Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1904, Image 7

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CandidaUs fo? Vrc.toa Trip Apparently
Titteg t Ea-y.
Aarl thf Homestretch l.lnble in lie-
veal a Unit How of "urprla-
Instil' P. I at Wood
"Too swift arrives ns tardy as too plow"
la cj-Mi'iitly a impulir m:ilm with thai ma
jority of ciindidatr g In thr- voting contest
imw In progress for ten moro trip to the
Bt. Louis exposition, rnort of llw aspirants
iippiMirlnK to bp lylnK dormant awaiting
cpiderllke tho opportune moment nt which
to tnnkn thr-lr spring. Well tho ton files
ara coming netirer to the den em h day, nn J
It will not he loiirf belorn you'll witness u
fine scramble, nfler which ti'ti stalwart
spiders will ho liKtklriK plo nt fly and the
fly will be a fly to the St. Ioula pxposltion.
Thf moral of this llttlo fly story la, thure
tnuat bo "no flies" on tlie spider thnt wnnts
to catch one of them flics. Tho vote at i
o'clock p. m. Monday waa:
II W Xlnnn., 1L ' i an
J Friedman, timulm MO
Jteni S akehousu, Council Bluffs 6")
i.uiph A. Newell, Oni.tha 4S
),'liiy Johnson, Omaha 44U
ltiilii ivters, Onulm 391
Klni'T Campbell, Omaha 3tJ
J. ('. Hrnwn, Omaha . 2W
l.ily 10ti, Omuhii 21
John F. Flynn, Houth Omaha 141
lithel Sheets, OrualiH tl
1.. T. Hliannon, Nehrunka "lty M
Olive Knarllsli, Council HlufTa 46
" KIlHWorth, Oinuhtt 13
Ida Homh, Omaha ti
l'etar Kennedy, innahn a
Walter Goldsmith. ( imaha S
Gertrude Moon, Omuha S
Anna Klein, Oniahu X
W. J. Ciipnne, Otuulia 1
Hill McKlravey, IUhiiik City 1
Urn J. I; nice, South Omaha I
llavrn T. Andrrm Hrwnti James
Ihriihrnl'i thnria and Ilaa lllm
Jamra Shepherd, Twtnty-ftrat and Man
cVrson atreeta, arretted laat week on a
charge of leaving the county with mort
gaged property, hna been arraigned In po
lice court, Information having hoen filed
r.gainat him by Assistant County Attorney
Jt. II. Montgomery. The prlaotier pleaded
not guilty and a hearing waa act for next
Saturday morning In pollen court. Shep
herd haa aecured hla release on bonda. He
la represented by Attorney W. 8. Shoe
maker, who hns volunteered hla services
to defend a fellow aoldier.
Tho defendunt was urreeted on a war
rant sworn to by Haven T. Andrews, ICO
South Sixteenth street. When taken to the
police station Shepherd said that five yeara
iijo he mortgaged hla furniture to Andrews
for 1'5, paying $11 every three mouths aa
Interest, and having already pnld In Inter
fat over $200. Shepherd claims that when
he left for Colorado to work In the beet
fielda he aecured Andrew'a permission, leav
ing a pension rrrthlcate and a peraonal
note aa security for the furniture being
taken out of tho county. It la alao claimed
that Shepherd waa forced to aell the furni
ture In Colorado on account of slckres.
making his way hack to Omaha, when he
waa arrested by Andrewa.
Mr. Andrewa- atatea hla aide of the cose
thla way: '
"Shepherd, who waa en old soldier and
friend of my father, who alao waa an old
aoldier, borrowed $T!6 from ine January 24,
ISM, saying he was 'hard up. He offered
me as security hla pension papers. I told
Mm I had no right to take them and would
not If I he'd, so he gave me a mortgage on
Mi household goods, which mortgage I had
recorded. I let him have the money more'
because of his and my father's friendship
feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and
fear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror
of child-birth can be entirely avoided by the use of Mother's Friend,
a scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens and renders
pliable all the parts, and
assists nature in its sublime
work. By its aid thousands
of women have passed this
trreat crisis in perfect safety
and without pain. Sold at $t.oo per
bottle by drugeists. Our book of priceless
value to all women sent free. Address
S!,ooo paid
You can easily get one cf the cash prlaea we are ottering
for the greatest number of waya of spelling
The word
To the persons sending us the word Egg-O-See spelled in the most ways we
offer $1,000 io cash, to bo paid as follows:
Te the on sending the
i graatwt variety !
la tha Mcond sanding
tha greatest variety
Ts tha third sending tha graataat variety
Te tha fourth aandlng tha greatest variety
1 tha into aenJing ine greatest variety el spelling
Is the 140 sewllag the aeit greatest variety al spellings Sl.00 ,
The prises will he swarded Immediately after the close sf tha contest.
