THE OMAHA DAILY r.LE: FA TIT DAY. ATRIL ' P. 1S04. FOURTH CONTEST C0MME5CED I Arff ay Lot of Trim 1 tin Great Bi. Lc3i Lxrortioa. CHAUCI FOR AITBITIDUS BOYS AND CIF1S TawH an FlaS i f.c Latvia la t ark Crrat DtHaM-t A war If 1 w & la tbe liW ta Stay. Are you rnhif to the St. Ixrai expTei tioti? If not. why tiit, when the tratiepor tatJoa can be had free by enterri.e on of IW crmfe-. the fourth of which be '"t awn tanr4. and winning out. Jt'e aut bar te do arid why not ti p t w hat wiettle you have In you. AlreaSy thirty rr'M Iut horn aw-artWI and another thirty ere a-ttll to be ana. Tb law con torts win be the hard eat fought and the aaniter you in Una th wafer your catch Cotrtrat Ko. 4 haa atarted with small rumber ef candidates, but wtite rmt acini s anfl beyond all doubt win be very Hilwiin lT?f. Just watch ft. The rote at i p. m. Friday waT .tn Pirtr OibiIii .... Frank Warhea, Omaha . ... ttib ytPUMwe i . (arrttii . . . . FYwd J-rqrxranli, Smith Omaha , , . .... C K. Paulson rnnaha Wary rTTlinikl. CmilLtK ... Lan Jackson. Omaha ..-... rr: If 1 1 FRIEND CF MANY OWAHANS r. VmUa Ellei-y Caata4. Wae EMra la Wuklaflaa. riaattt (rkraiVa miate-ie-r. Tbe death of tr. William Ellery Cop aawd at Furley. Waah.. which beniime known in Omaha through the publication of tbe death n-tlo Wednesday by The Bee, will strike a friend from th tint of many Omaha. people. rr. Copeland dm fnr t-n years fir mora minister of Vnity ehurrh and wa ery popular, especially among th labor union mrr, and memtwr of werrt societies. Hi death oornrrd vary atift flm!y KaJ-r.h n. finm a rtrokt of apnplrxT. H ara.a flolnc aoma -work aboot hia boma and fltaid Jn a frir mlcutn T-mty yrara aero b itti on of thr moat popular of Omaha flittr. II ru hrr for a few Aara fiurlnit th Trnnninlajitmtlppl a-rpnat-Ikon Mid prrarhfd to a larr ennrraaration la Valty church. H a at on time arand -hanoeUor of the Knlfrhta of Pjthlne la thla dnnuUn. Tn notloe of hi daatb waa prtrtrd in itiwti jiaprr with tiie aqtMit for culm paprra te oory. CNE BID TO PLANT TREES rraaanl fr laai a aa al aa fl ai 1 1 Rill aval trtbff Mat. Irt aae 1 a. Imly n bid fT tro iiitrtlt n ftoa pt Hill aa r'ftT-a l,j tb Hoard of 7utiUc Work a-lTdaj- aTvemoon. It nu frita W. E Murray aid a for C crt.ta jkt trr Thia a prtimpi;.v accepted Fnur hide aer rer"lr fi.r ronFtrui-.icTi of a rrw in diarrtct XI on TT.i"t -aixth trft from liMivrrworth to tVno'a imk v-mi. Th lQ -ra rorrjiliraird and it cannot l awrta tni ho bad th )ta t until thry havt iwpn tabulated, Th mntrart atn to li bt-e-n F. M. Cot Tinlly and John F. Iair. Z Curtinni.n prfrrtpd tb lo't of four bid for praams an atlT Vx'ta ( n Ct.Pt tnfl California BTrti and runnlnf f i ' mi TarnTyia-btb nvrnu to Thirtieth "trrft. Th prr a-a 13 H renta a yard and waa arr7itd. ofl 1 ft ljovi and rjxiTt to Um tnurt OoinrH a t 1. ptr.ith rhf ptirthwtte OMn.miamurT of th N'fthm MKi.arj dl'-i ion. fcr dvt'jt! K;:!iar a ill dVjia-t J-imi 1h rh!''T''lT- kbn;:1 Hut C jv- tmt Kt':ian ai iU t r,Tr-"Trr"rl a fm iiihtm mfctirr of th Fir- N"tratia vnluiit"' dxrrin th Ppa.TiiFh-Amrr.'