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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1904)
6 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. MAKCII 20, 1004. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL Davis Sflls druifs. Lffrt's trusses flt. Btorkert sells carpets. The Faust cigar, S cents. For rent, nioilr-rn houw, "19 Sixth sve. Born, to Mi. iiml Mrs. C. O. Ourcii, 315 Park avenue, n son. Mrs. E. II. Kd rlon hue K"'"' to Seni-ci, Kvn., in visit relatives. Fanry cvp.l, circle unci onions; frames. UUexiiniler'B. JIB liroadway. Grand Bull Tiicmliiy nlKht. March , at Hibernian Hall. All invltcii. For Rent KutriMie.l or unfurnlHhed rooms. Apply T'! N. lt at. Bulk limp by the carload : wo can dell It at a low tlniire. 'I'hone Hafcr, ii2. "Joan of Arc" tonight. Prondwny M. E. Criurch. Direction of W. I.. Thlckst mi. Concert by I"lrt '..nioK.itl'inril choir of pmaha, tonight at I'.roadwny M. K. ctiurch. Cantata, "Joan of Arc," Hrondway church tonight. Tickets, cents at Camps. The Tidies of the Maccabees will hold a Special nitctii.'K thla uftcrnoon to ballot on Candidates. Mn. o. M. ft row n left yesterday on a Welt to her slater, Mrs. II. 8. Lynn, at Jfanaas C'lUr. Ji llcenso has been lwsued to Xvlll'iun Ke. see. Hired 47, and Lituru Adrtln, Med 32. both of thin city. Council muffs dlstrler. Court of Honor, trill meet In special Hussion thla evening ut the residence of J. K. Knrlght, 612 North Seventh street. Royal district, Court of Honor, will have a bos supper and S'tclal sesplnn Wednesday evening after the business meeting In .Woodman hall. Have your carpets taken up, cleaned and relald by modern methods. Old carpets made Into hardsomo rug's. Council H uffs Carpet Cleaning Co., 34 North Muln street. 'Phone 616. B. Oralll was reported to the health au thorities yesterday aa suffering from dlpth- trerl.i at tils home, 44J Sluismun street. The family ha but recently been quaran tined lor scarlet fever. Aa but few attorneys were In attendance Judge Wheeler of the district court yester day positioned pinking an usHiirnment of law t-piwn until this morning. The grand Jury will bo impanelled this inornlpg. The second "election" for the ten trips to the St. I-ouls exposition and return will cloee Thursday, March 81. at 6 o'clock. For the accommodation of Council Uluffs candidates votes may be turned In at The lioe otllce, 10 l'eaxl street. Ogden Hotel Rooms, with or without board; steam heat, free bath; publlo parlors. Real Katate Transfers, Theso transfers were reported to The Bee March at ty tho uhstract, tltlo and loan -.fllce of freu.te & AiiiiIh, 101 Pearl street F. M. Ci it .'Men and wife to Oeorgo JK'eJer, lot & Auditor's sub ne4 seV, lotx 7 and S In se4 mH. lots 6 and f lu S"f'4 r.w 6-74-43, q c d I W'llhiliii Niemann and wife to Adolnh Oesc. seU sefc 6 and sw sw4 6-76- , W d 1,000 John Knlckman and wife to Jullua Knrgan, nwfc nwlt 20-74-4, w d 2,500 Simeon u. jens o jonn ti. jenk-s, seai and so "4 iw and eH ne4 twU 6-77-S9. q c d .1. A. I lend loo and wife to Barnh Marks, eVk lots 4 and 6, block 23, Avoca, w d Thomas 8. Robinson to Katherlne 8. Schott, lots 4 and 6, block 3, Street's add, w d James O. Bradley and wife to Sarah Jane Murphy, lots 1 and 6, Bradley's sub, w d Rebecca A. Fosdlck and husband to D. K Stuart, tind 2-33 lot 11. block S, Highland Place, and und 2-66 lot 4, Auditor's sub sw4 ne 29-75-43, w d William H. Dollarlilde and wife to 3O0 1,200 600 20 same. same, wd 30 Liouls if. Jackson and wife to William H. Baker, lots 1 to 8 and 24 and 2o, block 6, and lots IS to 3, block 6, Webster's 1st add, w d 610 J. 1 Drulen et al to A. O. Brumago, lot 8, block 35, Central sub, w d 150 Julia B. Van Ttusen and husband to Cornlla MeOrew, rots 7 and S. block , lots 11 and 14, block 8, Thompson's ad.l, and lot IS, block 7, Wright's add.'wd, 2,600 Adolph Mathlensen nnd wife to Henry Kruft, lot 16, block 12, Bent ley, w d.. 200 Thirteen transfers, total $12,617 K T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250; night. F-667. Deaf Mate Breaks Into Saloon. Guy ParkhlU, a deaf mute, Is under ar rest at the city Jail charged with breaking Into Frank Walklngton's saloon at the cor ner of Broadway and Tenth street. Park hlU forced an entrance Into the saloon by prying the back door latch with a coal shovel. When Walkington went to tha saloon