The contest is open to all. The only conditions are that the
lists must be mailed to us on or before June 15, 1904. The
spelling must be such as could properly be pronounced "Egg
O-See, and for each five
different spellings one ol the little
tolders, (same as used in the school
children's contest found on tha inside
of each package of the food), must be
sent in. For instance, if you send in
15 different spellings you must send
three of the folders. Be sure ancL
write jronr name aad address plainly.
You will find it interesting and in-
structive, and yon are permitted to
have your friends help you. By do
ing this you can easily win one of tha
prises, which will be distributed as
soon after June 15, as we can look
over the list of competitors.
Here are a few waya of spelling Egg-O-See : Egg-0-$ea,
Egg-Oh-Cee, Eg-O-Cy, Egg-O-Cie.
These prizes are offered to more thoroughly famil
iarize all with the merits of Egg-O-See, the purest
and best tasting flaked wheat food. The healthful
ness and great nourishing qualities of flaked wheat
are now generally recognized. Egg-O-See Is the favor
ite flaked wheat food and is rapidly displacing all
others because of Its superior quality and because
a full sized package retails for IO cents.
If your grocer doe not keep It, aend tie hie nemo and 10 oonts
and wo will aond you a package), prepaid.
Address all comaaoicalioBS to Egf-O-Soe, Quincy, in.
thnn anything rlne. I never got a crnt
from Shepherd tintll a few months ago,
after he hud gone to Colon.,!). Ho .nt
me 111. leaving a balance if J:5. i
"About a ye-ir orcn Shepl erd told nv h
had a good Job offered Mm In Colorado and
asltnl mc to loan Mm 510 more to hip get
himself and h'a family out there. 1 told
htm I did not have the money, but rr.adi
no objection to hla going becauae ho al
ready owed me I3ii. He promised to pay It
and did aend me $11 after he had been in
Colorado aome time Then I lout track of
him and never heard of him until a ahort
time ego a friend of mine told me Fhep.
herd and hla fHmlly had moved themselves
and the furniture brick to Omaha. I went
o:it to their house and rsked for the money
or aome kind of a aettlement and Shepherd,
hla son and son-ln-lnw undertook to whip
me and I hHd a hard time getting out of
their clutchea. I then went up town arid
a wore out a replevin for the property on
which I held the mortgage, and Shepherd
then put up thla pitiful tale to the police.
I nm a barber at Thirteenth and I'aclflc
atreeta. am not and tie: er waa In the
money-loaning business and have not re
ceived, nor do I aak 1 cent of Intereat on
the money I let Shepherd have."
No Time to Pool Arrar-
Coughs. eo'.de and lung troubles demand
prompt treatment with Dr. King's New re
covery. No cure, no pay. tOc. $1.00. For
sale by Kuhn St Co.
Suit Filed In Federal Court to Keep
Defendants 0 7 the
A cnie bearing some relation to the fa
mnuH Boyd county land cases haa Just been
begun In the T'nlted States circuit court.
The title of the enso Is Charles S. McDon
ald against Chnrlea J. Nelson, Solomon
Jensen. William H. Laprath, Harry J. Blair,
Albert Anderson, Alexander H. Blair,
Oeorge W. McCrlght and John Hedlund, all
of Eoyd county. The nction Is to prevent
the defendnnta from taking possession of
the lands In question under the state laws
of Nebraska and to reimburse the plaintiffs
In tho sum of $.710 damages.