-ati "a-ar pTid lai"r ed.ivtr.rt "riil of tin- Fiat f.f " braaka hici .nfi'H b r"T-T.S 1r- a:--ri an aj'ptiirfnrrit in lk rriiiur army. Ta Take attaa; In ualny tr. Kmr" Srw IHafi rry for ronanmrrtlon, Courba and Colda. It curea an lUTifr trmibir or no pay. Sac. H 90. For amle br Kuh" v Co. Tk Krasrtt taapar. Th latn JCrw Tork rraa in draaa eroda The im-v onion akin abadea in voilea K.K and tl S a yard Baturday. rtawa BaM-k aavrr. fiiora oelebratad Bock Beer on drautrbt on and after Saturday. Ajril a. Ta art it in borOea, by tba oaae, tar yrmr bora, 'pbone UKL FtT-nt claa watch and Jrweb-y work at Hubermann'a Btore, cor. IStb and rwurlaa. IF YOU'RE A LOVER; f the njot l'ljrt3a m'da at-rtpd iti : ( n:r La ciuje 1 '.tr F!or EvylKdT i bj oora i tlie ln-st. ! ICE CREAM HJHA 5c ' Witli rre-sh 8tm lK-rrif. i VEKNOK'S CELERRATED i isin:ek ale 5c! NIT SUMAES 10C CRUtillEIp FRUIT SUNIAES 5ci M A IL rf(J U I N O HUXDAES 103 WHITE ROCK MINERAL I WATER 5c ;te froaa Amy Hralaaartrrt. ColrmH ChFrl H Hrrl. T. 6. A., tnajier tor rinfral ff th north milltarv dir;i?n at rtt lyouta. ie a rlaitor at drpartwimt b-dguanra on dutica connertrd with 1.1 Offio.. Captain Juntua N Klllten. aamatant rorn mliwary TtiffKl Ptat aiTrir. new on duty in the Fhl!lppln, baa b rr!lvJ from duty in that dtvlaion and 1 ordered to pro- Gold Medal Xt PaMk'iJDericui Exposition HEunriDE- Mission. ft Tavk-a Away Ik PfmI f Blrtk- Nothing If more atTOrn-lnc to men and m-oroen of mlddl ait thkn to ae thoa un tniotakibl alpn of ajr thin lialr and rraynea ajiproaching. But aclenoa haa diacarrtirad Uiat thea oondltiona are na lonrer "umnlaukable" et-ldes.oea of old aye, for th dandruff errm theory prtn-ee that ran arery yonryr people may Buffer fcalr whiie tboae fortunate enoufb an aacaje ITie ravaree of the acatp grrm. retain their abundant Jet-ka to a ripe old a fir-w-bro'a Herplalde klllla the datidruff frrra ad eeantrvee the riak of appearhnar old be fora your time. Rare your hair and your fnelinca by uuiug the irenuln Herpioida. fold ty leading drupptaia. Bend 111 oerrta In at an, pa fiir aam;l to The Herptrlde Co, ltrolt, Xlirh. Bh-rmaa KrOormeli Irus Co, special aenta. 4 Aaiaaaasr-aBrta aC tke Tkralrra. Thla aftemonn and erenlri "liord and 1-ady Aler" will W repeated at tba Boj d. lr. Faveraham and hit aplendid company tnartt the aupport thry aT receirtne. for ihey re rlrtoir a moet paUefrinr perfm in anoe of a delightful oomvdy. Tbeee pw formttnoee rlna the encagemmt. Tin Sunday afte-mwu and ei eaiinc at the .Boyd '"TVoary -Willi Walterr." a farre comedy af utumutl merit. 1U te the at trartton at Che Boyd. Murh Intereet la fihoa-n in the rnaup ment on Mnrdnj- evenin- of "Walter Dam roeeh'a or-fh at n nrt .iut 4- ... 4nn. . rretation of Trtip-ior'e fTet work. "Pt rat fsi." The aal of prate frr thla attraotion Itidicatep that a lurg audlnnoe will be Jiraeent. but a foa mtrr rhoioe peeta ir.ay ba obtained at the boa office. H WA P Unlike Any Other! The full fitres, the deli cious quality, the absolute Parity of Lowney's Break fast, Cocoa distinguish it from all others. Low-nrr'a Cocoa la the fineet poaaible -product of the choicest Cocoa Bean. TV Lnmrr XminU Hmrnt tdtt ham a ash t anrtitaie oaiai, Fneif, CrmmiM,Jcrqr,tcM ham. &tmtfrm lai1iaiK.Im3h, Garden Tools ARE THE TVS FER THIKG NCfW. WE HAVE