Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Tel. j-m.
"A lanch la worth
fcaadred iroant
la ear
in Our Cloak Department.
LADIES' SHIRT WAIST9-Jut receive d-nw, miiliu.ii weight vetting. Polka dot
rTct, yoke front; extra valur, 't SI 00 each. ,
LADIE8' BIlJRT WAISTS In fine dainty lawn, at $100 each.
LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS In choice. novelty effects, from H.00 to MO. 00.
BLACK BILK COATS. 42 Inche long, mads In Una Taffeta Bilk, at 112.50.
RAIN COATS, the new Blouse effect, an entirely neat etyle; price, I18.CU..
DRESS SKIRTS, In twine cloth, new Colonial affect, at $16.00.
WALKING SKIRTS, which are cut properly and hang.aa a perfect aklrt should,
fitted with' care; many new styles, fn m IS 1(1 to IU60.
LADIES' FINB TAILOR-MADE BUITB-Thls haa been great ault aeaaon with
lS. Ladle are realising mora and nun that It not true economy to buy the poor
Ill-made and lll-flltlng ult sold a great bargain In many atorea and are now
buying their anlta from Where there I no chance of making a selection, unscru
pulous tailors can make up a suit at a low price which will look well for a FEW
DATS, after which they allow up In their true colore, often to the sorrow of . tha
wearer. Every ault which wa aell 1 of -the beat material, of the . best workmanship
and fitted by the best people. Our price for really good suits are cheap
120 00, 123.(0. $21.0J, $2 80, W.V $.'(6 00 and $40.00
. buy rial y good suits.
TETTICOAT8 In black mercerised Sateen at $1.00, $1.50, $1.71 and $1.95.
PETTICOATS In Pine Black colored Taffetta Silk at It. 00, $7.40, $8.73 and $10 Uu
Valuers' Real French Kid Cloves, t 1P. oversea m stitch
mode, brown; also black and white $1.50 and lii.00 per pair.
Foster's 4-hook lace glove, beautiful
gray, black and white $l.f.O and Ik'.O) per .
P. A L. Kid OtoVea, brown, mode, gray,
tb market today $1. OA per pair.
Kayaer'a Silk Olovea for spring are now ready He, Too and $1.00 per I''f.
Kid Gloves for Easter, .
TlH!mlELIM $&
Y. M. C. A. Building. Corner Sixteenth and Douglas St.
(Continued from pint Page.)
take oppoalta directions, and In the event
of a break the damage would be
beyend description. The state waa en
gaged from 18H7 to IMS In constructing thla
great lake, and It baa been the scene of
many troubles. ,
ST. MARTS, O, April 1. Although the
report that the dam of the St. Marys rta
ervolr ha given way I untrue, the water
Is higher at this time than It has been for
many years. Only heavy winds for the
next 'forty-eight hours would, however,
give, cause for uneasiness. The banks are
In good condition. At just one point, the
southeast oorner, la there likely to be a
washout. That portion Is being closely
watched and a large gang of men art
working, there. The water la still rising,
but If there I no more rain there will be
a ' fall soon.
Tha St. Marys river Is higher than for
many yeara and Is doing much damige to
railroad property. Many big washouts are
reported along tha llrje. Business has
practically been suspertded. The w.iolen
mills, machine shops and foundries have
all closed' down until the wster subsides.
Many families living on lowlands wero
compelled to move out. The whole sur
rounding country la under water.
Affect Twa Thousand.
LIMA, O.. April l.-There ar 2,000 peo
ple either homeless or confined to tha sec
ond stories or roofs of their home to es
cape the floods from, the Ottawa river.
Fully COO houses are aubmerged and many
have been waifhed from their foundation:
In many cases where people lived In one
story house they wora. taken . from I ha
roof by rescuer, Many narrow escape
from drowning were reported. Several of
the ; largest manufacturing plants In the
city ar under wates and. will suffer heavy
losssa. Tha La Ban sanitarium, filled with
patient, ha fouj! feet of water over the
first floor, and all patient, many of thoni
dangerously 111, liavo been huddled Into
room on the eocond floor,
A family nnmed Stewart on South Tina
street wa driven to the second story and
later Mrs. Stewart shouted to a rescuing
party that a daughter had Just died from
pneumonia, the husband waa near death
with consumption and that two other chil.
