TITE OMAHA DAILY DEE: TUESDAY, ArRIL 12, lf04. JV CHABCES ON DISTRICT BEXCII Green Trading Stamps Are Here to Stay. Watch for Our Great Lace Sale Watch for Our Great Lace Sale ill Ladles' Suit 3 riclur 5s le In lf Basement AT Tomorr'w EM Sale Saturday I J OJ 0J.A .V una.HS fo) 0) BaaatasM rn 173 en THR RKLIABLK STORK. ' ar aaanssr Jndp s&n Takes Baxter's Equity Court AdTtnt of Bartlett LATTER PREFERS LAW DOCKET FOR START Jay Mr Traasferred Irom t'rlm !! ertment, bat Lawyers tersjy Protest Aa-slnst the Proposed ( km,. Sods K.'M. Rartlett was at the county eourt hone bright and early to assume his new duties as the juccrwor of Judso Baxter on the bench of the district ciulty court number 6. Prior to lilt taking tlmm Up, however, a meeting of the Judges was held to make a nnw "assignment of Juices to the various courts fur the May term, at whloh Judge Bartlett signified hla prefer nc for a. law 'rather than an equity docket, and sccnrulngly, after the con clusion of the February term he will take Judge Bear's jury court and the latter will take Judge Hastens place on the bench of number 6. ' There Is also a rumor that Judge Day will be transferred from the bench of . the criminal court to some other position. The entfre t'tne of the criminal court was taken up with , the empannellng of the new Jury t serve the remainder of the February term and the granting of ex cuset ,fcr one reason , and another. The present. Jury wll bo asked to serve but two weeks fnntead 'of three, as has been required of previous panels. In tha after noon the trial of Chambers, the colored man who Is alleged to have killed his brother at the Pes Moines hotel In South Omaha last fall, will he begun. COMES TO SERVE SENTENCE Anarchist Who Went to Rnitlnnd Re lleves Ills nondsmen from Dilemma. . HBW TORK, April H. William Mc Queen, the anarchist who Is under a five year sentence In New Jersey for Inciting the silk trade riots In Paterson In June, 1903, arrived today on the fit. Paul from Southampton, traveling under an assumed name. Tueaday he will surrender himself to the sheriff of Passaic county In order to serve his sentence, from which he had appealed In vain. McQueen left America while under $10,000 ball and In so doing Is said to have caused his bondsmen not a little trouble, but this matter seems to have been satisfactorily adjusted. He ays he means, If possible, to blot out the stain which has been placed on his name. At the steamship pier McQueen was mot by his counsel, Robert P. Oeyer of Pater on and had a long conference with him. To reporters McQueen said his connection with the Paterson riot had been misrep resented; that Instead of inciting the mob to violence he had used his utmost en deavors to pacify the people. He also de nied that he was In any way at any time connected with Bresol, the assassin of King Humbert of Italy. Asked if It was true that a movement was on foot In England to have his case brought to the attention of the United States government with a view of mitigat ing the sentence or dismissing the Indict ment, McQueen said: "Tea, but I am surprised to know that the Information reached America ahead cf me." NO CHANGE BY BAXTER NOW Rash Will Remain Assistant tnlted . , , Mates Attorney Until Kew Chief Is Instructed. No Immediate change will be made In the personnel of the office force of the Tnlted States district attorney for the im mediate present. Assistant District At torney Rush will remain for the present to assist District Attorney Baxter. Btenog rapher John Lindsey tendered Mn reslgna ' tlon Saturday evening to Judge Baxter, but has been asked to remain In the office In his old capacity for another week. Former District Attorney Summers has Introduced bis successor. Judge Baxter, to the heads of the military departments at army headquarters. Marriage Licenses. Up to noon. April 11, the following couples had been licensed to wed: Name. Age. Carl Molina, Omaha zj Jrlin a A. Anderson. Omaha .. 