The complaint alleges that on nnd prior
to August 14, 1!03, the state of Nebrnska
waa owner of certain lands situated In Boyd
county, described as all of section 2, tlte
northwest Quarter of section 3 nnd the
northeast qunrter of section 13. township
34, range 11. also of the west half of section
19, township 34, range 10; that the atate of
Nebrnska held such lands by virtue of the
provlalona of Its constitution and statutes
for the use and benefit of the school funds
of the state, plaintiff further alleges that
August 14, IDifl, through the commissioner
of public lands nnd buildings of the atnte;
thnt the state of Nebraska leased part of
the landrt to M. P. Mcholln and on the same
date leased to W. H. Grieves the remainder
of the lands, nnd that these leases have
been transferred by proper assignments to
and are now the property of the plaintiff;
that subsequent to the exchange of said
leases the defendants, disregarding the title
of the state of Nebraska and title of the
rlQliitiff and his asnlRns thereon, have en
tered Into the possession of all of tho prem
ises nnd .still retain possession and control
thereof, and on demand refuse to deliver
the sumo to the plaintiff, and that they
have no right to tho possession thereof.
The plaintiff alleges thnt he haa suffered
damages thereby in the sum of $5,000, and
he asks judgment and a decree of the court
establishing hla right to use and occupy the
premises under and by virtue of his lease,
and that he be awarded damugea In tho
auin of $5,000, and that a writ of ejectment
Issue against said defendants and that
plaintiff have Judgment for bis costs ex
pended therein.
. Henla na by Magic.
Tf a pain, sore, wound, burn, scald, cut
or piles distress you, Bucklen's Arnica
Salve will cure it, or no pay. Sic. For sale
by Kuhn & Co.
la the joy of the household, for wfthout
it no happincEt can be complete. How
weet the picture of mother and babe,
angels smile at and commend the
thoughts and aspirations of the mother
bending over the cradle. The ordeal through
which the expectant mother must pass, how
ever, is so full of danger and suffering that
she looks forward to tho hour when she shall
for spellini
apalllnga. .
at P
IX 1 1 Inn.
ot apeilinfi...
ol spellings. ...
VenileTl'lc nt the t i eltthlon-Crphrnm.
Two of the 1 Iggest crc-ivds that huve Vis
ited the Orplieum this year filled it to
overflowing r.t both ii; and tvenlr.g
performances yesterday, to witr.eea one of
the test bills spread before the patrons of
the vaudeville hours in some weeka. It
la made up of even excellency, all of the
turns being good of their kind. Iw Bully,
always an Omaha favcMte. leads the fun
making with hla aotigs and chatter, and
still holda hla place In the icpular estima
tion, for he had to beg off at both per
formances yesterday. Harry IClalr. the
Imperaonator. gives hi old-time actress
and up-to-date Mephlstrphelea with great
unction and wins much applause. Wilfred
Clarke, assisted by Archie Olllles, Mian Lu
cille Spinney and Mlaa Theo Carew, pre
sents a aketch. "No Moro Trouble," that
Is cleverly designed and well enacted, being
laughable In the extreme. It is a farce,
rather than comedy, but la neat and clean
and deservea the applause It receives. The
real feature of the bill is the trapeze work
of Mile. Amoros. a beautiful young woman,
who accompllshea some extremely difficult
feats with charming grace and apparent
ease. One of her most startling stunts Is
to turn through her arms twice without
moving her hands on the bars. She does
this In defiance of nature, not only once or
twice, but half a doaen times, to show that
she Isn't bluffing. Mile. Charlotte, who as
sists her. Is Dlso extremely graceful and
agile .and executes a number of tumbling
stunts In a way that wins applause. Tony
Wilson and Helolse, on the triple bars,
show much agility and a number of new
fcata. They use the "bounding bed" In
connection with the bara, and the combina
tion makes possible a number of things
that otherwise could not be done. They
wlrd up their turn in a sensational way,
the woman throwing sixteen successive
backward summeraaults nnd the man thir
ty-two. The Wemer-Amoroa troupe gives
an .ild-tlme pantomime. In which a lot of
comical business la Introduced, and during
which Pierre Amoros accomplishes the feat
of Juggling nine balls at once. Da Petite
Adelaide Is a clever t.nd accomplished
dancer and eaBlly wins her right to a place
on the bill. The klnodrome haa a number
of good pictures, among them being some
that ehow the wondere of I.una park, the
Thompson & Dundy enterprise at Coney
"Nobody's Claim" at the Krntr.