Easter Clothes
for Every Young Body
: ' The sort everyboly likfa -ra prlco3 you ilk to pay
Corns early. Stofd OpstJ 730 to JO Corns early
Theater tickets free Base ball ticket later,
ij f.Msj.f .JU - ii'".;J'W
A J9
' r
Omaha Bc Exposition Coupon
A Trip to St. Louis via The Wabash
g Pe Vote for.
i.UT THII OUT-Dapoatt at Be OfBe or mall ta "Exposition Department."
mnnha Ue, Omaha, NsUrasks.
Omaha Bee Exposition Coupta
A Trip to St. Louis via The Wabash
Vot Ut.
AtfdrM ,
Towa, ,
Seal lt t (name).
Tttla boudob. ekes a ooocn pealed ky a ch arepald subscription
all It vulva toe each It paid, i vote f of ch dollar pa4d. U
A aubaertuUoa eejtnot fca arepaid uatil the au.uunt due to a4
t at bo OSSutt ut wail to "KapoetUoa (Mpartiaot.-
Be. ApMT'1.
Some of the
Choice Things for
Saturday's Selling
soft and pliable kid atock
brown, mode,
black and whits tha best glova value
dren wero 111 with pneumonia. Trepara
tlona are being made to assist them, though
to do so will Incur great dangef. '
UPPF.R SANDt'SKT, O., April l.-Thre
and one-half Inches of rain fell In this
vicinity last night, resulting In unprece
dented Woods. The loss will be heavy.
INDIANAPOLIS. April l.-Heavy ralna
and a rapid rise )n Streams have almost
duplicated the flood rondlrlona of a week
ago In Indianapolis. At Broad Rrpple the
river Is vUlnx at thd rata of throe Inches
en hour. The watef Is over the' levee near
the Michigan street bridge and began to
flood the residence part. The police were
ordered to warn tha people living In the
lowland. ' v ...
Actor and singera must prevent rore
throats. They have used Plan's Cure 40 yrs.
Howarri-Jnaee. '
BEATRICE, Neb., April t-8peelal )
The man luge of Mr. Timothy Howard of
Hoag and Miss Myrtle Jones of this city
ws solemnised yesterday at the Bipllst
parsonage, Rev. J. W. Merrill officiating.
le young fouple will mak . their home .
ar Ellis, this county. ' I
PAPILLION, Neb., April l.-MSpeclal)-Mlaa
Mattla Hoyt and Garfield Chapman
wer married yesterday at the Methodist
parsonage. Rev. Robinson, Officiating. Both
ar well known throughout tha county:
Wellaar-FrancWo, '
OLENVILLE, Neb., April l-WSpectal.)
Promptly at 7:S0 p. m., March $0, with about
forty giiastr present, Miss Lydla 'Weilage
and Mr. Bruce Francisco were united In
marriage:, 'Rev.-Andrew of Irrt,cfflrTMfssnl- "district,' will not be dVclded'by
lng. The band boys of Olenvllle serenaded
them; Jtefraahmenta were- servod andMrre
evening waa delightfully apent. The bride
and groom are well .known and highly re
spected. They will make thelr home three
mllea eat of Harvard. "
Bolls, Sores aad Faloas .
Find prompt, sura cure , In Bucklen'a
Arnica Salve, also eczema, salt rheum,
burna, bruise and piles, or no pay. c.
For eale by Kuhn A Co.
Snorters Help Wheat.
GENEVA, Neb., April I-(8pclal.)-The
late showers have helped the wheat finely
and tha grass I getting green.
and Togs
8t at.
aaa baea paj.
w m
afambert Eipreti Eat tfaotioo fltn Doii!on
of tit rrtocB Court.
Itoekkeldera ef Cumwaar Will Meat
April to, at Wkleh Tlsne rial
Actios Will Be Takea aa
to tkt Sale.
WASHINGTON, April l.-A considerable
part of today's aeseion of tha cabinet waa
devoted to a discussion of the situation re
lating to the Panama canal. Satisfaction
wa expressed that the French court, by
it decision agalnat tha Colombian govern
ment, had made ft possible for the United
States t6 close negotiations with the Pan
ama Canal company for tha transfer of Its
property and concessions to this country.
That no delay of an unnecessary nature
la now Expected wa evidence; iv a cable-'
gram read by Attorney General Knnx, In
forming the cabinet that a meeting of the
Stockholder of the xanal company had
been called for April 23. At that time tha
final action will be taken by tha company
In the actual transfer of tha canal prop
erty to the United States.
