OMAITA' DAILY BEEt RATTTRPAY, ArRIL' 0. 1004. $1250 H a w I v ' m mm nn Inn n r? n n nvn nn D It M for if I i t I. I Boys Mi I and A. V2 AT ABOUT OWE-HALF ACTUAL wm WORTH u ON SALE SATURDAY J 650 OF THE FINEST SPRING SUITS WE EVER OFFERED 'dlj , A iff , I ii ., ft -VA $1 II cwrTWHT mt IrTlirTin C3 r n i . i n dBSBBswa h ON SALE SATURDAY A' Now York Wholesale Tailors Swellest and Best Spring Suits SIX hundred and fifty fresh new suits reached us early this week. They came from a New York wholesale tailor who made them to order for one of the greatest retail houses in New York they were delivered too late the merchant refused them we bought them all at about 63c on the dollar. This is the best and most fashionable C "ready-to-put-on" clothing in New York. .They have a style elegance you rarely see even in the most expensive clothing all the spring novelties, that could never be bought in New York for less than $17.30 to f 20 choice of this complete stock at Mon's Fatrnt Calfskin Slums Men's fiatln Calf Bhoos Mon's Hos Calf and KtinRu too Calf Hlioes Men's Vl'i Blioea really worth 82. to, go at Men's OtKHijreop Wplt Box Calf Shoos Tutent Coltskln Phons Vlrl KUfc-Kanga roo Cnlf Shops and Vox Calf Bhoes Really worth $3.00, go at Men's Custom Made hoodywir We4t. F.n amel Patent VU'ls Patent Colts and Int ent Calfpkln Shoes Pox Calf. Velours Cnlf and Viol Kid Shoes roally worth M OD and 5. go at 152 2H A stylish, up-to-date all wool spring suit at $7.50. There never was a greater clothing offer for men in the history of Omaha. We bought these suits at special purchase they were all made for this spring mnm ti trade and they are the sort of suits tbat you would A expect to pay $12.50 to $15 at any store Saturday & Men's $10 and $12.50 SPRING SUITS at $7.50 Rogers-Peel" The highest grade clothing that a man & CoS. 1 can wear and the most sattlafactory that he Finest Clotll" can buy This '9 clothing that was fashion- ii- ed bv tha best manufaclursra in the Unitad $15 to $29. States every garment made in perfect taste -give you all the satisfaction of customer tailor made suits at half the price $15429 All the new TANS for men. in lace oxfords and Blucher ox fords, in lace shoes, Blucher cut shoes $3, $3.50, $5 Fine Spring Clothing for Boys and Children On Third Floor Young Men's Suits Made in the latest and best fashions for growing young men dozens of swell patterns Confirmation Suits The neatest and handsomest black, suits, all sizes, short and long pants suits, at. 13.98'$12 Hundreds of the best, prettiest and most dura ble styles of boys' suits offered in our great children's department the new Nor folks, Bail ors, and double-breasted styles latest spring at. Buster Brown Suits Here is the popular spring novelty for boys' wear no style so pretty for the little fellows we are sole agents for the "Bus- 'ZQft ter Brown' Suits at Jmmmm a Girls' Shoes ON SECOND FLOOR Child's rood Viol Kid Button and l.ace Bhoes, a doron differ ent Btyles, sizes 1 to & go at.... Child's VIH Kid Sprlnn IWI button and 1ho slums, slses 5 to 8 In 1 different styles, go Child's fine hand sewed surpas: Kid. button and Ince shovs. foot form Insts, sice 1 to 6, go at Child's or orthopedic or natural fj JJ foot form shorn, spring- heels, I A "1 "Bpeclal" glrlB' and boys' shoes. K4 to 10H and 9 to 18t. pcsitlvely Kuaruiitped, go at.. "Hpecial" Misses' (11 to 2) and Hoy (2 to &H custom made shoes every pair mads under our own personal supervision Boys Shoes 50c :;75c ;89c 1.39 d Hoys' 1.59 IN BASEMENT Over a thousand pairs rolored soft sole shun), regular 60c kind, on sals at Infanta' fancjs 25c Little Kent shoes, l.e It to it, a bar gain at SpeciaJ Sles on A Regular $2 Negligee Shirt Saturday Men's Spring Shirts aund Hais 69c The famous Lion brand shirts, made of the prettiest import ed shirtings, new patterns, with cuffs attached or de tached. An immense pur- chase or trieso line shirts at a flpeat bargain enables us ... offer .these, ge ,M,uine$2 shirts r ' r j into 01111 to uh ct I69c Stylish New Spring Shirts The swellest new outing shirts In the new white and black pat- s'h; 98c-1.50-2.00 shirts, at Spring neckwear all new, all up-to-date your choice Satur day on bargain p f? cnz i.jc-zc The prettiest neckwear of spring rill the leading A patterns and colors, .. The Popular Brandeis Special Spring Hat $2 f A The most popular spring hat in Omaha