at 6 o'clock yesterday morning he heard some one moving about In the bar and called out that he had his revolver and would shoot. Entering the bar room he failed to notice any one, and Officer Humphrey happening along, the two Insti tuted a search, with the result that Park hlU was found crouching In the corner of the coal shed. Investigation disclosed that nothing had been stolen, and as ParkhlU Is said to be not altogether mentally bright. Walkington, It Is understood, will not prosecute. Bafer sella lumber. Catch the Ideal Accidentally Skot lu Knee. Harry L. Messner, 1617 Seventh avenue, late Sunday night was accidentally shot lu the knee by a revolver which he was car rying in his pocket. In some manner tho revolver was discharged and tho bullet en tered the left leg Just above the knee cap, coming out below. The accident happened at the corner of Pearl street and Broudway and for a while It was thought that a shooting affray had taken place. Messner waa removed to hu home and the attending physician is of the opinion that the accident wUl result In Messner having a stiff knee. BICYCLES AT COST We are closing out our bicycle r'ock sn.1 If yuu want to purchase a wheel kee .s I -lore buying. We also sell drays, delive y wagons, milk wagons, etc. 1IM loslk MnU Wtrre;. Davfd Bradley & Co. rotxt u. BiiKi s. iowa. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. a sac1 ft, Cssual Uluffa. EUabUtlisd UM, E B I I The purity, pace. JD H I ' and stylo of H D I Dorflinger 1 1 Glassware m commend k to care- u lul pnrchsteri at n peculiarly appropri- n at (or wedding lA preseatslioa. t BLUFFS. DEMOCRATS THE WINNE.S Will Hare Practical j OompleU Control of City tba Oominf Tear. GET MAYOR AND ALL BUT ONE OF COUNCIL He pu hi leans Save Alderman Olson, City Pollcltor Snyder Tresis rer True Oat of General . Wreck of the Ticket. The air was decidedly democratic In Council Bluffs yesterday. Contrary to ex pectations the majority of the republican ticket went down to defeat And In most Instances by decided majorities. The result was simply one of those things "which no fellow can find out" the cause for. How It was done, however. Is evident. The democrats simply voted ' their ticket straight, while the republicans were busy scratching. Out of tha wreck the repub Means saved Olson, for sMerrnan-at-large, the sole aldermanlc cancTTTiate elected by the party; Snyder, for city solicitor, and True, for treasurer. The democratic col umn looks like this: Mayor, one alderman-at-large, auditor, city engineer, assessor, superintendent of markets, park commis sioner and the entire six ward aldermen. Owing to deathB In the family of Mayor elect Macrae and City Engineer Etnyre tho democracy abandoned any celebration of their victory. Following Is the result In detail: For Mayor. Morgan, Macrae, Ren Dem. First Ward First precinct 1R2 Second precinct 231 Second Ward First precinct 199 Second precinct 216 - Third Ward First precinct 193 Second precinct 137 Fourth Ward First precinct 144 Second precinct 106 Fifth Ward First precinct 238 S.cond precinct 165 Sixth ward First precinct 286 Second precinct 8 Totals 2,104 Majority For Alderman-a-I.ars;e. Olson, Hep. First Ward First precinct 187 Second precinct 236 Second Ward First precinct 210 Second precinct 247 Third Ward First precinct 152 Second precinct 238 Fourth Ward First precinct 180 Second precinct 137 . Fifth Ward First precinct 282 Second precinct 178 Sixth Ward First precinct 299 Sjconil precinct 8 271 242 232 JbU 1S5 246 179 208 283 2i 29t 11 2.626 521 Larsen, Dent. 259 207 198 196 165 176 123 Wl 222 188 26.-. 31 iil91 Totals 2,354 Majority 163 For Aldernian-at-ljirsre. Iiougee, Gilbert, Ren. Dem. First Ward First precinct 165 Second precinct 230 ' Second Ward- 274 261 237 239 153 221 159 179 256 I'd 281 31 First precinct 2O0 Second Dreclnct 225 Third Ward- First precinct 155 Second precinct 228 Fourth Ward- First precinct 1,5 Second precinct 124 Fifth Ward- First precinct 269 Second precinct 163 Sixth Ward Flint precinct 274 Second precinct 8 Totals 2,216 2,47 Majority 251 For Solicitor. Snyder, Casady, Rep. Dem. First Ward First precinct 21R Second precinct 2U3 Second Ward First pieelnet 218 Second precinct 248 232 1S2 20(1 103 147 200 161 159 223 162 241 41 2T1S Third Ward- First precinct 171 Second precinct 232 Fourth Ward First precinct 169 Second