When the legal technicalities have been
compiled with on the part of the company
to the satisfaction of Assistant Attorneys
General Day and Russell, who are In Parla
as representatives of this government, the
L'nlted States will be in a position to pay
over to the company tne $10,000,000 for the
canal property. At the aame time $10,000,000
will be paid to the Republic of Panama.
Of the necessary amoants $30,000,OMi are on
deposit In New Tork, subject to the order
of Secretary Shaw. The remaining $2t).00,
000 will h paid out of the current funds
of ihe treasury. While the receipts of the
government each month now ar exceed
ing the expenditures. It Is just possible that
Secretary Shaw may Issue an additional
call upon the National bank depositories
In order that the treasury may meet the
payment of the I30.0o0.0on without drawing
too heavily upon the funds now In tha
Government May Build Road.
The house committee on Insular affairs
today authorised a favorable report on the
Cooper bill for the Issuance of bonds for
municipal Improvements in the Philippine,
and guaranteeing .inlerost on capital to be
invested In railroad construction' In those
The bill wa amended so a to alternate
the. proposition last presented by Secretary
Taft. that if , private capital did not seek
Investment In. the Islands tha proponed
roads might . be lill by the government
and leased for operation. .
Chalrmtn Cooper an Id the committee be
lieve It would be tetter to first n:uke n
effort to secure the investment of private
capital and should this not be successful
Ihe provision for government constnicllo'i
could be resorted to through . additional
The bond provision for municipal Im
provementa limits the isaue to $5,000,000 in-
V" '""" as nr., propu. i ns
Interest to be paid on these bond Is re-
iiuiii o i u ny per cem. inv ocnnm
(nation of silver rrrttfleate authorised to
be Isaued are HmltcT from I peer to 500
Instead tif from I to 1,000. Otherwise the
bill waa reported 'as heretofore given. A
minority report will be made by member
opposing-the bill. - ' , ..
Itntler Case May Go. Over,
Adcordltig to the pplnlph of . Chairman
Olmstead of the house committee on elec
tions Ho. the contested election cat of
Reynold tigs Inst Butter," frorn the'Twelfttf
tnat-txunmltte at this session of eOngrens.
Failura to get a quorum of tktr cdmmttlee
I given a tho cause.-.' . : .-i.
Lealalniarp for Hawaii.
iBenator" Foraker today Introduced a' Mil
fo amend the act providing for a govern
ment for the territory of Hawaii, prescrib
ing tha manner of appointing public offi
cials and for their' removal for causa by
tha governor.
Committee Reports Statehood Bill.'
A. favorable report waa authorised today
on tha bill granting statehood to Okla-
homa and Indian Territory under the name
of Oklahoma, and Arlsona and New Mex
ico . unjer tha name ' of Arlsona by tha
lunise eommlMeK on territories. The bill Is
o b. reported substantially a drawn by
tha Republican member .of the subcom
mittee. Tha report wa authorised without
a roll call of the committee, but the dem
ocrat! member reserved the sight to pre
sent a minority report." .
Committee Assumes Jariadletloa.
'Th controversy In the- house committee
on Irrigation of arid lands over the repeai
of the desert land law pending at the ad
journment of the meeting Wednesday waa
settled today. The committee, by a vote
0f' to $, ' overruled the decision of th
chairman that the committee did not have
Jurisdiction over this question.
Accept Harlow's Designation.
The State department has repelved th
resignation of Andrew D. Barlow, l-'nited
States consul general at Mexico, an1 ha
accepted JtNp syccfssior has as yet boon
(Continued frpm First Page.)
and certififation may be bad from tint
crtary of the local board rf rxtmlne .
MU Viola Coffin, Captain Palmar wlij
urge upqn tha commUulou iljat i.m4ti k
mad a aubdistrlct and allowed to tran
sact all local buslnr as ha been don
for tha pact thirty year,
Baxter to Take Hold at O ,
' Judg Baxter's name, which was sent to
the senate today as l'nlted atatea district
attorney for.. Nebraska, 'Will In mil probe.
bllity be conflrrtied tomorrow. It la ex
pected that Judge Baxter will qualify at
opee and enter upon hi dutie, this being
th desire of both senators and the delega
tlon. , Immediately fter his Qualification
th Question of a luccessor to the deputy
will, be taken up. The present assistapt
district attorney, Mr. Rush, hna held offlc
for a number of yean, being -held over
from th Sawyer administration. While
Mr. Rush' removal may not b Immediate
It i k oaf guess that there will be a new
assistant district attorney within th next
nlnaty day. Bo far a can be learned.
there 1 no direct applicant for th place,
but there will be after It Is learned that
change la assistant In th offlc I con
tern plated.