THE lATBFT TtOL.S AT THE ljOWEf!T FKJCES. Chicken Netting's AVr WIRE FLY BTIEEV ARE IN BEA90N NOW. GET OCR FIUCES. Jaisss IMortca & Son Co., IS 1 1 DoJre M. Ezclualve Afenta for Goodrich Hope. WANT A BETTER POSITION? tiOta of iwxle Br wanting coir TKtrnt nien and wonwu. Get the job and a good novel WITH A BEE WANT AD. Books FREE st Bee Office SATURDAY. CLOSING OUT nil OTJB Buggies, Carriages and Wagons ' FREDRICKSON Rtt 1 a art a aat4 Carpttcd Are. Bnnflaj B Ikaad aw ppatmal ar and Warlnaartaj In Tba Baa. For fr week Mimmnrlnf Bunday tbe "heaillUw" attrartton at the Orpheum will l-e an evont of unuaual Uwmi Interewt for tbe lurnlnarie of thia feature will be Hoi I'avie and liwa MfCaukry. Iv of the pir rlpaJa. formerly of the Woodward Btock romjiaey. Thry will appr&r in -Pala." a Marette by Edir.i'nd tay. Walter D. Oreen. who was elaa a tnetnlier of the Woodward company: Willlnm F. Powell and R. H. Allen are In tb uipfirUnr company Tbe Bister Qnech are two attractire and a'lna eauIKbriat f.ud anrcibata. Ju'ta a-d Klla -Oarraon furnish bumnmua burleaouea cm tbe drama and traaredy. Oeorire H. Wood i a mirth provoker known aa "tbe enrnewhat dlff-rrnt romedlan." Hal Mer titt wtH prrpent pometb'.nit freah and tinlqn la bia -'Poetrr Olrl W onoloru ." In which ha rlvee a numlier of Itnltationa wbite he Pketrbea rertorma Anfleraon and TSri;i Are a pair of Dwly romedlHlie erd danner and entirely new. KmoAmme pie- oompirte th rarled promm. MAKERS AND RETAILERS OF KEN'S SHSES. S3. 50 and SS.OO. Eqnalt-d by few 1 Excelled bj none In all the new leathers In both tan and black. We do the fitting You do the wear- J 5 J3 1 We wprrnot the Batlsf action. . PViRliAf! TVaerted at tbe Altar." one if tbe bet af tbe fnelo-drematie prodixtlona ween nt tin Kru thla wenaon. will rloee Jta rn araa'eenent with the mutinee and rlht per fmaanona of tnAay. Bunday afurnoim. Tavtd Hla-1ne tn hla new fljiy, "Ha Laat tHillar win opea at the Kru for aa en prmiil of four da-a. VI r Hlccrtn will be remembered here aa tbe pnpnlar atirhrv and atar of "At Finey Ttldr." A har of tbe reoelpta -on Mnnday. Tueaday anJ Wednesday alrhta will trw ta tbe relief fund of tbe fire department. M YOUR POCKET little flam-lf of Ice Cream A mort ccinvenicnt thinj and a gxod thing: on either a hot or cold day. Bciibuff 1520 FARNAM PHONE. 711 - ""f i f fijv I The Latest Spring Styles in Mens HaLts This is a Line of Our Guaranteed Haa at Two Dollars. It ranks in. quality with, tbe usual three dollar Lat In style it hxs no competition. Oar guarantee means that ue will replace any hat that doea not wear to your entire satiEf action. Men Who Want Fine Clothing For Spring Take Particular Notice of the Following Suggestions. .Murl' j-(u'v- mtm lieen to tbe "NYhrunka" for rotir elothlng Uiere are still a few who haveul. MbtI yon ueter buy clotb rrady to v-fur. Mayle you think we can't tit you ftp wll as your tailor. To those we hare this to nay: AVe want you 1o for pet all preriou opinions of ieiu(3y-mail olothlnR'" and oo roe prepared to pet exuue nw idoas. -Wljpn you cur new Plrinp Suil anfl Toj CVwtp look (rer our handatme line of Suit the beautiful pattprnp try on the coatu and e how fimart anfl fine flTtlnf they are.. Then decide for yours'. If whethta- It is worth while to jwy your tuiUir f20.