precinct 150 Fifth Wnrd First precinct 291 Second nreclnct 209 Sixth Ward- First nreclnct 311 Second precinct S Totals 2,516 Majority 377 For Treasurer. True, Dentler, Dem. 260 1H9 190 1K8 151 175 121 171 213 166 261 31 Rep. First Ward First precinct 189 Second precinct 269 Second Ward f irst precinct 236 econd precinct 270 Third Ward- First precinct 168 Second precinct 2L8 Fourth Ward First precinct 202 Second precinct 134 Fifth Ward First precinct 9r4 Second precinct 192 Slrlh Ward First precinct 294 Second precinct 8 MaJ-rity 4O0 Totals 2,526 For Auditor. Knox, Rep. 1126 Smith, Dem. First Ward First precinct Second precinct Second Ward Flr!"t precinct Second precinct Third Ward First precinct Second jireclnct Fourth ward First nreclnct Second precinct Fifth Ward First precinct 155 210 !9R 261 196 213 21 136 240 in 197 179 117 141 I'jO S34 282 188 330 31 Second precinct 175 Sixth Ward First precinct 237 Second precinct 8 Majority .... Totals .(,. 466 .1.106 t.562 For Engineer. Toetevln, Etnyre. First Ward First precinct... Second precinct. Second Ward Rep. Dem 242 248 2f 260 193 r?6 2J6 1T0 300 rirst precinct Second precinct... Third Ward First precinct 135 Second precinct 161 Fourth Ward First precinct 12S Second precinct 116 Fifth Ward Flint precinct 251 Second preclnot Ul Sixth Ward First precinct 279 Second precinct i 197 193 18 24 1 Totals Majority... t.011 2. DM 674 For Assessor. Graham, Hardin, First Ward First precinct Second precinct... Second ard First precinct Second precinct... Third Ward First preelnct Bet'oiel precinct... Fourth Ward Rep. Dem. lit ti 178 V4 13 13 2 &4 147 $4 17$ !ta - 14 J Kirs! pruclnct. fiouufil raolncf , .,MU , 1 -rfijj Us Firth Ward First precinct 21 Peronit precinct 1A2 Sixth Ward First t.reclnct 1-' Second precinct 8 2M 31 Totals l.!c 22 Majority lor Superintendent of Markets. Dennis Hlggeson. First Word- Rep. Dem. rust ileolnrt In Seeunu precinct 2W Second VV ard r'usl pieeim't V2 Seconu precinct Tnird Ward First precinct 117 Hecona precinct 210 Fourth Ward First precinct 179 Seeuna precinct 131 Fifth Ward First precinct 23 becoim precinct 6lxtu Ward First precinct 293 tJeconu precinct 8 212 ll8 145 174 237 268 31 Totals .2,207 2,442 Majority For l'ark C'onnulssloner 235 Bliinchiird. l.'rown I-lrst Ward Rep. First precinct lixi Hecona precinct ii Second W ard First precinct..... 207 Second precinct Third Ward First precinct 14S Second precinct Vii Fourth Ward First precinct 135 Second precinct 124 Fifth Ward First precinct 269 Second precinct lt4 Sixth Ward First precinct 2S7 Second precinct 9 Totals 2.1S1 Majority Wnrd Aldermen. Dem. 2(i: 217 225 169 ill 16 2,4(i8 2-1 First Ward Ohlen- Younk- dorf. crman. Rep. . 146 . 261 ."407 First precinct Second precinct. Totals Majority Second Ward- Wnni.nv xt.iin.v. ......,, ..-' Rep. Dem. First nreclnct Second precinct ".. 197 " ' 4s Totals 396 Majority Third Ward Rep. Arnd First precinct Hi Second precinct 2o9 81 Item. Tlnley, 168 230 Totals Majority 398 42 i Fourth Ward Hill. Weaver, Rep First precinct 183 Seconu precinct 114 nem. 1411 197 Totals Weaver's majority 297 337 in Fifth Ward- Ellsworth, McMillen. Ren iem. il 192 First precinct 2'9 Second precinct 177 Totals 4!3 Majority 77 Sixth Ward- Lovett, Crlppen, Rep. Dem. First precinct i81 29 Second precinct 12 829 Totals n a Majority ' Death of Mrs. Dr. Macrae. Mrs. Charlotte A. Macrae, wife of Dr. Donald- Macrae, died yesterday shortly after noon at the family residence, 809 Fifth avenue, aged 59 years. For years Mrs. Macrae had been a sufferer from In flammatory rheumatism and for a year or more past bad been confined to her home. Before her marriage to Dr. Macrae, which took place In New Tork March 4, 1867. Mrs. Macrae was Miss Charlotte Douchette. daughter of Joseph Douchette, surveyor general of Canada. . With her husband Mrs. Macrae cams to Council Bluffs March 27, 1867, where they have since made their home. Resides her husband she Is survived by one son. Dr. Donald Macrae, Jr. The funeral will be held Wednesday aft ernoon at 8 o'clock from the family resi dence on Fifth avenue. Rev. W. S. Barnes, pastor of tho First Presbyterian church. will conduct the services and burial will be In Falrvlew cemetery. These have been selected to act as pall bearers: Drs. F. W. Dean, J. H. Cleaver, V. L. Treynor, J. M. Bartsow, J. C. Water