A "drama" of the west Is on the boards
at the Krug for the first half of the week.
It was cheered to the echo by two de
lighted audiences yesterday, and Apparently
merits the reception it had. Some spe
cialties are Introduced between the acts,
among them being a series of stereoptlcon
views that are greatly enjoyed by the
spectators. The piece will run until after
Wednesday night, with the customary mat-
lneo on Wednesday.
"One Kliclit In Jnne" at tb Boyd.
"One Night InvJune" must nave seemed
to the company more like a night in De
cembersuch a frost. And at that, the
company tnd the play doesn't deserve It.
It la a story of the old, old kind, of a rural
maid who la won by a villain and led
through the deptha until finally her free
dom cornea and ahe la married to the man
who haa always loved her and everything
is made right, but it Is told well and the
company that Is presenting It Is really
Facte About One of Nature's Moat In
daatrloas Creatures.
When spring comes with all Its wealth of
opening buds and new flowers, trie ant. la
preparing for a season of profitable In
It cornea out of its winter quarters and
locates a new home where It can store
away, during the summer months, the
sustenance for the long winter days.
Just aa industrious aa the ant but In
a different way. are the countless tnfln-
Itlaemal germa which burrow Into the scalp
and eat away the roots of the hair.
As they burrow away dandruff forms.
and if the germs are not all killed, bald
ness results.
Newbro's Herplelde Is the only known
remedy which kills the germs.
Bold by leading druggists. Bend 10c In
stamps for sample to The Herplelde Co..
Detroit, Jllch. Sherman it McConnell
Drug Co., Omaha, special agents.
HomeaeeUera' Mate to orh Dakota,
Kvery Tuesday until October 25 the Chi
cago Great Western railway will sell round
trip tickets to points in the above named
state at a great reduction rom the usual
fare. For further Information apply to
Geo. F. Thomaa, general Agent, 1512 Far-
nam street, Omaha, Neb.
A rtcltal will be given this evening at
First Congregational church. Nineteenth
nnd Davenport streets, by pupils of Miss
Fitch and Miss Allen. The public Is Invited,
Ten free trips to the Worm's fair each
week. Bee counon on page 1
J. C. Cowln Is back from a trip to Chi
Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Barton have re
turned from mi eastern trip.
W V 1 1 i 1 U ia. ... 11 i, v , ., . T - I
... . , it, ... x . i vunii A.m cm, vr,
Wyo., Mr. ami Mrs. W. 8. McLalu of
tionesteel are at the I'axton.
Jacob Lau of Lincoln haa been appointed
superintendent of construction of the new
government store house to be built at the
iiuariermaater depot In Omaha.
W. W. Parsons of Hastings, Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. Mi-Clay of Heutrlce. I. 8. Cutter.
Clara A. Stiliy of Ianciln and C. H. King
ol i asper re ai ine iier uranu.
Attorney W. W. Young of Stanton. R. B
Lamina of I'lysscs, Hiss Dortch of Nor
folk, 8. T. vyuhoii or Wayne and 11. i'eters
Jr., of Gretna, are at the Murray.
I , I n I 'h pi, a l'ull.iu .,h., lnn1
officer. Department of the Missouri, haa
relumed Iroin nut Leavenworth, where
he has been engaged In Initialling a tele
phone s.vxtem on the turt;, t tang on I tie
tort leuvenworin military reservation.
G. M. Williams of Boulder. M. P. Keefe,
A. J. Matthews, C Keetli of Cheyenne. W.
T. Wilcox of North Platte, K. T. Karr of
(Ire, ly. Colo., and Mr. and Mra. George
8. I'erklna and son of I 'avid City are at
ine Murray.
Among the additional Empire Creamery
company men arriving to attend the
creamery convention are the following
uuditered at the Murray: J. Morak, Fred
Du Trema. K. K. Uulloik. W. P. Shepherd
J. J. Fletcher. J. A. Bleward. E. P. Siiagar.
Thomas Oscar, Will llarinan, George W.