23 Charles Beleke, Omaha 21 Annie Benak, Omaha... 18 Wallace J. Jaka, Port Crook 26 Nellie Thornton, Fort Crook 27 Charles Nola, Omaha 14 Mary Ryan, Omaha 25 Joseph Boramer, Omaha..., 24 Annie Xull, Oraaha 19 . U-K Wedding Rings. Bflioim, Jeweler, ; PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Hoxle Clarke of St Louis is in the city. J. J. Mcintosh of Sidney and R, W. Grant of Beatrice are at the Pax ton. The members of the New Tork Symphony Orchestra have arrived In the city. Thomas Bithell of Nellgh and Henry Cal ling of Turret, Colo., are at the Murray, James J. Jeffries, his trainer, Delaney, and parting partner, Kennedy, passed through the city Sunday morning bound for Ban M. P. Keefe of Cheyenne, J. E, Bohnser Of Cheeotah. I. T.;' W. T. Wilcox of North liatte, D. P. Owen of Beatrice, C. H. Ku bank of Ijncoln. B. A. Darrow of Stroma burg and J. G. 1oney of Pllger are at the Merchants. WISE 0le HawUrhs and relive all the troubles hwst. east to a bilioss slat at lb Tin, sack as Dia stnats, Nuwt, Drowsiness, DUtraM afur asUag, Pi is U ida. As. W nils tbeu- mot rsutaisv aoiseucc shea a la caring BaMh.y I'srKr'sLkUs Ut PU It are eqaallf vslubte la Couiiipstlos, curias and prSTauUag this a&BOTlsf. complaint, white they alto correct all sitoratr of th tioait- h, stimulate lh llns aad niaM the bowtia, iea If Uwi oaly eura KIEAB2) Aea they woakt bs alsiett pricairM to tVMSWk SuRnc fmsa ikit aumMing complaint; bat forta baialy Uittr goodness durt out cad hen, sod loots vueesoi try ttt.ai will Bad Ibcat Ullla pill Ttla bla la so maay thai they will aul be wilua IsaomUoutUiMa. Hal alter all sick hd A'IK1E lithe baa of to bust lives that it vaarewe sua our great boast. Our iU cars U WaU I oUicrs do aoL . ' lartM's Little tint Pills srevery small sad Vary taty to Utfca Uot or two piui muaa auaa Ttay art ttru-ii (tJkblt and do aut gripe er aarta. bat by thnr grnilr sciiob all who .kattbam. la ilt ai Xicrau; ae focal. Com) if sragisUairaiywba, scaaal by saai. CJUSTEU JMEDICINE CO., Jlw Y0 It ELACE Greater Bargains Tuesday In spite of a tremendoas sale Monday we still hiva a huge assortment of high an J maJiutw gade lace curtalng. which wo will cloae out at even greater bargains tomorrow These curtains are Irom the stock that was bought outright by us front a great New York Storage Warehouse Company. I; ip $19 Lac Curtain. $4.98 and $3.98 Pr. Heavy Arabian Curtains, Irish Potnt Curtaln3, Brussels Curtains, Cable Net Curtains and tha new-Ruffled Bonne Fern ma Curtains. H They are divided Into 2 lots H $IO Lac Curtains at $2.98 Pair-All the curtains which would ordinarily retail at $lO per pir. Thy oome in Cable Net, Irish Points, Domsstto Arabian, Ruf fled Bobblnet and many new and novel curtains that you would regularly pay ten dollars a pan for, at $5 Lace Curtains at $1.98 a Pair All the regular $S.OO Lucy Curtains from this purchase. They are In every grade and description, fine and heavy lace, and very many Imitations of the highest class lace curtains, at, per pair, $150 Lace Curtains at 15c Each OIJ reliable