch black china wash HOC ailk, worth 75c for S6-inch black white wash silk 40c worth 85o for 17-Inch natural pongee sipt R8C worth $1.25-for cJW 24-Inch fine all silk foulards- worth $1.00 ror 27-Inch fine all silk black taffeta worth $1.28 for 32-Inch Egyptian klmona silks worth $1.25 for 24-lnch all silk colored crepe de chine. $1.00 grade for ... 49c -....69c .. 69c ...59 c Laces and Embroideries From the Henry R. Seigle Bankrupt Stock. - WILL BE PLACED ON SALE MONDAY. BEE OUR 16TH STREET WINDOW DISPLAY. Groceries Groceries Groceries , ' Shape AutMRjobilt'S, Tarn O'Khanters and' Jockies, In serge, jcorduroy, broadi-loUi, brown leather, tic," all Biata.or thildrtu On Saturday at TKe Bee Office Every one placing a Want Ad in The Bee on Saturday, April 16, under the classifications For Rent Rooms, Help Wanted, For Sale Miscellaneous, Personal, Wanted to Buy, or Wanted to Rent -will be presented with one of the books on the list below. Your Choice of Twelve Titles 1 Macaria by Etsds 2 Lorna Doone Blackmore 8 Far From the Madding Crowd... by Thca. Hardy 4 Last Days of Pompeii. . . .by Lytton 6 Wbat Would You Do, LoveT by Mary J. Holmes 0 Isbmsel South worth 7 An English Woman's Love Letters R The Three Guardsmen.. Dumas 6 Idle Thoughts by an Idle Fellow by J. K. Jerome 10 All Aboard by Oliver Optic 11 Zoe..., by Author of "Laddie" 12 Hamaftha at Bars toga by Holley Handsomely Bound Books These books. are bound in cloth, well made and well printed. They are selected from the best literature of the century and are a fit foun dation for any library. Everybody Reads The Bee Want Ad Pages Y) j . One ceot per were per Insertion, Dally or Sonde, on above i5Vl 6 S e classifications. No advert Isemeat takea for less than 20 coats. Free Books at TKe Bee Office Saturday. THE CONSUMER'S GUIDE TO PUR CHASE GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE ai-lbs. pure cane granulated augar, $1.00 Large sacks cornmeal for UWv Large sacks pure buckwheat flour, Z&o. pkgs. bretaklast rolled oats, loc. 6-lbs. fancy hand-picked navy beans. We. t-lbs. good Japan rice, 19c. &-lb. fancy pearl tapioca or sago, 190, 1-lb. pkg. best corn starch, 4c. 1-lb. pkg. best macaroni, 9c. 1-lb. Jar pur fruit preserves, l-3c. Large bottle fanoy niixed chow-chow, rhubarb, sweet or onion pickles, Dome, Lage bottle chill sauce, Worcester sauce, and pure tomato catsup, per bottle, l-o. Fancy giaeses pure . ,, 6 bars beet laundry soap, any brand. 10. I-lb. cans solid packed tomatoes, 710. S-lb. cana California squash, Tc. $-lb. cane goldon pumiikln. 7"c. Mb. cans wajt or string beans, 7Hc. l-lb. cans slfled Early June peas, 7Ha. x-ih cans fancy Uble peaches, apricots or peara, liV40., I-1D. carja gumi .i - " plums, lOo. Malta Vita, Egg-O-Bee, Vigor or Vim. package, Viifl. Fancy fresh crisp soda, butter OC oyster crackers, per pound, So. WHOLESALE DRIED FRUIT PRICES. Fancy California peaches, per pound, 7Vo. Fancy California grapes, per pound, 1o. Fancy Virginia blackberries, per lb., 7o. Fancy New York Ring apples, per lb., to. Fanoy California UarUett pears, per lb.. Fancy Moor Park apricots, per lb., l$Hc Fancy Virginia raspoerrlea, per lb., k. WHOLESALE FREBH FRUIT PRICES. Fancy large Highland oranges, per dosen, 15c. Fancy large Highland seedless lemons, per dosen, lie. Fsncy Hallowe'en dates, per pound, 5a Fancy Colorado White Clover Honey, pir rack, lio. TRADING STAMPS ABSOLUTELY FREE. KXTUA SPECIAL To every purchaser of t pounds of best Japan Head Klce for 2i we will give ab eofutely free $2.00 worth extra Trading Btarops. HAYDEN- BUYS A TICKET AND SLEEPING CAR BERTH VIA UNION PACIFIC TO NO DETOURS NO CHANQC or CARS NO CHANQC OF ROADS 'THE OVERLAND ROUTE" ALL THE WAY City Ticket Office. 1324 Farnam Street, Tbone 316. YOUR POCKETBOOK Is worn out We have one we would like te sell you-'w,-ate showing so many handsome purses at such moderate prices that almost anyone can afTord to have a pew one '.pt-nd a f-w mlnutea in our store. IK.k for the. name. S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler. Ill Douglas St. )ud jouiig girls. (