hi) Jl EOT 1 I - United States Senate, Washington, D. G. I haue found "Hayner IVhisIxey" exceptionally fine for fable and bottle bcarsi si9naU1recvt Seethatea: medicinal purposes- U. 8. Senator from Nevada ' fii 'ill I'r 1 ' A ;;; 1 ' t i :- ? :;5 ! f . r , . t -y . . . V , .''' ; 4 ' i . " . " " ' ' ' ' ' SEVEN YBAR. G Si --rn: ( 'Vnerdistillik We are Distillers and have a paid-up capital of $500,000.00. Our distillery is one of the Largest and Best Equipped in the world. We have been distilling good whiskey for over 3 8 years, Growing Larger Every Year- We belong to No Trust or Combine and sell to Consumers only. We Own Pore IVhiskey than arty other distiller in the world.' We are the largest bottlers of whiskey in the world. There is more HAYfJEEt VJ HISEIEY sold than any other brand in the world. Over half a million bankers, business and professional men are our regular customers, the very people who use the best convincing evidence that Hayner Whiskey is all right. You'll say so, too, if you only try it. AlllirnflDRI n e are t'le on'y distill ers n wdd wno seU direct to consumers. We have Vy7ruLJ U UUiUVJ a imitators who claim to be distillers. They don't distill a drop of whiskey, and have no connection with a distillery. For proof, see Government Records, which contain a list of all the distilleries in the United States. You won't find any of our imitators in this list, but you will find HAVEIER' These imitators are simply dealers who must water and adulterate their goods in order to meet our prices. BECTfiKE JJF UK KVJBTATOBS. ,ti'' miiii uiLavyi y oonvyiivo vyvyju n iy iu uj oju u oiLiLtLuii u y u lyiiu - m i I n AN ( nl -B- ; U ULf A LJ UxJLzziU U t x i ... i rr r-; .. -w. i .. . xnn GOT EJ5PDB We will send you FOUR FULL QUART BOTTLES OF HAYFJER 7-YEAR OLD RYE FOR G3.20. and we will pay the express charges. Try it, and if you don't find it all right and as good as you ever used or can buy from anybody else at any price, then send it back at our expense and your 183.20 will be returned to you by next mail. Just think that offer over. How could it be fairer? If you are not per fectly satisfied you are not out a cent. Better let us send you a trial order. We ship in a plain sealed case; no marks to show what's inside. If you don't want four quarts yourself, get a friend to join you. Orders for Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington or Wyoming must be on the basis of four quarto for S4.00 by Express Prepaid or tvonty quarto for Q16.00 by Frcirjht Prepaid. cm n n m U ST. LOUIS, no. U5 DAYTON, OHIO. OISTILLERYf TROY OHIO. st. paul, nim. ESTADLIGIIED 10GG. lb ATLAHTA, GA. :-:'SEyEN YEAR C NERD1$TILLINC - i