IS THE ll.LUSTUATHD DICE. April 3, 1004. ! 1 ) i I I S. I- MT; A, ,? M'' '-:! !! Jl 0 P ' i ". . j". i""' . n ! i r '"r-iV iiLniw'W'1'' '' r";''r: '' . 'Ii'"il'fif 0 ft - r : ? w- -s- 3 4 at 1 . r 1 -1 i mi ? 1 -I I It-, J TIIKKK COLOSSAL EXIIIIMT PALACES isiatia I0xusi)i(n Company. AT THE ST. LOUIS WOISLD'JS FA I II. From a Photo, Copyright, 1004, by the Lou- IIM view In tlu licnrt of llif Worlil's fiilr nt St. I.ouU funvcys nn ilt;l of t li roiiiph'Irni'HH of lln Hl'i'dt exposition. Sotn Men of 11lt hI.c of (In- l)iiililliiH shown 111 llio pirlntv may lx t' from tho fuel Unit tln 'iirniri lines mv sixty-live feet liiuli. The corner tower of the 1'iiliiee of Klet trieity In the center of the picture is lotl feet high. Tins buiUliiiK covers elj;lit ui-ii-K. The l'lazu of St. Louis which septi- Carpenter's Letter (('onl limed frum I'iiro Twelve.) With th cmiloyer8, they now receive a minimum whk of from t'.t to I'i lur day, nerorilhiK to the locality where they work. The minimum wan' In New Knlaixl Is VI. ami men are pai.l IiIkIkt than that ai'cunl liiK to tlielr skill. In Ituttc City the lowest wae In W n day, iml in Helena, Great Falls and Kjiokane tT a il.iy. In soii)e other lilaces It Is H.fKl ami $1, hut where tho we Ken are IiIk'i the maximum ami minimum rates nre about the same." "Mow about hours?" I asked. "We have the elKhl-hour ilay all over the tTnlteil Htates," was the reply. "Do you mean to say that the men who rut Krunite In llutte City get 91 lor elKht hours' work?" "Yes, that Is Just what I mean," replied Hecretaly Duncan. "Hut waxes of all sorts nre hlh there. As Tor the hours, we have been IlKhliiiK for the elKht-lmur day lor 11 Ioiik time. We tried to ni t It throiiKh eon Kiess, ami are trying sllll. In lsHT we Kot tired of w.iitimt. and we tin n notllled our employers that we i-hotild Insist upon tin' rlKht-hour day bi-Kinulir; with the sprint? of lWO. Hefore then onl; one-third of our Men wi re woikiun cIkIH hours. Since then wo have all had that d:iy, and that with lucreaseil iroilt to ourselves and our em iloy rs." "What ilo you mean by Increased prolit, Mr. Duncan?" 1 aski'd. "I mean that the workman Is better off nnd that the employer Kcts more out of his work in the eiuht hours than lie formerly did in the nine hours. WaRcs have risen us much as S per ci nt, but nevertheleps the product is chi apiT than It was uik1 r the Ioiik hours and lower waKcs." "That founds like a fairy story. Mr. Dun ran," said I. "It may sound bo to you," was the re ply, "hut It Is a (rue story nevertheless. You must remember that granite cuttluii Is hard work, und at the sanie time work that demands n hlnh skill and great m -curacy. To do It widl caie must be fresh and not tired out. In the Ioiik hours, as noon approached, the men were played out nnd they had to loaf or try to save them selves for the rest of the day. Now they put in only four hours in the morniiiK. and ufter the noon rest k In and work for the remainder of the day. The employer are now Inteiested in seeiiiK that the men have better tools, and that the cheaper and rougher work is done by In Ipers. At any rate they have systematized mutters en thai the product is as Kreat or grenter durinif an elnM hour day Ihiu It was lit the nice-hour day of the past. One of the largest employers at Ha! re. Vt . where about I Ino of our men havu regular work, recently told me that not only had his output been greater under the eight-hour day. but that the character of the work was finer." "Do you think the time will ever come hen the eight-hour day wlil be the rulo for all classes of our mechanics?" 