man, H. B. Jennings. Itonndbouse Kmployes Scalded. Glen Watts, William Mikesell and J. H. Badle, employes at the Illinois Central roundhouse, were badly scalded Sunday night while working In the cap of a loco motive. A "washout" plug blew out. al lowing the scalding stenm to escape Into their faces. Wntts whs the most eerlously scsldod. the steam striking his face and neck. Mikesell and Bndle escaped with scalds on one side of the face. Watts, how ever, with his face swathed In bandages, was ab'.e to go to the polls yesterday. Watts resides at 27' South Eighth street, Mikesell at 1300 Avenue I, and Badle at 1201 Fourth street. Inspection of Company I.. Captain P. I. Van Order has received no tice that the government Inspection of Company L. Fifty-fifth Infantry, Iowa Na tional Guard, will be held Tuesday even ing, April 5. by Major J. A. Olmstead, tT. S. A, retired. The following order has nccord- Irgly been Infilled: This command will parade for govern ment Inspection Tuesday evening, April 5, at 7:30 p nt. All members are hereby or dered to be present. P. I. VAN ORDER. Captain Company L, Fifty-fifth Infantry. Plumbing nnd heating. Blxby Son. Word was received hero yesterday morn ing of the death of Mrs. Mary F.tnyro. mother of City Engineer 8. R. Etnyre and Mrs. S. B. Wadsworth of this city, at her home In Oregon, III. She was 79 years of age and was taken 111 last week with pneumonia. Mrs. Wadsworth left for Ore gon last Saturday, nnd was at her mother's bedside when she passed away. POOR BLOOD. The myriads of pillaging germs that feed on the life elements and vital parts ol your blood, soon destroy the red corpuscles, and your pale, emaciated face quickly dis closes the beginning of a de cay that ends in a long period of sickness or possibly death. Radam's Microbe Killer prevents and cures disease by destroying Bacteria, the organic life that causes fer mentation and decay of blood corpuscles. Kill these germs, and nature, through rich, red blood, will kill the disease. ftVHKvsr The Was. Ksdsra Micrcbs KilW Cs., Frtt ii tsi Grilles Su, New York, sr Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Uh and iaruanv. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Bill I .trodnc d Plaoiag All State Inititu tiona Under Common Control. GETS TOGETHER ON APPROPRIATIONS Private Banks of State Incorporating Inder the Hanking; Lavrs Miners and Operators Inable to Agree. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, March 28. (Special.) The perfected bill for the creation of a state board of education, to have charge of the educational institutions of the state and to supplant the three large boards of re gents and trustees, was printed and laid i before the members of the legislature to day and It is expected that the bill will be taken up and receive consideration dur ing the week. Tha provisions of the bill as summarized by the authors una pt sentcd to the legislature are as follows: State Board of Education, five members, not more than three of same poll ileal tmriv. no two at time of appointment le- siding In same congressional district; not more tnan two snail nave oeen . imucun I of the state educational Institutions; not I more than one shall have been a student lSl of any one of said institutions, anu 110 one ot the students shall be made chalr 217 man. 123 Appointments shall be for six-year terms after the board la started, appointments by 271 I ho s-nvarnnr Bllhlpi t to HlHTOVul by til 30 senate, the chairman to receive 13.0OU 11 year and devote nis entire lime, me owiers $10 a day for time put In, not to exceed ninety days a year. , Members shall bo subject to removal by tho governor and shall be under bonds, shall not be ellgRiie 10 any oiner iwinuii otlleo in the state nor to any offl l 11 ; '" ..."""h ,1,. h,i h-7n 306 bo subject to examination by the statutory ani 1 committee on retrenchment and reform. ; Tho board shall be provided with offices at the seat of government and with sup . ..i i ui,.iii hnve a secretary at II. Boo a I year' nnd mnv hire stenographer and other ' employes and.jnake, Itenilzed statement of accounts to ine legislature. r,-h i,nrrt .hall have full power to man i "'ino-o rnmrnl nnd srovern the State univer- , slty, state college, none nonini ...pim , the College for the Blind and tho Schoo , ,) tlnnf Thn imuni nf a committee thereof, shall visit ond