Kogers, E. i. I anion, c J. Dodge, 1.. o,
Ileum, H. J. Behwab, V. K. Toogood. C
1.. Ki-rawr, K. Anthony, J. E. Amend. A
C. Dill. E. R. Ellis. They come from Ohio,
Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois and other
Miss Augusta Lehniann Is visiting her
parents. Mr. and Mra. Henry Lehmann. b'7
Houth Twenty-ninth avenue, fene returned
Thursday and her liiemui had the pleasure
of hearing her tine contralto voire 8unday
In tho First iiaptlst church, where the
sang. On, Rest In tho Lord. Miss Lk h
nihiin haa been studying In Chicago and
her frit nil feel pleased with the
ahe haa made. Hhe sings In Plymouth Con
gregational church In Chicago and haa
signed a contract with the Redpath Lyceum
tvireau for a concert tour of lea weeks.
I.oudn D. Charlton, formerly of Omaha
and now managing director of The Hub
tonlans, Is expected In Omaha to
day. He comes chiefly to witness The
Rostonlans' new comic opera. "The Queen
of Laughter." J. Cheever Goodwin, author
of numerous comic operss. wi'l also t In
tha city, tha guest of Mr. Charlton and
The Bostontana. Mr. Goodwin comes to
Omaha to be with The Boeionlana In order
securately to take the meaaure of the
crganlxatlon for a brxnd new comic opera.
Wild "The Queen of Laughter' ana the
new Cheever Goodwin opera The Boato
nlnne will enter New York next eeaaoo
wlih two new opera addet to their repertoire.
The Bennett Company Kntrrtnlns n
Multitude ot Ite Friends.
Yesterday marked the oienlng of the
annual Easter display at Bennett's. This
exhibit Is always the first showing of all
the latest spring goods, and to say that the
public la always eager to attend la shown
conclusively in that fully l.'.effl visitors and
purchasers were entertained by tho man
agers and courteous employes of the lten
nett establishment.
The main room of the store was beauti
fully featooned In purple and cream, and
in almost every nook nnd corner Easter
lilies, ralms and potted plants of ninny
varieties were tastily arrnngeO. To add
to the pleasure of the visitors the man
agement had provided Kaufman's elegant
orchestra, which was hidden from view by
a huge bank of palms, discoursing music
during both forenoon and afternoon.
In the women's cloak department on the
second floor Mr. D. J. O'Donohuo vaB busy
all the day displaying nnd draping the new
arrival of very elaborat costumes and
gowns to an anxious audience of con
noisseurs. This waa the first showing of
theao exquisite gowns and n lnrge number
of them were purchaaed during the day.
Tho Immense show windows and cases
presented a gorgeous display nnd an ad
miring throng wah aeen about them until
late In the evening.
Messrs. W. R. Hennett and J. K. H.ium,
the managers of the Bennett company, re
ceived many congratulations on the com
pleteness and superiority of their display
over former years.
Competent Secretaries for Y. M. C. A.
Work Raid to He Hard
to Get.
"We have no secretary yet." said O. O.
Wallace of the board of Y'oung Men's
Christian association directors. "Tlie diffi
culty Is there are not enough good men In
the country for the work. Associations
have been springing up so fnst that men
have not been educated fast enough to tuke
charge of them. At the Boston convention
a few years ago It was predicted that
within five yeara 1.6O0 more men would be
needed This is coming to be true. The
railroad work begun Borne ten years ago
has Incrensed wonderfully and the Philip
pine and foreign work are increasing so
rapidly that they call a number of men out
of the country. T'ntll a few years ago no
attempt was made to educate secretaries '
for the work, but now there are associa
tion schools. The condition of the work
here now, with the new building to put up.
will make it harder for tis to get a secre
tary. 1 understand the committee ia get
ting information about a young man In one
of tho busy smaller eastern cities who is
said to have done splendid work there."
Announcements of the Theaters.
A number of extra events are scheduled
at the Orpheum thla week. At the matinee
next Thuraday a number of amateur acta
will be put on. On Thursday night one Ret
from "True Frlenda" will be presented by
The Gate City Athletic club, a local or
ganization that has been rehearsing for the
past year. They have given a number of
entertainments. A big amateur show will
be given Saturday night, a large number of
volunteers having already been listed. The
sale of seats is on and is very brisk, Indi
cating a widespread interest.