lor well dressed men all the style of a $6 hat all the quality of a $3 hat our price Boys' and children' cups latest nnd Juuntk'Ht styles, at '25c-49c-98c 9c SPECIAL. IN BASEMENT Men's and . boys' BOc. am pie caps, A . - at. 75c 98c 1.15 1.25 1.29 Good Bargains in Ladies' Shoes Girls' shoes, sizes IM.4 to ll. In box cnlf ajul vlcl kid, ri-Kuhir 41. W rrnde, at Misses' and Youths' Shoes, special today Hoys' Ghoss, pood, strong, durable shoes, every pair warranted, sizes 2V4 to EV4, at. Misses' Box Calf and Viol Kid Hhoes, regular X1.TR grades, all sizes from llVi to S. 98c 1 98 Today the last chance to get these Ladles $1. BO Don goia lace Shoes iiO styles, a bar gain, in basement ?60 LADIES' B1IOE8 at i.9S-8 different styles splemlld wearing and perfect fUtliur shoes tor women very pnlr warranted, on ale on second floor, at 2 SPECIALS at $2.60 Just W pair of .60 Kid button shoes, with plain kid tips and lutt pairs fancy kid inlaid tops lac shoes with patent tips, ko today on second floor, at THE 1904 PH1T EEZI BHOH splendid - hand turn and welt solo, surpass kid bice shoes, all sixes and widths, A to EE, Ri to 8, at.. THE NEW OXFORD TIES FOR LADIES -Another fortunate puronas of ladles' band turn and fine McKay sewed - kid - Oxford Ties, all widths, B to EE,, all sices t to 2 300 OR I. I 59 CONSIDERS CHINESE I REATY 1 Caaiaet fipesdi Tims Diaoueiinj New !' AfTMinent to B rreposed. MO CONCLUSION HAS BEEN REACHED .fjklas). lias ' Beta Infosmsd that Caaases for Beenrlnsr a Move Fa wrablo Arrancement Is I j Si .V " WA8HINOTON, April 8.-PracUcally ths pntlrs time occupied by the cabinet meet- ' Inf toda was consumed in a thorough dls cusalon of the Chinese exclusion question. China has denounced the existing treaty which will expire by limitation next De cember. It has been the hope, If not. In . Used, ths expectation of China, to nojtotluto a mors favorable treaty than that which Is now in foroe, but an Intimation has been Conveyed to the Chinese government that It Is Improbable that a treaty of a char aster more favorable to the Chinese than the "'-""a; one would be ratified by con- The discussion today developed the fact that tbe whole situation ta ctouded in doubt. It IS possible that China's denuncla tksn of the treaty muy be withdrawn, but IkS- sfBolal intimation of such action has bean reoeived by this government. The (mnresttoa la made thut another treaty may be negotiated, but the terms of It are not Indicated, beyond the fact that Its basis will be the existing treaty. No conclusion was reached at today's meeting. Secretary Cortelyou, who has had the subject under consideration, was not present, having gone to Philadelphia to at tend a meeting ot the American academy of political and social science. ' Serious consideration will be given the subject during the next few months. In the event of failure to negotiate another treaty, the Geary exclusion law will be en forced against Chinese Immigration. This Is far more drastic than the treaty. Tyaer Trial Max a. Justice Prltchard of the criminal court, has fixed May 2 as the date for the trial of former Assistant Attorney Oeneral L. N. Tyner and former Law Clerk Harrison J. Barrett of the Postofhce department for conspiracy to defraud 'the government. Would Opes ColTllle' Beservatloa. Senator Stewart today presented a favor able report of the committee on Indian af fairs on the bill to reopen the remaining portion of the Cblvllle, Wash., reservation. President Selects a Friend. The president will nominate James R. Parsons, Jr., as United States consul gen eral to the City of Mexico, vice A. D. Bar low, resigned. This is a personal appoint ment of the president. Mr. Parsons is a distinguished educator, 42 years old and a native of Albany, N. T. Democrats C'oasratnlato Hepbnrn. The house committee on Interstate and foreign commerce today agreed to a resolu tion presented , by Representative Richard son of Alabama, on behalf of the minority members congratulating Chairman Hep burn of Iowa on receiving the nomination to the Fifty-ninth congress. Especially the i WML Li of Virginia. For JJright's Disease, Albuminuric,, Renal Calculi, Gout. Rheumatism &nd All Diseases Dependent Upon a Uric Acid Diathesis. Samuel O. L. Potter, A. M., M.D., M.R.C. P., London, Pro fttsor nf tke IViMcipus and Practitt of Mediant and CUntcai Mtdicine in tk CoUegt of Physicians and Surgeons of