Inspect at least once every three months the Institutions named and Investi gate tho financial condition and manage ment of suehi Institutions, may call wlt nessAS under oath to testify regarding any matters, and if abuses or wrongs are in vestigated shall report to the governor tho charges, evidence and conclusions. Reports shall be made biennially to the Kovernor ror tne general mscmui), uu mu Vo..t wiih Mrh nnd every Institution and tho board shall require the same at all the I institutions and report estimates 10 me i..ioiutnA Building operations snail tie conaucteo. oy th Imlmi-.I nnd In all cases where the esti mates go over $1,000 there shall be con tracts let on competitive bids, nnd ex penditures shall not be permitted beyond tho sums appropriated. It shall be the duty of the board to promote as best It can the purposes for which each of the Institutions under its control is maintained, but it shall prevent the unnecessary maintenance In an Insti tution of a department or course of work or study whlcn is more property mam' toi.,.,,1 at unother Institution. Confer nntt,m ni ih. rifm rci vnn ine ortMuei is nuu '5 eupennienuenis ui mo iuaui.ui4nB u..u. " its control may be held when deemed necessary. The board snail nve power 10 uppumi and remove for cause the president or su perintendent, members of the faculty and officers of each Institution, but employes who are not officers shall be appointed and mav be removed for cauBe by the presi dent or superintendent, but no appoint ment or removal shall be made for politi cal reasons." ... No person shall be appointed president or Intendent unless re Bnau receive 1110 atlirmative voio 01 lour ui 111c me...c. n, other action to be taken only on vote of th-ee or more members. There are provisions for the fmig of salaries, designation of a chairman and vice chairman, designation of persons to act temporarily as president or super'"; tenuent. tne Handling 01 iuiuis, mini or in treasurers, forbidding soliciting presents or bribes, forbidding election contributions, re ports from stewards and others connected with the Institutions, complete invoices and reports of purchases and disbursements nnd of Income, regulation of contingent funds, expenditures for various subjects, the preparation of bonds and provision for letting contracts and supervising all work. The board shall be organised ns soon as possible after the act goes into effect, but shall not take full control until July 1 next when the institutions designated shall all be turned over to this new board. Fixes the Appropriations. The final meeting ot the appropriation committee of the legislature was held this afternoon und the figures for the new op- 1 propriatlons for the different educational I institutions of the state agreed upon. The contest before the committee has been mostly with reference to the allowance for I the Slate university, and the figures finally settled on for that purpose are $149,500. This Is a new appropriation for the support 1 fund. Added to It will be the biennial ap propriatlons, which come from the acts which are continuous In their operation and from the mllluge funds. In all during the blennlul period the university will re ceive from the state a total of $721,500 This will come in the following funds: Present appropriation $149,500 Receipts from continuous appropria tions ?.oco From mllluge tax 252,000 To this must be added the receipts from tuition, which are estimated at $126,000, making the total $846,500. The appropriation committee has agreed upon the sum of $379,010 for the State col lege at Ames. To this must be added Il'.-n.OuO receipts from continuous appropria tions, $252,000 from the mlllage tax and $150,000 from the United States government, which will make the resources of that school for the biennial period a total of $901,000. Besides the regular mlllage tax for the Stats Normal school at Cedar Falls, that institution is given an addition to Its sup port fund of $S4.0fi0. With an attendance of scarcely more than half Its members, the senate this morning passed but a few bills. Those adopted Include one by Young of Calhoun, relating to payments for boards of health for expenses in restricting the spread of Infectious diseases; Hayward's bill giving special charter cities right to condemn land for park purposes, and providing for the