Noitinirham curtains which, in the lepular way, sell at one dollar and fifty ceotP C. AlS Vs $J0 Lace Curtains at 98c Each Odd lace curtains, oncludlntf hun dreds of Hno quality Arabian cur tains, those heavy elabortely corded laov curtains. In pairs and f Q In Htnirle curtnlns, there- ZOC fore we offer them at, each. Single Lace Curtains In this lot are curtains worth up to $7.60 a pair. They are samples and sin gle curtains in J,Q whit, Ivory, ecru MJmJV White Madras Up to 50 Ids., regular price 4oo per yard, 1 Crt at, yard. at, each . 25c Drapery Swiss at 10c Yard Dtted drapery Swis, 11 at, a yard 1UC a pair, at, ench Lace Curtain Seconds Imperfec tions In trie weaving, a stitch dropped here and there, some times torn by the machinery worth up to 2.50 a pair, I IVV Colored Drapery Swiss --the regular ia-cent kind at, per I . yard ' 1 SHIRT WAIST SILKS. AT 79C YARD 79c Sale of Ladies' Shirt Waist Sets. etc., at oost or less than cost to man- 1 beautiful assortment of popular new Shirt.. Wo tat Silks, In a variety of KtylcH and colors, rnuglUK from M inches wide down to 21 inches wide new fletir Ue soles. '2 and 3-tone checks, linrred LouiKiennes, tinsel taffetas and the new overshot silk scoreu of the newest silks at yard. Manufacturers' sample Walut Sets, ufacture. Deep Sea Pearl Shirt Waist Sets, hand- some shadlna-n, mother of pearl and new champHpne, 1 f three on card, worth till fcc, at-set aw Beautiful Peacock Jewelry lutest fad for sprinir In Hat Pins. Wult Sets. Lce Pins, etc. all novelties wurth up to one dollar at 10-15-25c J. L. BRANDEIS &. SONS, BOSTON STORE. Gold Bead Neck Chains, ateot for Kprlrtg, worth ud to 60c. at Dutch. Silver Waist Sets and 8;ish rins, sei 111 French Rlilne Ktonos. at Mother of Pearl Hat Pins at 10c and imported Waist Sets In pold, silver mm i.Aiiii.cu, vrii- umel finish, worth U)c to HM 1.... I5.25c ta a nrl fl i alt 10.I5.25c 1525c PENNS PLAN BIQ MEETING Natives of Keystone State Will Hold Forth oa Elaborate Seal at Chambers. The Pennsylvania club will hold Its six teenth annual reunion at Chambers' acad emy, H24 Farnam street, this evening;. The entertainment will consist of a musi cal, followed . by a box lunch social and dance. Entertainment Is to be free. All persons eligible to membership In the club have been cordially Invited to be present. Eligibility to membership requires that one must have been born In Pennsylvania, tha son or daughter of parents either one or both of whom were born In Pennsylvania, the wife or husband of a son or daughter of a native-born Pennsylvanlan. Resi dents of Omaha and vicinity, South Omaha and Council Bluffs coming within the eligi bility list have been Invited. Each woman will prepare a box lunch, enough for two persons, and place her name on the Inside. These boxes will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, the party buying it to eat with the woman preparing It. Pro ceeds of tha 'sales will go toward defraying the expenses of the entertainment SECOND TERM FOR ELLA HURST Teat Days to Domestic Who Jast Does Twenty Daya la City Jail. . - t On complaint of Ernest W. Arthur, 914 South Thirty-second street,- Ella Hurst has been convicted In police court on a second charge of petit larceny and sentenced to ten days In the county JalL The woratn was charged with stealing a quantity of sugar, butter and lard from the Arthur residence. There are about a doxen larceny com plaints pending against the woman, being from her former employers for whom she worked In this city as a domestic, staying at the various places from three hours to as many weeks. She haft Just completed her first term of twenty days. Our Long Lasting Steel Range Is getting more popular every day. Its superiority over other steel ranges Is crop, ping out ; on every side. We never- sold as many as we are selling this spring. We are still selling them at $5.00 down and 13.00 per month, or the wholesale price for cash. .. . . ....... 