San Francisco, Cat., in his "Hand Book of Materia Medics, Pharmacy and Therapeutics," in the citation of te medics under the bead of "Chronic Blight's Disease," says: "Mineral SI'S; Buffalo LmnA V&itr a-SS A. 5 r"L7.' "EUFFALO LlTinA Y:1TR SLKtf.!' recom' Qoorcj H alsted Doyland, A. M., M. D., of Paris, Doctor of Medi ttnt, of the Faculty a f Parts, in tht New York Medical Journal, August aa, I8g6, says: "There is no remedy as absolutely specific in all forms of .foA';"; DuiTrUOUTiiiAlton?, Spring No. a. accompanied by s milk diet. In all cases of pregnancy, where albumin i found in the urine, as late as the last week before confinement, if this water and a milk diet sre prescribed, the albumin disappears rapidly from the urine and the patient has s positive guarantee against puerperal convulsions.'' T. Grlswold Com stock, A.M., M.D., f St. Louis. Mo., eaysi "I es2 BUFFALO UnOAVZrtlTR JSa Calculi, Accompanied by Renal Colic, and always with the most satisfactory results. la Renal Calculi, where there is an excess of Uric Acid, it is specially efjescioos." " Medical testimony which defies all Imputation or question mailed to any address. TJIFALO UTinA VASTER ifSy " ; Hotel opens Juno 13th. , Fj1QPHICTor Buffalo LJTHIA SPRIItcisJfA.. DESERT I,A.D LAWI IS TO STASD Iloose Committee Decides to Report Adversely on Repeal Bill. WASHINGTON, April 8. By a vote of 8 to 8 the house committee on Irrigation ot arid lands today defeated the bill to repeal the desert land laws. Those voting against the bill were Chairman MondeU of Wyom ing and Representatives Terrell (Mass.), Dwlght (N. Y.), Marshall (Ind.). William son (Ore.), Cooper (Pa.), Hitchcock (Neb.), and Bell (Cel.). Those in favor of the repeal were Rep tescntattves Reeder (Kan.), Vanduser (Nev.) and Underwood (Ala.). The vote was taken after protracted hearings. HOITH DAKOTA ALSO GETS STORM Said to Be Most Severe Ever Known at This Season. MITCHELL 8. D., April 8. (Special Tel egram.) A snowstorm, which for severity has never been equalled !n this section at this time of the year, has been In progress for the past twenty-four hours. No dam age to stock has been reported. Cattle and all other stock In this section are well provided with shelter for such emergency and no loss will be sustained. Farmers wore forced to retire from the fields where they were sowing wheat and it will be a week before they can resume work, as the ground will be unusually wet on ac count of a heavy rain which preceded the snowstorm. The storm 1b slowly subsiding tonight. The roads In the country are drifted badly. YANKTON. S. D., April (.(Special Telo gram.) The worst storm at the season has been raging here all day. Rain and snow with a terrific windstorm broke a four weeks' drouth and will be very beneficial. MEASURE IS MISUNDERSTOOD Representative Clay on Explain! Hepbnrn Dolliver Liquor Bill. Pytblans to Hold Meetln. ( MITCHELL. S. D., April 8.-(8peclal.)-On Wednesday of next week a district meeting of the Knights of Pythias will be held In this city and visitors are expected from each of the eight counties in the fourth ciroult. The various degrees of the order will be worked and a banquet will be spread for the visitors. On Tuesday evening of next week a district meeting of the Degree of Honor will also be held In this city, comprised of eight of the surrounding towns. In ths afternoon a number of papers will be read on the good of the order and In ths evening the regu lar work of the Degree of Honor will be exemplified by the Mitchell lodge. Soath Dakota Rd Men Meet. MITCHELL. S. D.. April I (Special.) The Red Men of this section of the state had the most successful meeting In this city that has ever been held outside of the state gathering. The Slous Falls degree team and the Second regiment band, the degree team of Yankton and visitors from Chamberlain. Redneld. TyndaU. St. Paul, Brookings, DeSrast and Salem were pres ent, there being fully 180 In the number. All bat two of the head officers of the state tribe were here to participate In the Initiation of a class of eighty-eight pale taoes, which is the largest class ever takes In by any tribe) In the state. OH Prices Are Uww, PITTBBimO. April 8. The Standard Oil company again redueed Its quotations on sll grades ot oil, exoept Ragland. today. The quotations follow: Pennsylvania, 1&; Tlona. 