raising of funds for sustaining parks, was passed; Elerlck's bill, relating to re version of unused schools lands to original owner waa adapted aa was also a legalizing act upholding the supervisors of Clayton county In the purchase of land. The appropriation committee reported favorably on the bill giving $200,000 for completion of the state historical library; favored an appropriation for the purpose of providing books for the treasurer of state and his deputy; favored appropria tion for expense of visiting committees to different state Institutions: appropriating $13,000 for the maintenance of the office of fish and game warden; and opposed the passage of the bill appropriating $100.ono for the erection of a state arsenal for the Na tional Guard. A Mil to provide for savings banks In verting funds outsld the state waa de feated, but will be reconsidered. The senate this afternoon passed a bill to provide that at least three of the mem bers of the Library board shall be women. also a measure to provide that decrees of divorce shall not ba Issued until the next term of court after tha one when tha cases have been heard and decided. Private Banks Incorporate The movement on tha part of private b,&ri to f ot under, t taovrporatlos rvrr of the state continue steadMy. The auditor cf state today Issued a charter to the Farmers Savings bank of Pioneer, Htitv- boldt county, formerly a private bank. to have a capital of UO.OaO; 11. 8. an Al- stlne, president; D. R. Miles, cashier. At the same time a favorable report wa received from the bank examiner In rela tion to the Incorporation of the Tinglcy State Savings bank, changed from a pri vate bank, with capital of $20,000; H. R Boyd, president; A. R. Haas, cashier. There was filed with the secretary of state the Incorporation papers of the Min den Creamery company, capital, llO.Ov'O; nnd of the Blunt Cattle company, Sioux City, capital $10,000. Oorernor Is Still 111. Governor A. B. Cummins Is still con fined to his home and will not be out for a week or more. He is barely able to t up a portion of each day and 1m very weak. He Is attending to only the most urgent stnte business nnd a largo number of bills that he will have to sign nro ac cumulating on his desk. Miners "till Disagree. Unless nn agreement Is reached In two days there will be trouble in the coal min ing regions of Iowa. The miners and ojr ators resumed their conferences toda and tried to reach a scttloment of the wage question as affecting the day workers. Tho miners demand that the old scale shall be adopted, but the operators want a 5 per cent reduction. It was stated this afternoon that the miners had submitted the matter to the miners' executive board at indlanapnlia, as the reduction would affect miners in all parts of the country. The operators say that unless on agree ment Is reached when the old agreement expires March 81 they will close their mines and wait. MISICIFAL ELKCTIOSs IS IOWA. Republicans Fleet Kverythlnsr lit lies Moines Except Police Judge. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DKS MOINF.S, March 2K. (Special Tele gram.) Partial returns from the city elec tion show that the entire republican ticket was elected today, except police Judge, for which A. J. Mathls (dem.) heat W. A. Tris by a small majority. The republicans elect all nine aldermen. A fight was waned on W. A. Trls, republican candidate for police Judge, on the ground that he was an ar dent Hull man und also becauso he was for continuing a policy of opposition to the sporting elements. His opponent was A. J. Mathls, ex-Justice of the peace. Waterloo had a fight over tho water works question and an aldermanlc ticket pledged to Improve water conditions waa chosen. Boono elected a council composed of two socialists, two republicans and one dem ocrat. It is a rnllroad center. An elec tric light franchise was endorsed at the Mason City election. In Fort Dodge a spe cial paving' question furnished ".ho Issue. Two republicans and one Independent went elected to the council. Two republicans and one democrat were elected In Iowa City. Independence elected four republicans and one de-, ocrat to Its council. J. L. Carey (em.) was elected mayor of Dentson, Secretary's Shaw's home city, two republicans and one democrat on the council. At Clinton James Patterson (rep.) was elected mayor by 1,500 