'I do." replied James Duncan "It is s.i now In many of the trsdes. and It will be o as time goes on." "What does It cost to belong to the granite cutters? ' I asked. "The Initiation fee Is from $2 to replied Secretary Diimau. "A dilTereiiei Is made In accordance with the standing of the applicant toward oi g inized labor In tin' past. If a man has been lighting us and asks to Join he might be punished for the past by a high Initiation fee, but the ordinary fee Is under fa. Apprentices pay only "What are your d:;es?" "They are now 70 cents a month." "I low do you spi ral the mniiiy?" "The most of it goes to Support our peo ple In ease of strikes ami lockouts. Wo pay our men when they are out of work on such nccouiila, und we also have a death l.cncllt of 1J.'. One of our mem bers who died recently had Joined tho union only tlree weeks mother was Immediately which bis death entitled strike and lockout funds, on. minus amoi.nt din Inn before. Ills old paid the $1L'5 to her. As to our we paid out an the lockout of rates tho rnliicv of Kloctrlelfy from tho Tiilnoo of Ktlticntion, pppn in tho right of tho picture. Is 'IM feet neross. The urny stone bottom of the grainl basin I ttlso noieil. The l':i lace of Manufactures, in the distance, Is ."(lo feet beyond 1 1n Talnce of IMuciitlon nnil covers fourteen ncrew. The view id from the west fiile of the disable gardens, looking north. Trees Survive Fire In the burned district there are two trees Which, though having been subjected to a heat which melted iron and caused strong buildings to crumble and fall, arc still standing and are apparently uninjured. One is on Frederick street, near Baltimore street, just opposite the site of the Odeon theater, and the other is In the rear of the ruins of the Southern Kloctrlc com pany's place, on Fayette street, near Cal vert street. The tree on Frederick street is in remarkably good condition, and does not In the least show the effects of tire, al though the heat at that point must have been Intense, as not a building In that sec tion was left standing. The limbs nnd lv.i-'. At thai time we used up all tho money we had in ti e treasury and then is sued promissory nobs to those who still held out. agreeing to pay them out of the first money that i-ime Inlo the treas ury. Those miles amounted to more thin JLTH.IHO. It to. k us live jcars to pay them, but we did it." "Do you think, Mr. Duncan, that Hip mivi'lirrs of your unMn get the worth of their money?" "I certainly do," n piled 8-eretary Dun can. "There l-i no investment in the world that has paid better than that of our mem bers In I lie National I'nlon of (iramle Clt-t-'is. Take New Fnglai.d, for Instance. In that patt of the country we are strong! st and there about one-third of our nvml ers live. For easy llgtn lug We will supimso tin re are G.Ona granite cutters there. Now let me show you what those .'i.(r0 men have gotten out of the union In the fifteen years from lssS to I! 00. During that time the average increase of wages lias been eipiil to 75 cents per day. This on 5.(00 nun means a gain of $3.7."s per day nnd figuring 3m working days to the year of tt.l'Jfi.w) u year. Multiply that by the fifteen years and you have a gross gain of flii.S75,oi. "Now take th- expenses. The dues paid during that time were only lia cents a month sr man. which In the fifteen years made a total of fr.ia.ioo for the 5,nn) men. SuKract that and you hive a ml gain of J In. i'..i oo. ami all that from an investment of a little more than f.lnri.eurt. "In other words, we have made our f.r.l1, rce Investment pay us J.ili) sr cent and have reolved fJ75.CflO to boot, or more than half of all we have put In. I venture that very few of the big trusts can Dhow as proiltable return). "In addition to this," concluded Mr. Dun ran, "we have reduced our working time two hours per day, we have established cash payments, we have alu'lished com pany stores and we have provided that our paydays shall lie regular. Yes, I think we may say that the granite cutters have more than Kotten the worth of their money. FKANK. G. CAItl'KNTKtt. Rheumatism The Treatment That Hat Cured Thonua's or Chronic Ir.tali r, Without Cod. THY IT FRED ThnuHands of chronic utTt rr nt from rheu mat I xin huvt thrown wy tht'tr irult'hes ami been comj.lctt ly rureij by t lie lr. Jfhb Treatment, the only diet o very ttidt intuitively rihb to th very wit of the dit as' and drives every vfsttKe of pul ion fro'ii the ay.