(0 mire. The Making of Our Fine Suits that We Sell at $12-$15-$18 is practically the name as cutfom work. 1'here Is tbe name t-areful hand work In building up the liuinjc and stayins. which produces (.hapelineoR. The hand made collars and hand worted buttonholes pire tbe Kmart fit and finish that yotr expect only iu custom work. Men's Smart Spring Suits and Top Coats $12 00, $15.00, $18.09. $20.00 to $25.00 Cloth ing for Boys Putting the best materials into boya suits naturally means getting the bet of Ptrrice out of them. Our Line of Boys' Suits At $2, $3, $4 comprehends suit that are as good as those yon a 2 and $T..OO more for in other clothing store. We mate this state ment advisedly we know whereof we ppeak. Male the test of comparison yourself and you'll speedily arrive at the same conclusion. Compare the styles and materials, the outside, the inside and all the little details, ad our garments will posi tively come out ahead. i Mens Fsxncy Vests Worth up to $3.50 on Special Sale, Sat urday at 95 Cents. We parc.haaed from leading aaatarn manufacturer 1.800 Fancy Vest, that we bourht at one-quarter of thair orUrlnai value. Theae Veata ara made of the blyheBt arade veatlnr for eprina: and aummor wear. In all tba aewan oolortnpa. Tbey are cotialdered the arrealaM bargain we bva a r -Jven ail alaea. 14 to 4C Worth up to $3.50 choice Saturday QtDC Sale Begins Saturday at 8:30 a. m. Servfceable SflOCS For Men and Boys Men high grade nhuea made of patent Corona colt in luce, button and blur.her utj lt. ulao in s end velour calf and vkoiand Cadet kid shoe in lune and bluc-mr ptyiea. medium and hary piilee a.lao peient oolt and patent iden.1 and viol kid Clioraa. all new ana up to-date iat all abnea made on fcKt-form UiKTa eiiid b- fithera ti, St.aO and S Ntbraaka prioe BFEC1AI Wen lox and veiour calf, vld kid and roltakin Laoe Shoea aisio our celebrated "Army" Shoe, mace of call, with double eole to beel. rvery Jikir -aknajlef.d to irtve K'r:m; war roai CS" our prit"e Boy ana rnuti- Batln Calf Lace Shoe all aolld. fftvid. plump Hoi-. mad ori Lxinnon aisea 1T4i to I at HJI'; tiiaae to V aaaawaajnv'wwwa em laaai ana vim ;$3s50 th (ixutile eoie $2.00 Men's Strickly High Grade Shirts Sold at a Popular Price This gathering includes such high grade and popular fabrics as mad rap, percales, dimities, linen, psn angs in printed or woven effect. Piain or plaited negligee styles, with attached or separate link cuffs also stiff bosom shirts for dresB wear. See these dollar shirts be- JfJ QQ fore you lay in your spring supply Choice. .... Men's Underwear 45c Men'a hea-ry derby ribbed ba.ltrlgrn fridar wwar for early epriika ejomiort, ailk faoed ahtrta and auaan Uuid drawers oome in cay, ar tan onior all rtaular 7ic value at 45c w Men'a extra tin enaUty natural gray lla-bt m w welfrnt manno underwear, uaaii under garmenta made for tba aea arm'e wear. 1 wool. na EcyptlAn oottoa. H.t vaJua, at pracrinaJ 75c Men's Neckwear a C Ftnaait atiowlnx of twrw pprlna' wW beautiful oo)ririna-e of elik, ia Fnur-ln-Handa. email plaJda, apota brORaded pa uem. any haj or atyle you