majority. Sioux City elected W. G. Sears (dem.) over W. E. Cody (rep.). Most of the dem ocratic ticket was elected. SIBLEY, la., March 28. (Special Tele gram.) At the Sibley municipal election 845 votes were polled. Two tickets were In the Meld. The citizens' ticket by caucus, the city ticket by petition. Tho citizens ticket elected W. C. Qnrberson mayor; W, B. Stevens and C. B. Morrison, council men, and Ed Bailey, treasurer. The city ticket elected T. P. Jenkins, councilman M. M. Trainer, recorder, and Charles 'i. , . . . .. er, usnexsor. wnue there was great lnl"'est In the contest tho election was without political party significance. LOQAN, la., March 2S.-(Speclul Tele gram.) At the election here today much Interest was felt, there being four tickets In the field, the socialist being the only party represented. It cast five votes out of a total of 319. The principal fight was be tween the citizens' ticket and the people's ncKet. 'ine result: For mayor. I. C. Mil llman, people's (re-elected); recorder. P. M Adams, citizens; assessor, Theodoie Cronlt, cmzenB ; treasurer. O. McKelvIe, citizens' councumen, jonn w. wood, citizens' and Oscar Coffey, people's. MISSOURI VALLEY. Ia.. March 2S - (Special Telegram.) At a hotly contested city election for aldermen the result was as as follows: First ward. P. J. Tcnnant (dem.) over J. R. McOavern (ren ). 22 mn. Jorlty; Second ward, C. A. Walker (rep.) over George Beagle (dem.), 12 majority; Third ward, E. Roscnbaum (dem.) over V Illiam Newflnd (rep ). 61 majority. This makes the council stand four republicans and two democrats. ONAWA, la., March 28 rSpcclal Tele gramsComplete returns for muyor gives Jienry iianowe. republican, thirty malorltv over M. A. Marley. democrat. For rlerlr C. M. Ross defeats George 1'nderhlll by one vote; councllmen, C. H. Bradbury, re- putillcan. and M. B. Pumen, democrat were elected; assessor, D. A. Petnher, re publican; treasurer. B. D. Holhrook, demo crat, were elected. The election was warmly contested, the main question being one of reform In the city government. BURLINGTON, la., March 2R.-Todav's election resulted in a landslide for the re publicans. J. 8. Caster was elected mayor over Mercer (dem.) by 700 plurality. The city council will be republican by a large majority. CRESTON, la., March 28. (Special Tele gram.) The municipal election today re- sunea in ino election of three democratic and two republican aldermen. Tho coun cil is a lie witn a republican mayor. OSKALOOSA. In.. March 28. -Three re publican and two democratic aldermen were elected today. Brakentan Killed In Iowa. CRESTON, la., March 28-(Speclal Tele gram. ) Brakeman William Oney of Red ding. In,, was killed this morning nt Corn ing. He was caught between the drawbars. Works Wonders for Women. Electrlo Bitters Invigorates the female system and cures nervousness, headache, backache and constipation or no pay. 60c Fur sale by Kuhn & Co. Crashed by a Wagon. HURON, S. D.. March 28. (Special Tele gram (Saturday night Fred Nlmblet. a farmer, aged SC. and unmarried, fell from a wagon loaded with lumber, the wheels passing over his body, killing him almost Instantly. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century FftlPARKD ay ea IV 1 to , 'r.'Tl'T,"'V-'-' I!. IW J Inssrcs porc,Soft,WhlltSkla ad t Bctatlfnl Compltlloa, enraa Kczcdis and Tetur. Ab , . goluialr abd Parajarantly S v ' aira. Pimple, lttduau, sus !' 9 N-ari " Dd T' l',eJ t"" ri& lirma U..jl 6oap a rcr. ; fLt nm i. lu.uiad. V x 5l-ir aii.beerda,, alraol. DerasavRoyale. tl ar bollla. sxsreas sald. Iwras-IMisK Saap, aft reals, kjr saali. tak 1st eiackagr. !.. a.prasa pa. Tks Uvrma-ltosale Cv.. riarlnaail. O. SCHALrCX'S CLI I'KICC DXLG S10RL. pm fits. Mebr.. av4 stoath Osaa. WW. Cfi-insssnsif I Mtirnr if 4 1 s-.mi m lis I mvtm fjo rn CP slB,j,rrifMtll1nTJisitf , I . I 3 era ! Ten Days' Frco Treatment I Offered Hen j Grt Parisian Method That Cure j Seminal Weakness. Varicocele j Stricture, dlcet, Gonorrhoea, I'nnat I unit Discharges, Irritation and En , I Iflrgement of the Prostate Uland, j niadJer and Urinary Disorders, Without taking rWlclne- Into thJ stomach and In Their Own Home. It Will Be Sent Every flan Absolutely Free. a wonjc! ful method successfully used for years In Km.