1 W; Coming, VeYl Newcastle, 1U; CaWI. L: Vortk Lima, 1 IS: Pouts. Lima, TAKES AWAY NO INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS Supposed by Nome Measure Abrogated Right of Cltlsen to Have Bev erages Shipped II till from Another State. WASHINGTON. April 8 The report fa voring the passage of the Hepburn-Dolllver bill granting states police power over origi nal packages of liquor shipped within their borders as Interstate commerce, was filed in the house today by Representative Clay ton of Alabama. The report says: There has urison considerable mlsuppre henslon as to the meaning and purpose of this proposed legislation. If has bten snld by koine to be a prohibition measure and by others to be nn attempt to deprive the individual cltlsen of the right to have beer, wine and other liquors shipped to him from another state for IiIb u;i use tind enjoy ment. Neither of i)ae assertions is true. This bill Is not !ntrniled to prohibit the sale and URe of beer, wine and other Intoxi cating liquors which have been uniformly held by the I'nited Btutes to bo legitimate articles f commerce, nor is the measure designed to abridge the right of a cltlsen of one state to Import from another slate such beverages a he may desire for his own use. The purpose of this proposed law and Its sole purpose Is to allow each state to carry out Its own domestic or Internal policy In regard to the control of Intoxicating bev erages within the boundaries of the state. The sole effect will be to permit the suite. If it so wills, to circumscribe the sale of Intoxicating beverages within Us boundaries to the full extent that It muy desire to re strain such trattlc or to regulate the sale of the same through the medium of its own laws culled local option laws, high license laws or dispensary laws. Views on Statehood Bill. Majority and minority views on the state hood bill recently reported from the house committee on territories were tiled today by Representatives Hamilton of Michigan and Moon of Tennessee respectively. Mr. Hamilton reviews the provisions of the bill at length and urges the necessity and Jus tice of admitting the four territories as two states. The minority views are signed by Representatives Moon, Lloyd, Robinson ot Indiana and Tliayer. Conference Report Submitted. The conference report on the Indian ap propriation bill was submitted In the son ate today. The bill as passed by the sen ate, carried an Increase ot 82,877,563 over the bill as passed by the house. Of this Increase the house conferees agreed to 81.806,738 and the senate receded from 81,271,177. The bill adopted as reported from conference carries t.IH7,M0. Senate Confirms Nominations. The senate today confirmed the following nominations: Postmasters Nebraska, Joseph O. Alden, Auroral Thomas J. Taylor, Wither; L. V. Btyles, St, Edward; A. D. McNeer, Blue Hill. Oklahoma, Jaoob Plunkett, Cushlng. Kansas, Henry C. Abbott, Leroy. Also promotions In ths army. B1U to Aid ImnUsnraats. Sanatos Dillingham today reported favor ably fioin the committee on Immigration a Mil to authorise the commissioner gen eral to establish In connection with the Immigrant station at Ellis Ialajid, a bureau of Information to aid Immigrants in de termining where they should locals. The Information to be furnished Is to relate te the resources ot each state and territory, the character of the climate and soil, the prlu of laud, the uppuituulUea of employ BMUa fiJfc. S51 AL4 knltOU Au thorized to maintain at Its own expense an agent to represent It at Elllf. Island. Improvements at Fort McKensle. SHERIDAN. Wyo., April 8. (Special.) The deeds for the right-of-way for the new government pipe line to be constructed for Fort McKensle have all been secured. They were forwarded to Washington, and Constructing Quartermaster Swobe, as soon as he receives instructions, will ad vertise for bids. An appropriation of $82,000 has been set aside for this work, which will be completed as soon as possi ble. Orders have been received by Quar termaster Bwobe to advertise for bids for the construction of a new brick hospital for Fort McKensle. The new building la to bo large enough to accommodate twenty patients and will cost about 120,000 when completed. Stors Bock Beer. Storz' celebrated Bock Beer on draught on and after Saturday, April t. To get It in bottles, by the case, for your home, 'phone 1200. Capture I'ostotflce Robbers. SHERIDAN, Wyo., April 