Thempsoa Ma to Capital.
. Hon. p. E. Thompson left this afternoon
fpr Nw Tork, greatly pleased with hi
visit to Washington, and th settlement' of
the long drawn-out district attorneyship
flht. Mr. Thompson will b joined In New
Tork by Mr. Thompson, and they will tail
en April t for Rio.
laapeetlagr Soldiers' Hoasas.
Captain H. E. Palmer, who arrived In
Washington this morning, left tonight with
tb National Board of Inspector of Sol
dlera' Homes for Johnson City, Tenn. Cap
tain Palmer will return to th capital on
AlMsea I Reeeverlagr.
Senator Allison, who nas been confined to
hi house for several day on account of an
laclpleat attack of grip, as expected to be
la tils Beat la th wH on Monday.
text The Illustrated Bee i
fur ahead of all Us western
fonternpornrlea, . Its arrangements
for War rieture Is .werel nn In
stance of the conatuut watohfulneiwt
and energetic, enterprise thnt 1ms
nincle The Ouinlin Ue a aut'i-ess
In the nowspniHT Held and Its Illn
truted 8nndny Mn valine Supple
nient the only une Jit the .
f worthy of consideration in anj re-
apeot. ine number which will he
out on Sunday will be of the same
general excellence that Una made
the paper ao popular in the putt.
It will contain much of general In
terest to all and nothing that will
not be read with rellah. Its illim
trntloiiH, na usual, are inn de from
photograph, eveu the war pictures.
Thin ia a feature no other paper lu
The Bee's territory lias.
Japanese movements in corea are
of Interest, for there Is whom tha
army of the mikado mobilized, and
there will be the active center of
Its early operations during the con
flict. Robert Lee Dunn, the well
known photographer of the staff
of Collier's Weekly, ' has been In
Chemulpo and vicinity- since before
the beginning of hostilities, and his
photographs are most Interesting.
Another full pitfre ia -devoled to
them in The Illustrated Bee.
giva 'accounts of bow womon
have In the past ns'sumed men'
pnrb and nrms'nnd won undying
iiiimos In defense of home and per
son. Some of the most notable of
their achievements nre told about
In the coining ' number, Illustrated
from rure old prints showing the
heroines In notion. This feature
will be found rts tiovel as it. ia
timely and interesting.
THE' CAISE in interviews with
Frank (1. Carpenter.. Land tell hltn
why they tlilnk orgnnlratlon Is good
for the umn who . works, giving
statistics on which they base their
conclusions. This is r.nother of the
interesting:-.series of weekly letters
Mr. Cai'prMJtej- Jinn beeu furnishing
on the fceucrat. topic of relntlons
between capital and labor. It ia
Illustrated from photographs.
TYSBURG, forty-t nu yeara ago,
and in connection with her tragic
death is. a pretty little romance.
This is told The. Beer by an Omaha
woman who knew both the victim
and her gallant' soldier betrothed
well, and whoi- furnished photo
graphs roads dn -1802 of Jennie
Wade and Jaelr'flkeliy, from which
pictures to illustrate their tale were
msdev TMs story Ji worthy of
preservation by all who read It, as
It is an 'nefiural eount of one of y
1 the' ral tragedies f the great civil
wur. 3 .
' rTTTTT,f r .
DOMINATE Iri the? ecminr num
ber, -and each ' 1 worthy, of close
consideration.' Among 1hem are a
sforv of ths death of Wa-rel-lA
the great ' chief of the Kacs and
Koxss, who died In Iowa so mny
years ago, and whose grave has
been 'gated" at by thousands on
thousands of people who pass the
spot where .he is buried alongside
the. Burlington road; scenes from
"Mr Bob," tha play which is to be
given by amateurs for the benefit
of tho Visiting Nurseg; (lie Lincoln
Racket Ball team tbut won the.
state championship; the delegates
to the creamery men's convention,
that met here during the week,
and other things. In addition, all
the regular departments are fully
represented., if you are not now
a subscriber, you should order tho
pappr today. , ,
The committee on Interstate and foreign
commerce today muds a favorable report
In the house op tho aenate bill extending
th time for th completion of tha Illinois
Cet.trsl bridge between Council Bluff and
Omuha until January l, 190t.