-ce. nnd now for the fret tlrrn In Lrodi'r..,i in r.orl It i twta. IK' m for rny man. yo matter hew bad off, to ulckly regain the vlior of mauhood THE PARIS IVIFDICATEO CRAYON. PLEAaANY, SOOTHING AND HIALINQ. without tuKlng any medicine into tho stoic Boh, und to urova that it will do thW lli-;y o;ler a full Ten Uays' Trial Treatment ab solutely free to every man sending nams and ud.lress ;o Dr. tltevetis A Co., ilox 1771. Columbus, Ohio. You ancly It locally to the seat of 'lie trouble, rnd It quickly tlnds its way to the ccslrcd sjot, enlarging the muscles, increasing thd nerve force una giv ing the necesnary vim and energy. The wcrld of science and medicine thoroughly endorse It. It cures In wonderfully quick time. In your own home, lost vitality, emaciation, premptuil;y, tarlcocele. rictiire. unnat ural iirilation and inlnrgnment of the pros tate gland, und a. II bladder and urinary disorders of man, tl is the only method ki'own to s.Mxnce thi-t will eleatrify the ooay, rout warning c'seanee, create vigor, warmth and force, tnd all without medicine taken into the stomach. Jf others tell you nothing can be dona fur you, this will surely ?ure you. Write to l)r. Btevens Co., Columbus. Ohio. Box 1771. They offer Ten bays' Trial Treatment to every man. It Is no "pre criptlon," 'deposit" or "C. O. D." scheme, as this Arm is too large to resort to such; retty ways. In addition to the absolutely ' ree trial treatment they send th most complete book ever written on the Pvses of Men, tailing all, and fully Illustrated, with forty engravings from life. Every, thing Is confidential and sent perfectly plain, ind since they merely ask you to Inquire what they have got that will- cure you, we trust every gentleman reader of this paper will write them at once a above tlilta tret vha Tan TAVS Trtl T ijka ft' Bient ajtd look, both beoiute'or free, The Only DouM Track Railway botween the . Missouri River nnd Chicago. ft DAILY TRAINS V OMAHA TO CH8CAGO 8.25 PM THE OVERLAND LIMITED Mwnlncsnt sold rtnltf rrArt-n nue-e-a-J- 'r.. i meat snd drswlns-mom .Iwetns 'V'" bitrlwr, hath, tlita:is, .!lnlim our aud obir-tloa e.rm. Elsotrlo llhtd throughoat. 8.00 AM THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS Pullman tottrlut ilnfping cri anU roaches Dinl&f oars h( from Clinton 5.50 PM THE EASTERN EXPRESS Pullman drswlnn-rooiu i"t tn'iri-t li.i,n ours. . fTMncliutnsclwir oats, buflt iior.l sod uiokilia esrr. i'iuidk 3 CITHER DAILY TRAiNS 3fl in Pullmsndrnwins roomie"pin-r.i fiLM lM,in,kinil mid librr rsrs ss. ff irahnlTsst 1BR CM. II Ofl 111 Through .orrlcs ')mh to unic.iro I Til bM N,.rll.AVlrn tund.rd day ookUS I.WU ud frss ohsir in.. Uinlns cr. 4f)r ma Fm thair fiin to rhirnao Pullmsa I fM isitng rar from Am"" lo l.'biogo. IHS ' 1 m i .gc.rMrviog breakfaat. 2 DAILY TRAINS OMAHA TO ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS 7C fl ill Oiwarvatlou csfs cars, parlor cars sad i .vU AM coachoa. 81 C nil Pullman nlwlnf run. hoflat llbrarf ,19 M car. aud fra raohnius chalt car. BLAG El IIBLLS J CD Dtl Torrsmnnt. Llncnln.Wiihno.rtSTldCUr .Ull rlH Vnrli. llailluaa. SaKard. (laliava. Hui -i,.- X'nrfr.ll. ljti I'i . C.hi,.r. Hot fcliruota, Iladr.od ami Laad. Tluougu raclinlui ehair oarai 1' (leaping car naivico. Q (It 111 To Kramont. IJncola. Wal.oo. .Norfolk. O.UJ ANI Long I'ina, VardiMra. llouahtaol and Uis Roaabud Indian ltaHr,alion i-ountr. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1401 and 1403 Farnam SuecL awe Charges Less Than fill Others mm r7V,a,a" i ' frf DR. WsCGREW, SPECIALIST Trrais nil n.rnis ( Dlsvusea of Mf.S OStV. Twcnty-cight Years' Experience. Eighteen Years In Omaha. The doctor s riarkable success hii lfvr been tyuuled. ills rrsuurces and fnrllltlPS f'.r tl'-i.tlll tills 1'1'IM Of tllHMla.l- sro unliinltwl i'nii vry diy brings many P ut-rli.s r jjortH of the good lie Is dolus; ur tho itll.-f Iik 1ms .riven. HOF SPRINGS TREATMENT TOR All Blood FulMOns. No "HKEAKINO OVT" on tlie nk1" "r ",c0 tt"1 u'1 rti-iniii slum of tlm fllbtfiise dls:ii)yurs at once A ir limnont turr for Ufa BUiirantei'd. I inilli; f IFCl'Rlid GlAItANTKED in i AKILUCLll. LKtsH than kivk davs. tin ) fkflU luiivs cured of Hydrocele, INlAK JU.UUU blri. ture. Uleel, .Nervous Debility, I.uss of Ktrei.Kth und Vitality and all forms of cl. route lUours. Trsntinent by mull. Call or write. Bos, 704. Office !ai Souta Uth St., Onmlia. Nab. ESPICS OR POWDER .H mmmm if la- av V m 1 af" . v. r a 1. msssr .O J aWrl i