4& PASTOR FULLY EXONERATED Ctrl Who A erased Her Stepfather Recaats and Tells the Trath. Rev. J. A. Bingamen has returned from Lincoln, where he went as a member of a committee to Investigate charges made against Rev. Joseph D. Underwood, pastor of the Zlon Baptist church of that city. A stepdaughter had accused Mr. Under wood of being the father of her child. After a full Investigation the committee found thai Mr. Underwood Is entirely Inno cent of the charge, the girl recanting hrr Arst statement, and giving the name of her seducer. Her second story Is sup ported by her mother's testimony, and by letters. The girl says she wss Induced by relatives to accuse her stepfather. 4 W When our men delivered a ran re to Mrs. Johnson, 1714 S. 8th St., a few days sgo. she told them that she knew all about our range before e bought It and told tier nusuand that she would have no other kind. The Stoetzel Stove Co 71 South i6thSt. Prescription Dept Bring Your Prescrip tions to Bennett's There Is never 'a Qiirntlon between the doctor and patient ri-Rardlng the wisdom of sending prescriptions to Bennett's. BOTH AKK AUKEKH THAT BENNETT'S IS THE RIOHT PI.ACK FOR PRESCRIPTION h'HAr 1NO. We absolutely guarantee the quality, purity and freshness of eveiy grain of ingredient wo use. We ab anltitcly guarantee expert pharma cist's rare. We absolutely guarantee satisfaction at cut prices. Drug Department Alain Floor. Transfer System of Trading Ask the first sales-person you meet for a transfer slip It saves an Im mense n mount of labor both for your self and tho clerk it saves making change. You order your goods with It through the various departments, nnd pay the full amount at the trans fer booth. It means that you get extra tireen Trndlng Stamps, thus avoiding the fractional losses caused by odd cents in purnhases. 10 Green Trading Stamps Free Buy the New" Tork World Tuesday In Sta tionery Dept. S cents. Cut the coupon from Its funny part, bring It to our pre mium parlor, second floor, And you will get 10 Green Trading Stamps free. Onion Skin Voiles Have you seen the latest New York fad In PRE INCH VOILES? New York has cone crazy over It It's the new Union Skin Shad. It's remarkable fabric, ..It sells at $1.29 In the toney stores of New York City Tuesday In Dry Goods Dept., per yard. . . . Leaders in the Grocery World Best Qoods at Lowest Prices. Hi ID worth flrecfi Trnd- I Ing Sumps with each Jnr Bennett's Capitol Preserves Bennett's Capitol Jelly .... 30c Pears In syrup 3-1U. can lc V talmon 1-lb. can ... luo FIFTY CENTS IN GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH EACH PACKAGE CKRO- IOC JTRUITC ,V,W Tomatees 9-lb, can 9c Best Laundry Btmp 9 bars 8ro Kolled Oats 4-lb. package lto BUTTER. Received every day from the best dairies. Fresh Country Butter pound 14o Bennett's Capitol Creamery, lb.... 23o cofkf.es. Roasted fresh dally. Maracnlbo Coffee per pound ' IBo Bennett's Capitol Coffee, 1-lb. pkg. feo 1.00 Crockery Bargains and Stamp Extras Macbeth'? No. 2 Penrl Top I,nmp Chimneys each No B brass each 2 common Limn Burners heavy, solid J-.arge size fancy shape liowls and Pitcherseach Pure lead blown Table Tumblers nl.