Roatlae of Deportments.
These rural routes wer ordersd estab
lished May : NebraskaOsmond, Pierce
oounty, on additional route; area covered.
thirty-four quar mils; population, 111
Iowa Utenwood, Mills county; one addi
tional routs; area, thirty-three square miles;
population, 580. Newmurket, Taylor county,
one additional - route; area, twenty-one
square mllea; population, bit. Wesley, Koa.
uth county, one route; area, forty-one
square miles; popuiattpn, US.
Nebraska postmasters appointed: Blake,
Garfield county, Frank N. Smith, vice Q. U
Cummins, resigned; Hyannia, Urant county,
Byron, R, Ashley, vice William B. Jlarm-
Un, removed. '
lanmarr of Weather Bareaa for
Wheat, Com aad Oat.
. WASHINGTON,. April l.-The weather
bureau' summary of crop condition for
March I a follow:
From the upper Mississippi valley to th
middle Atlantic coast, th season I gen
erally reported backward, although tb
averse temperature for th month in th
districts was generally in excess oi tn
normal. In the aouthcra tats the month
haa bean mild and favorable for farming
In Indiana th wheat crop ha bean badly
waahad on high land and much Injured
by flood on lowlands, but whether or not
thus damaged. It Is healthy and growing.
In the western portions of the wheat area
of Nebraska and Kansas tb crop lias suf
fered from drouth.
Good progress ha been mad with oat
ceding In th souther states with th
exception of western Taxss. where It has
been too dry, and tha general outlook for
this crop IS promising. Heeding Is In prog
re o tar north a southern Missouri and
Kansas, but no eerding has been don far
ther north.
In th gulf states much corn bus been
planted and good stsnds ar reported.
Borne planting ha been done In the south
ern portions of Kansas and Missouri.
Preparations for corn planting In the cen
tral Mississippi Slid Ohio valleys snd mid
dle Atlantlu date havr proareased slowly.
Atto ley Root Ehawi Tr maty ion lio Whiob
Freiidact Baw'.ey figures.
Object of Esasntaatloa to Aacertaia
Whether Havrlcy aad Ray Were
partaer of the Cottoa
NEW TORK. April l.-Th examination
In which Edwin Hawley. the president of
th Iowa Central railroad and the Minne
apolis ft St. Louis railroad, and Frank II
Ray, head of several large tobacco com
panies, the alleged partner of Daniel J.
Sully In hi cotton operations, ar to be
questioned, began today before t'nltcd
States Commissioner Alexander. To ascer
tain' fully whether or not Hawley and Ray
were practically Sully's partner is tho ob
ject of the examination, and Commissioner
Alexander waa appointed by Judge Holt
to act as a special examiner In the cas.
Former Secretary of War F.lihu Root wa
retained to question Mr. Hawley and Mr.
Ray. ,
At the opening of the examination Com
mlaslonor Alexander ruled that the exam
ination would not partake of a "litigated
proceeding." Mr. Hawley wa then called
and his examination was begun by Mr.
Root. Just at this time Mr. Sully entered
the room and took a seat near the law
yers' table.
At the requcat of Mr.' Root. Hawley'r
lav yera produced a batch of state
ments. They showed that on December 4.
WS. 70.000 bales of cotton were bought snd
sold for account of E. Hawley and Bully,
jointly, and on December 23, 19.100 bales
bought and sold for aame aei.-oiint. . Mr,
Root read from a ctatement showing that
In one particular transaction Messrs Haw
ley and Sully divided a profit of !M.4t1.
Sally Gets His Share Hirst.
Mr. Root read from other statements
bearing Februsry dates. Mr. Root next
read from a long slip of papers a state,
ment of cotton transactions bearing tho
names of Hawley, Sully and Ray.
Mr. Sully, U was brought out, used tn
take his own share of profits before send
ing Mr. Hawley his share.
It was then decided to adjmirn until
next Thursday.
Roughly estimated, Mr. Hawley's profits
In the numerous accounts, as brought out
by Mr. Root, approximated $?50,000. Ap
parently his first serious loss was Just be
fore the stiftpprlalon of Sully 4 Co., as
shown by his letter of March 18, enclosing
a check for $82,411). to that firm.
Just before the close of the examination
Mr. Root submitted, but failed to make
f-ubllc. a letter supposed to contain the
names of three persona not heretofore men
tloned as pnrtlr-ipunts In one or more
H wley-Sully pools. The Identity of the
persons, one of was said to be a
woman, could not be ascertained.