8. (Special Ed Thorp snd drover Brannen were bound over to the United States court on ths charge of postofnee robbery. The men were captured by Deputy United States Marshal Joe LaFors, who had been working on ths cuse for some time. One night last Janu ary Postmaster Lalng of Clearmont was held up by three unknown men. One mua pointed a pistol et him. while the other grabbed a satchel Jie carried, containing money and stamps. Lalng put up a fight and wrenched the gun from ths hands of the robber and then put the gang to flight. Chamberlain's c-oasti Remedy, the Mothers' 1 avorlte. This remedy has won the confidence snd esteem of mothers all over the country. It has been In use for over thirty years, dur ing which time many million bottles have been used. There is nothing so prompt and effectual as this remedy for the relief and cure of coughs and colds and In ths treat ment of croup It Is the main reliance In many homes, while Its use In cases of whooping cough shows that It robs that disease ot sll dangerous results. It con tains nothing Injurious snd there Is no dan ger In giving it to children. Sheridan to Have Library, SHERIDAN, Wyo., April 8. (Special) It Is now a certainty that Sheridan will have a free public library. The committee from the Commercial club Is now at work trying to secure a suitable site for the building. The offer as made by Mr. Car negie to . donate il200 if a site could be secured and an annual fund of 81.260 set aside for Its maintenance will be accepted just as soon as a site Is selected. The county commlsslonars report that they will make the necessary levy, so It la up to the city to provide a good location. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment curt JProMtbisea sum! Caalblsdstf as iter Mustang Liniment Dae ttilnjr tor laana kora. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment driyca out yll LaJajrirnatUa TJhiskey and. Beer Erllabit PERMANENTLY CURED BY . 8 8 ORRINE," ABSOLUTELY SAFE. SURE AND HARMLESS. Physicians pronounce drunkenness s disease of ths nervous system, creating a morUf Craving for a stimulant. Continued indulgence In whiskey, beer or wine en away ths stomach lining and stupefies the digestive organs,-thus destroying ths dikef.tioo sad raining the health. No "will power' caa Seal too Inflamed stomach membranes. "ORRINE" permanently removes the craving for liquor by acting directly on ths affected nerves, restoring the stomach and digestive organs to normal conditions, improving the appetite and restoring the health, . Caa be given secxetlj 11 desired. Cure Effected or Money Refunded. Ask jroar druggist wham you know what he thinks of ORRINE; he will Indorss car statements ss truthful m every respect. If ORRINE fsils to cure we will refund yoa every penny paid for it as cheerfully as we took it. No Sanitarium Treatment or Publicity! No A baa no from home) or loss of timet Mothers, wives snd sisters, yon cannot care those who sre afflicted with this most terrible of sll diseases by your fervent prayers, or eyes red with tears, nor by your nope that tbey may stop drinktpg. It can be done only with OR KIN E. You have the remedy will yon use it ? If youdeslretAcurewithouttheknowledgeof thepatient, buy ORRINE No. 1; If the patient desires to be cured of his own free will, buy ORRINE No. ft. Full directions loud in each package. Price f I per box. We will gldly furnish a treatment free of cost to say physician cSvfr M& So demonstrate that Orrlas Is a positive specific for drnokeasess, aSavl , r All Correspondence Confidential. "For free book Treatise on Drunkenness snd how to Cure it write to THE ORRINE CO INC. WASHINGTON, D. C, or call pn Shermin & McConneil Drug Co., Cor 16th & Dodge Omaha Geo. S. Davis, Druggist, Council Bluffs, Iowa. 5 350 s. if MAKES LIFE'S WALK EASY TRADE-HARK. A fcboe for all sorts sod conditions of men snd partioulsrly those who sppreeiate thorough eomiort lor the reel. YOUR tUaler doe ao( kttp them, turtle ma, J ssiU tell you svAo does. Lewis A. Crossett, Inc NORTH ABINGTON. MaSS. JET 7 MEXICAN Mustang Liniment for Msu, Besust or Poultry. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Old Save qalckly. MKXTCAJI Mustang Liniment cur Carta, limrmn, Urn I nee, MRXICAM Mustang Liniment etu'asi Sprain sad Strmina, MEXICAN I MEXICAN Mustang Liniment j Mustang Liniment I Cued UddaA- itl gems I u & wUle cmre for Pllan - H