At the Krug theater an excellent vaude
ville bill Is being presented with the melo
drama, "Nobody's Claim." The specialties
are Introduced between all the acts, aa well
as during the action of the play. Tho en
gagement of "Nobody's CJlm" closes with
the matinee and night performances of
Wednesday. . ' ' "
Beats are now on sale for "M'lle Fl Fl,"
the big musical comedy production which
conies to the Krug Thursday night for the
remainder of the week...
This evening at the Boyd theater the
Boatonluns will sing their popular light
opera, "The Serenade." The company is
headed, as usual, by Henry Clay Barnaby,
who still has the isslstance of Mr. McDon
ald and Mr. Fotheringham, and Includes in
its roster a number of the best voices now
before the public Miss Agnes Brown, the
prima donna ot the company this season,
is a young woman who has created n great
furore since being presented in her present
position. Other members of the company
are up to the Bostonlan standard. On
Wednesday at tha matinee "Roblnhood"
will be sung, and on Wednesday evening a
new opera, "The Queen of Laughter," will
be the bill.
Seats are now on sale at the Boyd for
the engagement of the Four Cohans In
"Running for Office," which opens on Fri
day evening.
All goods sold at Hubermann's Jewelry
store guaranteed as to price and quality.
Horses clipped. 317 8. Fourteenth. Tel. K.
Dentist with well established' practice in
an excellent location In Beu building de
sires gentleman to share office, preferably
physician. Address E St. bee office.
Grand Valley, Colorado, fruit lands. Send
to F. W. Popple, Parachute, Colo., for a
book bbout fruit, sugar beets, alfalfa and
grain lands In Grand Valley, Colo., free.
Another new firm has been gained by
Omaha In Lowrey Bros. & Co., who have
come from Lincoln, Neb. They do a coin
mission business in grain and stocks, ami
are located at 212 New York Life building.
A. B. Hubermnnn, only diamond importer
in the west, cor. Thirteenth and Douglas.
JOHNSON Frank A.. Maareh 27, 1904,
aged 4.' years, 1 month. 14 daya.
Funeral Wednesday afternoon. March SO.
at t o'clock, from residence, Reward
afreet. Interment Forest Lawu. Friends
And Scores of Them Reside
in Omaha.
Kidney Ills develop quickly.
Only a little backache at first
Neglect the ache, other troubles follow.
Urinary disorders diabetes Brlght's dis
ease. Doan's Kidney Pills save many Uvea.
Cure kidney ills before too late.
Omaha people endorse them.
Mr. C. U. Wiklund, S30 South 23d street,
engineer at the Bheely building, says: "I
first felt sharp pains across the small of
my back; I thought nothing of it at the time,
but it gradually grew worse, and the heat
In the engine room during the day and the
sudden change when I went out nights
probably aggravated if not caused the
trouble. I saw Doan's Kidney Fills ad
vertised and got a box at Kuhn & Co.'s
drug store, corner 15th and Douglas streets.
I did not take all of the box before the
trouble disappeared."
For aaie by all dealers. Price, 50 cents
per box. Foater-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N.
Y.. sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name, Tkui's, gad taka
M aubatltuta
Orchard Wilkelm
Carpet Company
T T are showing a very large line of new
styles in Scotch and French madras which
we are sure will interest you.
A f White and cream madras, 48 I J
lnche3 wide, very serviceable JT,JC
and washabla, Just, the thing
for bed rooms and upstair sitting rooms, yard 43c.
Q ft Art glass madras, reproductions Q I"
of old stained glass, made In col- JtjQ
ors SO inches wide, twenty-five
different styles, price, eighty-five cents per yard.
x m Savoy Cloth a new weave for f
' ever hangings comes in three
colors Arabian, green and red
forty-eight Inches wide, at ninety -five cents pair.
if Madras Curtains Fifty styles ft AA
I Kill new madras curtains for r II li
libraries, halls and dining
' rooms special, at,flve dollars per pair.
8n ! Crete Curtains New French Q f
J Crete Curtains, very stylish 0 g J
we have them In all colors, pr
H auaaoii ii i a'wag'jj'j me tpai.
&he Best of
The Only Double
Track Railway
to Chicago
Very Low Rates
.. .to....
Minnesota, Dakota,
Washington, Oregon
Canadian Northwest
and April.
On varloua dates in March
a City OffiCes
14011403 FAR NAM ST.
TEU 624-561
Buggies, Carriages
0 wrr
E and wagons
Fifteenth sod Capitol Ave.