Receivers Make Xew Proposition.
A meeting of the receivers and the cred
itors' committee was held at the Sully
offices lute thla afternoon. It wa reported
that the receivers had made a new and
favorable proposition to the creditor, but
It waa afterwards denied that anything
wa aald or done tn the matter.
Mr. Anna Fiiher Seller. v
BUFFALO, N. Y., April l.-Mr. Anna
Fisher Beller, wife of Rev. Samuel L.
Beller, . pastor of the Richmond Avenue
Methodist Episcopal church, died . today.
Mrs. Beller was tor many yeara prominent
In 'conference and missionary work, and
wad secretary ' tf the bureau ' cf Alaska
work In the women' mission of the Meth
odist church.
G. W. Mattax.
MISSOt'Rl VALLEY, Ia., April l.-(Spe-clal.)
This afternoon occurred the funeral
of Q, W. IHattox, who died Monday, aged
Tl year, at tha home of hi daughter, Mrs.
George Green. Mattox wa horn trt Clayton
county, la.. He leave a wife, two daugh
ter and two sisters.
Jacob Mlatan.
LOGAN, Ia., April 1. (Special.)' Yester
day; at Magnolia occurred th funeral of
Jacob Mlntun. who died of dropsy at the
age of 78. Mlntun came to Harrison county
In 1AM. . He waa postmaster of Magnolia
ip 10 aqd later th second sheriff of Har
rison county. He waa the father of four
teen children, nine of whom and bis wife
are tl ilvlrg. .
Thomas Dlsher.
BEATRICE, Neb., April 1. (Speolal.)
Thomu Dlsher, a prominent farmer resid
ing near Adams, this county, died yester
day morning. He I survived by a family
of four children, two son and two daugh
ter. Mrs, Elheh Morris.
BEATRICE, Neb,, April 1 8perlal )
Mra. Zlbah Morrla, who located In Qage
county In 1871, died yesterday at her home
la Rockford township, aged 88 years.
Tbreataaad Montreal Bnslaess.
MONTREAL, April l.-A tire tht
threatened the Board of Trade district
broke out today In th business block at
No. 7 St. Helen street.
When discovered the flame wer In poi
eaon of the building occupied by Wat
sop, Jack ft Co., agent and merchontag
B. Pitt Sk Co., woolen and tailor' trim
ming, and avrl other firms. When
th firemen reached the scan th build
ing wa doomed. . Th fir brigade devoted
all their effort to saving the adjoining
building, occupied by several big whole- '
sale firms. At th end of an hour th Are '
wa under control. No estimate of the
lose Is yet obtainable.
u.jiiai iirKnriticta nAaAn(arthavt under
the. yit of irefttment Introduced t)jr Ut-
Pr. L D Knott, Ubsnnn, Ky i Dr. t. -Brewa.
Primatar; lowai Ir. J O. uurryer,
tt Paul. Mlnp : in. U. L CreBey, St. Louis,
Ut. . ft n S' VLmmiA Ma X rmnilnsSsm. MSM..
atl'tiuKii la lhaSlraT ol his Ueainient
and t permanency of th eur la their
oa es7rr. Whafsel' nw ,thod is
tnwk Bowder. tprays, etc.. which rsliev
hut So not ear.
rarr TfT TUflTMENT
- ' n mivTm s short deseriD.
tlon of ths . and MDdlPf nam of two aaihmatto uflern) " booaiet
l espaneueea oi wwm sum,.
Ptpi I aswrioM ltsr( alia. Cklcaaa,
of HAND SAPOLIO make it
a very deslrab'e toilet article;
it contains no animal fats, but b
made from the most healtl-.ful
of the vegetable oils. It is tru' y
the "Dainty Woman's Friend."
Its use Is a fine habit.
1 M" hi
m mmm Mini 4
I crrr tvrt iiw.
" . " 11 i. ). -ia
i .-. .t
Nit a Pound of Coal is for Sals in
Tea Moin??.
Operators Stand by First Offer and
Inlun Leaders Predicr 8ns
penalon for at Least
Sixty Uas.