-e thin ones each Rich American eight Inch Cut Gloss Bowls at 5c 5c ...58c 3c 2.48 I Johnson, Bros.' nicely decorated 100 picce Dinner Bete, beautifully deco rated In pink and 43 ""ye; " tacTdi. Oe7 O FIVE GREEN TRADING BTAMP8 FOR ONE ON ALL COLORED JARDI- A'lERES TUESDAY. GREEN TRADING STAMPS ALL THE TIME. aiaMiuiun 11 . 11 .-..us) torn, W M.v. .UUWtSMJUAMaUll LL jm 'TIT Pl"WW51iaBl"s' Next summer you will h twe Th Exposition Fever THE PORES are the safety valves of the body. If they be kept in perfect order by constant and intelligent bathing ,a very general source of danger from disease, is 'avoided. HAND SAPOLIO is unequalled as a gentle, efficacious pore:opener. Heala as by Magic. If a pain, sore. Wound, burn, scald, cut or piles , distress you, Bucklen'a Arnica 6alve will cure It, or no pay. 2c For sale by Kuhn & Co. LOCAL BREVITIES. ? . Mrs. E. Buckingham left 8unday evening to Join her husband, who was recently ap pointed general stneriiitendent of the Ore- Eun Bhort Line, with headquarters In Salt akeClty. JOnn t Ktout Of Wrteht X- Hlr...t v.. gonu to Albert. Canada, on a . businras trip In the Interests of the ktt.nourl Pa clrio railroad, its will be abtwrt fur sev eral wavkii. The following were given their dis charges In voluntary bankruptcy by Judge Munger In the United Uiatea dmtiict court: William Casteel and V. Karl Casteel, trad ing as asteel 1 A Bon. of Phillips, Hamil ton county Neb.; Heubeu F. Reynolds. Tecumneh. Jobiuion county. Nab., and Krn eet C. Juhlfcon, Wauna, Knox county, Neb. The esutlve commit tt-e of the Dixie club will meet this evening at t o'clock In the Woodmen of the World building It 1. expected that various coir.n.lttrea to 111 turn Iw ui'ix. Intd and club rooms and a hall fur prospective entertalnmetits aeliMted. 8pon ors for the various states represented in the club will be named and other trailers of routine nature wlU be tuuoldervd, - TliB CARG OF THE HAIR iteosi'd b Ktotmst to rrrv wonta. If Gnj mt t.MlM, It CM im retor4 M UM niwi CaatC. Off Batata Uiy tltaWlS AvMfCd ap Th9 Imperial Ha'.r Rsgenerafor MKiiioiMMirrAiiiuuniiB LUHINOMthessa. It U auily aB- . m .A tOied. BtkM the hMir.ift aud iIumt. ,' f;. 1 iMolutsly hsruiiMax enipl. et oalreoU irv i area tree. i'oTeiNMHi.iiue euanasntuu. UnrtHclCbra.V.';.t.lJiVVJi!WMwllrti Sherman ft afoCsnnaO Cm ca. CLOSUNii UU1 -sT.T. OUlt- Buggies, Carriages and Wagons FREDRICKSON RftMoth cod Capital Av. Haad our epeolal '"ad" snrary tTuDday ana Wednesday In Tbe Bea. .m , m .1 jiljuss ym ) Wi-fsp p naa All yoiif : friends will be going, or talking about going, nnd you will be figuring up to see whether you can possibly scrimp and save to make the trip. Now is the time to do your planniug. Anybody can go man, woman or child. Thirty More Trips Arfe to Be Voted For All you have to do is to get a few friends to prepay their subscription to The Bee and turn in enough votes to be one of ' the first ten in our weekly election. ' Re member, you get f20 votes on a year's sub scription in the city and 600 votes on a . year's subscription in the country. The Bee will send you, without costing you a cent, to the very grounds of the expo sition. Via the Wabash The Wabash lands all passengers from all di rections at its own sta- 4L UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS Made to order and recovered. All kind of repairing guaranteed. Iwet prices. BOSTON IHBUDLU V4 le. lata ttseet, .'k