Read our special "ad" every Sunday
and Wednesday In The Bee.
i dtif hair. If 0y i fti.ch4, (t ca kx r
felMatd io tU Batiafti Cs4JaT l(l.ou U0y la4TaVil
Of aWeVp t)P SM a4cksvUw ol tlaa)
MB Imperial Hair Regenerator
1' i af TM B ITANDAHD H Ala COiXKlNr;. if a
: - l arAiMut.iy a.rmlru. Any tfii4. MtMluccd. I 0U4
, '.! m. i4 l APPLICATION LAMi
4 ' n )&i'jt i lis. anj, oi yutr nir iijea src f .
' 0aarUICWaLjMfsU.i;i.2JdSl.JasrYart
'VUVtao ' 3 artua UauuoQBlC ' usouem
I 'V
lai afJinr v- - " - m
Correct Styles for
Spring. Men's
Easter Clothing......
You have a far better ami greater range of choice here
than in any other clothing store in town. When you select
your new spring suit here you have the satisfaction of know
ing that the only difference between a suit or overcoat
bought at the "Nebraska" nnd one from tlie most expensive
tailor is a difference in price a difference 1 lint is T0 per
cent in your favor.
Here is a Special Offering
for Easter Week....
Your choice of over 700 spring suits, top cents nnd era
venctto rain-coats Tlie suits are in fine cheviots and wors
teds nnd cassimeres The overcoats nre the smart short
top coats. The longer lengths
are shown for the more conserv
ative dressers. The cravenette
coats are in a good grade of ma
terial, garments that you might
expect to pay 13, for
The New
For Spring
Like the Murch winds are seasonablo
Just now Women's Low Oxfords,
Blueher Cjt and Button stylos.
Russian Calf and Patent Colt.
Thla particular shoe Is the newest
idea of the shoe maker and are shown
in our store exclusively this spring.
hen down town Monday we would
be pleased to have you step In nnd
look at these nnd other shoe novelties
that we ure now showing for Women's
1419 Farnam Streit.
Omaha's Up-t-D it Sho) Houti
Hess &
1 Cfc
Before you buy any Lilies
come and see us and you will
not be disappointed, as we carry
the best only in cut flowers and
plants. Big discount on lilies for
Hess .Swoboda
1415 Farnam. Paxton Hotel
JisaiutJ,i1ijuiiuB jaii jjj
AILWAV time: card.
Chicago, nark Irland & Pacific.
Lrara. Arrlva.
rhlemto ryllM Limited a k M im no am
Chtcso Daylight Local a T-00 am a t IS pm
ChtciRo Eipra Ml -15 ia a l:SS pm
IVt Molnta Etpr.- a 4 90 fin bit in
CtalMio rut Espnai a I .hi Tm a t:IC pm
tockr Mountain Limit-.. , .a 7.10 am a t:IS am
Lincoln, Colorado ftprlnr, Dan-
r, Piiablo and Wr.' a 1:10 pm af:00sm
Taxaa, California axd OWLoma
riyar a 1:10 pm ill ttpa
St. Lnnia "Cannon nail" r.t.. .a f SO pm a I M aat
t. Loala Local ICo. B vfil.,." '.! alO Wsa
Chleaso A Northwevern.
rait Chicago a 1.40 am r III am
Local Chleaso all. SO am
Mall . a 10 pm a M pm
Loral Bloux Cltr b I 4E, pm
Uar IlKl.t St. Paul a 7 :10 am a O oo pm
Daylight ( hl.-ago a Km am all 10 pm
Limited Chicago a IS pm a I'll am
Pant Chtnago aCtOpm a I 45 pin
Local Otcaao a 4:11 pm
Fan St. yaul a S it pm a 7 OS am
St. Paul Kipreag it tairo
Kaat Mall I t 40 pm
I .oca! Ploui Cltr b 4 :'K) pm , .10 am
For to Ik and lloneitMl a 1:06 am blO .18 am
Lincoln and Long Pino b 1:06 am blO Rara
Daadtrood, Hot Springs anal
Lincoln a t-M pm a I 10 pm
Tattoor and Wyoming ExprM...d I Mi pin B 10 put
Uaitlnga, Uuparlor and Alblca. .b I 60 pm k 0 10 pm
f'Mragn, Milwaukee afc St. Paul.