DES MOINES. April l.-Drs Moines and
the entile state of lown are confronted
with a coal famine a a result nf the lock
out, which duxes every mint" In the stnt'n
and that section of Missouri included ill
the territory embraced by the affected
district. Not a pound of conl ia to be hud
for salo In lies Moines and other cities of
the state are :lnllarly affected. Iocul
dealrrn toduy plxced double rush orders
with Kansas Cily, Omuha, St. Joseph nftd
other neighboring .cities, but It I -only pos
sible to secure It in limited qunntltles. I'n
Jess the situation Is eased within the next
three Weeks , manufactories will be com
pelled to shut down for want of fuel.
There has been no attempt on the part
of the operators und miners to get together
since the split In the conference. landing
operators say they will bo prepared to sup
ply the dumund for u long wlillo yet, and
that they havo no thought of compromising
outside the terms proposed and once ro
Jected. On the other hand, the miners are
equally as persistent. They say the situa
tion must remain as it is for a period of nt
least Sixty days, at the end of which tinio
negotiations for an adjustment will either
be made or the strike will Jje continued
with the help of the National United Mine
Workers of America.
Illinois Miner Aree.
SPRINGFIELD, 111., April 1. The Joint
cala committee of the Illinois coal oper
ators and miners today 1 decided that the
question of free oil being furnished day
men in the Eighth district be left to the
miners and r.pfrators of that district. The
powder rate of $1.75 lemalns unchanged,
but powder will be delivered at tha "face''
Inatead of the top of the shaft, as at pres
ent. The committee agrees to report a re
duction of 3 cents a ton in ihe mining rate
of the First, or northern, dlatriot and Saline
A Barn Never Barn
After Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil Is ap
plied. Believes pain Instantly and heals at
the tame time. For man or beast. Price, tie.
'Bill Itepurlr.1 to lloose, .
The officers of the Omaha Bridge and
Terminal . company have received a telegram
from Washington suylin the hill t6 extend
lis charter time on the Knut Omaha' hrldfre
to January 1. which passed the senate
Some time' agn, ' has been reported to the
house by the committee on Interstate and
foreign commerce. It wss substituted for
the house bill. . .
BIOS Headtohe and rellere all the trouble laej.
dent to bllitm slats of the syiin, turn as Dls.
slnesa. Naaaea, Drowsintw. Dlttreta afirr eating.
Pain in toe Side, ate. Whil their moat remarav
abl success hut beta ihowo lu c.irlng
Headaehe.yettartriiUttle Liverl'lllssteaqstlts
valnajie In C'on.ilpiitlon, curing sad preventing
this annoying rumplMnl, while thry aUo correct
all diaoMlura of th aioun' li. stimulate the llw
and regulai tb bowels. Xtt-a if tluy only cure
Ache they would he almost priceh-t to to who
u(rr from thm distressing complaint ; hut fortu
naiely thalr eoodnese deft Dotend berf.ana tDoa
who one try them will Snd ths little pills vale
able lu ao many wye that they will not b wUUa
to do without thein. But sftct all ncU bead
Ithbane of so many live that here is wkM M
inak oor groat hoaat, Our j Ula cur it wttli
atberadoaot. -
. Carter' Little LWar Pill are very small sad
tr. mi. to, talis. Ob ar two pilu ntake. a doae.
They are strictly vcKt-table and do aot grip or
purge, bat by their senile sctloa pleas allnbe them, la viala ai h tr bisi Jis for tl. 8uJ4
by dnjggistf vtrywbf, or seat bf nwO.
Mavy yorb CIt
Cftargwi LettTTisn ATI Others
Treat all form af Ulaeaaea of
Twehty.elght Years'. Experience.
Eighteen Years In Omaha.
The ' doctor remarkabl uece ha
never baan equaled. His resources and
facilities for treating thla class of dlaeaaee
aro unllmltad and every day bring many
fluttering rpori of the good ha la doing
or the rallef he haa glvon. ,
All Blood PoUona. No "BilKAKlNQ OUT'"
a the akin or faoe and all aalarnal signs
gf the rtlauaae disappears at one A por
manaat curs for Itf guaranteod.
la nun' riFCVhfcd guarantied m
a' tn lf Ann casus cured or Uydrocela,
lH 3U,UUU Stricture. Olaet. Nervous
Debility. Loss of Strength and Vitality
aad ail forma of chronic diaaosas.
Treatment ty madL Call or write. Bog
lei. Offloe Sa aWulb Uts at-, Omaha, 14b.
4 Per Cent Interest
Hcs-lns first day of the month on an
depuxlts made on or before the 10th,
i I Starts a Savings Account.
Home Savings Bank Fres.