-fem. lr Jebb nmlb that no two eaxetf of rheuniHtUm ir ex act ly alike, and pre prt fcptt-iul reme riio for each cae. Why tipentj time ami money on ptix k pre- a rlptlon. all tlippeo from the Mine bar rel ? Patent mi di et nm are a lottery. They may help but more often Injur, ffnmetimea bet nnd r lenpt Inn. The Pr. Jebb treat ment is rure. Mie, ami It rtlve. We oue h'liidr dM where other eure me, b" mine e t reat t he I ml i vidua) nae. Writ u a ililn. honeat lett r, telilnK truthlully your ennd.tion, and how Iopr ynu have had rheumatism. Vpun net Ipt of viur tetter. W w 11 wnd you by prepaid mat I KKKK OK ALL ( (1ST. a trial treat ment, put up tfP' eially for your indivblual rase. lon t aufTer louicr when health and happlneaa la I'hin your xrasp Writ ua today, and ins trial treatment that will vtart vou nn the road to health wilt h vent at o ct. Ablrtsa the .!( it Kennedy., Ltd , itt Kingman llldg , 1 la lie i r.ek, Mich. branches of tho other troft wore burned to Home exjiont and it wan almost completely burled beneath a great pile of debria. BaltU more American. PILES Without the Knife. Trial Treatment Free A new method of home treatment, originated hf the famous Dr. Jebb. Nn two cases of piles are ex artly alike. We plve each patient special treatment. So atiK'k prcacription made up by the barrel can cure piles. Write ua a plain, honest letter, telling yuttr exact symptom, and a special i ample treatment Mill he pn pared for ynu and sent free of alt cost. Ion't suffer from piles. Write toJay and receive our rtrial treatment free. Addr.nn Jtbb Remedy Co., Ltd., 7 Main St., liattle Cretk, Icti. T prove that Any Lady can I GET A SUPERB FIGURE with wplSileveloppd bust I iM-aunrui nT:. prvity orm. ami wo will m'lid lirHiinfa. u Irlul treat incut uf Ur. lill)' Nrnrl m vic. iiiier, Albilulf I I trvi. Till ruuirk jIiIh run I n. i .ui nil noilow pim'in.i nut liy faUo (timulatiuK. but I I'T reachliiK the cuu ofi tlie Imuliie. It alio liulldal up llie wlmlH t liyKltul ) iin, rtau' new eueigy eLrenirtlifiiu the nervem. re tnrea nit attM'lru"tfe 4'' yutli anit makes iuh figure ucrffi-t III i..itlvely ei laru-o thfl l.uat from 2 to el qi-.h. tttia iiuin'nTe Mio ouiniiiHxiiiu. w rue to I Iht for our t'HElI THKAi'MKKT. mil iialiii," lUutrute4 fruiu life, kd! iu ec&leu pot'caiti. '. i.. jom:s oi i:ik itrnitr uiiir.,i hiiuira, i. "Hon't lie Sa Thlti" reoieUitie an sold by I Shtnnan & M Connell Iirun fo. , forcer 16th I ana PoOiee StreflH, Oirutrut, Neb. S200. A MONTH Una reliant man or woman in ach county a maiictr, to exhibit, tube ordora and up poiut uiienta for llurriaon'a (tl-laa Htovus for ouokiua and bwixuiir. Wonderful in. venium. Automaiicnlly fn rte fuel gu from kroenne on. miniatur)UB Work a. Ab solutely aafe. Lnnrnioua de- Mkly. luel. L'at. too 4i y. HerU Mf. 6a 7 World Bldg ClneinMtL O. r.i t 'i ii f -T 1 lnln'1- I nounanuiiaoia ti AU It HH I lhpt, clanoMI, wifMt K'-TK ftinJ Oo.ioa..r. t.hhud. ( " ,i. Elm Incubators. 30 Oay Trial Johnson's Old Trusty. California Red Wood fuses. New oil Bavins, perfect leg ulatiiiK kteatiui; KVMtfin. A live year Kuaraoteo with every Diaoliiue Write to Juiiiisun. the iiioiilmtoriiiaD, and tlud out about the Oreat tlO.OO Special Offer. Sew iataliKuu lth wit. pmiury and inruhalluu reirJ. Km-p n-,kt UU the bel t. Clrnly o iKHikt. Th. r re treo. Qvek Iklemaal, aaeataHv. M. m. JOHNSON. Clay Canter, Nab. n THE HALFTONE PLATES FURNISHED THE ILLVSTRATED BED AreEnraVedbv the BAKER BFOS. EMGMVIiG CO. OMAHA.