Chicago Daylight a 7 SB am all Upm
Chicago Fa't Kxpraaa a I 46 pm a 1:10 pm
Orerlaad Llmttad a to pm a 1:10 am
Dea Moines Eipraaa a 7 :65 am a 1:10 pig
Illluola Central.
Chicago Eipraaa a 7 60 pm a 10 si pm
Chloago. Mlnuaapolla ft St.
I'aul Limited a 7 60 pm a I'OS am
Mlnneapvlla and Bt. I'aul Ei. ..b 7 60 am blO:M pa
I nltin Pacific.
Tha Overland Limited a t 40 am a t "6 pm
Tha Fart Mali a I So am a I M pog
Tna f allfonila Rxpreaa a 4 SO pm
Tha Ailantk Special a f SO am
Tha Portland-! hloaso Special. ..a 1:10 pin I I II na
The Aliunde Kipr-M at'SOpni
Tha Colorado Spwlal all S3 pm a t 40 ant
Tha Chicago Bpactal a 1.40 aia
Lincoln, Haatrlca and Htroma-
bura Kaprr.a b 4-00 pm b1t-4R pm
Columbua local bd:00lm D 15 gut
f'tiieago lireat Western.
i. Paul and Minneapolis Lmtd a 7:11 am
Hr. I'aul and Mlnn'fcpolia La. ..a 7 16 am a I SO pm
chluagn Limited a 4:60 pm alO.SOam
Bt. Paul, Minn. & Chicago Kl a S 30 pm
Chicago Eipruae a 4 JO am a 4 OS pm
Missouri Pacific.
Ht. Loula Eipreaa ato.oo am a g S3 pm
K. C. ft St. Louis Eipraaa.. .. alO 60 pm a la aia
Chlraso, Ilurlinaton V 4gnlnci'.
a 7 0 am
a 4 00 pm
a IS am
a 6 Oj pm
I I f s pm
a 7 46 am
all oo put
a 48 pm
I 46 pia
a os pm
all 06 am
a I v aj
bil o pin
a 7 46 pm
a 4 am
a S ft pm
a S so pm
a H am
bio IS am
a I SI aia
Chicaao W.tlbuled Kiprcat
Chliago Local
Chicago Limited
Faat Mall....
Kaaaas i lly, t. Joacp
h at t o,
Kanaaa city Day Eiprrea
Ht. Louie Flvar
Kanaaa Illy Night Eipreaa ...
Hnrllnatou it Mlaauurl
Wymora, llratrloa and Lincoln.
.a 1:16 am
a 6:16 pm
alO 46 pm
.a a 60 am
a S 1.0 am
JSPh.-aaka l.xpreaa
Lanvar Lliulird
Blaik !ll!a ai I'ur-t Bound Ex
a 4 lo pm
all in pm
Coloiado Vpatlhulfd rl)wr
Lincoln Fuat Mall
Fort Crook. u1 I'liilamouth. . ,
Bellevua ana Pacing Junction
lielleytta aud I'aclflc Juncllon.
b 1 67 pm
.b 3 10 pm
.a 7 &0 pm
.a I SO am
Missouri Pacific.
!aya Arrive,
tfeb. Local via Weaplng Water b 4.10 pm alO II am
Chicaao, St. Paul, Mian, a (JmaUa.
Twin City Paaaangrr t I 80 am b I'll ta
lout City Pteaengir a 1 00 pm all 10 am
Oakland Local b I 45 pm bill) am
a Dally.
b Dally ricept Sunday,
a Dally extapl Morilay.
4 Dally aioapt
ttarlun amain ad U,a 1
aim tfka-aumHUiM, i itutLuuaV
aallliig Taaauay, at W a. aa.
Pot4am Apt. 6 Noordain Apl. 'i
Kotteraam Apl. 13 Poladain May tg
Hyudam Apl. It . flollardaia Ma II
Will oall at I'lynioutli.
OLLAHn-AMBHtCA LINI. a Daarbara BX., Cs
gag. HI I HArry Moana. last raraaja SC C.
kaaaeeluW. Ual IVua It I. a. awiaelge. UaS
luuia sc