City Savings Bank
FataMishcd 19S4.
,6h and DoukIss Streets.
T5he Best of
The Only Double
Track Rafilway
o Chicago
Very Low Rates
.. .to....
Minnesota, Dakota,
Washington, Oregon
Canadian Northwest
Cm various dates in M:trch
and April.
r I
s-. -City OfHCe
1401-1403 FARNAM ST.
TEL. 624.-681
t It th fitt of many 9 younff fftcs. r
imperial Hair hegeneraior
is ins onty nsrmieaa preparaiinn Known
wnic-ti instantly re-fltorra hair tn any
color or alinile. lmrable, laatlnc snS
leavna the hair clean, soft aud cIomt,
CfySJP' MOVTHa Sample of hair eolin-ed free.
ccufi ior paiapiHttt. x nymrj aasureu.t
Sherman & tcC.onnli fjrug Co.. Umnna,
Buggies, Carriages
and Wagons
an. w-- w-v a- w t ws-- -k T
t-Isfl-LUIVHfVftlJl 0
Ftftsenth and Capitol Ave.-' H I
, Road our special "ad" evnr (Sunday
Wednesday In The Bee.
Dr. Searles & Searles
Omaha. Neb.
Advice Free.
Lowest Charges, .
Cures Guaranteed.
cures all special dlseaan
of nit'ii kidney, hladdur
uii'i dii'asu ut ,vouibh
filnnd Pnknn cured f"r ",e' 'oon vrry
BIUUU rulJUII syniptnui, sort-s ou body, tit
itiotuh, tonguo, throat, liair and eyebrows,
falling out) disappear complBtely lorever.
Varlonc Vslnc rttpiured, Biiiuruwd ami knot
IlllllUit! VeiilS ty veins rurvd without out--ting,
puin or loss of time,. Never falls.
QulrkeHt cure In the world. '
lAoilf II arsmiD Uan from oxtiatixtlon, wast
ncaH, nKilUU HI6H lnK weaUnoss. nervous
(uuiil.y, tally decline, lack of vigor and
tiiiength. Treatment by mall. 14 yer
Corner of 14th and Douglas atrueu.
Pennyroyal pill
H Jf Urlarlii.! arf OmIv 0Blti.
kin HKIft 't tilit mtIUT kwiM VI
villi biu rtbtwn. lakr mm other, lie hi a
I lr ercirasaat nbsilllullting. at a J laulLaa
ttmt Huj f join Oruutai. 4
tamp fi,r artlrulnr TrtlniilMl
ftwl "liv.tor rwr I.kiIIm.'! Itttm, w r
I Mra II tall. lll.lMHl l-ttanisiil. Hi!4h
sail llruasist. l'klLaalas I ka.aulaa.1 ft
I m Bis CI fnr nnnnura.
I i as:
di. hsrges.lnllsiiuuslionii,
Irritations wlfrnoa .
of DiuouQB Disnibraosa.
M..t. r.uvlM Pinlk. an nnt astrta-
IIHllVMICHfMIPlU-tl. ont oreoisoauua.
. OINGINKiTI.e f"5 H,laJ Ar'sglsla.
II. .
, i 4 or asm is iin wrappss.
I.V arn.s. nrspsld, 1st
o. ..r h.Mtlt-a 'i Ts.
r r ss Circuit sas f iaaaast
Woodward & Uurgsss.
Mailt vr.
in it a m:n .o.n tom; it
Tllll UIO Ml SIl'AI. HIT
Running ror Office"
i'rlcea i'tc, mui !m. 1."', II Ui; Mitt.,
2m:, juc, i.i H.'iu. w PUtJl'Lli fu.
tiiimiiiy and Monday Mitt. Biiiulny,
r.iti, liii.MiMtii i t-ini: it itiv
AM) Till: HI IMN; lllltl),"
Telephone 1631.
MITIIKK TmV tnf I'art of House
2c. lilldren 1.
Biir Amateur Show
Prices 1'ic, 25t'. rjj.
15-25-50-75C Muslr-tt tViiTif.Iv
TONIQMT at 8:15
rj.-tt Heut. iic.
Bunday iUtinee-"DAVIU HAKl'M" .
ClualMsT aaikvr Aaaorlatlon (.
Boyd',, Tuesday, April 5. ' '
Col, L. F Copcland '
Tho King of the Lax ture plwtiorm gubj'-t't,
ITIcta, aoc and 7bc
at i
V 3