WIT. tion, Main Entrance World's Fair Grounds, saving time and money. The Wabash Suburban Trains will be prepared to handle 25,000 passen gers per hour in ten hours, more people than in Omaha, Council Bluffs and Houth Omaha. Think it over. Rules of the " Elect ion" The ten persons receiving th largest numbsr of votes at the close ot sen ' election" will be furnished, at The lie expense, as prises, each a frae trip from Omaha to bb Louts and isturn, to be taken any time during tha exposition. ... . . restrictions sra placed as to where the party lives as a candidate for one of th exposition trips. . No vote will b counted for employes or agents of The Omaha Bee All vote must be niati on ooupoua which will b published each day la prepayment of ubscr1ption may be mad either direct to The Bee Publishing Company or to Mn authorized agent of Th Be. No votes sent in by sgents will o counud unla sent In In accordance with Instructions given them. m Th vol from dy to day will be published In all editions of Th Baa Th "elections" will close sach Thursday at ( p. m. Votes may be deposited at th business office of The Be or sent by mall. No votes sent by mall will be counted which ar not In th Omaha poatoffio for delivery at :, p. m. on th day of closing. Address, "Exposition Department," Omaha Bet Omaha, Neb. COUPONS ON PAGE 2. w SIUINET KIINGS for ladles and gents, .12.60. 3 50, 4.00. $5 00 up to flV ti'wvl styles, tasty, nice pious. We carry a nice line of aedding rings. 14k and Isk, broad, narrow, also thick Tiffany mm. "e mao to orner any myie, weigm ; l.icfcuew) iu wuuld dire. tipvnd a few minutes in ou' lore. l.oiiii tut the name. S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler. 1916 DouglM SU TUESDAY'S BARGAIN FEAST Second Day of the Gnat Sale of the Bankrupt Notion Stock. Th prices are one-half, one-third and one-fourth regular price. Don't fall to attend. ?00-yard Machine Thread, per spool lo l(io-yard Heldlna Proa Sewing Bilk 4o 200-yard Linen Thread 4e Sot) Brass Tins, each 4VV Velveteen Pklrt Binding, per yard 1c Waterproof bklrt Bintling, per yard. ...2V! 15c Metal Back Comhs 4ijo loo Spring Sleeve Holders, pair 2'-io 16o Corset Bteels 440 26o Hair Brushes liic SOo Tooth H rushes Wo 2W Hair Pins 10o I spools Brooks silky Crochet Cotton. ...44jO Aluminum Thimbles 4'o 10 yards Baby Ribbon 4VsQ Your choloe of 1.000 gross of fancy Ires . Buttons, every possible color, per dosen 4Ho 24 Shoe LAces for 4Vio lfio Darters, per pair Nickel plsted Duplex jfl Bajf'ety rina. per dosen .Wi Curling Irons, each...., .... t. Tracing Wheels.. 4V The Giant Tack Poller 40 25o Combination Needle nooks tVio ion patent Hump Hook and Eyes, per card... f4 10 Purses V 200 Horn Hair Fins, per doxen 4V loo Combination Hair Fin Cablners 4Uo 3To 8-Inch Shears liic liK) Tooth Brushes. r. s 4V 15c Assorted Beads 4c Elastic, per yard 2Vi And hundreds of other staple notions at one-half to one-quarter regular selling price. ' THINK OF IT! FROM 10 TILL, 11 A". M. TUESDAY. 19o ladies' sleeveless low necked Vests, fancy yoke of white and colors, tap , Rf neck and arms, at, each ...JW U 60 sample men's shirts, aAffln and Lyon brands, sixes from 14 to 17100 A.Qc dosen of them at , . . " 76oboys' shirts with separata colara CO doxen of them i 45C KoMen's 811k Hose Supporters, . 