can think or. Tbo valnaa peckw Tecka aad and pretty I . rttimf ataaea. Te points ta MrrmeaKtta. Karth rakota. Manttoba. Ontario. Saskatchewan and Aa- j a'rlbeta. Tickets on ami by tbe Chicage Ore Wetrlrra railway every Tueaday in MArch and April. For further Information apply t Gears P. Thomas, tmneral adwart. j 1' t famaja street. Omaha. Kek. TaDtiaft with well establisByed practice ia aa saaellent boarJnti tn Bee tmlldmat t.a airaa sjawUsaaan ta af&oa, preferably phj-atfaaa. Addraaa. E ft. Be offloa. aaaw arta( ark. Tba Mlaaouii rwclBe win aeU round trip tkreta at ane fare, plua tX. On aale April 1 It aad 11: llnlt ef Orketa. U daya For -fmaaatiew rail eary etno. 6- E. earner lath ant Dauclaa arta. BW ataae aa aV-tk Dakata. Every Tamday tratu Oriabar B tba Ctu tms Oraat Weatara railway win sell rawad trip tirae ta putnte ta tbe abova named eiats a a graat veduotioa frewi tba iwuai fare. "Nar further Inforasaraaai apply ta Gee. F. Tbnani a. naw al aent. UU rr- nam creel, ohmm. Plea. A rajad taail will a (I'M ay Ot H. C Ne. ae(, aL W. A, ate Metropulitaa natl. 9d ad Uarrry sa. Suaiaay ewenjod. AprM hi. AdBUawloa her per coupi. J ajra oeiobrated but ber oa draitarhi aesay. aaaaeaid lauptM-aa- When You Arrive, You Are There The Uo k ltiland's new Chicago Terminal the La alle Street rotation is the largest, hand eKimest. most etinveniently arranged and most cen trally located dejtot in Chicago. It is only half a block from the Btard of Trade and only a block and a half from the Pott Office. All trains of all Chicago's elevated railroads stop at its doors. When you arrive in Chicago via the Kock Island j'ou are there within easy walking dis tance of the principal theaters, hotels and business etttabliabnjent s. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. JU 1323 FARNAM 8TITEET, OUAHA, NEB. r" -l r frff l.l Jkf.MtJ f i11'""''""! I'll 1 -i ' "V i'Jl t : j' ' ( ."...! t "t- -r-J I " f Thinking of buying a Chif fonier this spring? WE are kai( aiaety axu trraia. fa aUl tbe lata aalabee aad la all wraeda Here's a Bargain for Saturday Chiffonier ClT Ekeept that It baa 6 larga drawers and ne hat box, made of thor oughly aeaaoaed aeJect otA. birhly fin iahed. tup la M to. wp ty jj in. wide a chlSouier tluit is worth cmnaiderable anira money than our extra epeclbj price, fnr Saturday... 4.95 Orchard St Wilhelm a.. t a.'". l e CARPET CO. i IPil 5t BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS SHOE THE BOYS Tomca-row and let them re their new shoos broke tn on ataturday we always have three extra at tea atiea la uur ix ' department Salearmac that know bow to fit a shK to a boy's fut there a aa awful iqt ta U I E. IS a d"i c'aht tnp wo auer wr ut cf iha atooea aotd feus feet da nut gstiw rn-ilapd and .sudor Juat try a paw af eur tMys' Shuoa tnsy will pi waa a you. DltEXEL SHOE CO., Ui Ptraaa Strret. OaasWa Ua-daO xl tiai Itaasi r She Best of Everything The Only Double Track Railway o Chicago Very Low Rates ..... Mirnesota, Takota Montana, .Wa.QiBfloa. Oreroa and Canidiao Northwest On emrlous eataa la March and AprD , 1A01-1V03 FARNA.M ST. OMAHA TCL. SM-SM TWEKTIETH CENTURY FARMER A. S. ta ta 1 Caw, Utk aJkd T"f ata-laa lb Liia irk Meat.