8C Men's sample Underwear, worth up to $1.00, lr" on sale at OOW Mens' heavy Working Shirts, dark colors, 35C BE THERE EARLY AND GET YOUR PICK. Remember these prices are good for just one hour 10 to H a. m. . $2.00 SILKS FOR t9c Great Hour Silk Sale Tuesday Morning. For one hour, from 9:90 until 10:30 on Tuesday morning, we place Rno piece of finest silks In black and colors. A full and complete assortment of nearly every kind of stylo for this spring. The finest collection of silks that were ever sold st such a f rlce. There are black silks, white silks, Crepe de Chines, taffetas, silks for suit, or waists and linings. This Is a sale that none can afford to miss. It Is only for one nour-irora :w to iu:ai. worn 160, sl.uu, ii.du ana tuo 4 f l. tvw l.t Famous Wool Dress Goods Sale FROM TO 13 NOON. We will sell strictly all wool suitings, vntles, examines, mohairs In remnants from 2ti to 7 yards, worth from tl.00 to t3.ou per yard and only one pattern to a customer, at, yard FROM 1 TO t Pi M. W will Mil all wool ch&Ules, worth from 7 60 to $L00 pr yard, only U yards OEr to a customer, at. per yard - t Special White Good$ Sale FROM I A. M. TILL 12 NOON, TUESDAY. 100 full bolts P. K. Walstlngs, Mercerized. Oxford and Cheviot WaJstlngs, btripee. Check and Ice Stripe Novelties, worth up to SCo per yard. All go at one price from 9 a. m. till 12 noon at, yard M ..t Lene 10c Wholesale Grocery Prices to the Consumer ...... SSi TWO BIO EXTRA TRADING BTAMP SPECIALS TUESDAY, Beat Bulk Laundry Starch, per lb. With every J-lb. package of our famous Mocha and Java Coffee at 2Cc per pound w will give absolutely free UM worth Extra Trading Stamp. With every 6 pounds of our fancy Dried Fruits, any kind you want, we will give 100 worth Extra Trading Stamps, Abso lutely Free. II lbs. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for li t) Large Suck Commeal UVic Fancy Hand Picked Navy Beans, 6 :bs..lo Good Japan Rice 6 ibs. for 10c Fancy Pearl Tapioca, 6 lbs. for 1SKJ 6 bars Swift's Frlde, White Busslan, Beat-'Km-All. Diamond C or Oettlp Laundry Scap for ,. 18c Woil Soap, per bar - JVc 4 pkgs. Rolled Breakfast Oats iuo 8 lb. cans Baked Beans, .Hominy or Pumpkin ..v?Hc 8 lb. cans Solid Packed Tomatoes ...t..7Vtc t lb. cans Early Juno Sifted Peas 7V4c 2 lb. cans Fancy Wax or String Beans.. 7'io 1 gallon cans Fancy Apples '.13a flower or vegetable BoeOa, any alod you want, per pkg J...i,jo WHOLlilKAI.B DRIED FRUIT PRICES. Large California Prune, per lb 8o Fancy California Peaches, per lb ...... .7Vo Fancy Moor Park Apricots, per lb ....12jo Fancy Burtlott Pears, per lb lyZa Choice California Grapes, per lb .....T4o Fancy Virginia Blackberrkd, per lb... .7 Knuilsh Cleaned Currants, par lb 7Ho Fancy Virginia Raspberries, per lb lllo New York fc'tate Ring Apples, per lb....o WhOLmLE FRESH FRUIT PRICES. Fancy Imported Figs, per !b '. .ll!(a Fancy Highland, large sweet Oranges, per dos 15 Fancy highland Seedless Lemons, per do , U'o Fancy Colorado White Clover Honey, rar rack 12o CRACKER DEPT Extra Special. 10,000 lbs. Fancy Crisp Ginger ro TUESDAY ONLY. HAVDERJ SROS. Dion mm $W1 Buys a Ticket and Sleeping Car Berth MlTO S AND Uoshin gion Bt sur your ticket rtodt via UNION PACIFIC OITT TICKET OrFIOH, 1334 rARSAM 'Phone ill I endertrtand that the Bant Fe will sell one way colonist tickets to C Sl 1 i f o r i i during March and April at rery low rates. vj $25 from Omaha via Kansas City and the Santa fe Corresponding reductions from othar point. PI advts as full earttsalara, JVaiM . BPrtMNo.. City oJ 5taf. Out out tMs oyfoerttsentenl and mafl to JC. L. Palmer, Pawmger Agent, Q3 3JZ All th Way A. T. A B. F. By., W Eqytablt Budding, IMt laine$, la. W. J. BLACK, O. P. A.. Topsksu Km. i '- t I .